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Of the many essential elements to effective lesson delivery, at the heart of it, is Mathematics Teaching
effective lesson planning. Lesson planning is no new concept to education, Practices
however, if we are guided by the philosophy; that education is fluid and  Establish mathematics
constantly evolving, then equally so, there should be an expectation, that how goals to focus learning.
we plan for delivery would also evolve.  Implement tasks that
promote reasoning and
In todays’ world, the students we engage are known to be the 21 st century
problem solving.
learners. These learners are required to have a very different skill set from
learners of the past. For these students, the meaning of knowing has shifted  Use and connect
from being able to remember and repeat information, to being able to locate,
evaluate and use information effectively.
 Facilitate meaningful
In the mathematics classroom, teachers are required to have a deep mathematical discourse.
understanding of the mathematical knowledge vital to promoting mathematics  Pose purposeful questions.
learning for all students. These skills are embodied in the eight effective  Build procedural fluency
mathematics teaching practices. These eight practices represent the set of skills from conceptual
needed to promote the demonstration of the Standards for Mathematical understanding.
Practices (SMPs) by students. The SMPs embody the mathematical skills that  Support productive
should be displayed by the students when learning mathematics. struggle in learning
In this booklet are a series of sample mathematics lesson plans designed to assist
teachers to demonstrate the mathematics teaching practices, while at the same  Elicit and use evidence of
student thinking.
time promotes the demonstration of the SMPs by the students. All objectives
were taken from the National Standards Curriculum (NSC); covering a cross
section of mathematics objectives under the five content strands. The lessons
were designed to engender a student-centred learning approach. This was fueled Standards for Mathematical
mainly, in part. by the reliance on the 5E model, which requires teachers to
engage students by piquing interest and pre-assessing prior knowledge;  Make sense of problems
provides opportunity for students to explore new concepts towards constructing and persevere in solving
their own knowledge, while being able to freely share and explain their thinking them.
to their pears. Additionally, the model allows for greater extension of students’  'Reason abstractly and
knowledge by applying their new found understanding to unfamiliar or real-
 Construct viable
world contexts. arguments and critique the
We are aware that each school exists within its own context, and as such, these reasoning of others.
 Model with mathematics.
plans are intended to be used as a guide. Teachers are free to modify any lesson
 Use appropriate tools
or activity in the best interest of the students, based on their knowledge of
students’ abilities, school policies, or any other factor. It is advised that where  Attend to precision.
lessons or activities are being modified or adjusted, that the objectives are still  Look for and make use of
met at the intended level of achievement. structure.
 Look for and express
regularity in repeated

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 i

Table of Content

Page Title Page No.

Introduction……………………………………………………………………...… i

Table of Content…………………………………………………………………... ii

Objective List……………………………………………………………………… 1

Term 1 Lesson Plans………………………………………………………………. 6

Term 2 Lesson Plans……………………………………………………………..... 222

Term 3 Lesson Plans……………………………………………………….……… 388

References………………………………………………………………….……… 531

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 ii

Grade 2 Objectives
Term 1
(Number ) 1. Count by 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s and 10s.
Week 1 2. Compare the size of a set of objects (larger, smaller, largest,
3. Identify equivalent sets
(Number) 1. Identify and write number names 1 through 999.
Week 2 2. Represent numbers up to 999.
3. Compare 3 digit numbers (greatest/least).
Place the numbers 0-999 in serial order
(Statistics) 1. Collect, sort and group data.
Week 3 2. Use attributes closely related to students to classify data (e.g.
number of boys/girls, etc.).
3. Construct tally charts
(Measurement) 1. Tell time using a calendar.
Week 4 2. Compare objects in terms of: Length/height, Thin/thick,
Tall/long/short, Near/far.
3. Compare, estimate and measure length of various objects using
non- standard units.
4. Distinguish between a non-standard and standard units of
length.(Understand the need for standard international (SI) units of
(Number) 1. Interpret 3 digit numerals using hundreds, tens and ones.
Week 5 2. Rename numbers identifying hundreds, tens and ones
3. Use expanded notation to name 2 and 3 digit numbers.
(Number & 1. Add multiples of ten to numbers less than ten.
Geometry) 2. Use ordinals up to twentieth.
3. Identify, describe and create patterns seen in real life contexts. Eg.
Week 6 patterns in flowers, rhythms
4. Identify, describe and complete patterns(repeating, decreasing and
increasing) according to all three attributes: shape, size, colour,
number, letter)
(Number) 1. Use subtraction to compare sets of objects.
Week 7 2. Use subtraction to find the parts remaining or removed from a set.
3. Subtract 1-digit numbers from numbers less than 100.
(Number) 1. Use the zero concept (add to and subtract from any number).
Week 8 2. Identify situations involving addition and subtraction (including
worded problems).

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 1

Grade 2 Objectives
Term 1
3. Investigate with concrete materials two number expressions that
are equal for example, 3+ 5 = 2 + 6
(Number) 1. Investigate patterns involving addition and subtraction.
Week 9 2. Identify the rule by examining the results from repeated (operations and
attributes) pattern
3. Determine the missing number in equations in addition and
subtraction up to 18
4. Write number sentences corresponding to problem situations.
(Measurement) 1. Identify instruments used for measuring length.
Week 10 2. Use the metre stick as a point of reference to measuring length
3. Identify one centimetre on a ruler
4. Identify objects best measured in centimetres/metres.
(Measurement ) 1. Estimate and measure objects of various lengths in whole numbers of
Week 11 centimetre and metre.
2. Estimate length to nearest ½ of a metre

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 2

Grade 2 Objectives
Term 2
(Number ) 1. Model addition and subtraction to solve problems.
Week 1 2. Add zero to any number.
3. Solve problems involving addition and subtraction of whole
4. Identify addend and sum given when solving problems.
(Number) 1. Add and subtract 2 & 3 digit numbers with/without renaming.
Week 2 2. Recall addition facts up to 100.
3. Add multiples of ten.
(Measurement ) 1) Tell time using a calendar.
Week 3 2) Associate time and month with events.
3) Solve simple calendar related problems on time
4) Know the relationships between units of time.
- Minutes/hour
- Hours/day
- Day/week
- Week/months
- Months/year
- Days/year
(Number) 1. Identify and give examples of even, odd, whole and counting
Week 4 numbers.
2. Identify objects/set of objects showing halves, thirds or fourths,
using the numerals to describe.
3. Write whole numbers as fractional numbers.
(Number) 1. Associate fractional numerals to appropriate fraction of object or
Week 5 set of objects; describe object(s).
2. Identify different names for a fraction (equivalent fraction)
(Measurement) 1. Read and show time to the quarter hour on a digital and analog
Week 6 clock
2. Compare events that occur in 5 and 15 minutes intervals
(Number) 1. Join sets and tell how many members (repeated addition).
Week 7 2. Write multiplication sentences in different ways: two 3’s are 6; 2 ×
3 = 6.
3. Develop array to show multiplication facts.
4. Model multiplication.
(Measurement ) 1. Recognize the litre as the unit for capacity.
Week 8

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 3

Grade 2 Objectives
Term 2
2. Use the symbols/word for litre.
3. Identify quantities that are measured in litres.
4. Estimate, measure and record the capacity of containers using a
(Measurement) 1. Compare the weight of different objects with weight of given
Week 9 object.
2. Identify a balance and know they are used to measure the weight
of an object.
3. Know the lighter or heavier of two objects on a balance.
(Measurement) 1. Recognize the kilogram as the unit of mass
Week 10 2. Identify objects, which are measured in kilograms or grams.
3. Read scales in measuring situations requiring kilograms.
4. Record measure using units: grams and kilograms or symbols ‘g’
and ‘Kg’
(Geometry) 1. Explore circles, squares, rectangles and triangles and note their
Week 11 properties.
2. Describe and sort plane shapes by the number of sides, number of
corners or type of corners (square).

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 4

Grade 2 Objectives
Term 3
(Number ) 1. Share objects in a set into equal parts with or without remainders.
Week 1 2. Write division sentences using symbols ―’‖and ―=‖.
3. Use +, -, =, ≠, <, > correctly to complete mathematical sentences.
(Number) 1. Add and subtract fractions with the same denominator.
Week 2 2. Investigate how many halves or quarters are contained in whole
and fractional numbers (mixed numbers)
(Measurement) 1. Use thermometer to read the temperature at different times of the
Week 3 day/year and record these readings.
2. Select the unit (metre, centimetre, litre, kilogram, gram) best used
in a given measurement situation.
(Geometry) 1. Explore the nets of prisms
Week 4 2. Create models of prisms
3. Explore the nets of pyramids
4. Verify or determine the line of symmetry by folding.
5. Identify/check patterns, objects, shapes that seem to have line

(Geometry & 1. Identify and complete patterns according to two or more of the
Number) following attributes: shape, size, colour and orientation.
Week 5 2. Find the missing addend or sum in an addition or subtraction
3. Use simple algebra in problem solving involving addition and

(Statistics) 1. Construct pictographs with a key of 1: 1 and 1: 2

Week 6 2. Interpret simple bar graphs
3. Make general statements and draw conclusions based on
information collected. (use examples relating to their own

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 5

Grade 2 Mathematics
Term 1
Lesson Plans

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 6

Subject: Mathematics Grade: 2 Strand: Duration: Term: 1
Number 60 minutes
Topic: Skip Counting
Students will demonstrate an understanding of numbers, types of numbers, numeration
systems; the relationship among numbers, and apply number theory concepts to compute
fluently and solve problems.

Demonstrate understanding of groups or sets using actual objects or pictures of objects.

Attainment Target:
Demonstrate an understanding of the ideas of sets.
Standards for Mathematical Practices:
() 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
() 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
( ) 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
() 4. Model with mathematics.
( ) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
() 6. Attend to precision.
() 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:
Students should be able to:
- Count; Identify numbers
Specific Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
- Count by 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s and 10s
Teaching/Learning Resources:
- Pictures showing pairs of slippers and ackee pod, etc.; Hundred Board/Chart, Number
Mat 0 –100, Partial Number chart worksheets, unit blocks/bottle covers
Key Vocabulary:
- Twos, skip counting, patterns

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 7

Content Outline:
Skip Counting: Counting consecutively by skipping by a designated value.

By 2s: 2,4,6,8 … or by extension 1, 3, 5, 7… (Skip one consecutive number from the
identified number).

By 3s: 3, 6, 9 … (Skip two consecutive counting number from the identified number) and so
on by 4s, 5s and 10s.
N.B. Money could be used to bring out the 5s and 10s skip counting (5 &10-dollar coins).
Some ackee pods have 4 pegs; this could be used for counting by 4s.


Go down Emanuel Road will be played via YouTube or recorded otherwise or teacher will
sing the song.
What numerical values did you hear in the song? 1 by 1; 2 by 2; 3 by 3; etc.
Students will be introduced to the topic and objectives after the discussion. (3 minutes)

Students will be shown 2 large pictures, one at a time, and will be asked to say what they
notice about each picture. (See resource document below – Appendix 1)

Guided Questions
What do you know about the slippers?
Why do slippers come in pairs?
What does pair mean?
Can you name anything else that you can describe as pairs? Example of possible responses:
twins, socks.
Can you say how many slippers are there in the picture?
How would you count them? Is there another way you could count them? How?

Students will view the number lines above and below shown and discuss what they see

Do the same line of questions with the ackee pods and the number of pegs in each (10

Teacher will guide students in counting by 2s and 3s using the hundred chart (7 minutes)

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 8


Group Work
Select a card and complete the tasks, as instructed cards will be placed face down.
(See activity card below the lesson – Appendix 2)
Students will be grouped/paired (8 groups/pairs). The group leader will select a card with the
task, unit blocks/ bottle covers and a blank sheet.
Teacher will set the time and observe the groups as they work or facilitate as needed or

Each group will present their results by reading their task, showing and explaining their
results. Teacher will facilitate the students in their responses to clarify where necessary by
questioning or otherwise

Students will work in their groups to complete this task.

Your class is getting an ice-cream treat today. You are to count the number of students in your
class including you and send the number of students to the office as quickly as possible. Show
how many ways you could do the count using a method of your choice.
Which count gives the quickest answer?

Students will do leap frog on the hundred mat (by their groups) with ‘Simon Says’
Simon says jump from 18 to 30 by 2s or 3s

Exit Slips
Each student will pick a slip; fill it out and hand it to the teacher with their names on it.
Fill in the blanks with the correct missing values (See work Sheet below – Appendix 3)

Example Skip Count by 2s

2 6 12 20

Skip Count by 3s
6 12 18 27

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 9

Teacher evaluation:



Actions to be taken

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Appendix 1
Slippers Discussion (Print and Laminate)

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 11

Ackee pegs discussion (Print and Laminate)

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 12

Skip Counting by 2s Skip Count by 3s

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 13

Appendix 2
Exploring Activity Cards
Print the eight cards. Cut and laminate

Card 1 Card 2

Use the unit blocks/ bottle covers to Use the unit blocks/ bottle covers to
show how many slippers in all. show how many slippers in all.

Show your answer on a number line Show your answer on a number line

Card 3 Card 4

Use the unit blocks/ bottle covers to Use the unit blocks/ bottle covers to
show how many ackee pegs in all. show how many ackee pegs in the
unopened pods in all.
Show your answer on a number line
Show your answer on a number line

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 14

Card 5 Card 6
Use the unit
Use the unit
blocks/ bottle
blocks/ bottle
covers to show
covers to show
how many lenses
how many wheels
are needed to make
are needed for 10
test glasses for 12
Show your answer
Show your answer
on a number line
on a number line

Card 7 Card 8

Use the unit blocks/ bottle covers to Use the unit blocks/ bottle covers to
show how many pairs of wings can be show how many pairs of boxing
made from 14 wings. gloves can be made from 18 gloves
Show your answer on a number line Show your answer on a number line

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 15

Appendix 3
Fill in the blanks with the correct missing values
Skip Count by 2s
2 6 12 20

Skip Count by 3s
6 12 18 27

Fill in the blank spaces with the correct missing values

Skip Count by 2s
4 8 14 22

Skip Count by 3s
9 15 21 30

Fill in the blanks with the correct missing values

Skip Count by 2s
10 14 18 24

Skip Count by 3s
30 36 42 51

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 16

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 17
Duration: 60 Term
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 2 Strand: Number
minutes :1
Topic: Skip Counting
Students will demonstrate an understanding of numbers, types of numbers, numeration
systems; the relationship among numbers, and apply number theory concepts to compute
fluently and solve problems.

Demonstrate understanding of groups or sets using actual objects or pictures of objects.

Attainment Target:
Demonstrate an understanding of the ideas of sets.
Standards for Mathematical Practices:

( ) 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

( ) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
( ) 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
( ) 4. Model with mathematics.
( ) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
() 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should be able to:

- Count; Identify numbers
Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

- Count by 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s and 10s
Teaching/Learning Resources:

- Pictures of animals, cars, ackee pod, etc.; Hundred Board/Chart, Number Mat 0 –100,
Partial Number chart worksheets, unit blocks/bottle covers, linking cubes, money (five
and ten dollar coins)
Key Vocabulary:

- Fours, fives, tens skip counting, patterns

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 18

Content Outline:

What is skip counting?

In math, skip counting can be defined as the method of counting forward by numbers other
than 1.
To skip count, we keep adding the same number each time to the previous number.

Skip Counting: Counting consecutively by skipping by a designated value.

By 4s: 4,8,12, 16, etc., … (adding 4 from the identified number)
By 5s: 5, 10, 15, 20, etc., … (adding 5 from the identified number)
By 10s: 10, 20, 30, 40, etc. … (adding 10 from the number identified)
Some ackee pods have 4 pegs; this could be used for counting by 4s.

First verse only: Farmer in the Dell will be played via YouTube or recorded otherwise or
teacher will sing the song along with the students.

Who is a farmer?
What animals do we find on a farm?
From this, students will categorize 2 footed, 4 footed through discussion.

Guided question:
- Do you know of any animals with three feet?
- What if there were say 3 horses, how many feet would they have in all?
- What else from an animal you can find on the farm?

Expected responses: fruit trees, ground provisions, etc.

Teacher will guide students in a discussion re the ackee pod with 4 pegs, showing them the
Guided Question:
- How many ackee pods would give you 12 pegs from the picture shown?

Students will be introduced to the topic and objectives after the discussion and that will be
counting by 5s &10s.

Teacher will introduce the count by 4s chart and allow students to skip count by 4s.
The same will be done with the 5s Chart (Also let the students use fingers on one hand
to count by 5s or 5 dollar coins.) and 10s Chart (Use 10 dollar coins to concretize the

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 19


Group Work
Students will be grouped (groups of 4 or 5) and will be given one of the three work sheets
(more than one group will be given the same sheet) along with unit blocks/ bottle covers and a
printed number line sheet. Also the students’ skip count cards to aid them.
Teacher will read instructions on the work sheet with the students and then allow them to
complete the task.
Teacher will set the time and observe the groups as they work or facilitate as needed or

Each group will present their results by reading their task, showing and explaining their
results. Teacher will facilitate the students in their responses to clarify where necessary by
questioning or otherwise.

Students will work in their groups to complete this task.

Your class is getting a cupcake treat today. You are to count the number of students in your
class including you and the teacher to send the number of students to the office as quickly as
possible. Show how many ways you could do the count from the lesson done?
Which count gives the quickest answer?

Students will stand in a row to count by 4s, 5s, 10s with the game ‘Simon Says’
Example: Simon says jump from 16 to 40 skip counting by 4s
The skip count charts will be posted so they can see each of them
Exit Slips
Each student will pick a slip; fill it out and hand it to the teacher with their names on it.
Fill in the blanks with the correct missing values (See work Sheet below – Appendix 3).

Example Skip Count by 4s

4 12 20 32

Skip Count by 5s
10 15 30 45

Example Skip Count by 10s

20 40 70

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 20

Teacher evaluation:



Actions to be taken

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Teacher’s Resources

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Students’ Resources

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MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 29
Worksheet 1
Show the totals of each using a number line to skip count
Teacher will provide the number line strips as needed

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How many ackee pods will be needed to get 24 pegs? _____________

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Worksheet 2
Show the totals of each using a number line to skip count
Teacher will provide the number line strips as needed

How many pegs will I get from 4 pods? ___________________

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 32

Worksheet 3
Show the totals of each using a number line to skip count
Teacher will provide the number line strips as needed

Count the pigs by 5s

How many ackee pods will give 32 pegs? _____________

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 33

Strand: Duration: 60
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 2 Term: 1
Number minutes
Topic: Comparing Sets
Students will demonstrate an understanding of numbers, types of numbers, numeration
systems; the relationship among numbers, and apply number theory concepts to compute
fluently and solve problems.

Demonstrate understanding of groups or sets using actual objects or pictures of objects.

Attainment Target:
Demonstrate an understanding of the ideas of sets.
Standards for Mathematical Practices:

( ) 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

( ) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
( ) 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
( ) 4. Model with mathematics.
( ) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
( ) 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should be able to:

- Count
- Identify numbers
- Make comparisons
Specific Objectives:

The students should be able to:

- Compare the size of a set of objects (larger, smaller, largest, smallest).
Teaching/Learning Resources:

- Cartridge or plain paper

- Crayons
- Markers
Key Vocabulary:

- Set
- Group
- Larger/smaller
- Largest/smallest
- More than
- Less than

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 34

Content Outline:

When we compare sets we look at which set is less/more, larger/smaller or largest/smallest.


In pairs students will roll 2 dice and record a 2-digit number in the table below formed with
the numerals on the dice. This will be repeated 2 times, after which students will put their
numbers in order from least to greatest.
2- Digit 2- Digit 2- Digit Numbers ordered from least to
Number Number Number greatest
Tens Ones Tens Ones Tens Ones


In pairs students will create sets to represent the numbers from the engage activity, giving
each set a name. Student may draw sets or form physical sets with things in the classroom.
After which students will record five (5) facts about their representation.

For example:

Girls Boys Books


1. There are 24 girls in the set of girls.

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 35

2. There are 11 boys in the set of boys.
3. There are 13 books in the set of books.
4. The set of boys is less than the set of girls.
5. There are 13 more girls than boys.
6. There are 2 less boys than books.
7. The set of girls is the biggest set.

Students will be randomly selected to present their representation to the class and share their
facts about their sets.
In their explanation, students should be able to state how much larger(est)/smaller(est)
(less/more) each set is. Students will be guided with the following questions:
- How many ‘things’ are in each of you sets?
- Which set has/ is the most/more?
- Which set has the least/ is less?
- By how much less/more

Students will be given the activity which box holds more? (See below) where they will be
required to identify and show which of two (2) boxes would be more suitable to hold a set of

Complete the task of which box holds more..

Teacher evaluation:



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Actions to be taken

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 37

Which box holds more?
A. Circle the box you think can hold all the set of toys below.

B. Draw the toys on/in the box you chose.

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 38

Name: ______________________________
Date: _______________________________

1. Circle the set that has more and write how much more.



2. Colour the set that is less and write how much less.



MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 39

Duration: 60
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 2 Strand: Number Term: 1
Topic: Equivalent Sets
Students will demonstrate an understanding of numbers, types of numbers, numeration
systems; the relationship among numbers and apply number theory concepts to compute
fluently and solve problems

Associate number with the members in a set of objects, representations of objects or symbols

Attainment Target:
Demonstrate an understanding of the ideas of sets
Standards for Mathematical Practices:

( ) 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

( ) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
( ) 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
() 4. Model with mathematics.
( ) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
( ) 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Pre-requisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know how to:

- Use objects to create sets
- Identify sets with up to 100 members
- Count the number of objects in a set
- Matching members of a set-fewer/more/same
- Compare numbers
- Compare the size of a set of objects
- Compare sets
Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

- Identify sets with the same number of members (equivalent sets).
Teaching/Learning Resources:

- Different sets of objects displayed in activity sheet

- Counters/manipulative
Key Vocabulary:

- Equivalent sets

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 40

Content Outline:

Equivalent sets have the same cardinal number, the sets should be a one to one matching of
items in both the sets and this means that for each element in the set A, there exists an element
in the set B until the sets get exhausted.

Examples of pairs of sets that are ‘Equivalent’:

In the sets below; though they have different members, they each have the same number of


Students will work in groups. Each group will be given a stack of number cards 1-10. They
will pull a number from a stack of number cards and demonstrate that number in 2 groups/sets
using counters and manipulatives. They are to tell their shoulder buddy/ group member
something they notice about the 2 sets of objects.

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 41


After a review of number values with pictorial representations, students will assist the teacher
in constructing sets with similar number of objects.

Students will also work in pairs, using different objects to build equivalent sets.
Students will identify several sets of objects as equivalent or non-equivalent.
They will change the number of objects of non-equivalent sets to make them equivalent.
Students will now try to create equal sets. So if set A has 5 green corks, set B must have 5
green corks too and no other colours. If set A has 2 boy and 3 girl then set B must have 2 boy
and 3 girls too not 3 boys and 2 girls.
See activity sheet 1

They will tell why two sets are equivalent or not equivalent. They will justify their responses
with the concrete objects and explain orally to their partner.
From the sets they created in the ‘Exploration activity’
Ask: What can be done to get the sets equal? Or call one set of 5 students and ask the class to
create a set equivalent to the 5 students.
Then ask: How we can make the sets equal.

Group 1: Students will find another student in their group with the same number of objects.
Recall activity: Students will stand and share an equivalent set.

Group 2: Students will find another student in their group with the same number of objects.
Both students will place their objects in the two circles. Students will draw this in their math
journal. Students will share with three other students what they have drawn, using the word

Group 3: Students will find another student in the group with the same number of objects to
be their partner. Partners will place their objects in the two circles. Students will share their
drawing with the others in the group using the term equivalent share and count both sides of
their drawing.

Students share what their group discovered about equivalent sets.


Students will complete worksheet.

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Actions to be taken

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Student Worksheet 1

Identify the number of elements in each set, compare the number of elements and state whether
they are equivalent.
1. 2.

________________________ ________________________________

3. 4.

_____________________________ ___________________________________

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 44

Student Worksheet 2

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 45

Duration: 60
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 2 Strand: Number Term: 1
Topic: Writing and Representation Three-digit Numbers
Students will demonstrate an understanding of numbers, types of numbers, numeration
systems; the relationship among numbers, and apply number theory concepts to compute
fluently and solve problems.

Read and write number words and numeral numbers and ordinals, using the Hindu-Arabic
place value system, and associate both with number of objects up to 999.

Demonstrate an understanding of the magnitude (size) of cardinal (numbers), and use this to
compare and to place whole numbers in serial order including the number line.

Attainment Target:
Know the value of numerals and associate them with their names, numbers and ordinals.
Standards for Mathematical Practices:

( ) 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

( ) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
() 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
( ) 4. Model with mathematics.
() 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
() 6. Attend to precision.
() 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know how to:

- represent place values of three-digit whole numbers: hundreds, tens and ones.
- manipulate the pieces of the Diene’s block to represent whole numbers as they
transition from single to flats, to long.
Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

- Identify and write number names 1 through 999.
- Represent numbers up to 999.
Teaching/Learning Resources:

- Base-ten blocks
- Laminated Work mats
- Activity sheet
Key Vocabulary:
- Number names from one hundred100 to nine hundred ninety-nine (999)

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 46

Content Outline:

Write any number from 100 to 999. Just write the hundreds place, then the rest of the
number. You do not need to write "and" or anything else between them. Here are some
 120 = one hundred twenty
 405 = four hundred five
 556 = five hundred fifty-six
 999 = nine hundred ninety-nine

Students will work in pre-defined groups to complete the task.

Each group will be given the following base ten blocks (or representation of the blocks):

1 hundred (flat) 1 ten (rod) 17 ones (unit)

Groups will be asked to:

1. Determine what number this represents:
2. Represent the answer differently.
3. Explain how you could show this number using fewer blocks.
4. Explain how you could show this number using more blocks.

The teacher will distribute work mats and base-ten blocks. Students will work in pre-defined
groups to complete the task.
Task 1
Students will model using the selected 3-digit numbers using manipulative on their work mats,
then record the numerals, the number names, on their work mats.
Task 2
Students will be asked to represent a three-digit number chosen by the teacher using the base-
ten blocks. Example 327. Groups are expected to: Show and explain their representation
- State the correct place value for each digit
- Record their representation in standard notation
- Then record this representation as an addition sentence with hundreds, tens and ones
(expanded notation).
- Create a different representation of the number.
Teacher’s Notes: Allow the students to struggle, explore and talk to one another to create this
new representation. Use the Guiding questions to prompt and probe student thinking. Rather
than telling, allow the students to create these new ways and explain why they work. You can
ask the students to write in words if you think they are ready.

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 47


1. Ask the selected group to discuss the 3-digit numbers (Task 2). Asked the last three
guided question to facilitate the discussion. Assist students with the spelling of the
2. Ask selected groups to show and explain their representations for Task 2. Use the
guiding questions to facilitate a discussion on how the students created the groups of
Guided questions to facilitate the discussion
- What is another way to write this number? Why does this work?
- What is the most hundreds (tens, ones) you could use to represent this number? What is
the least? Explain why you can use each representation.
- How many hundreds, tens and ones blocks did you use?

Activity 1
Murray Bones lives New York needs to pay the phone company for his monthly bill. He owes
the company, My Wires, US$568.00 for a landline and cell phone. He pays the bill for the
amount on January 2, 2020, with check number 102. Fill in the check provided.

Make sure you included:

1. Date
2. Pay to the Order Name (Company’s Name)
3. Amount in numbers
4. Amount in words
5. Memo (Phone bill)
6. Your signature

Students will complete activities in pairs:

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 48

- Ask students to complete Activity 2 in 2 Minutes. Then show then the solution and
allow them to check how many they were able to spell correctly.
- After which students will complete Activity 3.
o Represent the number 567 using Diene’s Block
Teacher evaluation:



Actions to be taken

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 49

Activity 1

Activity 2
Name Date

Write the number names: How many can you write correctly in 2 minutes?
100 211 710

132 312 820

145 413 833

200 514 940

205 615 999

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 50

Activity 3

Name Date

Match Part
Match the word form or unit form with standard form. Part ‘a’ is done for you as an example.
a. Two hundred thirty-four ● 204

b. Three hundred seventy-four ● 930

c. 7 hundreds 6 tens 3 ones ● 470

d. Two hundred four ● 763

e. Four hundred two ● 650

f. 3 ones 7 hundreds 4 tens ● 903

g. Four hundred seventy ● 123

h. 9 hundreds 3 ones ● 673

i. 3 ones 7 tens 6 hundreds ● 234

j. 1 ten 2 hundreds 3 ones ● 374

k. 5 tens 6 hundreds ● 402

l. Nine hundred thirty ● 743

m. 12 tens 3 ones ● 213

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Work Mat

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 52

Subject: Mathematics Grade: Strand: Number Duration Term
2 : 60 :1
Topic: Comparing Three Digit Numbers (greatest/ least)
Students will demonstrate an understanding of numbers, types of numbers, numeration
systems; the relationship among numbers and apply number theory concepts to compute
fluently and solve problems.

Demonstrate an understanding of the magnitude (size) of (cardinal) numbers and use this to
compare and to place whole numbers in serial order including the number line.

Attainment Target:
Use the basic operations with numbers and number patterns.
Standards for Mathematical Practices:

() 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

( ) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
( ) 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
( ) 4. Model with mathematics.
( ) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
( ) 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know how to:

- Understand that the three digits of a three-digit number represent how many
hundreds, tens, and ones; e.g., 706 equals 7 hundreds, 0 tens, and 6 ones.

- Have a basic understanding of how to compare 2-digit numbers from first grade.

-Compare two two-digit numbers based on meanings of the tens and ones digits,
recording the results of comparisons with the symbols >, =, and <.
Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

- Compare 3-digit numbers (greatest/least)
Teaching/Learning Resources:

- game pages, dice, attachments,

Key Vocabulary:

- greatest, least

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 53

Content Outline:

To compare three-digit numbers:

1) First, check if one number has more hundreds than the other.
For example, 652 < 701, because 701 has more hundreds than 652.
2) If the numbers have the same number of hundreds, then check the tens.
For example, 652 > 639 because though both have six hundreds, 652 has
more tens than 639.
3) If the numbers have the same number of hundreds AND the same number of tens, then
look at the ones.
For example, 652 < 655 because both have six hundreds and five tens, 655 has more

Remember, the open end (open mouth) of the symbols < and > ALWAYS opens towards the
bigger number.

Using the Think Pair Share method, students will read then brainstorm in order to solve a
given scenario. Whole class discussion will ensue following activity.

Scenario: David and Brandy love to play basketball at the local sports centre on weekends.
During the last game, Brandy scored 89 points while David scored 91 points. Who won the
game? Explain how you arrived at your answers.

Brandy David

Guided questions
- How did you arrive at your answer?
- Which number is less/more?
- How do you know?
- Is there a symbol that can be used to show which number that is less/more?

In small groups, students will solve a given problem that involve comparing three digit
numbers. Each group will use one of the following three manipulatives to aid in solving the
problem: Number Line, Place Value Chart or Dienes blocks.

Sam got $185 for his birthday and Sarah got $149 and Suzie $195
(i) Use the manipulative to represent the money Sam and Sarah got on their birthday.
(ii) Who got the most money for his/her birthday?

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 54

Use > greater than or < less than symbol to represent your answer.

Each group will present their number representations used in the activity above along with the
solution to their given problem. Another group will explain why they agree or disagree with
the first group's answer.

Note to teacher
Instruct students to justify their responses using sentence frames.
Example: I know ____ got the most money for his/her birthday because ____ or
____ is ____ (greater than/less than) ____. I know this because ____.


Students will be given three sets of three digit numbers to compare. They will use > greater
than, < less than symbols to make their comparison.

1. 140, 156, 149

Expected response


Students will play a game to reinforce concepts taught (see attachment 1).

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MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 57
Each student will receive a take home assignment (see attachment 2 - The Maze)

The Maze

Find your way through the maze! The rules are: you can either move left, right, or down, if the
number following is BIGGER than the number in the square you are in.

100 121 127 133 167 189 200 214 212 398

145 166 134 135 120 230 212 256 347 405

156 167 137 156 155 226 356 378 380 407

632 234 138 246 267 278 476 477 450 417

432 256 200 250 245 300 355 487 478 456

355 253 289 244 305 303 570 569 490 453

361 385 377 367 356 301 537 566 505 498

689 654 390 480 478 488 675 507 508 689

654 543 489 488 483 577 589 609 504 769

723 566 570 589 578 734 631 616 789 1000

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Teacher evaluation:



Actions to be taken

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 59

Grade: Duration:
Subject: Mathematics Strand: Number Term: 1
2 60 minutes
Topic: Serial Order
Students will demonstrate an understanding of numbers, types of numbers, numeration
systems; the relationship among numbers, and apply number theory concepts to compute
fluently and solve problems.

Demonstrate an understanding of the magnitude (size) of (cardinal) numbers, and use this to
compare and to place whole numbers in serial order including the number line.

Attainment Target:
Know the value of numerals and associate them with their names, numbers and ordinals.
Standards for Mathematical Practices:
( ) 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
( ) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
() 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
( ) 4. Model with mathematics.
( ) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
( ) 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know how to:

- count by 1
Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

- Place the numbers 0-999 in serial order
Teaching/Learning Resources:
- Index cards
- Labelled items from shop corner / cards with items in school’s tuck-shop
- worksheets
Key Vocabulary:
- ordering
- ascending order
- descending order
- rearrange
- serial order

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 60

- largest
- smallest
- first, second, third,…

Content Outline:

To put numbers in order, place them from least to the greatest.

This is called “Ascending Order”.

Sometimes you want the numbers to go the other way, from

greatest to least.
This is called “Descending Order”.


In groups of 3 and 4, provide individual students with index cards. Tell them to write their
month of birth on it. For example: March.
Whose birthday will be the first, second, third and fourth to come in a new year? Arrange the
cards to show the order in which they will come.

Add the date you were born to the month on the card. Are you still in the same order?
Why not?

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Guiding questions:
- How did you order the birthdays?
- What were the things that were important to note/remember?
- Do you know any word that can be used to describe the order in which you placed the

In groups, send students on a field trip to the tuck-shop to buy one item each (they will just ask
the cost for the things and record it on separate cards). When they return from the field trip, let
them arrange the cards with the data collected at the tuck-shop based the cost of the items in
serial order.
Guiding questions:
- Did you use the place value to help you to pick the item with the cheapest price?
- What strategy did you use to order the items by cost?
- Complete the table below and say what you notice.

Name of Item Cost of Item

Hundreds Tens Ones


As groups, present to the rest of the class how you arranged the items you bought based on the
Guiding Questions:
- Which of the items cost the least amount of money?
- Which of the items did you buy with the most money?
- How did you decide where the items fall based on the costs?
- What did the place value tell you about the cost of the items?

Khloe wants to buy some corned beef to make sandwiches for her party She wants the
cheapest tin corned beef. When she went into the supermarket, she saw four different brands
of corned beef with different prices as shown below.

$358 $277 $264 $326

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Which corned beef should she buy to spend the least amount of money?
Show the different corned beef from the cheapest to the most expensive.
Miss Green wrote these numbers on the board. Rearrange them and write them in order of size
from the smallest to the largest.

10 75 198 5 20 51 387 450 34 101

Rearrange the leaves below and place them on the tree in order.

Teacher evaluation:


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Actions to be taken

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Strand: Statistics & Duration: 60
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 2 Term: 1
Probability minutes
Topic: Data Collection
The student will collect, organize, display and interpret data to find solutions and/or make
decisions in practical situations, and understand and apply basic concepts of probability.

Collect, organize, represent and present data.

