Bernardo 2018

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Received: 24 April 2018

DOI: 10.1002/mma.5088


Qualitative theory for Volterra difference equations

Felix Bernardo1 Claudio Cuevas1 Herme Soto2

Department of Mathematics, Federal
University of Pernambuco, Recife-PE, CEP We investigate lp boundedness, the topological structure of solutions set and
50540-740, Brazil the asymptotic periodicity of Volterra functional difference equations. The
Department of Mathematics and
theoretical results are complemented with a set of applications.
Statistics, University of La Frontera,
Casilla 54-D, Temuco, Chile
Correspondence asymptotic periodicity, boundedness, topological structure of solutions set, volterra difference
Claudio Cuevas, Department of equations
Mathematics, Federal University of
Pernambuco, Recife-PE, CEP 50540-740,

Communicated by: W. Sprößig

Funding information
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento
Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPQ/Brazil),
Grant/Award Number: 407952/2016-0 ;
Comisión Nacional de Investigación
Cientifica yTecnologica (CONICYT),
Grant/Award Number: 1181084

MSC Classification: 39A60; 39A12; 39A24;



Let X be an arbitrary Banach space. We consider the following semilinear Volterra difference equation in X (eg, see Castro
et al1 ):

x(n + 1) = 𝜆 a(n − 𝑗)x( 𝑗) + g(n, x), n ∈ Z, (1)

where 𝜆 is a complex number, a(n) is a C-valued summable sequence, and g is an appropriate function. Equations like
(1) have a lot of nontrivial and interesting features. For example, Castro et al1 investigate the existence of discrete almost
automorphic solutions, and also, the authors have studied the asymptotic behavior of the solutions. Cuevas et al2 deal
with lp -boundedness properties for equations of type (1). The effect of different kinds of the nonhomogeneous term were
taken into consideration consequently they loss uniqueness of solutions. Cuevas et al3 deal with the asymptotic behavior,
the continuity, and the compactness properties of solutions for equations of type (1).
Let  be an abstract phase space defined axiomatically, which we shall explain briefly later, we denote by xn ∶ Z− → X
the history function defined by xn (𝜃) = x(n + 𝜃), for all 𝜃 ∈ Z− , n ∈ Z. We assume that xn ∈ , for all n ∈ Z
(see eg, Cuevas et al4 ). Let 𝜌 be the constant given in Remark 8, and let 𝜆 be in Ωs (see Section 2.2 for the definition
of Ωs ), and let s(𝜆, k) be the fundamental solution to Equation 9 generated by a(·). We denote by ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 the 𝓁 1 -norm
of s(𝜆, ·).

Math Meth Appl Sci. 2018;1–36. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 1

1.1 𝓁 p -boundedness properties

For linear difference equations with infinite delay, Berezansky and Braverman5 have proved that the exponential stability
is equivalent to 𝓁 p -input, 𝓁 q -state stability (Perron's propriety) whenever (p, q) ≠ (1, + ∞), and a certain boundedness
condition on coefficients is fulfilled. Agarwal et al6 have studied the existence of bounded solutions, which are in 𝓁 p for
semilinear functional difference equations with infinite delay.
The following theorem complements Cuevas et al2, Theorem 1.1 and was communicated by Bernardo et al.7
Theorem 1. Let p and q be conjugated exponents, and let 𝑓 ∶ Z ×  → X be a function that satisfies the Lipschitz
||𝑓 (n, 𝜑) − 𝑓 (n, 𝜓)||X ≤ L(n)||𝜑(0) − 𝜓(0)||X , (2)
for all 𝜑, 𝜓 ∈  and each n ∈ Z, where L ∶ Z → R+ is 𝓁 q -summable and 𝑓 (·, 0) ∈ 𝓁 1 (Z; X). If ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 ||L||𝓁q (Z;R+ ) < 1
then the equation

x(n + 1) = 𝜆 a(n − 𝑗)x( 𝑗) + 𝑓 (n, xn ), n ∈ Z (3)

has a unique 𝓁 -bounded solution.


Remark 1. Under similar conditions as Theorem 1 if we substitute condition (2) by the following condition:
||𝑓 (n, 𝜑) − 𝑓 (n, 𝜓)||X ≤ L(n) (||𝜑(0) − 𝜓(0)||X + · · · + ||𝜑(−𝜇) − 𝜓(−𝜇)||X ) . (4)
The same conclusion of the Theorem 1 is true. The proof of this remark requires small modifications in the
demonstration of the Theorem 1. The proof is left to the reader.

Theorem 2. Let 1 < p, q < +∞ be conjugated exponents. Let 𝜑 be in  so that 𝜑(0) = 0. Let 𝑓 ∶ Z+ ×  → X be a
function that satisfies (2). If one of the following conditions is true:
(E1) L ∈ 𝓁 𝑝 (Z+ ; R+ ), 𝑓 (·, 0) ∈ 𝓁 𝑝 (Z+ ; X) and ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 ||L||𝓁𝑝 (Z+ ;R+ ) < 1.
(E2) L ∈ 𝓁 q (Z+ ; R+ ), 𝑓 (·, 0) ∈ 𝓁 1 (Z+ ; X) and ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 ||L||𝓁q (Z+ ;R+ ) < 1.
Then the problem

u(n + 1) = 𝜆 a(n − 𝑗)u( 𝑗) + 𝑓 (n, un ), n ∈ Z+ (5)
u0 = 𝜑 (6)
has a unique 𝓁 -bounded solution.

The following remark is inspired in Aparcana et al8, Propositions 3.1 and 3.2 (see Section 3.2 to the proof).
Remark 2. Let 𝜑 ∈  so that 𝜑(0) = 0. Let 𝑓 ∶ Z+ ×  → X be a function that satisfies (2).

1. (𝓁 ∞ -solutions) Set W(g) = supn∈Z+ n𝑗=0 |s(𝜆, n − 𝑗)|g( 𝑗). Suppose that W(L) < 1 and W(||f(·, 0)||X ) < +∞,
then there is a unique bounded solution, u(·), of (5) to (6).
2. (Solutions that vanish at infinity) Suppose that f(·, 0) vanishes at infinity, L(n) ≡ L and ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 L < 1, then
there is a unique solution u(·) of (5) to (6) such that limn→+∞ u(n) = 0.
To state the next result, we need to introduce the following notations:

La,∞ ∶= sup L(n); La,1 ∶= L( 𝑗);
n≥a 𝑗=0
( a−1 )1
∑ 𝑝

La,𝑝 ∶= L( 𝑗)𝑝 ;

R(a, s, L) ∶= ||s(𝜆, ·)||𝑝∞ a𝑝−1 L𝑝a,𝑝 ;

+∞ ( )1
∑ R(a, s, L)𝑗 𝑝
Θ(a) ∶= ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 La,∞

The following theorem corresponds to an Azevedo et al-type theorem for strongly damped wave equations (see Azevedo
et al9, Theorem 1.8 ).
Theorem 3. Let 𝜑 be in  so that 𝜑(0) = 0. Let 𝑓 ∶ Z+ ×  → X be a function that satisfies (2) with 𝑓 (·, 0) ∈ 𝓁 𝑝 (Z+ ; X).
Suppose that there is a positive integer a so that ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 La,∞ < 1 and Θ(a) < 1, then the problem (5) to (6) has a
unique 𝓁 p -bounded solution.
( ∑ 1 )−1
Remark 3. Define L(n) = 2||s(𝜆, ·)||21 +∞ ( 1 1
𝑗=0 𝑗! 2 (n + 1) 𝑝 𝜌 )𝑗 ) 𝑝
s , where n ∈ Z+ and 𝜌s = ||s(𝜆, ·)||𝑝∞ ||s(𝜆, ·)||−2
1 . We
note that L is nonincreasing and lim L(n) = 0. In this case to obtain the conditions of Theorem 3, it is enough to
choose a positive integer a so that L(a) < ||s(𝜆, ·)||−1
1 .

To obtain our next result, we require that the following assumption holds.
Condition (HP). Let 𝑓 ∶ Z ×  → X be a function such that the following statements hold:
(Hp − 1) There is a function W𝑓 ∶ Z × R+ → R+ nondecreasing with respect to the second variable with
∑+∞ 𝑝
𝑗=−∞ W𝑓 ( 𝑗, r) < +∞, for all r ≥ 0 so that ||𝑓 (k, 𝜑)||X ≤ W𝑓 (k, ||𝜑|| ), for all k ∈ Z and 𝜑 ∈ .
(Hp − 2) The map Φ ∈ 𝓁 ∞ (Z; ) → 𝑓 (·, Φ(·)) ∈ 𝓁 𝑝 (Z; X) is uniformly continuous.
(Hp − 3) There is R > 0 such that
( )1
1 ∑
+∞ 𝑝
||s(𝜆, ·)||1 W𝑓 ( 𝑗, 𝜌R) <1 ,
R 𝑗=−∞

where 𝜌 is the constant of Remark 8.

The following result provides conditions for the existence of solutions of (3). Such result generalize Cuevas
et al.2, Theorem 1.3
Theorem 4. Assume that condition (Hp) holds. In addition, suppose that
(Lp − 1). For all k ∈ Z and every bounded subset, K ⊆ , the set f(k, K) is relatively compact in X.
Then there is a 𝓁 p -bounded solution of (3).

Remark 4. The framework for the proof of Theorem 4 uses the Schauder's fixed point theorem and a compactness
criterion in 𝓁 𝑝 (Z; X) (see Theorem 12 in Section 2.3.1).

Corollary 1. Let 𝑓 ∶ Z ×  → X be a function that satisfies condition (Lp − 1) and so that

||𝑓 (n, 𝜑) − 𝑓 (n, 𝜓)||X ≤ L(n)||𝜑 − 𝜓||𝛽 (7)

for all 𝜑, 𝜓 ∈  and each n ∈ Z, with 𝛽 ∈ (0, 1), L ∈ 𝓁 𝑝 (Z; R+ ) and 𝑓 (·, 0) ∈ 𝓁 𝑝 (Z; X). Then, there is a 𝓁 p -bounded
solution of (3).

1.2 Topological structure of solutions set

1.2.1 Compactness in the C0 -framework
The following result is inspired in Cuevas et al.3, Remark 3.3
Theorem 5. Let 𝑓 ∶ Z ×  → X be a function that satisfies condition (Lp − 1) and that f(k, ·) is continuous for all k ∈ Z.
In addition, suppose that the following condition holds:

( are functions 𝜉) and 𝜐 in 𝓁 (Z; R ) so that for all (k, 𝜑) ∈ Z × , ||𝑓 (k, 𝜑)||X ≤ 𝜈𝜉(k)||𝜑|| + 𝜐(k), where
1 +
(TS1) There
𝜈 ∈ 0, 𝜌||s(𝜆,·)|| ||𝜉|| .
1 ∞

Then Equation 3 has a bounded solution in C0 (Z; X). Furthermore, the set S of all C0 (Z; X) solutions of (3) is compact.
In Section 3.4, we complement the previous result with Theorem 17.

1.2.2 Compactness in the 𝓵 p -framework

Theorem 6. Let 1 < p < +∞ and q be the conjugated exponent. Let 𝑓 ∶ Z ×  → X be a function satisfying (Hp − 2)
and (Lp − 1). Assume further that the following conditions are fulfilled:
(TS5) There exist functions 𝛾 ∈ 𝓁 q (Z; R+ ) and 𝜂 ∈ 𝓁 1 (Z; R+ ) such that ||𝑓 (k, 𝜑)||X ≤ 𝛾(k)||𝜑(0)||X + 𝜂(k), k ∈
Z, 𝜑 ∈ .
(TS6) ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 ||𝛾||𝓁q (Z;R+ ) < 1.

Then there is a 𝓁 p -bounded solution of (3) and the set S formed by the 𝓁 p -solutions of (3) is compact in 𝓁 𝑝 (Z; X).

Remark 5. It is relevant to know when the set S of the solutions of (3) enjoy key topological properties. One may
wonder if S is a connected set. Unfortunately, we do not know the answer. Another interesting open question is the
following: Under which conditions is the set S a R𝛿 -set? Note that any R𝛿 -set is a compact non-empty connected set
with the same homology as the 1-point space.

1.3 Ergodicity
We discuss some conditions on the perturbation f guaranteeing the existence of an ergodic solution of (3). In other words,
there is a solution so that its (discrete) time average is 0. The following result will be proved in Section 3.8.
Theorem 7. Suppose that condition (Fad) (see Section 2.4) is satisfied and that the function 𝑓 ∶ Z ×  → X satisfies
the following Lipschitz condition:

||𝑓 (n, 𝜑) − 𝑓 (n, 𝜓)||X ≤ L||𝜑(0) − 𝜓(0)||X (8)

for all 𝜑, 𝜓 ∈  and each n ∈ Z, where L ≥ 0 and 𝑓 (·, 0) ∈ Erg∞ (Z; X). If ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 L < 1, then Equation 3 has a
unique ergodic (of class infinity) solution.

1.4 Asymptotic periodicity

An important aspect of the qualitative theory of the solutions of Volterra difference equations is their asymptotic peri-
odicity. Note that many concrete systems exhibit internal and/or external perturbations, we can assume that these
variations are approximately periodic. There are only few results in the literature dealing with the asymptotic periodicity
of Equation 3 and by cause of the rapid evolution of the pseudo-S asymptotically 𝜔-periodic (PSAP𝜔 ) notion, we study the
existence of this class of solutions to Equation 3. Among other things, interesting applications of this new type of func-
tions are discussed in several branches of the evolution equations, like fractional systems, flexible structures, and strongly
damped wave equations (see Azevedo et al,9 Cuevas et al,10 and de Andrade et al11 ).
We point out that we have developed a strong machinery to help to achieve our purposes on existence of PSAP𝜔 solutions
for (3).
As a starting point we establish the following result.
Theorem 8. Suppose that condition (Fad) is satisfied. Let 𝑓 ∶ Z ×  → X be a uniformly PSAP𝜔 function of class
infinity on bounded sets of  that verifies the Lipschitz condition (8). If ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 L < 1, then there is a unique PSAP𝜔
(of class infinity) solution of (3).

Remark 6. A similar result can be established when f satisfies a local Lipschitz condition (see Section 3.9, Theorem
Next, we study the existence of pseudoalmost periodic solutions for (3). To the best of our knowledge, this subject is an
untreated topic in the literature.
Theorem 9. Suppose that condition (Fad) is satisfied, the function 𝑓 ∶ Z ×  → X is pseudoalmost periodic of class
infinity and that verifies the Lipschitz condition (8). If ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 L < 1, then there is a unique pseudoalmost periodic
(of class infinity) solution of (3).

Theorem 10. Suppose that condition (Fad) is satisfied, the function 𝑓 ∶ Z ×  → X is pseudoalmost periodic of class
infinity and that verifies the Lipschitz condition (2), where L ∶ Z → R+ is a summable sequence. Then the Equation 3
has a unique pseudoalmost periodic (of class infinity) solution.

Remark 7. Using similar conditions as in Agarwal et al,12 we can study the existence of PSAP𝜔 (respectively pseudoal-
most periodic) solutions to (3) when the perturbation f does not satisfy a Lipschitz condition (see Theorems 19 and
20 in Section 3.11).
We will now present a summary of this paper. We have tried to make the presentation self-contained. Section 2 provides
preliminary results that support both the statements and the proofs of our results. In particular, in Sections 2.1 and 2.2, we
review the standard phase space axioms, and we present the notion of the fundamental solution associated to Equation 1.
We observe that the compactness arguments are very important in perturbation theory; in Section 2.3, we present several
useful compactness results. In Section 2.4, we give new results on asymptotic periodicity that are of central importance in
the proofs of the results of Section 1.4. Section 3 is devoted to the proofs of the theorems enunciated in Section 1. Finally,
Section 4 is concerned exclusively with concrete applications. We apply our techniques to develop some specific examples
of control systems and integrodifference equations.


Let (X, || · ||X ) and (Y , || · ||Y ) be Banach spaces. The notation 𝓁 ∞ (Z; X) stands for the space consisting of bounded
sequences from Z into X endowed with the norm || · ||𝓁∞ (Z;X) of uniform convergence. The notation C0 (Z; X) stands
for the space consisting of all sequences x ∶ Z → X that vanishes at ±∞ equipped with its natural norm. We denote
by CardE the number of elements for any finite set E ⊆ R, and B𝛿 (X) ⊂ X denotes the closed ball centered in 0 and
radius 𝛿.

2.1 Phase space axioms

Following other studies,13,14 we will define the phase space  axiomatically. Specifically,  will denote a vector space of
sequences defined from Z− into X endowed with a norm denoted by || · || so that (, || · || ) is a Banach space and the
following axioms hold:
Axiom (PS1). There are a positive constant J and nonnegative sequences N(·) and M(·) defined on Z+ having the follow-
ing property. If x ∶ Z → X is a sequence such that xm ∈ , m ∈ Z, then for all n ≥ m, n ∈ Z, the following conditions
are fulfilled:
1. xn ∈ ;
2. ||x(n)||X ≤ J||xn || ;
3. ||xn || ≤ N(n − m)maxm≤i≤n ||x(i)||X + M(n − m)||xm || .

Axiom (PS2). If (𝜑n )n∈N is a uniformly bounded sequence in , which converges pointwise to 𝜑, then 𝜑 ∈  and
||𝜑n − 𝜑|| → 0 as n → + ∞.

Remark 8. From (PS2), we get that 𝓁 ∞ (Z− ; X) is continuously included in . Throughout the rest of the paper, 𝜌 > 0
denotes a constant such that ||𝜑|| ≤ 𝜌||𝜑||∞ for every 𝜑 ∈ 𝓁 ∞ (Z− ; X) .

Example 1. Let 𝛾 > 0. We define 𝛾 (X) as the space consisting of all sequences 𝜑 ∶ Z− → X such that sup |𝜑(i)|e𝛾i <
+∞ endowed with the norm ||𝜑||𝛾 (X) = sup |𝜑(i)|e𝛾i .

It is well known that this space satisfies axioms (PS1) and (PS2) (see Castro et al1 ).

Example 2. We shall consider 1 ≤ p < +∞, and let g ∶ Z− → R be a positive sequence such that 0i=−∞ g(i) < +∞
𝑝 ∑0
and g(0) > 0. We define Sg (X) as the space consisting of all sequences 𝜑 ∶ Z− → X such that i=−∞ |𝜑(i)|𝑝 g(i) < +∞,
(∑ )1
endowed with the norm ||𝜑||Sg𝑝 (X) = 0
|𝜑(i)|𝑝 g(i) 𝑝 . From Example 2.1 by Castro et al,1 S𝑝 (X) is a phase space.
i=−∞ g

2.2 Linear Volterra difference equations

We consider the linear Volterra difference equation

u(n + 1) = 𝜆 a(n − 𝑗)u( 𝑗) + 𝑓 (n), n ∈ Z, (9)

where 𝜆 is a complex number, a ∶ Z+ → C is a summable sequence, and 𝑓 ∶ Z → X is a sequence.

