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American Journal of Medical Genetics 85:66–75 (1999)

Investigation of Maternal Blood Enriched for Fetal

Cells: Role in Screening and Diagnosis of Fetal Trisomies
Raghad Al-Mufti, Henry Hambley, Farzin Farzaneh, and Kypros H. Nicolaides*
Harris Birthright Research Center for Fetal Medicine, Departments of Haematology and Molecular Medicine, Kings
College Hospital School of Medicine and Dentistry, London, England

Prenatal diagnosis of chromosomal abnor- nique can be combined with maternal age
malities relies on assessment of risk fol- and fetal nuchal translucency as a method
lowed by invasive testing in the group with of selecting the high-risk group for invasive
highest risk. Assessment of risk by a combi- testing. Potentially, 80% of trisomy 21 preg-
nation of maternal age and fetal nuchal nancies could be identified after invasive
translucency and invasive testing in the 5% testing in less than 1% of the pregnant popu-
of the population with the highest risk lation. Am. J. Med. Genet. 85:66–75, 1999.
would identify about 80% of trisomy 21 preg- © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
nancies. Preliminary reports suggest that
chromosomal abnormalities can also be di- KEY WORDS: prenatal diagnosis; fetal tri-
agnosed by fluorescent in situ hybridization somy; magnetic cell sorting;
(FISH) in maternal blood enriched for fetal fetal cells in maternal blood;
cells. This study examines the potential role fluorescent in situ hybridiza-
of this method on the prenatal diagnosis of tion; nuchal translucency
fetal trisomies. Maternal blood was ob- thickness; assessment of risk
tained before invasive testing in 230 preg-
nancies at 10–14 weeks of gestation. After
enrichment for fetal cells, by triple density INTRODUCTION
centrifugation and anti-CD71 magnetic cell
sorting, FISH was performed and the pro- Prenatal diagnosis of chromosomal abnormalities
portion of cells with positive signals in the currently relies on invasive testing, by chorionic villus
chromosomally normal and abnormal sampling or amniocentesis, in pregnancies considered
groups was determined. Fetal karyotype to be at high risk for such abnormalities. Amniocente-
was normal in 150 cases and abnormal in 80 sis and chorion villus sampling provide accurate diag-
cases, including 36 with trisomy 21. Using a nosis of the fetal karyotype but they can cause a mis-
21 chromosome-specific probe, three-signal carriage in up to a 1% of pregnancies. The risk for
nuclei were present in at least 5% of the en- chromosomal abnormalities increases with maternal
riched cells from 61% of the trisomy 21 preg- age and invasive testing in the 5% of the population
nancies and in none of the normal pregnan- with the highest age risk identifies about 30% of tri-
cies. For a cut-off of 3% of three-signal nu- somy 21 pregnancies. An improved method of assessing
clei the sensitivity for trisomy 21 was 97% risks is by a combination of maternal age and second
for a false positive rate of 13%. Similar val- trimester maternal serum biochemistry (alpha-fetopro-
ues were obtained in trisomies 18 and 13 us- tein, human chorionic gonadotrophin, and estriol), be-
ing the appropriate chromosome-specific cause for a 5% invasive testing rate about 60% of tri-
probe. Examination of fetal cells from ma- somy 21 pregnancies are identified. A more recent
ternal blood may provide a noninvasive pre- method for assessment of risks is the combination of
natal diagnostic test for trisomy 21 with the maternal age and measurement of subcutaneous
potential of identifying about 60% of af- edema in the fetal neck, visualized by ultrasonography
fected pregnancies. Alternatively, this tech- as nuchal translucency, in the first trimester of preg-
nancy [Nicolaides et al., 1992; Taipale et al., 1997;
Snijders et al., 1998]. This method identifies about 80%
Contract grant sponsor: Fetal Medicine Foundation. of trisomy 21 fetuses for an invasive testing rate of 5%
*Correspondence to: Professor K.H. Nicolaides, Harris Birth- [Snijders et al., 1998]. Preliminary data also suggest
right Research Centre of Fetal Medicine, Kings College Hospital that the risk can be estimated by a combination of ma-
School of Medicine and Dentistry, Denmark Hill, London SE5 ternal age, fetal nuchal translucency, and maternal se-
8RX, England. rum biochemistry (free ␤-hCG and PAPP-A) at 10–14
Received 17 July 1998; Accepted 14 January 1999 weeks of gestation to identify the 5% highest risk group
© 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Fetal Cells in Maternal Blood 67

Fig. 1. Nuchal translucency thickness in the 230 chromosomally normal (left) and abnormal (right; trisomy 21, other) groups plotted on the normal
range for crown-rump length (median 5th and 95th centiles).

