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Міністерство освіти і науки України


Спеціальність “ПЕРЕКЛАД”

Контрольна робота для змістового модуля 5


Кількість балів
…45 46…50 51…55 56…60 61…70 71…80 81…88 89…93 94…96 97…98 99…100
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Незадовільно Задовільно Добре Відмінно

ВАРІАНТ ______

1. Translate the text.

(Max. points-70)
Iron-carbon alloys contain up to 92% iron, to 5% carbon, and impurities, namely, up to 4.3% silicon,
to 2% manganese, to 0.07% sulfur, and to 1.2% phosphorus.
Carbon is present in irons in two forms, as graphite, referred to as free carbon, and as iron carbide Fe 3C
(cementite). If carbon is present either totally or partially as graphite, the iron in the fracture has a gray
color and is called gray iron. If carbon is present as cementite, the iron fracture has a white color, and the
iron so formed is known as white iron. Silicon favors the formation of gray iron and manganese encourages
the formation of white iron. Sulfur and phosphorus are harmful impurities, which promote brittleness, but
phosphorus renders molten iron fluid and thus provides good castability. Gray and white irons sharply
differ in properties. White irons produced from the first smelting are very hard and brittle, poorly
machinable. These conversion pig irons in the form of ingots called pigs are useful only for remelting to
produce cast iron or steel. Some grades of white iron are suitable for the production of malleable cast iron.
Gray irons called foundry pig irons display excellent castability, are soft, machine readily, and resist wear.
Irons averaging 0.3 to 1.2% phosphorus are fluid in the molten state and are useful for art castings. Gray
iron goes into the manufacture of parts in the form of castings and exhibits exceptable strength and

2. Answer the question.

(Max. points-4)
Where is the air preheated?
3. Translate the sentence.
(Max. points-4)
The air passes through the interstices between the lumps of the charge.
4. Choose the correct grammar form.
(Max. points-2)
A blast furnace is the shaft-type furnace ___________ on the inside with refractory bricks.
a) lining b) lined c) lines
5. Find the synonyms.
(Max. points-4)
To dump in
To tap

6. Find the antonyms.

(Max. points-4)
To solidify

7. Which word is different?

(Max. points-2)
Sampling, melting, lining, skimming

8. Translate into Ukrainian.

(Max. points-4)
Heat exchange, cross section area, reduced iron, coarseness of the structure
9. Put two or three more words in this list.
(Max. points-2)
Skimming, …………, …………, ………….
10. Ask the question.
(Max. points -4)
Pig iron

Ст. викладач каф. перекладу Л.М. Піддубна

Зав. кафедри перекладу, доц. В.В. Прутчикова

Затверджено на засіданні кафедри перекладу

Протокол № від « » 2009 р.

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