The Oil Gas Upstream Cycle Development and Product

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EPJ Web of Conferences 246, 00009 (2020)

Joint EPS-SIF International School on Energy 2019

The oil & gas upstream cycle: Development

and production

P. Balossino
Eni – Exploration & Production Division
Via Emilia 1, 20097 San Donato Milanese (MI), Italy

Summary. — This note focuses on the development and production phases of the
oil & gas upstream cycle. The first one includes all activities and processes required
to optimally develop a field. The second one is related to all activities performed to
extract hydrocarbons from a reservoir and their treating at surface. The develop-
ment phase is very complex and plays a very important role in a company’s strategy.
In order to govern the process in each step and to obtain the best results in terms
of profitability, risk reduction and safety, the oil companies have defined precise
guidelines and try to adopt the most innovative technological solutions in the per-
formed studies. According to these guidelines each project is based on a phase/gate
approach and each phase has a set of clear objectives that, once achieved, allow
the project to proceed into the next phase. During the development phase a set
of studies are executed to ensure that asset development and project execution will
be done at the best minimizing uncertainties and associated risks. The activity of
reservoir characterization is the most important of these studies as its results have
a strong impact on the final decisions. The objective of a reservoir evaluation study
is the construction of a 3D model of the reservoir through a multi-step process that
uses dedicated software. The purposes of this activity include improving the esti-
mation of oil in place and reserves, predict future production, evaluating different
development scenarios. While the development phase is optimized to be as short
as possible, the production phase can last several years depending on the size of
the field and the costs the company has to bear to maintain the system working.
During its production life the field is continuously monitored through an activity
called Reservoir Management. The objectives of the Reservoir Management activity

© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
EPJ Web of Conferences 246, 00009 (2020)
Joint EPS-SIF International School on Energy 2019

include the continuous update and validation of the reservoir dynamic model and
the definition and assessment of the technical and economical feasibility of well in-
terventions aimed at field production optimization. Many studies in this phase are
focused on the selection of the best oil recovery technique. Among them Enhanced
Oil Recovery (EOR) techniques, although more expensive, are gaining high popu-
larity as they provide a way to recycling CO2 created by industrial processes. The
last part of this note is dedicated to an overview of what the oil companies and Eni
in particular are doing or planning in order to meet the targets defined in the Paris
agreements in terms of reduction of greenhouse gases emissions while still satisfying
the world’s energy needs. Since renewables still have economic and technological
limits when deployed on a large scale, Eni is promoting gas as an ideal partner
for the development of renewables and is increasing the share of natural gas in its
portfolio. The use of the gas-renewables mix also enables coal consumption to be
reduced. New technologies are expected to play a key role on this journey towards
a more sustainable model thus Eni is continuously increasing its budget in research
and development projects for carbon neutrality.

1. – Introduction

The Upstream activity in the oil & gas industry is generally represented by a triangle
as it consists of three main phases: exploration, development and production. Explo-
ration includes all the activities aimed at discovering new oil and gas volumes that could
be exploited with an economic return in a reasonable future. Development takes place
when the exploration phase has been successful and includes all activities and processes
required to optimally develop a field. Lastly, during the production phase hydrocarbons
are extracted from a reservoir through a set of wells connected to surface facilities and
treated to be shipped to the market. The oil companies and Eni in particular are promot-
ing the maximum integration between exploration and development in order to shorten
time-to-market and reduce costs in bringing new discoveries on stream. Exploration
represents a key aspect of Eni’s Upstream model as it can provide a large pool of low-
cost resources, ensure short-term flexibility and drive long-term growth. Development,
however, can be even more crucial and demanding as a fundamental component of the
company’s growth strategy. The main processes carried out in this phase will therefore
be analyzed in detail in this note.

