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INSPECTION AND TEST REPORT a. 7 ene CURRENT TRANSFORMER [Date :03/a2/28]Rev. Diameter #1 ( =B1.1 - CT-T4) ‘Genera test information: Date/Time: __2018-12.06, 01:45:50 PM Test device Crm [Dance Sera No SIZES Fe name ZeriOk TestDiameter #51 ICT-TA\CT Ratio-4000-1AiPhase SICTACORE-PHASE S-C1_A000am| Assessments: OT Used tst settings: pn: ROOK Tocaton ObjecE isn: 70 [Company BLACK VEACTH [Manufacturer 78 Rated burden 450vA 108 |County: Hype Lwcar-ss0 rrasasa Feecer'Bay. or-t4.81.1 [Core number: 1 Prese: s op: 1s1-183 TY Jecm 61069.2___optiona: 4000/1 [ext (Icthy. max. Ret Resistance test: Burden test meas 25°C) warez) feuden red ret SC) wiroaa Oo] Wena is Excitation test: ram 144206010 [Resut with operating burden: xn @N/A__[Fkn2: FSi FS. FSi Cs Lm: 2208 fTs:.____2.2086 ke oa% ean Prepared by: ‘Witnessed / Review by Reviewed / Approved by BVI SC BPI BVI(SU Engineer) a ust Date Muhamad Chandra__[Name: NUR FINAWAY W/o) INSPECTION AND TEST REPORT Project No. 177214 A &. e 'ss1 ‘CURRENT TRANSFORMER. bate : 03/12/18 [Rev No. Error limits for measuring current transformers classes 0.1 to 1 Ratio error Phase displacement ‘Accuracy 2% = Minutes #Centiradians lass at current (%6 of rated) at current (% of rated) at current (% of rated) 5 | 20 | 100 | 20} s | 20 | 100| 120] 5 | 20] 100 | 120 on 04 | 02} oa} oa} is | 8 | 5 | 5 | 045 |o2a| 015 | 015 02 075 | 035} 02 | 02 | 30 | 15 | 10 | 10 | 09 |o4s| 03 | 03 os 1s |o75| os | os | 90 | 45 | 30 | 30 | 27 |235] 09 | o9 1 30 | 15 | 10 | 10 | 190 | 90 | oo | o | sa |27| 18 | 18 Error limits for measuring current transformers classes 0.25 to 0.55 Ratio error Phase displacement ‘Accuracy 1% = Minutes = Centiredians dass at current (% of rated) ‘at current 8 of rated) ‘at current (% of rated) 1 | -s | 2 | 100 | wo] 1 | 5 | 20 | 100] 120] 2 s_| 20] 100 | 120 02s | 075] 035| 02 | 02 | 02 | 30| 15 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 09 | 045 [oa] o3 | o3 oss | 15 | 075} os | os | os | 90 | 45 | 20 | 30 | 30 | 27] 135 | o9| o9 | 09 Error limits for protective current transformers class P and PR “Aecuraey [At rated primary current ‘Composite error at lass Ratio error Phase displacement rated accuracy limit 2% Minutes + Contiradians primary current (3 ) ‘SP and SPR 1 60 1s 5 10? and 10PR 3 : - 10 Error limits for protective current transformers class P and PR ‘Recuracy ‘At rated primary current Composite error at lass Ratio Phase displacement rated accuracy limit 2% Minutes Cent primary current (36) PK 0s £30 209 PY 10 £60 £18 rez. 10 18018 53206 For class PX, the turns ratio error shall not exceed + 0,25 % For class PXR, the turns ratio error shall not exceed + 1% For class PXR, the remanence factor shall not exceed 10 % Prepared by? Witnessed / Review Reviewed / Approved by: = z ee Yuu wa Name: Muhamad Chandra Name: NUR FITRIAWSY pate 08-14-27 Date = ipa J2018 Page 1 of 5 ‘Assessment “aato Passed ocation ‘Company: BACK A VEACTH “Country: BATANG ‘Station; _CFPP-PLTU 241000 MW BATANG. CENTRAL JAVA Feeder: —CI-T4 Bi hase: —S TEC=ID:61869°2 Cr Nameplate anufacturer AGB TESS ‘Type: _LMGET-S50 1 ‘Serial Number: 01705254. aO007R itios 00035 Protection Ct ps0 Ie EC 6185-3) Wominat Burden: —15.0 VA 15.0VA Equipment “Fast Baviser _ChAnaiyaer Software Version’ —a52 (179) 017080 06 Serial Number! —JHS3E Hardware Version: —01/01/00/05/00/15 about:blank ee | Page 2 of § Primary Current K-pn: 4000.08 ‘Secondary Current F-sn: 1.04, Frequency: 50.0H2 ‘Applied Standard: IEC 61869-2 ‘Class: TPY Ret 67.409 (75.0°C) ‘Spec. Method: by Duty Buty cle: C-0 Tee o.155* te 2204 ta: 9107 tr: not denned * ‘Multiplying Factor for Ratio Assessment: ‘Delta compensation; Ratio 1 Rated burdens <1VA: Enable 15.0VAc»S @: 1.0 15.0VA.c05 g: 1.0 Core Type: Protection CT i 8 8 ° Value is automatically detacted by CT Analyze's guesser function. autodetection may prevent aceecement, Sxpict sting might be mandatory for automatic sesessment Secondary Winding: —Rmeas 96140 Fmeas OC Rerefi 11702 | Terefe 75.0°C about:blank 08-Dec-18 Ratio: Results with nominal burden: “Weed Burdens 150 VAcas gr LD Used Ip 000.008 Ratio: 4000.0: 1.005¢ Deviation: 0.54395 0.565% ) 397785 5.34min OK “Current ratio error in 9 at % of rated corrent VA/coeg 1.0% 5.0% 10% 209 50% 10096 120% 200% T0070 | osee T05s0 | oss [oss | 059 | ose [ases | 10507 | 100% nomburcen 7.50/10 | 0.550 | 0.540 | 0.837 | 0.536 | 0.543 | 0546 | ase | 10.548 | S0% Nom.burden 375/40 | 0552 | 0.546 | 0.540 | 0.541 | 0.545 | 0547 | 0.548 | 0.549 | 25% Nom.burden iors /20 | ossz | 0.596 | 0.543 | oss | 0.546 | 0.548 | 0-548 | 0.550 [12.5% Nom.Surden| ‘00/0 | ino ase] 7a1] ear | see] Soe] S28 [1823 [100% Nomburcen 7.90/40 6.00 | 690 | 507] 497 | «24 | 399 | 3.07 50% Nom Burden 3.75/10 | 648 [576 [4.99 |~420 | 351 | 323 | 3.18 | 3.06 | 25% Nomburden Eavsy10 [572 [518 [452 | 360-| 3.15] 207 | 2.97 | 2.71 [12.5% nom Surden STE escuremnonts with Rave reduced Boaracy. Aecuray ofl guaranteed on on-gapped cores mn Results: mo oar Sia tet va ‘Results with nominal burden: ‘Results with operating burden: 15.0 VAcos @: 1.0 16.86 36.28 2.2988 2.330% nia 9003.30 Page 3 of S 08-Dec-18 uA (eatin Tabla [——“resvanes J] 20000577 (Den om om aE seamen ccaaansceesenataciaee ae Tae [non ee ' inv {hee [aa '45253V | 1.741A | 15.24 —_ I ee Ee sooo wert fe i apa} ta foo i ema[ tse Ts] 200 359267 [17200] 25.61] 199 | ‘ee [ hose [a i tee ae Envfeom paar] 22 i i4iz6v_[ 755.1ma | 56.88. I Hier | seem [a i Heep taer] 2 | stot aes [esto Sot | 12706v_| 665.4mA | 59.9H. —_ = = —_ : fet [estan [oo Har | eee toa Hey team Loot Hee gee ee Hen gaan [eo tiasar aeveme [ or aby seein [SL iia [erm [sa soon tare Tata Saesy [asm [ ot ar {seem tose ast aeeen tate Seay seems aes spar aon [a ae Soar [asian [a Sar eee pot [aston [ta Sr isaac suey tesa f git Hes ortoan fat on-tecmee | et ae seam | ar Seen som | 9. 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