Exploring Research Worksheet

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Exploring Research worksheet

You are required to complete the tasks on this sheet and place the content in your website section called
RESEARCH. You will be looking at three sections, these should be clear on the page. They are in RED on this

Task 1/3: Tools

You are required to think about each of the following tools for research and talk about advantages, disadvantages and show
an example. A table has been included to help with this, or you can create headings on the Weebly page for each one.
Write detailed answers for each box and add an image for each example (this could be a photo, logo, etc).

Tool Advantage Disadvantage Example (with photo/url evidence)

It is good to find It can be inconvenient
information without for some people to use
having access to the the library. They may
internet. There are also not have the specific
librarians who can help book that you may
you find books that fit require. Some people
LRC your interests. It is also a may have also taken all
good place where you of the copies of a certain
can concentrate. For book you require. Some
some people, the library books may also have
is the only access to outdated information.

Books are portable. You Some books may not

do not need power or have enough
the internet to access information. The internet
information. The book has more or less
may also have specific unlimited information.
Books The Illusion Of Life (12 Principles)
information that isn’t on You are not able to zoom
the internet. The books in therefore some people
are more accurate as may struggle to read
they are published and them.
There is almost limitless There is a technical https://conceptartempire.com/adobe-animate-
information. You can barrier to access. A lot of tutorials/
access it whenever you information can be false.
need. You can also back Technical knowledge
up. Information and barrier as some people
research. New may find it hard to use
information can be the web like the elderly
Web updated. You can get as they’re not used to it.
books online. Information may also be
overwhelming or too
complicated. Internet
can also be quite slow.
You can also get
distracted on the
They got rid of the dislike https://youtu.be/E-doxha22QI
There is a huge amount button therefore you
of information in the can’t tell if a video is
form of videos. Videos found helpful by others
can be simpler than or not. The video may be
reading in a book or the outdated. Production
Youtube internet. There is a huge quality may also vairy
number of videos on the between different
internet that can help. videos. Videos may also
The comments section be clickbait. Monetising
can help. can reduce quality.
Videos can also be
removed. Subtitles may
also not be consistent
therefore people who
can’t hear the video
can’t read the subtitles.
You can find lots of You can have debates https://www.reddit.com/r/adobeanimate/
information from and arguments when you
different people. You disagree with people.
can connect and find There is a lot of bot
shared information from activity with scams.
other people. You can Some people on the
communicate with internet can be toxic.
people all round the The information can also
Social world. You can ask for be biased. People can
media/forum help on social media. It hack you on the internet.
is up to date which some People can dox people.
books and websites that
are outdated. It is
comfortable for people
who don’t want to put
the effort in for
researching. You have a
wide audience potential.
The information is more Somebody has to pay a https://www.netflix.com/gb/browse/genre/6839
engaging and subscription for a
entertaining. The streaming service. There
production quality can can be adverts that can
be high. There are be irritating. Some
different techniques that programs can be too
are used. dramatized. Some
content maybe
geographically locked.
An advantage of using You may not have a disk https://hmv.com/store/film-tv/4k-ultra-hd-blu-
bluray and dvds is that player. It is also easy to ray/frozen-planet-ii
there is additional damage the disk. They
content that can help are also easy to lose.
you further. You can There is a price you have
DVD/BluRay watch it on repeat to pay. It may not work
whenever you want. It is because its old
accessible for all age technology. They’re
groups and you can lend finite technology.
it to your friends. Additional content can
be removed.

Task 2/3: Methods

This time think about each of the methods in the table below and consider what the benefits and drawbacks of them are.

Method Advantage Disadvantage

You can get a lot of results and data. You can reach a People may not answer them at all. Vague answers
lot of people. You can be very specific and focused may be given that are unrelated and you don’t
Conducting on the question and answer. If it is a closed question, want. You may receive unhelpful answers.
survey you can make easy comparisons. You can get
multiple viewpoints of people with no geographic
You can find out everyone’s interests. You can ask People can take offence to certain questions. It can
specific questions. You can get a professional consume people’s time. It can be awkward and
viewpoint on some information which makes it more there is no flow. It can be dangerous as some
detailed. people can take offence to you or they could be
dangerous people.
Group They can be confidential. You have the freedom There can be a lot of arguing. Some people may
discussions from media scrutiny. There are multiple people who not listen and wait to say their bit. Some people
can share and give answers. People can have can interrupt. Conversations can also be side
positive arguments that can help you and make you tracked. Nobody may want to talk. Some people
learn. People can have multiple perspectives and may not want to talk. Individuals may not want to
viewpoints. talk with another individual. People may feel
You can be really specific. You can trust the research. It can be time consuming and it can also be
Primary You can receive everybody’s viewpoints. You can expensive. Some information can be hard to find
research compare people’s data and choose the nature of the by yourself. There is limited research as secondary
responses. has a wide range of responses.
Somebody else has done it for you already. It can be If copied word for word, it can be classed as
Secondary much faster and it needs to come from a reliable plagiarism. It is not as focused as primary research.
Research source. It is easily accessible. It can be done by The research can be very unreliable.
experts. The research can be very reliable.
Qualitive data is more text data. You can go into It can take longer and hard to draw direct data.
more detail. You can expand on information in You have to provide more information and detail.
detail. It is useful for quotes. It is not as exact.
Quantitative data is numeric data. It is better for A disadvantage with quantitate data is that you get
Quantitative basic questions. It is easier to compare responses a less clear picture since the responses are based
Data with large numbers of people. It relies on concreate on numbers rather than proper detailed written
answers. There is a purity to numbers. information which may give you a better picture.

Task 3/3: Skills

Finally, think about what skills you should be working on when conducting research. You can consider the animation you’ll
be making when answering these questions if it helps.

Skill How I will do this

How can I contact them? What restrictions/categories might I think about? DEMOGRAPHICS
Finding the I can contact the right audience by reaching out on social media or online. A restriction to this is that a
right audience lot of potential experts may not have access to social media or they may not be able to reach out to on
to ask the internet. Some people may not be a reliable source for information either. I can find precise
information from people.
Asking the What do I want to know? What type of questions do I ask
right Asking information on how to develop and improve on skills when it comes to animation.
How will I show what trends I’ve learnt from this?
the answers I will use the answers I receive in order to build on my animation skills and I will use the answers I
usefully receive in order to guide me and inspire me with my project. Taking away the useful parts of the
answers that I receive and using them for my own benefit is important and I will show the information I
have learned in my project.

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