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flLil machine : applicance and appratus for セーャケゥョ@ mechanical magnetic observatory : [ s.

37(2)(h), Indian Electricity Act) セ@

U!!J power consisting of a numberofparteachhavmg adefimte セ@
function [s. 73, ill. (i), Indian Contract Act}. ;is. 63, ill. ュ。ァョゥエオ、・Zセ[@ [art. J/6(/)(b) and art. 206(/)(b}, C'onst.} セ@
(b), Indian Evidence Act} <i;, magnitude, considerable : セ@ セ@ lR
machine, accounting : セ@ •
maiden name : {llird sch., art. 122, Geneva Conventions Act}
machine, adding : oils • セG[ヲtャ@
machine, calculating : lJ1lRT ャAセ@ mail 。ァ・ョエZセ[@
machine copy : [s. 63, ill. (d), Indian Ev.idenee Act] セ@ l!fu mail bag: [s. 40(a) Customs Act} セ@ iti'\1'
machine, copying : セ@ <i;, mail carrier : セ@ セ@
machine foreman : ャAセヲエGQ@ セ@ mailderk: セ[@ セ@
machine, invoice : <ft;;rq:; ャAセ@ mail co'!trattor : セ@ セ@
machine punching : tj'fulr • ; セ@ l!$1 mail escort : m セ@
machine, recording : セ@ ャAセヲエGQ@ mail guard : ST<n セ@
machine setter : • rlti mail motor organisation staff : m セ@ WRR セ@
machine sliop : セ@ mail motor service : m セ@ 00
machine, stappling : ffi< セ@ ャAセ@ mail office : m セ@
machine supervisor : GQセ@ ᄋ セ@ mail opener : m セ@ セ@
machine, time recording : セ@ mail overseer : m セ@
machine tools : l!m;ft .3ft;;m: mail peon : m '<fll'mft
machine, transcdbing : セ[@ セ@ ャAセ@ mail ship: [s. l(d). Indian Pose Office Act} m rif;r
machinery ; I. machines or their parts taken collectively s. 8, mailing list : m セ@
T.P.Act and s. 383, Companies Act} ャAセヲエZイッ[@ 2. the system of maim : to mutilate ;'to cripple セ@ セ@
instrumentalities and ッイァセョゥウ・、@ activities by means of which an main department : セ@ セ@
organisation functions or a soc1al or other process is carried on IDI main drain : 1Jiii!f '1'ffil
machinist : セ@ fi:I' main ministry : セ@ セ@
magic: the use of means that are believed to have ウオー・イョ。エャッセL@ main purpose : 1Jiii!f セ@
to cause a supernatural being to produce or prevent a particular
mains: lJiii!llf'll'ffi
result; the art of producing surprising phenomena resembling the
mains inspector : セ@ cffi: セ@
result of magic [s. 56, ill(a), Indian Contract Act] セ[@ セ@
maintain: I. to keep in a state of repairs and do othe r acts to prevent a
magic remedies : セ@ \J1!<IT{
decline from existing state or condition セ[@ 2. to keep in
magazine : !. a supply chamber [s. 2(l)(i), Arms Act} セ[@ 2. a
existence<r.m( nsRT; 3. to sustain against opposition or dangerWT
military store fo.r el\plosives [s. 59, Navy Act} セ [@ 3. a
セ[@ セ@ nsRT; 4. to bring 。」エゥッョHセI@ ; セ[@ 5. to keep
periodical that usuaily contains a miscellaneous collection of
nsRT; 6. to provide for ; to bear the expenses of [art. 26 (a)
articles, stories, poem, .and pictures and is directed at the general
Const.] セ@ ifiBT · 7. to supply necessaries such as f.ood,, lodging,
reading public [s. 80QQ (3), Income-tax Act} セ@
magisterial functions :the functions of a magistrate セ@ * セ@
clothing etc. or' money in lieu thereof to perso!ls m a position of.
、・ーョ」セ@ ifiBT; 8. to uphold in argument セゥヲ[{@ ifiBT;
magistrate :a civil officf, charged with the administration of the laws 9. 。セウ・イエ@ or affirm セ@ セ@ ; セ@ llT ヲNャセ@ セ@
and having criminal jurisdiction of the first instance; a public
maintain (account): nsRT
officer invested with judicial p.owers in criminal jurisdiction
maintain (college) : 'tffi'RT.
[s. 3(32), General Clauses Act and art. 22(2), Const.} セ@
maintain (family) : セ@ ifiBT
Magistrate, Additional Chief Metropolitan : \ll'q"{ 1Jiii!1 セ@ セ@
maintain (garden) : セ@ ifiBT
Magistrate, a、ゥエッョセA@ Chief Presidency : \ll'q"{ 1Jiii!f セ@ セ@
maintain (law and order) : セ@ セ@ セI@ <r.m( nsRT
Magistrate, Chief Prhidency : 1Jiii!1 セ@ セ@
mainta!n a suit for damages: [s. 10(2}, Sale of Goods Act] セ@ <6
Magistrate, City : '17fT セ@
セ・ュZ@ ifiBT
magistrate, committingセ@ : セ@ セ@ セ@
maintain an action: {s. lA, Fatal Accidents Act} セ@ セ[@
magistrate having jurisdiction Zセ@ \<SA emiT セ@ [s. 82 A( I). Indian RailwaY$ Act] セ@ セ@
magistrate of district : [s.2, Sarais Act} セ\ヲゥt@
maintain an institution: [s. 3. Women's and Children Institutions
magistrate of the first class: [s. 73(1), Cr.P.C.] ャヲセ@ iflf セ@ (Licensin!f) a」エ}セ@ \ヲゥtセ@
magistrate ofthe second class: [s. 71, Indian Stamp Act] セ@ cP.f maintain good behaviour: {s. I I6(3), Cr.P.C.l ᄋ セ\aエ@ \AT
セ@ maintain proper accounts: [s. 5I(I), Dakshina Bharat Hindi Prachar
magistrate of the third class : セ@ «"f セ@ Sabha Act} セュy@ nsRT: セ@ セ@ nsRT _
magistrate, presidency : セ@ セ@ maintain suit : [;. 10(2), Sale of Goods Act] <m: セ[@ [s. 13, Indian
magistrate especially empowered : セ@ flm fctitllf'ct: セ@ セ@ 7Jln m; Trusts Act] <m: 'tffi'RT
fctitllf'<l'lTI セ@ セ@ 7Jln セ@
Magistrate, Sub-Divisional : セ@ セ@ maintain supplies and servi(es essential to the life ofthe community :
[s. 3( I), Defence and Internal Security of India Act} セ@
magistrate, superior : 'i!fM3 セ@
;;f\cR <6 1m>: ;J'(fqmqi セ@ セ@ セ@ <r.m( セ@
Magistrates' Bench : セ@ <6t セ@
magistrates in session: magistrates sitting for the trial ahd disposai of maintainable: capable or fit to be maintained [Or. 8, r. 2, C.P.C. }
a 」。ウ・ ᄋ セ@ セ[@ セGqャイア@
ma2netic materials: {fifth sch., item 17. Income-tax Act) セ@ セ@ maintained.: [s. 20(2), Representation oft he People Act, 1950} m<re

maintained out of 202 makint a representation

maintained out of : [art. 28( I), Cons!.] セ@ qWffi majority of all the then members oft he Council of States: [art. 90(c),
maintained wholly or pardy セオエ@ of state funds : [art. 15(2)(b). Const.] セ\ヲゥoGiャ@
C•IL•l.} セᄋ@ llT '11T'ffi• GサA[ア M セ@ セ@ qWffi majority of its number : [s. 26(4). Air Corpomtions Act] セ@
maintaining order: [art. !22(2), <:onst.) Cll'1WlT セ@ 'ffi"!T majority of the jury, concurrence of a: [s. 15. Coroners Act] "1P $1.
maintenance: [s. 7(2)(i), fndian Partnership Act] 00 ;;rr;n; [sch. II, セDH@
\\01 セュ・ョ[N@ Compensation Act) セ[@ [s. 43(kk), Industrial majority of \'Otes : "«ll $1 セ@ ; セ@
Flll.tTJCC Corporation Act and art. 34. Cons c.) セ@ WFIT; [s. 83. make a memorandum: [Or. 18. r. 8, C.P.C.] m<R <RRT
Jnd ;:ll1 Trusts Act] 'tlfil '{&"'T; maintenance is the officious make a minute : [s. 445(2). Companies Act) ュエゥセ@ セ@ 'fiRT
intermeddling by pecuniary or other assistance with anothc!r's make a note: [s. 132(l)(c)(u). Income-tax Act] ;ftc 'fiRT
lit1gation in which the intermeddler セ。ウ@ no concern セ@ make a parti1ion : セ@ 'fiRT
maintenance and treatment : [s. 35(4). Prevention of Cruelty' to make allowance : [s. 49. Indian StKmp Act) l!,C t.fl
Ani1mls Act, 1960] セ@ 3itt セ@ make and subscribe an oath: [art. 124(6). Const.] セ・イ@ セ@
maintenance and upkeep : セ@ 3itt セ@ 'fiR[
maintenance, contribute t\) : [s. 50( I), Children Act] セ@ <fi セ@ niake and subscribe an oath or affirmation: [art. 60, Const.] セQGA@
セGヲゥr{@ llT llfiDIR 'fiR[ ;m 'R セ@ セ@ 'fiR[ '*'
maintenance, decree for: [3. 60(1), prov. (i),C.P.C.] セ@ $1 !%it\ make any grant in advance: [art. 206(l)(a), Const.] セ@ セ@ セ@
maintenance grant : [s. l(d). Delhi School Education Act) セ@ <fi t.n
ヲオqセ@ make apology : to make an acknowledgement intended as an
maintenance of assets :· セ@ 'liT セ@ atonement for some improper or mJurious act, accompanied by an
maintenance of discipline : [long title, Assam Ri/1es Act) SGZALセャヲゥ@
expression of regret [s. 348. Cr. P. C.] セ@ 'l!iTR1
セ@ セ[@ [art. 33. Const.] SQZALセ@ GRT セ@ make award: to give an award in the arbitration ーイッ」・、ゥョァセ@ t.n;
maintenance of efficiency of administration : [art . 335, Const.) (when given by a tribunal etc.) [s. 49(3). Land Acquisition Act)
'l<WR <@ O:ernl セ@ WI'fl
セGヲゥr{[@ セ@ t.n
make away with: [s. 7(q), Assam Rifles Act) 'll'l'T <'\';;rr;n; セGwi@ ;;n;n·
maintenance of good order and discipline: [s. I 59(1 )(c). Navy Act]
Cll'1WlT セ@ SGZALセQヲゥャ@ セ@ WI'fl make better provision : [Long title. Wild Birds and Animal.<
Protection Act] セ@ セ@ 'fiRT
maintenan'ce of law and order: [s. 16( 1). Criminal Amendment
make call on shareholders: [s. 292( /)(a). Companies Act] Sゥセャエ@
Act. 1908] f?ifu セ@ Cll'1WlT セ@ WI'fl
maintenance of proceedings : [s. I 5(6), W'()rkmen 's Compensation
Act) セGャゥt@ <li'I'RT
make compensation : セ@ t.n
maintenance of public order : [art. 33. Const.] ir'ifi セ@ GRTC( n!R1 make composition :to make mutual settlement or agreement ャセ@
maintenance of records: [s. 44(2)(i), Arms Act] セ@ \'5R1
make .contract : セ@ 'fiRT
maintenance of reserved forest : ᄋセ@ <A <fit セ@ WI'fl
make defence : llftmn 'fiRT
maintenance of rolling stock: [s. 49, Indian Railways Act) セGャゥt@
make donation : [long title, Companil's (Donations to National
Funds) Act] GR セ@
maintenance of wife: [s. 91(i)Air Force Act] 'R'1t Gャゥtセ@
make due provisi()l'l : [s. )(I)(c). Ar;my and Air Force (Disposal of
maintenance of works: [ ch. 3. Indian Railways Act] セGャゥt@
Private Property) Act] セ@ Cll'1WlT <f>BT
maintenance officer : セ@ セ@
maintenance or working of the route: [s. 27f4)(g), Indian Railways make gesture in the sight ofthat·person : [s. 298, I. P. C.] ;m iZif<Rf $1
Act] lfl1f 'liT セ@ llT セ@ セ@ .q SQセ@ 'fiR[

maintenance order: [s. 7( I), Maintenance Orders Enforcement Act) make good: [s. 35, T.P. Act] エNョ[@セ セャヲゥrt[@ セGヲゥrt[@ 'lf<'f'FiRT
セGャゥt@ make good the contract : セ@ qit 'lJi'f 'fiRT
major: I. one who has attained the age of majority i.e. an age at which make good the loss : to make up the deficiency [s. 27. Indian
he becomes legally capable of conducting his own affairs (generally Partnership Act] セ@ $1 セ@ 'fiRT; セ@ '$1 'lJi'f <iiRT
18 years) liT"<fcl'!!; セ[@ 2. an officer of the army iton: make no defence : [Or. I4, r. I(6), C. P. C.] llftmn 'Itt <iiRT
make order : セQ@ 'fiRT; セ@ t.n
major estimates: セ@ セ@ ; セ@ セ@
make over : to harid over セ@ 'fiRT ;.. t.n
Major General : iton: "Rffi
make over the funds to:' [ s. I 19, ill. (V), Indian Succession Act] <fit
major head totals : セ@ Wi itg セュャA@
major items: [first sch., item 8, heading A, Industries (Development
make promotion: [art. 320(3)(b), Canst.) セ@ 'fiRT
and Regulation) a」エ}セ@
major port : any port which the Central Government may by . make public: to make known to public セ@ セ@ 'fiRT
notification in the Official·Gazette declare or may under any law make settlement : [s. 90( I)(a). Registration Act] セ@ 'fiRT
for the time being in force hwe declared to be a major port make sound in the hearing of that person: [s. 298, I. P. C.] ;m iZif<Rf $1
[s. 3(8). Indian Ports Act] セ@ セャゥヲNエュGA@

Rta:l('·such provision as he thinks fit: [art. 160, Const.) セ@ \f<l'iitr セ@

major works : セ@ セ@
majority : I. the age at which by law, a person is entitled to the
make true and faithful discovery: [s . .1 I. Public Gambling Act] セ@
management of his own affairs and to the enjoyment of civil rights
3.11: セ@ セGヲゥr{@
llfC(I'iflffl"; セ[@ 2. more than half of any number CYf items
make up deficiency of courtfees: [s. 149. C.P.C.] セ@ .t)m q\t<li'fi
[s. 96(1), pro v., Navy a」エIセ[@ 3. more than half of the votes
\ヲゥエセ@ 'fiR[
cast at any type of election [s. I 32( 1), Army Act and art. 61(2)(b)
make-up man : it<n Jfl! <rnrr
Const.) セ@
majori,y, absolute: complete ュ。ェッイゥエケセ@ make up the cash: [s..l39; ill. (c). Indian Contract Act) OO'Iilfif(1'F!
majority, concurrence of a: [s. 77(1 )(a). Presidency-towns Insolvency
maker: the creator; executant [s. 15. Negotiable Instruments Act)
majority of all the then members: [art. 67, prov., Canst.) セ@
making a representation: [art. 22(5). Canst.] セ@ セ@
maldna foot-paths acrou the arau plots 203 manaalna director

making foot-paths across the ァイ。セウ@ plots : {sch.. item 25. Fort malinger: to pretend illness or .to produce or protract disease in order
Willi<lnJS Act} セッュI@ '1,-ml tr{ セ@ セ@ to escape duty (especially of soldiers and sailors) {s. 46(b}, Army
making gifts or souvenirs, for : zyr liT "QWTTi i[セ@\ oq t.l <!; セ@ Act} セ@ i! ii'R <li セ@ Ulfr セ@ orr.n ; セ\i[@ '{M 'liT om;;r
making good the sum : [s. 295{5). Compames A,·t] セ@ 9;ft セ@ セ@ セ@ CliBT
t.n ; 9;ft tRW! t.n malleable Iron: [fifth sch., item I I, Income-tax Act] dlfilltWfollll セ@
making legal application for protection: [s. 190. J.P. C.] mm <!; f.lro, 'liT 'lfm; BGア。エヲッ\セ@ m.
セ@ セcゥbt@ malpractice ; セ N@

making loan : [s. 45(c}. Wealth-tax Act} i3tm セ@ maltreat :. [s. 64(a}. Army Act] ;p セ@ Cli\oiT
making of the work is extended over a considerable period : {s. 7. mamlatdar of a taluka : {s. 94A(3} HセᄋゥIN@ expln .. Jncoine-tax Act}
Copyright Act} セ@ 'liT nMitセ@ r i セ@ セ@ セᄋゥャ N セG@
mala fide : in bad faith »H1ii.i114'I:'fili man: I. an adult male human being [s . 10. I. P.C.] セ[@ 2. a human
Malaria Inspector : セ@ f.rttlffi!i being {s. 12. ill. (b). Indian Contract a」エスセ[@ 3. {s . 195. Indian
Malaria Institute of India: '1mf \ャゥイセ@ セ@ Contract Act/ Cllfcffi; 4. to employ iliTl! 1t Of'lT'1T; Jmlfi Of'lT'1T
male : of the sex that begets offspring [s. 10, I. P. C.] "fl:; [s. 64. man-days : • ft.:!
Cr. P.C.] '3Ji"'1 man houn : 4Jlf W:
male ascendant in the male line: {s. 7(2}(b). Estate Duty Act} '3P' man of ordinary prudence: a person h'aving オセ。ャ@ kind of sound
lfttm it GAセ@ '3?'! -judgment in practical affairs [ss. 151 and 195. Indian Contract
male-factors : evii doers. c1 iminals ᄋ セ@ Act} セ@ .lrnT<ITffi
rna Ie heir : '!< 'l1fur ; '3Pf 'l1fffi man-power : OR セ@
male Hindu: [s. 7. Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act] セGSp@ man, sane: [s. 12. ill. (b), Indian Contract a」エスセ@
male human being: [s. 10. /. P. C.] '!< :rm manage himself: [s. 46, Indian Lunacy Act) 3!tr.ft セ iGA@ CliBT
male member: [s.64. Cr.P.C.] '3Pf セ@ managed company : {s. 356( I). Compan1<:s a」エセ@ qiq;ft flmili! l1oiu f<tln
male nurse : '3?'! ;ffi :;;nmt
male sex, student of the : [s. 5(i)(ii), National Cadet Corps Act} msl management : 1. the action.of managing {s. 144( I), Cr. P. C.] lfOi'u ; 2.
malfeasance : 31l!ili'iul a governing body i.e. a Board of Directors, a Board of Governors
etc. {sch . 6. pt. I. note (i). Companies Act]lfiitl セ@ ; セ@
malice: it signifies an intentional doing of a wrongful act without just
management adviser: [s. 28( I )(b)(2), Foreign Exchangc.Regulation
causa or c.xcu'e or an action determined by an improper motive
Act] lfiitl セ@
{Or. 6. r. 10. C.P.C.} セ[@ セ@
management, affairs of : ll'1'<im セ@

..-·; セ@
r n a = :given to malice; characterised by malice [s. 295A, I.P.C.]
management board : !<lit! セ@
management expenses : {sch. /, items 2(2) and 7(l)(iii), Income-tax
malicious abuse of process : wilfully misapplying ·court process to Act] !<lit! Oll<i
obtain object not intended by law. The wilful misuse or management oflocal fund: [s. 3(3 I), General Clauses a」エ}セ@ f.!rit}
misapplication of process to accomplish a purpose not warranted <liT !<lit!
or commanded by the writ. An action for malicious abuse of management of the affairs : [s. 9(1), Chartered Accountants Act]
process lies in the following cases. A malicious petition 01 セャゥュ@
proceeding to adjudicate a person an insolvent, to declare a person management of undertakinp : [an. 43A, Const.} i3lliJil1l <61 !liiY.l
lunatic or to wind up a company, to make action against legal
management of work : ifiTII' 'liT !<lit!
practioner under the Legal Practitioners Act, maliciously
manager: I. one who manages [art. 31 A( I}(d), Consr.]ll<im!; HセI[@
procuring arrest or attachment in execution of a decree or before
2. of a Hindu undivided family 'liffi
judgment, order or injunction or appointment of receiver, arrest of
a ship, search of the plaintiffs premises, arrest of a person by manager-cum-clerk (catering): ll<iml; Mュセ@ HセI@
police llfFrr 'liT セ@ セBcヲAwイ@ Manager, DivlsionallNI{Ic: !l1!17ft'q セ@ セ@
manaaer, farm : セ@ セ@
malicious crlmln111 prosecution: in an action fork malicious criminal
manaaer, aeneral:ll'llr.l セ@
jャイッセNGオエ@ ion. the plaintiff mu5t prove the ヲセャッキゥョ。@ points; (II) that
the pluintiff wus ーイッU・」オエセ@ by the defendant: (b) th11t the: manaaer, mall motor .'l'l'vlce : セN@ m1 'lft'!t tm4!T
ーイッセ・」オエゥョ@ ended in plaintiff'• favour, (c) that the defendant manaaer or land : '!,ftf 1111 セ@
ucted without rc11sonable and probable cuuse, (d) thlu the manaaer or publication• : 1llliml! vM
defendant was actuated by malice. It is then for the defendant to manaaer of the H!ndu family: [s. 41(3), Wealth-tax Act] Itt W 1111
make out a defence recognised by law セ@ mPi セ@ m
malicious Institution of a suit :it hus ulso been held that a malicious Manaaer of wッイォウZセ@ 1lil1f セ[@ vM m
institution nf cil il セオゥエ@ is not actionable.- The reasons for this rule manaaerlal or admlnlatratlve capacity : [s. 2(/)(i)(A), Contract
キ・セZ⦅ーッオョ、@ in Quartz Hill Gold Mining Co. Vs. Byre セ@ Labour(Regulation and Abolition) a」エ}セ@ ャゥtセ@
セ@ エQcセHGi@ CliBT
manaaerlarpenon : セ@ •
malicious intention: [s. 295A. J.P. C.] セ@ SQtセ@ manaaerlal penonnel : [s. 4(/)(b), Jayanti Shipping Company prosecution : [sch .. item 74, Limitation Ar:t] セ@ (Taking Over of Management) a」エ}セ@ • ; セ@ セ@
ュセ[@ [.'r:wnd M:h .. item .15(c), Presidency Small Cause Courts manaaerlal remuneration : [sch. 6, pt. II, item 4(i), Companies
aイエOセ@ a」エ}セ@ 111ft•
malicious prosecution and maintenance : the wrong known us manaainaaaency : [s. 28, expln. I, Income-tax Act] セ ᄋ@ m
malicious prosecution and maintenance conaists in causina damage manaalnaaaent: [s. 2(/)(ii), Mines Act and art. 3/A(l)(d), Const.1 m
ィセ@ mea'.'' olan abuse of the process of courts ッヲャキセ@ セ@ セ[ュ@
ャヲイゥセAエtQ@ manaalna committee : [s. 2(n), Delhi School Education Act] m
malicious!) a malicious manner: out of malice {s. J. Explosive セ@
.'iulmanccs a」エ}セ[@ Mtm':; [s. 219, l.P.C.J セ@ manaalna contractor : [s. 7(1), Coal Mines (Nationalisation) Act]
mllliclousl)· wrecking: {.,, I 16, Indian Railways Act] セZ@ @セ CliBT セ@
ュ。ャゥァセQョI@ : feeling or showing intense ill-will {s. 270, /. P. C) manaaina director : [s. 7(/)(c), Food Corporations Act and art.
セ[エャヲュゥ@ 3/A(l)(d), cッョウエNtセ@
managing editor 204 marine ーイッ、オセQ@

managing editor : m セ@
manual delivery: [s. 58(1), Presidency-towns Insolvency a」エスセ@ if
mandamus: a prerogative order issued in certain cases to compel the
manual instructor セ@ セ@ セ@
performance of duty of a public or quasi-public nature セ[@
[art. 32(2), r .Jnst.) セ@
manual labour : セ@ lJil!
manual ウォゥャZ ᄋ {セM 17(2)({). Pre1ention of Cruelty to Animals Act,
mandate: a command from a superior official or judge to an inferior, QYVPスセュャ@
ordering him how to act セ@ ; 3lrnT manual training instructor : セ@ セ@ セ@
mandated territories : the territories governed under the mandate of manufactory : a place where manufacturing process goes on
the League of Nations earlier and now administered under the [s . 3(4)(c), Indian Railways A,·t] QTセG@
Trusteeship Council of the United Nations [sch. I, r. 36, Indian manufacture: 1. producing by labour [s . 2(1 3), Income-tax Act}
Carriage by Air a」エIセ M セ[@ 2. the making of materials or articles (now on a large scale)
mandatory injunction: an injunction ordering a person to do a thing by physical labour or mechanical power; to do , produ ce or make
{s. 39, Specific Relief a」エISゥGtセi\ヲ@ セ@ {s. 73. ill. fqJ. Indian Contract Act) <RRT; セ@ ;g;n
mandatory rule: a rule containing a command [s; 13(/)(c), prov., manufactured drug: セ@ セ[@ セ@ セ@
Income-tax a」エ}セ@ セ@ manufacturer: the owner or operator of a manufactory: the producer
mandatory term : a term which is imperative [s. 13(/)(c), prov., of goods 「セ@ la.bour {s . 3(i), Tea a」エ}セ@
Income--tax a」エIセ@ f.r.itR manufacturing accounts : セ@ ffiit I
manganese-ore : {fifth sch .. item 3, Income-tax a」エスセNM@ manufacturing concern : [sch. 6, pt. II. item 3(ii)(a), C ompanies
manhole : {s. 36(6), Facrories Act} iA--rnr · a」エスセ@
manliest: I . a list of goods of a merchant vessel making up her cargo manufacturing operation : [s. 80P(2)(/). Income-tax a」エスセ@
with the names of shippers [s. 2(b), Naval and Aircraft Prize lffil;<n-
Act} lire セ[@ 2. to indicate [s. 38; iJj_ (d), Indian Easements manufacturing process: {s. 2(2), Sugarcane Act and s. 2(k). Fact o ries
Act}lll!iC セ[@ lll!iC セ@ a」エ}セ@
manifest of goods : [sch., pt. II. item 10. Commercial Documents manufacturing purpose :the purpo>c ,Jf manufacture [s. 106, T.P.
Evidence aセエスャイ・@ Cl>"t セ[@ ャゥイ・Mセ@ a」エスセ@
manifest violation : lll!iC セ@ manufacturing station : [s. 10(2)(d), Tea Act} f<lf.t'1iuT <!;<::
rflanifesta'tion : the act of revealing or declaring [sch. Ill, pt. B. manure inspector : 1lllO: セ@
Workmws Compensation a M 」エ}セ@ manuring: [s. 8(2J(b). Rubber Act}1lll0: セ[@ 1lllO: セ@
manifesto: a public written declaration of the intentions, opinions <>r manuscript: a written or typewritten document as distinguished from
motivt<; of a leader, party or body セ[@ ofifu セ@ a rrinted copy {s. 2(b){i). Ancient Monuments and Archaeological
manipulate: I . to work with the hands: to handle or ュ。ョァ・セ@ Sit1·-; ;md Remain.' a」エスセ[@ セ@
セ[@ 2. to turn to one\ own purpose or advantage オMセ@ <R'1T manuscript officer : セ@ セ@
manipulate prices : ;ftq-ffi セ@ セ@ if <lifi セ@ セ@ ; セ@ ゥヲNオ」ZMセ@ <R'1T map: a representation of the earth's surface or a part of it, its physical
manipulation :handling of apparatus [sch. II. item 27, wッイォュ・ョセ@ and political features etc. or of the heavens , delineated Oil a flat
Compensation a」エIセ[@ セ@ surface of paper etc. according to a definite scale or project iv n
manipulation of prices or conditions of delivery : セ@ if セI@H UC:-<10: {セN@ 36. Indian F1idence a」エIセ[@ 'f<f!ffi
<!iBT セ@ tritGR q,"t HセI@ セ@ セ@ セ@ map mounter : 'f<f!ffi セ@
manipulator : lJi'! セ M mapper : Gヲ\セ@
mankind: human species [s. 18, T.P. Actjl'(R'q' セ@ march final account : l!T'f セ@ セ@
mankind, ordinary expectation of : [s. 5, Negotiable Instruments march final schedule : l!T'f 3ift'!l! セ@
a」エIセ@ IKlm11; 1'fR'q Cf>"t セ@ l«'lTW march preliminary account : l!T'f セ@ セ@
manner : a way, mode, method of_ doing anything or mode of march supplementary adjustment : セ@ セ@ セ@
proceeding in any case or situation {s. 3. prov.( I). T. P. a」エ}セ[@ march supplementary schedule : セ@ セ@ セ@
[s. 68(1), Cr. P.C.) WfiR; [s. 108(/)(i), Cr. P.C.)-,;;,q margin : I. a vertical blank column to the left or right of an area
manner of cooperation, collaboration or association : セN@ セ@ liT occupied or to be occupied by the main body of the printed or
セ」エヲゥ@ written text セ[@ 2. difference セ@
manner of election of President : [art. 55, mar1in, c。ョウエNスセ@ li; margin of deviation : [s. 48(J)(iv). Mo tor Vehicles a」エIセ@ ctt
セ ᄋ 」エGHヲャ@ (\ii'f.'ft) llNf セ@
manner of termination of service: [s. 24(1), University of Hyderabad marginal adjustment : セ@ セ@
Act} mr
セ@ ctt ffil marginal case : セ@ liTimT
manner prescribed: [s. 3, prov. (I), T.P. a」エ}セ@ margins! ,, ;; •;: ュセ@ セ@
manning-cum-incentive scheme : セ@ it wrA セM セ@ <1>"t セ@ marginal n ,;.;,, : ュ ・ャセ@
manoeuvres (for defence): [s .. 68A, Indian Ports a」エ}セ@ marginal relief: セ@ セ@
manpower: powers available from or supplied by the physical effort marine: {s. 2(a), expln .. Agricultural Refinance Corporation Act]
of man, strength expressed in terms of available persons セ[@ セ[@
セ@ marine engine : an engine for propelling a ship セ@ セ@
manpower directorate : セ@ セᆳ marine engineer : :ft セ@
manpower ッヲゥ」・イZセ@ Marine Inspection Officer: セ@ セ@ セ@
mansion: large house [Or. 21, r. 32, ill., cNp}セ@ marine insurance: insurance against loss by damage or destruction of
mansuetae naturae : tamed and domesti;;ated animals. A distinction cargo, freight or merchandise or the means or instruments of
has been made between two species of animals, tame a:nimals or transportation or communication whether on land, sea or air
animals mansuetae naturae as they are called e.g. a dog or horse [sch .. pt. I. item 9. Commercial Documents Evidence a」エスセ@
and ferocious animals セ@ セ@ i;fl1n
manual : 1. requiring or involving physical skill or energy [s. 2(c), marine insurance fund : セ@ ifh:!r f.rttr
expln. , Industrial Finance Corporation a」エ}セ[@ 2. a _book marine league : [s. 4(2), Indian Fisheries a」エIセ@
containing in concise form the principles, rules and directions m11rine product : [s. 3(h), Marine Prod11cts Export Developmem
needed for the mastery of art セ@ Authority a」エIセ@
marine !Uperlntendent 205 mate's receipt

marine superintendent : ;I'! セ@ marklna and sorting : セ@ wnon .itt 1JWn

marine survey report : セ@ セ@ fttni mark ina hammer: [s. 41(2)(h). Indian Forest a」エ}セ@
marine work: [sch., item 2(8)(d), Workmen's Compensation Act] marking of wdght on heavy "packaaes: {long title. Marking of Heav)'
セ@ Packages a」エスGセ@ m< セ@ セ@
marine workshop foreman : ;I'! セ@ セ@ marks (In a paper) : Jiq;
mariner: [s. 56(2J(e), Navy Act]- marks of identification : fs. 20(3)(ii), Additional Emoluments
marital intercourse : intercourse between persons married to each (Compulsory Deposit) a」エ}セ[@ セ@ セ@
other {s . 12(2)(b)(iii), Hindu Marriage a」エ}セ@ m marks or arrangement or combination thereof: [s. 2( I )(f)(iv), Trade
marital obligation : [s . 2(iv), Dissolution of M11slim Marriages and, Merchandise Marks a」エ}セ@ '111 セ@ セ@ '111 セ@
a」エ}セ@ marriaae: the act of marrying, the ceremony by which two persons are
made husband a·n d wife; particular matrimonial unions [s. 112.
maritime affairs : [ss. 32(2) and 37(2), Inland Vessels Act] •
Indian Evidence Act and s. 2(a), Indian Majority a」エ}セ@
marriage, approbation of : [s. 128, ill. (vi), Indian Succession
maritime jurisdiction :jurisdiction relating to sea, or commerce and
na vigation of the sea [s. 57(6), Indian Evidence A c t ] . a」エ}セ@ CfiT セ@ <IWI1
セ@ marriage ceremony: [s. 496, iNpc}セ@ <ii'f
maritime law : {preamble. Indian Carriage of Goods by Sea Act] marriage certificate book : [s. 14(1), Foreign Marriage a」エ}セ@
セ M セ@ lfl!11lml セ@
maritime shipping : • tim セ@ marriage tie: [long title, Dissolution of Muslim Marriages a」エ}セ@
maritime zones: [art. 297(3). Const.] セャゥエ[{@ oitR
maritime zones of India : 'I!RO CfiT セ@ eR married administratrix: {Or. 31, r. 3. C.P.C.] セ@ セ@
mark : I. sign: ind:ication ; 'c haracte'r セ[@ 2. to make a mark on; to mlirrU!d executrix: [Or. 31 , r. 3, cNp N cN}セ@ セ@
ind icat e セ@ セ[@ セ@ WTRT married women : セ@ セ@
mark of consideration: [Or. 5, r. 30(1}, C.P.C.} セ@ <rffiq marry : to constitute as husband and wife according to the laws and
mark of honour : f!UIR lRftcn customs of a nation [s . 65, ill. (a), Indian Contract Act] セ\iwt@
mark of injury : {s. 174( I), Cr. P. C.] m'ff CfiT セ[@ ma セ@ marsh land: [s. 78, ill. (i),lndian Succession a」エ}セ [ セ@
mark sheet : Jiq; wfT marshal of the court: [s. 8(1), Naval and Aircraft Prize a」エOセ@
mark with a grade designation mark: [s. 3(d), Agricultural Produce Cfi!-
(Grading and Marking) Act] DQヲエセC@ <1W11
marshalling : arranging (assets or securities) in the order in which the y
marked deterioration : [s. 15(a)(ii), Industries (Development and
Reg ulation) a」エ}セ@ fffi a re available to meet various kinds o f claims [.> . Ii i . T.P.

