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C1 @... INSPECTION AND TEST REPORT FOR CURRENT TRANSFORMER Project No. 177214 Date : 10/12/18 | Rev. Diameter #1 ( =B1.1 - CT-T6) General test information: Cranayzar DaterTime: 2018-12-05, 03:16:14 PM ZetlOk TesliDiameter #i\=B 1, 1NCT-T6ICT Ralio-3000-1A\Phase RICT-4CORE-PHASE R-C2_8000.xnil Tocaton Objee OVA 108 [Operating burden: TSOVA 708 BLACK VEACTH \TANG_CENTRAL Ja} ‘CFPP-PLTU 2x1000} TEC 61860.2 P TX [Applied standard [Core type (Pm [class FeoderiBay, Phase: ECD crept. R 61869-2 manufacturer Type: Serial number: ICore number: [rap: JOptionat ABB LmgBT-550 1705275 2 281-282 3000/1 FS. [ext (ah: EE e740 BOO HE Resistance test: [Rmeas (25°C) [max Ret, Beare [Rref (75°C): 7172196 9 [Resut with operating FS [Ts Taare 0.90857 Je 1001 % Cain Polarity fees 0.1006. % Remarks : Pop 2D. Prepared by: Witnessed / Review by: Reviewed / Approved by BV SC BVI (SU Engineer) due wane Name: Muhamad Chandra Name: NUR ETRIAWAN Date: 1S -1e -1S [Date : W318 TNSPECTION AND TEST REPORT FOR CURRENT TRANSFORMER Error limits for measuring current transformers classes 0.2 to 1 Tato error Phase deplacomert Accuracy 2% Minutes = Contradiane lass ataurrene(ofrated) | —atcarent (eof rated) | at current ec atea) s | 2 | | wo] s | 2 | 200] 120| 5 | 20| 100 | 120 oH aa] 02] 0a] oa pass | s | s | oas foza] 015 Jos 02 o75| 03s] 02 | 02} 20 | as | | | 09 |oas| o3 | a3 os as |o7| os | os | 9 | as | 30 | 30] 27 |135] 09 | 09 1 ao | is | 10 | 10 | wo] 90 | | oo | sa ar is | re Error limits for measuring current transformers classes 0.25 to 0.5S Tato err Phase dplacement Aecoracy 2% Eines FCentiradians class at current (% of rated) at current (% of rated) at current (% of rated) a [is | 2 | ro] so] i | s | | wll a | s | 2| 10| 20 ozs [ors] 03s] 02 | 02 | 02 | 30} a5] m0] 20] 10 | 03 | 04s Jos] 03 | 03 oss _| 1s |o7s| os | os| os} % | a | 2] 2 | 3 | 27| 135 [oa] 09 | 09 Error limits for protective current transformers class P and PR ‘Accuracy At rated primary current ‘Composite error at class Tato ror Phase displacement rated accuracy tit 2% minites = Centradians primary current (36) SP and SPR 7 0 7 5 1p and 10° 3 : : » Error limits for protective current transformers class P and PR Tecaraey ‘trated primary current Composite erorat class Tato anor Phase displacement rated accuracy limit 2% Minutes +Centiradians primary current ( % } 7 os 730 503 WH 10 +60 s18 m 10 280218 53206 For lass Pk, the turns ratio error shall not exceed 0,25 % For lass PAR, the turns ratio errr shallnot exceed 1% For dass PAR, the remanence fector shall not exceed 30% Prepared by: Witnessed / Review by: Reviewed / Approved by: Bvt % or BUI ( SU Engineer) Jus. want ae Name? Muhamed Chandra [Name RUR FONAWAY, Date. VD - lt -2ol¥ [ate : 7.1218 Test Report Page 1 of 5 ‘Date/Timer 206-1005, 05S PH TANG CTRL (CTs BLL Bz INGE z Serial Nomber: Di7OSI7S. 30007 ELLUORY Precson Feat Som SEN ICASSP) Tominal Burden: I5.0VA Ee=— NI Equipment Test Device! Chaya “Software Vertion! 459 (76) TT 0EAT Serial Numbers 3503. Hardware Version! 