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Author Dr Rakesh K Wats
NITTTR, Chandigarh
Supportive team Ms. Kamakshi Malik
DAV College, Chandigarh

Broad Objective
The main objective of this unit is to highlight the importance
of academic leadership for any educational institution.
Through theories and styles of leadership, the learners shall
also become aware to handle different situations and

Learning Outcomes
After going through this unit the learner will be able to:
• Appreciate the importance of academic leadership for the growth and development of any
• Understand the challenges for an academic leader in today’s scenario.
• Understand the theories of leadership and their applicability in academic institutions.
• Understand and apply different models of leadership based on theories for the growth and
development of an institution.
• Understand and apply different styles of leadership on diverse subordinates and in varied

By now, you must have understood role and importance of different aspects of management in fulfilling
the goals and objectives of any educational institution. If now, a simple question is asked, what is the
single most important factor, which can lead to success or failure of any institution? Some of the replies
will be: clear vision, total commitment of employees, team work, positive attitude, effective
communication or highly motivated staff etc. etc…..

To meet the above mentioned challenges, we need a strong leader who has a vision for his
institution and a strategic plan for meeting the challenges of above changed requirements.

Practice task
Q1. Fill in the blanks:
a) __________ is the potential to influence and drive the group efforts towards the accomplishment
of goals.
b) __________gets his authority by virtue of his position while _________gets his authority from his
c) _____________ is the name given to leadership in an academic setting or institution as a special
subdivision of leadership.
d) A leader must have ____, _____ and ___________ . (Mention any three traits of a leader)

Q2. Short questions

a) Define leadership
b) State any two differences between a leader and a manager
c) What is academic leadership?
d) Mention any four qualities of a good leader.

Ans. 1. Fill in the blanks

a) Leadership
b) Manager, leader
c) Academic leadership
d) Vision, pleasing personality, communication skills
Ans. 2. Short answers

a) Leadership is the ability to persuade others to seek defined objectives enthusiastically. It is the
human factor which binds a group together and motivates it towards goals.

b) Difference between leader and a manager

• Managers lay down the structure and delegate authority and responsibility whereas leaders
provide direction by developing the institutional vision. They further communicate it to the
employees and inspire them to achieve it.
• Manager gets his authority by virtue of his position in the organization. while leader gets his
authority from his followers

c) Academic leadership is the name given to leadership in an academic setting or institution as a

special subdivision of leadership. It includes such roles as creating vision and mission based on
science and research data for the organization, setting up creative ideas and managing

d) Qualities of a good leader

• Must have vision and be futuristic

• Must have good communication skills
• Must be empathetic
• Must have a sense of responsibility and accountability

8.9.2 Theories of Leadership

A lot of research, particularly by behavioural scientists, have been undertaken to find out the answer to
the question: What makes a leader effective? Is his/her success due to his/her personality, or his/her
behaviour, or the types of followers he has, or the situation in which he works, or a combination of all
these? These researches, however, could not give a satisfactory answer to the question. However, these
researches have resulted in various theories or approaches on leadership. The prominent among these are
trait theory, behavioural theory and situational theory. Each theory has its own contributions, limitations,
assumptions, and frame work of analysis. The understanding of these theories of leadership provides a
guideline to judge as how a leader emerges.

➢ Trait Theory of Leadership

Trait is a relatively enduring quality of an individual. The trait approach of leadership seeks to
determine ‘what makes a successful leader’ from the leader’s own personal characteristics. From the
very beginning, people have emphasized that a particular individual was a successful leader because
of his certain qualities or characteristics. This approach was quite popular between the years 1930 to

This theory of leadership is based on the concept that “leaders are born and not made”. People are
born with certain traits in them which make them leaders in their life. This model of leadership is
based on the characteristics of, both successful and unsuccessful leaders, and is used to predict
leadership effectiveness. The resultant list of traits is compared with those of potential leaders to
assess their likelihood of success or failure.

Scholars working on the trait approach attempted to correlate physiological (appearance, height, and
weight), demographic (age, education and socioeconomic background), personality (self-confidence,
and aggressiveness), intellective (intelligence, decisiveness, judgment, and knowledge), task-related
(achievement drive, initiative, and persistence), and social characteristics (sociability and
cooperativeness) with leader emergence and leader effectiveness.

Practice task
Q1. Fill in the blanks
a) Trait theory seeks to determine ________________ of effective leaders.

b) ________________ theory advocates servant leadership.

c) Fiedler’s contingency theory of leadership effectiveness was based on the relationship between
_____________ and ____________ .
d) ________________ involves motivating and directing followers primarily through appealing to
their own self-interest

Q2. Short questions

a) What are the core traits identified in leaders, as per the Traits Theory?
b) According to Transformational leadership theory, what are the four characters to be exhibited by
c) State two differences between Transformational leader and Transactional leader.

Ans. 1 Fill ups:
a) personal characteristics
b) House’s Path Goal
c) leadership and organizational performance.
d) Transactional leadership

Ans. 2.
a) Leaders as per the Traits Theory must have the following traits:

• Achievement drive
• Leadership motivation
• Honesty and integrity
• Self-confidence
• Cognitive ability
• Emotional Maturity

b) Transformational leaders must exhibit the following four factors:

• Inspirational Motivation
• Intellectual Stimulation
• Idealized Influence
• Individualized Consideration

c) Two differences between Transactional leadership and Transactional Leadership are:

• Transactional leadership is responsive while Transformational Leadership proactive
• Transactional Leadership is works within the organizational culture while Transformational
Leadership works to change the organizational culture by implementing new ideas

8.9.3 Styles of Leadership

Today’s all academic institutions are in a state of flux. They are bound to be in a state of dynamism as
every day a new challenge is faced by them. These are congregation of multicultural, multilingual and
multinational people where people from different walks of life come to work together for teaching
learning process. In order to survive, flourish and lead in these diverse conditions, the leader of such an
institute is bound to play multifaceted roles and use varied styles of leading this diverse group of
individuals in diverse situations. Some of the important leadership styles are as follows:

➢ Autocratic leadership style:

This is the style of leadership where an academic leader has a complete command over his group of
subordinates. The subordinates or his team members cannot put forward their views or opinions or
ideas even though they may be the best in terms of team’s/ institute’s interests. They cannot criticise
or even question the leader’s ideas or way of getting the things done. The leader himself gets the
things done as per his thought process, wishes, ideas, perceptions and styles. Though this style of
leadership may not of much liking of the subordinates, still this style is quite suitable in some
situations, nature of work and individuals. The greatest advantage of this style is speedy decision-
making, even in toughest and emergent situations, and greater productivity under the leader’s
supervision. Some of the major drawbacks of this style of leadership are that it leads to greater
employee dissatisfaction, absenteeism and turnover. This style of academic leadership works quite
effectively when the leader is most competent in performing the identified task, the job is
monotonous, unskilled and routine in nature and the subordinates/team members are quite raw for that
task/assignment or where the project is highly time bound and risky. This style of leadership is
sometimes also called as telling style.

➢ The Laissez Faire Leadership Style:

In this style of leadership, an academic leader totally trusts his subordinates/team members to
perform the job themselves. He just concentrates on the intellectual/rational aspect of his work and
does not focus much on the management aspect of his job. He tells the members about the

Practice task
Q1. Fill in the blanks

a) _____________is one who centralizes the authority in himself and does not delegate authority to
his subordinates.

b) ____________ style of leadership leads to satisfied, motivated and more skilled employee

c) A bureaucratic leader strictly adheres to ___________ and _________.

d) ___________ style of leadership works only when the employees are skilled, loyal,
experienced and intellectual

Q2. Short questions

a) Name the various styles of leadership.

b) What is the advantage of Democratic leadership style?

c) What style of leadership works when employees are non participative, lack initiative and

Ans. 1. Fill in the blanks
a) An autocratic leader
b) Democratic
c) Organizational rules and policies
d) Laissez Faire

Ans. 2. Short answers

a) Different styles of leadership are
• Autocratic leadership style
• The Laissez Faire Leadership
• Democratic/Participative leadership
• Bureaucratic leadership

b) Advantage of democratic leadership style is that it leads to satisfied, motivated and more skilled
employees. It leads to an optimistic work environment and also encourages creativity.

c) The style of leadership that works when employees are non participative, lack initiative and loyalty
is Autocratic.

In today’s scenario, when the educational institutions are facing a lot of challenges due changing socio-
economic, technological patterns, when needs of stakeholders are changing and educational scenario is
also becoming highly competitive. In this type of educational world, the role of academic leaders is also
changing from managing the resources to leading the institutes from the front with a new vision and
appropriate response to these requirements. They have to deal with of human resources who are
multicultural, multi skilled and diversified thought processes. One style of leadership fit for which was fit
for all in the past may not be rule with type of multi talented human resource. Learning from the theories
of leadership, they have to adopt different styles with different individuals, varied situations for their
success as well as the success of their institutions.

1. Dalton, M; Hoyle, DG & Watts, MW (2000). Human Relations. 2nd edition. United States of
America: South – Western Educational Publishing, 56-118p.
2. Dessler, G (2000). Human Resource Management. 7th Edition, New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India
Pvt. Ltd.
3. Hersey, P; Blanchard, KH and Johnson, DE (2000). Management of Organizational Behaviour,
7th Edition, New Delhi: Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
4. Hunsaker, PL (2001). Training in Management Skills. 397-426p. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
5. Robbins, SP (1988). Management: Concepts and Application, NJ: Prentice Hall Inc.
6. Stoner, JAF and Freeman, R E (1994). Management. 5th Edition, New Delhi: Prentice-Hall of
India Pvt. Ltd.437-468p.
7. Tripathi, PC and Reddy, PN (2001). Principles of Management. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill
Publishing Company Ltd., 208-222p.
8. Covey, S.R., 2004. The 7 habits of highly effective people: Powerful lessons in personal change.
Simon and Schuster.
9. Pareek, Udai & T. V. Rao(1981). Designing and Managing Human Resources System. New
Delhi: Oxford & IDH.

these new topics are not incorporated in the curriculum then it is called a curriculum
drift. How can you ensure that a carefully designed curriculum adapts properly in the
changing educational scenario? You can do this by applying a structured set of
activities designed to assess and adjust the curriculum, in other words, with
curriculum management.

An effective curriculum management approach includes following activities:

1. Curriculum mapping-is the first and fore-most step inthe curriculum

management endeavor. It is a process in which structural elements of a
curriculum (phases, years, courses, sessions, etc) are tagged and linked with each
other as well as with learning outcomes and content areas. The most important
aspect of curriculum mapping is that it helps in giving an accurate presentation of
an institutional curriculum by transforming a series of documents and
experiences into a searchable database, without which all other steps in
curriculum management shall be of much less value.

2. Content & structure analysis–After the mapping of curriculum, analysis is

done to find whether the content is still relevant, and if the curriculum structure
supports the anticipated learning goals. Some of the common methods of doing

Gap/redundancy analysis-a report of content gaps or redundancies in a

curriculum. For example, redundancy in curriculum exists when similar content
e.g. teaching a topic, “cement as a building material” is being taught in several
different course areas. While content gap in a curriculum comes when any one of
the eleven engineering graduate attributes remains under-represented in the

Teaching types analysis - a report providing an overview of the teaching types

and frequency of their use in the program. Often, this type of analysis report is a
part of an accreditation review, but can also be used to ensure whether content
is being taught most accurately by providing varied learning experiences to

Thus, management of finance in today’s scenario, when government contribution
to education is declining and the cost ofeducation continuously increasing, is one
of the most important difficult issues for any institutional manager.

 Management of Institutional Infrastructure

Physical structures required to run an institution are called infrastructure.Physical
infrastructure, in the context of education implies the teaching learning space and
equipments necessary for effective teaching-learning process. These include, classrooms,
libraries, laboratories, furniture, social space, IT network and other support needs, like
special provisions for disabled etc (Rose, G.M., 2006). It is important to understand some
basic concepts which determine the planning and management of physical facilities in
educational institutions.
Proper planning for management of these constituents of an institution is required and is
essential for the effective achievement of the institutional goals. Hence, management of
infrastructure both human and physical particularly in the context of Indian higher
education assumes tremendous significance. This is primarily because Indian higher
education has undergone expansion in terms of number of institutions, courses of study,
departments, teachers and students.

Practice Task
Q. I. Fill in the blanks
a) Kinds of institutions may be ____________ , _______ ,________ and _________

b) Management as an activity includes _________ , ____________ and __________ decisions.

c) In the total programme of education, _______and ___________ activities occupy the central
d) "______________ is a structured set of activities designed to assess and adjust your

Q. II. Short answer questions

1. What are the objectives of Institutional management?

2. What are the various aspects of institutional management?
3. Name the two types of human resources in institutional management.
4. Name the various sources of institutional finances.
5. Briefly discuss the importance of institutional management.

A1 a) Cultural, Economic, Recreational and Social control
b) decisional, interpersonal and informational
c) curricular and extra-curricular
d) Curriculum management

AII. Short answers

1. Objectives of IM-
a. Achievement of the institutions’ objectives.
b. To improve the planning, organizing and implementation of the institutions activities and
c. To ensure appropriate utilization of human resources (teachers, non- teaching and
d. To enhance the efficiency and effectives of institutional infrastructural facilities.
e. To enhance job satisfaction among employees
f. To manage interpersonal conflicts, manage stress and use time effectively.
g. To improve interpersonal communication.

2. Various aspects of institutional management are:

a. Management of Curriculum
b. Management of Institutional Human Resources
c. Management of Institutional Finances
d. Management of Infrastructure

3.The two types of human resources in institutional management are:

a. Faculty (Teaching and non Teaching)
b. Students
4. The various sources of institutional finances are
a. Contribution of Government and Household
b. Contribution of Foreign Aid
5 Importance of IM:
a. It includes the study of various theories of management science which define and describe
the roles and responsibilities of the educational manager and develop managerial skills.
b. It includes the study of educational planning at macro levels, its goals, principles,
approaches and procedures. At a micro level it helps in understanding and facilitates:
Institutional planning and Educational administration.
c. It helps in decision making and problem –solving, communication and managing
information and building effective teams.
d. It helps in planning of curricular and co-curricular activities, and preparation of time-table.
e. It helps in the maintenance of essential records, evaluating students’ achievements.
f. Financing and budgeting of the institution.

 Based on Usage/Applicability

Basis Management Administration

Applicability It is broadly applicable to business/profit It is applicable to non-business /non

makingorganisations profitorganisations

Influence Manager’s values, opinions, beliefs & Govt. policies, public opinion, religious
decisions of the managers influence beliefs, customs etc. influence the
management decisions decisions of administration

Status Paid Employees of the organisation are Owners of the enterprise who earn return
the constituents of management on investment & profits represent

Thus, management and administration terms are used interchangeably in the educational
institute parlance, which must be understood based on their principles and their
applicability for achieving the goals and objectives of the institution.

Practice Task
Q1 Differentiate between Management and Administration on the basis of usage.


Basis Management Administration

Applicability It is applicable to business concerns i.e. It is applicable to non-business concerns i.e.

profit-making organization. clubs, schools, hospitals etc.

Influence The management decisions are The administration is influenced by public

influenced by the values, opinions, opinion, govt. policies, religious
beliefs & decisions of the managers. organizations, customs etc.

Status Management constitutes the employees Administration represents owners of the

of the organization who are paid enterprise who earn return on their capital
remuneration (in the form of salaries & invested & profits in the form of dividend.

Practice Task
Q. I. Fill in the blanks

a)The four fundamental functions of management are _________ , _______ , _________ and
__________ i.e. planning, organizing, actuating and controlling.

b) __________ deals with chalking out a future course of action & deciding in advance the most
appropriate course of actions.

c) The main purpose o staffing is to put _________ on ____________ .

d) “____________is the measurement & correction of ______________of subordinates in order to

make sure that the enterprise objectives and plans desired to obtain them are being accomplished”.

Q. II. Short answers

1) What does the acronym PODSCORB stand for?

2) What are the steps involved in controlling?
3) What do you understand by Organising? Discuss the organising process
4) Discuss briefly the elements of Directing.