marked or branded with the name, shall be : [s. 3, Coasting Vessels a」エ}セ@
A ce] 'fl1! セ@ セ@ m (;mctt) m セ@ ;;m:Mt martial law: [art. 34, Const.]'Wn セ@
marker: 00 marumakkattayam: [s. 7(1), Estate Duty Act} '!fl'i<lqjt11Q'{
market :an o pen space or covered build ing in which cattle, provision masculine gender: '[s. 13(1), General Clauses Act] セ@
etc. a re ex posed for sale [s. 32, ill. UJ, Indian Evidence Act] 'ifFm; mason : u;;r
[sch . II, Minimum Wages Act] 'tffi masonary: {s. 2(c), Manipur(Hills Areas) District Councils A r::t] セ@
market overt-open market : ordinarily a mere bargain and sale セ@
with o ut transfer of possession is not a conversion. This is so masonary work: [sch., item (21). Fort William a」エ}セ@ CfiT"1l
bec au se the transaction affects neither the possession nor the title. mass mailing unit : セ@ -m> セ@ ;g
as ex-hypothesis, the transferor had not the title. But in England, a mass media: a medium of communication (as the newspa !'ers , radio .
sale in Market overt operates to transfer the title to a bonafide motion pictures, television) that is designed tc r o ;:iJ . i ..: mass of
purch ase r. It means an open sale in any lawfully constituted the people and that tends to set the standards. idea ' and セゥュウ@ of
market and by a special custom a sale in any shop in the city of the masses [s. I f•t 2)(e). Water ( pセ・カョエゥ。@ and Cor> trn i of
London between sunrise and sunset, of goods of the kind which Pollution) Act] セュエイMQ[@ セ@ 'lf1U!1!
are usua lly put up ior sale therein セ@ omm:
market price : the price usually given in current market dealings mass of his property,general: [s. 162, Indian Succession Act] il1-l' N| セ@
[s. 73. ill. (o), Indian Contract Act] mn セ[@ • セ@ セ@ <Iii tfT!m1!T 'P.
market rate: {s . 11(2)(e), Forward Contracts (Regulation) Act] mn ュ。ウエZセ@
. "'TTI master: I . with イ・ヲセ@ ace to a ship means any person (eKcept a pilot or
market reporter : m'R fttni\
harbour master) having fort he time being control or charge of the
marketable security: a security of such description as to be capable of
ship [s. 3(33), General Clauses a」エ}セ[@ individual having
being sold in any stock market of the country [s . 2( /6A), Indian
control, authority or predominance over another [s. 381 , I. P. C.]
Stamp a」エ}セ[@ エャvAセ@
market superintendent : ;n;l!Ti 3ltfiwl;
market survey, conducting : セ@ セ@ <IWIJ master at arms : セ@ -q?: セ@
market value: a price at which both buyers and sellers are willing to do Master General of the Ordnance : セ@ セ@ 31l1:!i セ@ SヲャエNtセ@
bu si ness; the market or current price [s. 7(iii), Courc-fees
master of a sea-going ship: [sch. I, item 16, Indian Stamp Act] '
Act] omm: セ [@ <rmft セ@
marketing :the action of selling or buying in market [s. 7(4), pro v..
master of a ship : [s. 4(5), Explosives Act] mr CfiT セ@
Cardamom Act and s. 80P(2)(viii), Income-tax a」エ}セ[@
master of a vessel : [s. 6(6)(a), Foreigners a」エ}セ@ <fiT セ@
ゥヲャ\ M セ [ Gャr@
marketing of commodities : {s . /0(29), Income-tax Act] セSQ@ <nT master of the mint : [s. 292(3), Cr. P. cN}セ@ CfiT セ@
fittluR master ーャ。ョZセ[@ セ@
Marketing Officer : 'l'll'R セ@ master warrant officer : セ@ セ@ セ@
Marketing Officer, Fish : '!fr.! 'l'll'R 3lfuCfiTtt matching contribution : セ@ セ[@ セ@ セ@
marketing societies : セ@ セ@ mate: >lc
marketing strategy : [s. 8(2)(c), .Tobacco Board Act] fittluR セ@ mate's receipt : {s . 2(4), Indian Stamp Act] >lc セ@ WG
material 206 maner of art

material: I. of such consequences, importance or significance as to be material time : セ@ セ@

likely to influence the determination of a cause; to alter the materially: to a significant extent or degree [s. 150, Indian Contract
character of an instrument, ・エ」Nセ[@ mt1IT'i; 2. corporeal; of or Act} (fffif:; [S. 133, ill. (b), Indian Contract a」エ}セ[@
consisting of matter [s. I 1(3)(b), Industrial Disputes a」エ}セ[@ セ@
3. the matter from which anything is made [ss. 475 and 476, materially affect: [s. 16(c), Manipur (Hill Areas) District Councils
I. P.C.] Gイッセ[@ 4. that out of which anything is or may be made a」エ}セ@ ll'lTlf lfFI
[s. 2( I )(b)(iii). Arms Act] ml1'ft; セ@ materially defective: [s. 198, Indian Contract Act] (fffif: セ@
material abstract : ml1'fl m{ materially false: [s. 58(3), Indian Railways a」エ}セ@ !1fiiZIT
material account : ml1'it セ@ materially increase: [ss. 55(5)(a)and 108(k), T.P. a」エスセ@ iA1
material alteration: [s. 7, ill. (h), Indian Easements a」エ}セ@ qftcrcR materially interfere: [s. 150, Indian Contract Actj(fffif: セ@ mRT
material changes: [s . 212(5)(b), Companies a」エ}セ@ materially retards the establishment of: <ll't セ@ il セゥエG@
material chaser : ml1'ft セ@ |ャゥGaセJ@
material checker : I'!TI1'.l'\ セ@ materials: I the substance or matter from which anything is made
material circumstance: [s. /43, Indian Contract a」エ}セ@ [s . 188, ill. (b). Indian Contract Act] ID'P.ft; 2. the whole or a
notable part of the elements or constituents of something physical
ma=lcontract: [sch. I . item /6(1 )(h). Companie., a」エ}セ@
(when used with reference to dismantled or broken material)
[s. 60(2), C.P.C.] Tfiffi
material defect: [ss. 55(/)(a) and /08(a). T.P. a」エ}セ@
material departure: [sch. II, pt. /-9. Chartered Accountants Act}
maternal grandfather : mother's father [s. 6( /)(i), Hindu Marriage I
maternal side : '!T<l tm
material error: [s. 2 15. ill. (c). Cr. p N Nスセ@c 1lWft
maternal uncle: mother's brother [s. 6( I )(k). Hindu Marriage Actf
material evidence: [sch. 11, form 33, Cr. pNc}セ@ セ@
material fact: [s. /44(/). Cr. P.C.} セ@ Gヲセ[@ [s. 17(/)(a), Wealth-
tax a」エ}セ@ Gヲセ@ maternity benefit : • セ@
material feature: [sch. Vl,pt. II, item 2(b), Companies a」エ}セ@ am!
maternity lean : [.1. 258. expln. (iv). Industrial Disputes Act}.
material form: [s. /4(/)(a)(i), Copyright a」エ}セ@ セ@
material in(ormation : [s. /0(3)(b), Passport a」エ}セ@ maternity relief: [art. 42, Const.}. mTlfflT
matriarchal society : [s. 2(c), Bonded Labour System (Abolition)
material ingredient : [s. 15(b), prov., Specific Releif a」エ}セ@ »M
Act} lffifllmR セ@
material injury: [s. 13(c), Inland Vessels a」エ}セ@
matriculate: [s. 16(3). Delhi Sikh Gurdwaras a」エ}セ@ qm
material inspector : ml1'ft セ@
matriculation : セ@
material irregularity: [Or. 21, r. 90(1), cNp}セ@ セ@
matrimonial: of or. pertaining to marriage [s. 41, Indian Evidence
material issue: [s. 100(/)(b), cNp}セ@ セ@
material issue oflaw: question of law of importance likely to influence
the determination of a cause [s. JOO(I)(b), C.P.C.] セ@ q;r セ@ m.atrimonial cause : [preamble, Indian Matrimonial Causes (War
セ@ Marriage) a」エスセ@
material objeci: a thing consisting of matters [s. 1/(J)(b), Industrial matrimonial ィッュ・Zセ[@ セ@ セ@
Disputes a 」エ}セ@ \イッセ[@ [s. 23( /)(c), Water (Prevention and matrimonial jurisdiction : the jurisdiction for suits for the redress of
Control of Pollution) a」エ}セ@ Gイッセ@ injuries respecting rights on marriage [s. 41, Indian Evidence
material objects producible as evidence: [s. IOE(4c)(a), Companies a」エ}セ[@
a」エスセ@ i! W <1>'t ;;rr セ@ <mft セ@ ID'P.ft; [Or. 13, r. II, matrimonial relief: [ch./V,Forcign Marriage a」エ}セᆬ@
」Npjセ@ w
セ@ セ@ i! セ@ m;;rR セ@ \イッセ@ matrimonial, testamentary and intestate jurisdiction : [Or. 49, r. I,
material paper: paper of significance [Or. 41, r. 13(2), C.P.C.] セ@ cNp}セ@
セ[@ matrix : [s. 2(i), Copyright a」エスセ@
material part: [s. 6(6), Requisitionin1 and Acquisition of Immovable matter : I, a subject (al a fact, an event or cour1e of event1, or a
l'wjwrty aセᄋエス@ @セ '1T"' circumuance, situation or quenion) of intere•t or relevance: an
material part of the tranaactlon : [$. 142, lndinn Contract Act} object of thouaht or consideration [Or. II, r. 2. C.P.C.] セ[@
セGQ^tB@ [Or. II, r. /, prov...C. pNcスセ[@ {s. /0( I)( b), Merul C'orpor11ticm
material partlculan: [s.! 14, ill. (b), Indian Evidence Act and s. 477A, of India (Acquisiiion of Undm11kinssJ Mt} セZ@ 2. physical
ャ N p N cNスセ@ セ[@ [s. /.1(2)(11), Rice Milling Industry substance [s. 142(7), Army a」エ}セ@
(Regullllion) a」エスセ@
matter affectlna the pecunlar)· interest: f.•. 21t9J, I. P. C.} tr-1 セ@
material party : {s. 49(d)(4), Indian Stamp a」エ}セ@ セ@ q;: セ@ セ@ !1m! 'llmiT
material proposition : a proposition of law or fact which a plaintiff matter connected therewith: [s. 195(5), Income-tax a」エ}セ@
must a llege in order to show right to sue or a defendant must allege matter In controversy : [Or. 21, r. l/(2)(e), cNpjセャヲt Q セhitGヲ[@r

m order to constitute his defence [Or. 14, r. /(/). C.P.C.] セ@ [Or. /, r. 9, cNp」スセ[@ {s. 2(2), cNpスセ@
セ [ セ@
material proposition offact or law: [Or. 14, r. /(/), C.P.C.) セ@ -qr matter In difference: the subject on which there is difference between
セ[@ セMアイ@ the parties [s. 47(i), Guardians and Wards a」エスセ@ セ[@
[s. 16, Relisious Endowments a」エスセ@ tn: セ@
material question: substantial question: {Or. 5, r. 1(2)(b), C.P.C.]
mro:j_ lli"l matter In dispute : something which is エィセ@ subject-matter of some
controversy {s. 2Q, Indian Evidence a」エ}セ[@ {Or. 14,
material resources: [art. .19(b), Const.} セ@ セ@
r. 6(c), cNpスセ@ q
material statement: {a. 44(/)(b), Specific Relief Act and s. J56(4),
Compr.nies a」エ}セ@ llillf.! matter In lnue : the matter on which parties are at issue [sch., item
14(1), Limitation a」エ}セ@
material ter ms : [s. 14(/)\b), Specific Relief Act and s. 356(4),
Compan ies a」エ}セ@ f.!1itR matter in question: [Or. II, r. 2, C. P.C.} llr-'i'TO 11m; {Or. II, r. I,
material thin& : a thing consisting of matters [s. 60, prov., Indian
P. CJ mrrn セ@ c.
Evidence a」エ}セ@ @セ matter of art : セ@ セ@ セ@
matter of criminal or admiralty or vice admiralty jurisdiction 207 measure

matter of criminal or admiralty or vice admiralty jurisdiction may be convened : {s . 33(1), Industrial Finance Corporation
[s. I I 2(2), C. P. cNスセ@ "!!T ;;rqfuq,\'71 セ@ "!!T Jq'11<1ftl4><"1 セ@ a」エスセZゥAャ@
セア[イ@ mny be dealt with : [s. 132(6), Income-tax Act} <mfi ::i!T セ@
matter of fact :a matter that is or is demo nstrable as a fac:; matter may be determined セケ@ Parliament by law: [art. 106, c。ョウエNスセ@
involving primarily proof of evidence (distinguished from matter iduLセ\ヲゥGエ@
of law) [Or. 6, r. 8, C.P.C.} o'&f <fit <ITO may be disposed of: {Or. 14, r. 2, C. P. C.} 4>1 セ@ セ@ ::i!T セ@
matter of general interest : [s. 32(4), Indian Evidence Act} mm(1l1 ftf may be one independent of his will: [s. 434(4), Cr. P.C.Jit:fft セ[ゥエ@
T^Qセ@ [ュ\ヲゥエセGr@
matter of law: a matter which pertains to or concerns ャ。キセ@ <fit<!]<!; may be placed in funds : t セ@ .q !R Ofl!T セ@ ::i!T セ@
may be ーイ・ウ」ゥ「、Zセ@ ::i!T セ[@ セ@ セ@ セ@
matter of law, as 。Zセ[@ \ヲゥエセ@ il may be recovered by an application : [s. I 22, prov., Representation of
matter of mixed law and fact : matter depending for solution on the People Act, 1951} セ@ 'R セ@ セ@ ::i!T セ@ セ[@ セ@ 'R セ@
questions of both law and fact セ@ *< o'&f fllf'lrc! <ITO; セ@ 3ffi o'&f ヲャ[ュZイセ@
セ@ mRy be settled in contemplati<>n of death: [s. 22, Indian Succession
matter of policy : [s. 30. Unit Trust of India Act} ;fifc! @セ セ [@ Act} 4>1 セ@ セ@ セ@ ,'llffi"! セ@ ft"!!T ::i!T セ@
[s. /2( /), National Cadet Corps a」エ}セ@ セ@ m may be summarily evicted : セZ@ セ@ セ@ ::i!T セ@
matter of principle or detail : {s. 2(2)(iii), Chartered Accountants may cnll for: [s. 325(3), Cr. P.C.} 'lfrTT セA[@ lfM @セ
a」エスセ@ <ITO "!!T <2ffiT may charge the amount : [Or. 39, r. 9, C P. cNスセ@ lf>'r lN1tm セ@ セ@
matter of public interest: anything which affects the interest of, or in ュ^セケ@ convict thereon: [s . :2d/, Cr. P.C.} セ@ 3ll'm: 'R ;m セ@ <R
which are interested the public at large [5. '32(4), Indian Evidence セ@
a」エ} ᄋ セア[イ@
may direct : [s. 58, Sale of Goods Act} セAit@ セ@
ml!tter of public nature : セ@ セ@ <fit <ITO may enforce payment in part only : [s. 446(3), Cr. P. cNスセ@ 'IWT セ@
matter, offensive: [s. 2(15)(18)(35), Delhi Municipal Corporation セcj[t@
Act} セH\Atgjイッ、@ .
may extend : セ@ セ@ セ@
mailers enumerated in the Union list: [art. 295( /)(a), Canst.} tiu' lf'lt may fix: {s. 57. cpN}セ@ @セ セ@
-q !J7TlUrc!. セ@ may not afterwards be tried: {s. 300, ill. (d), Cr. pNcスセ\ュャ@
matters relating to or connected with the election of President or セZ[イ@
Vice-President : {art. 71, margin, c。ョウエNスセ@ "!!T @セ t may order to furnish fresh security : {Nセ@ 44 7. Cr. P. C.} lfg セ@ セ@ セ@
セャBAt@ セヲ」エGiBサth[@ セャゥエGABサ@
matters usually represented in maps Zセ[ゥエ@ -q l!fl1': セ@ セ@ セ@ may plead by way of defence: [s. 9. Specific Relief a」エ}セ@ lffi'mn
matters with respect to: {art. 73(/)(a), Canst.} RiR セ@ t m -q エNュMアセ@
may presume: [s. 4, Indian Evidence Act} 'J"'ttR11IT セ@ セ@
mature for payment : 'Tf<'!R t セ@ セ@
matured claim: {sch. I, pt. B, para 4(a), Life Insurance Corporation
may proceed or refrain from proceeding : セ@ mt セ@ -w:rm: セ@
Act} qftqqq GI'!T セBAtゥャ@
may prove for the balance : {s. 14(2}. Workmens Compensation
maturing: [s. 4(2)(b)(i), {ayanti Shipping Company (Acquisition of
Act} jャヲオセ@ q;J セ@ セ@ セ@
Shares) Act] qftqqq セ@
ュ。ケイ・ェ」エLッオ Zセ[@ セ@
maturi11g or preserving: [Or. 21, r. 45(2), C.P.C.] セ@ "!!T 'lftfi!I.IJ!l1T ma_y require : セ@ <R
maturity : payability (of a bill); the quality or state of being mature;
may take steps: [s. 164, Army a」エスセ@
full development [s. 2/(J)(b), Industrial Finance Corporation
Mayor: [second sch., item I 1(/)(xvii), Jawaharlal Nehru University
maturity of understanding : wm 4>1 qftqqq セ[@ wrn <fit セ@
Mayor of the Corporation: [s. 2( /)(c). lndian .Museum a」エスセ@ 4>1
maturity value: {s. 15, Public Debt a」エスセ@ セ@
maxim :a proposition (especially in aphoristic or sententious form) meaning and construction : 3l'O!f Jit{ L \エセ ᄋ@
expressing some general truth of science or experience · [s. I /4, meaning of, within the : t 3l'O!f t セ@ ; t 3l'O!f -q ; セ@ SGQセ@ t セ@
ill: (i), Indian Evidence Act} W meaning to be collected from the entire instrument : {s . 82, Indian
maximum: [s. 79, T.P. a」エ}セ[@ [s. 36(/), Industrial Finance Succession Act] -:;r'!f セ@ セ@ ゥエセ@ ;;m:;'lT
Corporation Act} JlfWI; il 31fuq; means: I. has エ ィセ@ meaning [s. 3, T. P. Act} ゥエセ[@ 2. something
maximum average pay : セ@ 3fu:rn セ@ by the help of which desired end is attained or made most likely
maximum benefit : セ@ ffi'll イセ N@ 29. I. P.c.J mq;f; "'!111'
maximum carrying capacity: [s. 53(/), Indian Railways a」エスセ@ means. and includes, the expression : 'IG il セ@ セ@ *< セ@ 3iwfo セ@
'1!0'1 セ@ means, illegal : セ@ m!R

maximum consumption : [sch ., item (vi), prov. 3, Indian Electricity means of access : {s. 23(2)(a). Damodar Valley Corporation Act}
a」エスセ@ セヲ@
means ot communication : [art. 257(2), prov .. Const.] *m mtR
maximum gross load: [s . 19( /)(c), Indian Railways a」エスセ@ 'WI
'lffi means of conveyance: [s. 52A, I.P.C.] セ@ mtR

maximum pay : セ@ m means of living : resources for livelihood {s . /49, ill. (d), Indian

maximum rate : [s. 2(a), Terminal Tax on Railway Passengers

Evidence a」エスセ@ t mtr.!
a」エスセ@ means of production : [art . .19(c). Canst.} セMュエイNャ@
maximum term or punishment : « <fit セ@ a means of transport : [s. 5(e), Indian Railways a」エスセ@ t mtr.f
means, unlawful: {s. 23, .J.P. cN}セ@ mtR
maximum ,weight of load : [s. I5(2}(a), Prevention of Cruelty to
meantime, in the : セi|@ @セ 11
Animals Act, 1890} 'lffi $! セ@ セ@
measure : I. an instrument for measurmg {ss. 265 and 267,
may be admitted : [s. 24(2), Advocates a」エ}セ@ ft"!!T 'liT tfclim!
I. P. C.} l!l'1'; 2. a quantity [s. 73, ill. (e), Indian Contr11ct Act]
may be admitted to bail : セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@
qftlnvr; 3. means to an end [s. .14(4), Industrial' Finance
may be commenced : [s. 29(c), Industrial Finance Corporation Corporatio Act and art. 257(3), c。ョウエNスセ[@ 4. a legislative
a」エスセ@ Wfii'ft セ[@ セ@ セ@ セcH[@ セ@ !t"!!T Gャゥtセ@ enactment proposed or adopted セ@
measure, immediate 208 medium and long term credit

meuyre;immediate; \l'lTlf wo medical benefit: [s . 28(iv), Employees' Stare Insurance a」エ}セ@

measure of damages: in action fo r injuries damages would primarily セ@
respresent compensation for loss of service and cortsequential mセ、ゥ」。ャ@ Benefit Council : [s. 10, Employees' State Insurance
damage e.g. cost of hiring another se rvant, payment of salary or 」エ}セ@a
pension to a disabled servant セ@ <!iT "llT'! medical bonus: [s. 12(2)(a), Maternity Benefit a」エ}セ@ oif.rn
measure of indemnit y : [s. 67(1), margin, Marine insurance Act) medical Cl!re: [s. 2(2)(c), Emigration a」エ}セ@
セ@ <!iT 'lftl1rur medical certificate of ヲゥエョ・ウNセ@ : t<Wm q;r セ@ 'lf'I'I'IIT'l3; • セ@ q;r
measure of the compensation : [s. 73, i/1. (c). Indian Contract セ@ '
a」エ}セ@ <!iT 'lftl1rur medical certificate of sickness : <ft'!Ttt <!iT lfl11"ll1"':l;
measure, precautionary : セ@ Medical Council of iョ、ゥ。Zセ@ セ@ セ@
measure, preventive : f.1cmq; "3"'!11! medicaiexamination : (s./1, wッイォュ・ョGウcー。エゥa」}セ@
measure doses : [list. sch., section vi, note 2. Customs Tariff qfun ; FmV< q-fun
Act] l11fire l1B!T medical faculty: [s. 3(/)(b), Indian Medical Councils a」エ}セ@
measurement : l11'! セ M
measurement book : "llT'! セ@ medical ヲ・ウZセ@ 'b'ffi; セ@ 'b'ffi
measurements, take : [s. 17, Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulation) medical frtness : セ@ <W<rffi rvrr
a」ェセcヲゥrt@ medical formulary : セ@ セ@
measures, legislative : セ@ セ@ medical grounds : [sch., statute I(/ )(4)(v), North-Eastern Hi//
ュ・。セオイャョエ@ officer : '!1'R セ@ Universi ty a」エ}Mセ@ <f5 3!Tm1:
meat offals : {1.<1 sch .. ch. 2. Customs Tariff a」エ}セ@ medical hemp : セ@ セ@
ntechanic : セ@ medical inspector of emigrants: [s. 6(1). Emigration a」エ}セ@ <!iT
mechanic, carrier : .qwq; セ@ セヲᆬ|@
mechanic, motor vehicle : セ@ セ@ mrdical institution: I {s. 2{e), Indian Medical c·ouncils Act) セ@
ュセ[@ 2. [s. 80D(2)(i). Income-tax a」エ}セ[@
mechanic examiner : セ@
mechanical appliance : [s. 24(/)(a), Factories Act]
mechanical boiler Inspector : セ@ <IT<lW セ@
<:iftq;. medical jurisprudence: that part or branch of the sc1ence of medicine
which relates 10 law セ@ [ュ\イMセtfA@
mechanical construction : {s. 28( l)(a)(i), Facto ries Act) セ@ セ@ medical ャゥ」・ョエ。 Zセ@
mechanical engineer.: ll& セ@ medical leave : セ MwLゥエ@
mechanical engineering : セ@ セ@ Medical Officer : セ@ セ@
mechanical engineering department : セ@ セ@ f<NrT medical opium: セ@ セ@
mechanical foreman : セ@ セ@ medical opinion : セ@ 1Jll
mechanical mistry : セ@ fiw.ft medica l or veterinary practitioner: [s. 9( /). Poisons a」エIセ@ <IT

mechanical process: a process involving the use of machine (s. 63(2). アセjL@
Indian Evidence a」エIセ@ セ@ medical practitioner : @セ セ@
mechanical signal maintainer : セ@ lWi'R セ@ medical preparation: [ss. 274 and 275. J.P. cN}セ@
mechanical superv1sor : セ@ セ@ med ical profession : セ@ ;zfti
mechanical tabulation unit : セ@ セ@ セ@ medical qualification: [s. 2(h), Indian Medical Councils a」エ}セ@
mechanical エセゥョァ@ inspector : セ@ 'lfu1uT セ@ セ@
mechanically propelled : < セ@ medical record card : セ@ セ@ 'fili
mechanician : セ@ medical relief: I. [s. 2, Cha ritable Endowments a」エIセュゥtGAヲ[@
2. [s. 2(15}. Income-tax a」エIセ@
ュ・」ィ。ョゥウエZセ [@ セ@
medal: [s. 5( 13). University of Hyderabad Act] 'Wli medical report : FmV< R'11t
mediation : セ@ : 'I1W'!i'ffi medical research : セ@ セ@
Medical Sciences, All India Institute of: Mセ@ セ@ セ@ セ@
medical : I. ot. relati ng to . or concerned with physicians, a>
medical store organisation : セ@ セ@ セ@
distinguished i rom >Urgery [s. 275, J.P. cNIセ[@ 2. pertaining
medical supervision : [s. 7(2)(b), Motor Transport Workers Act]
to the healing art [s . 21( /), Mines a」エ}セ[@
medical advice : セ@ セ@ medical treatment : [s. BOD(i), Income-tax a」エ}セ@ セ@
medical 。ゥ、Zセ@ medical witness: [s. 291. Cr. pNc}セ@ wft
medical and nursing staff: [s. 45(4), Factories a」エ}セ@ jヲゥZセ@ medically fit : セ@ <ftn:l rvn
medicinal: having healing properties, attributes, relating or pertaining
medical and other expenses: [app. A, f()rm Nn. 30, C.P. C.) セ@ to the science and art concerned with the cure, alleviation and
セjruA\@ prevention of disease and with restoration and preservation of
medical and para-med ica l section : セ@ Jfu: セ@ M セ@ health [s. 275, J.P. C.] -:mm
medical and pharmaceutical ーイ・。エゥッョウZセ@ Jfu: セ@ セ@ medicinal and toilet preparations : [art. 268(i). Const.) セ@ Jffi:
Medical Appeal Tribunal: [s. 75(2A}, Employees' State Ins urance llW'1R f.'rfifu<n
a」エ}セᄋ@ medicinal purpose: (s. 274, l.P.C.] セ@ セ@
medicine: a substance or preparation used in treating disease [s. J(h),
medicotl appliance;;: [s. 2{1), Mines a」エ}セ@ ffi'!.l"ol·
Drugs and Cos metics a」エIセ@ ;modern scient ific medicine in all
medical attendance : セ@ セ@
its branches and includes surgery and obstetrics but does not
medical attendance rules : セ@ セ@ include veterinary medicine and surgery [s. 2(f), Indian Medical
medical attendance bill : AAffit セ@ セ@ Councils a」エ}セ@
medical attendant : [s. 10, ill. (b), Indian Contract a」エIセ@ med ico-legal purposes: [s. 6(a), Ear Drums and Ear Bones (Authority
セ@ for the Therapeutic Purposes) Actl セ@ セ@ セ@
medical attention : [s. /0(22A ), Income-tax a」エ}セ@ IJfR' medium and long term credit : [preamble, Ind ustrial Finance
medical authority : セ@ セ@ Corporation a」エ} セ@ 3ffi セ\ゥtヲオ」ャ[@ ll<'l1l
medium of expression 209 mercantile document of title to goods
medium of expression: [art. 351, Const.] セ@ セ@ lflUI1{ memorandum 'of appeal: a formal writing setting out the summary of
medium of instruction : {セ@ .. 26(c), North-Eastern Hill University the grounds of appeal {s. 7(iv)(f), Court-fees Act) 3Tifu;r セ@ 'WH
Act 1セ@ セ@ lflUI1{ memorandum of appearance : a formal writing filed by a pleadet
medium term loan : liUfl1 3Fifu i3tiT\ stating the name etc. of the party authorising him to put in
meet expenditure :· [art. 205(2), Const.] aflf セ@ .<li\-ll 'ffif appearance on its behalf セ@ 'WH ; M セ@ セ@ 'WH
meet セイ。ョエZ@ [art. 205(2), Const.] セ@ セ@ <lil-lT 'ffif memorandum pf association :a document to be subscribed by seven
meet liabilities : [s. 18FE(5), prov., Industries (Development· and or more persons associated tor a lawful purpose by subscribing
Regulation) a」エIセ@ セ@ セ@ 'ffi! and otherwise complying with the requisitions of the companies,
meet' and end of justice: [s. 12(3), Contempt of Courts a」エ}セ@ acts in respect of registration, they may· form themselves into an
セ@ '!U mt ; セ@ セ@ セ@ '!U qj\-if incorporated company, with or without limited liability [s. 2(b),
meeting : assembling of a .number of persons for discussions and Indian Statistical Institutions Act] m 'WH
acting up on sorn.e matter of common interest; sitting on a memorandum of cross--objections : a formal writing setting out the
particular session [s. 9(2)(b), Food Corporations a」エ}セ[@ grounds of objections to a decree or order which has been
[s. 126(I), Representation of the People Act, I 951] WC!T ; [s. I 4(5), appealed against by the opposite party [s. 12(4). Companies
(Profits) Surtax a」エIセ@
Industrial Finance Corporation Act and art. 10(14); Const.]
セ@ . memorandum of document : [s. 54, Registration Act) セ@ セ@ "WH
meeting current liabilities : {s . 212(5)(b)(iv). Companies a」エ}セ@ memorandum of objection : a formal writing embodying adverse
セHヲゥNAt@ reasons, arguments or contention etc. [Or. 41 , r. 22(4), C.P.C.]
meeting, extraordinary general : iJ1tl1tm1'T 31TII' W'!T 3ffi1q セ@ 'WH
meeting, general : セ@ セ [@ mv.J .\'11 セ[@ 31TII' W'!T memorandum of reconciliation : セャサエr@ セ@
meeting, ordinary general : セ@ 31TII' WC!T memorandum•of satisfaction : [s. 138(3), Companies a」エIセ@ ;;nit
meeting, public : セ@ «''T ; セ@ W'!T
melody and h•rmony, combination of ; j-·. 2fr/. Copyright Act}
memorandum ofsettlement: [s. 12(3), Industrial Disputes a」エスセ@
ro:-mlJP ,3ffi イッZゥセ@ 'WH
member :each individual belonging to a soc•etv or assembly セ@
memorandum of substance : [Or. /8, r. 13; C. P. C.] fffi セ@ 'ffi1H
member, associate : セ@ セ@
memorial: I. a statement of facts forming the basis of or expressed in
member, co-opted : セ@ セ@
the form of a petition to a person in authority, a goveniment,'e(c.
member, corresponding : セ@ セ@ [s. 163, ill., I.P.C. and art. 320(3)(c), c。ョウエN}セ[@ 2. serving
member elected from _amongst エィ・ュウャョセ@ [s. 2(c), Pharmacy or intended to preserve the memory of an·ything [preamble,
Act]3l"R# セ@ · Victoria Memorial Act, s. 2(a), Jallianwala Bagh National
member, en2ineering : セ@ M セ@ Memoria/ Act and Vllth sch., list 1, item 62, Const.] セ@
member for finance : セ@ セ@ memorialist : one who presents a memorial セ@
member offorce: [s. 2(e), Railway Protection Force Act] iffi セ@ memory : recollection . of past' events; capacity to so recollect
member offorward market: [s. 43(5)(c), Income-tax Act) lfniGT amm: [s. !72(3), Cr. pNcャセ@
menial establishment : セᄁイゥ@ セ@
member of institute : {s. 21(7), expln. 11, Chartered Accountants menstrual flow : [sch . Ne. 13, Drugs and Magic .Remedies
(Objectionable Advertisements) a」エスセ@
ュセ「・イ@ of legislative body: [s. 135A, C.P.C.] セ@ f.tct;rq セ@ セ@ mensuration officer: セ@ セ@
member of legislative council : セ@ セ@ セ@
mental abnormality: [s. 125(/)(c), Cr. P.C.) tfRftrci; 3ffi'I!RinT
Member of Paliament : セ@ q;J セ[@ セ@ セ@
mental capacity : [s. 16(2)(b), India n Contract Act] tfRftrci; IDI!i!Zf
member, Railway Public Service Commission : セN@ セ@ #qr セ@ mental complaint : fs. 31(1 ), Children a」エ}セ@
member -secretary : {sch., item 5(5), Aligarh Muslim Univers1ty
mental condition : · condition or state (>f mind [s. 3(2), Indian
Evidence a」エスセ@ セュ@
member, エイ。ョウーッゥZセ@ mental defectiveness : [s. 20(2), Representation of the People Act,
members of the armed forces : [art. 33, Const.) セ@ 'ffiT セ@ セ@ 1950) セ[@ [s. 20(22A), Income-tax a」エIセ@
members present and voting : [sch., statute 38(4), University of mental hospital : [s. セWHQIL@ Children a」エIセ@
Hyderabad a」エIセ@ O'ffl セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ mental infirmity : debility or unsoundness of mind; mental
members present shall be a quorum : [s. l74(5), Companies ゥョ、 セ ーッウゥエョ@ [Or. 32, r. }5, C.P.C) セ@ セ@
a」エIセtヲャQェLゥm N@ meuta l or bodily distress: mental or physic ;upa;n or anxiety; vexation
members voluntary winding up : [s. 488(5), Companies a」エ}セ@ or IDJury {s. 16(2)(b), Indian Contrac t A.!tj セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@
ュオBDセ@ mental or physical affliction: [s. 27(8), Presidency-towns Insolvency
memoership ofthe company: [s. 41, Compauies Act) lfitl;ft セ@ セ@ a」エ}セ@ -qJ セtイエャヲ[@ セ@
mentat or physical defect : セ@ -qJ セ@ セ@
memoranda of credits : tfT'iRf l'fi 'WH
mentally incapacitated : [s. 15A(b), Wealth-tax a」エ}セ@
memoranda o(documeots: [s. 69(1)(1), Registr{.ltion a」エ}セ@
,ntH SGQセ[@ [s. 140(a), Income-tax a」エ}セ@ *!l!tf
memorandum : the writing in which the terms of a transaction or mention: m
<li\-lT; qfilm <R'IT; セMア[イ@
contract are embodied; a note to help the memory; a summary of · mention in despatches : セゥエ@ HセゥエI@
the grounds for or against an action ·[art. 340(3), Const. } 'WH
memorandum and articles of association : [s. 4(3), indian Iron am:/ mercantile: of or relating to merchants or their trade; that deals witl
Steel Company (Taking Over of Management) Act) Wilf m'R ,3ffi commercial affairs [s. 178, Indian Contract a」エ}セ@
wイアセ@ mercantile agent : an agent who in the customary course of hi!
memorandum book : a book for record11P!g memoranda i.e. notes to
business has an authority binding on his principal to buy or sell
help the memory [s. 32, ill. (m), Indian Evidence a」エIセ@
goods, to consign ga.ods for sale or to raise money by pledging
セ[@ ュ[Aセ@
goods [s. L(oJ), Sak, of Goods a」エ}セ@ セ@
memorandum of a b6dy: [s. 25(8)(d), Companies Act) f.tct;rq セ@ ュア[セ@
memorandum of an agreement: [s. 23A(J),lndian Stamp a」エIセ@ mercantile document of title to goods : [s. 13 7, expln., f. P. a」エIセ@
セGwh@ アGサセNエ|@

