Speaking Test

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Speaking test 1

1. How often do you go on holiday?
Usually, I go on a trip on national holidays when I have lots of time on my hands.
2. Where did you go most recently?
Usually during my holidays, I often invite my friends to go out. The places that I and
my friends often choose are cinemas, shopping malls or parks.
3. Who do you normally go on holiday with?
I enjoy traveling with my close friends, several of them are also my colleagues. I
believe amazing experience and joy multiplies when shared among a group of like-
minded individuals.
4. Do you have a favorite place to go on holiday?
Personally, I like quiet places, few people so I can focus on my work. That's why quiet
cafes are my favorite choice.
5. What do you normally pack in your suitcase when you go away?
When traveling, I usually bring clothes, the phone charger, my cosmetics, money and
necessary documents. The most important thing I can't forget when traveling is my
passport. I can't go far without it.
1. Do you come from a big or small family?
I come from a small family. I live with my mom and my sister. As I recall, we used to
live with our grandparents, uncles and aunts many years ago. But now we have a
nuclear family as we live in a city which is far away from our grandparents' house.
2. What do your parents do for a living?
My mother is a normal worker, but now she is retired because she is old. Now she just
stays home, my sister and I are working part-time for a living.
3. How do you get along with the rest of your family?
Well, we are a happy family and respect each other's opinion and lifestyle. We always
have each other's back no matter what and no matter how difficult the situation is.
Thus we go along with each other pretty well. Even if it is bumpy sometimes, which is
a very rare case, we understand that sacrificing for the family is a great death and we
should not be angry with our parents for their decisions since they are the most
treasured persons we can have in our life. Overall, my relationship with my family
members is smooth and we have many good memories as a family.
4. Do you share the same interests as the other members of your family?
I'm the youngest in the family, so sometimes it's hard to think about the generation
gap and to have many common interests. But I think there's one thing that both my
sisters and I like, and that's my mom's food.
5. Is it good being the middle (an only / the eldest / the youngest etc.) child?
I'm the youngest in the family so from my point of view it's good to be in the
middle. They are not under too much pressure on achievement or too much
generational gap.
1. Do you prefer active holidays or holidays where you get to relax?
I think that the two types of holidays are incredible and it depends on who I go
with, where to go and what I am going to do. If I go with my friends and want
to party every night, it's an active holiday. But if I want to go with my family to
rest, it becomes a relaxing holiday.

2. Are there any countries you would not like to visit?

Yes, I don't like to visit North Korea. Because I have read many creepy things about
that country, like the issue of personal safety. The DPRK has a habit of arresting US
citizens during politically convenient times, even when they haven’t committed any
crimes. Given what we know about North Korean prisons, maybe it’s better to stay
away altogether.
3. What was your worst holiday experience?
I am a person who rarely travels. After many years of not traveling, in July this
year my family and I traveled to Da Nang. I thought I would have a memorable
trip. But the truth is not like that. When I went to Da Nang, my sister chose a taxi
whose driver was very reckless. After that ride, I had to spend a day in the hotel
because of too much headache. Later that day I had an appointment with a friend to
go out, but then got caught in the rain. And of course the result was that the last
day I was sick and feverish, I had to spend the last day resting at the hotel.
1. What are the benefits of holidaying in a foreign country?
First of all, it’s a complete change of scene, which people need sometimes to help them
unwind and relax. Secondly, it’s a chance to experience another culture and way of life.
This is good in the sense that it broadens your horizons – and maybe you will pick up
some good tips you can take back home with you. Thirdly, you get to meet the locals. I
think it’s important to meet all sorts of different people in life; it promotes tolerance and
peace. If we meet people who look different or speak or behave differently to the way we
do, then we will not be afraid of them or distrust them. Fourthly, you get to see things you
might never otherwise be able to appreciate, like, for example, unique landscapes and
areas of beauty, or different styles of architecture. Then there is also the fact that you’ll
get the chance to try out the local cuisine, and this might influence the way you cook and
improve your cooking. For language learners, going to a country where they get to
practice the language is probably the best way to learn, so that’s another major plus point
of holidaying abroad. I think the point I’m trying to get across is that, really, the list is
endless. There’s so much to get out of a foreign holiday.
2. What sorts of problems can people experience when they are abroad?
Well, I think the most obvious and common one is the language barrier.
Communication can be really hard if you don’t speak the same language, not to
mention the fact that there can also be embarrassing misunderstandings when things
get lost in translation. Another issue that often crops up is a culture shock. For
example, in some countries, they are not used to queuing and tourists can get very
angry and upset at being passed out in the line. If you have a sensitive palate, you may
not find the local cuisine agreeable either, which can make life very difficult by
limiting your options for places to eat. Weather can also be an issue; it may be that
tourists have to adapt to a hotter or colder climate than they are used to.
Another major concern is often driving. If you are used to driving on the left and you
have to drive on the right side of the road during your holiday (or vice versa), this can
be very trying. Crime can ruin a foreign holiday, as can the loss of your bags or wallet.
Another big spoiler is the tendency some locals have to try to take advantage of
tourists and overcharge them. The list of potential problems is very, very long…
3. Do you think foreign holidays are affordable to everyone these days?
Not exactly. They are definitely more affordable than ever. I mean, flights within
Europe have gone very cheap over the last ten years, and now, with the internet
cutting out the middleman, you can book entire packages of flights, hotels, and
activities for bargain-basement prices.
That said though, it is still expensive to go abroad for those on lower-than-average
salaries, which is a shame because foreign travel can be such an enlightening
experience. Besides, long-haul flights remain pricey. I mean, it certainly isn’t cheap to
fly to America or Australia yet. All in all, I’d say that it’s definitely getting cheaper by
the year to holiday abroad, but I think there’s a long way to go yet before we can all
afford to.
4. Is flying a safe way to travel?
Nowadays, yes, I would have to say that it is. After all, great strides have been made
in aviation and air travel is safer than ever before. The evidence of this is in the fact
that there are fewer and fewer cases of accidents. Of course, even though the risk is
small, if it goes wrong, then you are still in big trouble, but I would definitely consider
flying to be a very safe form of travel today. You are far more likely to be run over by
a car as a pedestrian or cyclist, or involved in a car crash as a driver than to have an
accident on a plane – that’s how far aircraft safety has come.
5. Do you think people have enough time off work?
Not at all. I think the opposite is the case. Research has shown that most people are
working longer and longer hours than ever before. There is huge pressure on
employees to perform, so competitive in the workplace today, and this forces them to
sometimes even forgo their holidays in order to get things done at work. I think
people, in general, deserve more time off work, both to spend with their families and
to allow them to have the time to relax and unwind.
Workplace stress is a big problem that leads to many, many forms of illness, some of
which are very serious. We need to look after our health more, and the only way to do
that is to be allowed to take more time off work. If I were in government, I would
shorten the working week. Not only would that create extra jobs, but it would also
benefit all the employees who are overworked and overstressed and badly in need of a
6. Why do some people come back from holidays more stressed than when
they left?
Well, I think it’s easy to understand why that happens. Holidays can be stressful –
dealing with a different culture or language etc. is never easy. Then there’s also the
matter of having to spend a lot more time than usual with your family or friends. This
can lead to arguments and it’s often hard for everyone to stay calm.
Another common problem is that people try to do and see too many things – try to
pack too much into one week away in a country. They end up coming home more
tired and worn out than when they left…
7. What safety issues do you have to think about when you go away on
Well, first of all, you need to consider how safe the place you are going on holiday to
is. Some destinations are safer than others... I mean, in some countries, there are
dictatorships and the leaders are a law unto themselves. Other places have very strict
laws to do with culture or religion and you can get in big trouble for breaking them,
even by accident. Besides, if you go to very religious countries, they may not be very
tolerant towards foreigners, and may even be ‘anti’ to them.
It may be a good idea to know the local police and emergency numbers in advance in
case anything goes wrong, and also to have the contact details for your local consulate
to hand in the event of something really awful happening that you need help with.
Another thing is the fact that tourists often get targeted by criminals no matter where
they go, so you have to be really careful with valuables like cameras and phones, not
to mention your wallet, credit cards, cash and so on, and try not to stand out too much
– try not to look like a ‘tourist’. You’ve got to check out your accommodation in
advance, too, to make sure the area is a good one and that the owners are legit.
Weather factors can also affect safety – it’s important to find out if the place you are
going to is prone to violent storms, earthquakes and so on. And then there are health
issues; do you need vaccinations; are certain deadly diseases a problem there and so

