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Career Choice Activity

My Favorite Subjects with Course RIASEC Appropriate

subject/s highest grade preferences Result Strand




-Fill in the columns your 1st to 3rd choices your favorite subject, subjects with the highest grade,
course preference, and appropriate strand/s
-Analyze the consistencies of the data. If they are very much related, you can easily finalize
your decision as to what strand is appropriate to your personality, and the course you will take
in your college education.

Career Choice Activity

My Favorite Subjects with Course RIASEC Appropriate
subject/s highest grade preferences Result Strand




-Fill in the columns your 1st to 3rd choices your favorite subject, subjects with the highest grade,
course preference, and appropriate strand/s
-Analyze the consistencies of the data. If they are very much related, you can easily finalize
your decision as to what strand is appropriate to your personality, and the course you will take
in your college education.

Career Choice Activity

My Favorite Subjects with Course RIASEC Appropriate
subject/s highest grade preferences Result Strand




-Fill in the columns your 1st to 3rd choices your favorite subject, subjects with the highest grade,
course preference, and appropriate strand/s
-Analyze the consistencies of the data. If they are very much related, you can easily finalize
your decision as to what strand is appropriate to your personality, and the course you will take
in your college education.

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