Fig. 2. FISH-analyzed cells, in maternal blood enriched for fetal cells, from trisomy 21 (A), trisomy 18 (B), and trisomy 13 (C) pregnancies demon-
strating three-signal nuclei with the appropriate chromosome-specific probe. In each case, cells were hybridized on two slides; the first slide with
combination of chromosomes 18 (aqua blue), X (green), and Y (red) and the second slide with combination of chromosomes 21 (red) and 13 (green).
68 Al-Mufti et al.

Fig. 3. Percentage of cells with three-signal nuclei using the 21 chromosome–specific probe in maternal blood enriched for fetal cells from chromo-
somally normal pregnancies and those with trisomy 21 and triploidy.

that would contain about 90% of trisomy 21 pregnan- from a trisomy 21 pregnancy after enrichment for fetal
cies [Spencer et al., 199x]. cells in maternal blood by FACS [Bianchi et al., 1992].
During the last 30 years extensive research has Ganshirt-Ahlert et al. found three-signal nuclei in
aimed to develop a noninvasive method for prenatal 9–17% of cells from ten trisomy 21 and six trisomy 18
diagnosis based on the isolation and examination of pregnancies after sorting by magnetic cell sorting
fetal cells found in the maternal circulation [Walknow- (MACS); in 10 chromosomally normal pregnancies
ska et al., 1969]. It is now believed that about 1 in 107 0–7% of cells had three-signal nuclei [Ganshirt-Ahlert
nucleated cells in maternal blood are fetal [Bianchi et et al., 1993]. Simpson and Elias reported the presence
al., 1990; Price et al., 1991; Hamada et al., 1993]. Al- of three-signal nuclei, after sorting by FACS, in 2.8–
though complete separation of fetal from maternal cells 74% of cells from five trisomy 21 and two trisomy 18
is not yet possible, the proportion of fetal cells can be pregnancies, but in none of 61 chromosomally normal
enriched by such techniques as magnetic cell sorting pregnancies [Simpson and Elias, 1994].
(MACS) or fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) This study examines the potential role of FISH in
after attachment of magnetically labeled or fluorescent maternal blood enriched for fetal cells by triple density
antibodies onto specific fetal cell surface markers [Bi- centrifugation and MACS in screening and the prena-
anchi et al., 1990; Ganshirt-Ahlert et al., 1992; Wachtel tal diagnosis of fetal chromosomal abnormalities.
et al., 1991].
The resulting sample is unsuitable for traditional cy-
togenetic analysis because it is still highly contami- METHODS
nated with maternal cells. However, with the use of FISH using multicolor probes for chromosomes Y, X,
chromosome-specific DNA probes and fluorescent in 21, 18, and 13 was carried out in samples of maternal
situ hybridization (FISH) it is possible to suspect fetal blood enriched for fetal cells from 222 singleton preg-
trisomy by the presence of three-signal nuclei in some nancies at 10–14 weeks of gestation. The patients were
of the cells of the maternal blood enriched for fetal referred to our center for fetal karyotyping following
cells. Thus, Bianchi et al. detected three-signal nuclei assessment of risk for trisomy 21 by maternal age and
Fetal Cells in Maternal Blood 69

Fig. 4. Percentage of cells with three-signal nuclei using the 18 chromosome–specific probe in maternal blood enriched for fetal cells from chromo-
somally normal pregnancies and those with trisomy 18 and triploidy.