Speaking test 2
1. Where do you come from?
I come from Hanoi, the capital city of Vietnam.
2. What is it like where you live?
I’m living in the center of Hanoi where there are tons of town-house complexes and
high-rises. These housing units are built to accommodate a tidal wave of people
gravitating towards the city in search of work.
3. Do you like living there?
I both like and dislike a few things about living here. For example, I really like the
convenience and speed here, like when you want to go to the supermarket or
shopping mall, it is much closer than you are in the countryside. On the contrary, I
do not like the noise of the traffic and especially the traffic jam.
4. Have you always lived in the same place?
Previously, I lived in the suburbs of Hanoi. But now I have moved to live in the city
center to make it easier to go to school.
5. What is there to do near where you live?
Oh yes, there's certainly lots to do there as it's a fairly big city. If you like going out in
the evening there are a lot of good restaurants and bars. If you prefer cultural activities
there are museums and art galleries. But if you like nature there are lots of other things
outside of the city which are easy to reach.
1. How long have you been learning English?
.I have been learning English for 14 years,since I was 6 years old at a primary school.
2. Do most people in your country learn English?
Yes, because English is now a common language, almost all students have an
English subject in their curriculum and jobs also give preference to those who
know English. Therefore, the demand for and learners of English has also
increased significantly.
3. Have you studied any other languages?
Yes, I tried to learn German because I intend to study abroad. But it's really hard to
learn because almost every word from plural to singular has a different form and
you have to learn it all by memorization, there is no trick or formula to apply the
form. for them.
4. Which language do you find easiest?
I don't think any language is easy to learn. It all depends on your knowledge, hard
work and passion for that language.
5. Do you think it is important to learn English?
Absolutely. Learning languages, especially English, allows us to be able to
communicate with others. It also helps us study more effectively since we can search
for almost everything on the Internet in English.
6. What advice would you give to someone who wants to start learning a
foreign language
Here are my hints or better said, the way how I try to learn English:
-Try to use English every day. Quantity is not as important as periodicity.
-Read books. There you can find common phrases which can be used in your daily
life. Say them out loud to remember.
-Listen to English broadcasts. For instance, the BBC has lots of material. I love
various how-tos and lingos. As in <2>, you are in contact with applied contemporary
-When looking for a word you do not know yet, always use more than one dictionary.
My favorites are Cambridge, Oxford, thefreedictionary.com and Longman Family
Dictionary (can be accessed online, the last one is a printed book). Sometimes you can
find something which is contained in only one of the dictionaries.

1. Do you spend a lot of time online?
Yes, outside of school and work, I spend most of my time online. I have quite a
few friends online, so I talk to them often on social media platforms.
2. Apart from looking at websites, what else do you do online?
There are many utilities on the internet. In addition to finding the necessary
information, I can make friends, chat, and facetime with friends. Besides, I can also
buy things online using Shopee, Shein or Lazada websites, I can even earn money
through online jobs.
3. Do you think the internet is very useful, or not really?
The internet is so useful, but we must learn how to use it properly. I’d like to talk
about the pros and cons of using the internet. First of all, it can bridge culture gaps.
People can connect with others from all over the world with just a few clicks of the
mouse. This leads to a better understanding and acceptance of different cultures. On
top of that, the internet offers endless sources of entertainment. There are thousands of
movies, games, books and music you can access for free online. Everything we can
possibly think of is available right now on the world wide web. This has completely
changed the way we enjoy our free time.
However, the internet also has disadvantages. Firstly, the world has become more
dependent on it. Most of our important information is stored in computers, such as our
medical, educational and financial records. Yet computer viruses are becoming more
common and aggressive. Our data is at risk of being stolen. A more extreme virus
attack could even shut down our economy. What’s more, there is a lot of content on
the internet that is bad for children, but the laws are not tough enough, and many sites
do not require users to give their real age or identity. Thus, children are at greater risk
of being exposed to things which could damage their mental health. To conclude,
using the internet is just like using a knife. If we use it correctly and wisely, it is a
helpful tool. But if we use it wrongly, it can cause harm. Therefore, we should not just
avoid using the internet. Instead ,we should learn how to use it properly.

1. Is surfing the internet more or less popular today than it used to be, in
your opinion?
I surely think that since the past decade the use of the internet has surely risen in my
country. You can now see even the elderly people learning how to use it and chat with
their kids online. They would form groups and laugh at the new whatsapp joke. Apart
from them, the internet is surely very famous among the younger generation, who are
ever so active to use it for either education or fun.
2. What would you say are the main reasons people use the internet?
Millions and millions of people these days use the internet on a day to day basis.
Basically, the internet is a great way to connect with the entire world. Most of us use
the internet as a way to connect with other people, sharing information, sharing files,
for entertainment, socializing, and many other things that could be beneficial for us.
But I think the main reason is to be updated with news and trends. The internet is a
great venue to know what is happening in our surroundings. It is also the fastest way
to be updated on what is happening around. There are lots of news agencies who put
news updates on the internet from time to time so that everyone will be updated. With
just a few clicks, you will know and be aware of the latest news and trends all over the
3. Do you agree with people who say the internet is addictive?
Yes, I think the internet can be addictive for the same reason that it can be so fantastic.
The internet offers endless entertainment, fascination, and even social interaction. I
can't think of any other space, either physical or abstract, that can fulfill so many
personal needs in one place. Unfortunately, this also means that it can be incredibly
destructive, and leads people to lose jobs, relationships and families.
4. Do you think it is healthy when people spend a lot of time online?
In fact, there are a lot of health issues associated with being attached to your
smartphone that can actually hurt your mental and physical health. You can have
many health issues from spending too much time online such as increased depression,
vision issues, weight gain, text neck..
5. What are the dangers people using the internet face?
No doubt that the Internet can be an extremely useful tool for everyone. But instant
messaging, chat rooms, emails and social networking sites can also bring trouble -
from cyberbullying to more serious Internet dangers, including exposure to sexual
predators. You can also have information stolen on social networks. Besides, being
online too much also makes you have a lot of health problems.
6. The internet is very important to the way we live our lives in the 21st
century. Do you agree?
Yes, because the country is also developing constantly, the fact that everything is
resolved quickly is also partly thanks to the internet. The Internet also makes it
easier for people to access and talk to each other.
7. Are you influenced by what we read and see on the internet?
No, because everything on the internet is unverified and unverified. People can go
online and write whatever they want, no matter how inaccurate and fictitious it
may be. We need to be selective about what we're reading and what we've read.
8. Do you think the internet is a reliable source of information
Not really, it depends on how selectively you read the information. If you access a
web page of a professional organization with accreditation, for example a government
department, a national charity, a professional society, a university, or a learned journal
then I think you can have a fair expectation that the information you see should be
accurate – with the caveat that a scientist will generally question everything though. If
you access a homepage, Wikipedia, or newspapers then that level of expectation
should diminish slightly.

Speaking test 3

The examiner will ask you some questions about yourself.
Let's talk about your hobbies and interests.
What do you like to do in your free time?
● I have always been a music lover, so whenever I have free time, I just put on
my earphones and enjoy my favorite tunes. To me, music provides an escape
from a busy life as it is both relaxing and healing.
Do you enjoy playing sports?
● Well, I think I’m a big fan of sports. Although I’m not good at it, my favorite
one is swimming. You know I can often meet new people and make friends
when I do sports. And as I think that, you know, practicing a sport regularly
does wonders for my health. It keeps me in shape, it helps to relieve my back
and neck pains. And last but not least, it refreshes my mind after a long day of
hard work.
What types of music do you like?
● My music taste varies widely from West to East and from the 90s to modern
EDM. But if Korean pop is considered as a kind of music, then yeah, that’s my
favorite of all time. More than half of my playlists are Korean songs and I
always keep myself updated with the news related to Korean showbiz.
Do you play any musical instruments?
Yes, I’m actually a guitarist. When I was in high school, I had a lot of free time so I
tried to take up as many hobbies as possible and one of them included the guitar. At
that time, playing guitar would be considered cool so I really wanted to give it a
chance. So although I have to balance between work and university assignments, I
sometimes still play the guitar. As a way to release stress and relax my mind.

