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Although I am not sure of my career plan, I do know I want to do something that involves

helping others. By being a passionate person, this will allow me to get along with others and
really show I care. Even though I’m not a people person my desire to connect with others will
help me to want to make connections with others and show kindness to all. Since I want to have
a sense of purpose at work, I will try my best to show that in the way I interact with and treat
them. For example at my work place I strive to put my best foot forward and treat customers
with respect and try to understand them the best I can.
Most of the traits that were listed are an accurate depiction of my personality because a lot of
them apply to me. For example, one of my weaknesses listed was self-isolated, meaning I want
to make connections with people but don’t know how, and that spoke to me because its so true,
I’ve always struggled to make friends with others even though I really want to. I just find it
easier to spend time with people that I already know then try and put myself out there. Even
when we go to parties I either sit in the corner or talk with my friends instead of trying to make
new friends. I just prefer being in my comfort zone. The section talking about friendship is so
true to me as I do I enjoy spending time with close friends but also like my alone time from time
to time.

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