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Assalamu’alaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Respectable Ms. Yuni Anjarwati the Supervisor of Moonlight Meeting

Honourable the busy one, Sister Hazna the Chief of Moonlight Meeting

Unforgettable all International people, all International students and all candidate of successful
people in the future, Amiin Yaa Rabbal ‘Aalamiin.

All pray unto ALLAH Subhanahuwata’ala, king of the king, the creator of everything who
knows about anything, even we hide something.
Who has been giving you beautiful eyes, so because of his blessing, you can see my handsome
Who has been giving you the nice ears, so because of his blessing, you can listen my exciting
Who has been giving you two energic legs, so because of his blessing, you can attend in this
extraordinary place for join our beloved program, namely Moonlight Meeting.

Let’s say Shalawat and salam to our beloved prophet Muhammad Salallahu’alaihi wassalam.
Who has guided us from Camel era to The Onthel era
Who has guided us from Mediterania era to Social Media era
Who has guided us from Siti Fatimah to Madam Siti Fatimah era (Mr. Kalend’s wife)
I don’t forget to say thank you very much for our beautiful Missteris of Ceremony.

Can you smile? Smile plaeseeee… Waaw your smile is very exciting, when you smile, your face
is like Luna Baya you know? Luna Baya Pulhehe, from A class, the Ambon Manise, the black
sweet one, but still sweet, ehhmm ehmm…

Thank you for MC who has given me the golden chance to deliver my limited edition speech by
the title “This is Indonesian Style, Bro!” in front of the beautiful and handsome people after me
and my family. 

Ladies and gentlemen, happy brothers and sisters.

Some people said, mistake begins of the success, but if we always make the mistakes and
always repeat those mistakes, it means no progress in our life. Mistake is common in study
process, because of mistakes we can know each other and correct each other, hopefully we don’t
repeat the mistakes. But if we always make mistakes and always repeat the mistakes, it is disaster
for us.

Sometimes our culture in speaking include in the mistake also, example if someone is
playing games and her friend wanna try to ask something urgent to her, suddenly fast respect a
woman answer with culture style. “Hey, hey, hey, heyyy look at me, look at me guy”/”What
sich? Please don’t disturb-disturb me!”. Haduhh, this is common guys, isn’t it?. “Hey, Do you
wanna join me this holiday?”/”This holiday? You go where?” It’s common also in our style, but
it’s wrong, in English forbide to put question word in the last or middle sentence, if we wanna
ask something to our friends. But in Bahasa we can put question word in the first, middle or last
sentence, example “Kamu besok kemana? Kamu kemana besok? or Kemana kamu besok?” it can
because it’s common in our life, but in English forbide guys, example “You go where? or You
where go?” These are the wrong sentence. The true one is “Where will you go?” continue to the
story, “I wanna go to Bali in this holiday, but I don’t have much money, but it’s easy lah, kan
someone treat me!”/”Lah, kok can? I want di treat also lah!”/”Ehh, cannot, I’m sorry, just for me
you know?”/”Yahh, I can also lah, you kan can?”/”Yeah, but it is for limited edition you know,
not for tulalit person like you.”/”Ahhh, it isn’t fair, I don’t go where-where lah, pity I am.”

In this case, we can understand what the conversation is, just for each Indonesian, but if
this culture you bring to foreigner, directly you will be deportation from foreigner. We must use
the correct structure and grammar in our speaking for avoid miscommunication.

That’s all my speech, I know you are happy enough to listen my great speech, because I
don’t want to make this meeting is like in the grave (silent, scary and kriiik-kriiik).
I am just human, I’m not the Major, I’m not the Governor, I’m not thePresident, moreover the
Angel, because of I’m just human, I have many mistakes, because Nobody is perfect in this
world, isn’t it? The perfect one just Allah Almighty.

The last I say Wallahu Muwafiq Illa Akhwamittariq, Wassalamu’alaikum Warrahmatullahi


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