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NAME: __________________________ DATE _______________

TEACHER: ___________ Grade/ Section___________________

Direction: Read the questions carefully and write the letter of the correct answer before the
___1. Homophonic is considered one of the elements of music in the Classical Period. In
what element of music is homophonic belong?
A. Dynamics B. Melody C. Tempo D. Texture
___2. How can you explain Beethoven's composition?
A. Mainly calm, balanced, and serious
B. He used more of violin and harpsichord
C. He used more brass instruments and dynamics
D. His music reflects his character and personality
___3. Who among the following composers bridged the late classical Era and the Early
Romantic Era?
A. Beethoven B. Bernini C. Haydn D. Mozart
___4. What improvised instrument are you going to use if bass drums is not available in
your community?
A. Pail C. Table
B. Bamboo sticks D. Stones
______5-6. How will you relate the changes of music in the Classical period in its history?
Choose two Letters.
A. The idea of an orchestra as a musical ensemble was established
B. Music was typically intended for the aristocracy or the church.
C. A style of broken chord accompaniment called ALBERTI BASS was practiced
D. A new, more expressive instrument, the piano, gradually replaced the
___7. If you are going to perform Sonata No. 16 in C Major K545 by W.A. Mozart, what
movements should be followed?
A. Allegro, Minuet, and Fast C. Allegro, Andante, Minuet
B. Allegro, Slow Tempo, and Minuet D. Exposition, Development, and Recapitulation
___8. How will you determine if the music is a sonata?
A. It is for the whole orchestra.
B. No musical instruments are needed.
C. It is intended primarily to emphasize the individuality of the solo instrument.
D. It is applied to a variety of works for a solo instrument such as keyboard or violin.
___9. Which of the following materials describes the music during the Classical Period?
A. Mostly polyphonic.
B. Frequently in 3 to 6 voices.
C. There is extensive use of sharps and flats.
D. Loud and soft dynamics are clearly shown.
___10. This is a multi-movement solo instrument work derived from the word "Sonare,"
which means "to make a sound." What term is used for a multi-movement work for
solo instrument such as keyboard or violin?
A. Symphony B. Concerto C. Sonata D. Allegro
___11. Classical music's dynamics are loud and soft; what improvised
instrument/accompaniment can mimic the softness of their music?
A. Snapping of hands C. Striking of Metals
B. Clapping D. Stamping of feet
___12. After listening to the instrumental music of the classical period, which of the
following is the Sonata Allegro.
A. Don Giovanni C. Fur Elise
B. Eine Klein Nachtmusik D. Missa Solemnis
___13. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Renaissance arts?
A. Naturalistic C. Accurate anatomy
B. Deeper landscape D. More elaborate
For number 14-15: Name the following works of some famous artist
__D_14. _C__15.

A. Pieta C. Portrait of Helene Fourment

B. Monalisa D. Ecstasy of St. Teresa
___16. What made Bernini’s “David” different from Michelangelo’s “David”?
A. It emphasized movement C. There is an active use of space
B. There was tension D. It shows uniqueness
___17. Why was Leonardo da Vinci known as the ultimate “Renaissance man”?
A. Because of his intellect and talent C. Because of his classical values
B. Because of his expression of humanist D. Because he has been reborn.
___18. Which of the following works of Michelangelo portrays pain and redemption as
represented by the seated Madonna holding Christ’s body in her arms?
A. David B. Dying Slave C. The Last Judgement D. Pieta
___19. Which of the following is a type of architectural structure?
A. David B. Intramuros C. Madonna D. Self-portrait
___20. Who among the following artists is considered one of the finest master of the
Spanish Golden Age?
A. Peter Paul Rubens C. Gian Lorenzo Bernini
B. Leonardo Da Vinci D. Diego Velasquez
___21. Which of the following artistic forms was used by Spaniards to spread Catholicism in
the Philippines?
A. Architecture B. Music C. Painting D. Sculpture
___22. What element would you consider if you were to create your own architectural
A. Form B. Pattern C. Unity D. Variety
______23-24. How do Spaniards greatly influence the Philippine architectural structures
with baroque styles and how do they apply such influences? Choose 2 answers from
the choices below.
a. Proportionally very wide façade.
b. Churches are made of nipa huts.
c. They used religious paintings on the church walls.
d. It is known for its symmetry and balance.

