The American Revolution Newsletter - Complete

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The American Revolution

By: Mr. Deiter
Computers in Education Lab - Chapter 4 Lab Assignment - February 2023

Rising Tensions The Boston Tea Party Massachusetts just as the

Sun rose over Lexington.
As the King of England December 16, 1773 at
continues his assault of Griffin’s Wharf in Boston Battle of Yorktown
unjustified taxation, the the “Son of Liberty” as a
October 19, 1781 the
people of the 13 colonies show of defiance to the
Battle of Yorktown a most
become disillusioned with King and Parliament threw
climatic battle of the
the idea of being governed tea into the harbor.
American Revolution. A
from across the Atlantic.
Major blow to the British
leading to the signing of
the Treaty of Paris in

which the Colonies finally

gained their independence.
The Tea Act
In 1773 the British The United States of
Parliament passed the Tea Battle of Lexington
Act enraging the colonists. and Concord America
This act essentially The American Revolution On April 30, 1789 George
undermined American officially began on April Washington was
Colonial merchants by 19, 1775 with the inaugurated as the first
allowing the East India exchange of gunfire in President of The United
Trading Company to sell
their tea directly.
States of America after
taking his Oath of Office.

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