Attainment Target:
Collect, organize and interpret information in practical situations and use simple probability
Standards for Mathematical Practices:

( ) 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

() 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
( ) 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
( ) 4. Model with mathematics.
( ) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
( ) 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know how to:

- Represent information using tally charts
Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

- Collect, sort and group data.
Teaching/Learning Resources:

- Cut outs of different foods

Key Vocabulary:

- survey, collect, data, sort, group, tally

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 65

Content Outline:

Data is the information that is collected about people, events, or objects. After the
information is collected, it must be sorted and organized into categories. The data may be
sorted using tally charts or a sorting mat and is organized or represented by tally marks,
pictures, drawings, etc.

Data collection is conducted by counting, measuring or conducting experiments/surveys.

Many objects can be classified in different ways, and a single object can belong to more than
one group.


Students will conduct a survey to find from four classmates their favourite from the list



NB. See additional pictures attached below labelled.

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 66


1. Using the responses from the survey students will work in pairs to sort the pictures into
two or three different ways and record them in a table eg. Healthy and Unhealthy or Sweet
and Salty

2. Provide copies of cut outs of the different Food Groups (Grow, Glow & Go) as well as
pictures of different foods

Students will use the categories provided to sort the pictures into the appropriate food group

NB. Gather together pictures to be used


Students will share by answer the following questions;

1. Into which group did you put each food and why.
2. How was your grouping different from you classmates?
3. Is there any other way you can group the foods?
4. Could you get a group that is named “Meat”?

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 67

1. What does the pictograph show?
2. How do you know?
3. What does this tell about the colours of apples?
4. Which colour is liked most? Least?
5. How many more are there of the most favourite colour than the least favourite colour?
6. Which is liked more—yellow or green? How do you know?
7. How many people were surveyed? How do you know?

Students will work in pairs. Have each pair formulate a survey question, collect the data, and
summarize the results by making statements about the data.
Teacher evaluation:



Actions to be taken

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MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 69

Grade: Strand: Duration: 60 Term:
Subject: Mathematics
2 Statistics minutes 1
Topic: Tally Marks
The students will collect, organize, display and interpret data to find solutions and/or make
decisions in practical situations, and understand and apply basic concepts of probability.

Attainment Target:
Collect, organize, interpret and represent data and make inferences by applying knowledge of
statistics and probability.

Demonstrate understanding of groups or sets using actual objects or pictures of objects
Standards for Mathematical Practices:

( ) 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

( ) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
( ) 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
( ) 4. Model with mathematics.
( ) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
( ) 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know how to:

- count to 20.
Specific Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
- Use attribute closely related to students to classify data (e.g. Number of boys/girls etc)
- Construct tally charts from information collected.
Teaching/Learning Resources:

- tally man story, fudge sticks, banana cut outs, activity sheet
Key Vocabulary:

- Tally, total, strokes, twice as many, survey, count, five

Content Outline:

Tally marks are a quick way of keeping track of numbers in groups of five. One vertical line is
made for each of the first four numbers; a diagonal line represents the fifth number across the
previous four.

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Teacher and students will read the story of the tallyman and they will sing the tallyman song
included in the story. (see story booklet)

Guided questions:
- From the story, how many bunches of banana did each farmer carry to be loaded?
- How can you tell?
- How could we record the number 4 on the tally board?

Explore: (see activity sheet)

Task A
The tallyman wrote this on his board beside farmer Sing’s name:

How many bunches of banana do you think the symbol represents? How do you know?
Have you ever seen marks like these before? If yes, where?
Task B

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 71

In groups of 3, students will be given ten (10) fudge sticks with banana bunches cut out glued
on them.

a) One person in the group thinks of a number greater than five but less than or equal to 10
and use the fudge sticks to create that tally number. Ask the group members to tell what
the number is. Students will then take turns to make a number for the others to tell the

b) Complete the tally table below to show the numbers 1-10

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


- What is the largest number that can be in a bundle?

- What if you wanted to represent the number 10? … 20?
- What is the largest number that you think could be represented using tally marks?
- Would this method be appropriate to represent large numbers? Justify

Students work in groups to complete the task then orally present solutions

Each day the teacher checks how many students are present for school. Help the teacher to
complete the table below to show the number of girls and boys in the class today.
Students in Class 2 Tally of students

a. Today, there are more ____________ than ________________.

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 72

b. Kissy was absent from the lesson on tally marks and is not sure how to write them.
Explain to her what to do using the tally you just did as an example

Students work independently to complete Task C on the attached activity sheet for follow-up
Teacher evaluation:

Actions to be taken

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 73


Task A
Read the story about tallyman with your teacher then answer questions about the story.
The tallyman wrote this on his board beside farmer Sing’s name:

a. How many bunches of banana do you think the symbol represents? ________

How do you know? ______________________________

b. Have you ever seen marks like these before? _______If yes, where?_____________

Task B
Collect 10 fudge sticks from the math corner and lay them out on the table.

a. Take turns in the group to think of a number greater than 5 but less than or equal to 10 then
use the fudge sticks to create that tally number on the desks.
b. Complete the tally table below to show the numbers 1-10

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 74

Task C
1. Each day the teacher checks how many students are present for school. Help the teacher to
complete the table below to show the number of girls and boys in the class today.

Students in Class 2 Tally of students


a) Today there are more ____________ than ________________

b) Kissy was absent from the lesson on tally marks and is not sure how to write them.

Explain to her what to do. ____________________________________________

2. Mr. Sing grows other crops for the local market. You are asked to help count the produce.

Count the vegetables and draw tally marks to show the count

Vegetables Tally Marks

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 75

a) Which produce counted was the most? ________________

b) Which produce counted was the least? ________________

c) Ms. Sing found three more pumpkins on the farm. Write the tally mark that would
represent the new total amount of pumpkins.

3. The grade 2 class was asked to do a survey of their preferred meal for lunch to help the
canteen cooks. A part of your group’s tally of results was torn off.

a) How many students preferred chicken and chips? ________

b) Twice as many students prefer Hot dog than Mac and cheese. How many students prefer
hot dog? _______
c) Can you complete the tally mark to represent the number of students who prefer hot dog?

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 76

The story of the banana tallyman
The banana was king crop. Many farmers in Jamaica would plant their banana crops for export to
They would take many bunches of banana to the Wharf to be loaded onto the banana boat.
The tallyman would count all bunches of bananas that were to be loaded on the boat….1 mark
per bunch.
The tallyman would work very late at nights counting the banana bunches for many farmers.
The tallyman had to record each farmer’s count on his tally board.
The farmers would sing as they waited.

Tallyman song
Stack banana till di morning come
(Day a light and we want to go home)

Want to count mi banana and go right home

(Day a light and we want to go home)

Come, Mr. Tally Man, tally mi banana

(Day a light and we want to go home)

Come, Mr. Tally Man, tally me banana

(Day a light and we want to go home)

Day ….mi say d-a-a-a-y oh …..

(Day a light and we want to go home)

Fudge sticks paste on. Cut out and paste on fudge sticks. The students can colour bananas.

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 77

Subject: Mathematics Grade: 2 Strand: Duration: Term:1
Measurement 60 minutes

Topic: Telling time using the Calendar

Students will use non-standard and/or standard metric (SI) units, instruments, and procedures
to estimate and measure quantities of different attributes, and to compute and solve problems.

Estimate and measure time.

Attainment Target:
Estimate, compare and use various types of measurements
Standards for Mathematical Practices:

() 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

( ) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
() 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
() 4. Model with mathematics.
() 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
( ) 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know:

- the days of the week
- the months of the year
- sequential ordering
Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

- Tell the time using a calendar.
Teaching/Learning Resources:

- word card, calendars,

Learning Expectations:

- Measuring time, analyzing

Key Vocabulary:

- day, week, month, year, calendar

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 78

Content Outline:

Second, minutes, hours, mornings, afternoons, nights, days, weeks, months, years and season
can all be considered as time. A calendar is divided in 12 months: January, February, March,
April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, and December.
Not all months have the same number of days; some months have 31 days and some have 30
and one month even has 28 (or 29) days. Each month is divided into weeks and the weeks are
divided into 7 days each: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

Students will be given word cards with the days of the week and the months of the year.


Using only signs and gestures sort the cards into groups labelled: Months, Days.
Place each group in order according to their positions in the group.
(A timer should be used to stop the activity in 2 minutes.)

Explore/ Explain:

Students will be given two different types of calendar (leap and non- leap year) to examine in
their groups

They will have a discussion using the Notice Wonder Chart (teacher will write responses on

Guided questions
- What do you notice?
- About February on both calendars?
- Each month, do they have the same number of days?
- What conclusion can you draw about the two calendars?
- What do you wonder?

30 days have September, April, June and November All the rest has 31 except February
alone which has 28 days clear and 29 in each leap year

Students will read the poem and assign months to blank calendars based on the information
given. (Create a blank calendar)

Jan created a calendar of activities for July.

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Use the information provided to complete the calendar by colouring the dates with the colours
1. July started on a Wednesday. Put in the dates on the calendar
2. Jan is going to the beach on the third Sunday; colour it blue
3. Library day will be 5 days after the 18th; colour it yellow.
4. Jan will be going to the Park 2 days before Library day; colour it red
5. Which date is the first Sunday in July? _____________________

Students will work in pairs to complete the following:

In their groups, students will observe a large yearly Calendar and put pre-made cards with
their names on their birthdays. They will fill out a table showing whose birthday is first,
second etc.

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Use the calendar to fill out the table showing the position
of the birthdays of your group members.
Name Birth month Position

1. If we were to place the names in position according the months of the year whose
birthday would be:
a) first? ________________
b) fifth? ________________
2. Daniel’s birthday is the 31st of a month, which month could it be? ______________
3. If we are in the month of June, then 3 months from this month will be? ___________
4. If the month of October ends on a Thursday, then the following month begins

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Strand: Duration: 60
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 2 Term: 1
Measurement minutes
Topic: Comparing Objects

Students will use non standards and/ or standard metric (Sl) units, instruments and procedures
to estimate and measure quantities of different attributes and to compare and solve problems.

Estimate and measure distance and use these to solve related problems.

Attainment Target:
Estimate, compare and use various types of measurement
Standards for Mathematical Practices:

(  ) 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

(  ) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
(  ) 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
(  ) 4. Model with mathematics.
(  ) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
(  ) 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know how to:

- Identify objects that are long, short and tall.
- Tell the relationship between more than, less than and equal to.
Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

- Compare Objects
- Tell the a) longer/ shorter, b) taller/ shorter, or the same length as two objects when
placed side to side.
Teaching/Learning Resources:

- Paper clips, connecting cubes, variety of objects, box

Key Vocabulary:
- Shorter - Vertical
- Longer - Horizontal
- Taller - East
- Measure - West
- Height - Top
- Length - Bottom

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Content Outline:

- When we compare things, we look for similarities and differences.

- Long is a horizontal measure of an object and tall is a vertical measure of an object.
- Long measures from east to west (side to side) and tells the length and tall measures
from north to south (top to bottom) and tells the height.
- Short is a measure of small distances from one end to the other.

Tall/ height
Long/ length


Students will read the poem and then do a role-play of the poem.
My sister is tall, tall as can be
But I am short, O can’t you see
She can reach, reach O so high
But I have to sit, just sit and cry.

Everyone has a name

Some are different
Some are the same.
My sister name is short
Mine is long.
All are right
And none is wrong.

1. How can you tell who is taller or shorter?

2. How can you tell which object is longer or shorter?

In groups students will be asked to complete the instructions given below:

Task A

1. One person will stack 7 red connecting cubes on top of the desk
2. Another student will stack 12 yellow connecting cubes on top of the desk.
3. What is the relation of the two stacks of connecting cubes?
4. Use words to describe the two stacks of connecting cubes seen.

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Task B

1. Lay nine (9) white paper clips on top of the desk forming a line.
2. Lay fourteen (14) blue paper clips on top of the desk forming a line.
3. What is the relation of the two lines formed?
4. Use words to describe to describe the two lines.

Task C

Students will be given the following word cards with the following words.

taller longer shorter

Preselected objects will be place in a box in each group. For example: eraser, pencil,
sharpener, ruler, small book, etc.…

1. Students will select two objects from the box, observe and use the words from the word
cards (taller, longer and shorter) to compare each of the objects using complete
2. Explain your answer.

For example:
1. The _________________ is shorter/ taller than the___________________.

2. The __________________ is longer/ shorter than the ____________________.

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In groups students will discuss and then answer the questions

1. What do you understand about the term taller?

2. What do you understand about the term longer?
3. What do you understand about the term shorter?
4. When do we use the terms longer, taller or shorter? Give examples

Students will complete the sentences with words from the list given below.

Longer Shorter Taller

Pam is ____________ than Sue . . Sue is ________ than Roy

The is ____________than the .


Students will read and then complete the questions below.

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Write 3 to 5 sentences telling your friend what you have learnt about the terms taller, longer
and shorter. Give examples or use illustrations.
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MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 89

Subject: Mathematics Grade:2 Strand: Duration: 60 Term 1
Measurement minutes

Topic: Non-Standard units of measure

Students will use non-standard and/or standard metric (SI) units, instruments, and procedures
to estimate and measure quantities of different attributes, and to compute and solve problems.

Estimate and measure distance, and use these to solve related problems.

Attainment Target:
Estimate, compare and use various types of measurements.
Standards for Mathematical Practices:

( ) 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

( ) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
( ) 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
( ) 4. Model with mathematics.
() 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
( ) 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know how to:

- Compare using longer, shorter, thick and thin.
Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

- Compare, estimate and measure length of various objects using non- standard units.
Teaching/Learning Resources:

- Paper clips, pencil, string, index card, interlocking cubes, square tiles
Key Vocabulary:

- Measure, length, non-standard, units, estimate/ guess

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Content Outline:

Measurement involves a comparison of an attribute of an item or situation with a unit that has
the same attribute. Lengths are compared to units of length.
Non-Standard unit is any unit or item that is not a standard metric or customary unit, which
can be used to measure something. For example, paper clips, blocks, finger space and hand


In groups, provide the students with three to five items such as an index card, a pencil, a paper
clip and a piece of string. They will then search (scavenger hunt) to find things that are of the
same length shorter or longer than the length of each item.

They will now display their items and the class says whether they are correct or not.


- Distribute pre-prepared bags and an unsharpened pencil to students in groups/pairs

(one bag per group/pair). Each bag will contain a different measuring tool.

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large paper clips small paper clips square tiles interlocking blocks
unsharpened pencils

- Each group/pair will estimate then measure to show be asked to look at the given item
and guess/estimate approximately how many it will take to have the same length as the
pencil and record.
- They will measure the pencil with their item/object by lining them up end to end.
- Students will tell the number of items it took to measure the length of the pencil.

Use the information above to complete the table:

Measure Large paper Small Square tiles Interlocking

clips paper clips blocks
I think it would take ____ to
measure the pencil.
I took ________ to measure
the pencil.


Based on the exploratory activity students will have a whole group discussion.
Guided Questions
- What have you observed in the responses/answers?
- Why did we get different answers?
- Is the measurement accurate if there are spaces between the objects used?
- Does it matter if we have the same unit when we are measuring something? Why or
why not?

Each child will be asked to draw a boat in his/her notebooks. They will then share the drawing
with their elbow partner, who will measure the drawing and record the measurement ensuring
that the unit is stated e.g. 5 paper clips, 8 square tiles etc. They will then make a comparison
with each other’s drawing for example which is taller or longer and by how many units.

Students will estimate and then measure items using paperclips and then record their responses
in a table. For example;

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Activity Sheet
Estimate and then measure each item using paperclips and then record your response in the table.

Item Estimated Measure Actual Measure

________________ __________________

_________________ ___________________

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 95

Subject: Mathematics Grade: 2 Strand: Duration: Term:
Measurement 60 minutes 1
Topic: Non- Standard and Standard Units
Students will use non-standard and/or standard metric (SI) units, instruments, and procedures
to estimate and measure quantities of different attributes, and to compute and solve problems.

Estimate and measure distance, and use these to solve related problems.

Attainment Target:
Estimate, compare and use various types of measurements.
Standards for Mathematical Practices:

(✓) 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

(✓) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
(✓) 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
( ) 4. Model with mathematics.
(✓) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
(✓) 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know how to:

- identify and use non- standard units
- identify and use basic standard units
- the concepts length, metre, centimetre and estimate
Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

- Distinguish between non-standard and standard units of length. (Understand the need
for standard international (SI) units of measure)
Teaching/Learning Resources:

- Metre strips
- Centimetre/metre ruler
- Tape measure
- Paper clips of different sizes
- pencils
- Non- standard units such as: hand span, foot step, etc.

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Key Vocabulary:

- Standard units
- Non- standard unit
- International standard units
- length
- metre, centimetre
Content Outline:

- Standard units of measurement are units of measurement that are typically used
within each measurement system.

- Nonstandard units of measurement are units of measurement that are not typically
used, such as a pencil, an arm, a toothpick, or a shoe.

- The International System of Units (SI, abbreviated from the French Système
international (d'unités)) is the modern form of the metric system and is the most
widely used system of measurement.

Students will be placed in small groups. Each group will be given a set of cards with standards
and non- standard units written on them. Students will place the words into two groups: Used
for Standard Measure or Used for Non- Standard Measure.
Possible words are:
Foot, yarn, toothpick, pencil, paper clips, hand span ….
Metre, centimetre, kilogram, gram, millimetre, litre….
Students will give a reason for their choice of grouping.
Explore and Explain:
In the same group, each student will be asked to measure the length of a given object in the
classroom. Each member of the group will be required to measure the object using the same
standard (tape measure, centimetre ruler, metre ruler) and non- standard units (hand span, foot
step, etc.). The information should be tabulated.

Name of Student Non - standard unit Standard unit

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Focus Questions:
- What do you notice when you use the non -standard unit then you use the standard unit
to measure?
- Which unit of measure is more accurate?
- Which unit of measure do you think is better to use; Standard or non-standard? Justify
your response.

Mark wanted a length of chain for his dog. He went to the store and ordered 20 hand span of
chain based on his estimation.
- Mary estimated the 20 hand spans of chain but it was way too short.
- John estimated the length of the chain was way too long.
- Paul estimated the length of the chain it still too short.
- The supervisor estimated the length of the chain also and it was too long.
His mother told him to use a metre stick to measure the length and he got 3 metres. He went
back to the store and ordered the 3 metres length of chain. The supervisor measured it and it
was exactly the length he needed.
Students will be required to discuss the scenario in their groups and answer the following
- Why do you think the length of chain that Mary and Paul estimated was too short?
(use of non-standard unit of measure should be highlighted in the discussion)
- Why do you think the length of chain that John and the supervisor estimated was too
- What do you notice when Mark got the exact length of chain he needed? (Use of
standard unit of measure should be highlighted in the discussion.)

Estimate then measure the lengths of these objects to the nearest centimetre a) your pencil b)
your shoe c) one of your textbook d) a piece of cord. Write your answer in the table below.

Things Measured Estimated Length Actual Length

Length of a pencil about ___________ cm ____________ cm
Length of a shoe about ___________ cm ____________ cm
Length of a textbook about ___________ cm ____________ cm
Length of a piece of cord about ___________ cm ____________ cm

Without using a ruler, have students estimate and draw line segments of varied lengths. Then
measure the line segments with a ruler to the nearest centimetre.
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Duration: 60
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 2 Strand: Number Term: 1
Topic: Renaming 3 Digit Numbers
Students will demonstrate an understanding of numbers, types of numbers, numeration
systems; the relationship among numbers, and apply number theory concepts to compute
fluently and solve problems.

Read and write number words and numerals using the Hindu-Arabic place value system, and
associate both with number of objects up to 999.

Attainment Target:
Know the value of numerals and associate them with their names, numbers and ordinals.
Standards for Mathematical Practices:

(✓) 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

( ) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
(✓) 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
(✓) 4. Model with mathematics.
(✓) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
( ) 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know how to:

- Represent numbers up to 999.
- Compare 3-digit numbers (greatest/least).
Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

- Interpret 3-digit numerals using hundreds, tens and ones.
- Rename numbers identifying hundreds, tens and ones
Teaching/Learning Resources:

- Work mat
- Activity sheet
- Base ten blocks
Key Vocabulary:

- Rename
- Ones
- Tens

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 100

- Hundreds
Content Outline:

Place value means that both the position of a digit as well as the value of that digit indicate
what quantity it represents. In the number 753 the position of the 7 is in the hundreds column
which means that it represents seven hundred. Five is in the tens column which means that it
represents 5 units of ten, 50.

Renaming a number is important. This helps students understand that when ten and ones are
created they form a unit of ten, and when ten tens are created they form a set of one hundred.
For example, the answer to 210 + 390 is 6 hundreds, since one ten and nine tens combine to
form another hundred. Similarly, when a unit of one hundred is ‘decomposed’ into tens the
number looks different but still represents the same quantity. For example, 420 can be viewed
as 4 hundreds and 2 tens, or 3 hundreds and 12 tens, or 2 hundreds and 22 tens, etc.

706, 670, 760 and 607 will be written on the board. In groups of no more than 4, students will
be asked to represent the numbers using base ten blocks and write about these four numbers.

Guided questions:

1. Which of these numbers is largest?

2. Which number is the smallest?
3. How did you know which was larger and which was smaller?

The scribe for each group will be asked to present their responses to the guided question.
Groups will be given a chance to critique the reasoning of others where necessary.

Part 1
The teacher will call out the number 526. Students will be asked to use the base ten blocks to
represent this number and then write the numerals 526 in the correct column (hundreds, tens
and ones) on the work mat (please see attached).

Part 2
Students will be asked to explore alternate ways to represent the number 526 using base ten
blocks to assist in identifying the number of hundred, tens and ones in the number.

Students will repeat Part 1 and 2 using different numbers; 406, 128, 295, 230

The reporter from each group will share with the class their findings while classmates listen,
critique and provide feedback whether they agree or not.

Guided questions
Part 1

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- What is the value of the tens digit?
- What is the value of the ones digit?
- What is the value of the hundreds digit?
Part 2

- How many ones can you get from the number?

- How many groups of tens did you get from the number?
- How many groups of hundreds did you get from the number?

Ms. Johnson has $1580 and wants to know the different ways of renaming (changing) to one
dollar, ten dollars and hundred dollars, but keeping the same total amount. Can you help Ms.
Johnson with figuring this out?

Individually, students will complete the activity sheet. (please see attached)
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Work Mat

Write the numbers, number names, and the sums below the correct pictures.

Number: Number: Number:

Number Name: Number Name: Number Name:
Sum: Sum: Sum:

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Duration: 60 Term:
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 2 Strand: Number
minutes 1
Topic: Expanded Notation of 2 and 3-digit Numbers
Students will demonstrate an understanding of numbers, types of numbers, numeration
systems; the relationship among numbers, and apply number theory concepts to compute
fluently and solve problems.

Read and write number words and numerals using the Hindu-Arabic place value system, and
associate both with number of objects up to 999.

Attainment Target:
Know the value of numerals and associate them with their names, numbers and ordinals.
Standards for Mathematical Practices:

(✓) 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

( ) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
( ) 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
(✓) 4. Model with mathematics.
(✓) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
( ) 6. Attend to precision.
(✓) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know how to:

- Interpret 3-digit numerals using hundreds, tens and ones.
- Rename numbers identifying hundreds, tens and ones
Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

- Use expanded notation to name 2 and 3-digit numbers
Teaching/Learning Resources:

- I have who has cards

- Tape
- Base ten blocks
- Card box with cards for engagement activity
Key Vocabulary:

- Expanded Form
- Expanded notation
- Value
- Place value

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 104

- Ones
- Tens
- Hundreds
Content Outline:

In the expanded form, we decompose (break up) a number according to their place value and
expand it to show the value of each digit. For example, the expanded form of 943 is given.

However, Expanded Notation is the more complete, formal form. It offers up a more concrete
depiction of what is happening as we expand the number into the values of the digits that make
up the number. It shows the digit multiplied by the place value that the digit represents. For
example, 943 written in expanded form is (9×100) + (4×10) + (3×1).

Each student will be asked to pick a card from the card box (see-attached sample of cards,
which are to be cut out and placed in a box). Students will be asked to find their partners
based on what is on their cards and sit together with their partners.

Students will be engaged in a discussion about the activity using the guided questions.

Guided questions:
1. How did you go about finding your partner?
2. What is the relationship between you and your partners’ cards?
3. Are the numbers the same? How?
4. How are they different?

(Note to teacher: Ensure that students’ explanation is guided around the number of
hundreds, tens and ones are there in the numbers.)

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Explore: (in groups of 5)

Each group will be given 10 flats, 10 longs and 10 units. They will be asked to observe the
blocks and estimate how many they think each block represents.

Students will be engaged in a discussion about how many each base ten blocks (flat, long,
units/ones) represents

Students will then be asked to choose a 2-digit number and 3-digit number from the card box.
Groups will be randomly given either the 2-digit number or the 3-digit number to work with.
They will then be asked to use the base ten blocks to represent the number that they were
given. Students will be asked to write the expanded form and the expanded notation for the
numbers they have based on the representation they have.

Groups will be randomly selected (one that has the 2-digit number and another which has the
three-digit number) to explain to the class how they represented their number using the base
ten blocks. They will be given tape to paste base ten blocks on the board to show the
Another group will be asked to explain how they wrote the expanded form and expanded
notation for their numbers.
Elaborate/Extend (Individual):

Students will be given the following question to complete in their books.

Decide whether each student wrote the number 683 correctly in expanded notation and say
why or why not.

Pete Is that the correct way to write 683 in expanded notation?

Yes No
(68×10) + (3×1)
Explain why or why not?

Steph Is that the correct way to write 683 in expanded notation?

Yes No
(6×100) + (8×10) +(3×1)
Explain why or why not?

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Katy Is that the correct way to write 683 in expanded notation?
Yes No
(3×1) + (8×10) + (6×100)
Explain why or why not?

Mike Is that the correct way to write 683 in expanded notation?

Yes No
(6×10) + (8×10) + (3×1)
Explain why or why not


Students will be engaged in a game called ‘I have who has’. (See attached)
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Starter Activity- Cards
Below are samples of cards. Cut out cards and place them in a box.

3 groups of tens + 7
37 Thirty-seven 3 tens and 2 ones

6 groups of tens + 5
69 Sixty-nine 6 tens and 9 ones

One hundred ninety 1 hundred 9 tens

194 1 group of hundred +
four and 4 ones
9 groups of tens + 5

Nine hundred
921 9 hundred 2 tens 9 groups of hundred
twenty one
and 1 one + 2 groups of tens +
1 one

1 group of ten + 7
17 Seventeen 1 ten and 7 ones

4 Hundred, 0 tens 4 groups of Hundred

404 Four Hundred four
and 4 Ones + 0 Tens + 4 Ones

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‘I Have Who Has’ cards
Below are samples of the ‘I have who has’ cards. Make more cards. Cut them out. Shuffle them
and distribute a card to students. The student with the start card will stand and read what is on the
card. The student with the answer will stand and read the answer and read the clue on his/her
card. The game will continue until the student with the end card reads.

I have the start card I have 653

Who has (6×100) + Who has 400 + 80 + 8?

(5×10) + (3×1)

I have 488 I have 591

Who has (5×100) + Who has 600 + 70 + 3?

(9×10) + (1×1)

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Grade: 2 Strand: Numbers Duration: 60 minutes Term: 1
Topic: Addition of multiples of ten
Students will demonstrate an understanding of numbers, types of numbers, numeration
systems; the relationship among numbers, and apply number theory concepts to; compute
fluently and solve problems.

Compute with whole numbers quickly and accurately; use these skills to find answers in
realistic (problem) situations.

Attainment Target:
Use the basic operations with numbers and number patterns.
Standard for Mathematical Practices:

( ) 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

( ) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
(✓) 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
(✓) 4. Model with mathematics.
( ) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
( ) 6. Attend to precision.
(✓) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
(✓) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know how to:

- Add
- Add multiples of ten (10)
Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

- Add multiples of ten to numbers less than ten
Teaching/Learning Resources:

- Base 10 Blocks, cartridge paper, taper, rulers, markers and pen and pencils.
Key Vocabulary:

- Add
- Sum
- Total
- Ten(s)
- One(s)
- Groups

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Content Outline:

A multiple of 10 is a number that can be divided by 10 without leaving a remainder.

In this lesson, multiples of 10 will be added to single digit numbers.

1. Class will form groups of no more than 5.

Base 10 Blocks (representing groups of 10)

2. Each group will be given Base 10 blocks (as illustrated above) to represent a multiple
of 10.

a. No two groups should have the same multiple of 10.

b. The multiple of 10 should not exceed ninety.

3. Groups will be told that each long rod represents a group of (or a count) of 10.
4. Each group will then sum their unique amount of Base 10 blocks to determine the
number sum of all the rods they were given.

Guided questions
a. If each rod represents a group of 10, how many groups of 10 do you have in all?
b. What is the name for that group of 10?

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Below, rods and dots are given as illustrated in figure two. Each rod equals ten (10) and
each dot equals one (1)

= 10 =1

Figure 2

Below each set of rods and dots are squares. For each set of rods and dots:
(a) Write the number total of all rods in the squares below the rods.
(b) Write the number total of all dots in the squares below the dots.
(c) Sum the number total of the rods and the number total of the dots and write the result
in the square on the right-hand side of the same equation.

An example of the above is given below.

20 + 1 = 21

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Given the example, model to show the sum of the following.


+ =


3. +

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1. Each group will be given a 20 x 20 cm sheet of cartridge papers to:

a. Draw the representations of ALL the Base 10 Blocks given.

b. Write the sum of the values the Base 10 Blocks represented.
c. Briefly state on the sheet of cartridge paper how they arrived at their answer.
2. Each group will use tape to place the sheet of cartridge paper on the whiteboard.
3. Students will now critique each solution, stating:
a. Whether or not each sum is correct.
b. And if the method used to determine the sum is correct.

NB! If not introduced before, this is a great opportunity to introduce skip-counting to sum
multiples of 10.

Model, by drawing base ten blocks, the following totals.

a. 13
b. 74
c. 29

Add the following numbers

a. 30 + 2
b. 80 + 4
c. 10 + 7
d. 40 + 9
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Subject: Grade: 2 Strand: Number Duration: 60 minutes Term: 1
Topic: Ordinal Numbers
Students will demonstrate an understanding of numbers, types of numbers, numeration
systems; the relationship among numbers, and apply number theory concepts to compute
fluently and solve problems.

Demonstrate an understanding of the use of number to tell positions (ordinal), and other
properties and types of number.

Attainment Target:
Demonstrate an understanding of the use of number to tell positions (ordinals) and other
properties and types of number.

Know the value of numerals and associate them with their names, numbers and ordinals.
Standards for Mathematical Practices:

( ) 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

( ) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
( ) 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
() 4. Model with mathematics.
( ) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
( ) 6. Attend to precision.
() 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know how to:

- understand number and number names 1 – 20
- count and identify numbers up to 20
Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

- Use ordinals up to twentieth.
Content Outline:

The numbers that give us the exact position of an object are called ordinal numbers.
Ordinal numbers tell the position of an object rather than their quantity. We add the suffix ‘-st,
-rd, -th' to cardinal numbers to write ordinal numbers - example 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th.
When talking about dates, we often use ordinal numbers to indicate the position of a number
relative to the others. For example, there are 31 days in December and Christmas in on the

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day of December.
The picture shows some athletes competing in a
400 m race. We can use ordinal numbers to define
their position. The numbers 1st(First),
2nd(Second), 3rd(Third), 4th(Fourth), 5th(Fifth),
6th(Sixth), 7th(Seventh), 8th(Eighth), 9th(Ninth)
and 10th(Tenth) tell the position of different
athletes in the race.
Hence, all of them are ordinal numbers.
Teaching/Learning Resources:

- story “Three Little Pigs”, number cards, number name word cards, calendar template
Key Vocabulary:

- Ordinal, position, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth,

Students will play a game called “What’s My Name?” where class will be divided in two
groups; One group will be given number cards and the other group will be given word cards
with the number names. Students will be told that they have three minutes to find their number
name/ number and stand together as a pair.
Students will then be asked to orally name each number and spell its name.

1 One
Explore & Explain:

Students will sit in a circle and listen as teacher reads the story of the “Three Little Pigs”.
After which they will be given a series of pictures depicting events in the tory and asked to
order them based on how the events took place in the story.
- Individual students will be asked to tell the order of events
- Students will be asked if they can name a term that is used to describe the order in
which things are placed. (Expected Response- position)
- Students will be introduced to the term “ordinal number”
- Students will be taken outside to participate in a race of about 80m. Students will be
shown number cards from 1-20 and told to take up a card upon completing the race.
- Students will participate in a group discussion on the outcome of the race
Guided Questions
1. Which numbers shows who won the race?
2. How many persons participated in the race?
3. What number would the person who came last have?

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4. Are there specific words that tell the position that each person came in? If so name
NB Students should be familiar with basic positions
Students will be asked to name the position/order that each person came in the race using

Students will be given a blank calendar template and asked to create a calendar sheet or a
month of their choice. They will insert the dates using ordinal numbers and their names.

Fill in the blank spaces

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The Three Little Pigs
Once upon a time, three little pigs set out to seek their fortune. As they wandered through the
woodland, the Big Bad Wolf spotted them. “My, my, those little pigs look tasty,” thought the
wolf. “I think I’ll eat them for my supper.”
The little pigs, who were brothers, found a nice open spot of land, and there they agreed to
settle. The land was plentiful, and they used the surrounding resources to build their homes.
The first little pig gathered together a large bundle of straw, and used it to build his house.
Soon the wolf knocked on the door and said, “Little pig, little pig, let me come in.” The little
pig replied, “No! Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin.” “Then I’ll huff, and I’ll puff, and
I’ll blow your house in!”
The wolf huffed and puffed, and blew down the house of straw. Before the wolf could eat him,
the little pig jumped out from his ruined home, and ran off to find his brothers.
So he huffed and he puffed, and he blew down the house of sticks. The little pig crawled from
the pile of sticks, and before the wolf could catch him, he ran off to find his brothers.
The third little pig found a large deposit of clay on the land. He formed the clay into bricks,
and dried them in the sun. With these bricks, he built his house. When he looked up from his
work, he saw his brothers running toward him. “There is a wolf after us!” exclaimed the first
little pig. “He means to eat us!” cried the second. “Come inside, quickly,” answered the third
little pig. When everyone was safely inside, he shut the door and locked it.
Not long after, the Big Bad Wolf arrived. “Little pig, little pig, let me come in.” “No! Not by
the hair of my chinny chin chin”. “Then I’ll huff, and I’ll puff, and I’ll blow your house in!”
Well, the wolf huffed, and he puffed, and he huffed, and he puffed, but he could not blow
down the house of bricks. The wolf scowled, and walked off. “You haven’t seen the last of
me!” he yelled, waving his fist.
The next morning the three little pigs decided to go to Mr. Smith’s Home-field to gather
turnips. The wolf spotted them in the field and chased after them. However, the first little pig,
who was pushing a wheelbarrow, ran over the wolf’s foot. The wolf cried out, clutching his
foot, and in this moment, the three little pigs escaped.
The day after, the three little pigs went off to pick apples at the big apple tree in Merry
Garden. Soon the wolf found them. He waited at the base of the tree, ready to gobble up the
pigs as soon as they climbed down. The three little pigs threw their apples and struck the wolf
in the head. As the wolf lay stunned, they hurried down the tree and made their escape.
The following day the three little pigs headed to the Shanklin Fair to buy a butter churn. Soon
they saw the wolf coming up the hill. Turning the butter-churn on its side, they rolled it down
the hill. The butter-churn knocked the wolf off his feet. Before the wolf managed to get back
up, the three little pigs were well on their way back home.
“I’ve had it!” exclaimed the Big Bad Wolf. “They’ve beaten me for the last time!” He walked
to the side of the brick house and climbed onto the roof. “I’ll sneak into the house through the
chimney,” he said with a laugh. However, the three little pigs had spotted him through the
They made a blazing fire in the hearth, put on a pot of water, which soon began to boil. Just as
the wolf was coming down the chimney, they took off the cover and in fell the wolf. The wolf
howled with pain, jumped out of the pot, and ran out the door. “Enough!” he cried. “You win!
You win!” He ran down the road and into the woods. He was never heard from again, and the
three little pigs lived happy ever after.

