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American Journal of Medical Genetics 92:111–116 (2000)

Proportion of Cells With Paternal 11p15

Uniparental Disomy Correlates With Organ
Enlargement in Wiedemann-Beckwith Syndrome
Noriyuki Itoh,1,2 David M.O. Becroft,3 Anthony E. Reeve,1 and Ian M. Morison1*
Cancer Genetics Laboratory, Department of Biochemistry, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand
Department of Urology, Kyoto National Hospital, Kyoto, Japan
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand

“Genetic mosaicism” describes the presence mosaicism, 11p15; asymme-

of two or more populations of cells within a try; overgrowth; adrenal hy-
single individual that differ in their geno- perplasia
mic constitution. Although the occurrence
of asymmetric overgrowth in Wiedemann-
Beckwith syndrome (WBS) suggests that
mosaicism has some role in the WBS pheno- INTRODUCTION
type, no direct evidence for this has been
published. WBS is a congenital overgrowth Wiedemann-Beckwith syndrome (WBS) is a congen-
syndrome with variable phenotype linked ital overgrowth syndrome that comprises high birth
to the imprinted gene cluster on chromo- weight, visceromegaly, macroglossia, abdominal wall
some region 11p15. We have performed a defects, hemihyperplasia, cytomegaly of the fetal adre-
molecular survey of multiple organs and tis- nal cortex, hyperplasia of pancreatic islets, and a pre-
sues in a case of WBS with a high degree of disposition to childhood tumors [Pettenati et al., 1986].
mosaic paternal 11p15 uniparental disomy Genetic studies indicate linkage of WBS to 11p15 [Kou-
(UPD). The organs most severely affected fos et al., 1989; Ping et al., 1989], the location of an
were those with the highest percentage of imprinted region that contains at least eight imprinted
cells with UPD. In particular there was a genes including the paternally expressed gene IGF2
striking difference in the degree of mosa- and the maternally expressed genes H19 and CDKN1C
icism for 11p15 UPD between the extremely (p57KIP2) [Morison and Reeve, 1998a]. Because several
enlarged left adrenal and non-enlarged different genetic mechanisms, including uniparental
right adrenal gland. This result indicates disomy (UPD) of chromosome 11p [Henry et al., 1991],
that the proportion of paternal 11p15 UPD relaxation of IGF2/H19 imprinting [Weksberg et al.,
cells correlates with the tissue phenotype of 1993], trisomy 11p [Okano et al., 1986], and CDKN1C
WBS. Our results suggest that high propor- mutation [Hatada et al., 1996; Zhang et al., 1997], are
tions of abnormal cells result from a combi- associated with WBS, it has been suggested that some
nation of stochastic events and cell selec- of the phenotypic variability of WBS may be explained
tion. Mosaicism may explain the variable by the different patterns of gene involvement [Hastie,
phenotypes including hemihyperplasia and 1997]. However, the frequent occurrence of asymmetric
predisposition to childhood cancers in WBS overgrowth, including hemihyperplasia, must be ex-
patients. Am. J. Med. Genet. 92:111–116, plained by other factors such as variation in the ex-
2000. © 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc. pression and the location of the genetic abnormality in
different tissues, that is, mosaicism. We and others
KEY WORDS: uniparental disomy; Wiede-
have demonstrated “epigenetic mosaicism” for relax-
mann-Beckwith syndrome;
ation of imprinting of H19/IGF2 in children with WBS
and somatic overgrowth [Morison et al., 1996; Okamoto
et al., 1997; Reik et al., 1995]. Similarly, WBS patients
Contract grant sponsor: Cancer Society of New Zealand; Con-
with paternal 11p15 UPD always show mosaicism
tract grant sponsor: New Zealand Lottery Grants Board; Contract
grant sponsor: Health Research Council of New Zealand. [Catchpoole et al., 1997; Henry et al., 1993; Slatter et
*Correspondence to: Ian Morison, Cancer Genetics Laboratory, al., 1994]. In view of the wide range of possible expla-
Department of Biochemistry, University of Otago, P.O. Box 56, nations for phenotypic variability in WBS, we have ex-
Dunedin, New Zealand. amined the relationship between the degree of mosaic
E-mail: paternal 11p15 UPD and the pathological findings in
Received 29 July 1999; Accepted 27 January 2000 many tissues from a patient and have demonstrated
© 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
112 Itoh et al.

that the extent of mosaicism is strongly associated with Genotype–Phenotype Correlations.

