Drug Study

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Drug Study

Generic Name: Isoxsuprine HCl.

Brand Name: Duvadilan

C04AA01 - isoxsuprine ; Belongs to the class of 2-amino-1-phenylethanol derivative agents. Used as peripheral vasodilators.

Mode of Action:
 Beta-Sympathomimetic Effect: By virtue of this effect, isoxsuprine has relaxant action on the muscular tissue of the uterus.

 Alpha-Sympathomimetic Effect: Isoxsuprine antagonizes the effects of α-receptor stimulation. Some uterine contraction, which
can otherwise occur because of α-receptor stimulation, gets inhibited due to this effect of isoxsuprine.

 Direct Relaxant Action on the Smooth Muscle Fibers: Isoxsuprine induces a direct relaxant action on the smooth muscle fibers
and so enhances those effects resulting from its action on the sympathetic receptors.

Suggested Dose:
 For use as a vasodilator, isoxsuprine HCl is given orally in doses of 10-20 mg 3 or 4 times daily.
 Arrest Premature Labor: Initially 200-500 mcg/min by IV infusion, adjusted according to the patient's response, until control is
achieved. Once labor has been arrested IM injections of 10 mg are given every 3-8 hrs. Prophylaxis may be continued orally
with 30-90 mg daily.

Treatment of premature labor, cerebral and peripheral vascular disease. Dosage/Direction for Use

 Preexisting Hypotension: If the blood pressure is already low eg, <100 mmHg systolic, it must be borne in mind that the
administration of isoxsuprine will, in most instances, bring about a further reduction in the blood pressure.

 Prolonged Premature Rupture of Membranes: If fetal membranes are ruptured/dilatation is >4 cm, chances of success are less.
In the cases of prolonged premature rupture of membranes, the possible benefits to be gained from delaying emptying of the
uterus must be weighed against the possibility that undue prolongation of the pregnancy may actually increase the maternal
and fetal hazards.

 Isoxsuprine should not be used in presence of hemorrhage.

 Isoxsuprine is contraindicated after recent arterial hemorrhage.

Side Effects:
 Dizziness
 Palpitations
Adverse Effects: Isoxsuprine may cause transient nausea, vomiting, flushing, tachycardia, rashes, gastrointestinal disturbances and
maternal pulmonary edema. In few cases, mainly in hypertensive patients, parenteral administration of Duvadilan may lead to
transitory fall in blood pressure. A change over to oral administration or reduction in dosage will usually avoid this effect.

Drug Interaction:
Incompatibilities: None known.

Nursing Responsibilities:


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