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The Effectiveness of Quranic Reading Teaching and Learning

Methods on Private University Students in Malaysia

Basirah binti Abu Bakar, Ashlah binti Ibrahim
Centre for Fundamental Studies, Management and Science University,
Adnin binti Ibrahim
Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Perak Branch, Tapah
Corresponding author:

Quranic Reading is a compulsory assessment for Islamic Studies subject offered to Diploma and
Undergraduate students at Management and Sciences University (MSU). This study was conducted to
identify the effectiveness of Quranic Reading in teaching and learning (T&L) in this private university. This
study was a quantitative study involving 124 students from seven programs as a sample for the study.
Questionnaires were distributed at the end of the teaching and learning session for students to assess the
effectiveness of this subject. Other than that, observation methods were also used throughout this study
starting from February 2017 until July 2019. The results show that teaching and learning methods that had
been conducted for Quranic Reading are at a satisfactory level. Besides that, it is proven that these T&L
methods can help students to learn better in their al-Qur'an and tajweed rules.

Effectiveness, Quranic reading, Private university students

Vol. 18 No. 1 June, 2020 | Journal of Management and Science 67

Al-Qur'an has been sent to Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. Learning al-Qur'an is needed to be done
continuously by each Muslim so that it can guide us in life. As Muslims, it is required for us to read al-Qur'an
with the correct pronunciation and with tajweed. The Arabic word tartil denotes "regularity, articulation,
and being well-ordered," though it herein implies articulate, eloquent, and meditative recitation of the
Qur’anic Verses, reflecting upon their meanings and impacts on one’s life. It goes without saying that such
recitation of the Qur’anic Verses may easily lead man toward spiritual growth, moral nobilities, and fear of
Allah SWT (Ali ibn Ahmad al Wahidi, 2008). The obligation to practice the al-Qur'an reading with correct
tajweed was explained in surah al-Muzammil by Allah S.W.T. verse 4:
"Or a little more; and recite the Qur'an with measured recitation"

This verse explained the relation of Allah S.W.T. order to Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. to read al-
Qur'an with "measured" which is with tajweed.

The continuous learning of al-Qur'an is able to educate Muslims morals towards the excellent.
Therefore, this private university is taking the approach to provide the compulsory assessment which is
Quranic Reading as a basic medium for Muslim students to improve and deepen al-Qur'an learning. Quranic
Reading is one of the student assignments for those who are taking Islamic Studies subject that been offered
to undergraduate and diploma students. Quranic Reading has two levels namely Quranic reading I (Basic)
and Quranic Reading II (Tajweed).

Quranic Reading Background

Quranic Reading is a part of the assessment for the Islamic Studies subject. Students that are
compulsory to take Quranic Reading are the Islamic Studies students of Diploma and undergraduate. The
levels division of Quranic Reading I or II will be held at the beginning of the semester. After the evaluation,
students are required to enter the Quranic Reading class for 2 hours of credit for learning.
Quranic Reading I (Basic) are assessed through written test 50% dan oral test 50%. The written
test will evaluate the students' skills in writing of huruf al-hija'iyyah and verses in the Quran. The oral test
will evaluate the students' skills in reading the Quran as well as read 5 surahs will include surah al-Kafirun,
surah Ikhlas, surah al-Falaq surah an-Nas and surah al-Fatihah.
For Quranic Reading II (Tajweed), the written test will evaluate the students' skills in writing
concepts and application of tajweed rules in the Quran. Oral test, students are required to memorize 5
surahs as predetermined by the lecturer as well as the concepts and application of tajweed rules. The 5
surahs were surah al-Kafirun, surah Ikhlas, surah al-Falaq surah an-Nas and surah al-Fatihah.
Quranic Reading I (Basic) encourages students to feel important and fun to recite al-Quran. The
methods used will make students more easily read al-Qur'an. This course will cover techniques of Quranic
recitation without mastering tajweed. Furthermore, for Quranic Reading II (Tajweed), this course includes
basic concepts and application of tajweed rules. Based on those skills students will apply it in common
surahs from juz 30.
At the end of the Quranic Reading I (Basic) course, the students will have good knowledge and
skills as well as greater awareness of the Quranic recitation. Using that knowledge and applications, they
will be able to read common surahs or verses from the Quran. They will also be able to create good
awareness about the importance of Quranic reading to the public. For Quranic Reading II (Tajweed), at the
end of the course, the students will have good knowledge and skills of concepts and application of tajwid
rules in the Quran. Using that knowledge, they will be able to read common surahs or verses from the Quran

