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Olongapo City
College of Computer Studies

NFC-Based Smart Attendance System for the CCS, Columban College, Inc.

Submitted by:

John Adrian Regalado

Joshua James Hipolito

Sherbert Mateo

Arvin Jhon Bato

Submitted to:

Prof. Mrs. Analiza P. Berania

Capstone Project Adviser

Date of Submission:

February 8, 2023

Olongapo City
College of Computer Studies

Chapter 1:

Project Context…………………………………………………………………………. 3

Purpose & Description…………………………………………………………………. 4

Objective of the Study………………………………………………………………….. 7

Scope and Limitation…………………………………………………………………... 8

Definition of Terms…………………………………………………………………….. 8

Chapter 2:

Technical Background…………………………………………………………………. 9

Related Literature…………………………………………………………………….. 10

Synthesis………………………………………………………………...……………... 10

Related Systems……………………………………………………………………….. 11

Conceptual Framework………………………………………………………………. 12

Chapter 3:

Requirement Analysis………………………………………………………………… 15

Requirement Documentation………………………………………………………… 16

Design of Systems……………………………………………………………………... 19

Data Gathering Procedures…………………………………………………………... 21

Development and Testing……………………………………………………………... 22

Description of Protype………………………………………………………………… 23

Implementation Plan………………………………………………………………….. 26

Olongapo City
College of Computer Studies


Project Context

NFC Attendance Monitoring System is purposely designed to be used by

educational institutions. The attendance system will only require the students to scan the
NFC codes to record their attendance during arrival and departure in College of
Computer Studies, Columban College Inc. Checking of students attendance necessary in
every school to make sure that students are being monitored in the class. Monitoring the
attendance of students is necessary especially if there are untoward incidents that happen
like in the case of c. Traditionally, student's attendance is checked and manually
recorded. Roll calling, using class records, and having students sign an attendance sheet
are some of the most popular manual methods of taking attendance. The forementioned
techniques lack high levels of accuracy and dependability and are subject to human error.
There are available technology which can be used to avoid the inconvenience in using the
traditional way of check is the attendance reason, the proponents are up with the system
for this life of study.

Students in the College of Computer Studies must scan their NFC id on the
professor's smart phone. When a student scans a card with their mobile device, the
application reads the card number from the NFC card. The NFC card number will be sent
to the server by the Android application. The attendance of students for each professor is
recorded on the main server.

Columban College Inc is one of the students that adopts technology in varied
application and since our program is about information technology We decided to design
and develop a system that will use a technology. This technology is called the NFC which
will be used to monitor the students attendance in the College of Computer Studies
(CCS). CCS has a total of ___ students, these students are from

Olongapo City
College of Computer Studies
Purpose and Description

Secure Authentication is achieved using data-hiding algorithms with the

embedded NFC Code. In our project by using smartphones student scan NFC code which
will be displayed by the teacher. When student scan this NFC code, automatically
attendance will be marked according to the user id. A method is proposed for automating,
monitoring, and further processing attendance gathering. This technology enables
professors at a school or institution to quickly and easily take attendance in a class using
their cell phone, saving valuable time in the classroom. According to the institution's
policy, faculty can request the suspension of student due to bad attendance, monitor
students' attendance during a term, and issue warnings. The application in the NFC
enabled phone reads a student ID by simply tapping it against an NFC student ID card.
Given that user identification is the most crucial feature that must be handled with
caution in these types of applications, it can be utilized to simplify and improve the
smart attendance system.

The NFC based smart attendance system can process the data collected in a
quicker way compared to manual system which need to enter the data one by one.
Besides, all the data will be saved on the server and this can avoid of losing any students'
attendance. Students can also check their attendance rate using their smartphones through
the login system from time to time to avoid any miss attendance. The main objective of
this paper into present a new NFC based attendance system capable of recording and
tracking students’ attendance in the classroom.

Near Field Communication (NFC) - is a set of short-range wireless technologies,

typically requiring a distance of 4cm or less to initiate a connection. NFC allows you to
share small payloads of data between an NFC tag and an Android-powered device, or
between two Android-powered devices. Tags can range in complexity.