What sport or hobby would you like to try in the future?

● Well, If I have more spare time in the future, I will take up playing the guitar.
Actually, I have found this musical instrument interesting ever since I was a kid
so I really want to cross it off my bucket list
The examiner will then ask questions about one or two other topics. See the
example below.
Now let's talk about your likes and dislikes.

Do you like to eat food from other countries?

There are a lot of foreign foods that are very popular in Vietnam. And so far with my
personal experience I have to say that I really enjoyed them. Experienced food from
different cultures could also help us to learn more about them. Sometimes when I eat
out with my family or friends, And if we want to, you know, change our appetite for
something new, I like to suggest some foreign restaurant.

What’s your favorite foreign dish?

There are a lot of foreign foods that are very popular in Vietnam. Like pizza or
hamburgers, KFC but my favorite has to be Spaghetti. Spaghetti is a very simple dish
that I can easily make at home and enjoy with family members. I often make it on the
weekends like a quick lunch for me and my mom to enjoy.

Which do you prefer; holidays in foreign countries or in your own country?

● I enjoy holidays in foreign countries more because:
● 1. I've traveled to many places in our country so I wanna try something new.
● 2. I have a chance to see and try many things which I haven't tried before
● 3. I have a chance to make friends and communicate with others and improve
my Eng skills
What do you like most about your country?
● To me, Vietnam is a wonderful country with magnificent sightseeing,
hospitable local residents, and special cuisine. To talk about Vietnam or my
hometown, there are many beautiful things to share.
Do you prefer going to the theater to see a play or watching movies at the
● Definitely, I love going to the theater more. Because enjoying a movie in a
screening room allows you to experience the best of the work. That's why more
and more movie formats appear with the aim of using technology to give the
audience the most authentic feeling.

Describe a traditional celebration you like
Tet is, without a doubt, the most significant event in Vietnam, as I have mentioned in
the first part. This annual celebration, which usually occurs at the end of January or
the beginning of February, marks the start of a New Year in the Lunar calendar. It is
time for family reunions and for people to relax after a long year of hard work, so of
course, it always brings an abundance of celebratory activities. We will all clean our
houses and decorate them with traditional flowers. At the time of transition between
the old and the new year, we often go out on the streets, look forward to the brilliant
fireworks displays and say “Happy New Year” to each other. Another traditional ritual
in Tet that I truly enjoyed as a child, is to give and receive Lucky money. Adults will
give children or elder people money in red envelopes as a way of wishing them a
healthy and prosperous new year. We also spend this time paying homage to our
ancestors by making and feasting on traditional foods such as Chung cake and sticky
rice cake. I think the reason why Tet is so important in VN is that it holds the meaning
of a fresh start for everyone. It carries hope, and really gives us the opportunity to
strengthen our bond with family and friends.

Why are national celebrations important?
National festivals help us to conserve our cultures, roots, origin, and values. People
preserve the country's heritage when they realize that it is valuable. National festivals
bring people together all over the country to observe a common historical or cultural
Do you think celebrations like Christmas are too commercial?
Christmas can be too commercial depending on what the holiday means to you and
how you celebrate it. It is up to each of us to decide what kind of Christmas we want
and make the effort to make it happen. If the religious aspect is important to you, there
are many services at this time of year, from Midnight Mass to Living Nativities.
Is it important to learn about the culture and customs of other countries? Why /
why not?
Yes, It is important. Because - Developing your understanding of other cultures, or
'cultural awareness', lets you have more meaningful interactions with those around
you. You're building your respect and empathy for other people, and celebrating your
differences as well as your similarities.
Do you think everyone will end up celebrating the same things eventually?
I actually agree with this statement. In foreign countries like the US, for religious
reasons, not everybody celebrates the same holiday. Like Christmas, Christmas is a
holiday to celebrate Jesus Christ's birthday so only Christians can celebrate it, not
Buddhists or Muslims. But nowaday, Christmas, Halloween both are becoming a
social celebration in many communities for many people of different religions and
even other countries. Like in Vietnam, everyone is still dressing up, trick-or-treating
and going out for Halloween night. But this is only considered as a trend. So as a
result, the holiday is losing its origin and meaning.
Are some celebrations better than others? Explain.
Every celebration is special on its own so I don’t think it would be fair to compare
them. So I think they are all equal. For example, harvest day may not be special to us
in the city, but for the farmers and people in the countryside this celebration is the
payoff of a whole hardworking year. Or liberty day, could be just a day off to students
but to soldiers and their family is a day to celebrate years of war, revolutionary and
the liberty we have had to this day. One man's garbage is another man's treasure.
Because we don’t exactly hold a party for the celebration doesn’t make it less great
than it already is.
What do you think accounts for the popularity of celebrations like Christmas
and Halloween?
Coming from many diverse cultures, international festivals have contributed more
colors to Vietnamese culture, the most typical of which are Christmas and Halloween.
Every festival when entering Vietnam has stories and meanings behind it. The
meanings of festivals imported from the West also contribute to spreading the
message of positive living, and healthy living for the people of Vietnam, reminding us
of gratitude, love, and gratitude these days. welcome truth. Although not everyone
understands the true meaning of holidays, this is still an occasion for people,
especially young people, who do not like it because they have more opportunities to
have fun with friends and relatives.
Why do you think food plays a big role in most celebrations?
Because, regardless of their culture or religion, people love to eat when they are
celebrating. Food enhances the experience, promotes interactions between people, and
provides a platform for bonding
Is it important to preserve tradition or should we move with the times?
Yes, of course. Culture and its heritage reflect and shape values, beliefs, and
aspirations, thereby defining a people's national identity. It is important to preserve
our cultural heritage because it keeps our integrity as a people.

Speaking test 4

Let's talk about pets.
Do you have any pets?
No, I don’t have a pet at home because my grandparents don’t allow me to keep one at
home. They have a fear in their mind regarding keeping pets. They think that pets
spread diseases, so they do not allow me to keep a pet.
Do you like animals?
Yes, I like animals, especially dogs. I like it because it’s a very faithful animal and
people feel secure when they are outside. Moreover, it gives company to lonely
What pet would you get if you could choose any?
I would like to have a husky. They are genetically closer to wolves than many other
dog breeds. They’re big and beautiful and have a lot of energy. A husky would be able
to easily understand my commands. It is cute, and its hair is beautiful and can be as
white as snow.
How does the rest of your family feel about pets?
My mother saw a cat or dog as nothing but trouble because sometimes they can be
very naughty. Their fur is everywhere, litter everywhere, and it's a lot of effort.
Have you ever had a bad experience with an animal?
Yes, It is an obsession with me until now. I was bitten by a stray dog when I was a
kid. So I'm a bit scared of them ever since.
The examiner will then ask questions about one or two other topics. See the
example below.
Now let's talk about food.
What's your favorite food?
My favorite food is one of Indonesian cuisine, it’s Rendang. And I believe that most
Indonesians love it as much as I do.
Do you eat out at restaurants often?
Not often. Sometimes when my family and I are bored at home, we find the closest
Do you eat a lot of fast food?
Pizza is my favorite food because it tastes and smells fabulous. Pizzas are popular
with adults and young people. The most important feature of pizza is the pizza dough,
which is responsible for the taste. This is followed by the famous pizza sauce.
Do you like food from other countries?
Of course, I like Italian food. From appetizers like onion rings, and then their main
course like a pizza margarita with pepperoni and cheese, and finally gelato ice cream
in vanilla flavors.
Pizza is my favorite food because it tastes and smells fabulous. Pizzas are popular
with adults and young people. The most important feature of pizza is the pizza dough,
which is responsible for the taste. This is followed by the famous pizza sauce.

What sorts of food do you and your friends eat when you go out together?
Usually, when we don’t know what to eat we just get some street food. We don’t have
a specific appetite, and we just want to have fun together.