Previous Studies
Based on the past research that can be collected from articles and books, there are two themes of
review articles that can be compiled which are:

Al-Quran Learning in Malaysia:

Studies on 2008 have shown, at least in Malaysia, that the number of illiterates in Quranic reading
and recitation has been alarmingly high. This is stated in the research study conducted by Mohamad Naim
(2002) regarding the command of Quranic reading using Iqra’ method of Quranic Learning in Primary

Vol. 18 No. 1 June, 2020 | Journal of Management and Science 68

School in Setiu, Terengganu found only 49.8% of students are able to read al-Quran, meanwhile 35.4%
students are still Quranic illiterate.
Mohd Yusuf et al. (2007) said, among those able to read a high percentage of them are limited to
key surahs and most are unable to read with the correct diction or tajwid. A case study by Mohd Yusuf
Ahmad reported on research on the command of Quranic reading on 1997 among 26 students shows not
any of the students pass the reading test without any error. It is recorded that 54.2% of the sample study
are not able to read nun sakinah accurately. The cause is due to deterioration of Quranic mastery among
students of primary and secondary school across Malaysia is prominent.
According to Mohd Aderi et al. (2009), based on Islamic Studies Kurikulum Bersepadu Sekolah
Menengah (KBSM) curriculum, al-Qur'an recital field are not a separate knowledge but integrated. In other
words, the al-Qur'an recital is not seen from a view of correcting the recitation alone, but it is more than
that. This is because al-Qur'an recital covered the recital (reading), understanding, appreciation, and
practice. The emphasis on an al-Qur'an recital in the Islamic Studies curriculum is more noticeable due to
the following concerns about the al-Qur'an proficiency by the former Malaysia Prime Minister during his
visit to the Ministry of Malaysian Education on 30 December 2003 that sparked the establishment of the j-
QAF program. The objectives of the j-QAF program are, all Muslim students are expected to finish al-Qur'an
while in primary school. As a conclusion, in the Islamic Studies KBSM, the al-Qur'an recital is one of the
fields that have been taught in the learning and teaching of Islamic Studies. Al-Qur'an recital field has
different characteristics than other subjects as it emphasizes on different oral skills, reading fluency
aspects, mastery of fasahah skills, mastery of recital with tajweed skills and the skills of reading with tadwir
and tartil (slow and accurate).
Halaqah method in front of teacher are one of the earliest al-Qur'an learning methods that been
implemented in Malaysia (Abdullah 1995). Education process that been emphasis on al-Qur'an learning is
still continuous despite of the colonial times. It shows that the Muslims community concerns towards the
religious teaching (Mohd Salleh 992). Based on the Penyata Razak 1956, Penyata Rahman Talib 1960 and
Akta Pelajaran 1961, the Islamic Studies subject is taught in all registered schools and there are at least 15
Muslim students (Abdullah 1995). So, the al-Qur'an recital is not exceptionable to be teach to all the
students with the time allotted are 120 minutes in a week.
Since the beginning, the al-Qur'an teaching practice had become one with the education system in
Malaysia. Teachers play a role in shaping students to deepen in to the al-Qur'an that begin with the teaching
of reading al-Qur'an skills. Therefore, Islamic Studies teachers have to acquire more knowledge that related
with the al-Qur'an field skills so that they can produce students that can master the al-Qur'an recital
Furthermore, according to Sharifah Norshah Bani et al. (2011), the manhaj of teaching and learning
al-Qur'an has been traced since the age of Islam been brought to this region traditionally and not
documented in terms of philosophy, theory, and method. Therefore, teaching and learning that have been
practiced sometimes are so great and outstanding. However, there is method that is poor in quality. This
deficiency and weaknesses are assumed due to the lack of knowledge of the teachers that teaching and
learning the manhaj of Rasulullah S.A.W. Writer also highlighted the implementation in Adults al-Qur'an
Class (KQD) at Masjid Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah (MSAAS) that describes adults learning theory, which
andragogy are different with the theory of learning for kids, pedagogy.
The various Quranic learning programs could spread joys and happiness among various
beneficiaries and stake-holders of our efforts. The satisfaction and jubilation of seeing smiles or even tears
of joys from the many hitherto no-hoppers but now able readers or reciters of the Quran are ample rewards
for our sweat and tears of labor.