16-A" -50/LJ&CA/ND/92
mercantile marine 210 miUtarylaw

mercantile marine : セ@ セ@ セ@ meter inspector : セ@ f.IM

mercantile or other usage : [s. 29, expln., 11, J.P. cN}セ@ liT 3R' meter machanic : セ@ セ@
lillY • meter reader : セ@ セ@
mercantile system of accounting : セ@ セ@ セ@ meter repairer : セ@ fln;ft
merchandise: ·an commodities which merchants usually buy and sell meter testing superintendent : セ@ 1lfulvT セ@
whether at wholesale or retail [s. 54, iJJ. (c), Indian Contract metering clerk : セ@ セ@
a」エ}セ@ metes and bounds, by :ascertained by measurements and boundaries
merchant : one who is engaged in セィ・@ .purchase and sale of goods; a
man who traffics or carries on trade with foreign countries or who
method: [s. 83(3){dX Cr. P.C.] セ[@ [s. 9(2)(c), Cardamom Act] itT
exports and imports goods and sells them wholesale {s. 195, ill.
(a), ャョセゥ。@ Contract Act] セ@
method ofaccounting : [s. 145(1), Income-tax Actj d m
method of compulsion: [s. 366, J.P. cN}セ@ 1ffi ュエイNセ@
merchant marine : {lst sc/1., art. 13(5), Geneva Conventions Act)
method of instruction : {s. 15(a), North-Eastern Hill University
a」エ}セ@ q;r oilq;r
merchant shipping : セ@ qtf
meticulously : セ@ セ@ セ@
merchant vessel: craft 'or ship used for carrying the merchandise over
thesea {ウ N ャSWL N pNc}セ[@ セ@ metric ton: [s. 2(a), Marking of Heavy Packages a」エ}セ@
merchantable quality: a quality which makes a thing saleable and fit metric unit: [preamble, Central Excises (Conversion to Metric Units)
for market; such quality as will bring the ordinary market price
{s. 16(2), Sale of Goods a」エ}セ[@ セ@ m Metropolitan Council : セ@ セ@ Hセ@ セI@
merchanting business: [s. 43(5)(a), Income-tax a」エ}セ@ ;mom: Metropolitan Magistrate: [s. 20(2), Prevention of Food Adulteration
merchant's firm : a trading firm [s. 32, ill. (d), Indian Evidence a」エ}セ@
a」エ}セャヲゥ[Z@ mica mine : セ@ 1S1A
mere possibility ofa like nature: {s. 6(a), T. P. Act] l'fi セ@ <tt セ@ mica ·mines labour welfare fund advisory committee : セ@ 1S1A 'll"!
ljJ3' • セヲNエ@
mere right to sue: {s. 60(/),prov. (e), cNp N cN}セ@ セ@ CfiT セ@ セ@ micro-biologist : セ@ セ@
merely continge'lt or possible right: [s. 60( I )(m), C. P. cN}セ@ microscopical examination : [s. B(b), Dourine a」エ}セ@ qfufay
ャゥtセ@ !middle standard pass : セ@ m ;ffltuf
merged territories : [s. 3(34), General Clauses a」エ}セ@ セ@
midshipman : [s. 3(23). N,1vy a」エIセ@
merger: extinguishment of a right, estate, contract, company, action
midwifie or dai : セ@ Hセ I@ li1 セ@
etc. by absorption in another [s. 101, T.P. Act, s. 2(c)(1A),
Income-tax Act and 1st sch. Ill, Const.] セ@
migrants: l!'imfi; [art. 7, margin, Const.} llqm' セ@ セ@ m
migrated to the territory of India, has: [art. 6, Const.] 1!!mf セ@ セ@
merit, academic : セ@ セ@
lfi't llqm' セA@
meritorious service medal : セ@ WIT <roS
migration: the act of moving from one place to another [Vllth sch.,
merits : the real or substantial grounds of action or defence, in
list I, item 81, Canst.] ll1mf
contradistinction to some technical or collateral matter raised in
migra!ion certificate : llqm' セ@
the course of the case fs. 69, Presidency Small Cause Courts
milch and draught cattle : セ@ .Jfu: セ@ セ@
merits of issue : [s. 15C(3), Wealth-tax Act] セ@ セ@ セ@ mile stone: {s. 4(iii), National Highways Act] 'lfti;f 'f'cfR
merits of performance: [s. 499, 6th excep., 1.P.C.] セ@ セ@ セ@ mileage: I. an allowance for travelling expenses at a certain rate per
mile lfu;f '11m; 2. the total miles travelled in a day or other period of
merits of application : セ@ セ@ セ@
time 'lfti;f l!f
merits of the case: {s. 499, 5th excep., J.P. C.] 1Wffi セ@ セ@
mileage allowance : セ@ '11m
merits of the claim : worthiness of the claim [Or. 33, r. 4(1),
military: l. army [s. 132(3)(a), Cr. P.C.]it-n; 2. relating to army
cNp N cNIセヲゥャ@
[s. 3(xiv), Army a」エ}セ[@ it-n セ@
mesne mort1agee: a person in whose favour a mortgage is executed on
a date intermediate between the dates of other mortgages of the military aircraft: [s. 2(g), n。セ ᄋ 。ャ@ and Aircraft Prize a」エ}セ@
same property [s. 94, P.P. a」エ}セ@ セ@ military attache : セ@ セ@
mesne profits :the profits which a person in wrongful possession of military authority : セ@ セ@
property actually received or might with ordinary diligence have military considerations: [art. 32, Geneva Conventions a」エ}セ@
received therefrom together with interest on such profits but shall セDエ\ュャ@
not include profit due to improvement made by the person in milit•ry court : [s. 2(b), Geneva Conventions a」エ}セ@
wrongful possession [s. 2(12), C.P.C.] SゥQャZセ@ セ@ military custody : [s. 3(xiii), Army a」エ}セ@ セ@
mess supervisor : セ@ セ@ Military Engineering Service : [s. 2(xia), Cantonments a」エ}セ@
message : [art. 86(2), Const.] tfuT N セwit@

message 」ィ・ォイZセ@ Military Estate Officer : [s. 41(2), Cantonments a」エ}セ@ セ@

messenger : セ@ セ@
messenger, special : [Or, 5, r. 30(3), C.P.C.] セ@ セ@ military exgencies : [s. 11.7(3), Army a」エ}セ@ Sエセ\mi[@ •
metal token ; セ@ ftr<m military field telegraph office : [s. 2(g), Tax on Postal Articles
metallurgical machinery: [sch. I, item 8A(7), lndustries(Developmenr a」エ}セGャゥ@

and Regulation) a」エ}Nセ[@ • セ@ セ@ military force : セ@ セ@

miliary importance: [art. 257(2), cッョウエN}セ@ セ@
metallurgist : セ@
meteorological organisation : セ@ セ@ Wro-l military knowledge: [s, 134, aイセケ@ a」エLセィ@ m
meteorolotical services: fs. 12(5), ](lternaiional aゥイーッセエウ@ Authoritv military lands and cantonments directorate : セ@ "1!lt "lR
a」エIセ@ fuiR セ@ セ@ military law: the law relating to and administered by military courts,
meteorologist : セ@ fQr;fi it is concerned with !fie trial and punishment of offences committed
meter aua&e (M.G.) : [rule No. 2(h), Red Tariff No. 19] 'lft.m. Hセ@ b)l military officers, soldiers and the like {s. 7, Army Act}.
セI@ 11\ft ; it-n セ@ セ@

16- B-SO/LJ&CA/ND/9Z
military manoeuvres 211 minus debit of the balaaet

military manoeuvres : セ@ セ@ mining board: {s. 12(1), expln., Mines Act] tFR i1lt
military men : members of the army; army-men [Or. 28, beading, mining company: [s. 10(2), Coal Mines(TakingOverofManagement)
cNp N cIセ@ Act] 1fr.Ff <m:ft
military, naval or air force : army, navy or air force [s. 475(1),. 111ining lease : [s. J(c), Mines and Minerals (Regulation and
Cr. P.C.} iRT, セBiヲN@ Development) Act] 'lfH'l セ@
military,navalorairforcestation: [s. 475(1), Cr. P.C.] セN@ セ@ mining officer : 'lfH'l セ@
Bャヲセュ@ mining operation : 'lfH'l セ@
military occupation : [s. 3(i)(c), Army a」エ}セ@ minister: [art. 74(2), c。ョウエN}セ@
Military Officer : iRr セ@ ; lRT セ@ minister, chief: [art. 163; cッョウエ N Iセ@ セ@
military operation : [s. 2(d), Defence and Internal Security of India minister, deputy: i3'! セ@
minister envoy : セ@ ¥
military or victualling stores : [s. II . Naval and Aircraft Prize
minister of chapel : fs. 59. Indian Divorce a」エ}セ@ CfiT セ@
a」エスセ@ m'IF! "Iff セ@
minister of church : {s. 59. Indian Divorce Act] ifif CfiT セ@
military pecuniary reward : [s. 3(xiv), Army a」エIセ@ tr.ftq セ@
military receivable order : Wn liT'<! セA@ minister of religion : reiigious functionary !llf C!ilf l!iif.i QTi'IT セI@
military reward: fs. 3(xiv), Army a」エ}セ@ minister of State : nO!! セ@
military secretary to the President : セ@ 'liT セ@ @セ
minister, prime: [art. 74( /), Canst.] llm'f セ@
minister without portfolio : セ@ セ@
military works : fs. 2(xii), Cantonments a」エIセ@ 1i<ii'!
ministerial: {s. 5( I I B). Aligarh Muslim University a」エ}セ[@
militias: [art. 13, Geneva Conventions a」エ}セ@ lR1
{s. 47. expln. , Indian Trusts a」エ}セ ᄋ セ@
milk collection and chilling centre : セ \NA@ セ@ Jltt セ@ cR
ministerial nature : [s. 13. Presidency Small Cause Courts Act]
milk dispenser : セ@ セ@
milk supply scheme : セ@ 'ffif セ@ セ@
ministerial staff: [s. 125(/)(b). Income-tax a」エ}セ@
mill :a building or a collection of buildings with machinery by which
ministers, council of: [art. 74( 1). c。ョウエN}セ@
the process of manufacturing is carried on セ@
ministers of States : セ@ <fi lf;l\ ; ョoAMセ@
Ministers of the Union : l'itl <f; セ@
millwright inspector : セ@ セ@
Ministry: セ[@ service at the altar {lllrd sch., art. 34, Geneva
mind : [s. 14, Indian Evidence Act] 'IR' ; [s. 12, Indian Contract
Conventions a」エ}セ@
Ministry of External Affairs : セ@ セ@
mind, sound : {s. 12, Indian Contract a」エIセ@
Ministry of Finance : セ@ セ@
mind, unsound: fs. 12. Indian Contract a」エIセ@
Ministry of Home Affairs : セ@ セ@
mine : an excavation made in the earth for the purpose of digging
Ministry of Industrial Development : セ@ セ@ セ@
metallic ores or coal. salt , precious stones, etc. [s. 2(! )(i), Mines
Act and s. 2(g)(iii). Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Ministry of Information and Broadcasting : セ@ 3ft'{ lmT{1T セ@
Actj@R Ministry of Railways : セ@ セ@
mineral fuels: [sch , 1. item 6: Central Excises and Salt a」エ}セ@ Ministry of Toursim and Civil Aviation: 'l<fc.! C!l!T セ@ セ@ セ@

mineral oil: [s. 2(h), Oil industry (Devciopment) a」エ}セJG@ minor: l . a person who has not attained majority [s. 2(e), Citizenship
mineral oil· resource : セ@ ffitR
mineral or forest rights : lllf.1•J! 'lT CR セ@ セ@
*' a」エ}セ[@
28(3), c。ョウエN}セHI
[s. 2(d), Child Marriage Restraint Act and art.
[@ 2. inferior in importance rftur; 3.

mineral output : セ@ セ@
ウュ。ャセ[@ mer
minor child : [s. 4( I )(a)(ii). Wealth-tax a」エ}セ@ ffiiH
mineral technologist : セ@ セ@
minor crops : rftur 'l>fffi
mineral technology laboratory : セ@ セ@ lni\rrrmm
minor head : セ@ Wf
mineralogist : エゥャGQBヲイセᄋ@
minor irrigation : セ@ セ@
minerals and metals trading corporation : セ@ Jltt セ@ li!IT'm: f.1'rrq
minor irrigation, soil conservation and area development : セ@ lmn't,
'!-lfreur Jltt ef;r セ@
minerals lying under the land: [s. 3( I). Land Acquisition a」エ}セ@ ii
セ@ minor minerals: [ss. 3(e) and /4, Mines and Minerals (Regulation
ャゥョ・イウZセ@ and Development) a」エIセ@
mines and minerals : @R セ@ ᄋ セ@ minor offence: an offence of kss importance {s. 222( 1). Cr. P.C.]
minimise the degree of compliance: [s. 9( IA)(a). Cotton Ginning and mer 3{t!'{ltf
Pressing Factories a」 エIセ@ 'IT'!! ii q;tft iRT ; セGitA@ ii minor ports : セ@ 'ltR
q;ifi 'li<'ll minor plaintiff: [Or. 32. r. 12( 1), C. P.C.} セ@ セ[@ セ@ セ@
minimise the !inequalities: [art. 38(2). Canst:] ·3ffi1!A<IT3i't <it q;-q Cii<'IT minor punishment : [s. I/( I) •. Central Reserve Police Force Act]
minimum contracts premium : "ff<i'! セ@ l!tfl'!<rq ュ・イセ@
minimum degree of dilution : [s. 17(/)(i). Water (Prevention and minorities: [art. 30(1), 。ョウエN}セ@c qrf
Control of Po//ution) a」エIセ@ f%1:ft minority : l. the state or condition of being minor [s. 14. T.P.
minimu.ri distribution : · [s. 107A( I), In come-tax a」エIセ@ セ@ a」エ}セ@ ; セ[@ 2. the smalier in number of two groups
minimum number ofJudges: {art. 145(2). Canst.) セゥエ@ セ@
"fi1?m minority school : [s. 2(o), Delhi School Education a」エスセ@
minimum piece rate : [s. 3(2)(b), Minimum Wages a」エ}セ@ セ@
セ@ mlnor's·interest: {Or. 32, r. 9{1!, C.P.C.] セャヲゥt[@ セャヲゥt@
minimum wage inspector : セ@ セ@ セ@
ュゥョッイGセキ・ャヲ。Z@ {Or. 32, r. 4(2), C.P.C.] セGャゥt [@ セGャゥt@
mining : l . the .process or bus iness of makfng or working of mines セ@
[s. 12(1), expln .. Mines Act:]'IIH'l; 2. an en cased explosive mint: a place where money is coined under public authority {s. 244,
anchored or floating in water or placed on or under the earth that /.P.C}'Cififffi'l
rnay be detonated by contract . the passage of time , magnetic force,
mint superintendent : セ@ セ@
sound waves or con·trolled means designed to destroy or damage
[s. 2(/)(b)(ii). Arms Act]'J!.'I セ@ minus debit of the balance : セ@ CfiT セ@ セ@
minute 212 misunderstanding of law

minute: 1.1he 60th part of an hour flR?.:; 2. an official memorandum misfortune : bad fortune , adversity, mishap [s. 103A(2)(b),
drafted usually to authorise or reCommend a course of action .Presidency-towns Insolvency a」エ}セ@
• ; 3. note M セ[@ 4. very small in si7.C. tiny <'!1J,; UTCT misinterpretation : Tffi(l セ@
minute book : セ@ セ@ misjoinder: improper joining [s. 464(1), Cr. P.C. and Or. I, r. 9,
minute of dissent : [s. 16{1), prov.. Industrial dゥウーオエセ@ a」エ}セ@ C. pcN}セ@
C!>T fta!uT ; セM fta!uT misjoinder o(charges: improper joinder of different charges against
minutes : the record of proceedings of a meeting of an as,embly, one or more accused [s. 464( I), Cr. P. C.] 3ffiWt C!>T セ@
committee etc .. a brief summary of events or transactions misjoinder or parties : wrongful joining of persons as plaintiffs or
[s. /4(5), lnduscrial Finance Corporation a」エ}セ@ defendants in a cause [Or. I, r. 13, C.P.C.] セ@ C!>T セ@
misapplicati6n: the action of misapplying; improper, illegal. wrongful misjoinder of parties or causes of action : [s. 99, C. P. C.] セ@ 'IT
or corrupt use or application of funds, property, etc. [s. 14, セGi^A@
Charitable Endowments a」エ}セ@ mislaid,lost or: [Or. 5, r. /9A(2). prov .. cNp}エウゥGoArt\セM|ュ@
misapply: to apply improperly (some money or property) [s. 15, ill. ;;rAT

(hi. Indian Trusts a」エ}セ@ lR"'T misla}: [s. 237. Indian Succession Act] Tffi(l f'!fR 'R \W'lT
misappropriation: appropriating to wrong use {.1. 403. /. P. C.] セGi@ mislead: to lead into error; to lead in a wrong direction; to lead astray
misappropriation, criminal : dishonestly misappropriating or [s. 118. iii .. jNpc}セ[@ [s. 281./.P.C.]tWf'l:.l,.,;lR"ff
converting to セョ」Gウ@ own use any immnvable property [s. 403. misleading image : [s. 58( I A). Cinematograph Act] mt!<li セ@
Npc}セ@O misleading information : [s. 8(a), Oil Industry (Development)
misappropriation of cost : m C!>T セ@ Ace] ':!Tl1ili セ[@ [s. 25(a), Agricultural Refinance Corporation
misappropriation of propert}: [s. 439. /. P.C.J セ@ C!>T セ@ II ct] ':!Tlfili ;:;rr;mft
misbehaviour: ill conduct, improper or unlawful behaviour セ@ mismanagement : [s. 408( I), Companies a」エ}セ@
misbranded : branded falselv or in :1 misleading way [s. 2(ix), misnomer : wrong name [s. 33(4), prov., Representation of' the
Prevention of' Food a、オャ」セイ。ゥッョ@ Ace] f?lun U11l<IT.;f\ People Ace. 1951] Tffi(l 'W1
misbranded drug: [s. IO(b). Drugs and Cosmetics Act] fllun セ@ misrepresentation :a statement or conduct which conveys a false or
M セ@ wrong impression [s. 18, Indian Contract Act] セr@
miscarriage : untimely delivery (of a woman) [s. 3UJ. Maternity
Benefit a」エ}セ@
misrepresentation of an essential fact : [s. II( /)(a), Antiquities and
Art Treasures Act] fittft セGャZヲア[@ a!l! <!>T セゥャGr@
miscarriage of justice·= prejudicial to substantial rights of a party ;,:rr1!
misrepresent&tion or suppression of any material fact : [s: 8, Contract
Labour(Regu/acion and Abolition) Act] セュ\ョヲゥエN。Aャ@
miscellaneous : of various kinds, of mixed composition or character
yq,'tuf ; fclfcm
missing person: [s . /84(2)(p), Navy Act] i'fT1!ffi' セ[@ -&t<iT セSQ@ セ@
miscellaneous clerk : セ@ q;r<f セ@
mission : a mission, inslitution or establishment, such as church,
miscellaneous documents : fclfcm セ@
school ft!m- expenditure : yq,'tuf "f1l
misstate : [sch. , art. IV(5), Indian Carriage of Goods. by Sea
miscellaneous general services : セ@ ffi'll'R' セ@
Act] f?lun q;I!R lR"!T
miscellaneous insurance : セ@ <l\1n' ; fclfcm <l\1n' misstatement: _[s. 141(/)(a). Companies Ace] ,'ll'l'<Tilf qji!R; [app. E.
miscellaneous insurance business : [s. 2(c), General Insurance form No. 29, C.P.C.] SQセ@ qji!R
(Emergency Provision) Act] yq,'tuf <l\1n' C!>T'{Offi
mistake: misapprehension a' to the existence of a thing, arising either
miscellaneous offence : [s. 64, Army Act) m1lf 3llffi1:! from ignorance or froin a false belief on the point [s. 21, Indian
01iscellaneous provisions : [s. UaHRIセᄋゥL@ Estate Duty Act] yq,'tuf Contract a」エ}セ@
miscellaneous register : qq,'t1Jj セ@ mistake apparent from the record : [2nd sch., item 87, Income-tax
mischief: wrongful loss or damage to a person or pr-operty [s. 425. a」エ}セ@ ll qq;c セ@
i N pNc}セ@ mistake as to law: [s. 21 , Indian Contract Ace] セッイヲエアLG@ セ[@ セ@
mischief rule: the rule of interpre.tation in which the interpretation is
mistake, clerical: see 'clerical mistake' セ@ セ@
done in such a way so as to suppress the mischief intended to be
remedied by the statute セ@ 'lftm f.r!lll ; セ@ C!>T f.r!lll mistake in fact or law ; mistake of fact or mistake of law [s. 92, prov.
I. Indian Evidence a」エ}セ@ q,'t <n a!l! q,'t "f''
misclassification : 1ffi'O セ@ mistake of fact: a mistake as to any matter of fact not being mistake of
misconception: the action of misconceiving; a notion resulting from law [s. 76, I.P.C. and s. 21, Indian Contract Act] 'ff!ll q,'t セ@
misconceiving [s. 90, I.P.C.] 'll'! mistake of law: a mistake as to the legal consequences or significance
misconception of fact : [s. 90. I. P. C.] a!ll <!>T 'll'! of an act, transaction or state of affairs or mistake on a point of law
misconduct : malfeasance; improper conduct [s. 40(3)(a), Aligarh [ss. 76 and 79. J.P. cN}セ@ q,'t セ@
Muslim University Act] 3!Gm1: mistake or error apparent on the face of record : [Or. 47, r. I,
misconduct on his part : [art. 3 10(2). Come.] iW<f. &m セ@ lfll1 3!<fi!T{ 」NpjキイGAャヲセ@ ;;ft セュ@ ll tt |ヲ\rセ@
misconducted himself or the proceedings : [s. 11(2), Arbitration mistake or inadwrtance : [s. 28, prov. , Court-fees Act] Wf <n
Ace] 3!<fi!T{ セ@ m
セ@ 'IT セ@ C!>l セ@ fil;<n セ@ セ@

misdelivery : Tffi(l '1ftGR mistake, under a : [s. 22, Indian Contract a」・}セ@ it; セ@ ll
misdemeanour : an offence lower than felony セᆳ mistaken estimate: [2nd sch., item 13, Presidency-towns Insolvency
misdescription: [s. 3(4). Coal MiT}es (Taking Over of Management) a」エ}セ@ ll セ@ lfll1 セ@
Act 7Tffi(l <faR mistress :concubine {s. 125(3); expln., Cr. P. cN}セ[@ nsffit
misdirection :wrong direction, the error of judge in charging a jury, mistry: fi1<;;ft
the action of misdirecting セt@ mistry (traffic workshop): fi1<;;ft Hセ@ GャゥセュイI@
misemployed: [s. 63, ill. (b). Indian Trusts a」エ}セ@ mistry fitter (carriage): セ@ W1: サセ@ セ I@
misfeasance : the improper performance of a lawful act [s. 82, misunderstanding : a-mistake of meaning; ュゥウョエ・イー。セ@ Gセャゥヲエ@
Presidency-towns Insolvency a」・}セ@ misunderstanding of law : misinterpretation of law セ@ C!>T SQM\セ@
misuse 213 money order issue clerk
misuse : wrong or improper use [s. 16(3), ill. (a), Indian Contract moderate : to make temperate or reasonable [s. 33(3), Aligarh
a」エIセ[@ [s. I J/(J)(a), Factories a」エヲセ@ <fiBT Muslim Universitif' Act) セ@ Hセ I@
moderate limits : イ・。ウセョ「ャ@ limits セ@ tfTim:t
misused stamps: [s. 53, Indian Stamp Act] 'Tffift セ@ セ@ セ@ '1{( セ@
moderator: one who moderates a question paper [s. 29(l)(g), Aligarh
mitakshara law : the law as laid down in the eommentary of Muslim University a」エ}セサI@
Vijnavalkaya smrti named 'Mitakshra' written by Vijnaneshwara modern and scientific lines: [art. 48, Const.] セ@ 3ft1: セ@
in the eleventh century [s. 7. ex pin. 2. Limitation Act] fi1mm: f<tfil' セ@
Mitakshara School of Hindu law : the branch of Hindu law which modern scientific lines: [s. /6(/), Rampur Raza Library a」エ}セ@
follows the; tenets laid down in Mitakshara [s. 430(3), Companies セ@
Act] セ@ セ@ <tt llrffim mlSfT modesty : the quality of being modest; womanly propriety of
1 behaviour (s. 509, ip N cN}セ@
mitigate: to make less severe, violent, cru el, intense, painful, to lessen
[s. 352, expln., I. P. C.) <lilftir.n; [s. 179(b), Army Act] <li'ft<fiBT; modesty, insult the : [s. 509; I. P. gN}セ@ <fiT セ@ セ@
セゥヲbGt@ modesty, outrage the: [s. 354, IP.C.) w;;rr 'li>T セ@
mitigate the punishment : [s. I 79(b), Army a」エ}セ@ if <li1ft <fiBf modification : a change or alteration which introduces new elements
mitigated damages : セ@ セ@ into the details or some of them, but leaves the general purpose
and effect of the subject matter intact [s. 73, Indian Evidetfce
mitigated sentence: [2nd sch., form 4/, Ci:. P.C.) <6'1 セ@ 1fliT セ@
Act) 'i31l'i(R; [s. 280G, Income-tax Act and art. 35(b), Const.)
mitigating circumstances: the following are some instances; apology
'if<lim'u1; [art. 31 A(J)(a),' Const.) セ@
by the defendant before or after the action, facts <6'1 q:;v) セ@
modification order: [s. J(d), Industrial Disputes (Banking Companies)
Decision Act) 'if<lim'u1 セ@
mitigatic;m : the action of mitigating; abatement of anything penal or
modifications and adaptations: [s. 8, prov.. C. P. C.] ;rqlffi: 3ffi: セ@
of damages [s. I 87, Air Force Act] <li1ft <fiBT ; {s. J(a), D'rugs and modify : to make a modification; to alter without radical trar.sfor-
Cosmetics a」エIセ@ ma.tion .[s. 92, prov. (4), Indian Evidence a」エ}セ@ セ[@
mix : to blend; to mingle .f't.IJI1!T セ@ ; セ@ セ@ セ@ .
mixed medic"-commission: [Illrd sch., art·. 81, Geneva Cotlventions modify : to make a modification; to a.tei without radical
Act] ヲGャセ@ セ@ "WWr transformation -om;
[s. 83, ill. (c), Indian Trusts a」エIセ[@ \lfftiT
mixture: the produce of mixing [s. I 55; Indian Contract Act) f't.IJI1!T "WT; 3l1m セ@
mob: a tumultuous crowd [s. 106, ill., J.P. cN}セ[@ セ@ セ@ molassu: [ss. J(a) and 4(1), Indian Power Alcohol a」エ}セ@
mobile squad inspector : セ@ セ@ f.tfm<i; molest :. to cause trouble, grief or vexation; to annoy [s. 249,
Cantonments. a」エ}セ@ セ[@ [s. 7(/)(b), Protectian oJ' Civil
mode : way or manner of doing or being; a method or procedure; a
Rights a」エIセ@ セ@
form [s, 298, Cr. P.C.) Fr; Ts. 2Q(2)(a), Inland Vessels Act] '001'; moment: a very short time (s. 4, ill. (a), Indian Majority Act] IW'T
monastery : a house of religious retirement or of seclusion from the
mode of adjustment : セ@ !rcfiR world for persons under religious vows [s. 25A, Representillion of
mode of computation : [s. 48, Income-tax a」エ}セ@ q:;v) 'f>T Fr the People Act, 1951} lfO
mode of conducting examination : [s . .29(2)(a), · Inland Vessels monetary equivalent : equivalent in money [s. 3/4(2), Companies
Act] 'lfurr cf; セ@ <tt WI' a」エ}GAヲセ N@
mode of conveying land: (sch. , part B, T.P. Act] セ」ヲ[アイ@ monetary grants : セ@ セ@
inode of despatch : セ@ !rcfiR monetary limit : セ@ セ@
mode oflife: way of living [s. 149, ill. (d), Indian Evidence Act) ;;!tcR monetary standard: . (preamble, Reserve Bank of India a」エINセ@ lfR
<fi!Fr monetar_y system: (preamble, Reserve Bank of India a」エIセ@
mode of proceeding : [s. 45, Presidency Small Cause Courts monetary unit : (sch .. art. IX, Indian Carriage of Goods by Sea
a」エスセ\ヲゥAfイ@ a」エIセ@
mode of recovery : a manner of <ecovering money etc. {s. 28, State money : current coin; something generally accepted as medium of
Agricultural Credit Corporations Act). <tt セZ@ [s. 32, exchaltge; funds !To!; (s. 2(m), Foreign Exchange Regulation
Wealth-tax Act). <fiT i'l Act)WT
mode of registration : セ@ <fiT i'l money at call and short notice : '11M 3ffi: セ@ N セ@ tR セ@ 'Uftl
mode of representing : [s. 3(65), General Clauses Act] セ@ <fiT i'l money bill: [art. 107(1), Const.] Atッセ@
mode ofsettling differences of opinion : セ@ セ@ oq q:;R <fiT Fr money changer : one whose occupation is the exchanging of kinds of
mode · of transfer : [s. 2(/)(w), Trade and Merchandise Marks denominations of currency [s. 2(m), Foreign Exchange Regulation
a」エスセ\ヲゥAfイ@ a」エ}セ@
mode of valuing certain suits: {lollg title, Suits Valuation a」エ}セ@ money circulation scheme: [s. 2(c), Prize Chits and Money Circulation
ュGエ」ヲゥッイョセア[pA@ Schemes (Banning) Act) !R' セ@ セ@
mode ofvisual or acoustic presentation: [s. 2(q), Copyright Act] p<! mqney columns : \<fiJf cfi 1SI'Tff
セᄋ\ヲゥAfイ@ money consideration: a consideration in the form of money [s. 2(10),
model: I. object or figure made in clay, wax etc. and intended to be Sale of Goods Act) !R' cfi .,;q i! セ@ ·
reproduced ゥセ@ more durable materials [s. 80 0, Income-tax money, head : money paid for killing or capturing a p-erson (as an
Act) lift!r>lT;r; 2. something to be copied [s. 2(za), Copyright outlaw) see 'head money' (s. 49(2), .Vavy Act) lfi!IRI
Act) lfJS\il; SAQgセ[@ 3. an imitation of something on a smaller scale money lender: one whose business is lending money at interest [s: 16,
セ@ ; 4. preparing a model lifu'qr or.wrr ill. (c), Indian Contract a」エスセ@
model room supervisor : セ@ セ@ セ@ money lending : the act or occupation of lending money at interest
model standing orders : [s. 3(2), Industrial Employment (Standing セ@
Orders) a」エ}セ@ セ@ money market :a financial 」・ョエセN@ where institutions comprising the
Model Vital and Health Statistical Unit : セMQ|uャ@ 3ffi: セ@ セ@ money market are well developed; the lenders and borrowers of
SAQgセᄋ@ short term funds and the intermediaries, who bring them together
[s. 45L(3), Reserve Bank of India Actj セ@ <lfm; [s. I6(d),
modelling teacher : セ@ セ@ Indian Contract Act) !R' <61 セ@ ; !R' onom:
modelling tools : instruments for preparing ュッ、・ャセ@ [s. 98, ill., Indian money order clerk : ャヲエセ@ セ@
Evidence Act] lifu'qr セ@ cfi セ@ money order issue clerk : ャAゥヲエセ@ f.l1tq セ@
money order paid clerk 214 mort1•1e security
money order paid clerk : セ@ セ@ セ[@ wft.>Tffi セ@ セ@ mooring post : セ@ セ@
money out on mortgage : [sch. lll, anncJ:ta""A, Cowt-fees a」エ}セ@ moral i of or relating to principles or consideration of right and wrong
ゥヲGャQBセ@ セ ᄋ [@ Mセゥエ|GャAイ@ action or good or "bad character [sch. (xiv), J.P. cN}セ[@

money overpaid: money paid more than is due [app. A , .form No. 2,
C. P. C.j .3lftrol !A" moral and material ·: [art. 39(1), Canst.} . "l'tt ;mflfq;
money, ーオ「ャゥ」Zセ@ !A" moral danger : [s. 9(3), Children Act}. 1SrnU
money suit : a process instituted in a court of justice for recovery of Moral Hygiene Programme : . セ@ セ@
money {Or. 7, r. 2, C. P. C.] !A" $1 セ@ moral turpitude : the morally culpable quality held to be prl!llent in
money, to extract : !A" fto;n some criminal offences as distinguished from others [s. 385(/)(c},
money value: [s. 3(n)(3), Maternity Benefit Act] AaBセ@ Companies Act} • セ@
money warrant : !R W morality: the quality or fact of conforming to or deriving from right .
moneys out of the consolidated fund : セ@ セ@ it セ@ !R ideals of human セッョ、オ」エ@ {s. JJ(2)(b), Customs a」エスセ [@ [art.
19(2), Canst.] 'OO'im
money's worth : anytbing recognised as equivalent to money [s. 46,
expln., Presidency-towns Insolvency a」エ}セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@
morality positive : "''H1f セ@ セ@

monitor : セ@ ; 'IFl'tc\ morals: {s. 2(b)(iii), Ancient Monuments. and Archaeological Sites
and Remains Act]. セ@
monitoring: to check and adjust to test; to watch, to observe, to keep
track of. to regulate etc. 'IFl'tc\ q;r;:rr; セGャ\iut@ moratorium :a legal authorisation to a debtor to postpone payment
for a certain time [sch., art. 53, Asian Development Bank
monitoring department : l!Fftctl f<t'IW! ; M セGャ\iut@ f<t'IW!
monitoring device : [s. 42(2). Water (Prevention and Control of
more effectively: [art. 140, c。ョ ウ エN}セ@
Pollution) Act] 'IFl'tc\ 'fiB <fi セ@
more remote descendant : {s. 38, Indian Succession a」エスセ@
Monitoring Organisation. Central : セ@ セャjヲ\Q@ セ@
mono 。エ・ョ、セ@ : llRT セ@ morgue supervisor : !f[qflJ1'{ セ@
monocaster : llRT セ@ morse signaller : fWR'm:
mono key boar.d operator·: llRr q\1 '1ft セ@
mortal wound: a wound that causes death [s. 92, ill. (b), J. P. C.}
mono mechanic : -q'\;jT セ@
mono operator : llRT セ@
mortality : an actuarial table based upon statistical records of
mono type caster : l1Rr セ@ セ@ mortality over a number of years giving the rate of death for
セッョ@ type leanier : l1Rr セ@ fmnl'ff hundred [sch. I, pt. B,. para 4(b)(i), Life Insurance Corporation
monolith: a mountain or a large hill apparently composed of one kind Act} lROT lffi1lit; セ@ セ@ セ@
of rock; a column of soil several feet deep removed as a unit; a mortally injured : [s. 13(3), Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act,
single block of stoRe (;:Specially one shaped into a pillar or QYVP}セ@
monument [s. 2(3), Ancient Monumems and Archaoological mortgage :the transfer of an interest in specific immoveable property
Sites and Remains a」エ}セ@ for the purpose セヲ@ securing the payment of money advanced.or to
monopolistic competition : competition that is used among sellers be advanced by way of loan, an existing or future debt, or the
whose products are similar but not identical and that takes the performance of an engagement which may give rise to pecuniary
form of product of differentiation and advertising with less liability [s. 58(a), 'f..P. a」エスセ[@ to make a ュッイエァ。・セ@
emphasis on price セ@ m mortgage, anomalous :a mortgage which is not a simple mortgage, a
monopoly : the exclusive privilege of trade created by statute; state mortgage by coni:!itional sal_!:, usufructuary mortgage, an English
grant to an individual or corporation セ@ mortgage or a mortgage by deposit of title deeds [s. 58(g), T.P.
month : any one of the twelve portions into which the conventional a」エ}セM
year is divided [s. 3(35), General Clauses Act} 'l!m' mortgage by conditional sale : a mortgage where the mortgagor
month to month : セ@ ostensibly sells the property on certain conditions '[s. 58(c), T.P.
monthly abstract : 1t1fuq; m\ a」エスセュオ@
monthly allowance : a limited portion of sum especially of money mortgage by deposit of title-deeds : a mortgage in Presidency-towns
payable every month [s. 125(1), Cr. P.C. and s. 57, C.P.C.} 1t1fuq; or other towns specified in this behalf in which documents of title
'11m to immovable property are deposited with a creditor to create a
monthly arrear statement : セ@ セ@ $Tl1 q;r 1t1fuq; セ@ security [s. 58(1), T.P. a」エ}セ@ t セ@ mu •
monthl,- basis : [s. 309(2), prov., Companies a」エ}セ@ 'R mr mortgage debenture : セ@ fN<R
monthly instalment :a fixed portion of a sum of money payable every mortgage debenture bond : - fN<R m
ュッョエィセ@ mortgage-debt: the debt which is secured by a mortgage [s. 37, ill. (d),
monthly progress report : セ@ セ@ fttitt Indian Easements Act] aitl<l; "Ff
monthly rate : a rate calculated by the month [s. 125(1), mortgage deed :the instrument of mortgage by which the transfer of
Cr. p N cN}セ@ interest in immovable property is effected [s. 58, T;P. a」エスセ@
monthly rated ウエ。ヲZセ@ セ@
m';,lhly ウ[Zエャセュ・ョ@ : ャゥmセ@ セイN@ <;;t'i!T mortgage, English: a mortgage in which the mortgagor binds himself
monthly statement : llM セ@ to repay the mortgage money on a certain date and transfers the
monthly tour diary : セ@ セ@ セ@ mortgaged property absolutely to the mortgagee subject to its
retransfer on payment {s. SB(e), T.P. a」エスセM
monument : [art. 49, Const.} セ@
monumental buildings: buildings constructed to serve as a monument mortgage, instrument of : a deed by which a mortgage is effected
or a memorial セ@ 'lfCR セ@ セᄋ@
mortgage, intermediate : intervening mortgage '1"'4qol iltTcti
moor at anchor : {s. 7(4), Indian Stamp a」エスセ@ 'R· <iu OfRT mortgage money: the amo1mt to secure which a mortgage is executed
moored :secured (in case of ship, boat etc.) in a particular place by [s. 58(a), T.P. a」エ}セ@ !A"
mean; of chains or ropes either fastened to the shore or to anchor mortgage of a crop: [sch. I, item 4l,lndian S tamp Act} l!im! $1 iitfc1;
[s. 350, ill. (a). J.P. cN}D|セ@ <itft セ@ mortgage of immovable property : (s. 21, Indian Trusts a」エスセ@
mooring : [sch. II( vii)(c), Workmen's Compensation a」エスセ@ mRT; 'fiqft! q;r セ@
セ@ WM ;
[s. 350. ill. (a). 1 P. C7 $\ mortgage security : property conveyed as mortgage in order to secure
mooring buoy : セ@ il1lfr loan {Or. 34, r. 4(3), C.P.C.] iitfc1; セ@
morttage, simple 215 multiplicity
mortgage, simple: [s. 58(d), T.P. Act} エゥイッセ@ mounted police : tfclll:. セ[@ \l1roml セ@
mortgage, usufructuary: [s. 58(d), T.P. Act} $r oitlq;. mounted poli(,e constables: [sch. I, item 53 (d), Indian Stamp Act]
mortgaged : セ@ NZAセュャエ@
mortgaged lease : セ@ セ@ mo11nter : l!Oi$1;R
mortgaged property : [s. 60, T. P; a」エ}セ@ ;:illfu movable : I. admitting of being removed or displaced [s . 83(1),
mortgagee : the transferee of a mortgaged property [s. セXH。IL@ T.P. Cr. P.C.] ;;frrq; 2. personal property, things admitting of being
a」エ}セ@ removed or displaced {Or. 21, r. 31(1), C.P.C.];;j'rrq セ@
mortgagee by condition&! sale: [ss. 58(c) and 67(a), T.P. Act] mRf movable ·part: [s. 8, T.P. a」エ}セ@ IWl
セ@ IDU セ[@ mffi セ@ <m1T <ilf<OO{ movable property : [s . 3(36), Geneqi.C/auses Act] ;;frrq ;:illfu
mortgagee in possession : a mortgagee Having the possession of move: I. to shift, remove [s. 378, expln., loP. cN}セ[@ 2. to change
mortgaged property [s. 72, T.P. a」エ}セ@ position or posture or otherwise exhibit outward activity [s. 378,
mortgagee, mesne: [s. 94, T.P. Act]'l!tZmft セ@ ill. H」ILiNpcスセ[@ 3. エッュケ・ィ」オイセ\ャゥ|Gヲ[@ 4. to
mortgagee, prior : セ@ セ@ propose m1<1 W'IT; セ@ CfiBf

mortgagee, subsequent : '!'1M セ@ move a court: [art. 32(1), cッョウエN}セ@ ゥヲセ@

mortgagee, successive : セ@ セ@ move any amendment: [art. 349, Const.] セ@ セ@ '1it セ@ セ@

mortgagor : one who transfers an interest in specific immovable move freely : [art. /9(/)(d), Const.} 3l<l1tl セ|GQ@
property by creating a mongage [s. 58(a), T.P. a」エ}セ@ move the resolution·: [art. 6/(2)(a), cッョウエNIセ@ セ@ セ@
mortgagor in. possession : q;o;;rr 00 <ooT セ@ moved or propelled: [s. 47(1), Indian Railways a」エ}セ@ GAitセ@
mortgagor, usufructuary: 1!lrr セ@
mortis causa, donation : donation made in contemplation of death movement : the aqion or ーイッ」・セウ@ of moving [s. 13(1), rood
[s. !29, JV>. Act] 3ffiA セ@ ·<n'f Corporations a」エ}セ[@ [s. 5(xv), Gift-tax a」エ}セ@
mortor non-commissioned officer : セ@ セ@ mm movement clerk : セ@ セア[@

mortor position controller : セ@ セ@ セ@ movement controller : セ@ セ@

mortuary : a place in which dead bodies are kept until burial movement director : セ@ セゥAtャヲェ@

