Social Skills Project

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Andrew James

Social Skills

Life Goals

- 5 years
Hello, my name is Andrew James, and I am 17 years of age, I love tech and cars. I
think in 5 years’ time, my main goal is to be successful enough to help my parents
financially such as assisting them in small financial payments and to own my very
first car. When am finished with college I would like to travel and meet my mother
and potentially start the hustle in The United States, also I would like to start my
small business.

- Estimated Cost= $20,000 EC DOLLARS

- 10 years
In 10 years’, time, hopefully if my business is a success, I can now focus on doing
real estate. Real estate is a profitable source of income, and if it succeeds, the
income can be used in developing my company etc. Also, in 10 years’ time I would
like to retire my parents and pay off all their expenses.

- Estimated Cost= $60,000 US DOLLARS


- Strengths:
- Increase in Motivation and employment, such as being young of age and
being wiling to face challenges etc.
- Individualization, such as being independent and self-reliant that can get
things done in a quick manner and not needing any form of help.
- Being able to reach specific populations.
- Passion for new challenges and being hungry for new opportunities
- Being able to learn new skills and hungry for more opportunities
- Ability to learn multiple concepts and remove information very fast.

- Weaknesses:

- Not being satisfied with mediocrity such as not appreciating the Hard
work accomplished and trying to be over ordinary.

- Losing track on career development such as being carried away and

partying etc.

- Lack of focus on finding a sustainable work-life balance.

- Not excellent time management and prioritization skills such as not

setting the right time to complete tasks.

- Being easily distracted and losing focus, this means like distractions such
as bad friends partying etc. can have a big impact on my life.
- Cannot focus well on independent work, such as not picking up and
learn and teach yourself things without the help of staff, teachers etc.

- Opportunities:

- Having a large market open with opportunities that I can pursue in life
such as traveling away to go to college etc.

- Having families abroad which I can go to, that means rent doesn’t have to
be paid when off the school.

- Having the required skills which can help get a job without college

- Parents can assist with a starting income which can help give your new
business a boost.

- Having families that works at a profitable company which they can assist
you in getting a job faster.

- Lastly the possession of my parents owning assets. By my parents

owning assets it can be easier so start my business, rental etc.

- Threats:

- Stiff Competition: such as other people might be wanting to pursue the

same career choice as me/you

- Having the lack of experience which can be a loss in working at a highly

profitable company which requires lots of experience.
- Money shortage: having the lack of money to further my education or
start my very own business.

- Cost of living abroad, it can be very difficult to spend money on food and

- Not having the support to go forward in my career, that means lack of

presence within my parents and family to guide me on the right track.
This can lead to lack of motivation and drive.

- Lastly, Natural disasters, as you know this can be very harmful due to
structure that are damaged and the time taken to fix, such as roads
buildings schools etc. Financially drained such as business lost and the
cost of repairing it.

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