Mastering of the Quranic Reading:

Teaching and learning methods are important factors for the students to master the reading in the
al-Qur'an. Other than that, in the Quranic Reading is a teaching and learning that emphasize to know and
to pronounce the hija'iyyah letters correctly, memorize any related surah, understand the importance of
reading al-Qur'an with aware of its means and knowing the tajweed rules with the right usage. Thus, the
methods of mastering the correct al-Qur'an recital is needed to refer to the basic method in the learning

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According to Ibnu Khaldun (2002), in the book of Al-Muqaddimah he had outlines several
approaches that can be used in teaching and learning. Talqin (see and hear) method is a method that needs
students to memorize beforehand the heading provided by the teacher. It involves the student's efforts
before the learning period begins. Other than that, tadrij (learning in stages) method can be used in which
teachers teach little by little to give a greater accentuation. Also, the tadrij method will help teachers to give
students more focused teaching. Not only that, muhakah or taklid (imitation) method also can aid in the
learning process. For example, the teacher gives the example of reading pronunciation and the students
follow. Finally, al-tikrar (repetition) method which students need to repeat three times. All the methods
according to Ibnu Khaldun can help in mastering the al-Qur'an recital and Quranic Reading subject.
According to Abdullah Basmeih (2001), when the Quran was passed to the Prophet Muhammad
S.A.W, the method he used to memorize all the verses of the Quran was the earnest. When angel Jibrail read
the verse to him, he also read together with Jibrail until Allah S.W.T tells him to listen carefully and
appreciate it first. He needed to hear the reading of Jibrail until it was finished first and then he followed,
and he prayed that Allah S.W.T increases his knowledge in understanding and practicing al-Qur'an. This
shows that the well-organized methods can have a positive effect on students in learning al-Qur'an
Not only that, but there are also schools that established Islamic Education that help students to
improve al-Qur'an. The subject covers topics related to the al-Qur'an recital, Ibadah, Sirah Nabawiyyah, and
Islamic Civilization or Islamic Life and Aqidah. For the topic of the al-Qur'an recital, students will be
exposed to the overview of the recitation of al-Qur'an, tajweed rules and memorize any particular surah. In
the Fardu Ain (KAFA) and Quranic Skills classes (KKA), the school has given students early exposure to the
al-Qur'an (Ministry of Education Malaysia, 2020). However, for the Primary School Curriculum Standard,
the process of teaching and learning Islamic Education subjects can train students to read selected surah
with proper tajweed, memorize selected surah, appreciation of al-Qur'an and the basics of ibada for Fardu
Ain and Fardu Kifayah.
Besides, parental education is also essential in guiding their children about the knowledge of al-
Qur'an. Like the proverb goes strike the iron while it's hot. Parents should give early exposure to children
about the basis of al-Qur'an. For example, parents can teach their children basic letters, set a good example
by always reading out load the al-Qur'an from childhood, and teaching the basis of religious knowledge.
For the mastery of reading al-Qur'an in the approach to study the al-Qur'an and the early exposure
to al-Qur'an will enhance the reading comprehension for students.

Research Methodology

This study was conducted in a quantitative method. Quantitative studies are studies that use field-
based data. Quantitative data can be measured through the measurement process and requires
measurement tools such as questionnaires and SPSS. The methodologies used in this study are:

Research Sample
This study used purposive sampling by selecting a particular subject group to be the respondents.
Therefore, the findings of the study will represent only by the subject group studied. Thus, the study sample
consisted of private university students that taking the subject of Islamic Studies diploma and degree from
February 2017 to July 2019.