A. I. Fill in the blanks:

a) planning, organizing, directing and controlling

b) Planning
c) right man, right job
d) Controlling, performance activities

A II. Short Answers

1) PODSCORB stands for Planning, Organising, Directing, Staffing, Coordinating, Reporting and

2. Controlling has following steps:

(a) Setting standards of performance
(b) Measuring actual performance
(c) Comparing actual performance against the standard and
(d) Taking corrective actions to ensure goal accomplishment.

3. According to Henry Fayol, "To organize a business is to provide it with everything useful or its
functioning i.e. raw material, tools, capital and personnel".
It is the process of bringing together physical, financial and human resources and developing
productive relationship amongst them for achievement of organizational goals
Organizing as a process involves:

 Identification of activities.
 Classification of grouping of activities.
 Assignment of duties.
 Delegation of authority and creation of responsibility.
 Coordinating authority and responsibility relationships

4. Elements of directing are:

(a) Leadership: Leadership is the process of influencing the actions of a person or a group to
attain desired objectives.

(b) Motivation: Motivation is the work a manager performs to inspire, encourage and
impel people to take required action. It is the process of stimulating people to take
desired courses of action.

(c) Communication: Communication is the transfer of information and understanding

from one person to another. It is a way of reaching others with ideas, facts, and

(d) Supervision: Supervision is seeing that subordinates do their work

and do it as directed. It involves overseeing employees at work

 According to Koontz, ‘plans have to be set in an atmosphere of close participation and a
high degree of concurrence’.
 Participation enables employees to give their best to the plans. They are also motivated
to carry out the plan to the best of their ability.

 Follow up/Appraisal of plans-

 Reviewing and revising is important to assess and review the effectiveness of plan as
the environment in which institutions operate is volatile and uncertain that makes the
plan to adjust in existing situation. So, continuous reviewing and revising is
 This can be done on the basis of feedback or information received from students,
faculty and other stakeholders concerned.
 The assessment of plans helps the management to rectify the deviations, if any and
modify the plan.
 Without a regular follow-up, there are chances that the plans may become obsolete
and insignificant. Moreover, appraisals ensure the implementation of plans in the
right direction and avoiding mistakes in the future planning.

Practice task
Q1. Fill in the blanks

a) ____________ are the assumptions about the environment in which plans are formulated and

b) Without a _____________ there are chances that the plans may become obsolete and insignificant.

c) Planning begins with ___________.

d) The plans derived for various departments which help in the achievement of main plan are called
__________ .

Q2. Short answers

a) Briefly state the steps of planning process

b) Mention any four characteristics of planning

c) What do you mean by premises?

d) Define derivative plans

A. 1 Fill ups:

a) Planning Premises

b) A regular follow-up

c) Setting of objectives

d) Derivative plans

Q2. a) Steps of planning process are

1. Setting of goals and objectives

2. Developing the Planning Premises

3. Assessing the alternatives and subsequently choosing the best

4. Formulating derivative plans

5. Ensuring support and participation

6. Follow up/Appraisal of plans

b) Characteristics of planning are

1. It is goal oriented

2. It is forward looking and futuristic

3. It is present in all levels of management

4. It is an intellectual process.

Ans. c) Premises are the assumptions about the environment in which plans are formulated and executed.
The development of these premises determines where we have departed from the actual plan and the
reasons behind this deviation.

Ans. d) The plans derived for various departments, units, activities, etc., which help in the achievement
of main plan are called the derivative plans. These derivative plans include policies, procedures, rules,
programs, budgets, schedules, etc

Practice task
Q1. Fill in the blanks

a) ______________ is a programme of development and improvement prepared by an educational


b) An institutional plan must be based on the needs and requirements of _____________ .

c) Institutional planning is important as it leads to the _____________ of the institution

d) Depending upon the circumstances and needs of the institution, the objectives may be ___________
or ____________

Q2. Short questions

a) Define Institutional Planning?

b) What are the main prerequisites of an institutional plan?

c) What is the scope of institutional planning?

d) Give four points to discuss the importance of Institutional planning.

Ans. 1. Fill in blanks

a) Institutional planning

b) the staff, students and other stakeholders of the institution

c) overall progress

d) short term or long –term

Ans.2 Short answers

a) Institutional planning is a part of educational planning and is confined to a particular institution and
functions keeping the goals of that particular institution in mind.

b) Prerequisites of an institution plan are

 It must be based on the needs and requirements of the staff, students and other stakeholders of
the institution.
 It should not just depend on financial and infrastructural support but consider human effort.
 It must be unique and specific which makes it different from others in the same business.
 It must be directed towards pursuing the national goal of attaining excellence with fairness.

c) Scope of inst. planning:

 Improvement of institutional campus/premises

 Improvement of academic facilities
 Improvement of co-curricular activities
 Investigation and Research

d) Importance of institutional planning

 Institutional planning undoubtedly improves the working of the institution and makes it future
ready thereby leading it to the path of progress.
 It provides direction to educational objectives and recognises contribution of administrators,
teachers, parents, students, educationists and social reformers in the process of planning of
education in the country.
 Institutional planning helps the management to make optimum use of the existing resources.
 It helps in aligning institutional goals with National Development

Practice task
Q. 1 Short questions
a) Discuss the various types of plans
b) Define a policy and procedures


Ans. a)There three types of plans

Strategic, Tactical and Operational Plan

 A strategic plan is a summary of various steps to be taken keeping in mind the goals
of the entire institution. Strategic planning begins with formation of the institution’s

 Tactical plans are the strategies that the head of the institution adopts to achieve the
objectives set in the strategic plan. A tactical plan is concerned with what the lower
level units within each department must do, how they must do it, and who is in charge
at each level.

 Operational plans are the ones developed for short term, may be even less than one
year. The function of these plans is to determine actions or activities to be performed
so as to maintain strategic and tactical plans.

b) Policy -it is a past or current statement or series of statements which explain, recommend or
exclude a course of action or actions to be taken to run the institution. These statements are
usually written, but they could be oral.
Procedure it explains how activities are to be carried out. This procedure will have steps to
be taken at various levels. By defining these steps and the sequence in which they are to be
taken, procedures "provide a standardized way of responding to a repetitive problem".

2. When facing an immediate crisis where action is the only alternative.

⮚ Who should do it?

Every one in the institution should be involved in the Strategic Planning Process. Since all the
operational Personnel in an organisation contribute to the Strategic Planning process, the
process itself is considered to be BOTTOM-UP. Strategic Planning cascades through the
entire institution from highest authorities to lowest level staff in the institution.

Aligning the people in the organisation with the Strategic plan is a must for effective
implementation of the plan.

Thus, strategic planning will enable an institution to clarify its future directions, establish
priorities and make decisions across levels and functions in order to serve its stakeholders
effectively, efficiently and responsibly.

Practice Task
Q1. Fill in the blanks

a) _____________ helps an organisation to proactively shape its future and determine the path and
milestones that determine actual performance.

b) Strategic Planning is a ________ , __________ and __________ process of clarifying the

organisation’s direction.

c) Aligning ____________ in the organisation with the strategic plan is a must for its effective

d) Any person, group or organisation that can place a claim on an organisation’s attention / resources /
output OR is affected by the output is known as a __________ .

Q2. Short questions

a) What do you understand by Strategic Planning?

b) How is strategic planning different from long range planning? Mention any two points of

c) Give any two benefits of strategic planning


A. 1. Fill in the blanks

a. Strategic Planning
b. continuous, participatory and systematic
c. people
d. stakeholder

A. 2. Short answers

a) Strategic Planning is a future oriented process wherein an organisation specifies what it

wishes to become and how it proposes to get there.
b) Two points of difference between strategic planning and long range planning are:
● Strategic Planning emphasizes assessment of the environment outside and inside the
organisation far more than long-range planning does. Long Range Planning was the
predecessor of Strategic Planning.

● Strategic Planning relies more on identifying and resolving issues, while L.R.P. focuses
more on specifying goals and objectives and translating them into Budgets.

c) The following are the benefits of Strategic Planning:

● It enhances an institution’s capability to proactively anticipate the changes needed, cause

the changes and manage them.

● It is a bottom up approach, which requires participation of all the STAKEHOLDERS in

the planning process. This involvement, in particular, of the employees of the organisation
makes them co-owners of the plan and increases their commitment to the implementation
of the plan.

8.3.2 Strategic Planning Process

Dear friends, I am sure that by now you must have understood the need and importance of Strategic
Planning for any educational institution for planning the directions of its growth and development.
You must have also understood that the preparation of a strategic plan is the responsibility of each and

Strategic Planning is a reiterative process. The simultaneous and ongoing procedures of
planning and implementing plans will require scrupulous monitoring and evaluating and the
flexibility to adapt, modify and update whenever necessary.

Practice Task
Q1. Short questions

a) What makes the planning process Strategic?

b) Mention briefly the various steps in strategic planning process


A 1. Short answers

a. Those actions that enable us to continually adapt, innovate, resolve issues and overcome
barriers make the planning process strategic.
b. Various steps in strategic planning process are

A. Initiate a Strategic Planning Process

● Agreeing on a Strategic Planning Process and committing to it.

● Constituting a Strategic Planning Group.
● Training the members of the Strategic Planning Group.

B. Clarify Institutional Mandate and Mission

C. Conduct ‘SWOT’ Analysis

D. Identify Thrust Areas

E. Formulate Goals and Identify Issues

F. Formulate Strategies and Projects

G. Develop Work Plan and Action Plans

H. Develop a Vision for the Institution

OPPORTUNITIES - What trends and events can help us?
- What are the positive social, technological, economic,
environmental and political forces on us? (Focus on the
- What are our major external opportunities?

THREATS - What trends and events can hinder us?

- What are the negative social, technological, economic,
environmental and political force3s on us? (Focus on the
- “STEEP”)
- What are our major external threats?
The answers of the above questions gives an incite to the strategic planning team about the
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to the institution.

Practice Task

Q1. Fill in the blanks

a) SWOT analysis is conducted in order to identify an organization’s internal ___________ and

___________ along with ________ and __________.

b) For the internal scan the guide is to examine the four Ps _______ , _________, ___________ and
__________ .

Q2. Short questions:

a) Why is SWOT analysis done?

b) What are the four Ps in Internal scan?

c) What are the external factors affecting organisational environment?

d) Name various sources of information for internal and external scans?


A.1 Fill ups:

a. Strengths and Weaknesses , Opportunities and Threats
b. People, Properties, Processes and Products.

A.2. Short answers

a) SWOT analysis is done in order to identify an organization’s internal Strengths and

Weaknesses and also the Opportunities and Threats posed by its external
b) The four Ps in internal scan are People, Properties, Processes and Products.
c) The external factors are Social, Technological, Environmental, Economic and
d) The various sources of information for internal and external scans are
● Questionnaires
● Interview Schedules
● Observation Schedules

Our Short Vision Statement is :


⮚ Benefits of Vision Statements

A number of benefits flow from a clear, inspiring and widely shared Vision of
success :
❖ Provides direction.
❖ Reduces time and discussion on what to do next.
❖ Creates a focus for human energy, talent and performance.
❖ Encourages personnel to take initiative and be self-directed. A Vision of success
provides important permission, justification, and legitimacy to the actions and
decisions that accord with the Vision, at the same time that it establishes boundaries
of permitted behaviour.
❖ Motivates the staff of the organisation.
❖ Helps to recognise the potential barriers to be overcome
❖ Serves as an effective substitute for leadership

Practice Task

Q1. Fill in the blanks
a) ____________ refers to what the organisation wishes to do and become within and
beyond its mandate.
b) ___________ are basic convictions about what is right or wrong, good or bad, desirable
or undesirable
c) Four approaches to planning are _________, _________ ,___________ and _______.

Q2. Short questions

a) Define a mandate.
b) How do you validate a mandate?
c) What do you understand by Envisioning?
d) What are the features of Proactive planning?

e) What are the components of Vision statement?


A1. Fill in the blanks

a. Mission
b. Values
c. Reactive, Inactive, Preactive and Proactive.

A2. Short answers

a) Mandate is a brief description of what the organisation must do and is permitted to do by

the legitimate higher authorities in their formal statements, policies and communications.

b) Criteria for Validation of Mandate

● Does it include all the major responsibilities and duties of your organisation (if
not, include them and make it comprehensive).
● 2. Does it contain certain things, which you wish to do? (if so, delete them from
the mandate and include them in your mission statement).

c) Envisioning is the process by which individuals or groups develop a vision or dream of a
future state for their organization that is both clear and powerful to arouse and sustain the
actions necessary for that dream to become a reality.

d) The features of Proactive planning are

● Designing the future and making it happen

● The institution believes that its own actions can shape its future.
● Focus is on the question of what the institution must do differently in the
● Although an institution will need to respond to opportunities and threats
beyond its control, shaping its future can be an interactive effort and allows
the institution to proactively shape its best possible future

e) Components of Vision statement are the following:

● Mission Statement
● Strategic Goals
● Effectiveness Indicators
● Core Values and Ethical Standards
● Basic approach to Strategic Management
● Decision making process
● Short statement or slogan

❖ Specific groups with allocated jobs are assigned specific department/faculty/staff
❖ Allocation of department/faculty/staff is based on the competence and resources

⮚ Granting necessary rights:

❖ Dissemination of power/authorities/rights to department/faculty/staff to undertake the given
task effectively
❖ Powers/authorities/rights are delegated from highest to the lowest level of management.

⮚ Coordinating the functioning of various departments:

❖ Organising deals with making all possible co ordinations at every level till the common goals
of the institute are achieved
❖ E.g. coordinating the working of individuals with their departments and those of departments
with institutional head

Practice Test

Q1. Short Questions

a)What is Organising in an institution?

b) Mention briefly the characteristics of Organising.

c) What is the importance of organising in an institute?


Ans. a) Organising means collective working of two or more individuals. It involves coordination of
activities, integration of actions and balanced approach of various people working in unison for the
achievements of common goals of an institution.

Ans.b) Characteristics of Organising are:

● It is the basic function of any institutional management

● It is a continuous process
● It involves collective functioning of all authorities
● It involves coordination of all resources

● It is goal oriented
Ans.c) Importance of Organising in an institution

● Provides framework for superiors and subordinates to work effectively

● Facilitates coordination: amongst various resources of an institution.
● Leads to specialisation or division of work amongst different competent people.
● Helps in achieving efficiency of the institute

8.4.2 Organisation Structure and Design

(A) Organisational Structure of an educational institution is the formal arrangement of roles of

faculty and staff in a hierarchical way. It’s an institutional configuration showing relationships amongst
different departments and positions. The structure follows a set trend to descend information or
instructions or guidelines where every unit or department has its organized role and activities to
undertake. Each organisation has its own structured “Organisational Chart” indicating its formal split up
of composition, official lines of communication and authoritative positions.

(B) Organisation Design is a change in the organisational structure, showing its intension to

respond to change, incorporation of new ideas, techniques, procedures, approaches to have an edge over
in changing and challenging society. The design of an organisation or institute is a sequentially followed
procedure, wherein all existing misfits in the institute like work flow, procedures, structures and systems
are identified which are realigned in new frame to achieve institutional goals or targets. The design of any
institute focuses on the improvement and empowerment of work force (faculty, staff and administrator)
and technical resources of that institute. The design should have a holistic approach towards institutional

⮚ Bureaucracy basics

Bureaucracies are age old system of administrative hierarchy, based on formal authorities, used to
delegate orderly, fair and logical instructions to subordinates. Such a set up has clear cut division of
roles, authorities, rules, promotional avenues, but based on competencies.

Advantage Disadvantage
⮚ Small sized ⮚ Unpredictability of supply
⮚ Flexible in functioning, due to ⮚ Lack of control over out-sourced agencies
independence ⮚ Contractual workers may not be aware of
⮚ Reduction of overhead expenses actual institutional goals
⮚ Easy to operate, owing to specific role ⮚ Technical snags may interfere with target
⮚ Specialized role of each institution dates
⮚ Accountability is delegated ⮚ Interpretation of date from multiple sources
in varied formats

Practice Test
Q1. Fill in the blanks:
a) The __________ of an educational institution is the formal arrangement of roles of faculty and staff
in a hierarchical way.
b) The organisational design should have a _____towards institutional improvement.
c) _________are age old system of administrative hierarchy, based on formal authorities, used to
delegate orderly, fair and logical instructions to subordinates.
d) An institution may have a __________ or a __________ structure.
Q2. Short questions
a) What is Organisational structure?
b) What do you understand by organisational design?
c) Define Bureaucracies.
d) Name three factors affecting Design of an institution.
e) What are the features of Organic structure (mention any three)

Ans. 1. Fill in the blanks
a) Organisational Structure
b) A holistic approach
c) Bureaucracies
d) Mechanistic structure, organic structure

Ans. 2 Short answers

Ans. a) The Organisational Structure of an educational institution is the formal arrangement of roles of
faculty and staff in a hierarchical way. It’s an institutional configuration showing relationships
amongst different departments and positions.