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The Three Little Pigs
Story Sequence

Cut out the pictures and the sentences.

Put them in order as they happened in the story

The pig built his house out of bricks.

The wolf could not blow it down and got

The pig built his house out of straw and the

wolf blew it down.

The pig built his house out of sticks and the

wolf blew it down.

The wolf howled with pain, jumped out of

the pot, and ran out the door.

The wolf climbed down the chimney. He

fell in the pot on the fire.

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Subject: Grade: 2 Strand: Duration: 60 Term 1
Mathematics Algebra minutes
Topic: Patterns
Students will use symbols and variables to reason about number relationships, to solve
problems and make decisions

Find the number the symbol (box, blank, and a letter of the English alphabet or any other
symbol) represents in order to make a mathematical sentence true.

Attainment Target:
Use the basic operations with numbers and number patterns
Standards for Mathematical Practices:

() 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

( ) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
() 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
( ) 4. Model with mathematics.
( ) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
( ) 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
() 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:
Students should know how to:
- Identify and describe 2 dimensional shapes (triangles, rectangles, circles)
- Identify, describe and complete patterns (repeating, decreasing and increasing)
according to all three attributes: shape, size, colour, number, letter

Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

- Identify, describe and create patterns seen in real life contexts. Eg. patterns in flowers,
Teaching/Learning Resources:

- Drums or Desks
- Cut-out shapes
- Printed Templates for Gallery Walk
- Markers/Crayons

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Key Vocabulary:

- Repeating
- Increasing
- Decreasing
- Pattern
- Sequence
Content Outline:

A pattern constitutes a set of numbers or objects in which all the members are related with each
other by a specific rule.

Repeating Patterns are patterns in which element in the sequence is repeated (over and over)
according to a specific rule.

Increasing (growing) patterns are patterns in which one or more elements of the sequence or
arrangement increases (becomes more and more).

Decreasing (shrinking) patterns are patterns in which one or more elements of the sequence or
arrangement decreases (becomes less and less).


In small groups students will play a “sorting race” in which each group will select one of the
following words from a bag: SHAPE, COLOR, SIZE.

They will be given cut outs of objects and they will sort according to the word given.
The first group to complete the sorting challenge, wins.

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E.g. The group with the word SHAPE would have the following arrangement.


In small groups, students will examine the patterns mounted on the classroom wall during a
gallery walk and complete the table below:

Figure Shapes Colors Type of Pattern

(Repeating, Increasing,


Snail Shell

Bathroom Tiles


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Each will present their findings to the class and provide justification for their work.

Guided Question
- How do you know if a pattern is repeating, increasing or decreasing?


Students will listen to an audio clips or sounds created by beating of a rhythm on drums or

Student will identify and describe the sound they hear, making reference to any sounds which
are repeated or whether the tempo (speed of the rhythm in beats per minute) is increasing or

Students will be asked to replicate the rhythm, increase or decrease the tempo.


Using crayons/markers, printed templates, students will design a pattern to be used for creating
a shirt.

Students will be evaluated on their ability to use shapes, colors and sizes to create patterns to be
used in fashion. Students will present their work; describing the pattern they created (repeating,
increasing) and identifying the shapes and colours used.

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Template for Attribute Sorting Race

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Patterns for Gallery Walk

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Templates for Extension Activity

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MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 131
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 2 Strand: Duration: 60 Term 1
Algebra minutes
Topic: Completing Patterns
Students will use symbols and variables to reason about number relationships, to solve
problems and make decisions.

Find the number the symbol (box, blank, and a letter of the English alphabet or any other
symbol) represents in order to make a mathematical sentence true.

Attainment Target:
Use the basic operations with numbers and number patterns
Standards for Mathematical Practices:

() 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

( ) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
() 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
( ) 4. Model with mathematics.
( ) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
( ) 6. Attend to precision.
() 7. Look for and make use of structure.
() 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know how to:

- Identify different types of colours
- Identify and describe 2 dimensional shapes (triangles, rectangles, circles)
Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

- Identify, describe, and complete patterns according to two or more of the following
attributes: shape, size, colour, and orientation.
Teaching/Learning Resources:
- worksheet on completing patterns, diagram of cake, attribute/pattern blocks, string,
beads of different colours, sizes and shapes,
Key Vocabulary:
- pattern, sequence, order, repeating

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Content Outline:

A pattern is an ordered set of numbers, shapes or other objects, arranged according to a rule.
Patterns that repeat themselves over and over again according to a certain rule are
called repeating patterns.
Some examples of repeating patterns are:



Parts of a Repeating Pattern

A repeating pattern has 2 main parts - the terms and the core.

1. Terms
The objects or elements that form a pattern are called its terms.
For example: in the pattern above 👆, the terms are orange stars and green circles.

2. The Core
The part of a repeating pattern, that stays the same and repeats itself, is called its core.
In our example above, the core is made up of 2 stars followed by 3 green circles:

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In groups, students will sort a bag of objects (sample cut outs shown below).
1. Each group will indicate how they have sorted the shapes and describe the grouping
2. Ask students if there a design coming out based on how they sorted the objects. If yes
show that design.

After students’ responses, teacher will re-voice.

Teacher says: We are able to sort objects according to shape, size, colours and orientation.
Students will be asked to create a design from the sorted objects and if one was created before
create a new one and have them discuss their design.

After students’ responses, teacher will ask.

In the second picture we see the shapes ordered in a pattern. What do you think this word

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Explore: In groups students will complete each task

Task 1:
Instruction: In groups students will form 2 separate lines. Each group will pick a card with
the pattern to be used to form the lines (Line 1: girls standing & girls stooping. Line 2: - 2
boys stand facing the class, the following student turns his back to the girl, then a female turns
to the class).
Each group will take turn in trying to identify the pattern of the other group.
1. What will be the position/gender of the last person if three more persons joined the
line? Explain your response.
2. How many persons would need to be added to the line to get:
a. 1. A boy at the end of the line?
b. A girl that is standing?
Task 2:
Read the scenario and the complete the activities in their groups.
Miss Pat has a pastry shop. She needs group of workers to decorate different cakes for a
competition. Each group should use different colours, shapes and sizes to create a pattern to
decorate the cake. Pretend you are workers in Miss Pat’s pastry shop and complete the
following activity.

1. Use the attribute/pattern blocks to create a pattern with at least three different shapes to
decorate the cake.
2. Compare your pattern with one other group and say how they are different or similar.
3. Choose at least four more shapes to make the pattern longer. Tell why you choose
those shapes.

Pattern Blocks

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NB. Teachers without the manipulatives the cut-outs of the different shapes can be


Students will participate in a class discussion which will be guided by the following questions:
1. Based on the lines formed and the cake decorations made, what do you think the word
‘pattern’ means?
2. Explain how you kept the patterns each time you extended the lines.
How could the pattern be continued/repeated with four more objects in the pattern?

Students will choose from the tray of beads (Beads can be collected from students prior to the
lesson-any small beads can work)
Make a bracelet for one classmate using at least three types of beads of different shape, size or

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Students will be asked to complete the following worksheet.(See worksheet below)

Complete the following patterns with the correct shape, size and colour.

Make two patterns of your own using different colours, shapes and sizes.

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Pattern Worksheet

Complete the following patterns with the correct shape, size and colour.

Make two patterns of your own using different colours, shapes and sizes.

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Subject: Mathematics Grade Strand: Duration: Term: 1
:2 Number 60 minutes

Topic: Comparing objects in a set

Students will demonstrate an understanding of numbers, types of numbers, numeration
systems; the relationship among numbers, and apply number theory concepts to; compute
fluently and solve problems.

Compute with whole numbers quickly and accurately; use these skills to find answers in
realistic (problem) situations.
Model the number operation: Subtraction and subtract from up to 3-digit whole numbers.

Attainment target(s):
Use the basic operations with numbers and number patterns.
Standards for Mathematical Practices:

(✓) 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

(✓) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
( ) 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
( ) 4. Model with mathematics.
( ) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
( ) 6. Attend to precision.
(✓) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know how to:

- Compare objects in a set
Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

- Use subtraction to compare sets of objects.
Teaching/Learning Resources:

- dice
- ten frame mat
- coloured markers
- linking cubes
- Grid paper
- crayons

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Key Vocabulary:

- subtraction
- comparing
- comparison
- fewer
- more
Content Outline:

Subtraction is removing some objects from a group. In comparison subtraction problems, you
subtract to find out how much bigger (or how much smaller) one set is compared to another.
We often use comparison subtraction to tell how much more one person has compared to
another. Comparison subtraction is frequently used when measuring length, height, age among
For example: There are 8 chocolate chip cookies and 5 oatmeal raisin cookies.
- How many more chocolate chip cookies are there than oatmeal raisin cookies?
- How many fewer oatmeal raisin cookies are there than chocolate chip cookies?

The three parts of any subtraction problem are the minuend, the part you start with; the
subtrahend, the part being taken away; and the difference, the part left over.


For whole groups, teacher will present students with 2 pictures and ask them to state which
container has less or more, [students will not be allowed to count the popsicles].

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Justify your thinking

Explore and Explain:

With their shoulder partner, use coloured markers to represent this scenario (engagement
activity) on a ten-frame mat.

How would you represent this pictorially?


How would you represent this pictorially?


Students will now compare frames to find out.

Guided Questions:

 By observation, can you tell which container has more popsicle?

 By observation, can you tell which container has fewer popsicle?

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 How many more popsicles are in container B than in container A?
 Can you write a number sentence to represent this?

Justify your thinking to support your response.

[Note: Allow students to use different sets of number to make conjectures and check the
reasonableness of their answer through exploration with the linking cubes, ten frame
mat or Dienes blocks.]

In groups of 3-4, use manipulative(s) of choice to solve the following story problem. Then,
write a number sentence to represent the information.

John and April went to the supermarket. They bought sweets. John has 18 sweets and April
has 3 fewer. How many sweets does April has?

April has ___________ sweets. (Explain how you arrive at your answer)



Use grid paper and crayons to represent the subtraction scenarios, then write a number

1. Craig has 11blue toy trucks. He has 8 purple toy trucks. How many more blue trucks
are there than purple trucks?

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Number sentence
There are _________ more blue toy truck than purple
toy truck.

Number sentence
There are ______ more caps than broad hats.

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2. Jamie has 10 caps. She has 4 broad hats. How many more caps are there than broad
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Subject: Grade: 2 Strand: Duration: 60 Term 1
Mathematics Numbers minutes
Topic: Subtraction
Students will demonstrate an understanding of numbers, types of numbers, numeration
systems; the relationship among numbers, and apply number theory concepts to; compute
fluently and solve problems.

Model the number operation: Subtraction, and subtract from up to 3-digit whole numbers.

Attainment Target:
Use the basic operations with numbers and number patterns.
Standards for Mathematical Practices:

() 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

( ) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
( ) 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
( ) 4. Model with mathematics.
() 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
() 6. Attend to precision.
() 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know how to:

- Subtract single digit numbers
- Count counters
Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

- Use subtraction to find the number for the part remaining or removed from a set
Teaching/Learning Resources:

- Rules, board or teacher generated activity sheet

Key Vocabulary:

- Subtraction, difference, less than, fewer.

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Using the model subtraction sentence and aligning chant to the procedure. Students are to say
the chant three times with energy. At the completion of the chant teacher will write the key
subtraction vocabulary on the board and align them to the blank mathematical sentence.

Greater, fewer, more and less

Comparison is what we do best.
Match 'em up,
Match 'em up,
One to one;
That's what we do with comparison!

Now, when you don't see

Greater, fewer, more, or less,
Don't match 'em up,
Just do your best!
Cross 'em out!
Cross 'em out!
One by one;
It's fun to do subtraction!!!


Using the guided questions below to assist students to populate the ten frames and number
sentence relative to the problem given.

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 148

1. There were 37 children in the room and 15 went outside to play. How many children were
left in the room?
2. 49 students were traveling on a bus from Kingston heading towards Ocho Rios. If 6 left the
bus at Spanish Town. How many students remain on the bus?
3. Paula has 76 dollar coins she donates 50 of them to a children’s home. How many does she
have left?

Guiding questions:
- (After students read question) How many ten frames are needed to model the question?
- What operations will you use illustrate the scenario?
- How would you fill in the number sentence?

Complete each of the following questions

1) Mark the rebot had 20 screws, if he put 5 in

his left hand and the differnce in his right
hand. How many screws does Mark have in
his right hand?

2) Use the picture below to create a story

problem. Use tens frames to help. Then Total 
complete the diagram to the right.


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MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 150

Subject: Grade: 2 Strand: Duration: Term 1
Mathematics Numbers 60 minutes

Topic: Subtraction

Students will demonstrate an understanding of numbers, types of numbers, numeration
systems; the relationship among numbers, and apply number theory concepts to; compute
fluently and solve problems.

Compute with whole numbers quickly and accurately; use these skills to find answers in
realistic (problem) situations.

Attainment Target:
Use the basic operations with numbers and patterns.
Standards for Mathematical Practices:

() 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

( ) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
( ) 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
() 4. Model with mathematics.
() 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
() 6. Attend to precision.
() 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know how to:

- Count to 99
- Identify numbers less 100
- Count backwards from 10
- Add 1-digit number to 1-digit number
- Add 1-digit number to numbers less than 100
- Subtract a 1-digit number from a 1-digit number
- Identify the value of each digit in a 2-digit number
- How many make a dozen.
Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

- Subtract 1-digit numbers from numbers less than 100
Teaching/ Learning Resources:

- Hundreds chart (for each group)

- Counters, fudge sticks, dines blocks

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Key Vocabulary:

- Subtract/ minus
- Decomposing numbers
Content Outline:

Subtract is the act or process of taking one number away from another.

Counting back – is counting back from a numeric amount that you are given. For example, if
you have 10 coins and you would like to count back 4 coins, you can count “ten, nine, eight,
seven, six.” When people count back they usually say the number they are counting from and
then the other numbers.

Decompose a number - All numbers can be broken down into parts. You may have first
experienced this when you were learning your addition math facts and families and studying
the two parts that make up a number. In math, when you break a number apart, it's called

In small groups, students will be required to complete the following activity.
Instruction: Complete the mathematical sentences and colour the fish. Colour each section in
the fish using the code:
- Answer is 1 = colour blue - Answer is 2 = colour green
- Answer is 3 = colour yellow - Answer is 4 = colour red
- Answer is 5 = colour orange - Answer is 6 = colour purple

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Explore and Explain:
In small groups, students will be given a word subtraction scenario to solve. Scenario must
require that students take a 1- digit number form a 2- digit number.

Scenario: Carl had 65 marbles he gave away 4 of them. How many marbles are left?

Students will be provided with manipulatives to choose from, to aid in finding a solution.
Students will be given time to solve the scenario using a method of their choice.
Responses will be discussed.
Teacher will then guide students through using the part whole strategy.

PLEASE NOTE: Manipulatives may include counters, tens frame, Dienes blocks, fudge sticks,
It is to the discretion of the teacher to decide whether each group will use different counters to
facilitate discussions and sharing of ideas.
Guided questions:
- What information do we have from the scenario?
- What operation are we required to carry out?

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- How do we write this using a number sentence?
- How many groups of tens and ones are in 65?
Students will be asked to represent 65 in groups of tens and ones using manipulatives. They
should take 4 from the 65 counters.
- How many marbles are left?

Teacher will use a part whole representation of the question. Emphasis will also be placed on
counting backwards using the hundreds chart.

6 0
0 = 6
6 1
- 4
5 5 1

- Which would be easier to take 4 from?

- What would be your response?

Part B
Carl later lost seven of the remaining marbles. How many marbles are left now?
Reponses will be discussed.

- 7 5
6 =
1 1

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Students will be given the following scenario.

Scenario: Mother had 24 mangoes. She gave some to her neighbours. When she counted she
had 16 mangoes left. How many mangoes did she give to her neighbours?

Please note: Though students are working with manipulatives, they must be encouraged to
do a pictorial representation, before moving to abstract calculations.

1a) Subtract the following:
i. 36- 4, using decomposing numbers.
ii. 92 – 8, counting backwards

1b) Using a method of your choice subtract,

i. 56- 5
ii. 43- 7

2) A car mart next door opened with 86 cars. The sold 9 cars. How many cars are left?

3) Mary bought a bag of 24 sweets. She gave some to her friend. She had 18 left. How many
sweets did she give her friend?

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Strand: Duration: 60
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 2 Term: 1
Number minutes
Topic: Adding Zero to any Number
Students will demonstrate an understanding of numbers, types of numbers, numeration
systems; the relationship among numbers, and apply number theory concepts to compute
fluently and solve problems.

Compute with whole numbers quickly and accurately; use these skills to find answers in
realistic (problem) situations.

Attainment Target:
Use the basic operations with numbers and number patterns.
Standards for Mathematical Practices:

(  ) 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

(  ) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
( ) 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
( ) 4. Model with mathematics.
(  ) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
( ) 6. Attend to precision.
(  ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know how to:

- Know how to count and identify numbers up to 99;
- Identify the value of each digit in a number up to two digits;
- Have a basic understanding of addition facts and the concept of addition;
- Have prior exposure to and knowledge of various addition strategies, such as adding
to, taking from and putting together.
Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should know how to:

- Use the zero concept (add to and subtract from any number).
Teaching/Learning Resources:

- Large number of coloured snap or linking cubes or fudge sticks or counters

- Part-part-whole mat
- Cartridge paper, blank leaves, string, glue, crayons and recyclable objects

Key Vocabulary:

- Part- whole model, addition, altogether, add, increase, total, zero

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 157

Content Outline:

Zero is the digit denoted by ‘0’ and when used as a counting number, means that no objects
are present.
The zero property states that zero added to any number is the same as the original number.
Therefore, when adding zero to a number the result is just the number; remains unchanged.
Part-whole model is a visual representation of how numbers can be split into parts, which
helps to show the relationship between a number and its component parts.

The book entitled “A Place for Zero: A Math Adventure” by Angeline Sparagna LoPresti will
be read to the students (in its entirety or an excerpt), integrated in Language class or present
the audiovisual titled “A Place for Zero: A Math Adventure” from or
In small groups, the students will discuss important events throughout the book for example:
Excerpt from “A Place for Zero: A Math Adventure”
Not long ago, Zero lay floating on the calm waters of Central Lake. He could hear the happy
cries of the other numbers, 1 through 9, as they played in the meadow. Zero didn’t play
Addemup because he had nothing to add. He felt he had no place among the other digits.
Zero lived in Digitaria, a curious country ruled by King Multiplus and Queen Addeleine.
Their positive outlook helped the kingdom prosper.
Count Infinity, the King’s trusted advisor, was the one who shaped all the numbers. When old
digits retired, he replaced them with shiny new numerals.
- Do you think zero will find is place?
Every number knew its place. A 7 was the number of days in a week, and a 5 was the number
of points on a star. A 2 was handy for counting the wheels on a bicycle. This 1s were
important because Count Infinity added them together to make the other numbers.
Every number had a place except Zero. Count Infinity had been experimenting when he
formed the strange new digit. But Zero meant nothing, and no one was sure what his job
would be. King Multiplus declared that no more zeros would be made until they found a
purpose for this one.
- What do you know about the number zero?
- What do you know about the number zero?

Zero was alone.

Nowadays no one mentioned Zero much. The few times someone tried to count with him,
they always ended up with nothing.
“I need to find my place,” Zero thought. He decided to go back to visit the wise old Count
Infinity and ask his advice.

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Count Infinity made incredible things. He made knickknacks, whatsits, and thingamajigs.
The most impressive thing today he ever made was an enormous machine: the Numberator.
The Numberator had a vacuum tube on one side and a large curved spout on the other.
When Count Infinity placed digits under the tube, they were sucked up with a great clanking
and whirring until, finally, they emerged from the spout – with a totally new number. Count
Infinity could put in two ones to make a bouncing baby two or three ones to make a role-poly
little three.
As Zero stood shyly in the doorway, Count Infinity looked up and noticed him.
“Ah, young Zero!” Infinity exclaimed. “You’re just in time to help me figure out a better way
to make a 1.”
“What do you mean?” Zero asked.
“Well, most numbers are easy to make. I simply pop a handful of 1s into my trusty
Numberator. Making a 1, though – that’s trickier.”
“To make a 1,” Count Infinity explained, “I spend hours handcrafting it from a special
material called integrium.”
“Why don’t you just stick one 1 into the Numberator?” Zero asked.
Count Infinity sighed. “I’ve tried that, but the Numberator adds. You have to put in at least
two numbers. No two numbers that I can think of add up to --”
Count Infinity eyed Zero in a strange way.
“Could you put this 1 into the Numberator for me?” the Count asked. “Just help the 1 stand
right under the vacuum tube …”
As Zero did, he was sucked up into the Numberator along with the 1.
Zero barely had time to realize what was happening before he was out the other side. Sitting
next to him were the old 1 and a shiny new 1.
“Wonderful!” Count Infinity cried. “We have discovered your additive identity. I bet my
binomials that if we add you to any number, we will always come up with the same number.
You can help replenish the supply of digits in Digitaria!”
- How is the number zero useful in creating other numbers?
- What happened to a number when you add zeros?

Zero thanked the Count and slowly walked home. He was happy to have a job, but somehow
he wasn’t satisfied. Ones can make digits, too. He wanted to do something no one else could
“I still feel that I haven’t really found my place,” he said to himself.

The students will record in their mathematics journal an explanation of their understanding of
the meaning of zero. They will respond to zero’s feelings in the beginning and end of the
story. Each group will share their responses and justify their thinking.
- How did zero found its place?
- Where do you think zero’s place is?

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In small groups, students will be presented with a scenario where they will discuss, illustrate it
and act out the scenario (where possible), for example:

There are 5 baby birds in a nest. No more birds have hatched. How many baby birds are
in the nest?
1. What information is given based on the story?
2. What do you need to find out?
3. What operation do you think will be used in this problem, and how do you know?
4. What possible strategies you can use to solve this problem?
5. How many baby birds were in the nest?
6. Use the part-part-whole placement mat and the red (or a suitable colour) snap or
linking cubes to represent the number of baby birds in the nest.

7. Where is the most appropriate place on the placement mat to place the snap cubes?
8. Share your response and justify your thinking.
9. How many of the birds have hatched?
10. What will you use to represent the quantity of the birds that have hatched and where on
the placement mat will represent that quantity?
11. Share your response and justify your thinking.
12. How many baby birds are in the nest altogether? Do you agree and why?
13. What do you notice about the partitions on the placement mat? Explain your thinking.
14. Write a number sentence to represent your illustration represented on the placement
mat as shown below:

Please note the stars represent the baby birds.

The next summer a robin built a nest. Rosalie peeked into the nest one day and saw that it was
empty. The next day she peeked and saw 4 eggs. How many eggs are in the nest?

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1. Use the part-part-whole placement mat and the blue (or a suitable colour) snap or
linking cubes to represent the scenario above.
2. Write a number sentence to represent your illustration on the placement mat.
3. Examine the two number sentences you have written, what do you notice?
4. If you make a list of 5 number sentences with each having a different number added to
zero, explain how the results or sums are alike or different.
5. When zero is added to a given number, explain why the sum is the same as the given

- Students will create a storybook, including illustration, about zero using resources from
the resource center to explain what happens when you add zero to any number.

- Anna was eating 10 small snack crackers when her friend David came over to play.
She did not give him any since he has a wheat allergy. How many crackers did Anna
have left to eat after she gave David none? Use the part-whole model below to
represent your answer.

- Marsha has 12 necklaces. She went shopping but bought no necklace. How many
necklaces did Marsha have after she went shopping? Use a part-whole model below to
represent your answer.

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MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 163
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 2 Strand: Number Duration: 60 minutes
Topic: Situations Involving Addition
Students will demonstrate an understanding of numbers, types of numbers, numeration
systems; the relationship among numbers, and apply number theory concepts to compute
fluently and solve problems.

Compute with whole numbers quickly and accurately; use these skills to find answers in
realistic (problem) situations.

Attainment Target:
Use the basic operations with numbers and number patterns.
Standards for Mathematical Practices:

( ) 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

( ) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
( ) 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
( ) 4. Model with mathematics.
( ) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
( ) 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know how to:

- Know how to count and identify numbers up to 99;
- Identify the value of each digit in a number up to two digits;
- Have a basic understanding of addition facts and the concept addition;
- Have prior exposure to and knowledge of various addition strategies, such as adding to,
taking from, putting together, taking apart and comparing;
- Have a clear and concise understanding of the equal sign.
Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

- Identify situations involving addition and subtraction (including worded problems).
Teaching/Learning Resources:

- Large number of coloured snap or linking cubes or fudge sticks or counters

- Coloured strips of paper cut in rectangles of varied sizes
Key Vocabulary:

- Bar Model, addition, altogether, add, increase, total, combination

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 164

Content Outline:

Addition is the combination of two or more sets.

Addition is an operation on two or more numbers that gives a sum greater than each of the

Bar Model is a visual representation of a number using units cubes, lines, sheets and boxes
that is used as a pictorial approach to solving problems

In small groups, students will be presented with a scenario, for example:

Mrs. Wacky bakes delicious pastry treats daily and supplies your school and others within the
She has to bake a specific number of pastry treats to supply all her customers.
The coloured rectangular grid shown below represents her pastry menu of the different
combination of pastries she bakes.
On a given day, Mrs. Wacky can bake any combination of her delicious treats that must be the
same or equal to the yellow strip on the pastry menu.
Help Mrs. Wacky to improve her pastry menu by developing some new combination of

Wacky Pastry

` Vanilla Cake

Lemon Cake

Red Velvet Cake

Cheese Cake

Black Forrest
Potato pudding

Fruit Cake

Using the grid provided and manipulate (cut outs) the identical pieces of the coloured strips:

- Identify at least 2 new combination of pastry treats that you would like Mrs. Wacky to
add to her menu.

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- How do you know the combinations identified above are the same or equal to the
yellow strip? Justify your thinking.
- What operation can you use to state the total number of the pastry treats you want Mrs.
Wacky to add to the menu?
- Write the corresponding number sentence (using the colours or the name of the pastry
treats), including your operation, for the combination of pastries you would like.
For example: Green + Red = Yellow or Lemon Cake + Red Velvet Cake = Vanilla
Explore and Explain:

In small groups, students will be presented with a story, for example:

Your class visited the Hope Zoo and were amaze by mother duck and her ducklings playing
and having fun at the playground as shown in the picture below:

Some of the ducklings were swimming in a puddle while the others and mother duck were
playing on the grass. Sam counted all the ducks and got a total and Anna counted them and
got a different total. Prove to them how many ducks are there altogether.
- What do you need to find out based on the story?
- What information in the story do you have that can help to solve the problem?
- What possible strategies you might use to solve this problem?
- How many ducks were in the puddle?
- Use blue (or a suitable colour) snap or linking cubes to represent the number of ducks
in the puddle.
- How many ducks are left outside the puddle?
- Use green (or a suitable colour) snap or linking cubes to represent the number of ducks
outside the puddle.

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- What do you notice about the length of the snap or linking cubes that represents the
ducks in the puddle and those outside the puddle?
- What can you do with the two sets of snap or linking cubes to determine the total
number of ducks?
- Use yellow (or a suitable colour) snap or linking cubes to represent the number of
ducks altogether.
- Use coloured strips of paper (of varied lengths) to replicate the model of what you
made with the snap cubes (bar model) explaining to Sam and Anna how many ducks
are there altogether similar to as shown below:

Total Ducks

Ducks in the Ducks outside the

puddle puddle

2 5
- Based on the representation of each coloured strip of paper in the model, what
mathematical operation was used to determine the total number of ducks. Justify your
- Write a mathematical statement that can be used to represent your model.

If 9 more than the ducks before joined mother duck and her ducklings at the playground;
adjust your bar model to show the total number of ducks that are now at the playground.
Share your responses and justify your thinking.
Ms. Lee saw 8 peacocks at the zoo. She also saw 16 alligators at the zoo. How many animals
did she see at the zoo?

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My bar model for this problem:

Number sentence: ___________________________

Ms. Lee saw ___________ animals at the zoo.

Write a story problem in your journal to show addition, and have your shoulder partner solve the
problem using the bar model below:
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Cut the pieces from the rectangular grid for students to manipulate.

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 169

Duration: 60
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 2 Strand: Number Term: 1
Topic: Investigating Equal Expressions
Students will demonstrate an understanding of numbers, types of numbers, numeration
systems; the relationship among numbers, and apply number theory concepts to compute
fluently and solve problems

Compute with whole numbers quickly and accurately; use these skills to find answers in
realistic (problem) situations.

Attainment Target:
Use the basic operations with numbers and number patterns.
Standards for Mathematical Practices:

() 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

() 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
( ) 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
() 4. Model with mathematics.
( ) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
( ) 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know:

- what is meant by equality
- the value of numbers
- how to perform basic addition and subtraction on numbers.
- how to use interlocking cubes to represent numbers
Specific Objective:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

- Investigate with concrete materials two number expressions that are equal for example,
Teaching/Learning Resources:

- Colour Counters
- Interlocking cubes
Key Vocabulary

- Equivalent, Expression, Equal, Equation

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 170

Content Outline:

An expression is a sentence with a minimum of two numbers and at least one math operation.
This math operation can be addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The structure of
an expression is:
Expression (Number, Math Operator, Number)

For example,

In all the given expressions, a math operator is used between the two numbers.
NB. An expression is different from an equation.

An equation will always use an equal (=) operator between two expressions.
For example,
25 + 7 = 18 + 14
20 - 5 = 15

Equal expressions are expressions that have the same value, even though they have different
numbers and operation. For example;
25 + 7 = 18 + 14
20 – 5 = 18 – 3

Teacher will ask that two groups of students to come to the front of the class to play ‘tug-of-
war’. Example: Group A having 3 boys and 2 girls and group B having 2 boys and 2 girls.
Assuming that the group with more members will win the game.

During whole class discussion teacher facilitates a discussion about the group sizes and how it
affected the group.

Guided Questions:
1. How are the groups the same?
2. How are the groups different?
3. What can be done in order to make the groups balance? – taking 1 student from the
group with 5 or adding 1 student to the group with 4

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Students will be provided with the following scenario;

Two students are having a birthday party. Susan gets 4 gifts from family and 2 gifts from
friends while Tracey gets 3 gifts from family and 3 from friends. Both students argued about
who got more gifts.

In their groups students will use the interlocking cubes to represent the number of gifts for
each student in the scenario and say which student got more gifts.

Note: Prompt the students to use only 2 colours for each representation.

During whole class discussion students will answer the following questions
a. What do you notice about the lengths of the interlocking cubes?
b. Which student got more gifts?
c. How many gifts did each student get?
d. Are these two representations the same (equal)?
e. Which operation sign would you use to show that they are equal?

In their groups students will investigate with the aid of interlocking cubes/counters, given
expressions and complete the following table. (Note: Prompt the students to use only 2 colours
for each expression).

Expression 1 Expression 2 Equation

3+2 4+1 3+2=4+1
NB. Teacher may use any desired expression for students to work with.

Selected groups will share their table with the class.


Sam mother sent him and his brother Charles to the shop to buy 12 fruits each. She only needs
apples and bananas. Charles bought 8 apples and 4 bananas. Sam bought 5 bananas but was
unsure of how many apples to purchase so that he could have 12 fruits. Use the counters or
cubes to show and determine how many apples Sam should buy.

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1. Students will complete the following activity using manipulatives to show equal pairs.

9 + 4 5 + 5

14 - 9 10 + 3

7 + 3 9 + 6

5 + 10 12 - 8

18 - 6 17 - 12

2 + 2 9 + 3

17 - 10 16 - 9

2. Write an equivalent expressions for each of the following to make the sentence true
a) 8 + 5 =
b) 20- 4 =
c) 7 + 8 =
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MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 173

Subject: Mathematics Grade: 2 Strand: Algebra Duration: 60 Term: 1
Topic: Investigating patterns
Students will use symbols and variables to reason about number relationships, to solve

Write simple mathematical sentences with a box, (blank, a letter of the English alphabet or any
other symbol) to represent unknown amounts, in problem situations stated in diagrams or

Attainment Target:
Demonstrate the use of variables in mathematical sentence problems and make decisions.
Standards for Mathematical Practices:

() 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

() 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
() 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
( ) 4. Model with mathematics.
( ) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
(  ) 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know how to:

- Develop the concept of a variable as any symbol (letter, made up symbol).
- Write number sentences corresponding to problem situations described in words or
Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

- Investigate patterns involving addition and subtraction.
- Identify the rule by examining the results from repeated (operations and attributes)
Teaching/Learning Resources:

- Pattern blocks
Key Vocabulary:

- Addition
- Subtraction
- Patterns

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Content Outline:

A pattern is regularity in the world or in a manmade design. As such, the elements of a

pattern repeat in a predictable manner. A geometric pattern is a kind of pattern formed of
geometric shapes and typically repeated like a wallpaper design.

Students will be shown the following pictures and be asked to write a number sentence to
represent each.


- Students will be given the following scenario.

While at the pharmacy, Anna noticed this pattern on a wall.

While observing the pattern she started to wonder what the pattern would look like if it
was to continue for a few more rows below. Can you help Anna to figure this out?

Students will explain what they have explored after which the students will critique the
responses of others and if possible, provide clarity.

Suggested questions (allow students to pair share and then have a class discussion):
- What do you notice about the pattern?
- What is happening with each row of triangles?
- What is being done as they move “down” or ‘up’ the pattern?
- How do we know what the other row will look like?

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Students will then be given the following scenarios:

1. Mia went to the market on Monday and bought 10 oranges, she went on Wednesday and
bought 7 and on Friday she bought 4.
i. How many oranges do you think she will buy if she were to shop for oranges the
following Sunday?
ii. Use pattern blocks or diagrams to illustrate the oranges purchased each day.

2. Mr. Brown placed four students to stand at the front of the class; Janel, Melissa, Marsha
and Bethann. Melissa was 159cm tall, Jane l65cm tall and Marsha was 171 cm tall. What
was Bethann’s height?

Suggested questions:
- How many oranges were purchased on Sunday?
- How did you arrive at your answer?
- What was happening with the height of each student?
- How do you know?

Identify the rule for the given series below. What did you do to complete the first,
second…………. Pattern? What rule is being used in each case?

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MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 178

Duration: 60
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 2 Strand: Algebra Term: 1
Topic: Determining Missing Number
Students will use symbols and variables to reason about number relationships, to solve
problems and make decisions.

Write simple mathematical sentences with a box, (blank, a letter of the English alphabet or any
other symbol) to represent unknown amounts, in problem situations stated in diagrams or

Attainment Target:
Demonstrate the use of variables in mathematical sentences.
Standards for Mathematical Practices:

( ) 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

() 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
( ) 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
() 4. Model with mathematics.
( ) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
( ) 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know how to:

- Add and subtract two-digit numbers.
Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should know how to:

- Determine the missing number in equations in addition and subtraction up to 18
- Write number sentences corresponding to problem situations.
Teaching/Learning Resources:
- Shapes, money
Key Vocabulary:
- Variables
- Adding
- Subtracting
Content Outline:

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 179

An unknown in mathematics is a number or symbol that we do not know. They are called
variables in mathematics. The value of the missing number can be found by adding or
subtracting etc.
Students will be asked to read the following problem
Roy was given some triangles by his teacher to make a design. His friend Sandy loaned him 6
more triangles. Now he has 10 triangles. How many triangles was he given by his teachers?
The students will be asked some probing questions as they use manipulatives to demonstrate
what the problem is saying.

Probing Questions:
- How many triangles does Roy have now?
- How many triangles did he get from his friend?
- Is it possible to use these triangles or counters to help you demonstrate what the
problem is saying?
- Give students triangles or counters to demonstrate

+ =

- Looking at the demonstration, how many triangles do you think the teacher gave Roy?
- How did you arrive at your answer? Explain
- Have a whole class discussion
Students will work in groups. Use manipulatives to help solve the problems
Group one
There are 23 mangoes in a paper bag. Fallon took some and left 17. How many mangoes did
Fallon take?
- Write a number sentence for the problem.
- Solve the problem.

