mTWhQ1 HMW 1675332647 T3 - MSCS-G5 CH 5 6 - 2

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Chapter 5 - Health and Medicine
Chapter 6 -Cordoba-Islamic Architecture

Learning Objectives:
➢ To identify the medical achievements in the golden age of Islamic Civilization.
➢ To evaluate how virtues of care and charity can be practiced.
➢ To analyze the major features of the Umayyad Dynasty .

I Key words
➢ Surgery
➢ Specialization
➢ Lepers
➢ Mirhab
➢ Umayyad Dynasty
➢ Cordoba

II. Concept Map/Mind Map

III. Define the Following Terms:
1. Surgery - A procedure to remove or treat a part of the body or to find out whether
disease is present.Example: heart surgery, angioplasty etc.
2. Instruments- Objects used for a particular purpose.Examples: Scissors,Surgical Needles,
Needle Cases etc.
3. Arch -A rounded top of a door or entrance.
4. Umayyad Dynasty - the first great dynasty of the Muslim Empire from 661 to 750 CE.
5. Mirhab - place in the wall of a mosque that shows the direction of Mecca.
IV Answer the Following:
6. What were the medical advances in the Golden Age of Islamic civilization?
Ans: In the time of Islamic Civilization, the field of medicine and medical treatment
greatly developed. They invented many medical instruments and Surgical procedures.
Hospitals treated people and gave medicines free of charge. Baghdad had a hospital for
people with mental illnesses. Medical schools were established.

7. What were the special treatments provided in the hospital of Cairo?

Ans: They specialized in different types of medical treatment, such as bone setting,
bloodletting and treatment for lepers.

8. Describe the Great Mosque of Cordoba.

Ans: The Great mosque of Cordoba was situated in Spain. It is famous for its
hypostyle prayer hall. The Mihrab in the prayer hall shows the wall that faces Mecca.
Arch is decorated in different colours and with calligraphic writing. The arch is in the
shape of a horseshoe, a distinctive style in Islamic architecture of the area.

V Research Based Questions.

9. During the Golden Age of Islamic Civilization, medical treatment at hospitals was given
free to all people. This is an example of public service, something that a government does
for its people.
What are some things that the government provides for people who live in the UAE?
Write four points.


(To be done in the class not as home work)

VI HOT Question

10. Good health is important for a city or a country. Why is good health so important? What are
the two benefits of good health for a person? What are the two benefits to a country to have good

Two benefits of good health Two benefits to a country of having

good healthcare

(To be done in the class not as home work)


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