fetal nuchal translucency thickness. Written informed positive cells accounting for 1–9% (median 4%) of the
consent was obtained from all patients. nucleated cells; in eight (3%) cases no fetal hemoglobin-
Immediately before chorionic villus sampling, mater- positive cells were observed.
nal blood (20 ml) was obtained from the antecubital The cells in the positive fraction were centrifuged at
vein into lithium heparinized bottles and stored at 4°C. 400 g for 5 min and the pellets were suspended in 5 ml
The samples were processed within 24 hr of collection of 75 mM KCl. After incubation at 37°C for 15 min, the
and before the result of the fetal karyotype became suspension of cells was recentrifuged at 400 g for 5
available. min, resuspended in 5 ml of Methanol/Glacial acetic
Triple-density gradient centrifugation was carried acid (3:1, vol/vol) for 10 min and then kept frozen
out as previously described and the middle layer, con- at −20°C. For FISH, the cells were transferred to
taining nucleated erythrocytes and neutrophilic granu- glass slides and hybridization was carried out with
locytes, was separated [Ganshirt-Ahlert, 1993]. These multicolor chromosome-specific DNA probes as recom-
cells were then isolated and incubated with magneti- mended by the manufacturers (Aneuscreen Vysis Inc.,
cally labeled CD71 antibody to the transferrin receptor Downers Grove, Illinois, USA). Two slides were used in
antigen (Miltenyi Biotech, Bergisch Gladbach, Ger- each case; one was hybridized with the multicolor
many) for 15 min at 4°C. Enrichment of the magneti- probes for chromosomes 18 (aqua blue), X (green), and
cally labeled cells was performed by MACS as previ- Y (red) and the other slide was hybridized with probes
ously described [Ganshirt-Ahlert, 1993]. An aliquot for chromosomes 21 (red) and 13 (green).
of the positive cell fraction was cytocentrifuged at 14.3 The slides were examined under a fluorescence mi-
g for 10 min (Shandon, Frankfurt, Germany), the croscope (Nikon Corporation), using a DAPI/FITC/
cells were cytospinned onto slides, stained with the TRITC triple band pass filter set (Vaysis Inc.). Image
Kleihauer-Betke method, and then counterstained capture and processing was by the Microsoft comput-
with methylene blue stain (Gurr-Giemsa, BDH Merck erized system Cytovision (Applied Imaging Corpora-
Ltd., Poole, England). The slides were examined by tion, California, USA). In each case 100–300 cells were
light microscopy (Nikon Corporation, Tokyo, Japan) examined on each slide and the percentage of cells with
and in 222 (97%) of cases there were fetal hemoglobin- one signal for the Y chromosome probe, one and three
70 Al-Mufti et al.

Fig. 5. Percentage of cells with three-signal nuclei using the 13 chromosome–specific probe in maternal blood enriched for fetal cells from chromo-
somally normal pregnancies and those with trisomy 13 and triploidy.

signals for the X chromosome probe, and three signals moglobin-positive cells accounting for 1–9% (median
with the 21, 18, and 13 chromosome-specific probes 4%) of the nucleated cells. In eight (3%) cases, all from
were calculated. Only intact cells that were not over- the chromosomally normal group, no fetal hemoglobin-
lapping were chosen for the analysis. The enrichment positive cells were observed. The fetal nuchal translu-
for fetal cells, FISH, and examination of slides were cency thickness was above the 95th centile of the nor-
carried out without knowledge of clinical details or fe- mal range for crown-rump length in 97 (68%) of the
tal karyotype. chromosomally normal and in 79 (99%) of the abnormal
The distribution of cells with positive signals in the group (Fig. 1) [Snijders et al., 1998].
chromosomally normal and abnormal groups was com- In the 222 pregnancies with fetal hemoglobin-
pared and the sensitivity and false positive rates for positive cells, the fetal karyotype was normal in 142
different cut-off percentages of positive cells were cal- cases (46,XY, n ⳱ 88; 46,XX, n ⳱ 54) and abnormal in
culated. The significance of the possible association be- 80 cases (47,XY + 21, n ⳱ 17; 47,XX + 21, n ⳱ 19;
tween the percentage of positive cells with fetal nuchal 47,XY + 18, n ⳱ 12; 47,XX + 18, n ⳱ 12; 47,XY + 13, n
translucency thickness in the chromosomally normal ⳱ 7; 47,XX + 13, n ⳱ 3; 45,XO, n ⳱ 6; 47XXY, n ⳱ 1;
and abnormal groups was determined by regression 69,XXX, n ⳱ 3).
The results of FISH using the 21, 18, and 13 chro-
mosome-specific probes on the samples obtained after
RESULTS enrichment of the maternal blood for fetal cells in the
The study consisted of 230 cases with median mater- chromosomally normal and abnormal groups are
nal age of 34 years (range 16–46 years) and median shown in Figures 3–5.
gestation at the time of sampling of 12 weeks (10– Using the Y probe, there were no pregnancies with
14 weeks). Examination of the enriched cell fraction female fetuses, either chromosomally normal (n ⳱ 54)
after staining with the Kleihauer-Betke method dem- or abnormal (n ⳱ 43), that demonstrated any signals.
onstrated that in 222 (97%) cases there were fetal he- In the 125 pregnancies with male fetuses there were 71
Fetal Cells in Maternal Blood 71