[s. 170(a), Cantonments a」エ}セ[@ セ[@ セ@ movement inspector: セ@ セ@

mortuary clerk : セ@ セ@ movement regis!er : セ@ セ@

most deserving: .{s. 6, ill. (c), Indian Trusts a」エ}セ@ tml' movement of aircraft: [s. 3(2)( 17), Defence and Internal Security of
most ゥュ・、。エZセ@ India a」エ}セ@ q;r セ@

most urgent : \lll'a i!,«f; セ@ movement of goods: [s. 3(a), Central Sales Tax a」エ}セ@ \ヲゥtセ@

mother tojlgue: [art. 120(1), prov., cッョウエN}セ@ movement register : セ@ セ@

motion: I. movement [s. 349,I.P.C.] ttfa; 2. a£ormal proposal made movement, organised resistence: [art. 13(2}, Geneva Conventions
in deliberative assembly lffil11t ; 3. motion in court {s. 407(3), a」エ}セ@
Cr. P.C. and art. 121, c。ョウエ N }セ@ . moving edge of the . water : {sch., item 2(a), Calcutta High Court
motion for presenting an address to the President· [art. I2I, Hjセイゥウ、」エッョ。Q@ Limits) Act] 'I'Rm セ@ セjit@ fcl;;nu
Const.] セ@ Cl>'t セ@ セ@ セ@ lllWf セ@ ctillffiiTCt muafi: [art. 31A(2)(a)(i), cッョウエN}セMSQtGA^@
motion, adjournment : セ@ lffil11t mufassal process: {long title, Sheriffs' Fees a」エ}セ@
motion hearing : セ@ <6t wrrn't · Muh!lmmadan Community : [preamble, Kazis Act] セ@ セ@
motion of confidence : セ@ m1<! Muhammadan law: {s. 129, T.P. a」エ}セ[@
motion, of his own : セョ@ lf ュオォ。、Zセ@
motion of no-confidence : セ@ m1<! mukhtar : a legal practitioner on the criminal and revenue side only;
motion shall not be made : [s. 263( I), Comparries Act] lffil11t ッイセ@ agent; a representative; one holding a power of attorney [s. 23(j)
セ@ Indian Contract Act and s. 135(2), C.P.C] セ@
motive: cause and reason that moves the will and induces action; an mulct : to Impose a fine or penalty [ss. 51 and 81(/)(k), Navy
inducement or that which leads or tempts the mind to indulge in a a」エ}セ@
criminal act [s. 161, J.P. cN}セ@
mulcts of pay and allowances: [s. 3l(J)(k), Navy Act] tr-1 \l1R '!ffictil
motive for forbearing to do an official act : [2nd sch., form No. 32, セ@
Charges - 1(3), Cr. P. cIセ@ C6Tif lf 1lfm セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@
multifarious suits : [s. I 7, Court-fees Ac't] セ@ liR
motive or reward: [s. 161, ャ N p N cN}セ@ ャゥtセ@
ruultigraph operator : セ@ セ@
motin power : [s. 2(1)(i), E111ergency Risks (Undertakings) Insurance
multigrapher attendant : セ@ セ@
a」エ}セ@ ll1f.ffi ; [s. 6(2), Indian Power Alcohol a」エ}セ@ multilateral: having many sides;-many sided [art. Vl/(1), Fbreign '
motor car advance: llle1:.<5R 3lfirq
Awards (Recognition and Enforcement) a」エ}セ@
motor car allowance : 1lle1: qm: 'lfflT
multilateral or bilateral agreements: [art. Yll(l), Foreign Awards
motor chargeman : ·1fte1: セ@ (Recognition and Enforcement) Acl] セ@ Gャゥtセ@ ctm1:
motor controller : 1lle1: セ@ multiple : [s. 256(1 ), Companies Act] tgrl'fi ; [s. 280Q, Income-tax
motor foreman : 1lle1: セ@ a」エ}セ@
motor mistry : 1lle1: llrfiift multiple cost : • \if1TR!
motor regulator : 1lle1: セ@ multiple cropping : if!i, 'lim!-
motor vehicle inspector : 1lle1: セ@ セ@ multiple election: [pt. V, ch: VI, Representation oftbe People Act,
motor vehicles department : 1lle1: セ@ セ@ QYU}セ[@
mould, cost, sketch, plan, model or study : [s. 52(v), Copyright
ュオャエゥーセ@ injuries : 3!'tl; セ@ ; セ@
a」エIセN N セN@ セGャゥt@ J!'<!rn m multiple shift allowance : [s. 350, Companies a」エ}セ@ 'lffil
moulding sand: [s. 3( /)(b), A-fines Act] IDm <m!, multiples of one thousand: [art. 55(2)(a), Const.] T!!f> \ヲゥtセ@ rm
mound : ir.rr multiplicity : the quality or state of being multiple, manifold or
various [s. 4l(a), Specific Relief a」エ}セ@ ,
multiplicity of proceedings 216 mycolocist
multiplicity of proceedings : ·a state of at1alrs where several distinct Mussalman faith : {s. 2(e), Mussalman Wakf a」エスセ@ qlf
actions are brought on the same issue {s. 4I(a), SpecifiC Relief muster clientale : セ@ セ@
muster roll : roster, a register of 1111 workmen o{ the industrial
multipurpose-co-operative society : セ@ セ@ セ@
establishment [s. 2(kkk), Industrial Disputes a」エスセ@ '('m'
multi-purpose river ーイッェ・」エウZセ@
mutation : a significant and basic alteration, substitution of the name
municipal : relating to the local-self govemmeRt or tl;te corporate of a person by the name of another in relation to property in the
government of city or town [s. 78(5), Indian Evidence Act} record showing right or title to the property [s. 1•.prov., Sonthal
セ[@ [preamble, Government Buildings a」エスセ@ Parganas Act, 1855} セ@
municipal authority : [s. 2, Government Buildings a」エスセ@ mutation 」ャ・イォZセ[@ セ@ セ@
mutation ウオイカ・ケッZセ[@ セ@ セ@
municipal body セ@ a body of persons in a town .having the powers of
mutatis mutandis : with such change as may be necessary [s. 39,
acting as one person, of holding and transmitting property, and of Registration a」エスセN@
regulatlng the government of the town [s. 78(5), Indian Evidence
mutilate : to render imperfect by cutting off or desroying a part
[s. 477A, J.P. C. and 234A(l), Companies a」エスセ@ lli<"IT; セ@
Municipal Commissioner: an elected (or in 'Some cases , nominated)
representative to a municipality to represent a particular ward; the
mutilated form : [s. 24, Customs a」エスセ@ '{i'1
chief officer of a municipal corporation [s. 21, ill. , J.P. C.}
mutilation : [s. ll(l)(k), Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act,
Municipal Committee : [s. 2, Municipal Taxation a」エスセ@
セ@ mutilation, physical: [Illrd sch., art. 13, Geneva Cpnventions Act}
Municipal Corporation: a public corporation created by law to act, as セ@
an agency of administration and local self-government mutineer: one that mutinises [s. 3(x), Army a」エスセ@ セ[@ セ@
[ss. 2(J)(c)(ii)(a) and 194A(2)(b), Income-tax Act} 'f'R f.Wi mutiny :open revolt against constituted authority; specially revolt of
Municipal C6rporator : 'f'R セ@ セ@ soldiers, sailors against their officers [ss. 5 and 131, J.P. cN}セ@
municipal law: I. [s. 7, ill. (a), Indian Easements a」エスセ[@ mutual : reciprocal; belonging to each respectively [s. Ill(e), T.P.
2. national law as distinguished from international ャ。キセ[@ a」エスセ[@ . .
セ@ mutual 。ァ・ョ」ケZセ@
municipal requirement.: [s. 16, Requisitioning and Acquisition of mutualagreemeot: a reciprocal agreement 3l'mfi'Cf)(J'{; [s. 'lll(e), T.P.
Immovable Property a」エ}セN@ a」エスセGcゥュ@
municipal tax : {long title, Municipal Taxation a」エスセ@ <In: mutual benefit society :a society formed for the common benefit of all
municipal キ。エ」ィュョZセ@ lfiT セ@ the members composing the same [s. 36(1), expln., Income-tax
municipalties: [art. 171(3)(a), Canst.} BGセャHアュゥcヲNZョエサ@ a」エスセ@ iA^tャイッGセ@
municipality : [s. 2(J)(c)(ii)(A), Income-tax a」エスセ@ mutual consent: [s. 125(4),·Cr. P.C.} セ@ セ@
munish system; [s. 2(b), expln. , Bonded Labout System (Abolition) mutuat guarantee funds: [s. 8(e), State Bank of India a」エ}セ@
a」エスセ@ セヲNャア@
munitions of war : ammunition and all supplies for direct military mutual insurance : that form of insurance provided by mutual
action; material used in war for defence or attack [s. 2(5), Official companies, the essential character of which is collective and entire
Secrets a」エスセ@ w:r1t ownership and control by its.members who must be its shareholders
murder: the crime of killing a person under circumstances previously セッヲエャゥ@
defined by statute [s. 300, I.P.C.} 'Wff mutual insurance company: [s. 2(24Xvii), Income-tax a」エスセ@
murderer : one who commits a murder'[s. 25, Hindu Succession セ\ヲゥエャ[@
Act} 'Wff セ@ 1100 mutual mistake of parties: [s. 26(l),'Speciiic Relief a」エスセ@
museum : [s. J(e), Salarjung Museum Act .and s.52(p), Copyright セ@
a」エスセ@ mutual open and current account : [sch., pt. I, item 1, Limitation
meseum keeper : セ@ a」エスセ@ セ@ セiャ@ セ@ lsrn!T ·
mushroom : [;. 90JJA, Income-tax a」エスセ@ HセI@ mutually accepted terms : [s. 14(2), Coil/ Mines (Nationalisation)
music teacher: セ[@ セ@ n n a」エスセヲNAゥイ[サ@
musical'work: [s. 2(a)(iv), Copyright a」エ}セ[@ wmr セ@ mutually indebted : indebted to each other [s. 50, ill. (b), Jn·dian
ュオウゥ」。ョZセ@ Contract Act} 1ffiq'( セ@
muslim culture and learning : [ss. 2l(vii) and 14(i)(xxv), Aligarh my funded property: [s. 143, ill. , Indian Succession a」エスセ@
Muslim University a」エスセN@ セヲオョ@
mycological assistant : セ@ セ@ セ@
muslim theology : [s. 5(2), Aligarh Muslim 'University a」エスセ@ qlf
full mycologist : セ@ セ@
fM N.B. (nota bene): [sen. 1, item 45, Indian Stamp a」エ}セ@ National Defence Bonds: [s. 193(i), Income-tax a」エ}セ@ ill!;
LllJ セ@ ; IIIR セ@ セ@
Naik : [s. 5(1 )(vii), Assam Rifles a」エ}セ@ National Defence College : セ@ セ@ セ@
naked light: [r. 2()), Red Tariff No. QYIセ@ ORft National Defence Fund: [s. 80G(2)(a)(i), Income-tax a」エIセ@
naked power : セ@ WRl; セ@ Wffi <WI
nalband: [s. 5(/)(vi), Assam Rifles a」エIセ[@ National Defence Gold Bonds: [s. 2(14)(iv), Income-tax a」エIセ@
name: [s. 2(/)(j), Trade and Merchandise Marks Act) ;rrr{ セGHアャAヲ\ュB[@
name and surname : (s. 32, Coroners Act) ;rrq セ@ am National Defence Loan : [s. 193(ia), Income-tax a」エ}セ@
name and territory of the Union : [art. 1, margin, Const.] セ@ <liT ;rrq national d.evelopment : [s. 5, Indian Statistical Institute a」エ}セ@
。ュセ@ セ@
name or style other than his own name: [Or. 30, r. 10, C.P.C.) セ@ national economic development: [preamble, Additional Emoluments
セ@ ;rrr{ セ@ fiR ;rrr{ liT セ@ (Compulsory Deposit) a」エ}セ@ <liT セ@ セ@
name or title : {s. 631, Companies Act) ;rrq <IT セ@ HセI@ national economy : セ@ |ャヲセ@
named : I. mentioned or specified by name; described by name; national emblem : [s. 123(J), Representation of the People Act,
[s. 69A(2), T.P. Act) ;rrl1m; 2. mentioned; stated セQj\ヲA[@ セ@ QYUIセ@
namely : that is to say [s. 44, Indian Partnership Act) \lfqfq_; lf'IT National Extension Development Block セ@ : セ@ セ@ m
narcotic drugs :drugs having the effect of inducing stuper, sleep or National Film Archives of India : セ@ \ャゥtセ@ セ@ ·
insensibility セ@ セ@ National Fire Service College : セ@ SAゥtNヲセ@ セ@ セ@
narcotic preparations of hemp : [2nd sch. (r), Indian Railways naJionai flag : a flag serving as distinctive emblem of a particular
Act) 'llTrr ll>'t mqq; N セ@ nation [s. 57(8), Indian Evidence Act and art. 5/A(a), Const.) セ@
narcotic substance : [2nd sch., item 16, Extradition Act] ュ」イセ[@ セ@ セ[@
narcotics: a substance which when swallowed,.inhaled or injected into National Food Technological Research iョウエゥオ・Zセ@ Wll セ@
the system, induces drowsiness, sleep etc. セ[@ セ@ 'm'f セ@
narrative: an account or narration [s. 275(3), Cr. pNc}セ@ National Fundamental Education Centre : セ@ セ@ R <6?;
ョ。イエッZセ[@ セ@ National Geophysical Research iョウエゥオ・Zセ@
ョ。エゥッZセ@ National Guild : セ@ セ@ セ@ .
national : I. one that owes permanent allegiance to a nation without national highway: [art. 257(2), prov., cッョウエNIセ@ セ@
regard to place of residence or to possession of a more formal national importance : [preamble, Institutes of Technology Act and
status [s. 132, Trade and Merchandise Marks a」エ}セ@ ; 2. of or art. 49, Const.) セ@ セ@
relating to a nation セ@ national income : ᄋセ@ 3lTlf
National Academy of Administration : セ@ lM1WI セ@ National Industrial Development Corporation : セ@ セ@ セ@
National Aeronautical Laboratory : セ@ セ@ セ@ f.ITrlf
National Agricultural Credit (Long Term Operations) Fund National Institute of Audio-visual Education : セ@ セゥャA@ .IJ!C!f セ@
[s. 46A(J), Reserve Bank-of India a」エIDセH@ National Institute of Basic Education : セ@ セ@ R セ@
ffif;r) セ@ National Institute of Communicable Diseases : セ@ WtrTtt Urr セ@
National Agricultural Credit (Stabilisation) Fund : [s. 46B(l), National Institute of Education : セ@ セ@ m .
Reserve Bank of India a」エ}セI@ National Institute of Medical Research : セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@
national anthem: [art. 5/A(a), cッョウエN}セ@ National Institute of Sp·orts, Patiala : セ@ セ@ セN@ セ@
National Archives : archives of the nation, a repository for any National Insurance Scheme : セ@ <flln セ@
セッ」オュ・ョエウ@ or other materials! especially of historical value; a
.national integration: [sch., Jawaharlal Nehru University a」エ}セ@
place in which public or institutional records. are systematically
preserved $ セ ᄋ@
national language : セ@ 'fTln
National Buildings Organisation : セ@ r.t'l!fur WTo.!
national law : [sch. I, item I, Arbitration (Protocol lind Convention)
National Cadet Corps : セ@ セ@ <I>'R
National Cadet Corps, Directorate of : セ@ セ@ <I>'R セ@
National Cadet Corps, the Auxiliary Cadet Corps and the Lok national law of the State: .[sch. III, Foreign Awards (Recognition
Sahayak Sena : セ@ セ@ <!>'R, セ@ セ@ <!>'R 。ュセ@ セ@ セ@
and Enforcement) a」エ}セ@ ll>'t セ@ セ@

National c。ャ・ョ、イZセ@ m National Library : [s. 2, Imperial Library (Change of Name)

National Chemical Laboratory : セ@ mTlR セ@ a」エIセ@
National Metallurgical Laboratory : セ@ • セ@
J'liational Colours : national flag, ensign or standard [lind sch.,
art. 35, Gene va Conventions a」エスセ@ National mオウ・ュZセ@
National Physical Laboratory : セ@ セ@ セ@
National Committee: [s. 80G(2)(a)(ii), Income-tax a」エ}セ@
National Plan Certificate: [s. 10(15)(ii), Income-tax a」エ}セ@
National Council : セ@ セ@ q;;r
National Council for Educational Research and Training : mN National Plans Savings Certificate Clerk : セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@
national priorities: [long title, Industrial Development Bank of India
National Courtdl for Training in Vocational Trade : [s. 2(1),
Apprentices a」エIセ@ lifml111ll>'t
セ@ セ@
national debt : "·$ セ@ National Productivity Council : セ@ セ@ セ@
National Defence Academy : セ@ セ@ セ@ National Project Construction cッイー。エゥョZセ@ セイNエGャAヲオ@

National Research Development Corporation of India 218 nature of the claim
National Research Development Corporation of India: 'l1mf \エゥャセ@ natural decomposition : [s. 98, expln., Drugs and Cosmetics
セヲNAャj@ a」エIセ@ セ@
National Rural Credit (Long Term Operation) Fund : [s. 18(/)(b), natural deposit: [s. 35E(2). Income-tax a」エ}セ@
National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development a」エスセ@ natural event : occurrence taking place or operacing in accordance
1Jllftvr セ@ Hセ@ vm) セ@ with the ordinary course of nature セ@ セ@
National ューャ・@セ Survey : セ@ セ@ セ@ · natural forces: セ@ セ[@ • セ@ ore
National Sllvings Certificate (First Issue) : [s. 112A, Income-tax natural form : セ@ セ@
a」エスセ@ (ll!!ll f.!>iq) natural gas gasoline : [s. 2(m), Oil Industry (Development) Act}
National Savings Commissioner : セ@ il<lO セ@ セ^ヲゥ@
National Savings s」ィ・ュZJセ[@ セ@ セ@ セ@ natural guardian: [Or. 32, r. 3(4), C.P.C.] セ@ セ@
National s。カゥョァセ@ Organisation : セ@ il<lO ·Wlo.f natural guardianship : [s. 7, Hindu Minority and Guardianship
national service: {4th sch., item 5(2), Income-tax Act and art. 51 A(d), a」エ}セ@
c。ョウエNスセ@ natural justice : justice based upon the innate moral feeling of
National Services Tribunal : * セ@ セ@ mankind [s. /3(d), cNp}セ@ セ@
national shipping : [preamble, Jayanti Shipping Company natural love and affection: [s. 25( I), Indian Contract a」エIセ@ iN
(Acquisition of Shares) a」エスセ@ エゥュセ@ セュ@ .
National Small Industries Corporation : * セ@ '3liM' f.!lJ1f natural person : a human being as distinguished in law from an
National sッョァZセ@ artificial or juristic person [s. 2(19), Estate Duty a」エスセ@ O!lfim
National Stadium : セ@ セ@ natural resources : セ@ mtR
National struggle for freedom: [arc. 5/A(b), cッョDQNスセ@ セ@ セ@ natural state: [s. 2(e), Oillndustry(Development) a」エIセ@
セ@ natural stream : a stream flowing in a defined bed or channel; one
National Sugar Jnstitute : セ@ セ@ セ@ formed by the natural flow of the water, as determined by the
National Symhol : [s. 123(3), Representation of the People Act, general superficies or conformation of the surrounding country

national symbol, appeal to : セ@ • 1llt セ@ naturalisation : the act or process of naturalising [s. 6, Indian
National Test House : セ@ セ@ セ@ Citizenship Act and Vllth sch., list 1, item No. 17, Const.] セ@
National Trade Certificate : セ@ セ@ '!fl!11l11i:l'
naturally : by natural or inherent character [s. /6, Indian Evidence
National Tribunal: [s. 2(1 /), Industrial Disputes a」エ}セ@ a」エ}セ Z [セ@
National Waterways: [art. 257(2), c。ョウエ N スセ@ nature : I. the material world; the creative and regulative physical
nationalisation : [preamble, General Insurance (Emergency power which is conceived as operating iri the physical world and is
Provisions) a」エスセ@ the immediate course of all its phenomenon; the inherent power or
force by which the physical and mental activities of man are
nationalised bank: [s. 224A(2), expln. (b), Companies a」エIセ@
sustained; the inherent 。ョセェウ・ーイ「ャ@ combination of properties
essentially pertaining to anything and giving it its fundamental
nationalism : favouring or !!triving after the unity, independence, character [s. 18(1), prov. , C.P.C.J セ[@ 2. kind; order .
interests or domination of a nation セ@ [s. 96( 1)(1), Employees' State Insurance Act}ll<m; 3. character
nationality : membership of a particular nation or the fact or state of [s. 13(4)(g). Central Sales Tax a」エ}セ@
belonging to a nation セ[@ セ@ nature and character: [sch., art. IV(6), Indian Carriage of Goods by
nationality Jaw : セ@ セ@ Sea a」エIᄋセ@
nationality of origin : [s. 592(2)(a)(i), Companies a」エ}セ@ 1llt nature and composition: [s. 2( 18)(ab), Income-tax Act]. a''<r セ@
セ@ nature and degree of the offence: [s. 74, Air Force Act) セ@ 1llt.
nationhood : state or fact of being a nation セ@ ; セ@ セ@
nations, law of; [Ist sch., art. 63, Geneva Conventions a」エIセ@ 1llt nature and extent: [s. 96( 1)(1), Employees' State Insurance Act}ll<m
セ@ セ@ 'lfroJT
nation-wide programme : [s. 16(2)(h), Water (Prevention and nature and quantum ofactivity: [s. 228(4)(d), Companies a」エIセ@
Control of Pollution) a」エIセ@ llillflf;q
nature and stage of the judicial proceeding : セ@ セ@ 1llt • セ@
native : I. belonging to a place by birth [s. 2(d), Indian Succession
Act)"@ f.tcmft; 2. used by the British to denote Indian in
nature and value of the suit : character and monetary worth of the
legislation etc. セ[@ セ@
action [s. /8(1), prov., C.P.C.j<W:.<Ilt. セ@ セ@
native father : [s. SHセI

nati:ve language : ᄋ セ@
N@ Indian Divorce Act) セュ@
native Government : [s. 7(2), Pensions Aet] セ@
セ[@ セ@ セ@
nature, civil : of a civil character as opposed to criminal character

nature, evidence of a highly technical : セ@ セL@ セ@ <til: セ@ ;

native of India : [s. 2(d), Indian Succession Act] 'l1mf <til"@ f.tcmft セN\エゥャ@
native State : a former territorial division of India not constituting an
integral part of British !ndia but ruled by its own prince [s. 1I 3, nature of act : <6Tlf 1llt •
Indian Evidence a」エIセ[@ セ@ セ@ nature of agency: [s. /90, heading, Indian Contract a」エIセ@ 1llt
. ; セ\エゥャュ@
natural : I. innate; based upon the innate moral feelings of mankind
[s. 13(d), C.P. cN}セ[@ 2. taking place in acco'rdance with the nature of commission : {s. 280-1, Income-tax Act} ャヲゥセ@ <til ll<fiR
ordinary course of nature [s. 1/4, Indian Evidence a」エ}セ[@ nature of debt: [s. 128(2)(/)(i), C.P.C.} '{'IT 1llt セ@
セ@ nature of interest : [s. 6(h), T.P. a」エスセ@ 1llt •
natural born: [Jrd sch. (5). Indian Succession Act} セヲZャ@ ffiiR nature of partnership: [sch. II, heading, Indian Partnership Act]
natural calamity : セ@ セ@ 'IIT'frGRt c6t • ; 'IIT'frGRt <til ll<fiR
natural condition: [s. 7, expln., Indian Easements a」エIセ@ nature of proceeding : セ@ 1llt •
natural decay, subject to : liable to deterioration which takes place in nature ofth4t case: the character and circumstances of the particular
accordance with the ordinary course of nature [s. 85(2), case [s. 66(2), Indian Evidence a」エ}セ@ 1llt •
cイ N pNcスセ@ nlture of the claim: [Or. 7, r. 9(1), C.P.C.] Grit 1llt セ@
nature of the information 219 negligent, habitually
nature of the information : [s. 173(2)(i)(a). Cr. P. cN}セ@
nature ofthe relief: [s. 5/(e). C.P.C.] セ@
nature oftrade: [s. 2(13)./ncome-tax Act]arr<m:
<tt.<tt. セ@ セ@ nearly resembles : [s. 2( !}(d). Trade and Merchandise Marks
nearly resembles, tod .: [s. 20(2), Companies Act] illfa セ@ t
na;ure of transaction : {s. 52. Indian Contract a」エスセ@ 'Iii • nearness of kin : \1Rf m 'Iii セ@
nature or tendency of the words : [s. 96(3). Cr. P. C.] セt\g@ q\'t セ@ m ne:;;ies : items that cannot be done without セ@ セ@ ; セMア[@
nautical surveyors: [s. 9(2). Merchant Shipping Act] [ヲエZ⦅セ@ necessarily and exclusively: [s. 10(14), Income-tax a」エ}セZ@
naval: of or pertaining to, connected with. characteristic of or used in, ·3FR«f:
necessary: that cannot be d{)ne without [s. 9(1), Cr. P.C.) セ[@
the navy セ[@ ;ffif.n .
naval adviser : ;:ftit;n セ@
necessary action : セ@ セ@
naval attache : ;ffif.n セ@
necessary expenses : Gャヲセ@ '1ll'!<
naval custody : [s. 3( 12). Navy a」エスセ@ セ@
necessary implication : the requisite process of involving or fact ot
naval demonstration : セ@ lf<:9R being in some condition etc. {Or. 8, r. 5, C.P.C.] セ@ f<lcmT
naval detention quarters: {s. 150(1). Navy a」エ}セ@
necessary or desirable: [art. 140, Const.] セ@ mセ@
naval discipline : セ@ セwGr@
necessary or proper: [s. 280ZE(2)(i), Income-tax Act) セ@ mセ@
naval force: navy {s. 132(3)(a). Cr. P.C.] ;ffif.n <m
necessary party :a party without impleading whom a claim cannot be
ョ。カャキZセヲ」Qゥ@ legally settled by court [Or. 32, r. 13(1), C.P.C.] セ@ セ ᄋ@
naval rn.en: members of naval forces [Or. 28, heading, C.P.C.] セ@
necessary steps: [s . 191(4), Inland Vessels a」エIセ@ <Rif
naval operation : セ@ セ@ necessary wearing apparel : [s. 60(1), prov., (a), C.P.C.] セ@ セ@
Naval Organization of India : [s. 3( 14), Navy Act] '11m! セ@ セ@ SQA\セ@ tW-i

