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The Twenty Sixth Second

To cops, The real heroes of the society.

Vinay did not know that he will be unconscious in a few minutes. He was too engrossed with the music playing in his system to hear the intruders entering the house. He was a teenager; Homealone. Nobody could blame him for his lofty nature. Three men were inside the house now. A dull thud followed by a muffled yell could be heard near the door. The security fell down. Two minutes later, blood wetted the floor around him. The three men reached Vinays room on the first floor. Their work doesnt need knocking. WHAM. It broke free. They entered the room. First man closed the bedroom door. Before Vinay could even open his mouth, he was knocked out cold by the second. That was quick, muttered Mark, the third one. His voice was as cold as his eyes. What are you planning to do, mark? asked the second man, Iman. He began to tie Vinay. Mark was looking into a GPS tracking device. It showed a red dot flashing across a railway station. Are we staying here till he comes? asked the first man, Guna. Mark lighted his Cuban cigar. Skip the questions and finish the work soon. We have a long and exciting night ahead

It was a rainy evening in the Tilak bridge railway station. People were rushing to get comfortable in their seats on Rajdhani express. While passing the compartment, you would not fail to notice this man seated near one of the windows. He had a striking face and sharp eyes. Even though he was dressed in civilian attire, his authoritative demeanor and hair-cut gave away the identity. It doesnt matter much to him now since he was on his way to Bangalore, with his wife Shwetha, to attend a wedding. Gautham, its your day off. Dont look so grumpy, smiled Shwetha. Gautham looked at the beautiful face leaning on his shoulders and shook his head. I was thinking about Vinay. Sometimes he forgets that I am his dad. His voice was deep. It was three hours ago when Goutham and his son had one of their usual arguments. I dont like coming there and fake-smile to all the relatives. Gautham was patient enough to reply back calmly. You have got to know everyone, Vinay. You cant stroll around here with your own gang of friends forever. In the end, as usual, dad gave in for his son. Its his age, Gautham. He will grow up. Sometimes he reminds me a lot of you I can feel the love in her eyes, thought Goutham. He never really responded to her love after he took his job. As a cop, he never welcomed emotions. It can be hazardous. His Blackberry started beeping. It was flashing the name Vinay. Looks like your son finally learned to apologize, commented Gautham. There was a smug look on Shwethas face. He answered the phone. But the voice was on the receiver end was definitely not Vinays. Are you afraid of death, Goutham sen guptha?

Vinay is in deep trouble. Gautham saw a look of concern coming over Shwethas face. No, are you?, he asked with a tone as normal as possible. Your son may need his right hand for writing his suicide note in the future. So ill take his left. What do you think about that? There was a muffled cry from the other end. It remotely sounded likeDad. Feeling a heavy blow inside his stomach, He came out of his compartment. If your motive is revenge, then deal with me He tried to keep his voice steady. Dont mess around with my son. He started to feel the adrenaline pumping through his veins. He had felt those things before, but this was entirely different. My son needs me. Oh, daddys shaking. Ok then, well have a deal. Drop by. Well talk about it. Are you in my house? he already knew the answer. How in the hell did he get past the guards? Of course I am. Now, pay attention: No fellow cops. No snipers covering the perimeter and absolutely no smart works. If any of that happens, trust me ill find out, Ill blow your sons head off. Dont pick a fight with the one who has got nothing to lose Flashes of memory flickered before marks eyes: his brother Dave Williams and himself dealing with drugs in Delhi, Daves authority infiltrating the entire locality, regional thugs respecting him as an assailant even though he was from overseas, bullets from Gouthams gun slicing open Daves body. Operation Williams, they called it. Thus Mark was left alone. It spawned the revenge. There was a brief pause. Gautham was slightly startled. Who are you? Dont make me wait. You have thirty minutes. The clocks ticking The connection was broken.