Physical Education

___25. Lifestyle has a big impact on one’s health. What does lifestyle mean?
A. It is about part of our life that we like to do.
B. It is the manner of being proper in any event.
C. It refers to the way a person lives.
D. It refers to the things we love to do on our free time.
___26. Which of the following is likely to happen if one does not have a physically active
A. He/she will become fat
B. He/she will become sickly
C. He/she will not be physically fit
D. He/she is prone to weight gain, obesity which may lead to diabetes and other
cardio-vascular diseases
___27. Latin American and Modern Standard dances require active movement, how does it
contribute to one’s fitness and well-being?
A. They cure lifestyle diseases
B. They develop one’s talent in dancing.
C. They help prevent sedentary lifestyle-related diseases
D. They help make one physically engaged and active which helps in preventing
lifestyle diseases
___28. Which of the following (dances) has a step pattern R-Bw, L-Fw with 1,2 as
A. Chasse B. Alemana Turn C. Rock Step D. New York
___29. Lucas is confused with the step pattern of New York because of the counting. Which
of the following is the proper counting for New York step?
A. 1, 2 B. 1,2,1 and 2 C. 1 and 2 D. 1,2,3,4,
___30. Social dancing can prevent some diseases caused by sedentary lifestyle, if regularly
performed. Which of the following does NOT belong to the group?
A. Lung cancer B. Weight Gain C. Diabetes D. Obesity
___31. In social dancing, a boy leads while a girl follows. What values can be developed in
such training?
A. Leadership B. Obedience C. Respect D. All of them
___32. How do social dances contribute to one’s fitness and well – being?
A. They cure lifestyle diseases.
B. They help you become physically fit.
C. They develop one’s talent in dancing.
D. They help make one physically engaged and active preventing lifestyle diseases.
___33. How would you best use the knowledge and skills learned in social dancing to
enhance your community’s fitness?
A. I will make social dancing my lifetime fitness activity
B. I will render an intermission number with my partner during fiestas
C. I will share my skills by teaching community folks, young and old, about social
D. I will coordinate with community officials in conducting a social dancing program
for the community.
_____34-35. Organize the Philippine Food Pyramid by choosing the correct letter of your
answer in each number.

34. D

35. B

A. Water/Beverages
B. Fruits and Vegetables
C. Milk and Milk Products
D. Fats/Oils/ Sugars/Sweets

36-37. Arrange the appropriate first aid steps for injuries and other emergency situations in
dance settings. Like cramps, sprain, heat exhaustion and others. Write the letter on the
space provided.
__D__Elevation __B__ Ice ___A_ Rest ___C_Compression

___38. Which of the following drugs speeds up a person’s central nervous system?
A. Gateway Drugs C. Stimulant Drugs
B. Depressant Drugs D. Narcotics
___39. What do you think of the risk and protective factors in the use, misuse, and abuse
of drugs?
A. It may help you engage in healthy and enjoyable things to do than taking drugs.
B. You must become responsible and be a productive member of the society.
C. It will make you think that you are not ready to die early.
D. All of the above.
___40. After a long and tiring day, you’ve decided to take a tranquilizer for you to be able to
sleep well. The doctor said that you should take it once a day. You take one and
you’re still having a hard time falling asleep, what will be the best thing to do?
A. Try meditation and mindfulness to reduce anxiety.
B. Take another dose of tranquilizer.
C. Keep the lights on.
D. Just don’t sleep.
___41. If Joshua uses cigarette and alcohol, what kind of drug is he using that may lead
him to more dangerous drugs such as marijuana and shabu?
A. Gateway Drugs C. Stimulant Drugs
B. Depressant Drugs D. Narcotics
___42. Which of the following does not belong to the myths and misconception about
drugs of abuse?
A. Drugs of abuse improve memory.
B. Drugs of abuse heat up the body.
C. Drugs of abuse make a person bold and brave.
D. Drug of abuse worsen life’s problems and worries.
___43. Your friend is denying that he is taking drugs but there are signs and symptoms of
drug use that you can see from him, what will you do?
A. Join community programs, projects and activities for the youth.
B. Stay away from him
C. Ignore him.
D. All of the above.
___44. What do you think will happen to a person if he does not stop using drugs?
A. He will die. C. He will have trouble in breathing.
B. It will lead to coma. D. All of the above
___45. Drug abuse is one of the leading concerns in the Philippines even up to this day.
Which of the following is NOT true about drug abuse?
A. It enhances memory C. It worsens life’s problem and worries
B. It helps me lose D. It reduces attention in going to school.
___46. What would you recommend to broken and unhappy family ties?
A. Have time with your family. C. Be open to your family.
B. Discuss unresolved issues or problems. D. All of above
___47. Which of the following does NOT belong to the protective factors a person need to
fight drug use and abuse?
A. Positive self-image C. Unhappy family ties
B. Caring and supportive friends D. Sense of worthiness and achievement
_____48-49. What do you think is the best way of saying NO to drugs? Choose two among
the choices.
A. Simply say “No”.
B. Change the topic.
C. Say that you are interested.
D. Don’t walk away and agree with him.
___50. Which of the following is not a healthy alternative to prevent substance use and
A. Involve in sports C. Find new hobbies such as reading, or painting
B. Keep a well-balanced life D. None of the above


1. B 13. A 25. A 38. A
2. B 14. A 26. A 39. A
3. B 15. A 27. A 40. C
4. A 16. C 28. B 41. A
5. B 17. D 29. B 42. B
6. D 18. D 30. C 43. D
7. D 19. D 31. D 44. C
8. A 20. 32. D 45. A
9. D 21. D 33. C 46. C
10. A 22. C 34. C 47. D
11. A 23. 35. C 48. D
12. D 24. D 36. B 49. D
37. C 50. D

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