For a given 𝜆 ∈ C, let s(𝜆, k) ∈ C be the solution of the difference equation

s(𝜆, k + 1) = 𝜆 a(k − 𝑗)s(𝜆, 𝑗), k = 0, 1, 2, · · ·, n, · · ·, s(𝜆, 0) = 1. (10)

In this case, s(𝜆, k) is called the fundamental solution to the Equation 9 generated by a(·). We define the set Ωs ∶= {𝜆 ∈

C ∶ ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 ∶= +∞k=0 |s(𝜆, k)| < +∞}.

Example 3. For a(k) = pk e−pk , we obtain using Z transform that s(𝜆, k) = 𝜆(𝜆 + pe−p )k − 1 , k ≥ 1 and, hence,
D(−𝑝e−𝑝 , 1) = {z ∈ C ∶ |z + 𝑝e−𝑝 | < 1} ⊆ Ωs .
We have the following result proved in Dantas.15, Proposition 3.1.1
Theorem 11. Assume that M > 0, c ∈ (0, 1) and let a(n) be a complex sequence such that |a(n)| ≤ Mcn , for all
n ∈ Z+ . Then the interior of the ball B 1−c (C) is contained in Ωs .

Proof. For the sake of brevity, we only give a short sketch of the proof. We can prove that |s(𝜆, n)| ≤ 𝜈(n), where 𝜈(n)
is the solution of the difference equation

𝜈(n + 1) = M|𝜆| cn−k 𝜈(k), 𝜈(0) = 1.

2.3 Compactness results

Because any concrete nonlinear situation requires a compact operator and, hence, we need good compactness criterion
in the space involved in the evolution problem studied. In this work, we will work with criteria in 𝓁 𝑝 (Z; X), C0 (Z; X), and
Ch0 (Z; X).

2.3.1 Compactness criterion in 𝓁 p

To derive Theorem 4, we need a detailed knowledge of the relatively compact sets of the Banach space of all 𝓁 p -bounded
sequences from Z into X. We have the following compactness criterion in 𝓁 p .
Theorem 12. A subset  of 𝓁 𝑝 (Z; X) (1 ≤ p < +∞) is relatively compact in 𝓁 𝑝 (Z; X) if and only if
(I) The set n () = {𝜉(n) ∶ 𝜉 ∈ } is relatively compact in X for all n ∈ Z and

(II) limT→+∞ |n|>T ||𝜉(n)||𝑝X = 0 uniformly in 𝜉 ∈ .

Remark 9. Using the terminology of Simon,16 (I) is called the (discrete) space criterion, and (II) is called the (discrete)
time criterion.

Remark 10. The criterion (II) can be expressed as

∀𝜀 > 0, ∃T0 such that ∶ ∀𝜉 ∈ , ∀T ≥ T0 one has ||𝜉(n)||𝑝X ≤ 𝜀.

Remark 11. We can verify that conditions (I) and (II) lead us to conclude that  is bounded in 𝓁 𝑝 (Z; X).

Remark 12. (Optimality)

The restriction p < +∞ is necessary. In fact, for a fixed x ∈ X − {0}, the set  = {𝜉} given by 𝜉(n) = (1 + ( − 1)n )x,
n ∈ Z is compact in l∞ (Z; X) and does not satisfies (II).

Proof of Theorem 12.

1. Assume first that  is a relatively compact subset of 𝓁 𝑝 (Z; X) (1 ≤ p < +∞). The map 𝜉 → 𝜉(j) is continuous
from 𝓁 𝑝 (Z; X) into X, then the (discrete) space criterion is satisfied. Because  is relatively compact in 𝓁 𝑝 (Z; X),
then for all 𝜀 > 0, there is a finite subset {𝜉i ∶ 1 ≤ i ≤ 𝓁} of  so that
( )1
𝜀 𝑝
∀𝜉 ∈ , ∃𝜉i such that ||𝜉 − 𝜉i ||𝓁𝑝 (Z;X) ≤ 𝑝+1 . (11)

One the other hand, there is a number T big enough such that
∑ 𝜀
max ||𝜉i (n)||𝑝X ≤ 𝑝+1 . (12)

Taking into account (11) and (12) we have that the condition (II) holds from the following estimate for T as
∑ ∑ ∑
||𝜉(n)||𝑝X ≤ 2𝑝 ||𝜉(n) − 𝜉i (n||𝑝X + 2𝑝 ||𝜉i (n)||𝑝X
|n|>T |n|>T |n|>T

≤ 2 ||𝜉 − 𝜉i ||𝑝𝓁𝑝 (Z;X) 𝑝
+ 2 max ||𝜉i (n)||𝑝X .

2. Conversely assume that  satisfies (I) and (II). Initially, we observe that such conditions imply that  is
bounded, ie, M ∶= sup𝜉∈ ||𝜉||𝓁𝑝 (Z;X) < +∞. Let {𝜉𝓁 }𝓁∈Z+ be a sequence in . It follows from (I) that there is
a subsequence {𝜉𝓁𝑗 }𝑗∈Z+ of {𝜉𝓁 }𝓁∈Z+ so that 𝜉(n) = lim𝑗→+∞ 𝜉𝓁𝑗 (n). We shall prove that the sequence 𝜉 is an
element of 𝓁 𝑝 (Z; X). For any k ∈ Z+ ,
( k ) 1𝑝
∑ 𝑝
||𝜉𝓁𝑗 (n)||X ≤ ||𝜉𝓁𝑗 ||𝓁𝑝 (Z;X) ≤ M.

Letting j → + ∞, we obtain
( ) 1𝑝

||𝜉(n)||𝑝X ≤ M.

Because k is arbitrary, this shows that 𝜉 ∈ 𝓁 𝑝 (Z; X) and that its norm does not exceed M. It remains to prove
that ||𝜉𝓁𝑗 − 𝜉||𝓁𝑝 (Z;X) → 0 as j → + ∞. It follows from the following estimate:
∑ ∑
||𝜉𝓁𝑗 − 𝜉||𝑝𝓁𝑝 (Z;X) ≤ ||𝜉𝓁𝑗 (n) − 𝜉(n)||𝑝X + ||𝜉𝓁𝑗 (n) − 𝜉(n)||𝑝X
|n|≤T |n|>T
∑ ∑ ∑
≤ ||𝜉𝓁𝑗 (n) − 𝜉(n)||𝑝X + 2𝑝 ||𝜉𝓁𝑗 (n)||𝑝X + 2𝑝 ||𝜉(n)||𝑝X .
|n|≤T |n|>T |n|>T

Now using condition (II) and the fact that 𝜉 ∈ 𝓁 𝑝 (Z; X), we conclude the proof of Theorem 12.

2.3.2 Characterization for partial compactness

The question here is to characterize the sets that are bounded in 𝓁 q (Z; X) and are compact in 𝓁 𝑝 (Z; X) for all q < p < +∞.
It is called partial compactness * because the compactness is not obtained for all the small order p for which the set is
Theorem 13. Let  be a bounded set in 𝓁 q (Z; X) (1 < q < +∞). Then  is relatively compact in 𝓁 𝑝 (Z; X) for all
q < p < +∞ if and only if condition (I) and the following condition are satisfied:
(II∗ ) lim sup ||𝜉(n)|| = 0 uniformly in 𝜉 ∈ S.

* The terminology of “partial compactness” is due to Simon16 where the author characterizes the sets that are bounded in Lq (0, T; X) and are compact
in Lp (0, T; X) with p < q (XBanach space).

Remark 13. It is not difficult to see that condition (II∗ ) does not imply condition (II). A concrete example is the
− 1𝑝
(singleton) set  = {𝜉} given by 𝜉(n) = |n| .
Remark 14. With the hypothesis of Theorem 13, the closure ̄ of  in 𝓁 𝑝 (Z; X) is included and bounded in 𝓁 𝑝 (Z; X).
Indeed, let 𝜉 ∈ ̄ and denote by c the bound of  in 𝓁 q (Z; X), there is a sequence {𝜉n }n so that ||𝜉n ||𝓁q (Z;X) ≤ c and
𝜉 n → 𝜉 in 𝓁 𝑝 (Z; X). Putting now un (𝜏) = ||𝜉 n (𝜏)||X , we have that un ∈ 𝓁 q (Z) and ||un ||𝓁q (Z) ≤ c. Because 𝓁 q (Z) is
a reflexive space, it follows from the Eberlein-Schmulyan's theorem that there is a subsequence {un𝑗 }𝑗 of {un }n that
converges weakly to an element u of 𝓁 q (Z). Using Theorem 1 by Yosida,17 ||u||𝓁q (Z) ≤ c. Because un𝑗 → u weakly and
𝜉 n → 𝜉 strongly in 𝓁 𝑝 (Z; X), we infer that u(𝜏) = ||𝜉(𝜏)||X for each 𝜏 ∈ Z. This clearly implies 𝜉 ∈ 𝓁 q (Z; X) and
||𝜉||𝓁q (Z;X) ≤ c.
The following remark is inspired in a Simon's observation before.16, Remark 4.2
Remark 15. (Optimality of Theorem 13)
Let us verify that the partial compactness does not imply the limit compactness. In fact, we observe that there exits
bounded sets  in 𝓁 q (Z; X) that are relatively compact in 𝓁 𝑝 (Z; X) for every p > q and yet not for p = q. Hence, the
strict inequality q < p is necessary in Theorem 13.

Proof. Let b in X, b ≠ 0, and 𝜑 ∈ C∞ (R) even, 𝜑 = 0 outside ] − T, T[, 𝜑 ≠ 0. For all integer n, n ≥ 1, we define the

⎛m+1 | ( )| ⎞ q { }
− q1 ⎜ |𝜑 t | dt⎟ . Putting now  ∶= gn,q ∶ n ≥ 1 , we will show bellow
function gn,q ∶ Z → X by gn,q (m) = n b | |
⎜ ∫ | n
| ⎟
⎝ m ⎠
that  is a bounded subset of 𝓁 (Z; X). Indeed, one can derive from definition of gn,q that
⎛ ∑
| ( t )| ⎞
− q1 ⎜ | | ⎟
||gn,q ||𝓁q (Z;X) = n ||b||X 𝜑 dt = ||b|| ||𝜑|| q
, (13)
⎜m=−∞ ∫ || n || ⎟
X L1 (R)
⎝ m ⎠
thus our assertion is proved. †
The next step is to show that  is not relatively compact in 𝓁 q (Z; X). Initially, we can deduce that
⎛ +∞ ⎛m+1 q⎞

− q1 ⎜ ∑ ⎜ | ( t )| ⎞ ⎟ ( )1−1
1 q 𝑝

||gn,q ||𝓁𝑝 (Z;X) = n ||b||X ⎜ |𝜑 | ⎟

dt ⎟ ≤ ||b||X ||𝜑|| q 𝑝 . (14)
| |
⎜m=−∞⎜⎝ ∫m | n | ⎟ ⎟
⎠ ⎠
n L q (R)

{ } { }
We are ready to prove our assertion. We argue as follows: If we assume that there is a subsequence gm,q m of gn,q n

such that gm,q → g as m → + ∞ in 𝓁 q (Z; X). But ||g||𝓁q (Z;X) = ||b||X ||𝜑||Lq1 (R) , which is clearly impossible because
g = 0 (from the convergence in 𝓁 𝑝 (Z; X) and Equation 14 ).
An argument involving Theorem 13 proves that the set  is relatively compact in 𝓁 𝑝 (Z; X) for all p > q. We can
assert that the discrete space condition (I) is satisfied because there is r > 0 such that m () ⊆ {𝜇b ∶ |𝜇| ≤ r},
which is compact in X for all m ∈ Z.
If q < p to prove the condition (II), we use first the fact that gn,q → 0 as n → + ∞ in 𝓁 𝑝 (Z; X) (see Equation 14).
Hence, for all 𝜀 > 0, there is n0 ∈ N so that for each n ≥ n0
sup ||gn,q (m)||X < 𝜖. (15)

Because gn,q ∈ 𝓁 𝑝 (Z; X), there is a number T big enough such that
sup ||gn,q (m)||X < 𝜀, 1 ≤ n ≤ n0 . (16)

In view of inequalities (15) and (16), we get lim sup ||gn,q (m)||X = 0 uniformly in n. We observe that for p = q,
condition (II) is not satisfied because gn,𝑝 ↛ 0 as n → + ∞. This ends the proof of the Remark 15.
According to a compactness criterion due to Cuevas and Pinto,18 we have the following result.

Equation (13) will play a key role in the proof of the fact that  is not relatively compact in 𝓁 q (Z; X).

Lemma 1. Let  be a subset of C0 (Z; X). Then  is relatively compact in C0 (Z; X) if and only if the following conditions
are satisfied:
(C0 1) The set n ( ) = {u(n) ∶ u ∈  } is relatively compact in X for all n ∈ Z.
(C0 2) The set  is equiconvergent at ±∞, that is for every 𝜀 > 0, there is a T > 0 such that ||u(n)||X ≤ 𝜀 for all
|n| ≥ T and all u ∈  .

Proof of Theorem 13. Assume that  satisfies (I) and (II∗ ). The relatively compactness will follow by 3 steps.
First step: We will prove that Mm () ⊆ C0 (Z; X), where Mm is the set of discrete mean functions.
For 𝜉 ∈ , fix an m ∈ Z+ and let the discrete mean function‡ Mm 𝜉 ∶ Z → X be defined by

1 ∑
(Mm 𝜉) (n) = 𝜉( 𝑗).
m + 1 𝑗=n

It follows for a straightforward computation that

(n+m )1
1 ∑
∑ 𝑝

|| (Mm 𝜉) (n)||X ≤ ||𝜉( 𝑗)||X ≤ ||𝜉( 𝑗)||𝑝X . (17)

m + 1 𝑗=n 𝑗=n

In view of (17), we notice that Mm 𝜉 can be estimated as

⎧( +∞ ) 1 ( n+m )1 ⎫
⎪ ∑ 𝑝
∑ 𝑝

|| (Mm 𝜉) (n)||X ≤ min ⎨ | |𝜉( 𝑗)||𝑝X , ||𝜉( 𝑗)||𝑝X ⎬ . (18)
⎪ 𝑗=n 𝑗=−∞ ⎪
⎩ ⎭

Going back to the bounds (18), one can easily conclude that lim|n|→+∞ (Mm 𝜉) (n) = 0, which means that
Mm 𝜉 ∈ C0 (Z; X), in this way we have Mm () ⊆ C0 (Z; X).
Second step: The set Mm () is relatively compact in C0 (Z; X).
We observe that, in view of condition (I), the set Mm () satisfies (C0 1) of Lemma 1. From (II∗ ), we see
that Mm () is equiconvergent at ±∞. In fact, it follows from the following estimate for T large enough

||𝜉(n) + · · · + 𝜉(n + m)||X ≤ (m + 1) sup ||𝜉(l)||X < 𝜀,


uniformly in 𝜉 ∈ . We are in a position now to apply the compactness criterion in C0 (Z; X). This yields
Mm () is relatively compact in C0 (Z; X).
Third step:  is relatively compact in 𝓁 𝑝 (Z; X).
By an interpolation argument, we have that Mm () is ( relatively compact
) in 𝓁 𝑝 (Z; X). We shall give the
details of such argument. We observe that the space 𝓁 𝑝 (Z; X), || · ||𝑝 is a space of class 𝜃 = 1 − 𝑝 with
( q )
respect to 𝓁 (Z; X), || · ||q and (C0 (Z; X), || · ||∞ ), that is, ||𝜉||𝓁𝑝 (Z;X) ≤ ||𝜉||1−𝜃 𝓁 q (Z;X)
||𝜉||𝜃𝓁∞ (Z;X) , 𝜉 ∈
𝓁 (Z; X). In fact,

||𝜉||𝑝𝓁𝑝 (Z;X) ||𝜉||𝑝𝓁𝑝 (Z;X) ( )( )

||𝜉||𝓁𝑝 (Z;X) 𝑝 ||𝜉||𝓁∞ (Z;X) q−𝑝
= 𝑝−q = ≤ 1.
||𝜉||𝑝(1−𝜃) ||𝜉|| 𝑝𝜃 q
||𝜉||𝓁q (Z;X) ||𝜉||𝓁∞ (Z;X) ||𝜉||𝓁q (Z;X) ||𝜉||𝓁q (Z;X)
𝓁 (Z;X)
q 𝓁 (Z;X)

Because  is bounded in 𝓁 q (Z; X), we have that Mm () is bounded in 𝓁 q (Z; X). In fact, it follows from
the inequality

||Mm 𝜉||𝓁q (Z;X) ≤ ||𝜉||𝓁q (Z;X) , for all 𝜉 ∈ 𝓁 q (Z; X). (19)

Mm 𝜉 is the discrete version of the right mean function (see Simon16 ).

19 Let q′ and q be conjugated exponents. We are going next to derive (19) from the following estimates:
(n+m )q

q 1 ∑

|| (Mm 𝜉) (n)||X ≤ ||𝜉( 𝑗)||X
n=−∞ (m + 1)q n=−∞ 𝑗=n
(m + 1) q′ ∑ ∑
m +∞
≤ ||𝜉( 𝑗 + n)||X
(m + 1)q 𝑗=0 n=−∞
(m + 1) q′ q
= ||𝜉||𝓁q (Z;X) .
(m + 1)q

Now, we take into account that Mm () is relatively compact in C0 (Z; X). We obtain from Lemma 10
by Simon16 that Mm () is relatively compact set in 𝓁 𝑝 (Z; X) for all m ∈ Z+ . In particular this yields
M0 () =  is relatively compact in 𝓁 𝑝 (Z; X).
Conversely, assume that  is a relatively compact set of 𝓁 𝑝 (Z; X), from 1 of the proof of Theorem 12
condition I holds. One the other hand, for 𝜀 > 0, there is a finite subset 𝜀 = {𝜉i ∶ 1 ≤ i ≤ l} of  so
∀𝜉 ∈ , ∃𝜉i ∈ 𝜀 such that ||𝜉 − 𝜉i ||𝓁𝑝 (Z;X) ≤ . (20)

And there is a number T big enough such that

max sup ||𝜉i (n)||X ≤ . (21)
1≤i≤l |n|>T 2

Using (20) and (21), we have that condition (II) holds from the following estimate:
sup ||𝜉(n)||X ≤ sup ||𝜉(n) − 𝜉i (n)||X + sup ||𝜉i (n)||X
|n|>T |n|>T |n|>T

≤ ||𝜉 − 𝜉i ||𝓁∞ (Z;X) + max sup ||𝜉i (n)||X

1≤i≤l |n|>T

≤ ||𝜉 − 𝜉i ||𝓁𝑝 (Z;X) + max sup ||𝜉i (n)||X .

1≤i≤l |n|>T

This ends the proof of Theorem 13.

