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Guía de continuidad educativa

Estudiantes 8.° grado

Semana 32


1 Inglés Guía de autoaprendizaje 8.o grado

Unit 6. Healthy habits Week 32

Content Healthy habits
Achievement 6.18 Creates and ad promoting healthy habits with the appropriate language, neatness and
indicators creativity.

Production Diseña un anuncio publicitario promoviendo hábitos saludables.

Orientación sobre el uso de la guía

Esta es una guía que te dará las orientaciones para que construyas tu propio aprendizaje. Desarrolla paso a
paso las actividades presentadas y consulta los enlaces de sitios web que se te sugieren para reforzar tus co-
nocimientos. No es necesario imprimir este documento, únicamente deberás leer las orientaciones y resolver
las actividades presentadas en tu cuaderno de clase.

1. Activities | Actividades

1.1 Activation
Con el objetivo de reforzar tus conocimientos acerca de la práctica de hábitos saludables, te presentamos a
continuación algunos de los hábitos más comunes.

Most people want to create at least one good habit, or give up a bad habit. Creating healthy habits helps
with mental health and wellbeing. You can use a simple plan to create and maintain good habits, and avoid
returning to older unwanted habits. Read the following habits and ask yourself if they are important for you:

• Have breakfast
Studies show that kids who eat a morning meal score higher on tests.
• Plan your meals
It'll help you save time and money in the long run.
• Drink plenty of wáter
Staying hydrated is at the top of the list, but it may also help you lose weight.
• Take an exercise break
It's great for your body and mind.
Go offline
Set a time to log off and put the phone down.
Learn something new
New skills help keep your brain healthy. Try mastering a new language.
• Sleep well
A good night's sleep keeps you in a better mood, sharpens memory and focus, and helps you learn new
• Train your muscles
Strength training helps your body trade fat for muscle mass.
• Head outdoors
A few minutes in the sunshine raises vitamin D levels, and that's good for your body. Keep your balance
If you're young and active, good balance will help you avoid injuries.
2 Inglés Guía de autoaprendizaje 8.o grado

1.2 Presentation
Match the pictures with the vocabulary provided in the box.

Eat well Brush your teeth Stay up late Drink water

Do exercise Drink soda Smoke Eat junk food

Classify the pictures from the previous activity into healthy or unhealthy.

Healthy Unhealthy

1.3 Practice
Review of Simple Past Tense with regular and irregular verbs.
Change the verb into past tense form in order to complete the sentences.

1. Yesterday, I _____________(ride) a bike for two hours. That was fun!

2. Last Monday, Luis ______(eat) a healthy breakfast: eggs, orange juice and cereal.
3. Monica _________ (do) exercise yesterday.
4. René _________ (drink) lots of water yesterday after playing soccer.
5. I ____________ (visit) the school library.
3 Inglés Guía de autoaprendizaje 8.o grado

1.4. Production

Final year project! Now, it is time to work on it!

Topic: Healthy habits

Instructions: Design an advertisement promoting healthy habits that your classmates can practice in order
to have a better life. You can add pictures or drawings to your work which describe in a visual way the habits
in your advertisement. Remember that advertisements are supposed to persuade and convince people of
making choices. Therefore, you have to think on how to make your advertisement appealing.

Materials: Please, use only the materials available at home. This aspect is very important because you should
avoid to go out as much as possible. You can use pens, colored pencils, paper, cardboard, scissors, glue, pic-
tures or newspapers. Also, you can design and present your projects using computer programs.

Working technique: Free. Be sure to use all your creativity on this project!

Presentation and due date: Wait for your teacher’s instructions.

4 Inglés Guía de autoaprendizaje 8.o grado

Links resources | Recursos en línea

2. Online
En el siguiente video podrás encontrar información para crear y decorar tu proyecto.
Da click sobre el siguiente link:

3. Evaluation
Evaluation (For
(For teachers’
teachers’ use)
use) || Evaluación
• Completa los ejercicios presentados en la actividad 1.2 presentation y 1.3 practice. 25%
• Diseña un anuncio publicitario promoviendo hábitos saludables. 75%

4. Self-assessment
Self-assessment (For
(For students’
students’ use)
use) || Autoevaluación
Cuando nos autoevaluamos, conocemos nuestras fortalezas y nuestras áreas de mejora. A continuación,
realizarás un ejercicio de reflexión sobre tu desempeño en las diferentes actividades de esta guía de au-

Completa la siguiente tabla de acuerdo con tus avances.

Criterio Lo hago Aún no lo hago
trabajar más

Completo los ejercicios presentados en la actividad

1.2 presentation y 1.3 practice.

Diseño un anuncio publicitario promoviendo

hábitos saludables de forma creativa poniendo en
práctica lo aprendido durante el año.

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