Developing Writing A Review

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Rodrigo Rocha Chávez

Task number One

A review for a website:

So, for this informative review I am choosing the famous website "Wikipedia: The free
encyclopedia" who's name comes from the word wiki, which means community.

Wikipedia is a now world-renowned site, for

the main purpose of Wikipedia is to lend easy-access information to anyone on the Internet,
information which is provided and verified by the site's community, this last bit has generated
polemic and contradiction amongst people, principally school teachers and academics, however to
my point of view and frankly with objectiveness and the ability to read you can easily remove this
veil of ignorance that covers Wikipedia’s situation, for the site has bibliography and reference lists
at the end of every article with specifications on the pages and parts of said works, of which all are
constantly and weekly endorsed and verified by experts.

Summed to this the wide range of topics, subjects, and information that Wikipedia houses is
beyond amusing, with pages varying from scientific concepts all the way to cultural expressions,
making Wikipedia a page rich in multi-layered content.

I am certain that Wikipedia is a page made to thrive, it is perfect for students, academics and
normal folk alike and its information is constantly revisited and verified which makes it a
trustworthy site made to last a d stand the test of time, certainly a true encyclopedia.

I recommend Wikipedia to anyone looking for valuable information for school projects, or even for
cultural enrichment.

Rodrigo Rocha Chávez

Task number Two

A review on a holiday activity:

So, for this critic review I will be criticizing the act of decorating one's house with lights during the
Christmas season, because although pretty, it results impractical, ecological damaging, and lastly
somewhat annoying to certain individuals.

Please do not get me wrong, for I am no Grinch or Christmas hater, I just simply find the act of
decorating with exterior light somewhat useless, I of course, am fine with people enjoying such
activities, I just simply do not, and I will give my reasons.

Firstly due to the architecture of many of the houses in this parts make it difficult to put this
decorations, making the endeavor difficult and even dangerous in certain instances, summed to
this there's the fact that you barely get to enjoy said decoration because it is outside of the house,
unless you go out at night in the cold wind of December's winter, you won't be able to see the
lights, reasons for which I find decorating the exterior of the house useless.

I also found out about the ecological implications of exterior Christmas lights, and sadly as it is, I
am afraid they are quite bad, not only because of the people that during the winter months put on
their lights and let them turned on all night, misusing energy, but also the fact of luminous
pollution, yes, that is a thing that truly exists, and it is worse than you may think, for it disorients
birds, bats and insects, as well as attracting not native wildlife to the cities and also blocking our
view of the stars.

As a whole I have nothing against Christmas traditions, but we should really evaluate what's more
important to us.


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