Ans. b) Organisation Design is a change in the organisational structure, showing its intension to
respond to change, incorporation of new ideas, techniques, procedures, approaches to have an edge
over in changing and challenging society.

Ans. c) Bureaucracies are age old system of administrative hierarchy, based on formal authorities,
used to delegate orderly, fair and logical instructions to subordinates. Such a set up has clear cut
division of roles, authorities, rules, promotional avenues, but based on competencies.

Ans. d) Factors affecting organisational design in an institute:

● Size of the institute
● Life cycle of institution
● Strategy of an institute

Ans. e) Features of organic structure

● It works better in dynamism and mutual cooperation
● It is based on cooperation of all members of an institution
● It has knowledge based heads or team leaders
● It is less formal in composition
● It is more flexible and less reliant on formal authorities

✔ Repetitive occurring tasks
✔ Demanding and challenging tasks, as these may lead to the
development of subordinates

Complete and clear delegations: ✔ What, why and how of the task should be clear and precise
✔ Instructions should be clear to avoid repetition of instructions

To whom task must be ✔ Clarity of vision of senior faculty while delegating a task
delegated?: ✔ Based on competency, appropriateness and relevance of
✔ Availability of time with subordinate

Provide sufficient resources: ✔ For effective delegation of task, provision of necessary and
suitable resources are required

Provide relevant information: ✔ Provision of all the relevant information on the task help in clear
understanding of action plan and its expected outcome
✔ Clarity of vision and goal leads to free and open communication

Establish a feedback system: ✔ Feedback gives checkpoints

✔ Feedback keep superiors aware of progress of the assigned task
✔ Feedback help the seniors to offer advice or mid course

Thus, by following some specific guidelines while delegating authority to faculty and staff at
varied levels in its hierarchy, the efficiency and effectiveness of any educational institution can be
attained. It will keep the employees motivated and enhance their level of sincerity and dedication
towards the objectives of the institution.

Practice Test

Q1. Fill in the blanks

a) ____________ means sub letting your authority and powers downwards, from superior to

b) __________ , ____________ and ____________ in any educational institute revolve around
achieving institutional goals.

c) Subordinates should be answerable or accountable to a single authority who has delegated him, this
is nothing but ____________.

Q2. Short questions

a) What is delegation? State the features of delegation

b) What do you understand by Matching authority with delegation?

c) "Responsibility cannot be delegated"- Comment.

d) Give the steps of delegation.

e) Enlist four main advantages of delegating.


Ans. 1. Fill in the blanks

a) Delegation of Authority
b) Authority, Responsibility and Accountability-
c) Unity of command

Ans. 2. Short answers

Ans. a) Delegation of authority means sub letting your authority and powers downwards, from superior to
subordinates. It means that someone else is entrusted to do part/parts of your job. It features are:
● Delegation of authority is always result oriented
● Delegation of authority includes assignments of tasks
● Delegation of authority makes one responsible for task accomplishment

Ans. b) Matching authority with delegation means that authority and responsibility are interconnected
with each other, hence it is very important to check that subordinates are given enough authority as per
their capabilities to perform the delegated tasks. There should not be any mismatch between the
delegated authorities, assigned responsibilities and personal capabilities.

Ans. c) Responsibility always lies with top administrator, in the accomplishment of any project. So it
cannot be delegated to subordinates. Only authority can be delegated not responsibility.

Ans. d) Steps in the delegation process:

● Assignment of tasks and duties
● Granting of authority
● Creating responsibility and accountability

Ans. e) Delegation helps in

● Effective functioning of the institution
● Quick decision making
● Reduction in managerial load


In today’s scenario, every institution has to show a competitive edge by using its resources to the
maximum. Organising is the best way to achieve this goal. Based on the objectives of an institution,
institutions can design their organisational structure. This structure should have clearly defined lines of
delegation of authority linked with responsibility and accountability so that every member of the
institution is clear what to perform and within which boundaries, leading to the enhancement of
institutional affectivity.


1. Dalton, M; Hoyle, DG & Watts, MW (2000). Human Relations. 2nd edition. United States of
America: South – Western Educational Publishing, 56-118p.
2. Dessler, G (2000). Human Resource Management. 7th Edition, New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India
Pvt. Ltd.
3. Megginson, LC; Mosley, DC and Pietri, PH (1983). Management: Concepts and application.
USA: Harper and Row Publisher.

Practice Test
Q1. Fill in the blanks
a) A group of people with similar thought process, common goals and interests is called a
b) Team size depends on the ___________of the task and the __________ till the task is to be
c) _______________ is the budding stage of team formation
d) Teams can be ___________ or ___________
Q1. Short questions
a)What are the characteristics of team members?
b) What are the characteristics of an effective team?
c) What are the stages of development of teams?
Ans.1. Fill in the blanks

a) Team

b) complexity, length of time

c) Forming stage

d) temporary or permanent

Ans. 2. Short answers

a) Characteristics of team members are

● They should be act in a complementary way
● They should work in unison and help each other
● They should not watch their personal interests on priority
● They should not argue with each other
● They should show egoistic behaviors
b) Characteristics of an effective team are:
▪ A clear defined goal
▪ A results-driven structure
▪ Competent members
▪ Unified commitment
▪ Principled leadership
▪ A collaborative climate

c) Stages of team development:

● Forming stage
● Storming stage
● Norming stage
● Performing stage
8.5.2 Building Effective Teams

⮚ Characteristics of a good/effective team

In today’s scenario, success in any institutional workplace depends on your ability to build a
team, as well as to interact with others on that team. Together, people are able to accomplish
what one person alone cannot. This is known as synergic effect.

Following are some of the characteristics of an “Effective team”:

❖ A clear defined goal: This is the goal which has been communicated to all.
❖ A results-driven structure:The goal has been jointly decided by all the team members.
They all should be fully committed towards achieving it.
❖ Competent members: Each team member has the required skill set to achieve the team
❖ Unified commitment: Nothing can be achieved working in silos. With the total
commitment from team members, achievement of institutional goals becomes easier.
❖ Principled leadership: Leadership defines a team. An able leader can chart the team’s
path to success
❖ A collaborative climate: Commitment from team members and an effective leadership
leads to a collaborative team with a productive work environment.

perform. Recognitions like “The Best Team Player” or the “The Best Performer” go a
long way in motivating the team members.

⮚ Factors Determining Success for Teams :

There are many factors that ensure a team’s success or failure. Among them, the three most
important factors are:

❖ Nature of Leadership:It is always said, “A team is as good as its leader and a leader is as
good as the team”. There cannot be good leaders without good team and vice versa. Thus
a leader should not be selected on the basis of seniority only but his hard skills,
competencies along with soft skills necessary to handle the tasks successfully.
❖ Team Collaboration: when team members’ work for individual goals, neither the team
can win nor the institution can rise. Goals of team should be treated above personal ones.
In this situation, it becomes sole responsibility of team leader to formulate strategies to
make a clear understanding between team collaboration and competition.
❖ Empowerment of team members:successful teams are those where the individual
member can act independently, decide on his own and should have freedom to take
decisions in the interest of institution. He should act as a leader in his own way and of
himself. Hence, a good leader and an effective institution would ensure that the “boots on
the ground” are empowered enough to act as the representatives of the team or the

Practice Test

Q 1: Fill in the blanks:

a) Effective teams are characterised by ------- goals and -------members.
b) Creative solution comes, when members of effective team think ------- box.
c) In ---- teams, members don’t not come in direct contact with each other
Q II. Write short questions:
a). Write characteristics of different types of “Team Models”.
b). Classify teams on the basis of their longevity.
c). What are various factors determining the success of a team?


Ans-1 Fill ups

1. Clearly defined, committed
2. Out of
3. Virtual
Ans. II.
a). Various team models are:
● The Traditional Model
● The Team Spirit Model
● The Cutting Edge Model
● The Task Force Model
● The Cyber Team Model

b). Classification of teams on the basis of their longevity:

● Permanent team- don’t get dissolved after the task gets finished
● Temporary team- raised for short while, till the particular task for which the team has been
raised , is going on.
c). Factors determining success of team:
● Nature of leadership
● Team collaboration
● Team members empowerment

8.5.3 Networking And Partnering With Stakeholders (Employers,

Alumni, Community Etc.) For Success
“The richest people in the world look for and build networks; everyone else looks for work. Marinate on
that for a minute.” – Robert Kiyosaki

The distance between you and your goal can diminishes with the company and guidance of appropriate
people. The proximity level to successful people correlates to your own individual success. Successstories

the promise of gainful employment. Curricula are often altered and customized to prepare
students for challenges after graduation and to suit the needs of industry. Academic research
impacts industry, and in some cases, receives funding from it.

Despite these interconnections, a gap exists between the two due to differences in their
approaches, missions, and customers. To bridge the gap, there is a great need to bridge
partnerships from both sides for mutually beneficial gains. Some of the ways to enhance the
collaboration between the two are:

❖ Collaborative research and development projects between industry and academic institutions

❖ Facilitating easy mobility of personnel among institutes, R&D laboratories and industry
(including R&D institutions connected with industry)

❖ Promoting institute-industry linkages by diverse means, including adjunct positions for

necessary personnel;

❖ Involvement of industry in multi dimensional academic assignments like finalizing skill set,
up to date curriculum, industry supported labs, industrial internships etc.

❖ Involvement of faculty and students in industrial problem solving and training of manpower

❖ Using academic labs as incubators for long-term and exploratory research. Academic
incubators are strategic areas designed by institutes to promote entrepreneurship, innovation,
and research. The incubators are spaces for exchanging new ideas and collaborating on
projects, as well as effective tools for workforce development. Industry can look to the
startups and research projects developed in these incubators as valuable investment

From above, it can be summarised that the relationship between both the partners is of
interdependence. Institutions need to adopt innovative strategies to engage industry and potential
employers for its success and socio economic development of the country.

Practice Test

Q1. Fill in the blanks

a) A group of people with similar thought process, common goals and interests is called a

b) Team size depends on the ___________of the task and the __________ till the task is to be

c) _______________ is the budding stage of team formation

d) Teams can be ___________ or ___________

Q1. Short questions

a)What are the characteristics of team members?

b) What are the characteristics of an effective team?
c) Name the various teams models
d) What are the factors determining success of teams?


Ans.1. Fill in the blanks

a) Team
b) complexity, length of time
c) Forming stage
d) temporary or permanent

Ans. 2. Short answers

a) Characteristics of team members are

● They should be act in a complementary way

● They should work in unison and help each other
● They should not watch their personal interests on priority
● They should not argue with each other
● They should show egoistic behaviors
b) Characteristics of an effective team are:

▪ A clear defined goal

▪ A results-driven structure

▪ Competent members
▪ Unified commitment
▪ Principled leadership
▪ A collaborative climate

c) Various team models are:

● The Traditional Model

● The Team Spirit Model
● The Cutting Edge Model
● The Task Force Model
● The Cyber Team

d) Factors determining success of teams

● Nature of Leadership
● Team Collaboration
● Empowerment of team members

Conclusion: from the above content it becomes evident that an institute can scale any height if the
employee of the institute are adhered together as an effective team and the leaders have also delegated
them enough authority to take decisive steps for the progress and achievement of institutional goals.

Practice task
Q1) Staffing includes:
a) Work load estimation
b) Appointments of personnel
c) Placement and induction
d) Termination
e) All of these
Q2) Manpower planning is compulsory for:
a) Reduction in industrial unrest through correct planning
b) To make the employee development programmes effective
c) To provide a solid base for recruitment
d) To provide a solid base for selective policy
e) All of these
Q3) Job analysis is a systematic procedure for securing and reporting information defining a:
a) Specific product
b) Specific job
c) Specific goods or service
d) All these
e) None of these
Q4) What is the use of Job analysis?
a) Organisation and Manpower Planning
b) Recruitment
c) Selection
d) All of these
Q5) Job specification includes:
a) Psychological characteristics
b) Physical characteristics
c) Personal characteristics
d) Responsibilities
e) All of these
1-e, 2-e, 3-b, 4-d, 5-e
8.6.2 Recruitment & Selection (Rules & Regulations) in Educational

Recruitment is a positive process to attract maximum number of potential candidates to apply for vacant
jobs that is followed by a negative process of elimination to reject all except those candidates found right
for the position

⮚ Types of Recruitment: there are two types of recruitments

iv) Three experts consisting of the Principal/ Director of a college, a Professor and an
accomplished educationist not below the rank of a Professor (to be nominated by the
Governing Body of the College) out of a panel of six experts approved b0y the
relevant statutory body of the affiliating University concerned.

v) An academician representing SC/ST/OBC/Minority/Women/Differently-abled

categories, if any of candidates representing these categories is the applicant, to be
nominated by the Vice-Chancellor of the affiliating University.

● To constitute the quorum for the meeting, five of which at least two must be from out of the
three subject-experts shall be present.

Practice task
Q-1) Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to
apply for _______ in organisation.
a) Jobs
b) Wage
c) Cost
d) Product
e) Termination
Q-2) Which is the source of recruitment in India?
a) Employment exchange
b) College recruitment
c) Employee reference
d) All of these
Q-3) Recruitment deals with:
a) Identification of existing source of applicants and developing them
b) Creation of new source of applicants
c) Identification of mew source of applicants
d) All of these
e) None of these
Q-4) Selection procedure includes:
a) Application form
b) Reception
c) Employment test
d) Medical test
e) All of these
Q-5) Selection includes:
a) Framing and developing application blanks
b) Checking of references

c) Formulating interviewing techniques
d) All of these
e) None of these


Answer: 1-a, 2-d, 3d-, 4-e, 5-d

8.6.3 Training & Development (Rules & Regulations) of faculty and
According to Armstrong, M.(2001) “Training is perceived as “the systematic development of the
knowledge, skills and attitudes required by an individual to perform adequately a given task or job”.
Training is followed after the orientation of employees. In this there takes place enhancement of skills,
capabilities and knowledge to perform a particular job. A well designed training programme will help in
enhancing employee performance. Training process is continuous and never ending phenomenon.

⮚ Need of training:

For achieving a level of excellence in today’s knowledge based and fast changing environment,
every institution has to strength its core competencies so as to achieve strategic advantage that
can be done by continuous up gradation of knowledge and skills of its faculty and staff by
different types of training. Training of employees takes place after orientation takes place.
Training needs also arise when there are job changes or person changes or performance
deficiency. Training needs can be identified through variety of assessment tools like
self-appraisal, assessment by head, peer review, assessment sheets and other investigations.

Training is the process of enhancing the skills, capabilities and knowledge of employees for doing
a particular job. Training process moulds the thinking of employees and leads to quality
performance of employees. It is continuous and never ending in nature. Training is crucial for
organizational development and success. It is fruitful to both employers and employees of an
organization. An employee will become more efficient and productive if he is trained well.

Technical Education / CoA / IIA / SPA / ITPI / NRCs / ARPIT / research organization / other
institute of National Importance / Design Studio.
One week faculty development programme as above and one eight weeks duration MOOCS course
with E-Certification by NPTEL-AICTE
Completed two such eight weeks duration MOOCS courses with E-Certification by NPTEL-AICTE.
Completed minimum two weeks of relevant Industrial Training / Professional Training

❖ For Associate Professor: Completion of following training requirements at the level of Assistant
Professor(Selection Grade)
Two weeks of Faculty Development Programme (FDP) in the relevant area recognised by AICTE
/UGC / TEQIP / NITTTR / PMMMNMTT / IISc / IIT / University / Government / DTE / Board
ofTechnical Education / CoA / IIA / SPA / ITPI / NRCs / ARPIT / research organization /
otherinstitute of National Importance / Design Studio.
One week faculty development programme as above and one eight weeks duration MOOCS
coursewith E-Certification by NPTEL-AICTE
Completed two such eight weeks duration MOOCS courses with E-Certification by NPTEL-AICTE.
Completed minimum two weeks of relevant Industrial Training / Professional Training.