2. – The development phase

The purpose of the development process is to configure, design and implement projects
for producing oil resources from new discoveries or from existing assets in line with
business objectives and company strategies. Due to the importance and the complexity
of this step each company tries to adopt the best and most innovative technological
solutions to obtain the best results in terms of profitability and risk reduction, but also

EPJ Web of Conferences 246, 00009 (2020)
Joint EPS-SIF International School on Energy 2019

Fig. 1. – Phases and gates in the development process.

to maximize safety and to reduce the environmental impact of the activities. This in
turn results in the very high costs that companies have to bear.
Eni, according to industry best practices, has defined guidelines to govern the
processes in the development phase. According to these guidelines each project is based
on a phase gate approach. Each phase has a set of clear objectives that, once achieved,
allow the project to proceed into the next phase. The development phase consists of five
phases (fig. 1). The first three phases are relevant to the value identification, the defi-
nition of the project that maximizes the asset value. The last two phases are focused on
the value realization where the defined actions must be executed efficiently. Since at this
step, the project is already defined only minor improvements to its value can be achieved.
Though conceived primarily for hydrocarbon field development projects the frame-
work and set of principles described can be easily generalized and applied in a similar
manner to the so-called enabling projects. Enabling projects support hydrocarbons as-
sets exploitation with activities such as infrastructures or information gathering that are
necessary to fulfill the objective of the main project.
In this workflow the Concept Selection phase plays a critical role in driving all the
following steps. The objective of the Concept Selection phase is the definition of the best
technically feasible development solution that represents the best possible compromise
among maximum economic results and minimum risk thus maximizing the project value.
To achieve this target, a set of studies are executed to ensure that asset development
and project execution will be done at the best minimizing uncertainties. The studies
include reservoir evaluation, well design and construction, design of surface facilities,
environmental impact evaluation, infrastructures. The results of all these studies act as
inputs for economics and risk assessment. In all these studies geologists and engineers
are the most important actors but many other professionals like chemists or physicists
are working with them in integrated teams.
2 1. The reservoir characterization study. – The reservoir characterization study is a
fundamental activity in the Concept Selection phase as its results have an impact on all
the other studies. The objective of a reservoir evaluation study is the construction of a
3D model of the reservoir through a multi-step process that uses dedicated software. The
purposes of this study include improving the estimation of the oil in place and reserves,
to predict future production and to evaluate different development scenarios.

EPJ Web of Conferences 246, 00009 (2020)
Joint EPS-SIF International School on Energy 2019

Fig. 2. – Geological model workflow.

Each model consists of two parts: a geological or static model that is a static rep-
resentation of the reservoir prior to production, and a dynamic simulation that is used
to predict the flow of the fluids within the reservoir. Geologists and geophysicists are in
charge to build the geological model that is aimed at the estimation of the hydrocarbon
in place. Reservoir engineers and geologists work together in the dynamic simulation.
The relevance of a sound geological model in the overall reliability of a reservoir study
has been often emphasized in the technical literature, being recognized that the static
description of a reservoir, both in terms of geometry and petrophysical properties, is one
of the main controlling factors in determining the field production performance.
As reservoirs are not directly accessible being located kilometers under our feet, when
a well is drilled data acquisition is carefully planned in order to collect all the possible
information about rocks and fluids characteristics that can help to reduce the uncertain-
ties of the studies. These data include: drill cuttings that are produced when the rocks
are broken by the bit during drilling, that provide the first information on the lithol-
ogy; the gas shows in the drilling mud providing information about the fluids present in
the rocks; log data; cores representing a continuous sampling of relatively undisturbed
reservoir rocks; fluids pressure measurements. At the end of the drilling phase the most
promising intervals may be tested to check their deliverability and collect fluid sam-
ples. Cuttings, core and fluid samples provide direct information of the reservoir while
logs, seismic and production tests provide indirect information. Either direct or indirect
information represent fundamental inputs of the reservoir characterization study.
Any geological model consists of four main phases (fig. 2): in the first one the geomet-

EPJ Web of Conferences 246, 00009 (2020)
Joint EPS-SIF International School on Energy 2019

