T4 - PH S - C2 - 3000 CT TEST REPORT

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C4 ... FOR INSPECTION AND TEST REPORT CURRENT TRANSFORMER Project No.: 177214 [Date : 03/12/18]Rev. « General test information: Diameter #1 (=B1.1 - CT-T4) Datestime: 2016-12-05, 10:41:38 AM [Fest device: Cr-Analyzer [Device Serial No. TBA. File name: “ZeniOk Tesi\Diameler #1\-B1 TICT-T4\CT Ratio-3000-1A\Phase SICT-ACORE-PHASE S-G2_S000.xni [Assessments: ites 00000 a ape onan GR VERT arte a |Country: BATANG | Type: LMGBT-550 San cepeniTv axceloma rambo: "DrTasae Fenrir crT4git [eoenmoer 2 [Core type (P/M): Phase: s Tap: (281-282 = Teco oxeeee —_loptona Souk FS: [ext (Icth): aoe fame ara reaiano wet sure a anes] [eae oa E rise) Taeiea ee Exciaon a Fae OLEATE RS eS Rename faa aR rs rs rs is essere fie as reas _— rato fate OTT Sig ST Oa i 0000 | 1000 400 Es/V lel ronara: Petrie, te67. tebe. Peevidid, Prepared by. ‘Witnessed / Review by : Reviewed / Approved by : aul ¥ oI BUI SUgngineer) wane lx le ‘Muhanad Chandra Name: NUR ERRIAUA Name = V2 OW [Date: Nn] 2018 [Date : Name Ronda Pallea INSPECTION AND TEST REPORT Project No. 177214 FOR CURRENT TRANSFORMER Error limits for measuring current transformers classes 0.1 to 1 Ratio error Phase displacement ‘Accuracy 2% Minutes = Centiradians lass at current (% of rated) at current (% of rated) at current (% of rated) s_| 20 | 100 | 10} 5 | 20 | 100] 120] 5 | 20| 100 | 120 Cr oa | o2foif orf as | s | 5 | 5 | 045 |02a| 015 | oa5 02 07} o3as| 02 | o2 | 30 | 1s | 10 | 10 | o9 Joss} 03 | o3 os is |o7s| os | os | 90 | a5 | 30 | 30 | 27 135] 09 | o9 1 30 | 15 | 10 | 10 | 19 | oo | oo | | sa |27| 18 | 18 Error limits for measuring current transformers classes 0.25 to 0.5S Ratio error Phase displacement Accuracy 2% Centiradians lass ‘at current (%6 of rated) ‘at current (% of rated) at current (% of rated) a [| s | 2 | s00| wo} 1 | s | 20 | 100] 120] 2 5 | 20] 100 | 120 025 | 075 | 035| 02 | 02) 02] 30 | 15 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 09 | 045 | oa] 03 | 03 oss | 1s | 07s} os | os | os | 90 | 45 | 30 | 30 | 30 | 27] 135 |os| 09 | 09 Error limits for protective current transformers class P and PR Reeuraey ‘trated primary eutrent Compost erorat class Ratio enor Phase diplacement rated accuracy limit | ex Minutes | #Cetiradians primary curcent (6) SP and SPR 7 @ Fr 5 10° and 10°R 3 i : 10 Error limits for protective current transformers class P and PR ‘Accuracy ‘At rated primary current Composite error at lass Ratio error Phase displacement rated accuracy limit 2% Minutes + Contiradians primary currant (% ) Tex 05 230 208 €* =10% PY 10 260 £18 ez 10 1g0+ 18 53406 For class PX, the turns ratio error shall not exceed + 0,25 % For class PXR, the turns ratio error shall not exceed + 1% For class PXR, the remanence factor shall not exceed 10% Prepared by: Witnessed / Review by: Reviewed / Approved by: Bvt SC BPI BVI (SU Engineer) we hu wage Name: Muhamad Chandra __|Name:_ UR pitR(AwhalName Name Pong Paes [bate = 8 tt - 20) pate: [Pp 2016 [Date [Date t A wv Page 1 of 4 Test Report Date/Time: 2061205, 10-1 SSA Taseed Tocation ‘Company: BLACKS VERCTH Ea ‘Station: CFPP-PLTU 2x4000 Ya BATANG_CENTRALIAVA cea si ‘Phase: 5. 