2.3.3 Compactness criterion in Ch0

Let h ∶ Z → R+ be a function such that h(n) ≥ 1 for all n ∈ Z, and h(n) → + ∞ as |n| → + ∞. We consider the space
{ }
Ch (Z; X) = 𝜉 ∶ Z → X ∶
lim =0 ,
|n|→+∞ h(n)
endowed with the norm
||𝜉||h = sup . (22)
n∈Z h(n)

It is clear that Ch0 (Z; X) is a Banach space isometrically isomorphic with the space C0 (Z; X).
Theorem 14. 12
A subset  of Ch0 (Z; X) is relatively compact if and only if
(RC1) The set nh () = { u(n)
∶ u ∈ } is relatively compact in X, for all n ∈ Z;
(RC2)  is weighted equiconvergent at ±∞, that is for every 𝜀 > 0, there is a T > 0 such that ||u(n)||X < 𝜀h(n), for
each |n| ≥ T and all u ∈ .

2.4 Ergodicity, asymptotic periodicity, and related results

1 ∑n
Definition 1. A bounded sequence 𝑓 ∶ Z+ → X is said to be (discrete) ergodic if limn→+∞ n+1 k=0 ||𝑓 (k)||X = 0. We
use the notation Erg(Z ; X) to represent the space of all ergodic sequences in Z . We note that Erg(Z+ ; X) endowed
+ +

with the norm of the uniform convergence is a Banach space. We denote by Erg(Z; X) the set formed by all the ergodic
1 ∑n
sequences in Z, that is, the space of all bounded sequences so that limn→+∞ 2n+1 k=−n ||𝑓 (k)||X = 0.

The following lemma is essential to study the existence of ergodic solutions of linear and nonlinear Volterra difference
equations of convolution type.
Lemma 2. Let b ∶ Z+ → C be a summable sequence. Then for any ergodic sequence u ∶ Z+ → X, the sequence
Φu ∶ Z+ → X given by

Φu (k) = b(k − l)u(l) (23)

is also ergodic.

Proof. We have the following a priori estimate:

n ‖ k ‖ ( n )
1 ∑‖ ∑ ∑ ∑ ||b||𝓁1 (Z+ ;C) ∑
n n

‖ b(k − l)u(l)‖ ≤ 1 |b(k − l)| ||u(l)|| ≤ ||u(l)||X ,
n + 1 k=0 ‖ ‖ X
‖ l=0 ‖ n + 1 l=0 k=l n+1
‖ ‖X l=0

which shows that Φu is an ergodic sequence.

Lemma 3. Let b ∶ Z+ → C be a summable sequence. Then for any ergodic sequence u ∶ Z → X, the sequence Φ#u ∶
Z → X given by

Φ#u (k) = b(k − l)u(l) (24)
is also ergodic.

Proof. It is clear that Φ#u ∈ 𝓁 ∞ (Z; X). On the other hand, we get
‖∑ n
∑k ‖ ∑
1 ‖ ‖

b(k − l)u(l)‖ ≤ |b(l)|Ψn (l),
2n + 1 ‖
‖k=−nl=−∞ ‖
‖ ‖X l=0
1 ∑n
where Ψn (l) ∶= 2n+1 k=−n ||u(k − l)||X .
Because Erg(Z; X) is translation invariant, we infer that Ψn (l) → 0 as n → + ∞. Keeping in mind that l → |b(l)|

is summable, it follows from the Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem that limn→+∞ +∞ l=0 |b(l)|Ψn (l) = 0. The
proof is now complete.

As an immediate consequence of the preceding lemma, we have the following remark.

Remark 16. Let 𝜆 be in Ωs . For any 𝑓 ∈ Erg(Z; X), the equation

u(n + 1) = 𝜆 a(n − 𝑗)u( 𝑗) + 𝑓 (n), n∈Z (25)
has a unique solution u(n) in Erg(Z; X), which is given by u(n + 1) = 𝑗=−∞ s(𝜆, n − 𝑗)𝑓 ( 𝑗).

Definition 2. We say that a function 𝑓 ∶ Z+ × X → Y is bounded in bounded sets of X if for every bounded subset
{ }
K ⊆ X, the set 𝑓 (n, x) ∶ n ∈ Z+ , x ∈ K is bounded.

Definition 3. A function 𝑓 ∶ Z × Y → X is called uniformly continuous on bounded sets uniformly in n ∈ Z if for

every 𝜀 > 0 and every bounded subset K of Y, there is 𝛿 𝜀,K > 0 such that ‖𝑓 (n, x) − 𝑓 (n, 𝑦)‖X ≤ 𝜀 for all n ∈ Z and
all x, y ∈ K so that ‖x − 𝑦‖Y ≤ 𝛿𝜀,K .

Definition 4. We say that a function 𝑓 ∶ Z+ × X → Y is uniformly ergodic on bounded sets of X if for every bounded
1 ∑n
subset K ⊆ X, limn→+∞ n+1 k=0 supx∈K ||𝑓 (k, x)||Y = 0.

Remark 17. We have a similar definition for a function f defined in Z × X.


Remark 18. Let 𝑓 ∶ Z+ × X → Y be a function bounded on bounded sets and uniformly ergodic on bounded sets. If
u ∶ Z+ → X is an ergodic sequence, then the Nemytskii sequence v(n) = 𝑓 (n, u(n)) is ergodic.

Theorem 15. Let 𝑓 ∶ Z+ × X → X be a function bounded on bounded sets of X, and uniformly ergodic on bounded sets
of X that verifies the Lipschitz condition ||𝑓 (n, x) − 𝑓 (n, 𝑦)||X ≤ L||x − 𝑦||X , ∀n ∈ Z+ , ∀x, 𝑦 ∈ X. If ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 L < 1, then
there is a unique ergodic solution u(·) of

u(n + 1) = 𝜆 a(n − 𝑗)u( 𝑗) + 𝑓 (n, u(n)) , n ∈ Z+ , (26)
u(0) = ũ ∈ X. (27)
{ }
Proof. We set Ergũ (Z+ ; X) = u ∈ Erg(Z+ ; X) ∶ u(0) = ũ . We define the operator  on the space Ergũ (Z+ ; X) by
the expression

( u) (n + 1) = s(𝜆, n − 𝑗)𝑓 (𝑗, u( 𝑗)) , n ≥ 0,

( u) (0) = u.
We show initially that  u is in Ergũ (Z+ ; X)
for u ∈ Ergũ (Z+ ; X). We start by observing that 𝑓 (·, u(·)) is a bounded
sequence. Hence,
sup ‖( u) (n + 1)‖X ≤ ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 ||𝑓 (·, u(·)) ||𝓁∞ (Z+ ;X) .

Using now Remark 18 and Lemma 2, we get that  u ∈ Ergũ (Z+ ; X). Furthermore,  is a L||s(𝜆, ·)||1 contraction on
the space Ergũ (Z+ ; X), from this, we conclude that  has a unique fixed point u ∈ Ergũ (Z+ ; X). The proof is complete.

Let m be in Z+ − {0}, we shall consider the following sequence space which was inspired in Hernández and
Henríquez 19 : { }
1 ∑
Ergm (Z; X) = 𝑓 ∈ 𝓁 (Z; X) ∶

lim max ||𝑓 (𝜏)||X = 0 .
n→+∞ 2n + 1 𝜏∈[k−m,k]∩Z
Ergm (Z; X) is called the space of the ergodic sequences of class m. This space endowed with the uniform convergence
topology is a Banach space. Indeed it is not hard to see that Ergm (Z; X) is closed in Erg(Z; X).
To deal with unbounded delay, we now need to introduce a new sequence space, which we shall call the space of the
ergodic sequences of class infinity: ⋂
Erg∞ (Z; X) ∶= Ergm (Z; X).
m∈Z+ −{0}
Obviously Erg∞ (Z; X) is a closed subspace of Ergm (Z; X) and, hence, a Banach space.
Before presenting the next result, let us state a classical hypothesis on the functions N and M given in Axiom (PS1):
Condition (Fad). The function N is bounded and limn→+∞ M(n) = 0.

Remark 19. It is important to note that the condition (Fad) is verified if  is a uniform fading memory space (for
background material we refer to Hino et al20 ).

Lemma 4. Suppose that condition (Fad) is satisfied. If u ∶ Z → X is ergodic of class infinity, then x• ∶ Z →  given by
n → xn is also ergodic of class infinity.

Proof. Let m be in Z+ − {0} and 𝜀 > 0. By the condition (Fad), there is n0 > m such that M(l) < 𝜀 for every l ≥ n0 .
Consequently, for n ∈ Z+ − {0} and l > n0 , we get

1 ∑ M(l) ∑ N(l) ∑
n n n
max ||u𝜏 || ≤ max ||u𝜏−l || + max ||u(i)||X
2n + 1 k=−n 𝜏∈[k−m,k]∩Z 2n + 1 k=−n 𝜏∈[k−m,k]∩Z 2n + 1 k=−n i∈[k−(m+l),k]∩Z

N∞ ∑
≤ 𝜌𝜀||u||𝓁∞ (Z;X) + max ||u(i)||X .
2n + 1 k=−n i∈[k−(m+l),k]∩Z

This inequality proves the assertion because 𝜀 is arbitrary and u ∈ Ergm+l (Z; X). The proof is completed.

The present setting requires the introduction of the following spaces Ergm (Z; Y ; X) and Erg∞ (Z; Y ; X).
Ergm (Z; Y ; X) = {𝑓 ∶ Z × Y → X | 𝑓 is bounded, 𝑓 (n, ·) is continuous for each n ∈ Z and
1 ∑
for every bounded subset K ⊆ Y , lim max sup ||𝑓 (𝜏, x) ||X = 0}
n→+∞ 2n + 1 k=−n 𝜏∈[k−m,k]∩Z x∈K

Erg∞ (Z; Y ; X) ∶= Ergm (Z; Y ; X).
m∈Z+ −{0}

Lemma 5. Let f be in Ergm (Z; Y ; X) so that f(n, y) is uniformly continuous on any bounded subset K ⊆ Y uniformly in
n ∈ Z. If u ∶ Z → Y is an ergodic sequence of class m, then the Nemytskii sequence v(n) = 𝑓 (n, u(n)) is also ergodic of
class m.

Proof. Define ΨΦ (k) ∶= max𝜏∈[k−m,k]∩Z ||Φ(𝜏)||X and E𝜉 (n, 𝜀) ∶= {k ∈ [−n, n] ∩ Z ∶ |𝜉(k)| > 𝜀}. To prove that the
Nemytskii sequence belongs to Ergm (Z; X), taking into account Lemma 2.9 by Ding et al,21 it is sufficient to show that
for any 𝜀 > 0,
lim Card EΨv (n, 𝜀) = 0. (28)
n→+∞ 2n + 1

Because u ∈ 𝓁 ∞ (Z; Y ), we can choose a bounded subset K ⊆ Y such that u(Z) ⊆ K. By assumption f is uniformly
continuous on K uniformly for n ∈ Z. So, given 𝜀 > 0, there is 𝛿 > 0 such that x, y ∈ K and ||x − y|| < 𝛿 imply that
||𝑓 (n, x) − 𝑓 (n, 𝑦)||X ≤ 2𝜀 for all n ∈ Z. We obtain, via a standard computation, that EΨv (n, 𝜀) ⊆ EΨu (n, 𝛿) ∪ EΨ𝑓 (·,0) (n, 2𝜀 ).
Because Ψu , Φ𝑓 (·,0) ∈ Erg(Z; R), Lemma 2.9 by Ding et al21 yields that (28) holds, which ends the proof.
Remark 20. It is worth to point out that in the proof of Lemma 5, we can replace the condition 𝑓 ∈ Ergm (Z; Y ; X) by
the weaker condition 𝑓 (·, 0) ∈ Ergm (Z; X).

Corollary 2. Let f be in Erg∞ (Z; Y ; X) so that f(n, y) is uniformly continuous on any bounded subset K ⊆ Y uniformly in
n ∈ Z and u ∈ Erg∞ (Z; Y ), then the Nemytskii sequence n → 𝑓 (n, u(n)) belongs to Erg∞ (Z; X).
The following result is the discrete counterpart of Lemma 3.5 by Hernández and Henríquez.19
Lemma 6. Let b ∶ Z+ → C be a summable sequence, then for any ergodic sequence of class infinity u ∶ Z → X, the
sequence Φ#u given by (24) is also ergodic of class infinity.

Proof. Take any m ∈ Z+ − {0}, we may show the following estimate:

( ) +∞
1 ∑ ∑ 1 ∑ ∑
n +∞ n
max ||Φu (𝜏)||X ≤
|b(l)| max ||u(𝜏 − l)||X ≤ |b(l)|Ξu (n, l),
2n + 1 k=−n 𝜏∈[k−m,k]∩Z l=0
2n + 1 k=−n 𝜏∈[k−m,k]∩Z l=0

( )( )
2l 1 ∑
Ξu (n, l) = 1+ max ||u(𝜏)||X .
2n + 1 2(n + l) + 1 k=−(n+l) 𝜏∈[k−m,k]∩Z
We invoke the Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem to deduce that Φ#u is an ergodic sequence of class infinity,
which finishes the proof.
Remark 21. From the proof of Lemma 6, we get that Ergm (Z; X) is translation invariant.

Definition 5. 22
A bounded sequence 𝑓 ∶ Z+ → X is said to be (discrete) PSAP𝜔 22 if there is 𝜔 ∈ Z+ − {0} such that

1 ∑
lim ||𝑓 (k + 𝜔) − 𝑓 (k)||X = 0.
n→+∞ n + 1

We use the notation PSAP𝜔 (Z+ ; X) to represent the subspace of 𝓁 ∞ (Z+ ; X) formed by all the PSAP𝜔 sequences in Z+ .
We note that PSAP𝜔 (Z+ ; X) endowed with the norm of uniform convergence is a Banach space. Naturally, we denote by
PSAP𝜔 (Z; X) the set formed by all the PSAP𝜔 sequences in Z, that is, the space of all bounded sequences so that

1 ∑
lim ||𝑓 (k + 𝜔) − 𝑓 (k)||X = 0.
n→+∞ 2n + 1

Note that AP𝜔 ⊆ SAP𝜔 ⊆ PSAP𝜔 , where SAP𝜔 (respectively, AP𝜔 ) is the space formed by all sequences S asymptotically
𝜔-periodic (respectively, asymptotically 𝜔-periodic) (see Agarwal et al6 ).
Lemma 7. Let b ∶ Z+ → C be a summable sequence. Then for any sequence u ∶ Z+ → X PSAP𝜔 , the sequence Φu (·)
defined in (23) is also PSAP𝜔 .
Proof. Note that k → l=k+1 |b(l)| is an ergodic sequence. In fact, we get
𝜔 n 𝜔
1 ∑∑ 1 ∑∑ 1 ∑
n k+𝜔
|b(l)| = |b(k + l)| ≤ ||b||𝓁1 (Z+ ;C) ≤ ||b||𝓁1 (Z+ ;C) .
n + 1 k=0 l=k+1 n + 1 l=1 k=0 n + 1 l=1 n+1
We have the estimate ‖Φu ‖𝓁∞ (Z+ ;X) ≤ ||b||𝓁1 (Z+ ;C) ||u||𝓁∞ (Z+ ;X) . Furthermore, for n ≥ 0, we have that
n 𝜔−1
1 ∑ 1 ∑∑ 1 ∑∑
n n k
‖Φu (k + 𝜔) − Φu (k)‖X ≤ |b(k + 𝜔 − l)| ||u(l)||X + |b(k − l)| ||u(l + 𝜔) − u(l)||X
n + 1 k=0 n + 1 k=0 l=0 n + 1 k=0 l=0

1 ∑∑ 1 ∑∑
n k+𝜔 n n
= |b(l)| ||u(k + 𝜔 − l)||X + |b(k − l)| ||u(l + 𝜔) − u(l)||X
n + 1 k=0 l=k+1 n + 1 l=0 k=l
∶= I1 (n) + I2 (n).

Next, we estimate the terms Ii (n), i = 1, 2 , of the above expression separately.

• For the first term on the right hand side, we have
||u||𝓁∞ (Z+ ;X) ∑ ∑
n k+𝜔
I1 (n) ≤ |b(l)|,
n+1 k=0 l=k+1

from which we infer that I1 (n) → 0 as n → + ∞.

• The term I2 (n) can be estimated as
( n−l ) ( )
1 ∑ ∑ 1 ∑
n n
I2 (n) = |b(k)| ||u(l + 𝜔) − u(l)||X ≤ ||b||𝓁1 (Z+ ;C) ||u(l + 𝜔) − u(l)||X ,
n + 1 l=0 k=0 n + 1 l=0
which shows that limn→+∞ I2 (n) = 0. This completes the proof that Φu ∈ PSAP𝜔 (Z+ ; X).

Lemma 8. Let b ∶ Z+ → C be a summable sequence. Then for any PSAP𝜔 sequence u ∶ Z → X, the sequence Φ#u (·)
defined in (24) is also PSAP𝜔 .

Proof. The proof of Lemma 8 is based on the argument of the proof of Lemma 2.3 by Agarwal et al.23 It is clear that
Φ#u ∈ 𝓁 ∞ (Z+ ; X). In fact, we get ‖ #‖
‖Φu ‖𝓁∞ (Z+ ;X) ≤ ||u||𝓁∞ (Z+ ;X) ||b||𝓁1 (Z+ ;C) . For n ∈ Z , we see that

1 ∑‖ ‖∑
‖ 1 ∑∑ ∑
n +∞ n +∞ +∞

‖ b(l) (u(k + 𝜔 − l) − u(k − l))‖ ≤ |b(l)|‖u(k + 𝜔 − l) − u(k − l)‖X = |b(l)|Ψ#n (l),
2n + 1 k=−n‖ ‖ l=0

‖X 2n + 1 k=−n l=0 l=0
1 ∑n
where Ψn (l) = 2n+1 k=−n ‖u(k + 𝜔 − l) − u(k − l)‖X . Using that PSAP𝜔 (Z ; X) is translation invariant (see
# +

Xia22, Lemma 10 ), it follows that the sequence k → u(k − l) belongs to PSAP𝜔 (Z+ ; X) for each l ∈ Z and, hence, Ψ#n (l) → 0
as n → + ∞. Next, because Ψ#n is bounded and the sequence l → b(l) is summable, using the Lebesgue-dominated

convergence theorem, it follows that limn→+∞ +∞ l=0 |b(l)|Ψn (l) = 0. The proof is now completed.

Definition 6. Let 𝜔 be in Z+ − {0}. We say that a function 𝑓 ∶ Z+ × X → Y is uniformly PSAP𝜔 on bounded sets§ of
1 ∑n
X if for every bounded subset K ⊆ X, limn→+∞ n+1 k=0 supx∈K ||𝑓 (k + 𝜔, x) − 𝑓 (k, x)||Y = 0.

Remark 22. A similar notion can be considered for functions defined in Z × X.

Definition 7. A function 𝑓 ∶ Z+ × X → Y is said to be asymptotically bounded on bounded sets§ of X if for every

bounded set K ⊆ X, there is mK ∈ Z+ so that the set {𝑓 (n, x) ∶ n ≥ mK , x ∈ K} is bounded.

