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セ@ P.M. : [s. 40(2), Mines a」エ}セ@ painted in black· paint, shall cause to be : [s.

3, Coasting-Vessels
P. & ·p, & T. Department: m-ffi\ セ@ a」エ}セGャヲ@
pace setter : 1'1ftf Vr<!; painter : one who paints or does the work of painting pictures
ー。」ォァ・ Z セ@ [1st sch. , app. A , form No. 39, C.P.C.] trlm; セ@
package of cotton: [s. 2(a), Cotton Ginning and Pressing Factories painting: a representation of an object or scene on a surface by means
a」エIセ@ \ャゥtセ@ of colours [s. 95(2)(b), Cr.P.C.j セ@
packed ordnance: [sch . item 34, Fort Willia·m a」エIセ@ <tt セ@ セ@ ml1'ft painting, anti-corrosive : セ@ 'tlf-'it>R
packer: m Palaeographer : one skilled in ancient modes of writing D\Qセヲエャ セ ゥヲBGャ@
packet: qcg palm-gur : [sch. , item 9, Khadi and Village Industries Commission
p11cking: /.'· 77( 2)(b). Trade and Merchundise Marb a」エIセ@ Act)Of9 セ@
packing and marking : セ@ セ@ セ@ RlTRT am palm-products industry: [sch., item 9, Khadi and Vi/Jage Industries
packing list : セ@ セ@ Commission Act] 019 セ@ ;;Wr
ー。」エZセ@ palmyra palm : [s. 2(c)(ii), Sugar (Special Excise Duty) a」エIセ@
pad: 1ft\; セ@ 0'19
pad, inl Zセ@ palmyra sugar : [s. 2(f)(ii), S ugar (Regulation of Production)
Act] 'tr.lftu tft;ft _
pad, letter : B M セ@
pad, writing : セ M セ@ pamphlet : a small treatise occupying fewer pages than would make a
book composed and• issued as a separate work [s. 292(a),
paddy : [s. 3(d)(i), Rice Milling Industry (Regulation) Act] tn'l
ャ N p N c}セ@
paddy specialist : tn'l ヲエセ@
Pan-Indian Ocean Science Association : セ@ セ@ セ@ ftt>!R セ@
paediatrics : [sch ., item 44(g)(xi). Aligarh Muslim University
panel of names : (s. 24(4), Cr. P. cN}セ@ <liT セ [@ セ@ セ@
A ct] <fr.! セ@ ftt>!R
pages consecutively numbered : [s. Qセ SA@ I). Companies Act) '["55 'l1: pantomime: [s. 3, Dramatic Performances a」 エ Iセ[@ "!<<i セ@
セアァ[^Gエヲ\s@ paper: a written or printed document or instrument [s. 39, lnd i;m
Evidence Ace) セMア[イ [@ [art. 105(2), Const.) q;r
p·agin11tion : 'f<5 セ@ mAT
paper balance : セ@ セ@
paid : セ@ '11l1 ; セョ@
paper board : サN セN@ 2(a)(vii), Essential Commodities Act] lttR <iTt
paid cheques : セ@ セ@
ー。・セ@ book: a printed collection or abstract in methodical order of the
paid employee : tr'll:!R cm;n <filfi!T{t
pleadings, evidence. exhibits and ーイッ」・、ゥセウ@ in a cause for the use
paid holidays ZDtャAセ@ jヲ\ャゥwtセ[@ セ@ [jヲ\Aャゥセ@ セ@ セヲエNQG@
of judges upon a llearing or argument on appeal セQュ@
paid in lldvance: [s. 12(c)(i), Interest-tax Act) 3lftN セ@ セ@ セ@
paid in cash : セ@ セ@ ; 'f'TG セ@ '11l1
.paper coated with mica powder : [1st sch., ch. 48-J(ij), ,Customs
paid in priority : [s. 1/(b), Employees' Provident Funds and
Tariff Act) 3N'<Ii セ@ セ@ 'fiTl'l'iT
Miscellaneous Provisions aセエェ@ セ@ t<g セ@ セ@
paper ·coated with mica splittings: [1st sch. , ch. 48-l(ij), Customs
paid off: [s. 121(6)(c), Companies a」エ}セ@ <lir セ@ 1'fllT
Tariff Act) 3N'<Ii \ャゥBtセ@ セ@
paid on account of land revenue : [s. 24( I), Income-tax a」エ}GANMセ@
paper currency department : lliflTOT セ@ セ@
paper insufficiently stamped: [Or. 7, r. ll(c), C. P.C.] セ@ セB@
paid out of fund : paid out of actual cash resources reserved or
paper money : lliT'T'ifl $1
assigned to any particular or specified purpose [s . 45, T.P.
a」エ}セ@ -q セGtゥヲ@
paper particulars : lliT'T'ifl セ@
paid up capital : th at part of the subsc ribed capital of an undertaking paper promotion : セ@ セ@ ; lliT'T'ft liF!fa
wh ich has been actually paid [s. 25(2), Industrial Development papers by reference, of: [s. 64, Indian Succession Act] セ[イッ@
Bank of India a」エ}セ@ tf\ <liT

paid up holding : セ@ セ@ papers simulated : [s. 38(2), Marine Insurance a」エ}セ@ セ@

ー。ャセ@ up policy : セ@ セ@ papers, testamentary : [s. 102, ill. (i), Indian Succession a」エ}Gセ@
paid up sh:re capital: [ss. 21(4), pro v. and .12(2), Industrial Finance
Corporarion'Act) セ@ セ@ セ@ par, at : at exactly the nominal value セ@ IR
paid up value: [s. 36(1), lndusrrial Finance Corporation a」エスセ@ paracraph : a distinct section or smaller part of a document, usually
numbered [s. 55(6)(b), T.P. a」エ}セ@
paid up value of shares : [s. 36(1), Industrial Finance Corporarion parallel columns : セ@ セ@
a」イjセ\iゥtwュ[@ セュャゥ@ paramount consideration : . pre-eminent consideration [s. 13(1),
·pain and suffering : [s. 3(a), Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, Hindu Minority arid Guardianship Act] miWft wr.f "'
/890] セ@ 3(tt 'IITlfiTI; term used to describe not only physicai paramountcy :the quality tN state of being superior to all others
disc.omfort and distress but also mental and emotional trauma mftm
which are recoverable as elements of d;1magcs of エッイウセ@ 3(tt セ@ paramour : the illicit lover of a married woman セ@

pain, bodily : [s. 3/9, J.P.Cj mffiq; セ@ parasitologist : • fQr.ft

!'lalnful complaint : any ailment which causes great agony or pain parboiled rice : mro セ@
[s. 88, i/1., J.P. 」NIセ@ CIITRf parcel : [s. 46C(e), Indian Railways Act) trrffi!
pains, care and : セ@ am
ttft'lfll parcel and luggage supervisor : trrffi! セ@ mziT'I セ@
paint: it?: parcel clerk : trrffi! m
painted caricature: [s. 32, ill. (n), Indian Evidence a」エ}セ@ parcel clerk, 」ィゥ・ヲZ セᄋ@ m
parcel clerk, head 239 particular description of traffic

parcel clerk, head : lltiF! セ@ m partoftheproperty, to get in: [s. 369, Indian Succession a」エスセ@
parcel supervisor : セ@ a セBャtGMSゥrヲ@
parcels, different : [s. 8(2), Co&/ 'Bearilfg Areas (Acquisition and part owner: [s. 6, ill. 2(d), expln .• Indian Partnership a」エ}セ@
Development) a」エ}セ@ セ@ · part-paid and part-promised, price : on ly a certain portion of the

parchment : [s. 2( 18), Indian Stamp a」エ}セ@ price, debt, etc. actually paid {s: 54, T. P. aL ᄋ エ}」VュGセBャt@
pardon : a remission, either free or conditional of the legal セ@ 'IJ<n セN。ュ@ BャtGセ@ セcヲェG@ q<R セ@ TT<n' セ@
consequences of a crime; the excusing of a fault [s. 306(1), part payment: [s. 50, ill. (c), Indian Contract a」エIセ@ ; セ@
Cr. P.C. and art. 72(1), Canst.} eft!!
parent : I. a person, who has begotten or borne a child; father or part, payment In : "lT'T lliT セ[@ セ@ セ@
mother [s. 317, iNpc}ャAtゥMセ[ヲュG@ liT 'I!Tm'; 2. one part payment of the fees ; [s. 74, Pre.<idency Small Cause Courts
who, or that which produces; that from which anything springs or Act] 1:!ftm CfiT セ]@ セ@
「イ。ョ」ィ・ウセ@ part-time : セ@
parent cadre : セ@ セ@ part performance : [s. 53A, TP. Act] ュセt|。[@ lffiA'
parent company : セ@ m part performance of a contract: [s. 49(c), Registrlltwn i'lct) セ@ CfiT
parent government : セ@ m<lm: セャヲゥaG@
parentage : parenthood; lineage; ongm [ss. 263(e) and 355(d), part with : either rt!mOving voluntarily or permitting another to
Cr. P. C.] lllO!-flmT; セ[@ flmT-lllO! CfiT ;:rrq remove anything from one's possession fui>T セtMQ[@ セ@ セ[@
parental influence : influence exercised (on the child) by a parent fitwR; 3Wf セ[@ 3Wf セ@
[s. /6(3), ill. (a), Indian Contract a」エスセ@ 3fffi part with th' possession: [s . 48, Sale of Goods Act] \Aゥセ@ セ ヲゥGt\Aサ@ itorr,
parents : [s . 51(2), Indian Succession Act] lllO!-flmT; [art. 5(b), セ@ SイNャGtセ@
Cons t.] lll01 <n flmT partial·: [> . .H. prov.. Employees' Swtc ャョウュ」セ@ Act! j ャゥQセ[@
par-excellence : セ@ f-'· <J2, ill. (h). Indian eカゥ、・ョセ@ Actl ifTTT<r:
lJ&rity: wArヲゥ[セ@ [art. 55(2), c。ョウエN}セ@ partial 。オ、ゥエZセ@ <rtlm
I Parliament.: I. the central legislature of iョ、ゥ。セ[@ 2. the supreme parti1ll board :partial provision of daily meals [s. 92, ill. (h). Indian
ligislature of United Kingdom セャ@ Evidence a」エスセ @] セ[@ セ@ ·arrrn
Parliamentary Affairs, Cabinet Committee ッョZセ@ c6t セ@ CfiT1f partial disablement : [s. 2(l)(g), Workmens Compensation Act]
セ@ セヲNエ ] ュイ@
Parliament' may by law prescribe: [art. 22(7), c。ョウエNスセ@ fcljq rou partial exemption: [s. 61, C.P.C.] ifTTT<r: 'IF
セ@ <R wf;rlt partial loss: loss affecting a part rather than the キィッャ・セ@ something
Parliament may by law regulate : [art. 98(2),• c。ョウエNスセ@ fcljq rou 'lfiTT(f: セ[@ セ@ eTf.t
セ\rキヲ[イャエ@ partial partition : [ss. 49( l)(i) and I 7/(R), expJ,,. セィIN@ Income-tax
Parliament shall have, and the legislature of a state shall not have, a」エ}SQゥャュセ@
power: [art. 35(a), c。ョウエNスセ@ <61Wffi m1ft oam セ@ セ@ セ@ @セ
partiality : inclinalion to fawJUr a particular ー・イセッョ@ Of thing 'IWITtf
partiality, capricious : capricious, not guided by $1eady judgement,
Parliament to regulate the right of citizenship by law : [art. I I.
intent or purpose [s . 6/: ill. HカゥセIN@ Indian Succossi"n A c r ] .
margin, c。ョウエN}セ@ rou @セ セ@ @セ CfiT fcljq rou セ@ ftfi1lT <rn%1
Parliamentary assistant : セ@ セ@
partially smooth waters : [s. 3, Merchant Shippin!! A<·tl3iml: mn
I Parliamentary constituency : a constituency for the election of
a ュ セ ュ「 ・ イ@ of N p。イャゥュ・ョエセ@ セ M ・Gヲャ@
partially successful : [S. 63(7), prov., Est.,r D111y Act] 'IWI(! : セ@
participate in the surplus assets: [s. 2(22)(e)(i), lfl(ome-tax a」エIセ@
Parliamentary democracy : セ@ セ@
Parliamentary proceedings : セ@ セ@
participating governMents : "lT'T <'A <m41 セ@
Parliamentary Secretary : セ@ セ@ ; セ@ セ@
participating in a イセ」ッァョゥウ・、@ provident fund : ヲセウN@ I 0(12) and
parol, by :given by word of mouth セ@ ;<! セ[@ i'fi'R' rou 80(c)(2){d), lncome-ta.l a」エスセ@•lf @セ @セ <mn
parole : the promise of a prisoner upon his faith and honour to fulfil ー。イエゥ」セョァ@ State Go•errum'Dt :' [s. I 3(2)(b). Wartor サ p イ セ ᄋ・ ョエゥッ@ and
'trued イ エャョ、 ゥャ セョG@ (as to return to custody); the state or period of
Control of Polluti(ln) Act] "lT'T <'A <m<ft-n;;q ffi<f>T{ ; w セ ャ@H W, \イャセ@
freed om resulting from .a parole; a conditional artd revocable GサfjiAセ@
rel ease of a prisoner serving an unexpired sentence in a penal
participation : [sch. T. (table A), 38, Companies Act] "11'1 &;rr
institutior\ [s . 130, expln. , iNpc}セ[@ ll'R
particjp'ation in sporfg, atheletifs- Rnd public speaking, : セ GQ@ セM| セ@
part: o ne of t he equal or unequal portions into which something is or セ@ セ@ セjG{@ ?f 1nrr ijf'{!
is regarded as divided: something less than a whole "lT'T
part common boundary : 'IWR!: セ@ m participation of students : {セ N@ 24(k), Unive1sit y "* l-lydn.1bad
part delivery : [s. 34, Sale of Goods a」エスセ@ セ[@ セ@ セ@
participation of workers: [art. 43A,] l!i%-nl CfiT "11'1 *n
part delivery of the goods: [s. 48, Sale of Goods Act} 'll'ffi CfiT セ@
participatio,n of workers in mana2ement of industries : [art. 43A.
marfin. (..'on ウ エN}セ@ セ@ m il <t-tfirro <f;T "qf11 セ@
part enjoyment : セ@ セ@ ; 3lifu<l; '31l'lftrT
particular : tfictinl'tivc amnng セエィ・イNウ@ ot ( he セjゥャエG@ ktnd: セー ・」 ゥヲ・[@ not
part file ; セ@ m general [s 407(/)(c)(ii}. Cr. P.C] セ セAG\Z@
part, in : [s. 13(b), Arbitration Act] 'IWI(!: ; 3tmf: particular age: {.<. 21 , cxpln .. 7.1'. ゥ |」エャセ@ セ@
part of a trade mark: {s. 2( I )I ()(v)(c). Trade and Merchandise Marks
particular average ャッセウ@ : イセ N@ 60{2 J(ii). M arine" lr!<llril tl l!l!. Acr iセ@
Act) O!lT'rn: ftiR <f;T "lT'T
part of, f01 mlng : [s . 3(2)(a), General Clauses Act] CfiT セ@ particular case : イエヲセBA@ Mセ@ lJl"R'!T
part of the annual value: [s . 24( l)(ix), Income-tax a」エスセ@ CfiT
particular class ッヲゥョセエイオュ・ウZ@ fs. 9(11), lndil'l n Starflp .i\ct I f<ifuG!: <M
"lT'T 」エセ@
part of the equipment : [s. 14, Central Reserve Police Force
particular dass of persons : ヲエセ@ <M セ@ \liM ; CfiT セ^\Z@ qrf m
particular description oftrllffic : [.'. 28. Indian Rail w!!y.< 1\ctl ヲゥtGャ@セ
part of the lessor. act on エィ・Zセ@ c6t ffilli' セ@ CfiT1f NMオヲGA ゥ hセ@
' particular Oaseh()()ds 140 pass a decree for balance
partic)llar falsehoods: [app., plaint No. 21, ppa 3, cNpIセ@ partuer, Of+tcotn1 : セ@ '4!1ftm
セNュヲ@ . I
partner's 。、カョ」・Zセ@ <t» o31ftl1r -
particular, in: [s. 16(2), Indian Cont.ract a」エIセᄋ@ partner's'curnnt account: mrftm <t» <ffi! W<n
particular individual: [s. 144(3), Cr. pNcIセ@ • partner's fixed eapital account : セ@ ct;T セ@ m
particular iruitance : a special セク。ューャ・@ cited to .demonstrate the Mflners in marriage: [s. 31(3), Chiidren Act] 'C!ftt セ@ セ@
correctness or explain the significance of a proposition セ@ partners in common : fOr. 20, r. 9, C.,P.C.] セ@ セ@
セ@ partnership :a relation between persons who have agreed to share th::
particular intent : セ@ 3lWltf profits of a business to be carried on by all or any of them acting
particular interrogatories: [Or. 11, r. 2, cNpIセ@ セ@ for all [s. 4, Indian Partnership Act and Vllthsch., Jist III, item 7,
particular item: [s. 212(2), Cr. pNcIセ@ セ@ Const.} 'll1"'rott
·pilrticular knowledte: state or condition of understanding (something) partnership accounts: [1st sch., app. D,form No. 22, C.P. cN}セ@
which is special to. a person [s. I 5, Indian Evidence a」エIセ@ · <t» m; 'll1"'rott <t» セ@ ; '1'l1ftmt m
ュ[セ@ partnerShip assets : '1'l1ftmt <tit セ@
particular lien ; a lien upon sp,ecific property as security for the partnership at will : a partnership where no provision is made by
payment of a debt or. the satisfaction of some. other obligation. contract between the partners for the duration or determination of
arising out of a transaction or a.n agreemell.t hivolving that their partnership [s. 7. Indian Partnership a」エ}セ@ '1'l1ftmt
property [s. 170, Indian Contract a」エ}セ@ lli(Uiffilllii( partnership debt: [s. 61(4), Provincial Insolvency Act} '1'l1ftmt 'fiT
particular manner : [s. II, T. P. ᄋ a」エ}セ@ '001 partnership deed : '1'l1ftmt セ@
particular market: [s. 78(d), Indian Railways a」エ}セ@ tim{ partnership estate ancl effects : {1st sch., app. D. form No. 21,
particular matter in question : セ@ セ@ セ@ . cNp N IGQヲエュwSOBサセ@
particular ッ」。ウゥョZセ@ amR pattnership firm: [Or. 8, r. 6(3), ill. (h), C.P.C.] '1'l1ftmt q;1f
particular セイウッョ@ : セ@ • partnership is evidenced by an instrument: [s. 184(/)(i), Income-tax
particular place : セ@ セ@ Act] '1'l1ftmt セ@ セ@ rm セ@ t
particular purpose : セ@ セ@ partnership name: (s. 99(1), Presidency-towns Insolvency a」エ}セ@
partlcular.quallty: (s, 38(3), ill., India!) Contract a」エ}セ@ 」エ[tセ@

セゥ」オャ。イ@ ウオゥエZセ@ partnership property: [Or. 21, r. 49, C.P.C.] '1'l1ftmt \ゥエセ@
particular service: {art. JJ5(J)(a), cッョウエN}セ@ 00 partnership shall stand dissolved : [Or. 20, r. 15, C.P.C.] '1'l1ftmt
particularising : セ@ セ@ セ。ュ@
particularly : セ Z[@ セ@ セ@ セ@ parts : I. copit;s of an.instrument which has been executed In as many.
particulars: actual details [s. 407(/XcXii), Cr. pNc}セ@ identical copies as there are parties to it, each copy beingtreated as
particulars ofaffidavits: [Or. 11, r. I8(2), C. P. cNIセ@ \エゥセ@ original and primary evidence of the transaction amongst the
particulars of dispute : m
<tit セ@ parties to it [s. 7, Negotiable Instruments Act]"@ セ[@ 2. the
particulars to be containEd therein : [s. 19(2Xix), Medicinal and portions which along with other portion or portions make up a
Toilet Preparations (Excise Duties) Act] m セゥャ|@ whole [s. 77, Indian Evidence Act] iiT'T
セ@ party: [s. 34(h), Army a 」エスセ ᄋ [@ any person or body of persons· who

parties are at issue: [Or. 15, r. 3, C.P.C.] セ@ -q セ@ セ@ forms one side of any action at law, transaction or 」ッョエイ。セ@ ;
partlesareatvariance: [Or. 54, r. 1(5), C.P.C.] セゥエ@ セエ[@ セ@ <re
セGQ\Mア、@ party aggrieved :a party who has been injured or is having a grievance
parties sball be in attendance: [Or. 9, r. I, C.P.C.] セ@ セゥエ@ m [s. 32(9), State Financial Corporations a」エ}セN@
parties セッ@ bear their own costs : 'I1Rlfi'R 3'11R-3'11R セ@ セゥエ@ party applying for a summons: [Or. 16, r. 2(1), C.P.C.}'ff'R セ@ f.!m:
parties to エセ・@ petition : [s. 82, Representation of the People Act, セ@ <lif.t <ffiilT 'l<!<liT{
QYU}セ\V@ party in fault: [s. 10(2), Sale of Goods a」エIセ@ <re, セ@ セ@ i ; セ@
partin& with interest : ftff <61 3ffi1T セ@
parting with or disposln& of : ( s. I 0, T. P. Act] <61 ·3ffi1T セ@ セ@ セ@ party in person: [Or. 28, r. 3, C.P.C.] セ@ 'l<!<liT{

セ@ party in possession : セ@ セ@ <ffiilT セ@

partin& with' possession : サセN@ 2(1)(k), Arms a」エIセ N セ@ .l5foll party prosecuting suit : [s. 18(2), Presidency-towns Insolvency
partition :act of dividing; state of being divided; divisioN of an estate Act} m: <m'R <mfl セ@
among the co-tenants in accordance with their shares in party to a fraud: [s. 3, cxpln. 3,prov., T.P. a」エスャNヲゥcセ[@ l.fillC<t»
(s. 20(1), Wealth-tax a」エスセ@ l5fol1; セ@ セ@ セ@

partition, instrument of: [sch. 1, item 45, Indian Stamp a」エ}セ@ party to a submiS!lion : セ@ <t» セ@
\エゥセ@ party to a suit: [Or. 28, r. I( 1), C.P.C.] セ@ <t» セ@
partition of estate: [s. 54, C.P.C.] セ@ <t» セ@ party, third : [ss. 2(d) and 27(a), Indian Partnership a」エスセ[@
partly : with respect to a part in some measure only and not wholly {s. 60A, T.P. Act}wft« セ@
[s. 58(d), T.P. Act] 'l!l'm:; o3Mo:
party to the· proceeding : any person whose involvement in the
partly by word of mouth : [s. 5(2), Sale of Goods A7:t) 'l!l'm: セ@ ;
proceeding is such as to bind him by whatever may be the decision,
セZヲGャAュ@ セ@
determination or judgement in the case [s. 18, Indian Evidence
partly equity and partly prderence share capital : 'l!l'm: mtmVr セ@ Act} セャエ@ q;r セ@
pass : I . to be allowed or approved by a court or by a legislative or
partly in writing : ifflT\'!: セ@ ; 3imr: セ@
deliberative body; to be given or pronounced (in case of verdict,
partly of money and partly of other assets: [s. 132A(l)(ii), Income- reference or judgement) [s. 11(4), Companies (Profits) Surtax
tax Act] 'l!l'm: !.A' 3/t{ ifflT\'!: \>F<! セ@ <ii セ@ # Act} M\oif; 2. to go by transfer or conveyance or to come by
partner: each of the persons who have entered into partnership with inheritance {s. 26, Sale of Goods Act] mer;3. permit, ticket or
one another [s. 4, Indian Partnership a」エIセサ@ order allowing one free transportation or free admission [s. 25(b),
partner in a firm : [s. 30(1), Indian Partnership Act] q;1f if mrftm; Central Excises and Salt Act} lffif
{Nセ@ 9. ill. (b). Collection of Statistics Act} q;1f <t» "1'l'ffm pass a detree for balance : [Or. 34, r. 6, C. P. C.] セ@ セ@ セ@ f.!m: ltlft
partner, incoming : .JWi<il. セ@ M\oif
pass a law 241 pattern of instruction

pass a law · [art. 13(3)(b), Canst.) fq-fu- 'llft! <liB! passing to the buyer: being actually transferred (from the seller) to the
pass an adequate sentence: [s. 324, Cr. P.C.] セ@ セ@ Cfil セ@ t.IT buyer [s. 55(4)(a). T.P. Act] <RIT ll>'t セ@ セ@
pass and ticket : [s. 69, Indian Railways <4ct] '1m .lffi セ@ passion : any overpowering emotion [s. 300, excep. l, ill. (a),
pass bills : fire tnTt! <liB! ; セ@ "'1fuf <liB! i N pNc}セ@
pass book : '1m セ@ passport :. a licence to go to a port or town or from one country to
pass down: [s. 188. ill.. iNpc}セ@ another 1ffilPf; [Vllth sch. (/), item I9, Canst.] '!TWllt
pass judgement : [s. 78, J.P. cN}セ@ t.IT Passport Authority : [s. 2(c), Passports a」エ}セ@
pass interest : [s. 8, T.P. Act] fu1 Cfil セ\ヲゥャAut@ <liB! passport visa attache : セ@ セ@ mmt
pass order : セ@ "'1fuf <liB! passwor.d : watch word or countersign or secret word セ@ セ@
pass sentence: [s. 386(a), Cr. P.CJ セエゥt@ past command: [s. 3, Armed Forces (Emergency Duties) Act]"
pass through: [s. 27( /)(d), Wild Life (Protection) Act] ゥヲセ@ セ@

pass through the treasury accounts : Gl'ifR1 セMSャ@ cfi 1flUl1'! セ@ ー。ウエュ・「イZGAヲセ[@ セ@
pass to the endorsee: [preamble, Indian Bills of Lading a」エIセ@ past relations between the dependant and the deceased [s. 23(3)(e),
ll>'t mr;m m Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance a」エ}セ@ セ@ セ@ cfi afl<l cf;
passage: I. a means or way of passing [s. 7(1)(a), Indian Railways セュ@
Act] mffl; [s. 2(57), Delhi Municipal Corporation Act] 1ft!; 2. a past services: [s. 321(3}, Companies a」エIセ@
continuous but indefinite portion of a bank [s. 52(g), Copyright pasture: to feed on growing grass or herbage [s. 26(d), Indian Forest
a」エスセ[@ a portion of a writing [s. 102, ill. (ii), Indian a」エ}セ@

Succession Act}.aro ; 3. <mn セ@ patent :a grant from the government to a person or persons conferring
for a certain definite time the exclusive privilege of making, using
.,assage advance : <miT Otf!! セ@ or selling some new invention [Ist sch., app. F, form No. 8,
passage, air : <11'1! llflf Otf!! . C.P.C]fu
passage, common : [s. 93(3)(iii), Factories a」エ}セ@ llflf patent defect : ll(g "lmfi ; セ@ "lmfi
passage, concessional : [s. 40A(b)(ii), Income-tax a」エ}セ@ <miT patent error: error open to view, readily visible or intelligible; evident
passage concessions : \ュョセ@ ftlwrn error [s. 36: Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and
passage, free : I. unimpeded passage, to allow to pass without Remains a」エ}セ@ "lmfi
constraints セ@ ;q セ@ セ@ t.IT; 2. [s. 17(b), Indian Easements
Act] セ@ llflf ; oエヲAMセ@ <mn; セ@ <mn ; ヲNAセ@ <mn patent inspection centre : m
f.tfuluT エセ@
passage money: money charged for passage; fare <mn '11m; <mn-<lfll !R patent or other trade name: [s. 16(1), prov., Sale of Goods Act] セ」Z@
passage ofthe Bill: [art. 108(4), prov., (a), Canst.] セcヲゥャ@ BGャヲオセ@ lfif 'IT'! >:rr 3R' anm 'IT'!

