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PRACTICE (1) provide timely update on the reach or
coverage of public health services delivered
HEALTH INFORMATION SYSTEM (HIS)- a through the network of public health
set of components and procedures facilities (e.g. BHS/health centers and
organized with the objective of generating RHUs/Main Health Centers) including OPDs
information which will improve health care of government hospitals and private health
management decisions at all levels of health facilities for certain health services;
system. (2) make public health service coverage
data available by socio-economic status
FUNCTIONS: (e.g. NHTS, IPs, etc.), vulnerable groups
Data generation (pregnant, adolescent, infants, senior
Compilation citizens) and source of service (private or
Analysis and synthesis public);
Communication and use (3) record and generate information on
monthly morbidity resulting from various
FIELD HEALTH SERVICE INFORMATION causes, and quarterly mortality rates and
SYSTEM (FHSIS)- a nationwide identifying the top ten leading causes of
facility-based recording and reporting diseases (all ages, and special age groups);
system that provides information to the (4) track, record and report information on
Local Government Units (LGUs) and the demographic, nutritional status of 0-59
Department of Health (DOH) months old children, and selected infectious
diseases data on a yearly basis including
FHSIS is the official system used by the school-based services.
Department of Health, and as per EO 352, (5) develop and disseminate annual report
was included by the National Statistical on national, regional and local public health
Coordination Board (NSCB) service coverage.

● 1987 - Conceptualization stage HOUSEHOLD PROFILES AND MASTER

● 1988 - Consultative meetings LISTS
● 1989 - Pilot implementation (Region (1) Master List of Women of Reproductive
4 & 7) Age for FP Services, Deworming
● 1990 - Nationwide implementation (2) Master List of Pregnant and Postpartum
● 1993 – Devolution Women in the Pregnancy Tracking Form
● 1996 - 1st modification (Modified (3) Master List of Newborns, Infants,
FHSIS) Under-five Children, School-Aged Children
● 2006-2007 – 2nd modification and Adolescents;
(FHSIS v. 2008) (4) Master List of Oral Health Care Clients
● 2012 - Four years after, the FHSIS (5) Master List of Adults 20-59 Years Old
version 2008 was further enhanced (for NCD Services)
with the introduction of new (6) Master List of Senior Citizens
programs and indicators. (7) Master List of Households on
Environmental Health and Sanitation

(8) Master List of Industrial Establishments Part 1. Target Client List for Risk-Assessed
with Sanitary Permits Adults 20 Years Old and Above
(9) List of Barangays by ZOD Certification
Status Part 2. Target Client List for Cervical Cancer
Screening and Breast Mass Examination
Part 3. Target Client List for Visual Acuity
INDIVIDUAL TREATMENT RECORD (ITR)- Screening, PPV and Influenza Immunization
The fundamental building block or for Senior Citizens
foundation of the FHSIS is the Individual
Treatment Record. The Summary Table (ST) is a tool for the
midwives to use in recording service
TARGET CLIENT LIST (TCL)- another tool coverage on a monthly basis for easier
which records the individual clients who consolidation. It is usually designed into a
must receive the essential package of 12- month column format representing each
services intended for their particular month of the year and the last column for
physiological condition. the annual total.
-does not only list those individuals who
have obtained services from the health Monthly Consolidation Table (MCT)- This
facility but all those targeted to receive said tool is to be used by the supervising nurse
services. at the Municipal/City Health Office to record
all data from all the barangays.
Target Client Lists:
1. Target Client List for Family Planning
2. Target Client List for Maternal Care Registries:
Services (1) NTP Registry – c/o ITIS
3. Target Client List for Child Care and (2) Leprosy Registry – c/o ILIS
Services (3) Malaria Registry – c/o PhilMIS
Part 1. Immunization and Nutrition Services (4) Rabies Registry – c/o NaRIS
for Infants Age 0-11 Months Old and (5) Filariasis Registry
Children Age 12 Months Old (6) STH Registry
Part 2. Nutrition and Deworming Services (7) STI Registry
for Children Age 12-59 Months Old (8) Registry on LRDs
Part 3. Deworming Services for Children
Age 5-9 Years Old FHSIS Reporting Tools refer to those
Part 4. Deworming Services for Adolescents forms bearing the summary data that are to
Age 10-19 Years Old Part 5. Services be transmitted or submitted on a monthly,
Rendered for Sick Children quarterly and annual basis to the next level
4. Target Client List for Oral Health Care of administration.
and Services
5. Target Client List for NCD Prevention and
Control Services

Component B: Demand Generation

through Community-based Management
Information System:
● Identification and profiling of current
FP users and identification of
potential FP clients and those with
unmet need for FP (permanent or
temporary methods)
● Mainstreaming FP in the regions
with high unmet need for FP
● Development and dissemination of
Information, Education
Communication materials
VISION- For Filipino women and men
● Advocacy and social mobilization for
achieve their desired family size and fulfill
the reproductive health and rights for all
Component C: Family Planning in
through universal access to quality family
Hospitals and other Health Facilities
planning information and services.
● Establishment of FP service
package in hospitals
Mission- In line with the Department of
● Organization of FP Itinerant team for
Health FOURmula One Plus strategy and
outreach missions
Universal Health Care framework, the
● Delivery of FP services by hospitals
National Family Planning Program is
to the poor communities especially
committed to provide responsive policy
Geographically Isolated and
direction and ensure access of Filipinos to
Disadvantaged Areas (GIDAs):
medically safe, legal, non-abortifacient,
● Provision of budget support to
effective, and culturally acceptable modern
operations by the itinerant teams
family planning (FP) methods.
including logistics and medical
supplies needed for voluntary
surgical sterilization services
Component A: Provision of free FP
● FP services as part of medical and
Commodities that are medically safe, legal,
surgical missions of the hospital
non-abortifacient, effective and culturally
● Partnership with LGU hospitals for
acceptable to all in need of the FP service:
the FP outreach missions
● Forecasting of FP commodity
Component D: Financial Security in FP
requirements for the country
● Strengthening PhilHealth benefit
● Procurement of FP commodities and
packages for FP
its ancillary supplies
● Expansion of PhilHealth coverage to
● Strengthening of the supply chain
include health centers providing No
management in FP and ensuring of
Scalpel Vasectomy and FP Itinerant
adequate FP supplyat the service
delivery points
● Expansion of Philhealth benefit
package to include pills, injectables
and IUD

