CLE 8 St. Augustine

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Domalandan, Lingayen, Pangasinan
S.Y. 2021-2022
Junior High School
Quarter 3 - Summative Test 1
CLE 8 – St. Augustine

Name: ______________________________ Score:____________
Teacher: Mrs. Rowena M. Uligan Parent’s Signature:_____
Direction: Read the questions below. Circle the letter of your answer.
1. Which is true about Jesus based on Gaudium et Spes 22?
a. He worked with human hands and thought with human will. c. A only
b. He acted with human will and loved with human heart. d. Both A and B
2. Which of the reasons the Word made flesh relates to what we share from Jesus' sonship?
a. To know God's love
b. To be our model of holiness
c. To save us by reconciling us with God
d. To make us "partakers of the divine nature"
3. Which of the reasons the Word made flesh gives us hope to enter the Kingdom of God?
a. To know God's love
b. To be our model of holiness
c. To save us by reconciling us with God
d. To make us "partakers of the divine nature"
4. Which of the reasons the Word made Tlesh helps us to become saints?
a. To know God's love
b. To be our model of holiness
c. To save us by reconciling us with God
d. To make us "partakers of the divine nature
5. Which of the Bible accounts does not point to Jesus' being human?
a. He was thirst (cf. John 4:7)
b. He faced temptation (cf. Matthew 4:1-11.
c. He experienced hunger (cf. Luke 4:2).
d. He claimed His unity with the Father (cf. John 30:10).
6. Which phrase from the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed below tells of Jesus' human nature?
a. True God from true God
b. Born of the Virgin Mary
c. Consubstantial with the Father
d. Conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit
7. What is incarnation?
a. The Son of God rose from the dead.
b. The Son of God was brought to heaven.
c. The Son of God assumed human nature.
d. The Son of God was glorified in appearance.
8. Whose situation below shows the best belief on Jesus as light of the world?
a. Mr. P believes that God will never leave him.
b. Mr. X receives Christ in the Holy Communion.
c. Ms. T prays for guidance during difficult situations.
d. Ms. S remains humble despite her continuous success.
9. How can a Catholic best appreciate the Niceno-Constantinopolitian Creed?
a. Understand its meaning c. Memorize it word for word
b. Provide copies to friends d. Join the recitation during the Mass
10. What phrase completes the line from Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed, "God from God, true
God from true God."
a. consubstantial with the Father c. eternally from the Father
b. begotten, not made d. light from light
11. What does Jesus' be the only Son of God, affirm about Him?
a. Divinity b. Humanity c. Divinity and humanity d. Messiah
12. Which word speaks of the Son of God having the same substance as the Father?
a. Homogeneous b. Homoiousios c. Homoousios d. Homosubstantia
13. On which creed is the phrase, "The Only Begotten Son of God" stated?
a. Apostle's Creed c. Chalcedonian Creed
b. Athanasian Creed d. Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed
14. In Luke 3:22, how did the voice describe Jesus as the Son?
a. Adopted b. Begotten c. Beloved d. Only
15. Based on CFC 504, which of the two events in the Scripture grounds Jesus as the only Son of
a. Ascension and transfiguration c. Incarnation and resurrection
b. Ascension and resurrection d. Incarnation and transfiguration
16. How does Jesus' sonship difter from angels and people?
a. Jesus is the chosen Son of the Father. c. Jesus is the beloved Son of the Father.
b. Jesus is the adopted Son of the Father. d. Jesus is the Son the Father loves the most.
17. To Whom does the title son or God given in the Old Testament?
a. Angels b. Children of Israel c. Chosen People d. All the choices
18. In John 20:28, how did Thomas address Jesus?
a. "The Risen Lord of all!" c. "Your Majesty and Power!"
b. "My Lord and my God!" d. "My Savior and Lord of God”
19. What was the name of God in the Old Testament that Jesus revealed to the Jews in John 8:57-58?
a. I AM b. Lord Master c. Lord God, Almighty d. The Most High
20. In the Prologue of John, the divinity of Christ is revealed. Which statement below is not true?
a. The Word was God. c. The Word was the Father.
b. The Word was with God d. The Word was in the beginning with God.
21. Being anointed, Jesus revealed its true meaning in John 3:13. What is this Bible verse?
a. "Truth will set us free."
b. "God put forward as an expiation by his blood.
c. "The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve.
d. To you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.
22. Who did Jesus accept the rightful title as Christ with reservation?
a. People understood it in a political sense.
b. Jesus was not yet fully aware of its meaning and implication.
c. It would ignite a new yet premature revolution against the Romans.
d. It would endanger his life once the present king would know about it.
23. Why was Jesus called the Christ?
a. He was anointed as the Messiah. c. He accomplished the divine mission.
b. He accepted it as people insisted. d. He served the people during his public ministry.
24. How does Jesus be anointed differ from the anointed ones in the Old?
a. Jesus was anointed with sacred oil.
b. Jesus was anointed by the Holy Spirit.
c. Jesus was the only one anointed and died on the cross.
d. Jesus was anointed by John the Baptist in the Joran River.
25. What does the meaning of the name of Jesus signify about him?
a. Both his identity and mission c. Both his mission and vision
b. Both his nature and family d. Both his love and goodness
26. Whose name is at the heart of Christian prayer?
a. Jesus b. John c. Mary d. Paul
27. What does the name Jesus mean in Hebrew?
a. God saves b. God, the Messiah c. Jesus saves d. Jesus, the Messiah
28. Which presupposition about knowing Jesus is having a Christian Living subject in a Catholic
school from grade school to college?
a. A life-long process
b. A commitment to following Jesus
c. A living, changing, growing, and deepening experience
d. Knowledge of the historical earthly Jesus and the Risen Christ of faith.
29. Which words complete the Bible verse below taken from John 17:37? "They should know you,
the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ"
a. God, Holy Spirit b. God, Jesus Christ c. Lord, Jesus Christ d. Lord, Holy Spirit
30. Which presupposition about knowing Jesus is it when a Christian smiles at his problems and
remains confident of God's aid?
a. A life-long process
b. A commitment to following Jesus
c. A living, changing, growing, and deepening experience
d. Knowledge of the historical earthly Jesus and the Risen Christ of faith

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