(see Cuevas et al10 )

Definition 8. A function 𝑓 ∶ Z+ × X → Y is said to be asymptotically uniformly continuous on bounded sets of

X if for every 𝜀 > 0 and all bounded set K ⊆ X, there are constants m = m𝜀,K ∈ Z+ and 𝛿 = 𝛿 𝜀,K such that
||f(n, x) − f(n, y)||Y ≤ 𝜀 for all n ≥ m and all x, y ∈ K with ||x − y||X ≤ 𝛿.
We have the following composition result for PSAP𝜔 sequences.
Lemma 9. Let 𝑓 ∶ Z+ × X → Y be a function asymptotically bounded on bounded sets, asymptotically uniformly
continuous on bounded sets of X, and uniformly PSAP𝜔 on bounded sets. If u ∶ Z+ → X is a PSAP𝜔 sequence, then the
Nemytskii sequence v(n) = 𝑓 (n, u(n)) is PSAP𝜔 .

Proof. The proof of Lemma 9 is based on the argument of the proof of Lemma 2.3 by Cuevas et al.10 We set K = Im(u).
For 𝜀 > 0, let 𝛿 = 𝛿 𝜀,K and m𝜀,K be the constants involved in Definition 8. Let mK be the constant given in Definition
{ } { }
7. We denote C𝛿 = k ∈ Z+ ∶ ||u(k + 𝜔) − u(k)||X ≥ 𝛿 , and we choose m big enough (m ≥ max m𝜀,K , mK ). Then
we have the following inequality:

1 ∑ 1 ∑ 1 ∑
n n n
||v(k + 𝜔) − v(k)||Y ≤ sup ||𝑓 (k + 𝜔, x) − 𝑓 (k, x)||Y + ||𝑓 (k, u(k + 𝜔)) − 𝑓 (k, u(k))||Y
n + 1 k=0 n + 1 k=0 x∈X n + 1 k=0

1 ∑ 1 ∑
n m−1
≤ sup ||𝑓 (k + 𝜔, x) − 𝑓 (k, x)||Y + ||𝑓 (k, u(k + 𝜔)) − 𝑓 (k, u(k))||Y
n + 1 k=0 x∈X n + 1 k=0

1 ∑ 1 ∑
n n
+ ||𝑓 (k, u(k + 𝜔)) − 𝑓 (k, u(k))||Y + ||𝑓 (k, u(k + 𝜔)) − 𝑓 (k, u(k))||Y
n + 1 k=m n + 1 k=m
k∈C𝛿 k∉C𝛿

∶= I1 (n) + I2 (n) + I3 (n) + I4 (n).

It is clear that I1 (n), I2 (n) → 0 as n → + ∞ and I4 (n) ≤ 𝜀. Note that

Card (C𝛿 ∩ [m, n])
I3 (n) ≤ 2 sup ||𝑓 (k, x)||Y .
x∈K n+1

Using Ding et al,21, Lemma 2.9 we infer that I3 (n) → 0 as n → + ∞. Therefore, v is PSAP𝜔 . This completes the proof.

Corollary 3. Let 𝑓 ∶ Z+ × Y → X be a function asymptotically bounded on bounded sets and uniformly PSAP𝜔 on
bounded sets that satisfies the Lipschitz condition

||𝑓 (n, x) − 𝑓 (n, 𝑦)||X ≤ L𝑓 (n)||x − 𝑦||Y

for all n ∈ Z+ and all x, y ∈ Y, where L𝑓 ∶ Z+ → R+ is bounded on Z+m , for some¶ m ∈ Z+ . If u ∶ Z+ → Y is a PSAP𝜔
sequence, then the Nemytskii sequence associated to u is PSAP𝜔 .

Corollary 4. Let 𝑓 ∶ Z+ × X → Y be a function asymptotically bounded on bounded sets and uniformly pseudo
S-asymptotically 𝜔-periodic on bounded sets that satisfies the condition (PW1) For each positive number 𝜎, for all n ∈ Z+
and all x, y ∈ B𝛿 (X) we have ||f(n, x) − f(n, y)||Y ≤ Lf (𝜎)||x − y||X , where L𝑓 ∶ R+ → R+ is a continuous function.
If u ∶ Z+ → X is a pseudo S-asymptotically 𝜔-periodic sequence, then the Nemytskii sequence associated to u is pseudo
S-asymptotically 𝜔-periodic.
As an application of the preceding corollary we get the following result.
Theorem 16. Let 𝑓 ∶ Z+ × X → Y be a function uniformly pseudo S-asymptotically 𝜔-periodic on
bounded ( sets and asymptotically bounded ) on bounded sets that satisfies (PW1). If there is r > 0 such that
||s(𝜆, ·)||1 L𝑓 (r) + r ||𝑓 (·, 0)||𝓁∞ (Z;X) < 1, then there is a PSAP𝜔 solution u(·) of (26) and (27).

Let 𝜔 and m be in Z+ − {0}, we define 𝑓 (k) ∶= 𝑓 (k + 𝜔) − 𝑓 (k). We shall consider the following space:
{ }
PSAP𝜔m (Z; X) = 𝑓 ∈ 𝓁 ∞ (Z, X) ∶ 𝑓 ∈ Ergm (Z; X) .

Z+m = {m, m + 1, · · ·}.

PSAP𝜔m is called the space of the PSAP𝜔 sequences of class m. This space endowed with the uniform convergence topology

is a Banach space. It is evident that PSAP𝜔m ⊆ PSAP𝜔 . We introduce the space PSAP𝜔∞ (Z; X) ∶= PSAP𝜔m (Z; X).
m∈Z+ −{0}
PSAP𝜔∞ (Z; X) is called the space of the PSAP𝜔 sequences of class infinity.
Lemma 10. Suppose that condition (Fad) is satisfied. If u ∶ Z → X is PSAP𝜔 of class infinity, then n → un is also PSAP𝜔
of class infinity.

Proof. The proof of Lemma 10 follows from the proof of Lemma 4. We omit the details.
For 𝑓 ∶ Z × Y → X, we define
Π𝜔𝑓 (n, 𝑦) ∶= 𝑓 (n + 𝜔, 𝑦) − 𝑓 (n, 𝑦), n ∈ Z, 𝑦 ∈ Y.
Let m be in Z+ − {0}. We shall introduce the following new sequence spaces:
{ }
PSAP𝜔m (Z; Y ; X) = 𝑓 ∶ Z × Y → X | 𝑓 is bounded, 𝑓 (n, ·) is continuous for each n ∈ Z, Π𝜔𝑓 ∈ Ergm (Z; Y ; X) ,

PSAP𝜔∞ (Z; Y ; X) ∶= PSAP𝜔m (Z; Y ; X).
m∈Z+ −{0}

PSAP𝜔m (Z; Y ; X) (PSAP𝜔∞ (Z; Y ; X)) is called the space of the uniformly PSAP𝜔 functions of class m (infinity) on bounded
sets of Y.
Lemma 11. Let f be a function in PSAP𝜔m (Z; Y ; X) that verifies the Lipschitz condition: ||𝑓 (n, x) − 𝑓 (n, 𝑦)||X ≤
L𝑓 ||x − 𝑦||Y , ∀n ∈ Z, ∀x, 𝑦 ∈ Y . If u ∶ Z → Y is a PSAP𝜔 sequence of class infinity, then the Nemytskii sequence
v(n) = 𝑓 (n, u(n)) is also PSAP𝜔 of class infinity.

Proof. Take any m ∈ Z+ − {0} and put K = Im(u), we get

max ||v (𝜏)||X ≤ L𝑓 max ||u (𝜏)||X + max sup ||Π𝜔𝑓 (𝜏, x)||X . (29)
𝜏∈[k−m,k]∩Z 𝜏∈[k−m,k]∩Z 𝜏∈[k−m,k]∩Z x∈K

Because u ∈ Ergm (Z; X) and Π𝜔𝑓 ∈ Ergm (Z; Y ; X), it follows from (29) that v ∈ Ergm (Z; X), whence v ∈
PSAP𝜔m (Z; X). Because m is arbitrary, the proof is completed.
Lemma 12. Let 𝑓 ∶ Z × Y → X be a function uniformly continuous on bounded sets of Y and uniformly PSAP𝜔 of class
infinity on bounded sets. Then, the conclusion of Lemma 11 is true.

Proof. We use the same notation as in the proof of Lemma 5. We set Λ(·) ∶= supx∈K ||Π𝜔𝑓 (·, x)||X , we can verify that
EΨv (n, 𝜀) ⊆ EΨu (n, 𝛿) ∪ EΨΛ (n, 2𝜀 ), which ends the proof.
Lemma 13. Let b ∶ Z+ → C be a summable sequence. Then for any PSAP𝜔 sequence of class infinity u ∶ Z → X, the
sequence Φ#u given by (24) is also PSAP𝜔 of class infinity.

Proof. We have the identity Φ#u = Φ# u . Hence, applying Lemma 6, we complete the proof.

2.5 Almost periodic sequences

For a self-contained exposition of almost periodic type functions and its applications, we recommend the reader to the
Diagana's book.24
Definition 9. A sequence 𝑓 ∶ Z → X is called (discrete) almost periodic if for each 𝜀 > 0, there is an integer
N(𝜀) ∈ Z+ such that among any N(𝜀) consecutive integers, there is at least one integer p with the property that
||𝑓 (k + 𝑝) − 𝑓 (k)||X ≤ 𝜀, ∀k ∈ Z.
The integer p is called an 𝜀 translation of f. We denote by AP(Z; X) the set of all such sequences. AP(Z; X) is a Banach
space equipped with the supremum norm.
For the next remark see del Campo et al.25
Remark 23. If x ∈ AP(Z; X), then x• ∈ AP(Z; ).

Remark 24. If 𝑓 ∈ AP(Z; X), then the set Im( 𝑓 ) = {𝑓 (n) ∶ n ∈ Z} is relatively compact.
The following concept of discrete almost periodic functions depending on parameters will be useful.
Definition 10. A function 𝑓 ∶ Z × Y → X is said to be (discrete) almost periodic if for each 𝜀 > 0, and every compact
subset K ⊆ Y, there is a positive integer N0 = N0 (𝜀, K) such that among any N0 consecutive integers, there is at least
one integer p with the property that ||f(k + p, x) − f(k, x)||X ≤ 𝜀, for all k ∈ Z and x ∈ K.
We denote by AP(Z × Y ; X) the set of all such functions.

Remark 25. By a similar proof to continuous almost periodic functions, we can see that if 𝑓 ∈ AP(Z × Y ; X) and
x ∈ AP(Z; Y ), then k → 𝑓 (k, x(k)) ∈ AP(Z; X).
The following definition is the discrete counterpart of Definition 2.7 by Diagana and Hernández.26
Definition 11. A sequence 𝑓 ∈ 𝓁 ∞ (Z; X) is called (discrete) pseudoalmost periodic of class m if f = g + 𝜑, where
g ∈ AP(Z; X) and 𝜑 ∈ Ergm (Z; X).
The class of such sequences is denoted by PAPm (Z; X). This space endowed with the uniform convergence topology
is a Banach space.
From Hernández and Henríquez,19 a sequence 𝑓 ∈ 𝓁 ∞ (Z; X) is said to be a pseudoalmost periodic sequence of class
infinity if f = g + 𝜑, where g ∈ AP(Z; X) and 𝜑 ∈ Erg∞ (Z; X). The collection of all pseudoalmost periodic sequences of
class infinity from Z into X is denoted by PAP∞ (Z; X). Furthermore, it is not hard to see that AP(Z; X) ∩ Erg∞ (Z; X) = {0}.
Note that PAP∞ (Z; X) is a Banach space (see for instance Ding et al21 ).
Definition 12. A function 𝑓 ∶ Z × Y → X is called (discrete) pseudoalmost periodic of class m if f = g + 𝜑 where
g ∈ AP(Z × Y ; X) and 𝜑 ∈ Ergm (Z; Y ; X). The collection of all pseudoalmost periodic functions of class m from Z × Y
into X is denoted by PAPm (Z; Y ; X).
From Hernández and Henríquez,19 a function 𝑓 ∶ Z × Y → X is said to be a pseudoalmost periodic function of class
infinity if f = g + 𝜑 where g ∈ AP(Z × Y ; X) and 𝜑 ∈ Erg∞ (Z; Y ; X). The collection of all pseudoalmost periodic
functions of class infinity from Z × Y into X is denoted by PAP∞ (Z; Y ; X).

Lemma 14. Suppose that condition (Fad) is satisfied. If u ∶ Z → X is pseudoalmost periodic of class infinity, then u• is
also pseudoalmost periodic of class infinity.

Proof. The proof is essentially a combination of Remark 23 and Lemma 4.

Lemma 15. Let f be in PAP∞ (Z; Y ; X) so that f(n, y) is uniformly continuous on any bounded subset K ⊆ Y uniformly in
n ∈ Z and h ∈ PAP∞ (Z; Y ), then the Nemytskii sequence n → f(n, h(n)) belongs to PAP∞ (Z; X).

Proof. For the sake of brevity, we only give a sketch of the proof, which is based on the argument of the proof of
Theorem 2.1 by Agarwal et al.27 We use the notations introduced in Lemma 5. Assume that f = f1 + 𝜑 and h = h1 + h2 ,
where 𝑓1 ∈ AP(Z × Y ; X), 𝜑 ∈ Erg∞ (Z; Y ; X), h1 ∈ AP(Z; Y ), and h2 ∈ Erg∞ (Z; Y ). Consider the decomposition
𝑓 (n, h(n)) = 𝑓1 (n, h1 (n))+(𝑓 (n, h(n)) − 𝑓 (n, h1 (n)))+𝜑(n, h1 (n)). Using the Remark 25, 𝑓1 (·, h1 (·)) ∈ AP(Z; X). Define
F(n) ∶= 𝑓 (n, h(n)) − 𝑓 (n, h1 (n)). Take any m ∈ Z+ − {0}, we show that F̃ ∈ Ergm (Z; X). Clearly, F̃ ∈ 𝓁 ∞ (Z; X). Taking
into account Lemma 2.9 by Ding et al,21 it is sufficient to show that for any 𝜀 > 0, then limn→+∞ 2n+1 CardEΨF̃ (n, 𝜀) = 0.
Given 𝜀 > 0 and let 𝛿 = 𝛿(𝜀) be the positive constant involved in the uniform continuity of f on K = h(Z) ∩ h1 (Z),
we get EΨF̃ (n, 𝜀) ⊆ EΨh2 (n, 𝛿). Because h2 ∈ Ergm (Z; Y ), we have that limn→+∞ 2n+1 CardEΨh2 (n, 𝛿) = 0. This shows
that F ∈ Ergm (Z; X). Keeping in mind Remark 24, we can verify that 𝜑(·, h1 (·)) ∈ Ergm (Z; X) (see Agarwal et al27 for
details). This completes the proof.

Lemma 16. Let b ∶ Z+ → C be a summable sequence, then for any pseudoalmost periodic sequence of class infinity
u ∶ Z → X, the sequence Φ#u given by (24) is also pseudoalmost periodic of class infinity.

Proof. We obtain Lemma 16 as an immediate consequence of Theorem 2.1 by Cuevas et al28 and Lemma 6. We omit
the details.


3.1 Proof of Theorem 1

We define the operator  on the space 𝓁 𝑝 (Z; X) by the expression

( u) (n) = s(𝜆, n − 1 − 𝑗)𝑓 ( 𝑗, u𝑗 ), (30)

where u(·) is a 𝓁 p -summable sequence. The first step in our analysis will be to prove that  is well defined. We can
verify that
( )
|| u||𝓁∞ (Z;X) ≤ ||s(𝜆, ·)||∞ ||L||𝓁q (Z;R+ ) ||u||𝓁𝑝 (Z;X) + ||𝑓 (·, 0)||𝓁1 (Z;X) . (31)

By using (31), we get the upper estimate

1− 1 1 1
1− 1 1

|| u||𝓁𝑝 (Z;X) ≤ || u||𝓁𝑝 (𝑝Z;X) || u||𝓁𝑝 1 (Z;X) ≤ ||s(𝜆, ·)||1𝑝 || u||𝓁∞ (𝑝Z;X) ||𝑓 (·, u. )||𝓁𝑝 1 (Z;X)
( )
≤ ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 ||L||𝓁q (Z;R+ ) ||u||𝓁𝑝 (Z;X) + ||𝑓 (·, 0)||𝓁1 (Z;X) . (32)

By the inequality (32), we deduce that  is well defined.

The final step is to show that  is a contraction. Let u an v be in 𝓁 𝑝 (Z; X), we have

+∞ 𝑝 ∑
|| u(n) −  v(n)||𝑝X ≤ ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 ||s(𝜆, ·)||∞
||L||𝑝𝓁q (Z;R+ ) ||u( 𝑗) − v( 𝑗)||𝑝X .
n=−∞ 𝑗=−∞

This means that

|| u −  v||𝓁𝑝 (Z;X) ≤ ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 ||L||𝓁q (Z;R+ ) ||u − v||𝓁𝑝 (Z;X) ,
which shows that  is a contraction. This completes the proof of Theorem 1.

3.2 Proof of Theorem 2

{ }
We let 𝓁𝜑𝑝 (Z+ ; X) = u ∈ 𝓁 𝑝 (Z+ ; X) ∶ u0 = 𝜑 . We define the operator  on the space 𝓁𝜑𝑝 by the expression

( u) (n + 1) = s(𝜆, n − 𝑗)𝑓 ( 𝑗, u𝑗 ), n ≥ 0, (33)

( u)0 = 𝜑, (34)
where u ∈ 𝓁𝜑𝑝 . Let u and v be in 𝓁𝜑𝑝 . Under condition (E1), we get
( )
|| u||𝓁𝑝 (Z+ ;X) ≤ ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 ||L||𝓁𝑝 (Z+ ;R+ ) ||u||𝓁𝑝 (Z+ ;X) + ||𝑓 (·, 0)||𝓁𝑝 (Z+ ;X) ,
|| u −  v||𝓁𝑝 (Z+ ;X) ≤ ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 ||L||𝓁𝑝 (Z+ ;R+ ) ||u − v||𝓁𝑝 (Z+ ;X) .

Under condition (E2), we get

( )
|| u||𝓁𝑝 (Z+ ;X) ≤ ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 ||L||𝓁q (Z+ ;R+ ) ||u||𝓁𝑝 (Z+ ;X) + ||𝑓 (·, 0)||𝓁1 (Z+ ;X) ,
|| u −  u||𝓁𝑝 (Z+ ;X) ≤ ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 ||L||𝓁q (Z+ ;R+ ) ||u − v||𝓁𝑝 (Z+ ;X) .

Let u ∈ 𝓁𝜑𝑝 be the fixed point of  , we give a detailed examination of the fact that u(·) is a solution of (5). We note that
u(·) satisfies the following identity:

u(n + 1) = s(𝜆, n − 𝑗)𝑓 ( 𝑗, u𝑗 ), n ∈ Z+ .