WTo-1 necessity : the quality or state or fact of necessary; great need;
something that is necessary セ@
naval pensioner: [s. 6(g}, T.P. a」エ}セ@ ゥヲセ@
necessity, ャ・ァ。Zセ@ [ュアセ@
naval tribunal: {s. 3(15), Navy a」エ}セ@
necessity of discipline: {s. 117(1), Air ForceAdt) セ@ [ュアセ@
navigable :admitting of being navigated; affording passage for ships
or boats [s. 431, J.P. C.] ;wq
need has arisen: [art. 115(/)(a), Const.] セ@ セ@ "'t セ@ m
needed for public_purpose: [s. 17(1), LPnd Acquisition Act]ffilfi
navigable channel: [s. 431, I.P.C.];wq セ@
セ@ .
navigable river : [s. 17(2), Land Acquisition Act} ;wq ;;<!t
navigable water : [s. 3(3), Indian Railways Act and s. 2(2). Inland
needlessly : without any necessity [s. 152, Indian E vidence Act]
Vessels Act] 'IT"l' ;;r.r
セ\ヲゥZGr [ セヲエ@
navigate any vtssel : [s. 280, /. P. cNIセ@ q;l セ@
Navigating oヲゥ」・イZセ ᄋ セ[@ セ@ ᄋ セ@
needlessly interfere : (s. 108, Indian Railways a」エIセ@ ;11 «
navigation: the science or art of conducting ships or aircraft from one
negate the expression of an opinion : w:r セ@ fu:! ;;rR <fit 3ll!!m 'liB! · uq <fit
place to another; the method of determining position, course and J!$!R OFIRT/'fit'!! '
distance travelled over the surface of the earth by the principles of
negative : I . that expresses or implies or contains negation {Or. 14,
geometry and astronomy and other devices [s. 52(2)lj), Inland
r. 6, C.P.C.] セ[@ 2. to refuse to accept; to demonstrate the
v・ウQa」エ}セ[@ セ[@ セ[@ セ@
falsity of; to contradict [s. 62, Sale of Goods Act) セ@ セ[@
navigation, aerial: [s. 3(/)(o)(i), Civil Defence aエ}セ@ セ@ ·
セM@ . ' セ[@ 3. photographic image that reproduces the bright parts of
the photog.raphed subject_ as dark areas and the dark parts as light
navigation or security of the convoy : (s. 8(1), Navy a」エ}セ@ <l'il
areas, that ts usually on a transparent ュ。エセ@ rial on which this image
セG\wュ@ IS produced [s. 2(t), Copyright a」エ}セ@
navigation under sails : tOOT &m セ@ negative agreement : [s. 42, Specific.Relief a」エスセ@ q;m:
navigation works : {s. 22(2)(ii), Damodar Valley Corporation
negative posting : セ@ セ@
neglect: to disregard ; to pay little or no attention to; to fail to perform,
navigational aids : (s . .5(1), Konkan Passenger Ships (Acquisition)
render, dtscharge (a duty) to take (a precaution) [s. 27, ill. (a), T. P.
a」エ}セ@ $1"!fcli 'ffil11.ft; [s. 12(5), International Airport5
Authority a」エスセ@ Wim セ@
neglect of duty : [s. 14, Religious Endowments a」エIセ@ セ@
navigational chart : セ@ セ@ 'l1'i
neglect or misconduct: (s. 27, Manipur(Hill Areas) District Councils
navigatjonal purpose: (s. 6( 1). Konkan Passenger Ships (Acquisition)
neglect to exercise (an animal) : セ\ヲゥエIM@ Giゥセ@
navigator : one who navijlates; a sailor or seaman, especially one
skilled in the art of navigation セ[@ セ[@ セ@
neglected or delinquent children: (preamble, Children a」エ}セ@ m
3!'fi!Tt\ <mfc'll
navy : a regularly organised and maintained naval force [s. 57(3),
negligence : want of attention to what ought to be done or looked
Indian Evidence Act] ;ffi1;rr
after; lack of proper care in doing something; omission .to do
naya paisa series: [s. 13(4), Indian Coinage Act) Gヲャゥtセ@
something which a reasonable man, guided upon the considerations
Nazirl a supervisor; an officer employed in a judicial court; a sheriff: a which ordinarily regulate the conduct o.fhuman affairs, would do,
bailiff* or doing something which a prudent and reasonable man would
near : in close proximity; at a short distance [s. 40(/)(e), not do [s. 81, ill. (a), J.P.C)
Cr. P. c.} セ@ ; lim ; tflftt! ョ・ャァセ」L@ contributory : the act or omission amounting to want of
near at hand: [s. JS, Cr. P.C.] lim 1l ッイ、ュ。セ@ 」。イセ@ on the part of エィセ@ complaining party ·which
nearest ascertainable equivalent thereof : [s. 14(J)(b), Customs concumng wtth defeodant's negligence, is proximate cause of
Act}i3mli! セ@ ヲDュ N セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セN@ injury セュ@
nearest or kin : [.5. 93, Indian Succession Act] セGヲエャ@ tltifi ne&ll&ent driving : [sch. /, app. A , form No 30 heading C p C)
セQー@ . ' ' .. . •
nearest p(ace of public resort: [2nd sch., item 41(1), prov., Income
tax a」エ}セ@ neellgent, habitually : [s. 14, il/. (n). Indian Evidence a」エIセ@
nearest to one third : [s. 256( I), Companies a」エ}セ@ f\mf セ@ セ@ セ@
negliaent pilotage 220 next day afterwards
negligent pilotage : [s. 20(2), 1st.· sch., Indian c。イゥァセ@ by Air net proceeds : proceeds free from all charges and deductions [Or. 34,
a」エスセ@ r•. 6, C.P.C. and art. 279(/), c。ョウエNスセ@ 'llT'1lf
negligently : in a negligent manner [s. 3(22), General Clauses net profits : [s. 62, Indian Trusts a」エスセ@ OI'T"f
a」エ}ュC ᄋ [セ@ net profits of the company ·: [s. /99(/), Companies Act] qiq;f\ セ@ セ@
negotiable :capable of being negotiated, transferable or assignable in セ@
the course of business from one person to another [s. 137, T.P.
ョ・エイウオャZNセ[@ ᄋセ@
negotiable air way bill : any written securities which may be
net revenue account : セ@ セ@ m
net sum : a sum free from or not subject to any deduction セ@ セ@
transferred by indorsement and delivery or by delivery merely, so
net tonnage : [sch. Il(viXb), Workmen 's Compensation a」エスセ@
as to vest in the indorsee the legal title and thus enable him to sue
thereon in his.own name [item l5(3), 2nd sch., Indian Carriage by
ョ・エッ。ャZセ[@ セ@
net total income セ@ : セ@ 3ITll
negotiable instrument: [s. 13(1), Negotiable Instr-uments a」エスセ@
net value: [s. 7(2)(a), Wealth-tax a」エスセ@
negotiability: [s. 7, Indian Securities a」エスセ@ net wealth: [s. 21(5), Weli/th-tax a」エIセ@ tA'

negotiability of currency: [long title, Legal Tender (Inscribed Notes) net weight : セ@ 'ffi
Act]lli'Mt セ@ セ@ neutral: [s . .30/(l)(e), Companies a」エスセ@
negotiate : I. to transfer for value by delivery or indorsement [s. 464, neutral material : セ@ l!GI¥f
expln. I, ill. (b), J.P. cNスセ[@ 2. to hold intercourse; to neutral State: [s. 62(e),.Army a」エ}セ@
bargain or trade; to conduct communications or conferences neutralisation of rise in consumer price ゥョ、・クZセ@ 11' セ@
セ@ <nBT ; <mlf .Cfj\ofl <!;! f.1&J'Iltcflif>(Oj

negotiated contract :. iJl'OTfu! # i'l1f セ@ 1Jt セ@ nevertheless : in spite of that; yet セ@ m;t 'R '1ft
negotiated sale : セ@ セ@ i'l1f セ@ 1fliT セ@ new arrangement: [s. 133, il/. (d), Indian Contract Act} Gヲャゥtセ@
negotiating : [s. 88(e}, Indian Trusts Act} iJl'OTfu! Cfj\ofl; <mlf Cfj\ofl new contract : [s. 62, il/. (c), Indian Contract a」エスセ@
negotiating skill : セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ new co-open1tive bank : [s. 2(kk), Deposit Insurance and Credit
negotiating State : セ@ U;;!l' Guarantee Corporation Act} Gヲャゥtセ@
negotiation: a business transaction <mlf; the action'of negotiating; the
new discharge : [s. 25(8)(b), Water (Prevention and Control of
process of being negotiated fs. 48, Negotiable Instruments
Pollution) a」エスセ@ セ@
a」エ}AヲHゥ[QGャvt セ@
new ground of claim: [Or. 6, r. 7, C.P.C.} セ\A[Gヲャゥt@ -3llm{
negotiations, antecedent : [s. 6(3)(b), Hire-Purchase a」エスセ@ new instruments of service : セ@ lfG セ@ セ@ セ@
new items of expenditure : セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@
negott•tions, ante-nuptial : [s. 40, Indian Divorce a」エスセ@ new member : [s. 2(c), ,Salaries and Allowances of Members of
Parliament Act} 'fliT セ@
neighbourhood: fs. 21, Indian Forest Act}3Tffili'Rl; セ@ new pension code : [s. 29A(a), Estate Duty Act] セ@ Wot' mtciT [s. I77(b), J.P. cN}セ\A[@ TTiq; 3Tffili'Rl <!;! TTiq; new premium : セ@ セ[@ 'fliT セ@
セ\A[@ new premium cash イ・ァゥウエZセ@ セ@ セ@ セ@
neighbouring State : [s. 3(8)(b)(iii), General Clauses a」エ}セ@ new service : セ@ セ[@ セ@ セ@
neither party : [Or. 9, セ N@ 3, C.P. cN}セ@ '1ft セ@ セ@ new township : [s. 2(c), Faridabad Development Corporation
nephew セエィ・@ son of a brother or sister or brother-in-law or sister-in- Act} 'fliT '!71\
law [s. 46, margin, Indian Succession a」エスセ@ new trial : trial afresh [s. 464(2)(b), Cr._ P. C.} Gヲャゥtセ@
l)ephew, great : a grandson of one's brother or sister {セN@ 28, ill. (ii), new trial upon an amended charge : セ@ o3ffi'rq 'R 'fliT セ@
Indian Succession a」エスセ@ newly set up: [s. 3(d), Income-tax a」エスセ@ 7Jl:!
nepotism : BGMセ@ news agency : [s. 2(d), Working Journalists and Other Newspaper
nervous shock : an action lies for nervous shock and bodily illness or Employees (Conditions of Servifi) and Miscellaneous Provisions
disorder supervening on it, though.the shock was caused not by the Act] fl'l!T'iR セ@
application of ーィケセゥ」。ャ@ force to the body of the sufferer but by news editor : fl'l!T'iR W!wf;
words or acts caltulated エッセ。オウ・@ emotional disturbances like fear, newspaper: a periodical publication containing intelligence of passing
sorrow or distress to him. Injury to health due to nervous shock is events {セN@ 8/ , Indian Evidence a」エスセ@
a form of bodily harm for which damages may be claimed. But for
newspaper circulating in the district : [s. 154(1), Companies Act}
the defendant to be liable he must owe a duty to the plaintiff to
take care with respect to him and t'W fact that the plaintiff would
newspaper establishment : fllililllq;;ft<l セ [@ セ@
suffer injury from nervous shock as a result of the defendant's act
newspaper insurance: [6th sch., item (16), Income-tax Act} イヲャBGゥエNLHアセ。コ[ N@
must have been reasonably fore5een by him, and the plaintiff must
have been within the area of ーッエ・ョゥ。ャM、ァイセ@ 3lTI11'i'l
newsprint : [s. 2(a)(vii), Essential Commodities a」エ}セ@
net : free from all charges and deductions セ@ HセI@ news reel : f111fil'R M
net adjustments : セ@ セ@ news reporter : ヲャゥ\エセQ@
net aggreglte amount: [s. 212(3)(c)(ii), Companies a」エスセ@ news sheet : {s. J(2)((7)(a), Defence and Internal Security of India
セ@ Act} mャゥHTセヲ^@
net assets : セ@ セ@ next : I. coming directly after another [s. 48(a), Indian Partnership
net cORs,deration :pure consideration [s. 11(/A)(a)(i), Income-tax Act] セ\ュA⦅[@ 2. the nearest [s. 137(5), Army a」エ}セ[@
a 」 エスAij_セ@ [s. 30(a), Representation of the People Act, QYUスセ[@
net differences : セ@ セ@ 3. immediately following in order [s. 246(4), Cr. P.C.l >3f'OO;
net ex-factory sale price in bulk : [s. 88(5), Patents Act} セャfAhヲゥ@ 3WTl1fi; [s. 246(6), Cr. P. cIセ[@ m; ;mit; m; セ[@ m; ᆱセ@
ュセ@ next below dismissal : [s. 78, Air Force a」エ}セ@ «セ@ セ@
net fixed assets : セ@ セ@ セ@ ョ・クエ「ャッキイオZセ[@ セ\A[@
net ャッウZセ@ next day afJerwards : f.!<g awiTlft セ[@ ttif> awiTlft セ[@ tl4i セ@ <!;! ft.r
next following 221 non-banldng assets
next following: immediately following [s. 55, T.P. aセ[エ}@ セ[@ no longP.r in .existence: [s. 41(5), Incoine-tax a」エ}セ@ 1l "! セ@
[s. 108, T.P. a」 エ }セ[@ [s. 14(5), Industrial Finance no objection certificate : a certificate indicating that there is no
Corporation Act and s. 23(1), Copyright Act] tlcli セ[@ tlcli セ@ objection セBAGャゥQヲ[@ セ@
no settlement is 。セイゥカ・、@ at : ifitt セ@ "'t! セ@ セ@
nextfollowing, date: [s. 314(2), Companies a」エ}セN@ 'ffi'fuil ; no title to the goods: {s. 166, Indian Contract Act) 'll'ffi tf1: 4>lt j!qj セ@
tlcli <riG Cb't 'ffi'fuil no work no pay: 'liTl! "'tt 'ffi tr-1' セ ᄋN@
next following the financial yur, assessment year : [s. 21l(l)(i),
no work strike : セ@ セ@
Income-tax a」エ}セ@ Cfl!f セ@ tlcli otTG 'liT セ@ Cfl!f
noil : short fibre removed during the combing of a textile fibre and
next friend : a person who is admitted or appointed by a court as a
spun into yarn for cloth [s. 3(1), Central Silk Board A ct] 'T¢
special guardian to act for the benefit of a minor or any person not
Nomadic Tribes Welfare oヲャゥ」セイ@ : セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@
sui juris; the guardian of a plaintiff in a case [Or. 32, r. 1,
cNp N cN}セ@
nomenclature : "!fff セ@
next friend of the minor : セGャゥt@ nominal: I. existing in name only as distinguished from real or actual
セ[@ 2. of the nature of, consisting in,.pertainingor relating to, a
next general election : .:l!1'ltlft mtffi'IJT セ@
name or names (as opposed to エィゥョァウIセ[ [@ 3. stated or
next hearing: [s. 246(4), Cr. P.C.] ;wffit セ@
next hereinafter mentioned : セ@ セ@ tlcli セ@ 1lfflo ; セ@ セ@ tlcli nominal amount : [s. 94(6)(c), Income-tax Act} セ@ セ@
nominal 、。ュァ・ウ Zᄋ セ@
next in rank: [s. 2(o), Cr. P.C.] セ@ 1l tlcli セ@
nominal horse power : {s. 22A(l)(a), Inland Vessels a」エ}セ@
next in seniority : セ@ 1l ;nffi tlcli セ@ セ@
next of kin : [plaint No. 43,para I, cNp}セ[@ [s.I, Indian
nominal inspection : "fflff''l'! 'liT セ@
Soldiers (Litigation) Act and ss. 54(d) and 93, Indian Succession
nominal ュ・「イZセ@ Gャゥtセ@
nominal or face value : [s. 19(/), Indian Securities A ct7 セGャゥt@
next preceding: [s. 10(1), Land Acquisition a」エスセ[@ fimm; tl'li セ@
セGャゥt[@ エャ」ゥセ@ nominal purchase money: [s. 76(2)(b), Companies Act] セ@ llilltR
next senior officer : セ@ 3lCii セ@ 'liT セ@ セQZ@
nominal rent: [s. 464, expln. I, iJJ. (d), J.P. cN}セ@ Gャゥtセ@
next subordinate officer: [Or. 28, r. 1(2), C.P.C.] tlcli f.:l<rnT セ@
nominal share capital : [s. 566(1), Comoanies Act] セ@ 3ivr
HセI@ t;;ft
next succeeding : [s. 30(a), Representation of the People Act,
nominal value:· [s. 4(/)(bXii), Companies a」エ}セ@
QYU}セZ@ [s.l37(5), aイュケ」エスヲNゥァセ[@ 3lCii<rrG
nominate : to propose formally for an election; to appoint by name
セ\Vbヲ[@ セ [@ セャヲゥb{@
next succeeding day: [s. 39(l)(a), Representation of the People Act,
nominated authority: [s. 2(j), Additional Emoluments{Compulsory
QYUャ}セヲエ[イ@ Sャ」ゥ[セヲエイ@
Deposit) a」エ}セ@
next succeeding meeting: [s. 193(l)(a), Companies Act] 3lCii セ@
nomination : I. the action, ·process or instance of nominating
セ@ ;3lCii <riG 'liT セ@
セAir@ ; 2. the act, process or an instrument of nominating; an
next superior officer : [s. 26(2), Air Force a」エスセ@ qftt'o セ@
act or right of designating for an office or 、オエケ M セ@
nickel ores : セ@ セ@
nomination of candidates: [s. 2l(d), Manipur (Hill Areas) District
Nidhi and Mutual Benefit Society: [s. 620A( 1), heading, Companies Councils a」エ}セ@ Gヲゥtセ@
a」エ}セ@ 3fu: セ@ 'liT<IGT セ@
nomination paper: [s. 33(4), prov., Representation of the People Act,
niece : I. brother's d-aughter セ[@ 2. sister's daughter セ[@ 3. a QYU}セM@
daughter of one's brother or sister or brother-in-law or sister-in-
nominee : a person named for any office, duty or position
law [s: 46, margin, Indian Succession Act] ;fffi [s. 4(3)(b)(i), Companies a」エ}セ@
night duty section : uf-1 セ@ セ@ nofl•academic staff : [sch ., item 34, Aligarh Muslim University
nfiht shift: [lst\sch., item 2, expln. /, Employees' State Insurance
a」エスセ@ <nft non-acceptance : failure or refusal to accept {s. 7, Negotiable
night soil : [sch. , item 2, Fort William a」エ}セ@ Instruments a」エ}セ[@ [art. 323(1), Const.] セ@
nihil quod est inconveniensest licitum :nothing which is inconvenient non-acceptance, damages for: [s. 56, Sale of Goods a」エ}セ M
is lawful ;;ft SQw」ャセPT^@ セ@ セ@ セ@ t t セ@
ョゥャZセ[@ lifl' non-advertised : セ@
nil rate of duty, at the : lifl' セ@ セ@ セ@ non-age : the condition of being under twenty o ne years· and
N.O.C. (not otherwise classified) : [rule No. 3(1), Red Tariff No. consequently not of age to manage one's property a nd affairs
19] 3f<l [preamble, Indian Majority Act} セ ᄋ@
no account shall be taken: [art. 108(2), Const.] セMア@ [イョZ@セ non-apparent : {s. 5, Indian Easements a」エ}セ@
no appeal shall lie : [s , 372, Cr. P. C.] ifitt 3t1l't\if "! セ@ ; ifitt 3t1l't\if "! m non-apparent easement.: [s. 5, Indian Easements Act] セ@ wsmm
m non-appearance : failure to appear [s. 256(1), Cr. pNcスセBG@ セ[@
no Bill for the purpose shall be introduced: [art . 3, prov. , Const.] セ@ セ[@
no charge shall fall : [sch., item J(4)(i), University of Hyderabad
Act] ifitt ll1ffi'セ@ セ@ 'Wrr
non-appearance, consequence of : セ@ mfu セ@ 'liT セ@
non-appearance of such person : [s. 3 1, Coroners Act] it{!
no claim certificate : ifitt Gfcn "! セ@ l6T 'lfl!l'1ITq"' non-applicant : セ@
no confidence motion : セ@ lffil'jq non-attendance: failure or neglect to altend セ@ [セ@
no demand certificate : セ@ セ@ non-availability of funds : セ@ Cb't 3nl1'<ffiT
no disallowance shall be made : [s. 40A(3), prov. , Income-tax non-bailable : not admitting of bail as a matter of right {s. 43(1),
a」エ}セBGャ@ cイNp N cN}セ@
no execution shall be issued : [Or. 30, r. 9, C. P:C.] セ@ 1ft セ@ ;;ffit non-bailable offence : [s. 2(!J), Cr. p N cN}セ@ セ@
Giゥセ@ non-bank treasury : セ@ <t<l; @セ
no longer : [art. 171(1), Con st.] セ@ 3lfttci; "'tt ュ \bᄋ 「 セ ョォゥァ@ assets : セ@ mrtT セ@
non-bankln& co-operative society 222 non-recurrlna nature
ョッセ@ banking co-operative society: [s. 2(ff)(v), Deposit Insurance and non-Hindi speaking: {art. 344(3), Const.] セ@
Credit Guarantee Corporation a」エ}セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ non-Indian: [s. 2(17)(iv), Income-tax a」エ}セ[@ セM@
non-banking institution: {s. 45K(3), Reserve Bank of India a」エIセ@ non-Indian origin : セ@ セ@
non-interest bearing :that which does not bear any interest OZIT'il セ@ ;
non-belligerent : a party or person not recognised as waging war セッコュ@
[lllrd sch., art. 4, Geneva Conventions a」エ}セ@
non-international : セ@ セ@
non-bis in idem : not twice for the same {IIIrd sch., art. 86, Geneva
non-joinder :omission to join (as a party to a suit) セ@
Conventions a」エIセ@ am: セ@ ;r セ@ ;;rr;;r
non-joinder of parties: [Or. I, r. 9, C.P.C.] tm'liiU Giゥセ@
non-civil accounts ッヲゥ」・イZセ@ m セ@ non-judicial: otlter than judicial [s. 128(2)(i), C.P.C.] セ@
non-cognizable case: [s. 2(1), Cr. P.C.] セ ᄋ セ@
non-judicial duties: [s. 128(2)(i), cNpIセ@ lliif<zr
non-cognizable offence: [s. 2(1), Cr. P.C.) セ@ セ@
non-liability: the absence of liability {s. 131, Negotiable Instruments
non-commercial: not commercial, having no commercial importance a」エIセ[@ セャヲエA|GKNL、ゥ@
non-member convener : セ@ セ@ セ@
non-commercial autonomous body : セ@ セ@ セ@
ョッᄋュゥセエ・イ。ャ@ : セヲOャゥェIcAア@ ; セ@
non-commissioned officer : an officer in the military, naval or air
non-negotiable document : [sch., art. VI, Indian Carriage of Goods
force, who does not hold a commission {s. 132(3)(d),
by Sea a」エ}セ@
cイ N p N cN}セ@
non-observance: failure to observe {s. 65(d), T.P. a」エ}セ@
non-compliance : failure or refusal to comply : {s. 5, Companies
non-observance of rules >セ@ セ@
non-obstante clause : a clause used in public and private instruments
non-confidential : セ@
intended to preclude, in advance, any interpretation contrary to
non-consent : セ@ certain declared objects or purposes セ@ m
non-continuous appointment : セ@ セ@
non-official : having no official status; not relating to, proceeding
non-continuous service : セ@ セ@ from, or approved by officials セ@ ; N。エセ@
Non-Contributory Provident Fund : セ@ セ@ セ@ non-official advisory body: {s. 13(3)(b), Immoral Traffic( Prevention)
non-convicted person: {s. 4, Identification of Prisoners a」エIセ@

non-copyright matter : {s. 52(g), Copyright Act) ァヲゥGQセTエャH@
セ@ non-official ュ・「イ
non-official Bill : セ@ セ@
ᄋ Z ᄋ セ@ m'liT6 セ@
non-officinal : not used in medicine セ@
non-corporate tax-payer : セ@ lli(GI(fl
non-paying audience : [s. 52(/), Copyright a」エ}セ@ ;;ft m
non·cummulative preference shares : {s. 87(2)(b)(ii), Companies セ@ 1fiTf セ@ セ@ <lmiT ; セ@ ;r l6B liTffi セOGャエキカイ@
a」エIセ@ .;m ('1H<f<!$<ilftct セ@ セ@
non-payment : failure or neglect to pay; the condition of not being
non-delivery : neglect or failure to deliver [sch., item 11, Limitation paid {Or. 37, r. 6, C.P.C.] セ[@ ;r セ@ ;;rr;n
non-payment certificate : セ@ lil!J1IIlfif
non-delivery, damages for: [s. 57, Sale of Goods a」エ}セ@
non-payment of rent: [s. 128(2)(f)(ii), C.P.C.] 'IT'C<fi Giゥセ@
セ@ non-payment of the allowance: [s. 128, Cr. P.C.] 1ffi 'Iii ;r セ@ ;;rr;n;
non-departmental telegraphist : セ@ Bヲゥ\セ@ 1ffi'lil セ@
non-designated : [s. /(4)(c), Apprentices a」エ}セ@ non-pecuniary loss : !R セ@ セ@ セ@
non-disclosure : [s. 635AA, Companies Act] lllliC ;r セ@ ;;rr;;r non-pensionable : セ@ if!!Ffi
non-distinctive character, of: [s. /5(3)(c), Trade and Merchandise non-pensionable service : セ@ if!!Ffi セ@
Marks Act] ;;ft セGiゥ@ om
セ@ non-performance : neglect or failure to perform [s. 65(d), T.P.
non-dramatic work : {s. 2(i), Copyright Act] セ@ セ@ ; セ@ セ@ a」エ}セ[@ [s. 6, Indian Easements Act] ;r セ@ ;;rr;;r
non-effective: not effective; not fit or amicable for military or normal non-performsmce of promise : [s. 56, ill. (c), Indian Contract
、オエケセ[@ Act) lf<R' 'Iii セ@
non-effective services : 31lNT4t セ@ non-performance or non-observance: {s. 65(d), T.P. a」エ}セ@ 1fr
non-employment : {s. 2(g), Trade Unions Act] セュ[@ セ@ セ@
non-essential oil : セ@ iffi non-petitioner : セ[@ セ@ セ@
non-existence : [s. 3, ill., prov., Indian Evidence a」エ}セ[@ non-plan expenditure : セ@ oq-q ; セ@ セ@ oq-q
セ@ non-practising allowance :allowance paid in lieu of the condition of
nan-existent : セ@ '1-tl セ[@ セ@ not being allowed to practise セ@ セ@ 'fflT; セ@ 'fflT
non-explosive : not explosive {s. 37(4), Factories a」エ}セ@ non-production : not producing; not offering for inspection or
non-feasance : omission to do what ought to be done セ@ consideration [s. 159, Indian Evidence a」 エ Iセ@ ;r ij)f.IT
non-ferrous metal : 8 セ@ non-profit policy : [sch. I, pt. B, para 4(b)(i), Life Insurance
non-fortuitous service : service which is not occuring by chance or Corporation a」エ}セ@
without deliberate intention セ@ セ@ non-project work : セ@ lliflf; セ@ セ@ lfiTif
non-fortuitous service in the grade : セ@ i! セ@ セ@ non-qualifying service : セ@ セ@
non-fulfilment : non-accomplishment [s. 34, T. P. a」エ}セ[@ non-receipt of notice : tfte fact of not getting the notice [s. 172(3),
2. non-performance [s. 75,1ndian Contract Act] セ[イ@ Companies a」エ}セ@ q\'1 セ@
セ@ non-reciprocating country : a country which does not reciprocate
non-functional (selection grade): セ@ HGセr@ セI@ [s. 49, Estate Duty a」エ}セ[@ セ@ セ@
non-gazetted : セ@ non-recovery : the fact of not getting or obtaining [s. 424(2),
non-government institution : an institution other than a govermental Cr. pNc}GB`oiセ [@ セᄋ@
one セュ」エ@ non-recovery of dues : mtiiT q\'1 セ@ •
non-government railway : セ@ セ@ tf non-recurring expenditure : [s. 15, Faridabad Development
non-gratuitous act : an act which is not gratuitous [s. 70, India11 Corporation Act] I3A'mff oq-q
Contract a」エ}セ@ lfil1f non-recurring nature : [sch. II, pt. II, item 24(2), Companies
non-Hindi : セM[@ セ@ Act] I3A'mff •
non-recurring payment 223 DOt qwtlified
non-recurring payment : セ@ m ッイュ。ャZセ[@ョ
non-reg.istration : the absence of registration [s. 49. Registration normal carrying capacity: [s. 53(2), Indian Railways Act} セ@ m
Act) セHア[oゥ@ セ@
non-resilience : [art. 326, Consr.] \llf.rqm normal expenditure : [s. 9(b), Estate Duty a」エIセ@ <ll'll'
non-resident: not residing at the place in question [s. 2(30).Income- normal market fluctuations : [s. 27(4)(b)(i), Industrial Finance,
エ。クa」}セ@ Corporation Act] <mrr< セ@ セ@ セャヲゥGM@
non-resident account : セ@ 1'ilR!T normal out-turn : セ@ セ@ 1fOO ; セ@ lli1lf 1fOO
non-resident broker : {s. 163(/)(d), prov., Income-tax a」エスセ@ normal postings : セ@ セ@
セ@ normal practice.observed: [s. 3(3)(a), .General Insurance(Emergency
non-resident company: [s. 5(1), Companies (Profits) Surtax Act] Provisions) a」エ}セ@ <61 セ@ m;ft セ@ セ@
セアゥG[ヲエ@ normal services: [s . 46(c), Motor Veh icles a」エ}セ@ Wmt
non-resident defendant : the defendant, who at .the time of the normal term of office : [s. I 1(3), prov., Unit Trust of India
commencement of the suit .does not actually reside or carry on Act] lffi1'llF! セ N@
business within the local limits of the jurisdiction of the court normal wear and tear: [s. 24(iii), Defence and Internal Security of
[s. 20, ill. (b), C.P.C] セ@ セ@ ャョ、ゥ。a」エスtGifAヲセ[@ セ[@ セ M セ@
non-resident (external) account: {s. 10(4A),lncome-tax a」エ}セ@ セッイュ。ャ@ working hours ·: [s. 2(kkk), expln., Industrial Disputes
HセI@ 1'ilR!T A i:t] lffi1'llF! <iifli-lft ; <iifl1 セ@ lffi1'llF! 1ft
n.on-resident interest : [s. 26(7)(i), Foreign Exchange Regulation
non-resident person: [s. 91(3), Income-tax a」エスセ@ oqfiffi norms: I. model; type; pat Z セイョ [@ a standard of C<'nduct or ethical value
non-resident principal: [s. 163( I)(d), prov.. Income-tax a」エ} ᄋ セ@
'1t.l1'l; 11R'; 2. authorit:ttive rules or standards ll'Ff<!i
lltTR north eastern railway out-patient block : セ@ セ@ <IW< 'Wft ;;;;rrq;
non-resident scheduled bank . [s. 7(2). Interest-tax a」エ}セ@ Northern F:orest r。ョァ・イセN@ cッャ・ァZセ@ ;;;R;;r; セ@ lR 'l:;;n· m
セ」ャア[@ セ@

non-resident student centre [sch., 25(/)(ii), A/igarh Muslim not affecting the merits of the case : [s. 99, C P.C] 'lfilffi <i; セ@ 'R

University Act] セ ᄋ uGtUA@ セ@

セ@ . ., セ@ セ セ Mァセ@ ,g r.t'11/lfl'lTi{ sffi セ@
appearing in public: [s. 164(2), Representation ofihePeople Act,
non-residential \..niversity: セ@ ヲ」ャセアAエ|G\@
non-retroactivity of treaties : セ@ <iii セ@ ll"!1'<< '1 -rr.rr
19511"" \'ftq; fftre 'lt' mm
non-return Qf the cheque : セ@ <iii lWffi '1 f4i<n ;jf'R'j_ not be entitled to vote at all; shall : [art. 92(2), Canst.] lffl t-1 \ゥセ ᄋ@
non-rotational directors! [s. 268, Companies a」エ}セ@
bearing interest: [s. II, Indian Trusts a 」 エ}セ@ セ Q@
non-saleable : セ@
riot being prejudicial to 。ウNセ・@ : [s. /19(2)(a), Income-tax Act}
non-satisfaction : the absence of satisfaction [app. E, form No. 3,
セGrャQBA\ N GQtゥヲ@
cNp}セ@ 01-rr.rr not below the rank ofsub·in!ij>ector: [s. 32( 1}, Prevention of Cruelty
non-selection basis, on : '<!lR <i; セ@ 'R ;ffl\
to aョゥュセャウ@ Act, /960} ;J1<-f.1fulq; <61 t$m #;!tit <iii oヲセ@
non-selection post : Mセ@ '+G
not commonly used : [s. 19. Registra tion a」エスセ Z@ セ@ セ@ c6t
non-service: omission to serve (upon a person) セNL@ m'fl ;;miT
non-service of notice: [2nd sch. , item 61, Income-tax a」エスセ@ <61 not competent to contract: [s. 33(2)(b), Specific Relief Act) W<roq#
O'J'Ifm ., -rr.rr
if ュゥャセ@
non-standard : セ[@ ll'Ff<!i <i; セ@ セ@
not designed for the purpose of avoiding: [s. 93(3)(b), Income-tax
non-standard weight or measure : [s. 21, margin, Standards of a」エ}セ\ゥ[ヲ^gtNL@
Weights and Measures a」エ}セ@ <nc: 1IT l1'T'< not exceeding: not more than [s. /54 , J.P. cN}セ[@ [s. 57(a)(2),
non-statutory body : a body not established by a statute [s. 3(i), T.P. a」エ}セMB@ lf!'rn l
Parliament (Prevention of Disqualification) a」エ}セ@ f.!q;rq not exceeding in any case the amount shown : [.art. I I4(/)(b),
non-teaching : セ@ c。ョウエNスセ@ Gill if M セ@ セュ@ if セ@
non-technical post : セ@ '+G not expressly required by law: [s . \I, T. P. a」エスセ@ IDU セ Z@
non-testamentary : otherwise than ·by a will; other than by a will セ@
セ[@ not forming p1ut ui : [s.-/0(3). Arm.s Act} <iii lWT :r if.! <ffi;rr
non-testamentary disposition: [s. 2(24), Indian Stamp a」エ}セ@
ClfiR not inconsistent : {:>. 8. P"' 1. I. C. P. :;tr 3!'W!\i Of liT ; 3fli_3!'W!\i en
non-testamentary ゥQセオュ・ョエZ@ [s. 17(d}, Registration a」エ}セ@ not later than : G セゥエN@
セ[@ {Nセ@ 164(iii), Income-tax a」エ}セ[@ [s. 4, Indian not later than the next day but one following : [s. 36(5), prov.,
Trusts a」エ}セ@ r・ーイウZョエ。ゥッヲィpャa」L O Y U O ス セエ@
non-testamentary Instrument in writing: [s. 5; Indian Trusts Act} ヲDセキイョ[@ cAャGゥセ セョ セHGャア[@
セ@ not less favourable: [s. 2(4), d・ー。イエュョャゥNセウッ@ of Union acセoAャョエウ@
ncm-tranarerable : セ@ ('Trurrsfer of·Pers()nf1el) Act] <8lf セ@ ;r it
non·trlbala: セ@ セ@ M セ@ • . not more than: (art . セPHOI「N@ cイ ュLセエ N I Gヲ@ セ@
non•uae : [s. 46( J), Trade and Merchundise Marks a」エスセ@ not mort th11n une: {セ N@ 1511(5)(,1), rセーイ」NM セ ョエ。ゥッ@ oflne People Acr.
- -fon·uaer : [s. ;JB, expln. 1J, lndlctn emセ」Zュ・ョエウ@ a」エIセ@ QYUャIセエイ[@ セ@ セM[イエャ@
lton·voted : セ@ not neaotlable: セ[@ [s. 130, NegtJtiab/e Instruments a」エOセ@
non·worklna days: [s. 16.1(4), Companies'Act] • セ@ セ@ セ M ャエゥA@ セ@ ;rtl
ュセ@ not only : {11•r 18{1), Const,Pr セ@
nooks : very small pieces--of kernels セ@ not ordinarily ruident In India : • セ@ Itt セ@ !liT f\1rimft ;r8T t
norm : an ideal standard binding upon the members of a group and not previously repealed : {art. IJ(J)(hJ, c\^ョNセエI@ BセャゥA@ セャュョQGA@ !Tot
serving to· guide. control or regulate proper and acceptable セQヲエ@
「・ィ。カゥッオイセ@ not proved : [s. 3, Indian Evidence a」エIセ@ 'It! \.m
norm arund Zセ@ セ N@ not qualifitd : エセN@ ,256(4)(iii! .. Companies 1\ct] セG[ッヲエ J@
not revocable during the life time l24 novation
not revocable during the life time: [s. 62( I )(i), Income-tax a」エ}セ@ notice of dishonour: セ@ セ@
・ュセ@ セ@ セ@ gfdtiwft4 'It! notice of ejectment : [s. 7(xi}(d), Court-fees a」エスセ@ <tt セ@
not severable from the イセエZ@ [s. 27(2)(d), Specific Relief Act] [ゥエMセ@
notice oUact : [s. 3, expln: (iii), T. P. Act} Gヲセ@ tt セ@
'llT'1 セ@ セGヲ\ャゥ⦅@ セ@ セ@ セ@ Wliffi'
notice of motion : ャヲゥアMセ@
not warranttd by the information : {s. 18(1), Indian Contract
notice of opposition : [s. 21(3), Trade and Merchandise Marks
a」エ}セ\@ .
not wrought up : [sch. 2, Indian Railways a」エスセ@ セ@ セ@
notice of production : iM セ@ <tt セ@
notarial .act : [s. //(d), Indian Stamp Act} ;ftctt CfiT4; [s. 9(1),
notice of refusal : [s. セWHSx「IL@ Wealth-tax Act] 'fcliR q\'t セ@
Notaries Act} ;ftctt セ@ セ[@ [sch. I, item 42, Indian Stamp
Act] ;:iT?:ft セ@ CfiT4 notice ohejection : fs. 24(b), Sale of Goods a」エ}セ@ q\'t セ[@
notarially certified copy : . [sch. /, table A, interpretation 61,
Companies a」エ}セ@ 1m セ@ gfff notice of relinquishment : 'f'!1TT i!l't セ@
notary: a person publicly authorised to draw !JP or attest contracts or notice ofrevocation: [s. 6(1), Indian Contract a」エ}セ@ tt セ@
similar documents, to protest bills of exchange etc. and discharge notice of the matter : OIKf q\'t セ@
other duties of a formal character [s.2(d), Notaries a」エ}セ@ notice oftbe proclamation:_ [s: 85(3), Cr. pNcスセ@ q\'t セ@
notary public : a person publicly authorised to draw up or attest notice of the title: [s. 3(c), expln. II, T.P. a」エ}セ@ <tt セ@
contracts etc.; to protest bills of exchange, etc. and discharge other noticetoadmitdocuments: [Or. 12, r. 3, cNpスセアゥエ@
formal duties; a public officer whose function it is to. certify エセ[ゥAャG@
signatures and documents on oath [s. 57(6), Indian Evidence notice to admit facts: [Or. 12, r. 4, C.P.C.]'ff&il アゥエセ|G[@
a」エスセ@ セ\エwrt@
note : L a brief statement of particulars of some fact [Or. I/, r. /, notice to be in writing: [s. 14.2, heading, C.P.C.] WRT q;r M セ@ mon
cNp}セ[@ 2. a bank note or other form of paper that is notice to produce: [Or. 12, r. 8, C.P.C.] iM セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@
current money [s. 489.4., J.P. C.] ;ftc; 3. to record a ョッエ・セ\roヲt@ notice to アオゥエZセ@ <IX: セア|Gエ@ セ[エゥウ@ tt セ@
note, accommodation.: a bill, draft or note made, drawn, accepted, or notice, transferee with : [see "transferee with notice '1 セ@ mtf
endorsed by one person for another without consideration to セM
enable that other to raise money or obtain credit thereby [s. 59, notifiable disease: any disease, which is required by law to be reported
prov., Negotiable Instruments a」エスセ@ セ@ to Official Health Authorities [sch., heading, Factories Act}
note. at the foot :a brief record at the bottom of the text [Or. I I, r. I, セwイ@
cNpスBGtgセ@ notification : a written or printed matter that gives notice [s. /(2),
note book : ;ftc "J}fi prov., Cr. P.C. and art. 13(3)(a), c。ョウエN}セ@
note, inscribed : a note which has something written in it (after its notification of assignments and transmissions : [s. f)(J), Trade and
being printed) セ@ ;ftc Merchandise Marks a」エ}セ@ 'lffi セ@ <tt セ@
note of authority.: a letter of authority to act etc. [Or. 27, r. 8(/), notified area : [s. 2(1 )(a), Seaward Artillery Practice Actj セ@ セ@
cNp}セ[@ セ[ヲエ」@ Notified Area Committee: [s. 2(c)(A), Income-tax a」エ}セ@
note of dissent : セ@ セ@ mqfu
note ol protest by the master of a ship : [sch. 1(44), Indian Stamp notified by proclamation ZセQュ@ セ@
Act] qRf セQュ@ notified establishment: [s. 22(2)(£), Defence and Internal Security of
note of refusal: . [s. 58(2), R£gistration a」エ}セ@ India a」エ}セ@
·note of substance : [s. 63(2), Registration a」エ}セ@ セ@ GセBQt@ヲ notified ッ」オー。エゥョセ@ [s. I 3(g), Defence imd I merna/ Security of India.
noted : ;ftc <IX: セ@ a」エ}セ@
ョッエ・イZセ@ notified order: [s. I /(a), Oil Industry (Development) a」エ}セ@
noter and drafter : セ@ 'lffi lffii'lili セ@
notes and comments : セ@ 'lffi ゥ|ア[イMセ@ notified place : [s. 2(c), Terminal Tax on l<aiiway Passengers
notes cover : セ@ 3TJ1f{UT a」エ}セ M セ@
notes of examination : {s. 240(3)(d), Companies Act} Gセヲオョ@ notify: I. to give notice of [s. 75, Cr. P.C.] セ@ セ[@ 2. to make a
nothing herein contained shall affect : セ@ セ@ ift OIKf l!'l'lT<f セ@ セ@ notification of セ@ CROfT
nothing in this clause shall be construed _as : [art. 98(1 ), prov., notify to the Houses by message: [art. /08(/ ), Canst.} m qit セ@ imT
Const.] セ@ <tt セ@ OIKf 1fiT セ@ >3l!f ;fflf セ@ セ@ 1$ m セ@
nothing in this sub-section shall be 」ッョウエイオ・Aセ@ as precluding: [s. 5(4),
noting aild drafting : セ@ ..m セ[@ セ@ 'lffi セ@
noting charges : セ@ lJllT1IR li"1R
prov., 'charitable Endowments a」エ}セ@ <tt セ@ OIKf セ@ セ@ ·3lif
Of WJTlrr セ@ 1$ セ@ (---) qit qqrfffl <fi«ft セ@ noting for non-acceptance: the making of a memorandum on a bill of
exchange by a notary which states tpatthe bill has .been presented
nothing ....... sha.ll derogate: [art. I I, Canst.} 'lilt OIKf------ セ@
for paymeflt or acceptance and that it has 「セ・ョ@ dishonoured
セ@ cWft
[Or. 37, r. 6, cNp}セQヲゥャ\rot[@ セア[イ@
notice : I. intimation; a writing; placard, board, etc., conveying an
notin2 non-acceptance of dishonoured bill : [Or. 37, r. 6, /:leading,
intimation or warning [s. 154,/.P.C. and art. 61(2)(a), c。ョウエN}セ@
c.P.CJ セ@ ゥャヲNエアMセ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ 1talvr
HセI[@ 2. knowledge or cognizance [s. 56, Indian Evidence
notorious receiver : セ@ セ@
notwlthstandin&: in spite of [s. 162,/ndian Evidence Act} セュGᆱLN@
notice board : ll,'l'fl セ@
ョオエゥ」セ@ c:onvenlna meetlna: セ@ セ@ q\'t セ@ notwithatandina any rule, ーイ。セ[エャ」・@ or requirement tp the .:ontrary :
[s. 226(3)(iv),/ncomt-tax a」エスセN@ V'l'l1n _. セ@ セ@
notice In wrltlna: gq セ[@ セ@ セ@
notice, judicial: [&.57, Indian Evidence Act] セ M 。@ notwithstanding clause: a clause to prevail over other 」ャ。オウ・セ@
110tice oL imission ohase 1 [Or. 12, r. I, heliding, cNp N cN}セ@ q\'t m
J'!!ltiL!e of demand r 'l!i1T q\'t セ@
notwithst11nding that 11 dissolution of the House of Peopl!! has
intervened: {art. 108(5}, cッョウエN}ゥGt」[セMア@ wエセᆱゥヲ@
notke of depo5it : セ@ q\'t セ@ novation: substitution of a new debtor, creditor, contract, etc. in place
nolic.e nf 4isc:haf1:e : セ@ ᄋ セ@ of an old one [s. 62, lndi8J1 Contract Act] 'f<ft<R
now this Indenture witnessth llS Nutrition Research Laboratory

