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Plant transport involve – Transport of food (organic-sucrose), water, minerals (organic and

inorganic) and hormones(organic)

Transport of Occur through Organic or inorganic direction

water Xylem inorganic Unidirectional (root to leaf)

food Phloem Organic Multidirectional (leaf to root Early spring –

root to growing region

Minerals 1.Xylem or inorganic By Xylem-unidirectional

2. Phloem 2. transported- organic and By phloem- Multidirectional


Hormones Xylem, phloem Organic Auxin-polar transport (bidirectional)

Short distance and long-distance transport

Type of Meaning Example Energy Speed Direction
1.-short Cell to cell 1.Diffusion 1+2 - Slow Slow can be
distance Within cell 2.Facilitated diffusion passive bidirectional
Entry or exit from 3.Active transport
cell 4.Cytoplasmic 3+4-
streaming active
2.-long Point of entry and 1.Xylem transport 1+2 - Fast Xylem-unidirectional
distance point of use far 2.Phloem transport passive Phloem- bidirectional

Short distance transport

Feature Simple diffusion Facilitated diffusion Active transport
Concentration gradient Along (high to low) Along Against (low to high)
Protein Absent Channel or carrier pump
Selectivity no yes yes
Saturation no Yes (no of channel fix) yes
Inhibition no Yes (inhibitor bind at yes
side chain
Energy passive passive ATP -yes
Membrane involve If gas or lipid move yes yes
Control No control Some are controlled - By chemical and
By chemical or electrical signal
electrical signal
Use Gas transport, within Polar (Na, K, Cl, Polar molecule against
cell movement and Glucose) molecule gradient
lipid cross membrane move across membrane
by channel
Factors which affect Temperature, conc. Concentration gradient Number of pump and
gradient, solubility of and number of channels ATP
lipid in membrane, size
of molecule
Porins- Large size pores or channel on outer surface of plastids and mitochondria (small size protein can
pass) Aquaporins- 8 type proteins which form water channel Uniport- single type of molecule move
across channel (Glut-4 glucose channel) Antiport- two type of molecule move in opposite direction (Cl
and Bicarbonate). Symport- (same direction, two molecules move – Glu and Na channel in intestine)

Some terms and explanation -

Water potential Meaning- Water molecule in gaseous and liquid phase have K E due to which
they are in random motion and move from high water molecule conc. To low
Unit and symbol Pascal or atm ψw
Direction High water potential to low water potential
Depend upon Concentration of water molecule, solute and pressure
Pure water value Zero
Presence of solute Decrease ψw as decrease random motion
Presence of Positive pressure increases ψw
Pressure Negative pressure decreases ψw
Solute potential More is solute – more negative or lower is solute potential - ψp
Value Always negative
Effect on ψw Always decrease ψw
Pressure potential Can give positive, negative and positive value- ψp
value Zero- for atmospheric pressure in open beaker, positive- push, negative – pull
Some conditions ψw zero – Solute absent and pressure is equal to atm pressure like in open beaker
(pure water)
ψw negative – in a cell where no pressure and solute in cytoplasm

Osmosis, reverse osmosis

Term Osmosis Reverse osmosis
Occur through Semi permeable membrane Semi permeable membrane
Movement of water Water
Direction Hypotonic to hypertonic Hypertonic to hypotonic
Driving force Solute and pressure Pressure is more than osmotic
Condition Water move from hypotonic to Water move from hypertonic to
hypertonic solution or low hypotonic as external pressure is
osmotic pressure to high greater than osmotic pressure
osmotic pressure
Direction acc to water High to low High to low
Solute potential and osmotic pressure
Term Solute potential Osmotic pressure
Depend on solute solute
Value Negative Positive
Water direction High ψs to low ψs Low

Solute potential and osmotic pressure magnitude same but direction opposite

Plasmolysis – shrinkage of protoplast when plant cell(living) when cell kept in hypertonic solution
Term Turgid Flaccid plasmolyzed
Kept in solution hypotonic isotonic hypertonic
Water Move inside cell, both Water move both in Water move out first from
movement vacuole and cell swell and out cytoplasm and then from vacuole
Turgor pressure positive Zero Negative
Osmotic Low O.P. Equal to turgor O.P highest
pressure pressure

Imbibition- Type of diffusion, solid or colloid absorb solvent to tremendous increase in volume,
condition- affinity (solid and solvent) and conc. Gradient, Use – seed germination, old time breakage of
rock boulder, rainy season wooden door swell, order of imbibition- protein more than cellulose

Long Distance transport –

Type of transport Short distance Long distance
Speed Slow (50 µm in 2.5 sec) Fast
energy Active and passive Passive
Principle Specific Non -specific so follow bulk flow or mass
Force Gradients of individual molecules Push (positive hydrostatic pressure) or Pull
(negative hydrostatic pressure)
Principle – Solute or suspension swept along with same pace along with water from high pressure to low
pressure (analogy – with river)