We obtain that
( 𝑗−1 )



𝜆 a(n − 𝑗)u( 𝑗) = 𝜆 a(n − 𝑗) s(𝜆, 𝑗 − 1 − 𝜏)𝑓 (𝜏, u𝜏 )
𝑗=1 𝑗=1 𝜏=0
n−1 𝑗
=𝜆 a(n − 1 − 𝑗)s(𝜆, 𝑗 − 𝜏)𝑓 (𝜏, u𝜏 )
𝑗=0 𝜏=0

∑∑ n−1 n−1
=𝜆 a(n − 1 − 𝑗)s(𝜆, 𝑗 − 𝜏)𝑓 (𝜏, u𝜏 )
𝜏=0 𝑗=𝜏

n−1 n−1−𝜏
= 𝜆a(n − 1 − 𝜏 − 𝑗)s(𝜆, 𝑗)𝑓 (𝜏, u𝜏 )
𝜏=0 𝑗=0

= s(𝜆, n − 𝜏)𝑓 (𝜏, u𝜏 )

= s(𝜆, n − 𝜏)𝑓 (𝜏, u𝜏 ) − 𝑓 (n, un )

= u(n + 1) − 𝑓 (n, un ),
which establishes that u(·) is the solution of Equation 5. This complete the proof of Theorem 2.
{ }
Proof. We set 𝓁𝜑∞ (Z+ ; X) = u ∈ 𝓁 ∞ (Z+ ; X) ∶ u0 = 𝜑 . We define the operator  on the space 𝓁𝜑∞ by (33) and (34).
We have that || u||𝓁∞ (Z+ ;X) ≤ W(L)||u||𝓁∞ (Z+ ;X) + W(||𝑓 (·, 0)||X ), whence  is well defined. In addition, for u, v ∈
𝓁𝜑∞ (Z+ ; X), we infer that || v −  u||𝓁∞ (Z+ ;X) ≤ W(L)||u − v||𝓁∞ (Z+ ;X) , which implies that  is a contraction.
{ }
Proof. Let us introduce the following notation: C0𝜑 (Z+ ; X) = u ∈ C0 (Z+ ; X) ∶ u0 = 𝜑 . We define the operator 

on the space C0𝜑 (Z+ ; X) by (33) and (34). Because 𝑓 (·, u• ) ∈ C0 (Z+ ; X) for all u ∈ C0 (Z+ ; X) then limn→+∞ n𝑗=0 s(𝜆, n −
𝑗)𝑓 ( 𝑗, u𝑗 ) = 0, whence  is well defined. On the other hand, we can see that  is a ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 L contraction. The proof
of Remark 2 is finished.

3.3 Proof of Theorem 3

Let 𝑝,a (X) be the space consisting of all the sequences u ∈ 𝓁𝜑∞ (Z+ ; X) such that m=a ||u(m)||𝑝X < +∞, equipped with
(∑+∞ 𝑝 )1∕𝑝
the norm |||u||| = ||u||[0,a] + ||u||𝓁𝑝,a , where ||u||[0,a] = max0≤l≤a−1 ||u(l)||X and ||u||𝓁𝑝,a = m=a ||u(m)||X . We define
the operator  on the space 𝑝,a (X) by (33) and (34). We note that
( )
max || ( u) (l)||X ≤ ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 La,𝑝 ||u||[0,a] + ||𝑓 (·, 0)||𝓁𝑝 (Z+ ;X) , (35)
𝑝 ∑
|| ( u) (n + 1)||𝑝X ≤ 2𝑝 ||s(𝜆, ·)||1q |s(𝜆, n − 𝑗)|L( 𝑗)𝑝 ||u( 𝑗)||𝑝X
𝑝 ∑
+ 2 ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 q
|s(𝜆, n − 𝑗)| ||𝑓 ( 𝑗, 0)||𝑝X .

From (36) we get

∑ ∑
+∞ n 𝑝

|| ( u) (n + 1)||𝑝X 𝑝
≤ 2 ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 |s(𝜆, n − 𝑗)|L( 𝑗)𝑝 ||u( 𝑗)||𝑝X

n=a−1 n=a−1 𝑗=0

𝑝 ∑ ∑
+∞ n
+ 2𝑝 ||s(𝜆, ·)||1q |s(𝜆, n − 𝑗)|||𝑓 ( 𝑗, 0)||𝑝X
n=a−1 𝑗=0
( ( )𝑝
≤ 2𝑝 ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 q
L𝑝a,𝑝 max ||u( 𝑗)||X

+ L𝑝a,∞ ||u( 𝑗)||𝑝X + ||𝑓 (·, 0)||𝑝𝓁𝑝 (Z+ ;X) .

This leads to
( )
|| u||𝓁𝑝,a ≤ 2||s(𝜆, ·)||1 La,𝑝 ||u||[0,a] + La,∞ ||u||𝓁𝑝,a + ||𝑓 (·, 0)||𝓁𝑝 (Z+ ;X) . (37)

From (35) and (37) we get

(( ) )
||| u||| ≤ 3||s(𝜆, ·)||1 La,𝑝 + La,∞ |||u||| + ||𝑓 (·, 0)||𝓁𝑝 (Z+ ;X) . (38)

Therefore,  is well defined. We now show that the operator  has a unique fixed point in 𝑝,a (X). Let u and v be in
 (X), we get

max || ( u) (l) − ( v) (l)||X ≤ ||s(𝜆, ·)||∞ L( 𝑗)||u( 𝑗) − v( 𝑗)||X .

|| u −  v||[0,a] ≤ ||s(𝜆, ·)||∞ La,1 ||u − v||[0,a] .

Next, we estimate  2 u −  2 v. We get

( 𝑗−1 )
( ) ( 2 ) ∑

||  u (n + 1) −  v (n + 1)||X ≤ ||s(𝜆, ·)||∞ L( 𝑗)
2 2
L(𝜏)||u(𝜏) − v(𝜏)||X
𝑗=0 𝜏=0
( n )2
||s(𝜆, ·)||2∞ ∑
≤ L( 𝑗) ||u − v||[0,a] .
2 𝑗=0

|| 2 u −  2 v||[0,a] ≤ (||s(𝜆, ·)||∞ La,1 )2 ||u − v||[0,a] .
One can deduce in an analogous way that
( 𝑗−1 )2
( ) ( ) ⎛∑ n
∑ ⎞
||s(𝜆, ·)||3∞ ⎜ L( 𝑗)
||  3 u (n + 1) −  3 v (n + 1)||X ≤ L(𝜏) ⎟ ||u − v||[0,a]
2 ⎜ 𝑗=0 ⎟
⎝ 𝜏=0 ⎠
( n )3
||s(𝜆, ·)||∞ ∑
≤ L( 𝑗) ||u − v||[0,a] .
6 𝑗=0

That means that

|| 3 u −  3 v||[0,a] ≤ (||s(𝜆, ·)||∞ La,1 )3 ||u − v||[0,a] .
An induction argument shows us that
|| n u −  n v||[0,a] ≤ (||s(𝜆, ·)||∞ La,1 )n ||u − v||[0,a] . (39)

Next, we introduce the following notations:

1m ∶= ‖ m u −  m v‖𝓁𝑝,a , m ≥ 1,
( +∞ ( a−1 )𝑝 ) 1𝑝
∑ ∑ ( ) ( )
2m ∶= |s(𝜆, l − 𝑗)|L( 𝑗)||  m−1 u ( 𝑗) −  m−1 v ( 𝑗)||X ,
l=a−1 𝑗=0
( +∞ ( l )𝑝 ) 1𝑝
∑ ∑
 ∶= |s(𝜆, l − 𝑗)|L( 𝑗)||u( 𝑗) − v( 𝑗)||X .
l=a 𝑗=a

To get an estimate to 1m , we study the contributions of the terms 2m 's and . We observe that
( +∞ +∞ )1
1 ∑ ∑ 𝑝

 ≤ La,∞ ||s(𝜆, ·)||1q |s(𝜆, l − 𝑗)|||u( 𝑗) − v( 𝑗)||𝑝X

𝑗=a l=𝑗

≤ La,∞ ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 ||u − v||𝓁𝑝,a ,


( +∞ a−1 )1
1 ∑∑ 𝑝
1 ≤ ||s(𝜆, ·)||1
2 q
|s(𝜆, l − 𝑗)|L( 𝑗) ||u( 𝑗) − v( 𝑗)||X
l=a−1 𝑗=0
( a−1 )1
∑ 𝑝

≤ ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 𝑝
L( 𝑗) ||u( 𝑗) − v( 𝑗)||𝑝X

≤ ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 La,𝑝 ||u − v||[0,a] ,

( ( 𝑗−1 )𝑝 ) 1𝑝


22 ≤ ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 ||s(𝜆, ·)||𝑝∞ L( 𝑗)𝑝 L(𝜏)||u(𝜏) − v(𝜏)||X
𝑗=0 𝜏=0
( ( 𝑗−1 )𝑝 ) 1𝑝


≤ ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 ||s(𝜆, ·)||𝑝∞ L( 𝑗)𝑝 L(𝜏) ||u − v||[0,a]
𝑗=0 𝜏=0
( ( 𝑗−1 )) 1

∑ 𝑝

≤ ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 ||s(𝜆, ·)||𝑝∞ a𝑝−1 L( 𝑗)𝑝 L(𝜏)𝑝 ||u − v||[0,a]

𝑗=0 𝜏=0
( 2
R(a, s, L) 𝑝
≤ ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 ||u − v||[0,a] .
Now, we should handle the contribution of 23 , we get
( ( 𝑗−1 ( 𝜏−1 ))𝑝 ) 1𝑝

∑ ∑
23 ≤ ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 ||s(𝜆, ·)||2𝑝
∞ L( 𝑗)𝑝 L(𝜏) L(𝜇)||u(𝜇) − v(𝜇)||X
𝑗=0 𝜏=0 𝜇=0

( 𝑗−1 )2𝑝 1𝑝
⎛ 2𝑝 ∑
∑ ⎞
||s(𝜆, ·)||∞
≤ ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 ⎜ L( 𝑗) 𝑝
L(𝜏) ⎟ ||u − v||[0,a]
⎜ 2𝑝 ⎟
⎝ 𝑗=0 𝜏=0 ⎠
( )1
3 𝑝
R(a, s, L)
≤ ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 ||u − v||[0,a] .

From an induction process, we finally get

( )1
R(a, s, L)n 𝑝
2n ≤ ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 ||u − v||[0,a] . (41)

Taking advantage of estimates (40) and (41) we get

( )1 ∞ ( )1
R(a, s, L)m 𝑝 ∑ R(a, s, L)𝑗 𝑝
m ≤ ||s(𝜆, ·)||1
||u − v||[0,a] + ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 La,∞
||u − v||[0,a]
m! 𝑗=1
( )m
+ ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 La,∞ ||u − v||𝓁𝑝,a . (42)

( )1 ( )m
R(a,s,L)m 𝑝 1 ( )m
Set m ∶= ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 m!
+ ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 La,∞ + m!
||s(𝜆, ·)||∞ L a,1 . From the bound (39) combined with (42)
we get that
||| m u −  m v||| ≤ (m + Θ(a)) |||u − v|||. (43)

Recalling that m + Θ(a) < 1 for m big enough, we get that  m is a contraction for m big enough. □

3.4 Proof of Theorem 4

We define the operator  ∶ 𝓁 𝑝 (Z; X) → 𝓁 𝑝 (Z; X) by (30). We divide the proof into several steps:
Step 1 The operator  is well defined.
Let p and q be conjugated exponents and fix u ∈ 𝓁 𝑝 (Z; X), then

+∞ 𝑝
+1 ∑
|| ( u) (n)||𝑝X ≤ ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 q
𝑓 ( 𝑗, 𝜌||u||∞ )𝑝 .
n=−∞ 𝑗=−∞

( )1

+∞ 𝑝
|| u||𝓁𝑝 (Z;X) ≤ ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 𝑓 ( 𝑗, 𝜌||u||∞ ) .

Hence,  is well defined.

Step 2 The operator  is continuous from 𝓁 𝑝 (Z; X) into itself.
In fact, from (Hp − 2) for each 𝜀 > 0, there is 𝛿 > 0 such that for all Φ, Ψ ∈ 𝓁 ∞ (Z; ), ||Φ − Ψ||𝓁∞ (Z,) < 𝛿 implies
||𝑓 (·, Φ(·)) − 𝑓 (·, Ψ(·))||𝓁𝑝 (Z;X) < .
||s(𝜆, ·)|| 1

For any u, v ∈ 𝓁 𝑝 (Z; X) with ||u − v||𝓁𝑝 (Z;X) < 𝛿𝜌 , we get

𝑝 ∑ ∑
+∞ +∞ 𝑝
+1 ∑
|| u −  v||𝑝𝓁𝑝 (Z;X) ≤ ||s(𝜆, ·)||1q |s(𝜆, n − 𝑗)|||𝑓 ( 𝑗, u𝑗 ) − 𝑓 ( 𝑗, v𝑗 )||𝑝X = ||s(𝜆, ·)||1q ||𝑓 ( 𝑗, u𝑗 ) − 𝑓 ( 𝑗, v𝑗 )||𝑝X
𝑗=−∞ n=𝑗 𝑗=−∞
≤ ||s(𝜆, ·)||1q
𝜀𝑝 .

Step 3 The operator  is completely continuous.

Let r be a positive real number. In the sequel, we shall denote U =  (Br (𝓁 𝑝 (Z; X))).
(1) We observe that n (U) is relatively compact in X for all n ∈ Z. Let {( um ) (n)}m be a sequence in n (U). Because
{ → 0mas}|n| → + ∞, we infer that the set {𝑓 (·, u• )}m ⊆ C0 (Z; X) is equiconvergent at
𝑓 (n, 𝜌r) m ±∞. From (Lp − 1),
the set 𝑓 (n, un ) m is relatively compact in X for all n ∈ Z. Using Lemma 1, we get that {𝑓 (·, u• )}m is relatively com-
pact in C0 (Z; X). Hence, there is a subsequence {𝑓 (·, u• 𝑗 )}𝑗 , which is uniformly convergent to some u ∈ C0 (Z; X).
From the following inequality
‖ ∑
n−1 ‖
‖( m ) ‖
‖  u 𝑗 (n) − s(𝜆, n − 1 − 𝑗)u( 𝑗) ‖ ≤ ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 ||𝑓 (·, um
• ) − u||𝓁 ∞ (Z;X) ,
‖ ‖
‖ 𝑗=−∞ ‖
‖ ‖X
we deduce that n (U) is relatively compact in X.
(2) We have that

𝑝 ∑
|| ( u) (n)||𝑝X ≤ ||s(𝜆, ·)|| q 𝑓 ( 𝑗, 𝜌r)𝑝 ,

n=−∞ 𝑗=−∞

whence limT→−∞ || ( u) (n)||𝑝X = 0, uniformly in u ∈ Br (𝓁 𝑝 (Z; X)). On the other hand, the estimate



|s(𝜆, n − 𝑗)|𝑓 ( 𝑗, 𝜌r)𝑝 ≤ ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 𝑓 ( 𝑗, 𝜌r)𝑝 < +∞
n=−∞𝑗=−∞ 𝑗=−∞

guarantees the fact that lim || ( u) (n)||𝑝X = 0, uniformly in u ∈ Br (𝓁 𝑝 (Z; X)).

From 1 and 2 and using the Theorem 12, we get that  is completely continuous.

Step 4 We observe that  (BR (𝓁 𝑝 (Z; X))) ⊆ BR (𝓁 𝑝 (Z; X)), where R is given in condition (Hp − 3). In fact, let u ∈
BR (𝓁 𝑝 (Z; X)), we get
( +∞ )1
∑ 𝑝

|| u||𝓁𝑝 (Z;X) ≤ ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 𝑓 ( 𝑗, 𝜌R)𝑝 ≤ R.


Applying now the Schauder's fixed point theorem, we infer that  has a fixed point u in BR (𝓁 𝑝 (Z; X)), which finishes the
proof of Theorem 4.

3.5 Proof of Corollary 1

From condition (7), we can choose the function 𝑓 in condition (Hp − 1) as 𝑓 (n, 𝜉) = L(n)𝜉 𝛽 + ||𝑓 (n, 0)||X . On the
other hand, for Φ, Ψ ∈ 𝓁 ∞ (Z; ), we infer that ||𝑓 (·, Φ(·)) − 𝑓 (·, Ψ(·)) ||𝓁𝑝 (Z;X) ≤ ||L||𝓁𝑝 (Z;R+ ) ||Φ − Ψ||𝓁∞ (Z;) . This in
turn implies that (Hp − 2) is fulfilled. Because
( )
( 𝛽 ) 1 ||𝑓 (·, 0)||𝓁𝑝 (Z;X)
lim 𝜌 ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 ||L||𝓁𝑝 (Z;R+ ) 1−𝛽 + = 0,
R→+∞ R R
we get immediately (Hp − 3). This finishes the proof. □

3.6 Proof of Theorem 5

Let  ∶ C0 (Z; X) → C0 (Z; X) be the operator given by (30). Let u be in C0 (Z; X) and 𝜀 > 0 arbitrary. Choosing n, 𝜏 ∈ Z+
as sufficiently large constants, we have the following estimate:
∑ ∑
|| ( u) (n)||X ≤ |s(𝜆, 𝑗)| (𝜈𝜉(n − 1 − 𝑗)𝜌||u||∞ + 𝜐(n − 1 − 𝑗)) + (𝜈||𝜉||∞ 𝜌||u||∞ + ||𝜐|∞ ) |s(𝜆, 𝑗)| ≤ 𝜀,
𝑗=0 𝑗=𝜏

this indicates that

lim || ( u) (n)||X = 0.

Following a similar argument, we can prove that limn→−∞ || ( u) (n)||X = 0. Thus, we conclude that  u ∈ C0 (Z; X).
We claim that  is a completely continuous operator. To handle it, we consider an arbitrary bounded sequence {um }m
in C0 (Z; X). Note that with the aid of (Lp − 1) and Lemma 1, we infer that {𝑓 (·, um
• )}m is relatively compact in C0 (Z; X).
{ }
From an estimate like (44), we deduce that ( um ) (n) ∶ m ∈ Z+ is relatively compact in X, for all n ∈ Z. We must
still check that { um }m is equiconvergent at ±∞. This can be seen immediately from the estimate:
( ) ∑ ∑
||  um (n)||X ≤ c1 |s(𝜆, 𝑗)| (𝜉(n − 1 − 𝑗) + 𝜐(n − 1 − 𝑗)) + c2 |s(𝜆, 𝑗)|,
𝑗=0 𝑗=𝜏

where c1 and c2 are suitable constants independent of m. By Lemma 1, there is a subsequence {um𝑗 }𝑗 of {um }m such that
{ um𝑗 }𝑗 converges. Hence,  is a completely continuous operator. We are interested to get an a priori estimate for any
solution u belonging to C0 (Z; X) of the homotopy equations u = 𝛾 u, 𝛾 ∈ (0, 1). We consider u ∈ C0 (Z; X) an arbitrary
solution of the homotopy equations. One gets

||u(n)||X ≤ 𝜈||s(𝜆, ·)||1 ||𝜉||∞ 𝜌||u||∞ + ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 ||𝜐||∞ .