セ@ patent or proprietary medicine : I. [sch., expln., I, Medicinal and

passage rebate : 'lf'l'n Otf!! W Toilet Preparations (Excise Duties) Act] セ」Z@ >:IT セ@ セ[@ 2.
{s. 3(h}, Drugs and Cosmetics Act] セ」Z@ <n セ@ セ@
passage, service : [s. 2(22), Delhi Municipal Corporation a」エ}セ@
'{ffifT • patent rights or copyrights: [s. 351\1., Income-tax Act) セ」Z@ セGAit@

passage way : [s. 38(5), Factories a」エ}セ@ Cfil '{ffifT

patentee : one to whom a grant is made or a privilege is secured by
passed, before a final order is: [s. 257, Cr. P.C.] セ@ セ@ mtf セ@
pateht ittiT
on;) cf; '!'f
patents officer : i!tc: セ@
passed for payment : tiGfl! cfi セ@ "'1fuf
paternal grandfather : father's father セ@
passed for Rs ........ : . .... セ@ cfi セ@ "'1fuf
paternal grandmother :father's mother セ@
passed or made: [art. 136(2), Canst.] tnfui" セ@ '11<! >:IT Wrr '11<!
paternal grandparent : セ@ >:IT セ@ ; セMヲゥᆱキ[エ|@
passenger : one, who travels in some vessel or vehicle; a traveller by
any public vehicles entered by fare セ@ paternal uncle :father's brother TITiiT; CfilCfil
passenger attendant : セ@ セ@ paternal side or maternal side : セ@ 1M >:rr l!T1J: 1M
pathological: [sch. II, part. B. wッイォュ・ョZセ@ Compensation a」エスセ[@
passenger, gratuitous: ヲNAZセ@
passenger guide Zᄋセ@ TJ1'l! セ@
pathological manifestations : セ@ セ@
passenger list : [sch., pt. II, item 10, Commercial Documents
Evidence a」エ}セ[@ セ@ pathological purposes : [s. 6(b). Far Drum.< and Far Bnne5
(Authority for use for Therapeutic Purposes) a」エスセ@ cf;
passenger luggage: [s. 12, prov., Coir Industry Act]liDfi l'l'fl1'R セ@
passenger ticket : [sch., pt. II, item I I, Commercia/ Documenc
Evidence a」エ}セ@ ft<f.c: pathway: [s. 57(k), Mines Act] アMセ@
passenger train : セ@ TJTtt; セ@ TJTtt patient: one who is under medical treatment [s. 20(2), Representation
passes, interest : [s. 8, T. P. a」エ}セ@ Cfil セエゥャ@ ; セ@ Cfil セ@ of the People Act, 1950] ャゥヲ\ィ」エQTセG@ HセI[@ U1fl; m
patrolman : セ@
&<1T セ M
passes with the property: [s. 26, Sale of Goods Act] セ」ヲゥュAイ[@ patron : one who gives his means and uses his influence to help or
F\Qtセ@ benefit an individual, an institution, or a cause セ@
passing off : the wrong committed by a person who sells goods or patronage: I. the action of a patron in supporting, encouraging or
carries on business, etc. under such a name, mark, description or countenancing a person, institution etc. セGャA[@ 2. the financial
otherwise in sucp a manner as to mislead the public into believing support given by customers in making use of a commercial
that the goods or business etc. is that of another person {s. 27(2), concern ャヲゥエセ@ ; ャセ@
Trade and Merchandise Marks Act] iffiT t.IT pattern : I. somethig designed or used as a model for making things
passing on of delivery order : [s. 9(2}(b), Securities Contracts [.,. 2(c). Tax on Postal Articles Act} i'!c:;f; セッュZ@ 2. order Q;l1
(Regulation) a」エ}セ@ セ@ 'llftli <liB! pattern, cropping ; セ@ lfilf -
passing on the death: [s. 19, expln., Estate Duty a」エIセ\rュ@ pattern keeper : セ@ 'ffi!
セ@ pattern maker : セZ@ セ@

passing through the lands, rail: [s. 11(.1). Indian Railways a」エ}ᄋセ@ pattern of instruction : [sch., item 25(J}(i), Aligarh Muslim
iht m<liPTR <!R'I\ セ@ University a」エ}セ@
p&t>per 242 pecuniary r.ompenutiO!J
ーQオセイ@ : a person destitute of means except as are derived from paying in book : セ@ N セ@
charity; one allowed to sue in forma pauperis セ@ (qm) paying off: paying any debt in full {s. 93, T.P. a」エスセ@
ヲセ エ ーe イ@ avpuls : appeals in form pauperis セ@ セ@ paying officer : fizy< セ@
p;mper leiler : [preiimbl:, Lepers a」エ}セ@ '(11ft PllJmcnt : I. the act of paying [s . 64, I. P. C] セ@ ; 'ifi\'IT ; 2. that m
セオー・イ@ ウセゥエ@ : セ@ セ@ wHich is paid .fs. 36, TP. Act] 3. the action or an act of m ;
ーZセNオ」イゥウュ@ セ[@ セ@ rendering to a.person anything due or discharging an obligation
ーQオ・イゥセュL@ disprove tbe : セ@ @セ セQWュ@ Qifo1T セ[@ セキN[@ 'lfTON; セ@
;>awn : a lhing given, deposited or left in another's keeping as a payment and error scrolls : セ@ 'llh: rrmfi セ@
security for a debt or for the performance of some action [s. 378, payment by instalments: [s. 5(1), Sale of Goods a」エ}セ@ it m
ill. (k), J.P. 」N}セ@ vayment 」ャ・イォZセ@
ーセ^xQ@ or pledge: [sch. 1, item 6, Indian Stamp a」エ}セ@ lll ftlrcft psyment for honour: payment uf a_ protested bill or draft oy someone
pawnee : [s. 172, Indian Contract a」エ}セ@ other than the primary debtor made with the purpose of saving the
ー。キョ・セGウ@ rigbt of retainer: [s. 173, Indian Contr;)ct a」エスセ@ l!i'! credit of such debtor [s. 10/(g). Negotiable instruments A ct]
llfuw.{Uf l!i'! セ@ セA@
pawnor : [s. 172, Indian Contract
pay : I. all sums payable to a man in respect of ins ウ・イカゥ」
allowance; nioney paid for labour or ser.-1ce i<<R ; セ[@
・セ@ other than
2. to
payment for securing retirement· annuities :
paymentforthfuse: [app. A, plaint No.9, C.P.C.] セ\ゥ[エ
<iiR *
fW( セ@
{セN@ 80, Income-tax

make payment t-11, セ[@ セ@ セ[@ セ\fat[@ セ@ m 'ifi\'IT; セt@ payment into court : payment by deposit with the court [Or. 24,
セ@ cNp}セゥ@
pay, lltlYI!i!CC : セ@ ilo.; payment into treasury : mR ゥエセN[@

pay and セ」ュエウ@ office : ilrH 31R ffim rセ@ payment is good: [s. 208. ill. (b), Indian Cgntract Act] m TI!Tlfi セ@
paymtnt of bonus : <il'ffi セ@
p2y lind llccounts officer : iffi;J セ@ ffim セ@
puy. 「エセウゥ」Z@ WI iRA payment of coin: [Or. 21, r. 56, C.P.C.] セ\ゥ@
ー。ケ「ゥAャZュセ@ payment of costs by way of compensation: [s. 35A(I), C.P.C] セ@
pay tlili assistant : *r.; ヲ\Gャゥセ@
payment of debts: [s. 17(2)(i), T.P. Act] >pit \ゥセ@
ーセエケ@ clerk : iRA セ\ゥ@
pay day: mTtr
payment of expenses: [s. 8, Hackney-Carriage Act] oq<f\ \ゥセ@ m
pay, duly: {lst sch, app. F,form No. 10, CP.C.] セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@
payment of his legacy : [s. 329, Indian Succession a」エ}セ@ セ@
pay, ヲゥク・、Zセ@ セfA@
ー^セケ@ in セゥー@ hook : 7.tiT l1<ff セ@
payment .of money, decree for : [s. 56, C. P. C] ".4 ;i; セ@ llit セ@
pay ュエセウ エ ・イ@ : iffi;r f!iR\
payment of moneys into: [art. 110( /)(c), Const.] it I:R セ@ iliRI
p2y of appointment : セゥ@ ilo.1 payment ofStates'share of Union Excise Duties:*< セMCョ[qGエ@
pay.ofrank: {<ii セ@ \ヲ^MGQセャゥエ@
pay onier : セ@ jャEセQ [@ セ@ セAit@ payment of ta! : "'i( m
!)2y, ッカ・イウ。 Z セ@ iKR; セQ{@ m payment of wages : セ@ セ@
pay, personal : セ セ@ <tH payment, on: [s. 2( /6), Delhi Municipai Corporation a」エ}セ@
pay, presumptive: セ@ <tH , payment order : fizy< セAit@
pay イ。ョァセ@ : $1-l ilufr payment schedule : セ@ セ@
pay roll : セ[@ G"'<ii ; ilm' セッイ@ payment side : lt<n<r <re
pay-scale: {s . 25(a). Insti tutes of Technology a」エ}セ@ p:.1yrnent through the court: [Or. 16. r. 16(2). C PC] セゥャ|Gヲ\pエ@ セ@
pay s!ip : $1-l trm li;n "fiBT
pay, speda l : ヲオセイウ@ iKR po<ymcnt under decret>: {Or. 21. r. QセOjN@ (' 1' C )lt.t1 <f.. :iFlt'! \サセ@
pay. subsbnii ve; At!'3T!fr セ Ha@ paym<"nt \oucher : セQT@ <ffir«\
l"' l th<· dl!magc': f·'- 155{1!. Companies a」エIセ@ paytucHI, ,.ilhoul: [s. 12il, Cr. iGNc}ューエセ@
pay , lim< >ntlc: <-r.h"·lff'l iliH peace: fJccdunl tl·unl clamour and confu>.ion セ@
vay to tlte holder: [s. 29. iii., l.P.C.} lffilli \ャゥエセ@ 'f>{'lT peace and good go\'ernment : mft1 .Jih: ャヲZtセ@
payable : what is to be paid under any liability; liable to be paio peace, public : [s ! 29(1 ) , Cr. P. C.] iif\.q; セtゥヲオ@
{s. 57(a), T.P. a」エ}セ[@ m peace, the : the King's peace; a state of security or order within a
paysb!e in perpetuity: [s 25(b), Indian Stamp a」エ}セ@ -q セ@ 」ッュセオョゥエケ@ provided for by law, custom or public opinion
p:;;yable on demand : payable at once, forthwith or immediately [s. 118(1), Cr. P.C] セAOtゥヲオ@
r'- 20. m. ( b). c P. CJ -rm 'R セ@ peaceably and openly enjoy : to enjoy in a peace able and friendly
payabl e othtrwise than on demand : [s. 62(l)(a), Indian S tamp manner, without strife or contention {s . 25( 1J. Limitation Act]
Act] 'lM 'R It 3Rll:il セ@ セョMゥGAエ\rヲ|it@
pa;table to bearer : {s. 9, Negotiable iョウエイオュ・セヲG」j@ \イセ@ セ@ セ@ peaceful tonduct : セ@ セ@
payable to or in respect of judges [art. l/2(3)(d}(fi), Const.] セ@ pearls, real, cultured or imitation : セN@ セ@ m 1'R'fi ll'tcfi
<lit m r.r<% $"a it 1ft セ@ <lffil peat: a piece of turf cut for use as fuel {s. 2(4){h)(iv), Indian Forest
ー。ケ\セ「ャ・@ to order-: [s. 9, Negotiable Instrum ents Act] SャイュセョZ@ t'l Act]tfu:
payee: the pe rson to who m a sum of money is to be paid; the person m pecuniary : !. of, belonging to , or having relation to money {s. 161,
whose favo ur a negotia ble instrument has been drawn tlf.t 1ffilT expln., J.P. C.] I:R-mi'!ft; 2. in the form of money {Ist sch., app. A,
payees stamped receipt : trR セ@ «it ftg wfi セ@ form No. 39(5), C.P.C] t#r:;
ー 。ケ・イ Zセ[@ pecuniary advantage : [s. 88, Indian Trusts Act] !R-mi'!ft q;pro
pllying fieht, in: in satisfying the debt by payment {s. 48(b)(i). Indian pecuniary claim: [s. 13(d), Provincial Insolvency Act] I:R-mi'!ft セ@
Parrnrrship a」エ}セ@ \ャゥtセ@ <ii\:t ii pecuniary compensation: a compensation in the form of money tr.ftq
payir;;;: departmem : fizy< f<ttrr:T セ@
pecuniary dafl'!ages 243 perceived by senses
pecuniary oamages : セ@ セ@ pending ・ク。ュゥョセエッ@ : セ@ セ@
pecuniary demand: [Or. 8:r. 6, ill. (d), C.P.C.] tR-mitfi 1li1f pending suit: {Or. 21, r. RYL⦅cNpjiセ@ セ@
pecuniary gratification: .fs.161, expln., J.P. C.] tR-mitfi セ@ ; セ@ pending the formation of the goven•"llent company: [s. 13(1), Metal
セ@ Corporation of India (Acquiswon of Undertaking) a」エ}セ@
pecuniary interest: a legal c;onfern, primarily rooted in money, in any ュNセoAr」ゥヲ[@
business, transaction or property エイNセMゥッヲ@ セ[@ iAl<l セ@ penetration : insertion; the fact of passi ng, into or through
pecuniary jurisdiction : a jurisdiction as limited by the value of the [s. 375, fifthly, expln., ャ Npc }セ[@ セ@
subject-matter of the suit エイNセMュゥヲ@ セ@ ; セ@ セ@ penitentiary: reformatory prison or セッオウ・@ of correction [Illrd sch.,
pecuniary jurisdiction, court ofthe low.est : [s. 6(7), Borufed Labour art. i2, Geneva Conventions a」エ}セ@
System Ha「セャゥエッョI@ Act] エイNセMゥッヲ@ セ@ セ@ qn;n セ@ penologist : セ@
pecuniary legatee : a receiver of money under a will [1st sch., app. A, pension: a periodical payment made by a government, company or an
form No. 43, cNp}セ@ employer of labour in consideration of past services or the
pecuniary liability: an obligation to pay in money or in cash irセ@ relinquishment of.rights, claims or emoluments; regular payment
セ[@ エイMAャ\ゥセ@ to persons in order that they may maintain themselves
pecuniary limitations: limits in terms of mqney [s. 16, C. P.C.] エイNセMJゥャ@ [art. 1 12(3)(d)(i),-Const.] ifm
セ[ュ@ pension, additional : セ@ iM;;
pecuniary limits of the jurisdiction : fs. 6, C.P.C.] セ@ セ@ pension, antiCipatory : セ@ iM;;
tr-1--mitfi Wm:t pension card : iM;; セ@

pecuniary loss : {s. 8(2)(b)(i). Requisitioning and Acquisition of pension clerk : iM;; セN@ セ@ セ@
.Immovable Property a」エ}セ@ セ@ pension compensation : セ@ ゥヲセ@
pecuniary penalty : [s. 5(b), Calcutta Port (Pilotage) Act and art. pension, disability : BGセ@ m
110(2), Const.] pension, extraordinary : セ@ m
pecuniary resources : {s. 5(/)(e), Prevention of Corruption Act] pension, family : '1ftm iM;; ; セ@ ゥヲセ@
tt-1"--mitfi mtR" pension fund : iM;; f.rttl .
pecuniary reward : [s. 4(vii), Air Force a」エ}セ@ セ@ pension, inferior : 3l<R iM;;
pecuniary transaction : monetary transactioh エイNセMm@ セ@ pension, invalid : ·"''!ll'm セ@
pediatrician : ゥャュMセ@ pension payment office : セ@ セ@ セ@
セゥァイ・L@ family : the origin and history of the family セ@ セ@ pension payment order : セ@ セ@ セ@
peel : [s. 3(1), Marine Products Exports Development Authority pension, retiring : セ@ セ@
Act]Ulwn pension rules, liberalised : セ@ ゥヲセ@ f.rlfl!
pallets·: [s. 2(v), Gold (Control) a」エ}セ@
pension, special 。、ゥエッョャZNセ M セ@ ゥヲセ@
pen down strike: Cfml{ 00 セ[@ セ@ セ@ m pension, superannuation : セ@ ゥヲセ@
penal code : a systematic collection of legal !lrovisions laying down
pension, S!Jperior : ;:J"iXl セ@
penalties for various kinds of offences or transgressions セ@ セ@
pension, wound and injury; mil ma·i!<A ..m:
penal deductions: [s. 80(i), Army a」エ}セ@ セ@
·pension, wQ_und and other extraordinary ; mil ..m: >3RI 3ffi1¥m1IT ゥヲセ@
ー・ョセャ@ interest : セ@ セ@
ー・ョウゥッ。セャ@ : ゥヲセ@ セ[@ ifm
セi@ law :a law providing for the punishment of offences セ@ セ@
penal rate :a Slim declared by a recognizance or a bond to be forfeited
pensionable service : セ@ iM;; ;m;ft w : mr
pensionary benefits : セ@ セ@
if the condition of the bOnd is not fulfilled セ@ セ@
pensionary charges : W llliR ; セ M llliR
penal イ・セエZ@ セ M セ@
pensionary 」ッセエイゥ「オョウZ@ W セ[@ ゥヲセ[@ ゥヲセ@
penal sanction: {an. 49, Geneva Conventions a」エ}セ@ "':!,E
pensionary status: W セ[@ ᄋ セ@ セ [@ セ@ GQャヲゥセ@
penal sum : money payable as penalty [1st sch., app. A, form No.
pensioner : person who is receiving a pension {s. 6(g), T.P.
18(2), C.P.C] セ@ \1fu
penalties imposable: {ch. 21, Income-tax a」エ}セ@ pensioner of J!overnment : one who receives pens10n 1rom the
penalty : a punishment imposed ior arly breach of law, rule or . government セ@ "ifil セ@
contract; a sum named in a bond as the amount to be forfeited by pensions and miscellaneous general ウ・イカゥ」Zセ@ ..m: セ@ セ@ セ@
the obligor in case he does not coni ply with the conditions of the pensions and other retirement benefits : iM;; ..m: >3R1 wャMセ@ WI!
bond; money recoverable by virtue of a penal statute; a sum agreed
to be paid on breach of an agreement or some stipulation in it •
penultimate : the last but one of any series pf;;qi"fq
peon : [s . .i7, Registration a」エ}セ@
penalty for ill-treating animals : [s. 9, sエ。ァ・セcイゥウ@ Act] セSQG@ セ@
peon book : セ@ om
people : ;;r;mr; [preamble, Const.] セ@
pe"alty for not accounting for goods: [s. J/6, Customs Act] "lfm "ifil
people of India : [preamble. Const.] '1T{(f セ@ セ@
penalty proceedings : • セ@ per annum : yearly セ@
penalty stipulated for: [s. 74, expln., Indian Contract a」エ}セ N@
per bearer : セ@ {lU セ@ セ@ セ@ {lU

• pe( capita: per head [s. 7(2), expln., Hindu Succession a」エ}セ[@
per セッョエイ。@ : セ@ セ@ i!
pendency oFa case: [s. 388C(I), cッュー。ョゥセ@ Act}W "ifil R セ@
pendent.y of proceeding; [s. 34, Wealth-tax a」エスセ@ "ifil M セ@ ー・イ、ゥュZセ@
pendency of a suit: [Or; I I, r. 14, C.P.C.] セ@ "ifil セ@ セ@ ー・イュョセZ[@ セ@
Pending : literally hanging in suspense; remaining undecided or per stirpes: accordmg to the branch (of the family) [s. 19(a), Hindu セ[NM ._

awaiti'ng settlement M Succession a」エ}セ[@ WSJm: イNセ@

ZNセᄋM セN@
pending before a tribunal: [s. 135(2), C.P.C.] セ@ セ@ fl1m セ@ perceive: [s. 382, ill. (4), J.P. cN}セ[@ iiTtl セ@ "·";
pending·by oragainstsuclrboard: [s. 14(1), Coal Mines(Conservation perceive no impediment: [; 14, Air Force Act] lfitt セ[ケェNヲGャBエ@ <mft
and Development) a」エ}セ@ <iTt {lU 7U セ@ セ@ セ@ perceived : [ss. 3 and 60, Indian Evidence a」エスセ@
pending clearance : [s. 49, Customs Act] f.t<mfi m (lq; perceived by senses: [s. 3, Indian Evidence a」エ}セ@ rn セ@
244 permanency
period : {s. 74, J.P. cN}セ[@ [s. 2(j), Limitation Act] <lim'
period begins to run: [sch., column 3, Limitation Act] \ャゥュGセ@
percentage : セ@
percentage check : セ@ セ@
period of credit : [sch., arts. 14 and 15, Limitation Act] '3'Ell1: <tl
percentage of shares : [s. 226(3)(b), prov., Companies Act] 3W'!
period of currency of the cheque : セ N@ <l; セ@ セ@ <tt セ@
percentage rates : セ@ セ@
period of dissolution: [s. 29(3), Oillndustry(Developmeflt) a」エ}セ@
percentage recoveries : セ@ セ@
percolate : {s. 7, cxpln. (f), Indian Easements Act] fuRl
period of inaction : [s. 7/A(b), Indian Railways 。」エ}セ@ <tt
percolation : i!ffi, tr<IUT; fuRl ᄋ セ@

percussion-caps: {s. 4(/)(b), Explosives a」エ}セ@ period oflimitation: the ume laid down by law within which an action
peremptory lh>rms of jus con ァ・ョウZセ@ fclt.rr;j <fi セ@ セ@ can be brought, and after the expiry of which recourse to courts
perennial nature : {s. /0(2}(b), Contract Labour (Regulat'fo.. and cannot be had for any remedy [s. 2(j), Limitation Act} .'lfuWn ..<iiffi ;
Abolition) a」エ}セ@ 'Fffl; f.1«T 'Fffl [s. 10/A, Presidency-towns Insolvency Act] '!fuWlT <lll セ@
perforated roll : セ@ U\;1. period of limitation shall be computed : [s. 19, Limitation Act]
perform :to carry through to completion; to carry out in action セ@ qf(H) YIifli\'1 fMfitrn fif:trr ;:;mz'TI
i£BT ; (<oTt <W!) i£BT period of mere attendance : [s. 2, expln. (3), Motor Transport
perform a promise : {s. 39, Indian Co:Jtract Act] 'fi'R lliT セ@ セ@ Workers a」エ}セ@ 'WI <!lt セ@
perform duty diligently: [s. 56(/), Navy a」エ}セ@ lliT <mr.! i11'l(i1i'i<f<li period of overstay : 3!fuqrn <!lt セ@
i£BT period of relaxation : [s. 71 A(d), Indian Railways Act] セGャゥtA@ <lll
perform the obligations: [s. 185, J.P. C.] <llU!C!T:oit <1>1 '!<f セ@ セ@
perform the work in public: [s. 3/(J)(b), Copyright Act] 'ffl セ@ <1>1 , period of supersession: [s. n8(2)(b), Dock Workers (l?egulation of
セ\ャゥjBit@ . Employment) a」エ} ᄋ セ@ <lim';· セ@ <tl セ@
performance: I. the action of performing [s. 8, Indian Contract Act period oftime: [s. 205, Indian Contract Ace] B'lfll <!lt セ@ ; B'lfll <tt
and art. 71!2). Const.] セ[@ 2. doing [s. 33, T.P. a」エ}セ[@ <6111 3filfu
i£BT; 3. to accomplish; to execute セ@ セ@ periodic: [s. 15(2)(v), Protection of Civil Rights Act] B'lfli-·B'Ifll '11
performance, effect of accepting : [s. 41, Indian Contract Act] <mr.! periodic valuation ュ・エィッ、Zセ@ Yl'1'T\'ft; セ@ セ@ セ@
セ@ <liB ·q;j ·lf"!]q ; f<tc; '1lZ <6Tlf ct セ@ lliT ll'll']q
periodical : I. recurring at regular intervals; pertaining to period
performance in public : [s. 3 I (I)(a), Copyright a」エ}セ@ [Or. 21, r. 33, C.P.C.}<I>Tfuq;; セ[@ 2. a serial publication
i£BT ; ffiih!Rq; セ@ usually produced at regular intervals of less than a year and
performance of an act : doing of an act <6Tlf i£BT ,_
containing at least some articles and : or news items, as distinct
performance of conditions : セイヲゥャt@ セ@ from legislation and case reports [.>. 30(2j(m). Chartered
performance of decree : [s. 17(1), Provincial Small Cause Courts Accountants Ace] ヲNQセゥ\Vャ@ セ@
AccJfutr lliT セ@ periodical adjustment : セ@ セ@
performance of duties: [s. 16(v), Income -la x a」エ}セ@ lliT セ@ periodical bonus : [4th. sch .. item 5!4)(b). Income-tax a」エ}セ@
performance of engagement : [s. 2( 17), Indian Stamp a」エ}セ@ lliT <if;m
'ITi'R periodical inspection : セ@ f.rtlwrr
performance of experiments : [s. 14, Prevention of Cruelty to periodical instalment : セ@ fiRi1
Animals Ace, 1960] l!<Wi't lliT f<l><rr "IT'll periodical payment : [s. 16(2)(c), Escace Duty a」エ}セ@ 00'1
performance of functions : セ@ lliT 'ITi'R periodical payment of money: [Or. 21 , r. 33(3). CP.C.] ;p ゥセ@
performance of funeral rite-.. for: [> . 297. I. P. cN}セ@ セGSQ@ <t f\:!T; セ@
performance of obligations: [s. 49(b), Companies Ace] <nU«llm lliT periodical report : セ@ Rti1t
periodical rest: [s. 7/(d)( /). Indian Railways a」・}セ@ fu'l!T'l
performance of post-mortem examination: [s. 18, Coroners a」エ}セ@ periodical return : <6Tfuq; f<mu\1
<rtten 'liTrn 3F:T periodical settlement of contract : [s . 9(2)(b). Securities Contracrs
performance of promise: [ss. 41, 43, 67 and i 77, Indian Contract (Regulation) Act] m<t::T lliT <liTfuq; f.'ttRF.
1\cc] 4iR lliT '1T"R
.periodical verification : セ@ セ@
performance of service : [s. 26(2), Passports Act} #qr i£BT
periodical work: [s. 2(b), Working Journalists and Other Newspaper
perform ance of the worship or of the service : [s. 14, Religiou,s
Employees (Conditions of Service) and Miscellaneous Provisions
Endo" mcncs Act] pl 'lT Wn <n<.n
Act] ヲNQ\fゥャセ@ セ[@ [s. 2(aa), Delivery of Books and Newspapers
performance of treat)' : lliT 'lf\'R m1! (Public Libraries) a」エ}セ@
performance register : セ@ \セ@
periodically recurring right: [s. /04, Limitation a」エ}セG@ "fmff
performed : セ@ ; fil.,<n '1<n セ@
performed specifically: {s . 58, Sale of Goods Act] Gitゥrセ@ fif:m
peripheral area : [sch. I. heading, Urban Land fCei ling and
Regulation) Act] ;rq'!(1' mr
performing animals: [s. 9(b}. Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act. peripheral speed : [s. 30( I), Factories a」エ}セ@ '1ffi'1 '
/'!/i(Jf 'F<'l"l セ@ セ@ GセQ@
perish :to come to an untimely end; to lose life; to suffer destruction
performing c•-nditions. acceptance by : [s. 8. Indian Contract [s. 27, ill. (b}. T.P. a」エスセ@ it.TI
.\ell o1"\1 i 'IT"R &m セ@
perishable: subject to quick deterioration; liable to perish [s . 83(5).
performing mission : {art . 6. r. 22, United Nations (Pri\·ileges and Cr. pNc}セュ@
lmmurJJtics J a」エ}ヲ_イセfN@ <1>1 '!<f \ャゥbセ[@ <6Tlf '!<f <6\;r セ@
perishable nature: [s. 83(5), Cr. P.C.] ヲゥrセ」ョZN@
performing right\ society : fs. 2(a). Copyright a」エ}セ@ ᄋ セ@
エM ヲN[イMセ@
perishable property: [s. /6, Indian Trusts Act} セ・ョZ@ l'fqfu
perjury: violation of a promise made on oath; the action of swearing
Jleril : [sch.. arc. IV( 2)1c). Indian Carriage of Goods by Sea Act}
to a statement known to be false [s. 165. ill. (c), 1. P. C.] セャGBMQm[@
r.-·111 : ゥョセ@
セQGAB@ '11 f?rllff セ@
peril of life : [ s. 17( 21. Air I-oree Act] :;f\q;f <tt セ@ permanency : セ@
permanent 24! penon havin& specialised knowledge and experience
permanent : lastilfg or 、セウゥァョ・@ to last indefinitely without change perpetually enjoined : enjoined for ever {s. 37(2), Specific Relief
[s. 3(c), T:P. a」エ}セ@ a」エスュセ[@ ュ[アセ@
permanent address: [s. 58(/)(e), Indian Partnership a」エ}セ@ 1fflT perpetuate the memory : [s. 2(a), Jallianwalla Bagh N ational
permanent advance : [s. 369(2)(b), expln., Companies a」エIセ@ Memorial a」エ}セ@