now this indent.u re キゥエョ・ウィZセ@ 3 ; ャAセ@ セ@ iiTO ョオュセイ@ taker : セ@ セ@

1tilmtt.t; ャAセNュᄋ@ numbered : bearing a number [Or. 4, r. 2, C. P. cN}セ@
now tbesi presents wltilm and it is hereby agreed by and between the numbered consecutively .: [s. 15(b), Companies a」エ}セ@ W{ セ@

ー。イエゥ・ウィッヲャキZセ@ セ@ irtセ@ セ@ セ@
ヲャエ[アケセュS@ numbering of shares : [s. 83, heading, Companies Act] セ@ (m) 1$T.
ョッセゥオウ@ : mjurious; pnwholesome [ss. 272, 273 and 278, J.P.C.] セ[@ セ@ (m) 1!\ ;jil{ n;.n
[セ@ numeral : [s. 2(/)(j), Trade 。ュセ@ Merchandise Marks Act and art.
noxious liquid : [s. 2(/)(bXiii), Arms a」エ}セBᆱ@ 343(1), Const.] .:Rl1i
noxious meufacture :. the ーイッ、オセゥョァ@ (of セイエゥ」j・ウI@ by labour in an numerator :the part of a fraction that is above the line and sigt)ifies the
injurioUs or unwholesome manner セ@ セ@ number of parts of the denomination' taken; one that numbers
noxious matter: an injurious or unwholesome matter [app. A , No. , [s. 35A(1Xii), ャョセッュ・Mエ。ク@ Act] セ@
24,para2, cNp}セ@ . numerical 。」ッオョエウZセ ᄋ セ[@ セ@ セ@
noxious vegetation : [s. 7(4), Poisons a」エ} ᄋ セ@ numerous: [sch .. 6, pt. 1, Companies a」エIセ[@ セ N@
aucleus: a«ntral part or thing around which other parts or things are numerous details: [s. 14(1Xb), Specific Relief a」エスセ@ iilffi.
grouped; collected or compacted m ョオュゥウ。エZセ[@ セ@
auaatory : [s. 306, Indian Succession Act] f.tttcli nurse: ;ffi
nuisance セZ@ an inconvenience. materially interfering with ordinary nurse, auxiliary : セ@ ;ffi
oomforts of human existence; anything injurious or obnoxious to nurse, male .: セ@ ;ffi
the ·community or to an individual as a member of it, for which nursery : I. a place designed for the care or training of children ;ffift;
some legaJ remedy may be found Ls. 268, J.P. cN}セ@ HセI@ セ[@ セ@ セ[@ 2. an area where trees, .shrubs or plants are
aullaace, common: [s. 268, iNpc}セ@ セ@ grown for transplanting for use as stocks for budding and grafting
nuisance, private: [app. D,formNo./4, heading, cNp N cN}セ@ tfttrnn;rr ;. ;ffi'(t
nuisance, public : [s. 268, l.P.C.]"#iq, セ@ Nursery Development Officer : tfttrnlm fcrclm:r セ@
null: ilaught; .of no validity or effect [ss. 11 and /6, Hindu Marriage nursing break : [s. 1/, Maternity Benefit Act] セエヲ@ fimrl
acエ}セ@ Nursing Council : セ@ セ@
null and void: [s. 11 and 16, Hindu Marriage a」エ}セ@ セ@ nursing home: a private hospital; a private home or other place where
nullify : セ@ llir-n maintenance and personal or are provided for three
nullity: the state or fact of being legally null and void [s. 16, Hindu or more persons, who are unable to care for themselves properly
Marriage a」エ}セ@ [s. 80D(2)(i), Income-tax a」エ}セ@ セ@ Hセ@ m)
nuDity, decree of: a: decree declaring (a marriage) null and void [s. 1I, nursing orderly : セ@ セ@
Hindu Marriage a」エスセ@ <tl セ@ nursing profession : セ@ セ@
number : 1. mark or symbol having arithmetical value [s. 294A, nursing sister : セ@ セ@
jNp N cN}セ@ サセI[@ 2. a number [s. 17(1), General Clauses nurture: nourishing [s. 4, ill. (a), Indian Trusts Act} lfiWo! セ@
Actjm9!rt nutrition: (supplying or receiving of) nourishment, food [s. 5(4)(iv),
number of circumstances: {Or. 6, r. 12, C.P.C.J セ@ セ@ Coal Mines Labour Welfare Fund Act and s. 3(2)(a)(iv), Mica
n•mberof directorships: [s. 30A(1),lndustrial Finance Corporation Mines Labour Welfare Fund a」エスセ@
Act] fltm<l; セ@ <tl - nutrition chemist: セ@ セ@
number or figl&l't Z ᄋ セ@ セ@ • Nutrition Research Laboratory : セ@ セ@ セ@


17-A -50/LJ&CA/ND/91
ifll oath: a soleman セー・。ャ@ to God (or to s?mething sacred) in witness objection: the action of stating something in opposition to a person or
M that a statement 1s true or a prom1se.bmdmg; an act or swearing; thing; an adverse reason, argument or contention ilffiN
the form of words in which such a statement or pr.omise is made objection advances : セ@ 3lftrt!
[s. 51 , /.P.C., s. 3(37), General Clauses Act and art. 60, objection being sustained : [first sch., item 15, Presidency-towns
Const,)ml!l' Insolvency Act] ilffiN <6 11'R セ@ orR 'l'l:
Oath Commissioner: Commissioner or other person so authorised to objection book : 3Mfu セ@
administer oaths ml!l' セ@ objection is allowed: [s./29{3), Air Force Act} ilffiN セ@ セ@ [ェセ@
oath of allegiance: [s. 13, Navy a」エスセ@ <tt セ@ ;;mN lf'{{ セ@ ·;;mn セ@
oath of office: [sch., form /II,, Delhi Administration Act} GG <tt ml!l' objection is taken: [s, I l(m), Suits Valuation Act} ilffiN セ@ :mfT セ@
oath of office-and secrecy: [art. 164(3), Const,j '1G' ltt -3l'tt セ@ ltt objection is waived :. [sch,, item 1, Assam Rifles Act] jGAセ@ セ@
ml!l' セ[イョ@
oath of secrecy : セ@ <tt ml!l' objection statements : セ@ セ@
oath, on : ュセ[@ 'l'l: objection to interpreter : [s. 109, Navy a」エスセ@ <6 lffi'l· ilffiN
oath or affirmation セ@ [art. 60, margin, Const) セ@ 111 ll'ft'rnR objectionable : [title, Drugs and Magic Remedies (Objectionable
oath or affirmation by Judges of High Courts: [art, 219, margin, Advertisements) a」エスセ@
Const.} セ@ セ@ <6 セ@ rou セ@ 111 li'ft'rnR objectionable advertisement : セ@ l$rrR
oath Oi affirmation by members: [art. 99, margin, Const,} セ@ &I'IJ objectionable matter.:, Is. 63(2)(h), Water (Prevention and Control of
ュセ[@ Pollution) a」エスセ@ mtr.ft ; @セ エイッセ@
oath or affirmation by the Governor : [art. 159, margin, Const.] セ@ objective : I. pertaining or considered in relation to its object
イッオュャAヲ\セ@ constituting or belonging to an object of action, thought or feeling
oath or affirmation by the President: [art. 60, margin, Const. Jセ@ セ[@ 2. denoting the object or point to which the operations are
&riJ ml!l' <rr ャヲオM\セr@ 、ゥイ・」エセ@
oath or affirmation by the Vice-President: [art. 69, margin, Const.} objective resolution: formal statement regarding aims aimed 。エセ@
セGャヲエ@ &riJ ml!l' 111 llfli'm llilili1!1"1
oath or affirmation shall be administered : [s, 130(1), Air Force objective type test : セN[@ セ@ qftm
Act} ml!l' セ@ ;;mM\111 '1fiOO;r q;wrr セ@ objector: the person who objects or makes an objection to something
ッ。エウZセ@ [2nd sch., item I 1(3), Income-tax a」エスセ@
obedience: the action or practice of obeying {s. 132(2)(d) and s. 350, objects of the body : [s. 25(8)(d), Companies Act} f.tcw! <6 セGi@
Cr. P,C}<mR; セ[@ セᄋ@ objects of the existing trust : [s. 1(!(3), Esso (Acquisition of
obedi,ence to summons, in: [s. 350. Cr. FC} セ@ <6 'llW! if Undertakings in India) a」エ}セ@ Olffil' <6 セ@
obedience to the notice, in: [Or. 21. r, 37(2), CP.C.] wrt\Vセ@ objects of the power : [s. 92, Indian Succession Act} Wffl セ@ セ\ャᄋ@
ij obligation : a duty; the bond of legal necessity which binds together
obey the summons: [s, 87(a), Cr, P,C) セ@ q;T 'llW! セ[@ セ@ q;r two or more determinate individuals [art. 49. Const.] 'f!'il<GT
セ@ obligation as to seaworthiness : [sch., art VI, Indian Carriage of
obiter dictum: an opinion of law not necessary to the 、・」ゥウッョセ@ Goods by Sea Act} '!ll?ll mm セ@ セ@ anurm
object: I, something on which the purposes are fixed as the end of an obligation, contractual : [sch, VI, pt. 1, Companies a」エIセ@
action or effort [ss, 141 and 146, I,P,C. and art. 356( /)(c), 'IJ'(Zfffi

Const.} セGA[@ 2, something visible or tangible [s, 3, ill. (a). obligation imposed by the contract: [first sch ,, item 14, Carriage by
Indian Evidence Act} troif; [s, 293, /,PC) \ョセ[@ 3. to make an Air a」エスセ@ &riJ セ@ <{]UffiT
objection [s. 246(c), Income-tax Act] ilffiN セ[@ 4. something obligation in the nature ofa trust: [s, 2(c), Specific Relief A ct] '1:!Til
that arouses feelings (as of pity, amusement or disgust) in an セ@ ctt i!lllffil
observer セ[@ [s, 76, margin, Indian Succession Acr] 'Wl アjセ[@ obligation of States and the Union: [art. 256, margin, Canst,} IJ'i!i1
qr;r 3ffi W:l <tt 'IJ'(Zfffi
object beneficial to mankind : [s , 18, T. P. a」エ}セ@
obligation, under : セ@
obligatory : [s. 3( f). 3rd prov,, Official Languages a」エ}セL@
Gャ「ェ・セエN@ common , : an object shared by all concerned [s. 141.
obligatory between parties : [sch. 1, item 8(a), Indian Stamp
object held sacred : [s. 295, I. P. C.} trilt;r lWft 'ITt セ@
Act} 'l!.l'iliTiT <6 ofttt セ@
object of any description: [s. 52(w), Copyright a」エ}セ@ <i\1 セ@
obligatory examination : セ@ trt'mT; セ@ trt'mT
object of artistic or historic interest : [art. 49, Const,j セ@ 1lT
セ@ oblige himself to pay: {s, 2(5)(a), Indian Stamp a」エ}セD@ it
object of a voidance: [s. 52( ll. Income-tax Act] ュセ@ セ@ セ@ |AGセ@ 'fl'il< iliB1
object of bequest : [s. 93, Indian Succession a」エスセ@ q;r セ\i@ obligee : one towards whom another is under an obligation [sch.,
object of divine displeasure: {s. 171C(2)(b), l.P,C,} セ@ セ@ CliT セNL@ art. 37, Limitation a」エ}セ@
object of financing: [s , 45(c), Wealth-tax a」エ}セ@ 'liT セ\i@ obligor : one who binds himself to another by contract; one who
places himself under a legal obligation [s. 114, ill. (i), Indian
object of prey : [s. 11 ( 1)( m), Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act,
Evidence a」エスセ@
()bliterate: [s. 8(1), Arms a」エ}セ@
object of,public utility : [s. 2( 17), Estate Duty a」エ}セ@ i>'1'lMI セGi@ ;
[sch. I, item 15(b), Indian Stamp a」エ}セ@ Gャゥtセ@ obnoxious trade: [s. 116(d), Cantonments a」エスセ@ OIM1\

17- B--50/LJ&CA/ND/91
obscene 227 oculist
obscene :the tendc;ncy ol which is to deprave those whose minds are obvious mistake: [s. 23(4), Trade and m」イィセョ、ゥウ・@ !.farks a」エ}セ@
ッーセョ@ to immoral influence and into whose hands the matter is セ@

likely to fall; offensive to modt:sty o-r decency [s. 293, J.P. cIセ@ occasion : I. an opportunity; the time at which something happens; a
obscene book : [s. ·292(2)(a), J.P. cNI ᄋ セ@ p particular time marked by some occurrence or by its special
obscene matter: [s. ll(c), Trade and Merchandise Marks Act) char;tcter [s. 56. ill. (e), InaJal) <;ontract Act] 3m!'{; セ Mウ ッュ・エィゥョァ@
'ffi'! : セ@ ffilflft that produces an effect or brings about an event lfiR1IT
obscene object: anything tangible or visible which is offensive to good occasion a breach: [2nd sch., form No. 12, Cr. P.C.] 'lfrT rr.n
taste or which tends to corrupt the morals or セッ@ lower the ッ」。セゥョャウ ウエ ッエィ・ーイケZ@ [Or. 40, r. 4(c), CP.Cpi'qftrq,'t ュ ᄋ セ@
standards ol right and wrong especially as to sexual relationships セ@
[s. 94(2)(b), Cr. P.q セ@ セ@ occasional: \イッ M セ@ セ@ <mn; セ@ セ@ セ@ <mn; lf>'fi-<l>'lft セ@ セ@ <mn
obscene orabusive language: [s. 120(d), Indian Railways a」エIセ@ occasional shipping business . : [s. 172( I), heading, Income-tax
<IT lJT\t-· ott 'llfl'fl Act] \イッセ@ セ@ セ@ <mn セ@ lfiTOO{
observance : [s. 16(2)(c), Emigration a」エ}Gセ[@ [art. 360(3), occasioned by breach: [s. 27, India1,1 Trusts Act] 'lfrT セ@ セOャSAt@
cッョウエN}セ@ occasioned by litigation: [s. 32(2)(b), Land Acquisition a」エ}セ@
observation : I. view, reflection fcl<m:; 2. remark, statement セ\ヲゥrut@
ゥエcヲtMセᄋ[@ 3. observed truth or facts; remarks in speech or occasioned by negligence : m セ@ セSャ@
writing m reference to something observed [s. 21, ill. (b), Indian occasioned by omission : セ@ lfiR1IT セSA@ m
Evidence a」エIセ[@ セ@
occasioned by the postponement, costs : セ@ セ@ セ@ lfiR1IT セ@ セ@ セ@
observation home : [s. 2(m), Children a」エIセ@
occasioned by the wrongful act: [s. 28(5),. Navy Act] セア[イ ア セ@
observation ウオー・イゥョエ、Zセ@ セ@ ; セ@ セ@ occasioned thereby: [s. 464(1), Cr. P.C) [イセ@ <fiRUT. セSA@
observation to be made: [Or. 39, r. 7(c), CP.C] セ@ 151 セ@ セ@
L'ccupancy: the act of occupying [s. 21(2), Registration a」エIセ@
observatory, astronomical セ@ セ@
occupancy, actual: [s. 55(1), prov., C.P.C.] セ@ セ@
observatory, meteorological: imunwl. m occupancy of a female, in: [s. 47(2), Cr. P.C.) f;l'\ セGiエ@
observe: I. to adhere to; to follow [s. 65(d), T.P. a」エ}セ@ Q;Br;
occupant : a person occupying or holding or in actual possession; an
セ@ Q;Bf; 2. to see [s. 126, ill. (c), Indian Evidence a」エ}セ[@ 3.
occupier [s. 41, para 3, Presidency Small Cause Courts Act)
to perceive; to watch セ@ Q;Br
セ@ ; one wi10 holds possession under title, lease or tenancy at
observe and follow orders: [s. 119(1), Income-tax a」エ}セ@ 'fiT
will; one who occupies a particular place or premises [s. 41, para
セ@ .om セ@ <Wfl 3, Presidency Small Cause Courts a」エ}セ@
observe the contract: [s. 65(d), T.P. a」エIセ@ Gヲゥtセ@ occupation : I. actual holding or possession especially of a place Or
observer : iMCfi land [s. 157; I.P.C.] セ[@ 2. employment; business; a calling,
obsolete: I. that is no longer practised or used; out of date, said of a trade [s. 133(/)(b), Cr. P:C. and art. 19(6)(i), Const.j セ[@ 3.
law or practice which has ceased to be enforced or be in use .by temporary holding and control of a country or a part of a country
reason of change of manners and circumstances [s. 98, Indian by a foreign military force [s. 4(1)(c), Air Force a」エIセ@
Evidence a」エ}セ[@ [sch., part. II, (f), Air Corporations occupation, in : {s. 35, Arms a」エ}セ@
a」エ}セ@ lrlit>T; lJ(!ll1l)rr; 2. no longer functional. a product gone out occupation, regular : セ@ セ@
ッヲ、。エ・セ[@ セ@ occupational disease : [s. 3(2), Workmens Compensation -Act]
ob$olete pattern : fs. 45(c). Arms Act] セ@ liCiiR Jq<Jlf4Cf>l"''4 w-r
obstacle : <m'!T occupational therapist : am:t'fl!' セ@
Obstetrics: fs. 44(g)(xii). Aliparh Muslim University a」エ}Nセ@ occupied : [s: J(i)(b). Army a」エ}セ@ if ; セGッエ@
obstruct : to hinder or prevent from progress; to check; to stop; to occupied territory : [s. 2(e), Defence and Internal Security of India
retard the progress of [$. 24(a), Cardamom Act) <TTUT mr.!T; a」エIセ@
{s. RセHOIュL@ Arms Act] 1i!Tlim Q;Br; {s. 41(l)(e), Cr. P.C.] <TTUT occupier: one who ッ」オーゥ・ウセ[@ [s. 2(n), Factories a」エIセ@
セ@ occupier of the factory : [s. 2(n), Factories a」エIセ@ 'fiT セ@
obstruct or ゥュー・、セ@ [s. 121, Indian Railways Act] <nm<rr セュイNAt@ occupier of the house: [s. 445, thirdly, J.P. C.)'!!! Gヲゥtセ@
obstructing inspector, penalty for : [s. 22, Maternity Benefit Act] occupier of the land: [s. 156, J.P. C.) '!f4 Gヲゥtセ@
セ\ゥエtuᄋ@ occupier of the mill : [s. 4, Produce c・ウ セ a」エ}@ Ttrn 'fiT セ@
obstruction : the hindering or stopping of the course, performance or occupier of the .premises: [s. 74(1), Trade and Merclumdise Marks
doing of anything; anything that obstructs <TTUT; <TTUT mr.!l a」エ}AヲュGゥtセ@
obstruction of" highway :a pUblic nuisance rQay arise by reason of a occupier ofthe property: [s. 8( J)(a), Emergency Risks (Undertakings)
fence across .a highway or a trench in it, or by some other Insurance a」エ}セ@ <fiT セ@
interference with free and convenient passage, . i.e., collecting occupy: to be in occupation of [Or. 21, r. 96, C.P.C.] セ@ セ[@
crowds at a theatre or a public meeting, near a highway U'iflWf if
[s. 3(/)(b), Army a」エIセ@ Q;Br
<nm occurrence: [sch., item (vi)(l), Indian Electricity a」エ}セ@
obstructions in fairways : [long title, Obstructions in Fairways.
occurrence of all conditions precedent : [Or. 6, r. 6, C. P.C.] 'ffil
Act)'fr&f セ・ョ@ if onm
obtain :to acquire, to get by effort セ@ ;g;rr occurrence of an amalaamation of the undertakings : [fourth sch:,
obtain evidence: [s. 33(3), Registration a」エ}セ@ Q;Br itrm 3(4), Income-tax a」エ}セ@ Gヲゥtセ@ 'R
obtainable : something which can be obtained ; capable of being occurring by reason of death, resignation or removal or otherwise :
obtained; liable to he obtained {s. 10, expln. (ii)(a). Specific Relit:( [art. 62(2). Const.) 1f'1 'IG(lWT <IT セ@ if セ@ セ@ <IT ilM lfiR1IT セ@ セエ@
a」エIセ@ ocean-going vessel : 'll!l\11'1<'1141 セ@
obtained by fraud: [s. 13(e), C.P.C.] q;tR lml セ@ Oceanographist : セ@ セ@
obtaining ingress into building: [s. 132(14)(1), Income-tax Act) 'qq.! octroi :a tax on commodities brought into a town or city; municipal
if イョtセq[bヲ@ customs [sch. I, ·item 16(1), Indian Carriage by Air a 」エ}セ@
obviate : t(:> prevent anticipatory measures; to do away with octroi duty : セ@
[s. 142(1), Cr. p N cNIセ@ cg;lT octroi inspector : 'i"fi セ@
obvious error: [s. 15(b), Arbitration a」エ}セ@ 1f('l(fT oculi•• · 11!1Lometrist {s. SOU, prov. (a), Income-tax a」エ}セ@
of and from the same, shaU be discharged 228 office of the Commissioner of, Income-tax .

of and from the same, shall be discharged : セ@ arr't il 3ffi: \3mt セ@ offensive : {. that which makes angry, to hurt the feelings of [s. 152,
qjl; セ@ セGQA@ Indian Evidence a」エ}セ[@ 2. attacking, aggressive {s. 52,
of causal nature (employment): [s. 2(k), Personarlnjwies (Compensa- Cr. P.C.] 3I'Tll)flfcl;; 3. repugnant .[s. 47(1)(c), Indi\_n Railways
tion lnsiirance) a」エ}セ@ セ\ヲゥt@ HセI@ a」エ}セ[@ 4. harmful; causing injury or damage [s. 116(d),
of criminal misappropriation of property : [s. 403, heading, I. P. C.] Cantonments a」エ}セ@
セア[@ offensive goods: [s. 47(/)(c), Indian Railways a」エ}セ@ 'lfffi
of.domicile: [pt. l/, heading, Indian Succession Act] 31fuqm offensive matter : [s. 2(15)(18)(35), Delhi Municipal Corporation
a」エ }セ ᄋ@
of either sex : [s. 2(d), Child Marriage Restraint Act] lt<ft セ@ fWr <fiT ;
offe'*ve weapon : an instrument of any kind used in warfare or
セ@ セヲャエ@
combat or attack [s. 52, Cr. P.C.) セ@ セ@
of enfOI'eing the appearance : [pt. VII, heading, Registrati01 offer : I . a proposal to give or to do something {s. 155(2), Indian
a」エ}セアゥャI@ Evidence a」エ}セ[@ lffinq HセI@ ; 2. to tender for acceptance or
of full age : [s. 3(g), Land Acquisition Act]-T'f セ@ <fiT; lll'<'l illi; refusal; to hold out (a thing) to a person to take if he will
[s. 2(i), Works of Defence a」エ}セ@ {s. 171B(2), J.P. cN}セ ᄋ セ[@ to present W セ@
of full age aAd capacity : {s. 5(/)(e), Citizenship Act] illi lll'<'l セ@ T'f offer bribe: [s. 155(2), ll)dian Evidence Act] fu<m <1\t セ@ セ@
mq&f <fiT offer for sale; [s. 2(l)(c), Drugs (Control) a」エ}セ@ q; セ@ ll'f'!l1fuf
of high academic standing: [s. I 4(2)(a), Jawaharla l Nehru University セ[アゥ@
Act] f.lm q; lit1 'if '3'iif セ\ュゥt[@ セ@ f.lm q; lit1 'if セ@ 'I{R セ@ offer insult: [s. 228, J.P. C.] 3f!l'll'R セ@
of highly technical nature, evidence Zセ\ヲゥt@ ; 31(iffl offer objection : [Or. 21, r. 23(2), C.P.C.] am)q W qil;'.,,
セ\ヲゥt@ offer of performance: [s . 38, ill., Indian Contract Act] セ\Q|エ@ セ@
of his own motion: [s. 41 , India n S tamp a」エ}セ[GA|@ offer to ー・セッイュ@ : [s. 37, Indian Contract a」エ}セ@ C6'R <1\t セ@
of my own free will: [app. G. form No.2, C.P.C. j 3l'l'ft セ@ セ@ セ@ offered for sale : セ@ q; セ@ ll'f'!l1fuf
of no effect : {s. 4(2), Oillrelds (Regulation and Development) offered in evidence : fs. 49(d)(8), Indian Stamp a」エ}セ@ W セ@
a」エ}セ@ offered セッ@ the public: [s. 64(1), Companies Act] セュエGャ@ 7.6! セ@
of offences affecting life: '{sch. XVI, heading, jNpc}セ@ q; セ@ セ@
セ@ SャGュエゥヲᄋア ᄋ セ@ セ@ offerer : [s. 320(4)(b), Companies a」エIセ@ <miT
of one opinion: having the same view on any matter, issue or question offering: a presenting of something as an act of worship or donations
エイセ@ UQ' q;; t:(lfilffi
[s. 2(g)(iii), .Delhi Sikh Gurudwaras a」エ}セ@
of papers by reference, incorporation of · .: [s. 64, Indian succession offering prayers : {s. 3(2); Manoeuvres, Field Firing and Artillery
a」エWャGュセ\ヲゥ@ Practice A ct] ;rowrr-セ ᄋ@

of political character : セ@ • <fiT office : I. a place for the transaction of business, often including the
of the same nature: [s. 375( 1), Companies a」エ}セ@ 'tt セ\ヲゥt[@ ;fflT staff or denominating their department; the room, a department in
whic_h the business is done [s. 64(a), Mines a」エ}セ[@ 2.
official position to whi<:h duties and functions are attached; a
off day : セ@ q;rfu position of autho}ity [s: 123(4), C.P.C. and art. 18(4), Const.] セ [@
off duty : [s. 9(b), Central Reserve Police Force a」エ} ᄋ セ@ '!\ >r セ@ セ[@
ッヲウィイ・Zセ@ office, acceptance of : セ@
offence: a crime; an act or omission punishable by law [s. 40, LP.C. , office, alienatiou : セ@ セ@ セ@
s. 3(38), General Clauses Act and art. 20, Const.] セ@ office appliances: [s. 33(/)(a), Income-tax a」エ}セ@ mi$T
offence affecting the human body: [s. 97, first, J.P. C.] lfFf1f mR '!\ office, attached : セtNA@ セ@
ll1lTcl mR セ@ セ@ office bearer: {s. 5(l)(c), Trad,e Unions a」エ}セ@
offence, conti'nulng : \iセ@ セ@ セ@ ottice copy: an authenticated or codified copy of an official or legal
offence, indictable: [IIlrd sch., art. 119, Geneva Conventions Act] record; a copy made or kept to be used in office [s. 64(a), Mines
セStゥュャ@ a」エ}セ@
offence involving moral turpitude : [s. 2/A(l)(ii), Trade Unions office, elective: [s. 2(5), Delhi Municipal Corporation a」エ}セ@
a」エ}ᄋセN@ 3llfim セ@ セ[@ セM セ@ セ@ 3NlrnT office equipment : セ@ mqlf\
セ@ office expenses account : セ@ czrq セ@
offence isn contin uin11 one: [s. 178(c), Cr. P.C.] "l't:f@l'<TT\i m \ュゥtセ@ ッヲゥセ・N@ head of : セ@ <fiT lltfR
offenc e is made up of parts: [s. 7/,I.P.C.] 3l1ffitl セ@ # セ@ <RT セ@ office hours : セ@ セ@
offence msy be lawfully compounded: [s. 249, Cr. P.C.] セ\ヲゥt@ office, in : 'lGf'f
セ[イ@ office is to be abolished; . [s. 321(2), Companies Act] セMイヲ\ht[エ@
offence of a technical nature : [s. 8(v), Chartered Accountants office manual : セ@ fmt<fiT
Act] ;:;t1!7.fil tl セ[@ {s. B(e), Company Secretaries a」エ}セ@ <fiT ッヲゥ」・ョエZセ[@
3l'1:Utl office of any trustee : [s. 5, Religious Endo.wlileriJs a」エ}セ@ em
offence of mischief: [s. 25, Cattle-trespass a」エ}セ@ <fiT 3l'R1'Q' セ@

offence of persomition :the act of representing oneself to be someone office of distinction : [s. 11(/)(e), Central Reserve Police Force
<!lse, with a criminal intention which is an offence under law a」エIセャAg@
l&,"f';m 'liT 3!<mtl office of prof1t : an office which is capable of yielding pecuniary gain
ッヲ・ョウ。セエゥイ^ァャZ@ [s. 39(!)(v), Cr. pNcスュアゥセ@ [preamble, Parli;vnent (Prevention ofDisqualificaiion) Act and
ッヲ・ョ」セウ@ must be defined with certainty : 3l'R1'Q' <1\t セ@ セ@ セ@ art. 58(2), Const.] セ@ <fiT セ@