Describe your favorite animal.
I’m glad this cue card came up since I have a lot to talk about my favorite animal,
Pandas. Giant pandas have a distinctive appearance. Their thick black and white fur
equip them for life. Their white coat with black markings is unique, with black
patches around the eyes and ears, black legs, and a black band around the shoulders,
and they have cute whitetails. Giant pandas live in a few mountain ranges in central
China, in a cool forest of bamboo to be more precise. Even though the panda is a
herbivore, they have a digestive system like a carnivore. When you visit a zoo you
will likely find that the pandas are sleeping. Actually, it spends half its day eating and
the other half sleeping. You may see them lying flat, on one side, on their stomach,
forelegs stretched out, or huddled up. While they are sleeping, they still look very
cute. They are not aggressive animals, sometimes when Panda is angry, it only stares
at their enemy.
Do you think being cruel to an animal is the same as being cruel to a human?
I can understand if a human is cruel to another human, but if they are cruel to an
animal, I cannot tolerate that. An animal can’t defend itself, so when humans harm
animals, we can see that they got scared.
Research from WWF about animal protection reveals that animal cruelty to wild
animals increased by 20% in 2013. It includes animals for circus and violence to
domestic pets, usually, people neglect their dogs until starving.
In addition, I remember a few months ago there is a Bengal tiger strangled with a
chain by a zookeeper in Surabaya National Zoo, and the story is shared all over the
Should people be allowed to hunt animals for their own entertainment?
Depends on what animal. Some exotic animals are hunted for their skin, like
tigers/lion, because it’s expensive, and they put their skin in the living room as a
trophy. Although, there is some tradition like boar hunting and they usually use a dog
to catch them. It’s a tradition, I cannot judge that situation.
How can we help protect endangered species of animals?
I think there are many ways to protect endangered animals. Perhaps the greatest threat
that faces many species is the widespread destruction of habitat. The best way to
protect endangered species is by protecting their habitat and environment. In
Indonesia, we have conservation for flora and fauna like Ujung Kulon to protect
rhinos and conservation in Borneo to protect orang-utans. Sometimes we can see
souvenirs made from species nearing extinction, crocodile skin for a purse one
example. We can also support the government to eradicate the animal black market
and illegal hunters.
What sorts of human activities make it more difficult for wild animals to
Destroying the natural environment of wild animals is a key way that we make it more
difficult for them to survive. First, Illegal logging in Borneo makes Orang-utans
almost extinct. Second, sea bombing catches plenty of fish but what they don’t realize
is that they also destroy coral, their habitat. And I’m sure we all have heard about
global warming's effect on Antarctica, it is because of carbon emissions from human
activities, sometimes we don’t realize that, but that’s also the reason why polar bears
are almost extinct.
Is it fair to make pets out of wild animals?
That’s not fair to capture and tame wild animals / exotic animals. Wild animals are not
domestic animals, and if You are taking their freedom for your own pleasure, that’s
If a shark kills a human in the sea, should it be hunted down?
It would be wrong. The human was in the shark’s natural habitat, in their territory.
And the shark is a natural predator, they bite humans because of their instinct, so it’s
not their fault.
There are no intelligent animals - except humans... ’ Do you agree?
I don’t completely agree with that statement. Although, I know some animals like
dolphins and chimpanzees have intelligence above the average of all faunas. Dolphins
have intelligence for problem-solving, they squeak in the ocean to call their groups. I
am not sure about the measurement to compare humans and faunas, that’s why I
cannot say that there are animals that are smarter than humans.

Speaking test 5

Part 1
Let’s talk about your neighborhood
What is the area where you live like?
I live in s suburbs. No doubt, my neighborhood is quiet peaceful since there are not
many houses here. The atmosphere in the area is fresh compared to other nearby areas.
This makes it a great place to enjoy life and work-hard in my opinion.
What is there to do there?
Oh. Because I live in the suburbs, this place is also less crowded than the inner city.
Therefore, there are not many amusement parks - entertainment. But instead, the area I
live in has lots of green lawns where we can have picnics. So great.
What is the house you live in like?
I live in a two-storey ground floor house with 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a kitchen and
a living room. My house was built in 2017 with two main colors: brown and white.
The small garden in front of the house is where I grow many kinds of flowers that I
Who do you live with?
I live with my family including my grandparents, my parents and our 3 sisters. We all
have our own room, which is way more comfortable as the older we grow, the more
privacy we need for ourselves. I think our house is big enough for us yet still a warm
and cozy place that I call home.
Would you prefer to live somewhere else?
For the moment, I am quite happy living here, but sometimes I really want to live in a
place with the convenience of living. I want to live there because I think I can find a
good job in that city

Let’s talk about music

What’s your favorite type of music?
Pop is my favorite music. It relieves my stress. Whenever I felt down or tired, I
usually listen to pop music to relax or fall asleep. Then my feeling actually becomes
Do you play any musical instruments?
I took some guitar lessons when I was younger and still have a guitar at home. I don't
play it much nowadays. I wish I had more time to practice.
Do you have a favorite band?
The truth is that I'm not a big fan of music so I don't have any favorite band. I usually
listen to soft music and the melody of the song is what decides if I listen to it again.
Are you a good singer?
Oh no, my voice is terrible when I sing so I believe I'm not much of a good singer. I
feel it myself. I also never dared to try singing with many people.
Do you like to perform in public?
Performing in front of a crowd? That only happens when I do it with many other
people. Like a dance or a group song. I'm embarrassed to stand alone on stage. I also
don't understand why?

Part 2
Describe your favorite place
My favorite place is the Lotte Center, which is situated in the heart of Hanoi. It
consists of a shopping mall, apartments, and an office complex. Since Lotte is one of
the tallest buildings in the city, it is visible from kilometers away. In fact, when biking
around West Lake, I often use it as the pinpoint mark to indicate my way home.
The best thing, in my opinion, is the department store, which is also highly popular
among both locals and foreigners. It carries numerous fashion brands that vary in style
and price, so I absolutely love shopping for new clothes here. Along with the high
quality, the price of products in Lotte is also quite expensive.
Furthermore, One thing I like the most is the cafe shop on the 65th floor of the
building. Tại đây ta có thể nhìn toàn cảnh thành phố. Order some favorite drinks and
relax on weekend days that's what I usually do when I come here.

Part 3
Do you think it is better to own or rent your home?
In my opinion, although in a short time renting a place might be reasonable and cost
less, I lean towards buying a house. However, this varies from person to person and if
the person wants to permanently settle in a place, he/she should think about
purchasing a place rather than renting one. However, for a brief staying, renting is a
better option in my opinion.
Is owning a holiday home a good idea?
Personally I love that idea but I don’t think I would make it happen. Although having
a holiday house would solve the problem of “which family’ house should we hold a
Tet gathering this year”. But compared to all the drawbacks and inconveniences that it
brings I don’t think it worth it. A holiday house is a still house so you still have to pay
the maintenance fee for the water, electricity on a daily basis. And frequently check on
the house infrastructure. Which is a waste of money and time consuming since no one
lives in it. So you may come up with a solution of renting to someone else. But you
and your family would have to talk about who would manage this renting situation
and what to do with the renting money. This is causing more problems. In addition, in
case of emergency, if you need the house for an unplanned event, you can’t just tell
the renters to leave. So you have a holiday house but can use it. So in my opinion, to
avoid all this probably not having a shared house would be easier.

Should we let people build houses in the countryside?

Some may argue that it is vital to protect the countryside and one should not build new
homes in rural areas. In my opinion, I think rural areas need to be equally developed
like cities and one should consider building homes in the countryside. Living in the
countryside has certain health benefits as the pollution is less. People grow healthier
due to the fresh air from the trees. Moreover, the food in the countryside is more
nutritious and of good quality. One can consider settling down in the countryside and
enjoy the greenery it offers. Building houses in the countryside also help to reduce the
overcrowded population in the city as well.