permanent and immediately profitable character : [s. 16, Indian
perpetuity: I. the duratio n with out limitati on as to time [s. 105, T. P.
Act] :mm <trn ; セ[@ 2. the condition of an estate li mited so
Trusts a」エIセ@ WO セ@ セ@ that it will not take effect or vest within the period fixed by law or
permanent arbitral 「ッ、ゥ・ウZセ[@ so limited as to be or have a possibility of being inalienable,eithec
permanent disablement : セ@ ヲNAエZセ@ perpetually or beyond the bounds fixed by law [s. 14. T. P.
permanent disfiguration of the head or face : [s. 320, sixthly, a」エ}セ@

i N pNcjヲュセ\ゥャ@ perpetuity, transfer in :a transfer for ever セ@ セ@

permanent dwelling : {s. 20. expln. I. cN pNc}セ@ f.l<mf perquisite : a privilege, gain o r profit incidental to an employment in
permanent home : セ@ f.tcml' addition to regular salary or wages [s. 17(/ )(iv), Income-tax Act}
permanent partial disablement : [s. 2(15A), Employees' StMe
Insurance a」エIセ@ ヲNAエZセ@ persecution : harassment [lllrd sch. , art. 45, Geneva Conventions
permanent physical disability : {s. 80U(ii), Income-tax a」エ}セ@ Act] mrrrr
セヲNAZ@ persistent negligence : [s. 3888( I ). Companies a 」エIセ@ m
permanent privation of the sight of either eye : {s. 320, secondly, persisting in refusal : [s. 389, Cr. P. cN }セ@ '1\ ro w-IT
J.P.C) $it i! # セ@ セ@ セ@ tt セ\ヲゥt@ persistently : エ ・ョ。」ゥッオセャ ケ@ [s. 44(d), Indian Partnership a」エスセ[@
permanent return: [art. 7, prov. , Const.] セ ᄋ [ア@ セ@ セ@ wmm
permanent settlement: {s. 7(v)(d)(2), Co urt-fees a 」 エ スセ[@ persistently make default: [s. 47( /)(a), M anipur(Hi/J A reo.s) District
セ H セI@ Councils a」エIセ@
permanent use: [s. 8, T.P. a」エ}セ@ person: I. legal entity that is recognised by law as the subject of rights
permanent works : [s. 24(2)(a), Water (Prevention and Control of and duties.; an individual {s. II , I.P.C. and s. 3(42), General
Pollution) a」エ}セ@ · Clauses Act and art. 2 1, c。 ョ ウ エL} セ[@ 2. the livi ng body of an
,. -+-
permanently :ih a permanent manner; lastingly {s. 33, T.P. Act] エ\アセG@ individual [s. 4(2), Guardians and Wards Act] :rrftr
セ [@ セ[Mア@ person accountable :t.!Gn: セ[@ [s. 2( 12), Estate Duty a」・}セ@ ;:;it
permanently fastened: [s. 2(d), R egistration a」エIセ@ ;-q セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@
permanently fastened to anything attached to earth : {s. 3( a), Land person accused : [s. 2(b). Ex tradition a 」 エ }セ@
Acquisition a」エスセ@ セ@ ifuir セ@ m!! tmlfi ;-q # セ@ セ@ person acquitted: [s . 335, Cr. p Nc}セ@ セ@ 'T<l1 セ [@ セ@
permanently injurious: [s. 66, T.P. a」エ}セ@ ;-q セ@ セ[@ セ@ ;-q セ@ セ M
セ@ person acting as such : [an . 120, prov., Canst.] iffi セ@ il <fiT<t <liB 'Th'l1
permanently settled : セ@ ;-q セ@ セ@ @セ セ QG@S セ@
permanentl y settled land-revenue : [ s. I . So nrhal Parganas A ce. person aggrieved: [s. 144(5), Cr. P. C. and s. 155(/)(b), Companies
ャ ャゥ U U jセ@ ;-q セ@ セ@ セ@ IfQ1 "!_-UJW< a」エ} セGゥャ セ@
permanently useless: {s. 33A( l)(ii), Income-tax a」エスセ@ ;-q # m person alleging himself to be the owner : [s. 60. Presidency Small
permh; ible delegation : セ@ セ@ Cause Courts Act]3T'f.t セ@ セ@ @セ @セ <m'IT セ@
permissible maximum : {s. 259(a), Companies a」エ}セ@ セ@ person apprehending arrest : セ@ tt セ@ @セ <!RT セ@
permissible quota : [s . 2(d), Sugar ( Regulation of Production) person authorized by law to 。ー・イ Zセ ᄋ H セI@ if.\ >il セ@ セ@ &m
a 」エ }セ@ <tikr セ セ@
permission : the action of permitting or givmg leave: liberty or licence person claiming under document: [s. 55(5). Regist ratio n Acr] セ@
granted to somethin g {s. 123, Indian Evidence Act]31¥T セ@ 3ltfR om セ@ ;mrr セ@
permission to sue as a pauper : セ@ セ@ '1\ em: m-'1 tt 3!¥T em person claiming under him : [s . /46. C. P C] ;m<i; .mfR om <OT.i <m!T
permissive: [s. 3(2)(d)( I). Indian Electricity a」エ}セ@ セ@
permit : 1. a wJitten order givi ng permissi on {s. 24(2)(k), Emigration person competent to act on his behalf : [s. 14U(u }. lncomc-t;u
a」エ }セZ [@ 2 to allow the doing of something [s. /54. Act] :Jlf<t\ .;ffi セ@ <fiT<t セ@ セ@ セ@ tru'l セ@
Indian Evidence a」エ} ᄋ セ@ person conducting a prosecution :one who co nducts a prosecutio n
per111it, issue of : {s. J4(2)(k), Emigration a 」 エ}セ@ t-11 セ@ セ@ q;B <m!T O!!fcRf
permit to be represented: to allow to be described as having a specified person convicted : [s. 374(3)fa), Cr. pN cN }セ@ セ@ 'T<l1 セ[@
character or quality {s. 28(1 ), Indian Partnership a」エスセ@ セ@
セエNャイ[@ セエNイ@ person, credit of the: [s. I 58, Indian Evidence a 」エ}セ@ <tT ヲ」エセ@
permitted : [s. 123, Indian Evidence a」エ}セ [@ {s. 17(/)(b), person dealing : [s. 233, hidian Contract A ct] oqqm cnf.r <m'IT セ@
Payment o f Wages a」エ}セ@ person denying liability to deduct. tax : {s. 248. In come-ta x Act] <R tt
permutation of letters: {s. 2(d), Prize Competitions a」エ}セ@ <fiT g;q セ@ セ@ セ@ Glfl«q セ@ セ@ q;B <m!T セ@
セ@ person deriving title to the goodwill : {s. 27(1 ), In dian Contract
pernicious customs: highly injurious or destructive customs セ@ a」エ}セ\ヲゥャSQG@
セ@ person discharging the functions of a Governor : [art. 159. Const.)
perpetual : lasting for ever; eternal [s. 36, Specific Relief Act] mm; セ[Zゥエᆬヲ\tGサ`@
セ@ person elected to fill the vacancy : [art. 62(2), Ca nst.] ffiil:n qi1 セ@ セ@
perpetual debenture : [s . 120, Companies a」エ}セ@ セ@ セ@
perpetual injunction: an injunction granted on the final trial [ss. 36 person empowered: [s. 5( /), Metal Corporation o flndia (Acquisition
and 3 7(2). Specific Relief Act} mm ッアセ@ of.Undertaking) a 」 エ}セ [@ セ@ セ@
perpetual settlement: {4thsch., Laws Local Extent Act) mm セ@ person having a better title: [s . 51 , T.P. a 」エ}セ@ 00 <m!T oqfiffi
perpetual succession : [s. 2(2), Indian Museum Act and s. 3(2), person having specialised knowledge and experience : [s. /0(6)
F'aridabad Development Corporation Act and V/th sch., 2(3), (viia)(2)(B), expln., Income-tax Act]l1;m セ N@ ;:;it fctitq m 3ffi
cッョウエNスュセ@ セMュエ@
penon holding property In trust 246 penonal oppression
penon holding property in trust: [s. 2(d), Specific Relief a」エ}セ@ personal : of or relating to a particular person [s. 81 , C. P. cN}セ ᄋ [@
セZ@ エュBtセ@ exclusively for a given individual [s. 17/F, iNpcスセ[@
penon impounding an instrumenJ: [s. 38( 1), India n Stamp a」エ}セ@ relating to the person or body [s. 2(p), Gold (Control) a」エ}セ[@
セ@ セ@ セB|ャゥb@ lffilT セ@ . relating to an individual, his character, conduct, motives or
person1 in : personally [s. 287(2), Cr. P. cN}セ@ private affairs [s. 60(1), prov. (a), C.P.C]f.v;fi
person in arms : [s. 4(xviii), Air Force a」エ}セ@ personal acknowledgement : an acknowledgement made by any one
person in arms against the State : [s. 9(d), Central Reserve Police himself or personally [s. 3, T.P. a」エ}セ@ セ[@ f.ltt
Force Act} u;;q <f; セ@ m"! '30A <fr.TT arilm セ@
person in attendance: [s. 137(1), n。カケa」エ}セ@ セ@[ personal action: the action of an individual [Or. 39, r. 5, C.P.C.]
arilm セア[イ\ヲ@

person in authority : a person holding an office by virtue of \tlhich he persoilal adornment : [s. 2([), Gold (Control) Act] mflftq; セ@
can wield power over others {s. 24,lndian Evidence a」エ}セ@ personal advances : セ@ 3lftr:r
セ[@ [s. 163(1), Cr. pNcスセ\tイ@ . personal appearance : appearance of the person h\mself [s. 81,
person in charge ofthe property: person having the charge or control 」Np N cjセ[@ ュセ@
of the property セ@ liiT セ@ セ@ personal appearance in court: [s. 132 and Or. 19, r. 2(2), C.P.C.]
penon in duress : [s. J9(xvii), Court-fees a」エ}セ@ <fi 3!tlR セ@ セゥエ@
person in lawful 」ィ。イァ・Zセ@ mmm arilm personal assistant : f.ltt m-fl<ll>; セ@ セ@
person in occupation : [s. 35, Arms a」エ}セ@ arilm personal attendance : attendance of the person himself [ss. I I 5 and
person in possession : セ@ arilm 205(2), Cr. P.C] セ@ mflrft
person in question : arilm m personal attendance·, dispense with : [s. 115, Cr. P. cN}セᆱ@
person .interested in the property : [s. 7(1), Requisitioning and セエNイ@
Acquisition of Immovable Property a」エ}セ@ ゥエセ@ personal baggage : [s. 20, prov. (ii), Coffee Act) M mlfR
person interested to deny: [s. 34, expln., Specific Relief a」エ}セ@ personal 「ッョ、Zセ[@ セ@
セゥエ@ personal character: the moral qualities and excellence of behaviour of
person, killing of: [s. 3(/Xa), Geneva Conventions a」エ}セ@ liiT 'ltl" any individual [s. QWOgLiNp N cN}セ@ セ@
"1fiBf person!ll claims : セ@ セ@ .
person, may appear in: [s. 287(2), Cr. P.C.)m セ@ @セ t m personal communication : {1st sch., item (6), Cost and Works
person not ordinarily resident in India : [s. 5(c), Income-tax Accountants Ac.t] セ@ GA\Mセ@
Act] arllm, ;;it mm ゥエセ@ oR 111: f.!mft セ@ セ@ personal correction: [s. 177(d), Army a」エIセ@
person of a female is to be examined: [s. 53(2), Cr. P. cNスセ@ F.>ft c6t personal cultivation: [art. 3/A(/), 2nd prov., cッョウエNjセ@ q;rw
セ@ 'lfurr c6t O!Fft セ@ personal decree: a decree by which relief has been granted against the
person of the judgement debtor, without making any specific
person of a minor: [s. 4(2), Guardians and Wards a」エ}セ@ CfiT
property liable for the same {1st sch., app. D, form No. 5,
mt\; セcヲゥュtサ@
pers.on of either sex: [s. 7, University of Hyderabad Act] ffi 3fu: セ@ personal deposits : セ@ ;;Jl!l
person of Indian origin : [s. 3, Reciprocity a」エ}セ@ CfiT セ@
personal deposits account : セ@ ;;Jl!l m
person oflittlesubstance: [Or. 2 1, r. 32(5), C.P.C.] ア[ャヲセ\イNt@ personal direction: [Or. 18. r. 4, cNp N cN}セ@ セ@
person of ordinary prudence : a common discreet person; a person of personal direction and superintendence orthejudge: the instructions
ordinary forethought and -deliberation [s. 21, Indian Partnership and supervision of the judge himself [Or. 18, r. 4, C.P. cN}セ@
AceJ• m <Tr.TT セ@ ア[イセLッヲオZ@
person of ordinary sense and temper: [s. 95, J.P. C . } . Will 3fu: personai effects : [s. 3, Exchange of Prisoners Act} f.r;;fi セ[@
セ\ヲイNtᄋ@ [s. 2( 14)(ii), Income-tax a」エスセ@
person of perception and intellect : セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ <f<r-1 arilm personal estate : all of a person's property not coming under the
person of undoubted credit: {s. 15(a),lndian Trusts Act] セ|tヲAャ@ denomination of real estate セ@ セ@
<fr.TT arilm personal exertion of the individual : [s. 80E(6)(i), income-tax
person of unsound mind: [Or. 7, r. /(d), C.P.C.) セ@ セ@ a」エ}セ@ CfiT セ@ llft41li
person or class of persons: [s. 55(2), C.P.C.]arllm セ@ セ@ CfiT 1flf personal ground : セ@ 3lTIIT\
person presiding: [art. 108(4), prov., Const.] tftomr.larilm personalinfiuence: {s. 163, J.P. cN}セ@ 31m
penon professing the religion : !fl! セ@ セ@ <fr.TT •
personal injury : [s. 5, Personal lR)uries (Compensation Insurance)
person resident in India: [s. 2(p), Foreign Exchange Regulation Act Act and s. 3, Employe.-s' Liability a」・スセ@
and s. 596, prov. (1), Companies Act) mm it f.!mft. personal insurance: [s. 2(19)(b), Indian Stamp a」エIセ@ ift1fr
person resident obtside India: [s. 2(q), Foreign Exchange Regulation personal knowledge : セ@ W-i ; f.ltt セ@
Actl セ@ セ@ f.t<mft • « personal law: the law which governs certain aspects of a person's status
person responsible for paying : [s. 204, Income-tax a」エ}セ@ <f; or relationships or rights or privileges in regard to certain matters
セ@ ifflrolft • such as succession, marriage, etc., by virtue of his belonging to a
person suing : person bringing an action li1G \irA <Tr.TT セ@ ; emf\ particular community or group [s. 372, expln. If, J.P.C. and
s. 3(20), General Clauses a」エ}セ@ セ@
person to be 。エ・ウ、Zセ N セ[N@ セGャB@
personal law to which be is subject : [s. 2(8), Registration a」エ}セ@
セ@ O!Fft セ@
ヲLエゥャセ@ セ[iGJN@ ッゥGエセ@
person trying to alienate assets: [s. 175, income-tax a」エ}セ@
personal liability : セ@ セ@
personal liberty .: [art. 21, c。ョウエ N Iセ@
person under disability : person under legal disqualification or
incapacity [s. 147, cNp}セ@ <f; 3!tlR. personal name: [s. 9(d), Trade and Merchandise Marks a」エIセ@
person who carries on a business or profession : [s. 40A(2)(b)(vi),
Income-tax Act] arllm, セ@ l5ttilR "Ill セ@ <mTffi セ@ personal obedience : obeying by the person himself [s. 16, prov.,
person under obligation : [s. 38(2), Industrial Finance Corporation
a」エ}セᄋ@ personal oppression : [s. 23(1), Navy Ac.t] セ@ セ@
personal ornaments 247 p!lyslcalactivity

personal ornaments: [s. 60(1), prov. (a), C.P.C.] f.'rtr ッSャヲゥセ@ perusal :the action of perusing [s. 353(4), Cr. P. C.] 'lfufu;m
personal pay : セ@ iliR peruse :to go through; to look at or look .hrough fairly attentively
personal property : [I st sch., art. 34. Geneva Conventions Act] f.1oft [s. 145(4), Cr. P.C] セ@ <1\\o!T
セ@ perverse: [s. 116(7), Cr. pNc}セ@
personal qualification: [s. 14(J)(b), Specific Relief a」エ}セN@ pervert: to make use of, オセ。ャケ@ wilfi.tlly, in a wrong or improper way
personal quality : [s. I 5(b), prov., Specific Relief a」エ}セ ᄋ@ {sch. art. 84, Limitation a」エ}セBGMZ[@ <6BT
personal recognizance : a personal obligation of record entered into pest control officer : セ@ ヲNイセ@ Sセ@
before a court of record or before a magistrate duly authorised pesticide: [s. 35(J)(b)(i), lncume-tax Ace] BGヲセャQA|@
that makes the performance of some· act the condition of non- petition; ! . a formal application in writing made to court for judicial
forfeiture' and that is witnessed by the record ッョャケセ」エア[j@ action for s0m:thing that lies in its jurisdiction; a written
セ@ . application addressed to a superior, or to a person or body in
personal representative : [Or. 22, r. 4A(J ), C.P. C.] f.'rtr セ@ authority, soliciting some favour, right or mercy or the redress of
personal restraint : [s. 75, Army Act and s. 77(2), Air Force some wrong or grievance [s. 401(6), Cr. P.C.) ;;r.,ff; SQッヲセ[@ セ@
a」エ}セ@ <1\\o!T; 2. a document embodying formal written request [Qr. 33.
personal safety : the condition of being safe personally [s. 336, r. 8, C.P.C.] セGD{@
i N pN」}セ@ petition is ·in course of prosecution : [s. 97, Presidency-towns
personal security : security given by a person fs. 54, Indian Trusts lnsolvency a」エIセ@ ヲ」エセ@ セ@
a」エIセ@ petition of appeal : fs. 275, Cantonments Act] セ@ セ@ Ji;;fl
personal service : [s. 401(2), C.P.C.) セ@ セ[@ [Or. 1, r. 8, petition, parties to the : [s. 82, Representation of the People Act,
cNp}セ@ !95 11 セ@ if; 'lV<IiT{
personal use : [s. 12, prov., Coir Industry a」エ}セ@
[s. 2(14)(ii), Income-tax a」エIセ@
セ[@ petition writer : a person who scribes petitions and otl,er legal
documents for others [s . 477(l)(a), Cr. P.C.] セ@ M; "'*
personality : [s. 17(2), Immoral Traffic (Prevention) a」エ}セ@ petitioner : 1. one who makes a petition [s. 6(4), Indian Lunacy
personally: [s. 439(2), Cr. pcN}セ[@ [s. 479, Cr. P.C.] セエャ[@ a」エIセ@ ; . 2. [s. 632, Companies Act} セ@
セ@ セ@ セ[@ [s. 204, ill: (a), Indian Contract a」エスセ@ on 1f!:; petitioning creditor: fs. 5(b), Presidency-towns Insolvency Ace and s.
;;mft ッョセ@ 9(2), Provincial Insolvency Act} セ@ セ@ ifR'IT セ@
personally interested : [s. 479, Cr. P.C.] セ@ セ@ セ@ セ[@ セ@ petitioning debtor : [s. 112(2)(kk), Presidency-towns Insolvency
セ[@ [ュヲエッョセ@ a」エIセ@ \ュゥtセ@
personally liable: [1st sch., app. G,form No.2, cNpIセ@ セ@ セ@ Petroleum and Chemicals, Ministry of : セャヲ@ 311\ mr<r'l セ@
zyft Petroleum Geologist : セ@ "!.-fltm;fi
personally or by pleader: [s. 40(2), Cr. pNcIセ@ セ@ セ@ imT petrol oump keeper : $ tf<f ffiCb
personallyworkforgain: [s.l6,prov., C.P.C.] セャヲ[アイ@ petrol rail car driver : $ セ@ セ@
QW11; [s. 4, Indian Independence Pakistan Courts (Perlding petrol viewer : セ@ セ@
Proceedings) a」エIセ@ if; セ@ セ@ セ@ ll <s!11" <1\\o!T petties : アーャセs\Q@
personam, in: in respect of a person; proceeding in personam is one petty and other works : BsャMセ@ 3fu: 3f;q セ@
directed against or with reference to a specific person セ@ petty cash expenditure : セ@ セ@ セ@ ; WU セ@ <.<r<T
personate : to create a wrongful appearance of being. someone other
petty dr.posits : セ@ セ@
than oneself, whether fictitious or real [s. 82(c), Registration
petty objections : mtl-l!Ti! セ@
Act] !!fum <1\\o!T
petty officer : an officer in the navy correspondimg in ran k to a
personation: the action of personating [s. 416, I.P.C.]llfum non-commissioned officer in the Army [s. 132(3)(1:>), Cr. P. C. and
personation at an election: [s. 17/D, J.P. cN}セ@ ゥエセ@ s. 4(xxiii)(b), Air Force Act] £itt セ[@ セ@ セ@
personation, cheating by : fs. 4I 6, I. P. C.] セ@ imT 'ER'I petty sums : エセ@ ufuqi
personnel: persons of a particular group; a body of persons employed pharmaceutist : Zセ@ セ@ f1tm;fi
in some service [s. 32, Anny a」エ}セ@ pharmacist : セ@
personnel relations Gッヲゥ」・イZセ@ セ@ m pharmacognoc:ist : [s. 33C(2)(iv), Drugs and Cosmetics a」エスセ@
persons/members of the teaching staff: [s. 3(a), Ph;u;m.acy Act] セ@
セゥヲ[ᄋ@ pharmacologist : [s. 4(3)(xv), Insecticides Act] m
persqns holding leading rates: [s. 8/(i), Navy a」エIセ@ llWiT セ@ pharmacology: [s. 3(a), Pharmacy a」エ}セ@ fimr.;
セ@ pharmacopoeia : GャゥHセc「Iア@ .
persons not to be deprived of property save by authority of law : Pharmacopoeial List, Indlm : セ@ セ@ m
[art. 300A, margin, Const.] セゥヲ[@ ll1lti<t;n: セ@ セ@ セ@ <;;) @セ セ@ philanthropic : charitable セ@
セB[ヲ@ philanthropic purposes: [s. 10(22A), Income-tax Act} 'f{rq-q;ffi セ@
persons not united by marriage: [s. 372, J.P. cN}セ@ [ゥエセ@ phonogram : セ@
persons volunta,rily acquiring citizenship of a foreign State not to be
phooka: [s. 2(g), Prevention of Cruelty to Animals A.ct, 1960) セ@ ,..
photograph: a picture taken by the process of photography {s. 3, ill.,
citizens: [art. 9, margin, cッョウエNスセBuGゥAャ|ヲ。@ Indian Evidence Act] q;'tc:lf$r ; q,1it
photographer : セ[@ tfitit セ@
perspective: a visible scene especially one giving distinctive impression photography: the process or art of production of pictures hy means of
of distance セ@ the chemical action of light on a sensitive ヲセャュ@ of paper, glass,
persuade :to ioduce a person to believe or do something [s. 129(2Xa), metal, etc. [s. 62, cxpln. 2. Indian Evidence a」エ}セ@
Representation of the People Act, 1951] lf.IRl; [s. 10, ill., lnd1fm photo-gravure : 'P1it セ@
Evidence Act] ffio QW11 physical : 1. of or relating to body [s. 13(3), Minimum Wages
persuasion : creed [s. 33(d), Children Act] \liW!T; [pr:eambie, Caste At·l] セイエャヲ」[@ 2. of or pertaining to material nature; material;
Disabilities Removal a」エスセ@ corporeal [s. 6, Two-Member Constituencies (Abolition) Act]
persuasive force : セ@ セ[@ 3tT'J1ft セ@ セ@
pertinent matters: [s. 473(2), Companies Act}M ifR1 t physic:alactivity: [s. 71A(b), Indian Railways 。」エ}セ@
physical セュゥ」エッョ@ or disability 248 pitch
physical affliction or disability: [s. 27(8), J:'residency-towns Insolvency piece rate : the price per unit of prOduction ー。ゥセᄋ@ to a p1ece worKer
Act] mtlftq; Ol!1fu "1lT ヲNエZセ@ [s. 3(2)(d), Minimum Wages a」エ}セ@ G{
physical assets : [s. 42(b), Income-tax a」エ}セ@ 3l1ful<ri piece-rate basis, on : [s. 59(2), Factories Act] セュゥt@ G\ lf{
physical, chemical or biological properties of water: {s. 2(e), Water piece-rated employee : {s. 4(2), prov., Payment of Gratuity Act]
(Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act] 'ffi ・ャセN@ "1lT セ@ G\ iエセ@ セ@ セ@ lffi!T "*ffiT
セ@ piece work : [s. 17, Minimum Wages a」エ}セ@ lliJtl
physical comfort: [s. 133(/)(b), Cr. P.C.] セ@ ws< pieces of counterfeit coin : counterfeit coins [s. 14, ill., Indian
physical condition: [s. 10(2), Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, Evidence a」エ}セ@ .
1890] mtlftq; セ@ pieces of metal: [s. 92(2)(b), Cr. P.C.] Uf\b \lis; [preamble, Metal
physical culture instructor : an<!ftl fM Tokens a」エ}セ@ ・ャセ@
physical custody of the security, having : [s. 19(7)(a), Foreign pier : a solid support of masonry or the li ke designed to sustain
Exchange Regulation Act] セ@ qeyrn 3lfl:rnn it q({ セ@ セ@ ve rtical pressure; a solid structure of stone or of earth faced with
physical division of income : [s. 171(8), expln. (a)(i), Income-tax piles, extending into the sea or a tid a! river, to protect or enclose a
Act] 3Wt q;r セ@ セ@ harbour and form a landing-stage [s. 2(2), Aircraft Act and sch.
physical division of property : [s. 171(8), expln. (a)(i), Income-tax II, item (vii)(c), Workmen:S Compensation Act] lffifil; [s. 31,
a」エスセア[イ@ Indian Electricity Act] <i>Rffi
physical education: [s. 4(/)(f), Delhi School Education Act] mtlftq; pig iron: a product of iron ore made by the reduction of the ore in the
fum large blast furnances which are filled with layers of the charcoal or
Physical Education and-Research Division : an<!ftl fum 3fu: セ@ coke and flux [sch. 1, ill. (b), Employees' Provident Funds and
ll'l'WT Miscellaneous Provisions Act and s. 14(iv)(a), Central/ Sales Tax
physical feature : [s. 6, Two-Member Constituencies (Abolition)
a」エ}セ@ セ[@ [s. 3(b), Apprentices a」エ}セ@ piggery : セMNSr@ セ@

