LAS Q3-Health8-Week-6-8

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Quarter 3, Week 6 - 8


Grade 8 HEALTH, Quarter 3, Week 6-8

Prevention and Control of Communicable Diseases

Name: _________________________________________ Section: ________________

Learning Competencies:

1. demonstrates self-monitoring skills to prevent communicable diseases

(H8DD -IIIf - h -21);
2. promotes programs and policies to prevent and control communicable
diseases (H8DD -IIIf - h -22);
3. identifies agencies responsible for communicable disease prevention and
control (H8DD -IIIf - h -23);

Specific Learning Objectives:

At the end of this module, the learners shall be able to:
a. discuss the importance of self-monitoring skills,
b. cite program or policies that are responsible to control communicable
disease, and
c. demonstrate understanding on how to prevent communicable diseases

Time Allotted: 3 days

Key Concepts

Chain of Infection
• Certain conditions must be met in order for a microbe or infectious disease to be
spread from person to person. This process, called the chain of infection, can only
occur when all six (6) links in the chain are intact. By breaking this chain at any of
the links, the spread of infection is stopped.
Links in the chain
• 1) Disease Microorganisms (Agent). These are the pathogens that cause
communicable diseases. Most commonly these are bacteria, virus, fungi or
• 2) Reservoir. The reservoir (source) is a host which allows the pathogen to live,
and possibly grow, and multiply. Humans, animals and the environment can all be
reservoirs for microorganisms.
• 3) Mode of Escape. This refers to the route by which the infectious
microorganisms escape or leave the reservoir.

Author: Niña Mara G. Cameros Reviewer/s:

Joemarie John C. Gumanit Meller M. Acompañado
School: Taligaman National High School Elma E. Saile
Division: Butuan City Division Aiken B. Semacio
• To break the link in any infection: e.g. wear a mask, do not talk directly into
patient’s face, stay home if you are sick, practice good cough etiquette (cover your
coughs and sneezes), handle and dispose of body secretions properly, use personal
protective equipment, perform good housekeeping and perform good hand hygiene,
use gloves for procedures where there is risk of exposure to blood, use care in
obtaining, transporting and processing specimens,
• 4) Mode of Transmission. Since microorganisms cannot travel on their own, they
require a vehicle to carry them to other persons and places.
• Two (2) Kinds of Transmission: Direct & Indirect
• Direct transmission: 1. Contact transmission: e.g. kissing, handshakes with a
sick person, sleeping with someone with lice. 2. Food-borne/water-borne
transmission: e.g. viral gastroenteritis, food poisoning, cholera, bacillary dysentery,
hepatitis A, hepatitis E. 3. Vector-borne transmission (usually insects): e.g. dengue
fever, malaria, Japanese encephalitis.
• Indirect transmission: 1. Droplet transmission: e.g. influenza, common cold,
streptococcus, pneumoniae infection. 2. Air-borne transmission: e.g. pulmonary,
tuberculosis, measles, chickenpox
• 5) Mode of Entry. The path for the microorganism to get into a new host (the
reverse of the portal of exit).
• 6) Susceptible Host. The future host is the person who is next exposed to the
• Vulnerable hosts: children who are very young, people who are very old, people on
inadequate diets, people who are chronically ill, people receiving medical therapy
such as chemotherapy or high doses of steroids, people who are already ill and
people with open wounds.
• To control the risk of infection among these individuals: separate high-risk
individuals from persons with known or potential infections, provide nutritional
supplements to persons on inadequate diets, vaccinate against vaccine preventable
diseases, maintain proper sanitation of air and environment, diagnose and treat
underlying disease

Agencies and Programs against Communicable Disease

• The World Health Organization (WHO) is the body of the United Nations (UN)
responsible for directing and coordinating health. As such WHO has come to play a
vital role as an actor in the field of international public health and international
public health policy.
• The Department of Health (DOH) is the principal health agency in the Philippines.
It is responsible for ensuring access to basic public health services to all Filipinos
through the provision of quality health care and regulation of providers of health
goods and services.
• Some programs in DOH which exclusively are responsible for prevention and
control of specific health diseases: National Tuberculosis TB Control Program,
Leprosy Control Program, National Rabies Control Program, National STD/HIV
AIDS, National Schistosomiasis Control, National Filariasis Control, National
Dengue Control, Malaria Control