Instrument of Research
The instrument of this study is using the questionnaire as a research instrument when conducting
the study. The questions provided are based on a set of questions by Mohd Aderi and Rohani entitled
(2009); Students’ Perception Toward Teaching Tilawah al-Quran, Malaysia Education Journal 34(1). The
research instrument is divided into four sections, namely A, B, C and D. The question

Participants are part of the observational study method. Observation is required to ensure that the
study that been performed is accurate. The method of observation used is continuous observation. This
method involves direct observation and involves communication between humans. Observation allows you
to see, feel and understand the event and social events that happen. Observations will be made on the
effectiveness of Quranic Reading on MSU students during and after the tutorial session. This observation

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takes two years and six months to assess student performance based on oral and written exams at the end
of the semester.

Results and Discussion

The research instrument is divided into four sections, namely section A, B, C and D. Section A shows
the profile of respondents. Whereas section B shows the set of Quranic Reading induction, section C is the
set of teaching materials and section D shows the teaching aids and activity in the classroom.

Respondent Background
Pie chart 1 shows that there are seven programs have been taught in the Quranic Reading class at
MSU. Such as Faculty of Business Management and Professional Studies (FBMP), School of Education and
Sciences Social (SESS), Faculty of Health and Life Sciences (FHLS), School of Hospitality and Creative Arts
(SCHA), Faculty of Information Sciences and Engineering (FISE), International Medical School (IMS) dan
School of Pharmacy (SPH). The figure shows that 34.1% or 42 respondents from SCHA, 28.5% or 35
respondents from FISE, 22.8% or 28 respondents from FBMP, 10.6% or 13 respondents from SESS and
4.1% or 5 respondents from FHLS.
Pie chart 2 shows the gender of respondents for female and male students with 72 female
respondents (58.1%) and 51 male respondents (41.9%).
Pie chart 3 shows the age category of the students attending the Quranic Reading class. There is
three age category which are 18 to 20 years old, 21 to 23 years old and 24 to 26 years old. The category of
students ages 18 to 20 years old is 83 respondents. The category of 21 to 23 years old is 39 respondents
and the age category of 24 to 26 years old is one. Figure 3 shows that respondents from the age category of
18 to 20 years old have the highest number of students that took the Quranic Reading assessment.
The student school background based on graph 1 shows that there are 111 respondents are from
the secondary high school, 4 respondents from Islamic secondary high school and others, one respondent
from tahfiz school and international school.

Teaching and Learning Methods

Table 1 shows that 72 respondents strongly agree, 46 respondents agree and 6 respondents are
neutral about lecturers that will introduce the subject each time in a teaching session. It is clear that in each
class of Quranic reading all lecturers will explain the subject of teaching every time they teach. Besides that,
a total of 82 respondents are strongly agreed, 29 respondents agree and 11 respondents are neutral about
lecturer asking students to recite the verses of the al-Qur'an in the class. This method can help students in
the reading exercise together in the class. Moreover, this method is one of the effective steps for two-ways
communication in teaching and learning methods.
For the preparation of the interesting activity in the class, a total of 50 respondents shows strongly
agree, 45 respondents agree, 23 respondents are neutral and 5 respondents disagree about the lecturer
that did activities that capture students' attention to learning. These activities are implemented to capture
student's attention towards Quranic reading. It can be implemented by using the learning method of 21st-
century concepts that emphasize 4C which are Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking and
Communication (Diana H.S, Ridhwan A.S, Rahmatsyah et. all., 2018). But, the Quranic Reading's learning
method can be focusing on the concept of collaboration, creativity, and communication. Therefore, the
activity that will captive the student's attention is by using technologies to deepen al-Qur'an knowledge.
As teaching and learning, it must be arranged systematically. Table 1 shows that a total of 57
respondents are strongly agreed, 53 respondents agree and 13 respondents are neutral about the
arrangement of the teaching steps systematically. The arrangement of teaching and preparation of the
lecturer in teaching is very important to ensure the method of teaching and learning will present properly.
Table 2 shows that a total of 45 respondents are strongly agreed, 49 respondents agree, 27
respondents are neutral and 3 respondents disagree with the item that the lecturer teaches using various
teaching methods. The various method conducted will give a positive impact on the student learning
process. Changes in teaching based on students' progress, a total of 53 respondents strongly agree, 54
respondents agree and 17 respondents are neutral about this issue. The average respondents agree with
the statement. The changes in teaching are a necessary move to make as it depends on the students'
understanding level. But the level of students' understanding is differed according to each individual.

