Portofolio Inggris Risma (BNR)

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English Portfolio

Arranged as one of the requirements for taking the vocational practice exam

(UPK) at SMK Madya Depok

Arranged by :

Name : Risma Marliana Zalfa

NIS/NISN : 202110322/0051733785

Areas Of Expertise : Business and Management

Expertise Program : Accounting and Finance

Skill Competency : Accounting and Financial Institutions



Sekolah Kejuruan Bisnis Manajemen & Teknik Informatika Jalan Raya Leuwinanggung no. 111
Rt. 03/02 Kel. Leuwinanggung
Manajemen Perkantoran – Pemasaran – Akuntansi
Kec. Tapos – Kota Depok, 16456
Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak- Multimedia Telp/fax. 021-22875813/021-8454489
TERAKREDITASI ”A” Email : smkmadya.depok@gmail.com
NPSN : 20232543 NSS : 422026601003 NIS : 200680 Website : www.smkmadya-depok.sch.id


The author expresses his gratitude to the presence of Allah S.W.T who has
bestowed his mercy and grace upon the author, so that finally the author can
complate this English portfolio on time.
Portfolio assessment is a relatively new approach and has not been widely
used in education in Indonesia. In several countries, potrfolios have been widely
used in education, both for class and regional assesments, as well as for national
assessments with the aim of standardization. In today’s era, mastering soft skills and
hard skills is equally important. Students need to be trained not only so that they
are academically competent but also so that they have quality character. The use of
the right portfolio does not only improve specific competencies in certain fields of
study but also general competencies needed in life such as critical thinking,
understanding one’s strengths and weaknesses, finding strategies to improve
competence, being persistent, and becoming independent learners.
The author realizes that this English portfolio still has many shortcomings,
both in form, content, and presentation techniques. Therefore,constructive criticism
and suggestions from various parties will be received by the author with open arms
and are highly expected. I hope the presence of this English portfolio meets its
Depok, … February 2022/2023


Student’s Name : Risma Marliana Zalfa

Place and Date Of Birth : Depok, 06 March
Gender : Woman
Blood Group :-
Religion : Islam
Student Identification number : 202110322
School : SMK Madya Depok
Address : Jatijajar 2 RT06/RW09

Telephone/ mobile number : 08985526090

Parents’ Name : Dahlia Amir

Depok, … February 2023


A. Background

Education is a conscious and planned effort to create a learning

atmosphere and learning process so that students actively develop their
potential to have religious strength, self-control, personality, intelligence,
noble character, and the skills needed by themselves, society, nation and state.
Thus education is a process of activity that facilitates students to produce the
desired results in accordance with the goals that have been set. Good results
are obtained from effective basic learning with lots of student interest in
learning. The term learning is a unity between learning and teaching. In these
two events there are diffrenet meanings but there is a close relationship, there
are even relationships and interactions that influence and support each other.
Effective learning is created by the interest, attention and motivation of
students in learning, teachers who teach creatively and are able to manage the
class well. Improving the quality of education is determined by changes in
behavior that students need to achieve.

B. Purpose Of The English Language Portfolio

Pedagogical social processes, collection of Learning Experience

(collection of learning experiences) contained in the minds of students both in
the form of knowledge (cognitive), skills(skills), as well as values and
attitudes (affective). In general, a portfolio is a collectiion of documents of a
person, group, institution, organizations, companies or the like that aims to
document the progress of a process in achieving the goals set, namely:
- Fulfill the demands of the minister of education and culture in
carrying out school exams.
- Following up on the minister of education and culture’s policy on
independent learning.
- Improve portfolio understanding.
- Encouraging the application of portfolio assessment in education

Based on the results of research and discussion, it can be concluded as
1. The learning difficulties experienced by students in learning English
are difficulty understanding English lessons and lack of student interest in
learning English is caused by internal factors and factors internal.
2. The dominant factors that cause difficulties in learning English are
experienced by students are biological factors including the state of
students who do not
can listen clearly during lessons using language

For teachers to further improve the quality of teaching by paying attention
to internal methods
The more interesting the learning methods and media, the more students
will learn
interested in learning English





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