What problems are caused by large numbers of people living together in cities?
Air pollution is the first issue in my mind when answering this question. It is a
prevalent issue in major cities when large numbers of people live together. Surface
transportation is the main source of greenhouse gas emissions, which cause respiratory
problems for people. This problem is exacerbated by the sheer number of vehicles
commuting daily in the city. Some other issues include those involving fiscal
difficulties, crowding, housing, traffic, public education, and crime.
Why do some people want to live as far away from towns and cities as possible,
do you think?
I think living far from towns and cities is much less crowded. Besides, the pace of life
in the countryside is slow while people living in big cities always seem to be in a
hurry. Also, it is much more healthy to live out of big cities because the air in the
country is fresher and there is not as much noise.

Speaking test 6

Part 1
Let’s talk about your schooling
Where did you go to primary school?
I used to study at a primary school less than 400m from my house. I rarely have to
walk to school even though the school is so close to home. My mum used to take me
to school on her bike when she went to work.
Did/do you enjoy school?
I can say, when I was a kid I hated going to school. I often do tricks like pretending to
be sick and having stomach aches, to get my mother to let me miss school. But as I got
older, I realized that going to school is fun. I met many friends and learned a lot of
useful knowledge.
What was your favorite school subject?
Sure, English is my favorite subject. I started studying it when I was in 3rd grade and
it was also my main major in university.
What was/is your least favorite school subject?
When I was in high school, I was afraid of one subject – Mathematics. I don't prefer
doing math. I also cannot remember the formulas and other rules to solve the
problems. It's too difficult for me and it takes unusual time for me to solve a single
What did you study/do you want to study/ are you studying at university?
I’m majoring in the English language and as you can guess, I have to deal a lot with
something like phonetics and phonology, lexicology or grammar. To be honest, they
are sometimes overwhelming to me, but I have a knack for linguistics, so it’s OK.
Let’s talk about keeping fit
Do you try to keep fit? How?
I always try to stay in shape. I go to the gym twice a week. I don’t really enjoy it, to be
honest, but it’s an easy way to keep fit. I mainly do cardiovascular exercises, rather
than muscle building.
Do you think it is important for young people to stay fit?
In my opinion, it is necessary for young people to stay fit. Because in my opinion,
young people are very stressed when they have to work and study a lot, so it is easy to
lose shape like being too fat or too thin. A few easy exercises will therefore make
studying more comfortable and especially help you keep in shape.
Do you play any sports? Which do you like the best?
Well, I think I’m a big fan of sports. Although I’m not good at it, my favorite one is
swimming. It keeps me in shape, it helps to relieve my back and neck pains. And last
but not least, it refreshes my mind after a long day of hard work.
Do you prefer team or individual sports?
I prefer team sports, mainly because team sport encourages interaction with other
players and learning to cooperate, thus improving the skill level of an individual team
Do you prefer watching sports or taking part?
I’d rather play sports myself than sit and watch others because being active is better
for my health. However, I do enjoy watching football on TV every once in a while,
especially when my favorite team plays.
Have you ever been to a live sports event?

Part 2
Describe a teacher who you really did not like
The person that I would like to speak about is ABC. She was my Japanese teacher in
secondary school. She was actually quite scary. She had a really stern look all the time
and was extremely strict.
The reason why I didn’t like her at first was that she singled me out all the time. Her
lessons were decent, and we all learned a lot, but she didn’t have any patience for any
student who couldn’t keep up, or who had a lot of questions. I was also sort of a
troublemaker and a class clown, and she didn’t like that at all. She always put me in
time-out or she’d make me go to after-school detention. I think she was within her
right to do this (now that I look back), but when I was a kid, I hated that she always
punished me.
ngắn thôi cho dễ thuộc nhé :V
ok cậu ^^

Part 3
Do you think the majority of teachers are good at their job?
No, but I would say a majority of them are competent. There are many measures in
place to evaluate teachers and their productivity and to ensure that they do a good job
if they want to stay employed. Teachers' effectiveness is often measured by their
ability to improve student standardized achievement test scores in core academic
subjects, such as math and reading.
Teachers often complain about being overworked. Do you agree?
I think if teachers work in a public school, then they’re in danger of this. They work a
full day, and then have to attend meetings and grade homework and exams. It seems
like an exhausting life.
What can be done to improve the quality of teaching in schools?
Improvements should be made at the institutional level. What I mean by this is that
teachers should be trained better while they’re still earning their credentials.
Methodology must be modified before they start teaching, so that they have the right
tools to teach before they even step into a classroom.
Should teachers be allowed to hit students who misbehave very badly?
In my opinion, teachers should be friendly while still maintaining their
professionalism. By being friendly, teachers might be able to understand students’
points of view and thus devise the right strategies to connect with them.
This is really crucial since rough treatments might worsen their behaviors or
encourage them to play truant. Therefore, being patient and guiding students is better
rather than using force to do so.
What do you think can be done to improve discipline in schools?
This is a hard one. I think it starts at home. You have to remind parents that it’s
important for them to tell their kids to respect teachers. If this isn’t done, then at
school, kids will act like spoiled princes and princesses.
What would you do to improve the education system if you were the Minister for
I would encourage more creative thinking. I think using your brain in unconventional
ways is a great way for you to grow and find out what you’re capable of. khó quá,
không bít làm ĐĐĐ

Speaking test 7

Part 1
1, What do you do to help protect your local environment?
There are many ways to help protect the local environment. We can start with easy
and simple things. I use public transport to travel instead of using private vehicles,
especially energy-efficient vehicles. Moreover, for short distances, I use bicycles or
walk to reduce congestion and smoke from vehicles. Next, I participate in activities to
protect the surrounding environment, such as planting trees to add beauty as well as
contribute to improving the environment. Moreover, I raise people's awareness about
the effects of air pollution through banners, slogans, and social media.
2, How often do you recycle?
Recycling is a very good way to protect the environment, so I often do it in my daily
life. With plastic bottles after drinking, I usually recycle them as a small pot so that I
can grow plants and flowers, hanging them in the room will make the room come
alive. In addition, I also use these bottles to make a very cute pen holder.
3, Is pollution a problem in your area?
I think the problem of environmental pollution where I live is not too serious. Because
the people in the area where I live have a very good sense of environmental
protection, they do not litter indiscriminately, but instead will organize a weekly
cleaning session around the area. However, where I have a few workshops and
factories, the waste released into the air is also a part of pollution.
4, What kinds of things do you recycle?
Well, some common materials that I recycle are plastic, paper, glass, and metals such
as aluminum and steel. For example, with plastic bottles after drinking, I usually
recycle them as a small pot so that I can grow plants and flowers, hanging them in the
room will make the room come alive. In addition, I also use these bottles to make a
very cute pen holder.
5, Do you ever throw rubbish on the ground?
I think I did once, but it would have been when I was a kid because I didn't know what
was right and wrong. However, when I grew up and realized this was wrong, when I
had garbage, I usually took it to a nearby trash can and threw it away. If there aren't
any bins around, I'll bring them home.
Art and Culture
1, Are you any good at painting or making things with your hands?
I think I'm not a good person at painting or making things with my hands. Because
when I do, the results usually won't be as good as expected. However, I like to make
things by myself, especially decorative things like pencil cases, notebooks,…
2, Are there any national celebrations in your country?
There are quite a lot of national celebrations in Vietnam, so I hardly know where to
begin. We have Reunification Day, which celebrates the fall of Saigon in 1975,
National Day, to mark the country’s declaration of independence in 1945, and, of
course, the most important national holiday, Tet. During this time, Vietnamese people
return to their hometowns and spend several days chilling out, feasting on traditional
delicacies, visiting relatives, and generally making merry.
3, Do you know any celebrations from other countries?
There are many celebrations from other countries that are in vogue in Vietnam, such
as Valentine's Day, celebrated on February 14th, and Halloween, celebrated on
October 31. The celebration to which teenagers respond the most in December is
Christmas, which is held on December 25th.
4, Do you like to visit museums and art galleries?
Definitely, I do. I enjoy visiting museums and art galleries because they are a great
way to spend time with friends and family while learning something new about
different time periods and discussing thoughts and opinions with each other. What’s
more, museums make me think, which I really like, and art galleries clear my mind
and boost my own creativity.
5, Would you like to be an artist?
For me, I don't want to be an artist because I'm not good at painting, but I can't help
but feel joy when I do this. The job that I want to do is to become an English translator
for international companies.
6, What is your favorite celebration?
So, Tet is definitely the most crucial holiday for me and Vietnamese people in general.
It is one of the most well-known traditions that has been celebrated for thousands of
years. This is a time to slow down, reflect on our past year and refresh ourselves for
the new year. Moreover, during this time, Vietnamese people return to their
hometowns and spend several days chilling out, feasting on traditional delicacies,
visiting relatives, and generally making merry.
Part 2:
1, bad weather
Today I’d like to tell you about a time when the weather was so awful that it
prevented me from doing some sightseeing during our trip to Sapa in 2017. It was in
the middle of September 2017 that we visited Dalat. At first, the weather was so nice
when we hit the road. It was breezy and cool. But then dark clouds appeared; the sky
became overcast, and it started to rain. Just in time, our car had an engine problem that
couldn't be started. My whole family was worried when I couldn't call for help but it
was getting darker and darker. But luckily, there were many houses next door on that
road, so we entered one and asked to stay overnight. We were so relieved to find a
place to take a rest after such a long day. It goes without saying that we were
disappointed with the trip, as all of our plans just backfired. The weather hindered us
from touring Sapa, and we had no choice but to stay inside and listen to the rain's
rhythm. But then it turned out that we did have a good time later despite the bad
weather. The cottage owners were very welcoming, friendly and humorous. They told
funny stories that made us have a belly laugh. They made delicious local dishes, told
us several local specialties including traditions and customs that have been preserved
for hundreds of years and recommend most popular destinations
2, Activities to help protect the environment
In this day and age, environmental- related issues have become burning issues
compared to the past. People have made immense efforts to protect the environment. I
myself have tried to go green.
First, I start with easy and simple things. I use public transport to travel instead of
using private vehicles, especially energy-efficient vehicles. Moreover, for short
distances, I use bicycles or walk to reduce congestion and smoke from vehicles.
Second, I participate in activities to protect the surrounding environment, such as
planting trees to add beauty as well as contribute to improving the environment.
Thanks to the green net, it helps to keep the dust on the leaves and prevent the dust
from flying away.
Third, I raise people's awareness about the effects of air pollution through banners,
slogans, and social media. Moreover, they will understand that protecting the
environment is everyone's duty, not just an individual or a group.