Group Two
Karl has $7 that he was given to him by his father. On his way to school, he got some more
money from his grandma. Now he has 18 dollars. How much money did his grandma give
- Write a number sentence for the problem.
- Solve the problem.

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Students will explain what they have explored after which the teacher will clarify concept or
Sarah and Peter were asked to observe the number sentences and explain how much they think
the oval values,

If + = 25

And + = 15

What is the value of ?

Determine the value of the symbols or letters below.

1. +3=9

2. 25 - = 15

3. H – 9 = 9

Explain in one sentence if H should be a number smaller than 9.

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Subject: Mathematics Grade: 2 Strand: Measurement Term: 1
60 minutes
Topic: Instruments for Measuring Length
Students will use non-standard and/or standard metric (SI) units, instruments and procedures
to estimate and measure quantities of different attributes, and to compute and solve different

Estimate and measure distance and use these to solve related problems

Attainment Target:
Estimate, compare and use various types of measurement.
Standards for Mathematical Practices:
( ) 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
( ) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
() 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
( ) 4. Model with mathematics.
() 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
( ) 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know how to:

- Estimate and measure the length of various objects using non-standard units.
Specific Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
- Identify instruments used for measuring length
Teaching/Learning Resources:
- Metre Stick
- Ruler
- Tape measure
- Worksheet
- Crayons
Key Vocabulary:
- Metre Stick
- Tape Measure

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Content Outline:
Several different standard instruments can be used to measure length. The instrument used
depends on the object you would like to measure. Some of the instruments for measuring
length are: the ruler, the tape measure and the metre stick.

Students will be placed into groups of four. The groups will be given two minutes to move
around the classroom and find as many things as possible that can be used to measure the
length of the teacher’s desk. After two minutes, the students will return to their seats. The
teacher will move around the room to see what each group have found.
Teacher and students will then have a whole class discussion.
Guided Questions:
1. Have you ever seen anyone at home or in your community measuring the length of
2. What are some of the objects you see them measuring the length of?
3. What instruments do they use to measure length?
4. Do you know of anyone whose work involves measuring length?

Note to teachers: For the engage activity, please ensure that there are things within the
classroom for students to choose from (standard and non-standard).
Each student within the group will be given a number from 1- 4. Students will be asked to
regroup according to their number (all the 1’s, all the 2’s etc.). In their new group, students
will be given an instrument to discuss (for example; the 1’s will be given a ruler, the 2's a tape
measure etc.).
Guided questions for students:
1. What is the name of your instrument?
2. What can it be used to measure?
3. Who are some of the persons in your community that use this instrument?

Each student within the new group should take note of what is discussed so that they can share
the information when they return to their former group. After 5 minutes, the students will
return to their original group and work together to complete the “Let’s Explore” activity sheet.
Each group will be asked to identify one instrument seen on the activity sheet and share what
that particular instrument can be used to measure and which person(s) use that particular

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Students will be asked to paste pictures of different instruments used for measuring length in a
portfolio or scrapbook and write the name of each instrument below each picture.
Note to teacher: Students should be asked to take the pictures prior to the lesson. Students
without pictures could draw them and write the name of each picture.

Individually students will complete the colouring activity sheet.
Teacher evaluation:


Actions to be taken

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Measuring Tools

Let’s Explore!
Look at the pictures below, name the instruments seen and say what each can be used to
Object What is my name? What can you use me to

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Colouring Activity
Look carefully at the pictures below. Colour all the tools that can be used to give a standard
measure of length.

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Subject: Strand: Duration: 60
Grade: 2 Term: 1
Mathematics Measurement minutes
Topic: Using the Metre Stick
Students will use non-standard and/or standard metric (SI) units, instruments, and procedures
to estimate and measure quantities of different attributes, and to compute and solve problems.

Estimate and measure distance and use these to solve related problems

Attainment Target:
Estimate, compare and use various types of measurements
Standards for Mathematical Practices:
() 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
() 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
( ) 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
( ) 4. Model with mathematics.
() 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
( ) 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know how to:

- Recognize a metre stick, tape measure, ruler and associate each with measuring
Specific Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
- Use the metre stick as a point of reference to measuring length
- Identify one centimetre on a ruler
Teaching/Learning Resources:
- Metre stick
- Rulers
- Stripes of one metre paper
- 1cm connecting cubes
Key Vocabulary:
- Metre
- Centimetre

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Content Outline:
A metre stick measures one metre and shows only metric units of measurement of millimetres
and centimetres. Metre sticks are used to measure objects that are larger than a piece of paper.
Those items are easily measured with a ruler. A metre stick is a little over 3 feet long, because
a metre is approximately 3.2 feet.

Have students observe a metre stick, tape measure or a ruler one at a time and ask…what is the
name of this object? What do we use it to do? Which worker uses this tool? (Dressmaker,
tailor, carpenter).

Students will work in pairs where they will be given a metre stick, or strips of paper one metre
long and ask them to find objects in the classroom that are longer than, shorter than or same
size as a metre. Are these longer than, shorter than or same lengths as one metre?
a) Across the teachers’ desk
b) Top to bottom of the door or doorway.
c) From one wall to another along the floor.

Students will be asked to share their findings as to which objects they found measuring a
metre, longer than or shorter than a metre.

Students will be given one centimetre connecting cubes, they will be asked to use their ruler to
draw a line segment any length. By placing the one centimetre connecting cube on the line
segment they will be asked to mark off the two end points. Using their ruler students will be
asked to state how much the distance from one end point to the other is.
Have students use the connecting cube to compare with the metre stick will it take fifty, more
than fifty or less than fifty of the cubes to make the length of a metre stick?

Students will be asked to estimate the length of one metre and the length of one centimetre by
associating the lengths to:

(a) parts of their bodies

(b) things at home
(c) things in the classroom
(Example the length of the point of the pencil is about 1 centimetre)

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Teacher evaluation:


Actions to be taken

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Duration: 60 Term:
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 2 Strand: Measurement
minutes 1
Topic: Length – using appropriate units of length (cm and m)

Students will use non-standard and/or standard metric (SI) units, instruments, and procedures
to estimate and measure quantities of different attributes, and to compute and solve problems.

Estimate and measure distance , and use these to solve related problems

Attainment Target:
Estimate, compare and use various types of measurements.
Standards for Mathematical Practices:
() 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
() 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
() 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
( ) 4. Model with mathematics.
() 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
() 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know how to:

- How to use a ruler/metre stick
- Units of length
Specific Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
- Identify objects best measured in centimetres and metres.
Teaching/Learning Resources:
- Mystery box
- Ruler
- Metre stick
- Worksheet
Key Vocabulary:
- Centimetre
- Metre
- Estimate
- Measure
- Ruler

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- Environment
- Appropriate
- Identify
Content Outline:

A centimetre is the next smallest unit to millimetre. You can use a ruler to measure things
in centimetres. If an object is the length of a ruler or smaller, then it makes sense to use
centimetres to measure.
Metres are used to measure everything between the length of a ruler and the distance between
things in a room.
Most household objects such as tables, rooms, window frames, etc. would be measured
in metres. Metre is also extended to measuring the length of a playground, racing track etc.

Students will be engaged in an activity that will have them estimate, measure and record the
length of objects in their classroom environment in centimetres and metres.
Discussion will take place on students’ findings. Actual measurement and estimated
measurement will be compared.
Discussion will also take place about the length of the objects in terms of centimetre and metre
and the most appropriate unit of measure for the selected item.

Teacher will prepare a mystery box with items that can be measured in centimetres and metre.
Students will work in groups. Each group will be given the chance to choose something from
the Mystery box. They will have discussions in their groups about the best unit of length that
could be used to measure the item selected

Students will share with the class what was discussed in their groups and the unit of measure
chosen. They will also tell what thought led them to their unit of choice. The teacher will
clarify/confirm answers given.
Suggested questions:
1. How did you determine which unit of measurement was the most appropriate?
2. Did you use a benchmark in determining the most appropriate unit of measure?

Students and teacher will go on a nature walk to observe items in their immediate environment
that can be measured in centimetre or metre. Students will make a list of these items. The list
will be discussed and students will give reasons for their selection.

Students will complete the worksheet below by inserting names of items that can be measured
in centimetres or metres under the most appropriate column.

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Teacher evaluation:



Actions to be taken

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Name: __________________________________ Date: _____________________________

Complete the following table by inserting the names of items that can be measured in
centimetres or metres in the appropriate section.

television, table, book, marker, window, living room, car park, desk, door

Centimetres Metres

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Items that can be place in the Mystery Box

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Subject: Mathematics Grade: 2 Strand: Measurement Duration: 60 Term: 1
Topic: Measurement
Students will use non-standard and/or standard metric (SI) units, instruments, and procedures
to estimate and measure quantities of different attributes, and to compute and solve problems.

Estimate and measure distance, and use these to solve related problems

Attainment Target:
Compare, estimate and measure distances using non-standard units such as hand spans, or
Standards for Mathematical Practices:

() 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

( ) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
() 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
( ) 4. Model with mathematics.
() 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
() 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know how to:

- Estimate, compare and use various types of measurements
Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

- Estimate and measure objects of various lengths in whole numbers of centimetre and
Teaching/Learning Resources:

- Metre Stick
- Ruler
- String
- Tape measure
Key Vocabulary:

- centimetre
- measurement
- estimate
- metre
- metre stick

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Content Outline:

Length can be estimated based on an established benchmark. Students based on the type of
measurement that is to be done can establish benchmarks in any environment. For example,
the width of a fingernail is about 1cm. The height of a five year old or the length of the
outstretched arms of a child is 1 metre.
A metre stick is 100cm in length and a ruler is 30cm

Estimate and write the length of the following items in your classroom to the nearest whole
- the white board
- your pencil
- the width of your desk

Students will discuss their answers using the following focus questions
- Do you think your estimate was reasonable and why?
- How did you write your answer to whole number?
- How can your estimate be useful to everyday life?
Explore: Guess and Measure

In groups students will be given two measuring instruments ( ruler, tape measure or metre
stick) and a piece of string to measure the following:
- books, pens, desks, distance around the head, the length of the arms, height, length of
shoes, the length of the whiteboard, the width of the desk or even the length of the

Students will choose four (4) things to estimate and then measure the length recording their
answers in whole numbers. Both lengths will then be compared to determine if the estimate is
close to the exact measurement.
In their groups, discuss a method that they would use to write their answer to whole numbers.

Students will be asked to share their ideas in groups. Stating the following:
- Were the estimates close to the exact measurement?
- Did you use a benchmark to guide the estimation?
- Is it effective to use a benchmark? Why or why not?
- How far apart were the two measurements?
- how they round their answers to the nearest whole numbers

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David calculated the total distance around his birdcage and got 45cm. He wants to put a ribbon
around the cage and have some left for his sister.
1. Which is the closest whole number length of ribbon should he buy so that he would not
have too much ribbon left over?
2. Design a ribbon to be placed around David birdcage using suitable material.


Students will complete the table below by writing the measurements of given objects by
estimating the length and then finding their actual length to the nearest whole number.

Teacher evaluation:


Actions to be taken

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 198

Name: _______________________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________________________

Complete the table below by writing the measurements of given objects by estimating the length
and then finding their actual length to the nearest whole number

Items Estimation/Guess Actual Measurement

Length of book

Length of the chalkboard

Width of the classroom

Pencil length

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 199

Subject: Mathematics Grade: 2 Strand: Measurement Duration: 60 Term: 1
Topic: Estimating length to ½ metre
Students will use non-standard and/or standard metric (SI) units, instruments, and procedures
to estimate and measure quantities of different attributes, and to compute and solve problems.

Estimate and measure distance, and use these to solve related problems.

Attainment Target:
Compare, estimate and measure distances using non-standard units such as hand spans, or
Standards for Mathematical Practices:
() 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
() 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
( ) 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
() 4. Model with mathematics.
() 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
( ) 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:
Students should know how to:
- Estimate, compare and use various types of measurements
Specific Objective:
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
- Estimate length to nearest ½ of a metre
Teaching/Learning Resources:

- several boxes of large paper clips

- several boxes of small paper clips
- blue yarn and red yarn
- large tables in the classroom (1 metre or longer)
- unit cubes that measure about1 centimetre
- Strips of paper or cardboard
- 1 bookmark for each student (preferably all the same size). You can substitute this with
lollipops if they are more accessible.
- connecting cubes (cubes that snap together)
Key Vocabulary:
- Metre, decimetre, centimetre

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Content Outline:
Millimetre Used to measure very short lengths. Millimetres may be used to
measure coin thickness, nail length, width of a bolt or screw size,
insect length.
Centimetre Instead of inches, use centimetre. Centimetre may be used to measure
pencil length, paper or shoe size, a TV screen, height.

Metre Instead of feet or yards, use metres. Metres may be used to measure
backyard size, pool length, track distance, length or width of a room

Student would sing a song to the rhythm the wheels on the bus go round and round.
The thickness of my hair is about 1 mm, 1mm, 1mm (rep × 2)
The thickness of my little finger nail is about 1 cm, 1cm, 1cm (rep × 2)
From the ground to my knee is about ½ metre, ½ metre, ½ metre (rep × 2)
Students would be placed into groups of 5 and given paper clips, yarn and cardboard. They
would be instructed to use the width of their little finger nail as a benchmark of 1 cm to create
rulers of 10 cm each, they would then tape all 5 together to create a measure of estimated ½
metre. They will then string paper clips and cut yarn to that measure.

What objects do you see in the room or know of that you could most appropriately be
measured with centimetres? What objects should we use ½ metres to measure? "Why?
Note to Teacher:
Try to keep this discussion going until everyone has a chance to tell you one item. You may
want to take notes of students' responses to help with future lessons as a formative assessment
Students would be instructed to complete the table using measure of ½ metre and cm.

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 201

Item Guess Actual
Paperclip (width)

Teaspoon (length)

Fork (length)

Pencil (length)

Chair seat (height)

Chair back (height)

Table (width)

Table (length)

Table (height)

Door (width)

Door (height)

Hallway (width)
Hallway (length)


Student would complete these questions

- How many small paper clips measure ½ metre?
- How many large paper clips measure ½ metre?
- How many connect cubes measure ½ metre?

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Teacher evaluation:



Actions to be taken

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Subject: Mathematics Grade: Strand: Duration: 60 Term:
2 Measurement minutes 1
Topic: Appropriate unit of measure
Students will use non-standard and/or standard metric (SI) units, instruments, and procedures
to estimate and measure quantities of different attributes, and to compute and solve problems.

Given a situation to measure a quantity (length, mass or capacity) know which units and
instruments are best to use.

Attainment Target:
Estimate, compare and use various types of measurements.
Standards for Mathematical Practices:

() 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

( ) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
() 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
( ) 4. Model with mathematics.
() 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
( ) 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know how to:

- Identify units of measurements,
- Estimate the mass, length and volume of an item,
- Use measuring instruments correctly.
Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

- Select the most appropriate unit of measure to be used in a given situation.
Teaching/Learning Resources:

- Measuring instruments, Cards, Print out of tables

Key Vocabulary:

- milligram, grams, centimetre, metre, litre, millimetre,

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Content Outline:

The commonly used metric units of length include:

 kilometres ( ) :measure long distances such as road ways

 metres ( ) : measure long distances such as the length of a track or building
 centimetres ( ): measure short distances such as height
 millimetres ( ): measure short distances such as
The commonly used metric units of mass include:

 gram ( ): measure light items such as snacks eg. Banana chips

 kilogram ( ): Measure heavy items such as flour
 tonne ( ): measures very heavy items such car
 milligram ( ): measure very light items such as tablet
The commonly used metric units of capacity include:

 litre ( ) use to measure large quantity of liquid such as, a large bucket of paint.
 millilitre ( )use to measure small quantity of liquid such as, box juice

Students will listen to a song on measurement for 1 minute and 17 seconds. They will be
engaged into a discussion about the information in the song. Link:
Guided Questions:
- What are the instruments mentioned in the song?
- What are these instruments used to measure?
In groups of five (5) students will be given measuring instruments and items to be measured.
Students will observe the units on the measuring instruments, they will discuss, then decide
which item is best measured using these instruments and units and why?
Note: Students can measure the items.
Each group will complete the following table.
Measuring Unit of Items use to Why did I choose this instrument and
Instrument measure measure unit of measure?

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Each group will present the information for one of the items in their table. They will justify
why the instrument and unit was chosen to measure that particular object. The others groups
can ask the group presenting questions and share their ideas.
Individual activity
You teacher is hosting a class party. She is making a banner to cover the board and some
boxes to place slices of cakes. She is also selecting cups to pour drink in for the party. She
wants your help in selecting the units that is most appropriate to measure the items for the
party. Complete the table below.
Items Most appropriate unit Justify your answer
of measure
Cake Boxes

Each group will be given a set of cards. Cards will be placed face down on the table. Students
will select a pair of card from the set if the card matches they will keep the pair if they are not
a pair students will place the card face down on the table. Each person in the group will take
turns until all the cards are paired. The person in the group with the most pair is the winner.
See appendix for cards.
Teacher evaluation:


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Actions to be taken

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 207

Measuring Unit of Items use to Why did I
Instrument measure measure choose this
and unit of

Items Most appropriate Justify your answer

unit of measure
Cake Boxes

Milligram gram kilogram

litre millimetre metre

millilitre centimetre kilometre

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MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 210
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 2 Strand: Duration: Term: 1
Geometry 60 minutes
Topic: Open and Closed Paths
Students will apply geometric concepts (points, paths, lines shapes) to reason about objects
and space in the environment.

Explore ideas of points, path, lines and shapes and relate these to objects in the environment.

Attainment Target:
Explore paths and/or shapes in the environment and relate basic mathematical shapes to
everyday life.
Standards for Mathematical Practices:

(  ) 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

( ) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
(  ) 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
(  ) 4. Model with mathematics.
(  ) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
( ) 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know how to:

- Be able to identify a point (staring point and endpoint)
- Be able to identify simple plane shapes (circle, triangle, square)
- Be able to identify curve and straight path.
Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

- Identify the circle, square and triangle as simple closed paths.
Teaching/Learning Resources:

- Pictures of a map a community, paper straws, tape, string

Key Vocabulary:
- Open
- Closed
- Path
- shapes
- Starting point
- Ending point

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Content Outline:

A closed path has no starting point and no ending point. An open path has a starting point and
an endpoint. Simple shapes like triangles, squares and circles are examples of a closed path.

Closed path open path


In groups students will be given a map a community. They will observe and use the words
curved path or straight path answer the following questions.

Mary’s home

school park

1. Name the type of path taken from Mary’s house to the park?
2. Name the path taken from the park to the school

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Students will be given tapes, paper straws, strings, picture of a school, Mary’s house and the
park and a picture of a map of a community above. They will be asked to follow the
instructions below.

- Use the tape, paper straw and string to create a model of the maps on top of their
- How many possible journeys (path) can Mary travel from her house to school?
- List these paths.
- Use your fingers to trace the different journeys (paths) seen in your model.
- Do these journeys (paths) have a starting point and an ending point? Give examples.
- Students will be then given cut outs of the following shapes to trace with their fingers.
- Group these shapes under the heading as open or close.
- Students will identify the starting point and ending points of these shapes.


Students will be asked the following questions:

1. What do you notice about the different shapes seen?
2. What is an open path?
3. What is a close path?
4. What is the difference between a closed path and a closed path?

Ben is a student in a grade 2 class. The teacher instructed Ben to place an X on all the closed
path seen below.
This is what Ben did.


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Explain to Ben why he is not correct

1. Student will complete the table below by placing a tick in the column that best fits the
description of each shape below.

Shape Open path Closed path Has starting Has ending No starting
point point or endpoint.

2. Students will write between 3 to 5 sentences explaining the difference between an open
path and a closed path. Giving examples of each.

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Teacher evaluation:



Actions to be taken

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Subject: Mathematics Grade: Strand: Geometry Duration: 60 Term: 2
2 minutes
Topic: Draw and create circular and rectangular prisms (cylinder and cuboids)
Students will apply geometric concepts (points, paths, lines, shapes) to reason about objects
and space in the environment.

Explore ideas of points, paths, lines, and shapes and relate these to objects in the environment.

Attainment Target:
Explore paths and/or shapes in the environment and relate basic mathematical shapes to
everyday life.
Standards for Mathematical Practices:

( ) 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

( ) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
() 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
() 4. Model with mathematics.
() 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
() 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

Students should know how to:

- Drawing regular geometric shapes, constructing basic solids
Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

- Draw and create solids (prism (boxes), cones, circular prism (cylinder)
Teaching/Learning Resources:

- models of plain shapes, models of solids, cut outs (parts of solids looked at in lesson),
glue ‘create me card’
Key Vocabulary/ Concepts:

- prism, cone, cylinder, solid, faces, cuboid

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 216


A prism is a solid object with two identical ends and flat sides. The shapes of the ends give
the prism a name, such as the rectangular prism (cuboid) and circular prism (cylinder). The flat
surface of a prism is called a face.

Cuboid (rectangular prism); Cuboids are made from 6 rectangles. This means that the
cuboid has 6 faces, which are placed at right angles. A cuboid looks like a shoebox or a book.
Examples of Cuboid:
A lunch box, bricks, shoebox, book, carton boxes, mattresses, etc.

Cylinder (Circular Prism): A cylinder is a three dimensional shape with two round shapes at
both end and two lines connecting the round ends. An example of cylinder is a can of sausage
or the sausage itself. Other examples of cylinder include pipes, cold drink cans, water tanks,
battery, gas cylinder, candle, etc.
A cone has a single flat face (also called its base) that is in the shape of a circle. The body of
the cone has curved sides that lead up to a narrow point at the top that we call a vertex or apex.
 Examples of cone are party hat, ice cream cone, funnel, traffic cone, Christmas tree,


Group students and give them a box with different shapes consisting of circles, rectangles,
square and triangles. Teacher will play a game of “I SPY” with students.

Teacher: I spy
Students: What do you spy?
Teacher: I spy a shape that is round
It has no side

What shape is it?

Students: I see a Circle (expected response)

Teacher: Can you show me the shape from your set of shapes?

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Students will play the same game using triangle and rectangle. (this activity can be done with
teacher or students asking the questions)

Students will add any additional properties to describe each shape.


In their groups students will be assigned a ‘create me card’ with descriptions of a solid which
they will draw.

Create Me
I have a circle at my top
I have another circle at my bottom; same size.
I have 2 straight lines at my two sides touching both circles
Now, show me how I look

Students will be given bags in their groups with models of solids. Students will then pull the
solid from their bag that matches the one they drew.

Each group will be provided with a bag containing cutouts of different shape such as circles,
triangles, squares, rectangles, etc.

Students will use appropriate cut-out of shapes to create the solid drawn. For the cuboid,
which is more technical to draw, students can use examples of cuboids in their classroom to
guide their model. Examples are given in the content above.

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 218


Students will report on their group activity using the following stems:

- My solid has_____________ faces.

- It has faces that are________________

Students will use the information in the reports to tell the difference between cuboid, cylinder
and cone.
- How is each of the shape different?
- In explaining the difference in each shape, students will tell the name of the shape.
- Explain the difference between the cylinder and the cone. How are they the same?
- How is the cuboid different from the cylinder? How are they the same?
- How is the cone different from the cuboid? How are they the same?
Extend/ Elaborate:

Students will make a table with a list of objects in their environment that are cones, cylinder
and cuboid.
Cones Cylinder Cuboid
Safety cone a length of pipe Stove


Students will use play dough to make a model of each solid explored in the lesson. Students
will make brief notes about their solid and present to the class (small group activity).

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MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 221

Grade 2 Mathematics
Term 2
Lesson Plans

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 222

Subject: Mathematics Grade: 2 Strand: Duration: 60 Term: 2
Number minutes
Topic: Adding and Subtracting Numbers
Students will demonstrate an understanding of numbers, types of numbers, numeration
systems; the relationship among numbers and apply number theory concepts to; compute
fluently and solve problems.

Compute with whole numbers quickly and accurately; use these skills to find answers in
realistic (problem) situations.

Attainment Target:
Use the basic operations with numbers and number patterns.
Standards for Mathematical Practices:

() 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

() 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
() 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
() 4. Model with mathematics.
( ) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
( ) 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite Knowledge / Skills:

Students should know how to:

- Add and subtract numbers
Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

- Model addition and subtraction to solve problems.
Teaching/Learning Resources:

- Paper
- Pencil
- Ten frames
- Coloured counters
Key Vocabulary:

- adding
- subtracting
- addend
- sum
- difference

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 223

- minus
Content Outline:

Subtracting whole numbers is the inverse operation of adding whole numbers. With
subtraction, instead of adding two numbers to get a sum, you are removing one number from
another to get a difference. In math, to subtract means to take away from a group or several
things. When we subtract, the number of things in the group reduce or become less.

Addition is putting together two or more numbers to find the total number, which is called the


Using ten frame(s) to model the different attributes in the class, count the number of students
in the class and/or grade. Talk about the different ways that this can be represented to capture
differences and similarities (attributes).

In groups of 3 - 4, students will be presented with the following scenario to model a

solution pathway

The other day, I was visiting my friend who lives on a farm. We went out to see the animals
that she has on her farm. This is what I saw…
- 5 heads
- 16 legs
- 3 tails
What animals did I see?

Students may draw a picture of their solution and/or write a mathematical sentence.

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 224

- Groups will share with their classmates, the strategies that they used to arrive at their
- Explain if all the members had the same thinking

Students will be guided in the discussion through questioning. For example:

- How would you explain your choice(s)?

- How do you know that your reasoning is on track?

Through discussion, the key vocabulary will be introduced.


In groups of 3 - 4, use the picture above to write number sentence using different attributes and
then exchange with the other members of the group for them to solve.

Students will write about how they helped to solve the problem and what they discovered
by listening to their classmates sharing.

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 225


Complete worksheet

Name: ___________________________ Date: ________________________

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Actions to be taken:

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 227

Subject: Mathematics Grade: 2 Strand: Duration: 60 Term 2
Number minutes
Topic: Adding zero
Students will demonstrate an understanding of numbers, types of numbers, numeration
systems; the relationship among numbers and apply number theory concepts to; compute
fluently and solve problems.

Compute with whole numbers quickly and accurately; use these skills to find answers in
realistic (problem) situations.

Attainment Target:
Use the basic operations with numbers and number patterns.
Standards for Mathematical Practices:

() 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

( ) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
() 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
() 4. Model with mathematics.
( ) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
( ) 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite Knowledge / Skills:

Students should know how to:

- Use the zero concept (add to and subtract from any number)
Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

- Add zero to any number.
Teaching/Learning Resources:

- Number cards
- Dienes blocks
- Snap cubes
Key Vocabulary:

- zero
- addend
- digit
- sum

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 228

Content Outline:
- When you add zero to a number, the number stays the same. 0 + 0 = 0

- Additive Property of Zero. The additive property of zero states that when you have
any number and add zero to it, your answer will always equal the original number.


Use the engaging scenario below to introduce the concept of adding zero to a number:

Yesterday, Anya went to the park with her mother. While she was playing with her toys, she
looked up and saw a family of bluebirds. She called out to her mom. When her mother got to
where she was all the bluebirds had already flown away.

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 229


Represent the above (engagement activity), using manipulatives. Then answer the following:
- Can you tell how many bluebirds Anya saw?
- Do you know how many bluebirds her mother saw? If yes, please state
- How many bluebirds did they both see?

Play a game, ‘Zero is my Hero’

With peer, students will choose a number card from a deck of seven pairs of cards, add a zero
to it then say the answer. For example,

10 + 0 = 10
Students will continue to play
game until all the cards are turned

0 + 10 = 10 over.


Students will be guided in the discussion through questioning. For example:

- What do you notice when you add zero to a number?

- What do you notice when you add a number to zero?

Through discussion, the key vocabulary and symbols associated with them will be introduced.

- Toss die add both digits (addends) on die after which they will add a
zero to find the sum.
Write a number sentence to represent this. For example,
6+6 = 12
12 + 0 = 12

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 230

- Use Dienes Block/ Snap cubes to represent different number sentence and write the

59 + 0 = 59

20 + 0 = 20

A. As a whole class or in small groups, compose a story, jingle, rhyme, picture book

- The zero effect
- The power of zero

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 231

B. Complete worksheet

Name: _________________________ Date: _________________________

Colour by number

Use the key to colour the diagram below

4 9

6 8

7 10

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Actions to be taken:

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 233

Subject: Mathematics Grade: Strand: Duration: 60 Term:
2 Number minutes 2
Topic: Addition
Students will demonstrate an understanding of numbers, types of numbers, numeration
systems; the relationship among numbers, and apply number theory concepts to; compute
fluently and solve problems.

Compute with whole numbers quickly and accurately; use these skills to find answers in
realistic (problem) situations

Attainment Target:
Use the basic operations with numbers and number patterns
Standards for Mathematical Practices:

() 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

( ) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
( ) 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
() 4. Model with mathematics.
( ) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
() 6. Attend to precision.
() 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know how to:

- Count in groups
Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

- Solve problems involving addition and subtraction of whole numbers.
- Identify addend and sum given when solving problems.
Key Vocabulary:

- Addition
- Addend
- Sum
- Number line
Content Outline:

Addition is adding numbers together or different items together. You add when you count. The
numbers in an addition problem each have a name. The numbers you add together are called the
addends. The total in an addition problem is called the sum.
A number line is way to visualize numbers by placing them along a line that shows their
relative sizes.

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 234


- Split students into groups that have more than 5 members. Label each one of the
groups with a name of a color or option, have a student in each group hold the
identifying label.

- Then the teacher will say: Let’s see how many student are there in;
1. Red Group and Blue Group. (Have the students in the two groups merge in the
middle of the room. Choose two of the larger groups for the first example.)
2. Allow students to count the total aloud together: 1, 2, 3…
(Teacher will repeat steps one and two until each group had the opportunity to

- Discussion, teacher will ask students, “Is there any easier way to add group member?”

o Funnel students to writing a number sentence.

1. How many students are in the Red Group? (teacher write numbers on the
board with a space for the addition sign)
2. How many members are in the Blue Group? (teacher write numbers on the
3. Which of the operation can help us find the total members in both red and
blue group? Why? (after sufficient answer write the addition in the number

- Students will be given a blank number to model the created number sentence.
- Students will be instructed to first move 5 spaces on the number line.
- Students will then move another 7 spaces on the number line.
- How many spaces have we now moved in all?

Members Members
in Red 5 + 7 in Blue
Starting Adding on


MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 235

- Students will be given the following table below.

Sample of Table

Red Group Blue Group Green Group Orange Group

5 7 9 6

Students will be instructed to select any two groups from the table.
Students will create a number sentence using the two groups selected.
Students will then use a number line to solve the addition problem.

Ms. Palmer gave stickers to her students as a reward. Mark earned 16 stickers for completing
his classwork on time and 8 more stickers because he helped clean the classroom after school.

How many stickers does Mark have in all?

Peter had 3 marbles. Mike gave Peter some more marbles and then he had +5 in all. How
many marbles did Mike give Peter?


Peter had 3 marbles. Mike gave Peter some more marbles and then he had 5 in all. How many
marbles did Mike give Peter?

1. Write a number sentence for the information above

2. Use the number line to solve the problem above.

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 236

Teacher Evaluation



Actions to be taken:


MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 237

Subject: Mathematics Grade: 2 Strand: Number Duration: Term: 2
60 minutes
Topic: Subtraction With Renaming
Students will demonstrate an understanding of numbers, types of numbers, numeration
systems; the relationship among numbers, and apply number theory concepts to compute
fluently and solve problems

Compute with whole numbers quickly and accurately; use these skills to find answers in
realistic (problem) situations.

Attainment Target:
Use the basic operations with numbers and number patterns.
Standards for Mathematical Practices:

() 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

() 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
( ) 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
() 4. Model with mathematics.
( ) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
( ) 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know how to:

- display a good understanding of equivalence
- determine Place Value
- write number names
Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

- Subtract 2 & 3 digit numbers with renaming.

Teaching/Learning Resources:

- Jamaican coins and note/Base Ten Blocks

- Priced items

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 238

Key Vocabulary:

- Subtracting
- Regrouping/Renaming
Content Outline:

In subtraction, you regroup when the digits you are subtracting are greater than the digits you
are subtracting from.
We break a ten-pillar into ten
little cubes. This is Break
called regrouping, a ten.
because one ten "changes
groups" from the tens group
into the ones. 4 tens 5 ones 3 tens 15 ones
First we have 45. We Now we have 3 tens and
"break" one ten-pillar 15 ones. It is still 45, but
into ones/units. written in a different way.
For Example: 55 – 37
5 tens 5 ones 4 tens 15 ones
− 3 tens 7 ones

1 ten 8 ones

Students in their groups will be given a number and asked to represent it in at least two
different ways using base ten blocks, for example 27 could be represented as 2 tens and 7 ones
and 27 ones.

They will share their representations with the class.


Part A
Students will role play a banking and shopping scene. Each group will be given $40/4 longs to
make their purchase (items should not be priced to include multiples of ten). They will identify
the item of their choice, then go to a no change shopping centre to make their purchase (the
bank is the only place that makes change).

Students will
Students will answer the following question during whole class discussion:

- What did you have to think about when making your purchase?
- What did you have to do in order to make your purchase?
- Did the amount of money you have change after making the exchange with the banker?

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 239

Part B
Using base ten blocks or money, students will model subtraction with regrouping by
completing the table below. In small groups students will be given an amount of money to
spend and the cost of an item.

Money Representation of Renaming of Money Cost of Change/Difference

to Spend Money to Spend to Spend Item

$36 $8
____ tens ____ ones

3 tens 6 ones 2 tens 16 ones

NB. Teacher will provide additional amounts of Money to Spend

Mary has is 173 marbles. If she gave away 74. How many marbles does she now have?

Students will complete the following activities

7 tens 2 ___ tens ___ ones

ones − 3 tens 5 ones 6 tens 0 ___ tens ___ ones
ones − 2 tens 7 ones
___ tens ___ ones
___ tens ___ ones

1. I see 43 butterflies, 15 fly away. How many butterflies are left?

2. What is 837 – 47?
Teacher evaluation:


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Actions to be taken

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 241

Duration: 60
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 2 Strand: Number Term: 2
Topic: Adding Multiples of ten

Students will demonstrate an understanding of numbers, types of numbers, numeration
systems; the relationship among numbers, and apply number theory concepts to; compute
fluently and solve problems.

Compute with whole numbers quickly and accurately; use these skills to find answers in
realistic (problem) situations.

Attainment Target:
Use the basic operations with numbers and number patterns.
Standards for Mathematical Practices:

() 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

( ) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
( ) 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
() 4. Model with mathematics.
( ) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
() 6. Attend to precision.
() 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know how to:

- Add zero to any number.
- Add to a 2-digit number a 1 or 2-digit number with or without renaming.
Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

- Add multiples of ten to numbers less than ten.
Teaching/Learning Resources:

- The hundred chart

- Worksheets
- Base ten blocks
- Addition mat
- Multiples of ten cards
Key Vocabulary:

- Ten
- Multiple

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 242

- Add
- Tens
- Ones
- Place Value
Content Outline:

Multiples of 10 are numbers that can be made using groups of 10.

For example: 10 + 10 + 10 = 30 or 3 groups of 10
This number is the result of multiplying 10 by a counting number.


+ + = 30 ones

3 groups of 10 = 30
3 × 10 = 30

(a) In groups of 3-4, students are given cut out of hundred chart number puzzle; they
should fill in the missing numbers in the hundred charts using the pieces given.

Fill in the missing numbers in the hundreds chart below with the puzzle pieces given.

(b) Count these base ten pieces and colour in the numbers they represent on the chart

= ____ = ____
= ____

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 243

(b) If you were to continue the pattern, which number would you colour next on the

(d) What do you notice about these numbers? ………………………………………

They are called multiples of ten.

