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10 RAHMANI PROGRAM OF EXCELLENCE RAHMANI30 ENTRANCE EXAM 2020 oA For Preparatory Course of Engineering, Medical, CA/CS, CLAT & * y Instructions uration: 3 ROMr Date: Sunday 1* of December, 2019 ‘Maximum Possible Marke: 450 1, Number of Questions: 150 2. Medium of Instruction: Questions are in English. sis basis «Note. English version isthe source. Mina and Urd translations r= 0" 2" only. The translation may have errors. ‘ nglish Language: «Note:The answers tothe tglish sections only avaiable inthe Enel 3. Sections and Marking Scheme: sper en ——1-Seorelt Negative Sorel DUI Ved Aptitude Biology @itoi00 | 3 | Chemistry 101 to 120 3 1 ces 2ito130 #3 a Fralsh ~asito1so] 93 a 90 ‘ables. calculator, or any electronic device to answer the question. 4, Student cannot use ‘by the instructions provided by the examiner and the management, 5, Student musta! 6. Students must us rhe OMR sheet to answer the questions. 7. Please fill only one bubble per answer. Filling two or more bubbles per answer will result in loss of points. 8. Use block ball point pen only. (blue can be use; 9. DONOTuse pencil 10. Submit this question booklet along with your OMR to your invigilator at the end of the test, 11 Fill inthe Information section in the OMR (answer) Sheet before answering any question you do not have black pen) Please fill out ‘1 information below. (We will collect these at the end of the exam) iota vl. [motte No: ok26 324 bo [orite [JFemate centre code: Scanned with CamScanner Mathematies [fire joey saashand ate the eoroes of a cutie polynomial we reed hen it(l + AY) +f? + y Is equal to: pet acitexed=0 WH fate y Pa sean tity wl os pti el ateoed ya ___} cp inthe given figure, area of quack itaterat ABCD bs Ley wa Ph We tier L Shy tity [Bs |2u/a Lea Frum fir, apf anci st 2 atraen ava a Pra PSS (007: In the given NBUE. Os the conter of shee 130", then the value of 245, Key FOMLIIEE OFT ark na ey WY at er lo xt Se EHO Che SGU 23 Sei y - 100° A fo ~ : 30° 120° fa :[50" : [60° (008: The ratio of the radius of the base ofa cylinder to its height is 7:6. Ifthe volume of the cylinder Is 2»sx ‘cm’, then its base diameter is . Flabnred sme at sot qnocgea 76 Me geet ers 290 ci? B, Aah wet ona? / Ae ieigtoe toe Sissons £ Lehi sel sem rer Me EB «03 L site 2940 m3 fic Lécm ena feslzem (o:frzem aan fice" figure, the length of ADIs Ppilisen 60: in the given Fd NEO ADS enter a ty? + 7y + 5p =O, then the integral value of p for * rh shch the given equation does not havereal roots can be? Veesare Po S192 + 7y + Sp =O 8, yerats araraqate vim Fatt ete am é pe ann a1 err o Bom 2 aie MEL eA L Spin v2 + 7¥ 45) fa:lécm [B:|7em - {c:lacm bb: Bem & PR 010: \2— Vi can be expressed as & tt IPH SR exzatt efx ras Gry 004: If (2%) = 16, then the value of ais tele webST I-A vee (200) = 161 g ren cre Bs: bot fed Sata (ME = 16 F - = 2 d Pa 8C = Gem, then the lengih of AP is, fie | em 006: If [3(230+x)]' = 492004, then arais: fs (31230 aI) = 492004, slarx ei Framed ncn coat, oe 42 BC = Gann star rade? neg PROB cP brut SV BE TAP Te BC=bem em Se are 47. (3(230"\)’ = 492904 011: 1f the side x of a cube becomes 11 times of itself, then the volume increases by Featva Bogan} 1 ara foram seen see fee g sete eA ie tel St pie Pinas LF JA1330x" |B: |1331x" 012: t'p{x)=ax'+ bx! + ex + dis a polynomiatanda+b+ex =0, then which of the following must be a factor of pfs)? af pix) ax' + bs! ¢ex+dumanmtotasb+ced=0 10 EA Dlx) Fr epTai E Hb bd sored A 8 Foe pled 7, fa 013: In the given figure, QP []6Cand PA : ind PR] | CD. AQ = em OR « 2em and RO = Sem, then the length of AR is: Fries QP [1894 PRI | Caf AQ = 3m, QB =2 em sth RO = Sem ate fictad er een? Airights reserved {c} 2008 Ratymani Program of Excelence (Rahmar 29 Page 3 of € 3 of ag Scanned with CamScanner © a mann ayes ee O16: Wa ——__—Bilto nich of the folowing numbers win completely puvicle er Sutnesoan A wesome 76 28 4 2 pe4 an Barz ou Wy ~ ay sy 4% & Sum of all the zeroes ol the, ae “ELE Soe eyo B yay
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