Vol. 18 No. 1 June, 2020 | Journal of Management and Science 71

Therefore, the different teaching method according to student progress will aid the student in mastering
the Quranic Reading.
For corrected the student's recital, a total of 91 respondents are strongly agreed, 27 respondents
agree and 6 respondents are neutral that the lecturer corrected their recital every time there is some
mistake in their recitation. This method is the method according to previous al-Quran learning. This is due
to the al-Quran recital that must consider all aspects including vowels letter, pronunciation, waqf (stop
reading in the certain situation), prolongation, and others. If this aspect is not been corrected student will
continuously repeat the same mistake when reciting the al-Qur'an. Above all, the mistake that been made
during al-Qur'an recital will give a huge impact to translate the meaning of al-Qur'an itself.

A total of 61 respondents are strongly agreed, 40 respondents agree and 21 respondents are
neutral that the lecturer relates al-Qur'an teaching with the recitation in the prayer. The objective of
Quranic Reading is to help the student in correcting their recital. This included the al-Qur'an recital and
recitation in the prayer. This approach will help the student in their spiritual aspect other than academic
Besides that, lecturers that relate the al-Qur'an learning with tajweed knowledge and rules in every
lesson, a total of 65 respondents are strongly agreed, 41 respondents agree and 18 respondents are neutral.
The average respondents strongly agree with this method because it will deepen the al-Qur'an knowledge
is a must to every Muslim with leaning the tajweed rules as guidance to read the al-Qur'an. Therefore, the
knowledge of tajweed rules is very important to ensure the smooth process of recitation.
Table 3 shows a total of 33 respondents are strongly agree, 44 respondents agree, 38 respondents
are neutral, 8 respondents disagree and one respondent is strongly disagreed that the lecturer using the
latest teaching aid in the class. The average respondents agree that the lecturer using the latest teaching
aid. This shows that as the lecturer in Quranic Reading is only focusing on al-Qur'an and al-Hira's reference
book. Therefore, the lecturer needs to use the technologies as a teaching aid so that students are not easily
bored by the traditional teaching lesson. Besides that, the completed teaching slides with eye-catching
activities will help to attract more students to the teaching lesson in the class.
Besides that, a total of 33 respondents are strongly agreed, 40 respondents agree, 45 respondents
are neutral, 5 respondents disagree and one respondent is strongly disagreed that the usage of an
interesting teaching aid in the class by the lecturer. The average respondents are neutral about the usage
of an interesting teaching aid by the lecturer. This shows that the lecturer is still not used any teaching aid
maximumly in teaching and learning. The lecturer needs to do some improvements in the aspect of teaching
aid during teaching and learning. The teaching method also needs to be updated with technologies and the
21st-century method of learning. By referring to 21st-century learning, lecturers can use various effective
methods in teaching Quranic Reading.
For the various recourses of teaching aid, a total of 33 respondents are strongly agreed, 47
respondents agree, 35 respondents are neutral, 8 respondents disagree and one respondent strongly
disagrees with that the lecturer using of teaching aid by the lecturer in each lesson. The average
respondents agree and show that the lecturer diversifies the usage of teaching aid in each teaching lesson.
This will attract students’ interest in learning Quranic Reading.
Creativity in teaching aid shows that a total of 32 respondents are strongly agreed, 47 respondents
agree, 33 respondents are neutral and 12 respondents disagree that the lecturer provides the tajweed mind
map as a teaching aid. The average respondents agree that the method of mind map has been used in
explaining the tajweed rules. This is because the mind map will help to organize the explanation of the
tajweed rules and lecturers will provide examples from al-Qur'an verses.
A total of 46 respondents are strongly agreed, 47 respondents agree, 28 respondents are neutral,
2 respondents disagree and one respondent is strongly disagreed that the lecturer used teaching aid to help
the student to improve the learning process. The average respondents agree to the fact that lecturers used
teaching aid during the teaching session. The voice-based teaching aid such as videos, written-based
teaching aid such as books and give examples from al-Qur'an can help students to master the pronunciation
and tajweed rules easily.