Because 0 < 𝜈 < ||s(𝜆,·)||1 ||𝜉||∞ 𝜌
, we obtain that

||s(𝜆, ·)||1 ||𝜈||∞

||u||∞ ≤ ,
(1 − 𝜈||s(𝜆, ·)||1 ||𝜉||∞ 𝜌)
which means that the solutions of the homotopy equations are a priori bounded in C0 (Z; X). Hence, applying the
Leray-Schauder alternative theorem, we deduce that  has a fixed point u in C0 (Z; X). Moreover, the continuity of 
implies that the set S is closed. On the other hand, because 𝜈 ∈ (0, 𝜌 ||s(𝜆,·)|| ), we have that S is bounded. Finally,
1 ||𝜉||∞
using that  is completely continuous, we deduce that S is a compact set, which finishes the proof of Theorem 5.

The following theorem complements Theorem 5.

Theorem 17. Let 𝑓 ∶ Z ×  → X be a function such that f(k, ·) is continuous for all k ∈ Z satisfying (Lp − 1). In
addition, suppose that the following conditions hold:
(TS2) For each R > 0, there is a positive function 𝛾 R (·) such that 𝛾R ∈ 𝓁 1 (Z; R+ ) and

sup {||𝑓 (n, 𝜑)||X ∶ ||𝜑|| ≤ R} ≤ 𝛾R (n), ∀n ∈ Z.

𝜌||s(𝜆,·)||∞ ∑+∞
(TS3) lim inf R s=−∞ 𝛾R (s) < 1.

Then (3) has a bounded solution in C0 (Z; X). Furthermore, if the following condition is fulfilled:
𝜌||s(𝜆,·)||∞ ∑+∞
(TS4) lim sup R s=−∞ 𝛾R (s) < 1.

Then the set S of all the C0 (Z; X) solutions of (3) is compact.

Proof. Let  ∶ C0 (Z; X) → C0 (Z; X) be the operator given by (30). From the following estimate:
( ) +∞

|| ( u) (n)||X ≤ sup 𝛾𝜌||u||∞ (k) |s(𝜆, 𝑗)| + o(1),
k∈Z 𝑗=𝜏

we have that  is well defined. Let {um }m be a sequence such that um → u in C0 (Z; X). We can infer that

|| um −  u||∞ ≤ (2l + 1)||s(𝜆, ·)||∞ max ||𝑓 ( 𝑗, um
𝑗 ) − 𝑓 ( 𝑗, u𝑗 )||X + 2||s(𝜆, ·)||∞ 𝛾R ( 𝑗),

where R ∶= 𝜌supm∈Z+ (||um ||∞ + ||u||∞ ). Hence,  is a continuous operator.

By condition (TS3), there is n ∈ Z+ such that Bn (C0 (Z; X)) is invariant under  . In fact, if we assume that the
assertion is false, then for all n ∈ Z+ , we can choose un ∈ Bn (C0 (Z; X)) and mn ∈ Z such that || ( un ) (mn )||X > n.
Hence, 1 < n−1 ||s(𝜆, ·)||∞ −∞ 𝛾𝜌n ( 𝑗), which is contrary to hypothesis (TS3). Using (TS2), (Lp − 1), and Lemma 1, we
establish that  ∶ Bn (C0 (Z; X)) → Bn (C0 (Z; X)) is completely continuous (the proof of this statement makes use of a
similar construction used in the proof of Theorem 4). Applying now the Schauder's fixed point theorem, we infer that
 has a fixed point in Bn (C0 (Z; X)). Moreover, if condition (TS4) holds, then S is bounded. In fact, if we assume that
S is not bounded then there is a sequence uj ∈ S such that q𝑗 ∶= ||u𝑗 ||∞ ≥ 𝑗. Hence, q𝑗 ≤ ||s(𝜆, ·)||∞ 𝜏=−∞ 𝛾𝜌q𝑗 (𝜏),

then 1 ≤ lim supR→+∞ 𝜌||s(𝜆, ·)||∞ R−1 +∞ 𝜏=−∞ 𝛾R (𝜏), which by (TS4) is a contradiction. Finally, using that S is closed
and that  is completely continuous, we deduce that S is a compact set, which finishes the proof of Theorem 17.

3.7 Proof of Theorem 6

We define the operator  ∶ 𝓁 𝑝 (Z; X) → 𝓁 𝑝 (Z; X) by (30). Let u be in 𝓁 𝑝 (Z; X). The following 2 estimates are responsible
for the fact that  is well defined.
( )
|| u||𝓁∞ (Z;X) ≤ ||s(𝜆, ·)||∞ ||𝛾||𝓁q (Z;R+ ) ||u||𝓁𝑝 (Z;X) + ||𝜂||𝓁1 (Z;R+ ) , (45)

( )
|| u||𝓁1 (Z;X) ≤ ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 ||𝛾||𝓁q ((Z;R+ ) ||u||𝓁𝑝 (Z;X) + ||𝜂||𝓁1 (Z;R+ ) . (46)

In fact, from (45) and (46) we get

( )
|| u||𝓁𝑝 (Z;X) ≤ ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 ||𝛾||𝓁q ((Z;R+ ) ||u||𝓁𝑝 (Z;X) + ||𝜂||𝓁1 (Z;R+ ) .

Proceeding like in Step 2 of the proof of Theorem 4 we note that from condition (Hp − 2), we get that  is continuous from
𝓁 𝑝 (Z; X) into itself. Next, we see that the operator  is completely continuous. We use the same notations as in Step 3 of
the proof of Theorem 4. We observe that n (U) is relatively compact in X for all n ∈ Z. Let {( um ) (n)}m be a sequence in
n (U). Because ||𝑓 (k, um k { } • )}m ⊆ C0 (Z; X)
)||X ≤ 𝛾(k)r + 𝜂(k) and 𝛾(k), 𝜂(k) → 0 as |k| → + ∞, we infer that the set {𝑓 (·, um
is equiconvergent at ∞. From (Lp − 1), the set 𝑓 (n, un ) m is relatively compact in X for all n ∈ Z. From Lemma 1, we
± m

get that there is a subsequence {𝑓 (·, u• 𝑗 )}𝑗 , which is uniformly convergent . From (44), we deduce that n (U) is relatively
compact in X. On the other hand, taking into account the a priori bound (45), we have the following estimate:


|| ( u) (n)||𝑝X ≤ || u||𝑝−1
𝓁 ∞ (Z;X)
|| ( u) (n)||X
n=−∞ n=−∞
( ) q1
( )𝑝−1 ⎛ ∑

T ⎞
≤ ||s(𝜆, ·)||𝑝1 ||𝛾||𝓁q (Z;R+ ) r + ||𝜂||𝓁1 (Z;R+ ) ×⎜ 𝛾( 𝑗) q
r+ 𝜂( 𝑗)⎟ .
⎜ ⎟
⎝ 𝑗=−∞ 𝑗=−∞ ⎠

This just means that limT→−∞ Tn=−∞ || ( u) (n)||𝑝X = 0, uniformly in u ∈ Br (𝓁 𝑝 (Z; X)). One can deduce in an analogous
way that limT→+∞ n=T || ( u) (n)||𝑝X = 0, uniformly in u ∈ Br (𝓁 𝑝 (Z; X)). Using Theorem 12, we get that  is completely
We claim that there is R > 0 such that  (BR (𝓁 𝑝 (Z; X))) ⊆ BR (𝓁 𝑝 (Z; X)). In fact, let us assume in order to arrive to a
( )
contradiction that for all R > 0, we can choose uR ∈ BR (𝓁 𝑝 (Z; X)) such that || uR ||𝓁𝑝 (Z;X) > R. From this assertion,
we get 1 < ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 ||𝛾||𝓁q (Z;R+ ) + ||s, 𝜆, ·)||1 ||𝜂||𝓁1 (Z;R+ ) R−1 , which is contrary to (TS6).
By the Schauder's fixed point theorem, the set S formed by the 𝓁 p solutions of (3) is not empty. It is clear that S is a
closed set and from the following bound:
||s, 𝜆, ·)||1 ||𝜂||𝓁1 (Z;R+ )
sup ||u||𝓁𝑝 (Z;X) ≤ ,
u∈S 1 − ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 ||𝛾||𝓁q (Z;X)
we deduce that S is a bounded set, which permits us to infer that S is a compact set.

3.8 Proof of Theorem 7

We define the operator  on Erg∞ (Z; X) by the expression (30). Let u be in Erg∞ (Z; X), we get || u||𝓁∞ (Z;X) ≤
( )
||s(𝜆, ·)||1 L||u||𝓁∞ (Z;X) + ||𝑓 (·, 0)||𝓁∞ (Z;X) . From Lemma 4, the sequence n → un belongs to Erg∞ (Z; X). By Remark 20,
we infer that the sequence n → f(n, un ) is in Erg∞ (Z; X) . Taking into account Lemma 6, we infer that  is well defined.
Moreover, we have that  is a L||s(𝜆, ·)||1 contraction, so there is a unique u ∈ Erg∞ (Z; X) solution of Equation 3.

3.9 Proof of Theorem 8

We define the map  on the space PSAP𝜔∞ (Z; X) by the expression (30). We show initially that  u is in PSAP𝜔∞ (Z; X) for
u ∈ PSAP𝜔∞ (Z; X). It follows from our hypotheses that 𝑓 (·, u• ) ∈ 𝓁 ∞ (Z; X). Hence, we obtain the following estimate:
|| u||𝓁∞ (Z;X) ≤ ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 ||𝑓 (·, u• )||𝓁∞ (Z;X) .
Using now (8), Lemma 10, Lemma 12 and Lemma 13 we get  u ∈ PSAP𝜔∞ (Z; X). Furthermore, for u, v ∈ PSAP𝜔∞ (Z; X),
we have the estimate
|| u −  v||𝓁∞ (Z;X) ≤ L||s(𝜆, ·)||1 ||u − v||𝓁∞ (Z;X) ,
which proves that  is a contraction on the space PSAP𝜔∞ (Z; X), from this we conclude that  has a unique fixed point
u ∈ PSAP𝜔∞ (Z; X). The proof is complete.
In the next result, we shall consider local perturbation of (3).
Theorem 18. Suppose that condition (Fad) is satisfied. Let 𝑓 ∶ Z ×  → X be a function uniformly PSAP𝜔 of class
infinity on bounded sets of  so that satisfies the condition (PW1) in Z (see Corollary 4, Section 2.4). If there is r > 0 such
( )
that ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 𝜌L𝑓 (𝜌r) + r −1 ||𝑓 (·, 0)||𝓁∞ (Z;X) < 1, then there is a PSAP𝜔 (of class infinity) solution of (3).

Proof. We observe that since f is bounded on bounded sets of , then f(·, 0) is a bounded function in Z. Let  ∶
PSAP𝜔∞ (Z; X) → PSAP𝜔∞ (Z; X) be the map defined in (30). For u ∈ PSAP𝜔∞ (Z; X) with ||u||𝓁∞ (Z;X) ≤ r, we obtain that


|| ( u) (n)||X ≤ |s(𝜆, n − 1 − 𝑗)|L𝑓 (𝜌r)𝜌r + |s(𝜆, n − 1 − 𝑗)| ||𝑓 ( 𝑗, 0)||X
𝑗=−∞ 𝑗=−∞
( )
≤ ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 L𝑓 (𝜌r)𝜌r + ||𝑓 (·, 0)||𝓁∞ (Z;X) ,

|| u||𝓁∞ (Z;X) ≤ r. (47)

In view of Lemma 10, Lemma 12, and Lemma 13, it follows that  maps PSAP𝜔∞ (Z; X) into itself. On the other hand,
for u, v ∈ PSAP𝜔∞ (Z; X) with ||u||𝓁∞ (Z;X) ≤ r and ||v||𝓁∞ (Z;X) ≤ r, we obtain

|| ( u) (n) − ( v) (n)||X ≤ |s(𝜆, n − 1 − 𝑗)|L𝑓 (𝜌r)||u𝑗 − v𝑗 || .

This means that

|| u −  v||𝓁∞ (Z;X) ≤ ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 𝜌L𝑓 (𝜌r)||u − v||𝓁∞ (Z;X) . (48)

From (47) and (48), it follows that  is a contraction on Br (PSAP𝜔∞ (Z; X)). This completes the proof of the theorem.

3.10 Proof of Theorem 9

We define the map  on the space PAP∞ (Z; X) by the expression (30). It is easy to see that  u is in 𝓁 ∞ (Z; X). Moreover,
from Lemma 14, Lemma 15, and Lemma 16, we infer that  u ∈ PAP∞ (Z; X). On the other hand,  is a ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 L
contraction, which permits to conclude that there is a unique pseudoalmost periodic (of class infinity) solution for (3).

3.11 Proof of Theorem 10

We define the map  on the space PAP∞ (Z; X) by the expression (30). Using the proof of Theorem 9, we conclude that 
is well defined. Now, for u, v ∈ PAP∞ (Z; X) we have
|| u −  v||𝓁∞ (Z;X) ≤ ||s(𝜆, ·)||∞ ||L||𝓁1 (Z;R+ ) ||u − v||𝓁∞ (Z;X) .
Using the proof of Theorem 4.3 by Cuevas et al,4 we get that
1( )n
|| n u −  n v||𝓁∞ (Z;X) ≤ ||s(𝜆, ·)||∞ ||L||𝓁1 (Z;R+ ) ||u − v||𝓁∞ (Z;X) .
This completes the proof of the theorem.
To understand more general perturbations, we need to deal with more general fixed point theorems than contraction
principle. To establish our next result, we consider functions 𝑓 ∶ Z ×  → X that satisfy the following boundedness
(AP1) There are a nondecreasing function W𝑓 ∶ R+ → R+ and a function M ∶ Z → R+ such that
||𝑓 (k, 𝜑)||X ≤ M(k)W𝑓 (||𝜑(0)||X ),
for all k ∈ Z and 𝜑 ∈ .
We can formulate our result.
Theorem 19. Suppose that condition (Fad) is satisfied. Let 𝜆 be in Ωs and let 𝑓 ∶ Z × → X be an uniformly continuous
function in each bounded subset of , uniformly in k ∈ Z, and uniformly PSAP𝜔 of class infinity on bounded sets of 
that satisfies the assumption (AP1). Suppose, in addition, that the following conditions are satisfied:
(AP2) For each 𝜈 > 0,
1 ∑n
lim |s(𝜆, n − 𝑗)|M( 𝑗)W𝑓 (𝜈h( 𝑗)) = 0,
|n|→+∞ h(n + 1)
where h is given by Theorem 14 (see Section 2.3.3) .
(AP3) For each 𝜀 > 0, there is 𝛿 > 0 such that for every u, v ∈ Ch0 (Z; X), ||u − v||h < 𝛿 implies that

|s(𝜆, n − 𝑗)||𝑓 ( 𝑗, u𝑗 ) − 𝑓 ( 𝑗, v𝑗 )||X ≤ 𝜀,

for all n ∈ Z.

(AP4) For all a, b ∈ Z, a ≤ b, and 𝜎 > 0, the set {𝑓 (k, 𝜑) ∶ a ≤ k ≤ b, 𝜑 ∈ , ||𝜑(0)|| ≤ 𝜎} is relatively compact
in X. ( ∑n )
(AP5) lim infr→+∞ 𝛽(r) ̃ ∶= supn∈Z
> 1, where 𝛽(r) 1
|s(𝜆, n − 𝑗)|M( 𝑗)W 𝑓 (rh( 𝑗)) .
̃ h(n+1) 𝑗=−∞

Then (3) has a pseudo S-asymptotically 𝜔-periodicPSAP𝜔 (of class infinity) solution.

Proof. We define the operator  ∶ Ch0 (Z; X) → Ch0 (Z; X) by (30). From the proof of Theorem 3.2 by Agarwal et al,12 we
can see that  is completely continuous and that the set of solutions of the homotopy equations u = 𝛾 u, 𝛾 ∈ (0, 1)
is bounded. It follows from the Lemma 10 and Lemma 12 that the sequence k → f(k, uk ) belongs to PSAP𝜔∞ (Z; X),
whenever u ∈ PSAP𝜔∞ (Z; X). Hence, using Lemma 16, we get that PSAP𝜔∞ (Z; X) is invariant under  , and conse-
h h
quently, we can consider  ∶ PSAP𝜔∞ (Z; X) → PSAP𝜔∞ (Z; X) . Applying the Leray-Schauder alternative theorem,
we deduce that the map  has a fixed point u in PSAP𝜔∞ (Z; X) . Let {un }n be a sequence in PSAP𝜔∞ (Z; X) such that
un → u, as n → + ∞ in the norm || · ||h . We can see by condition (AP3) that { un }n converges to u uniformly in Z.
This implies that u ∈ PSAP𝜔∞ (Z; X), and this completes the proof.

It is also interesting to consider the following result.

Theorem 20. Assume that conditions (Fad) and (AP4) hold. Let 𝜆 be in Ωs and let 𝑓 ∶ Z ×  → X be a function
uniformly PSAP𝜔 of class infinity on bounded sets of  and that f(·, 0) is bounded in Z. Assume further that the following
properties hold:
(AP6) There is a continuous nondecreasing function W ∶ [0, + ∞) → [0, + ∞) with W(0) = 0 such that
||𝑓 (n, h(n)𝜑) − 𝑓 (n, h(n)𝜓) ||X ≤ W(||𝜑(0) − 𝜓(0)||X ), for all n ∈ Z and 𝜑, 𝜓 ∈ , where h is given by Theorem 14
(see Section 2.3.3).
(AP7) lim inf𝜉→+∞ ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 W(𝜉)
< 1.

Then (3) has a PSAP𝜔 (of class infinity) solution.

