Module 3 Team Project Swot Analysis

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OGL 355 Leading Organizational

Innovation and Change:

SWOT Analysis
1. Define SWOT Analysis.
2. Complete a SWOT Analysis Table.
3. Demonstrate understanding of each SWOT Element as it relates to your Case Study.

Complete the following and turn in as a team assignment. There is no need to create any other
document, just complete this one, save as, and post for your team. Everyone earns the same
grade unless consequences of non-participation are enacted (see Worksheet 1b, #2). Make sure to
support your ideas and cite from the textbook and other course materials per APA guidelines.

1) What is a SWOT Analysis?

a. Will Kenton (2022) of Investopedia defines a SWOT analysis as “a framework used to
evaluate a company's competitive position and to develop strategic planning. SWOT analysis
assesses internal and external factors, as well as current and future potential.” The evaluation and
strategic planning are formulated by analyzing an organization's strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats.

2) Complete the below SWOT Analysis Table

Strengths [Internal] Weaknesses [Internal]

● Engaging youth in high-yield ● Weak sexual abuse prevention

activities. practices.

● Dropout prevention program. ● Burnout/compassion fatigue

● Continuous quality ● Lack of volunteers in certain

improvement. areas

● Extensive history with strong ● Limited resources in certain

public awareness compared to areas
newly established NFPs.
Opportunities [External Influence] Threats [External Influence]

● Partnering with other NFPs to ● Outside influences. (Gangs, drugs,

expand their mission. violence)
● Mitigating learning gap from the ● Financial Stability. (Loss of
pandemic. donors, Federal budget cuts)
● Leveraging technology for things ● Similar organizations.
like online learning. ● Lacking infrastructure.
● Partner with social media
influencers to increase visibility.

3) Provide reasoning why for two of your strength selections with sourcing for at
least 1 to earn excellent.
a. Engaging in high-yield activities is a strength because according to Grizzle
(2019), they are “designed to be exciting and appeal to youth’s interests and desire
to play, and can even include some healthy competition. They should involve
exploring, developing, creating, experimenting, playing, and learning.”
High-yield learning activities help children get engaged in learning differently
than they would in school and aims to ensure that they stay on track to graduating.
This contributes to higher graduation rates. According to their website, “club
members in the high school graduating class of 2016 showed much more interest
in pursuing STEM careers than their peers nationally. 57% of graduating class
Club boys showed an interest in STEM compared to 44% of males overall. 50%
of Club girls in the 2016 graduating class expressed the same interest, compared
to only 16% of their peers” (Boys & Girls Clubs, n.d.).

b. Continuous quality improvement is important for BGCA especially now

given their recent influx of sexual abuse lawsuits. Gaps in their safety system
were reviewed, they upgraded their training and hired more safety staff to help
enhance their safety measures (Boys & Girls Clubs Safety, n.d.)

4) Provide reasoning why for two of your weakness selections with sourcing for at
least 1 to earn excellent.
a. Weak sexual abuse prevention practices are an internal weakness because
they break the trust between the public and the organization. They have an
extensive volunteer process with basic training for volunteers, but they are failing
to ensure that they fulfill their child-safety duties.

b. Burnout and compassion fatigue are internal weaknesses because it

diminishes the quality of service from staff and the experience of the children
when staff show up feeling burned out to put their all into engaging with the club
members. It can also lead to a higher turnover rate when staff are unaware that
they are experiencing burnout and leading to loss in desire to work with youth.
Miao (2021) purports that “non-profit employees in general tend to overwork
themselves because of their inherent passion for what they do, and as a result,
non-profit employee turnover starts becoming an issue, leading to long-term
operational issues.”

5) Provide reasoning why for two of your opportunities (external influence on the
organization, not something the organization would initiate) selections with sourcing
for at least 1 to earn excellent.
a. The Mission of the Boys and Girls Club of America reads “To enable all
young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as
productive, caring, responsible citizens”(, n.d). By partnering with other
NFPs The Boys and Girls Club can easily begin to change the future of many
more young people. John Kania and Mark Kramer (2011) state:
“large-scale social change comes from better cross-sector coordination
rather than from the isolated intervention of individual organizations.
Substantially greater progress could be made in alleviating many of our
most serious and complex social problems if nonprofits, governments,
businesses, and the public were brought together around a common
agenda to create collective impact”
Partnering can help expand the organization's mission.

b. The pandemic had a devastating impact on child education. A year later

and some kids are still trying to catch up. The Boys and Girls Clubs of America
has the opportunity to help a lot of these students with the resources they already
have in place.

6) Provide reasoning for two of your threat selections with sourcing for at least 1 to
earn excellent.
a. Financial stability is a threat to The Boys and Girls Club. Donors could
back out without warning and government budgetary constraints can cause the
organization to also cut resources, staff, and equipment. This dependence on
external funding can hinder the organization's ability to fulfill its mission.
b. Our youth are always at risk. While the Boys and Girls Club aims to help
guide our youth in the right direction they cannot control what goes on beyond
their doors. Gangs and drugs are detrimental to our community and youth
exposure is at an all time high. CBS Los Angeles reported that in “El Monte,
California a Boys and Girls Club was shut down by the DEA because allegedly
the club served as a place where potential Mexican Mafia gang members openly
held meetings and sold drugs”(Crimesider Staff, 2014). While organizational
leaders dispute the claims the organization nonetheless had to shut its doors. If
this were to happen on a larger scale it would be detrimental to the reputation of
The Boys and Girls Club.

Boys & Girls Clubs - Home. (n.d.). Retrieved November 8, 2022, from

Crimesider Staff. (2014, September 2). Boys and Girls Club closed due to alleged mafia drug
activity. CBS News. Retrieved November 7, 2022, from

Grizzle, S. (2019, July 31). What Are High-Yield Activities? Club Experience Blog.

Kania, J., & Kramer, M. (2011). Collective impact (SSIR). Stanford Social Innovation
Review: Informing and Inspiring Leaders of Social Change. Retrieved November 7,
2022, from

Kenton, W. (2022, August 10). SWOT analysis: How to with table and example. Investopedia.
Retrieved November 7, 2022, from

Membership Benefits. (n.d.). Boys & Girls Clubs of America.

Miao, H. (2021, November 1). Non-Profit Burnout is an Underrated Issue.

Our Mission and Story. (n.d.). Retrieved November 7, 2022, from

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