Fig. 6. Percentage of cells with zero-, one-, three-, and four-signal nuclei using the X chromosome–specific probe in maternal blood enriched for fetal
cells from chromosomally normal female pregnancies.

(57%) with positive signals in 1–10% (median 3%) of the respective specific probe in at least 3% of the cells,
the cells and 54 (43%) with no signals. The median whereas in the normal group, the median percentage of
percentage of cells with positive signals in the chromo- cells with three signals was 1–2%. In the 36 trisomic
somally normal pregnancies (n ⳱ 88) was 2% and in male pregnancies the relation of the percentage of cells
the abnormal pregnancies (n ⳱ 37) was 3%. with positive signals for the Y-specific probe and the
Using the X probe, in the pregnancies with chromo- percentage of cells with three-signal nuclei for chromo-
somally normal and abnormal (other than Turner syn- some-specific probes 21, 18 or 13 is shown in Figure 9
drome and triploidy) female fetuses 0–5% (median 1%) (r ⳱ 0.312, P ⳱ 0.064).
of cells demonstrated one-signal nuclei, and 0–3% (me- The percentage of chromosomally abnormal and nor-
dian 1%) demonstrated three-signal nuclei (Figs. 6 and mal pregnancies with at least 3%, 4%, and 5% of cells
7). In the three pregnancies with triploidies 4–5% of with three-signal nuclei are shown in Table I. Using all
cells had three-signal nuclei and in the six pregnancies three probes (for chromosomes 21, 18, and 13), three-
with Turner syndrome 3–6% of cells had one-signal nu- signal nuclei were present in at least 3% of cells in 68
clei (Fig. 7). In the pregnancies with male fetuses, of the 70 trisomic pregnancies (sensitivity of 97%) and
0–3% (median 1%) of cells had three-signal nuclei, 85– in 74 of the 142 normal pregnancies (false positive rate
100% (median 95%) had two-signal nuclei, and 0–11% of 52%); for a cut-off of 5% of three-signal cells the
(median 3%) had one-signal nuclei. sensitivity was 57% (40 of 70) and the false positive
Using chromosome 21-, 18-, and 13-specific probes, rate was 0%.
the percentage of cells demonstrating three-signal nu- In all eight fetal hemoglobin-negative cases, the fetal
clei was higher in the respective trisomies as well as karyotype was normal (three male and five female).
the triploides than the normal group (Figs. 3–5). There Using the Y probe, there were no pregnancies that
was no significant association between fetal nuchal demonstrated any signals.
translucency thickness and the percentage of cells with
three signals in either the chromosomally abnormal DISCUSSION
group (Fig. 8; r ⳱ 0.088, P ⳱ 0.468), or the normal
group (chromosome 21 probe, r ⳱ 0.004, P ⳱ 0.958; This study provides further evidence on the feasibil-
chromosome 18 probe, r ⳱ 0.025, P ⳱ 0.763; chromo- ity of diagnosing fetal chromosomal abnormalities by
some 13 probe, r ⳱ 0.053, P ⳱ 0.534). In 68 (97%) of the the application of FISH in maternal blood enriched for
70 trisomic pregnancies there were three signals with fetal cells. The results confirm those of previous studies
72 Al-Mufti et al.