Transport of – water, Mineral and food

Transport of water -three step – Absorption of water and entry into xylem ,ascent of sap
and transpiration
Process Occur through Feature
1.Absorption of water Water absorb form Root hair only Purely passive, first mineral
absorbs (active > passive) than
water follows
Entry of water into Xylem Apoplast – (between cell, through Cortex-apoplast,
cell wall and by through dead endodermis- Symplast due to
cells) casparian strip,
symplast -through cytoplasm pericycle – apoplast and symplast
Xylem – apoplast (dead cells)
2.Ascent of sap -upward Proposed theories – Root pressure magnitude low, not
transport of water a. Root pressure – explain ascent of sap in tall plants
b. Cohesion - tension transpiration CTTP theory explain ascent of sap
pull theory (CTTP theory) mainly

3. Transpiration Leaf mainly and other green part Loss of water in vapor form which
of plant like stem generate pull

Root pressure – Details

How it develops Active accumulation of mineral in xylem
Push or pull Push
Visible when High humidity in surrounding, transpiration is low, early morning or late
Observed in plants Herbs -both monocot and dicot
Role Guttation or Exudation- loss of water in liquid phase on leaf surface by
Regeneration of water column
Bleeding in Calotropis plant
Role in ascent of sap Negligible as very less magnitude

Cohesion- tension and transpiration theory –

Explain ascent of sap- As strong force come from transpiration pull and water column not
break due to cohesion (attraction between water molecule), Adhesion (water and wall of vessels)
and surface tension

Meaning Loss of water from leaf surface in vapour form
Type Stomatal is main other are through cuticle, bark and lenticel
Transpiration C-3 – loss of 200-400 H2O with entry of one CO2 and in C-4 only loss of 100-
ratio 200 H2O
Role Generate transpiration pull for transport of water and mineral, cool leaf
surface by 10-15 degree, keep plant turgid, help in absorption of water
Factors External - temperature, light, humidity, wind speed.
affecting Plant -number and distribution of stomata, per cent of open stomata, water status of
transpiration the plant, canopy structure
COCl2 test Test to determine number of open stomata
Anti- ABA hormone
Opening and closing of stomata –
Stomatal apparatus – Guard cell + stomatal pore + subsidiary cell
Guard cell -bean shape in dicot (inner wall thick and elastic outer wall thin and radially arrange
cellulose microfibril and chloroplast present)
Subsidiary cell- epidermal cell lack chloroplast
Opening – water potential in Guard cell decrease→ water enter into guard cell from
subsidiary cell → outer wall buldge out → inner wall crescent shape → and helped by
cellulose microfibril → guard cell become turgid →stomata open
mineral help in opening – K+ and malate (both enter into vacuole of guard cell)
closing - water potential in Guard cell inc.→ water move out from guard cell into subsidiary
cell → inner wall elastic regain position → Guard cell flaccid → stomata Close

Factors help in opening and closing –

(a) day time or light open stomata
(b) ABA-close, cytokinin-open
(c) CO2 inside leaf high, stomata close
(d) humidity high outside, stomata close
(e) atmospheric pressure low, stomata open

Mineral transport –
Absorption Only in ionic form, Active and passive both but mainly active as soil is dilute
solution occur through channel and pump
Transport in With the help of water, endodermis control type and amount of solute by forcing
root water to move along with solute through symplast
Transport in Along with transpiration stream
Unloading of Location-growing region like meristem apical and cambium, leaf veins, flower
mineral - and fruit
Unloading by Both active and passive
Mineral Organic form -amino acid
transport in Inorganic form – nitrate and nitrite
Occur through Xylem and phloem
Transport of food
Based on Source and sink concept-
Source Mature Leaf – food synthesized or storage organ from where food can move to place
of need
Sink Root-normal time, fruit-storage organ, young leaf
Active or Loading and unloading of food in sieve tube is active but transport in sieve tube is
passive passive
Apoplast or Symplast as sieve tube is living
Push or pull By push as positive hydrostatic pressure develops

Mechanism – Source Mesophyll cell produce food and converted into sucrose →
sucrose is transported into companion cell -actively → now sucrose moves to sieve tube
actively → sucrose in sieve tube decrease ψw → water from nearby xylem enter into sieve
tube → this increase pressure in sieve tube → food with water move to area with low
pressure like sink → food is unloaded actively → ψw increase in sieve tube → water move
back into xylem
Girdling experiment – to find direction of food in phloem, phloem outside and xylem inner side
girdling remove - secondary phloem, food accumulate upper part (food move from leaf to root)

Some NCERT based data-

1. Mycorrhizae is to increase surface area for absorption
2. Pinus seed show obligatory relationship with fungi for absorption of water
3. Casparian strip is made up of suberin -lipid
4. K- malate theory given by levitt
5. Cytoplasmic streaming is active and occur only in eukaryotic cell
6. Suberin-impermeable, Primary cell wall – Permeable, Egg membrane with dil HCL-
semipermeable, tonoplast and plasma membrane -selective permeable
7. Thistle funnel experiment is to show reverse osmosis

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