rical and structural properties of the reservoir are defined using seismic data. The Bulk
Volume of the reservoir is represented through a grid, that may be regular or irregular,
made up by 3D cells whose size is defined in order to preserve the reservoir heterogeneity
observed on seismic and shown by the collected well data.
The second step is represented by the building of the stratigraphic framework that is
the definition of the geometry and bounding surfaces of the main sedimentological bodies
that make up the reservoir. This is achieved by means of a well to well correlation of the
available data, mainly logs and core data. Logs are continuous measurements of physical
properties of the rocks acquired by lowering tools into the wellbore with a cable or directly
mounting them on the drill string. Logs correlations are performed applying concepts of
sequence stratigraphy and are driven by a conceptual model of the depositional processes
that led to the formation of the reservoir rocks: the so-called sedimentological model.
This step is very important as the output has a strong impact on the success or failure of
the dynamic simulation as most of the fluid flow takes place along the stratigraphic units.
The third phase is the lithological or facies modelling in which a lithological infor-
mation is assigned to each cell on the basis of the defined environment of deposition.
This phase of the work is not mandatory and many studies in the past have been suc-
cessfully performed without any explicit modelling of the lithological distribution but
simply a distinction between reservoir and non-reservoir rocks. A more detailed litholog-
ical model is however a powerful tool to drive the next step of process, the distribution
of the petrophysical properties, especially in complex and heterogeneous reservoirs. In
the modelling of these reservoirs the lithological model is the result of the integration
of the sedimentological model, the definition of a rock types classification using cores
and logs and a stochastic modelling that produces multiple equi-probable realizations
representing possible images of the geological complexity of the reservoir.
The last step of the 3D model construction is the petrophysical modelling that is the
distribution of the so-called petrophysical properties of the reservoir (porosity, water sat-
uration and permeability) in the cells of the model. This is achieved by assigning a value
of those properties to the barycenter of each cell according to facies class assigned to the
same cell. The petrophysical properties are measured on cores or estimated from log data
acquired in the wells. They are a very important piece of information as they describe
the quality of the reservoir in terms of hydrocarbon storage capacity and deliverability,
so the ability of a reservoir to hold hydrocarbons and produce them economically.
The important output of the static model is the estimation of the hydrocarbons
initially in place (OHIP), that is the volume of hydrocarbons present in the reservoir
prior of any production activity. The estimation is obtained by a standard equation that
makes use of parameters such as the GBV (gross bulk volume of the reservoir obtained
from seismic data), N/G (the ratio between reservoir and non-reservoir rocks estimated
by applying cutoffs to the results of the petrophysical evaluation), the porosity and the
water saturation of the reservoir rocks estimated from logs, and the FVF (Formation
Volume Factor) that depends on the type of fluid and the pressure and temperature at
reservoir conditions. The volume of hydrocarbons in place may be a single value when
estimated in a deterministic approach or a multiple value when a probabilistic approach

EPJ Web of Conferences 246, 00009 (2020)
Joint EPS-SIF International School on Energy 2019

is used. In this second case the parameters of the equation are varied and statistically
combined such that the outputs are represented by the curve of frequency distribution
of values or more frequently by three percentiles: 10, 50 and 90.
The second part of a reservoir 3D model construction is the dynamic simulation that
is aimed at predicting the behavior of the reservoir during the production life. The main
target of the reservoir simulation activity is the construction of a numerical model suit-
able to identify the best actions for maximizing the asset value and supporting relevant
decision making processes. The simulation model supports the definition, evaluation and
selection of the best development scenario for the field and the selection of the most ap-
propriate methods for production optimization. Besides it will also be the basis for the
estimation of the recoverable reserves that is the fraction of the hydrocarbons in place
that will be produced.
The definition of the best development scenario in the case of fields in the ap-
praisal/development phase should take into account the number of wells needed to fully
exploit the reservoir and their location; the type of wells (vertical, deviated, horizontal,
multi-lateral), the different drive mechanisms (natural depletion, gas expansion, fluids
injection), the type of completion (in open hole, cased hole, with a single or multiple
strings), the need for well interventions (acidification or frac jobs). Other important fac-
tors to be taken into account are the design of the surface facilities and how the wells are
connected to the terminal. Once all these things have been evaluated a first estimation of
the economics (the Net Present Value of the project) and of the timespan needed before
production startup can be made. The expected net present value of the project represents
an important parameter used by a company to rank the projects in its portfolio.
2 2. The management of the uncertainty. – At the beginning of the development
phase the available information is limited and consequently the uncertainty on the model
capability to faithfully reproduce the reservoir characteristics is high. The management
of this uncertainty and of the associated risk is one of the most important issues in
the oil and gas industry. To properly manage the uncertainty is a common practice
in the development phase to evaluate multiple alternative scenarios. As soon as new
data become available the model must be updated and the impact of the results on the
definition of the best scenario evaluated (fig. 3). The continuous model update can be
successfully achieved only through the integration of the different disciplines.
Eni is developing a new workflow for reservoir management to achieve the target of
quick and continuous model update on the basis of data coming from multiple sources like
production remote sensing and time-lapse seismic. The frequent update limits the model
aging and allows for a continuous monitoring and optimization of the production. This
workflow will also benefit of the power of the HPC, the super-computer installed at Eni
Green Data Center near Pavia. HPC has been ranked as the most powerful mainframe
in the world industry in terms of power and the fourth in terms of energy efficiency.
The combination of a new generation of software now available on the market and the
increased hardware capabilities make the simulation of complex geomodels with hundreds
of millions of cells feasible in a very short time (hours) impossible until few years ago.