Olongapo City
College of Computer Studies
replace an attendance machine, and the tasks of the attendance scanning equipment are
completed by a smartphone equipped with an NFC chip and a reasonably priced, widely

Accessible NFC Tag patch. Student attendance is carried out by using NFC
induction scanning to locate a cellphone, obtaining server current time, selecting the
appropriate information, sending it to the remote attendance management server system,
storing it, and producing an attendance result. Because NFC is based on RFID,
communication between initiator and target is necessary for it to function. The passive
target device is powered by the RF field created by the initiator. The integrated circuits
(ICs) that produce the outgoing signal can be powered by the initiator's internal power. In
this paradigm, the target has integrated circuits (ICs) without internal power, which
results in various shapes as tags, stickers, or cards. In terms of technology, NFC is a fairly
recent development. This offers a market sector that necessitates an expansion of NFC
research to contribute to the source of information in the topic.

Students Attendance automation requires little to no effort from the teacher,

which means a reduced workload on the teacher. All that the students have to do is
punch-in or flash the NFC card in front of the device, in case of biometric or NFC
attendance. Whereas attendance marked with an app merely requires 60 seconds from the
teacher. No paperwork, no manual attendance, and no wastage of time lead to reduced
hassle and enables the already overburdened teacher to concentrate more on teaching.
With the help of this attendance monitoring system. Student’ attendance is directly linked
with student success; a good attendance improves student outcomes as it keeps them in
loop with the curriculum. We have experienced an increase in student attendance when
parents are involved in the attendance lifecycle. With an automated, parents can be
directly looped in the student learning journey, as the student attendance can be
conveyed via mobile app or SMS. This not only ensures security but also reminds parents
to be in constant touch, thus improving student learning outcomes.

The following beneficiaries will be benefitted:

Olongapo City
College of Computer Studies

 Students of College of Computer Studies – The students of College of

Computer Studies are recommended to Tap their NFC tags to their Professors for
the attendance.
 Professors – The Professors are the

Objectives of the Study

The objectives of NFC Attendance Monitoring System are to reduce the time that
is consumed when attendance is taken manually. Unlike the manual process
system easily helps management to analyze student’s attendance details as per

Scope and Limitations

This study is about the development of Smart Attendance System that is more
user friendly for the owner and staff to easily use their system. The system can monitor
the student’s arrival and departure from the school premises by the use of NFC
technology. Students have to tap their NFC tag through the NFC reader and their time in
and out will eventually save to the database.

The system can monitor the student's arrival and departure from the students of
College of Computer Studies premises by the use of NFC-based smart attendance system.
Students have to tap their Identification card through the NFC reader and their time in
and out will eventually save to the database.

Olongapo City
College of Computer Studies

Definition of Terms

Android - an open-source software stack that includes the operating system,

middleware, and built-in mobile applications.

Bluetooth - is a short-range wireless technology standard that is used for

exchanging data between fixed and mobile devices over short distances and building
personal area networks. 

Communication - is the transfer and reception of data in the form of

a digital bitstream or a digitized analog signal.

Mobile Device – Mobile device are designed to be extremely portable, and they
can often fit in your hand.

Wireless Communication - is the transfer of information between two or more

points without the use of an electrical conductor, optical fiber or other continuous guided
medium for the transfer. The most common wireless technologies use radio waves.

Olongapo City
College of Computer Studies



Technical Background

The proponents have used mobile based program wherein the users can access it
through any digital platforms. The NFC-Based Smart Attendance System are using NFC
with Bluetooth device those. It is a Attendance system for those students who are present
in the class, it is easy to know when the students are in the class or not.

These are some of the technical terms that are being used in our project: Android
Studio, Java, CCS and C++. Some of the terms are being stated above are also the
technology being used in our project.

Android Studio - provides a unified environment where you can build apps for
Android phones, tablets, Android Wear & Android TV

Java - is an object-oriented programming language that produces software for

multiple platforms. When a programmer writes a Java application, the compiled code
(known as bytecode) runs on most operating systems.

CSS - is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document
written in a markup language such as HTML or XML.

C++ -

Olongapo City
College of Computer Studies
Related Literature


According to Moreno (2021) the CEO of Beep Card Philippines the collaboration
of AF Payments Inc, According to Beep the first establish of NFC in the card app on their
NFC-Enabled Smartphone. AF Payments Inc. will be rolling out more features on the
beep™ app to provide passengers relevant information and services to make daily
commuting a hassle-free experience. 


