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Name: ______________________________________________ Score: ___________________

Instructions: Read and understand the following items carefully. Write the letter of your answer on the space

________1. This refers to songs written by folks and are sung to accompany daily activities such as farming, fishing,
and putting the baby to sleep.
a. Folk dances c. Instrumental songs
b. Folk songs d. Liturgy and devotional music
________2. All are characteristics of folk songs EXCEPT;
a. Originally passed down orally c. sung in religious activities
b. Short and simple d. Composers and lyricists are usually unknown
________3. What is the name of an orchestra that performs the ceremonial music of the royal courts and temples of
A. Angkor Wat C. Pinpeat
B. Oneat D. Samphor
________4. How are folk songs passed down to the family and to other members of the community?
a. it is passed down orally c. it is sent through email
b. It is written on books d. none of the above
________5. What is the traditional musical ensemble of Indonesia?
A. Gamelan C. Mahori
B. Kertok D. Pinpeat
________6. It is a stringed and percussion instruments used to accompany dances, in praying to God or spirit.
A. Mohory c. Chhoeng
B. Khloy d. Pinpeat
________7. A big drum which has a two faces, for making the rhythm.
A. Sro Lai C. Sampho
B. Skor Thom D. Kong
________8. A small drum for making the rhythm.
A. Sro Lai C. Sampho
B. Skor Dai D. Ta Khe
________9. Stringed instruments that can only be used to accompany dance , theatre, wedding and other
A. Mohory c. Chhoeng
B. Khloy d. Pinpeat
________10. A mohory instruments with 35 horizontal strings.
A. Sro Lai C. Sampho
B. Khoem D. Ta Khe
Read the statements/questions carefully and identify what is being referred to in each item. Write the letter of
your answer on the space provided.
_______ 11. Precious metals like bronze, silver, and gold were used as media in the sculptural creations of what
Southeast Asian country?
A. Brunei B. Cambodia C. Lao D. Myanmar
_______12. In the late 13th century, the women of Cambodia only weave cotton from what tropical tree?
A. Bamboo B. Ikat C. Kapok D. Khom loi
_______ 13. What is used in creating lampshades, writing paper, greetings cards, and bookmarks in Northern Laos?
A. Fibers B. Oiled paper C. Rice paper D. Sa paper
_______ 14. What are the two main types of Cambodian weaving?
A. Ikat teachnique and Uneven twill C. Mat weaving and Silk weaving
B. Geometric and Free form D. Shantung taffeta and Bengaline weave
_______ 15. This is used to lull the children to sleep and as scarecrows in the fields.
A. Batik B. Kite C. Lantern D. Mat
_______ 16. It is a traditional form of puppet shadow play performed in the Indo-Malayan archipelago?
A. Dhalang B. Gamelan C. Wayang Kulit D. Wau kite
_______ 17. Where can we usually find Malaysian batik?
A. Bali B. Java C. Johor D. Vietnam
_______ 18. What is the most popular form of Vietnamese art?
A. Mat weaving B. Silk painting C. Silk weaving D. Sky lantern
_______ 19. The following are the traditional colors used in Javanese batik, except:
A. Black B. Blue C. Brown D. White
_______ 20. Stories of their history were woven, not written. This is according to what tradition?
A. Cambodian B. Lao C. Singaporean D. Vietnamese
I. Choose the most appropriate answer to each of the questions below.
________21. Which of the following components promote total health and prevent the beginning of diseases and
problems associated with physical activities?
A. body composition C. physical fitness component
B. health-related components D. skill-related component
________22. Which of the following refers to the ability of the heart (cardio), and circulatory system (vascular) to
supply oxygen to muscles for an extended period of time?
A. cardio-vascular endurance C. muscular strength
B. muscular endurance D. physical fitness
________23. What is referred to as a future plan or desired results that a person or a group of people want to
achieve in a specific timeline?
A. aim C. objective
B. goal D. wish
________24. What is referred to as a process that involves a developed action plan that leads to achieving specific
A. desire aiming C. research findings
B. goal setting D. target setting
________25. What is referred to as the ability of your body systems to work together efficiently, to allow you to be
healthy and perform activities of daily living?
A. cardio-vascular endurance C. muscular strength
B. muscular endurance D. physical fitness
II. Write T if the statement is true and F if it is false.
______26. Setting goal is as easy as sleeping.
______27. Fitness is a condition in which an individual has enough energy to avoid fatigue and enjoy life.
______28. To be physically fit, goals help us to attain our target.
______29. Motivation is not important in attaining goals
______30. Goals are distraction.
______31. Making a plan is essential in goal setting.
______32. Swimming is an example of cardiovascular exercise.
______33. Results are positive if we plan carefully.
______34. Balance is a component under Health-Related Fitness.
______35. Setting goals are not important in attaining physical fitness.
I. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
36. It refers to how an individual value relationship.
A. Emotional self B. Ethical self C. Physical self D. Social elf
37. Melody is a friendly person. She loves to interact with other people. What dimension of one’s personality is
A. Emotional self B. Ethical self C. Physical self D. Social self

38. It refers to how a person feels about himself and others.

A. Emotional self B. Ethical self C. Mental self D. Physical self
39. Marie is conscious about how she looks physically. What personality dimension is being described?
A. Emotional self B. Ethical self C. Mental self D. Physical self
40. It refers to how a man and woman think.
A. Emotional self B. Ethical self C. Mental self D. Physical self

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