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Animation evaluation worksheet:

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2 3:3.2 Evaluate the effectiveness of design and research tools, methods and skills to develop ideas for creative media production

5 3:3.1. Analyse the effectiveness of solutions to an audio based problem in creative media production.


Animation evaluation/reflection questions

For this task, take your time and think about your experiences of this assignment.
You must answer ALL of these in order to pass this section.
Your answers should be at least 2-3 lines long for each question in order to pass.

Task 1/3: Reflect on your own research. (U2 3:3.2)

This is about the three worksheets you did as well as anything you have added to your production blog by week, such
as learning about Phonemes, facial structure or anything else you feel is relevant.

I think that my primary research helped me a lot as it allowed me to decipher the main
What did you use from your aspects of animation that make people happy or sad. I found my primary research to be a lot
research that helped you? more useful than secondary research as it gave a much broader perspective to aspects of
animation instead of parts that only I saw as appealing.
I discarded some parts of the secondary research entirely as a lot of things I liked from other
What did you discard and why? animations I could not learn from and replicate in my own animation as I didn’t know how
and its still early days of using adobe animate.

What else would it have been One thing I that I think I would have benefited from is researching more on art styles and how
more useful to know from your to replicate them. This I think would’ve made my whole animation a lot better as it would
research if you did it again? have made it more aesthetically pleasing and perhaps less messy in some areas.
In order to do art style research, I would conduct a survey asking people what 2D films, shows
etc had the most attractive art style and overall aesthetic. As well as this, I would research
How would you find this out
simple but appealing 2D animation art styles and assess which I think would be most fitting
for my own animation. This may even involve following some tutorials just to make the
character and background designing process a lot faster.

Task 2/3: Reflect on your own design, practical skills and build. (U2 3:3.2)
This is about the practical skills you learnt each week. Feel free to go back over the Animation Teams channel if it
helps you remember. Answer each question, including any relevant screen grabs.

Aspects of stop- motion animation and use of colour really helped me with this assignment.
Through use of the onion skin setting on animate I was able to lip sync without the need of
What did you use from your adding in separate mouth boxes for each individual syllable. This I think gave the animation
practical skills lessons that helped more life and made it less repetitive. As for the use of colour, I used this a lot in the
you? background of my animation in order to give the illusion of depth. By changing the shades of
the canopy on the bottom of the screen and parts of the skyscrapers either side, it made the
animation pop more and look more varied and less bland.
I didn’t find any of our perspective work to be necessary at all in this project. In my animation
What did you discard and why? the background didn’t move at all, and this aspect to animation I find to be most important
with animating environments and backgrounds.

I think that including the mouth boxes in order to lip sync would have made the whole
What would you now include and
project move a lot faster and smoother. While there are definitely pros to animating the
mouth itself, I think that using mouth boxes would be a lot quicker and easier.
I would like to work on and revisit my skills in managing layers as there were parts during the
project where I got confused and caused some problems due to poorly managing layers.
What practical skills would you Fixing this required turning all my layers off and turning each individual layer back on in order
like to revisit if you did it again? to see where the problem was.
Learning how to do a walk cycle I think would be very useful for this project as it allows for a
Are there any new ones you think
lot more creative freedom in designing the characters. As well as this, adding a walk cycle
would be useful for this project?
would bring the animation a lot more life as it would add more movement to the characters.
How does your final animation
One positive about my animation compared to other professional examples is that it’s a lot
compare to professional
more fluent and faster paced than some other animations. For example, the Odd1isout is an
examples? Give at least one
animation youtuber who’s style more focuses on the art itself instead of animating
positive and one thing you would
focus on improving.

Task 3/3: Reflect on your audio ideas and work. (U5 3:3.1)
This is about the audio skills you learnt each week. Feel free to go back over the Animation Teams channel if it helps
you remember. Answer each question, including any relevant screen grabs.

What did you use from your Learning to change the sound of voices by adding filters in premier was something I found
audio skills lessons that helped very useful in the recording audio parts of this project. As a result, I installed a voice changer
you? on my phone and used it in order to record both of my audio files.
Learning about soundtracks and scores I found was slightly unnecessary for this project as I
didn’t add any music and would have been unable to add music already written or composed
What did you discard and why?
by artists and composers for copyright reasons. The two audio files that I sourced were both
downloadable sound effects.
I could have added maybe more sourced sound effects into my project and perhaps even a
What would you now include and
royalty free music track. I think that music would have helped deliver the desired emotional
impact of the animation and catalyzed some of the heavier moments.

I would like to revisit parts of audio editing in premier as while I used a voice changer in my
What audio skills would you like
project, it wasn’t as advanced as premier’s audio editing settings. I think that if I used
to revisit if you did it again?
premier, my recorded audio would sound a lot clearer and have a much better quality overall.

I think that some experience in recording booths would be very helpful for recording our own
Are there any new ones you think
audio and would allow for a better opportunity for a more professional voice acting
would be useful for this project?
How does your final audio
I think that my audio works very well for the world that it takes place in. Considering I could
compare to professional
only source two audio files I think that the zap and fire sound effect were good choices and
examples? Give at least one
gave the project more character. I think that the audio quality however is not as clear as
positive and one thing you would
other audio that is used professionally.
focus on improving.

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