Practice task
Q-1) Which is a technique of training?
a) Demonstration method
b) Vestibule training
c) On the job training
d) Training at training center
e) All of these
Q-2) Training involves:
a) Identification of training needs of the individuals and the institutes
b) Developing suitable training programmes
c) Evaluating the effectiveness of training programmes

d) All of these
e) None of these
Q-3) What is the objectives of training?
a) Increase in employee morale, confidence skill and productivity
b) Awareness of the problems
c) To arouse loyalty towards the institution
d) Better work decisions
e) All of these
Q-4) On the Job Training Methods means:
a) Providing study matters
b) To arrange conference
c) Development of institute
d) To work on the site
e) All of these
Q-5) Which of the following is not benefits of training and development?
a) Improve communication between groups and individuals
b) Improve Morale
c) Make the organisation a better place to work and live is morale
d) Development is a sense of growth in learning
e) Helps employees adjust to change
f) None of these


Answer: 1-e, 2-d, 3-e, 4-d, 5- f

Competent faculty and staff are the important assets of any institution. Every institution applies varied
strategies to attract potential candidates and uses different types of recruitment methods to recruit, select
and retain this relevant resource. Application of the rules and regulations of the government and statutory
agencies gives them the defined path for adopt and practice. Analysis of the right training needs, design
of appropriate training programmes and relevant training strategies help an institution to keep its faculty
and staff motivated and up-to-date to meet the challenges of present and the future and facilitate the
institute in achieving its objectives.

he MACPS contemplates merely placement on personal basis in the immediate higher Grade pay /grant
of financial benefits only and shall not amount to actual functional promotion of the employees
concerned. Therefore, no reservation orders/roster shall apply to the MACPS, which shall extend its
benefits uniformly to all eligible SC/ST employees also. However, the rules of reservation in promotion
shall be ensured at the time of regular promotion. For this reason, it shall not be mandatory to associate
members of SC/ST in the Screening Committee meant to consider cases for grant of financial
upgradation under the Scheme.
Financial upgradation under the MACPS shall be purely personal to the employee and shall have no
relevance to his seniority position. As such, there shall be no additional financial upgradation for the
senior employees on the ground that the junior employee in the grade has got higher pay/grade pay under
the MACPS.
The 7th CPC of its report has recommended inter-alia as follows:
MACP will continue to be administered at 10, 20 and 30 years as before in the new Pay Matrix. The
employees will move to immediate next level in the Pay Matrix as given in PART A of schedule of the
CCS (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016. Fixation of pay will follow the same principle as that for a regular
promotion in the Pay Matrix. MACP will continue to be applicable to all employees’ upto Higher
Administrative Grades (HAG) level except members of Organised Group A Services.
Benchmark for performance appraisal for promotion and financial upgradation under MACPs to be
enhanced from Good to Very Good. Therefore for grant of financial upgradation under MACPs, the
prescribed benchmark would be @Very Good for all the posts. The changes will come into effect
from 25th July 2016.
Thus, following these norms any institution can conduct the promotion of faculty and staff in an
effective and transparent manner

Practice Task
1. Which of the following is not usually a characteristic of employee promotion?
a) Upward movement b) Decrease in authority and responsibility
c) Permanency d) Merit or seniority as basis

25 117100 139900 162000

26 120600 144100 166900

27 124200 148400 171900

28 127900 152900 177100

29 131700 157500 182400

30 135700 162200 187900

31 139800 167100 193500

32 144000 172100 199300

33 148300 177300 205300

34 152700 182600 211500

35 157300 188100

36 162000 193700

37 166900 199500

38 171900 205500

39 177100

40 182400

Note: The end-points of any column do not signify the end points of the pay received at that level.
As was the case in the earlier provision of traditional pay scales, the last point does not represent the
maximum pay of that level for calculation purposes. The end-points of the column should not be
treated as the maximum and minimum of a pay scale to calculate the average pay for any level.

Practice Task
Q1. Which is the method of wage payment?

a) Time wage d) None of these

b) Piece wage
c) Both of these
Q2. Under ___________system of compensation is directly linked with the time spent or devoted by an
employee on his job.

a) Piece wage b) Time rate

c) Basic pay d) Both of these

Q3. Which of these is an incorrect statement?

a) Base pay means minimum basic salary

b) Base pay includes traveling allowance
c) Total compensation includes base pay and fringe benefits
d) Total compensation is more than base pay

Q 4. Compensation management consists:

a) Job evaluation
b) Wages and salary administration
c) Fringe benefits
d) All of these

1. c 2. b 3. b 4. d

8.7.3 Conduct Rules

The Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964 impose various restrictions on the Government
servants. These rules shall apply to every person appointed to a civil service or post (including a
civilian in Defence Service) in connection with the affairs of the Union. Every Employee holding a
supervisory post shall take all possible steps to ensure the integrity and devotion to duty.

For an efficient administration an efficient civil service is necessary. Efficient civil services depends
upon the method of recruitment, security of service, payment of good salaries and opportunity for
further promotion. Keeping this end in view our constitution has empowered the Central / State

27 Do not practice untouchability.
28 Do not associate yourself with any banned organizations.
29 Do not join any association or demonstration whose objects or activities are prejudicial to
the interest of the sovereignty and integrity of India, public order and morality.
30 Do not give expressions to views on Indian or foreign affairs, while visiting foreign
31 Do not get involved in unauthorized communication of any official document or any part of
thereof or classified information to any Government servant or any other persons to whom
you are not authorized to communicate such document or classified information.
32 Do not join or support any illegal strike.
33 Do not give or take or abet giving or taking of dowry or demand any dowry directly or
indirectly from the parent or guardian of a bride or bridegroom.
34 Do not address the higher authority prematurely on the same issue unless it is established
that all the points or submission made earlier have not been fully considered by the
immediate superior head of office or any other authority at the lowest level competent to
deal with matter.
35 Do not use your official position or influence directly or indirectly to secure employment for
any number of your family in any company or firm.

Although, these conduct rules are applicable to the employees working in government institutions, but
they are equally valuable for the employees in private, semi government or other types of institutions as
these are the do’s and don’ts of the right behavior, moral values and conduct guidelines for any individual
to follow for a disciplined and professional approach to work and life.

Practice task

Q.1 Fill up the followings:

1. Oral directions to subordinate shall be ---------- as far as possible.

2. No Government employee shall be a ---------of or be associated with any political party

3. No Government employee shall employ to work any child below the age of-----------.
4. Conduct rules are applicable to the employees working in government institutions as well as in
5. There should ------ be any type of ------- against woman in the working place

1. Avoided
2. Member
3. 14 years
4. Government aided institutions

5. Not, sexual harassment

Promoting faculty and staff is one of the personnel policies of the best institutions. This way they are able
to retain their employees who are competent, specialized and well accustomed with the working and work
environment of the institute. This also, on one hand, leads to a great saving of cost which may have to be
spent on employing and training new employees, and on the other enhances the overall efficiency of the
institute due to higher work motivation of the retained employees. Appropriate compensation also
enhances the morale of the employees to work hard for enhancing the quality of services and the
institutional output. Application of conduct rules gives the clear guidelines about the do’s and don’ts for
better working, facilitating in better work culture in the institutions, and thereby an enhanced reputation in
the world outside.

1. Palwasha BIBI “ The Impact of Compensation and Promotional Opportunities on
Employee Retention in Academic Institutions: The Moderating Role of Work Environment”
International Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2017, Volume 11, Issue 1, 378-391.

1. Satyendra, Sept 1, 2015 Staffing – A Function of Management

2. Worku Fentie and Tariku Sime (2016). Staffing: Practices and Challenges International Journal of
Scientific and Research Publications, 6 (4):251-258
3. Lawrent, G. and Ndibalema, P., 2012. Staffing in Educational Institutions: Experiences from
Tanzania. GRIN Verlag.
4. Breaugh, J.A., 2009. Recruiting and attracting talent: A guide to understanding and managing the
recruitment process. SHRM Foundation’s Effective Practice Guidelines Series, pp.1-33.
5. Dalton, M; Hoyle, DG & Watts, MW (2000). Human Relations. 2nd edition. United States of
America: South – Western Educational Publishing, 56-118p.
6. Dessler, G (2000). Human Resource Management. 7th Edition, New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India
Pvt. Ltd.
7. Hersey, P; Blanchard, KH and Johnson, DE (2000). Management of Organizational Behaviour,
7th Edition, New Delhi: Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
8. Megginson, LC; Mosley, DC and Pietri, PH (1983). Management: Concepts and application.
USA: Harper and Row Publisher.

At the same time utilization of finance & funds must be strictly in accordance with the set terms
and conditions, rules and regulations. The accounting standards must be widely accepted in
practice in which the statutory obligation should be increased and ensured in consultations with
the professional and regulatory bodies including ICAI, UGC, NAAC etc.
The gaps in practices should be seriously detected and checked so as to safeguard the interests of
the persons and bodies financing the higher education. The effective information system should
be ensured to satisfy the aforesaid users of accounting information.

Practice Task
1. The function of finance is usually comprises of their basic activities; These are:-
a) Acquisition
b) Allotment
c) Distribution of profit or surplus
d) All of the above
e) None of the above.
2. Functional Areas of Financial Management

a) Determining financial needs & sources of funds

b) Financial analysis
c) Fixed assets management
d) Capital budgeting/ Optional capital structure
e) All of above
f) Only Sr. No ii) & iii) of above
3. The main aim of setting Accounting Standard in Institution is to bring about:-
a) Uniformity in financial reporting and
b) to ensure consistency and comparability in the data
c) None of the above
d) All of the above

4. The important stake holders in educations are back bone and have valuable impact on
the financial Planning enlisted as below:-

a) The management/ Administrators and Managers of governing bodies

b) Faculties/ Non Teaching Staff
c) Students/ Parents
d) Potential employees/ Society
e) All of the above

1. d 2. e 3. d 4. E

8.8.2 Purchase Procedures

⮚ General Financial rules procedure regarding procurement and inventory
As we are aware that in the Government departments as well as in Institutions who generally
functioning with financial assistance i.e. Grant-in- aid/ Loans and advances /subsidies etc .are
required to follows the rules and procedure as defined under GFR-2017 for the procurement of goods
and services, incurring contingent expenditures, Pay and allowances wages and advances to
Government servants etc. as per sanctions and instructions received from time to time form the
concerned administrative departments. Therefore, It is mandatory to knows basic concepts /
Classification of Government functions at each level as defined below :-
❖ Short Title and Commencement:
These rules may be called General Financial Rules, 2017 and they shall come into force at once
and shall be applicable to all Central Government Ministries/Departments, attached and
subordinate bodies. The provisions contained in GFRs are deemed to be applicable to
Autonomous Bodies except to the extent the bye-laws of an Autonomous Body provides for
separate Financial Rules which have been approved by the Government.
❖ Definition :
In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires-
● “Accounts Officer” means the Head of an Office of Accounts or the Head of a Pay and
Accounts Office set up under the scheme of departmentalization of accounts;

● Major head/detail head/scheme and item wise amount provided for specific
requirements in Annual Budget prepared by the Institutions.
● Specific sanction of the Competent authority as per delegation of power obtained
prior to placing purchase orders.
● Single tender system procedure should be adopted after obtaining Proprietary
Article Certificate in the prescribed form under the provisions of Rule 166 of
GFR-2017 from competent authority. ,where it is knowledge of the user
department that only a particular firm is manufacturer of required goods .
● Always procure the items goods as per as per DGSD standardized Descriptions
and specifications should be clearly mentioned in the tenders documents showing
the nature ,quantity ,time and period and place of delivery.
● Two stage bids system adopted where character and subject matter of
procurement is subject to rapid technological advances or market fluctuations or
both or
● To enter in contract for the purpose of research, experiment ,study or
● Purchase from the G-e-m portal is mandatory as per GFR provisions under Rule
149 specifies items/goods and services available in the G-e-M portal.

Thus, by applying these rules in letter and spirit will help an institution in effectively and transparently
procuring goods and services and thus leading to appropriate utilisation of public money.

Practice Task

Answer the following Questions
1. Procurement of ……………or enhancing the utility of existing assets, shall broadly be defined
as ……………..
2. Statutory Bodies/Institutions to publish their tender enquiries, corrigenda thereon and details of
bid awards on the…………… …………………
3. Proprietary Article Certificate(PAC) in the prescribed form issued under the provisions of
GFR-2017…………………… from competent authority.
4. It is mandatory for Ministries/ Departments to receive all bids through …………………portals
in respect of all procurements.
5. Ministries or Departments shall procure goods under the powers referred to in Rule 147 above
by following the standard method of obtaining bids in :
(i) Advertised/ Limited Tender Enquiry
(ii) Two-Stage Bidding/ Single Tender Enquiry
(iv) Single Tender Enquiry/ Electronic Reverse Auctions
(v) All of above
(vi) None of above

1. i) Assets ( ii) Capital expenditure
2. Central Public Procurement Portal (CPPP).
3. Rule 166
4. E-procurement
5. (v) All of above

To meet the above mentioned challenges, we need a strong leader who has a vision for his
institution and a strategic plan for meeting the challenges of above changed requirements.

Practice task
Q1. Fill in the blanks:
a) __________ is the potential to influence and drive the group efforts towards the accomplishment
of goals.
b) __________gets his authority by virtue of his position while _________gets his authority from his
c) _____________ is the name given to leadership in an academic setting or institution as a special
subdivision of leadership.
d) A leader must have ____, _____ and ___________ . (Mention any three traits of a leader)

Q2. Short questions

a) Define leadership
b) State any two differences between a leader and a manager
c) What is academic leadership?
d) Mention any four qualities of a good leader.

Ans. 1. Fill in the blanks

a) Leadership
b) Manager, leader
c) Academic leadership
d) Vision, pleasing personality, communication skills
Ans. 2. Short answers

a) Leadership is the ability to persuade others to seek defined objectives enthusiastically. It is the
human factor which binds a group together and motivates it towards goals.

b) Difference between leader and a manager

 Managers lay down the structure and delegate authority and responsibility whereas leaders
provide direction by developing the institutional vision. They further communicate it to the
employees and inspire them to achieve it.
 Manager gets his authority by virtue of his position in the organization. while leader gets his
authority from his followers

c) Academic leadership is the name given to leadership in an academic setting or institution as a

special subdivision of leadership. It includes such roles as creating vision and mission based on
science and research data for the organization, setting up creative ideas and managing

d) Qualities of a good leader

 Must have vision and be futuristic

 Must have good communication skills
 Must be empathetic
 Must have a sense of responsibility and accountability

8.9.2 Theories of Leadership

A lot of research, particularly by behavioural scientists, have been undertaken to find out the answer to
the question: What makes a leader effective? Is his/her success due to his/her personality, or his/her
behaviour, or the types of followers he has, or the situation in which he works, or a combination of all
these? These researches, however, could not give a satisfactory answer to the question. However, these
researches have resulted in various theories or approaches on leadership. The prominent among these are
trait theory, behavioural theory and situational theory. Each theory has its own contributions, limitations,
assumptions, and frame work of analysis. The understanding of these theories of leadership provides a
guideline to judge as how a leader emerges.

 Trait Theory of Leadership

Trait is a relatively enduring quality of an individual. The trait approach of leadership seeks to
determine ‘what makes a successful leader’ from the leader’s own personal characteristics. From the
very beginning, people have emphasized that a particular individual was a successful leader because
of his certain qualities or characteristics. This approach was quite popular between the years 1930 to

This theory of leadership is based on the concept that “leaders are born and not made”. People are
born with certain traits in them which make them leaders in their life. This model of leadership is
based on the characteristics of, both successful and unsuccessful leaders, and is used to predict
leadership effectiveness. The resultant list of traits is compared with those of potential leaders to
assess their likelihood of success or failure.

Scholars working on the trait approach attempted to correlate physiological (appearance, height, and
weight), demographic (age, education and socioeconomic background), personality (self-confidence,
and aggressiveness), intellective (intelligence, decisiveness, judgment, and knowledge), task-related
(achievement drive, initiative, and persistence), and social characteristics (sociability and
cooperativeness) with leader emergence and leader effectiveness.

