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Week 3 assignment

The verbal communication function I used most frequently is Instrumental and Heuristic.

Instrumental for the seven functions of language means to obtain a need or desire. Most of the

time, I will go grocery shopping, and sometimes ask the butcher for a specific type of meat. It

shows that I am using in instrumental language because I am obtaining a need. Also, when I am

out of the house, I tend to purchase takeaway foods from restaurants provide the cashier some

detail on how I want my meal to prepare. Since I am also an entrepreneur, I use this language to

buy my products. For example, I am asking the retailer to send me specific delicate items on the

internet and need some assistance in finding a product.

Another verbal communication function I used most is Heuristics, which means to

acquire knowledge and understanding. The way I used this function very often is either texting

my friend about a situation. For example, I ask them, my friend, why he breaks up with his

girlfriend. I would ask him to explain why so I could understand his course of action. Also, I

used this function when someone shows me a funny video on the internet, and I did not catch the

joke. I will ask them to explain it to me, and even when my coworker makes a joke which I don't

understand the same thing apply. I demonstrate Heuristics communication is by asking my

parents about the news on TV or essential stuff happening in The Bahamas since I do not really

tone in daily to watch the news.

Regulatory is the verbal communication function I used less frequently. The reason why

because I don't have any kid. If you have a kid, you will have to regulate their behavior to

prevent them from hurting themselves or someone. Also, since I don't have any employees, so I

can't use this kind of communication. For example, a manager can tell one of his line staff that

he/she must not come late again, or you will get documented. So, based on this form of
communication, it mainly happens for people in charge like parents, managers, business owners

who have employees, or even teachers. Teachers can tell their students to do an assignment, and

if the students refuse to do it, the lecturer will give them a zero. This example indicates that the

teacher has control, and they can regulate the student's behavior.

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