Copyright Law and Fair Use For Educators News

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“Copyright Law and Fair Use for Educators”

Copyright is a set of rights that

automatically belongs to the person who
What is created the original work, such as a literary
work, song, film, or software. These rights
copyright? include the right to reproduce the work,
create derivative works, distribute copies,
and publicly perform and display the work.

Fair use is copying of copyrighted material

for limited "transformation" purposes.
Comment on, criticize, or parody any
copyrighted work. Such use may be made What is fair use?
without the permission of the copyright
holder. In other words, fair use is a defense
against claims of copyright infringement.

Copyright law and fair use are a concern as technology is

constantly lowering the barriers to sharing, copying, and
creating content, making us all potential publishers and
distributors of content. It's become a matter. It's much easier to
break the rules. Especially in the digital age, copyright is about
joint responsibility and protection, and digital citizenship.
Tips to protect Copyright in the
yourself classroom

Limit your exposure: Use password United States copyright law provides
based space to share publish important exceptions to copyright
owner rights specific to non-profit
materials with students.
educational institutions and libraries.
Don’t forget Wikipedia: You can Three provisions of copyright law are of
usually copy and use the text from particular importance to teachers and
this resource, updated by volunteers
adding the backlink.  Teachers and students have
certain rights to publicly display
Know that there isn’t an urgency and perform their work in the
exemption: No matter what your classroom (US Copyright Law
intentions are, don’t make and Section 110).
distribute copies books, study guides,  Libraries and archives have
special exceptions to the
practice books, or even an entire
reproduction of works in certain
page from a textbook. circumstances (Section 108 of
Use published sources: Never copy the US Copyright Act).
 "Fair use" allows restricted
work that haven’t been published.
copying of a copyrighted work
When in doubt, reach out: Reach out for certain purposes, including
to publishers in case of an out of teaching and research, without
the permission of the owner
print resource, ask to make copies.
(Section 107 of the U.S.
Plan ahead: Plan you lessons ahead Copyright Act).).
with all the materials, to avoid using
material without permission.

 https://copyright.universityofcalifo

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