03/01/09/05/00/11 about:blank 12-Dec-18 Page 2 of § Test Settings: Primary Current pn: 3000.04 Secondary Current ran: 08 Frequency: 50.0H2 15.0VA cos @: 4.0 15.0VA7 eos g: 1.0 rec 1869-2 Core Type: Protection CT by Duty 00° alt: 0.04" x0" ‘eal not defines” ot dined Multiplying Factor for Ratio Asseazment: 1.000 ‘Delta compensation: Rat 1 2 Value is automaticaly detected by CT Analyzes gueseor Frio, ‘Auto-cetction may prevent assessment, Exp setting might be mandatory fr automatic assessment. Assessments: Resistance ‘Secondary Winding: Rmeasi 95280 BRE Reet; 11720 Trek 75.0% about:blank 12-Dec-18 Page 3 of 5 Results with nominal burdens Used Burden: I50VAcos@ 1 ‘Used I-p: 3000.00 ‘ratio: 2000.0 0.9859, Deviation: “0.109% 0.110% 1.00108, 002.88 T0070] -a10s | 059 | ane [oss [ois | -ouos | -oaee | 1-oroe [ios nemaurden 7so/20-{ 0.02 | 0.126 | oe [0.18 | -0-110"[ 0.06 | -0.106 | +-0-10¢ | 509% Nom burden 375/1.0 | -o.1 | -0at7 [0120 | 0.115 | 0109 | 0-105 [0-108 | -0-105 | 25% nom Burden Tavs a0 | aio [oa | -0.147 | -a.tie | ato [ -0.10e | -0.100 | 0.107 [1.5% Nom Rurden Phase daplacement in minutes at eof rated current 5.0% 10% 20% 100% T0710] 917] 307] ue] aie] oss] ose] oar] Tose | 100m nonbuner 750/10. 678 | —368| 211 | 114 [052 031 | 027 | 1023 | s0% wom.burden 375/1.0| 556 | 345] 204} ani | —0as_| 079 | 0.25 | — 0.16 | 259% Nom Burden Es7s/10 | 498 | 3st | 199 | 1.09 | 049 | 0.26 | 0.26 | 0.17 [12.5% Nom Burden NOTE: Mensoremeris wth T have reduced sczuray. Accuracy Say GUaraniaed On RoW aapHEd COTES Excitation: Knee Points: [ecetses-2[ioniov] i737] Results: eae Sse te va Results with nominal burden ‘Results with operating burden: Burden: 15.0 VA cos 9: 1.0 150A cos 1.0 te 40 a0 Kasei 9235 4225 Ts Tas rts ‘peaks 0.03886 cose epeakeae: wa na ‘Emax: 500.670 4580.00 dh about:blank 12-Dee-18 ‘etual valves v T 7 S273 | 7a3.8ma[ 20.7 s2esov | aaiama [2-70 a2ssiv | 325.5ma_[—5i.6H a2aigv | 2iama_[ 8H 32253 | 137-5ma_[ 327-14 12067¥-| 80.65 | 199-04 13839¥-| 60:35ma_[ 310.14 1u568v-[-41.26ma_[ «81.31 Tiai0v- | s1-16ma | eae 9H sa0i6v | 74-80ma [1023-84 s07i0v-|-71.26mA [1426.08 10320v-| 19-15mA_[_1897-SH soDaav-[-17-72mA_ [2538-14 ‘680v | 16cm | 216 6H 9a17-[ 15.7ama | 2132.74 i TT aszev | a4.tema | 26H zriov | 1a.7ama | 7092.34 7siav_| 12.091 | 2076.04 94iv[-a1-simA | 2064.04 ‘s510v_ | 10.s9ma | 2045.94 HOW | To.s7ma | 3095.08 ‘sn14v | 10.387 | 2033.58 0S | 10.18reA | 3026.58 5962v_]9.999mA | 2020-94 ‘Senay | 9.002mA | 2014 S7onv | 9.600mA | 2006.84 Serr | 9.19mA | 1999.74 Siwy] .219mA | 1992.54 s3isv_| .oz2ma | 1968-74 rassav_[-7.55zma | 1917.48 3306v[ 6.16zma | 162528 2esov | s.zoma | 1763.54 22ev [-a.726ma | 169731 zoav | aoa | 1620-07 a664v_] 3.559mA [1550.14 s3810_]-3.067mA | 1409-04 susov | 2.71uma | 1425.4 S7a.3v_| 2.301ma | 1568.61 een | 2 zima [sia era | ema Liana S2e.ev | 1.stoma [135854 Soasv| azima | 105e7H 352.6 | 1.102 | 10026H 22] 907.9 | 947 9H 757.8 | 982.5ua | 29270 200.5 | 795.2A | 836.61 367.2 | ro8.2ya | —759.74 357.9 | 620.7ua | 603.58 7.5 | so1.sua | 05320 99.06 | s00.0ua | 61228 es. | aas.sua | 50H 73.56v | 399.iya | —Se5.0H s.siv | 357.1pa | S604 Se.19v | s23.7yk | s3i.sH 45.66 | 208.1ya | 514.60 378i | 210.9yA | 598.20 Ba.asv | i52.tya | 480.0 wz97v | 118.2uA [362.201 7.g00v | 95.7ua | 202.30 rasiv | si.2ua [176m 2.506 | —74-tya | 105.16 about:blank Excitation Table: 20000.¥/¥ 10000. 2000, 1000, 200, 100. 20, 10 ‘oom T Page 4 of 5 12-Dee-18 "Actual Values S5.5uk about:blank Page 5 of 5 a ot

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