Fig. 7. Percentage of cells with zero-, one-, three-, and four-signal nuclei using the X chromosome–specific probe in maternal blood enriched for fetal
cells from chromosomally abnormal female pregnancies (䊉, trisomies; 䊊, triploidy, 䊐, Turner’s).

that in trisomic pregnancies the percentage of three- those with the 18 and X chromosome probes and there-
signal nuclei in maternal blood enriched for fetal cells, fore more likely to be washed away with post-hybrid-
either by MACS or FACS, is higher than in chromo- ization washings.
somally normal pregnancies [Bianchi et al., 1992; Gan- Our population was preselected because the patients
shirt-Ahlert et al., 1993; Simpson and Elias, 1994]. The had undergone assessment of risk by maternal age and
presence of three-signal nuclei in a small percentage of fetal nuchal translucency thickness and consequently
cells from the chromosomally normal group and varia- the majority of chromosomally abnormal fetuses had
tions in the hybridization efficiency of the different increased nuchal translucency. However, our data may
probes are well-recognized phenomena with the use of be applicable to chromosomal abnormalities irrespec-
FISH [Ward et al., 1993; Bryndorf et al., 1997]. tive of nuchal translucency thickness because there
Concerning fetal sexing with the Y chromosome– was no correlation between this measurement and the
specific probe, in our study positive signals were de- percentage of cells with three-signal nuclei in the ma-
tected in 57% of the pregnancies with male fetuses and ternal blood enriched for fetal cells. Furthermore, this
in none of those with female fetuses. In two previous finding suggests that the data from nuchal translu-
studies on a total of 39 male and 15 female pregnan- cency thickness and percentage of cells with three-
cies, positive signals with the Y chromosome–specific signal nuclei can be combined to improve the effective-
probe were detected in 74% of the pregnancies with ness of screening.
male fetuses and 7% of those with female fetuses [Gan- Using a 21 chromosome–specific probe, three-signal
shirt-Ahlert et al., 1993; Simpson et al., 1995]. In the nuclei were present in at least 5% of the enriched cells
pregnancies with chromosomally abnormal male fe- from about 60% of trisomy 21 pregnancies and in none
tuses there was a higher percentage of cases with of the normal pregnancies. These preliminary results
three-signal nuclei using the 21, 18, or 13 probes than suggest that this method could be associated with the
positive cells for the Y probe. The Y, X, and 18 chromo- same rate of detection of trisomy 21 as second trimester
some–specific probes are hybridized simultaneously serum biochemistry but with the advantage that the
onto one slide and therefore differences in hybridiza- invasive testing rate may be as low as 0% rather than
tion between the Y and other probes can not be ex- 5%. However, unlike serum biochemistry testing,
plained by differences in the handling of the slides. which is relatively easy to apply for mass population
However, the signals for the Y probe are smaller than screening, enrichment of fetal cells by triple-density
Fetal Cells in Maternal Blood 73

Fig. 8. Association between the percentage of cells with three-signal nuclei using the 21, 18, or 13 chromosome–specific probes in maternal blood
enriched for fetal cells from trisomic pregnancies and fetal nuchal translucency thickness (䊉, trisomy 21; 䊐, trisomy 18; 䉭, trisomy 13).

gradient centrifugation and MACS followed by FISH, tal nuchal translucency the detection of trisomy 21
is both labor intensive and requires highly skilled op- pregnancies could remain at 80% but the need for in-
erators. In the case of FISH there are promising devel- vasive testing could potentially be reduced from 5% to
opments for automated computerized analysis of cells less than 1%. In the USA and most western European
that are likely to simplify processing of the slides. The countries the median maternal age is about 27 years
extent to which the techniques for enrichment of fetal and the prevalence of trisomy 21 at 12 weeks of gesta-
cells could be improved, to achieve a higher yield of the tion is about one in 400 [Snijders et al., 1995]. In a
necessary cells, as well as become automated, to allow representative sample of 10,000 pregnancies, assess-
simultaneous analysis of a large number of samples, ment of risk by a combination of maternal age and fetal
remains to be seen. nuchal translucency thickness would classify 500 such
On the basis of our results and the currently avail- pregnancies as being at high risk and this group would
able technology, examination of fetal cells from the ma- contain 20 (80%) of the estimated 25 cases of trisomy
ternal blood is more likely to find an application as a 21 (Fig. 10). One option in the management of this
method for assessment of risk, rather than the nonin- high-risk group of 500 pregnancies is to carry out an
vasive prenatal diagnosis of chromosomal defects. With invasive test, such as chorionic villus sampling, which
this method in combination with maternal age and fe- would diagnose all 20 cases of trisomy 21 but such