Proof. We use the same notations as in the proof of Theorem 19. Let v be in Ch0 (Z; X), because  v ∈ 𝓁 ∞ (Z; X)

we get that  v ∈ Ch0 (Z; X), thus  is well defined. Because W is continuous, the estimate n𝑗=−∞ |s(𝜆, n −
𝑗)||𝑓 ( 𝑗, u𝑗 ) − 𝑓 ( 𝑗, v𝑗 )||X ≤ ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 W(||u − v||h ), shows that condition (AP3) holds. Using again that W is continu-
ous and that || u −  v||h ≤ ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 W(||u − v||h ), we get that  is a continuous map. Using the proof of Theorem
3.2 by Agarwal et al12 and Theorem 14, we can see that  is completely continuous. We observe that there is r0 > 0
( )
such that Br0 Ch0 (Z; X) is invariant under  . In fact, if we assume that the assertion is false, then for all r > 0 we
( )
can choose ur ∈ Br Ch0 (Z; X) such that || ur ||h > r. Then we deduce that 1 ≤ lim infr→+∞ ||s(𝜆, ·)||1 W(r) r −1 , which
is a contradiction with our hypotheses (AP7), establishing the assertion.
On the other hand, note that f satisfies all the conditions of Lemma 12. Then applying Lemma 13, we obtain
( ) h
that PSAP𝜔∞ (Z; X) is invariant under  . Consequently, we infer that Br0 Ch0 (Z; X) ∩ PSAP𝜔∞ (Z; X) is invari-
ant under  . Applying the Schauder's fixed point theorem, we deduce that the map  has a fixed point u in
( ) h
Br0 Ch0 (Z; X) ∩ PSAP𝜔∞ (Z; X) . Using the same reasoning as in the proof of Theorem 19, we can show that u ∈
PSAP𝜔∞ (Z; X), which completes the proof of Theorem 20.


To illustrate the general strategy as well to describe some aspects of our approach, we consider a few applications of our
Example 4. Assume that 𝛾 > 0. We consider the phase space 𝛾 (X) defined in Example 1, where X is a Banach space.

Let p be in C such that |p| < 1 and that 𝜆 ∈ D(p, 1). Let 𝓁 ∶ Z → R+ be a sequence such that +∞
𝑗=−∞ 𝓁( 𝑗) < +∞.

We consider the following Volterra difference equation in the Banach space X:

u(n + 1) = 𝜆 𝑝n−𝑗 cos ((n − 𝑗)𝜋) u( 𝑗) + , n ∈ Z. (49)
||u(n)||X + 1

The starting point is to observe that s(𝜆, k) = 𝜆(𝜆 − p)k − 1 and, hence, D(p, 1) ⊆ Ωs . Note that (2) is fulfilled for
L(n) = 2𝜈|𝓁(n)|. Therefore, if we suppose that |𝜈| is small enough, it follows from Theorem 1 that Equation 49 has a
unique 𝓁 p -bounded solution.
We consider the following Volterra functional difference equation in the Banach space X:
( )
u(n) u(n − 1)
u(n + 1) = 𝜆 𝑝n−𝑗 cos ((n − 𝑗)𝜋) u( 𝑗) + |𝜈|𝓁(n) + , n ∈ Z. (50)
||u(n)||X + 1 ||u(n − 1)||X + 1

With the help of the Remark 1, there is a unique 𝓁 p -bounded solution of (50).

Example 5. Assume that 𝛾 > 0, 0 < 𝛽, p < 1 and let 𝜆 be in C so that |𝜆| < 1 − p. Let a, b be in 𝓁 𝑝 (Z, Rn ). We
consider the following Volterra functional difference equation:

u(n + 1) = 𝜆 u(k) + (|u(n)| + e−𝛾 |u(n − 1)|)𝛽 a(n) + b(n), n ∈ Z. (51)
|n − k| + 1

To treat the Equation 51, we observe that |s(𝜆, k)| ≤ |𝜆|(|𝜆| + 𝑝)k−1 , k ≥ 1 and, hence, D(0, 1 − p) ⊆ Ωs . Note that
(7) is fulfilled with L(n) = 2𝛽 |a(n)| in the phase space 𝛾 (Rn ). Under this circumstances we get, by Corollary 1 in
Section 1.1, that there is a 𝓁 p -bounded solution of Equation (51).

Example 6. Let c0 be the Banach space of real sequences {an }n such that an → 0. We define hn ∶ R → R, n ∈ N,
by hn (s) = √
|s|, and let h ∶ c0 → c0 be defined by h ({an }n ) = {hn (an )}n . Assume that 𝛾 > 0, 0 < p < 1 and take
𝜆 ∈ ( − 1 + p, 1 − p). We consider the following Volterra difference equation in c0

𝑝n−k ( )
u(n + 1) = 𝜆 u(k) + 𝜈h e−|n| u(n) , n ∈ Z. (52)
|n − k| + 1

Let f(k, 𝜑) be the perturbation associated to Equation 52, we have that f(k, ·) is continuous for all k ∈ Z. Indeed, it
follows from the estimate ||𝑓 (k, 𝜑) − 𝑓 (k, 𝜓)||c0 ≤ |𝜈|||𝜑 − 𝜓||𝛾 (c0 ) , for all k ∈ Z and each 𝜑, 𝜓 ∈ 𝛾 (c0 ). Note that
(TS1) is fulfilled with 𝜉(k) = e−|k| and 𝜐(k) = 0. Let K be a bounded subset of 𝛾 (c0 ), we have that f(k, K) is bounded
and equiconvergent at +∞. In fact, we get sup||𝑓 (k, 𝜑)||c0 ≤ |𝜈|sup||𝜑||𝛾 (c0 ) and |𝑓 (k, 𝜑)(n)| ≤ √ 4
sup||𝜑||𝛾 (c0 ) .
𝜑∈K 𝜑∈K n 𝜑∈K

Hence, a well-known compactness criterion assert that the set f(k, K) is relatively compact in c0 . If |𝜈| < 1−(|𝜆|+𝑝)
it follows from Theorem 5 that Equation 52 has a bounded solution in C0 (Z; c0 ) and that the set formed by these
solutions is compact.

Example 7. Assume that 𝛾 > 0. We consider the phase space 𝛾 (𝓁 𝑝 (Z)) defined in Example 1. Let p be in C such that
|p| < 1 and take 𝜆 ∈ D(p, 1). Let 𝓁(·) be in 𝓁 q (Z; R+ ) and 𝜑0 ∈ 𝓁 𝑝 (Z). We consider the following Volterra difference
equation in 𝓁 𝑝 (Z):
( )
𝜈𝓁(n) 1
u(n + 1) = 𝜆 𝑝n−𝑗 cos ((n − 𝑗)𝜋) u( 𝑗) + ||u(n)||𝓁 (Z)
𝑝 + 𝜑0 , n ∈ Z. (53)
n2 + 1 n2

Let f(k, 𝜑) be the perturbation associated to Equation 53. For Φ, Ψ ∈ 𝓁 𝑝 (Z; 𝛾 (𝓁 𝑝 (Z))) and 𝜑 ∈ 𝛾 (𝓁 𝑝 (Z)), we have
the following estimates:
( )1


||𝑓 (·, Φ(·)) − 𝑓 (·, Ψ(·))||𝓁𝑝 (Z;𝓁𝑝 (Z)) ≤ |𝜈| ||𝓁||𝓁∞ (Z;R+ ) ||𝜑0 ||𝓁𝑝 (Z) 2 + 1)𝑝
||Φ − Ψ||𝓁∞ (Z;𝛾 (𝓁𝑝 (Z))) , (54)
||𝑓 (k, 𝜑)||𝓁𝑝 (Z) ≤ |𝜈| |𝓁(k)|||𝜑0 ||𝓁𝑝 (Z) ||𝜑(0)||𝓁𝑝 (Z) +
||𝜑0 ||𝓁𝑝 (Z) , (55)
( )
|𝑓 (k, 𝜓)(n)| ≤ |𝜈| ||𝓁||𝓁∞ (Z;R+ ) sup ||𝜓||𝛾 (𝓁𝑝 (Z)) + 1 ||𝜑0 ||𝓁∞ (Z) , (56)

where K ⊆ 𝛾 (𝓁 𝑝 (Z)) is a bounded set, and

∑ ∑
|𝑓 (k, 𝜓)(n)|𝑝 ≤ 𝜃 |𝜑0 (n)|𝑝 → 0 (57)
|n|>T |n|>T
( )𝑝
as T → + ∞ uniformly in 𝜓 ∈ K, where 𝜃 = |𝜈| ||𝓁||𝓁∞ (Z;R+ ) sup𝜓∈K ||𝜓||𝛾 (𝓁𝑝 (Z)) + 1 .
We observe that the estimate (54) implies that (Hp − 2) is fulfilled. The estimate (55) implies that (TS5) holds with
𝛾(k) = |𝜈| ||𝜑0 ||𝓁𝑝 (Z) |𝓁(k)| and 𝜂(k) = k12 ||𝜑0 ||𝓁𝑝 (Z) . Estimates (56) and (57) imply that f(k, K) is relatively compact
in 𝓁 𝑝 (Z).
To complete the discussion, we choose |𝜈| < (1−𝑝)||𝜑 1−(|𝜆|+𝑝)
|| ||𝓁|| q
; hence, from Theorem 6, the set of the 𝓁 p solutions
0 𝓁 𝑝 (Z ) 𝓁 (Z;R+ )
of (53) is compact in 𝓁 𝑝 (Z; 𝓁 𝑝 (Z)).

Example 8. We are concerned with the difference equation

u(n + 1) = 𝜆 𝑝n−𝑗 u( 𝑗) + 𝜈a(n)g (u(n − 1)) , n ∈ Z, (58)

where p ∈ ( − 1, 1), 𝜆 ∈ D( − p, 1), 𝜈 ∈ R, a ∈ 𝓁 ∞ (Z; R), and g ∶ R → R is a bounded L-Lipschitzian function.

We consider the phase space 𝛾 (R) with 𝛾 > 0 and let f(n, 𝜑) be the perturbation associated to (58). We have the
following estimates:
|𝑓 (n, 𝜑)| ≤ |𝜈| ||a||𝓁∞ (Z;R) ||g||Cb (R;R) , n ∈ Z, 𝜑 ∈ 𝛾 (R), (59)

|𝑓 (n, 𝜑) − 𝑓 (n, 𝜑0 )| ≤ Le𝛾 |𝜈| ||a||𝓁∞ (Z;R) ||𝜑 − 𝜑0 ||𝛾 (R) , n ∈ Z, 𝜑, 𝜑0 ∈ 𝛾 (R), (60)

|𝑓 (n, 𝜑) − 𝑓 (n, 𝜓)| ≤ |𝜈|L||a||𝓁∞ (Z;R) |𝜑(−1) − 𝜓(−1)|, n ∈ Z, 𝜑, 𝜓 ∈ 𝛾 (R), (61)

| | ∑ n
max sup |Π𝜔𝑓 (𝜏, 𝜑)| ≤ |𝜈| ||g||Cb (R∶R) max |a (𝜏)|, (62)
𝜏∈[k−m,k]∩Z 𝜑∈K | | 𝜏∈[k−m,k]∩Z
k=−n k=−n
where K ⊆ 𝛾 (R) is bounded and a in given in Section 2.4.
At this stage, we observe that estimate (59) implies that f is bounded and the estimate (60) implies immediately that
f(n, ·) is continuous for each n ∈ Z. If we assume that a(n) is a PSAP𝜔 sequence of class infinity, we get from (62) that
f(n, 𝜑) is uniformly PSAP𝜔 of class infinity on bounded sets of 𝛾 (R). On the other hand, we note that Theorem 8 is

valid in 𝛾 (R) for perturbation of type |𝑓 (n, 𝜑) − 𝑓 (n, 𝜓)| ≤ L 𝜇k=0 |𝜑(−k) − 𝜓(−k)|. If we suppose that |𝜈| is small
enough, we conclude that (58) has a unique PSAP𝜔 (of class infinity) solution.

Example 9. Assume that 𝜈 > 0, 0 < p < 1, and take 𝜆 ∈ ( − 1 + p, 1 − p). We consider the following difference
equation in the Banach space X:

𝑝n−k 𝜈a(n)u(n)
u(n + 1) = 𝜆 u(k) + , n ∈ Z. (63)
|n − k| + 1 ||u(n)||X +1

We consider the phase space 𝛾 (X) and let 𝑓 ∶ Z × 𝛾 (X) → X be the perturbation associated to equation 63. If we
assume that a(n) is pseudoalmost periodic of class infinity, we get that f(k, 𝜑) is in PAP∞ (Z; 𝛾 (X); X). Therefore, if
we suppose that |𝜈| is small enough , it follows from Theorem 9 that Equation 63 has a unique pseudoalmost periodic
(of class infinity) solution.

Example 10. Let 𝛼, 𝛽, c, and d be real numbers so that |𝛼| < 1 and (|c| + 2|d|) < ||u||𝓁∞ (Z;R)
, where u(n) is a control
input in 𝓁 1 (Z; R). We consider the following discrete control systems which were considered in other studies3,29-32 :
x(n + 1) = 𝛼x(n) + 𝛽u(n), n ∈ Z, (64)

x(n + 1) = 𝛼x(n) + 𝛽u(n) + cx(n)sinu(n) + du(n)cos2 x(n), n ∈ Z. (65)

Based on the state space quantization method used by Delchamps30 (see also Nair and Evans31 ), Phat and Jiang
established32 sufficient conditions for the global stabilizability of the semilinear system (65). In our framework, we
consider the phase space 𝛾 (R), 𝛾 > 0, in order to model the control system (65). Let f(k, 𝜑) be the perturbation
associated to Equation 65. Note that (TS1) is fulfilled with 𝜉(k) = |u(k)|, 𝜐(k) = (|𝛽| + |d|)|u(k)| and 𝜈 = |c| + 2|d|.

) subset of  (R), we have that f(k, 𝜑) is bounded, this just means that (Lp − 1) holds. Because
Let K( be a bounded
𝜈 ∈ 0, ||u||1−|𝛼| , it follows from Theorem 5 that Equation 65 has a bounded solution in C0 (Z; R) and that the set
𝓁 ∞ (Z;R)
formed by these solutions is compact. On the other hand, if we assume that the control input is in Erg∞ (Z; R), then
by Theorem 7, Equation 65 has a unique ergodic (of class infinity) solution.
We consider the following perturbation of the control system (64):
x(n + 1) = 𝛼x(n) + 𝛽u(n) + csinu(n) + du(n)cos2 x(n), n ∈ Z. (66)
|x(n)| + 1

Let f(n, 𝜑) be the perturbation associated to Equation 66 in the phase space 𝛾 (R). If we assume initially that the
control input is bounded, we can assert that f is bounded. On the other hand, it is relatively straightforward to realize
that the condition (8) is fulfilled with L = 2(|c|+|d|)||u||𝓁∞ (Z;R) . Taking advantage of the inequality |𝜑(0)| ≤ ||𝜑||𝛾 (R) ,
we get that f(n, ·) is continuous for each n ∈ Z. Now assuming that the control input u(n) is PSAP𝜔 of class infinity,
we infer that the perturbation f is uniformly PSAP𝜔 of class infinity. In fact, it follows as an immediate consequence
of the estimate |Π𝜔𝑓 (𝜏, 𝜑)| ≤ (|𝛽| + |d| + |c|)|u (𝜏)| (see Section 2.4 for the definition of u ). Finally, if we choose 𝛼, c,
and d so that |𝛼| < 1 and |c| + |d| < 2||u||𝓁∞ (Z;R)
, we conclude by Theorem 8 that (66) possesses a unique PSAP𝜔 (of
class infinity) solution. It is worth noticing that if the control input u(n) belongs to PAP∞ (Z; R), then f is pseudoalmost
periodic of class infinity. Indeed, we write u = u1 + u2 , u1 ∈ AP(Z; R) and u2 ∈ Erg∞ (Z; R), whence f = g + Ψ,
g(n, 𝜑) = 𝛽u1 (n) + csinu1 (n) + du1 (n)cos2 𝜑(0),
|𝜑(0)| + 1
Ψ(n, 𝜑) = 𝛽u2 (n) + c(sinu(n) − sinu1 (n)) + du2 (n)cos2 𝜑(0).
|𝜑(0)| + 1
Elementary manipulations show that g ∈ AP(Z × 𝛾 (R); R) and Ψ ∈ Erg∞ (Z; 𝛾 (R); R). If |c| + |d| < 1−|𝛼|
2||u||𝓁∞ (Z;R)
we conclude by Theorem 9 that (66) has a unique PAP∞ solution.

Remark 26. It is quite important from the point of view of the applications to handle integrodifference equations
(IDE in short). So we need to substitute the parameter 𝜆 in (1) by a bounded operator defined in X. Integrodiffer-
ence equations are discrete-time models that possess many of the attributes of continuous-time reaction-diffusion
equations. There are lots of references in the literature concerning to IDE models; we just mention 2 of them.33,34 It is
instructive to consider a couple of examples of IDE models (see Examples 11 and 12).
Let (X) be the Banach space consisting of all bounded linear operators from X into X. Let T be in (X) and let
𝑓 ∶ Z → X be a bounded function, then there is a bounded solution of

u(n + 1) = a(n − 𝑗)Tu( 𝑗) + 𝑓 (n, u(n)) , n ∈ Z, (67)

given by

u(n + 1) = s(T, n − 𝑗)𝑓 (𝑗, u( 𝑗)) , (68)
where s(T, k) ∈ (X) is a summable solution of the difference equation

s(T, k + 1) = Ta(k − 𝑗)s(T, 𝑗), k = 0, 1, 2, · · ·, s(T, 0) = I. (69)

Example 11. We consider the following IDE:

[ ]
𝑝t+1 (x) = k(|x − 𝑦|) sh 𝑝t (𝑦) (1 − 𝑝t (𝑦)) (𝑝t (𝑦) − 𝑝)
̂ + gt (𝑦) − 𝜇(1 − s𝑓 )𝑝t (𝑦) d𝑦, (70)


t ∈ Z, x ∈ [a, b].
Before proceeding to the precise results, let us give some additional context. We want to mention that models related
to (70) have been recently considered in Schofield,35 where (70) with g ≡ 0 models the spatiotemporal spread of

Wolbachia infection in Drosophila simulans populations. In such framework 𝑝̂ = s𝑓 , sf is the reduction in fecundity
caused by Wolbachia infections, sh is the reduction in hatch success in incompatible crosses, 𝜇 is an imperfect maternal
transmission rate, the spatiotemporal process at time t and spatial location x is denoted by pt (x), and k(|x − y|) is
the dispersal kernel (Gaussian or leptokurtic distribution). We have that ∫−∞ k(|x − 𝑦|)d𝑦 ≡ 1. Following Turelli and
Hoffmann,36 we have sh = 0.45 and sf = 0.05, then 𝑝̂ = 0.11. Define

(T𝜑) (x) = −𝜇(1 − s𝑓 ) k(|x − 𝑦|)𝜑(𝑦)d𝑦,

( )
𝑓̃𝜑 (x) = k(|x − 𝑦|) [sh 𝜑(𝑦) (1 − 𝜑(𝑦)) (𝜑(𝑦) − 𝑝)]
̂ d𝑦,


g̃ (t)(x) = k(|x − 𝑦|)gt (𝑦)d𝑦.


