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Chapter 87 – The outrageous blind box, this

time it’s really done!

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Su Shi slowly woke up.

He saw that he was lying on a luxurious bed, with phoenix-

embroidered silk curtains in front of him. The air was filled
with a refreshing fragrance.

“Where is this?”

He tried to sit up, but pain engulfed his body.

He had to lie back down weakly.

Sensing the empty Dantian and meridians, Su Shi couldn’t help

but shake his head and smile bitterly.

“There is not a single drop left.”

“It’s just ringing a bell, but I’ve really used up all the
spiritual energy?”
The mysterious ancient seal on the Nine Profound Bell actually
came from the same source as The Great Harmony of the Nine
Revolution Elements of Heaven and Earth.

Guided by an inexplicable force, he unknowingly used its first

Mystical Ability:

Reversing Yin and Yang.

Using the power of creation to afflict himself, he poured out the

power of heaven and earth, exploding with a force far beyond
his own realm!

The price was that the spiritual power in his body was emptied

“It can be concluded that my realm is too low. With the

cultivation base of the Golden Elixir Realm, the strength to
use such a Mystical Ability is still not enough.”

“But that ancient bell is quite beneficial to me.”

In the beginning, Su Shi consumed 300 plot points to

comprehend The Great Harmony of the Nine Revolution
Elements of Heaven and Earth.

But with his current realm, he was only able to understand the
first revolution.

The Nine Profound Bell had improved his understanding of The

Great Harmony.
Now that he had mastered the first revolution, he had just
touched the threshold of the second revolution.

Su Shi frowned slightly, “This technique was obtained from

the ancient emperor’s inheritance, while the Nine Profound
Bell is an incredible treasure since the beginning of the

“Is there a connection between the two?”

The two are related?

[The host has been crowned as the Shengzi of Demonic path,

the Netherworld Rakshasa Sect’s reputation has increased
significantly, gaining 50 plot points]

[Sikong Lanyue has experienced a slight tranformation in

her heart, affecting the subsequent plot, gaining 4 plot

Su Shi was stunned for a moment.

He could understand that the Netherworld Rakshasa Sect’s

reputation had increased.

But what did it have to do with Sikong Lanyue?

“Could it be that the commotion made was so great that it

caused her to want to kill me?”

Su Shi silently pondered.

This Daoist Priestess was not someone to be messed with.

Although her killing intent was not as strong as the Demon
Empress, her realm cultivation was not weak at all.

There was also the Linlang Empress who held the kingdom in
her hands and sat at the edge of the cold sky.

If he chose to stand by Yun Qiluo’s side, then they would all

become his enemies.

“No matter what, I must increase my strength as soon as


Open the system panel:

[Host: Son of Destiny Killer – Su Shi]

[Status: Spiritual energy depleted, spirit depleted]

[Talent: Holy-grade perfect]

[Cultivation Base: Golden Elixir Realm (Late Stage)]

[Cultivation Method: The Great Harmony of the Nine

Revolution Elements of Heaven and Earth (First
Revolution), Heavenly Sutra (Perfect), The Breathing
Technique of Netherworld (Great Success), Netherworld
Divine Cultivation (Small Success)]

[Plot Points: 110 points]

“Although the state is very poor, the plot points are quite a
Su Shi rubbed his hands together and decided to open the blind
box first to know how he felt.

The gift pool rotated, and divine light flowed.

“Come to papa!”

He shouted a three-word incantation…

The light bloomed and the box opened.

[Obtained: Phoenix Motif Royal Robe with Peony Flower]


Su Shi took a piece of red cloth in his hand, a question mark

written on his face.

It was as smooth as silk, with a delicate texture, perforated

everywhere, and with a faint scent.

“Isn’t this a fucking apron?”

“I get this for 10 plot points?”

It’s a scam!

Sure enough, there is no such thing as Immortal Treasure, there

is only an immortal trap!

His face is now black like an African.

[Royal Robe: This robe is embroidered with a phoenix

design with peony motifs and is endowed with mystical
powers. By wearing it, you will always be rich and
prosperous, and you will always have kindness, light and

Su Shi’s eyebrows shot up wildly.

What nonsense!

That’s obviously a scam!

Even if it really worked, there’s no way he would have put it on,


It was too embarrassing!

“You’re awake?”