Walton (2002) is credited with developing NFC, and in 1983 he obtained the first known
patent for a product incorporating RFID technology. Actually, the new NFC technology
was created in 2002 by Sony and NXP Semiconductors. The NFC Attendance
Monitoring Systems which was introduced in 2002 by both Sony and Philips in 2002.
Attendance is a very crucial component in many institutions and companies, and it's one
of the important criteria to follow for students and organization personnel, according to
the Attendance Monitoring System employing NFC tags, which is further explained.
NFC applications, including touch and go and touch to connect, touch to confirm, touch
to explore. Employing NFC implementations in daily life does not actually guarantee a
safe application. NFC technology must therefore overcome its own difficulties. NFC is
sensitive to RFID security risks, for example, because an option to NFC and RFID.

Schnell (2013) conducted an analysis comparing Near Field Communication

versus other Wireless /Information Transfer Technologies. By conducting this analysis
the authors aim at providing an understanding of the importance of using NFC. Wireless
technologies for information transfer and communication have been considered to be
some of the most Significant discoveries of twentieth century. With respect to this view,
wireless technologies of communication such as Zigbee Bluetooth RFID as well as

Olongapo City
College of Computer Studies
infrared (IR) have become some of the most Significant elements of the contemporary
modern computing services

Wani et al (2015) Conducted the system of the student’s details and facial
template is pre-loaded into the AMS database on through a registration process, during
attendance taking, the student is identified when he taps the NFC reader with his NFC
tag. The identification of the particular student is then authenticated through a real-time
facial scan. If both validation and authorization are successful, the student’s attendance
record is then updated in the application database

Bhise et al (2015) proposing the use of an NFC enabled mobile device with an
embedded camera. In this system, the student taps the lecturer’s NFC-enabled phone with
his or her NFC tag for identification. The lecturer then takes a picture of the students face
to authenticate through facial recognition.

Bucicoiu & Tapus (2013) Propose a location-based authentication for attend-

ance system using NFC technology integrated with Moodle. The system exploits both
NFC and pictures to ensure double verification on student attendance. The unique part
about this project is that it uses a Moodle, which is one of the most popular e-learning
platforms. By applying Moodle, lecturers can verify their students more effectively
and a lot faster than verifying them individually.


In terms of scalable NFC-based attendance monitoring system for offering a

platform for the efficient management of acquired data instead using biometrics for
identification and verification. from the attendance data. Studies have looked into the
importance of managing and monitoring attendance, and development of automated

Olongapo City
College of Computer Studies
processes, accelerated attendance recording, and verification of the data obtained during
the act of taking attendance while utilizing technology in NFC.

Related Systems

Benyyo (2012) are s proposed system, student attendance monitoring at the

university using NFC, also employed the use of NFC technology. Their system involved
the use of NFC capable student ID cards to mark attendance. Users therefore do not
require an NFC enabled phone A backend program was developed. Collect and store data
that is accessible via a web interface in order to build identification policies. To use this
system, simply hit making it extremely quick and secure to use. However, like other
NFC-based attendance systems, this device does not give a means of confirming each
student's identification. Thus, students may record attendance for classmates who are not

Anugerah (2014) the system known as TouchIn, proposed by AnugerahAyu

Media employed NFC technology, Android and a web-based application for management
of attendance information. The learner uses this method by tapping his or her a lecturer's
or a poster's NFC-enabled mobile device that is connected to a database via Wi-Fi. The
necessary authorities can then access attendance statistics via a web-based application.
Using mobile devices in the a unique application was operating on the system, facilitating
communication between the gadget and the server.

Olongapo City
College of Computer Studies
Conceptual Framework

Implement a prototype automated student attendance system with NFC system.

NFC Attendance monitoring systems are an integral part of educational institutes and
corporate sectors. These systems have undergone a phenomenal change, from basic
manual attendance to NFC based attendance system. The existing attendance systems are
tedious and riddled with inconsistencies.