@セ office of profit committee : セ@ q; セ@ セ@ セ@

offences to be tried summarily : {s. 138, Customs Act} 3l'mtil \ヲゥtセ Z@ office of the Appellate Controller of estate duty : セN@ セN@
f4"W1 ; mitre: セャヲ@ セ@ セ@ セ ᄋ セ@ セHI@
cffeml against: [s. 14(1), Press Council Act} \ヲゥtセ@ office of the Chief Pay and Accounts Officer : セ L@ lJ!9If セ@ セ@ m
offender : O'le who commits an offence {s. 21, eighth, I.P.C.] セ@ セ@

offending ュ・「イZ セ@ \ュゥtセ@ office of the Commissioner of Income-tax : セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@

office of tbe Custodian Of Deposits 229 officer specially empowered
office of the cーウエッ、ゥ。ョセヲd・Z@ セN@ セ@ セ@ Officer, Fish Marketing: lfR Gヲゥャaセ@
office of the Inspecting.Offiur: セN@ f.!tfuluT セ@ Officer, ァ。コ・エ、Zセ@ mm ; セ@ セ@
office of the Inspector (Sugar) : セ N@ セ@ HセA\ヲエ[ゥI@
Officer, Hide Development: セ@ セ@ セ\ョイエ@
office of the Narcotics Commissioner : セ N@ m'f<li セ@ セ@ officer holding the court : {s. 120(2), (3), Army Act} 'liTliTWl セ@
office of the Registrar General of India : セN@ 'liT@ q;r llm セ@ セ@ crnrr 3!1fll;m
office of the Registrar of Newspapers for India : 'liT@ cil セ@ cil Officer-in-charge: officer having the care, custody or superintende nce
セ@ SAQゥGャ[ュ ヲ セZ@ セ@ セ@
office of the Superintendent of Census Operation : セN@ セ@ Officer Incharge, Air : セ@ 3!&\ セ[ゥヲ@
セ@ officer-in-charge of a police station: an officer, who is mcharge of or
office or employment of profit: [s. IO(l4),lncome-tax Act] セア[イ@ rre: has im med iate control over a police stat ion [s . 2(o) ·and 129(1).
ャゥtセ@ Cr. P.C.] セ@ セ@ q;r セ@ セ@
office or place of profit: [s. 204(3}, Companies a」エ}セ@ q;r rre: lll"f'!fR officer-in-charge of jail : an officer, who is incharge of or has
office or position: [sch. I, Unit Trust of India Act] rre: ャゥtセ[@ tre: liT immediate contro l over a jail [Iイ・\セ^@ セ@ 3!1i'll;m: ;)req;r セ@
N セ@
office or post: [s. 25(c), pro v., Himachal Pradesh and Bilaspur (New officer-in-charge of civil prison : [s. 58(b)(i). C. P. cIセ@ <tm'1T{ q;r
State) a」エ}セ@ liT rre: セ@ 3!1fll;m
office order : セ@ セ@ officer-in-command : a perso n in an offtce by virtue of which he is
office premises account : セ@ 'lftm: WID commanding or exercising power of control or authority
office superintendent : セ@ セ@ [s. 130(2). Cr. pc}セN@ GゥAtュ セrGヲゥw[@ セ tュゥGエSャ@
office supervisor: セ@ セ@ officer in command of the barracks: [s. 93(3){d). Navy a」エスセ@ q;r
office, telegraph check : em セ@ セ@ セ@ セ N@ crnrr 3!1fll;m
office under government: [s. 2(6), Official Secrets a」エ}セ@ cil セ@ officer in immediate command : {s. 93(3)(a), n。セケ@ a」エ}セ@
rre: ュセャエヲゥqG@ 3!1Tilim:
officer: a person holding an office [s. 2(7), C.P.C.]3!1i'll;m; セ@ officer-in Tactical Command Hn 。カャIZセ@ (f)I!R セ@ (;fuf.rr)
officer adjudging confiscation : [s. 126(2), Customs a」エ}セ@ Officer, Inspecting : セ@ mm; [s. 339(2), Cr. P.C.) f.\imq;
セ N \ュャセ ᄋ@ セ@
officer, anti-corruption: セMヲNエGア@ セ@ Officer, Land a」アオゥウエッョZセ@ セ@ m
officer, anti-malaria: セMヲNエGア@ セ@ Officer, Land Compensation : セ@ llfa<g セ[@ セ@ GAセ@ セ@
officer, arboriculture : officer-in-charge of forestry 'leT セ@ セ@ Officer, Land Reforms: 'JJG-l,j,1m セ@
officer, assessing : セ@ セ@ Officer, Land Survey: 'lJG- セ@ セ@
officer, assuming charge : セ@ セ@ <rn!T セ@ Officer, Land Utilization sオイカ・ケZセ@ セ@ セ@ "Jm
officer, attesting : セ@ セ@ Officer, Land Valuation: セGQ@ セ@ '!fll
officer, certificate : llli1"'T'r:i セ@ ; セ@ 3!1i'll;m Officer, Man Power: "RWRl セ@
officer commanding; a person holding an office by virtue of which he Officer, Marine Inspection : セ@ f.rtiwrT セ@
possesses or exercises command or <:ontrol on a body of soldiers Officer, Marketing : l!UR セ@
セ@ セ@ crnrr SAQゥGャ[ュヲセ@ ; ュセ@ 3!1fll;m Officer, Medkal : a medical man , who hoid., any office by virt ue of
officer commanding in-chief the command : [s. 2(i), Cantonments which he is incharge of health and treatment QᆬNDセ@ 3!1i'll;m;
セ H セュ I@
Act} ·<l\lfR q;r セ@ セ@ ュ O セ@
officer commanding the station : [s . 2(xxiva), Cantonmt·nts Act} Officer, Migration: qqrn セ@
セュ@ Officer, Military : iRT セ@
officer commanding troops: a person holding an office by virtue of Officer of Customs: [s. 29, Emigration a」エスセᄋ@ ..mfi'lim
which he possesses or exercises command or control on a body of Officer of Parliament : [long title. Salaries and Allov.ances of
ウッャ、ゥ・イ[セL@ q;r セュゥt@ SAQゥGャ[ュヲセ N@ セ@ ュセ@ Officers of Parliament a」エスセ@ q;r セ[@ セ@ セ@
Officer of Polke : [s . 3, c。エャ・Mイ」ウー ウN セ@ a」エスセ@ セ@
Officer, Commissioned : an · officer of the armed forces holding a Officer of the Force : [s. 2(c), Railway Properry(Unlawful Possession)
commission [s. 131, Cr. P.C,] セ@ セ@ a」エj\ュMセ@
Officer; cッューャ。ゥョエウZセ@ . Officer of the Mint: an y person holding an office in the place where
Officer, Compost Development : セ@ f1tq;ffi セ@ money is coined under public authority セ@ 3!1i'll;m; セ@
officer conducting the prosecution : an officer, who セ。ョ、ャ・ウ@ the セ[ᄋ\A^{@
institution and carrying on of a legal proceeding against a person Officer on Special Duty : セ@ q;flf セ@
セ@ q;r *nwl セ@ crnrr セ@ Officer on Special Duty (Traffic Survey): ヲゥエセ@ q;flf セ@ (<m!T<!l(f
Officer, Contracts: 31fuq;rfi ; • m セ@ セI@
Officer, Disease Investigation (Poultry): wiセ@ 31fuq;rfi HセI@ Officer, Plant pイッエ・」ゥ ョZセ@ 31ftiq;ji1
Officer, District : セ@ セ@ Officer, Police Automobile : sPm セ@ セ ᄋ@
Officer, District Development : セ@ f1tq;ffi セ@ Officer, Polling: lffiGR セヲ|@
Officer, District iョヲッイュ。エゥZセ@ Officer, Prohibition セ@ : セ@
Officer, District Supply : セ@ Wlf セ@ Officer, Project Executive : qftljt;;r;n セ@ セ@
Officer, District v・エイゥョ。ケZセ@
Officer, Public Relations : 'R セ@ セ@
Officer, Divisional Forest: lNr'fiq <R セ@
Officer, Rationing : mR セ@
Officer, Education Expansion: fum lrnR セ@
officer receiving charge : セ@ '1l'<f セ@ crnrr セ@
Officer, Education EJttension : fmn セ@ セ@
officer, serving: the officer making the legal delivery of a process or
Officer, Equipments : セ@ セ@ writ セ@ セ@ crnrr 3!fuq;rft; セ@ セ@ crnrr 3!&\
Officer, Extension : セ@ セ@ officer sitting on the court : [s. 130(1 }, A rmy Act} '4i<l1'11<ll\11'1 3!1i'll;m
Officer, Extension Services : セ@ セ@ セ@ officer specially empowered : [s. 19(1). Arms a」エ}セ@ セ@
Officer, Field Extension and Publicity : セ@ セ@ <f"ll liTm セ@ セ@
officer, subordinate 230 Oil and Natural Gas Commission
officer, subordinate: officer belonging to an inferior rank, grade, class official mark : [s. 136(/)(c), Representa-tion of the People Act,
ororder セュ[@ セ@ QYUOIセ@
officer, superior: an offiter of higher rank or official station (position) official member: a member, who is also an officer of the government
セ[@ {s. 19(5), prov., Food Corporations a」エ}セ@
officer ウオーセイゥッ@ in command: [s. 89(a). Air Force Act] i);m mm ;;it official name : [s. 457(2)(iv), Companies a」エ}セ@ 'ITlf
セQ@ official or sworn translator : [sch .. art. IV(2), Foreign Awards
officer, ウオー・イカゥッZセ@ (Recognition and Enforcement) Act) '!GllTft Bャゥtセ@
officer under training : セ@ セ@ official papers : [s. 3(3)(ii), Official Languages a」エIセ@ セ[@
officers and serhnts and the expenses of High Courts : {art. 229. セB@
margin, Const.] セ@ セ@ <ii セ@ 3ft\ ッセ@ セ@ m official passport: {s. 4(/)(b), Passports a」エIセ@ '!lWf)t
officers at elections : {s. 129, Representation of the People Act, official person : [s. 62(2)(d)(iii). Companies a」エ}セ@
QYUOjセCュ@ official position: [s. 610(3), Companies a」エIセ@
officers in waiting : IIC!\mm セ@ official publication: {s. 147( /)(c), Companies a」エIセ[@
officers of Parliament: [art. 89, heading, Consr.] セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@
offices, good : {/st sch., art. I I, Geneva Conventions a」エ}セ@ official rank : セ@ 'lG; セ@ lq;
official: l. the person who holds an office {s. 5/A(/)(b), Employees' official reason : セ@ 'fiRUT
Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act] 'fGl.ffit; 2. of official receiver : {lst sch., app. A - pleadings, C. P. cN}セ@ fuficR
or pertaini':Jg to the office held by one [s. 162, J.P. C.] m; HセMヲオゥ」rI@
3. employed in some public capacity [s. 124. Indian Evidence official record : a record prepared or maintained in official capacity
a」エIセ [@ 4. prescribed ッセ@ recognized as authorised (by [s . 123. Indian Evidence a」エ}セ@
government) セ [@ セ@
official referee: fs. 478( 10), Companies a」エ}セ@
official act: an act pertaining to the office held by the doer [s. 162, official report : m<6Ttt ftqli
I.P.C] m"ifi11f
official representative in India: {s. /0(6)(iv), Income-tax Act] 'lim! if
official assignee : [s. '1(3), Arbitration a」エIセ@ @セ セ@
official benches : m<6Ttt tm"
official residence : {s. 5( /)(iii), Wealth-tax Act and art. 59(3),
official body : a government body {s. 74( J)(ii), Indian Evidence Const.] セ@ f.tcrnr; [s. 33( /)(b), Estate Duty Act] m f.tErm
official seal : {s. 32, Life Insurance Corporation Act and s. 68,
official book : セ@ セ@ Companies 。」エ}セ@
official business : m<6Ttt l6ltl official secret : セ@ セ@ <m!
official capacity : positionof"enablement derived from or having the official signature : ウゥァョセエオイ・@ made m official capacity [s. 371,
sanction of persons in office [s. 86. Registration Act) セ[@ m cイNp N cN}セ@
セ@ official superior : [s. 10(2)(c), Mines a」エ}セ@ qfts>; ; [s. 8(2)(b),
official career : セ@ Railway Property (Unlawful Possession) a」エ}セ@ セ@
official certificate: {s. 10( /),Extradition a」エIセ@ ll'trJ1!1tT3! official title :a name or designation given to one officially; the name of
official character: official position [s. 79, Indian Evidence a」エ}セ@ an office [s. 76, Indian Evidence a」エ}セ[@ [s. 32(1),
セ[@ [s. 2"2. Religious Endowments a」エ}セ@ Cr. P.C.J セ@ セ[@ [s. 17(1), General Clauses a」エ}セ@ ;u'll"
official chief: [s. 19, General Clauses aセエ}@ llil セ@ official trustee : an official trustee appointed under section 4 of the
official ronfidence : trust reposed on account of official position Official Trustees Act, 1913 セ@ セ@ Hセ@ セI@
[s. I 24. Indian b ·idence a」エ}セ@ ヲ」セアュ@ official version : m<6ftt q;I!R
official correspondence : セ@ G\Mセ@ officially recognised tables of mortality: [s. 10(/0A)(ii)(b), Income-
official de.:oration : [s. 3(2)(40), Defence and Internal Security of tax Act] セ@ セ@ llR! セ@ セ@
India a」エ}セ@ officially reported to be missing : [preamble, Army and Air Force
official dress : セ@ ti\mq; (Disposal of Private Property) Act]m<6Ttl セ@ 'R wGAヲゥセ@ 'T"liT
official dutY. : a duty cast by the office held by one {s. 197(2), officially subordinate: [s. 13(2), Seeds a」エ}セ@ lf セ@
Cr. P.C.] <Wx! m officials and non-officials : [s. 15(1 ), Prevention of Cruelty to
official envelope : [s. I 36( l)(c), Representation of the People Act, Animals Act, 1960] '!GllTft セ@ セ@ セ@
OYUQIセ@ officiate: (s. 3(2), Navy a」エ}セ[@ セゥヲ[@
official function : a function belonging to an office [s. 163, llllilll' cg;rr
iNp N cjセGf@ officiating: acting in an official capacity, filling ·a position temporarily
Official Gallery : m<6Ttt 00 セ@

Official Gazette: {s. 7, Customs Act and art. 366(19), Const.] セ@ officiating .11lowance : セ@ "ffiT
official incharge·, LPO : セ@ lfl'lrt't, "fiitl<r fflllR l:R officiating appointment : [s. 3(2), Navy a」エ}セ@ セ@
official language: {sell . 2, item 4, sub-item(J), Arbitration (Protocol officiating in a higher post : [s. 2(4) prov., Departmentalisation of
and Convention) Act and art. 346, Const.] m'I11'IT Union Accounts (Transfer of Personnel) Act] fcfxft セ@ 'lG 'R
official ianguage for communication between one State and another セャIBゥヲQ」ァ[イ@

or between a State and.the Union: [art. 346, margin, Const.] 1:% officiating pay : セ@ セ@
セ@ Sヲゥセ\エイBAit」Z@ Sヲゥセ\@ <imd \エセ@ officiating post : セ@ 'lG
official language of the Union : {art. 343, Const.) セ@ <tt セ@ officiating ーイッュエゥョZセ[@ セAiエ@
Official language or languages of a State : -[art. 345, margin, officiating service : セ@ mn
cッョNセエj@ <lil セBャゥt@ ッヲゥ」ョ。ャZセ@
Official Languages Wing : セ@ m offset printer : セ@ セ@
official liquidator: a liquidator appointed as such by the government offsetting contracts : セ@ セ@
セ@ Wf[l!qi Hセ@ セI@ offtakes of water : [s. 34(2), Damodar Valley Corporation Act]
official list : セ@ wft セMGwit@

official log-b(lok : {sch .. pt. I, item 6, Comm<",cial Documents often times right: [long title, Fatal Accidents a」エ}セ@
Evidence a」エ}セ@ |wiセ@ l)il and Natural Gas Commission : "ffir ゥヲセ@ セM@ セ@
oil ba5ed chemical compounds 231 on the face of the application
oil based chemical compounds: [s. 2([), Oil Industry (Development) on board a captured aircraft : [s. 2(b), Naval ana Aircraft Prize
a」エ}セGャゥ@ a」エ}セ@ '11:( セ@ 'R
oil bearing material : セ\QZG@ ffi'!1ft on board a tender to the ship: [s. 93(3)(a), Navy-Act] エヲオイセュ@
oil condensate : [s. 2(m), Oil Industry (Development) Act] (ffi zyr 'R
oil engine inspector : (ffi "fR f.lmlq; on board of any ship: [s. 2(20)(a), Indian Stamp a」エ}セ@ tfur セ@ セ@
oil industrial concern: {s. 2(j), Oil Industry (Development) Act) (ffi 'R
セキイ@ on board of the vessel: [s. 137, i N pNc}セ@ 'R
oil refinery : [s. 2( /)(vii), Emergency Risks(Undertakings) Insurance on ceasing to be borne on the roll : {s. 8, National Cadet Corps
a」エjJGセ@ a」エスセ@ if セ@ w.f 'R
oil seed : [s. 2(h)(i), Produce Cess a」エIセ@ on completion oftheview: {s. I 12(2), Navy a」エ}セ@ '!'fmorR<R
oil seeds, fibre and industrial cropsセ@ セ@ : セN@ セ@ W on contest : [s. 1/9, Trade and Merchandise Marks a」エ}セ@ セ@
oil seeds specialist : セ@ セ@
oiler : (ffi セ@ <mil on conviction: {s. /06, Cr. pNc}セ@ <R; [s. 35(2), Gift-iax
a」エ}セ@ orf.t 'R
oilfield : [s. 2(a), Indian Electricity a」エIセ@
on cost, office and administration : セ@ セ@ lr.itl セ@ ; ᄋ セ@ セ@
oireachtas.: Parliament of the Republic of Ireland セ@
old age : [s. 12, Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous
Pro1•isions a」エIセ[@ [art. 41 , cッョウエNIセ@
on cost, sales and distribution : セ@ セ@ セ@ m
on demand : when claimed (in the case of a negotiab!e instrument)
old age pension: [s. 2, Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous
immediately; forthwith [s. 42(1), Cr. P.C.] lWT 'R: [s. 76, Indian
Provisions Ace] <mW:i セr@
Evidence Act] lW'r セッイr@ 'R
olecranon : [sch. I, part II, items 3 and 4, Workmen's Compens:n••-> n
on demand and drawn in sets: [s. 1/(a), Indian Stamp Act] lWT'R セ@
lWif it セ@ '11:(
omission : the action of omitting or the fact of being omttted: a on deputation : セ@ 'R
non-performance or neglect of office or duty: an instance of this on desertion: [s. 92(1), .Air Force a」エ}セ@
on duty : officially engaged セ@
omission, accidental: [s. 152, C.P.C.] セ@ セ@
ongoodcauseshown : [Or. 34, r. 2(2), C.P.C.] Mキュセ@
omission, illegal : [s. 3(2), General Clauses a」エ}セ@ セ@ 'R
omission or error : {s. 49(3), Indian Stamp a」エ}セ@ <lT 'li'l<ft on grounds: {art. 15(1), cッョウエN}セ@ 3l1tlf{ 'R
omission or mis-statement : [s. 141(/)(a), Companies a」エ}セ@
セiZAtヲ@ Cfii!A'
li! on his account: {1stsch., app. A, form No. 6, cNpスュセ[@ m
omission to frame a charge, effect of: [s. 464, Cr. P. C.] 3ffi't1! セ@ セ@
CliBCfilll'l1f<i on his behalf: from his side {s. 199, Indian Contract Act] 3ltAt -itt#
omit from the list : セ@ if セ@ t-IT n on his own account: [s. -15, Presidency Small Cause Courts Act]
omnibus: [s. 123, Indian Railways Act] 'ffi .3l1Fft .:it\#; [s. 215, Indian Contract Act]3ftf.l t1 セ[@ [Or. 21,
omnibus clause : BセA「ァ\ゥャッイヲエ@ m r. 60, C. P. C.} セエr@ セゥヲ[@ [s. 2(c), Requisitioning and m
Acquisition of Immovable Property Act] 3!'R セ@
omnibus transfer entry order : セ@ 3i'ffiu1 セ@ セt@
on his own motion : [s. 144(5), Cr. P. cNスセ@ #
on a basis of reciprocity: [s. 12(1), Citizenship a」エ}セ@ セGr@
on his risk : セ@ セ@ 'R; ;mc6t セ@ 'R
on a contract, arising : セ@ # i3W
on his trial : セ@ セ@ if; 3fTf.t セ@ it
on a conviction: upon or following the result of a criminal trial which.
end s in a judgment 9r sentence that the prisoner (accused) is guilty on India Government Service : セ@ mcfiR セ@ #<!lff

as charged {s. 106, Cr. P.C.J セ@ 'R on its face : from its very appearance [s. 93, Indian Evidence
Act]zy,ffi ft
on a guarantee, arising : セ@ # i3W
on a point of law : セ@ i6 lW! 'R on its merits: {s. I /(b), Suits Valuation a」 エ}セ@ <6 3l1tlf{ tR
on a poll: [s. 189(1), Companies a」エ}セ@ 'R on leave or vacation : [s. 6(1), Expln.,·Income-tax a」エ}セ@ <rr
on a show of hands : [s. 81(1 A)(b), Companies a」エ}ュセ@ セ@ セGr@
on a trial: [s. 374(1), (2) and (3)(a), Cr. pNc}セ@ ゥヲ[セ@ tR on like grounds: [art. 148(1), Const.] セ@ 3!TtiRT tR
on account bill : セ@ f.Ril on Grafter the ....... day: [art. 6(b)(ii), Const.] ---- セ@ <lT m セ@
on account of: I. concerning · [s. 76(h), T.P. a」エ}セ[@ 2. because of on parade : [s. 39(e), Air Force Act] ti{s tR
[s. 43, expln., Indian Contract a」エ}セ@ CfiR1II; 3. [Or. 21, r. 60, on parole : [s. 4(2), Foreigners a」エ}セ@ 'R
cNp}セ@ on payment: B'GT<r セッイr@ 'R; [s. 2(16), Delhi Municipal Corporation
on account of· a conflict in the decisions : [s. 27(3A), Wealth-tax . Act]il#m
Act] aセ@ if fct{m セ@ セ@ CfiR'lT on presentment: [s. 21, Negotiable Instruments a」エIセ@ tR
on account of ill health: {5th sch., item 4([), Income-tax a」エ}セ@ on probation of good conduct : on a trial or test of good or proper
itCfi セ@ セ@ セ@ CfiR1II personal behaviour, deportment or mode of action [s. 360(1),
on account of payments : because of payments セ@ セ@ CfiR1II Cr. P. C) セ@ c6t 'ift;fim tR
on account, or : <lT ;m セゥヲ@
on sale or return: with option to the recipient that he may accept the
on account ー。ケュ・ョエZセ@ セ[@ セ@ セ@ goods as sold to him or return them to the supplier [s. 24,Sale of
on active service : [s. 2(d), Air Force a」エ}セ@ #<IT 'R Goods Act] <rr qmft セ@ lW{ ; <rr qmft 'R m m average: [s. 25A(IXa), Industrial Disputes a」エスセ@ on special cause being shown: [s. 31 , Registration a」エ}セᄋ@
on an enactment, arising : セ@ # i3W fct<rr orR If(
on and from the date of: [s. 45(d). prov., Wealth-tax Act] c6t orfusr# on the books of which he is borne : [s. 3/ (4)(a), Navy Act] セ@ セ@
tt if 'ffiCfiT 'fll! セ@ セSQ@ t
on approval : [s. 24, Sale of Goods Act) セヲ[@ セ@ on the face ofit: quite apparent [s. 33(4), Registration a」エ}セ@
on behalf of: [s. 19(2}(h}, Indian Partnership Act) c6t -itt# セZ[@ セエ[@ セZャAヲゥ@
on board : [s . 52(2)(b), Inland Vessels a」エスセ@ 'R dn thefaceoftheapplication: [Or. 33,r. 7(2), C.P.C.] セ@ # セ@ セ@
on the face of the instrument 232 operadonal cost
on thetace ofthelnstrument: [s. I 3, Indian Stamp aセエ}@ セ@ セ@ open mutual and current iu:count: セ@ セ@ セ@ lffi!l!l'lffi'
<6'1W!tR open railway : [s. 23(1), Indian Railways a」エスセ@
on the face af the record : [s. 11(4), Metal Corporation' of India open tender : セ@ Wiro
(Acquisition of Undertaking) a」エ}セ@ <fit 31 m open the case: to make an introductory explanation ofthe features·of
on the happening of a contingency : [s: I 20, Companies Act} ゥャセェH@ the case, the questions involved, and the evidence proposed to be
\VセQAサ@ adduced セ@ q;r <i>'f-1'. セ@ セ@
on the line of march : [s. JO(a), Central Reserve Police Force open to inspection: [s . 16(2), Antiquities imd Art Treasures Act} ilil
Act}lflllR lf'l' 1R f.\'furaT"" セ[@ [s. 137(4), Air Force a」エ}セ@ <6 セ@ セ@
on the march : (s. 2(d), t\ir Force Act] lflTlR IR open セゥッャ・ョ」Z@ fs. 36(5), Representation of the Peoole Act, 1951} セ@
on the·matter, 、・」ゥウッョZ ᄋ セ@ IR ア[イセ@ 1m
on the part of : M セ@ m-q; セ@ ; <it i3IT{ セ@ ; <6 m opening 「。ャョ」・Zセ[@ セ@ セ@
on the part of the candidate: [s. 100(2)(d), Representation of the opening entry : セ@ セ@
People Act, 1951] セヲャ@ <1lt m-q; セ@ opening or the subscription list : [sch. II, pt. I, item 6, Companies
on the part of the IH$0r; any other act: [s. I 12, T.P. a」エ}セ@ <1lt Act] ャゥヲoセ@ セ@ q;r セ@
Hrア[セ M ャエゥイヲ@ opening stock : セ@ セ@
on the part of workmen: [s. 25E(iii), Industrial Disput.::s a」エ}セ@ openly : セ@ セ@ IR
m oP,rate : 1. to take effect ll11fifu セ@ ; IWif:f ; セ@ 00 ; 2. to be in activity
on the paternal side or on the maternal side: [s. 2, expln: (2)(b), Unit セ@ セ@ ; 3. to work 'ffl1"!T -
Trust of India a」エ}セ@ q;r セ@ セ@ q;r
operate as a discharge : [s. 110(1), Presidency-towns Insolvency
on the reduction of capital: [s. 2(22)(d), Income-tax Act] セ@ IR i'ft a」エスセ@ <6 セ@ -q liCiftfu セ@
on tbe same facts : セ@ セヲャゥエ@ IR
on the spot : at the particular place-itself [s. 114, ill. (b), Indian operate as estoppel : セ@ <6 セ@ it ll<lftre セ@
Evidence Act and s. 6(2), Manoeuvres, Field Firing and Artillery operate as payment : セ@ mm
Practices a」エ}セ@ IR operate as, shall : q;r ll1{llf ᄋ セ@
one hearing ヲ・Zセ@ キイッヲ ᄋ セ@ lllm operate-bank account : t<6 <6 セゥヲ@ tR セ@ セ@ セ@ セ[@ エ・ャ[セ@ IDffi
one or both parents : [s. 51(2), Indian Succession Act] l!ml-fun セ ᄋ@ セ@ セ@
セ@ operate road transport services : [s. 19(/)(a), Road tヲセョウーッイエ@
one payment, in: [Or. 21, r. 48(1), C.P.C.} セᄋゥヲ@ Corporations a」エスセ@ セ@ セ@ <ffi'RT
one piece of immovable property: [s. I I, T.P. a」エIセ@ 」エ[イ N セ@ operate セィ・ュウ@ : [art. J20(2), Const.} セ@ ilil IWif:f セ@

セ@ operate to increase: [s. 93(3), expln. (c)(ii), Income-tax a」エ}セ@

one set of costs : costs incurred in this court セ@ セ@ q;r lS!tri operating: [s. 132(3)(a), Cr. pNcスセ@
one set of hearing fees : tt<6 セ@ セ@ セ@ l!lm operating agencies : [s. 21(2), Damodar Valley Corporation Act}

one year of IJpWards ; [s. 426(I)(a), Companies a」エ}セ@ lf'lf セ@ セ ᄋ@ ャGr ᄋ セ@
operating centres: [s. 11, Motor Transport Workers a」エ}セ@
onerous: burdensome; having a legal obligation attached to it [s. 127, operating costs : セ@ セ@

T.P. a」エ}セ@ operatingjn that area: [s. 294(6)(c), Companies Act} [ヲゥDセアイB@
onerouuct : [s. 535(/)(c), Companies a」エスセ@ セ@
onerous cQDditions : [sch., art.-111, Foreign Awards (Recognition and operating superintendent : llimR .mfmq;
En forcement) a 」 エスセ@ operation: I. the condition of being in force [s. 41, Indian Evidence
onerous gift: [s. 127, T.P. a」エ}セ@ Act and art. 13(3)(b), Const.J ll'1fit.!; 2. the act or process of
operating セ[@ 3. action or movemerts [s. 3(/)(a), Army
onerous nat ure : [s. 24(l)(e), Air Corporations a」エ}セ@ セ[@
a 」 エ}セ[@ 4. working [s. 2(d), T.P. Act]h; [s. 12(a),
[s. 15(/)(e), Life Insurance Corporation a」エスセ@ lll6R
onerous property, disclaimer of : [s. 535( 1)(a), Companies Act} ,m.
Damodar. Valley Corporation a」エスセ[@ 5. surgical a
セir ᄋ@ セNL@ operation [s. 88, ill., J.P. cNスセ[@ 6. working
to keep running [s. 63A(2)(a), Motor Vehicles Act] <mFll
only : c6<m'
l)peratlon, long term : セ@ セ@
onslaught of the ppponents : セ@ <6 3fil1;'IIVT
operation of a disc:laiQler : [s. 67, Presidency-towns Insolvency
onus of proving: [s. 4, Registration of Foreigners a」エスセ@ iii!
Act} セMゥGwャ@ <6T ll'1fit.!
onward and return journeys : '111"!!'11f.Prt;mt l)peration of fund : f.lftr lilt tifit;ln
ッー。アオ・Zセ@ operation of any law : [an. 16(5), Const.] セ@ セ@ q;r ll'1fit.!
)pen a case : セ@ q;r <i>IR 3Tltq セ@ operation or law, by: by the action or working of law [s. 2(d), T.P.
open account .: an account which has not been settl.t .or balanced a」エ}セ@ ャゥエセ@ mu; [sch., item 1(8)(a), lndjan Stamp a」エスセ@
[sch ., art. 1, Limitation a」エ}セ@ 'OOOT; セ@ fm<l <6li'ifit.! mu
open an account : to start an account セ@ セ@ operation of economic system : {preamble, General Insurance
Business (Nationalisation) Act} セ@ ilil セ@
open 。イ・ウエセ@ [s. 2(c), Central Reserve Police Force a」エ} ᄋ セ@
operation of rules : [s. 5(2)(1), Explosives a」エスセ@ ilil ll'1fit.!
open cast working: {s, l(J)(j)(iv), Mines a」エスセ@
operation of ·s¢bemes : fs. 12(a), Dimodar 'Valley Corporation
open court: a sitting of court at the transactions of which tbe public
L⦅G|」エスセア[イ@ ·
are free to be present [s. 119, Indian Evidence Act and art. 145(.()
cッョウエ N スセ@ operation of the legal system: [art. 39A, Const,} セ@ am'lT セ@ lllJi1(
open delivery : セ@ セ[@ セ@ セ@
operation of transfer : [s. 8; T.P. Act} l}jif{1ll q;r ll1ifCr
open general ャゥ」・ョウZセ@ セ ᄋ@
operation relating to prospecting: [s. 35E(5)(a), iョ N 」ッュセエ。ク@ a」エスセ@
open line ァ。コ・エ、 L イ。ャセケ@ officer: セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ . セ@ セ@ tifit;ln . ..
open lines: [s. Glanders and Farcy a」エ}セ@ b(J), .
operation イ・ウセ」ィ@ : セ@ セ@
open lines of railway : セ@ lilt "'\ セ@ -
operatjea, salvage : fs. 60(3)(ii), Marine Insurance Act] セ@ <i>l1f
ッー・セ@market:. [s. 2(22AXi), Incame-tax a」Lエjセ M セ@
operational cos•: ililif セ@ [ ZN セ@ セ@
open market, ヲイッュZセ@
operational reasons 233 .order in eounei,l.
ッー・セ。エゥョャ@ イセ。ウッョ@ : [s. 76A, Indian r。ゥQキセケウ@ a」エスセ@ セ@ option in goods: [s. 1.9( 1), Forward Contr;u:rs (Regulation) a」エスセ@
M セ@ セcヲゥuH ᄋ@ .

operations are not cllrried out in India: [s. 9( 1)(i), exp1n. (a), Income- option in security : {s. 2(d), Securities Contracts (Regulation)
tax a」エスセ@ '11m! 11 セ@ <t\t セ@ セ@ a」エスセ ᄋセ ᄋ ャ_HG@
operations·of the company: l!itr-ft セ@ セ@ · option of, lit the : according to•the choice or liberty [s. 37, Indian
operative: [s. 123(3).prov., Cr, pNcスセ[ N@ [s. 3(/)((a!_. Employment Partnership a」エスセ@ セ@ 11'{;mges (Compulsory Notification of Vacancies) a」エスセ[@ option of the assessee: [s. 50(2), Income-tax a」エスセ@ lfiT セ@
[at:J. 370{3), Const.} liCfit.f 1l Won optional : not compulsory or gbligatory; left to the discretion of one
ッー・イ。エゥセ@ part: the operative part of a deed is that portion of it which concerned [s. SセL@ Registration a」エスセ@
express6S the effect g1lJlft '1!1'1> . oral account: an oral report or description [s. 63(5),Indian Evidence
operative part of the judgment : {s. 353(/)(c), Cr. pN ᄋ cNスセ@ llil_ a」エIセ@
セGAQt@ oral admission: an ad!Ilission made orally [s. 22, Indian Evidence . telegraphist : q;ljf セ@ a」エ}セ@
operator: [s. 14(2)(4), Indian Electricity a」エスセ@ oral agreement : an unwritten agreement {s. 92, Indian Evidence Act
operator, heavy machinery :セ@ "!Ttt セ@ and s. 107, T.P. A¢t} セ@ CfiU<.
operator, litho machines : セ@ • セ@ orai consultation Z ᄋ セ@ .mzm
operator, mono ZGセAエゥt@ セ@ oral cross-examination ofa witness : {Or. lJ, r. I, prov., C.P. C.} 'fmft
ッーエィ。Aュセャ」[ァゥウ@ : ;br flmT;ft \Vエセ@
ッセjュャァケ@ : tor f<mA' oral evidence .: evidence that is givtn orally [ss. 3, 59 and 60, Indian·
opiniop : a view;\estimation [s. 95(1), Cr. P,C. and art, 124(3)(c), Evidence a」エスセ@
Const.}Wi ilral evidence-of general character: [s. 119(1), Navy Act} mtlT(1!f セ@
M セ@
opinion of the controller : [s. 36(1), Estate Duty a」エスセ@ <t\t wf
orahxamination of party : [Or. 1,0, r. 2, C. P.C.} lt1ll!il< c6t セ@ 1lfuu
opinion also delivered in open court : [art 145(4), セッョウエNス@ セ@ セ@
oral transfer: [s. 9; 'T.P. a」エスセ Mセ M
ゥエセGAサ@ Wi
opinion of the majority : the view of the- greater or larger numbe1 ッセ。ャNエZカ・イ「O{ウ@ /08(J)(i), Cr. P.C] セ@ セ@ «
[s. 96(5), Cr. pセcNス\エ|Gwゥ[@ [Or. 47, r. 6(2), cNpjセ N@ cf.:ally examine: to take tpe oral statement of a·witness セ@ セ@
lfiWJ orchardist :_ セ@
opinlo'n shall prevail: [s.J2(3), prov. (ii), Copyright Actj Wi セ@ ordain·: {preamble, Bombay Hig/1 Court (Letters Patent) a」エスセ@
セ@ セ@

ッーゥuセ@ 。ァ・ョエZセ@ otder : I. an iuthoritative direction, injunction, mandate; a decision

opium derivatives : セゥs@ of a c.ourt or juclge made or entered in writing [s ..2(14), C.P.C. and
opium examiner: セ@ arr. /3(3)(a), c。ョウエNスセ[@ 2. s,equence, succession of acts or
events [s. 3(2), ill. (a), lndian •Evidence Act} J;1f; 3. publ.ic quiet;
opium ッヲゥ」・イZセ@
freedom from disturbance {s. 21, fourthly, J.P. C. and MI. 212(2),
opium revenue.: セ@ セ@
. Canst.} liim"l'T; セM a rel.igious society or fraternity living under a
opponent: [s. セQHTIL@ Trade and Merchandise Marks a」エスセ@
イオャセウN L@ 13(1)(vi), Hindu Marriage AcU lf'f; 5. to give order
[s. 50, ill. (a), Indian Contract a」エ}セ@
opportunism: セ[@ GャAcゥヲHiセ@
ッイ、・セL ᄋ 。エーィ「・ゥ」ャ@ : セ@
opportunity: chance; occasion [9. 7, Indian Evidence Act and art.
order, appllrent : [sch., art. 3(c), Indian Carri'a_ge of Goods by sセ。@
39(f), Canst} 3f<m<
opportunity ofbeing beard: [s. 107; Income-tax a」エスセ@ llil 3f<m<
order' capable of execution: fs. 2(10), C.P.C.} セ@ liTrtl' セ@
opportunity of making representation : [art. 3ll(2), first prov.,
·order, 」セョ、ゥエッ。ャZ@ [s, 123(6), Cr. P.C.] tmri セ@
Cdnsr.} セ M セ@ セイ@ ·' l!lmf
·order confirming the btjunction :, [s. 30(9), Industrial Finance
opportunity of showinl : セ@ セ@ <liT 3f<m< Corporation Act} ar$1 \ヲゥtセ@ lffl!1' セ@
opposed to : set against1 [s. 6(h), T.P. Act} lfi セ[@ [s. 25, T.P. ·order, consequential: [s. 386(e), Cr. P.C.} セ@ セ@ ...
a」エ}セ@ order contingent upon the decision : fOt. 46, r. 2, C. P.cN}セ@ 11'{
opposfd to pubHc policy : [s. 25, T.P. a」エスセ@ セ@ .

