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Directions: Below are a list of commands or tasks.

Apply these
changes to the story on page 2. Use keyboard short cuts, mouse
right click, or ribbon commands to complete the following tasks.

• At the top of the page, type your name (first and last) the
• Put the title in the center and Bold it of the page.
• Everywhere you see the name Asha bold it.
• Everywhere you see the word Father underline it.
• Change the font size of the entire story to size 18.
• Change the font style of the third paragraph to
• Change the font color of the second paragraph to green.
• Highlight the word egg in pink when mentioned in the
• Copy the last paragraph and paste it below the line
• At the end of the story, write the moral/message of the
• Save your changes as (Your first name Adversity and ID
number). Then Upload to Schoology.
Ex: Sheila Adversity 407809
Name: Date:

Title: When Adversity Knocks

Adversity-(Hard times, difficulties, or misfortune)

Asha was getting frustrated and tired of life, so she asked her father what to
do. Her father told her to bring an egg, two tea leaves, and a potato. He then
brought out three vessels, filled them with water, and placed them on the

Once the water was boiling, he told Asha to place the items into each pot and
keep an eye on them. After 10 minutes, he asked Asha to peel the egg, peel
the potato, and strain the leaves. Asha was left confused.

Her father explained, “Each item was placed into the same circumstance,
boiling water. See how each responded differently?”

He continued, “The egg was soft, but is now hard. The potato was hard, but is
now soft. And the tea leaves, they changed the water itself.”

The father then asked, “When adversity calls, we respond in the same manner
as they have. Now, are you an egg, a potato, or tea leaves?”


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