(e) Complete the chart by colouring all the multiples of ten.


Students working in same pair, are given the strip of paper with these numbers on it

(a) These numbers are taken from the hundred charts.


With your pair, discuss all that you observe about the numbers. Share observations with
entire class. Identify similarities and differences.

Lead question:

- How much more is the third number than the first?

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 244

- Could you predict the next number in this pattern? ….2 places down etc./.Explain
your thinking.

(b) Model the first number and the second number from the strip above with your base
ten blocks on the mat below.

+ =
3 ? 13

Lead question(s):
How much more is the second number (13) than the first number (3)?
- How could you describe the relationship among the numbers?
- How could you describe the differences in the numbers

Model this addition problem on the place value mat to show the solution

Tens Ones
1 0

TASK 2:Students working in groups of 4

Each group is given four multiples of 10 less than 100 on a number card (they will pick from
a bag)

1. Select a number on the Hundred Chart that is less than ten and use the base ten
blocks to model it.
2. Add the multiple of ten selected to that number using the blocks then show
solution on the place value chart
3. Write a number sentence to show the addition

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 245

Example: Student can select number 4 that is less than ten from the Hundred Chart

4+ 40 =?

Students model problem using base ten pieces

Students show solution on the place value chart

Tens Ones
4 0

Number sentence: 4 + 40 = 44

Lead questions:

- What happens when we add a multiple of ten to a number?

- What changes?
- What remains the same?

The students will share and justify their responses to the lead questions in the exploration of
the lesson.

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 246


1. Draw more tens to help you solve the problem

8 + 30 = _________

2. John has 7 marbles. His friend gave him a pack with 20 marbles. John claims he
now has 90 marbles in all. Do you agree? Explain using diagrams or models.
3. Write a mathematical sentence to represent the problem and its solution.

Lead questions:
- Could this problem be modelled using money? Which coins would you use? Show
- Does it matter where you place the numbers in the place Value Chart? Explain

1. Tim has $7 in his pocket. His mother gave him $30 more. How much money does he
have in all?

$1 $1 $1 $10 $10

$1 $1 $1 $10

Model this sum on a place value chart.

2. The following figures were taken from the hundred chart. Can you fill in the missing

What happens when you add a multiple of ten to a given number? What changes? Explain

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 247

Teacher evaluation:



Actions to be taken

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 248

Resource pieces
Base ten pieces

Place Value Chart

Tens Ones

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 249

Modelling Mat

+ =


MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 250


10 20 30 40 50
60 70 80 90
Hundred Chart Puzzle

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 251

Subject: Mathematics Grade: 2 Strand: Number Duration: 60 minutes Term: 2
Topic: Tell time using a calendar
Students will use non-standard and/or standard metric (SI) units, instruments, and procedures
to estimate and measure quantities of different attributes, and to compute and solve problems.

Estimate and measure time and use these to solve related problems.

Attainment Target:
Estimate, compare and use various types of measurements.
Standards for Mathematical Practices:

() 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

( ) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
() 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
() 4. Model with mathematics.
( ) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
() 6. Attend to precision.
() 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know how to:

- write and use ordinal numbers
- count numbers from (1) and thirty-one (31)
- identify days of the week and months of the year
Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

- Tell time using a calendar
Teaching/Learning Resources:
- Calendar (August 2020 and November 2020)
- ‘Evaluative Activity’ Sheet
- ‘Exploring the Calendar’ activity Sheet
Key Vocabulary:

- calendar - year
- days - weeks
- months - ordinal numbers
- seven - twelve

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 252

Content Outline:

A calendar is a chart or series of pages showing the days, weeks and months of a particular
year or giving particular national holidays and seasonal information. We always begin the days
of the week with a capital letter. The names of the week are nouns (naming words). There are
seven days in one week and twelve months within a year.
Part 1
Students will be given flash cards with a day of the week on each card and asked to place them
in order from the first day of the week.
Students will be engaged in a discussion openly.
1. How many days are in the week?
2. What is the first day of the week?
3. Which day is considered as mid-week?
Part II
Students will recite the months of the year rhyme ‘The months of the year are January,
February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.’
Students will be engaged in a discussion openly.
1. How many months are in a year?
2. What is the third month of the year?
3. What is the ninth month of the year?
4. Which month comes before September?
5. Which month comes after October?
6. Which month comes between June and August?

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 253

7. How many months apart are February and April?
Task 1
In groups of no more than 4, students will be given a calendar of August 2020 to discuss their
observations within their groups. (please see the attached calendar of August 2020). Students
will be asked after observations guided questions.
Guided questions:
1. Why do we need to have a calendar?
2. What do you believe we use a calendar for?
3. How many days make one week?
4. How many school days are in one week?
5. What are some things you do during the week and on the weekend?
Task 2
Students will share their observations from the August 2020 Calendar. Students will be asked
to discuss the following questions within their groups based on the August 2020 calendar.
Guided questions:
1. How many days are in August 2020?
2. August 1, 2020 is on which day of the week?
3. The last day of the month is?
4. August 28, 2020 is what day?
5. How many Fridays are in August 2020?
6. How many Sundays are in August 2020?
7. What date is the second Saturday of August 2020?
8. What date is the third Tuesday of August 2020?
9. State the dates for a one-week period for August 2020
10. If I received an assignment to do on August 5, 2020 and it is due in 5 days, what date
will the assignment be due?
Students will be engaged in a whole class discussion where groups will share answers to the
guided questions and critique responses.
Students will be given an activity sheet to complete using the August 2020 calendar. (please
see attached activity sheet)
Individually, students will be given a blank calendar and asked to fill in the information using
the instructions given. (please see attached)

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Teacher evaluation:


Actions to be taken

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 255

Calendar of August 2020

Exploring the Calendar

Using your August 2020 Calendar, fill in the missing number.

On your August 2020 calendar, draw a rectangle around the numbers to

help you to fill in the missing numbers.

The first one is done for you.

3 4

10 11

b. 12 13


MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 256

23 24


Evaluative Activity
Fill in the missing information in the November 2020 calendar using the following
1. The first day of the month is a Sunday.
2. There are 30 days in November, which day is the last day?
3. Today is the 9th of November and we are going to the zoo 10 days from today. On which
date are we going to the zoo?

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 257

Subject: Mathematics Grade: Strand: Duration: 60 Term:
2 Measurement minutes 2
Topic: Events on the Calendar
Students will use non-standard and/or standard metric (SI) units, instruments, and procedures
to estimate and measure quantities of different attributes, and to compute and solve problems.
Estimate and measure time, and use these to solve related problems.

Attainment Target:
Estimate, compare and use various types of measurements.
Standards for Mathematical Practices:
() 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
( ) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
( ) 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
() 4. Model with mathematics.
() 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
() 6. Attend to precision.
() 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know:

- The days of the week
- The months of the year
- How many days make a week
- How many weeks make a month
Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

- Associate time and months with events
Teaching/Learning Resources:

Sentence strips, numbered monthly calendar , calendar chart

Key Vocabulary:

- day
- week
- month
- calendar

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 258

Content Outline:
A calendar is a chart or device which displays the date and the day of the week, and often
the whole of a particular year divided up into months, weeks, and days. There are 12 months
that make up the calendar year.


Students will be taken outside to play the game “Those who were born in____ skip around.
Teacher will give each group month a card/strip with the name of the month on it.
(Teacher will make the strips)
Students will remain in their group month and sit accordingly when they get back inside

Each student will fill out their Birth Profile Card after they are taken back inside.
Each student will say the month, day and year they were born and place their birth card in the
appropriate Calendar Train Coach (Page 2)
Example: I was born January 1, 2013
Is there any month that no one was born in this class?
Teacher will record on the board if necessary.

Guided Questions: Are there any special events/ holidays that happen during the year?

Expected Responses: New Year’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Ash Wednesday, Good Friday,
Easter Monday, Labour Day, Independence Day, Emancipation Day, National Heroes’ Day,
Christmas Day, Boxing Day. Black History Month Child’s Month. These will be sorted
according to the month they occur and given to the group month
Cards will be made for each. Teacher will ask students which holiday/s falls in each month.
Guided Questions
Is there a special day in January?
Is it a Public Holiday?
Example New Year’s Day - January 1.
What about February? And so on

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A student from that month will stick the appropriate card on the Calendar Chart displayed.
( Teacher will make a Month and Special Events/Holiday Chart)
Guided Question
Which months do not have specials events?
Teacher will solicit responses from students and write responses on the board. Teacher will
allow students to stick a ‘NO SPECIAL EVENT’ Card at the appropriate month
Working in rearranged groups of 4 or 5 as there are some months which have no special
Complete the table
Write the date/ month for each of the following events for the year 2020. Use the calendar
given to assist you (7 minutes)

Special Event Day Month

New Year’s Day

Valentine’s Day

Ash Wednesday

Good Friday

Easter Monday

Labour Day

Independence Day

Emancipation Day

National Heroes’ Day

Christmas Day

Boxing Day

Black History Month

Child’s Month

Teacher will supervise the process and provide guidance where necessary.

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Each group will show and tell one of the solutions from their work. Teacher will ask the rest of
the class if they agree or not. Correction will be made where necessary.

Working in pairs. Students will be given a blank tabular sheet with these captions below to
(Teacher will construct the sheet)
Write the special events in their correct column then answer the questions below

1. How many events are public holidays?

2. How many are not public holidays?
3. Explain why?
(Print Activity)
Write the name of the month and the year you were born. Colour the day you were born.


Month: ___________________________________ Year: __________________

Circle the day, if any, special event takes place in your month.

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Use your calendar to answer the following questions.

1. Is there a special event happening in your month of birth?


2. If so, name the special event/s.


3. Does the event have a special date? _____________________________

4. If so, give the date _________________________________

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Actions to be taken

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Coach Sample (12 coaches, write the month on each)

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Calendar Page
Blot out numbers that do not apply to the specific month

Month: ____________________________________________________

Answer the questions below

1. How many students have birthday in this month? ______________

2. Are there more than one person having birthday on the same day? __________

If so; how many? ________________

3. Which day/s is it? ______________________

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This activity could be done in an integrated lesson
Students will be placed in their birth month.
Each group will be given:-
 a birth month timeline strip with a hole punched below each day;
(See Appendix 2 for sample)

 (See Appendix 3 for sample)

Each student will attach the string after filling out their profile card through the punched hole and
tie it under the day they were born.
Each group will also be given a numbered calendar page and questions below. (See appendix 4)
Each student will colour the day they were born.
Teacher will supervise the process and to guide the students and instruct them on what to do if
more than one person share the same birthdate.

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This could be used in an Integrated Lesson
Sample strips for birth month
Print, copy, cut and join each strip horizontally for each month as appropriate.
Punch hole under each number.
Month __________________________________________

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Appendix 1

Sample card for special events

New Year’s Day - January 1

Appendix 2
Sample Student Profile Card



Month: ____________________________________

Day: ____________________________________

Year: ____________________________________

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 268

Subject: Grade: 2 Strand: Duration: 60 Term: 2
Mathematics Measurement minutes
Topic: Solving Calendar related problems.
Students will use non-standard and/or standard metric (SI) units, instruments, and procedures
to estimate and measure quantities of different attributes, and to compute and solve problems.

Estimate and measure time, and use these to solve related problems.

Attainment Target:
Estimate, compare and use various types of measurements.
Standards for Mathematical Practices:

() 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

( ) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
( ) 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
( ) 4. Model with mathematics.
( ) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
() 6. Attend to precision.
()7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know:

- The days of the week
- The months of the year
- How many days make a week
- How many weeks make a month
Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

- Solve simple calendar related problems on time.
Teaching/Learning Resources:
- Cut out pieces of calendar

Key Vocabulary:
- week
- day
- month
- calendar

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Content Outline:
A calendar is a chart or device which displays the date and the day of the week, and often
the whole of a particular year divided up into months, weeks, and days. There are 12 months
that make up the calendar.

Give students cut out rectangles of calendars like the one below. Facilitate a discussion of how
many days make a week and a month, and how many weeks make a month.

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Sandy cut out some rectangles from an old calendar like the one above. However, her little
sister marked out some spots and they now look like this.
Below Academic level
What is the missing date? How do you know?

Above Academic Level

How can you figure out what dates are missing?

Select students of different academic level to present on how they were able to determine the
missing date.
Guiding Questions:
 How many days make one week?
 What date will come after the 16th of any month?
 If this Monday is the 10th of a Month, can you tell what the next Monday will be?
Mother’s Patty Shop sells chicken patties every Tuesday and Wednesday. If this week they
sold chicken patties on the 13th and 14th, what dates will they sell chicken patties again next
week? How do you know?

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Your birthday is on a Thursday of this month. With your knowledge of calendar, complete this
blank calendar to show what days the other dates will fall on.

Use the calendar to the right to answer the following questions.

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Teacher evaluation:

Actions to be taken

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Subject: Mathematics Grade: 2 Strand: Measurement Duration: 60 Term: 2
Topic: Units of Time
Students will use non-standard and/or standard metric (SI) units, instruments, and procedures
to estimate and measure quantities of different attributes, and to compute and solve problems

Estimate and measure distance, and use these to solve related problems

Attainment Target:
Estimate, compare and use various types of measurements
Standards for Mathematical Practices:

() 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

() 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
() 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
( ) 4. Model with mathematics.
( ) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
( ) 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know how to:

- Read a calendar to tell a) the month, b) day of the week
- Associate month with events such as holidays, birthdays, etc
- Read the clock / and or show time on the clock in hours and minutes (not a digital
Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should:

- Know the relationships between units of time.

- Minutes/hour
- Hours/day
- Day/week
- Week/months
- Months/year
- Days/year

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Teaching/Learning Resources:

- Calendar
- Activity chart and cards (How Long Does It Take?)
- Scrambled Gem
- Units of Time game cards
Key Vocabulary:

- days of the week

- months of the year
- hours
- minutes
- time
- relationships of units of time
- calendar
Content Outline:

Units of time measure how long something lasts. For example;

- How long (in seconds) can you hold your breath?
- How long (in minutes) long is your favourite movie?

There are different units of time. The basic units of time are second, minute, hour, day, week,
month, year, century, and millennium.
- These have the following relations between each:
60 seconds = 1 minute or 1 minute = 60 seconds
60 minutes = 1 hour or 1 hour = 60 minutes
- 24 hours = 1 day (day + night)
7 days = 1 week
12 months = 1 year
52 weeks = 1 year
365 days or 366 days make a year
10 years make a decade
50 years make half century
100 years make a century

Students will work in groups of no more than four to unscramble a gem on units of time (see
activity sheet). Each group will share their unscrambled gem (teacher may use selected groups
depending on class size).

A whole class discussion will ensue about students’ observations from the activity.
Note to Teacher: Guide discussion towards the relationship between units of time

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Using the think pair share strategy, students will complete the ‘How long does it take?’
activity chart. Students will examine activity cards to identify how long different activities
would take then paste it under the correct heading on the chart (see activity sheet).

Students will present their findings on the ‘How long does it take?’ activity chart. Each group
will justify their answers and critique each other’s responses.

Students will brainstorm then orally answer the following questions.

1. Which is the longer time, 24 hours or a day? How do you know?

2. Which is the longer time, 2 hours or 110 minutes? How do you know?
3. If you are out of school for 2 weeks, how many days do you miss school? How do you
4. Your best friend is having a party in Japan on Saturday. If it takes you two days to get
to Japan, which day would you leave if you need to arrive a day earlier?
Note to Teacher: Each group may receive a question or questions may be given to selected

Students will play the game ‘Units of Time’. Students may work in pairs or small groups to
play the game. Each group will receive a copy of the game board (Calendar of a given month),
game cards and game markers for the board (See activity sheet for rules of the game).
Teacher evaluation:



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Activity Sheet
Activity 1

Scrambled Gem Unscrambled Gem

60 Minutes = 1 Day 60 Minutes = 1 Hour

7 Days = 1 Hour 7 Days = 1 Week
24 Hour = 1 Week 24 Hour = 1 Day
12 Month = 1 Week 4 Weeks = 1 Month
365 Days = 1 Months 365 Days = 1 Year
4 Weeks = 1 Year 12 Month = 1 Year
52 Weeks = 1 Months 52 Weeks = 1 Year

Activity 2

How Long Does It Take? Activity Chart

Minute Hour Day

Week Month Year

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How Long Does It Take? Activity Cards

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January Calendar

Sunday Monday Tuesday y Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16

17 18 19 20 21 22 23

24 25 26 27 28 29 30


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Activity 3
Units of Time Game
The rules are as follows:

 Shuffle the cards and place them face down in a stack.

 Player 1 draws a card and must answer the question.
 If the answer is verified as correct by the teacher, Player 1 may advance his/her marker one
day on the game board. If the answer is incorrect, Player 1 does not advance, and Player 2
may either answer the question and advance if the answer is correct or draw another card.
 Drawn cards are put back at the bottom of the stack.
 Players continue to take turns drawing cards and answering the questions. The first player
to reach the END wins.

Game Cards for the Units of Time Game

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Subject: Mathematics Grade: 2 Strand: Number Duration: 60 Term: 2
Topic: Odd and Even Numbers
Students will demonstrate an understanding of numbers, types of numbers, numeration
systems; the relationship among numbers, and apply number theory concepts to compute
fluently and solve problems.

Demonstrate an understanding of the use of number to tell positions (ordinal), and other
properties and types of number.

Attainment Target:
Know the value of numerals and associate them with their names, numbers and ordinals.
Standards for Mathematical Practices:

() 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

() 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
() 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
() 4. Model with mathematics.
( ) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
( ) 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know how to:

- Order and compare 3 – digit whole numbers using a number line.
- Share quantities in equal parts
Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

- Identify and give examples of even, odd, whole and counting numbers.
Teaching/Learning Resources:

- Counters
Key Vocabulary:

- even numbers
- odd numbers
- counting numbers
- whole numbers
- equal
- unequal

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Content Outline:

An even number is a number that can be divided into two equal groups.
An odd number is a number that cannot be divided into two equal groups.
Even numbers end in 2, 4, 6, 8 and 0 regardless of how many digits they have.
Odd numbers end in 1, 3, 5, 7, 9.

The students will be asked to sing along to this song:

One, two, three, four, five; once I caught a fish alive. Six, seven, eight, nine, ten then I let it
go again. Why did you let it go? Because it bit my finger so. Which finger did it bite? This
little finger on my right.

A whole class discussion will follow where students will be asked:

What are some things you hear about in the song?

Tell me the numbers you hear in order.
What do you think these numbers are called?

Students will be placed in pairs and given ten counters. They are to list all the numbers
used in the song. Using their counters take turns representing each number listed. They are
to share the representation of the number between themselves. They will also be asked to
make two columns with headings Equal and Not equal. Using the headings write under
each the numbers, which were shared equal between two and the numbers, which were not
shared equal between two.

Discuss between each other:

Which numbers were shared equally between two and which numbers did not?
The numbers, which could not be shared equally between two, state how many was the
What about the number one, did it leave a remainder or was it able to be shared equally
between two?

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Selected students will be asked to explain what they noticed about the numbers they shared
stating which numbers were shared equally and which numbers did not. Have the students
state what they discussed to the questions above.
The teacher could ask:
- What is the names given to the numbers, which were able to be shared equally?
- What are the numbers, which could not be shared equally?
- What are those numbers called?

The teacher will clear up all misconceptions.


Students will be asked to complete the following scenario.

Tom and Tim picked apples. They each picked 12 apples.

1. Tom began to count his apples; he started with two apples and then added two
apples each time.

2. Tim began to count his apples, he started with one apple then added two apples
each time

Which one of the boys would be using even numbers in his counting and who used odd
numbers? Show how you got your answers.

Students will be asked to complete an activity sheet. (see attachment)

Teacher evaluation:



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Actions to be taken

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Evaluation Activity:

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Subject: Mathematics Grade: 2 Strand: Numbers Duration: Term: 2
60 minutes
Topic: Unit Fractions

Students will demonstrate an understanding of numbers, types of numbers, numeration

systems; the relationship among numbers, and apply number theory concepts to compute
fluently and solve problems.

Use fractional numbers to name equal parts of an object or a set of objects

Attainment Target:
Standards for Mathematical Practices:
() 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
() 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
() 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
() 4. Model with mathematics.
( ) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
( ) 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know how to:

- Use the ordinal numbers first, second, to tenth to identify objects, symbols, persons
in a position.
Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

- Identify objects/set of objects showing halves, thirds or fourths, using the numerals
to describe.
- Write whole numbers as fractional numbers.
Teaching/Learning Resources:

- Pattern blocks
- Fraction circles
- Worksheet
Key Vocabulary:

- Numerator
- Denominator
- Whole

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 288

Content Outline:

A fraction is a number, which means that something (a whole) is broken into parts.

A pie for example can be broken into pieces so it can be shared. Each part of the pie
represents a fraction of the whole. Any shape or object can be broken into fractions!

A fraction consists of two main parts, which are separated by a line. The top part (the
number on top) is called the numerator. The bottom part (the number on the bottom) is
called the denominator
In this fraction: Four fifths, four is the numerator and five is the denominator.
Part 1
Engage students in a discussion such as; Have you ever eaten a part of something and not
been able to finish it completely? Some foods like pie and pizza are already broken into
parts which you can eat. Other foods, you may eat until you are full and have something
left over. If you have ever wondered how much food was left then you would probably
measure the amount in fractions.
Part 2
The students will be told a story about a farmer who had an animal farm and all the same
animals got equal amounts of space. He kept 2 cows in a particular colour enclosure, 3
goats in another enclosure, and 4 chickens in another.

In groups of 4 students will be given pre-packaged pattern blocks or fraction circles to

investigate which colour enclosure each animal would be kept in.

Guided Questions:
- Which colour would you use to
represent the enclosure for the cow?
- Which colour would you use to
represent the enclosure for the goats?
- Which colour would you use for the
- How many halves are in 1 whole?
- How many quarters are in 1 whole?
- How would you go about writing 1
whole as a fraction?

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Students will be asked to select a group member to tell the colours chosen for each animal
and explain their reason for choosing each assigned colour.

In groups students will use manipulates or diagrams to help them solve the following
1. Briana got 8 presents for her birthday and opened a ½ of them. How many did she
2. Tony saw 6 birds in a tree. ⅓ of them flew away. How many were left?
3. How many thirds are there in 1 whole? How many thirds are there in 2 wholes?

Students will individually complete the activity below as well as the activity on the
“Fraction Set Worksheet.”

2. Write a fraction that is the same as 1 whole.

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Teacher evaluation:



Actions to be taken

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Fraction Sets Worksheet
Colour ½ Colour ¼

Colour 1/3

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Subject: Grade: 2 Strand: Number Duration: 60 Term: 2
Mathematics minutes
Topic: Fraction
Students will demonstrate an understanding of numbers, types of numbers, numeration
systems; the relationship among numbers and apply number theory concepts to compute
fluently and solve problems.

Use fractional numbers to name equal parts of an object or a set of objects.

Attainment Target:
Demonstrate an understanding of the ideas of sets.
Standards for Mathematical Practices:

() 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

( ) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
() 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
() 4. Model with mathematics.
( ) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
( ) 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know how to:

- Describe a fraction as one or more parts of several equal parts.
- Tell the number of equal parts into which an object or a set has been divided.
Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

- Associate fractional numerals to appropriate fraction of object or set of objects;
describe object(s
Teaching/Learning Resources:

- Pattern blocks
Key Vocabulary:

- Sets
- Fraction
- Half
- Fourth
- Numerator
- Denominator

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Content Outline:

- A fraction is an equal part of a whole.

- The denominator (the number at the bottom), tells us how many equal parts the
whole has been divided into. The numerator (the number on top) tells us how
many of the equal parts are used.

- Have students listen to the story; “Give Me Half” by Stuart J. Murphy (see resource
document). Have discussions before the story is read, while the story is being read and
after the story is read.

Discussions may include but not limited to the following questions:

1. What they think the story is about?
2. What problem arises in the story?
3. How they think it can be solved.
4. What was done to solve the problem?
5. What will happen next?

- At the end of the story, have students sort various examples under the headings
fractions and non-fractions. Students may be provided with a table (on the board or on
a chart) and each student given a picture (prepare the picture by placing tape
behind it before hand). Students will go up and place the picture under the appropriate
heading. After the table is completed, have a class discuss to clear up misconceptions if
Suggested questions:
- What makes this picture a fraction?
- What makes this picture a non-fraction?

- Students will be given two pictures; one being half of a pizza and the other being
two donuts in a box.
- Students will then be informed that what they see is half a pizza and one fourth the
number of donuts. Allow the students to draw the additional donuts to make it a full
set; however allow the students to place cut out pieces of pizza slices to make the

Students will explain what they have explored after which the students will critique the
responses of others and if possible provide clarity.

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- Students will be given the sheet below, they will then be asked to colour the
fractions given.

Suggested questions:
- What do you notice about the pictures you have coloured?
- Is there anything that is common?

Allow students to take an orange to school. They should form groups of four members and
have one to three oranges per group. Orange should be stripped of its skin so that the pegs
are readily identifiable and can be separated. Allow them to investigate the number of pegs,
halves and quarters using the orange pegs in their groups.
Suggested questions:
a) How many pegs of oranges can you get?
b) How could the pegs be shared evenly between two members of the group?
c) How could the pegs be shared evenly among the four members of the group?

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Teacher evaluation:



Actions to be taken

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Resource Document

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MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 303
Subject: Grade: 2 Strand: Numbers Duration: Term: 2
Mathematics 60 minutes
Topic: Equivalent Fractions
Students will demonstrate an understanding of numbers, types of numbers, numeration
systems; the relationship among numbers, and apply number theory concepts to compute
fluently and solve problems.

Use fractional numbers to name equal parts of an object or a set of objects

Attainment Target:
Use the basic operations with numbers and number patterns.
Standards for Mathematical Practices:
( ) 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
() 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
() 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
() 4. Model with mathematics.
() 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
() 6. Attend to precision.
() 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know how to:

- Associate fractional numerals to appropriate fraction of object or set of objects;
describe object(s)
- identify a half and a quarter
- identify the numerator and denominator
- add
Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

- Identify different names for a fraction (equivalent fractions).
Teaching/Learning Resources:

- Fraction cards
- Fraction Worksheet
- Fraction strips
Key Vocabulary:

- Denominator
- Numerator
- Equivalent

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 304

Content Outline:
Equivalent fractions can be defined as fractions with
different numerators, and denominators that represent the same value or proportion of the

Engage: (In small groups)

Each group will be given a set of fraction cards. The fractions cards will be cut out and
jumbled. Students will be asked to work in their groups to match the diagram for each
fraction to its fraction numeral. (Please see attached fraction cards).
A discussion will be held where each group will stand (alternatively) and show the class
one set of cards they matched. Also, they will be asked to explain why they matched those
cards together.
Students will be asked to put their matching aside as they will be coming back to revisit
them at the end of the lesson.

Each group will be given fraction strips. They will be asked to look on the strips and
tell what fractions they see. Each group will then be asked to put the 1 whole at the
top of their tables; then, put the halves strips along the 1 whole to see how many half
strips would give 1 whole. So, we can say that half is equivalent to one whole.
Students will then be asked to put the quarter strips along the half and 1 whole strip
and tell how many quarters make up a half and how many quarters make up a whole.
1 1
One group will be asked to show and find out how many 8 fraction strips equals 2.
Another group will be asked to show and find out how many 10 fraction strips equals
. Based on the number of groups, these questions can be repeated or groups can be
given additional questions.

Students will be asked to share what they have come up with in their groups based n the
question they got. They will also be asked to share how they found their equivalent
fraction using the fractions strips (if possible, they may paste the fraction strips on the
board to aid in everyone understanding their explanation).
Elaborate/ Extend:

Students will be a story entitled “The Pizza Story” to read and do in their groups (story can
be written on the board).

Lisa and Ted were talking about what they had for dinner last night. Lisa said, “Ted, last
night my family bought a large pizza and I ate ¼ of the pizza,” Ted replied, “I can eat
more pizza than you. Tuesday night my mom bought a large pizza and I ate 2/8 of

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 305

the pizza.” Niko said, “Ted, you didn’t eat more than Lisa. You ate the same amount.”
Who is correct, Ted or Niko?

Students will be asked to discuss in their groups whose response was correct. Ted or Niko?
A class discussion will be held where students will be asked to share their responses on
whether Ted would be correct or Niko. Students will be given a chance to agree or disagree
with other groups’ responses and provide reasons.

Students will be asked to look back at the first activity where they matched the diagrams
with the fractional numeral and give at least 2 equivalent fractions.
Students will also be given a worksheet on equivalent fractions to complete individually.
Teacher evaluation:


Actions to be taken

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Fraction Cards




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Subject: Mathematics Grade:2 Strand: Duration: 60 Term: 2
Measurement minutes
Topic: ¼ hour on the clock
Students will use non-standard and/or standard metric (SI) units, instruments, and
procedures to estimate and measure quantities of different attributes, and to compute and
solve problems

Estimate and measure time and use these to solve related problems.

Attainment Target:
Estimate, compare and use various types of measurements.
Standards for Mathematical Practices:
() 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
( ) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
() 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
( ) 4. Model with mathematics.
() 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
() 6. Attend to precision.
( )7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know:

- What a clock looks like
- Minute hand and hour hand on the clock
- Telling the time to the half hour and hour
- The fraction ¼
Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

- Read and show the time to the quarter hour on the digital and analog clock.
Teaching/Learning Resources:

- Analog clock template

- Pictures of analog and digital clocks
- Paper plate clocks
- Interlocking circles
- Crayons
- Large chart
- Slips of paper showing digital clock for times given on the large chart.
Key Vocabulary:

- Quarter
- Analog
- Digital
- Fifteen minutes

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Content Outline:

There are different ways of measuring time; we use a clock to measure minutes and hours.
There are two main types of clocks; digital clocks and analog clocks

Digital Clocks have digits like 0, 1, 2, 3 and so on. It shows us the time using numbers like
this; Hours: minutes the colon (:) is a punctuation mark that separates the hours from the


When we say the time we call the hour then the minutes for example on the clock below
we say; twelve: forty eight

Analog Clocks have hour and minute hands. Both hands work together to tell us exactly
what time it is.

We can read the clock at 15 minutes intervals; we say 15 minutes past or 15 minutes to
when we are reading the analog clock.

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This clock is an analog clock that shows the minutes on the outside, it makes it easier for
us as we learn to read the clock


Students will be given a clock template cut out; they will fold the paper in two equal parts
and colour each half of the clock
Students will label the clock with the appropriate numbers
Students will draw clock hands to show half past an hour of their choice and write the time
they are showing on the clock

Explore/ Explain:

Make a pair of interlocking circles for each group.

One white circle (draw quarters)
One coloured circle labelled 1- 12 like the clock face
Slit a radius on both circles (for the coloured circle cut the radius at 12)

Students will rotate the circles to mimic the minute hand travelling past the hour and focus
on the coloured circle to identify less than half pass the hour and more than half pass the

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 312

Today we will take a journey around the clock using our circles!
Remember to rotate the circle like the hands on the clock!

- What numbers do you see on your journey when it is less than half pass the hour?
- What do you think the other half of the clock represents?

(help students to understand that when it is less than past the hour we say ‘past’ and when
it is more than half we say ‘to’)

- Rotate your white circle to show a quarter. How much minutes is it showing?
- What can you say about a quarter and the minutes on the clock?
(help students to understand that a quarter and 15 minutes refer to the same time)
Rotate your circle to show quarter to the hour.
- What number do you see at quarter to?
- Students will be given paper plate clocks with fudge sticks for clock hands

Students will show quarter past or quarter to an hour on their clock then one student in
each group will do a scavenger hunt to find their matching time on a digital clock.
Students will stick their paper plate analog clock and digital clock on a large chart mounted
on white board. (See example below)

Time Analog clock Digital clock correction

 Quarter to 10 9:45
 nine forty five
 15 minutes to ten

Students will have whole group discussion on responses stating whether they agree and
making alternate suggestions where incorrect. Corrections will be done in column provided
using printed clock templates.
I. What are your thoughts on this response?
II. If it is not correct what would you change?

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Students will be given assorted time cards and they will place them in boxes labelled
‘analog’ and ‘digital’

1. Danny knows the time when the hour hand is a little away from 4 and the minute hand
is on 3 using an analog clock. However, Danny is at his uncle’s house but his uncle has
a digital clock. Show Danny what time will be displaying on the digital clock.

2. Play time will start at 10:45. Jane’s digital watch has stopped working and she has to
read the analog clock. Draw the hands in the clock below to show Jane when is play

3. Danny can show the time on the analog clock and Jane can show the time on the digital
clock. Their teacher asked them to show fifteen minutes past one on their clocks. Look
at the times they showed and say who is right.
Evaluate (Lesson reflections):

Students will complete the following worksheet

Name _______________________________

1. The time on Ricky’s analog watch is

Put in the time that matches Ricky’s analog watch on Suan’s digital watch

2. The movie will start at

what time should it show on Terri’s watch?

3. Help sally to write this time in words using the word quarter.


4. The time on mother’s bedside clock is 1:15

Draw the hands on this clock showing the same time.

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Subject: Mathematics Grade:2 Strand: Duration: 60 Term: 2
Measurement minutes
Topic: Time
Students will use non-standard and/or standard metric (SI) units, instruments, and
procedures to estimate and measure quantities of different attributes, and to compute and
solve problems.

Estimate and measure time, and use these to solve related problems.

Attainment Target:
Estimate, compare and use various types of measurements.
Standards for Mathematical Practices:

() 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

() 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
() 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
() 4. Model with mathematics.
( ) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
( ) 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know how to:

- Tell the time on the hour
- Tell the time quarter pass
- Recall that 60 seconds make one minute
- Identify the instrument used for measuring time.
Specific Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
- Compare events that occur in 5 and 15 minutes intervals.
Teaching/Learning Resources:
- Stop watch
- Clock
Key Vocabulary:

- Time interval
- Minute
- Events
Content Outline:
- The time interval is the period between the start and end times of an event.
- A minute is a period of sixty seconds.
- An event is something that happens.

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The teacher will set the timer for a minute. Students will be required to put their head on
the desk then sit up when they think a minute would have passed. A discussion will be
conducted about a minute.

The class will randomly be divided into two groups. One group will stay inside for 5
minutes and the other group will go outside for 15 minutes.
Observations will be noted and discussed
Explore and Explain:
Mary, John and Harry went to Devon House to get ice cream. Mary waited in the line for 5
minutes. John waited for 5 minutes more than Mary. Harry waited for 5 minutes more than
Guided Questions:
- How many minutes the each person wait in the line?
- Make a model representing the students waiting in line and the wait time.
- What was the shortest waiting time?
- What was the longest waiting time?
If you were to replace one of the2 persons, Mary or Harry, in the line who would you
prefer replace? Justify your response.
- List events that occur at 5 minutes intervals at school/ church/ home.
- List events that occur at 15 minutes intervals at school/ church/ home.
1. Student will write the event under the most appropriate time intervals

Break time, Advertisement on television, Eating a snack, Getting

ready for school

5 minutes 15 minutes

2. State one activity you would prefer to spend 15 minutes doing rather than 5
minutes, or one activity you would prefer to spend 5 minutes doing rather than 15

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Subject: Grade: 2 Strand: Duration: 60 Term: 2
Mathematics Number minutes
Topic: Repeated Addition
Students will demonstrate an understanding of numbers, types of numbers, numeration
systems; the relationship among numbers, and apply number theory concepts to compute
fluently and solve problems.

Compute with whole numbers quickly and accurately; use these skills to find answers in
realistic (problem) situations.