First breathe, Gautham told himself. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. Now think. His thoughts were interrupted by a loud siren. The train was ready for its journey. He ran inside his compartment. Shwetha looked anxious. Is everything ok? Here comes the hardest part of my job, thought Goutham. He made up his mind. One of my colleagues has passed away, shwetha. Goutham turned his back on her and took his bag. I have to go. He searched for something. Ill meet you in Bangalore after two days. He tucked in his pistol and turned to face her. As always, Gautham found it very hard to look into her moist brown eyes and make her believe his lies. Shwetha paused for a second. She knew something was wrong. I have always waited for you and two days isnt going to make any difference, she told. Come soon. There was slight note of longing in her voice. He gave her a brief hug and left the compartment. The train was crawling. Goutham managed to disembark steadily. Pellets of Rain drops hit his face. Standing in the damp platform and staring at the moving train, he thought: I should get Vinay back. Ten minutes later, Gautham was provided a Sedan by the security department in railways. He turned on the ignition and looked at his watch. Twenty minutes left. Instantly, Gautham got the second important call of the evening. He answered it. Hello There was no reply. Hello?, he repeated. Just listen to me for a few minutes. I dont have much time. Youre in deep trouble

The speedometer touched seventy. Gautham was not concentrating much in driving. He had already worked out a plan. He was analyzing for flaws. He simply cannot risk anyones life. Have to call Lakshman, he thought. Lakshman was also in his team. He made his second call. Lakshman here Gautham briefed him. There were no interruptions from the other side. I need a team of five covering the perimeter. Stay low. Add two detonators in the team and trace my sons number I thought the suspect is in your house I have reasons to believe that this entire thing is a trap and its a big one. Im en route. Fifteen minutes As Gautham hung up his phone, five kilometers away, two men entered his house through the back door. Their instructions were very clear. Quick was the only word that could be heard from their mutterings. They entered vinays room. The door was closed. The silence outside the room was eerie. Gautham was true to his word. He reached his street exactly fifteen minutes later. He parked the car five blocks away from his house and got down. He spotted Lakshman walking towards him Any progress? The team is in stand-by. We have triangulated the position of the number. Its from your house No surprises there. Holding our fire is the only thing we can do now. He will call Who is this prick? Any guesses? I have a few in the list. It includes men from our side too Lakshmans face exhibited a mild surprise. How can you be certain? There are moles on both the sides. The word trust has lost its credibility Gout hams phone started beeping.

The Blackberrys screen showed a new number. The call was answered. Hello Mr.Gautham it was mark. I have reached my place. Can I come now?, asked Gautham. There was a sarcastic chuckle on the other side. Do you honestly think Ill be hanging around there when you arrive with your fellow mates? Gautham mentally cursed himself. This man knows every damn thing. Lets play a game now. Its simple. You have got to enter the house. Pick your son up. Leave. But Ill give you only twenty five seconds. The house will be in pieces by twenty sixth second. My explosives are quite famous around the world. Another condition is that you should go alone Gautham was flabbergasted. What is this crap? I did follow your words. Take me. Leave my son out of this The sarcasm from Mark was growing. Im generous enough to give you two choices Mr.Gautham. Either you save your own neck or risk two lives trying to be a hero Why should I believe you? This can be one of your tricks too There was a brief pause and then a deafening explosion. The car parked outside Gouthams house blew up to pieces. He saw flames consuming his favorite vehicle on earth. Marks voice became stern. This isnt a game show. Are you ready? This man means business, thought Goutham. The face of his son flashed before his eyes. Mark continued Im tracing each and every movement of yours. Right now youre standing three blocks away from your house. Your friend Mr.Lakshman is standing next to you. You cannot deceive me even in darkness. Now, lets start the event. You will start when I say now Gautham flexed his muscles and focused ahead. This is a death race, he thought. You time starts NOW!


Gautham threw his mobile to Lakshman and yelled. Trace the number and pursue him. Control the local crowd. 4.5.6. He started sprinting wildly. His thoughts were focused entirely on one thing. He could hear his heart thumping along with his body. 7.8. He reached the main gate and dashed through the path to front door. Two men lay on their backs on the floor. 9.10 Gautham lost his balance, stepping on dried blood on the floor. His security guards were clearly dead. 11.12 He darted across the hall and reached the staircase to first floor. 1314.15 He climbed three steps at a time and reached Vinays room. The door was opened and Goutham gazed inside. 1617 Hundred meters away, Lakshman turned and started walking on the opposite side. That was a close shave, he thought. Goutham was smarter than he thought. How could he possibly know about the moles? He reached for his mobile and dialed the number. He has gone in Mark was pleased. 202122 Ya, Im watching him, he said squinting at the GPS tracker. The moving red was stationary. He is undoing the knots, smiled Mark. 222324

Here we go. As the time froze, Gouthams house exploded. There was deafening sound followed by flames engulfing the entire structure. Dust swirled around and alarmed the entire area. By twenty sixth second, everything was over.