Author: Niña Mara G. Cameros Reviewer/s:

Joemarie John C. Gumanit Meller M. Acompañado
School: Taligaman National High School Elma E. Saile
Division: Butuan City Division Aiken B. Semacio
• The Inter-Agency Task Force on Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF-EID, or
simply the IATF) is a task force organized by the executive of the Philippine
government to respond to affairs concerning emerging infectious diseases in
the Philippines.
• The IATF in coordination with the Presidential Communications Operations Office
(PCOO), is currently leading the implementation of "BIDA Solusyon sa COVID-19”
this program believe in a strong and cohesive information campaign against the
COVID-19 pandemic that continuously affects many Filipinos in many ways.
• The "BIDA Solusyon sa COVID-19" aims to encourage the Filipino people to take
an active role in the fight against one common enemy by practicing the following
behaviors simplified into 4 letters: B - Bawal walang mask, I - I-sanitize ang mga
kamay, iwas-hawak sa mga bagay, D - Dumitansya ng isang metro, A - Alamin ang
totoong impormasyon.

Activity 1 – Self Inventory

Objectives: The student shall be able to know the purpose of self-monitoring skills
to prevent communicable diseases (1); and explains the advantages of being
knowledgeable on how to prevent communicable diseases (2).
What you need: activity notebook or paper
What to do: Number your activity notebook from 1 to 20. Read the questions and
respond by writing:

M if the statement describes you most of the time,

S if the statement describes you some of the time, and
N if the statement never applies to you.

Answer this self- inventory, without any assistance from your teacher or anybody.

Total the number of each type of your response.

Proceed to the next section, the How Did You Score section.

A. How do I rate… ?
Questions M S N
1. I keep my immunization records up -to date.
2. I stay away from people who currently have cold
or flu.
3. I eat a balanced diet daily.
4. I get at least eight hours of sleep each night.
5. I exercise aerobically at least three times a week
6. I do not smoke.
7. I avoid using towels that others have used.

Author: Niña Mara G. Cameros Reviewer/s:

Joemarie John C. Gumanit Meller M. Acompañado
School: Taligaman National High School Elma E. Saile
Division: Butuan City Division Aiken B. Semacio
8. I avoid using other people’s combs and brushes.
9. I take a few minutes each day to relax.
10. I stay at home within the first day when
symptoms of an illness appear.
11. I listen and respond to my body that it is tired or
that something may be wrong
12. I wash my hands before and after every meal,
before preparing food, and after using the toilet
13. I shower or bathe regularly.
14. I do not share eating utensils or glasses with
other people
15. I cover my mouth when I cough or sneeze.
16. I avoid walking around without footwear.
17. I avoid eating dairy & poultry products that are
not refrigerated
18. I advise my parents to make sure that our pets
have their vaccines too.
19. I put food wastes in closed containers.
20. I support efforts of the government to enforce
public health laws for immunization and
reporting communicable diseases.
Total for Most of the time
Total for Some of the time
Total for Never applies

B. How Did You Score?

Give yourself 4 points for each most of the time; 2 points for each some of the time;
0 points for each never answers.

Get your total and read the result of your score below:
60 to 80 = Excellent! Your disease prevention efforts are outstanding.
40 to 59 = Good! You are doing very well in your efforts to prevent
communicable diseases.
20 to 39 = Fair! Disease prevention is not important to you. Some efforts
will be beneficial to you and to others.
Below 20 = Needs Improvement! Be careful. You may be spreading
communicable diseases to others. Now is a good time to start taking good care of

Guide Questions:
1. What is the purpose of monitoring oneself?
2. Does it gives you an advantage to help prevent the spread of diseases? Why?