Attainment Target:
Use the basic operations with numbers and number patterns.
Standards for Mathematical Practices:

() 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

() 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
() 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
( ) 4. Model with mathematics.
( ) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
( ) 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
() 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know how to:

- Define a set
- Group objects into sets
- Count objects
- Add whole numbers
- Write mathematical sentences to represent addition of addends and their sum
Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

- Join sets of the same size (same number of members) and tell how many members
in all (repeated addition).
Teaching/Learning Resources:

- Fudge sticks/straws,
- Counters
- Worksheet
Key Vocabulary:

- repeated addition
- group,
- set
- equal

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 319


Repeated addition is when you add the same number together repeatedly.

4 + 4 + 4 = 12


Students will participate in activity where they will be given a mathematical problem to
solve in pairs.

Mia likes to eat cherries. She picks them from the tree in her backyard. On Monday she
picked 5 cherries, she picked the same amount on Tuesday and Wednesday.

1. How many cherries did she pick in all?

2. Write a mathematical sentence to show the number of cherries picked each day
along with the total.
Explore & Explain:

Alicia has started a savings plan. She wants to save $5 per day. How much money would
she have saved at the end of;
- The school week?
- 8 days?
- 10 days?
In small groups, students will be given counters to represent the amount of money saved
for each specified period. They will discuss each representation among themselves and
then answer the following questions:
1. How can you represent the sets formed in a mathematical sentence?

2. What do you notice about the numbers?

Students will share with the class what they discussed with each other The term repeated
addition will be introduced…………..
Include in discussion:
- Non-examples of repeated addition
- The need for equal groups when talking about repeated addition.
E.g. Is the sentence 5 + 6 + 4 = 15 an example of repeated addition? Why?

Solve the following using repeated addition

1) There are six cans of drink in a pack. How many cans are there in four packs?
2) Mark buys seven pairs of socks in the shop. How many socks has he bought
3) There are seven days in a week. How many days are there in three weeks?
4) Adam reads six pages of his book each night. How many pages does he read in five

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5) A tricycle has three wheels. How many wheels are there on six tricycles?


Write a mathematical sentence in response to the questions below using repeated addition

Teacher evaluation:



Actions to be taken

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MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 322
Subject: Grade:2 Strand: Duration:60 Term 2
Mathematics Numbers minutes
Topic: Multiplication with Arrays
Students will demonstrate an understanding of numbers, types of numbers, numeration
systems; the relationship among numbers, and apply number theory concepts to compute
fluently and solve problems.

Compute with whole numbers quickly and accurately; use these skills to find answers in
realistic (problem) situations.

Attainment Target:
Use the basic operations with numbers and number patterns.
Standards for Mathematical Practices:

() 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

( ) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
() 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
() 4. Model with mathematics.
( ) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
( ) 6. Attend to precision.
() 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know how to:

- Count up to 100
- Add numbers up to 100
- Use repeated addition to model multiplication
- Write multiplication sentences
Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

 Develop array to show multiplication facts
 Model multiplication
Teaching/Learning Resources:

- Puzzle Pieces
- Number cards (Up to 18)
- Grid Paper (10 x 10)
- Crayon/ Markers
Key Vocabulary:

- Addition
- Repeated addition
- Multiplication
- Array
- Rows

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- Columns
Content Outline:

A row is a horizontal (side to side or across) group of objects or values.

For example a row of apples would look like:

A column is a vertical (up/down position) group of objects or values

For example apples arranged in a column form would look like:

A Multiplication Array is the arrangement of items in rows and columns.

For example
There is 3 rows containing 4 apples.
There are 12 apples altogether.

This can be represented by the multiplication statement 3 x 4

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Students will each pull a card from a bag. They will find a partner and ask them to give a
multiplication statement which can be used to represent the picture on the card. Their
partner will do the same. They will then exchange cards and find a new partner to quiz.

Note: The correct answer can be written at the back of the card to allow students to check
the solutions of their peer. This activity will last up to 5 minutes.

Guided Questions:
- How did you determine your multiplication sentence?
- How could different multiplication sentences be used to represent the same number
of objects?

In groups of three each student will select a card from the same set.

Students will record their observations using the table below.

Name of Element Number of Rows Number of Total number
(Across) Columns (Down) of Objects on
the Card

They will then compare their arrays with the other members of their group.

Each group will present their findings and explain their thinking.

Guided Question:
- How many rows are there in your array?
- How many columns are there in your array?
- Could they be arranged in a different way and get the same number of objects?
Justify your response.

Each group will draw a number from a bag. Students will be presented with the following

Farmer Jones wants to plant sweet corn. Show two different ways he can arrange his plants
in an array and represent this using a multiplication sentence.

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For example a student drawing the number 12. They could arrange as follows:

Corn crop arranged in 2 rows and 6 columns or 2 × 6

Corn crop arranged in 3 rows and 4 columns or 3 × 4

Students will model this on grid paper including their multiplication statement for each


a) Draw a model to show each of the following arrays.

 3x4
 5x2
 6x3

b) Write the Multiplication statement for each of the following arrays:

c) Given the total 24, write at least three multiplication sentences and model these on grid

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Teacher Evaluation:



Actions to be taken

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Exploration Activity Cards

Set 1

Set 2

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Set 3

Set 4

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MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 330

Subject: Grade: 2 Strand: Duration: 60 Term 2
Mathematics Number minutes
Topic: Multiplication
Students will demonstrate an understanding of numbers, types of numbers, numeration
systems; the relationship among numbers, and apply number theory concepts to compute
fluently and solve problems.

Compute with whole numbers quickly and accurately; use these skills to find answers in
realistic (problem) situations.

Attainment Target:
Use the basic operations with numbers and number patterns.

Standards for Mathematical Practices:

() 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
() 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
( ) 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
() 4. Model with mathematics.
( ) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
( ) 6. Attend to precision.
() 7. Look for and make use of structure.
() 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know how to:

- Join sets of the same size (same number of members) and tell how many members
in all (repeated addition)
Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

- Write multiplication sentences in different ways: two 3’s are 6; 2 × 3 = 6
Teaching/Learning Resources:

- Counters
- Paper plates
- Markers
Key Vocabulary:

- Multiplication
- Times
- Groups

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Content Outline:

Multiplication is a quick way of adding the same number repeatedly. That is why we also
call it repeated addition. You will learn that when we multiply numbers the order does not
change the product.
4 12
4 12

The two numbers that are being multiplied are called factors and the answer is called the

factors product

A multiplication sentence is made up of numbers, the multiplication sign and an equal


The multiplication sentence has of two parts:

 mathematical expression

 product 15
The number before the × sign tells us how many groups we have
The number behind the × sign tells us how many are in each group

Students will be given a scenario.

Mrs. Brown told the students that those who had gotten all correct in their first attempt on
the previous Math worksheet would be awarded 3 pencils each. She then handed 3 pencils
to Abby, Kayla, Ren and Bob.
Students will be asked to draw pictures to represent the extract from the story. Write a
number sentence to represent the scenario.

Guided Questions:
- How many pencils did Mrs. Brown give the students in all?
- How did you arrive at your answer?
- Can you write the number sentence in another way?

Abby Kayla Ren Bob

3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 12

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Explore & Explain:

In small groups, students will be given 24 counters. They will be asked to share the
counters equally amongst themselves. Each student will be given a paper plate to write
their name in the middle and then place their share of counters on the plate. Each student
will take 1 at a time until all counters are on the plates.
They will then write at least two number sentences to represent the counters shared.
Guided Questions:
- How many persons were the counters shared for?
- How many counters did each person get?
- What is the total amount of counters that were shared?
- How did you represent the shared counters in a number sentence?
- Is there any other way this can be represented?

*Students will be introduced to information in the content to establish how to use

information to write multiplication sentences.

Four groups

Six items in each group

How many in each group

4 × 6 = 24
How to write multiplication sentences:

4 groups of 6 = 24 4 × 6 = 24 4 sixes equal 24

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Students will be given worded problems to solve. They will be asked to write a
multiplication sentence for each. Students will also write a number sentence in the boxes

× =

× =

× =


Students will complete the following worksheet.

Teacher evaluation:


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Multiplication Sentences Worksheet

Write two multiplication sentences for each of the

3. If Kayla buys 3 packs of ping-pong balls and each pack has 5 balls. How many
balls will she have in all?
______ x ______ = _______

______ groups of ______ = _______

4. There are 7 pens in a pack. How many pens are there in 3 packs?
______ x ______ = _______

______ groups of ______ = _______

5. My favourite track on YouTube last for 3 minutes. How long will it take me to
listen to this track 6 times?

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 336

Subject: Mathematics Grade: 2 Strand: Measurement Duration: Term:
60 minutes 2
Topic: Measuring Capacity
Students will use non-standard and/or standard metric (SI) units, instruments, and
procedures to estimate and measure quantities of different attributes, and to compute and
solve problems.

Estimate and measure liquid capacity or volume, and use these to solve related problems.

Attainment Target:
Estimate, compare and use various types of measurements
Standards for Mathematical Practices:
( ) 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
( ) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
() 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
( ) 4. Model with mathematics.
( ) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
() 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know how to:

- Identify measurable attributes of objects.
- Estimate liquid quantities using different measures-a teaspoon, a plastic cup, and
water bottles.
Specific Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
- Recognize the litre as the unit for capacity.
- Use the symbols/word for litre.
- Identify quantities that are measured in litres.
Teaching/Learning Resources:
- 1 litre containers
- juice bottles/boxes
Key Vocabulary:
- Litre
- Millilitre
- Capacity
- Container
- Measure

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Content Outline:

From labels collected by students, in their groups the students will talk about units that are
used to tell the capacity of the containers.
Students will take different empty containers from lunch (break) period and/or home; such
as water bottles, large and small milk box/bottles, shampoo containers, medicine bottles,
soda bottles, etc. Students will then identify the measurement information of each

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 338

Using the same labels/containers from the ‘Engage’ Activity, students will order the
containers from smallest to largest in terms of the amount of liquid each can hold.
In groups, students will use familiar containers (chubby bottle, soda bottle, water bottle) to
fill a container to 1 litre (this can be measuring cup/bottle or a container created
with 1 litre point identified).

This is to establish a benchmark for students of what 1l looks like.

In groups, the students will identify quantities in their home that are measured in litres,
draw and make a list to present to the class.
The following questions will be used to guide a whole class discussion:
- What are some of the items you drew from your home that would be measured in
- What can you say about litres and millilitres?
- Which do you think is more: 1 litre or 1 millilitre?
- Which of the statements is ‘True’ and explain why you chose the statement a or b.
a. 1 litre is more than 1 millilitre
b. 1 millilitre is more than 1 litre
Write litre or millilitre to tell which unit you would use when measuring how much each
container holds.
In groups students will look at cut-out pictures of objects (or actual items/labels that they
had collected) and make a list of the objects, write the capacity of each and then state
which they believe would be measured in litres.

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See pictures attached.
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Pictures that students will look at and say which would be best measured in litres.

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MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 342
Subject: Grade: 2 Strand: Duration: 60 Term: 2
Mathematics Measurement minutes
Topic: Estimating and Measuring Capacity
Students will use non-standard and/or standard metric (SI) units, instruments, and
procedures to estimate and measure quantities of different attributes, and to compute and
solve problems.

Estimate and measure liquid capacity or volume, and use these to solve related problems

Attainment Target:
Estimate, compare and use various types of measurements.
Standards for Mathematical Practices:

( ) 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

() 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
( ) 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
() 4. Model with mathematics.
() 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
() 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:
Students should know how to:
- Determine which container holds a) more, b) less, c) the same amount as one litre.
- Identify the unit capacity and describe this using the word litre or the symbol L.
- Identify quantities in everyday life which are measured in litres.
Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

- Estimate, measure and record the capacity of containers using a litre
Teaching/Learning Resources:

- Pitcher of water (1 per group),

- 1 plastic cup pre-measured and labelled at 100 mL
- four empty containers 1 large, 2 medium and 1 small (according to what is available),
- one 1 litre container,
- a container of water
- Activity worksheet
Key Vocabulary:

- Litre (l )
- Capacity
- Estimate

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Content Outline:

- Capacity is how much liquid something can hold. It is usually measured in litres (l). We
can use benchmarks to estimate liquid volume.

- Containers that measure are about 1 litre.

- Large soda is about 2 litres.

- You can use different instruments for measuring capacity. You’ll need to choose the
most suitable instrument for the task. You need to consider:
- What you’re measuring. Is it a large or small amount of liquid?
- Whether the scale on the instrument goes up high enough. To do this you need to
estimate the measurement. For example to measure 1.5 litres you cannot use a jug that
only measures up to 1 litre.
- What measuring instruments you have available.
- Whether the scale uses the correct units

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Engage: Students will work in predefined groups to complete tasks.

1. Identify two (2) objects that have a capacity of one (1) litre
2. Complete Activity 1


1. Selected groups will be asked to explain their solution for each engagement activity,
students are expected to explain why they selected their responses.

2. Selected groups will be asked to explain their solution for each exploratory activity.
Students will explain each activity before moving on to the next. The questions in the
exploration activities will be used to facilitate the discussions.

Students will complete the activity in pairs

The table below shows the capacity of 4 barrels, use the information in the table to answer
the questions below.

a. Label the number line to show the capacity of each barrel.

b. Barrel A has been done for you.
c. Which barrel has the greatest capacity?
d. Which barrel has the smallest capacity?

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e. If Ben buys a barrel that can hold about 7 litres.
f. Which barrel did he most likely buy? Explain Why?
g. Use the number line to find how many of what?

Group Assessment

Give your groups a container that is less than one litre and a container that is equal to or more than
one Litre. Use the table below to record their estimates, then measure and record their findings
under actual capacity. Groups are expected to compare their estimates to actual measurements by
finding the difference.

Container Estimated Capacity Actual Capacity Difference


Individual Assessment

How much liquid is in each container?

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Activity 1

Does it hold more or less than a litre? Put a tick under the correct heading.

Object More than a Litre Less than a Litre

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Print, copy and cut strips for each pair of students

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Subject: Mathematics Grade: 2 Strand: Duration: 60 Term 2
Measurement minutes
Topic: Comparing Weights
Students will use non-standard and/or standard metric (SI) units, instruments, and
procedure to estimate and measure quantities of different attributes, and to compare and
solve problems.

Estimate and measure mass, and use these to solve related problems

Attainment Target:
Estimate, compare and use various types of measurements
Standards for Mathematical Practices:
() 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
( ) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
( ) 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
() 4. Model with mathematics.
( ) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
( ) 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:
Students should know how to:
- Compare light and heavy
- Use the terms lighter, heavier, lighter than, and heavier than
Specific Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
- Compare the weight of different objects with weight of given objects.
Teaching/Learning Resources:
Objects of varying weights example book, stone, video, book titled “Goldilocks and the
Three Bears”
Key Vocabulary/ Concepts:
- Heavier
- Light
- Lighter
- Heavy
- Heavier
- Weight

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- Compare

The weight of an object is how light or heavy that object is.
An object can be described as being heavy or light. The more weight an object has, the
heavier it is and the less weight it has, the lighter it is. When comparing two objects, we
can say one is lighter than the other or we can say one is heavier than the other.
We can describe a bicycle as being heavy, however, when compared to a car the bicycle is
light or lighter than the car.
Also, a cat is heavier than a mouse but lighter than a dog.

Read Goldilocks and the Three Bears, retold by Jan Brett. As you read and show
illustrations, talk to children about the size and weight of the bears and other objects. The
great big bear was very heavy. The middle-sized bear was heavy, and the little bear was
light. Look at how heavy that big bear looks sitting in his chair. Look at how light the
basket of mushrooms looks. Look at how heavy the big bowls of porridge look. Ask
children to help you identify heavy and light objects. or

Play "What Do You Think?" Ask children about objects in the room that are light and
heavy. "Do you think that my desk is light or heavy?" (Have children test and check the
weight of each item by trying to lift it.) "A paper? A crayon? A chair?"
Explore and Explain:
- Students will discuss heavier and lighter.
How can we tell if something is light or heavy? (lift or test the weight)
- Students will be placed in small groups where they will be given containers with
objects of varying weight and sizes.
- Each student will then choose an object for their “chosen item” after which they
will select an object matching teachers’ description. Example: Choose an object
that is lighter than your selected object or choose an object that is heavier than your
selected object. Choose a neighbor whose object is lighter/heavier than your own.
- Students will be placed in small groups where they will be given two different size

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opaque closed containers. The larger will contain lighter objects while the smaller;
heavier objects for example marbles, leaves, sand etc.
- Students will guess which is heavier giving reasons. After which they will check by
lifting to determine whether their guess was correct. Comparisons will be made
based on the two objects in question.

Is the bigger object always the heavier? Give examples e.g. a marble vs. a leaf.
What normally determines the weight of an object? (material used
Extend/ Elaborate:

Students will be placed in small groups where they will be given an object, which will be
used as a benchmark object in terms of weight. Each group member will lift the object to
determine how heavy or light it is. Each group will receive a container with various objects
to classify as heavier or lighter
than their benchmark objects (they will not lift at first or they could have one member in
each group who will be responsible for pacing the objects under the correct heading based
on the team’s instruction. Post It with the words heavier and lighter will be placed on the
desk as shown in below in the table. After classifying their objects, students will lift them
and compare with the weight of their benchmark item to determine if they have made the
correct predictions. Lighter Heavier
Example: Benchmark

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Each box has two pictures inside. The word heavier/lighter is written in each box, Circle
the picture that corresponds to the word inside.

There are two objects beside each letter below. Circle the heavier object for each letter.

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Subject: Grade: 2 Strand: Measurement Duration: Term: 2
Mathematics 60 minutes
Topic: Use a Balance to establish light and heavy.
Students will use non-standard and/or standard metric (SI) units, instruments, and
procedures to estimate and measure quantities of different attributes, and to compute and
solve problems.

Estimate and measure mass, and use these to solve related problems.

Attainment Target:
Estimate, compare and use various types of measurements.
Standards for Mathematical Practices:
() 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
( ) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
() 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
() 4. Model with mathematics.
() 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
( ) 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:
Students should know how to:

- differentiate between heavy and light

Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

- Identify a balance and know they are used to measure the weight of an object.
- Know the lighter or heavier of two objects on a balance.
Teaching/Learning Resources:

Balance, various objects to weigh (books, rocks, markers, pencils, crayons, etc.), pictures
of measuring tools e.g. balance, paper clips cups.
Key Vocabulary:

Balance, light, heavy, measure, weight, compare

Content Outline:

A balance is a device for comparing weights. It has a balanced beam and two pans. When
the pans contain exactly the same mass the beam is balanced. You can place an object in
one pan and standard weights in the other to find what the object weighs.
The balance functions like a see-saw, with each of the 2 pans attached to a beam over a
centred pivot point.

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The weights of 2 different objects can be immediately compared using a double-pan
balance. An object is placed in each pan, and the heavier pan will drop while the lighter
one rises. This will show which object is heavier, but it will not show the actual weights of
the 2 objects.


In groups students will be provided with the following picture and ask to identify at least
three measurable attributes e.g. what is the length of the ice-cream cone? How much ice-
cream can the cone holds or how much does the ice-cream weighs?

Each group will share the attributes identified and explain how they would measure that

Explore and Explain:

 In groups, students will be given two items e.g. Book, rock, marker, white/chalk
board eraser, stapling machine.
 They will be asked to tell just by looking which is heavier/lighter and record.
When you looked at the objects, how could you tell which is heavier/lighter? Can
we always tell how heavy/light an object is by just looking at it?
 They will now be asked to lift/heft the items and tell which is heavier/lighter.
When you hefted/lifted the object was your prediction/guess/estimate correct?
How did you determine which was heavier/lighter by hefting/lifting?
 Given the following items, students will be asked to tell which can be used to
measure how heavy or light an object is?

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 They will use the balance to measure the two objects used in the previous activity
and record which is heavier/lighter (other items such as water or sand can be added
to the cups).
Is there anything that you know that is similar to a balance? If yes. What is it?
(Expected response see-saw)
Can you tell the exact weight of the objects using the balance? Why?
What happens to the balance when it is used to compare two objects of different
and or similar weights?

NB. Teacher can repeat this activity by allowing the students to use varied objects.

Which of the following could be in the box in the above picture? Give reasons for your
a. Feathers
b. Heavy books
c. A balloon
d. A pillow
1. Circle the picture that can be used to tell how heavy/light an object is?

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2. The students will complete the following worksheet.

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Subject: Mathematics Grade: 2 Strand: Duration: 60 Term
Measurement minutes :2
Topic: Introduction to kilograms and grams
Students will use non-standard and/or standard metric (SI) units, instruments and
procedures to estimate and measure quantities of different attributes and to compute and
solve problems.

Estimate and measure mass and use these to solve related problems.

Attainment Target:
Estimate, compare and use various types of measurement.
Standards for Mathematical Practices:

(✓) 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

( ) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
(✓) 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
(✓) 4. Model with mathematics.
(✓) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
(✓) 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know how to:

- Compare the weight of different objects with the weight of a given object.
- Identify the lighter or heavier of two objects on the balance.
- Identify a balance and know that they are used to measure the weight of an object.
Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

- Recognise the kilogram as the unit of mass.
- Identify objects which are measured in kilograms or grams.

Teaching/Learning Resources:

- Balance/scale
- Sugar
- Salt
- Paper clips
- Poins
- Food items (apples, bananas) etc.

Key Vocabulary:

- Heavier
- Lighter

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 359

- Kilogram
- Gram
Content Outline:

Mass is used to measure the weight of an object. For example, you are measuring the mass
of your body when you step on to a scale.
In the metric system of measurement, the most common units of mass are the gram and
- A paperclip weighs about 1 gram.
- Grams are often written as g (for short)
- Once we have 1,000 grams, we have 1
- 1000g = 1 kg
- A dictionary has a mass of about one kilogram.

Kilograms are often written as kg (that is a "k" for "kilo" and a "g" for "gram)

In groups, students will be given several items to compare. One of which will measure a
gram and the other a kilogram. (The units of each item will be written on the items
example Paper clip would have gram, while flour would have kilogram). Students will
state which one is heavier and which one is lighter.


Students will discuss in their groups what they have observed after comparing the items in
the engagement activity above by talking about the items measured in kilograms/grams.

Students will answer the following questions based on the activities done in engage and
1. How do we find out if something is heavy or light?
2. What do you notice about those objects that are heavy or light?

Students will present their findings. (Here students will/talk about, weight, kilogram being
the heavier of the two and grams being the lighter of the two)

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Students will take out their snacks and state whether or not they think the snacks would
weigh a kilogram or a gram.
Students will observe other items and state whether they would weigh kilogram or gram
Students would then find other items in grams that would be equal to 1kg.
Students will explain their conclusions drawn

Students would complete the following tasks.

Circle the objects, which are heavier than 1 kilogram (1 Kg)

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MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 366
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 2 Strand: Duration: 60 Term: 2
Measurement minutes
Topic: Recording Measures using Gram and Kilogram
Students will use non-standard and/or standard metric (SI) units, instruments, and
procedures to estimate and measure quantities of different attributes, and to compute and
solve problems.

Estimate and measure the mass, and use these to solve related problems.

Attainment Target:
Estimate, compare and use various types of measurements.
Standards for Mathematical Practices:
() 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
() 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
() 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
( ) 4. Model with mathematics.
() 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
() 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know how to:

- Identify a balance and know they are used to measure the mass of an object.
- Recognize the kilogram as a unit of mass
- Identify objects, which are measured in kilograms or grams.
Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

- Read scales in measuring situations requiring kilograms.
- Record measure using units: grams and kilograms or symbols ‘g’ and ‘Kg’
Teaching/Learning Resources:

- Bathroom scale/ balance

- Kitchen scale/ balance
- Worksheet
- Paper clip
- Rubber
- Flour
- Pencil
- Sugar
- Yam
- Irish Potato
- Sweet Potato
- Carrot

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Key Vocabulary:

- Measure
- Grams
- Kilograms
- Mass
Content Outline:

Gram (g) is used to measure the mass of very light objects. A small paper clip weighs
about a gram.
Kilogram (kg) is used to measure the mass of heavier objects. A one-litre bottle of water
weighs about a kilogram.

A spring balance or a scale is used to measure the mass of objects.


In groups of no more than 5 students

Each group will be given three (3) real life items/ objects to observe and discuss what unit
they think each object will be measured in; whether grams or kilograms. They will also be
asked to guess how many grams or kilograms the items/objects weigh.

A discussion will be held where students will share and justify their responses. Other
groups or students will be given a chance to agree or disagree and state why.

Examples of real life objects:

Paper clip
Tennis ball
1 kg of sugar

1.36 kg (3 pounds) of yam in a bag

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Guided questions:
Which objects would you measure in grams? Why?
Which objects/ items would you measure in kilograms? Why?
What strategy did you use to guess the weight of the objects/ items

Part A
Students will be asked to state what instrument is used to measure the mass of an object.
Then, students will be provided with scales, which they will be asked to observe and
discuss what they see within their groups. A class discussion will be held where students
will be given a chance to share their observations.

Guided questions/ task:

- What instrument is used to the measure mass of an object?
- What unit of measure do you see on the scale?
- What is the maximum number do you see on the scale? What does that mean to
- What is the minimum number do you see on the scale? What does that mean to
- Touch and state the numbers you see on the scale along with the unit of measure.

Part B (In groups of 5)

An area in the classroom will be decorated with items like a shop and a market with items
for students to weigh. Each group will be given a scenario, which will require them to go to
the shop/ market to weigh items in kilograms based on what is stated in the scenario.

Your mother will be cooking red peas soup on Saturday. She sent you to the market to buy
some ground provisions for the red peas soup. The lady selling at the market is not reading
the scale correctly. Use the scale and weigh the mass of items your mother asked you to

Shopping list
2kg carrot
4kg yam
3kg sweet potato
2kg Irish potato

Note to teacher: Set up the area before class is ready. Items on the shop list may vary.
Also, weigh the items before the lesson to ensure that the measure of items that they
need for the scenarios will be easily measured. Scenarios can also be printed, cut out
and distributed to the various groups.
In addition, monitor the shopping process to ensure that students are measuring the
items correctly.

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Students will be engaged in a discussion where they will share how they went about
measuring the items correctly based on their scenario.

Guided questions:
1. What did you use to measure the weight/mass of the items?
2. What unit of measure did you use to measure the weight/mass of the items?
Explain and show how you measured the mass of any two of your items.

Students will be given a scenario which will be printed, cut out and distributed to each

Scenario 2
Every time you go to the doctor for a check-up, your doctor normally measures your
weight/mass. However, today you and all your group members are at the same doctor at the
same time. The doctor has a lot of patients to take care of but, you know how to measure
weight using a bathroom balance. The doctor needs assistance to measure the weight of all
the members in your group.

Use the bathroom scale to find the weight/mass of the students in your group. Write the
students’ names and their weights/mass using kilograms.

Note to teacher: Monitor the weighing process to ensure that students are measuring
the weights correctly.

Students will be given a worksheet to complete individually. (Please see attached

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Write the measure of the mass of each object

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Subject: Grade: 2 Strand: Geometry Duration: Term: 2
Mathematics 60 minutes
Topic: Geometry
Apply geometric concepts (point, paths, lines, shapes) to reason about objects and space in
the environment.

Identify, describe and name shapes seen in the environment.

Attainment Target:
Explore paths and/or shapes in the environment and relate basic mathematical shapes to
everyday life.
Standards for Mathematical Practices:

() 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

() 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
() 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
() 4. Model with mathematics.
( ) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
( ) 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should:
- Identify circle, triangle and square as simple closed paths
Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

- Explore circles, squares, rectangles and triangles and note their properties.
Teaching/Learning Resources:

- Shapes
- shape song
- shape sort chart
- scenario
Key Vocabulary:

- Rectangles, square, equal, sides, circle, round, triangle, three, curved, properties

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Content Outline:

The Triangle

The triangle is a closed figure bounded by 3 line segments. When bounded each line
segment is called a side.

The Circle

A circle is a round shaped figure that has no corners or edges.

In geometry, a circle can be defined as a closed, two-dimensional, curved shape.

The Rectangle

The rectangle is a shape that has 4 sides and 4 corner angles. Opposite sides are equal.

The Square

The square is a type of rectangle. A square is a flat shape with 4 equal sides and equal
corner angles.

Students will be placed in groups and taken on a treasure hunt around the schoolyard to
collect and observe objects in the environment with a circle, triangle, rectangle or square
face. Shapes drawn to scale will be placed in different areas around the schoolyard and
group will compete to collect the most shapes.

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In their groups, students will work collaboratively to sort their shapes by size, number of
sides and length of sides and discuss if there are other ways to sort the shapes. Each group
will then be given a shape chart with the headings (3 sides, 4 equal sides, 4 sides- 2 long, 2
short, curved). Students will discuss in the groups in order to write the correct shape name
to describe each column. Students will then be given shape word cards to use to label each

Groups will present their Shape Sort chart and explain their reason for placing each shape
under the specified column. Students will be guided to list the properties of the triangle,
square, rectangle and circle based on the group presentation.

Students will sing the shape song below and discuss it in order to reinforce the properties
of each shape as well as to check for understanding and clarify misconceptions.

Students will be given the following scenario on paper, to use to create a design using the
shapes they have learnt about.
Miss Brown is imagining a picture, she told you that her picture has 1 curved shape, 3 four
sided shapes- (one which has 4 equal sides) and 2 shapes with 3 sides. Students will then
be asked use cut out of shapes given to create picture collage to show what Miss Brown is

A) Write a sentence to describe each shape below:

1. Circle
2. Square
3. Triangle
4. Rectangle

B) Complete the worksheet below by using the properties listed in the riddle to write the
name of the shape and draw the shape.
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Shapes Song
(Sung to Frère Jacques)

This is a square, this is a square,

How can you tell? How can you tell?
It has four sides,
All the same size,
It’s a square, it’s a square.

This is a circle, this is a circle,

How can you tell? How can you tell?
It goes round and round,
No end can be found,
It’s a circle, it’s a circle.

This is a triangle, this is a triangle,

How can you tell? How can you tell?
It only has three sides,
That join to make three points,
It’s a triangle, it’s a triangle.

This is a rectangle, this is a rectangle,

How can you tell? How can you tell?
It has two short sides,
And it has two long sides,
It’s a rectangle, it’s a rectangle.

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Name of Shape

Properties Round 3 sides 4 equal sides 4 sides ( 2 long

sides and 2
short sides)

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MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 380
Subject: Grade: 2 Strand: Geometry Duration: Term: 2
Mathematics 60 minutes
Topic: Geometry
Standard: Apply geometric concepts (point, paths, lines, shapes) to reason about objects
and space in the environment.

Benchmark: Identify, describe and name shapes seen in the environment.

Attainment Target: Explore paths and/or shapes in the environment and relate basic
mathematical shapes to everyday life.
Standards for Mathematical Practices:

() 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

() 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
() 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
() 4. Model with mathematics.
() 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
( ) 6. Attend precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should:
- Identify circle, triangle and square as simple closed paths

Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson students should be able to:

- Describe and sort plane shapes by the number of sides, number of corners or type of
corners (square).
Teaching/Learning Resources:

- Shapes
Key Vocabulary:

- Rectangles
- Square
- Equal
- Sides
- Circle
- Round
- Triangle
- Three
- Curved
- Properties

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 381

Content Outline:

The Triangle -Type Of Triangle

The triangle is a shape that is formed by 3 straight lines that are called sides

The Circle

A circle is a round shaped figure that has no corners or edges.

In geometry, a circle can be defined as a closed, two dimensional, curved shape.


The Rectangle

The rectangle is a shape that has 4 sides. Opposite sides are equal.

The Square

The square is a type of rectangle. A square is a flat shape with 4 equal sides.

The Trapezium

The trapezium/trapezoid has four sides, and one pair of opposite sides being parallel.

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Rhombus has 4 equal sides, opposite corners are the same.

Students will sing a song “Sides and corners, sides and corners
large or small, large or small
Our shapes have them, our shapes them
Let us count, let us count
Probing Questions

● Can you identify any shape that can be seen in the environment?
● How many sides and corners this shape have?

Teacher and students will have a whole class discussion on both sides and corners. The
discussion should lead to how the number of sides and corners help to classify shapes.

Students will
- be place groups of four. They will describe each shape then sort them.

- be given a variety of three and four sided shapes. The names of the shapes will be
written on the shapes and student will be given manipulatives to make similar
shapes in the environment.

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- be asked to look at the shapes singly and describe what they observed about each
shape ( sides, corners etc.)
- sort the shapes based on its commonalities.


Students will in their groups will present what they have done.

The following questions will be asked to the students so as to clarify any misconceptions.
- Do they all have the same number of sides?
- Do they all have the same number of corners?
- What is the name of the shapes?

Students will be given dotted paper with letters written at some of the dots. Students will
be asked to connect the dots to form one of each triangle and two different quadrilaterals.
They will explain what was done.

Paula and John were asked to choose two shapes that they have done in class. They were
also asked to write four sentences about the shapes they have selected. Pretend you are one
of the children. Complete the task asked.

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Shapes Song
(Sung to Frère Jacques)

This is a square, this is a square,

How can you tell? How can you tell?
It has four sides,
All the same size,
It’s a square, it’s a square.

This is a circle, this is a circle,

How can you tell? How can you tell?
It goes round and round,
No end can be found,
It’s a circle, it’s a circle.

This is a triangle, this is a triangle,

How can you tell? How can you tell?
It only has three sides,
That join to make three points,
It’s a triangle, it’s a triangle.

This is a rectangle, this is a rectangle,

How can you tell? How can you tell?
It has two short sides,
And it has two long sides,
It’s a rectangle, it’s a rectangle.

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Name of Shape

Properties Round 3 sides 4 equal sides 4 sides ( 2 long

sides and 2
short sides)

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Grade 2 Mathematics
Term 3
Lesson Plans

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 388

Subject: Mathematics Grade: 2 Strand: Number Duration: 60 Term: 3
Topic: Division without Remainder
Students will demonstrate an understanding of numbers, types of numbers, numeration
systems; the relationship among numbers, and apply number theory concepts to compute
fluently and solve problems.

Demonstrate understanding of groups or sets using actual objects or pictures of objects

Attainment Target:
Use the basic operations with numbers and number patterns
Standard for Mathematical Practices:

() 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

() 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
() 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
() 4. Model with mathematics.
() 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
( ) 6. Attend precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know how to:

- Add
- Subtract
Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson students should be able to:

- Share objects in a set into equal parts with or without remainders.
Teaching/Learning Resources:

- Counters
- Sorting wheel
Key Vocabulary:

- Piece
- Share
- Equal

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 389

Content Outline:

Division involves the redistribution/splitting of a quantity into smaller groups. Dividend is

the number to be divided. Divisor is the number that is used to divide. Quotient is the
result after dividing

15 shared into groups of 3 is 5


Students will be presented with the following scenario:

“Jerry went to school one day without any snacks for break. At break time, he sat in
the classroom while the others went to play. Joan came inside for her biscuit and
noticed Jerry in the classroom. She went over and asked Jerry if he was alright and
he told her that he did not have any snacks for break.”

Students will then be engaged in a whole class discussion.

Suggested questions:
- If you were in Joan’s position what would you do?
- How would you share your biscuit?

Keys words that can be highlighted are some, piece, share and equal (if mentioned allow
students to state the meaning)

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 390


Students will be placed in groups they will then be given 20 counters along with a sorting
Students will also be asked to redistribute the counters into equal groups of four, five and

Expected response

For the skip counting students could employ the use of the number line, for example:

● Also when looking at the restacking process this is what students should have

1 group

2 groups

3 groups

4 groups

Redirect students’ attention to the instruction and ask them to give other
ways of representing this statement:

20 shared into four groups is 5

Allow students to represent the counters in different equal groups, and demonstrate these
representations in their groups then write number sentences to describe each.

Ask students to share with the class the strategies they used. (These strategies may include
skip counting on the number line, placing one by one into the four partitions on the sorting

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 391


Students will be presented with the following scenario:

At the end of the school year, 8 children had a pizza party. They bought 3 cheese pizzas. Each
pizza was cut into 8 slices. Use the pizzas below to show how many slices each child will get.