The last but not least thing that I do is to improve living habits. This can be done by
properly disposing of waste, not incinerating waste or waste elements
indiscriminately. This helps limit the amount of harmful emissions and dust that is
pushed into the environment. Replacing burning fuels like coal, firewood, and gas
with modern electrical equipment is both safe and overcomes air pollution.

3, describe a time you saw a rare or endangered animal

I remember when I was younger, we went to the local zoo as part of a school
expedition. We spent most of the day there and saw many different wild animals and
we learned a lot about them for the class project we were doing. My favorite animal
was the tiger, so I'll talk about that - it was in a large cage, which was full of enormous
rocks and some large trees too. It was bigger than I thought it would be, but then I was
only a child at the time. I'd seen plenty of tigers on TV, in movies and TV programs,
but it seemed a lot bigger in real life. It was really like watching a big cat, the way it
moved around. The colors were amazing, the yellow, white and black stripes on its
body were spectacular. As I was watching, it jumped up and started climbing up one
of the big rocks. When it reached the top it slowly turned around and then looked
down at everything, moving its head from side to side, like it was observing
everything going on around it. I felt very excited because I thought it was looking at
me, it was really amazing! Over the years, I saw the same tiger a few more times
because I used to live quite close to the zoo, so I would go and visit, maybe a couple
of times a year. Unfortunately, one day when I went to visit, the people at the zoo told
me that the tiger had died, apparently it was very old. When I heard the news, I was
sad for a while because it was so beautiful to watch; elegant and powerful. I think the
tiger is one of the most impressive creatures, just watching it move, and it's very
strong too.

Part 3:

1, How do human activities cause problems for wild animals?

Human activity is by far the biggest cause of habitat loss. The planet’s human
population has doubled in the past 50 years and the pressure to house and feed more
than seven billion people has seen incursions into previously pristine natural habitats
increase dramatically. At the same time, human impacts on the Earth’s climate are
radically changing weather patterns and, as a result, the spread and nature of wild

2, Why do some humans continue to illegally hunt rare and endangered wild
Although hunting is against the law, many people continue to do so for personal gain.
Especially the financial benefits. When you sell precious animals or their parts, you
get a large amount of money back with no effort at all.

What problems can global warming cause for wild animals?

Global warming, scientists say, is responsible not only for shrinking ice caps but also
for a surge in extreme weather that is causing heat waves, forest fires, and droughts.
The polar bear standing on a chunk of shrinking ice, apparently stranded, has become
a familiar image, a symbol of the devastating effects of climate change.The key
impact of global warming on wildlife is habitat disruption, in which ecosystems—
places where animals have spent millions of years adapting—rapidly transform in
response to climate change, reducing their ability to fulfill the species' needs.

Are humans to blame for global warming?

In my opinion, people often don't admit their fault and will blame it on global
warming. However scientists agree that global warming is caused mainly by human
activity. Specifically, the evidence shows that certain heat-trapping gasses, such as
carbon dioxide, are warming the world—and that we release those gasses when we
burn fossil fuels like coal, oil, and gas.

Do people today care about protecting the environment or are they not really

Well, it's hard to say for sure. I think some people are concerned but probably not
enough of them. There are people who take environmental problems seriously enough
to actually recycle their rubbish appropriately but I don't think there are enough people
who concern themselves with resource depletion which I consider to be a pressing
issue. So many people are using energy and buying products without any thought to
the impact of their actions.

What measures can governments take to try to reduce the effects of global
warming and help protect the environment?

Governments must protect ecosystems key to the fight against climate change: rivers,
wetlands, oceans, forests and mangroves absorb large quantities of carbon, slowing
warming. The government has increased wind energy and products from solar energy
and encouraged people to use that fuel instead of fuels such as coal, firewood,... and
especially for farming using biofuels. learn from organic waste

Speaking test 8
1. Do you use computers at home ? What do you use it for?
Of course, yes, I think everyone has a computer at home. I use it on a daily basis and
for everything. It plays an essential part in my daily life because I’m still a student and
I need to access the computer to prepare materials, look for information related to
lessons. Moreover, I use it for a variety of personal use like watching movies,
listening to music, and doing some online shopping.

2, What sort of game do you play?

I'm not a game addict so I don't invest much in gaming devices either. For
entertainment, I usually just choose games through apps on my phone like puzzles,

3, Are you good with technology

I only know how to use basic things on computers such as looking up information,
entertainment and using microsoft for learning. Anything related to programming or
fixing software errors, I don't know and need help

4, What is your favorite piece of technology? What do you use it for?

That would probably be my smartphone, simply because I use it all the time for
messaging people and listening to podcasts. Between my smartphone and my laptop,
I’m “plugged in” pretty much all day.

talk about your friend

What does your best friend look like?

Everyone has a best friend and so do I. She's been with me since 6th grade and up
until we were in college. She has a petite figure, an oval face with red, shoulder-length
hair. especially has white skin, so everyone is jealous of that skin.

How long have you known them?

She and I have known each other for ten years, since 6th grade to be exact. I met her
when I took the class and stayed together to talk to the teacher about the class
president on the first day.

How does your best friend behave?

She’s very kind. She’s willing to give others a hand, and she always stands by me
whenever I need help. She’s a patient person. Unlike me who can get angry very
easily, she’s able to stay calm in almost every situation. In terms of being patient, I am
learning a lot from her.

Would you confide in a friend if you had a problem?

I am a person who likes to share, especially with my loved ones, so when I encounter
something, I often share it with them. Sharing helps me a lot. I'll get great advice in
return, show me a solution to that problem that I haven't thought of yet.

Do you and your friends share the same interests?

Finding a friend with similar interests is very difficult. Luckily me and my friend both
have similar interests. She and I both have the same hobby of making our own
recycled items when we have free time. She and I made a lot of cute and pretty things
from plastic bottles, discarded cardboard sheets, etc. to turn them into pen boxes, plant

What do you and your friends do together?