EPJ Web of Conferences 246, 00009 (2020)
Joint EPS-SIF International School on Energy 2019

Fig. 3. – The integrated workflow for a model continuous update.

The development phase is by far the more demanding step in terms of investments
in the whole Upstream cycle. Development projects investments indeed range between
some tens millions of euro for small projects (onshore, few wells to be drilled, already
existing facilities) to thousands millions of euro for deep offshore big projects requiring
the construction of several platforms and new production facilities.
This is the main reason why oil companies make their greatest effort in carefully
planning and optimizing all the relevant activities limiting risks and financial exposure
and increasing project value and profitability.

3. – The production phase

In the oil and gas industry the production phase includes all activities performed to
extract hydrocarbons from a reservoir through a set of wells connected to surface facilities
and their treating at surface to make them prone to be shipped to market. This phase
can last several years depending on the size of the field and the costs the company has
to bear to maintain the system working. The Ghawar field in Saudi Arabia, the largest
conventional oil field in the world, has been put in production in 1951 and it is still

EPJ Web of Conferences 246, 00009 (2020)
Joint EPS-SIF International School on Energy 2019

producing 3.8 million barrels a day of oil. At the production start-up the company has
its maximum financial exposure. From this moment hydrocarbon production results in
positive cash flows although companies have to bear further costs during the production
life of the reservoir and for the field abandonment. The time span occurring between the
discovery declaration and the production start-up is called the time to market. One of
the targets of an oil company is the reduction of the time to market as much as possible.
3 1. The activity of Reservoir Management. – During its production life the field is
continuously monitored through an activity called Reservoir Management. The produc-
tion rate is measured and the data are input into the model to validate it. The process by
which a reservoir simulation model is modified to match the collected production data
and the observed field behavior is called history matching. Production data are also
used to evaluate the need of interventions for production optimization such as change of
producing level or type of completion, revamping of wells or facilities, matrix stimula-
tion operations. The target of all these operations is the attempt to obtain the highest
possible recovery factor for that reservoir.
The recovery factor is the ratio between reserves (the hydrocarbons that will be eco-
nomically produced with the available technology and the defined development scenario)
and the total amount of hydrocarbons in place that have been estimated with the static
model. It is physically impossible to recover and produce all of the oil stored in the
ground so this ratio is never equal to 1. The recovery factor is among the most impor-
tant parameters that characterize oil and gas reservoirs and its value influences many
decisions that lead to a successful field development plan.
The recovery factor depends on the available technology and the characteristics of the
reservoir. Over time technology improved a lot but on the other side field complexity is
also increased. The result is that overall recovery factor has often changed very little.
As an example in 2017 the UK Oil & Gas Authority declared that the expected recovery
factor for the fields located in the Continental Shelf of UK was 43% almost the same
as that estimated in 2004 (42%). At the same time an improved reservoir management
could potentially provide additional 900 million barrels of oil. A 43% of recovery factor
indeed means that when a field is abandoned because the production rate is too low to
be economical there is much oil left in the reservoir than what has been produced. So
any attempt to increase this number increases at the same time the project value. This
makes the activity of reservoir management of paramount importance for an oil company.
According to Eni Oil and Gas Review 2019 the world proven oil reserves at the end of
2018 have been estimated to sum up to 1663 billion barrels and almost half of these are
in the Middle East, 20% in Central and South America, 13% in North America, 7% in
Africa, Russia and Central Asia. Gas reserves at the end of 2018 were more than 205.000
billion of cubic meters mostly in the Middle East (39%), Russia and Central Asia (32%).
Venezuela remains in 2018 the country with the greatest oil reserves, followed by Saudi
Arabia and Canada. Venezuela oil however is much heavier than Arabian oil and about
96% of Canadian reserves are hold in bituminous sands. Russia at the same time is the
country with the greatest gas reserves in the world, followed by Iran and Qatar.