The information class PRESENT:

attendance and details
of students of College PROCESS: The android based on
of computer studies in NFC attendance
Planning requirements monitoring system
Columban college
analysis and design are using a NFC tags to
Olongapo city, are
the “Android Studio” report your attendance
needed to the
as a students and
development in professors.
application of the
software of NFC

Olongapo City
College of Computer Studies



The agile model is also a type of Incremental model. Software is developed in

incremental, rapid cycles. This results in small incremental releases with each release
building on previous functionality. Each release is thoroughly tested to ensure software
quality is maintained. It is used for time-critical applications. Programming is currently
one of the most well-known agile development life cycle model.

We choose the agile methodology because the agile produces important metrics
like the lead time, cycle time and throughput that helps measure the team’s performance.

The Agile Model

Figure 1.

Olongapo City
College of Computer Studies
 Plan – The selected title proposal, with the system functions and features based on
the objectives that should be included in the system, have been discussed with the

 Design – The project has created a layout of our system through a Android studio
visualization, the workflow and the user interface in the system in order to
minimize the design for the time needed in the system development.

 Development – The developers have used a Android Studio as a JAVA for the
backend and the VS code for the Arduino for the UFC Scanner, the development
of our system took a considered time due to the bugs and our team are buying
recommended materials for the system of NFC.

 Test – The system will be test once the system are already done but it will take a
time due to the bugs that we encounter, First we going to need to put a backend in
our materials that we buy for our system. And after that we going to test it if it is
fine we gonna official release the current system.

 Release – when the test is done, the system will release if the system is officially
done one hundred percent. Once the system is already deployed, we are going to
first sample it then after that the system will officially released for the CCS
Professors and the Admin.

 Feedback- When the system is really done, The students and the professors are
going to feedback in our system based on their reactions and to help us to identify
the system for the improvements and how it’s done.

Olongapo City
College of Computer Studies

Requirements Analysis

This section describes the current system. If the new system will replace an
existing system, this section describes the functionality and the problems of the current
system. Otherwise, this section describes how the tasks supported by the new system are
accomplished now. You may use modeling tool like UML diagram/Data Flow Diagram
to clearly describe the process.

The current system used by the college of computer studies in monitoring the
attendance of the students in the department is using a pen and paper in writing the names
of the students if they are present in the professor’s subject or not. With this way of
checking the attendance that the department is currently using. this kind of system can
cause writing errors and it can also be time consuming for the students and the professors.

With the proposed system entitled NFC Attendance monitoring system on college
of computer studies. First it is designed to provide alternative, effective and interactive
way of monitoring the attendance of the students in the college of computer studies. The
system contains the following modules: login module for professors, write card module,
home module.

The user interface of the proposed system is designed to be intuitive and user
friendly. For the development of the system the developers make sure that the visual side
of the system is presentable and simple for the eyes of the users.

Olongapo City
College of Computer Studies

Requirements Documentation

Use a Use Case Diagram or Use Case Description (you may refer to Use Case Diagram
attached file) to describe the interaction between the system and external users that leads
to achieving particular goals.

Also included here are:

Schedule Feasibility
Operational Feasibility
Technical Feasibility (both Hardware and Software)
Economic Feasibility

The system contains the following modules: login module for professors, write
card module, home module.

The Login module allows the professor to access their respective account. The
professors are required to login their account because it is needed to monitor the
attendance of the students using their phone with NFC Arduino.

The write card module allows the professor to add the students card/chip that
contains the student’s information such as name. once the card is added the student can
now use it to tap into the scanner of the professor.

Home module in this module the names of the student who have attended the
subject or tap in will be shown in here. The time and date of their tap in will also be

Olongapo City
College of Computer Studies
shown in here. contains the data of the students who tapped in their names. The time of
their arrival and the date.
The user interface of the proposed system is designed to be intuitive and user
friendly. For the development of the system the developers make sure that the visual side
of the system is presentable and simple for the eyes of the users.

Use case Diagram

Figure 1

Use case diagram of NFC Attendance Monitoring System on College of

Computer studies of Columban College Inc. Olongapo City.

Olongapo City
College of Computer Studies

Figure 2

UML diagram of NFC Attendance monitoring system on College of Computer

Studies of Columban College Inc. Olongapo City.

Olongapo City
College of Computer Studies

Design of System

ADMIN Student Professor

User Creation Scan their NFC Tag. Access the system.

View the device list View the Device list

Account Account

Olongapo City
College of Computer Studies
The Admin can access all the functionality in the User Creation, Access the
System, Add the teachers, Add the Students, View the device list and have an account.
The access of a Admin is stated above the necessary functions needed for the teachers for
the campus.