My closest friends and I have a mutual interest, which is that we always have a thirst
for clothes shopping, so whenever we have time, we will go shopping together until
we break the bank. Sometimes, when we are out of money, just window shopping is

Part 2 describe a piece of technology

I consider myself a technophile, so it’s hard for me to live a day without using
technological devices, especially my smartphone. Last year, on the occasion of my
20th birthday, my parents gave me a very precious gift, which is an iPhone 11 Plus.
Every day, I used it for both study and entertainment. I use my smartphone on a daily
basis and for everything. It plays an essential part in my daily life and is considered
one of my modern educational tools. Only with the phone connected to the Internet, I
access and surf the Web to broaden my knowledge. For example, when there are
lessons that I don’t understand in class, I can use it to search for lectures and videos
online, which is really helpful. In replacement of a heavy, bulky laptop, my pocket-
sized phone also allows me to create and edit documents on the move. Moreover, I
can download a lot of games or books, music, movies and they are all free. As a result,
after tiring lessons, this will be a good way to relieve stress and get back my energy.
For instance, when I do the housework with my mother, I regularly listen to my
favorite songs. In addition, it helps me to keep in touch with my family and my
friends. When I want to make contact with my classmates, I can send text messages or
make video calls and we can easily see each other’s faces. In short, my phone has
offered me a range of great benefits in my daily life. If I didn’t have it, it would be
difficult for me to contact my near and dear friends and family members.

Part 3:

1, In what ways has the mobile phone made our lives easier?

Smartphones have clearly transformed the lives of many across the world. You can do
nearly everything on a smartphone, and that is truly remarkable such as easy
communication, a mobile app for everything, a source of entertainment,... The most
apparent way in which mobile phones have affected our lives is that they have allowed
us to stay in touch with everyone that we want and that too in the most convenient
way. With just a few screen taps, one can easily call or text a person halfway around
the world. Not only that, pictures can be shared, videos can be sent, documents can be
transferred, and even groups can chat for a little get-together.

• Are there any ways in which it has made our lives harder?

The smartphone has changed our lives for the better in some ways, but it definitely has
its drawbacks, too. For instance, some research has found that smartphone use may
contribute to sleep issues and depression. It is because of modernity that many people,
when meeting each other, only focus on the phone and forget about everyone around,
making the distance between people more distant.

• What is the most important technological discovery of our time?

Great modern inventions include the printing press, which allowed a dramatic
expansion of literacy rates; the electric light, which provided countless social changes;
the automobile, which increased mobility and personal freedom; and the telephone,
which helped communication across many areas.

• What one piece of technology do you think we would struggle most to live

I consider myself a technophile, so it’s hard for me to live a day without using
technological devices, especially my smartphone. I have used it both in study and
entertainment every day. I use my smartphone on a daily basis and for everything. It
plays an essential part in my daily life and is considered one of my modern
educational tools. Only with the phone connected to the Internet, I access and surf the
Web to broaden my knowledge. In addition, it helps me to keep in touch with my
family and friends.

• How have technological advances affected the way we live?

Modern technology has paved the way for multi-functional devices like the
smartwatch and the smartphone. Computers are increasingly faster, more portable, and
higher-powered than ever before. With all of these revolutions, technology has also
made our lives easier, faster, better, and more fun.

• What new technologies would we be better off without?

In my opinion, AirPods or other kinds of Bluetooth and wireless headphones would be

my answer to that. Cables can stick to various places but these AirPods will not stay in
your ears. These AirPods can easily fall from your ears. And for that you can't use
AirPods on the street; someone might steal them from your ear. What would happen if
we lost one of them? It would be expensive to buy new AirPods, let alone buying one
half of it.
How has technology affected the way we interact with our friends and

technology has positively affected our communication and the way we make
relationships and maintain it. Most of us enjoy the positive things that technology has
brought for us. In the past, the means of interaction were very limited. Unleash your
imagination; if you want to speak with your friend, you would have to go directly to
his house or send him a message which may take a few days to get a response. I
completely believe that technology has a great tangible effect on our communication.
Nowadays, it's very easy to interact with your relatives -and even with the government
and organizations- either by emails, mobiles, chatting, etc. and I think that this has
improved the relationships and enhanced it. We no longer need to visit a relative or
friend to get updates. Alternatively, we can let them know our updates instantly.
Besides, it is because of modernity that many people, when meeting each other, only
focus on the phone and forget about everyone around, making the distance between
people more distant.

• What are the dangers associated with popular social networking sites?

Social networking portals or sites have many uses and can be helpful in many aspects
of life. However, this modern phenomenon may still present dangers to its users.
These dangers are not to be ignored. Many people are becoming so addicted to the use
of social networks that they are unable to resist checking their handheld device or
mobile every few minutes, waiting for messages from friends. Moreover, serious loss
of valuable personal or professional time is also one of the dangers. People may
impersonate you and trick your friends into sharing personal information,
downloading malware (harmful software), or providing access to restricted sites. Loss
of privacy is perhaps the most subtle danger of social networking. The personal
information posted on social networks can be exploited by anyone, since it is open to
the public.

• What sorts of dangers are associated with the internet?

chắc giống câu phía trên đấy các cậu

. What does the future hold for us, and how will our lives be different in 10 to 20
years from now?

Technology has always been a significant part of our lives. It has created opportunities
and made our lives easier, posing some challenges. We are now beginning to see the
future of technology and how it will shape our lives in the next 20 years. One of the
significant changes will be how we communicate with each other. Many people are
already using voice assistants like Alexa, Siri, Google Assistant, and Cortana to
communicate with their loved ones. This is just the beginning, though. More devices
will come out that allow us to communicate with each other through text, video, or
even touch-based interfaces like a smartwatch or a digital tattoo.
Speaking test 9
Part 1:
Let's talk about Money.
1. Where do you get the money you need to buy things?
When I really need to buy something, I usually ask my mom. Because it's a necessary
thing she will give me money to buy.

2.What do you do when you need more money?

I think I will do a part-time job. Because I'm still a student, I will choose to make
money online. I can make money online through a website.

3.What sorts of things do you buy for yourself?

I will buy a piece of jewelry that will make me smile every time I wear it to go

4. Do you think you are good with money?

Yes, I'm good with money. I'm saving and that is going well. There are some large
purchases I am saving up for. Saving is fun for me.

5. What is the most expensive thing you've ever bought?

So, an expensive item that I've recently purchased is a Sony Vaio laptop which cost
me around 2000 USD. As a student, this is quite expensive, I would say. I had to save
money to buy it

Now let's talk about your possessions.

1. What is your most important possession?
The important possession, which I think is my personal laptop. It is my most
important possession for a couple of reasons. I frequently use it for my research
purposes. And I also use it to communicate. For instance- I usually used it for
emailing to contact my friends.That's why my laptop is my most important possession.

2 . What is your most valuable possession?

A teddy bear who has been with me since I was a baby. Nothing else can make it all
better quite like he can.

3.What sorts of presents do you like to receive?

Actually, I really enjoy receiving books as gifts because I’m a bookworm, reading is
my favorite habit. 
4. What is the best present you ever got?
I was presented with a laptop and it was the greatest gift for me. It was a MacBook
Pro for me which really was exceptional. 

5. Have you ever taken anything that was not yours?

No, I have never done that before. Because, it's not the right thing so I can't do that.
6.Have any of your possessions ever been lost or stolen?
Yes, I used to lose a phone. One day I was taking a taxi home from the airport and had
a lot on my mind, and when the taxi dropped me off at home, I got out, paid the
driver, and didn’t really notice that my phone was laying on the back seat.

Part 2
The incident which I remember now is the one in which I got into trouble when I was
studying in 12th standard. My first term exam was going on. Due to late night
preparations I woke up late on the day of my mathematics examination. When I woke
up the clock showed 8:45 am and my exam was going to start at 9:00 am.I took a bath
and started for school. I reached the school half an hour late. The exam had already
started. I was scolded by the teacher badly and even was told to start my exam after
half time due to which I got very few marks in my mathematics exam. I just hit half
the total marks. After this incident I learned the lesson of never being late and reached
each place on time.