Students will be presented with the following scenario:

Jamie was asked to pack away equal amounts of balls in each bag. How many balls will be in
each of the three bags?

a). Use a number sentence to demonstrate your answer.

b). Give at least three other ways that he could have packed equal amounts of balls into different
number of bags;
Teacher evaluation:


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Actions to be taken

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 393

Subject: Mathematics Grade: 2 Strand: Number Duration: 60 Term: 3
Topic: Division with Remainder
Students will demonstrate an understanding of numbers, types of numbers, numeration
systems; the relationship among numbers, and apply number theory concepts to compute
fluently and solve problems.

Demonstrate understanding of groups or sets using actual objects or pictures of objects

Attainment Target:
Use the basic operations with numbers and number patterns
Standards for Mathematical Practices:
( ) 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
( ) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
( ) 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
( ) 4. Model with mathematics.
( ) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
( ) 6. Attend precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:
Students should know how to:
- Addition
- Subtraction
- Division
Specific Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
- Share objects in a set into equal parts with or without remainders.
Teaching/Learning Resources:
- Counters
Key Vocabulary:
- Piece
- Share
- Remainder
- Equal

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 394

Content Outline:
Division is splitting into equal parts or groups. It is the result of "fair sharing". Sometimes
when dividing, there is a quantity or portion that is left over. It is called the remainder.
Dividend is the number to be divided. Divisor is the number that is used to divide.
Quotient is the result obtained or derived from the operation.


A whole class discussion on sharing will be led.

Suggested questions:
- What does it mean to share?
- What happens when you share items? Must everybody get the same amount?
- How would you feel if one child got more than you?
- What would you do if a child got more than you?

Have students work in groups.

NOTE: group size should vary, depending on the level of the students in a particular
Students should be given items to share in class.

You may use pencils, crayons, books, toys, counters anything that is available in class.
Borrow items from the tuck-shop to make things more interesting.

The students will demonstrate how to share items. The "one for you and one for me,”
sharing method. Students will share the items with members in their group.

Have a whistle. If things are not shared equally allow a child to blow a whistle (remainder
police) and say the words "Hey that is not fair!"

NOTE: The whistle blower is the remainder police

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 395


Students will be asked to explain what they have explored in the previous activity; after
which the teacher will clarify concepts or misconceptions.

Suggested Guided Questions

- Why did we have remainders in some instances?

What does the remainder tell us?

Students will be asked to work together in small groups to solve the following using

32 passengers are at a bus stop waiting to board a bus. There are 5 rows of seats on the bus.

- How many passengers can hold in each row?

- How many persons in all can hold on the bus?
- How many of the passengers will not be able to travel on the bus?
- How do you know?

Students will be asked to complete the following.

Use counters to make your own groups to help you divide

50 is shared in groups of 8 ⁼ _______ Remainder ________

24 is shared in groups of 5 ⁼ _______ Remainder ________

19 is shared in groups of 8 ⁼ _______ Remainder ________

Sam picked 20 apples. He shared them into groups of 6. How many groups did he make?
How many apples were leftover?

________ is shared in groups of _________ = _________ Remainder ________

A case of soda has 32 bottles. The store sells the soda in packs of 6. How many full packs
can they sell from a case?

________ is shared in groups of _________ = _________ Remainder ________

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Teacher evaluation:



Actions to be taken

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 397

Subject: Mathematics Grade: 2 Strand: Number Duration: 60 Term:
minutes 3
Topic: Division
Students will demonstrate an understanding of numbers, types of numbers, numeration
systems; the relationship among numbers, and apply number theory concepts to compute
fluently and solve problems.

Identify simple mathematical symbols and use these symbols to show comparison and
number operations.

Attainment Target:
Use the basic operations with numbers and number patterns.
Standards for Mathematical Practices:
() 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
( ) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
( ) 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
() 4. Model with mathematics.
( ) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
( ) 6. Attend to precision.
() 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:
Students should know how to:
- Share objects in a set into equal parts with or without remainders.

Specific Objectives:
At the end of the lesson students should be able to:
- Write division sentences using symbols “÷”and “=”
Teaching/Learning Resources:

- Worksheet, counters, number cards, YouTube video

Key Vocabulary:

- division, share, equally, share, quotient, equal, among, group

Content Outline:

Division is splitting into equal parts or groups. It is the result of "fair sharing".

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 398

Example: here are 12 chocolates, and 3 friends want to share them, how do they divide the

Answer: 12 divided by 3 is 4. They get 4 each. Symbols

We use the ÷ symbol, or sometimes the / symbol to mean divide:
12 ÷ 3 = 4
12 / 3 = 4

There are special names for each number in a division:

dividend ÷ divisor = quotient
12 ÷ 3 = 4
12 is the dividend
3 is the divisor
4 is the quotient

Students will be placed in groups and guided to engage in a division game. In this game,
the teacher acts as leader, and students pretend to be different foods that are placed into
different size groups. For example, the teacher may call out, “Burger, form groups of two,”
and students must move around the room and form groups of two. Leftover “foods” go to
feed the monster called Remainder. This can be done for can done for 3 rounds or if the
class is small until one person is left.

Students will then be engaged in a discussion to talk about the game using the guided
questions below.

Guided Questions:

1. What was the game about?

2. What did you do when the teacher called the number of groups?
3. How were the groups formed?
4. Did the groups have the same number?

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 399

5. What does the monster get?
6. What topic do you think we will be doing today?
7. What can you tell about division based on the activity or what we did in the
previous lesson?


Students will be given guided questions, asked to sit quietly and watch a video which will
teach them some more about division. The teacher should stop the video at different
intervals to ensure students get the necessary responses to the questions provided and brief
Video Link:

Guided Questions:
1. What does it mean to divide?
2. How did they divide the lights?
3. What signs did they use in the division sentence?
4. What does the division sign mean?

Students will then be placed in groups and given the following scenario to do the grouping
as well as the division sentence.
Faith had 12 sweets to share with her 4 friends, how many sweets would each person
receive? Draw groups to show how you would share the sweets equally and use number
cards to write the division sentence.

Tommy has 10 goody bags for his party and wants each of his guests to get 2 goody bags.
How many guests should he invite?

Division sentence: 10 goody bags ÷ 2 = 5 bags per guest.


Students will be guided through a discussion to explain based on the video how we write a
division sentence. They will be asked to explain where the division sign is written and what
it means. They will then share their activity with the class and discuss responses.

During this time, the teacher should be guiding students and facilitating the correction of

Guided Questions:
1. How do we write a division sentence?

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 400

2. Are you able to label the parts of the division sentence?
3. What does the division sign means?

Using the ‘Think Pair Share’ strategy students will write the division sentence and solve
the scenario below then share with the class.
1. Susan is doing a cookie sale for her class party. If she sold 20 cookies for the 5 days
she went to school, how many cookies did she sell per day if she sold the same
amount each day?

2. Mrs. Johnson has 10 students in her class. She buys a bag that has 30 pieces of
candy in it. She wants to divide the candy into treat bags for her students for an
upcoming holiday. How many pieces should each child get?

Students will complete the worksheet with the problems by writing the division sentence
using the division sign and equal sign. (see attached)

Teacher evaluation:



Actions to be taken

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Group Name: _____________________________________

Grade: 2
Date: ____________________________________________
Write the division sentence for each scenario below.

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 402

Strand: Duration: 60
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 2 Term: 3
Number minutes
Topic: Comparing Mathematical Sentences Using =, ≠
Students will demonstrate an understanding of numbers, types of numbers, numeration
systems; the relationship among numbers, and apply number theory concepts to compute
fluently and solve problems.

Identify simple mathematical symbols and use these symbols to show comparisons and
number operations.

Attainment Target:
Use mathematical symbols for comparison and decision making.
Standards for Mathematical Practices:
() 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
() 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
() 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
( ) 4. Model with mathematics.
( ) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
() 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know :

- How to add and subtract whole numbers
- The values of numbers
- The symbols for addition, subtraction and equal
Specific Objectives:
At the end of the lesson students should be able to:
- Use +, - , =, ≠, <, > correctly to complete mathematical sentences.
Teaching/Learning Resources:
- Symbol flash cards, counters and Dienes blocks
Key Vocabulary:
- addition
- subtraction
- equal to
- not equal to or unequal

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 403

Content Outline:

Symbol Name Meaning

= equal to Being of the same quantity ( two1kg of rice);size

(a pair of shoes) or the same value numerically
on both sides of the equal sign
≠ not equal to Not being of the same quantity ( a 1kg bag of rice
and a 2kg bag );size (a pair of shoes) or the same
value numerically on both sides of the equal sign
(four and one are not equal to six)

Whole Class Activity: Addition and Subtraction Challenge

Class will be divided into 3 groups with names: square, circle and triangle. Each group
will be divided into teams, A and B. Three challenges will be done – group square, group
circle and group triangle. Each group will answer 3 questions.
Each team will be given 3 blank sheets to work each problem. Team leader will number
each sheet 1 to 3. One sheet for each question. Encourage the students to write the solution
very big. Teacher will be the quiz master and will instruct each team. Each team will think
of a number up to 3 digits. Teacher will decide the number of digits for each round.

Group Square will go first. Teams will give themselves a fruit name and write it on each of
the three sheets.

Round 1
Group Square
Question 1
Teacher: Team Plum, For Number 1 sheet - What is your two digit number?
Teacher: Team Cherry, for Number 1 sheet- What is your two digit number?

Question 2
Teacher: Team Cherry for Number 2 sheet – what is your three digit number?
Teacher: Team Plum for number 2 sheet – what is your three digit number?

Question 3
Teacher: Team Plum for sheet number 3 – What is your one digit number?
Teacher: Team Cherry for sheet number 3 – What is your one digit number?
NB: Teacher will do the same for Group Circle and Group Triangle for rounds 2 and 3
Both numbers will be written on the chalk board beside the team’s name for each question.
A flash card with an addition or subtraction sign in each case. (Teacher will make flash
Each team will write the numbers on sheet number 1 and so on for the other questions and
perform the operation as shown on the flash card. The other 2 groups will be the audience.

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 404

Ten points for each correct answer, and five points for the incorrect answers. Teacher will
collect the sheets from each team. If there is a tie, a tie breaker question will be given.
A whole class discussion will follow to clear up all misconceptions.
Winning teams could be rewarded...
In groups students will use Dienes blocks or counters to assist with the activity. They will
be asked to complete a worksheet with 3 tasks. (See worksheet attached)
Selected members from each group will be asked to present their results from one of the
tasks. The teacher will clear up all misconceptions.
Students will work in pairs to compare items in their bags to see if they have equal number
of any item examples notebooks, pencils erasers, etc.; then complete the worksheet
Students will be asked to complete the following individually.

Give answers for the following.

Think of 2 numbers. _________________

Add them. __________________

Subtract them. __________________

Write a statement using = or ≠. To compare the results ______________________

(See attachment) for printing
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Actions to be taken

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Explore activity:
Complete each table and show the necessary working
Example Equal/Not Equal to Result Working out
2 oo
2,3 +3 ooo
5 ooooo
2+3 = 5

Task 1 Equal/ Not Equal to Result Working out


5____4 ____________ 9


5____4 _____________ 9

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Task 2 Equal/Not Equal to Result Working out

65, 30

65____30 _____________ 35


65____30 ___________ 35

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Task 3 Equal/Not Equal to Result Working out

243, 123

243____ 123 _____________ 366


243____123 _____________ 366

Elaborate activity:
The table below shows the number of three different toys Jamie and Zack have.
Toys Jamie Zack

Cars 15 10

Trucks 3 5

Marbles 20 18


Answer the following questions

1. Complete the table by putting in the total number of toys for each boy in the total row.
2. Do they have the same number of toys? ____________________
3. If no, who has more toys? __________________
4. Write a numerical sentence to compare Jamie’s and Zack’s total using = or ≠.

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 409

5. How could you make them have the same number of toys? Explain how

Evaluate activity:
Give answers for the following.
Think of 2 numbers. _________________
Add them. __________________
Subtract them. __________________
Write a statement using = or ≠. To compare the results ______________________

Give answers for the following.

Think of 2 numbers. _________________
Add them. __________________
Subtract them. __________________
Write a statement using = or ≠. To compare the results ______________________

Give answers for the following.

Think of 2 numbers. _________________
Add them. __________________
Subtract them. __________________
Write a statement using = or ≠. To compare the results ______________

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 410

Subject: Grade: 2 Strand: Number Duration: 60 Term: 3
Mathematics minutes
Topic: Comparing Numbers
Students will demonstrate an understanding of numbers, types of numbers, numeration
systems; the relationship among numbers, and apply number theory concepts to compute
fluently and solve problems.

Identify simple mathematical symbols and use these symbols to show comparisons and
number operations.

Attainment Target:
Use mathematical symbols for comparison and decision making.
Standards for Mathematical Practices:
() 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
() 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
( ) 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
() 4. Model with mathematics.
( ) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
() 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:
Students should know how to:
- Write division sentences using symbols “÷”and “=”
Specific Objectives:
At the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
- Use +, -, =, ≠, <, > correctly to complete mathematical sentences.
Teaching/Learning Resources:
- Dice
- Worksheet
- Dry erase marker
- Bingo cards
- Beans/markers
Key Vocabulary:

- Compare
- Greater than
- Less than

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 411

Content Outline:


Give each student/pair a bingo card with beans/markers. Call the description selected
randomly from a bag/jar and let students put a bean/marker on the matching figure.
Equal or Unequal BINGO Game

The game includes 30 pages of different BINGO sheets (If your class has 30 children or

How to Play:
1. Minimum of 2 players, no maximum players
2. Each child/ pair/group must have different BINGO sheets
3. Each child will get an opportunity to call out a picture for example. "Equal Star" or
"Unequal square"
4. All the students (including the child who calls out the picture) need to mark the called

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 412

out picture
5. They need to get 4 of either straight column, row or diagonal to get BINGO

In pairs, allow students to play a game of dice and compare. Give each pair 3 dice to toss
and create a number then write on the place mat using a dry erase marker.

For example, student A tossed the dice and got the digits 3, 2 and 5. This student can create
any number using these three digits and write it in the first column. Students B will do the
same with the dice and write the number created in the third column.
The game “I have, you have” can be used when stating the numbers created. For example,
Student A can say “I have 325, you have 226, which is greater, which is less?”
Both students will now determine which way to write the sign in the middle.
Let students explain their strategy for determining which sign applies.
Guiding questions:
- What number did student A create from the dice?
- What number did student B create from the dice?
- Which number was placed first in the first column?
- Did you take note of the digit in each place?
- How did the place value help you?
- What did you write the symbol to represent?
- How did you determine which number was greater?
Note to teacher: Ensure students are explaining with their knowledge of place value. For
example 34 and 43. 34 is less than 43 because the greater place value of 43 is 4 tens and
the greater place value of 34 is 3 tens. The number with the greater tens would be greater.

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 413


Have students solve the following problem to decide how many more forks are needed.
Your school is hosting a party for all the Grade 6 students who have completed the PEP
exam. There are 458 students and the school has 337 forks.
Will the number of forks be sufficient for the students at the party?
If not, how many more forks are needed?
Write a mathematical sentence, using < or > to match your explanation.

Complete the worksheet using the signs ˂ or ˃ to show the relationship between the two
values. (see attached)
Teacher evaluation:



Actions to be taken

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Evaluate activity:

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Engage activity: Bingo Cards (Teacher can cut out one set to put in the bag/jar to select


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MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 430

Subject: Mathematics Grade: 2 Strand: Duration:60 Term: 3
Number minutes
Topic: Adding like fraction
Students will demonstrate an understanding of numbers, types of numbers, numeration
systems; the relationship among numbers, and apply number theory concepts to compute
fluently and solve problems.

Use fractional numbers to name equal parts of an object or a set of objects

Attainment Target:
Use the basic operations with numbers and number patterns
Standards for Mathematical Practices:

() 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

( ) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
( ) 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
( ) 4. Model with mathematics.
( ) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
() 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know how to:

- state the meaning of fraction
- Identify fractional parts
Specific Objectives: At the end of the lesson students should be able to:
- Add and subtract fractions with the same denominator.
Teaching/Learning Resources:
Fraction pieces, objects such as pencil and eraser

Key Vocabulary:
- Add, fraction, same denominator, denominator, numerator, like fractions, subtract,

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 431

Content Outline:

A fraction describes how many equal parts of a certain size there are, for example, one-
half, eight-fifths, three-quarters.
A good foundation with fraction concepts (part-whole, for example), is the benchmark to
add or subtract fractions with like denominators, for example it is important for the
students to be able to identify fraction parts.
Two fractions, such as 2/5 and 1/5, are called like fractions because they have the same

The idea that the top number counts and the bottom number tells what is counted makes
addition and subtraction of like fractions the same as adding and subtracting whole
numbers. When working on adding with like denominators, however, it is important to be
sure that students are focusing on the key idea—the units are the same, so they can be

In small groups, students will be given fractional parts (variations e.g. 1/4s, 1/2s, 1/3s) and
a whole relating to those fractions. They will use the parts of their choice to create a whole.
Each group will identify the name of the fractional parts used to make the whole and how
many was used.

Explore and Explain:

Students will now be given a few objects in their groups for example pencils, erasers,
halves, fifths etc.

The students will be asked to use the objects to model addition and subtraction eg.

9 pencils - 5 pencils

Each group will identify their object, then tell how many for example 5 pencils, 1 third.
They will record this on a given table provided

Number Unit
5 pencils
1 third

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 432

Each group will now be given two mathematical sentences for example;
3 thirds + 6 thirds =
4 fifths - 3 fifths =
Fraction pieces/towers can be used to model the fractions.
They will be asked to solve and tell how they arrive at their answer.
Guiding Questions
The students will now be asked to answer the following questions:

- When adding fractions, what does the numerator and denominator mean?
- Can you add two different units (like/unlike denominators)? Why or why not?
What is the total length of the turtle?


Answer the following questions using fraction models if needed.

1. 3/9 + 2/9 =

2. A recipe uses ¼ cup of cheese. How much cheese would you use if you doubled the

3. Write an addition sentence that can be used to find what fraction of the weekdays
had sunshine or rain.

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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Teacher evaluation:



Actions to be taken

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 434

Subject: Grade: 2 Strand: Number Duration: 60 Term: 3
Mathematics minutes
Topic: Fractions (Mixed Numbers)
Students will demonstrate an understanding of numbers, types of numbers, numeration
systems; the relationship among numbers, and apply number theory concepts to compute
fluently and solve problems.

Use fractional numbers to name equal parts of an object or a set of objects.

Attainment Target:
Use the basic operations with numbers and number patterns.
Standards for Mathematical Practices:

() 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

( ) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
( ) 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
( ) 4. Model with mathematics.
( ) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
( ) 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know how to:

- Group objects
- Identify ½ and ¼ of a whole
Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

- Investigate how many halves or quarters are contained in whole and fractional
numbers (mixed numbers)

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 435


When a whole is divided into two equal parts each

part is called a half (1/2)
When a whole is divided into four equal parts
each part is called a quarter or fourth (1/4)

Teaching/Learning Resources:

Sweets, Stickers, Paper Plates, circle cut outs

Key Vocabulary:

Half, Quarter, Whole, Mixed Fraction


Students will be divided into two groups and each group will be given a scenario and
manipulatives (sweets/stickers & paper plates) to solve.

Scenario 1 – George bought 20 sweets to share equally

between his sister and himself; using items given demonstrate how
you would share the sweets.

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 436

Scenario 2 – Paula received 20 stickers from her teacher.
She was asked to share them evenly between the members
of her group. There are 4 members in the group.

Guiding Questions:
- How did you go about finding equal shares?
- What fraction represents the shared portions?
- What is the relationship between halves and quarters?
Explore & Explain:

Student will be given paper cut-outs and placed in group to demonstrate/ solve the
Mrs. Brown bought four cakes at the bakery for her son’s
birthday party. She gave half of one cake to his
grandmother who will not be able to attend the party?
1. How much cake is left? (represent this using a
fractional number)
2. Describe the fraction written
3. How many halves can the remaining cakes be divided into?
4. How many quarters can the remaining cake be divided into?
Note: Introduce concept of mixed numbers to students

Draw diagrams to show the following mixed numbers and say how many halves and
quarters are in each. 3 1/2 , 5 ¼ , 7 ½

Students will be given the following scenario:

Your school is hosting a fruit sale; your mom has donated 6 melons. Your teacher decides
to take a sample of the melon and cuts a quarter of one. If all the remaining melons are
divided in quarters, how many quarters are there in all?
Draw diagrams to represent
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MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 437

Actions to be taken

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 438

Subject: Mathematics Grade: 2 Strand: Number Duration: Term: 3
60 minutes
Topic: The Thermometer
Students will use non-standard and/or standard metric SI units, instruments and procedures
to estimate and measure quantities of different attributes and to compute and solve
Understand the concept, estimate and measure temperature, and use these to solve related
everyday problems

Attainment Target:
Estimate, compare and use various types of measurements
Standards for Mathematical Practices:
() 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
( ) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
( ) 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
( ) 4. Model with mathematics.
() 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
() 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know how to:

- Identify the thermometer and associate it with experiences of hot, cold, warm and
Specific Objectives:
At the end of the lesson students should be able to:
- Use thermometer to read the temperature at different times of the day/year and
record these readings.
Teaching/Learning Resources:
- Thermometers
- empty glass bottle
- water
- rubbing alcohol
- food coloring
- a clear straw
- modeling clay
- a marker
Key Vocabulary:

- Thermometer
- Temperature
- Degrees Celsius

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 439

Content Outline:

What Is Temperature?
Temperature is a measure of how hot or cold it is. Heat is energy, so the more energy there
is, the hotter something gets. This happens when you exercise really hard. How many times
have you ended P.E. class and felt hot and sweaty? That's because you used a lot of energy
while running around, and it increased your heat.

Temperature is measured and displayed in two different units depending on what country
you live in. The United States uses the Fahrenheit scale, and the rest of the world uses the
Celsius scale. Each scale gives a different number for a particular measure of temperature.
The Celsius scale is based on the freezing point of water being 0 degrees and the boiling
point being 100 degrees. A thermometer is used to measure temperature; thermometers
count by 10s. There are smaller marks in between each number, each small mark goes up
by one. The largest mark that is in between each number is half way between the number
below it, and the number above it. For example, the largest mark between 20 and 30 is

There are nine small marks between each two numbers (1-4 and 6-9) and one larger make
which we already know as the middle mark.
The red line in the middle of the thermometer is either mercury, alcohol, or a similar
chemical that interacts with the temperature outside, or how hot it is, which makes the
red line move up or down. The number that the red line stops at is the number of the
current temperature. If the red line goes up into higher numbers, it is getting hotter, and
if it goes down to lower numbers, it is getting colder; the hotter the temperature, the
higher the number.


Students will be shown pictures of different times of the day/year and the temperatures to
observe and discuss different temperatures.

Discussion will be done with the guided questions:

1. Were there similarities or differences in the temperature on each thermometer?

2. Explain why you think this was so.

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 440

3. How do you feel when you go inside probably a bank/pharmacy/computer room?
(any place/room can be used that would be familiar to the students as having Air
4. What unit of measurement can be used to get a number value for the temperature
we are feeling?
Begin a discussion about temperature by asking students if they have family members who
live in other parts of the country or world. Ask whether these other areas are hotter or
colder. Ask students if their relatives see snow or if it rains frequently in other areas.


Students will look at the wall thermometer and determine the temperature of the room. The
teacher will display three temperatures on a thermometer on the board.
Students will be given task cards with three scenarios (see attached), that happens at
different times of the day to match with each temperature.

N.B. The focus of the lesson will be on Degrees Celsius

Now take a glass of very cold water and one of very hot water. Use the meat thermometer
to measure the temperatures in each. Allow students to guess what the temperature may be.
Tell them what the correct temperature is. Allow them to see the thermometer in the water
and the temperature on it.

Students will present their solutions to the task given and explanation will be guided using
the following guiding questions:
1. Given the temperature that matches each scenario on the task card. Explain
2. Why is it cooler in the early morning than at lunch time?
3. What do you notice about the temperature when it is hotter/cooler, in what direction
does the mercury/liquid moves?
4. What happens to the number reading on the thermometer when it is hotter/cooler?

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 441

5. Do you think the temperature in December is the same as the temperature in
September? Give reasons why or why not.
6. Explain why the temperatures differs on the thermometers inside and outside the

Students will watch a video with an extended week’s forecast:

Students will record the temperature for the different day from the weather news.
Students can read the outdoor temperature at different intervals throughout the school day.
Measure and record temperatures. Graph the findings.

Students will complete Worksheet attached

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Actions to be taken

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 442

Student Worksheet
Record the temperatures recorded on each thermometer then match with the time of day/year.
1. 2.

3. 4.

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 443

A rainy day Midday sun on a normal day

A hot summer day Cold December day

Task Cards

5: 30 in the morning

12 midday-lunchtime

A rainy day

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 444

Strand: Duration: 60
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 2 Term: 3
Measurement minutes
Topic: Selecting the most appropriate unit of measurement
Students will use non-standard and/or standard metric (SI) units, instruments, and
procedures to estimate and measure quantities of different attributes, and to compute and
solve problems.

Given a situation to measure a quantity (length, mass or capacity) know which units and
instruments are best to use.

Attainment Target:
Tell the measurement situation(s) in which a given unit (metre, centimetre, litre and
Standards for Mathematical Practices:

() 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

() 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
( ) 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
( ) 4. Model with mathematics.
() 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
() 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know how to:

- The measurable attributes of an object
- The units for length, mass, capacity
Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson students should be able to:

- Select the unit (metre, centimetre, litre, kilogram, gram) best used in a given
measurement situation.
Teaching/Learning Resources:

Plastic bags, parcel of flour, pencil, bottle of water, chart, strips of paper.
Key Vocabulary:

- units, centimetre, metre, kilogram, measure, measurement, attribute, length, mass,

capacity, object, suitable

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 445

Content Outline:

There are different attributes of an object which can be measured. Some attributes include
the length, mass and capacity.
Some units are more suitable than others to measure a given attribute of an object. For
example, to measure the length of a pencil, it is more suitable to use centimetres (cm), than
metres (m).
Also to measure the mass of the pencil it is more suitable to use grams (g), than kilograms
or milligram (mg).

Each group will receive a sheet with the following table

Tape Measure Scale Measuring Cup

Students will be given cards with the following words height, weight and capacity to be
placed under the appropriate heading. Students will explain why they placed their card
under the particular heading.

Students will then be given different units for them to select and state which one would be
the appropriate unit for each attribute mentioned above.
Students will work in groups. Each group will get a plastic bag containing the following
items: a small parcel of flour labelled 2 ½ cm, a piece of fabric labelled 5 kg, a pencil
labelled 2L and a bottle of water labelled 250m. Other items with labelled attributes will
be displayed; have students compare the displayed items with the items in their bags,
identifying similar attributes.

Students should discuss among themselves the suitability of the labelling on each item
they received based on the attribute (length, mass or capacity). They will state the attribute
of the item that is most likely being measured and the appropriate unit used to measure
each item. A representative from each group will choose an item and tell the attribute that
is being measured based on the label and the most appropriate unit of measurement that
could be used to measure the attribute.

Students will present their findings from the activity above.


Students will identify objects in their homes and state the different attributes of the objects
that can be measured and what units these objects will be measured in.

Students will be asked to complete the table below giving two attributes of each item that
can be measured with the labelling (cm, kg, m, litres).

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They will then complete the following worksheet (see attachment)
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Actions to be taken

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Best Measuring Units
Name: _________________________ Date: ____________________

Circle the units that would work best for measuring each object.
( 1 ) The length of your school's playground kilometres centimetres

( 2 ) The thickness of a compact disc millimetres centimetres

( 3 ) The amount your bed weighs kilograms grams

( 4 ) The amount of water in an ice cube millilitres litres

5 ) The amount a minivan weighs grams kilograms

( 6 ) The diameter of the Earth centimetres kilometres

( 7 ) The length of the rope to play tug-of-war metres centimetres

( 8 ) The width of a street centimetres metres

( 9 ) The length of a desk stapler centimetres metres

(10) The distance you walk in a week centimetres kilometres

(11) The height of an office tower metres centimetres

(12) The distance to the moon kilometres metres

(14) A walk around the neighborhood kilometres centimetres

(15) The length of a lizard metres centimetres

(16) The height of a windmill kilometres centimetres

(17) The water a mouse drinks in one day millilitres litres

(18) The distance to the next city kilometres metres

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 448

Subject: Mathematics Grade: 2 Strand: Duration: Term:
Geometry 60 minutes 3
Topic: Nets of Prisms
Students will apply geometric concepts (points, paths, lines, shapes) to reason about
objects and space in the environment.

Identify, describe and name shapes seen in the environment.

Attainment Target:
Explore paths and / or shapes in the environment and relate basic mathematical shapes to
everyday life
Standards for Mathematical Practices:

( ) 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

( ) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
() 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
() 4. Model with mathematics.
( ) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
( ) 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know how to:

- Identify and name basic shapes
Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

- Explore the nets of prism.
Teaching/Learning Resources:
paper cut outs, model of prisms (triangular prism, cuboid, cube
Key Vocabulary:

- prism
- solids
- Sides
- Base
- Vertex / Vertices
- Edges
- Cuboid
- Cube
- Triangular prism

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 449

Content Outline:

The net is what a three- dimensional (3D) shape would look like if it was to be opened out
on a flat surface.
A prism is a three- dimensional (3D) shape with flat sides. It has two ends that are the
same shape and size.
Vertex - is the corner of the solid
Face - is a single flat surface.
Edge - is a line where two faces meet.


In pairs, students will be given the following models of prisms (triangular prism, cube,
Student will go on a scavenger hunt in their class to find items that is a representation of
each of the prisms given.

Students will present their finds to the class.

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 450

As a whole group: Teacher and pupils will decompose the cube. They will observe and
record the following information on the table below.
Task one

Net of a cube

How many sides do a cube has?

1. What are the shapes of each side?
2. How many corners/ edges the cube has?
3. How many vertices does the cube have?

Teachers and students will then observe and then draw the net of the cube on the

Name of Number of Numbers Number of Solid Nets

prism sides ( of edges Vertices
faces) (corners)
Cube 6 12 8

Task Two
In two groups students be will be given pre- assembled prisms to decompose. Students will
then answer the questions and complete the table.

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 451

Group One
1. How many sides do a cuboid have?
2. What the shape of each side?
3. How many corners/ edges the cuboid has?
4. How many vertices do the cuboid have?

Name of Number of Numbers of Number of Solid Nets

prism sides ( edges Vertices
faces) (corners)

Group Two
1. How many sides do a triangular prism has?
2. What is the shape of each side?
3. How many corners/ edges the triangular prism has?
4. How many vertices do the triangular prism have?

Name of Number Numbers Number of Solid Nets

prism of sides ( of edges Vertices
faces) (corners)


Students will be engaged in a discussion using the following guided questions.

How can we identify the nets of the cube?
How can we identify the net of the cuboid?
How can we identify the net of the triangular prism?
Observe the nets of the cube and the net of the cuboid are they the same?
Are they different? Explain

Students will be instructed to write 3 or 4 sentences telling your mother / father about what
you learn in class about prisms and its net.
Colour the net that matches the prism on the left.

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 452

Teacher evaluation:



Actions to be taken

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 453

Subject: Mathematics Grade: 2 Strand: Geometry Duration: 60 Term 3
Topic: Nets of Pyramids
Students will apply geometric concepts (points, paths, lines, shapes) to reason about
objects and space in the environment.

Explore ideas of points, paths, lines, and shapes and relate these to objects in the

Attainment Target:
Explore paths and/or shapes in the environment and relate basic mathematical shapes to
everyday life
Standards for Mathematical Practices:

() 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

() 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
( ) 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
( ) 4. Model with mathematics.
( ) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
() 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know:

- Basic shapes
Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

- explore with nets of pyramids.
Teaching/Learning Resources:

- Shape cut-outs
- Solids of square pyramid
Key Vocabulary:

- Pyramid
- Nets
- shapes

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 454

Content Outline:

A net is a 2-dimensional shape that can be folded to form a 3-dimensional shape or a solid.
When you cut out the "net", fold it and glue it together, you can see what the three-
dimensional shape looks like.

Creating nets allows children to explore the more familiar 2 dimensional shapes that go
into making a three-dimensional one.

A pyramid has a base and triangular sides that meet at a point at the top.

In this lesson we will look at the square and triangular pyramids. The base of the pyramid
is what gives it its name so if the base is square it is a square pyramid.

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 455


Students will listen to a story and observe the picture about pyramids.

Take a journey with me to Egypt. This is where pyramids were first made. Rich pharaohs
ordered architects to build them so they could be buried in them with their riches when
they died.
Pyramids have a base that it sits on and sides that slope and go up and meet at a point at the
top. Students will be shown the picture of pyramids in Egypt.

What shape do you see on the pyramid?

What shape do you think is at the base of the pyramid?
Explore and Explain:

Introduction: say; today we are going to explore the nets of pyramids. The nets are
pictures that show us the shapes that create the pyramids.

In their groups
 Students will receive a solid pyramid, they will select shape cut-outs from a bank of
shapes that they think would make up the pyramid.
 They will be challenged to lay their shapes out the way they think it would lay to
create the pyramid.
 Students will observe pictures of nets of pyramids and compare them to their
arrangements and make adjustments where necessary

Students will complete a table answering questions relating to their activity (see attached)

Students will then be engaged in a whole group discussions guided by the following

What is the name of the pyramid you are exploring?

How do you know?

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 456


In pairs students will observe the following picture, identify the face the pyramid and
count them

Square based pyramid

Triangular based pyramid

Students will complete the following table

Pyramid Number of faces

Triangular pyramid
Square Pyramid


Students will complete the letter (see attached)

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 457

Teacher evaluation:



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Square-based pyramid

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Triangular Pyramid

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Exploring activity:


Group Members:

Draw a picture of the shapes in your pyramid. Write the name of each shape and the
number of different shapes that are in
your pyramid.
Name of shape amount

Draw a picture of the how the shapes would lay to create your pyramid

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 461

Use these words to fill the blanks and complete the letter to your friend

four pyramids square triangular three

two base nets five triangle

Dear Josh,
Did you know that there are many pyramids in Egypt? Today we learned about two
pyramids and their ____________.
My favourite was the net for the ____________________ pyramid. The net of the
________________ pyramid is make up of __________ shape(s). The base of the
pyramid is a _______________, which has _____________ ___________ along
each side.
Your friend,

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 462

Subject: Grade: 2 Strand: Geometry Duration: 60 Term: 3
Mathematics minutes
Topic: Creating Prism
Students will apply geometric concepts (points, paths, lines, shapes) to reason about
objects and space in the environment.

Identify, describe and name shapes seen in the environment.

Attainment Target:
Explore paths and/or shapes in the environment and relate basic mathematical shapes to
everyday life.
Standards for Mathematical Practices:
( ) 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
( ) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
() 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
() 4. Model with mathematics.
() 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
( ) 6. Attend to precision.
() 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know how to:

- Know what a prism is
- Identify prisms in real life
- Explore the nets of prism
- Know the properties of 2D shapes
- Can compare 2D with 3D shapes
Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

- Create models of prisms
Teaching/Learning Resources:
- Toothpaste boxes
- Nets of prisms
- Cartridge paper
- 2D shape cut-outs
- Ruler
- Tape/glue
- Scissors
Key Vocabulary:
- Prism, cube, cuboid, rectangle, square

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 463

Content Outline:

A rectangular prism is a three dimensional shape with six rectangular shaped sides. All of
its angles are right angles. It can also be called a cuboid.

A cube and a square prism are both special types of a rectangular prism. A square is just a
special type of rectangle.

 Cubes are rectangular prisms where length, width and height have the same
 Square prisms are rectangular prisms where any two of the three dimensions have
the same
 measurement.

