L1 Judge The Relevance

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Taloto District, Tagbilaran City

High School Department


Fourth Quarter Week 1
Name: Date:
Date submitted: Year Level:
Teacher’s Name: Miss Rachel Alderite Signature: Time Frame: 2 hours
Principal/ Asst. Principal’s Signature: Highest Possible Score:
Parent/Guardian’s Signature: Target Score:
Lesson Objectives:

a. Judge the relevance and worth of ideas, soundness of author’s reasoning, and the effectiveness of the
b. Create an infographic; and
c. Make a connection with given insights to particular social issues, concerns, or dispositions in real life situation.

Key Concept:
Covid-19 pandemic has created a lot of creative opportunities among Filipinos. As we all know, a lot of people
lost their jobs because of this pandemic. So, some of us finds ways those who are in need. Let’s have this
picture for example: This picture is about Community Pantry.

What is the idea behind this community pantry?

The idea behind this community pantry was that people
can take as much as they need to donate whatever they can.

What could be0020teh reason for organizing a community

The reason or purpose of this community pantry is to share the goods to those who are in need. The
image shows information that the readers that made us understand the message of the author. Like reading a
text, we were able to associate the images and understand its idea.

What makes a good reader?

 Fluent
 Can interact with the text
 Understands the author

This time, you will be reading a text that is connected to the picture above (community pantry). Let us look
areas of viewpoints from the author which is simplified in the text.
What is the aim of food pantries that are now spreading in the Philippines?
 Food pantries are offering free food today to the needy.
Who started the community pantry?
 Patricia Non ignited the nationwide movement after parking a bamboo cart stack with rice,
pasta, canned goods, and vegetables. This led to people to do the same.
What do you think is the purpose of the text that you have read?
 The author of the article wants the reader to inform and to persuade.

Author’s Purpose – reason or intent of the author in writing.

P - persuade
I - inform
E - entertain
It is possible to have two author’s purposes in a text; a writer may inform and persuade the readers at the
same time.

From what point of view does the article was written?

 This is in the third person point of view.

Author’s Point of View

1st Person – the author retells or recounts his/her experience. The pronoun I is used to tell the
2nd Person – the author is telling the story to you, the readers. Pronoun YOU is used in the text.
3rd Person – the author narrates the story but is not part of it.
Limited – the narrator shows an insight from one character in the story.
Omniscient – the narrator was able to describe the feelings and thoughts of all the
characters in the story.

What type of paragraph was used in the article above?

 It is an expository.
 The paragraph explains how community pantry spreads in the Philippines by providing
examples and instances.
What feeling does the author cause you to feel after reading the article?
 After reading the article, we both feel sympathy and happiness.

Tone – author’s attitude towards the text.

Mood – the feeling after reading the text.

What claim, reason and evidence did the author use to make his statement believable?

What is the relevance of the article to your life?

 Bayanihan
 Resilience
 Resourcefulness
Taloto District, Tagbilaran City
High School Department


Fourth Quarter Week 1
Name: Date:
Date submitted: Year Level:
Teacher’s Name: Miss Rachel Alderite Signature: Time Frame: 2 hours
Principal/ Asst. Principal’s Signature: Highest Possible Score: 20
Parent/Guardian’s Signature: Target Score: 14
A. Direction: Read the text given below. Then, complete the table below. (15 points)
Experts say that people (adults) need at least 6 hours of sleep every night. If they do not get enough sleep,
they will feel sleepy the whole day. Younger kids need at least 9 hours of sleep every night. After school –
activities can take away from sleep time for kids. Also, parents with busy lifestyles stay up late and their kids do
the same.

Kids with little sleep have a hard time sleeping at night and this will affect their daily routine and make them
less active and productive throughout the day in school.

Most parents are not aware of what goes on when their kids go to sleep and how the brain works when we are

Many people think that the brain shuts down when we go to sleep but it is the opposite. Experts say that the
brain is very active when we are asleep and could be even more active than when we are awake.

Experts recommended at least 6 hours of sleep for adults and 9 hours of sleep for young children. They say
that sleep is an essential not a comfort and it can increase your life expectancy.

Here is your guide on how to accomplish this task.





B. Direction: Read the text given carefully. Then encircle the letter of your choice. (5 points)

Travel is a part of our way of life. People commute to jobs that are a considerable distance from their homes.
Some students even travel many miles from home to school. Stores and businesses are clustered in central

1. Which sentence from the paragraph expresses the author’s claim?

a. Travel is a part of our way of life.
b. People commute to jobs that are a considerable distance from their homes.
c. Some students even travel many miles from home to school.
d. Stores and businesses are clustered in central locations.

Blue skies and beautiful sunsets are effects of the atmosphere. White light contains all the colors of the
rainbow. As the white rays of the sun pass through the gases and dust in the atmosphere, they are broken up
into different colors.

2. What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?

a. To inform. b. To entertain.
c. To persuade. d. To explain.

He approached the task with sheer determination. He studied his plans carefully, spent hours preparing and
was sure of his approach. The hours he spent practicing were grueling and exhausting but he was ready. This
was the year he would win the pie eating contest.

3. What is the tone of the text?

a. Forceful b. Doubtful
c. Sympathetic d. Persevere

When Kerima visited her friend Sonia in her apartment in New York at three in the afternoon, she saw the
sagging furniture, the broken window panes, the old stove, the empty refrigerator, and the unwashed new baby
in the bedroom. She also noticed the forced gladness of her friend and the half-field glass of whiskey one her

4. What point of view is used by the author in the passage?

a. 1st Person b. 2nd Person
c. 3rd Person d. Omniscient

“It was very late and everyone had left the café except an old man who sat in the shadow of the leaves of the
tree made against the electric light. In the day time the street was dusty, but at night the dew settled the dust
and the old man liked to sit late because he was deaf and now at night it was quiet and he felt the difference.”
5. What type of paragraph is used in the passage?
a. Narration b. Exposition
c. Persuasion d. Definition


Taloto District, Tagbilaran City
High School Department
Fourth Quarter Week 1
Name: Date:
Date submitted: Year Level:
Teacher’s Name: Miss Rachel Alderite Signature: Time Frame: 2 hours
Principal/ Asst. Principal’s Signature: Highest Possible Score: 100
Parent/Guardian’s Signature: Target Score: 70

It is a visual representation of information or data, specifically a collection of
imagery, charts, and minimal text that gives an easy-to-understand overview of a
topic. You may draw it, or you may print it, but it must be original.
(Note: You will make an infographic by YOUR OWN out of the informative text
from the WHO on COVID-19 Facts. Copying from the any website will not be
accepted. You may draw, print, or paste pictures for this task.)

Criteria 4 points 3 points 2 points
Content Includes all the required Includes the required Missing some of the required
information as outlined on the information as outlined on the information as outlined on the
informative text in an informative text. informative tex.
exceptional manner.
Design/ Incorporates principles of design Incorporates principles of design Somewhat incorporates
Graphics and graphic elements in an and graphic elements. principles of design and graphic
exceptional manner. elements.

Format Formatted in an exceptional Formatted to enhance maximum Somewhat formatted to enhance

manner to enhance maximum readability and audience maximum readability and
readability and audience understanding. audience understanding.
Quality Quality exceeding expectations Done with satisfactory effort Shows little effort being
being clear, concise, and free being clear, concise, and with 1- somewhat clear and concise,
from grammar errors. 2 grammar errors. containing 3-5 grammar error.

Sourcing Citations for the infographic’s Citation for the infographic’s No citation of the infographic’s
source included. source included but incomplete. source included.

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