EPJ Web of Conferences 246, 00009 (2020)
Joint EPS-SIF International School on Energy 2019

As regards production in the 2018 the world daily oil production was on average
slightly higher than 95 millions of barrels. Gas production was close to 3800 billion of
cubic meters.
The United States are the greatest oil producer before Saudi Arabia and Russia.
These three countries provide about 40% of the total oil production. USA are also the
first gas producer followed by Russia and Iran.
The reservoir parameters that affect the recovery factor are the reservoir rock prop-
erties, the fluid properties and the reservoir drive mechanism. The last one is the mech-
anism that supplies the energy that moves the hydrocarbons in the reservoir during
production. According to the drive mechanism that is active during the production
three different recoveries are possible: a primary recovery that uses the natural energy
of the reservoir to produce hydrocarbons, a secondary recovery when an external fluid
is injected into the reservoir and a tertiary recovery aimed at improving reservoir sweep
efficiency. Natural energy in the primary recovery can be provided by the aquifer that
slightly expands as pressure drops displacing hydrocarbons or by gas expansion that may
occur in presence of free gas in the gas cap or dissolved gas in solution when pressure
drops below bubble point within the reservoir. On the contrary the injection of an ex-
ternal fluid such as water or gas in the reservoir through dedicated wells is aimed at
maintaining reservoir pressure during production. This technique is called Improved Oil
Recovery (IOR) and may add 10 to 20% to the recovery factor obtained from natural
depletion. The third recovery technique is called Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) and
is aimed at changing the actual properties of the hydrocarbons to increase the sweep
efficiency of the reservoir. EOR techniques (fig. 4) can be used after primary and sec-
ondary recovery or since the beginning of production. EOR methods include thermal
recovery, chemical flooding and gas injection. Although more expensive to employ, EOR
techniques can increase production up to 75% recovery.
Thermal recovery is used with high viscosity oil such that of Venezuela and implies
the injection of steam into the reservoir. Chemical injection uses polymers to increase the
efficiency of water-flooding to free trapped oil within the reservoir. Gas injection in the
EOR includes natural gas, nitrogen or carbon dioxide injection in the reservoir. The use
of CO2 has increased a lot in the last years when technologies have been developed to use
the CO2 created by industrial processes. The vast majority of industry’s GHG emissions,
90%, consists of CO2 . Half of industry’s CO2 emissions results from the manufacture
of four industrial commodities —ammonia, cement, ethylene and steel. CO2 is used in
EOR not only for reducing gas emissions but also for its intrinsic properties, first of all
its miscibility. The CO2 dissolution causes an expansion in oil volume (swelling) that
can result in an increased oil recovery. The amount of swelling is dependent on reservoir
pressure and temperature and oil characteristics.

4. – Decarbonisation and carbon neutrality

Decarbonisation in the field of the energy sources is the process of reducing the car-
bon/hydrogen ratio. When referred to the global engagements against climate changes

EPJ Web of Conferences 246, 00009 (2020)
Joint EPS-SIF International School on Energy 2019

Fig. 4. – Enhanced oil recovery techniques.

it means all the policies that are or will be implemented to reduce the use of fossil fuels
especially those with high carbon dioxide emissions.
Among the fossil fuels gas has the lowest carbon/hydrogen ratio, lower than oil and
much lower than coal. Although the world is moving towards a future of less carbon
emissions global fossil fuel demand continues to grow. So the main challenge for the Oil
& Gas industry is meeting the increased need for energy while simultaneously reducing
overall emissions.
Carbon neutrality means having a net zero carbon footprint in transportation, energy
production and industrial processes. This can be achieved by balancing carbon emissions
with carbon removal or eliminating altogether carbon emissions (the transition to a “post
carbon economy”). It goes without saying that this represents a more long-term objective
than decarbonisation.
Many important oil companies and Eni is among them have created a group, the
OGCI (Oil and Gas Initiative) with the scope of planning and implement actions to
reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the oil and gas industry’s operations, while still
meeting the world’s energy needs in the respect of the agreements reached in Paris on 12
December 2015. The investments of the OGCI are not only focused on carbon dioxide
reductions and recycling but also in reducing methane leakage in all the steps of the
process chain: exploration, production and processing, storage and transportation, local
distribution and end users. Methane emissions are due to fugitive emissions, unburnt
methane from flaring and process venting. The companies of the OGCI have announced
in 2018 a collective target for reducing upstream methane intensity (defined as the ratio