Boxes are an example of rectangular prisms in real life

Teaching/Learning Activities:
Students will be given some 2D shapes to sort in different groups (circles, triangles,
squares, rectangles).
Students will talk about the properties of the different shapes why they are placed in the
different groups

Explore & Explain:

In small groups, students will be given a toothpaste box. They will be asked to carefully
open the toothpaste box so it flattens into 2D shapes. Students will be asked to observe the
opened box.
Guided Questions:
- Which solid is the box named after?
- What do you notice about the flattened box?

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 464

- What shapes do you see when the box is flattened?
- Can you tell the name we give the design when the box is flattened?
- What happens at each line on the net of the shape?
- What do you notice about the opposite faces?
- Can you try folding the net of the box back in a cuboid?

*Pupils will learn that each line that makes up the net has a crease and in order to make
cuboid you have to fold on each line. They will also recall that each shape on the net
represents a face on the cuboid.
Students will be given different sized cut-outs of squares/rectangles to create a net of their
own by pasting the correct shape on the net provided. Students will write the name of the
prism they drew.

Guided Questions:
- What shapes do you see on the net of each solid?
- What do you notice about the faces of cube compared to the cuboid?
- What steps did you take in making your cuboid?


Students will asked to use the 2D shapes of their choice (provided by teacher) to create a
gift box for a classmate birthday gift. You will decorate each face and write what gift could
be placed in the box you created.
Teacher evaluation:

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Actions to be taken

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Nets of Prisms

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MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 468
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 2 Strand: Duration: Term: 3
Geometry 60 minutes
Topic: Finding the line of symmetry by folding.
Students will apply geometric concepts (points, paths, lines, shapes) to reason about
objects and space in the environment.

Understand the idea of line symmetry

Attainment Target:
Explore paths and/or shapes in the environment and relate basic mathematical shapes to
everyday life.
Standards for Mathematical Practices:

() 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

( ) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
() 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
( ) 4. Model with mathematics.
( ) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
( ) 6. Attend to precision.
() 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should have:

- knowledge of basic two-dimensional shapes.
Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

- verify or determine the line of symmetry by folding.
Teaching/Learning Resources:

- shapes cut-outs
- mirrors
- grid paper
- crayons / coloured pencils
- poster paint
- printing paper
- cartridge paper

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 469

Key Vocabulary:
- mirror image
- image
- object
- symmetrical
- asymmetrical
- line of symmetry
- diagonal line
- vertical line
- horizontal line
- mirror line
- congruent
Content Outline:
Symmetry exists when a shape fits exactly onto itself if it is folded along a line or turned
about a point.
You can find if a shape has a line of symmetry by folding it. If the two parts fits exactly
onto themselves when folded, that fold line is the line of symmetry for that shape

If all edges do not match perfectly, then the shape does not have a line of

Lines of symmetry can be vertical, horizontal or diagonal.

Vertical Horizontal Diagonal

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 470

Shapes with at least one line of symmetry are said to be symmetrical and shapes with no
lines of symmetry are said to be asymmetrical.

Engage / Explain:

Students will be asked with a shoulder partner to investigate how they appear in the mirror
and state what they observe. Through discussion, they will state the similarities that they
notice between the object (themselves) and the image (reflection in the mirror).
Guided questions:
Is there any difference in your appearance when you look in the mirror? Justify your
response. (Introduce the term ‘mirror image’)
Why do you think that this is so?
Explore / Explain:

Using pair… square… share

Using the folding method, students will be provided with different shape cutouts to explore
how many lines of symmetry each shape has (if any). Demonstrate to classmates how they
folded the paper to find the lines of symmetry. Highlight each line of symmetry using a
different colour (where possible).




Through discussions, key vocabulary will be introduced.


In groups of three (3) students will be asked to:

Place the mirror on the mirror line and observe the pictures State observations
Use crayons / coloured pencils to complete pattern (observe carefully the position of the
mirror line) for each picture.

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Task 1
Make a greeting card (for a friend, relative or teacher) using geometric shapes to build a
symmetrical picture story.
Example of greeting

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Task 2
Using paper and poster paint, create a symmetrical design with ink blotting / ink blobbing
Teacher evaluation:



Actions to be taken:

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 473

Subject: Mathematics Grade: 2 Strand: Duration: 60 Term: 3
Geometry minutes
Topic: Identifying and checking patterns, objects and shapes for lines of symmetry
Students will apply geometric concepts (points, paths, lines, shapes) to reason about
objects and space in the environment.

Understand the idea of line symmetry.

Attainment Target:
Explore paths and/or shapes in the environment and relate basic mathematical shapes to
everyday life.
Standards for Mathematical Practices:

() 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

( ) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
( ) 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
( ) 4. Model with mathematics.
( ) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
() 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know how to:

- Knowledge about lines of symmetry.
Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson students should be able to:

- Identify/check patterns, objects, shapes that seem to have line symmetry
Teaching/Learning Resources:

- Picture cards
- Alphabet cut-outs
- Shape cut-outs
- Pattern blocks
- Pattern dot paper
- Geoboard
- Rubber bands
Key Vocabulary:

- Mirror line
- Mirror image
- Congruence
- Line of symmetry
- Symmetrical
- Asymmetrical

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 474

Content Outline:
We often find symmetry in things around us. There is symmetry when the exact reflection
or mirror image of a line, shape or object is created. The line of symmetry can be defined
as an imaginary line that passes through the center of a shape or object and divides it into
identical halves. If you fold a figure along a line of symmetry, the two halves fold exactly
over each other. A shape is symmetrical if it has at least one line of symmetry. Figures or
shapes that have exact resemblance to its other part, when divided into two or more equal
parts are called symmetrical.

The shapes and objects that do not resemble each other when divided into two parts are
called asymmetrical.


Students will be asked to observe a slideshow of symmetry in nature and share their
thinking with class.

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MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 476
After observing each picture carefully, embark on a ‘Symmetry Hunt’ by finding the
student with the other ‘half’ of the picture that they have and match them together (along a
line of symmetry drawn on the whiteboard/chalkboard) to form the ‘whole’ picture.
Students will then be guided in to a discussion using the following guided questions:
What information did you use to match your half of the picture to your classmate’s half?
Did you notice anything that is similar about ALL the pictures? Explain your thinking.

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Could the picture be divided another way, for example, horizontally or diagonally, to
create identical parts? Give reasons to support your response


In peers, students will be given 2 sets of alphabet ABCDEFGHIJK

cutouts (capital letters only) to spell out their LMNOPQRSTU
names. They will fold each letter, in different
ways to find out if they are symmetrical or VWXYZ

Using Congruence Checklist, record and share similarities and differences with class.

For example: T I M N E L S A X



(place a √ in the correct box)

YES √ how many? __1__


YES √ how many? __2__


YES √ how many? __1__


YES how many? ____

NO √

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 478

YES √ how many? __1__


YES how many? ____

NO √

YES how many? ____

NO √

YES √ how many? __1__


YES √ how many? __2__



Students will be guided in a mathematical discourse using the following guided questions:
What is the special name given to the broken line that divides the letters into identical
If you should place a mirror on the broken lines, what do you think you would see?
What did you discover about the letters that had lines of symmetry?
In your own words, what is the difference between the letters with lines of symmetry and
those without lines of symmetry?

Note: When alphabet cut-outs are folded (vertically or horizontally) and fits exactly, its
halves will be congruent. The line of the fold is the line of symmetry.
Key vocabulary will also be introduced.

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 479

Elaborate / Extend:
In groups of three (3), students will select a Geoboard task card and replicate design on
Geoboard using rubber bands.
They will then share design with class and provide explanation about the polygons, that is,
whether they are symmetrical or asymmetrical, line of symmetry etc.


In groups of four (4), use pattern blocks to create a symmetrical design focusing on
symmetry in patterns and objects.


Students will be asked to use geoboard dot paper to design a creative symmetrical design
of choice.
Select a design and modify on geoboard dot paper.

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 480

Teacher evaluation:



Actions to be taken:

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 481

Geoboard dot paper

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Symmetric design sheet

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 483

Subject: Mathematics Grade: 2 Strand: Algebra Duration: 60 minutes Term:

Topic: Patterns (shapes)

Students will apply geometric concepts (points, paths, lines, shapes) to reason about objects
and space in the environment

Find the number the symbol (box, blank, a letter of the English alphabet or any other
symbol) represents in order to make a mathematical sentence true

Attainment target:
Explore paths and/or shapes in the environment and relate basic mathematical shapes to
everyday life.

Standards for Mathematical Practices:

() 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
() 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
( ) 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
( ) 4. Model with mathematics.
( ) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
( ) 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know how to:

- How to identify circles, square rectangle and triangle;
- How to use ordinal and cardinal numbers

Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson students should be able to:

- Identify and complete patterns according to two or more of the following attributes:
shape, size, colour and orientation.

Teaching/Learning Resources:

number line, pattern blocks, worksheets, beads, strings

Key Vocabulary:

- Pattern
- Repeat
- Shape
- Element core

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 484

Content Outline:

A pattern is formed from a set of elements/items that repeats in a predictable manner.

The element core is the shortest string of elements that repeats in a repeating pattern.
Encourage students to make number relationships, have them present the pattern with
numerical term positions.


Students will be engaged in the singing of the song the “Isty-bitsy spider” twice. Students
will be shown pictures depicting the actions in the song as it is being sung. They will then
be engaged in a discussion about the song. They will discuss the order of events and the
fact that these events are being repeated hence, forming a pattern.

The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout.
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain, and
the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again.'


In groups, students will be given a large number line with the numbers 1 to 20 and pattern
blocks. They will be instructed to use the pattern blocks to create a repeated pattern with
two element cores which patterns the number 12, on the number line.

For example,

Students will exchange patterns created. They will be instructed to complete the pattern to
number 20 and answer the following questions provided on a sheet of paper.

Guided questions:

Can you describe the pattern created?

What part of the pattern repeats? What is the pattern core?
How many elements are in the pattern core?

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 485

What will the next shape be? How do you know?
If this pattern continues, what shape will be above the number 25? How do you know?
If we continue the pattern up to the number 20, how many squares will there be altogether?


The reporter from each group will share the responses for the guided questions above. The
other groups will ask questions and share their views after each reporter presents.
Misconceptions will be clarified if there are any.


Students will be given beads of different shapes and strings; they will use the beads and
string to make a necklace or bracelet using pattern. Students then describe the pattern on
the piece created.


Students will complete a worksheet on patterns. See attached

Teacher evaluation:


Actions to be taken

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 486


Evaluate activity:
Completing the Patterns

Look at each of the patterns on each line below and then fill in the two empty spots with the
correct shape to complete the pattern. Trace the shapes to complete the first pattern and then
solve the rest on your own.

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 487

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 488
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 2 Strand: Algebra Duration: Term: 3
60 minutes
Topic: Pattern (size)
Students will apply geometric concepts (points, paths, lines, shapes) to reason about
objects and space in the environment.

Find the number the symbol (box, blank, a letter of the English alphabet or any other
symbol) represents in order to make a mathematical sentence true.

Attainment Target: Explore paths and/or shapes in the environment and relate basic
mathematical shapes to everyday life.
Standards for Mathematical Practices:

() 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

() 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
( ) 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
( ) 4. Model with mathematics.
() 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
() 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills: Students should know how to:

- Identify and complete patterns using shapes and colours

- Distinguish between a small and a large object/ item
Specific Objectives: At the end of the lesson students should be able to:

- Identify and complete patterns according to two or more of the following attributes:
shape, size, colour and orientation
Teaching/Learning Resources:

- Real life images of pattern

- 20 small and large circles
- 20 small and large triangles
- 20 small and large squares
- 20small and large books
- 20small and large pencils
- 20 small and large leaves
- sheets of paper with guided questions
- pattern blocks
- pattern worksheet
- summative worksheet

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 489

Key Vocabulary:

- pattern
- repeat
- shape
- size
- colour
Content Outline:
A pattern is formed from a set of elements/items that repeats in a predictable manner.
Patterns can be formed using different sized objects. For example:


Students will work in groups to complete this activity.

Each group will be given an image of a real life object and will be asked to discuss the
pattern that they see in each object and say why they say it is a pattern.(Please see attached
A discussion will be held where students will be randomly selected to share their response.
Students will also be asked to look around the classroom and identify at least three objects
showing pattern in term of size in the classroom.

Students will work in groups to complete this activity.

Part A
Each group will be given 20 shapes (or 20 objects) with different sizes but same colour.
They will be asked to use the shapes given to create 2 different patterns based on the size
of the shapes (10 shapes for the first pattern and 10 shapes for the other pattern).
For example: Group 1: small and large circles
Group 2: small circles and large triangles
Group 3: small squares and large circle
Group 4: small and large books
Group 5: small and large pencils

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 490

Group 6: small and large leaves

Students will be given a sheet of paper with the guided questions which the group leader
will use to guide the discussion with the group after they have finished creating their
Guided questions:
What is the pattern you have created?
Can the same shapes be used to create different patterns?
Why would you consider what you have created a pattern?
What did you consider when creating your pattern?
If you were to continue your patterns, what would be your next four shapes and their size?

Part B
Students will be given a strip of paper with a pattern based on size for them to identify and
complete the pattern by drawing the next two shapes in the pattern (see attached).

Note to teacher:
Depends on the number of groups, samples can be duplicated. Cut out strips of paper for
each group. You could have some students in the group completing the pattern for Part
A and some students completing the pattern for part B.

A discussion will be held where the reporter from each group will be asked to share the
responses based on the guided questions. One group will be given a chance to agree or
disagree with the group’s responses and say why if they agree or disagree. That same group
will also be given a chance to ask at least one question which will have to be answered by
the group members of the other group. This discussion will continue until all groups are
given a chance to share their report. The teacher will clear up all misconception.

Students will work in groups to complete this activity. Each group will be given a pattern
worksheet and will be given tangram pieces to complete the patterns. (see attached)
A discussion will be held where groups will be asked to report on how they used the
tangram pieces to finish the patterns.

Guided question:
Why would you consider your finished product a pattern?
What did you consider when finishing your pattern? (Expected response should be based
on size of shapes, colour of shapes and types of shapes)

Students will be asked to complete the summative worksheet individually (see attached).

Teacher evaluation:

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Actions to be taken

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Engage activity:

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MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 494
Explore activity:
Pattern Samples

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Pattern Worksheet
Instruction: Use the pattern blocks and place them below to complete the pattern for
the next 3 shapes.

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Evaluate activity:

Instruction: Draw the next three shapes in each size pattern .

4. Create your own size pattern

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 497

Subject: Grade: 2 Strand: Duration: 60 Term: 3
Mathematics Algebra minutes

Topic: Patterns (Colour)

Students will apply geometric concepts (points, paths, lines, shapes) to reason about objects
and space in the environment

Find the number the symbol (box, blank, a letter of the English alphabet or any other
symbol) represents in order to make a mathematical sentence true

Attainment target:
Explore paths and/or shapes in the environment and relate basic mathematical shapes to
everyday life.

Standards for Mathematical Practices:

() 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

() 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
( ) 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
( ) 4. Model with mathematics.
() 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
() 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

Pre-requisite knowledge/skills: Students should know how to:

- identify different colours
- how to use ordinal and cardinal numbers

Specific Objectives:
Students should be able to:
- Identify and complete patterns according to two or more of the following attributes:
shape, size, colour and orientation.

Teaching/Learning Resources:

- Real-life items with colour pattern/pictures depicting these

- Worksheet
- Paint
- Plain T-Shirts
- Counters
- Caterpillar Hand-out

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 498

Key Vocabulary:

- Pattern
- Repeat
- Colour
- Element core

Content Outline:

A pattern is formed from a set of elements/items that repeats in a predictable manner.

The element core is the shortest string of elements that repeats in a repeating pattern.

Engage: Students will be shown patterns in real-life focus will be on colours, (see samples
below). In pair they will be asked to discuss what they observe about the patterns. Students
will then be engaged in a whole class discussion about what they have observed.

Note to teacher: Teachers are encouraged to wear clothing depicting colour patterns and
have students discuss these as part of their real-life examples.


Shirt Tie Tiles


In pairs students will be given the hand-out with a large caterpillar and counters of different
colours. They will be instructed to use the counters to create a repeated pattern on the
caterpillar. (Please see attached)
For example,

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 499

When the repeated pattern is completed, students will exchange caterpillar patterns with the
pair closest to them and answer the following questions about the pattern.
1. Can you describe the pattern created?
1. What part of the pattern repeats? What is the pattern core?
2. What will the next colour be? How do you know?
3. If this pattern continues, what colour will be above the number 15? How do you
4. If we continue the pattern up to the number 20, how many blue counters will there
be altogether?


Each pair will display the pattern they have. They will be asked to share the responses for
the questions above. Students in the class will be allowed to ask questions and share their
views after each pair presents. Misconceptions will be clarified if there are any by the


Have students take a plain T-Shirt and washable paint from home.
Or teacher can make paper birthday hats before class and allow students to decorate.
Students will be given the scenario, “Mary’s birthday is in two weeks, you are task with
designing a shirt or birthday hat for Mary to wear to her birthday party”. Mary’s birthday
shirt/ hat must be designed using colour patterns. Students will design and describe the
pattern on the piece given.


Students will complete a worksheet 1 on patterns. See appendix

Homework: Students will complete worksheet 2

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 500

Teacher evaluation:


Actions to be taken

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Explore Activity

Caterpillar Handout: Counter should be cut from the sheet below if physical counter are not
available at your school.

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 502

Evaluation Activity:
Colour Pattern

Fill appropriate colours in the blank shapes to complete the patterns.

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 503

Home Work

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 504

Subject: Grade: 2 Strand: Duration: 60 Term: 3
Mathematics Algebra minutes
Topic: Find the Missing Sum in an addition or subtraction sentence.
Standard: Students will use symbols and variables to reason about number relationships,
to solve problems and make decisions.

Evaluate a mathematical (number) sentence to tell whether or not it is true or false.

Attainment Target:
Demonstrate the use of variables in mathematical sentences.
Standards for Mathematical Practices:

() 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

() 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
( ) 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
() 4. Model with mathematics.
( ) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
() 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know how to:

- Add and subtract three-digit numbers.

Specific Objectives: At the end of the lesson students should be able to:
- Find the missing addend or sum in an addition or subtraction sentence.
Teaching/Learning Resources:

- shapes
- money
Key Vocabulary:

variables, addend, sum, add, subtract, symbol

Content Outline:

Addends are numbers or terms added together to give a sum.

Addend + Addend = Sum
Sometimes in a mathematics sentence, one of the addends is missing and hence when given
the sum and one of the addends, we have to determine what the value of the other addend
would be. The sum can be represented by any symbols, which is the value of the sum.

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 505


Students will read the following problem and answer the questions.
Mark had twelve plums and Suzie gave him twenty-five more. How many plums does he
have altogether?
Write a number sentence for the above sentence.
What are the addends in the sentence?
Use X to represent the sum.
How could you find the value of X?
Teachers should facilitate a whole class discussion on the sum of addends and missing the

In groups students will be asked to use manipulative to help solve the problems.

Groups 1-3
Joan had $98 in her bank account on Monday. She was given $65 more to lodge on
Tuesday. She now has $

1. Write a number sentence for the problem.

2. How much money does represents?
3. Solve the problem.
4. Is there another way in which the sentence can be written?

Groups 4-6
There are 167 books on a shelf. 28 more were added to the shelf. The total number of
books is .
1. Write a number sentence for the problem.
2. Find the value of
3. Can you represent the information on a number line or a diagram?

Students from selected groups will be asked to explain what they have explored after which
the teacher will clarify any misconceptions.

John and Mark went to the beach, John found 65 white stones and Mary found 97 brown.

1. Write a number sentence for the total stones

2. How many stones did they find in all?
3. If some of the stones got lost, and they had 135 left, write a number sentence
showing the number that was lost.
4. How many were lost?

Each group will be asked to share their answer with the class.
Students will be asked to complete an activity sheet (see attached)

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Teacher evaluation:
Actions to be taken

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Evaluation activity:
Missing Sum

Answer all questions and show your working

1. 45 + 54 =

What is the value of ?

2. 143 + 62 = , =

3. + =

What is a possible value of the triangle if is less than 50?

4. Jani ran 152m in the morning and then ran 139m in the evening. If D represents the
total distance run, what is D?

5. Paul took 35 minutes to get to school on Thursday and 42 minutes on Friday. He took
a total of K days, what is the value of K?

What do you notice about the time taken on each day?

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 508

Subject: Duration: 60
Grade: 2 Strand: Algebra Term: 3
Mathematics minutes
Topic: Find the Missing Addend in an Addition Sentence
Students will use symbols and variables to reason about number relationships, to solve
problems and make decisions.

Evaluate a mathematical (number) sentence to tell whether or not it is true or false.

Attainment Target:
Demonstrate the use of variables in mathematical sentences.
Standards for Mathematical Practices:

() 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

() 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
( ) 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
() 4. Model with mathematics.
( ) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
() 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know how to:

- Add and subtract two-digit numbers.
Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

- Find the missing addend or sum in an addition or subtraction sentence.
Teaching/Learning Resources:
- Shapes, money
Key Vocabulary:

variables, addend, sum, value,

Content Outline:

Addend is a number that is added to another number or addend to give a sum. Sometimes
in a mathematics sentence, one of the addends is missing and hence when given the sum
and one of the addends, we have to determine what the value of the other addend would be.
The missing addend can be calculated by either adding or subtracting from the sum.

Students will be asked to read the following problem and use counters to represent their

Jada had 14 sweets, her grandmother gave her some more, and she now has 25 sweets.
How many sweets did she receive from her grandmother?
Show the number of sweets Jada had and what she now has.

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 509

Students will be involved in a whole class discussion on missing addend and the number
sentence that could be used to represent the scenario.

In groups, students will use manipulative to help solve the problems

Group one

There are 239 matchsticks in a box. Sarah used some for her class project and 222 were
left. How many matchstick did Sarah take?
- Write a number sentence for the problem.
- Solve the problem.

Group Two

If 89 + = 178. What is trapezium?

- Write a number sentence for the problem.
- Solve the problem.

Students will be asked to explain what they have explored after which teacher will clarify
any misconceptions.

Grandma had a bag of Snickers chocolate bars. Grandma shared the bag of Snickers
between Sarah and Peter. Sarah had some Musketeers chocolate bars and Peter had some
Reese peanut butter cups before. They both decided to represent their chocolates in a
number sentence using shapes. Examine the number sentences and answer the questions
showing how you got your answer.
1. How many Snickers chocolate bars did Grandma give each child?

If + = 15 (Sarah’s)

And + = 8 (Peter’s)

2. How many chocolates did each child have before?


Students will be asked to determine the value of the missing addend below:

1. + 3 = 540

2. Jenny read 251 words from a book on Saturday and on Sunday. The total
words read were 260. How many words were read on Sunday?

3. Suzie had M sweets. She gave away 9 and had 9 remaining.

a) Should M be a number smaller than 9.

4. A piece of string was cut in two length 45 cm and P cm. The total length was 136m.

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 510

a) Write a number sentence for the question.
b) What is the length of P?
Teacher evaluation:



Actions to be taken

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 511

Duration: 60
Subject: Mathematics Grade: 2 Strand: Algebra Term: 3
Topic: Problem Solving Involving Addition
Students will use symbols and variables to reason about number relationships, solve
problems and make decision.

Evaluate a mathematical (number) sentence to tell whether or not it is true or false.

Attainment Target:
Demonstrate the use of variables in mathematical sentences
Standards for Mathematical Practices:

(  ) 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

(  ) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
( ) 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
( ) 4. Model with mathematics.
( ) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
( ) 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know how to:

- Find the missing addend or sum in an addition or subtraction sentence.
Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

- Use simple algebra in problem solving involving addition
Teaching/Learning Resources:

- Counters
- worksheet
Key Vocabulary:

- Algebra
- variable
- Addition
- Sum
- Total

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 512

Content Outline:

Algebra is about finding the unknown. We can use a letter or a symbol to represent the
Example: 3 + = 7; what is the value of ?

The unknown symbol or letter is called a variable.

Addition means joining 2 or more numbers or sets together to make one. The new set or
amount is called the sum or total.


Students will be asked to be involved in an obstacle race (this can be done inside the
classroom or outdoors).
Students will be placed in teams of four. Each team will send two persons to compete in
the obstacle race. Each pair of students will be given a clear bag and two minutes to pick
up as many obstacles as they can. Each pair will be required to join their obstacles together
and then tell how many. The team with the most obstacles is the winner.

Teacher will engage students in a discussion on how they can use number sentences to help
determine the number of obstacles collected.
Note to teacher: Any form of counters can be used as obstacles. Counters should be in
place before the start of the lesson. If this activity is done indoors the classroom needs to
be rearranged to facilitate the activity.

Working in groups students will investigate the following problem: Students will be
required to write number sentences that can be used to help solve the problem.

1. Team A picked up 13 obstacles in all. If one person had 6 obstacles in her bag how
many obstacles did her partner pick up?

2. One person from Team B picked up 4 obstacles. The other person picked up 2 more
obstacles than his partner. How many obstacles did Team B pick up all together?

Each group will show and tell how they got their answer by using diagrams, counters or
number sentences.

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 513


Students will work in pairs to complete the following activity.

Mother bought 12 snacks for you on Monday. On Tuesday she went back to the shop and
bought half the amount of snack bought on Monday. If none of the snacks were eaten. How
many snacks do you now have? Use a diagram/picture or number sentence to show how
you got your answer.

Students will be asked to colour the duck that has the correct answer to the question.

1. The lady at the school gate sold 4 toys at break time and some more toys at lunch
time. If she sold 12 toys in all, how many toys were sold at lunch time? Use
pictures or number sentences to show how you know which duck to colour.

2. Jimmy took 5 sweets from the candy jar. Joel took out one less than Jimmy. How
many candies in all were taken from the jar? Use a picture/diagram or number
sentence to show how you got your answer.

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 514

Teacher evaluation:



Actions to be taken

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 515

Subject: Grade: 2 Strand: Duration: 60 Term: 3
Mathematics Algebra minutes
Topic: Problem Solving Involving Subtraction
Students will use symbols and variables to reason about number relationships, solve
problems and make decision.

Evaluate a mathematical (number) sentence to tell whether or not it is true or false.

Attainment Target:
Demonstrate the use of variables in mathematical sentences
Standards for Mathematical Practices:

() 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

( ) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
() 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
() 4. Model with mathematics.
() 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
() 6. Attend to precision.
() 7. Look for and make use of structure.
() 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know how to:

- Find the missing addend or sum in an addition or subtraction sentence.
Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

- Use simple algebra in problem solving situations involving subtraction
Teaching/Learning Resources:

- Counters
- worksheet
Key Vocabulary:

- Algebra
- variable
- Subtraction
Content Outline:

Algebra is about finding the unknown. We can use a letter or a symbol to represent the

Example: 7 - = 4; what is the value of? Or 7 – n = 4; n =?

The unknown symbol or letter is called a variable.

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 516

Subtraction means taking something from a group or from a number of things.
Example: 5 – 3 = 2


Students will be engaged in a game called “candy count.”

The teacher will place a pre-determined amount of sweets in a jar. Students will be told
how many sweets are in the jar. A student will be chosen randomly to take some sweets
from the jar. The rest of the class will count the number of sweets left in the jar and then
determine how many sweets were taken out.

Students will be engage in a discussion about writing a number sentence that could be used
to solve the problem.

Working in groups students will investigate the following problems: (Students will use
counters or diagrams to assist them in solving the problems)

1. A jar contains 12 sweets. Amoy took out 4 of them. How many sweets are left in
the jar?

2. A jar contains 24 sweets. Troy took some sweets from the jar. 16 sweets were left
in the jar. How many sweets did Troy take out?

3. A jar contains some sweets. After 10 sweets were taken out, 11 sweets were still in
the jar. How many sweets does the jar contain?

Each group will show and tell how they got their answer by using diagrams, counter or
number sentences.

The teacher will ask questions to find out if any other group worked the same problem
differently or got a different answer. E.g.
Did any other group solve the problem differently?
Does any other group have a different answer?

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 517


Students will work in pairs to complete the following activity.

1. Farmer Joe has 35 chickens on his farm. If 17 of the chickens were sold, how
many chickens are left on the farm? Show how you got your answer.
2. Tom got $200 for his lunch. He bought a patty for $150. How much money
does Tom have left?
Students will do the following activity individually.

Use a number sentence to help you solve the problem then colour the duck that has the
correct answer to the question.

1. In a grade 2 class there are 18 students. If 12 students were present on Monday.

How many students were absent? Show how you got your answer.

2. Mother bought some oranges at the market. Timmy ate 3 of the oranges and Mary
ate 2. If 5 oranges are left in the basket. How many oranges did mother buy? Show
how you got your answer.

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Teacher evaluation:


Actions to be taken

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Subject: Mathematics Grade:2 Strand: Duration: 60 Term 3
Statistics minutes
Topic: Constructing Pictographs
Standard: The student will collect, organize, display and interpret data to find solutions
and/or make decisions in practical situations, and understand and apply basic concepts of

Interpret data presented in simple tables, bar graphs, and pictographs

Attainment Target:
Collect, Organize and interpret information in practical situations and use simple
probability language
Standards for Mathematical Practices:

() 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

( ) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
( ) 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
( ) 4. Model with mathematics.
() 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
() 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:

Students should know how to :

- Collect, sort and group data.
- Construct simple tables using strokes, numbers to represent items. Make and read
tally charts. Use attributes closely related to students to classify data (e.g. number
of boys/girls, etc.).
- How to count by 2s
- Making comparisons
Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

- Construct pictographs with a key of 1: 1 and 1: 2
Teaching/Learning Resources:

Sheets of paper, sticky notes, pencil/crayon, pictures

Key Vocabulary:

Pictograph, key, graph, data, information, scale, symbol, category

Content Outline:

Pictographs use a drawing that represents what is being graphed. A key on

a pictograph tells us the value of each picture. For example, data where the least number
of items is 2 and the greatest is 10, the key could be “Each symbol means 1 item.”

To get started on constructing a pictograph, the following should be considered:

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 520

- Collect Data: Collect the data of the category you want to represent. Collect your
data by appropriate means. And then make a list or table of the data.
- Pick your symbol: Pick a symbol or picture that accurately represents your data. If
you are drawing a pictograph to represent TV sets sold, then a symbol of a
basketball would be highly confusing! So pick your symbol carefully.
- Assign a Key: You must set a numerical value that one symbol will represent. This
is the key of the pictograph. It is written along with the pictograph – usually at the
bottom. If the frequency of the data is too high, then one symbol cannot represent
one item. . Example one symbol of a TV could represent 5 TV sets.
- Draw the pictograph: Finally draw your pictograph. Draw the two columns that
represent the category and the data. Then draw the actual symbols that represent the
frequencies. Remember that the symbols can be drawn as fractions as well if the
frequency is not a whole number.

- Place pictures of Chocolate, Vanilla and Strawberry flavoured ice-cream on the

- The students will be asked to group themselves according to their favourite ice-
cream flavour without speaking.
- They will then share through discussion how this information could be easily
presented to someone.
- A model that summarizes the data from their discussion will be presented by the
Ice-cream flavour Number of students

Explore and Explain:

- In small groups, the students will be asked to draw their favourite fruit and write the
name on a sticky note.
- They will mark each response with a tally to create a tally chart as shown in the
table below. Highlight of the set of tally marks representing 5 will be made.

Favourite Fruits
Fruit Tally Number

The students will be asked to tell another way that the information could be represented.

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 521

Favourite Fruits





 Each group will be given a sheet of paper; they will now arrange the sticky notes to
create a pictorial representation of their tally chart as shown below.

The following questions will be asked to enhance mathematical discourse.

i. How will you know how many children like each fruit?
ii. Does it have to be one for each fruit?
iii. Can we write something to explain this? What can be written?
iv. What do you think this representation is called? (Pictograph)

 The students will combine the information from all the groups to make one

Favourite Fruits




Key1 fruit = 2 children

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 522

i. How do you think this could be done without drawing so many fruits?1 fruit= 2
ii. How many children like each fruit? How do you know?
iii. How will we represent 5 children liking a fruit on our pictograph?

The students will observe a pictograph and compare it to the one that they made and have a
Do you see anything on this pictograph that is not on the one you created?

In pairs, students will complete the following:

Use the information in the tally chart to create a pictograph. Then write a sentence
that interprets the data.
on your key you should show your symbol = 2 animals

Animals in a Number of animals



Students will complete the attached activity individually.

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Teacher evaluation:


Actions to be taken:

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MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 525

Subject: Mathematics Grade: 2 Strand: Statistics Duration: 60 Term 3
Topic: Interpreting Bar Chart
The student will collect, organize, display and interpret data to find solutions and/or make
decisions in practical situations, and understand and apply basic concepts of probability.

Interpret data presented in simple tables, bar graphs, and pictographs

Attainment Target:
Collect, organize and interpret information in practical situations and use simple
probability language.
Standards for Mathematical Practices:

() 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

( ) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
() 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
( ) 4. Model with mathematics.
() 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
() 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills: Students should know how to:
- Collect sort and group data.
- Construct simple tables using strokes, numbers to represent items. Make and read
tally charts. Use attributes closely related to students to classify data (e.g. number
of boys/girls, etc.).
- How to count by 2s
- Making comparisons
Specific Objectives: At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
- Interpret simple bar graph
- Make general statements and draw conclusions based on information collected (use
examples relating to their own experiences)
Teaching/Learning Resources:

rectangular bars, model of bar graphs,

Key Vocabulary/ Concepts:

Bar graph, bars, highest, lowest

A bar chart is a chart that uses bars to show information collected. The bars must be the
same size across (width) however the heights may be different. The height of each bar will
be based on the information collected. The bar graph must be labelled to show the
information being represented. For example, favourite ice cream, favourite colour, etc. A
bar graph must have an appropriate title and must always be labelled. The title of the bar
graph gives information on what is being represented.

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 526


Students will be placed in small groups of four or five persons per group. Group size will
be determined based on the class size. Each group will be given a model of a pre-done bar
chart resembling the ones shown below:

Student will then be required to select rectangular bars from a container that have whole
number less than 10 affixed at the back. Each group member must select a different colour
bar. The activity can also be done using pictures of food items such as the graph in figure 2

Each student will be required to select a card within their group. The number on the card
will tell how many of the selected colour/food each child must place on the bar graph as
shown below:

NB: Both bar charts above can be used as a form of differentiation (pictures for slower
students and colour for faster students)

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 527


Students will be required to answer the following questions in their groups based on the
activity done above:

Which colour/food had the highest number?

What was the number on the colour card?
Which colour/food had the lowest number?
What was the number on the colour card?
How many more red are there than green? (this type question will vary by group)
What is the relationship between the number of blue and the number of yellow bars

Student will be given containers with various objects or picture of objects which they are
familiar with. Each bag/box will have a set of similar items. For example, set of; animals,
food, shapes, clothing, artistes, etc. Students will use the items from their boxes/bags to
create bar chart such as the one they did with the colour/food above. Students will then be
required to write at least two (2) questions based on their bar chart that the rest of the class
will interpret and answer.

Students will explain why the graph needs to be labelled. Students will also explain some
challenges which may arise if bar graphs are not given appropriate labelling. Students will
also explain the relationships between any two bars on a bar graph. (Example: if one bar is
taller than the other, what does this mean? If two bars are the same size what does this
Extend/ Elaborate:

Students will be given bar graphs to interpret their values and label correctly. The labels
will be given on word cards and sentence strips and students will paste the title or the
description on the corresponding graph. Examples of bar graphs and labels are
 Bar chart showing pets
 Bar chart showing dance more popular than soccer
 Bar chart showing how we travel to school
 Bar chart showing student’s birth month

In their groups, students will also chose one of the graphs and interpret the information to
the rest of the class

Students will complete the worksheet (see attached)

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 528

Teacher Evaluation:




Action to be taken:

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 529

Evaluate activity: Worksheet

MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 530


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MoEYI/NMP/Grade 2 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 538

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