The Student have only access to scan their NFC Tags in the teachers for the
attendance check, once the students are already Tap in the teachers for attendance you are
present includes the date & time and once you are not tag your NFC in the teacher you
are considered as a absent includes the date & time.

It will send in the email if you are present or if you are absent in the class. And for
those the students who are not supported the NFC Scanner the Bluetooth will be
applicable for the device who does not have a NFC in their phones.

The Professor can only access in the system, can add the students, view the device
list and have a account also, the role of teachers is to tap their phones with a system into a
NFC tags of a students, First you need to go into a Write card tab to write a name of
students to have a list of students in the NFC tag.

When the students are Tap their NFC tag into the phone of teachers it will appear
in the Home Tab The name of the students and the date and time of their present.

Olongapo City
College of Computer Studies

Data Gathering Procedure

The purpose of this document is to outline the steps of the data requirements for a
system development project. The data gathered will be used for the design and the
development of the system.

The researchers have time, effort and cooperation to developing their

questionnaires as to serve its intended respondents.

The data gathering procedure outlines the steps for collecting data and
requirements for the system development project. The data gathered from this research
will be computed for interpretation according to he frequency of items.

Olongapo City
College of Computer Studies

Development and Testing

1. Integration Testing:
 Verifying if the NFC reader, android device, and software components
work together seamlessly.
 Test the system's performance, scalability, and reliability.
 Ensure that the system meets the requirements and goals set out in the
 Identify and resolve any integration issues found during testing.

2. System Testing:
 Conduct a full system test to validate the system's functionality.
 Test the system in a real-world scenario to identify any issues that may
arise in actual use.
 Ensure that the system meets the requirements and goals set out in the
 Evaluate the user experience and make any necessary improvements.

3. User Acceptance Testing:

 Invite a representative group of users to test the system and provide
 Ensure that the system meets the needs and expectations of the users.
 Address any user acceptance issues and make any necessary
 Obtain user acceptance of the system.

4. Release and Deployment:

 Once all testing is complete and any issues have been resolved, release the
system for deployment.
 Provide installation and training support to the school.
 Monitor the system for any issues and provide ongoing support as needed.

Olongapo City
College of Computer Studies

Description of Prototype

Fig. 1 Home Tab

This Home Tab contains user’s latest activities, current list of the subjects and
section. This module can be used as a report for future and purposes of documentation.

Olongapo City
College of Computer Studies

Fig. 2 Write Card

This Write Card contains the input for the name of the card that can be used as
reference in generating NFC code.

Olongapo City
College of Computer Studies

Fig.3 Device List

This Device List contains the list of the devices that registered in the system. It
can manually connect a device through Bluetooth system by tapping.

Olongapo City
College of Computer Studies

Implementation Plan

The plan includes: overview of the system, brief description of the major tasks
involved in the implementation, overall resources needed to support the implementation
effort (hardware, software, facilities, materials, personnel) and site-specific
implementation requirements if applicable.

1. Requirements Gathering:
 Identifying the requirements and goals of the NFC attendance system.
 Evaluating the hardware and software requirements.
 Determine the scope and budget of the project.
2. Hardware Selection:
 Select the NFC readers, mobile devices, and other hardware components.
 Ensure compatibility and integration with the software.
 Ensure that the hardware is durable and able to withstand daily use in a
school setting.
 Consider cost, reliability, and ease of use when selecting hardware.
3. Software Development:
 Develop the NFC attendance software that integrates with the hardware.
 Ensure the software is user-friendly and easy to operate.
 Implement features such as real-time attendance tracking, reporting, and
data analysis.
 Ensure data privacy and security measures are in place.
 Test the software thoroughly to identify and resolve any issues.
4. Deployment:
 Install and set up the hardware and software in the school.

Olongapo City
College of Computer Studies
 Train the staff and students on how to use the system.
 Implement a user manual and help desk support for troubleshooting.
 Monitor the system for the first few weeks to identify and resolve any
5. Maintenance:
 Regularly update the software and hardware components to ensure optimal
 Monitor the system to identify and resolve any technical issues.
 Maintain the security and privacy of the attendance data.
 Provide ongoing training and support to users as needed.

Olongapo City
College of Computer Studies


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