Practice task
Q1. Fill in the blanks
a) Trait theory seeks to determine ________________ of effective leaders.

b) ________________ theory advocates servant leadership.

c) Fiedler’s contingency theory of leadership effectiveness was based on the relationship between
_____________ and ____________ .
d) ________________ involves motivating and directing followers primarily through appealing to
their own self-interest

Q2. Short questions

a) What are the core traits identified in leaders, as per the Traits Theory?
b) According to Transformational leadership theory, what are the four characters to be exhibited by
c) State two differences between Transformational leader and Transactional leader.

Ans. 1 Fill ups:
a) personal characteristics
b) House’s Path Goal
c) leadership and organizational performance.
d) Transactional leadership

Ans. 2.
a) Leaders as per the Traits Theory must have the following traits:

 Achievement drive
 Leadership motivation
 Honesty and integrity
 Self-confidence
 Cognitive ability
 Emotional Maturity

b) Transformational leaders must exhibit the following four factors:

 Inspirational Motivation
 Intellectual Stimulation
 Idealized Influence
 Individualized Consideration

c) Two differences between Transactional leadership and Transactional Leadership are:

 Transactional leadership is responsive while Transformational Leadership proactive
 Transactional Leadership is works within the organizational culture while Transformational
Leadership works to change the organizational culture by implementing new ideas

8.9.3 Styles of Leadership

Today’s all academic institutions are in a state of flux. They are bound to be in a state of dynamism as
every day a new challenge is faced by them. These are congregation of multicultural, multilingual and
multinational people where people from different walks of life come to work together for teaching
learning process. In order to survive, flourish and lead in these diverse conditions, the leader of such an
institute is bound to play multifaceted roles and use varied styles of leading this diverse group of
individuals in diverse situations. Some of the important leadership styles are as follows:

 Autocratic leadership style:

This is the style of leadership where an academic leader has a complete command over his group of
subordinates. The subordinates or his team members cannot put forward their views or opinions or
ideas even though they may be the best in terms of team’s/ institute’s interests. They cannot criticise
or even question the leader’s ideas or way of getting the things done. The leader himself gets the
things done as per his thought process, wishes, ideas, perceptions and styles. Though this style of
leadership may not of much liking of the subordinates, still this style is quite suitable in some
situations, nature of work and individuals. The greatest advantage of this style is speedy decision-
making, even in toughest and emergent situations, and greater productivity under the leader’s
supervision. Some of the major drawbacks of this style of leadership are that it leads to greater
employee dissatisfaction, absenteeism and turnover. This style of academic leadership works quite
effectively when the leader is most competent in performing the identified task, the job is
monotonous, unskilled and routine in nature and the subordinates/team members are quite raw for that
task/assignment or where the project is highly time bound and risky. This style of leadership is
sometimes also called as telling style.

 The Laissez Faire Leadership Style:

In this style of leadership, an academic leader totally trusts his subordinates/team members to
perform the job themselves. He just concentrates on the intellectual/rational aspect of his work and
does not focus much on the management aspect of his job. He tells the members about the

Practice task
Q1. Fill in the blanks

a) _____________is one who centralizes the authority in himself and does not delegate authority to
his subordinates.

b) ____________ style of leadership leads to satisfied, motivated and more skilled employee

c) A bureaucratic leader strictly adheres to ___________ and _________.

d) ___________ style of leadership works only when the employees are skilled, loyal,
experienced and intellectual

Q2. Short questions

a) Name the various styles of leadership.

b) What is the advantage of Democratic leadership style?

c) What style of leadership works when employees are non participative, lack initiative and

Ans. 1. Fill in the blanks
a) An autocratic leader
b) Democratic
c) Organizational rules and policies
d) Laissez Faire

Ans. 2. Short answers

a) Different styles of leadership are
 Autocratic leadership style
 The Laissez Faire Leadership
 Democratic/Participative leadership
 Bureaucratic leadership

b) Advantage of democratic leadership style is that it leads to satisfied, motivated and more skilled
employees. It leads to an optimistic work environment and also encourages creativity.

c) The style of leadership that works when employees are non participative, lack initiative and loyalty
is Autocratic.

In today’s scenario, when the educational institutions are facing a lot of challenges due changing socio-
economic, technological patterns, when needs of stakeholders are changing and educational scenario is
also becoming highly competitive. In this type of educational world, the role of academic leaders is also
changing from managing the resources to leading the institutes from the front with a new vision and
appropriate response to these requirements. They have to deal with of human resources who are
multicultural, multi skilled and diversified thought processes. One style of leadership fit for which was fit
for all in the past may not be rule with type of multi talented human resource. Learning from the theories
of leadership, they have to adopt different styles with different individuals, varied situations for their
success as well as the success of their institutions.

1. Dalton, M; Hoyle, DG & Watts, MW (2000). Human Relations. 2nd edition. United States of
America: South – Western Educational Publishing, 56-118p.
2. Dessler, G (2000). Human Resource Management. 7th Edition, New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India
Pvt. Ltd.
3. Hersey, P; Blanchard, KH and Johnson, DE (2000). Management of Organizational Behaviour,
7th Edition, New Delhi: Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
4. Hunsaker, PL (2001). Training in Management Skills. 397-426p. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
5. Robbins, SP (1988). Management: Concepts and Application, NJ: Prentice Hall Inc.
6. Stoner, JAF and Freeman, R E (1994). Management. 5th Edition, New Delhi: Prentice-Hall of
India Pvt. Ltd.437-468p.
7. Tripathi, PC and Reddy, PN (2001). Principles of Management. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill
Publishing Company Ltd., 208-222p.
8. Covey, S.R., 2004. The 7 habits of highly effective people: Powerful lessons in personal change.
Simon and Schuster.
9. Pareek, Udai & T. V. Rao(1981). Designing and Managing Human Resources System. New
Delhi: Oxford & IDH.

 Helical Model (Frank Dance, 1967) and Westley and MacLean’s Model (Bruce Westley
and Malcolm S. MacLean Jr., 1957) (Fig. 10.7)

Helical model Westley and MacLean Model

Figure 10.7: Helical Model (Frank Dance and Westley and MacLean’s Model

Both these models are contradictory to each other. The first one believes that communication
is an inherent property while second suggests that it is initiated by external or outside
competitive world induces the institutional head to pass on information to the subordinate
faculty to work as per new targets or guidelines pouring into the system due to regular
evolution of educational systems or policies and work culture. The latest changes are to be
inducted in the current educational system to make it viable and result oriented. An efficient
head of the institution will follow more of second model.

Use of an appropriate model by the institutional managers helps in enhancing the quality of
communication in that institution.

Practice Task

Q1. Fill in the blanks

a) The process of communication involves two parties namely ______________ and

_______________ .

b) ___________ is putting the old wine in the new bottle.

c) On the basis of expressions, communication can be _______or _________ .

d) Flow of information or exchange of ideas within any institution, with respect to or irrespective
of the hierarchy is called _________ .

Q2. Short questions

a) What are the phases involved in the communication process?

b) Why is communication important?

c) Name the 7 Cs of communication.

d) What is non verbal communication?


Ans. 1. Fill in the blanks

a) Sender, receiver

b) Creativity

c) Oral Communication or Written Communication

d) Internal communication

Ans. 2. Short answers

a) Phases involved in the communication process are

 Delivery of information or instructions by sender after encoding as content,

 Use of medium/media to pass on the information
 Finally response of the recipient after the understanding and interpretation of information
and giving back the feedback via media that the communication has been precisely
b) Communication is important because

 It helps in exchange of ideas that are good for faculty as well as institutional growth.
 It reduces work duplicity and makes a common platform for all faculty members to share
their projects, performances, goals and tasks

 It helps in team building and sharing of loads or delegation of work amongst faculty
members that will result in to fragmentation of work and leading to the completion of
projects on desired time line.

c) The 7c are: Clarity, Concreteness, Conciseness, Correctness, Consideration, Completeness, and


d) Communication that is not dependent upon the use of spoken words and is aided by gestures,
expressions, body part movements, body language, body postures, eye contact etc.

difference of expectations, peer rivalries etc. results in ineffective communication between
institutional administrator and subordinates.

Thus, institutional managers need to initiate appropriate strategies for minimizing the barriers to
communication otherwise the achievement of institutional goals and objectives will become difficult.

Practice task

Q1. Short questions

a) What are communication barriers? Name various barriers in communication

b) What is the role of barriers in effective communication?


Ans. 1

a) Communication barriers are obstacles that lead to the misinterpretation or misunderstanding of

the information sent from the sender to the receiver. Various barriers in communication are
Linguistic barrier, Attitudinal barrier, Emotional barrier, Psychological barrier.

b) Barriers lead to ineffective communication as

 It hampers proper interpretation of words or idea behind the message.

 Leads to Wrong interpretations
 Leads to misunderstanding the receiver
 Does not understand the culture of listener

communication. Effective listening is the building blocks of success. It differs from hearing
as latter is only the practical aspect while listening is the strategy.

There are mainly 4 types of listening:

1. Appreciative listening- when the listener enjoys the speaker

2. Critical listening- when the listener analyse the speaker, determine the agenda of
talk, identify key points and make his/her opinion.
3. Relationship listening- also called as therapeutic or empathetic listening. It is the
most common type of listening while dealing with people like friends, co-workers,
colleagues to solve their issues, problems, conflicts or to extend support.
4. Discriminative listening- involve looking at body language, tome change, sound
modulations, comparison of past words with present and interpret the underlying

There are certain important points to attain effective listening skills-

1. Face the speaker and maintain eye contact

2. Be attentive, but relaxed.
3. Keep an open mind.
4. Listen to the words and try to picture what the speaker is saying.
5. Don't interrupt and don't impose your "solutions."
6. Wait for the speaker to pause to ask clarifying questions.
7. Ask questions only to ensure understanding.
8. Try to feel what the speaker is feeling.
9. Give the speaker regular feedback.
10. Pay attention to what isn't said—to nonverbal cues.

Thus, the effective use of these communication skills help in creating the right culture in any
institution where every member contributes to the best of abilities for the achievement of objectives.

Practice task

Q1. Short questions

a) What are the main guidelines to write an effective email?

b) What points should be kept in mind in using verbal communication?


Ans. 1

a) Main guidelines to write an effective email are

 Emails should have short, crisp and clear content

 It should be self explanatory
 Avoid use of capital letters, unless required
 It should be grammatically correct
 Try use of Arial font with text size 12

b) Points to be kept in mind in using verbal communication

 Be clear about what you want to say

 Use of language skills-(Try to use active sentences, Use gender neutral language etc)
 Be confident, speak fearlessly
 Stop in between and listen
 Be honest and understand the listener


Academic leaders direct the activities of their subordinates through different communication means
for achieving the institutional goals and objectives. Different types of barriers viz. physical,
emotional, cultural etc. pose hindrances in this communication. For the enhancing the effectiveness,
institutions’ use appropriate communication models. These means help them to effectively reach even
the lowest corners of the institution and thus motivating people to work cohesively for the institutional


1. Aggarwal, Vir Bala and V. S. Gupta (2001). Handbook of Journalism and Mass
communication. Concept Publishing Company
2. Dalton, M; Hoyle, DG & Watts, MW (2000). Human Relations. 2nd edition. United States
of America: South – Western Educational Publishing.
3. Dessler, G (2000). Human Resource Management. 7th Edition, New Delhi: Prentice Hall
of India Pvt. Ltd.

Practice Task:
A. Define Motivation.

B. Give the correct sequence in the process of motivation.

1. Action 2. Need 3. Relief 4. Tension
a) 1, 2, 3, 4 b) 2, 4, 1, 3 c) 4, 3, 2, 1 d) 2, 1, 4, 3

C. Which kind of motivation refers to the need to complete a task or perform an

activity for the sake of a reward or an incentive.

D. Is it True OR False that a motivated behavior is goal directed?

E. Give any three Reasons ‘Why lose motivation’?

F. Which of the following is NOT an indicator of a Motivated Workforce?

a) High Productivity c) High Employee Turnover
b) Ingenuity in the use of Resources d) Work conscious

A. Motivation is the process which leads the individual to attempt to satisfy some

B. (b).

C. Extrinsic Motivation.

D. Yes, you are True, a motivated behavior is goal directed.

E. Lack of Confidence Lack of Focus and Lack of Direction.

F. (c).

8.11.2 Motivation - Theories

As it is clear from the ongoing discussion above, the motivation is the hidden force within us which
impels us to work in a particular way. It is the energy that drives us to work hard towards attainment of
goals, even if the conditions are not going in the way we want. Many theories exist about what motivates
people and how. Most of these theories have direct implications for managing the learning environment.
With the formation of human organizations, leaders tried to find out the answer to, what motivates an
employee in the organization the most. The theories that researchers have developed to account for
motivational factors are presented below.

Now let us learn various theories of motivation and their managerial implications. Various theories can be
classified into two categories depending upon “what” motivates people and “how they can be motivated.

The content theories are concerned with “what” motivates people and, thus, deal with needs and wants
of the individuals. Whereas the process theories focus on “How” motivation occurs, i.e., the process of
motivation. In other words, these theories provide a basis about what are the factors that contribute
towards the motivation and how an individual gets motivated to perform the task. As such, theories of
motivation can be broadly classified as (Fig. 1):

⮚ Motivation once established never lasts

⮚ Motivation requires recognition

⮚ Challenge only motivates if you know you can win

⮚ Group belonging motivates

⮚ Seeing ourselves progressing motivates us

⮚ Participation motivates

Practice Task:

G. Which of the following theories of motivation focus on the needs a person is trying to satisfy
and the features of the work environment that seem to satisfy those needs?
a) Process theories  c) Content theories
b) Situational theories d) Motivational theories

H. Which of the following is NOT a content theory?

a) Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory  c) Herzberg’s two factor theory
b) McClelland’s Needs Theory d) Vroom’s Expectancy theory

I. Which of the following elements are associated with conditions surrounding the job
according to Herzberg’s two factor theory?
a) Hygiene factors c) Motivating factors
b) Economic factors d) Environmental factors

J. Which of the following theories of motivation is concerned with comparing the ratios
of inputs to outcomes they receive against the ratios of other people?
a) Expectancy Theory c) Two Factor Theory
b) Equity Theory d) Need Hierarchy Theory

K. Which of the following theories of motivation deal with the basic components of effort,
performance, and outcomes?
a) Expectancy Theory c) Goal Setting Theory
b) Equity Theory d) Reinforcement Theory


G. (c)

H. (d).

I. (a).

J. (b).

K. (a)

8.11.3 Motivation – Techniques of motivating Self & Others

❖ Individualizing Reinforcers and Linking Rewards to Performance. Select potential

reinforcers that are likely to be effective for individuals. People respond differently to various
types of reinforcers. Match reinforcers with their intellectual and social maturity levels.
Consider the interests and values of individual person when selecting appropriate reinforcers.
Use negative reinforcers only when positive reinforcers do not prove effective.

❖ Do not always Rely on Extrinsic Reinforcement. Use extrinsic reinforcement initially, but

help people appreciate and enjoy working. Help them become independent by guiding them
to rely on intrinsic motivation.

❖ Be Liberal in your appreciation. Everyone likes a compliment. But at the same time, avoid

flattery. Thank people for the good work.

❖ Remember Names of Subordinates. Build a system and put in required effort for

remembering names of your subordinates.

❖ Providing for Formal and Informal Channels of Communication and Becoming a Good

Listener. Both these channels should be operative to enhance their sense of belongingness
and self-worth as well as boost their morale and self-confidence. Use simple language when
giving instructions. Listen to your subordinates and let them know that you are listening.
Maintain an eye contact while listening to them.

❖ Use the Human Touch. It is very important in human relations. If one of your subordinates

looks unwell, ask him about it.

Practice Task

L. List any five techniques you think are essential for motivating self.

M. List any five techniques you think are essential for motivating others.

Feedback/Self-evaluation to Practice task

L. Kindly check 6.1 above.

M. Kindly check 6.2 above.


For enhancing the performance of self and others, motivation is very essential. Motivation can be intrinsic
and extrinsic. Leaders need to use extrinsic reinforcement initially, but help people appreciate and enjoy

what you have gained. Identify accomplishments as a mentor-mentee pair, and examine what you
have both learned through the process

To conclude, mentoring involves sharing knowledge, experience and offering and receiving guidance and
advice. Its purpose is not to link with employee performance objectives and it is also not done to impact
the mentee’s performance

Practice Task:

A. In which of the following Employees 'career hazards' are dealt?

a) Coaching b) Counselling c) Development d) Mentoring

B. A Mentor is one who is:

a) a very smart person
b) giving support and career advice to a less- experienced person
c) a psychologist
d) a counselor

A. (d).
B. (b)

❖ Establish the Will

Examining the current reality and exploring the options is not enough. In fact, your role is to get the
employee to commit to specific actions in order to move forward towards his/her goal. In other words,
help him/her establish the will and boost his/her motivation. Finally, make them accountable to
certain degree by reviewing his/her progress and allow him/her to change his/her approach if the
original plan isn't working.