the pathological phenotype.
In order to examine whether the patient’s pathologi-
cal phenotype was determined by the degree of mosa-
MATERIALS AND METHODS icism of a duplicated paternal 11p15, we measured the
Assay for Allelic Imbalance of relative ratio of the intensity of alleles of the tyrosine
Chromosome 11p15 hydroxylase gene polymorphism [Edwards et al., 1991]
in the placenta and many tissues obtained at necropsy
More than 20 mm2 of tissue was dissected from for- and thereby calculated the percentage of cells with pa-
malin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue sections and sus- ternal 11p15 UPD. DNA extracted from all tissues
pended in a buffer containing 75 mM NaCl, 25 mM showed significant levels of mosaicism for paternal
EDTA, and 0.5% Tween 20. Paraffin was removed from UPD (Figs. 1, 2 ). Strikingly the pathology of several
tissues by microwave treatment and centrifugation, abdominal organs paralleled the extent of mosaicism
and DNA was extracted by phenol/chloroform extrac- for cells with UPD. In particular, the left adrenal
tion. PCR was done in a 25 ␮L reaction mixture con- gland, which contained 88% (95% confidence interval:
taining 50 mM KCl, 10 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.3, 2.0 mM 87–89%) isodisomic cells, was markedly enlarged,
MgCl2, 0.2 mM each dNTP, 0.5 ␮M each primer, 1.25 U weighed 12.5 g (normal 1–4 g [Stoner et al., 1953]), and
AmpliTaq Gold (Perkin-Elmer, Oak Brook, IL), and 0.3 had a cerebriform appearance due to severe cortical
␮L ␣32P-dCTP. The tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) poly- nodular hyperplasia of the adult cortex [Lack, 1997]
morphic microsatellite marker was amplified using (Fig. 3a). In contrast, the right adrenal which con-
primers as described by Edwards et al. [1991]. The ini- tained 30% (CI: 11–42%) UPD cells had normal size
tial denaturation was at 95°C for 12 min followed by 40 (2.2 g) and had a histologically normal adult cortex
cycles of 94°C for 1 min, 58°C for 1 min, and 72°C for 2 (Fig. 3b). Both adrenals showed cytomegaly of the fetal
min with a final elongation step at 72°C for 10 min. The zone, typical of WBS [Beckwith, 1969]. The pancreas
labelled amplified DNA samples were separated on a had 82% (CI: 80–84%) UPD cells and was very large (34
6% denaturing polyacrylamide DNA sequencing gel. g) with extreme hyperplasia of the islets of Langerhans
The intensity of TH alleles was measured using a phos- [Beckwith, 1969] (Fig. 4). Both kidneys were large and
phoimager. showed renal medullary cystic dysplasia typical of
WBS [Beckwith, 1969] (right kidney 55 g, 71% (CI: 70–
Calculation of Percentage of Cells With 73%) UPD cells; left 42 g, 69% (CI: 64–75%) UPD cells).
Paternal UPD The 1,033 g placenta contained 47% (CI: 44–49%) UPD
cells compared with a result of < 5% UPD cells in the
246 g structurally normal placenta of the twin (theo-
After normalisation of the allele bands intensity by
retically the non-identical twin should have 0% UPD
using DNA from a normal individual, the proportion of
cells). The large placenta showed stromal hyperplasia,
cells with paternal UPD was calculated by using fol-
cystic hydrops, and vascular abnormalities, which have
lowing equation [Chao et al., 1993]: Percent mosaicism
been described in some cases of WBS [Jauniaux et al.,
⳱ (k-1)/(k+1) × 100, where k is the ratio of the intensity
1997; McCowan and Becroft, 1994]. The lungs were
of the parental alleles (paternal/maternal ratio) of the
small [left 41 g, 62% (CI: 41–71%) UPD, right 49 g, 38%
test sample.
(29–45%) UPD cells] and the liver large (324 g, 41%
(30–50%) UPD cells] but both showed acquired abnor-
RESULTS malities consistent with the severe postnatal illness.
Patient History
A twin pregnancy was identified in utero at 24 weeks The Phenotype Correlates With the Proportion
gestation. The twins had equal size but one had an of Isodisomic Cells
omphalocoele and a normal female karyotype. The fe- By surveying multiple organs in a case of WBS and
male infant and her normal male twin were delivered by focussing on the discordant pathology of a pair of
after induction of labor at 32 weeks of gestation be-
cause of severe maternal toxaemia of pregnancy. Her
placenta was markedly enlarged (1,033 g) compared
with her twin’s (246 g). She was diagnosed immediately
as having WBS because of her birth weight of 2,435 g
(twin’s weight 1,800 g), omphalocoele, macroglossia,
earlobe creases, and left hemihyperplasia involving
both limbs, the labia majora, and the tongue. The kid-
neys, pancreas, and left adrenal were large. Intractable
hypoglycemia continued throughout her life. Following
surgical repair of the omphalocoele, sequential prob- Fig. 1. Analysis of tyrosine hydroxylase polymorphic microsatellite
lems, bowel perforation, infection, chronic cholestasis, marker in representative tissues. Lane 1, placenta of the unaffected twin;
and major metabolic disturbance resulted in death at lanes 2, 3, and 4, blood from the father, mother, and patient; lanes 5, 6, 7,
and 8, placenta, pancreas, and left and right adrenal cortices from the
age 3 months when she weighed 5,255 g. Supplemental patient. The patient’s upper and lower alleles were derived from her
cortisone was given for most of the child’s life. mother and father, respectively.
Genotype–Phenotype Correlation in WBS 113