6168-2 [eT Nameptate ‘Manufacturer! ASS. Bese Type: LMSET-S50 2 Seria Number: 01705266 SOOT Ration 30007 Protection C7 Frequency: Sort Ter = (EC 61605-7) ‘Nominal Burden: 15.0 Vi 150VA Equipment |" Test Devices cr-anaipaer——____~“soiware Versions 057 (a) soir oe 70 bosaa—] “Serial Number: HSE a1yo3709/05/00711 about:blank oroseipt Test Settings: Page 2 of 4 Primary Current Ip: 2000.08 108 so.0he Applied Standards 15C61869-2 ‘dacs: Ter Ret: 67.400 (75.0%) Spee. Method: by Duty Duty eyele: CO Ye: 00° Te 1491 ta: 010° {ore not defined” Muttptying Factor for Ratio Assesement® ‘Delta compensation: Ratio x Rated burdens < 1VA: ‘Nominal Burdens Operating Burden: ‘coro Type: att: ata: * vale is automaticaly detected by CT Analyze’ guesser function, ‘Ato -dtaction may prevent assessment. Exc setting might be mandatory for automatic assessment. Enable 3S.OVA cor @: 1.0 AS 0VA cos @: 10 Protection CF 20.00 0.00" rot dined” Burden: ‘Status Infor No result ‘Overload: no Resistance Secondary Winding: Reet: 7.9962 | Torey 75.0% about:blank 07-Dec-18 Results with nominal burden: TSOVAcs@r10 3000.0 101 99% oor 2369.68 of rated current 20% 50% 100% 120% 200%. 75.00/10 [100s | 0.967 [oes Tosca [oses | oss | 1000 [roe [100% Nomburcen 730/40-| 3.011 | 3.006 | 0.997 |-a997_[ 1.001 [00s [-a.006 | 007 | s0%e Nom.surden 375/10 | aie [1010 [1.000 | 1.002 [1.005 | 4.008 [008 | 1.010 | 25% Nom burden Ess 70 [eos | 201s | 00s | 1005 [2007 [00s 1-010 —pon [12 5% nom.surder ‘Burden ‘Phase dleplacement in minutes at of rated current ‘Designation VA/cosg 1.0% 5.0% 10% 20% 50% 100% 120% 200% T0710 | ieee isto Tes Puss | 27] e10 | aor | 170 [100% Nomburcen Tso/Lo[ i272 | 1098 | 940771 [625 | ses [557 | 535] SoM Nomsurden 375/40 | a2] era] 768 | oat | 5.00 | 445 | 435 | 4.13 | 95% Nom Burden iors 10 | ar | 757 | 670 ss | as | 30] 373] 353 [i2.5% Nom Burden NOTE: Messororens with T have reduced acerscy. Accuracy only uarartecd on ron-gepped Gores Excitation: Knee Pointe: Tec sisesz] mio] n0c0n] Results: me Ta 5a te va ‘Results with nominal burden Burden: about:blank 15.0 Vacs: 1.0 11.26 4820 2.40% wa s100.85v ‘Results with operating burden: Burden: ed a epeaieac: 15.0 VAcos @: 1.0 11.26 4820 2.340% tea, a av Page 3 of 4 07-Dee- > de Thee iaasiv | 2203, | aaH wai | 206% | oH aaa | 1.9384 | 70.88 aoa | —1a2sk [an 9H aoe |i | aa i226 | 16204 [14 5H iaosev [1.3608 | 20.9 ssa0av [Laima | 24a aissev| i127 | 284i) aioe [1.0724 [509% niosiv_[—1.03«q [3234 aosiav | —002a [352% 1oso1v[-977.3ma_[ 358%, 103esv_[ 9s4ema_[ 342h sori | 913.38 | 38 5H S7eav_ | e93.0na | 3a. o54av_| 972.a | 38.7H ‘s375v_| e5i.ema | 3470 ‘3096v_|-930.5mA | 34.98 ‘egciv | a08.sma | 26.0 ‘615v_|-795.7ma | 34.0 e2ssv | 7o1.sma | 36.90 2087 | 736.7ma | 3434 Trav | 709.emk | 35.05 eeav | a2e.ama | 35.08 eoaaW_ | 549.0mA 35.18 212 [amp ema | 35.18 ae7av | a24ama | 3538 aoa | 372 oma | 35 a166v_ | 200.0n4 35.14 27e0v | 253.1ma | 35.08 paaav | 222-4nva | 35.0% 2iaav_ | 195.3nA | 3690 aveav | 163.004 | 3498 34957-[-1360na [aah yay [113.5m8 [34 7H s070v [94 7am | 46H Bssev | 7.0oMA | aaa 7iL.3v | 6580ma | 3434 SLI | sasama | 32H a90.ev | 45,7omA | 34.08 407.av | 30.17%A | 35H [axecor_f ueima [39.7 | 2a0.1v_| 26.508 | 33.54 Zausv | 22.07mA | 33.3 398 | 1836m0 | 33-24 a5aev_[ 158m | 32.94 S307 | 12. 7ona-| 32 7H 3033 [-10.10na-| 32-54 aL [erm | 32.2H e#sav | s.azima | 31.94 S080 | s.isima | 3LSH ari | 3.777 | SSH Bis | 2235na | 30.24 $2267 | 3sena | 98.14 6.962 | 646.3un | 25:74 3.975 | 54a.7yn | 22.64 2265 | s6i.8uA | 19.4 1 2eev [201.290 | 16.84 ooo | 97.5ya | 15.54 about:blank 100s ry Tom Page 4 of 4 07-Dee-18

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