physical fitness: {1st sch., form A-III, Motor Vehicles a」エ}セ@ pigmentary colours: colouring matter [!st. sch., form III(d), Motor
セ@ Vehicles a」エIセ@ t'T
Physical Fitness and Drill Instructor : mtlftq; セ@ 3fu: セ@ fmrq; pile of shot and shell on the works : [sch., item (34), Fort William
physical fitne.;s certificate : [s. 29(5), Aligarh Muslim University Act 7セ@ lf{ セMイゥャwエ@ q;r セ@
Act] BIW2! 1Jln1lTll'! pilferage : a petty larceny [s. 76F, Indian Railways Act] 1f!11T
physical mutilation : [Illrd sch., art. 13, Geneva Convention> pilgrim tax: {s. 2(a)(i.v)(ii), Railway Passenger Fares Act] 」ヲエセMGャゥ|サ@
pillage : plunder {s. 65, Navy a」エ}セ@ q;rn; {1st sch., art. 12,
physical or mental abnormality: [s. 3(2)(b)(ii), Medical Termination Geneva Conventions Act] WtfR
of Pregnancy Act] mtlftq; "1lT セ@ セ@
pilot : I. one who flies or is qualified to fly an_ airplane [s. 6(2),
physical or mental condition: [s. 360(3), Cr. P.C.] mtlftq; "1lT セ@ Foreigners. a」エスセ@ q;r ;;m;rq;; セ[@ セ@ セ[@ 2. a person
who is duly qualified and usually licensed to conduct a ship into
physical or mental dfsability: [s. 80D(J)(b), Income-tax a」エ}セ@ and out of a port [s. 4, Calcutta Port (Pilotage) a」エ}セ@ ;
3. a trial unit in expetimenting or in testing apparatus or in
(lhysical possession : personal and immediate possession [sch., checking technique or cost preparatory to full scale 。」エゥカケセ@
art. 97, Limitation a」エ}セ@ lli&:ilT; qeyrn lli&:ilT
physical standards, prescribed : [s. 69(2)(a), Factories a」エ}セ ᄋ@
pilot of aircraft : {s. 6(6)(a), Foreigners a」エ}セ@ q;r セ@
セイヲエア[@ t!R pilot officer : セ@ セ@
Physical Training Instructor: an<!ftl fmrq; pilot refractory plant : {preamble, Assam Sillimanite Limited
physical verification : セ@ ;:;riq (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) a」エ}セ@ セ@

physical verification of stock : セ@ <tl セ@ >ili'i! rn

physically absent : セZ@ セ@
pilot studies : [s. 6(3)([), Oil Industry (Development) a」エ}セ@
physically handicapeed : # セ@ mn ; mtlftq; ヲNエLセ@
pilotage : navigation of a ship or airplane l:iy observation of land
physician: [s. 156, Navy a」エ}セ@
marks directly or by means of a イ。、セ@ <mR; 1lR セ[@ 'iW!
Physicist : セ@ fclm;!t セir[ャAゥヲ@ .
physiological knowledge : [s. 14, Prevention of Crudity to Animals
pilotage account : the compensation made or allowed to a pilot for
pilotage 1lR セ@ セ@
physiologist : セtヲオZMa@ mFft
physiology, department of: [sch., (statutes)44(g)(ii), Aligarh Muslim pilotage fees: fees allowed as compensation for the services rendered
University Act] :<rffi fui<rr fcfflR fctlwr by a pilot {1st sch. , item 20(2), Carriage by Air Act and s. 35(1);
physiotherapist : セ@ セ@ Indian Ports Act] 'iW! 'l<R Gャヲゥ[セ@ l!iflf 'lit 'llffi; [s. 36, Indian
Ports a」エ}セJG@ >tm'
phyto-chemist: {s. 33C(2)(vii), Drugs and Cosmetics Act} GャゥtᄁMセ@
pious obligation: liability of soli, grandson and great-grandson to pay
picketing: {s. 1008, Indian Railways Act] セア[イョ@ GAZibtセ[@ '!:fRT
ancestor's debts mfitct; セ@ ; セ@ セ@
pmus, religious or charitable nature: [5. 2, Public Wakfs (Extension
picquet : {s. 6(k}, Assam Rifles a」エ}セ@
of Limitation) Act] セ[@ !!lfif.i; liT セ@ セ@
picture : an individual painting on a surface [s. 37, ill. (b), Indian
Contract Act] 'Mfu;r Pipeline Inspector : セ@ Nセ@
picture prize competition : [s. 2(d), Prize Competitions a」エ}セ@ t$ft piracy : depredation and robbery in the high seas {s. 67, Navy
セ@ a」エ}セ@

piece: I. [sch. I, pt. Ill, item 3(b), Indian Carriage of Goods by Sea pirate: [s. 3(x), Army Act and s. 4(xviii),-Air Force a」エ}セ@
a」エ}セ@ ; 2. [s. I0, Dramatic Performances a」エ}セ@ pisciculture : {s. 2(a), Agricultural Refinance Corporation Act]
piece for reci•ation: [s. 2(h), Copyright a」エ}セ@ ell Qュ[セ@ セ@

piece goods : cloth fabrics that are sold from the bolt at retail in Pisciculturist : セ@ セ[@ ;rm;ft-lffi'H セ@
lengths specified by the customer [ss.' 72 and 74(1 ), Trade and pit ィ・。、Zセ@
Merchandise Marks Act] 'WI <lffi セ[@ Hセ@ q;r) IQ'R pitch : セ@ ; C6'tmm
placard 249 plead guilty to the charge

placard :a notice or other document, written or printed on one side of ーャ。ョ・イZセ@

a single sheet, to be posted up, or otherwise publicly displayed planning : {s. /0(20A), Income-tax Act] <itoRT
{s. 62, expln., ill. 2, Indian Evidence a」エIセ@ planning and procurement : <itoRT SヲエセZ@ '31!T'F!
place : t locality; position [s. 2(b), Protection of Civil Rights Planning and statistics : セ@ Jft1: セ@
a」エ}セ[@ 2. to put in any place \lSRT Planning cッセュゥウョ@ : セ@ セ@
place in liquidation : {s. 37, Industrial Finance Corporation Act] Plannig Officer : <itoRT セ@
plant : fixtures, implements, machinery used in industrial process
place of abode : place of habitual residence ヲNイ\ュセ@ [s. 2(q)(xii), Coal Mines Provident Fund and Miscellaneous
place of anchorage : セ@ Provisions a」エ}セ[@ 1t<f;;; a young tree, vine or shrub lately
place of arrest : {art. 22(2), Const.) セ@ q;r セ@ planted or fUitable for planting [s. 14(v), Central Sales Tax
place of birth: {art. 15(1), cッョウエN}セ@ Act] '11m ; tfWI ; セ@
place of business : {s. 9, Lok Sahayak Sen a a」エ}セ@ 'fiT f3q;r;rr; plant and equipment : m SヲエセZ@ i31R<I>{
[s. 2(dd), Central Sales-tax Act) i!iirt<m: q;r t'1iR plant and machinery accounts : m
SヲエセZ@ 11Wrtl セ@
place of confinement : [s. 129, I. P. C.) 'lfu'm セ@ plant breeder : tflm セ@
place of departure and of destination: {sch. I, item 3(b), Carriage by plant chargeman :·m <rrJ!iR
Air ActJ W1Fl q;r SヲエセZ@ >icf<:q セ@ plant collector : .fun セ@
place of examination : {s. 34, Prevention ofCruelty to Animals Act, plant disease : tfWI UTf
1960J trtlm W(if
plant foreman : m 'liWR
place of habitation : f.!t<m1; ヲNmオセ@ plant incharge, water softening : m l1mfl ; セ@ セ@
place of interment: [s. 2(a), Ancient Monuments and Archaeological
plant inspector : m. f.lfuiq:;
Sites and Remains a」エIセ@
plant introduction sub-station : tfW!ll"*r セ@
place of keeping: {s. 163( 1), Companies a」エ}セ@ \ャゥtセ@
plant of the species: [s. 14(v), Central Sales Tax Act] ;;rffi't <i\ セ@
place of public entertainment : [s. 2(c), Protection of Civil Rights
plant pathologist : GitgゥMセ@ セ@ ; tfWI Wr セ@
Act] セMャaGエゥr@ セ[@ [art. 15(2)(a), c。ョウエNIセ@ lA'ttiR q;r
plant physiologist : 'll"G'< fil;l:n セ@
place of public resort: [s. 2(/)(f)(iv), Emigration a」エIセ@ WflTi1'! セ@ plant protection adviser : セ@ セ@ セ@
セ[アイ@ サ。イエNャUHRI「Lcッョウ}セ@ Plant Protection Officer : セ@ セ@ セ@
\ャゥtセ@ plantation : [s. 2(b)(ix), Collection of Statistics a」エスセ@
place of public worship: [s. 2(d), Protection of Civil Rights Actl セ@ Plantation Jamadar ; -mvr セ@
GャBtゥア[イセ@ ·plantation labour : セ@ セ[@ 'lflll"'! WI
place of registration: [pt. V, heading, Registration a」エ}セ@ q;r planting : [s. 33A(7), Income-tax Act) -mvr
セ@ Plasma oヲゥ」・イZセ[@ 'ffi'ifl!T ᄋ セ@
place of religious worship : mflfq; 'i'"f Cfil セ@ plastic and visual art : [sch. 4, Delhi Urban Art Commission
place of residence : {s. 2(1), Registration a」エスヲNャアュセ@ a」エスセ@ SヲエセZ@
place of safety: [s. 9(l)(d), Cr. P.C.) セ@ セ@ plastic secenery : セ@ セ@
place of sepulture: .[s. 297, ャNpc}セ@ plastic surgery : the branch of surgery concerned with the repair or
place of suing: [s. 21, cNp}セ@ m Cfil セ@ restoration of lost, injured· or deformed parts of the body chiefly
place. of trial : [s. 72, Indian Stamp Act] fct;;m1rr Cfil セ@ by エイ。セウヲ・@ of エゥウオ・セ[M@
place under suspension : f.ffiaR q;r-rr m
ーャ。」・ュョエZセ[@ セ@ plate: I. a prize as a cup or other piece of plate given to the winner in
places where they occur, at both the : [s. 17(a)(i), Finance Act, contest [s. 30, Indian Contract a」エ}セ[@ 2. a flat thin smooth
19 79J zyn 'R om セ@ 3l1ff t w.rr piece on or from which something is or is to be embossed,
moulded, engraved, gained, deposited or written [ss. 473 and 485,
placing of limitation : [s .. 9(2}( 1), Securities Contracts (Regulation)
I.P.C.] 'f¢
Act) ャーZヲセnゥエ@ Cfil W1l1rf ;;rAT
plainer Hーャ。ョ・イIZセ@ plate laying inspector : セ@ ᄋ セ@ セ@
plaint: the statement in writing of a course of action in which the relief
platform assistant : セ@ セ@
daimed ·is set out in detail [Or. 6. r. 1, C.P.C. and s. 7(iv)(f).
Court-fees a」エ}セ@ platform inspector : セGゥャA@ セ@

plaintiff: the party, who brings a suit to a court of law [Or. 22, r. 2, platform porter : セ@ セ@

C.P.C. and s. 632, Companies a」エ}セ@ platform supervisor : セ@ セ@

plaintiff decree-holner : plaintiff in whose favour the suit has been Platoon Commander : セ@ q;qisl:
decreed [sch . I. app. G, form No.2, cNpIセ@ セ@ playwright : [s. 80C(4)(i), Income-tax a」エIセ@
plan: 1. a drawing, sketch etc. of any object, made by projection upon plea : that which is pleaded in justification or excuse; that which is
a flat surface [s. 83, Indian Evidence a」エ}セ[@ [s. 2(a), demanded by pleading [s. 246(3), Cr. pNc}セ[@ [s. 4,
Delivery of Books and Newspapers (Public Libraries) a」エ}セ@ ; Reciprocity a」エIセ@
2. a scheme for a.ccomplishing a purpose, a proposed method plea of guilty: [s. 206(2). Cr. P.C.] iftr!ft セ\ャゥt[@ [s. /05(2),
[s . 19(cc), Unit.TrustoflndiaAct]<itoRT; SNエッ、・ウゥァョセ[@ n。セケ@ Act]<ftr!fi itil Cfil セ@
4. to make a plan <itoRT ORR! plea of guilty or not guilty : iftr!ft セ@ <IT セ@ iti\ <liT セ@
plan expenditure : セ@ art! plea of no case : セ@ セ@ flfi l!TlffiT セ@ ORi1! ; lJTifffi '! GFR COT G セ@
plan recorder : セ@ セ@ plea of no case to answer : \ln\ セ@ <i\ セ@ セ@ l!TlffiT '! ;r.H q;r セ@
plan which precludes individual selection : [s. 2( 19A), Indian Stamp plead :·to state and argue a case [s. 4, Reciprocity Act and art. 124(7)
a」エ}セ@ セ@ セ@ <nR lroful セ@ ;;mn セ@ c。ョウエNスセ@ q;r-rr; {s. 246(2), Cr. P. cN}セ@ q;r-rr
plane : [s. 2(h)(vi), Coking Coal Mines (Emergency Provisions) plead guilty : [s. 105(2), Navy Act] iftr!ft セ@ Cfil セ@ 'fW!T
a」エスヲャGBセ@ [s. 246(2), Cr. P. C.] iftr!ft it'l <liT セ@ q;r-rr
planned development : [s. 2(e), Delhi Lands (Restrictions on plead guilty to the charge: [s. 206(/). cNp}セ@ q;r セ@ セ@ ll'i1
Transfer) a」エ}セ@ セア[イM@
pleader lSO political pension

pleader: a categqry of legal practirioners authorised to plead in a law. poisonous substance': [s. 285, l.P. cN}セ@ <mllf
court [s. 2(!5), C.P.C]•; セ@ ·· police : the civil force to which is entrusted the duty of maint a ining
pleading: p!aint'o r written·statement 」ッョエ。ゥLセ[@ in a concise form , the public order etc. [s, 2(c), expln. (b), Cr. P. C.] セ@ (armft)
mate rial facts on which the party pleading relies for his claim or Police Automobile Officer : セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@
defence [s. UセN@ Indian Ev-idence Actl セ@ · Police Commissioner : セ@ セ@ H セ@ <W:!901'{)
pleasure : [s. 102, ill: (ii), Indiau Succession Act] >Wr police diary : a diary maintained by a po lice officer, particula.rly in
pleasure of, at the: サNセ@ 78, Indian Tru:>rs Act} <li セ@ respect of a crime under investigation [s. 172(2), Cr. P.C.j セ@
pleasure of, during the: [s. J1(1), UI!it'frust oflndia a」エIセ@ ST<rtt
pleasure of1he President: [art. 156(1). cッョウエN}セ@ \i[セ@ police force : セ@ @セ
pleasurt")acht: {s. 48, Indian Ports Act]ilftsr セ@ police grid system : セ@ ftrg セ@
pledge: [s. 172. Indian Contract a」エ}セ[@ [s. 176, Jndian·Contract Police Inspector : セ@ f.:ltm
a」エ}セ@ m'1T ·; [s. I 78, Indian Contract Act 7セ@ <!iB1 police investigation : セ@ セ@
pledge by mercantile agent: [s. 178, l'ndian Conl!act a」エ}セ@ policeman: a person holding office in the police force of the country;
セャヲゥm@ member of police force [s. /82, ill. (c), J.P. cN}セ@
pledge by person in ーッウセョZ@ [s. J 78A. Indian Contracr Act) lf.<m police, mounted : trot セ@ •
m qR'f • 1ffil f7R'.ft Police Officer: any person holding a ri office usually above t he rank of
pledged as security: [s. 21. Indian Trusts a」エ}セ@ '-"'-q ftrl<fi W a constable in the police force of t he country [s. 25; Indian
セ@ EvidenceActands. 2(c), Cr. p N c}セ@ セ[@ セ@ セ@
pledgee: one who holds property as a pledge or with whom a pledge is police officer above the rank of a constable: [s. 10(2), Prevention of
deposi ted [s. 130. Indian Evidence Act],f7;.1tm Cruer/y to Animals Act, I 890} セGャゥエ@ セ@ ii>"<!\'11»" セ@ セ@ m
Pledger : Pl<rft<Mt . police officer not below the rank of Sub-Inspector : {s. 53(1 ), Cr.
plenary jurisdiction : セ@ mU<Iilftrr pN」jセ ᄋ ャゥエュ Nエ [wアイGャュ@
plenipotentiary: a person invested with full powers especially a special police report : セ@ f(tiTi
ambassador or envoy to some ヲッイ」ゥセョ@ courtry { ャセエ@ sch. Geneva police station : [:s 2(5), Cr. P. C..J セ@ !lAT
C(lnvcnti<m S a」エスセ@ Police Station .Officer : セ[@ !lAT セ@
plinth level : [s. 2(.wi), Cantonments Act] 'lit セ@ 'W'f Police Training College : セ@ セ@ セ@
plug : [s. 6(1 )(d), Oilfields (Regulation and Development) Act} 'WI policy : I. a course of action adopted 。 セ@ advantageous or expedient
Qi8T; wr [s. Jo, Unit Trust oflndia Act] ;fifu ; 2. adocumellt containing an
plumage : [s. J(c}, Wild Bird.< and Animals pイッエ・セゥョ@ Act] <refu; undertaking in consideration of a premium or premiums to pay a
セ@ specified amount or part thereof in tht: event of a specified
plunder : [.;. 6(j), Assam Rifles a」エ}セ@ セGQ@ contingency [s. 212, ill. (c), Indian Contract a」エ}セ@
ーャオセ@ amendments and minus amendments : セ@ <I; R!liltR セ@ <t.-.,'t <I; policy, academic : セ@ セ@
mlW-1 policy broker: [s. ill, Indian Contract Act]omn セッイ@
plus and miuus entries : セ@ セ@ Clilft tt gfW<qj policy lo11n ledger : 'l1lmft セ@ <!miT
plus and minus memorandQm : セ@ セ@ q;xft 'liT セ@ policy, matters of: -Mf セア[@ W
plus minus memorandum : :r-1 セ@ 'ffiTR; セ@ Clilft :fl'1f-l policy of group insurance: [s. 2(19A), Indian Stamp a」エ}セ@ <.ft1n
poaching. guard : セtゥヲh@ <itft I¥T41fi 'l1lmft
point : I. the most important e&Sential in some 、ゥウ」オセッョ@ [Or: 4-J-, policy of insurance : [s.. 92, ill. (a), Indian Evidence A ct} <ftrn tT
r. 29. C. PC. Jヲ\エアMセ[@ セ[@ 2. a step, a stage or degree in progress セ[@ [s. 2(19), Indian Stamp Ac1]<ft'tn セ@
or development llll>ll; 3. something that is subject of discussion or policy of marine insurance : [s. 67, Indian Stamp a」エ}セ@ セ@
attention [s 24(2). prov., C.P.C.] WI; 4. a matter in debate, QAセ@
under attention or to he taken into account [Or. 8, r. 4. policy of sea-insurance : [s. 2(20), Indian Stamp A c t } . <ft'tn
C. P. C) <m!; 5. a place or station t'ffi 'l1fffift
point for determination : the question to be decided upon policy of survivorship assurance : セ@ <fti!T セ@
[s. 354(/)(b), Cr. pNc}セ@ <I; lW( キMZセ[@ [Or 20,, . 4(1), policy time : [s. 27( 1)(2), Marine Insurance Act] 'l1fffift セ@
C. P. ('j >!T<Wi ャセBG@ policy, urivalued: [s. 29( 1), Marine Insurance Act] セエイョ@ セ@ セ@
point material to the result : [s. 192, J.P. C.] qr'{vrrq セ@ fffi( セ@ lllm policy, valued: {s. 29(1), Marine Insurance a」 エ }セ@
point of fact : "1!21 'liT WI policy, Yoyage: [s. 27(1), Marine ャョウオイ。セ・@ a」エスセ@ 'l1fffift
point of foreign law : セ@ セ@ lfi'T w-:1 politic: and cOTporate bodies : [s. 4, Fatal A ccidents a」エ}セ@ セ@
point of form. defective in : [5. 44, Indian Lunacy a」エスセ@ セ@ セ@ f.pfu f.mtT
hf political :pert: :·;' ng to the policy or the administration of a State or
pointofform, insufficient in: [5. 44,/ndilln Lunacy a」エスセ@ government J.Or. 5, r. 26(a), C.P.C.} セ[@ [s. 6(g), T.P. Act
セ@ and preamble, Const.) セ@
point ofinter-change of wagons: [s. 76C, Indian Railways Ace] tcr-il political agent : [s. 3(43), General Clauses Act and Or. 5. r. 26(a),
'lit 3100-'ffift 'liT ...{f.! cNp}セ@ セ@ |セ@ セI [@ [s. 86, Indian Evidence
paint of law : ヲセ N@ 234, prov., Cr. P.C.) セ@ 1fil 'WI; [s. 98{2), prov,, a」エ}セ@
cNp}セMキ[@ political chancter :. [preamble; Legal Tender (Inscribed Notes)
point of substance: point of ・ウセ@ [Or. 8, r. 4, cNpIセ@ セ。イュ@ a」エIセ[ᄋ@
pointohiew,aconlessiona): [lllrd scb., an. 11, Geneva Conventions Political Departmeat: セ@ セ@
Act) ャAセNGゥ^@ セ@ Gャイセ@ 'lif <t セ@ political interest: [s. 16(1}, Trade Unions a」エIセ@
point out : ᆪセN@ 25( l)(m). セjュウ@ Act} 'RfAl Political oヲゥ」・イZセ@
points of dispute : {s. 104(4), Industrial Disputes a 」エ}セ@ <6 m; potitic:al pension : pension granted by the State to any one for some
セュ@ political reason; an allowance payable by the Government of India
points of origin and terininatioa: サウ」ィセ[@ item(vii), Indian Electricity under an arrangement effected between the Government of lndia
Act} m ;(; Sエセ@ セ@ セ@ and another soverign power [s. 60(1)(g), cNpjセ@ ilw;J
poiatsman : セ@
poll 151 post bill

poll : the entenng of votes in order to their being counted (s. 56, ports department : セ@ セ@
Representation of the People Act, QYU}セ@ (tim"); [s. 179(1), porthole : Tf1!m
Companies a」エスセ@ portion: [s. 19(2}(c), Indian Partnership Act} 'WT; [s. 44(2), Inland
poll shall be taken : (s. 53(1), Representation of the People Act, Vessels Act) JMlTf
195l]Tffi'G"R "WIT portioner: [chap. XX!, heading, Indian Succession Acr} セ@ 'tff.l <mlT
polling agent : an agent appointed by a candidate to look after his portrait: a figure drawn, painted or carved upon a surface to represent
interest and represent him at the poll [s. 49(1), Representation of some object; especially a likeness of a person especially of the face
the People Act, QYU}セ@ セ@ ( • セI@ made from life by dnwing, painting, photograph, engraving, etc.
Polling Officer: [s. 26(1), prov., Representatiqn ofrhe People Act, [s. 32(6), Indian Evidence a」エ}セ[@ [app. A·39, cNp}セ@
QYU}セHᄋI[@ portray: [s. 2(a), Young Persons (Harmful Publications) a」エ}セ@
polling station : [s. 26(1 ), prov., Representation of the People Act, セ@

QYU}セH I@ position : [s. 7(3), expln., Hindu Succession a」エ}セ[@ [s. 53(a),
pollute : to make physically impure, foul or filthy [Ist sch., app. A, Border Security -Force Act} セエュイッ[@ [s. 19, Indian Evidence
form No. 23(1), C.P.C] セ@ セ[@ Nセ@ 'liBT ᄋ a」エ}セ@

pollution: [s. 186(f)(ix), Cantonments a」エスセ@ position in life: [s. 146, Indian Evidence Act] ;;ftiR ゥエセ@

polluting matter : [ss. 24(1) and 31(1), Water (Prevention and position of active confidence : [s. 1I 1, Indian Evidence a」エスセ@
Control of Pollution) a」エスセ@ troll
polygamy :the practice or custom according to which one man has or ーッセゥエョ@ of management : lfiitr l!>f セ@ ; lfiitr セ@
may have two or more wives [s. 56, ill. (c), Indian Contract positive assertion : an assertion admitting of no doubt [s. 18(1),
a」エスセ@ Indian Contr.act Act] pMiセ@ li1@:(R