It was past midnight. The Inn was not crowded. Four men were seated in a private room. Let us toast. To cops, the losers Four glasses were raised. Lakshman sipped his drink. Tell me about your GPS idea, asked Mark. I slipped in the transmitter chip underneath his boots two weeks back. Of course, there were lots of money and risk involved Mark interrupted. I have your money, chap. He raised a suitcase. I stand by my word. He paused. Did you confirm his death? I called the agents. They confirmed it. Tomorrows headlines will certainly send shivers in every cops spine. He pointed to the two guys seated next to Mark. Who are they? This is Iman and he is Guna Lakshmans eyes turned towards Iman. He looked vaguely familiar. I have seen you before Iman smiled. So have I Suddenly the power supply was terminated. They were thrown into semi darkness. There was a momentary silence. Then the sound of gun shots rented the air. The noise reverberated throughout the Inn. Two minutes later, the lights came back to life. Iman was standing with his gun pointing at three dead bodies lying in a pool of blood.

A man walked out of the next room and joined Iman. He had a striking face and sharp eyes. Good work, Iman, said Gautham. Iman was taking deep breaths. Im done being an undercover. I should get back to duty as soon as possible. This is draining me I cant thank you enough. You gave my family back to me, alive Hows your son Vinay? He is fine, tranquilized. He will come around Gautham picked the suitcase from the floor and opened it. Holy shit. This is more than enough to get my home and car back The two cops started laughing. They were not losers after all. Epilogue The left-over pieces of the puzzle Ten minutes later, Gautham was provided a sedan by the security department in railways. He ignited the engine and looked at his watch. Twenty minutes more. Instantly, Gautham got the second important call of the evening. He answered it. Just listen to me for a few minutes. I dont have much time. Youre in deep trouble Who is this? This is Iman. The name sparked onto his mind. The undercover cop sent for spying Mark Williams, a prominent assailant in the locality. Iman continued without waiting for any recognition. Youre bugged. Theres a GPS tracking dot somewhere in your body. Find it and keep it safe. Dont throw it away. They are monitoring each and every movement. We have left your house leaving your son tied and sedated. The plan is to lure you into your house. Theres an explosive inside the house Gautham was stunned. He retorted. Should I come with detonation team there? Is it safe?

No. You should tag along our plan. Act normal. If plan A fails, plan B starts. It involves taking away your wife Are you asking me to enter the house without any cops and get blown along with my son? Mark will ask you enter the house. Just enter it and place the found GPS dot inside. Then exit through the back door. I have left it open. Fake your death by telling your close associates the real reason. One more thing: theres a mole in your team. Be alert. Keep your mouth closed What about my son Just send a team of two inside immediately and rescue your son. Ask them to enter through the back door. Mark will contact the mole only after your death is confirmed. We should find the mole As Gautham hung up his phone, five kilometers away, two men entered his house through the back door. Their instructions were very clear. Quick was the only word that could be heard from their mutterings. They entered Vinays room. The door was closed. The silence outside the room was eerie. Ten minutes later, Vinay was untied from all the ropes and carried safely by the two men from the house. Gautham lost his balance, stepping on dried blood on the floor. His security guards were clearly dead.11.12 He darted across the hall and reached the staircase to first floor. 1314.15 He climbed three steps at a time and reached vinays room. The door was opened and Goutham gazed inside. 1617After seeing the empty room, he exhaled a huge relief.1819 He took the GPS dot which he found in his boot after a tough search in the car. He dropped it in the floor and started running towards the back door. 19202122He exited the house and ran for shelter. 232425 By twenty sixth second, everything was over and Gautham was safe.

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