General Biology Summative Test 3

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NAME: _________________________________________________ SCORE:_____________________

GRADE AND SECTION: ____________________________________ DATE: _____________________

Identify the cell cycle phase or checkpoint being referred to in the following statements.
___________________1. This is when DNA Replication occurs.
___________________2. This is the first stage of the interphase.
___________________3. The growth of the cell happens in this phase(2 possible answers).
___________________4. This refers to the division that occurs in somatic cells.
___________________5. This refers to the division that occurs to produce sex cells.
___________________6. This checks if the chromosomes are properly duplicated.
___________________7. This refers to the division of the cytoplasm.
___________________8. This is when the cleavage furrow or cell plate appears.
___________________9. This is when the cell duplicates its genetic material.
___________________10. This is the first interphase checkpoint.

Identify the phase of mitosis that the following events belong to.
___________________11.When 2 nuclei are formed in the cell.
___________________12.Involves alignment of chromosomes in the metaphase plate.
___________________13.The sister chromatids move to the opposite poles of the cell.
___________________14. Spindle formation begins.
___________________15. Completion of the breakdown of nuclear envelope.

Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Encircle the letter of your choice.

16. The following are the events happen during Meiosis I EXCEPT:
A. Synapsis occurs only in meiosis I.
B. Sister chromatids line up and separate into individual chromosomes
C. Crossing over occurs
D. Tetrads line up and separate into individual homologous chromosomes
17. Why crossing over is important?
A. Facilitates genetic recombination
B. Depletes genetic variation
C. Decreases chances of survival
D. Uniform cell appearance
18. Meiosis I Reductional Division while Meiosis II is ________________.
A. Additional
B. Fractional
C. Equational
D. Divisional
19. The following are the significance of Mitosis EXCEPT:
A. maintenance of genetic material
B. growth and development
C. repair and recovery
D. inheritance
20. This refers to the complete set of genes that an organism has.
A. Chromosomes
C. Genome
D. Tetrad
21. Which of the following refers to an abnormal growth of the defective cells?
A. Neoplasm
B. Metastasis
C. Malignant
D. Benign
22. When an individual is said to have cancer if their tumor is?
A. Neoplasm
B.. Benign
C. Malignant
D. None of the above
23. What do you call the failure of chromosomes to correctly separate?
A. Benign C. Neoplasm
B. Malignant D. Nondisjunction
24. What is wrong on Down Syndrome disorder?
A. Addition of X chromosome C. Addition in chromosome #21
B. Deletion of Y chromosome D. Failure to attach
25. What type of tumor which include the cells that enable to spread to
other tissues and impair more organs of the body?
A. Benign C. Mutation
B. Malignant D. Nondisjunction
26. What is the number of chromosomes located in a human body cell?
A. 25
B. 23
C. 46
D. 50
27. What types of cells undergo meiosis?
A. Specialized cells C. Somatic cells
B. Sex cells D. All of the above
28. What types of cells undergo mitosis?
A. Specialized cells C. Somatic cells
B. Gametes D. All of the above
29. Examine the picture of the cell. What phase is the cell in?
A. Anaphase
B. Metaphase
C. Prophase
D. Telophase
30. What do plants form to achieve cytoplasmic division?
A. Cell plate C. Cleavage furrow
B. Contractile ring D. None of these choices

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