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Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Course Code: STATISTICS AND NUMERICAL METHODS Credits ‘A285, 2-0-0: 2 Pre-requisites: MA235- Transforms, Complex Variables and Partial Differential Equations Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to COI_| Understand the concepts of probability and statistics (CO2_| Perform testing of hypothesis ‘CO3_| Interpret an experimental data using interpolation / curve fitting (CO4 | Solve algebraic/transcendental equations and ordinary differential equations numerical Course Articulation Matrix: ‘01 [PO2 [POS [PO4 [POS POS PO7 POS POO PO10|PO11PO12/PSO1PSO2/PSO3PSO4| cor] 3 217 -[-[-7-[-7-1)-[-7- [=v - cozl3_) 2 ~[-[-1-/-[-1-/]-1-[-/11/-1- lcos)3 [2 ta =f TeTe- P ee a er lcosl'3 [2 [a [-T-T-T-T-T-T- T- T-T a TTT Tightly; 2- Moderately; 3— Substantially Syllabus Probability and Statisties: Random variables, discrete and continuous random variables, Mean and variance of Binomial, Poisson and Normal distributions and applications. Testing of Hypothesis — Null and alternate hypothesis, level of significance and critical region - Z-test for single mean and difference of means, single proportion and difference of proportions - t-test for single mean and difference of means - F-test for comparison of variances, Chi-square test for goodness of fit - Karl Pearson coefficient of correlation, lines of regression and examples, ANOVA Numerical Methods: Curve fitting by the method of least squares. Fitting of (i) Straight line (ii) Second degree parabola (ii) Exponential curves - Gauss-Scidal iteration method to solve a system of equations - Numerical solution of algebraic and transcendental equations by Regula-Falsi method and Newton-Raphson’s method - Lagrange interpolation, Forward and backward differences, Newton’ forward and backward interpolation formulae - Numerical differentiation with forward and backward differences - Numerical Integration with Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s 1/3 rule and Simpson’s 3/8 rule - ‘Taylor series method, Euler's method, modified Euler's method, 4th order Runge-Kutta method for solving first order ordinary differential equations Learning Resources: ‘Text Books: 1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, R. K. Jain and S. R. K. Iyengar, Narosa Publishing House, 2016, Fifth Edition 2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Erwin Kreysz Reference Books: 1, Miller & Freund’s Probability and Statistics for Engineers, Richard A. Johnson, Pearson, 2018, Ninth Edition 2. Higher Engineering Mathematics, B. 8. Grewal, Khanna Publishers, 2012, 42" Edition John Wiley and Sons, 2015, Fighth Edition 52

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