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Wednesday, November 17, 2021 2:12 PM

 Kondrosit
 Extraseluler matrix mengandung proteoglicans dan Terdiri atas:
glikosaminoglicans 1. Periosteum
a. Mengandung dense fibrous outer layer dan fibroblast
 Ada tiga: b. Bundles of periosteal collagen fibers, called (perforating /
○ Hialin sharpey's fiber
○ Elastik 2. Endosteum
○ Fibrokartilago a. The large internal marrow cavities
b. Mengandung flattened osteoprogenitor cell dan osteoblas
The principal functions of periosteum and endosteum are nutrition of
osseous tissue and provision of a continuous supply of new
◊ Paling banyak di fetus dan orang dewasa osteoblasts for repair or growth of bone
◊ Berwarna putih kebiruan
◊ 40% of the dry weight of hyaline cartilage consists of collagen Types of bone
(mostly type II collagen) embedded in a firm, Hydrated gel of
proteoglycans and structural glycoproteins Berdasarkan struktur sel:
◊ Ditemukan di hidung, laring, trakea, bronkus, ribs a. Spongy bone (cancellous)
○ Ditemukan di epifisis tulang
○ Bisa primary dan secondary bone
b. Compact bone (dense/cortical)
○ Ditemukan di diafisis
○ Selalu secondary bone

Berdasarkan fine structure:

a. Primary (woven bone)
b. Secondary (lamellar bone)

• Ditemukan di embrionik dan fraktur repair

• Woven bone
• Ditemukan di calvaria, tooth socket, dan insersio beberapa tendon

◊ Berwarna kekuningan
◊ Flexible support
◊ Ditemukan di external ear, external auditory canal, epiglotis, cor-
niculate, dan cuneiform laring
• Biasanya ditemukan pada orang dewasa
• Lamellar bone

Di epiglotis

◊ Merupakan jaringan antara jaringan ikat padat dan kartilago hia-lin

◊ Terletak di simfisis pubis, diskus interkalar, ligamen
◊ Mengandung kondrosit namun sedikit proteoglikans

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• Dukung bagian berdaging Osifikasi tulang
• Proteksi organ vital
• Berperan dalam blood cell production Bone can be formed initially by either of two ways:
• Menyimpan trigliserida (di bagian yellow bone marrow) • Intramembranous ossification, in which osteoblasts differentiate directly
from mesenchyme and begin secreting osteoid
Sel tulang: • Endochondral ossification, in which the matrix of preexisting hyaline
cartilage is eroded and replaced by osteoblasts producing osteoid. In both
• Osteogenic: unspecialized stem cell derivat mesenkim processes, the bone tissue that appears first is primary or woven.
• Osteosit: ditemukan pada lakuna (di antara lamela matriks tulang)
• Osteoblast: sintesis organic mengandung matriks Primary bone is a temporary and is soon replaced by the definitive
secondary lamellar bone. During bone growth, areas of primary bone, areas
• Osteoclast: remodeling of jaringan tulang dan multi nukleus giant of resorption, and areas of secondary bone all appear side by side

Matriks tulang:
> Komponen organik -> osteoid
○ Fibers, kebanyakan kolagen tipe 1
> Kompleks anorganik
○ Kalsium dan fosfat (dari hidroksipatit)

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