Vol. 18 No. 1 June, 2020 | Journal of Management and Science 72

The results showed that several methods of teaching and learning that been conducted for Quranic
Reading are at a good level. This is because the student's response is 80% and above agreed that the
lecturer's implementation of the methods above in T&L Quranic Reading. For example, al-Qur'an verses
recital by students in the class, systematic preparation of teaching steps, change the teaching technique
based on students' progress, corrected the student's recital during the lesson, relate the al-Qur'an learning
with the recitation in the prayer and relate the al-Qur'an learning with tajweed rules in every teaching
Meanwhile, only 77.3% of students agreed on the lecturers doing activities that garner their
attention throughout the teaching and learning and 75.8% of students agreed on the usage of various
teaching methods. This shows that the variety of interesting activities and the variety of teaching methods
still need to be improved to archive good feedback from students.
Besides that, only 65% and below from the student's response are agreed on the usage of teaching
aid in Quranic Reading. This shows that the usage of teaching aid is still lacking in teaching sessions and
lecturers are still comfortable in only using books and al-Qur'an as a teaching aid. This can be improved by
using audio, video and different types of teaching aid to help in implementing T&L more effectively.

Vol. 18 No. 1 June, 2020 | Journal of Management and Science 73


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Mohd Aderi Che Noh, Rohani Ahmad Tarmizi. (2009). Persepsi Pelajar Terhadap Amalan Pengajaran
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Vol. 18 No. 1 June, 2020 | Journal of Management and Science 74

Table and Figure



Pie chart 2: Gender

years old

years old

years old

Pie chart 3: Age

Vol. 18 No. 1 June, 2020 | Journal of Management and Science 75

High School



High School

Graph 1: School background

Table 1: Teaching method of Quranic Reading

No Teaching method 5 4 3 2 1
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
agree disagree

1. The subject of 72 46 6 0 0
teaching will be 58.1% 37.1% 4.8% 0% 0%
introduced each

2. Al-Quran verses 82 29 11 1 0
recital by students. 66.7% 23.6% 8.9% 0.8% 0%

3. Do activities that 50 45 23 5 0
capture students’ 40.7% 36.6% 18.7% 4.1% 0%

4. Arrange the steps of 57 53 13 0 0

teaching 46.3% 43.1% 10.6% 0% 0%

Vol. 18 No. 1 June, 2020 | Journal of Management and Science 76

Table 2: Learning output

No Teaching and 5 4 3 2 1
learning methods Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
agree disagree

1. Teach using various 45 49 27 3 0

teaching methods. 36.3% 39.5% 21.8% 2.4% 0%

2. Change the teaching 53 54 17 0 0

technique based on 42.7% 43.5% 13.7% 0% 0%
students’ progress.

3. Corrected the 91 27 6 0 0
student’s recital every 73.4% 21.8% 4.8% 0% 0%
time they are wrong.

4. Relate the al-Qur’an 61 40 21 1 1

learning with the 49.2% 32.3% 16.9% 0.8% 0.8%
recitation in the

5. Relate the al-Qur’an 65 41 18 0 0

learning with tajweed 52.4% 33.1% 14.5% 0% 0%
rules in every lesson.

Table 3: Teaching aid and activities in class.

No Teaching methods 5 4 3 2 1
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
agree disagree

1. Using the latest 33 44 38 8 1

teaching aid in the 26.6% 35.5% 30.6% 6.5% 0.8%

2. Using an interesting 33 40 45 5 1
teaching aid for the 26.6% 32.3% 36.3% 4% 0.8%
teaching session.

3. Use a variety of 33 47 35 8 1
teaching aid in every 26.6% 37.9% 28.2% 6.5% 0.8%
teaching session.

4. Providing the tajweed 32 47 33 12 0

mind map as a 25.8% 37.9% 26.6% 9.7% 0%
teaching aid.

5. Teaching aid provided 46 47 28 2 1

will help the student 37.1% 37.9% 22.6% 1.6% 0.8%
to improve the
learning process.

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