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A. Product Specifications Sheet (attached)

B. Documentary Requirements
1. Image of product label
2. Clear and complete loose labels or artwork (in pdf form with dimensions)
3. Scanned Copy of any of the original documents:
a. Foreign Agency Agreement
b. Certificate of Distributorship
c. Appointment Letter
d. Proforma Invoice
e. Memorandum of Agreement from the Manufacturer
4. AND Scanned copy of any of the following:
a. Manufacturer’s Certificate of Registration with GMP Compliance
b. Valid Sanitary Phyto-Sanitary Certificate / Health Certificate
c. Valid ISO 22000 Certificate
d. Valid Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) Certificate
e. Certificate of Free Sale attested by the recognized body Chamber of
Commerce / Phil. Consulate in the country of origin.
5. Establishment Information
a. Complete Name of Manufacturer
b. Complete Address of Manufacturer
c. Notarized Distribution Agreement or Contract Agreement
6. Nutrition and Health Claims
➢ As applicable, documents to substantiate claims, such as:
a. Technical or Nutrition Health Studies or Reports
b. Market research Studies
c. Certificate of Analysis, Quantitative Analysis and Computations
d. The certificate of analysis should be recent.
e. Scientific reports or studies published in peer-reviewed scientific
f. Certificates or Certification to support use of logo/seal on Sangkap
Pinoy, Halal, Organic, Kosher and in Compliance with the current
labelling requirements.
7. Certificate of Analysis of the finished product
8. Additional requirements for Food Supplement
a. Stability study to justify the declared shelf life. Stability data should indicate:
I. Conclusion parameters used.
II. Methodology (This should declare the following: product name, batch
number, production date, dates of analysis, tabulated data results in terms
of physical and chemical properties, and name and signature of the QA
analyst and QA manager)
b. Documents to determine conformance to the standard/s of product
c. Safety data (LD50 Toxicity test

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