Fig. 4. Histological section of the pancreas stained for insulin (immu-

noperoxidase) showing that hyperplastic darkly-staining beta-cells out-
number the pale staining exocrine gland component. ×94.

ity of WBS is attributable to mosaicism [Henry et al.,

1993; Morison and Reeve, 1998b], we are not aware of
previously published evidence that demonstrates this.
For other conditions including Ullrich-Turner syn-
Fig. 2. Percent mosaicism of paternal 11p15 UPD cells in the patient’s drome, trisomy 16, neurofibromatosis, type 1, and os-
tissues. The percentage was calculated as shown in Materials and Meth- teogenesis imperfecta [Benn, 1998; Colman et al., 1996;
ods. All data are expressed as means of three or more independent experi-
ments + SEM. Edwards et al., 1992; Sarkar and Marimuthu, 1983;
Wallis et al., 1990], there is evidence that mosaicism
adrenal glands, we have strong evidence that a high for a disease-causing abnormality or mutation might
proportion of the genetically abnormal cells correlates modify the disease, resulting in a less marked pheno-
with hyperplastic organ growth. Although it has been type, but tissue specific correlations between genotype
assumed that the asymmetry and phenotypic variabil- and phenotype have not been reported.
Molecular Basis of Overgrowth in WBS
The UPD-associated overgrowth in WBS may be at-
tributable to high levels of the imprinted, paternally
expressed growth factor, insulin like growth factor 2
(IGF2). This assumption is supported by the observa-
tion that the only known trait common to all but one
(CDKN1C mutation) of the molecular mechanisms as-
sociated with WBS is the potential for overexpression
of IGF2 [Morison and Reeve, 1998b]. Furthermore, a
clear relationship between IGF2 “dose” and WBS-like
growth phenotypes was demonstrated in several mouse
models [Eggenschwiler et al., 1997; Sun et al., 1997]. In
addition to the effects of IGF2 overexpression, it is pos-
sible that a decreased levels of the maternally ex-
pressed gene CDKN1C (p57KIP2) may contribute to the
WBS phenotype [Hatada et al., 1996; Lee et al., 1997;
O’Keefe et al., 1997; Zhang et al., 1997]. The develop-
mental period during which overexpression of IGF2
contributes to overgrowth is not clear. Although IGF2
and its mitogenic receptor IGF1R are expressed as
early as the pre-implementation embryo [Lighten et
al., 1997; Rappolee et al., 1992], it is interesting to note
that in a previously reported case of WBS, body over-
growth did not occur until after 22 weeks gestation
[Hedborg et al., 1994], while in the case that we report
here, the growth differential between the twins devel-
oped after 24 weeks gestation.
Fig. 3. Haematoxylin and eosin stained sections of the left adrenal Origin of UPD Mosaicism
gland showing the extremely convoluted and nodular structure of the de-
finitive cortex, which gives a “cerebriform” appearance (A), compared with In the present case, mosaicism was present in both
the normal contour of the right adrenal cortex (B). ×3.8. the placenta and the embryo and it is clear that the
114 Itoh et al.

