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Grammar Pre Test

1. Choose the correct one!

a. I go to campus with (he/her) every day.
b. I call (you/your) father today.
c. Why does (your/you) friend attend in that party?
d. (He/Him) will invite us his party.
e. I borrow your book and I lend you (my/mine).
f. The cow is very expensive because of (it’s/its) horn.

2. Change to!
a. The young boy speaks English clearly (?)
b. Does the old lady always spend her time in the park? (-)
c. The teacher does not come late. (-)
d. My father is helping his students (-)
e. Are the children crying tonight? (-)

3. Correct the sentence!

a. The naughty students always (make) ........... noise.
b. The kind man (not, do) .....................the bad thing.
c. Do the students usually (studying) ...................hard every night?
d. My second son never (come)...............late to school.
e. The patient headmaster will (goes) Jakarta tomorrow.

4. Translate into English!

a. Ini mobil-mobil biru baru saya.
b. Mobil-mobil biru baru ini milik saya.
c. Dia (lk) tidak sedang membeli 5 buku biru baru di toko buku.
d. Dia (lk) belum membeli 5 buku biru baru di toko buku.

G-double O-D-J-O-B

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