Author: Niña Mara G. Cameros Reviewer/s:

Joemarie John C. Gumanit Meller M. Acompañado
School: Taligaman National High School Elma E. Saile
Division: Butuan City Division Aiken B. Semacio
Activity 2 – Match and Connect

Objectives: The student shall be able to identify the types of transmission (1); and
cite some programs and policies that help prevent and give awareness to control
communicable diseases (2).
What you need: activity notebook or paper
What to do: Select the appropriate type of transmission for each number inside the
box and answer the question as follows.

a. Droplet
b. Airborne
c. Food-borne/Water-borne
d. Vector-borne
e. Contact

_____1) dengue fever _____6) influenza

_____2) Covid19 _____7) HIV/AIDS
_____3) tuberculosis _____8) streptococcus
_____4) hepatitis A _____9) cholera
_____5) malaria _____10) viral gastroenteritis

Guide Questions:
1. Cite the program in the government that helps to prevent and control
2. Cite the program in the government that helps to prevent and control
3. Cite the program in the government that helps to prevent and control
4. Cite the program in the government that helps to prevent and control
5. What did the Inter-Agency Task Force on Emerging Infectious
Diseases (IATF-EID) implemented to combat against covid-19 virus?

Activity 3 – How Can I Prevent the Spread of Diseases?

Objectives: The student shall be able to explain and give examples on how to
prevent and control communicable disease.
What you need: Coloring pen, paper or activity notebook
What to do: Create a short and striking phrase to promote or advertise awareness
base on the campaign words inside the figure.

See the criteria for scoring of your slogan in the next section.

COVID-19 Infection
Prevention Campaign

Author: Niña Mara G. Cameros Reviewer/s:

Joemarie John C. Gumanit Meller M. Acompañado
School: Taligaman National High School Elma E. Saile
Division: Butuan City Division Aiken B. Semacio
Criteria 5 4 3 1 Score
Creativity/ The student The student is The student The slogan
Design displays an creative and a is creative does not
exceptional good amount and some reflect any
creativity in his thought was thought was degree of
work and a lot of put into put into creativity
thought and his/her work. his/her work.
effort was used.
Relevance to Words and Most words Few of the The student’s
the theme designs are clear and designs words and words and
and relevant are clear and designs are designs are
relevant clear and not relevant
Neatness The slogan is The slogan is Slogan is The slogan is
exceptionally attractive. acceptably distractingly
attractive. Well- Good attractive messy.
constructed not construction though it may
messy. and not very be a bit
messy. messy.
Originality Exceptional use Good use of Average use No use of new
of new ideas and new ideas and of new ideas ideas and
originality to originality to and originality to
create slogan create slogan originality to create slogan
create slogan
Grammar There are no There is There are 2 There are
grammatical 1grammatical grammatical more than 2
mistakes on the mistake on the mistakes on grammatical
slogan. slogan. the slogan. mistakes on
the slogan.

With your knowledge in promoting awareness to control communicable disease,
what would you do if given the situation that you or someone in your family got
infected with covid-19 virus? How can you stop or minimize the spread of disease?

Points Description
3 Practical application is scientifically explained
consistent to the concepts and has no misconception.
2 Practical application is scientifically explained consistent to
the concepts, but with minimal misconception.
1 Practical application is explained consistent to the concepts, but
with misconceptions.
0 No discussion.

Author: Niña Mara G. Cameros Reviewer/s:

Joemarie John C. Gumanit Meller M. Acompañado
School: Taligaman National High School Elma E. Saile
Division: Butuan City Division Aiken B. Semacio
Internet sources:
“Chain of Infection.” Accessed February 9, 2021.

“World Health Organization.” Accessed February 9, 2021. https://www.e-

“Department of Health.” Accessed February 9, 2021.

“BIDA Solusyon sa COVID-19.” Accessed February 9, 2021.

“Infectious Disease Cluster.” Accessed February 9, 2021.

Answer Key:
Activity 1
Self Inventory
1. – 20. Answers may vary from learners

Activity 2
Match and Connect

1. vector-borne 4. Food-borne/ water-borne 6. droplet

3. airborne 5. Vector-borne 2. Droplet
7. Contact 10. Food-borne/ water-borne 8. Droplet
9. Food-borne/ water-borne 10. Food-borne/ water-borne

Activity 3
How Can I Prevent the Spread of Diseases?
Outputs may vary from learners

Author: Niña Mara G. Cameros Reviewer/s:

Joemarie John C. Gumanit Meller M. Acompañado
School: Taligaman National High School Elma E. Saile
Division: Butuan City Division Aiken B. Semacio

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