somatic event leading to mosaicism must have oc- mutations of the Loop-tail gene, the occurrence of cra-
curred before cell commitment to the trophoectoderm niorachischisis was usually associated with propor-
and the inner cell mass. In mice commitment occurs in tions of mutant cells greater than a threshold of 50–
the 8–16 cell blastocyst and in humans the timing of 60% [Musci and Mullen, 1990]. Determination of
blastocyst development is very similar [Hardy et al., phenotypic thresholds may be especially important for
1989]. Thus the somatic recombination that causes those few conditions in which mosaicism is a charac-
UPD must have occurred during the first three or four teristic feature. Examples include Wiedemann-
postzygotic cell divisions [Kalousek, 1994]. In WBS, Beckwith syndrome, McCune-Albright syndrome in
mosaic UPD typically involves only part of chromosome which affected individuals are always mosaic for
11p and results from recombination between the het- GNAS1 mutations [Happle, 1986], and “Epidermal ne-
erochromatids during a somatic cell division [Bischoff vus of the epidermolytic hyperkeratotic type” in which
et al., 1995]. The resulting daughter cells would each affected individuals are always mosaic for keratin 10
have paternal or maternal disomy for 11p, but avail- mutations [Paller et al., 1994].
able evidence suggests that cells with maternal UPD Can reliable correlations be established between the
do not survive [Bischoff et al., 1995]. Somatic recombi- proportion of mosaic cells and the phenotype in an or-
nation that occurs during the first somatic cell division gan or an individual? At this time, there are few data
would result in 100% paternal UPD cells, a situation from WBS cases from which organ-specific thresholds
that has not been reported, whereas that which occurs for UPD can be determined, and there is the difficulty
in the second cell division would give rise to 33% of that the measured levels of mosaicism may be altered
paternal UPD cells. Similarly an error during the third by selection and might not reflect the levels present
cell division would result in 14% UPD cells. To achieve during critical developmental periods. Several tissues
the proportion of abnormal cells seen in this patient (at such as the lungs, thymus, blood, and brain are usually
least 30% in most tissues), the abnormal disjunction morphologically normal in cases of WBS [Pettenati et
could have occurred during the second cell division, al., 1986], suggesting that the development of these
unless there was a subsequent proliferative advantage tissues is unaffected by the gene expression changes of
for the abnormal cells. WBS, regardless of the proportion of abnormal cells.
Data from our case suggest that 30% mosaicism may be
Factors Influencing the Distribution of Mosaic below the threshold for hyperplasia of the adult adre-
Cell Populations nal cortex, while 88%, as seen in the left adrenal, is
above the threshold. In contrast both fetal adrenal cor-
The levels of mosaicism varied widely between or-
tices showed cytomegaly, one of the commonest patho-
gans and tissues in this case but little is known about
logical findings in WBS [Beckwith, 1969; Pettenati et
the factors that might determine this [Bernards and
al., 1986], perhaps consistent with a very low tissue
Gusella, 1994]. The first possibility is stochastic
threshold, although it is possible that cytomegaly of
(chance) variation in the proportion of abnormal cells
fetal cortical cells reflects systemic endocrine aberra-
that contribute to the primordia of each tissue. A
tions. The threshold level for the kidneys is not clear
mouse model of mosaicism, in which post-fertilisation
given that the abnormal kidneys in our cases had 70%
retroviral integration was used as a cell marker to
cells with UPD, whereas Chao et al reported 41, 54, 67,
study the distribution of mosaicism among multiple
and 77% “isoallelic” cells in kidneys described as nor-
different organs in 16 mice, found two mice with sig-
mal from four children with Wilms tumors [Chao et al.,
nificant variation in the amount of mosaicism [Soriano
1993], possibly because the children were older and
and Jaenisch, 1986]. This finding suggested that
pathological changes had diminished with age.
marked tissue variation due to stochastic processes can
occur, but probably only in a minority of mosaic indi-
Predicting Genotype–Phenotype Correlations
The fact that most tissues in the body and placenta of
With respect to mosaic conditions, it has been sug-
our case had levels of mosaicism above the theoretical
gested “that the study of multiple tissues is a necessary
maximum of 33% provides strong evidence in favor of a
approach, the eventual goal being the appreciation of
second possibility: proliferative selection of cells with
the relationship between the characteristics of a so-
paternal UPD can contribute to high levels of mosa-
matic mosaicism and the phenotype it imparts” [Gre-
icism. In organs in which cells have a proliferative re-
ally et al., 1996]. If much of the variable phenotypes of
sponse to IGF2, the autocrine effects of IGF2 will lead
WBS is primarily attributable to the stochastic origins
to increased growth of mutant cells with UPD. The
of mosaicism then, despite the difficulties of interpre-
high levels of IGF2 in fetal kidney, adrenals, and pan-
tation, study of additional tissues from other affected
creas suggest that IGF2 is especially important for the
patients may clarify the nature and consistency of ge-
development of these organs [Hedborg et al., 1994], and
notype–phenotype correlations. Those patients who
thus selection may be more likely to have occurred in
have CDKN1C mutations, a condition that is not mo-
these organs.
saic, would be expected to exhibit a less variable phe-
Is There Evidence for a Threshold Effect? notype than those with UPD or loss-of-imprinting, and
more detailed descriptions of appropriately character-
In mosaic conditions, there is limited evidence to ized patient groups is needed.
suggest that threshold mechanisms may lead to an “all- The most commonly recognized asymmetrical pheno-
or-none” phenotype. For example, in mice with mosaic type in WBS is hemihyperplasia. Hemihyperplasia has
Genotype–Phenotype Correlation in WBS 115

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