To model (70) in our abstract setting, we consider X = C([a, b]; R), the linear bounded operator T ∶ C([a, b]; R) →
C([a, b]; R) (note further that from Table 1 by Schofield,35 we can pick the transmission loss rate so that 𝜇 < 1,
whence ||T||(C([a,b];R)) < 1) and the disturbance function associated to (70) as being the function 𝑓 (t, 𝜑) = 𝑓̃𝜑 + g̃ (t).
Introducing the notation p(n)(x) = pn (x), we have that (70) can be formulated as the difference equation:

𝑝(n + 1) = T𝑝(n) + 𝑓 (n, 𝑝(n)), n ∈ Z. (71)

This model may be viewed within the large class of models of type (67). Thus, if p(n) is a bounded solution of

Equation 71, then 𝑝(n + 1) = n𝑗=−∞ T n−𝑗 𝑓 (𝑗, 𝑝( 𝑗)).
Suppose that g ∈ Erg (Z; C([a, b]; R)). We are interested in discussing the existence of an ergodic solution of (70).
We define an operator  on Erg (Z; C([a, b]; R)) in the following manner:

( )
(u) (n) = T n−𝑗 𝑓̃(u( 𝑗)) + g̃ ( 𝑗) , n ∈ Z, (72)

where u ∈ Erg (Z; C([a, b]; R)).

We have that the 𝓁 ∞ norm of u is controlled by
||u||𝓁∞ (Z;C([a,b];R))
1 − ||T||(C([a,b];R))
( )( )
× 1 + ||u||𝓁∞ (Z;C([a,b];R)) ||u||𝓁∞ (Z;C([a,b];R)) + 0.11
+ ||g||𝓁∞ (Z;C([a,b];R)) .
1 − ||T||(C([a,b];R))
We claim that the sequence n ∈ Z → 𝑓 (n, u(n)) ∈ C([a, b]; R) is ergodic. In fact

1 ∑
||𝑓 (k, u(k)) ||C([a,b];R)
2n + 1 k=−n
( )( )
≤ 0.45 1 + ||u||𝓁∞ (Z;C([a,b];R)) ||u||𝓁∞ (Z;C([a,b];R)) + 0.11
1 ∑ 1 ∑
n n
× ||u(k)||C([a,b];R) + ||gk ||C([a,b];R) .
2n + 1 k=−n 2n + 1 k=−n
Taking advantage of Lemma 3, we get that u ∈ Erg (Z; C([a, b]; R)), which means that  is well defined.
Next, we need to introduce the following auxiliary notation:
0.45 1 ||g||𝓁∞ (Z;C([a,b];R))
𝜈r (g) ∶= (3r 2 + 2.22r + 0.11) + × .
1 − ||T||(C([a,b];R)) 1 − ||T||(C([a,b];R)) r
We additionally assume that the 𝓁 ∞ norm of g is sufficiently small, and we demand that 𝜇 ≪ 1. We choose a positive
number r so that 𝜈 r (g) < 1. For any u, v ∈ Erg (Z; C([a, b]; R)) with ||u||𝓁∞ (Z;C([a,b];R)) ≤ r and ||v||𝓁∞ (Z;C([a,b];R)) ≤ r.

We obtain that
|| (u) (n) − (v) (n)||C([a,b];R)

(( )
≤ 0.45 ||T||n−𝑗 1 + ||u( 𝑗)||C([a,b];R) + ||u( 𝑗)||C([a,b];R)
( ) ( ))
× ||u( 𝑗)||C([a,b];R) + 0.11 + ||v( 𝑗)||C([a,b];R) 1 + ||v( 𝑗)||C([a,b];R) × ||u( 𝑗) − v( 𝑗)||C([a,b];R)
≤ (3r 2 + 2.22r + 0.11)||u − v||𝓁∞ (Z;C([a,b];R)) .
1 − ||T||(C([a,b];R))
This ensures that
||u − v||𝓁∞ (Z;C([a,b];R)) ≤ (3r 2 + 2.22r + 0.11)||u − v||𝓁∞ (Z;C([a,b];R)) . (73)
1 − ||T||(C([a,b];R))

Furthermore, for u ∈ 𝓁 ∞ (Z; C([a, b]; R)) with ||u||𝓁∞ (Z;C([a,b];R)) ≤ r, we get
||u||𝓁∞ (Z;C([a,b];R))

0.45 1
≤ (3r 2 + 2.22r + 0.11)||u||𝓁∞ (Z;C([a,b];R)) + ||g||𝓁∞ (Z;C([a,b];R)) (74)
1 − ||T||(C([a,b];R)) 1 − ||T||(C([a,b];R))
≤ 𝜈r (g)r ≤ r. (75)
Inequalities (73) and (75) allow us to conclude that  is contraction in Br (Erg (Z; C([a, b]; R))). This means lit-
erally that (70) has an ergodic solution. Now, let us assume that g ∈ Erg∞ (Z; C([a, b]; R)), and let u be in
Erg∞ (Z; C([a, b]; R)), we have that the sequence n → 𝑓̃ (u(n)) + g̃ (n) is ergodic of class infinity. In fact, let m be in
Z+ − {0}, we have that

1 ∑
max ||𝑓̃ (u(𝜏)) + g̃ (𝜏)||C([a,b];R)
2n + 1 k=−n 𝜏∈[k−m,k]∩Z

1 ∑
( )( )
≤ 0.45 1 + ||u||𝓁∞ (Z;C([a,b];R)) ||u||𝓁∞ (Z;C([a,b];R)) + 0.11 × max ||u(𝜏)||C([a,b];R)
2n + 1 k=−n 𝜏∈[k−m,k]∩Z

1 ∑
+ max ||g𝜏 ||C([a,b];R) .
2n + 1 k=−n 𝜏∈[k−m,k]∩Z

Using Lemma 6 (see Section 2.4), we get that u ∈ Erg∞ (Z; C([a, b]; R)). We observe that with the same kind of
previous argument, one can deduce that  is a contraction in Br (Erg∞ (Z; C([a, b]; R))). Thus, we can assert that
Equation 70 has an ergodic solution of class infinity.
Suppose that g ∈ PSAP𝜔 (Z; C([a, b]; R)) and let u be in PSAP𝜔 (Z; C([a, b]; R)), we have that the sequence n →
𝑓 (u(n)) + g̃ (n) is PSAP𝜔 . This assertion is consequence of the following estimate:

1 ∑ ̃
||𝑓 (u(k + 𝜔)) − 𝑓̃ (u(k)) ||C([a,b];R)
2n + 1 k=−n
(( )( ) ( ))
≤ 0.45 1 + 2||u||𝓁∞ (Z;C([a,b];R)) ||u||𝓁∞ (Z;C([a,b];R)) + 0.11 + ||u||𝓁∞ (Z;C([a,b];R)) 1 + ||u||𝓁∞ (Z;C([a,b];R))
1 ∑
× ||u(k + 𝜔) − u(k)||C([a,b];R) .
2n + 1 k=−n

By Lemma 8, we obtain immediately that u ∈ PSAP𝜔 (Z; C([a, b]; R)). Furthermore  is a contraction in
Br (PSAP𝜔 (Z; C([a, b]; R))). Therefore Equation 70 has a PSAP𝜔 solution. If g ∈ PSAP𝜔∞ (Z; C([a, b]; R)) and r is a pos-
itive number so that 𝜐g (r) < 1, we can prove that  has a unique fixed point in Br (PSAP𝜔∞ (Z; C([a, b]; R))). Hence,
(70) has a PSAP𝜔 solution of class infinity.
Now assume that g ∈ 𝓁 𝑝 (Z; C([a, b]; R)) with ||g||𝓁𝑝 (Z;C([a,b];R)) small enough and 𝜇 ≪ 1. We choose a positive
number r so that 𝜐#r (g) < 1, where
0.45 1 ||g||𝓁𝑝 (Z;C([a,b];R))
𝜈r# (g) ∶= (3r 2 + 2.22r + 0.11) + × .
1 − ||T||(C([a,b];R)) 1 − ||T||(C([a,b];R)) r

Let u, v ∈ Br (𝓁 𝑝 (Z; C([a, b]; R))), we have the following estimates:

||u||𝓁𝑝 (Z;C([a,b];R))
0.45 1
≤ (3r 2 + 2.22r + 0.11)||u||𝓁𝑝 (Z;C([a,b];R)) + ||g||𝓁𝑝 (Z;C([a,b];R))
1 − ||T||(C([a,b];R)) 1 − ||T||(C([a,b];R))
≤ 𝜈g# (r)r ≤ r
||u − v||𝓁𝑝 (Z;C([a,b];R)) ≤ (3r 2 + 2.22r + 0.11)||u − v||𝓁𝑝 (Z;C([a,b];R)) .
1 − ||T||(C([a,b];R))
Therefore, the operator  is a contraction in Br (𝓁 𝑝 (Z; C([a, b]; R))). Thus, we can assert that Equation 70 has a
unique 𝓁 p -bounded solution. A remarkable fact here is that in the particular case of g ≡ 0 and 𝜐0 (r) < 1, the only
bounded solution of (70) belonging to Br is the null solution.

Example 12. We consider the following problem of dispersive population described by the IDE:

Nn+1 (x) = k(x − 𝑦)F (n, 𝑦, Nn (𝑦)) d𝑦, n ∈ Z, x ∈ Ω, (76)


where Ω is a compact subset of Rn ,

Nn (x) denotes the population density at a point x in Ω at the end of the dispersal
period in year n ∈ Z, and k(x − y) is a density function governing the probability of successful dispersal from a
point y to x. We assume that the dispersal kernel satisfies ∫Ω k(𝑦)d𝑦 =  < 1. Population growth is modeled by the
nonnegative function F ∶ Z × Ω × R+ → R+ that is given by F(n, y, r) = 𝛾r + f(n, (r) + )gn (y), gn (y)( > 0, for
) all n ∈ Z
and all y ∈ Ω, and f is the Beverton-Holt function 𝑓 (n, r) = K(n)+(𝜇−1)r
with 𝜇 ∈ 1, 1 and 𝛾 ∈ 0, 1−𝜇

, the time
dependent parameter K(n) > 0 is a carrying capacity at the time n (see other studies28,37-39 ). We write the Equation 76
in the abstract form in the space C(Ω; R):

u(n + 1) = Tu(n) + G (n, u(n)) , n ∈ Z,

(T𝜉) (x) = 𝛾 k(x − 𝑦)𝜉(𝑦)d𝑦,

[ ]
G(n, 𝜉)(x) = k(x − 𝑦) + gn (𝑦) d𝑦.
∫ K(n) + (𝜇 − 1)𝜉(𝑦)

We have that
||T||(C(Ω;R)) ≤ 𝛾
||G(n, 𝜉) − G(n, 𝜂)||C(Ω∶R) ≤ 𝜇||𝜉 − 𝜂||C(Ω∶R) .
Assume that g ∈ Erg (Z; C(Ω; R)). We define an operator 𝛤 on Erg (Z; C(Ω; R)) by the expression

(Γu) (n) = T n−𝑗 G (𝑗, u( 𝑗)) ,

where u ∈ Erg (Z; C(Ω; R)). Note that the sequence n → G (n, u(n)) is ergodic. In fact, we get

1 ∑ 𝜇 ∑  ∑
n n n
||G (𝑗, u( 𝑗)) ||C(Ω;R) ≤ ||u( 𝑗)||C(Ω;R) + ||g𝑗 ||C(Ω;R) .
2n + 1 𝑗=−n 2n + 1 𝑗=−n 2n + 1 𝑗=−n

From Lemma 3, we get that 𝛤 u is ergodic, whence 𝛤 is well defined. Pretty easy calculations show that the operator
𝜇 ( )
𝛤 is a 1−𝛾 contraction. We observe that the space Erg (Z; C(Ω; R)) can be replaced by Erg Z; C(Ω; R+ ) . Hence, one
immediately obtains that the Equation 76 has a unique ergodic solution u ∶ Z → C(Ω; R+ ). Repeating most part of
the previous argument, one can deduce that if g ∈ Erg∞ (Z; C(Ω; R)), the Equation 76 has a unique ergodic (of class
infinity) solution u ∶ Z → C(Ω ∶ R+ ).

Let u ∶ Z → C(Ω; R) be a bounded function so that u(n)(y) > 0, for all n ∈ Z and for all y ∈ Ω. From the following
1 ∑
||G (𝑗 + 𝜔, u( 𝑗 + 𝜔)) − G (𝑗, u( 𝑗)) ||C(Ω;R)
2n + 1 𝑗=−n

𝜇 ∑ 𝜇 ∑  ∑
n n n
≤ ||u( 𝑗 + 𝜔) − u( 𝑗)||C(Ω;R) + . |K( 𝑗 + 𝜔) − K( 𝑗)| + ||g𝑗+𝜔 − g𝑗 ||C(Ω;R) .
2n + 1 𝑗=−n 2n + 1 𝜇 − 1 𝑗=−n 2n + 1 𝑗=−n

We infer that if g ∈ PSAP𝜔 (Z; C(Ω; R)) and the carrying capacity is a PSAP𝜔 function, then the sequence G (·, u(·)) ∈
( ) ( ) ( )
PSAP𝜔 Z; C(Ω; R+ ) when u ∈ PSAP𝜔 Z; C(Ω; R+ ) . By Lemma 8, we obtain that Γu ∈ PSAP𝜔 Z; C(Ω; R+ ) . This
important observation enable us to deduce the existence of a unique PSAP𝜔 solution to the Equation 76.
Applying analogous techniques, we can get the existence of a PSAP𝜔 (of class infinity) solution of Equation 76. To
be more precise, we need to suppose that g ∈ PSAP𝜔∞ (Z; C(Ω; R)) and K ∈ PSAP𝜔∞ (Z; R). We leave the details to the
( )
Next, we assume that the carrying capacity is almost periodic and g ∈ PSAP∞ Z; C(Ω; R+ ) , we write g = g1 + g2 ,
( ) ( )
g1 ∈ AP Z; C(Ω; R+ ) and g2 ∈ Erg∞ Z; C(Ω; R+ ) , then G is pseudoalmost periodic of class infinity. Indeed, we
have that
G(n, 𝜉) = G1 (n, 𝜉) + G2 (n), where
[ ]
G (n, 𝜉)(x) =
k(x − 𝑦) 1
+ gn (𝑦) d𝑦,
∫ K(n) + (𝜇 − 1)𝜉(𝑦)

G2 (n)(x) = k(x − 𝑦)gn2 (𝑦)d𝑦.

( ) ( )
Note that G ∈ AP Z × C(Ω; R ); C(Ω; R ) and G2 ∈ Erg∞ Z; C(Ω; R+ ) . By Lemma 15 (Section 2.5), the Nemytskii
1 + +
( ) ( )
sequence n → G (n, u(n)) belongs to PAP∞ Z; C(Ω; R+ ) , when u ∈ PAP∞ Z; C(Ω; R+ ) . From Lemma 16, we get
( )
that Γu ∈ PAP∞ Z; C(Ω; R+ ) . Consequently, we can infer that the Equation 76 has a unique pseudoalmost periodic
(of class infinity) solution.
Let us discuss the case of g ∈ 𝓁 𝑝 (Z; C(Ω; R)) in some more detail. Let u be in 𝓁 𝑝 (Z; C(Ω; R)), we will prove that 𝛤 u
belongs to 𝓁 𝑝 (Z; C(Ω; R)). Let p and q be conjugated exponents, we get
( ) 𝑝 +1 +∞

𝑝 1 q ∑
||( Γu)(n)||C(Ω;R) ≤ ||G (𝑗, u( 𝑗)) ||𝑝C(Ω;R)
1 − 𝛾 n=−∞
( ) 𝑝 +1 ( )
1 q
≤ (2𝜇) 𝑝
||u||𝑝 𝑝 + ||g||𝑝 𝑝 .
1 − 𝛾 𝓁 (Z;C(Ω;R)) 𝓁 (Z;C(Ω;R))

Therefore, we have the upper bound

2𝜇 ( )
||Γu||𝓁𝑝 (Z;C(Ω;R)) ≤ ||u||𝓁𝑝 (Z;C(Ω;R)) + ||g||𝓁𝑝 (Z;C(Ω;R)) .
1 − 𝛾
This indicates that Γu ∈ 𝓁 𝑝 (Z; C(Ω; R)).
Let u and v be 2 sequences in 𝓁 𝑝 (Z; C(Ω; R)), we have that
( +∞ )1
1 ∑ 𝑝
||Γu − Γv||𝓁𝑝 (Z;C(Ω;R)) ≤ ||G (𝑗, u( 𝑗)) − G (𝑗, v( 𝑗)) ||C(Ω;R) ≤ ||u − v||𝓁𝑝 (Z;C(Ω;R)) .
1 − 𝛾 n=−∞ 1 − 𝛾C
Because 1−𝛾C < 1, the operator 𝛤 is a contraction in 𝓁 𝑝 (Z; C(Ω; R)) . Thus, we can assert that Equation 76 has a
unique 𝓁 -bounded solution. Note that when g ≡ 0, the Equation 76 has no nontrivial solution.

It is worth noting that if we consider the Shepherd function (see Cook et al40 ) in (76), instead of the Beverton-Holt
function, we can get actually all the above results. To be more precise, notice that the Shepherd function is given by
𝑓 (r) = (𝜇rr )2 . Following the same strategy as before, we consider 𝜇 and 𝛾 with the same restrictions as above. The
1+ b
abstract problem associated to the Shepherd function is
̃ (n, u(n)) , n ∈ Z,
u(n + 1) = Tu(n) + G

⎡ ⎤
̃ 𝜉)(x) = ⎢ 𝜇𝜉(𝑦) ⎥
G(n, k(x − 𝑦) ⎢ ( )2 + gn (𝑦)⎥ d𝑦.
∫ ⎢ 1 + 𝜉(𝑦) ⎥
Ω ⎣ b ⎦
̃ is 𝜇-Lipschitzian with respect to the second variable. Hence, one can easily treat this case by an obvious
Note that G
compilation of the arguments used until now. Thus, completing the discussion of the Example 12.


We emphasize that due to the central role of difference equations in the models of the physical world is very important to
develop their qualitative theory. In this work, we investigate the 𝓁 p boundedness, the topological structure of the solutions
set, and the asymptotic periodicity for a class of difference equations of the Volterra type. The key ingredients to achieve
our results were the fundamental solution notion and the fixed point arguments.
We hope that this work to be valuable to applied mathematicians who are interested in new ideas to study difference
equations. In this direction, we apply our methods in some control systems, Wolbachia infection models and disper-
sive population models. Many follow-up studies to the present one are possible. One is to apply the developed theory to
the nonautonomous difference equations in the infinite dimensional setting. Our results are new and contribute to the
development of the qualitative theory of Volterra difference equations.

The first and second authors would like to thank the Department of Mathematics and Statistics of University of La Fron-
tera for providing an excellent work environment where part of this work was done. The first author would like to thank
Professor Filipe Dantas for valuable discussions and comments on some parts of this manuscript. C.C. was partially sup-
ported by CNPq/Brazil under Grant 407952/2016-0. H.S. was partially supported by CONICYT under grant Fondecyt
Grant 1181084.


Claudio Cuevas

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How to cite this article: Bernardo F, Cuevas C, Soto H. Qualitative theory for Volterra difference equations.
Math Meth Appl Sci. 2018;1–36.

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