TABLE I. Cut-off Percentages of Cells With Three-Signal Nuclei in the Chromosomally Abnormal and Normal Group Using
Fluorescent Probes for Chromosomes 21, 18, and 13
Chromosome 21 probe Chromosome 18 probe Chromosome 13 probe
Trisomy 21 Normal Trisomy 18 Normal Trisomy 13 Normal
Cut-off (N ⳱ 36) (N ⳱ 142) (N ⳱ 24) (N ⳱ 142) (N ⳱ 10) (N ⳱ 142)
ⱖ3 35 (97.22%) 19 (13.38%) 23 (95.83%) 23 (16.2%) 10 (100%) 32 (22.5%)
ⱖ4 30 (83.33%) 4 (2.8%) 20 (83.30%) 9 (6.34%) 8 (80%) 7 (4.93%)
ⱖ5 22 (61.11%) 0 13 (54.16%) 0 5 (50%) 0
74 Al-Mufti et al.

Fig. 9. Association between the percentage of cells with three-signal nuclei for chromosome-specific probes 21, 18, or 13 and the percentage of cells
with positive signals for the Y-specific probe in the 36 pregnancies with trisomic male fetuses (䊉, trisomy 21; 䊐, trisomy 18; 䉭, trisomy 13).

policy would be associated with a procedure-related cency, in trisomies 18 and 13 there are multiple other
miscarriage of five pregnancies. An alternative policy findings that help establish prenatal diagnosis; thus, in
would be to carry out FISH on maternal blood enriched trisomy 18 there is often early-onset growth retarda-
for fetal cells and reserve chorionic villus sampling only tion, exomphalos, and bradycardia, whereas trisomy 13
for those pregnancies where no fetal hemoglobin- is associated with holopresencephaly and tachycardia
positive cells are recovered and those where at least 3% [Sherod et al., 1997; Snijders et al., 1997]. Therefore,
of the cells demonstrate three signals with the 21 chro- the use of multiple chromosome-specific probes could
mosome–specific probe. According to our preliminary be reserved for the few cases of increased nuchal trans-
results, such a policy could reduce the need for invasive lucency with additional sonographic indicators of a
testing to less than 1% of the whole population (or 16% chromosomal abnormality.
of the 500 pregnancies considered to be at high risk by
maternal age and nuchal translucency) with a minor
loss (about 3%) in the sensitivity for detection of tri-
somy 21 (see Table I).
In this study FISH was carried out with multiple
chromosome–specific DNA probes. In simultaneous ex-
amination for trisomies 21, 18, and 13, three-signal
nuclei were present in at least 3% of cells in 97% of the
trisomic pregnancies but also in 52% of the normal
pregnancies. Assessment of risk by a combination of
maternal age and fetal nuchal translucency identifies
within the top 5% group with the highest risk 80% of
those with trisomy 21 or 18 or 13 [Snijders et al., 1998].
The application of FISH in maternal blood enriched for
fetal cells could be used to reduce the need for invasive
testing from 5% to about 2.5%. Alternatively, FISH can
be carried out with the 21 chromosome–specific probe
alone to reduce the invasive testing rate to less than
Fig. 10. Summary of screening for trisomy 21 using the combination of
1%. Unlike trisomy 21, where the only sonographic maternal age and fetal nuchal translucency followed by maternal blood
marker at 10–14 weeks is increased nuchal translu- enrichment for fetal cells.
Fetal Cells in Maternal Blood 75

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