The examiner may ask you one or two more related questions when you have finished,
like those given in the example below.
1. Do you think you would ever commit a crime?
This's a difficult question to answer. Nobody wants to commit a crime and so am I. I
hope that I don't commit any crime in the future.
2. Have you ever been the victim of a crime (or known someone who has been)?
Yes, I have been the victim of a crime , when I was 12 my bike was stolen from the
front of a toy store. We never found that bike but one day I saw it in an old store.
3. Have you ever been in a fight? Was it serious? Why were you fighting?
I was in a fight once. It's like a kid fight.
So I used to bring a metal rulers
to school when I was 14. One day, a classmate of mine lost his metal ruler, which was
identical to my ruler.And he said that I stole that ruler.I had a really bad day and I felt
like I couldn't reason with him anymore, so I clipped him right on the top left edge of
his spectacles frame with my right fist.

Part 3
The examiner will ask you some more general questions which follow on from the
topic in Part 2.
1. Do you think murderers deserve the death penalty?
I don't know. I would not have any compassion if a serial killer died or was beaten to
death. But I don't believe in the death penalty. It's all fine and dandy to believe in a
perfect world where killers and violent criminals are put down. But it just doesn't
work like that. It actually makes society worse. The countries where they have nicer
prisons actually have a lower crime rate. We can't fix society by killing part of it. It
leads to more murder.
2. How can we help reduce the level of crime?
Help ex-offenders find secure living-wage employment. Securing a well-paying job
can help returning prisoners remain crime-free once they go back to their
communities. Our studies found that the more they earned during the first two months
following their release, the lower their chances of returning to prison.
3. Is the statement, 'Once a criminal, always a criminal', true?
No, I don't agree with that.Everyone has a chance to correct the mistake. And it would
be a shame if we don't give them a chance

4. Is there a link between crime and poverty?

Yes, poverty is blamed for being the primary driver of crime, with income inequality,
and low social norms and values serving as additional reasons.

5. What is wrong with sending a young offender to prison, if anything?

I don't think it's wrong. Because they broke the law just like old offenders.
Hopefully if they are punished while they are committing crimes while still young
they will learn from it and straighten out their lives before it's too late.
And even if they don't learn, if made an example of, maybe other kids can see what
happens when you break the law and learn from it.
6. Do you think the same rules of law apply for rich people as for poor people?

Speaking test 10
Part 1:
Let's talk about Your Eating Habits.
1. How often do you eat fast food?
I don't usually eat fast food. Because it doesn't taste good and doesn't have a lot of
2. What's your favorite type of fast food?
I love chicken made food, especially chicken chunks, chicken wings, and chicken
nuggets. I also like pizza but not on a daily basis. Sometimes, for a change I go with
my colleagues to McDonald's and we enjoy eating chicken fingers.
3. Do you snack a lot? What kinds of snacks do you eat?
Yes, I do. Around mid morning I usually
have some fruit and then about 3pm I have
some biscuits or something like that.
4. Do you have breakfast everyday? Why / why not?
Yes, I need breakfast before starting my joyful day. Otherwise, by the time it’s 11
o’clock, I would feel ravenous / starving. To be honest with you, most mornings, I
wake up feeling peckish so breakfast is so important to me.
5. What time do you usually eat dinner at?
We have our main meal at around 7.00, which I’m usually starving by then. In fact, I
often grab a bite to eat as soon as I get home from school.
6. What do you eat for lunch when you are at school?
Lunch is different from breakfast, I usually eat more food at lunch. I eat food which
has healthy and nutritious protein.Sometimes fish, sometimes beef, pork with
vegetable dishes.Because I have a lot of work in the afternoon.
Now let's talk about Your Health.
1. What kinds of exercise do you do regularly?
I do different exercises on different days. Some mornings I do yoga and on some
mornings I do some light weight lifting and squats. My focus is on my legs.
2. When and how often do you brush your teeth?
I brush my teeth twice a day, morning and evening, with fluoride toothpaste for two
minutes each time.
3. Do you play any sports competitively?
Yes, I play volleyball with my classmates at school. Our team was chosen to play for
school and we can't forget those days. At school we had one hour of sport during a
week, so it was fun for me to take part.
4. When was the last time you went for a check-up at the doctor's? Did you
have any problems?
My last doctor's appointment was on Friday. Luckily I play sports so I don't have any
diseases. The doctor said I should keep doing that to have a healthy body.
5. What time do you get to sleep most nights? How many hours of sleep do
you get each night?
I usually sleep at 10 p.m. So I will get 8 hours of sleep, it keeps me healthy in the

Part 2
Describe a time when you had to go to the doctor's/hospital
Well, anyone does not like to go to a hospital and see a doctor but, sometimes, we
have to see a doctor. Here, I would like to talk about a time when I had to go to the
hospital. I recently visited a doctor. Dr. Johan, one locality doctor, I had suffered from
fever, headache and continued sneezing.
I had to go. I did not want to go but I had to go. I visited the hospital and waited for
twenty minutes outside Dr. Johan’s chamber. Finally, I went into the chamber.
Dr.Johan had checked up my body temperature and infection in my throat. Then, he
said to me that it was just a normal viral infection due to changes of season. He took
his prescription pad and wrote some medicine.
After that, he recommended that you should not drink cold water, cold beverages, and
fried food as well as spicy food. I asked him how long I might be healed, then he just
smiled a little. He told me to rest as well as visit for a checkup after three days. I felt
very good and comfortable. Then, I visited the hospital after three days and I was
normal. so, I started a connection with my daily work without a heavy headache and

The examiner may ask you one or two more related questions when you have finished,
like those given in the
example below.
1. Do you tend to get sick often?
No, I do not usually get sick. Luckily I have a healthy body.
2. Have you ever been very seriously ill?
This is a tricky one really as I’m usually quite healthy.I’ve never been seriously ill like
everyone else I sometimes get a few aches and pains or catch a cold
3. Do you like going to the dentist's?
I actually love going to my dentist. I was lucky enough to have a dentist growing up
who was kind, funny, and a friend of my parents, so I liked going to see him as a
child. As an adult I’ve found a dental practice staffed with wonderful people.
4. How regularly do you go for a check-up at the doctor's and dentist's?
It’s commonly said that you should see a dentist twice a year. When in doubt, this is a
good rule of thumb to follow. But I want to make sure how often I need a dental
checkup so I consider my mouth, hygiene, habits, and overall well-being.
Part 3
The examiner will ask you some-more general questions which follow on from the
topic in Part 2.
1. Why is obesity such a big problem today?
The excess energy is stored by the body as fat. Obesity is an increasingly common
problem because for many people modern living involves eating excessive amounts of
cheap high-calorie food and spending a lot of time sitting down at desks, on sofas or
in cars.
2. What needs to be done to stop obesity levels growing?
There are many ways to stop obesity levels growing. But the best way I have used it is
to plan my meals. I try to plan my breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks for the week
and I'm making sure that I have to stick to my calorie allowance. I find it helpful to
make a weekly shopping list.

3. This country's health system is very good - do you agree?

Yes , I agree with that.Because a great amount of money is spent each year by
governments to help citizens.
4. What could be done to improve the nation's health system?
We can increase competition to reduce drug prices.Drug prices continue to skyrocket
for both insurers and patients. It is crucial to introduce more competition to the market
in order to lower costs and ensure savings can be felt by patients.
5. Does everyone have a right to free healthcare?
Yes, of course. Universal access to health care, without discrimination, is a human
right enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International
Covenant on Economic.
6. Do you think rich people get a better quality of healthcare than poor?
Yes, Wealthy spending more on health care than the poor and middle class. The rich
in the United States — despite being healthier on average than the poor — have
become the biggest buyers of health care, a dramatic shift in spending patterns across
income groups, according to a new Harvard study.
7. How can eating healthily and exercising regularly benefit your life?
The largest benefit of a great diet and regular exercise is the way it helps your body
stave off diseases and other conditions. Your body’s immune system is a complex
machine, and diet and exercise can heavily affect it. Too many of the wrong foods can
put you at risk, but the right foods complemented by appropriate exercise can actually
boost your body’s ability to fight disease.

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