Authentic Task - C1 - S1 - 2022-Gestalt N PoVD

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Authentic Task
Program – UGTP | Year - 1 _2022| Semester – 1 | Cycle-1
Course – GADP
Unit – Gestalt and the Principles of Visual Design

Task: Research and Exploration based Authentic Task.

Part – A

Research, articulate and present a paper with examples on impactful application

of Gestalt in art & design, as observed in the domain of everyday visual culture.

 Choose any form(s) of design and focus your research paper, for analysis of
Gestalt principles.
 The paper needs to be based on own field research and secondary
research. Examples to be sourced & quoted to the extent possible,
‘preferably’ from one’s own observations & recordings as found from our
visual cultural environ.
 The paper must be atleast of 2000 + words, all visual examples to have
proper metadata.

Part – B

In addition, you need design and present your own versions of two or more select
visual design examples.

 Choose any of two or more visual designs from Part-A research to make
your own versions of the designs with same meaning / message.
 Write concept notes for all of your own designs – explaining your concept
and visualisation approach.

 For Part-A Research the techniques in use of Elements & Principles of Design
as well as the Gestalt Principles of perception in chosen area of
contemporary art and design works.
 For Part-B select any of two or more examples from your research to make
your own versions of designs.
 Photo document your process in key stages of development of work for Part
—B paper.
 Final submission in optimized .pdf file format.


Upload the following in the given journal space in BlackBoard, on time.

Submission Due: (Review at end of 3rd week on progress) Final submission

Before 13:00 HRS | 20.09.2022.

 Part-A: The Research paper in not less than 2000 words and suitably
illustrated with visual examples that are analysed in the paper.
 Part-B: Create two or more your own visual interpretations of the sourced
design with concept notes.
o A minimum of 3 select progress pictures from the Photo
documentation of your process in Part-B paper.

Work must be word processed and images scanned and documented in a pdf
format. File sizes should not exceed 10MB. Save the file as follows
lastname.firstname_ Authentic Task_Year1_UGTP2022.pdf

Performance Criteria (PC):

PC1 – Competency in analysing and articulating the understanding of principles of

cognition and perception in the paper & concept notes. (in Part-A & B of Task).

PC2 — Logical and imaginative thinking in the visualization (in Part-B of the Task).

PC3 - Understand and appropriately use elements and gestalt principles in own
visualization design task – (in Part-B of the Task).


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