To conclude, the emphasis of coaching is on facilitating the individuals’ work skills development and
acquisition; and consequently improved personal performance. The main focus is to improve the
individual’s understanding of self and their impact on others; particularly people with different needs
and wants from them. 

Practice Task:

C. Which of the following deals with one-to-one collaboration between an external

expert and a manager for developing the leadership skills of the later?

a) Coaching b) Mentoring c) Orientation d) None of these

D. Is it True OR False ‘Coaching is the application of specific skills

to sustain and improve the performance of employees that managers supervise’?

E. Which of the following is NOT one of the major Coaching Roles?

a) Coach as Guide c) Coach as Mentor
b) Coach as Judge d) Coach as Motivator

(C) (a).

(D) Yes, you are True.

(E) (b).

❖ Speak less and briefly paraphrase and clarify.

❖ You have to listen patiently and empathetically if you want to be good in communication.

Empathetic listening inspires openness and trust.

❖ Build positive self-concept. Provide reassurance to them that their problems have solutions and that

they have the ability to improve.

❖ Reflect employee feelings. Be concrete- by asking for examples in vivid details of feelings and


❖ Counselor should ask open-ended questions. In addition, when in doubt, focus on feelings and

guide the counselee to find his/her own way to finding solutions to the problems.

To conclude, counseling can identify employee’s serious problems like depression, family disorders,
debilitating phobias etc. requiring professional treatment by a medical practitioner, psychologist etc.

Practice Task

F. The aim of Counseling is to:

a) ensure that clients are on the correct medication

b) promote personal growth and productivity
c) provide a successful diagnosis in psychopathology
d) solely address behaviour

F. (b).

Mentoring, Coaching and Counseling can provide ample benefits to organizations of all sizes, be it a
small, medium or large businesses. When these are conducted in an efficient and effective manner,
mentoring, coaching and counseling provide employees ways to learn and grow within the organization
and along their own career paths. While mentoring deals with equipping the employee with requisite
knowledge & skills, coaching is about enhancing an employee’s performance, and focusing on tasks,
counseling deals with an employee’s behavior.

1. Blanchard, PN; Thacker, JW and Ram, VA (2012). Effective Training – Systems, Strategies &
Practices. New Delhi: Pearson.
2. Chesterton, GK Quotes.
3. Clutterbuck, D & Megginson, D (1999). Mentoring Executives and Directors.
Butterworth-Heinemann; 1 edition.
5. Building Effective Partnerships (accessed on 10.03.2018).
6. Hunsaker, PL (2001). Training in Management Skills. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
7. Jerome, PJ (1998). Coaching through Effective Feedback. New Delhi: Wheeler Publishing.
8. Matt M. Starcevich (2009). Center for Coaching & Mentoring,

Thus, executing each and every step of planned change very carefully, shall help the
institutions to come out of the chaos of change and get the desired results of planned change,
the institution expects out of it.

Practice Task
Q1. Fill in the blanks

a) In the changing educational scenario institutions must be _______ and ______to survive the
globalisation change.

b) Change can be either ________ or ________ .

c) Lewins’s model of change depicts that change management should be ________ .

Q2. Short questions

a) Define Change management.
b) Define the types of change.
c) Name the various stakeholders in the process of change management.
d) Mention any two points to state the importance of planned change management in an

Answer 1. Fill in the blanks
a) adaptable and flexible
b) planned or unplanned
c) permanent

Answer 2. Short answers

a) It is the systematic approach to deal with change both from the perspective of an organisation
and on the individual level.
b) There are two types of change management
● Planned change management- it is a staregic move by the institutions implemented
with the futuristic objective.
● Unplanned change management- it is the immediate response to various unforeseen
implications in the environment due to various reasons.

c) Various stakeholders in the change management process are the management, the faculty and
other staff, research scholars, the students, the society like industry associations etc.
d) The importance of planned change management in an institution:
● It helps in building a platform for more successful and sustainable change for
● Controlling the level of change with the given circumstances and amount of change
happening, it is good to have a planned change.

● Nature of good listening
● Keen observation
● Skill of healthy discussions
● Soft spoken
● Assertive but not rigid.

⮚ Creativity and innovation management models-

❖ Free time model- where each faculty chooses his or her own time schedule and duration
to be used on innovative projects
❖ Time spent model- according to this, the faculty is given free hand to use the time but the
institution values the time spent on innovation by the faculty member.
❖ Determined time model- this model helps the faculty to focus on creative initiatives
during the event like lectures, contests, and meetings organised by an institute.
❖ Defined time model: This model provides a percentage of the working hours of an
institute which can be used to create innovation its faculty.

Thus an ideal model for an educational institute must be comprehensive, should focus on
individual’s (faculty & students) characteristics and have factors that influence a positive
knowledge environment

Practice Task
Q1. Short questions

a) Name various levels of creativity

b) Define innovation
c) What are the characteristics of a creative person? Mention any five.
d) What are mini c creativity people?


Answer 1.
a) Levels of creativity are
● Discovery
● Invention and
● Creation

b) Innovation is the implementation or application of a new idea, a more effective devise or

process to find a better solution that meets new and unarticulated requirements.

c) Characteristics of a creative person are:

● Personal traits like persistence, curiosity, energy intellectual

● Self motivation
● Self cognitive abilities like specialised knowledge to work in a particular niche.
● Risk orientation
● Synergistic qualities

d) It is the novel and personally meaningful interpretation of experiences, actions and events. It
can be easily nurtured by teachers and parents, and occurs in individuals with flexibility and
intelligence in their thought process.

8.12.3 Establishing climate for creativity and innovation

❖ Introduce your topic in the best possible way- best beginning is half battle won. An
interesting introduction of the topic will make your target listeners adhere to you and the
❖ Powerful question- set by a teacher can help in stimulating curiosity and generating
Hence a positive attitude and environment plays the key role in creating and enhancing
creativity and innovation amongst the members of any institution.

Practice Task
Q1. Fill in the blanks

a) Creativity is both ________ and _______

b) __________ can capture the interest and excite the mind of students

Q2. Short questions

a) What are the various barriers to creativity?

b) How can you inculcate creativity?
c) Suggest three innovative ideas for teaching.

Q1. Fill in the blanks
a) inherent and acquired
b) Creative teaching

Q2. Short answers

a) Barriers to creativity are
● More use of virtual objects rather than real stuff
● Rigidities of rule and regulation in an institute
● Lack clarity of expectations

b) Creativity can be inculcated by the following:

● Make curriculum problem solving based
● Appoint faculty of desired qualities
● Provide openness and freedom to teachers

c) Three innovative ideas for teaching

● Creative teaching to capture mind of students
● Using audio visual aids

● Incorporation of digital aids like clips, films etc
● Role play and story board teaching

For the survival and further success, especially when the socio-economic and cultural
scenario throughout the world is fast changing, it is extremely vital that the educational
institutions prepare themselves for the change. They need to be responsive to these changes
by designing strategic plans and adopting innovative strategies; otherwise they shall be out of
business. Using planned change model based actions, out of box thinking of faculty and staff
shall only make them sail through the tide of changed trends and expectations.


1. Adriansen, H.K. (2010) How criticality affects students’ creativity. In C. Nygaard, N.

Courtney & C. Holtham (eds.) Teaching creativity – creativity in teaching, pp.65-84. Libri
Publishing, UK
2. Bruce, A. and Birchall, D. (2009), Fast Track to Success: Innovation, Prentice Hall,
Edinburgh Gate, Harlow
3. Dawson, P. and Andriopoulos, C., 2014. Managing Change, Creativity and Innovation. Sage.
4. Grossman, S.R., Rogers, B.E. and Moore G.R. (2006). Unlocking Creativity in the
Workplace, Jaico Publishing House, Mumbai.
5. Janja
Popović Sept. 2017
7. Importance of
Creativity and Innovation in Academics
8. creativity and innovation management:
organised chaos? By Pierre Veyrat Sept. 12, 2017
10. Mansouri, Ali (2015) Building a Culture of Creativity and Innovation in Higher Education

Supporting learning material: by Dr. Rakesh K Wats

● Managing Planned Change - Need, Importance and Process

Practice Task:

A. Define a goal.
B. Differentiate between Official and Operative Goals of an organization.
C. State the basic characteristics of a Good Goal.
D. Are the following statements with regard to goal setting True OR False ?
a. Participation of people reduces employee commitment to goals.
b. To avoid confusing employees, leader should never deviate from original plans.


A. A goal is the objective, target or end-result expected from the completion of tasks,
activities, or programs.
B. Official goals are, developed by upper management, whereas Operative goals are those for
which middle management is responsible.
C. Specific; Challenging; Time Limits; Employee Participation; and Feedback.
D. (a) False (b) False

Practice Task
E. The best strategy for planning out your time effectively is:
a) Delay any unnecessary work
b) Prioritize all your tasks
c) Ignore all the unexpected work
d) All of these
F. The best time management technique(s) is/are:.
a) Clean up and get organized
b) Concentrate on one key task at a time
c) Make good use of technology
d) All of these
G. Procrastination refers to the tendency of postponing things on to
next day.
H. Name the interruptions in the work place.
I. List a number of practical matters which need final attention or adjustment before operational
installation of a system.

E. (b)
F. (d).
G. Yes, you are True.
H. Frequent telephone calls; drop-in visitor without an appointment; colleague indulging in gossip when
you in thought process etc.

Practice Task
I. A general and enduring positive or negative feeling about some object, person, object,
event or issue is called as a(n)___________.
J. Job involvement is an individual’s general attitude towards
his/her job.
K. Attitudes have three components: affect, cognition and behaviour.
L. Work attitudes can be reflected in an institution/organization through
a) Job Satisfaction c) Both (a) and (b)
b) Organizational Commitment d) Neither (a) nor (b)


I. Attitude
J. Yes, the correct answer is False.
K. Yes, the correct answer is True.
L. (c)

Practice Task

1. ……………….teach us allocation of funds in education.

A. Annual Budget B. Cash book C. Bank statement D. None of these

2. Institutional time table means

A. Institutional working hours B. Activities in Institute

C. Institutional controlling D. None of these

3. The most important tool for Educational institute is

A. Teaching B. Time table

C. Syllabus D. Assembly

4. Effective institutional environment is effected by-

A. Meeting pupil need B. Empowering staff

C. Friendly environment D. Monthly meeting

5. Major problem in making institutional management effective is-

A. Low literacy rate B. High drop out rate

C. Weak management D. None of these


Answer:-1-A, 2-A, 3-B, 4-C, 5-C

Practice Task:

1. Institutional weakness can be minimized through –

A. Motivation B. Professional skills

C. Allocation of work D. Rewards

2. Pleasant atmosphere can be maintained in Institutes with the cooperation of-

A. Staff members B. Management council

C. Community D. Director

3. The important determent of effective Academic institution is-

A. Communicational skills B. Positive enforcement

C Staff achievements D. Teaching methodology

4. Most successful criteria for effective institutional management is-

A. Planned targets B. Improved performance

C. Stress on future outcomes D. None of these

5. Most preferred and effective institutional performance tool is-

A. Validity B. Reliability
C. Fairness D. None of these


Answer:- 1- B, 2- A, 3-B, 4-B, 5-A

such further enquiry as it may
consider proper; or
● Pass such other orders as it may
deem fit
RULE Review The president may, at any time, either on his
29-A own motion or otherwise review any order
passed under CCS (CCA) Rules 1965, when
any new material or evidence which could
not be produced earlier has come or has
been brought to his notice

It is important to emphasise here that these rules are not meant to harass any individual, but framed with
an intention that employees shall work with devotion, integrity and proper behaviour for making the work
environment most amicable, user friendly and dignified as per the model code of conduct.

Practice Task

Q Fill in the blanks:

1. CCS(CCA) conduct rules came into effect from __________.

2. CCS(CCA) conduct rules are applicable to _________except_________.
3. Suspension can be revoked by the authority who__________.
4. Deemed suspension applies when a govt servant under custody for more than______for criminal
or other charge.
5. _________ involves Censure, withholding of promotion, withholding of increments.
6. _________involves reduction to lower stage in time scale, compulsory retirement, dismissal from
service .
7. No appeal lies beyond _______ days.
8. _________authority is disciplinary authority.


1. 1-12-1965

2. Applies to all central Government Servants including civilians in defence services; does not apply to
railway servants, members of All India Services, persons in casual employment etc

3. suspended the employee

4. 48 hours

5. Minor penalty

6. Major penalty

7. 45

8. Appointing


The country has witnessed a transformation in the social and political scenario in the recent past. The
change has created a hope for positive change and progressive approach in policy making, regulation and
social welfare. The long awaited transformation in higher education can be made possible if government
keeps the priorities for youth as its top priority. The problems are known to the policy makers, promoters
and administrators of higher education, but it has not grabbed the attention it deserves. No nation can
afford to ignore youth in a country where 50% of people are within 25 years of age and 65% people are
below 35 years of age. Political will is the first step to initiate the transformation of higher education
system. A favorable regulatory environment is the next step. Rationalisation of the monitoring and control
mechanism to make it less restrictive will attract dedicated and visionary people to develop world class
institutions. Right leadership at the top will attract talented individuals as teachers and create a lively and
vibrant work environment to transform higher education institutions from a dull place for getting a degree
to lively place for learning, innovation and wealth creation through entrepreneurship.


The appraisee may submit a representation against any observation in his/her performance appraisal. It is
expected that such a representation would only be against factual observations and not any subjective
assessment of the reporting and review authority. In case a representation is submitted, it should be routed
through the reporting and review officers to reach the cadre controlling authority. In case the reporting or
review officers, being satisfied with the contentions made by the appraisee, wish to change any of the
remarks or assessments, they may do so. In case they are not satisfied, they may give their observations, if
any, on the representation of the appraisee. The cadre controlling authority would place the representation
along-with any remarks made by the reporting and review authorities, on the representation, before a
“Referral Board” to be specifically constituted for the purpose of deciding on such representations. The
decision of the Referral Board would be final and it may result in the grades being amended in the light of
any representation that the Board may accept.

In case the appraisee has alleged malafide against the reporting and/or review officers, the Referral Board
would examine the claim. In case it is found that the allegation is without factual basis, the Referral Board
would enter the finding and, if necessary, record an appropriate stricture in the PAR for that year. At the
same time, if the claims are found to be true, it may be reflected appropriately in the report of the
reporting/review officer.

Practice Task

1. Which is not an objective of performance appraisal ?

A. Measuring the efficiency. B. Designing organizational goal.
C. Maintaining organizational control. D. Assessment of performance.

2. A_____________________is a process of evaluating an employee’s performance of a job in terms of

its requirements.
A. Performance management B. Performance evaluation
C. Performance analysis D. Performance appraisal

3. Aim of performance appraisal is

A. Goals of organization B. Goals of employee
C. Both A & B D. Neither A nor B

4. Actual performance of employees are compared with

A. Other members B. Standard performance
C. Previous performance D. Group performance

5. Actual performance is measured in terms of its

A. Efficiency and effectiveness B. Business by him
C. Returns to the institution D. Input and output


Answers :- 1- B, 2- D,3- C, 4- B, 5- A

8.15.2 Feedback for Performance Management (Alumni, Prospective

Employers, Students etc.)

Feedback means knowledge of results. It implies two things; (a) job Performance – whether ‘x’ is capable
performing specific tasks that have been assigned (b) work related behavior – while performing his tasks,
(c) Use of teaching aids

4 Pace on which contents were covered

5 Motivation and inspiration for students

to learn

6 Support for the development of



(i) Practical demonstration

(ii) Hands on training

7 Clarity of expectations of students

8 Feedback provided on Students’


9 Willingness to offer help and advice

to students.