EPJ Web of Conferences 246, 00009 (2020)
Joint EPS-SIF International School on Energy 2019

Fig. 5. – Carbon dioxide storage process.

of total methane emissions to net natural gas production) envisaging to reach a value of
0.25% by 2025.
One of the activities that can prevent carbon dioxide from being released in the atmo-
sphere is the carbon capture and storage (CCS). The CO2 produced by large industrial
plants is injected deep in the underground (fig. 5) using wells either to be permanently
stored into depleted oil and gas reservoirs or to be used for EOR methods in fields still
on production as has been previously described. The world leading authority for CCS
is the Global CCS institute, an international climate change organization whose mission
is to accelerate the deployment of CCS as an imperative technology in tackling climate
change and providing energy security. The institute every year launches projects aimed
at increasing the amount of CO2 captured now at about 30 MTPA (Million Ton per
Year). The target for 2040 is 4000 MTPA of CO2 captured.
What is Eni contribution to a low-carbon future? Eni strategy is based on three pil-
lars: greenhouse gases reduction, low-carbon and resilient portfolio and energy transition
to renewables sources coupled with green business development.
In the short term Eni has confirmed its 2025 target of reducing emissions intensity by
43% compared to 2014 in upstream operated assets, through the elimination of process
flaring, the reduction of fugitive methane emissions and the implementation of energy
efficiency projects. The main driver to reduce the emission intensity of the upstream
business is the minimization of flaring, which in 2018 accounted for 27% of emissions
from hydrocarbon production. Eni is engaged in specific programs to reduce gas sent
to flaring, through an emphasis on the production of electricity for local populations,
distribution for domestic consumption or export. Where these practices are not possible,
Eni has created reinjection systems in natural gas reservoirs.
Eni’s hydrocarbon portfolio has a high incidence of natural gas (> 50%), a bridge
solution, particularly in electricity generation, to a future dominated by renewable ener-
gies. Gas is the ideal partner for the development of renewables, which have economic

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Joint EPS-SIF International School on Energy 2019

Fig. 6. – Energy related GHG emissions in 2017 and forecasted in 2040 (from IEA - SDS).

and technological limits when deployed on a large scale. Use of the gas-renewables mix
also enables coal consumption to be reduced. Currently, coal contributes about 40% to
global power generation and is responsible for over 70% of CO2 emissions in the electric-
ity sector (fig. 6). Energy production and use is the largest source of global greenhouse
gas (GHG) emissions, meaning that the energy sector is crucial for achieving the objec-
tives of the Paris Agreement on climate change. All the solutions aimed at reducing or
replacing coal have therefore a great impact in the decarbonisation process.
In a low-carbon scenario where changes in emissions regulations and in the physical
conditions of operations can be expected in many countries, the risks associated to the
main investment projects of an oil company may grow up significantly. The oil companies
try to manage this risk by lowering the break-even price of their projects as much as
possible. The main upstream projects underway in Eni have an average portfolio break-
even at a Brent price of about $25/barrel and are therefore currently resilient even in a
low-carbon scenario.
Other actions Eni is undertaking include increasing the use of renewable sources,
developing a biofuels business, employing a circular approach to optimize the use of
waste as a raw material and increasing the life of industrial sites. Increased commitment
on renewables is expected in 2019–2022, with an investment in profitable projects of
around ¤1.2 billion and a potential installed capacity of around 1.6 GW by 2022. This
power is set to reach 5 GW in 2025, with the ambition of achieving 10 GW by 2030.
New technologies will play a key role on this journey towards a more sustainable
model. In 2018, Eni spent over ¤74 million on research and development for carbon
neutrality in addition to partnerships with OGCI and Commonwealth Fusion Systems
LLC, an American company aiming to build a compact fusion power plant based on the
ARC tokamak concept. The agreement with CFS and MIT has the goal of boosting
the industrial development of technology for the production of fusion energy, a safe,
sustainable and practically inexhaustible source of energy with no emission of pollutants
or long-term waste as is the case of nuclear fission (see on this subject the paper “Fusion
energy” by F. Romanelli in these proceedings).


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