At that moment, footsteps came from afar, and a familiar voice


Demon Empress?

Su Shi suddenly fumbled.

If this thing was seen by Demon Empress, he would die!

But his spiritual power was so dry that he couldn’t even open
his storage ring, so in panic he could only stuff it under the

Yun Qiluo lifted the curtain, carrying a bowl of soup and

medicine in her hand.
Looking at Su Shi, who was sweating profusely, she said with
concern, “Why are you so pale? Are you sick?”

Su Shi wiped his cold sweat and said with a sarcastic smile,
“Nothing, I’m just a little weak… “

“That’s natural.”

Yun Qiluo said, “You forcibly activated Mystical Ability, and

the spiritual power in your body was exhausted.
Fortunately, the foundation is not damaged.”

She said, her tone slightly complaining, “I just let you do a few
moves, who told you to be so serious?”

Su Shi shook his head and said, “Your Majesty trusts me, so I
naturally can’t embarrass you.”

Yun Qiluo smiled, “Hmm, you are indeed good at sweet talk.”

Su Shi really did not embarrass her.

Instead, he gave a great boost to the entire sect.

The sound of the Nine Profound Bell resounded throughout the

Nine Regions, and the Netherworld Rakshasa Sect’s strength
rose to an unprecedented level.

Seeing that beautiful smile, Su Shi’s throat moved, “Your

Majesty’s smile is much sweeter.”

Yun Qiluo’s beautiful face instantly turned red.

She looked a little flustered, and snorted coldly: “You bastard,
your words are getting more and more presumptuous. “

“Then, I won’t say anything in the future.”

“I, I didn’t mean…”

Seeing the way he held back his bad smile, Yun Qiluo glared at
him angrily.

This annoying brat!

“This is made of the Nine Revolutions Golden Pill, coupled

with the Thousand Yang Blood Essence, drink it and you will
recover soon.”

He picked up the soup bowl, scooped out a spoonful of soup and

thrust it into his mouth.

Su Shi scratched his head and said, “I don’t dare to trouble

you, I’d rather do it myself.”

Yun Qiluo glared at him, “Are you not happy with me?”

“No, of course I’m happy.”

“Open your mouth.”

Su Shi obediently drank the soup and medicine.

He remembered the last time he was fed medicine like this by

Zhan Qingchen ……
“Open your mouth, ah∼”

The effect of the medicine boiled by Demon Empress herself

was truly extraordinary.

The effect was amazing, within moments, his dantian was filled
with spiritual energy, and his meridians were flooded with
spiritual energy.

He felt refreshed and rejuvenated, wiping away his previous


Su Shi arched his hand. “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

Yun Qiluo shook his head, “It’s no big deal.”

“By the way, your new residence has already been prepared
by me.”

Since he was already the Chief Disciple he could no longer jostle

with the inner disciples.

However, Su Shi frowned slightly, looking hesitant.

Yun Qiluo coldly snorted, “I know you don’t have to worry

about Bai Qing, even if she doesn’t join the sect, you can still
bring her into the sect, and the position of Fengsha City
Commander will also still be held by you.”

Su Shi heaved a sigh of relief and said gratefully, “Your

Majesty, you are very kind to me.”
The corner of Yun Qiluo’s mouth curved slightly, “Good to

At that moment, her eyes flickered and she saw a red corner
under the quilt.

“Hmm? What is this?”

Su Shi’s pupils jerked, “Wait!”

But it was too late, Yun Qiluo had already taken out a piece of

Looking at the red apron in her hand, her cherry lips opened
slightly, her pupils trembled, and her beautiful face was
enveloped in red.

Even redder than the color of the apron!

“Su, Shi!”

Su Shi bowed his head, unable to cry.

This time it was really over!

1. Royal Robe

Mianfu (Chinese: 冕服 ; pinyin: miǎnfú; lit. ‘coronation costume’)

is a kind of Chinese clothing worn by emperors, kings, and
princes in historical China, from the Shang to the Ming dynasty.
Mianfu is the highest level of formal dress worn by Chinese
monarchs and the ruling families in special ceremonial events
such as coronation, morning audience, ancestral rites, worship,
new year’s audience and other ceremonial activities.

2.是肚兜 -> Doudou (Apron) was a women’s undergarment in

ancient China, it was used to cover the chest and abdomen.
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