Collection of data and its analysis by developing similar proformas to be filled by different stakeholders
can be of great help in analyzing institutional performance and further taking appropriate initiatives for
overcoming the performance drawbacks, if any.

Practice Task

1. Feedback control system is basically

A. High pass filter B. Low pass filter
C. Band pass filter D. Band stop filter
2. As a result of introduction of negative feedback which of the following will not decrease?
A. Instability B. Bandwidth
C. Overall gain D. Distortion

3. Open loop system is ___________ stable than closed loop system

A. More B. Less
C. Inclined D. Exponential

4. Basic purpose of using Feedback is :

A. To reduce the sensitivity of the system to parameter variations.
B. To increase the bandwidth of the system
C. To reduce the noise and distortion of the system
D. To increase stability of the system

5. Effect of feedback on sensitivity is minimum in:

A. Open loop control system
B. Closed loop control system
C. None of the mentioned
D. Both of the mentioned


Answers:- 1-B, 2- B, 3-A, 4-A, 5-B

Performance appraisal is tool for systematic evaluation of employees’ performance and their potential for
development. It provides strengths and weaknesses and the areas of potential improvement. Academic
Finally the evaluation, in general, or institutional evaluation in specific, is based on three main criteria
which fulfil all objectives, goals and attainment of the desired results for the judgement of current
status and scope along with possibilities of further improvement.

Practice Task
Q1. Fill in the blanks

a) The motive behind __________ is to assist endeavours to enhance the institute’s performance
from the current status.

b) Evaluations are conducted to determine ________ , _______ & _______.

c) Mukhopadhyay's Model incorporates both_________ and _______needed for an institution.

Q2. Short questions

a) What is evaluation?
b) State the obstacles in evaluation
c) Name any five parameters of evaluation.

1. a) Institutional evaluation

b) adequacy, plausibility, and probability trend data

c) trend data, perception based data

2. a) Evaluation is the way to measure and understand the data of an institute to formalised
instruments and standardised scales involved in getting the comparable and replicable results.

b) Obstacles in evaluation are:

● Lack of understanding of the functioning of an institution

● Lack of understanding of the institute’s performance and management

● Lack of understanding of the purpose of evaluation

● Lack of understanding of the adequate techniques of measurement and procedures of


● Lack of clarity between desirable and achievable goal of the institute

c) Parameters of evaluation

● Goals/Objectives

● Resources

● Process

● Satisfaction of all stakeholders

● Institution's legitimacy and reputation

● Programs and the departments should demonstrate ways and means through which
results of effective teaching resulting in enhanced levels of student achievement are
facilitated and sustained.

Following these principles in letter and spirit can make the educational processes of any
academic institution highly efficient, effective and responsive to the needs and demands of
various stake holders.

Practice Task
Q1. Short questions

a) Define academic audit

b) What are the features of academic audit

c) What is the scope of academic audit

d) State any two benefits of academic audit.

1. Short answers

a) Academic audit or Educational Audit is a tool for institutional evaluation, where by

adequacy of academic inputs in an education institution are measured. It is a practical
approach to professional accountability within the educational service provided by the

b) Features of academic audit

● It is institution based and carried out periodically

● It recognises the uniqueness of each authority, institute or unit

● It involves process of self evaluation

c) Scope of academic audit covers the following

● Whether the programmes undertaken by the institute have been approved by

appropriate authorities like State Government, Universities, regulatory agencies like

● Whether the activities and programmes are being undertaken in a manner leading to
fulfilment of intended objectives

● Whether the activities and the programmes are serving the intended purpose of
authorities efficiently and effectively

● Whether the resources especially funds being utilised for the conduct of programmes
and activities in compliance with applicable laws

● Whether operating rules, regulations, norms and practices adequate and transparent

● Are the needs of various stakeholders like students, parents, potential employers,
society, governing body and statutory authorities being satisfied

d) Benefits of academic audit are:

● Academic audit leads to deeper acknowledgment to all internal processes, systems

and arrangements.

● It enhances involvement of individuals in identifying key performance indicators.

● Audit provides yardsticks for performance judgment

● It enhances personal involvement & professional development of participating staff.

● Does the institute consult sources beyond its own faculty while designing student
learning assessments? (e.g., students, alumni, employers, professional associations,
comparable programs in other institutions, etc.)
● Does the faculty analyse the data and information collected based on learning
assessments and use the findings to improve the quality of curriculum, co-
curriculum and teaching practices?
● Does the institute identify best practices in program and course assessments and use
them in future assessments of learning outcomes?

❖ Focal Area 5: Support of Quality Education

● Does the institute analyse the role of ancillary functions and student support facilities
like learning centres, libraries, laboratories etc. in supporting the achievement of
program outcomes and continuous quality improvement?
● Does the institute analyse the adequacy and utilisation of budget in promoting
or restricting its ability to implement improvement initiatives?
● How does the institute engage with student populations (past, present and prospective)
and other stakeholders to support a high-quality, sustainable program?

Practice Task
Q.1Fill ups the followings:
Under the first approach, an institution is evaluated in terms of system’s approach of
institutional------- i.e., ------, ----, ----
Q.2 How many approaches are there of assessing the performance of an educational institution?
Q.3 What is the basis of the second approach of assessing the performance of an educational

Q.4 What does SAR stands for?

Ans. 1. design, Input , Process, Output
Ans.2 Two approaches (first and second)
Ans. 3 The second approach of academic audit is based on the evaluation of institutional processes
applied for transmitting the raw input into effective outcome

Ans.4 SAR- Self Appraisal Report

❖ Collection of data
❖ Recording of data on audit instruments
❖ Making essential judgements, by applying the agreed criteria/ indicators to data collected
❖ Drawing up of findings and action plan for improvement
❖ Making of essential management decisions
❖ Reviewing the format in which outcomes will be made public
❖ Announcing results and execution of action plan

➢ Responsibility of Institutional Management and Audit team

● Top Management (State ● Activity (i), (ii), (iv), (ix), (x) and
Education Department/ Authority (xv) to (xvii)
seeking evaluation

● Institute internal audit team ● Activity (iii)

● External audit team ● Activity (v) to (viii) and (xi) to


Hence, effective academic auditing needs collaboration between auditing team selected to
represent a range of legitimate interests (DTE, BTE, Industry, Principal/Director etc.) and the
involvement of faculty and staff of the auditing institute. Dedicated leadership and commitment of the
top management is also a must for this type of exercise to succeed for the overall improvement of any
educational institution.

Practice Task
Q1.Short questions

a) What are the considerations of focus in curriculum and co curricular activities/

b) What are the steps of academic audit

1. Answer

a) Considerations of focus in curriculum and co curricular activities are

● Does the institute consciously design the curriculum and co-curriculum experiences to
achieve program learning outcomes?

● Does the institute/departmental faculty work collaboratively to design the curricula
and co-curricula, or are based on individual experiences, preferences and decisions?
● Does the institute consider the integration of out-of-classroom activities (co-curricular
activities) to complement the curriculum?
● Does the institute consult sources beyond its own faculty while designing the
curriculum and co- curriculum

b) Steps of academic audit are

● Establishment of objectives and scope of educational audit
● Establishment of terms of reference and the terms in which the outcomes will be
● Finalisation of the self appraisal report (SAR) and its submission to the auditing team
● Finalisation of audit team( i.e. the persons to involved in the audit process)
● Drawing up of the audit instrument to collect data
● Establishment of the mechanism for collecting data from different sources
● Determination of criteria/ indicators for using data to make evaluative judgements
● Confirmation of the availability of resources required
● Information dissemination about academic audit to all those who need to be involved
● Authorisation to the audit exercise to proceed
● Collection of data
● Recording of data on audit instruments
● Making essential judgements, by applying the agreed criteria/ indicators to data
● Drawing up of findings and action plan for improvement
● Making of essential management decisions
● Reviewing the format in which outcomes will be made public
● Announcing results and execution of action plan

Institutional evaluation provides a means to know the degree of the achievement at a particular instant.

It helps an institution to plan appropriate actions and take necessary decisions for their implementation

keeping in view the ultimate goals of the institute. Academic audit as a tool for institutional evaluation

has a broad scope which varies from the assessment of a project, a department, a function or the
institute as a whole. The inputs from the results of the academic audit can provide a path to an institute
to move on in future.

Thus, management of finance in today’s scenario, when government contribution
to education is declining and the cost ofeducation continuously increasing, is one
of the most important difficult issues for any institutional manager.

 Management of Institutional Infrastructure

Physical structures required to run an institution are called infrastructure.Physical
infrastructure, in the context of education implies the teaching learning space and
equipments necessary for effective teaching-learning process. These include, classrooms,
libraries, laboratories, furniture, social space, IT network and other support needs, like
special provisions for disabled etc (Rose, G.M., 2006). It is important to understand some
basic concepts which determine the planning and management of physical facilities in
educational institutions.
Proper planning for management of these constituents of an institution is required and is
essential for the effective achievement of the institutional goals. Hence, management of
infrastructure both human and physical particularly in the context of Indian higher
education assumes tremendous significance. This is primarily because Indian higher
education has undergone expansion in terms of number of institutions, courses of study,
departments, teachers and students.

Practice Task
Q. I. Fill in the blanks
a) Kinds of institutions may be ____________ , _______ ,________ and _________

b) Management as an activity includes _________ , ____________ and __________ decisions.

c) In the total programme of education, _______and ___________ activities occupy the central
d) "______________ is a structured set of activities designed to assess and adjust your

Q. II. Short answer questions

1. What are the objectives of Institutional management?

2. What are the various aspects of institutional management?
3. Name the two types of human resources in institutional management.
4. Name the various sources of institutional finances.
5. Briefly discuss the importance of institutional management.

A1 a) Cultural, Economic, Recreational and Social control
b) decisional, interpersonal and informational
c) curricular and extra-curricular
d) Curriculum management

AII. Short answers

1. Objectives of IM-
a. Achievement of the institutions’ objectives.
b. To improve the planning, organizing and implementation of the institutions activities and
c. To ensure appropriate utilization of human resources (teachers, non- teaching and
d. To enhance the efficiency and effectives of institutional infrastructural facilities.
e. To enhance job satisfaction among employees
f. To manage interpersonal conflicts, manage stress and use time effectively.
g. To improve interpersonal communication.

2. Various aspects of institutional management are:

a. Management of Curriculum
b. Management of Institutional Human Resources
c. Management of Institutional Finances
d. Management of Infrastructure

3.The two types of human resources in institutional management are:

a. Faculty (Teaching and non Teaching)
b. Students
4. The various sources of institutional finances are
a. Contribution of Government and Household
b. Contribution of Foreign Aid
5 Importance of IM:
a. It includes the study of various theories of management science which define and describe
the roles and responsibilities of the educational manager and develop managerial skills.
b. It includes the study of educational planning at macro levels, its goals, principles,
approaches and procedures. At a micro level it helps in understanding and facilitates:
Institutional planning and Educational administration.
c. It helps in decision making and problem –solving, communication and managing
information and building effective teams.
d. It helps in planning of curricular and co-curricular activities, and preparation of time-table.
e. It helps in the maintenance of essential records, evaluating students’ achievements.
f. Financing and budgeting of the institution.

 Based on Usage/Applicability

Basis Management Administration

Applicability It is broadly applicable to business/profit It is applicable to non-business /non

makingorganisations profitorganisations

Influence Manager’s values, opinions, beliefs & Govt. policies, public opinion, religious
decisions of the managers influence beliefs, customs etc. influence the
management decisions decisions of administration

Status Paid Employees of the organisation are Owners of the enterprise who earn return
the constituents of management on investment & profits represent

Thus, management and administration terms are used interchangeably in the educational
institute parlance, which must be understood based on their principles and their
applicability for achieving the goals and objectives of the institution.

Practice Task
Q1 Differentiate between Management and Administration on the basis of usage.


Basis Management Administration

Applicability It is applicable to business concerns i.e. It is applicable to non-business concerns i.e.

profit-making organization. clubs, schools, hospitals etc.

Influence The management decisions are The administration is influenced by public

influenced by the values, opinions, opinion, govt. policies, religious
beliefs & decisions of the managers. organizations, customs etc.

Status Management constitutes the employees Administration represents owners of the

of the organization who are paid enterprise who earn return on their capital
remuneration (in the form of salaries & invested & profits in the form of dividend.

Practice Task
Q. I. Fill in the blanks

a)The four fundamental functions of management are _________ , _______ , _________ and
__________ i.e. planning, organizing, actuating and controlling.

b) __________ deals with chalking out a future course of action & deciding in advance the most
appropriate course of actions.

c) The main purpose o staffing is to put _________ on ____________ .

d) “____________is the measurement & correction of ______________of subordinates in order to

make sure that the enterprise objectives and plans desired to obtain them are being accomplished”.

Q. II. Short answers

1) What does the acronym PODSCORB stand for?

2) What are the steps involved in controlling?
3) What do you understand by Organising? Discuss the organising process
4) Discuss briefly the elements of Directing.

A. I. Fill in the blanks:

a) planning, organizing, directing and controlling

b) Planning
c) right man, right job
d) Controlling, performance activities

A II. Short Answers

1) PODSCORB stands for Planning, Organising, Directing, Staffing, Coordinating, Reporting and

2. Controlling has following steps:

(a) Setting standards of performance
(b) Measuring actual performance
(c) Comparing actual performance against the standard and
(d) Taking corrective actions to ensure goal accomplishment.

 According to Koontz, ‘plans have to be set in an atmosphere of close participation and a
high degree of concurrence’.
 Participation enables employees to give their best to the plans. They are also motivated
to carry out the plan to the best of their ability.

 Follow up/Appraisal of plans-

 Reviewing and revising is important to assess and review the effectiveness of plan as
the environment in which institutions operate is volatile and uncertain that makes the
plan to adjust in existing situation. So, continuous reviewing and revising is
 This can be done on the basis of feedback or information received from students,
faculty and other stakeholders concerned.
 The assessment of plans helps the management to rectify the deviations, if any and
modify the plan.
 Without a regular follow-up, there are chances that the plans may become obsolete
and insignificant. Moreover, appraisals ensure the implementation of plans in the
right direction and avoiding mistakes in the future planning.

Practice task
Q1. Fill in the blanks

a) ____________ are the assumptions about the environment in which plans are formulated and

b) Without a _____________ there are chances that the plans may become obsolete and insignificant.

c) Planning begins with ___________.

d) The plans derived for various departments which help in the achievement of main plan are called
__________ .

Q2. Short answers

a) Briefly state the steps of planning process

b) Mention any four characteristics of planning

c) What do you mean by premises?

d) Define derivative plans

A. 1 Fill ups:

a) Planning Premises

b) A regular follow-up

c) Setting of objectives

d) Derivative plans

Q2. a) Steps of planning process are

1. Setting of goals and objectives

2. Developing the Planning Premises

3. Assessing the alternatives and subsequently choosing the best

4. Formulating derivative plans

5. Ensuring support and participation

6. Follow up/Appraisal of plans

b) Characteristics of planning are

1. It is goal oriented

2. It is forward looking and futuristic

3. It is present in all levels of management

4. It is an intellectual process.

Ans. c) Premises are the assumptions about the environment in which plans are formulated and executed.
The development of these premises determines where we have departed from the actual plan and the
reasons behind this deviation.

Ans. d) The plans derived for various departments, units, activities, etc., which help in the achievement
of main plan are called the derivative plans. These derivative plans include policies, procedures, rules,
programs, budgets, schedules, etc

Practice task
Q1. Fill in the blanks

a) ______________ is a programme of development and improvement prepared by an educational


b) An institutional plan must be based on the needs and requirements of _____________ .

c) Institutional planning is important as it leads to the _____________ of the institution

d) Depending upon the circumstances and needs of the institution, the objectives may be ___________
or ____________

Q2. Short questions

a) Define Institutional Planning?

b) What are the main prerequisites of an institutional plan?

c) What is the scope of institutional planning?

d) Give four points to discuss the importance of Institutional planning.