ーッョケZセ@ positive morality : セ@ セ@ セ@

pool : セ[@ セ@ 'liBT positive qualifications : f.rit.ffi •ct
pool fund : [s. 10, Coffee Act} セ@ セ@ possessing: [s. 133(/),Cr.P.C.j'ifji:jiTMqfffi
pool staff: セ@ セ@ possession : 1. physical control, whether actual or in the eyes of law,
pooled standard rent : セ@ '1R<Ii mC<fi over property; the condition of holding at one's disposal [s . 66,
T.P. Act} q;&Jf[ Hセ[@ 2. the area in one's possession [s. 37,
population: [art. 81(3), c。ョウエ N }セ@
lndia:J Evidence a」エ}セ@ if:l
population ratio : セ@ セ@
possession, bonafide : [s. 10, Estate Duty a」エスセ@ 'liOliT
port : I. a harbour or place of shelter where ships arrive with their
freight and customs for goods are taken [ss. 3(1) and 18(1), possession, British : a territory subject to the British rule or
Emigration Act} 'lW!; 2. to carry or convey lfR lb"Rl ァッカ・イョセエ@ [s. 3(6), General Clauses Act] Pセ@ セ@ if:l
possession, immediate : direct possession, as opposed to mediate
Port Authority: a local authority entrusted with the administration of
possession [s. 8, Specific Relief Act} セ@ 'ifjO:jiT ; セ@ 'liOliT ;
a port [s. 60, expln. 3(i), C.P.C.]'ffl'! セ@
[Or. 39, r. 9, C. P. C.] <Jjff q;;;ijf[
port clearance: 'lW! セ[@ [s. I 72(6), Income-tax Act] 'lW! セ@ G'f possession, order or disposition of the insolvent, in the: [s. 52(2)(c),
Port Commissioner : [s. 3(31), General Clauses Act] 'lW! セ@ Presidency-towns Insolvency a」エ}セ@ セ@ セN@ セ@ -qr i.lflR セ@
Port Conservator : 'lW! mm -mfR
port cypher book officer : 'lW! セ@ セ。@ possession, party in : [s. 145(4), Cr. P. cNスセ@ M qffi[ セ@
port dues : GヲャAMセ@ possession, reversioner in : [s. 15(e), Specific Relief a」エ}セ@
port, minor : セ@ 'lW!
port of call: apr -t where vessels can call for stores or repairs [art. 37, possessor: one who possesses [s. 2(4), Sale of Goods Act] $&i!T M
Geneva cAMエセカ・ョゥッウ@ Act] 'lm 'lW!
qffi[; [s. 535(/)(c), Companies a 」エスセ@ Ol!fcRf, fZ\mq;r i3'f! If( q;e.;r セᄋ@
port of destination : [sch. I, icem 56, Indian Stamp Act] 1RfiZl 'lW! possessor of the document: [s. 137, ex pin., t.P. a」エスセ@ If( C5iliT
port of discharge: [sch. I, art. III, item 6, Indian Carriage of Goods
by Sea a」エ}セ@ セ@ 'lW! possessory remedies : <f.Ojff セiヲゥャ@ ;ro:!R

port of disembarkment : [s. 159, Army Act] ;mB l!>f 'R'R possibility: that which is possible [s. 6(a), T.P. a」エ}セ[@ Wq'q

port of embarkation : [I/Ird sch., art. //8, Genev3 Conventions possibility of a like nature : [s. 6(a), T. P. a」・}セ@ セ@ ttl セ@
a」エスセgGwャ@ possible : falling within the bounds of what may happen or may be
port of registry : [s. 3(29), Merchant Shipping a」エ}セ@ tffi'1 done [s. 60(/)(m), C.P.C.]rn
port of shipment: [sch. I, art. III, item 7, Indian Carriage of Goods possible right or interest : right or interest that may possibly be
by Sea a」エスセᄋ@ 'lW!; [s. 90, Trade and Merchandise Marks acquired in future [s. 60(/),prov. (m), cNp Nc}セ\ヲ@ セMアイAエヲ[@
Act} tiffi-'IW'! l!>f セ@ possible to do so consistent with the nature and circumstances of
port of town : ';f1l\ l!>f 'itf.i the case, where it is [Or. 32A, r. 3(1), cNp N cN}セGiAtャヲゥアLェ@
port officer : 'lW! セ@ セキョュ ᄋセ@
Port Trust: a local authority entrusted with the administration of the post : l. a place where armed men are permanently quartered for
affairs of a port [s. 20(d), Indian Trusts Act) 'lW! "ffi'f defensive or other purposes [s. 2(5), Cr. P.C.} セ[@ 2. a nation's
port trust bonds : tRi-1 セ@ iiitl1f:il organization or system for handling the transmission of letters and
port warehouse certificate : [sch., pt. II, item 3, Commercial other matters; the matter so sent and received [s. 4, ill. (b), Indian
Documents Evidence Act} 'lW! セ@ セ@ Contract Act} S11fi; 3. a position or appointment [s. 34(h), Army
a」エスセ[@ [art. 16(4); c。ョウエN}セ[@ 4. to put in post for onward
portable : [s. 36(2), Factories a」エ}セ@
transmission /s. I 14, ill. (f), Indian Evidence Act] sr<fi il mr-n
portable or temporary shelter: [s. 2(c), Manipur(Hill Areas) District
Councils a」エ}セ@ セ@ orR '$! セ@ -qr セ@ 31T'lfll i-t1'R Post and Telegraph Board : sr<fi-Oli <ITt
porter : セ@ ; セ[@ tftil: Post and Telegraph Department : gfqj-ffii f<tlwT
post, ad hoc : ('[Gil セ@
porterage: [s. 7(n), Assam Rifles a」エスセ@ 'If"; [s. 14(i)(d), National
Waterway (Allahabad/-Haldia Stretch of Ganga-Bhagirathi- post audit : キNZAセ@
Hooghly River) Act} ¥"f post audit voucher: セ@ セ@ セ@
portfolio (of a ュゥョウエ・イIZセ@ post bill : セNュ@ セ@
post bills, bank l5l poultry feed

post bills, bank : [s. 7(6), Reserve Bank of India Act} t6 セ@ セ@ )los,tage account : m セ@ m
post commission エイ。ゥョセァ@ : セ@ セ@ セ@ _postage stamp : [s. 2(g), Indian Post Office Act) m セ@ @セ
post constitution ャ。キウZセ@ セ[@ セ。ュZ@ ctl セ@ .postal : [s. 91(3)(b), Cr. P.C) m; Sl<fi l'iiitft
post date: I. to date as of a time subsequent to that of execution, to postal article : [s. 2(b), Indian Post Office Act] ST1fi セ@
assign a date subseq11ent to actual occurrence [s. 68, Indian postal authority : [s. 35, Presidency-towns Insolvency Act] m
Stamp Act} セ@ ctl mfu<I mBT . セ@
post dated : セ[@ セ@ ctl mfu<I セ@ セSャイ@ postal ballot: [s. 60(a), Representation of the People Act, 1951] Sl<fi.
post, ex cadre : <lim: セ@ セM 11(l'R HセI@
post, gazetted : セ@ セ@ postal. cash certificate: [sch ., pt. /,entry 9, Mangroi and Manavadar
post graduate: belonging to study pursued'after ァイ。、オエゥッョセ@ (Administration of Property) a」エ}セ@ lJI!l1lT'IOr

post graduate course: [sch. , item 22(3)(a), Aligarh Muslim University postal certificate : ST1fi llfll"'T'R"
a」エ}セ@ postal charges: cost of postage; fee charged by the post office for any
post graduate studies : [sch.. item /8( /), North-Eastern Hill article sent through its agency [Or. 9, r. 2, C.P.C] ST1fi セ@
Uriversity a」エスセ@ 3!tll<R postal communiction: transmission by post [Or. 5, r. 25, C.P. C) Sl<fi
post harvest period : [s. 3(3B)(ii), Essential Commodities Act} q;m;r IDU 1'i<!T,
セ@ セ@ GAセ\ュL@ ctt セ@ postal CQpies : ST1fi セ@
post involving higher responsibilities : [s. 2(e)(ii)(b), Additional postal dak : セ@ ST1fi
Emoluments (Compulsory Deposit) a」エ}セ@ mrr· セ@ postal employee : a person in the service of the postal department
post, isolated : 11;<1>\'! セ@ [Or. 5, r. 20A(2), cNpIュセ@
post mark :any mark impressed by the post office on any article sent postal insurance fund : ST1fi oft'lT f.ifu-
through the agency of the post office: a mark officially impressed postal insurance policy : m oft'lT mmn
upon letters or other postal packages; usually a mark giving the postal insurance premium : ST1fi <ftl:rr セ@
place: date and hour of dispatch or of the arrival of the mail [s . 21, postal life insurance: [sch. I, item 47(d)(iii), Indian Stamp Act] ST1fi
ill. (c), Indian Evidence Act}ST<fi セ@ ;;f\cR oft'lT
Post Master : {s. 2(j), Indian Post Office a」エIセ[@ セ@ postal life insu1ance policy : ST1fi @セ oft'lT 'l1imfi
post master, deputy sub : iJ1RT!l'<l セ@ postal money order: [Or. 21, r. 1(/)(a), C.P.C.]Tf'ft JlTtl:
post master, ウオ「Zセ@ postal note : [s . 2(1), Foreign Excha(lge Regulation Act] セュ@ セ@ ;
post master sub-assistant : セ@ セ@ セ@ ュセ@
Post Master General: [s. 2()), Indian Post OtYice a」エIセ[@ postal order : セ@ JlTtl:
Gitセ@ ;;;;m!
posted in due course : [s. 16, ill. (b). Indian Evidence a」エスセ@
post-mortem : セ@ セ[@ セ@ <rtlm セ@ ST1fi セ N ュゥt@ '1<lT
post-natal care : [s. 8, Maternity Benefit a」エ}セ@ posterior mortgagee : subsequent mortgagee of any mortgaged
p'Ost-nuptual settlements : [s . 40, Indian Divorce a」エIセ@ セ\ュゥN@ property [s. 94, i. P. Act] <fnJ CfffiT セ@ ·)
セ@ posthumous : [s. 3(64), General Clauses Act} wi'tnl:
post office : {s . 2(b), Indian Post Office Act) S1Cii'Q\ posthumous child : [s. 7, ' Indian Succession a」エ}セ@ 'ffiiR
Post Office : [s. 2(k), Indian Post Office Act] sャ\ヲゥMセ@ posting : セ@ <liB! ; セ@ <iif-TI ; セ@
post office certificate : セ@ lJI!l1lT'IOr posting procedure : セ@ llfil;<n
post office insurance fund : S1Cii'Q\ oft'lT f.ifu- posting, station of : セ@ <til セ@
post office national plan certificate : {s. 5(/)(xvi), Wealth-tax postings and transfer orders : セ@ 3fu: セ@ セt@
a」エIセ@ <iTORT '!?!
postings, normal : lffiTlfR セ@
post office national savings certificate : [s. 10( 15)(ii), Income-tax
Postman: [s. 3(b), Indian Post O(flce Act] m<rr
A c(j S1Cii'Q\ セ@ O!<rn '!?!
postpone: to put off to later time; to defer [s. 309(2). Cr. pNc}GセjヲZ\ャ@
post office savings bank account: [s. 417( /)(a), Companies Act) S1Cii'Q\ <fiRI; {s. 38(b), Indian Truscs a」エ}セ@ \\lRT
postpone further proceedings: [s. 329( I) ..Cr. P. cIセ@ ctl q;nfqrW:ii
Post Office (Time-Deposit) Rules, 1970: S1Cii'Q\ Hセ@ 'J!l!T) セN@ 1970
post, officiating : セ@ セ@
postpone or adjourn proceedings : [s. 309. Cr. P.C. ] セ@ qij '!""wfi
post or ッヲゥ」・Zセ@ \itセM@ Gitセ@ <fiR]
post, pensionable : アセ@ セ@ postponement : I. the action or ヲ。セエ@ of po,tp oning or putting off to a
post, ー・イュ。ョセZエ@ : セ@ セ@ latertime {ss. 202 and 309, expln .. Cr. P.C.j セ\ゥヲMti[@ 2. thefact
post, permanent pensionable : セ@ アセイMヲエ@ @セ of being postponed {Or. 9, r. 6(! !. C. P.C.] セM\ヲェ@ l5A1
post review : セ\A@ セ@ postponement ufll'l yment on terms: [.S .70( I). Estate Duty Act] f.1oitR!
post script : ァ[Qセ\@ 'R 001! ctt セュ@
post, selection : <TlR セ@ postponement of sale: [Or. 21, r. 57?{2). cpN}セ@ qij セ@ <iif-TI
post, senior : セ@ セ@ posts abroad, Indian Mission and :f<R:n セ@ セ@ ヲtイセ@ NZャヲオセ@ セ@
post, shadow : m<rr セ@ Posts and Telegraph account : Sfcfi-'iffi #twT
post, substantin :· セ@ セ@ ; '!@ セ@ posts セ Mᄋ ャ、@ in abeyance : セ@ セ@
post-supernumerary: redundant post; a superfluous post セ@ セ@ postulate : セ@ C!('1l'

post, supertime scale : セ@ セ[@ セ@ 'l!1f.!q; セ@ postulates, jural : セ@ lfF«mt

post, teaching : ll!tlfi1R セ@ potable セ。エ・イZ@ [s. 282(15), Cantonments a」エスセ@
post, temporary : セ@ セ@ potent : [s . 10 expin., Drugs and Cosmetics a」エスセ@
post tenure: refers to only period of service and it has no reference to' potential infringement: [s. 19, Patents a」エIセ@
the post held by the employee セ@ セ@ potential purchaser : M セ@ tffi
post, vacant : セ@ m ーセオャエイケ@ farming: I. [s. 3jC( J)(a), Income-tax a」エスセM@ irnl'rr;
postage: the fee charged by the post office for any article sent through 2. [s. 2(a), aァイゥ」オエセu_N・ヲョ。@ Corporation a」エスセM@
its agency [s. 143, C.P.C.}Sl<fi セ@ poultry feed: {sch. V. item 29, Income-taX a」エ}セ L セ@
pound keeper 253 power to convey

pound keeper: [s. 6. Cattle-trespass a」エ}セ@ ; セ@ セ@ セ M power of Parliament to vary or revokn:onditions of service of officers
poundage ヲセ[@ [sch. 11, item 92(g), Income-tax Act] lli'R W'fi . of certain services : [art. 312A, margin, c。ョウエN}セ@ セSゥエ@ セ@
ーッキ、・イZセ@ セアLGエゥュᄋ@
powdered cardamom : Js. 3(b). Cardamom a」エ}セ@ セ[@ セ@ power of President to consult Supreme Court : {art. /43, margin,
セ@ cッョウエNIセrtimュアLG@ · ·
power: I: .ability conferred upon a person by the law to alter, by his power of President to grant pardons, etc. and to. suspend, remit or
own will directed to that end, エィセ@ rights, duties, liabilities or other commute sentences in certain cases: {art. 72, margin, Canst.] W!T
legal relations either of himself or other personsl[s. 91 (I), Cr. P. C. セアLGエSヲゥ NGャエイョ ュセアLGエヲゥ@
and art. 161, margin, ,Canst.] セャヲオ[@ 2. ・ャセ」エイゥ。@ energy power of President to make order in respect of persons under
[s. 22(1)(i). Damodar Valley Corporation · a」エ}セ[@ 3. preventive detention in certain cases : [art. 373, margin, Canst.]
electrical energy or any other form of energy which is mechanically ヲNャ」イョア[オュセMLGエ@
transmitted [s. 2(g), Factories Act] f i wm
power alcohol: {s. 4(1), Indian Power Alocoho/ Aci]'<m セ@ power of President to make regulations for certain Union Territories:
power controller : Qセ@ セ[@ セ@ セ@ [ar;t . 240. margin, cッョウエNスセhwヲGH[イ アLGエセ@
power factor: [s. 23(4)(b),.Jndian Electricity Act) f i セ@ q,'!Wffi

power house : [s. 22(2)(ii), Damodar Valley Corporation a」エIセ@ power of President to promulgate ordinances during recess of
tf{ Parliament: [arr. 123, margin, cッョウエ N }セ ᄋ セイ@
power, in his : ;:mc6 セ[@ セ@ f i セ@
power of superintendence over all courts by the· High Court :
power, objects of: [s. 92, Indian Succession a」エ}セ@
[art. 227. margin, cッョエN}セ M セ@ q,'t ;ri%1 セ@ q,'t
power of administrator to promulgate ordinances during recess of
legisl!lture: [art. 2398, c。ョウエN}セM@ fit'l@! セ@ セ@ セ@
power of procuration: [s. 10(2), Reserve Bank oflndia a」エ}セ@
power ofappointment: {s. 69, Indian Succession Act] セ\エャ@ fi
power of revision : [s. 106(4), Cr. P.C.] セ@ q,'t セ@
power of appointment of property: [s. RHクゥセI」L@ Gift-tax a」エスセ@
power ofrevocation: [s. 93(3). expln. (c)(iv), Income-tax Actf セ@
power of attorney : a formal instrument by which one person セᄋ@ セ@
power of search and seizure: {s ..J7A(I), Wealth-tax a」エ}セヲ@ 3ffi
empowers another to represent him or act in his stead for certain
purposes [s. 102, T.P. Act and long title, Powers-of-Attorney
power of survey : [s. I 13A. Income-t ax a」エ}セ@ Gャゥエセ@
power of Governor to grant ー。イ、ッョセL@ etc. and to suspend, remit or power of the Deputy Chairman or other person to perform the duties
commute sentences in certain cases: [art. 161, margin, Canst.] of the office of, or to act as, Chairman : [art. 91. margin,
ap:n セ@ q,'t >3ffi セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ N@ 'lltrn m セ@ m q,'t cッョウエN}セ\「tGャヲゥBイュアL@
セアLGエ ᄋ ヲゥ@ セ\AtNZjpアLGエ@

power of Governor to promulgate ordinances during recess of power of the Deputy Speaker or other person to perform the duties of
legislature: [art. 213, margin, c。ョウエN}セ@ the office of, or to act as, Speaker: {。セエ N@ 95. margin, Canst.] 3!Um
セNュ M セ@ セ\ャゥt@ 1lffi"l m m 3!Um セ M セゥエ@ <li11f セ@ q,'t セ@ m JR! セ@
power of High Courts to issue certain writs : [art. 226. margin, <b't i!lf<R'I
GcッョウAN}セ@ ヲエ」セ@ <1\t セ@ セ@ q,'t セ@ power of the President to adapt laws : [art. 3;72A. Canst.] fclfu<it <liT
power of legislature of a State to make provision with respect to
elections to such legislature: [art. 328, margin, c。ョウエNIセ@ オ[セーヲ@ power of the. President to remove difficulties : [art. )92. margin,
セM@ セ@ fW( セュゥエ@ m q,'t ;m セ M セ@ q,'t f i Consc] セGヲゥt@ m tt セ@ q,'t セ@
power of Parliament to amend the Constitution and procedure power of the States to entrust functions to the Union : [;,rt. 258A,
therefor : [art. 368 margin, c。ョウエN}セ@ \ャゥtセ@ m q,'t セ@ q,'t margin. Canst.] Bl:! セ@ ¥f ffitR <tT セ@ q,'t セ@
セュヲGwH\イ@ power of エィセ@ Union to confer powers etc. on States in certain cases:
power of Parliament to impose restrictions on trade, commerce and f.qrr. 25/i margin. Con ウエN}セ@ o<mn セ@ ITRl1 セ@ セ@ 1P.R m セ@ q,'t
intercourse : [art. 302, margin, Canst.] O!lT'I'R:, セ@ 3ffi WW1l! '11: セ@ :tr 9WFi

セュアLGエ@ power plant· l' N•!2)(hi . Fi1Cl<>nt'' .. \c'rj WRf m

power of Parliament to legislate for two· or more States by consent and power project : fm;l セ@
adoption ofsuch legislation by any other State: [art: 252, margin. po"er イ・」ッ、ᄋセ@ セ@
c。ョウエN}セ@ <IT 3!ftrc6 セ@ セ@ fW( ;r;rq,'t セゥra@ q,'t セ@ q,'t セ@ power room attendant · Zセ@ 'lfhn
3ih: セ@ @セ ;;rr;n fclfu <liT セ@ JR! Wit ID'U セ@ power scheme in l'nion Territorl : W:! セゥエ@
power of Parliament to legislate with respect to a matter in the State power station : fs . 2( I JU}(vii). Mines a」エ}セ@ セ O G\ュ@ セゥfヲ@
List in the national interest : [art. 249, margin, Canst.] n;;q wfi il powentation operator : セ@ m セ@
セュゥエヲ」ャオアLG@ セ@
power structure: [s. 22(2!(ii), Damodar Valley Corporation a」エ}セ@
power of Parliament to legislate with respect to any セ。ャエ・イ@ in the State ffitRT
Li_st if a Proclamation of Emergency is in operation : {art. 250, power to adopt : [s. 49(b), Registration a」エIセ@ 'WIT q,'t セ@
margin, Canst.] lift StGュヲアLエセャッョ[キゥ@
power to appoint property : [s. 2( I 3), Estate Duty a」エ}セ@
power of Parliament to make provision with respect to elections to
Legislatures: [art. 32 7, margin, Const. 7セ@ セ@ @セ fW( セ@ セ@ power to appoint such property : [s. 69, expln .. Indian Succession
セゥエイGャ\AュアLッ@ a」エIセ@ rMfu セ M セ@ q,'t セ@
power of Parliament to modify the rights conferred by this Part in power to appoint to include power to suspend or dismiss : {s. 16.
the'r application to forces, etc.: [art. 33, margin, c。ョウエN}セ@ 'IWl }ieneral Clauses a」エ}セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ f.i<;if,m \itセ@ m m
idGuセ\ゥャNイヲ N セュアLGエ@ アLGエセ\ャゥイNョ@

power of Parliament to provide for the establishment of certain power to carry on trade etc.: [art. 298. margin, Canst.] O!lT'I'R: m ᄋ セ@
additional courts_: {art. 247, margin, c。ョウエNIセ@ アLGエセ@

アLGエセ\ャゥBJュ@ power to convey : [s. 39, Indian 'Trusts a」エIセ@ ctl セ@

power to exempt precedent Interest
power to exempt: [s. /4, Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) practice normally prevailing: [s. 2(h), Central Sales Tax a」エIセ@
Act] セ@ t.i' cfil セtヲ\ゥ@ セア[@
power to extend ヲオョ」エゥッセGALs@ of Public Service Commissions: [art, 321, prsc.tice of 2ccountancy セ@ {s. 2(2)(i), Chartered Accountants Act)
margin,] セ@ セt@ 3l1<lTzft <fi セ@ q;r f<ffim: セ@ cfi\ セ@ セア[イFュョA@
power to issue 11n order: [s. 164(1), Navy Act] セAit@ cfi\ セ[@ practice of country :· [s. 3(2j(e), Insurance a」エIセ@ q;r セ@
セMュt」ヲゥ|@ practice of courts: usual method of the working of the courts [sch. I,
power to ャ・ァゥセ。エ@ ;;r;n;i cfi\ • : セ@ app. D, form No. 17(13), cNpjセ@ cfi\ セ@
power to make exemption : [s. 24, Companies (Profits) Surtax practice ofthe High Court·: [s. 19A, Presidency Small Cause Courts
Act] ll.C セ@ cfil Wffi a」エ}セヲゥ|@
power to make regulations as to col'lldltlons ohervlce of members and
staff oft he Commission: {art. 3 I 8, margin, Canst.) セ@
セ@ * practice of the trade mark registry: {s. I 12(1), Trade and Merchandise
Marks Act) Oll1't!R セ@ セ@ cfi\ Q
practices, deceptive: [s. 11(2)(o), Customs Act] ll<il!lli セ@
power to prohibit importation: [s. I 1, Customs a」エスセ@ practices, resort to otber similar : セ@ tl セ@ llif1f セ@ ; セ@ tl セ@ oqqrn
cfi\Wffi <l'iRT
power to punish for contempt of itself · ["',. 129, Const.} 3ltf.t 3!CfqR practise: [s. 2(c), Notaries a」エIセ[@ [art. 25(1), Consc.) \llftR1lT
\ヲゥZ[セエNイ」|w@ セ@

power to remove difficulties : I. [s. 5, Goa, Daman and Diu practise any profession or carry on any occupation, trade or business:
(Absorbed Employees) a」エjGMゥセ@ q;r セ@ セ@ tf セ[@ 2. [s. 19(4), Navy Act and art. 19(/)(g), Const.) <fit{ セ@ '!!1 セ@ ,I
[s: 99A, Employees' State Insurance a」エ}セ@ セN@ ar,m '!!1 \ュgtA|セ@
power to set aside contract : [s. /9A , Indian Contract Act) M q,'\ practise before the court : [art. 145(1 )(a), Const.) セゥエ@
^SAGヲゥ|Qセᄋ@ セ@