opposite party: [Or. 9, r: 9(2), cNpスセ@ セ@ order dissolving tile injunction : . {s. 30(9), . Industrial Finance ·
opposidOa ャ・。、イZセ@ ャj[ヲセ@ セ@ セ@ llil. セ[ L@ f.ttm セᆳ ·. Corporation Act}- <61 セ@ @セ lffll1' armr .·
ッーウゥセョ@ proceedings : [s. 64(2), Trade and Merchandise Marks Order for 」ッョエイゥ「オ ᄋ セ@ [s.:5,0(3), ーイッカNセ@ Children a」エ}セD@
' -311W . ' ' ·
ᄋ a」エ}セJ@ ·
order for conveyance : .fs.'S7(b), T.P. a」エスセ@ セ@
oppress any person : [s. 64(4), Army a」エスセ@ • <fiT mlr.IT
order for discovery : [$. 33, 'Arbitration a」エ}セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@
oppressed : [s. 7(j), aウセ@ Rifles a」エスセ@ l'flff
order for issuing the commissiQn: ·[s. 76(2), C.P.C.} セ@ セ ᄋ セ@
N セZ@ (s. 408(1), Companies a」ゥjセ@ セ@ セ Mセ ᄋN[@
oppressive : unjustly severe, ri_gorous or harsh [s. 397, Companies order for maintenance : .[s.-125, Cr. P. cNスセ L セ@ セ@
a」エスセ[@ [Or. 1/, r. ?, C.P.C.J セ ス iセ@ <m1T order for security: [s. 94(a), C.P;C.} セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ .
ッーエゥ」。ョ セ Zセ ᄋ@ order セッイ@ delivery of goods : [s, 137, セクーャョNL@ T.P. a」エ}セ@ $ 'lfw.t セ L@
optim. : セ M fm;fi
optimum · utilisation : [preamble, Coal Mines (.Taking: Over of セイ、・@ Mセ for the piyment of money ; [sch. I, item 44, Indian Stamp
Management) a」エ}セ@ a」エェセAwアM
option · : ーッキ・セ@ or liberty of 」ィッセゥョァ@ [s. 2(i), Indian ' Contract order havlngJbe force of a decree : ft.6t セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@
· a」エ}セ@ ; a right to buy or seli 、・ウゥセ。エア@ ,securit\es or order in council :an order having the full force of law that is issued by
coml!loditios セ。@ specified price during the period of the contract; the Bri_tish Mc>narch acting by and with the .advice \^セエィ・ ⦅@ frivy
a purchase ofa put or cal) セ@ セ@ Council ot by Governor General . [s. 3(29), General C uses Act
option, assessee luis once 'exercised the : . {s. 3(4), N iョ」セヲャ・Mエ。ク@ 。ョ、イエNャTWLcッウ}セ[@ [s.J,BeiarLilwsACt m...-
a」エ}セ M セ@ <&T ill)rr セ。ュZ@ t セ@
order in writing 234 ordinary rates of wages
order in writing: [s. 55(1), Cr. pNc}セ@ @セ order, standing : an instruction or prescribed procedure in force
order, incidental: [s. 386(e), Cr. P.C.1 セ@ セ@ permanently or until ウー・」ゥヲ\セャケ@ changed or 」。ョ・ャ、セ@
order into arrest : [s. 42,Army a」エ}セ@ iii! セ@ セ@ order to be dispaupered : セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@
order is passed, before : セ@ 'Ill@ セ@ セ@ セ@ l'f order to pay : [s. 5, Negotiable Instruments a」エ}セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@
order, issuing 。ョZセ@ f.t<lm;r;rr; セ@ ;fflt セ@ ッイ、・エウィゥュセャ@ aside: [Or. 9, r. 9(1), C.P.C.] -mft,ftq;) セ@
order, making an : SQセ@ セ@ セゥA@
order. military イ・」ゥカ。「ャZセ@ l1f'1.l セ@ ordered and decreed: {Istsch., app. D. form No. 3A(2), C.P.C.} セ@
order of a general nature : [s. 3(5)(a), Essential Commodities 3fu: fttrn
Act1 セ@ lfiliTr ゥAセ@ ッイ、・ャケZセ@
order ofabatement: {s. 97(2)(r), C.P.C.] ;:;-rmtR セ@ o'rderly government : {IVth sch .. art. 64, Geneva Conventions
qrder ofacquittal: [s. ]78(5), Cr. P.C. and art. 134(/)(a), Const.] a」エスセイョZNA@
セゥA@ ordinance : ordinance promulgated by the Preside'nt of India or the
order of 。、ェオゥセエッョZ@ {s. 27(2), Provincial Insolvency Act} セゥ\ャッヲh@ Governor of any State when the legislature is not in session; a class
ゥAセ@ of delegated legislation {art. 13(3)(a), Const.] 3tt<I$T HセI@
order of annulment: {s. 10/A, Presidency-towns Insolvency Act] ordinarily : 3Wf 'ffir セ[@ • 'ffir セ[@ セ Z@
ゥャヲG[イセ@ ordinarily employed, processes: [s . 2( /)(b), Income-tax Act] 3Wf il'tt
order of appropriation : QTセ\ゥャッhi^G@ セ@ l1<ll>T 11 セ@ 1ft セ@
order of attachment : [s. /O(c), Provincial Insolvency Act 1セ@ iii! ordinarily イ・ウゥ、ョエZセ@ f.fcmfi; [art. 5(c), Const.]. 'ffir セ@
セ@ f.fcmfi
order of commitment : the order by a magistrate sendiug up the ordinarily resident in India: [s. 5( I )(a), Citizenship Act] "!mflf.
accusetlto be tried by the court of sessions セ@ iii! セ@ 'ffir セ@ f.fcmfi
order of confirmation: [s. 368(c), ーイッセ ᄋNL@ Cr. P.C.] セゥA@ セt@ ordinarily resides or carries on business or personally works for gain:
order of discharge: an order letting off the accused in a warrant case [Or. 5, r. 17, C.P.C.]. lfu: セ@ f.l<!rn qmrr セ\it@ iliT'{Offi" qmrr セ\it@

before the charge is framed [s. 123(5), Cr. P.C.} セゥA@ セキゥ\ャ_ヲアュイ@
order of dismissal: 1. an order of rejection [s. 2(2)(b), C.P.C.] セ@
ordinary: of the usual kind ; common [s. 55(/)(a), T.P. Act].;
セゥA[@ 2. an order a person from his post セ@ セ@
ordinary and additional powers: regular or normal or usual as well as-
order ofevlction: [s. 5(1), Public Premises (Eviction of Unauthorised extra right or ability of doing something • 3fu: セ@ セ@
Occupants) a」エ}セ@ iii! セ@
ordinary article of commerce : [s. 10, expln. (ii)(a), Specific Relief
order of forfeiture' : the order for deprivation of a person of his
a」エ}ᄋセ M
property as a pepalty for some act or omission セ@ iii! セt@
ordinary avocations of life: [s. 38, Defence and Internal Security of
order of merit : セ@ India Ac_t] ;;ftq-;r セ@ ffi"'1R! ilil<f
order of moratorium : [s. 12, Deposit Insurance and Credit ordinary commercial shipments : [sch., art. VI, Indian Carriage of
Guarantee Corporation Act] セ@ セ@ Goods by Sea Act] ffi"'1R! セ@ セ@ ; ffi"'1R! \i セ@ titff セ@
order of nature: [s. 377, J.P. C . ] . <tt czm.qr ordinary contingent 「 ゥャセ@ • セ@ セ@
order of performance : the sequence or succession of the セイ、ゥョ。ケ@ course : the ususal or routine course [s. 26, Indian
accomplishment or carrying out or doing of any action or work Partncnhip A c t ] . セ@
[s. 52, Indian Contract Act} <mH iii! lli1f
ordinary course of business: t h<' ゥエセオ。ャ@ セcッオイウ・@ and routine of bw,incs>.
order of postponement : セ@ iii! セ@ iliTioiR iii! • セ[@ iliTioiR <liT Wffi1l'[ セ@
order or preference : セMャゥヲ@ ordinary course of business of a mercantile agent : [s. 178, Indian
order of reference : セ@ <l'il セ@ Contract a」エスセ@ 'liRm ゥANセ@
order of release :the order for setting free some person or property ordinary course of dealing: [s. 187, Indian Contract a」エ}セ@ iii!
[s. 442(1), Cr. pNc}セ@ セ@ iliT セ@ ;m ゥAセ@
order of remand :an order sending back the accused to custody; an
order passed by a superior court of sending back the case to the
ordinary course of management: [s. 65A(2), T.P. Acr] m i i i ! .
lower court with certain directions for イ・エゥ。ャセ@ ゥAセ@ (rn ordinary course of official duty : [s . 76, expln., Indian Evidence
セI@ a」エ}ュセゥャᄋ@
order ofremoval: [s. 153, Navv .Act] 3Jiffi'R'OT ゥAセ@ ;3Jiffi'R'OT セ[@ ordinary course of post, in the : [s. 63, Cr. P.C.} セ@ セ@ mtffi'OT セゥヲ@
[s. 51(3), Damodar Valley Corporation Act] R:!t!, ゥAセ@
ordinary custom: [s. 190, Indian Contract' a」エ}Nセ@
order of substitution : {s. II A, Indian Lunacy .Act} セ@ セ@ ordinary diligence: {s. 19, excep. , Indian Contract A c t ] . if«m''T
order of time, in: [s. 61, Indian Contract a」エスセ@ ordinary expectation of mankind : {s . .5<, Negotiable Instruments
order nf transfer: {s. 24(2), C.P.C.] セゥA@ A c t ] . '1'R'<ftill«'!Tm
order of withdrawal : lfl'ffit iii! セ@
ordinary general meeting : [s. 5, Bengal Bonded Warehouse
order or writ: [art. 139, Const.] セ\it@ fu: Association Act] ffi"'1R! mmlUT セ@
order, original : the primary or initial or tirst order {s. 123(7),
Cr. P.C}'Ff セ@
ordinary jurisdiction :jurisdiction as opposed to special or particular "
jurisdiction セ@ 3lfui!ilfun
order, payable to : セ@ セ@
ordinary line of high water at monsoon tides : {s. 8, Shore Nuisa nces
order prejudicial to the assessee : {s. 17( L), cッョヲー。ゥ・Nセ@ (Profits )
(Bombay and Kulabtl) a」エャセ@ ::iffi' 'IT セ MZゥヲG@ セ@ ffi"'1R! 00
Surtax Act] f.!trlfuft 'R セ@ g'l11q mR CITi'IT セ@
ordinary or high tides : fiTl!R <IT セ@ ::iffi'
order prohibitiog interference: [s. 147(3), Cr. pNcスセ@ ゥAセ@
ordinary original criminal jurisdiction : GQセ@ セ@ セ@ 3lfui!ilfun
ordinary passport : {s. 4(1), Passports Act} mtffi'OT <mrni
order, pronouncing 。ョZセ@ WfF!T
ordinary powers : • セ@
order reducing or waiving the penalty : {s. 16(2A)(ii)(c), prov.,
Wealth-tax Act] • セ\it@ @セ iliT セ@
ordinary prudence, of: [s. 15, Indian Trusts A c t ] . 11m <ITi'IT
order, religious : a religious society or fraternity living under a rule ordinary pursuits : Giヲセ@ セ@
{s. 13(vi). Hindu Marriage a」エ}セ@ エゥセ@ ordinary rates of v-·ages: {s. 59(3) Factories a」エスセN@
ッイ、ゥセ。ケ@ residence 235 ostensibly sold
ordinary reside·nce.: the place of usual abode [Or. 3, r. 5, C.P.C. 7セ@ original director: [s. 313(1), Companies a」エスセ@
セ@ セ@ :.m
o1'n1 f.!mf セ@ セ@ original draft : 1f1 llffi'l'
ordinary shares : セ@ セ[@ セ@ セ@ original entries : セ@ セ@
ordinary signification : [s. 9(d), Trade and Merchandise Marh original goods: [s. 29(3), State Financial Corporations a」エ}セ@
Act) ID'lT'<I セゥヲ@ original grant : セ@ G セ@
ordinary sittings : [s. 27(2), Children Act] W セ@ <ffi 'R セ@ original incumbent : 1f1 ᄋ セ@
ordinary tribunal : セ@ セ@ original informant : lf!O' セ@ t-1 <mn
ordnance: military supplies includirg weapons, ammunition, combat original instrument: {s. /84(?), prov., Income-tax a」エ}セ@ m
yセィゥ、・ウ@ and the necessary " · 1tenance tools and equipment original judgment: [s. 364, Cr. P.C.] Wf f.ruft!
セ@ original jurisdiction: the jurisdiction of first instance; the authority of
ordnance officer : 3lTf.rn セ@ a court to take cognizance of a controversy at the inception oflega:l
ore: unwrought metal {s. 19, ill. (d), Indian Contract a」エIセ@ proceedings thereon [s. 193, Cr. P.C. andart./31 , Const.] セ@
organic or inorganic: [s. 2(1), Oil Industry (Development) a」エ}セ@ セ@
Mアイセ@ original jurisdiction, court of : a co urt of first instance セ@
organisation : Wro.l; lJ0'1 L LN セゥヲGAt@

organisation and method : Wro.l 3t'R ft!i'! original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court : [art. 131, margin,
organisation and methods division : Wro.l セ@ セ@ li'IWT - cッョウエNjセ@ セ@ セ@
qrganisation of agriculture and animal husbandry : {art. 48, margin, ッイゥァョセエZャ@
meeting: {s. 165(8), Companies a」エ}セ@
Const.) セ@ 3fu: セ@ CliT Wro9 original mortgagee : {1st sch., app. D, form No. 11, cNp N cN}セ@
organisation of village panctiayats ': [art. 40, margin, Const.] TJTf{ セ@
セcャゥAwイッN@ original offence: [s. 360(8), Cr. p N cN}セ@ 3MW
organise : セ@ ifiRf; Wro.l C6BT ; セ@ ifiRf ; セ@ ifiRf original or appellate jurisdiction: {s. 105(1), C.P.C.] セMアイ@ セ@
organised people: [art. 5/(c), cッョウエN}セ@ セ@ セG@
organised resistances movements : {1st sch., art. 13(2), Geneva original order: [s. 123(7), Cr. p N cN}セ@ セ@
Conventions a」エIセ@ original plaintiff : [Or. 35, r. 4(3)(c), C.P. cN}セ@ セ@
organised traffic in women and 」ィゥャ、イ・ョZセ@ 3fu: セ@ CliT セ@ セ@ original poll: [s. 58(3), Representation of the People Act, 1951] セ@
ッイセ[。ョゥウ・Z@ セ[@ セ@ l10GR
organs of international bodies : セ@ セ@ <fi -Wr original security : セ@ セ@
organs of State : u;;q <fi -Wr original seller : セ@ @セ
oriental ultimate mortality table : [sch. I, pt. B, para 4(b)(i), Life original shape : [s. 5(b)(ii), Rulers of Indian States (Abolition of
Jmurance a」エスセ@ 'Wl 'R"T ffi<1!ft Privileges) a」エ}セ@ セ@
orientation : adjustment , position or aspect with respeFt to anything; original side : lf! セュ Z@ {s. 3, m;trgin, Court-fr:es a」エ}セE@ セュ[ョ@
determination of one's "hearing" or true position in relation to original state : [s. 24, ill. (a), Indian Easements a」エ}セ@
circumstances, ideas etc. セ@ original suit: the suit at the first instance [Or. 41 , r. 10( 1), C.P.C.] 1f1
orientation and study centre : セ@ セ@ セ@ セ_[@ 'lTG
origin: I. beginning; source [s. 90, expln., Indian Evidence a」エ}セ[@ original summons: a summons issued in the first place [Or. 5, r. J(>
2. constituting the product or model from which copies are made; and app. B. l(mn No. I 1(3), C.P.C.] セ@ WR
that which existed at first or has existed from the first; constituting
original tel(t : セ@ lire
a source, beginning or first reliance セ@
original trial : セ@ セ@
origin, certificate of : {sch. , pt. I, item 17, Commercial Documents
Evidence a」エIセ@ CliT 1l'fl1lml; セ@ セ@ セ@ original will : [s. 45(2), Registration a」エ}セ@
origin, domicile of: [s. 7, In dian Succession a」エ}セ@ original works : セ@ m
origin, legitimate : an origin which is in accordance with law {s ..90, originally : in the first place [s. 227, J.P. C.) 1f!O:; Z@セ
expln. , Indian Elidence a」エスセ@ セ [@ Gセ@ '!) tT セ@ originally instituted : [s. 25(2), C. P. C.] 1f!O: セ@
original: I. initial [s. 105( /), C.P.C. and art. /3 1, Const.] 3!rtf'"'''i; 2. originally reserved : [s. 22, Estate Duty a」エスセ @Z セ@
constituting the so urce fs. 108, C.P.C. ] 3T!ffi wf ; originate: [art. 107(1), Const.] セ@ m
original agent : セ@ セ@ originating accounts office: セ@ セ@ m
original appropriation : セ@ セ@ originating accounts ッイョ・セ@ : セ@ @セ m
original assignor : a person who originally makes an assignment originating summons: [s. 128(2)(g), cNpIGセ@ WR
{Or. 21, r. 18(2), cNp Nc}セ@ セイア[@ ornamented : [s . 2(2)(iXc), Contract Labour (Regulation and
original bond : セ@ セ@ Abolition) a」エスセ@
original buyer.: { N セ N@ 54(3), Sale of Goods a」エ}セ@ m ornamenting: {s. 2(k)(i), Factories a」エ}セ[@ [s. 3(1), Drugs and
original capital: [s. 5(1), Food Corporations a」エOセ@ tft Cosmetics a」エスセ@ liWIT
original charge: [s. 216(3), Cr. p N c}セ@ セ@ ornaments : [preamble, Gold (Control) Act] セ[@ セ@
ori1inal civil jurisdiction : [s. 3( 17), Gt:ncr111 cエゥキウ・ N セ@ a」エ}セ@ orphan: サNセ@ 2(o)(ii}, Children Act] Nキュセ@
ostensible : apparent; merely professe(1, pretended; often opposed to
original claim: [Or. 8, r. 6(2), cNp N c N ェセ@ アイ@セ actual or イ・。ャセ@
original contract : {s. 62, Indian Cllntruct Act] 1f! セ@ ッセエ・ョウゥ「ャ@ means of subsistence: [s. 2( IXii), Children AcJ) ュMセ@
original cop} : セ@ llftf セ@
original copy, receipted : セ@ <mft セ@ llftf ostensible owner : one, who holds himself out as an owner but is not
original credit : セ@ セ@ really so [s. 4/;T.P. a」エ}セ@
original criminal jurisdiction : セN@ セ@ ostensibly: to all outward appearances [s. 58(c), .T. P. Act]plffi:
original debit : セ@ セ@ ostensibly procure : [s. 44, Children a」エ}セZ@ セ@ liWIT •
original decree : {s. 29(2), Registration a」エ}セ@ lOft ostensibly sold: {s. 66(2), C.P.C.] セZ@ セ[@ [2nd sch., item 7(2),
ori1inal defendant : セ@ セ@ Income-tax Act] ptfff: fO;If -.It rri
:Z36 overall performance audit
ostracism, social : exclusion from ウッ」ゥセエケ@ or «immon privileges outlying station : セ@ セ@
[s. 123(2Xa)(i), Rep,resentation of the People Act, QYUスセ@ outmoded ャ。キ[セ M セ@
outpost : the post or station of detachment [s. 2(1), Assam R ifles
other administrative services.: セ@ セ@ セ@ a」エIセ ⦅@
other general economic services : セ@ mi!R セ@ セ@ output : something 'that is put. out or produced [s. 57(t), Mines
other non-tax revenue : セ@ ャArMセ@ M セ@ a」エ}セ[@
other persons on board such vessels : セ@ セ@ II\ «<tR セ@ セ@ output ·bonus: [s. 13(2), Apprentices Act] セ@ oif.m
other provisions as to rniniaet!l: [art. 75, margin, Const.] セ@ セ N セ@ . outrlge modesty: to flagrantly infringe moaesty (of-another) [s. 354,
ゥエセ|ヲcャG@ ' I. P. C) セ@ tirr 1fiBI
other similar practices, resort to : セ@ tT セ@ Cfillt セ@ ; セ@ tT セ@ セ@ outraging the religious feelings: [s. 295A, J.P. C.] mflf<l; 'I!TlRT3it <1>1
セ@ セ@
other social セ、@ community services: セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ outside of wagon ·: [s. 53(4). Indian R,ailways a 」 エスセ@ q;r セ@ 'IWl
other taxes and duties on tom modi ties and services Zセjャ@ セi|@ outside the normal scope : mi!R セ@ ll i!ll1:
セゥAr@ outside wedlock: {s. 25(3), Hindu Marriage Act] m セ[@ セ@ セ@
other than ,: ll セ@ ᄋ セ@
otherwise : in other rnanrler_r; in another case; in other circumstances ッオエウ。ョ、ゥァセ@ 1. uncpllected; unpaid; unsettled [1st sch., app. 'D, form

otherwise affect: [s. 4(1); C.P.C.] セ@

ljq'fCf mRf
セャ@ No. 17(9), C.P.C.] セ[@
Trust of India l.4ct) セ[@
セ[@ 2. standing out [s. 2(o), Unit
3. prominent セ@ ; セ@ ; セュ|ゥヲエ N@

otherwise than for adequate consideration : [s. 64(2}, Income-tax outstanding 「。ャセ」・@
: @ セ m
Act) qllfto M セ@ セ@ セ@ outstanding book debts: Unpaid debts recorded in a book of account
;,.herwise than in a clerical capacity : セ@ セ@ ll セ@ セ@ it [Ist sch., app. D, form No. 21, C.P.C.) iltt..W セ@ セ@ セ[@
otherwise エィセ@ on a police report : セ@ ftqli II\ ll セ@ iltt-ri セ@ セ@ [イ」ュMセ@
other.wise than under further contingencies : [s. 34, Indian Contract outstanding claim : a claim that has not been settled or that remains
a」エ}セGャヲNr@ . unP,aid- セ@ セ[@ セ@ セ@
otherwis,e transferred : [s. 17(2)(iii), Registration a」エ}セ@ 3Rrim outstanding debt : [s. 12, Indian Trusts a」エ}セ@ Wf
otiose : having no practical result; sterile; nugatory f.Wfcl; ; m outstanding demand: [s. 225(4), Income-tax a」エ}セ@ lfitr·.
out agency :office or department of a railway outside the city or town outstandini expenses : ffill1 CZf!l' ; セ@ CZf!l'
[s. 4(3), Railway Passenger Fares Act) ;mt セ@ outstanding for the time being: standing out atthe time [s. 2(o), Unn
ッオエヲ、。・Zセ[@ セ@ Trust of India a」エ}セ@
out of order : '!ifflif ; tm! セ@ outstanding income : 3f!l'f«f >3tllf
out ofpockehxpen:ses ZセャcヲAG[@ セャQjZサsi\ヲ@ [セcャヲAG@ outstanding ャゥ。「エ・ウZセ[@ セ@ セ [@ セ@ セ@
out of stock : セ@ ゥエセ@ ッオエウ。ョ、ゥセァ@ liabilities for expenses : セ@ セ@ ;rcmr セ M
out of turn allotment : セ@ tfltt セ@ outstanding liability : [s. 30(3), ャセ、オウエイゥ。@ Finance Corporation
.out of tum prom-?tion : セ@ tfltt セ[@ セ@ tfltt セ@ a」エ}セ N [@ il<6lliT セ[@ N セ@ セ@
utbreak : La sudden rise in the incidence of disease especially t9 outstanding loan : [s.' 8(2), Indian -Stamp Act] ;rcmr 'ltm
epidemic or . near epidemic proportions [s. 3(l)(iii), Local outstanding movable property : [app. D., form No. 17(9), C.P.C.]
Authorities Loans A c t ] . ; 2. a sudden or violent breaking セ@ セュ@
out of activity; bursting forth セ[@ fcl'm ; セ@ outstanding premium: セ@ セ@
ッオエャゥイ・セォ@ of hostilitieS [s. 17(2)(r), Naval and Aircraft Prizt outstanding student : セ@ '8'f;l
Act) tiw>f セ@ ,l lltq; [lst.sch. , art. 23, Ge:1eva Conventions outstation bank : セ@ oTcl;
a」エIュセ@ outstation cheque : ;mt セ@
outbuilding : a building separate from but 。」セウッイケ@ to a main house out-turn accounts : セNャュ@ セ@
[s. 2( l)(c), prov:, lncome,tax a」エスセ@ Sfq.!
out•turn, normal : mi!R セ M ャAイッ[@ セ@ m 'll1"'1
outdoor patients department : セ@ WI\ セ[@ セ@ WI\ セ@ out-turn statement of manufacture : セMャAイッ@ セ@
outhouse : a house or building belonging to and adjoining, and ッオエキ。イ、Zセ@
subsidiary to, a dwellinl house [s. 445, expln., l.P.C] セ@
outward Invoice : セ@ •
ッオエセイ@ door : セ@ 111:; セ@ 111:; セ@ セ@ . outward joumey : セ@ 1Im
outer foil : セ@ I!Gf· outward or Inward traverse: [s. 25, Factories aセエスNュ@ tn セ@ amm
outfit allowance : an allowance for fitting or equipping セ@ -mt fJlA lf'f
ッオエ。セゥョャ@ : going outward; departing [s. 349(4)(j), Companies aセエス@ outward register : セ@ セ@
セ@ セ[@ ·a person who is laying down an ッヲゥ」・セ[ ᄋ セ@ outward returns :.セ@ セ@
セャゥ|Git@ outward settlement account : セ@ セ@ m_
ッオエェセャョァ@ ヲゥャ・ウZ ᄋ セ@ .mt-; セ@ セ@ out1Jard traffic : セ@ 'lffi111ml'
outgoina ュ・「イZセ[@ セ@ セ@ outwork: outside work fs. 18(2), Minimum Wages a」エスセ@ 15lf
outaolna objettlon statement : セ@ セ@ セ@ ; fil1lf1ft セ@ セ@
outworker : a worker who works outside [s. 2(i), Minimum Wage.
ou.taolna partner: [s. 36(1), Indian Partnership a」エ}セ@ QllliT
セ@ j セ@ t ilm'T セ@ li1\'IT '1'l"ftm over absorbed overheadセ@ : セ@ セ@
outgoln& President : [s. 4(3), Presidential and Vice-Presidential
over age : 31'fUq; セ@
Elections a」エスセ@
outgoings : outlay; expense; charge [s. 69A(8)(i), T.P. Act] fll>fll over and above the .bank rate: flfi G{ ll セ@
outlay: something that Is lai,d out [s. 24 N セエキョィ L@ Land Acquisition over and above tbe sum actually assured : [s. 80C(3), expln. (ii),
Act]mff; セ@ · Income-tax Act] '"Wf' セ@ uftr セ@ セ@
outlay, capital : セ@ セ@ overall : il1ffi'! ; Wr!I ; <Wt ; セ@
outlet: [s. 57(k), mュ・ウa」エ}セ[@ [s. TPH「IS L ャNpc}セ M セDtir@ overal_l dbnenslons: [s. 39(5), Motor Vehicles a」エスセ@ セ@
outlet for sewage : [s. 25(4)(a), Water (Prevention and Control of overan performance audit 1lillfCI1fi セ@ ·m . ·
Po/lutiqn! Mt{ セ@ $! セ@
overall responsibiUty
overall responsibility : セ@ セ@
overawe: to keep in awe by superior influence [s. 121 A, J.P. C.] セ@
over, bequest: [s. 131, margin, Indian Succession a」エ}Aセ@
overrunniilg : to over run; to go or extend beyond limits;
excess . [s, 28(2Xc), Factories Act]
overseas allowance : セ@ wreT; セ@
Overseas Communication Service : セ@
セ@ セ@
be in
m- to:

overboard, thrown· : セ@ 'tc!; セ@ 1!1fl overseas 」ッオョエイゥ・ウZ ᄋ セ[@ セ@ セ@

overcharge: セAQュ@ セ@ overseas financial oraanisation : [s. 6(2Xf), Oil • Industiy
overcome, be: [s. 36(1), Factories a」エ}セ@ (Development) a」エ}セ@
overcrowding : [s. 3(c), Prevention of Cruelty to Animals act, overseas market: [s. 2(n), Foreign Exchange Regulation a」エ}セ@
1890) セ[@ [s. 16, Factories a」エ}セ@ セ@

overdraft : the action of overdrawing an accou11t; the amount by overseas possession : セ@ セ@ セ@

which a draft exceeds the balance against which it is drawn [s. I 33, ッカ・イウZセ@
ill. (a), Indian Contract a」エ}セ@ oversight : セ@
overdraw : to draw cheques upon (a bank account) in excess of the overstay leave : [s. J9(d), Air Force a」エ}セ@ $ セ@ セ@ セ@
deposit balance of the drawer [s. 133, ill. (a); Indian Contract ッカ・イウオ「」ゥャセ、@ : セ@ ·
a」エ}セ[@ ッカ・イエ。セ@ : to pass another vehicle; to catch up with and pass [3rd sch.,
o\·erdrawn : che4ues drawn upon a bank account in excess of the item 3, Motor Vehicles a」エ}セ@ 1IR セ@ mセ@
dcpos(t balance of the drawer セ@ overtime allowance : allowance. given for work done beyond normal
over drive: L·' · I /(a). Prevention of Cruelty of Animals Act, 1960] working hours セ@ 'iMT
('37t '!\ セ@ セ@ iffi) セ@ セ[@ [s . 9, Stage Carriages Act] overtime rate: rate at which payment is made for the work in excess of
(ffi'lilf セI@ セ@ セ@ . a set time limit [s. 3(2Xd), Minimum Wages a」エ}セ@
over due: unpaid after the proper assigned time of payment [s. 45A.
Negotiable Instruments a」エ}セ@ oyertime wages : [s. '2(s), Payment of Gratuity a」エ}セᄋ@
over due bill of ·exchjtnge [s. 136, ill., Indian Contract a」エ}セ@ overvaluation: [s. 1I (I), Suits Valuation Act] ゥSQヲ_エGALセTB@
セM\ョャG@ ッカ・イキゥエョァLZセ@
over estimate: jAャGエqゥcヲ\セh[@ セ@ セ[@ セ N セ@ owing by: [s. 317, sch. VI and sch: VII; Indian Suo,"CCssion Act}'l.m
セ@ ' .
over, gift: [s. 131 margin, Indian Succession Act] 1lffiff セ@
overhaul : セ@ セ[@ 'l!tl'«f セ@ own accord, of his: [Or. 16, r. 14, cNp N cN}セ@ セ@
overhaul and maintenance of aircraft : [s. 38, Air Corporations own and acquire .: {art. 26(c), Const.] セ@ il1'R セ@
a」エ}セ@ <6T セ@ il1'R セ@ own hand, with his : m セ@ セGヲ@ セ@
overhead and general charge: [s. 33(2), Damodar Valley Corporation own, his: [s. 315(1), Cr. P.C.}m i3l'r.ft HセI@
a」エ}セ@ il1'R mmrar ll'lm: own knowledge, from his : [s. 297(2), Cr. P. C.] m.i3l'f.ft セ@ セ@
overhead charge : セ@ セ@ own motion: own instance [s. 144(6), Cr. P.C.] セ@
overhead efficiency variance : セ@ lfflffiT fitito: own or hold ·foreign exchange : .[s. 14(a), Foreign Exchange
overhead expenses : those general charges or expenses in a business Regulation a」エ}セ@ セ@ <6T rolft セ@ <n ;ffi セ@
which cannot be charged upon as belonging exclusively to any own or possess sufficient property; [s. 14(2), Arms a」エ}セ@ <n セ@
particular part of the work or l?roduct (e.g. rent, taxes, etc.) [2nd セ@
sch., item 6(e), Payment of Bonus a」エ}セ@ own risk, on his : {s. 40, Sale of Goods Act] i3l'r.ft セ@ セ@ '!'{
overhead line : [s. 2({), Indian Electricity a」エ}セ@ セ@ own title : o3!'HT セ@ '
overlapping : 1. to lap over; to overlie partially 'ozntft ; 2. to cover and owner : proprietor セ@
extend beyond セ@
owner, absolute : a person capable of disposing .the whole interest in
overlapping time scale : セ@ セ@
immovable property although it is charged or encumbered {1st
overloading of wagon : [s. 77A(3), Indian Railways a」エ}セ@ c6t sch., app. A, form No. 13, C.P.C.] セ@ セ[@ セ@
nHrlook : to take no 」ッァョゥ・セ@ to fail to take inio account セャヲゥ@ owner.• apparent: [s. 239, ill. (a); Indian Contract a」エ}セ@
'liB! owner of a foreign vessel who intends to use such vessel'for flshina :
ッカ・イー。ゥ、Zセ[@ [Or. 34, r. 9, margin, C.P.C.] セ@ [s. 4(1), Maritime Zones of India (Regulation of Fi5hing by
overpa11 : over crossing .[s. I 1(2)({), Delhi Urban Art Commission Foreign Vessels) Act] fWt セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@
a」エ}セ@ m'I!T'f セ@ セ@ セ@ 'ITm ::ronrr t
overpayment: payment in excess of what is due [s. 7(2)({), Payment owner of copyrlaht : [s. $4, Copyright Act] オヲエセGTQ@ llil セ@
of Wages a」エ}セ@ m owner of ordinary prudence: (1. 55(/)(e), T.P. Act]. m 1imT
override : 1. to ride too much or too hard [s. I l(a), Prevention of '!<IT1ft
Cruelty to Animals Act, /960] セャヲゥエMョG[@ wmt セ@ セ@ owner or occupier : [s. 4, Rai/'Nay Property (Unlawful Possession)
セ@ ; 2. to dominate ot prevail. over [s. 460(2), Companies a」エスセ@ GiヲAセ@
a」エIセ@ セ[@ セ@ セ[@ to pay a commission to (as a owner, ostensible: one, who holds himself out as an owner but is not
general agent or sales manager) on sales made by subordinates really so [s. 41, T.P. Act]{m'R l'lrT1ft

overriding :subordinating all others to itself [s. 4, Hindu Adoptions owner's right to deal with warehoused good• : [s. 64, Customs
and Maintenance a」エスセ[@ セ@ a」エスセMアッュャゥ@
overriding commission : commission paid in addition to regular owner's risk rate: at owner's risk: on condition that the owner should
compensation [sch. lll, Life Insurance Corporation a」エ}セ@ hear the イゥLセ@ Hオセ@ of loss. dumage or delay) [s . 72(h}fi). /ndim1
Aャゥヲエセ@ Railways a」エ}セM@
overldlng セ@ ll'llTl! ownership: the fact or state of being an owner; proprietorship {s. 40,
tNp N a」エ}セ@
overrule : t. to set aside (a previous action or decisi on) [s. 404,
Cr. P.C.J i3"\'Wf! [セ@ セ@ t.1i; 2: to decide or rule against ヲャエセ@ ownership and control: [art . .19(h), ッョウエN}セ@c 3ftt セ@
fll*l t;n; [s. I 11(5), Navy a」エIセ@ lfW!T owning: who owns [s. 133(1), Cr. p N NIセ@c セ@ <m!T
overrule the plea : セ N iャIセ@ owning authrodty : l<1ilft セ@

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