● Social Marketing of contraceptives ● Administrative Order 2014-0042:

and FP services by the partner Guidelines on the Implementation of
NGOs Mobile Outreach Services for Family
● National Funding/Subsidy Planning
● Department Memorandum
POLICIES AND LAWS 2015-0384: Establishment of the
Family Planning Logistics Hotline
● Republic Act No. 10354:
Responsible Parenthood and NEW TECHNOLOGIES RELATED TO
Reproductive Health Act of 2012 PUBLIC HEALTH ELECTRONIC
● Executive Order No. 12, s. 2017:
Attaining and Sustaining “Zero Digital Health is also known as information
Unmet Need for Modern Family and communication technology (ICT) in the
Planning” Through the Strict health system, is the field of theory and
Implementation of the Responsible practice associated with any aspect of
Parenthood and Reproductive adopting digital technologies to improve
Health Act, Providing Funds health from its conceptualization to
Therefor, and for other Purposes application or operation (WHO, 2019:
● Administrative Order 2017-0005: Ghebreyesus, 2017).
Guidelines in Achieving Desired
Family Size through Accelerated and USES OF DIGITAL HEALTH
Sustained Reduction in Unmet Need INTERVENTIONS- The ultimate objective of
for Modern Family Planning Methods digital health is to enable a health system to
● Administrative Order 2016-0005: use ICT to improve achievement of health
National Policy on the Minimum and wellness, in line with the national health
Initial Service Package (MISP) for strategies and plans as well as with the
Sexual and Reproductive Health global objectives such as Universal Health
(SRH) in Emergencies and Disasters Coverage (UHC) and Sustainable
● Administrative Order 2017-0002: Development Goals (SDGs) (Marcelo et. al,
Guidelines on the Certification of 2018; WHO, 2018)
Free Standing Family Planning
● Department Order 2017-0345: eHealth will enable widespread access to
Guidelines on the Forecasting, health care services, health information, and
Procurement, Allocation and securely share and exchange patients'
Distribution of Modern Family information in support to a safer, quality
Planning Commodities health care, more and responsive to health
● Administrative Order 2015-0006: systems for all the Filipino people by
Inclusion of Progestin Subdermal transforming the way information is used to
Implant as One of the Modern plan, manage, deliver and monitor health
Methods Recognized by the National services.
Family Planning Program.

1. Standardize and connect eHealth Solutions- The required

2. Transform services and applications to enable
3. Maintain and measure widespread access to health care
EHEALTH COMPONENTS services, information, and securely
share and exchange patient's
Governance- Directs and coordinates information in support of health system
eHealth activities at all levels of the goals.
health system. Critical areas of
governance include agenda setting, CHARACTERISTICS OF GOOD
stakeholder engagement, overall QUALITY DATA
architecture, clinical safety, monitoring
and evaluation and policy oversight. ● ACCURACY
Legislation, Policy and Compliance- ● COMPREHENSIVENESS
Involves creation of the required ● CONSISTENCY AND
legislation, policies and compliance to RELIABILITY
support the attainment of the eHealth ● OPERATIONAL DEFINITION
vision. ● CURRENCY

Standards and Interoperability- ELECTRONIC MEDICAL RECORD

Promotes and enables the exchange of SYSTEM (EMRS)- are automated
health information across geographical systems that stores patient
and health sector boundaries through demographic, clinical, and
the use of common standards and administrative data.
Strategy and Investment- This refers The UHC Law of 2019 or RA 11223 calls
to the funding support and guidance for the full adoption of information
needed to execute the strategic plan. systems which "include but are not
limited to enterprise resource planning,
Infrastructure- Establishment of human resource information systems,
necessary physical technology, software electronic medical record and electronic
platforms, services and applications to prescription logs".
support health information exchange.
Human Resource- Refers to the IMPLEMENTATION
workforce needed to develop, operate
and maintain the national eHealth plan. 1.Double charting
2. Interference with face-to- face patient

3. The perception that EMR is just a

simple replacement of the paper record
4. Managing data privacy and


WRA- Women of Reproductive Age (15-49)

FHSIS- Field Health Service Information
NHTS- National Household Targeting
ZOD- Zero Open Defecation
ITIS- Integrated TB Information System
LRD- Lifestyle Related Diseases
TCL- Target Client List
ITR- Individual Treatment Record
CHT- Community Health Team
IClinicSys- Integrated Clinic System
IHOMIS- Integrated Hospital Operations
and Management Information System
NaRIS- National Rabies Information System
PIDSR- Philippine Integrated Disease
Surveillance and Response

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