power to slate case: [Or. 36. r. I, C.P.C. 7W q;r qji!R' セ@ セ@ Wffi; practise deception: [s. 28, I.P.C.J セ@ セ@
セ\ヲゥャrイ@ practise in court: to practise law in a court [s. 480, Cr. P. cNIセ@ il
power to supersede a corporation : [s. 38, Road Transport セ@
Corporations a」エスセ@ qit セ@ セ@ @セ セ@ practise in civil court in India : [s. 288(2)(ii), Income-tax Actj 11m! it
powers and duties of auditor: [s. 227( 1}, Companies a」エスMセ@ f?;fur セゥエ@ セM\jゥヲャイ@ <l'iRT·
セ[jヲゥ@ practise in his name: [sch. I, item I, Cost and Works Accountants
powers and duties of corporation: [ch. 3, heading, Road Transport a」エIセ@ :rrt! セ@ セ@ <l'iRT
Corporations a」エIセ@ セ@ 3i\r @セ practise or act as an advocate: [s. 15, Presidency Small Cause Courts
powers and functions: [s. JOE(/), Companies a」エ}セ@ 3lTI セ@ a」エスセ@ \ヲNセ@ Giヲセ@ '!!1 lliT1f <l'iRT
powers and immunities : [ilrt. 65(3). cッ。ウエNIセ@ 3i\r セ@ practising in India: [s. 226( 1), prov., Companies Act} 11m! ゥエセ@
powers, exercisable : [s. 107A( 10), Income-tax a」エ}セ@ セ@ lli'R 'ffi!T
powers of command: [s. 184(2)(a), Navy Act] セイョ@ セ@ practitioner of medicine: [s. 2(k), Indian Medical Council Act} AAcm
powers of Registering Officers : [pt. XI. heading, Registration ii!fcffiT1ft
a」エェセュMt[@ pray : [s. 92, ill. (e), Indian Evidence Act] liT¢11 <l'iRT .·
powers, privileges, etc. of the Houses of Legislatures and of the pray in the alternative: [s. 29, Specific Relief a」エIセZ@ l!T¢11 <l'iRJ
members and Committees ihereof: [art. 194. ·margin, Const.J praying : [art. I 21, Const.) liT¢IT セ@ 'ffi!T
セMャヲゥエ@ セゥヲサN@ pre-audit : セ@
セ@ pre-audit cheques : セ@ セ@
powers, privileges, etc. of the Houses of Parliament and of the pre-audit pay department : GAヲMセ@ セ@ セ@
members and Committees thereof: [art. /05, margin, Const.J セ@ pre-audit payments : セ@ セ@
pre-audit system : セ@ \l'1l'Tmt
practicable, as far as : {s. 30(8}, Industrial Finance Corporation
pre-audit voucher : GャNヲセ@ セ@
a」エIセ@ ; 11'?ffimZ! ; セ@ ff'!i it wfi
pre-check payment : 'l.'f ;;rfq セ@
practicabte despatch : feasible promptitude : [Or. 41, r. 13(2),
pre-determined cost : 'l.'f セ@ OWR!
practical experience: {art. 80(3), Canst.} ・ャセ@ セGャヲゥ@ preamble: a recital at the beginning of some Acts to explain the mind
practical name: [s. 35( /)(b), Trade and Merchancfise Marks Na」エIセ@ of makers of the Acts, and the mischief they intend to remedy by
:rrq ; Cll'liWf :rrt! the same; the introductory part of a statute, ordinance or
practkal measures: [s. 8( 1), Sugar Export Promotion a」エスセ@ regulation that states the reasons and intent of law or regulation or
;rn11' is used for explanatory purposes [preamble, Indian Evidence
practical training : [s. 8(4), Apprentices a」エスセ@ セ@
preamble as aid to Interpretation : f.$R セ@ ュイ\セ@ セ@
practical training, course of : セ@ セ@ lli'!
practice : I . the usual mode or method of doing something, precaution : care taken beforehand; a measure taken befo rehand
[s. 5(xvi)(b), pro\·., Gift·tax a」エ}セ[@ 2. usage [s. 19Q. lnlano against possible danger, failure, etc., caution exercised beforehand
Vessels Act and s. 2(h). Central Sales Tax Act] qftq]tt; 3. to provide against mischief or secure good results. prudent
performance or operation of something: conduct [s. 4/(b), Nav; foresight [ss. 443, J.P. C. and s. 109, Cr. P.C.} セ@
Act] 。ョM・ュセ[@ ; ャセ[@ 3!T<ffi1T; 4. be professionally engaged precedence: [s. 2/(a), Sick Textile Undertakings (Nationalisation)
ゥョセ@ <l'iRT
Act) >mmT
precedence, order of : セ@
practice and procedure: {art. 145(1 ), cッイ ウ N}セ@・ ->ffi セ@
practice as an advocate: [s. 24(5). Cr. P.Cj セゥエ@ セMFイゥャュGj@ precedence, warrant of : warrant issued in recognition of superior
importance ᄏイョュMセ@
practice, code of : セ@ mtTI
ーイ・」、ョエZGャ⦅ヲセ[@ Gャ⦅[Zヲセ@ セ[@ セ@
practice, continuous : [s. 5(3), Chartered Account;;nts a」エIセ@
セ@ precedent book :volume containing standard legal forms, precedents
practice, in :· [s. !4(ii). Charterea Accountants a」エスセ@ <l'iRT or other documents セ@ セ@ 'l.'f
practice, legal : セ@ amiT<l ; セQHA@ precedent Interest: as between two interests, the one which is earlier in
r 3rlicl', 'Jiedical : AA<m q;;f; セ@ セ[@ セ@ time [s. 23, T.P. a」エIセ@ ftl
precedents 255 preliminary decree
precedents : '!,li セ@ preference: [s. 12, Hindu Succession a」エスセ@
preceding :that precedes in order, time or movement [Or. 23, r. 2, preference capital: [s. 85(b)(ii), expln., Companies a」エスセ@ \it
cNp」}セ@ preference dividends, cumulative : セ@ セ@ セ@
preceding financial year : セ@ セ@ セ@ preference shares, irredeemable: セ@ セ@ M セNH I@
preceding provisions': [s. 86(4), C.P.C.] セ@ \l'lfiill preference share : guaranteed share and interest bearing share
preceding rules : セ@ セ@ {.s. 4(!)(b)(i), Companies a」エ}セ@ (!iT<lt) セ@ .om
precept: a written order or a mandate [s. 46, C.P.C.} ilm!1'q;{ preference share capital: [s. 85( 1), Companies a」エ}セ@ Smセ@
precep:s, legal : セ@ セ@ !iT<lt) 'f'!l
precinct : the space enclosed by the walls or other boundaries of a preference sh:ue, cumulative: [s. 87(2), Companies a」 エ }セ@
particular place or building [s. 2(g), Employees' Provident Funds Sエセ[@ [sch., ·pt. II, entry (d), Mangrol. and Manavadar
and Miscellaneous Provisions a」エ}セ@ (Administration of Property) a」エ}セ@ セ@ !iT4t ':
precinct of mine : [s. 2(d)(l)(iv), Lime stone and Dolomite Mines preference share. guaranteed : セ@ セ@ セ@ HセI@
Labour We][l1re Fund Act) 1!lT-l ilit セ@ preference share holder: [s. 2(22), Income-tax a 」 エI Gセ@ ゥセ@ tfm!;
ー イ セ」ゥョエ@ of the court: [Or. 21, r. Jl(l), C.P.C.] セ@ ilit セ@ preference share, participating: セMュイヲエ@ セ@ 3!•' t0'-1TJ
precious metal: [sell./, item 14, Mines and Minerals, (Regulation and
preference share redeemable :Jt,luaranteed redeemable share Ls. 78(2)
Devdopment) a」エ}セ@ セ@
(d),Companies a」エ}セ@ セ@ セ@ (!iT<lt)
precious stone : [s. 2(r), Foreign Exchange Regulation a」エ}セ[@
[sch. II, item 5, Mines ;;nd Minerals (Regulation and Develop- preferential creditor : セ@ セ@
ment) a」エ}セ@ preferer.tial debt: [s. 14(b), Sick Textile UndCI'takings (Taking 0\.·er
precipice: a vertical, almost vertical or overhanging surface [s. 390, of Management) Act] セ@ セ@
ill. (e) , i.P.C.] ifilTR preferential payment: [s. 530(l)(a}, Companies a」エ}セ@
precise: exact, to the point; without deviation [s. 14(3)(c)(i), Specific preferential right: [s. 22(1), Hindu Succession a」エスセ@
Relief a」エ}セ[@ ュセ[@ [Or. 6, r. II, cNp N cNIGゥセ@
prefixed numeral figures : [s. 50, 1. P. C.} セ@ I!( wT セ@
precise terms, in (relief granted): [Or. 20, r. 6A, C. P. C.] セ@ JTtt
pregnancy : the condition of being pregnant [s. 3(j), M aternity
•<liT) 9flro セMアュ@ Benefit a」エIセ[@ the state of being with young サ セN@ 4(3),
precise terms of notice : [Or. 6, r. 11. C. P. C. ] セ@ セ@ WNQセ@ セ@ Maternity Benefit a」エ}セ[@ gestation [s. 2(3), Employees'
precise words: [Or. 6, r. 9, cNp}セ@ vr.<:: State Insurance a」エ}セ@
precisely: [s. 100(3), cNp}セZ@ pregnant : I. containing unborn young within the body [s. 6(2),
precision : [preamble, Industrial Employment (Stan ding Orders) Maternity Benefit a」エIセ[@ {<. 2(148), Employees ' State
a」エ}セ[@ llfi1am; [s. 135(4), Army Act] \イセカヲオ@ Insurance a」エ}セ[@ [s. 3(j), Maternity Benefit Act}m; 2.
precision machine trade group : セ@ -:rnR ozmrrq セ@ full of meaning; fitting and to the purpose Sゥセ[@ セ[@ Grャセ@
precision miller : セ@ omr<fi pregnant uterus : [s. 3(j), Maternity Benefit Act] wrsf セ@
precision turner : セ@ セ@ pregnant woman : セ@
preclude : to close the door against; to shut out; to exclude; to イ・セZ^j@ r prejudice: I. injurious effect; injury to or impairment of a right, claim,
impracticable by anticipatory action [s. 91, e,lpln. (3), Indian statement etc. [s. 202, Indian Contract a 」エ }セ@ lfl1lq ; · 2. to
Evidence Act} ll<ffillT セ[@ to prevent [s. 145(5), Cr. P.C.] セ[@ affect injuriously or unfavourably [s. I 28(2), C.P.C.} セ@ セ@
[s. 6(2)(h), Oil Industry (Development) a」エ}セ@ セ@ ; [s. mAT; 3. [s. 216(3), Cr.P.C.] セ@ !l'I1T<I' セ[@ 4. favoured
108(5), Trade and Merch andise Marks a」エ}セ@ m:n; ll'1llfuf セ@ beforehand without due examination セ@
predecease : [s. 6(6), Payment of Gratuity a」エ}セ@ セ@ セ@ 'iTRT prejudice any right : [s. 9(a), Foreign Awards (Recognition and
predeceased : [s. 2(d)(iii)(f), Workmen s Compensation a」エIセ@ Enforcement) a」エ}セ@ iAHセ@ m1'iT
predecessor: I. one who has preceded another in any office or position prejudice of interest : [s. 202, Indian Contract a」エスセ@ iAHセ@ セ@
[s. 15(e), Specific Relief a」エ}セ[@ Gig M セ[@ 2. one that セ@
precedes [s. 121(1), Cr. P.C.] セ@ prejudice of, to the: {s. 15, Indian Contract Act] iAHセ@
predecessor in office: [s. 144(5), Cr. P.C.] GigMセ@ セ@
predecessor title: [s. 15(e), Specific Relief a」エ}セ[@ セ\ャゥt@ prejudice the determination: [s. 14A(5), Income-tax a」エIセ@ I!(
predetermined periodical changes: [s. 61(6), Factories a」エ}セ@ prejudice to the friendly relations: [s. 6(J)(c), Passports a」エ } セ@
セTmャゥ|G@ m iAHセ@ g'qt'f mr-n
predicated : セ[@ セ@ prejudicial to: [sch.II, form No. 32(4), Cr. P.C.] セ@ セュョ@
ーイ・、ゥ」エZセ@ prejudicial to good order and discipline : [s. lO(n), Central Reserve
predominate : ll'llT-Rn セ@ m Police Force a」エスセ@ Sヲエ\セ@ iAHセ@ lfTffi'
ーイ・Mュエゥセョ@ : a right to purchase property before or in preference to
other person [Or. 20, r. i4, C.P.C.] セ[@ セ@ prejudicialto honour or reputation: [s. 57(/)(b), Copyright a」エ}セ@
pre-emption, right of : wNャヲゥ\セcH@ <rT セ@ I!( セ@ ll11iCr セ@

pre-emption suit: a suit for the enforcement of a right of pre-emption prejudicial to the interests of the revenue : [s. 19(1), Interest-tax
Act] <T'iff<f <ii セ@ I!( セ@ lf'qJq セ@ miT
[Or. 20, r. 14(1), C.P.C.] セ\ャゥt@ <m:; WT<fi11' <liT <m:
pre-emptor : one who has exercised or exercises the right of pre- prejudicial to the sovereignty : [s. 6(/)(a), P.assports Act} 1I"J;ffi I!(
emption [Or 20, r. 14(2)(a), C.P.C.] セ[@ セ[@ ->Eiili4illl<liltl セ@ !l'lT<f セ@ miT
prejudicially affect ; [s. ll(J)(b), Suits Valuation a」エ}セ@ \1"'lTcf
preface : ll8l1Rl'
mm; [s. JOA(4), Industrial Finance Corporation a」エ}セ@
!l'lT<f 'l5o1T
prefer an appeal : [s. 10(1), Requisitioning and Acquisition of
preliminary: preparatory, introductory, preceding and leading up to
Immovable Property Act] 3T1!ffi セ[@ [s. 31 , Limitation Act]
the main subject [Or. 20, r. 13(1), cNp N cNスセ@
preliminary advice : [s. 103(1), Trade and Merchandise Marks
preferappealagainstanorder: [s. 18(1), Arms Act] セュStQAヲゥ@
preliminary decree: [s. 2(2), expln., cNpスセ@ Tt6t
prefer charge: [art. 61(2)(a), c。ョウエNスセ@ <f'TFIT
156 present
preliminary decree for partition

preliminary decreefor partition : [Or. 26, r. 13, C.P. cN}セ@ -ql セ@ preparation : I. the action ot preparing or getting ready [s. 8, Indian
セャョBエ@ Evidence a」エIセ[L@ 2. something that is prepared; something
preliminary decree .for redemption: [sch. I, app. D, form No. 7C, made for a specific pu rpose [s. 276, I.P.C.] f.\fiffit; 3. to make
C. P. C.] $R ct セ@ セ@ futft ready beforehand [s. 2(a), Salt Cess a」エIセ@
preparation of feasibility report : [s. 35D(2)(a)(i), Income-tax
preliminary examination : セ@ lffun ; セ@ セ@
Act] Wllm fttl1i セ@ qn;rr
preliminary expenses : [sch . II, pt. I, item 5(a)(ii), Companies preparatory to commitment, inquiry : セ@ -ql セ@ セ@ \ilR セ@ セ@
a」エ}セBゥャヲOQ@ ·
preparatory to イ・エャュョセ@ : セ@
preliminary hearing : セ@ セ@
preparatory work : セ@ セ[@ セ@
preliminary inquiry : [s. I 59, Cr. P. C.] セ@ セ@
prepared coffee·: [s. J(b), Coffee a」エ}セ@
preliminary Investigation: [s. 196(3), Cr. P.C.] '1rtftrq; セ@
pre-partition clalmg : セ@ it セ@ セ@ セ@
preliminary inward account : '1rtftrq; 31fcl1fi m pre-payment: [s. I39, ill. (a), Indian Contract a」エ}セ@
preliminary list : セ@ wit pre-ponderance of probability : [s. 9C(2), Central Excises and Salt
preliminary measures : {Or. 21, r. 24, C. P.C.) !1!&r<!i irn<1" Act}-3<ftHi"lloqctl セ@ セ@
preliminary notification : [s. 4, Land Acquisition a」エ}セ@ pre-primary education : '!'f
liTfi セ@
セ@ pre-receipted bill : WG f!fur f.ffi
preliminary point : a point which, if determined in favour of the prerogative : セ@
plaintiff, permits the progress of the suit, but when determined prerogative writs, high : i3"iii セ@ ftc (

against him, brings the suit to an end leaving other issues prescribe : to appoint, ordain, direct, enjoin; to lay down by rules '
undetermined [0;. 41, r. 23, C.P.C.] セ@ <1m [s. 2(1)(/), Chartered Accountants Act, s. 285(3), Cr. P.C. and art.
preliminary report : セ@ fttilt 16(3), Const.)- セ@
premature : [s. 10, Maternity Benefit 」エ}セ[@a セゥエ@ セ@
prescribe the mode ofvaluing: [long title, Suits Valuation Acr] セ@
premature birth : [s. 50(4), eューャッケ・セᄋ@ Staie Insurance. a」エ}セ@
prescribed arrangements : [s. SOB(!), Income-tax a」エ}セ@
prematurebirthofchild: [s.JO, m。エ・ョゥケbヲa」IセMッイ[@
prescribed by law: [s . .83, T.P. a」エIセ Mセ[@ [s. 7, T.P. a」エ}セ@
premature セッャ。ーウ・@ of any part of the workings : [s. I 1(3)(a), Coal
Mines (Conservation and Development) Act]lllf.1m <liT セ@ 'IWT IDU-
セoAat@ prescribed by any law for the time being in ヲッイ」・Zセ@ f<litft ,ft
premature discovery: [Or. JJ, r. 20, cNp}セ@ セ@
prescribed colouring matter : {s. 2(ia)(j), Prevention of Food
premature increments : W!1i it if\ .,-t ゥャ」rセ@ m Adulteration a」エ}Mセ@
premature termination : [s. 13(1), Oil Industry (Development) prescribed contents : [s. 19, Contract Labour (Regulation and
a」エIセ@ . セ[@ [s. 32D, State Financial Corp(}rations Abolition) Act]- セ@
a」エ}セャヲイョh[@ [an. 3/A(J)(e), cッョウエNIセゥ@
prescribed form : セ@ セ@
premature termination of the contract : {s. 3(5), Burn Company and prescribed limit of variability : [s. 2(ia)( 1), Preyention of Food
Indian Standard Wagon Company(T.1king PセM・イ@ of Management) I
Adulteration a」エIセM セ@
a」エ}セ@ <liT セ@ tfl!<rm";j
prescribed manner: [s. 7(2). Indian Contract a」エ}セ@ li<liTI; [s. 3,
premature termination of contract of management: I . [s. 8, Jayanti expln. 1, prov. (i), TP. Act]- "Ml
Shipping Company (Acquisition of Shares) Act) Aセ\ゥエ@ <liT
prescribed period : [s. 30, Limitation a」エ}セ@
セ@ tfl!<rm";j ; 2. [s. 6, Indian Iron and Steel Company (Taking
prescribed person: [s. 206(1), Income-tax a」エIMセ@
Over of Management) Act) Aセ\ゥエ@ セ@ セ@
prescribed physical standard : [.s. 69(2)(a), Factories a」エ}セ@
premeditation : previous deliberation as to action, planning and
mffiq; liT'!
contriving; considering or planning an act beforehand [s. 300.
excep. 2, I.P.C] セ@ '!'f
premeditation, committed without : [s. 300, excep. 4, I. P. cN}セ@
-ql セ@ fcl;m Tf'IT
prescribed rate of exchange: [s. 192(6), Income-tax a」エ}セ@

prescription : acquisition of title by use and time as allowed by law

[s. 15, Indian Easements Act and sch. I, app. A. form No. 49( /0),
premises : a house or building with adjoining gro-11iids and ather
appurtenances [s. 2(e), Requisitioning and Acquisilion of
prescriptive period : [s. 28(c), Indian Easements a」エ}セ@ セ@
Immovable Property Act and s. 157, I.P.C.] flftm
premises attached to : [art. 28(3), c。ョウエ N }セ@ セ@ セ@ prescriptive right: a right acquired by prescription, i.e. un-interrupted
premium: l!. reward; the periodical payment for the insurance of life or use or possession from time immemorial, or for a period fixed by
property; a lump-sum or fine paid for the granting of a house, a law [sch. I, app. A, form No. 49(10), C.P.C.] セ\^ヲャゥF@
sum paid in excess of the nominal value of shares of stock [s. 2(e), presence : the fac't or condition of being present {s. /09,
Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporatiop Act) lfiflt<rq cイNpIセ@
presence and hearing, in the : [s. I 64(4), Cr. P. C.] セ@ i! セ@ セ@ セ@
premium income : セ@ -3fTlf
present : I. now existing; being セ@ this time [s. 7, expln. 2, Specific
premium on debenture : セ@ 1!1: セ@
Relief a」エ}セ[@ 2. now in progress [s. 6(3), Sale of Goods
premium on ウィ。イ・セ@ セ@ 1!1: セ@ Act] mM; セ[@ セ[@ 3. in カゥ・キセ[@ 4. to appear; to bring
premium paying period : セ@ m m セ@ セ@ oneself into the presence ᄋッヲセ[@ 5. to deliver formally for
pre-natal confinement : [s. 8, Maternity Benefit Act] lllfililf セ@ acceptance [s. 378(1 ), Cr. P. cN}セ@ !fi{llT; セ@ l!W!T; 6. the
prepaid expenses : セ@ セ@ action of presenting [Or. 33, r. J, cNp}セャAwt[@ セ[@
prepaid Jetter : [s. I72(2)(ii), Companies a」エIセ@ 'i>l, @セ セ@ m; 7. to bring or place (a person etc.) before, into the presence of or
セtヲGAエ@ under the notice of another [Or. 8, r. 10, C.P.C.} セ@ セ[@ 8.
prepaid post Jetter: [s. 14/(c), Indian Railways a」エ}セ@ m; セ@ to furnish or provide with something by way of present or gift; to
ftq'r Tf'IT trll make a present or donation [s. 7(c), Indian Museum a」エ}セ@
prepaid reglatered poet: [s. I I0(3), Companies a」エ}セ@ Wt セ@ セ@ lft セ[@ 9. to introduce formally in a court [s. 249(2), Income-tax
Bャゥ\セュ[@ セュNtヲャイエ@ a」エ}セ[@ 10. a gift [an. 18(4), Const.] セ@
pretent an appeal 257 pre!umptlon of culpable mental state

presentan appeal: [s. 378(1), Cr. pNcjセ@ セ@ セ[@ • m President: I. t_he constituti9nal head in a republican government; the
\セwョ[ᄋ@ President of India [s. I 33(1 ){i), C. P. cN}セ@ ; 2. the person
present and voting: [art. 100(1), cッョウエN}セ@ セ@ 11(! t.f <miT selected to preside .OV!:r the meet ings of a 「ッ、ケセ@ ; 3. the head
present for 。」・ーエョセ@ or payment: [s. 3(b), Indian Stamp a」エ}セ@ of a body or institution [s. I 7(1), Cantonmeins Act} wtR
GzAtセ\wョ@ President is pleased : セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@
present his case: [s. 7(2)(b), Arbitration (Protocol and Convention) President of India : the constitutional head of ,India · {s. 133(/)(i),
Act] セ@ tm-<fi'R セ@ <!Wn C.P.C. and arl. 52 margin, Canst.) ilffi! lliT セ@
pruent notic:e: a notice to take effect at once and not at a future time President of India actin& セイッオァィ@ the Divisional Medical Officer,
. {sch. I, app. E, form No. 22, cNpL}セ@ セ@ Western Rail"ay, Jaipur : 'l'fR'i'l セ@ セ@ oil セ@ セ@ セN@
present possession i [s. 7, expln. 2, Specific rエセャゥ・G@ a」エ}セ@ セ[@ セNエs i C@
セゥヲ[ャG@ President of the Boanl: [s. 17(1), Clmtonmcnts Act] <itt lliT セ@
present sale : [s. 6(3), Sale of Goods a」エ}セ@ セ@ President's bodyauard : • セ@ セ@
present sale of future goods : [s. 6(3), Sale of Goods a」エ}セ@ tmr lliT President's Estate Officer : セ@ セ@ 3!ftmtl
セュ@ President's Secretariat : • セ@
presentation: 1-. the action of presenting [s. 26, C.P.C.] セ[@ presidential election : [s. 2(!), Presidenti,11 and Vice-Presidential
セ@ セ[@ 2. being presented セ@ セ@ セ[@ 3. ihe act of Elections a」エ}セ@
presenting usually in a formal manner for acceptance [s. 21(2)(d), presiding: one who presides [s. I7(3j, Industrial Finance Corporation
Presiden tial and Vice-Presidential Elections a」エIセ@ ; セ[@ a」エスセ\ュイt[@ セ@

I 4. the act of presenting to a sight or view {ウセ@ 2(q), Copyright

presidin& and pollin& officers : [s. 2/(c), Manipur (Hill Areas)
District Councils a」エ}セ@ セ@ 3ffi: 'l!{l'zy{ セ@
presiding authority: SャエGュセ@ \ュゥtセ [セ@ m;r セ@
presentation h.y the exhibition of a dnematograph film : [s. 2(q),
Copyright a」エ}セ@ rof;; tro • Presiding Judge : [s. 28, Court-fees Act] tftcnft:i セ@
p·resentatlon of appeal : [s. 237(8), Cr. P. cN}セ@ ゥエセ@ セ[@ Presiding Officer: thejudkial officer, who presides over the court; the
[s. 112(l)(b), C.P.C,] セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ officer who presides over a deliberative assembly. an officer
presentationbf plaint: [s. 26, C,P.C.] セ@ セ@ セ[@ セゥエGャ@ appointed to superintend the polling at an election [s. 26{1),
セ[@ [Or. 5, r. l.prov., cNp Nc}アイュセ@ |Nセ@
prov., Representation of the People Act, i95!] セ@ mm;
[s. 7(c), Industrial Disputes a」エ}セ@ 3!ftmtl
presently payable: [sch .. I, table A, interpretation 33( 1), Companies
press : I. the machine for print ing; p rinting house; printing
a」エ}セャ[@ セエゥt[@ セエゥt@
presentment: the act of presenting to an authority a formal statement
establishment [s. 95(2)(a). Cr. P.C.} 2. to bring pu!hing or rn;
thrusting force to bear on by means of something in direct contact
of a matter to be dealt with [s. 21. Negotiable Instruments
[s. }4(ii), Central Sales Tax a」エIセ[@ 3. an instrument by which
a」エ}セ[@ [s. j I, prov., Provincial Insolvency Act} ゥイ・セ@
garments are properly smoothed and creased ; iffi; 4. news

presentment for sight : [s. 21 , Negot iable Instruments Act] セ、@

reporters, publishers and broadcasters as group rn
Press Adviser : セ@ セ@
press and registration : [s. ,?(e), Press Council Act] iffi セ@ セ@
presents :the present legal instrument or other document [long titlt:.
press censorship : セ@ mrt'r
Bombay High Court (Letters Patent) a」エ}セ@
preUnts, know all men by these : [scb. I , app. F, form No. JO, press-comunique : [s. 3(3Xi), Official Languages a」エ}セ@
P. q セ@ セ@ imT セ@ c..
ffiTil em mil it press conference : セ@ セ@

preServation : I. the act of keeping safe from injury, harm or Press Council of lnilia ; [s. 3( 1), Press Council Act] セ@ セ@ セ@
destruction [s. 2(c), Industrial Finance Corporation Act and Press Cutting Officer : IPf セ@ セ@
s. 17(2)(/ii), T.P. a」エIセ[@ 2. [s. 16(2)(a), Saiarjung Museum Press Facilities Officer: iffi セ@ セ@
Act] '{i5R1' Press gallery : セ@ セ@
preservation and reclamation of soil: [s. 29(ix), Manipur (Hill Areas) l'ress handout : セ@ セ@
District Councils a」エ}セ@ lliT セ@ 3ffi: ;m <WI ゥエセ@ iR'RT · press house : [s. 4(1), Cotton Ginning and Pressing Factories
Act] セヲゥHエャ|@
preservation of records : セ@ lliT セ@
preservation of the goods: [s. i 73, indian Contract Act] tヲゥャNセ@
Press ャョヲッイュセエゥ@ Bureau : iffi セ@ wr.n
ーイ・ウュ。ョZANセ[@ WNセ@
prt!iervative : [s. 2(k), Prevention of Food Adulteration Act] 'lfmfi
press note : iffi セ@
preserve: !. to maintain (as state of thi ngs) [s. 2/,fourth, I. P.C.] セッヲゥャAL@ ーイ・ウNセ@ operator : セ@ セ@
'{i5R1'; 2. to manage or retain for the rightful owner; to keep safe press register : [s. 3(3), Cotton Ginning and Pressing Factories
from harm or injury [s. 168, Indian Contract Act, s. 209(4A), Act)Goflt セ@
prov., Companies Act and art. 60, Const.] 'lfuwrr iii{"lf .; セ@ Press release : iffi lllfim'ft
'{i5R1' .
press reporter : セ@ セ@
preserve order: [s. 2(17)(d), C.P.C. and s. 21, fourth,'I.P.C.] セ@ pressing : [lanK title, Cotton Ginning and Pressing Factories
セ@ '{i5R1'
.Act] GofTt
preserve order in the court: [s. 21, fo urth, iNpc}セ@ ゥエセ@
ーイ・ウNセオ@ of work ·: [s. 7/C(4), Indian Railways Act]lif>TI'f セ@ G<l1lf
presume : to hold · as proved until evidence to the contrary is
preserve, protect and defend: 'limlvr, セ@ 3ffi: セ@ セ@
fortkcoming [s. 4, Indian Evidence a」エ}セ@
p1eserving: [s. 80P(2)(viii), Income-tax Act i.Uid art. 48, Consr.] 'limlvr presume, may : [s. 4, Indian Evidence a」エ}セ@ セ@ セ@
pre-shipment loan : [s. /7(3A), prov (b)(ii), Reserve Bank of India presume, shall : [s. 4, Indian Evidence a」エ}セ@ セ@
Act] エゥュMセGA⦅ヲ@ ;Jtrn:; セ@ '!_'f 'Jtrn:
presumption : in law of evidence, a presumption is a conclusion or,
preside: [art. 92(1), Const.]tflomR セ@
presidencies of India.; {s. 20, Societies Registration Act] ilffi! en'\
infe rence as to th_c truth some fact in question, d'rawn from some\. fact JUdtcially noticed or proved or admitted to be truel
ilfut!1f;rt [s. 79, Indian Evidence a」エ}セ@
Presidency Magistrate: [s. 71, Indian Slamp 」エ}セ@a presumption of culpable mental state : [s. 59, Foreign Exchange
presideny town: [s. 3(44), General Clauses a」 }セ@エ 'i'T1: RegulatiotJ a」エI ᄋ セ@ ;romvrr ·

! 9-A - 50/U&CA/ND/92
presumption of fact 258 previously created rlabt

presumption of fact : [s. 4, Indian Evidence Act] ai'Z! '1\t セ@ preventhe measure : セ@ 'J1W.1'

presumption of law : [Or. 6, r. 13, C.P. cN}セ@ '1\t セ@ preventive medicine :/[art. 44(gXxii), Aligarh Muslim University
presumptive pay : Jqiji(Ofi\Clct> セ@ Act] f.r<mq; セ[@ セ@ セ@

presupposed : セ@ preventive relief: a relief intended to prevent an injury [s. 36, Specific
Relief Act) f.r<mq; セ@
pretence: professed rather than real intention or purpose [s. 215,
J.P. C.] <fffif; [s. 41(2)(a), Pharmacy Act]ilti'Z!l<litr.r preventive service : f.r<mq; セ@
pretend: to hold out, represent or assert falsely [s. 170, J.P. cN}セ@ previous: prior; antecedent; earlier [s. 93, C,P.C.] セ[@ [s. 30(1), Sale
セ[@ [ュョセN@ of Goods Act] 'fPR;
pretended : professed or held out falsely セ@ previous llCquittal : セ@ セ@
pretended bidding : [s. 64(6); Sale of Goods Act] セ@ amfi previous and later references : flnffl OOr セ@ セ@ セ@
pretended consignor : [s. 238(1 l)(b), Indian Contract a」エ}セ@ previous application: [Or. 21, r. 22, prov., C.P.C.] セ@ 'fPR
セ@ previous approval: [s. 126, cNp N cN}セ@ セ@
pretended marriage: [sch., forms 4-3, Indian Divorce Act] ゥヲセ@ previous authority: [s. 9, prov., Companies (Profits) Surtax a」エIセ@
セ@ . セ@
pr.etension : an assertion or declaration whose truth is questioned
previous conduct : [s. 8, Indian Evidence Act} Cfif. セ@ m
previous consent : [s. 32B(c), State Financial Corporations a」エIセ@ '
prevail : to be .effectual as against another rule, direction etc.
previous conviction: a conviction (for any offC?nce) to which a person
[s. 60A(2), T.P. a」エ}セ@ m has been subjected previously to his trial for the offence under
prevailing conditions : [s. 15, Industrial Finance Corporation examination [s. 21J(7), Cr. pNcIセ@ ·
a」エ}セ@ previous discharge : [s. 24(8)(b), Water (Prevention and Control of
prevailing market condition : [s. 18(a), Foreign Exchange Regulation Pollution) a」エ}セ[@ セ@ セ@
previous financial year : I . [s. 22(2), Rantpur Raza Library a」エIセ@
prevailing market prices: [s. 297(2)(a), Companies a」エIセ@ 'ilT'm
セ@ セ[@ 2. [s. 10, Limestone and Dolomite Mines Labour
Welfare Fund a」エIセ@