Ans. 1. Fill in blanks

a) Institutional planning

b) the staff, students and other stakeholders of the institution

c) overall progress

d) short term or long –term

Ans.2 Short answers

a) Institutional planning is a part of educational planning and is confined to a particular institution and
functions keeping the goals of that particular institution in mind.

b) Prerequisites of an institution plan are

 It must be based on the needs and requirements of the staff, students and other stakeholders of
the institution.
 It should not just depend on financial and infrastructural support but consider human effort.
 It must be unique and specific which makes it different from others in the same business.
 It must be directed towards pursuing the national goal of attaining excellence with fairness.

c) Scope of inst. planning:

 Improvement of institutional campus/premises

 Improvement of academic facilities
 Improvement of co-curricular activities
 Investigation and Research

d) Importance of institutional planning

 Institutional planning undoubtedly improves the working of the institution and makes it future
ready thereby leading it to the path of progress.
 It provides direction to educational objectives and recognises contribution of administrators,
teachers, parents, students, educationists and social reformers in the process of planning of
education in the country.
 Institutional planning helps the management to make optimum use of the existing resources.
 It helps in aligning institutional goals with National Development

Practice task
Q. 1 Short questions
a) Discuss the various types of plans
b) Define a policy and procedures


Ans. a)There three types of plans

Strategic, Tactical and Operational Plan

 A strategic plan is a summary of various steps to be taken keeping in mind the goals
of the entire institution. Strategic planning begins with formation of the institution’s

 Tactical plans are the strategies that the head of the institution adopts to achieve the
objectives set in the strategic plan. A tactical plan is concerned with what the lower
level units within each department must do, how they must do it, and who is in charge
at each level.

 Operational plans are the ones developed for short term, may be even less than one
year. The function of these plans is to determine actions or activities to be performed
so as to maintain strategic and tactical plans.

b) Policy -it is a past or current statement or series of statements which explain, recommend or
exclude a course of action or actions to be taken to run the institution. These statements are
usually written, but they could be oral.
Procedure it explains how activities are to be carried out. This procedure will have steps to
be taken at various levels. By defining these steps and the sequence in which they are to be
taken, procedures "provide a standardized way of responding to a repetitive problem".

To meet the above mentioned challenges, we need a strong leader who has a vision for his
institution and a strategic plan for meeting the challenges of above changed requirements.

Practice task
Q1. Fill in the blanks:
a) __________ is the potential to influence and drive the group efforts towards the accomplishment
of goals.
b) __________gets his authority by virtue of his position while _________gets his authority from his
c) _____________ is the name given to leadership in an academic setting or institution as a special
subdivision of leadership.
d) A leader must have ____, _____ and ___________ . (Mention any three traits of a leader)

Q2. Short questions

a) Define leadership
b) State any two differences between a leader and a manager
c) What is academic leadership?
d) Mention any four qualities of a good leader.

Ans. 1. Fill in the blanks

a) Leadership
b) Manager, leader
c) Academic leadership
d) Vision, pleasing personality, communication skills
Ans. 2. Short answers

a) Leadership is the ability to persuade others to seek defined objectives enthusiastically. It is the
human factor which binds a group together and motivates it towards goals.

b) Difference between leader and a manager

 Managers lay down the structure and delegate authority and responsibility whereas leaders
provide direction by developing the institutional vision. They further communicate it to the
employees and inspire them to achieve it.
 Manager gets his authority by virtue of his position in the organization. while leader gets his
authority from his followers

c) Academic leadership is the name given to leadership in an academic setting or institution as a

special subdivision of leadership. It includes such roles as creating vision and mission based on
science and research data for the organization, setting up creative ideas and managing

d) Qualities of a good leader

 Must have vision and be futuristic

 Must have good communication skills
 Must be empathetic
 Must have a sense of responsibility and accountability

8.9.2 Theories of Leadership

A lot of research, particularly by behavioural scientists, have been undertaken to find out the answer to
the question: What makes a leader effective? Is his/her success due to his/her personality, or his/her
behaviour, or the types of followers he has, or the situation in which he works, or a combination of all
these? These researches, however, could not give a satisfactory answer to the question. However, these
researches have resulted in various theories or approaches on leadership. The prominent among these are
trait theory, behavioural theory and situational theory. Each theory has its own contributions, limitations,
assumptions, and frame work of analysis. The understanding of these theories of leadership provides a
guideline to judge as how a leader emerges.

 Trait Theory of Leadership

Trait is a relatively enduring quality of an individual. The trait approach of leadership seeks to
determine ‘what makes a successful leader’ from the leader’s own personal characteristics. From the
very beginning, people have emphasized that a particular individual was a successful leader because
of his certain qualities or characteristics. This approach was quite popular between the years 1930 to

This theory of leadership is based on the concept that “leaders are born and not made”. People are
born with certain traits in them which make them leaders in their life. This model of leadership is
based on the characteristics of, both successful and unsuccessful leaders, and is used to predict
leadership effectiveness. The resultant list of traits is compared with those of potential leaders to
assess their likelihood of success or failure.

Scholars working on the trait approach attempted to correlate physiological (appearance, height, and
weight), demographic (age, education and socioeconomic background), personality (self-confidence,
and aggressiveness), intellective (intelligence, decisiveness, judgment, and knowledge), task-related
(achievement drive, initiative, and persistence), and social characteristics (sociability and
cooperativeness) with leader emergence and leader effectiveness.

Practice task
Q1. Fill in the blanks
a) Trait theory seeks to determine ________________ of effective leaders.

b) ________________ theory advocates servant leadership.

c) Fiedler’s contingency theory of leadership effectiveness was based on the relationship between
_____________ and ____________ .
d) ________________ involves motivating and directing followers primarily through appealing to
their own self-interest

Q2. Short questions

a) What are the core traits identified in leaders, as per the Traits Theory?
b) According to Transformational leadership theory, what are the four characters to be exhibited by
c) State two differences between Transformational leader and Transactional leader.

Ans. 1 Fill ups:
a) personal characteristics
b) House’s Path Goal
c) leadership and organizational performance.
d) Transactional leadership

Ans. 2.
a) Leaders as per the Traits Theory must have the following traits:

 Achievement drive
 Leadership motivation
 Honesty and integrity
 Self-confidence
 Cognitive ability
 Emotional Maturity

b) Transformational leaders must exhibit the following four factors:

 Inspirational Motivation
 Intellectual Stimulation
 Idealized Influence
 Individualized Consideration

c) Two differences between Transactional leadership and Transactional Leadership are:

 Transactional leadership is responsive while Transformational Leadership proactive
 Transactional Leadership is works within the organizational culture while Transformational
Leadership works to change the organizational culture by implementing new ideas

8.9.3 Styles of Leadership

Today’s all academic institutions are in a state of flux. They are bound to be in a state of dynamism as
every day a new challenge is faced by them. These are congregation of multicultural, multilingual and
multinational people where people from different walks of life come to work together for teaching
learning process. In order to survive, flourish and lead in these diverse conditions, the leader of such an
institute is bound to play multifaceted roles and use varied styles of leading this diverse group of
individuals in diverse situations. Some of the important leadership styles are as follows:

 Autocratic leadership style:

This is the style of leadership where an academic leader has a complete command over his group of
subordinates. The subordinates or his team members cannot put forward their views or opinions or
ideas even though they may be the best in terms of team’s/ institute’s interests. They cannot criticise
or even question the leader’s ideas or way of getting the things done. The leader himself gets the
things done as per his thought process, wishes, ideas, perceptions and styles. Though this style of
leadership may not of much liking of the subordinates, still this style is quite suitable in some
situations, nature of work and individuals. The greatest advantage of this style is speedy decision-
making, even in toughest and emergent situations, and greater productivity under the leader’s
supervision. Some of the major drawbacks of this style of leadership are that it leads to greater
employee dissatisfaction, absenteeism and turnover. This style of academic leadership works quite
effectively when the leader is most competent in performing the identified task, the job is
monotonous, unskilled and routine in nature and the subordinates/team members are quite raw for that
task/assignment or where the project is highly time bound and risky. This style of leadership is
sometimes also called as telling style.

 The Laissez Faire Leadership Style:

In this style of leadership, an academic leader totally trusts his subordinates/team members to
perform the job themselves. He just concentrates on the intellectual/rational aspect of his work and
does not focus much on the management aspect of his job. He tells the members about the

Practice task
Q1. Fill in the blanks

a) _____________is one who centralizes the authority in himself and does not delegate authority to
his subordinates.

b) ____________ style of leadership leads to satisfied, motivated and more skilled employee

c) A bureaucratic leader strictly adheres to ___________ and _________.

d) ___________ style of leadership works only when the employees are skilled, loyal,
experienced and intellectual

Q2. Short questions

a) Name the various styles of leadership.

b) What is the advantage of Democratic leadership style?

c) What style of leadership works when employees are non participative, lack initiative and

Ans. 1. Fill in the blanks
a) An autocratic leader
b) Democratic
c) Organizational rules and policies
d) Laissez Faire

Ans. 2. Short answers

a) Different styles of leadership are
 Autocratic leadership style
 The Laissez Faire Leadership
 Democratic/Participative leadership
 Bureaucratic leadership

b) Advantage of democratic leadership style is that it leads to satisfied, motivated and more skilled
employees. It leads to an optimistic work environment and also encourages creativity.

c) The style of leadership that works when employees are non participative, lack initiative and loyalty
is Autocratic.

In today’s scenario, when the educational institutions are facing a lot of challenges due changing socio-
economic, technological patterns, when needs of stakeholders are changing and educational scenario is
also becoming highly competitive. In this type of educational world, the role of academic leaders is also
changing from managing the resources to leading the institutes from the front with a new vision and
appropriate response to these requirements. They have to deal with of human resources who are
multicultural, multi skilled and diversified thought processes. One style of leadership fit for which was fit
for all in the past may not be rule with type of multi talented human resource. Learning from the theories
of leadership, they have to adopt different styles with different individuals, varied situations for their
success as well as the success of their institutions.

1. Dalton, M; Hoyle, DG & Watts, MW (2000). Human Relations. 2nd edition. United States of
America: South – Western Educational Publishing, 56-118p.
2. Dessler, G (2000). Human Resource Management. 7th Edition, New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India
Pvt. Ltd.
3. Hersey, P; Blanchard, KH and Johnson, DE (2000). Management of Organizational Behaviour,
7th Edition, New Delhi: Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
4. Hunsaker, PL (2001). Training in Management Skills. 397-426p. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
5. Robbins, SP (1988). Management: Concepts and Application, NJ: Prentice Hall Inc.
6. Stoner, JAF and Freeman, R E (1994). Management. 5th Edition, New Delhi: Prentice-Hall of
India Pvt. Ltd.437-468p.
7. Tripathi, PC and Reddy, PN (2001). Principles of Management. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill
Publishing Company Ltd., 208-222p.
8. Covey, S.R., 2004. The 7 habits of highly effective people: Powerful lessons in personal change.
Simon and Schuster.
9. Pareek, Udai & T. V. Rao(1981). Designing and Managing Human Resources System. New
Delhi: Oxford & IDH.

 Helical Model (Frank Dance, 1967) and Westley and MacLean’s Model (Bruce Westley
and Malcolm S. MacLean Jr., 1957) (Fig. 10.7)

Helical model Westley and MacLean Model

Figure 10.7: Helical Model (Frank Dance and Westley and MacLean’s Model

Both these models are contradictory to each other. The first one believes that communication
is an inherent property while second suggests that it is initiated by external or outside
competitive world induces the institutional head to pass on information to the subordinate
faculty to work as per new targets or guidelines pouring into the system due to regular
evolution of educational systems or policies and work culture. The latest changes are to be
inducted in the current educational system to make it viable and result oriented. An efficient
head of the institution will follow more of second model.

Use of an appropriate model by the institutional managers helps in enhancing the quality of
communication in that institution.

Practice Task

Q1. Fill in the blanks

a) The process of communication involves two parties namely ______________ and

_______________ .

b) ___________ is putting the old wine in the new bottle.

c) On the basis of expressions, communication can be _______or _________ .

d) Flow of information or exchange of ideas within any institution, with respect to or irrespective
of the hierarchy is called _________ .

Q2. Short questions

a) What are the phases involved in the communication process?

b) Why is communication important?

c) Name the 7 Cs of communication.

d) What is non verbal communication?


Ans. 1. Fill in the blanks

a) Sender, receiver

b) Creativity

c) Oral Communication or Written Communication

d) Internal communication

Ans. 2. Short answers

a) Phases involved in the communication process are

 Delivery of information or instructions by sender after encoding as content,

 Use of medium/media to pass on the information
 Finally response of the recipient after the understanding and interpretation of information
and giving back the feedback via media that the communication has been precisely
b) Communication is important because

 It helps in exchange of ideas that are good for faculty as well as institutional growth.
 It reduces work duplicity and makes a common platform for all faculty members to share
their projects, performances, goals and tasks

 It helps in team building and sharing of loads or delegation of work amongst faculty
members that will result in to fragmentation of work and leading to the completion of
projects on desired time line.

c) The 7c are: Clarity, Concreteness, Conciseness, Correctness, Consideration, Completeness, and


d) Communication that is not dependent upon the use of spoken words and is aided by gestures,
expressions, body part movements, body language, body postures, eye contact etc.

difference of expectations, peer rivalries etc. results in ineffective communication between
institutional administrator and subordinates.

Thus, institutional managers need to initiate appropriate strategies for minimizing the barriers to
communication otherwise the achievement of institutional goals and objectives will become difficult.

Practice task

Q1. Short questions

a) What are communication barriers? Name various barriers in communication

b) What is the role of barriers in effective communication?


Ans. 1

a) Communication barriers are obstacles that lead to the misinterpretation or misunderstanding of

the information sent from the sender to the receiver. Various barriers in communication are
Linguistic barrier, Attitudinal barrier, Emotional barrier, Psychological barrier.

b) Barriers lead to ineffective communication as

 It hampers proper interpretation of words or idea behind the message.

 Leads to Wrong interpretations
 Leads to misunderstanding the receiver
 Does not understand the culture of listener

communication. Effective listening is the building blocks of success. It differs from hearing
as latter is only the practical aspect while listening is the strategy.

There are mainly 4 types of listening:

1. Appreciative listening- when the listener enjoys the speaker

2. Critical listening- when the listener analyse the speaker, determine the agenda of
talk, identify key points and make his/her opinion.
3. Relationship listening- also called as therapeutic or empathetic listening. It is the
most common type of listening while dealing with people like friends, co-workers,
colleagues to solve their issues, problems, conflicts or to extend support.
4. Discriminative listening- involve looking at body language, tome change, sound
modulations, comparison of past words with present and interpret the underlying

There are certain important points to attain effective listening skills-

1. Face the speaker and maintain eye contact

2. Be attentive, but relaxed.
3. Keep an open mind.
4. Listen to the words and try to picture what the speaker is saying.
5. Don't interrupt and don't impose your "solutions."
6. Wait for the speaker to pause to ask clarifying questions.
7. Ask questions only to ensure understanding.
8. Try to feel what the speaker is feeling.
9. Give the speaker regular feedback.
10. Pay attention to what isn't said—to nonverbal cues.

Thus, the effective use of these communication skills help in creating the right culture in any
institution where every member contributes to the best of abilities for the achievement of objectives.

Practice task

Q1. Short questions

a) What are the main guidelines to write an effective email?

b) What points should be kept in mind in using verbal communication?


Ans. 1

a) Main guidelines to write an effective email are

 Emails should have short, crisp and clear content

 It should be self explanatory
 Avoid use of capital letters, unless required
 It should be grammatically correct
 Try use of Arial font with text size 12

b) Points to be kept in mind in using verbal communication

 Be clear about what you want to say

 Use of language skills-(Try to use active sentences, Use gender neutral language etc)
 Be confident, speak fearlessly
 Stop in between and listen
 Be honest and understand the listener


Academic leaders direct the activities of their subordinates through different communication means
for achieving the institutional goals and objectives. Different types of barriers viz. physical,
emotional, cultural etc. pose hindrances in this communication. For the enhancing the effectiveness,
institutions’ use appropriate communication models. These means help them to effectively reach even
the lowest corners of the institution and thus motivating people to work cohesively for the institutional


1. Aggarwal, Vir Bala and V. S. Gupta (2001). Handbook of Journalism and Mass
communication. Concept Publishing Company
2. Dalton, M; Hoyle, DG & Watts, MW (2000). Human Relations. 2nd edition. United States
of America: South – Western Educational Publishing.
3. Dessler, G (2000). Human Resource Management. 7th Edition, New Delhi: Prentice Hall
of India Pvt. Ltd.


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