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To ‘Divisional Returning Officer’ for COWPER


GPO Box 9867, SYDNEY, NSW 2001

Regarding ((whatever is relevant to you-) two notices I received in 2022 regarding) ‘Apparent failure to vote’.

I am writing in the capacity of Director of the legal person ‘(NAME AS ON THEIR CORRESPONDENCE)’ to notify you
that until further notice there will be no participation from this corporate entity due to some deeply disturbing
information which I have received about the legal standing of the corporate government in ‘Australia’.

When I initially enrolled to vote these facts were not disclosed to me and on that basis, I am declaring any contract
between ‘(NAME AS ON THEIR CORRESPONDENCE)’ and the AEC Australian Electoral Commission as null and void.

I cannot in all good conscience participate in the corporate activities of AEC which continue to ignore and undermine
the Constitution, usurp the People, and harm the People via the sweeping presumptions of commercial law with the
perpetuation of political parties.

My loyalty is to Christ and not to the foreign interest of the Vatican. I denounce all fraud and treason that stems
from the crucifixion of Christ and that enslaves people to the hand of evil today.

I cannot be complicit in these crimes against humanity. Let no more harm be committed in my Name.

(whatever is relevant to you) I have spoken on the phone with one of your staff at length and it became even more
abundantly clear that they are incompetent especially in the function of carrying out ‘fair elections’.

I put you on notice to cease and desist your corrupt practices of deceiving the public and failing to honour the
Constitution which is still the lawful Will of the People. And the People are the Supreme Uncontrollable Authority,
and no deceit can change that in law.

Do not attempt to intimidate or coerce me into ‘voting’ in your dodgy ‘elections’ ever again.

Remove my details from your data base. I do not consent to your organisation keeping records of my information. I
have no confidence in your capacity to fulfil the function that you profess. No further correspondence will be
entered into. Do not reply.

Whoever reads this letter in the capacity of an employee of the AEC; you are a pawn of an evil system until you
choose to align with truth and justice, to become educated for the sake of your fellow men and women, and for the
children who depend on us not to work for corrupt corporations that perpetuate lies and coerce others to comply
through threats of harm and actual harm. The Constitution is free to read online. Wake up and become a servant of
the Good instead of assisting the evil in this world.

In good faith,

(Autograph here)

By: (Your Actual Name of the family of Family Name),

without prejudice, all rights reserved.

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