ーイ・カNゥャdjセ@ market rate : セ@ 'ilT'm セ@

prevalent : [s. 10(4), Working Journalists and Other Newspaper previous occasion : earlier occasion [s. 155, ill. (a); Indian Evidence
Emplayees (Conditions of Service) and Miscellaneous Provisions a」エ}セ@ 3lllm:
a」エ}セ[@ previous or subsequent conduct: a conduct which precedes or foUows
prevent : to hinder from doing something; to preclude, stop fs. 8, ill. the occurrence in question [s. 8, Indian Evidence a」エIセ@ <fiT 'Iff
(e), Indian Evidence Act and art. 15(3), c。ョウエN}セ@ [@セ セcヲゥ{@
[s. 149, Cr. p N c}ヲャュッセZ@ セ@ previous order: [Or. 21, r; 48(2), C.P.C.] 'fPR セ@
prevent abuse of the process of tbecourt : [s. 151, C.P. cN}セ@ *r previous owner: I. [s. 6, expln. 2(d), Indian p\セ。ョ・イウィゥー@ Act)'fPR
セcヲゥ{@ セ[@ 2. [s. 43(1), e:Xpln. 2, Income-tax a」エ}セ ᄋ セ@
prevent legal proceedings beirlg brought: [s. 47(3), Foreign Exchange previous owner of tht property : [s. 49(1), expln.. ' .•·: ':l
Regulation a」エ}セ@ '*r セ@ Cflt セ@ a」エスセcヲゥA@
prevent offences: [s. 149, Cr. P.C.] セ@ Cfif fllmoT セ@ previous permission : [s. 5(4), Jayanti Shipping Company (Taking
prevent or deter: [s. 331, I.P.C.],f:rofrn Giヲセ@ Over of Management) a」エIセ@ セ@
prevent the infliction of punishment: [s. 127, Customs a」エ}ᆱセ@ previous pleading: [Or. 6, r. 7, C.P.C.] 'fPR セ@
セア[I@ セヲオZ[@ previous proceeding: [s. 246(4), prov., Income-tax a」エIセ@
prevention of bribery and corruption : · [long title, Prevention of 'previous proclamation : セ@ セQAt@
Corruption Act] fucrn OOr セ@ q;r fllmoT previous publications: [s. 7i(3). Indian Partnership a」エ}セ@
prevention of crime: [s. 40(1)(1), Cr. P.C.] セ@ Cfif r.mtuJ previous renunciation : [s. 205, Indian Contract Act) 'fPR ('!fiR
prevention of cruelty to animals : [long title, Prevention ofCruelty to previous revocation : [s. 205, Indian Contract A_ct) セ@ セ@
Animals Act, 1960] セSQ@ cfi lila lfi.\ffi' Cfif fllmoT previous sale: [s. 30(1), Sale of Goods Act) p セ@
pre ention of deceptive practices : [s. 11(2)(o), Customs a」エスセ@ previous sanction : [s. 93, C.P.C.] セ@ セ@
previous sentence : [s. 427(I) and (2), Cr. P.C.) セ@ セ@
prevention of disease: [s. 5(2)(a)(i), Limestone and DoltJinite Mines previous service : セ@ セ@
Labour Welfare Fund Act] '{M f.!mur
prevention of food adulteration : 1Sm! セNQjit@ f.!mur
previous stage ·: p llll)l!

previous statement :a statement made at some time antecedent to the

prevention of harm : セ@ Cfif f.rcrnul
one at which any matter to which statement is relevant has come
prevention of injury to エィセ@ economy : [s. 11(2)(1), Customs Act] under consideration [s. JA5, Indian Evidence A ct) p lfi'R
SQセ@ q;) セ@ <rnft IHfc! q;) セ@
previous year: (s. 2(8), prov., Companies (Pro fits) Surtax Act and
prevention of serious injury to domestic production : [s .. 11(2)(j); s. 2(34), Income-tax a 」エ }セ@ セ@
Customs a」エ}セ@ セ@ q;) セ@ <rnft セ@ IHfc! q;) セ@
previous year, completed : [s. I74(2), Income-tax a」エ}Nセ@
prevention of shr .age : [s. 11(2)(d), Customs A ct] "Cf>lft q;) セ@
previo1,1s year for the immediately following assessment year :
prevention o( smuggling : [long title, Antiquities and Art Treasures [5. 212(1), Income-tax Act] itct> 3WT1lfi セ@ セ@ cfi セ@ セ@ セ@
a」エ}セ@ Cfif f.!mur; [s. 11(2)(b), Customs Act) 'ffmt q;) セ@
previous year later than the latest previous year : [s. 209, expln.,
prevention of the contravention of law : [s. 11(2)(u), Customs Income-tax a 」エIGセ@ 3Rr cfi セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ ᄋ@
previously: antecedently [s. 48, T. P. a」エIセ [@ [s. 10, C.P.C.) セ[@
preventive : devoted to or concerned with prevention [ch. X I, [s. 211(7), Cr. P.C] m; "ffi'{'f
heading, Cr. P. C.] f.r<mq;
preventive action of the police : [!:h. XI, heading, Cr. P. cNIセ@ Cfif
previously convicted: [s. 211(7), Cr. P.C.] m セ@
previously created : [s. 48, T.P. aセエI@ セ@ セ@
f.r<mq; Cfif<f
previously created right: a right which is antecedent to the one unqer
preventive detention :confinement or detention in a prison under the
creation or contemplation; any right that was created at a time
preventive law [s. 2(a), Prisoners (Attendance in Court) Act and
earlier than the time when any matter to which that right is
art. 22(3)(b), Const.) f.r<mq; セ@
relevant comes up for consideration [s. 48, T.P. a」エスセ@ セ@
preventive force, Deputy Commissioner : セN@ セ@ "'" セ@

19- B-50/LJ&CA/ND/92
previously institu.ted suit 259 pJ,incipal value a_sscertained
previously instituted suit : {セN@ 10, C. P. cN}セ@ セ@ セ@ principal academic body: {s. 21(1), North-Eastern Hill University
jJ:ice : the money (or other equivalent) for whtch anything is or is Act} lim'! セ@ セ@
proposed tor..<: bought or sold [s. 2(10), Sale of Goods a」エ}セ@ principal aeent : lim'! セ@
price, contract : [s. 73(g), Indian Conrract Act] エゥセ@ "1m; principal and ウオ「ゥ、セイケ@ organs : [art. 4, s. I 1, United Nations
[s. 76(2)(1>), Companies Act]M <6l;m (Privileges and Immunities) Act] ャゥュGAセ@ <3M
price control : <6l;m セ@ principal audit officer : lim'! セ@ セ@
principal auditor : lim'! セ@
price control officer : R セ@ セ@
principal avocation : [s. 2(f), Working Journalists and Other
price fluctuations : [s. 43(5)(b), Income-tax a」エ}セ@ t」Ar M セ\ャ[@
Newspaper Employees (Conditions of Service) and Miscellaneous
·Pro visions a」エIセ@
/ price list : [s. 76(/)(e), Trade and Merchandise Marks Act) <6t;m セ@ principal civil courl: [s. 2(4), C.P.C.)llm'l セ@ セ@
price negotiation : <6l;m セ@ \itセ@
principal civil court of original jurisdiction: [s. 2(4), C. P. cN}セ@
price, production and exports : セN@ セ@ セ@ f.l1mr セ@ 'lffiT lim'! fufu! セ@ ; [s. 3(/ 7), General Clauses
price variation : セ@ -q ゥヲャ|Mセ[@ <6t;m -q セMon [@ <6t;m qftq\R a」エ}セ@ 'fiT lim'! fufu! セ@
pricing of goods: [s. 2(2)(ii), Cost and Works Accountants Act] lffi! principal court: [s. 2(4), C.P. C. ]llm'l セ@
q;r セ@ ; lffi! c6t <6t;m WlRT principal courl of civil jurisdiction : [s. 1 7(;2), Coking Coal Mines
priest :the person incharge of t.he worship in a temple or of. a deity (Emergency· Provisions) Act] fufu! セ@ 'lffiT 'NR セ@

セ@ principal debt: [s. 145, ill. (a), Indian Contract a」エ}セ@

prima facie : on the face of it; at first sight; arising at first sight; based principal debtor: the person who borrowed the original sum or money
on the first impression [Or. 20, r. 17, C.P. cNスャセ@ [s. 145, Indian Contract ACt} W セ@
prima facie case : iセ@ principal employer : [s. 2(2)(g), Contract Labour (Regulation and
prima facie evidence: evidence sufficient in law to raise a presumption Abolition) Act] ャゥュGAセ@
of fact or establish the fact in question unless rebutted [Or. 20, principal executive: [s. 19(2), Aligarh Muslim University Act7 'NR
r. -17, cNpスiセ@ セ@ セ@
prima Jacie proof : [Or. 5, r. 20A(2), C.P. cNスャセ@ セ@
principal executive body : [s. 20(1), North-Eastern Hill University
Act] ャゥュGAセ@
prima facie proof of service : [Or. 5, r. 2JA(2), C.P.C.] "ffilfm q;r
principal financial institution: [s. 9, Industrial Development Bank of
India Act] lim'! mfi<l mm
primary : that which is first in order, rank or importance; anything
from which something else arises or is derived [s. 62, Indian Principal Information Officer : lim'! セ@ セ@
Evidence a」エスャョセ@ principal instrument : [s. 4, Indian Stamp a」エ}セ@
Primary Agriculture Credit Society : [s. 2(o), State Agricultural principal language of the district : [s. 6408(2), Companies Act] \ilffi
Credit Corporations a」エスャョセ@ セ@ i3tiT{ セ@
<t\ lim'! if[q'[

Primary Co-operative Bank: [s. 2(dd), Deposit Insurance and Credit ーイゥョ」セャ@ money: the original amount lent on interest [s. 73(1), prov.
Guarantee Corporation Act] ャョセ@ セ@ ole!; (c), (thirdly), C.P.C] W tR
Primary Credit Society : [s. 2(q), Deposit Insurance and Credit principal not bound: [s. 228, Indian Contract a」エ}セ@ 'I m
Guarantee ·Corporation a」エIャョセ@ lrf!rlf セ@ principal object : [s. 27(b), Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act,
primary duties: [art. 47, Const.] ャョセ@ セ@ QYVP}セ\@
primary evidence : [s. 62, Indian Evidence a」エスャョセ@ セ@ principal of college : [sch., s. 20(2), table, University of Hyderabad
a 」エ}セ@ q;r liT<lT<f
primary food: [s. 2(ia)(m), expln., Prevention of Food Adulteration
a」エスャョセ@ principal office of the company : [s. 2(26), prov., Income-tax
primary gold : [s. 2(r), Gold (Control) a」エスャョセ@ セ@
a」エスュア[イセ@ •
Primary Health Centre : ャョセ@ セ@ Cゥセ@ principal office of the insurer: [s. 2(5), General Insurance (Emergency
Provisions) a」エ}セ@ q;r セ@ セ@
primary object : [s. 2(c), Agricultural Refinance Corporation Act)
principal officer : the chief officer [s. 2(o), Wealth- tax Act] 'NR
primary receipt : ャョセ@ n:ftG Principal Officer, Mercantile Marine Department : [s. 4(/)(c), Haj
primary society : [s. 80P(2)(b), Income-tax a」エIャョセ@ セ@
Committee Act) ャゥュGAセ N@ セ@ セ@ セ@
primary unit of appropriation : セ@ <tl ャョセ@ セ@
principal officer of the company: [s . 62(2), Indian Stamp Act) qitr;ft
prime cost : [s. 18(3), Marine Insurance A ct) W \Wffi' Gヲゥtセ@
prime entry : セ@ セ@ principal or abettor, whether as: [s. 306(1), Cr. P.C.) セ\Aャヲイ@
Prime Minister's Drought Relief Fund: [s. 80G(2)(a)(iii), Income-tax セMア@
Act] lim'! tfft q;r セ@ セ@ lf>11!! principal place : office at which the business of the company is
Prime Minister's Office : llm'llj:fi セ@ managed {Or. 30, r. 3(b), C.P.C.] ャゥュGAセ[@ [s. 58(/)(b), Indian
Prime Minister's Secretariat : l!m'llj:fi セ@ Partnership a」エ}セ@
prime mover : [s. 2(h), Factories Act] W '1fa セ@ principal place of business : [s. 58(/)(b), Indian Partnership Act)'
prime quality : iffil1' セ@ q;rm q;r セ@ セ[@ [s. 5(/)(ii), 2nd prov. , Emergency Risks
(Undertakings) Insurance Act] lim'! <'Z!l"m セ@
prince : [s. 133, Indian Evidence Act) u;;rr
principal place of business or profession : [s. 124(3)(a), Income-tax
principal_; I. one who employs another to act for him subject to his
general control and instruction; the person from whom an agent's
principal postal appraiser : l!m'l ·S!<fi セM@
responsibility is derived [s. 3, expin. 3, prov., T. P. a」エ}セ[@ 2.
the original sum or capital sum invested or lent [s. I_j5, ill. (a), principal register : [s. I58( I), Companies Act) 'NR セ@
Indian Contract a」エIセ[@ [s. 5, Industrial Finance Corporation principalseat: principal place [s . 25(1), prov. , C.P.C.] ャュrセ[@ セ@
a」エ}セ[@ 3. the first in rank or importance [s. 92(1),
C.P.C.] 'NR; 4. the actual perpetrator (of a crime) [s. 306(/), principal sum: the sum that was originally lent or invested [s. 34(2),
Cr. P. C.] C!lff!; 5. the matter or thing of primary importance cNp}セオヲ@
· [s. 58( /)(b), Indian Partnership a」エ}セ[@ 6. head of a college principal value : [s. 2( I 2A), Estate Duty a」エIセ@ セ@
[s. 7(1), Aligarh Muslim University a」エ}セ[@ [s. 2(1}, principal value asscertained : [s. 5(/}, Estate Duty Act] W セ@
University of Hyderabad Act]liT'IT<f · セwョGt\i@
principal vernacular lanauaae 160 prlnte trust

principal vernacular lanauatt: (s. 78, /ndiUI Stamp Act) !1111'!. ᄋ セ@ prisoner.lnjurelr: [Illrd sch., art. 109, Geneva Con ventions A ct]
principal's right to benefit : (s. 116, Indian Contract a 」 エ Iセ@ セ@ ᄋセ@
セ \iゥセ@ pri!oner or war : fs. 39(d), Na I'Y a」エスセ@ セ[@ 11!, セ@
principalship : · [s. 5(6), University of Hyderabad Act] ll1'l1'lf セ [@ privacy : freedom from unauthorised o·versiglu or observation;
セ@ seclusion [s. 509, iN pNc}セ@ セ@
principle : a gene ral law or rule as a guidaACC to ·action {s. 20(1), privacy, intrude upon the : [s. 509, J.P. cN}セ@ lli! セ@ セ@
Specific Relief a」エ } セ@ prtvate : I. as opposc:d to public; apart from the State; noi in public
principle of accorcl and satisfaction : [s. 63, 1ndian Contract office; not open to public (s. 75, ャセ、ゥ。ョ@ Evtdcnce Act] qwZエAセョN@
a」エ}セ jヲエセ\ャゥ@ peculair to oneself; belonging to or concerning an ゥセ、カGィャ@
principles : [art. 37, Canst.] tm person or company; relating to personal affairs イセN@ 17, ill. {d), "'-:;
principles, business: [s. 6(2), Industrial Finance Corporation Act] i!ldian Contract a」エ}セ[@ fli:l!l
セ セ@ private Act : a British Parliamentary Act affecting the interest of a
principles fo r guidance : [s . 4A(2), Cinematograph a 」 エ}ャAtGr セ@ セ@ particularindividual oq:orporation [s . 81, Indian Evidence a 」 エIセ@
セ@ セwN[@ Act of Parliament net he!d to be of general application, it
principles, judicial: [s. 20(1), Specific Relief a」エIセ@ may be local or ー・イウッョセ@ セ@ セ@
principles, leaal : セ@ セ@ private alienation : alienation by oneself alone, not related to or
principles of action : セ@ セ@ dependent en official machinery [s. 64, cNp}セ@ セ@

principles of assessment of damages : {s. 7(2), Public Premises private alienation of property: [s. 64, J.P. cNスセ@ \iゥセ@
(Evictio n of Unauthorised Occupants) a」エ}セ セ@ private banking account': [s. 554, Companies a」エ}セ@ Q tVTi'I'T
セ@ private carrier : [s. 2(22), Motor Vehicles Act] f.!i;lfi セ@
print : something impressed with a print or form ed in a mould private company : a company with restrictions on the number of
{s. 5(1 )( xili), Wealth-tax a」 エ}セ@ shareholders, whose shares may not be offe red to the general
printed: produced (a book, picture, etc.) by applying to ,paper, vellum, public {s. 2(35), Companies a」エIセ@ ctq;fi
etc. ゥ ョ N セ@ press or machine, inked types, blocks, or plates beari ng private contract: [s. I!, ill. (a), Indian Trusts a」エ}セ セ@
characters or designs {s.' 108(2), Cr. P. cNIセ@ private defence: [s. 96, iNp N cN}セ@ セ@
pri nter : ()ne who prints or is engaged in the art or business of printing private defence, right of: a man's right to defend hi'S or another's
[s. 108(2), Cr. p N c}セ@ person or セゥウ@ or another's property as allowed by law {ss. 96 and
106, J.P. c.) ュゥエ・セ@
printing : the action of printing [s. 62, expln. 2, Indian Evidence
a」 エ}セ@
private document : ·{s. 75, ladian Evidence a 」エIセ セ@
private employer: [s. 206(1), Income-tax a」エ } セ@
printing and stationery : セ@ Jftt mq>.ft m private &allery : mite -ftm
printing mistake : [s. 11( /)(a), Delimitation a」エIセ@ セ@
private, in : {s. 9, In dian Lunacy a 」 エ}セ@ .q
printina ーイ ・ ウ N Z ᄋ セ@
private induatrial enterprise': [s. 45(c). Wealth-tax a」エ }セ@
prior : preceding in time or order [s. 27, T.P. a 」 エ } セ@ ;ro'l;
prior disposition : a disposit io n earlier in ti me or higher in ordc:r of private Information: (s. 17, ill. (d), India n Contract A ct] fl!oft セ@
preference [s. 27, T.P. a」 エ }セ@ &rQ'llf private lsne : a lane which is not open to the public for use [sch. 1,
prior encumbrancer : [s. 60A(2}, T. P. Act.l セ@ セ@ app. E, form No.6, cNp}セ@ セ@
prior interest : any interest whic h had come into existence earlier private member : セ@ mllilft セ@
[.s. 16, T. P. a」エスセ@ private nuisance : a nuisance affecting some particular person or
prior liability: {s. 8( I), Assa m Sillimanite Limited (Acquisition and persons as distinguished from the public at large or any section
Tra nsfer of Refractory Plant) Act] Gサゥヲセ@ thereof {sch. I, app. D, form No. 14, cN p N cN}セ セ@
prior mortgagee : a mortgagee the mortgage in whose favour stands private order : [s. 237, ill. (b), Indian Contract a 」エ }セ@ セ@
earlier in time [s. 78, T.P. a 」エスセ@ private party·: a party which does not hold a public capacity [Or. 27,
prior recommendation of President required to Bills affecting taxation r. 8(2), C.P.C.Jmite tmCilT(
in which. states are interested : [art. 274, margin, Const. ] it;it private person: a person who does not hold any public office [s. 51,
セ セュGサャjア エ ャABtゥヲュセ\ 」エゥGヲ@ Cr. pNc}セ@
セ \エゥセ@ private prsctice : セ@ セ@
priority: I. a precedence in claims; a prefe rence in order o( payment; private premises : {s. 2(b)(i), Children Act} mite t!fuR
the require ment that earlier attent ion is to be given to; an earlier private property : {title, Army and Air Force (Disposal of Private
action taken on any matte r as against all other matters under Propmy) a」エスセ@
consideration or needing action [s. 69A (8)(ii), T.P. a」エスセ[@ private religious or charitable endowment : [s. 1. Indian Trusts
2. [s. 121(2), Companies a 」エI セ@ a」エ}セ_\t[@ セQ\A@ Qゥヲセ@
priority buyer : ャQエゥセ\ix Q QG|@ lilw priva te residence : [s. 78(2); Registration a」エIセ@ rMセ@

priority grading : ャQセ@ l'lftft f.M\uT ; ャQセ@ セ@ private right : a right which vests in an individ ual or ゥョ、カ ゥ 、 オ セ ャウ@ as
such and not as a member or noembcrs of the public [s. 1/, expln.
priority indent : ャQセ@ "fi1Ttr:i
(6). C.P.c.) セ@ セ@
priority indications : ャQセ@ m private school: [s. 2(r), Delhi School Education a」エIセ セ@
priority industry : セヲ@ \J'ti'r!1; セ\ュゥt@ mit; ; ·:mtm -..mtrr
private secretary : セ@ •
priority セ。イォゥョァ Z@ ァLセ@ m; セ@ m ; ャゥtセ@ ーイゥカ。エセ@ sector :the sphere of private enterprise {s. 2( 15), Payment of
priority of the incum brancers : [sch. l, app. D, form No. 17-lf.;(c),
Bonus a」エ}セ@ #<P-1:
private street: [s. 2(39), Delhi Municipal Corporation /ict] セ@ ャA セ@
priority rating : 3l"Jm f.M\uT
private transfer : an act of parties by which the title to property is
pri(Jrit} under the law : [s. 50(2). Registration a」エスセ@ 3I1ft;! セ@
conveyed from one person to another {s. 64, cNp}セ@ セ@
prison: a place in which a pe rson is kept in captivity or confinement as
private trust : a trust the beneficial interest .in which is vested
N\セ@ result of a legal process {s. 135A( !)(d), C. P. cNIセ@
absolutely in one or Hlore ind1viduals who are, or within given time
prisoner: one who is confined or detained within a prison; one who is may be definitely ascertained {preamble, Indian Trusts a」エ}セ@
in custody as the result of a legal process {s. 130, J.P. cNスセ[@ BGQュHセI@ .
p.. ••lion of any member or joint 161 proceeding on home lean out of India

privation of any member or joint: [s. 320, fourthly, J.?:c.[fititfr tft probable total production: [s. 22(2), Coffee a」エ}セ@
3t>T lTl セ@ "" セ@ probate : the officially verified copy of a will together with the
privation of hearing power : {s. 320, thirdly, J.P. C.) .IJW!T セ@ cャゥセ@ certi ficate of its having been proved, which is delivered to the
privilege :.a right or immunity granted as a peculiar benefit, advantage executor [s. 41, Indian Evidence Act} Gゥイセ@
or favour; a peculiar or personal advantage or right, especially probate and letters of administration : セ@ 'lffi ャセMア[H@
when enjoyed in derogation of a common right [Or. II, r. 19(2), probate jurisdiction: the jurisdiction exercised in probate matters i.e.
C.P.C. and art. 5Y(3), Canst.] ヲイャセエGTAH@ probate and administration [s. 41 , Indian Evidence Ar.t} セ@
privilege committee : イセ@ セ@ セ M セ@
privilege Is claimed fo r document: [Or. 1/, r. 19(2), C.P.C.] セ@ probate of will : [sch. /, app A, form No. 15, C. P. C. and s. 2(18),
arft it ヲイャセAゥ\@ <tiT m-r frl;-q; onm セ@ Estate Duty Act} <fiT ャゥtセBA@ m
privileged communication: {s. 25/(a), Companies Act} tゥャセ@ probate officer : セ@ セ@
ュセ@ probation : the action or process of testing or putting to proof; a
prlvlleaed rate : セBGゥエャヲ|qア\@ セ@ system of releasing ort suspended sentence, do ring good behavio ur,
young persons and especially first offenders, and placing them
privileges of the university : {s. 2(c), North-Eastern Hill University
under the supervisil)n of a probation officer who acts as a frien d
Act] セヲャエAm@ @セ セ@
and advise r [s. 360, Cr. P. C.] llftcftm
privileges orthe University, admit to the : ヲゥャセアエji@ セ@ ヲイャセ@ セ@
probation of good conduct : [s. 360, Cr. P. cNスセ@ 11>'1 qftfim
privity of contract ; セ@ m Probation Officer : [s. 2(p), Children a」エ}セ@ セ@
privy : I. one who is a partner or has any part or mterest in any action,
probation period : セ@ <ml ; qft<fim .3!l1f\)
matter or _thing [s. 94(/)(e), Cr. P.C.].m ; 2. toilet [s. 11(1),
probationer: [sch ., s. 1, Industrial Employment (Standing Orders)
Factoties a」エ}セ[@ [s. 8, Beedi and Cigar W orkers (Conditions
of )!mployment) Act] tffimT
procedural due process of law : セ@ セ@ セ@ frlft! セ@
Privy Council : in Great Britain _a body of advisers selected by the
proceduralirregularlth:s : 1lfll;m セ@ ッャヲNZアセmゥ」H@
Sovereign, together with certain persons who are members by
usage, as the princes of the blood, the archbishops and the chief procedural matters : llfil;tn セ@ セ@
officers of the present and past ministries of State [s. 78(3), Indian procedural rules : 1lfll;m セ@ m
Evidence Act] fWft セ@ procedure : the mode or form of conducting judicial (or other)
Privy purse : [s. /0(19), Income-tax Act] f.!I;Jft セ@ proceedings [s. 254, Cr. P.C.} セ@
privy to : [s. 94(/)(e), Cr. P. C.} C1i! m procedure and practice of courts-martial : [s. 96(5), Navy Act] F-IT
privy to the concealment: [s. 5.38(/)(i), Companies Act] fut!Ritm; セャ^Gエヲゥ@
[s. 29( 1), Income-tax a」エ}セ@ "« セ@ procedure and practice of disciplinary courb : [s. 96(5), Navy
privy to the offence: [s. 306(1), Cr. P.C.] セ@ セ@ セ@ a」エ}セ@ 11>'1 llfil;tn ,ffi セ@
prize : I. an honour pr reward striven for in a competition or in contest prooedure established- by law: [art. 21, c。ョウエN}セ@ !ffiT セ@ llfil;tn
of chance [s. 30, India_n Contract Act] セ@ ; "f'ITil ; 2. procedure for arbitration : {s . 24(h), University of Hy derabad
property (as a ship) lawfully captured in times of war [s. I, Indian a」エIセ@ 11>'1 1lfll;m
Trusts Act] ll1lJf ; 3. awarded or intended to be awarded as a prize procedure for impeachment of the President : [art. 61, m argin.
[s. 5(2), Aligarh Muslim University a」エ}セ@ cッョウエNスセQrャ^G@
prize chit : [s. 2(c), Prize Chits and Money Circulation Schemes procedure for inquiries: [art. 145(/)(j), c。ョウエN}セ@ 1lfll;m
(/Janning) a」エ}セ@ セ@ procedure generally : セ@ llfil;tn
prize competition: [s. 2(d), Prize Competitions a」エ}セ@ procedure in garnishee: [s. 128(2)(d), cNp N cN}セ@ セ@
prize court, decree of: [s. I 12(2), C.P.C.] ll"f\'Gl セ@ 11>'1 !nit procedure in general : セ@ llfil;tn
prize money : [s. 49, Navy Act] ll1lJf If.{ procedure in legislature with respecl to estimates: [art . 203, margin,
prize salvage : [s. 14(1), prov., Naval and Aircraft Prize a」エ}セ@
c。ョウエ N スセM@ it セ@ m lfi -q llfil;tn
セ@ procedure In Parliament with respect to estimates: [art. 113 m argin,
prize ship : .[s. 67, Navy Act] セ@ lirn c。ョウエN}セ@ ゥエGセ@ mit 1lfll;m
prizes taken In war: [s. 1, Indian Trusts a」エ}セ@ it '11{ セ@ m procedure on admitting to regls(ration : セ@ セ@ セ@ @セ セ@ qr
Pro·CI\ancellor: [s-. 2(c), Aligarh Muslim uョゥカ」イセケNaエ}@ セ、@
procedure or practice : [s. 16, pイ・セゥ、」ョケ@ Sma/1 Cause Courts
.Pro·Consul : an official in a modern colony, dependency or occupied
Act] セ@ 'IT 1lfll;m
area who acts as an administrator usually with extensive powers
[s. 3(16), General Clauses Act] [ゥエセ@ ャゥヲエ|Gセ@ procedure to be adopted : [s. 29(1)(b), Delhi Administration
pro·rata :- in proportion [s. 12, General Clauses a」エスセ[@ Act] セ@ \i!R 'ffift 1lfll;m
セ Z@ proceed: to go on with an action or investigation [s. 22, C.P. cN}セ@
pro-rata share : Giヲセ@ セ@ m;[s . 137(2), Cr. pNc}セュ@
pro-Vlc:e Chancellor: [s. 2(d), University of Hyderabad a」エ}セ@ proceed further: {art. J08(3), _Const.] セ@ セ@ lfW!T
probability.: the quality or fact of being probable; a probable event, proceed, suit shall: [Or. 22, r. 2, C.P.C.] QュGセN@
circumstance, belief [Or. 25, r. 1(2), C.P.C.] iititllii'lil4i11 proceed to hear, shall: [s. 254(1), Cr. p N cN}セ@ i6 セ@ セ@ m
probable : that may reasonably be expected to happen, or to prove proceed to inquire, shall: [s. 116(J), Cr. p N cN}[it\ヲュセ@
true [s. 52, Indian Evidence Act] セ@ proceed to ャョカ」ウエゥァセ・@ : [s. 30(8), Industrial Finance Corporation
probable amount: [s. 136(1), C.P.C.] セ@ \<liJI a」エ}セ[@ セQ^G@
probable breach of trust: [s. 61, Indian Trusts Act] セ[ュエイGQt@ prqceed to make an 。ウ・ュョエZセ[@
probable cause for believing: [sch. I, app. F,form No. /, C.P. cNスセ@
ャ^Gエセヲwit@ .
」ュMエセ@ proceeding: a legal action ッセ@ process; any act done by authority of a
probable consequence : セ@ l'lftorrl! court of law; any step taken by either party In a legal proceeding; a
probable costa of the suit : · [s. 47, Presidency Small Cause Courts particular action or course of action [s. 263(j), Cr. P. C. and art.
Act] ュエセャヲゥ@ M セ@ "fl XLcッョウエNスセ@

probable date of his departure : [s. 19A(l), Gift-tax Act} iffilfi セャ|Q@ proceeding on home leave out of India: [s. 10(6)(i)(a), Income-tax
セュヲエァ@ Act]'!lm セ@ <tm セ\VMアᄁ@ アGサセ@
proce.edinc which is in procress 262 produced or tendered as evidence
proceedlnc which is in procress : [s. 44(1), Foreijn .Exchange processing of data : セ@ セ@
Regulation a」エ}セ@ ltt セ@ processing of goods: {s. 2(c), Industrial Development Bank of .{pdia
ーイッセ・、ゥョァ@ with th.e r,ererence : [s. 11(4), Arbitrstl()n a」エスセ@ セ@ a」エスセャゥ@
セ@ processing plan't : [s. J(j), Marine Products Er.port Development
!proceedings of • c:ivil nature: [&. 5(2), C.P.C.] - vctftl セ@ セ@ Authority Actj セ@ m
proceedings of meetings : [s. 31(2), Aligarh ¥uslim University processing without the aid of power : [s. 80P(2)(a)(v), Income-tax
a」エスセ@ a」エ}セ@ lfit セ@ セ@ セ@ !Rim1lf
proceedings shall be stayed: [Or. 32, t. 10, C.P.C.] セ@ U<ti セ@ proclaim : to make public official announcement セ@ セ[@
セ@ [Or. 21, r. 35(2), cNp}セ@ セ@ '
proceedings were threatened : [s. 120(1), Trade and Merchandise proclaimed offender : a person, who has been declared as offender by
· Marks a」エスセ@ セ@ セ@ セGiエ@ .eft public official announcement [s. 40(1)(b), Cr. p N cN}セ@
セ@ "
proceeds: that which ーイッ」・セウ@ from something; what is·derived from
something (as a sale, investment, levy, business) by way of total proclaimed person: [s. 83(3)(c), Cr. P.C.] セ@ セ@
revenue; total amount brought in [s. 83(5), Cr. P.C. and art. 27, proclaiming by beat of drum : [Or. 21, r. 35(2), C. P. cNスセ@ セ@
Const.} 3WTI! セ@
proceeds of artic:les : (s. 16, Public Gambling Act] セSQエ@ lb utllfl! proclaiming to エィセ@ occupant : [Or. 21, r. 36, CP.C.] セ@ セ@
proceeds of cess : [s. 26, Tea Act} i3lf<li'{ セ@ 3Wflt セ@
proceeds of execution sale: the amounts collected by,sale in execution proclamation :·an official and formal public announcement {s. 82,
of a decree· {s. 73, cNp N cN}セMュ@ セ@ 3WTI! cイ N pNc}セ@
proceeds of fines : セ@ セ@ 3WTI! proclamation of emereency : [art. 352, margin; Const.] セ@ セ@
.proceeds of fines and confiscation: [s. 76(b),lndian Forest a」エスセ@ セ@
SヲゥZセwtGA@ proclamation ofsale: [sch. I, app. E, form No. 28, cNp N cNスセ@ ijlt
proceeds of issue: [sch. 11, pt. I, itemS(a)(i), cッュー。ョゥセウa」エ}@ f-I*R セ@ セ@
3WTI! proclamation shall be drawn up: {Or. 21, r. 66(2), C.P.C.} セ@
proceeds of property : [s. 8, ill. (i), Ind1an Evidence Act} Wlfu セ@ 3lT'll! セ@
proceeds of sale : {s. 83(5), Cr. P. C.} セ@ 3lT'll! m proclamation, written: [s. 82(1), Cr. pNc}セ@ セ@
process: I. a summons, mandate or writ that serves as a means used to Proctor : I. one that by profession or by special authorisation
bring a person or thing into coun for litigation; a·formal command manages another's affairs or conducts proceedings for another in a
or mandate {s. 29; C. P. C.} セ@ ; 2. .the course qf procedure in court of law [s. 57(12), Indian Evidenc:: a」エスセ[@ 2. an officer
a j udicial action or in a suit in litigation; a particular mode or of the University who..discharges various functions and who is
system of doing something [s. 68, I.P.C.] セAa[@ 3. a particular specially entrusted with the maintenance of orders and the
method or system used in a manufacturing operation {s. 2(a)(i), enforcement of obedience to the laws of the institution GwiZj^セヲゥ・ア[@
Indian Standards Institution (CertificaJion Marks) a」エ}セ@ Proctor of the University : ヲ」ャセエゥ|GQT@ llil cwiZj^セヲャ・ア[@
process analogous to cinematography : [s. 2([), Copyright Act] ーセッ」オゥG。エョZ@ the action of obtaining something [s. 366A, J.P. C.] \f!ll1Vl
セAa@ procure : to bring about; to obtain by care and effort [s. 32, Indian
process analogous to photography: [s. 2(s), cッーケイゥァィセa」エス@ セ@ Eviden.ce a」エスセ@ セ@ ; セ@ q;u;rr
セ ᄋ セュMイ@ procurement: [s. 3(b), Legal Practitioners Act}'irolR
process costs : セ@ ffi1lCI procuring : {s. 39A(b), Unit Trust of India a」エ}セ@
process-fees: [s. 359(1), Cr. P.C.] セ@ セ@ procuring a fit person : セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@
process for execution: {Or. 21, r. 24., cNp N cN}セ@ セQュ[@ procuring a marriage : [s. 66, Indian Chiristian Marriage Act] R
process for multiplying copies: [s. 127A(3)(a), Representation of the セ@
People A ct, 1951] セ@ m<rt <1ft ャヲゥI[セイ@ m
llfu<rt セ@m m procuring occupation: [s. 35(I), Land Acquisition Act] セ@ セ@
m-r セ@
process of counterfeiting: [s. 231, J.P. cNスセ@ m-r procuring property by fraud : [sch. I, app. A , form No. 21,
process of law : a particular mode of the oper!ltion or working of law C.P.C.] <6llC imT セ@ セ@ @セ
[s. 68, I. P. C] セ@ セ@ m-r procuring restoration ·: {app. A , pleadings, plaint No. 21, para 4,
proce5s ordinarily eJJ:!ployed : [s. 2(1)(b)(ii), lncollit-tax Act} m-r, cNpスセア@
-it セ@ セョI@ .q 'It m mt pro.. ::.ting suit:..:..:,. conveyance : [s. 73, ill. (b), Indian Contract
process server : one who serves in the manner prescribed by law a a」エ}セ@ '4'A' セ@ セ@
summons, mandate or writ issued by a court of law {sch. I, app. B, procuring the enrolment: [s. 66(i), Air Force Act] \SQGセ@ セ@ セ@
form No. II, C.P.C.] セ ᄋ セ[@ [s. 2(i)(5), Employment procuring the release : [s. 22, Cattle-trespass a」エ}セ@ セ@ セ@
Exchanges (f:ompulsory Notification of Vacancies) a」エIセ@ produce: I. something that is brought forth or yielded either naturall}
セ\ュャ@ or as a result of effoct and work {tr. i45(2), Cr. P.C.} i3'iol';
process, under colour of: [s. 80, Presidency Small'Cause Courts. bring ヲッョセ。イ、[@ to bring forth or out; to offer for inspection or
a」エスセ@ cfi ;rrq 'R consideration [s. 57(13), Indian Evidence Act and art. 22(2),
pro.cessed crude petroleum : [s. 2(m), Oil Industry (Development) Con ウエNスセ[@ セ ᄋ セ@ ; 3. to bring into being; to ケゥ・ャ、セ@
Actlmmtm q;u:rr セ@ セ[@ セ N ア[イM@ セ@
processed for salt.: {s. 2(2)(i)(c), Contract Labour (Regulation and produce books ofaccount: [s. 13I(2), iョ」ッュ・セエ。ク@ Act] Wm セ\ヲゥエ@
Abolition) a」エ}セ@ 1m; セ@ セ@
processed seeds : [scb. V, item 28, Income-tax Act] セ@ セ@ produce diseue or Infirmity : [s. 7(1), Assam Rifles Act) ttrr '4T
processing :preparing for market, manufacture or other commercial Nキイセ@
use by subjecting to some process [s. 2(c), Gold (Control) produce of land: {s. 145(2), Cr. pNc}セ@ セ N セ@
a」エスセ@ produce ofle&acy: [cb.XI. ャョ、ゥセ@ SuccessiOn Act} cffitlrn セ@ l6l セ@
processing, data : セ@ セ@ pr!)duce the annuity: [s. 343, Indian Succession a」エ}セ@ ゥヲZセE@
processing industries : セ@ i31.l'M 1m; .
processing of cardamom : [s. 9(2)(c), Cardamom a」エスセ@ l6l producedortendereduevidenc:e: [s. 67(c), cッーケイゥァィエa」}wヲャGセ@
セ@ 11. セ@ セ@ ilt'm.ft'4T
producer 263 profits and gains
producer: one who produces, grows, makes an article of consumption professional communication: [s. 37, prov.• Gift-tax a」エスセ@
[s. 2(b), Cotton Textiles Cess a」エ}セ[@ (of filrr.) f.\"qfuy; (of professional duty : a duty per(flining to or connected with one's
イ。、ゥッIセ@ profession [s. 32(2), Indian Evidence a」エスセ@
producible :.that which can be brought forth, offered for inspection or professional employment : an occupation pertaining to or connected
consideration [Or. 13, r. 11, C.P.C.] W セ@ セ@ 'lll1'll' with one's profession [s. 126, Indian Evidence a」エスセ@
producible セ@ evidence : [s. 3(a), C.P. cN}セ@ if W セ@ セ@ 'lll1'll' professional experience: [s. 6( J)(v), Industrial Development Bank of
product: I. a thing produced by nature or a natural process [s. JOB(a), India a」エスセ@
T.P. a」エ}セ[@ 2. something produced by physical labour professional misconduct : [s. 22, Cost and Wnrks Accounrants
or intellectual effort; the result of work or thought i3(qfG a」エ}セ@
production : I. the action of producing [s. 131, Indian Evidence professional nature: [s. 309( /)(a), Companies a」エスセ@
Act] W l6ffi; 2. {s. 2(d), Working Journalists and OtheT professional or technical qualifications: [art. /9(6)(i), Const.} セ@
Newspaper Employees (Conditions of Service) and Miscellaneous ャtセ@
Provisions a」エ}セ[@ 3. [art. 142(2), Const.] im qm;n professional service : service rendered by one who does a profession
proouction account : セ@ セ@ [s. 2(2)(iii), Chartered Accountants Act and s. 16(3), ill. (b),
production assistant : セ@ セ@ Indian Contract Act] セヲエャア[@ セ[@ セ@ セ@
production engineer : セ@ セ@ prpfessional treatise: a book or other writing which treats a particular
proouction manager : セ@ ll<i1ft6 subject in a scientific manner, particularly, for the guidance of
production of books : [s. 24(3), International Airports Authority those in the profession [s. /59, lncfian Evidence a」エ}セ@
a」エjセア[ケキ@ professional valuation : セ@ セ@
production of evidence : [s. 13(1), Income-tax a」エスセ@ W セ@ Professor : a teacher at a University or college [s. 2(k), Aligarh
production of document : [s. 9 I(1), Cr. P. cN}セ@ q;r W セ@ セ@ Muslim University a」エ}セ@
production of food or drink : [sch. I, item 35(a), exemp., Indian Professor, Associate: ュZMセ@
Stamp a」エ}セ@ 1lT セ@ q;r セ@ professorship : ·[s. 5(6), University of Hyderabad a」エスセ@ 'IG
production of inadmissible evidence: [S. I 14(1), Navy a」エスセ@ proficiency : advancementtoward the attainment of a high degree of
セア[イキ@ knowledge or skill [s. 21(1), Apprentices Act 。ョ、 N セ N@ 3(4), Official
production of rolling stock: {preamble, Burn Company and Indian Languages Act]ll'lfturn'T ; セ@
Standard Wagon Company (Taking Over of Management) a」エスセ@ proficiency certificate : ll'lfturn'Tifi'!'T1ll'1l?l
Rl'li ア[イセ@
profit :an advantage or benefit; the gain, the preliminary gain in any
production of produce : [Or. 33, r. I 2, C. P. C.J セ@ セ@ W l6ffi transaction [s. 145(2), Cr. p N cN}セ@
production of witness for cross-examination : [Or. 19, r. I, prov., profit and loss account : [s. 21( l)(i), Income-tax a」エスセ@ SQrセ@ セ@
」Npcjセ@ セ@ セュ[@ セ@ q;r キセ@ セ@
profit available for dividends : セ@ セ@ 1m; ;r<ffi"ii:! セ@
production of witnesses without summons: {Or. 16, r. /A, C.P.C.]
profit carried forward : [sch. Ill, item 3(ii), Payment of Bonus
セ@ セ@ .fol;rr mfWil q;r wセ@ セ@
Act]3J11'fur セ@
Production Officer : セ@ @セ
profit, certificate of : セ@ lfi'!'T1ll'1l?l
productive capacity : [s. 10, Rice Milling Industry (R egulation)
profit earned: [s. 6. expln. 2, Indian Partnership Act] セSAt[@
productive works : セ@ m profit, net: [Or. 26, r. 9, C.P.C.} セ@ セ@
productivity : セ@ profit, office of: [art. 102(/)(ll), Const.] セ@ q;r 'IG
Productivity Council : セ@ セ@
profit, post incorporation : セM@ セ@
productivity test rate : セ@ 'mSl G{
profit prior to incorporation : セ@ セ@
profess: I. to make an open declaration of; to avow; to make pretence
profit rent : [sch. III, annex ure A, Court-fees a」エスセ@ セ@
of [s. 35,· T.P. a」エスセ[@ 2. to profess a religion "'1'HT
profit sharing: [s. 2(vi)(e)(i), Payment of Wages a」エスセ@ -q jエセ@ oreRT
profess to sell: [s. 13(/)(c), Specific Relief a」エ}セ@ \ヲゥエセ@
profess to transfer: [s. 35, T.P. a」エ}セN@ \ヲゥエセ@
profit sharing arrangement: [s. 35 I , Companies Act] \111!T q;r Sエセ@ m
q;r oroq ; セ@ m q;r oroq
professing a J1artlcular religion: [art. 16(5), Const.} セ@ Q1f q;r l!FR
profit sharing ratio : セ@ m q;r セ@
profession: I. the occupation which one professes to lie skilled in and profitable character: [s. 16, Indian Trusts a」エスセ@
to follow; any calling or occupation by which a person habitually profitable contract: a contract yielding profit [s. 73, ill. (i), Indian
earns his living [s. 2(36), Income-tax Act and 5. 150, Indian Contract a」エスセ@ セ@
Evidence a」エスセ@ ; 2. [s. 7, North-Eastern Hill University profitable use : [s. 18FE(3)(b), Industries (Development and
a」エスセ@ Regulation) a」エスセ@
profession of law : {s. 10(23A), Income-tax a」エ}セ@ amiTlf profiteering : making ar. exorbitant and unjt:stifiable profit, taking
profession or condition : [s. 12(a), Indian Christian Marriage undue advantage of short supply of necessary commodities
a」エスセ@ llTGm . [s. 8(3), expln. (a), Representation of the People Act, 1951]
profession tax: セM\ゥ|@ セ@
J'•ofession, trade or employment : [sch. I, item 9, Indian Stamp profit accruing from the property: [s. 58(d), T.P. a」エスセ@ lltw
」エスセa N@ ii!fll!R 1lT セ@ セ@

professional: pertaining to, or connected with a profession [s. 32(2), profits a prendre: right exercised by one man in the soil of another to
Indian Evidence a」エ}セ@ participate in the profits of the soil thereof such as rights of
professional address: [s. I 9(a), Chartered Accountants a」エスセ@ tfffi pasture. Under the Act an easement includes but in England it
professional adviser: [s. 129, Indian Evidence a」エ}セ@ excludes profits a prendre e.g. the right to graze cattle on another's
professional attainment : {sch., item 21(1), North-Eastern Hill land, to take leaves, quarry or soil from it. While natural rights are
University a」エ}セ@ incident to the possession ofevery occupier of land, easements and
professional 。オ、ゥエッイウZセ[@ セ@ セ@ profits a prendre have to be acquired by grant, prescription or
professional capacity : fs. 26(1), Chartered Accountants a」エ}セ@ custom iヲサMセ@ セ@
セ[@ [s. 120(3), tイ。、・ョm」ィゥウォaエ}セ@ profits and benefits : [s. 375(3), Companies Act} ffl'{ 31R セ@
セ@ profits and gains : [s: 2(24)(i), Income-tax a」エ}セ@ 31R セ@
proflta a"d aalns detlnd from any Industrial undertaking 264 promiSe to compensaJe
ptofits and aalns derived from any Industrial undertaklna : prohibition of blank transfers : [s. 9(2)(e), Securities Contracu
(s. BOH(l), Income-tax a」エ}セ@ セ@ ifl.ilil! it @セ 1111'1\' o3lR (Regulation) a」エ}セ@ セ@ <m セ@
セ@ prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion, race, c11ste, sex
praflts and aains of business or profession : [s. 37(1), Income-tax or place of birth: {art. 1"5, margin, Const.} mf, セ m, N@ fWr m
Act] 1liiOO'{ 1IT セ@ Iii 1111'1\' セ@ セ@ セiゥ@ >3lT1m' l1t セ\ヲ@ Aャゥtセ@
profits charaeable to tax: [s. 4l(l),lncome-tax Act]lfil:-m t'IT'f prohibition of employment of children in factories, etc. : [art. 24,
profits esc:aplna assessment : [s. 8, Companies (Profits) Surtax margin. Const.] セ@ セ@ i! セiゥ@ ャヲゥセ@
ᄋ a」エjセカGtア@ prohibition of traffic In human beings and forced labour: [art. 23,
profits In lieu of: [s. 2(24Xiii), Income-tax Act]$ セ@ if '"""' margin, Const.] セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セTAGQャ@ *T セ@
profits of the business or profession : [6. 36(1)(iiXb), Income-tax prohibition officer : セ@ セ@
a」エ}セ@ 1IT tft! $ \111'1 prohibition or restriction: [s. 220(7), Income-iax Act} セQG ᄋ@
profits or losses attributable to any ahares: (s. 212(4), Companies .prohibition or restriction Is sultsequently removed : [s. 109(i)(e),
a」エIセH@ it l':t セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ 1IT セ@ prov., Income-tax a」エ}セ@ 1IT セ@ セ@ セ@ h ;.mT t
proforma: L as per form tft\': ; 2. set up in advance to prescribe form prohibition or restrletlon of remittance : [s. 31(7), Wealth-tax
or describe items セ@ 1!11 Hセ@ Act] mセ@ セ@ 1IT f.!w.f
proforma adjustment : g)q;!llf セ@ prohibitory order: att ()rder which operates in restraining a party from
profotma basis : セ@ ·Gm!R doing an act which if done will result in irreparable injury to the
proforma Invoice price : lli'ln 1ltarefi " other side [sch. I, app. E, form No. 21, cNp N cN}iセᄋL\Gエャゥ@ •
proaramme iョ、・エZセ@ project: a planned undertaking [s. 19(b), Aligarh Muslim University
proaramme of activities: [s. 2/(J),lntemational Airports Authority a」エ}セ @
MG|」エIセャヲゥt@ .project coordination division : セ@ セ@ tl'l'l'f
Proaramme Supervlaor : 1lil'lfl;lr セ@ project director : セ@ セ ᄋ@
proarammer :llillfli'll'lli project estimate : セ@ セ@
proaress : an action of stepping or moving forward or onward; the Project Evaiuatlon oヲゥ」・イZセ@
going on; course or process (of action, events, etc:.) [Or. 17; r. 3, project of bulldlna operations or enatneerlna operations: [s. 11(1),
C.P. CJ rilt Delhi Urban Art Commission Act] f'i!1lfvT セ@ 1IT セ@
proaress chart : V1lflt 1llt セャ^Gエ@
セイッ。・ウ@ c!Jaser : V1lflt セ@ project ッヲゥ」・イZセ@
proarm chiser auMer : セ@ セ@ 111R project report : a usually formal account of the results of an
proaress Inspector : l1"'ft! セ@ investigation given by a person or group authorised or delegated
proaress ッヲゥ」・イZセ@ セ@ to make the investigation regarding a project [s. 35D(2)(a)(ii),
proaress recorder : ll'!ftt ftlfim ; ll11ftl セ@ Income-tax a」エ}セ@ ftlfrt
proanss report : ll11ft! ftlfrt projectile : capable of being hurled, thrown or projected with force
pro&ress superintendent : ll11ft! セ@ similar to a missile [s. 2(1Xe), Arms Act] riiZf
proaresssupervlaor : 1l"!ftt セ@ projection : an extension beyond something else; a part that projech
or juts out [s. I 16(e), Canronments Act] r.tarT li3Tt 'WT
proareuman: セ@
projectionist : セ@
proansstve account : M m projectionist-cum-mechanic : セ@
proaresslve exl)enditure : セ@ セ@ 11m 1ll'lf
proUx:oflongduration,lengthy, wordy (Or.ll,r. 7, cNp}セ@
proareulve totals : {s. 45(2), Damodar Valley Corporation Act)
prolong: I. [s. 152, Navy a」エ}セ@ 1r.!T t.n; 2. [preamble, Indian
Majority a」エ}セ@
proaresslve use of Hlndllanauaae : ftlft 'li'IT lfiT セ@ !llft!T
prolonged default: [s. 4( l)(a), Indian Electricity a」エ}セ@
prohibit : to forbid by authority or command [s. ャセIH。L@ Ar11:s
a」エ}セ@ l6\otT; セ@ l6\otT prolonged medical treatment: [s. 31(1), Children a」エIセ@
prohibit or. restrict the remittance [s. 280B{bXvii), Income-tax prominent place : [s. 52(r), Copyright a」エ}セ@ セ@
Act] VliFf セ@ 11T セ@ l6foil prominent position: [s. 29(l)(b), Factories Act] ll1fl セ@
prohibited ammunition : [s. 2(/)(h), Arms Act] llftlftll セ@ prominently reproduced: [s. 68A(2), Companies Act] セゥエ@
prohibited and restrained: [sch.l, app. E,form No. 16, C.P,C.] セ@ fil;q"'"
jヲエセ@ promiscuous sexual intercourse :sexual intercourse not restricted to
prohibited-arms: [s. 2(/)(i), Arms a」エ}セ@
one partner [s. 2(e), Immoral Traffic (Preventioo) a」エ}Jセ@
prohibited by law: [s. 43, ャNp N cZ}セ@ rm vft!fq promise : I. a declaration to another person with respect to the
prohibited dearees or consanguinity : [s. 3(6), lndiiJJI Divorce future, stating that one will do or refrain from some specified act
Act] m m
<6 >3lT1m' セ@ !lftlfq ft1:ft or that one will give some specified thing [s. 2(b),lndian Contract
prohibited goods : [s. 2(33), Customs a」エIセ@ セ@ Act] ll'Tr.! ; 2. to make a promise [s. 52, ill., Indian Contract.
prohibited place : [s. 2(8), Official Secrets a」エ}セ@ Act] ll'Tr.! t.!T
prohibiting: [s. 83(3)(c), Cr. P.C.] セQュ@ promise, alternative: [s. 58, Indian Contract a」エ}セ@
prohibiting interference: [s. 147(3), Cr. pNcスセ@ Aャゥtセ@ promise, breach of: [s. 73, ill. (d), Indian Contract Act] 1N-T *r
prohibition: l. the action of prohibiting by or as by authvtity [Or. 33, promise of marrlaae : [sch. II, item 35(8), Provincial Small Cause
r. 7(2), C.P.C. and art. 32(2), c。ョウエN}セ[@ 2. the forbidding by Courts Act]- セ@ 1N-T
law of the transportation as well as the manufacture and sale of promise ofpubUc action: [s. 171B, iNpc}セ@ セ ᄋ ャヲゥGt@ 1N-T
in,toxicating.liquors except for medicinal and sacramental purposes promise of secrecy :a promise to keep secrecy [s. 29, Indian Evidence
[ュイセゥエ@ セ@
prohibition aaainstblddlna or purchase: [sch. 11, item 17,1ncome-
a」エ}セ@ m lfiT 1N-T
promise, reciprocal :promises which form the consideration or part of
tax a」エ}セ@ WIA 1IT lfilf セ@ lfiT セ@ the consideration for each other [s. 2([), Indian Cl'ntract Act]
prohibition as to the holdlna of offlces by memben of Commission on セ@
ceaslna to be such members: [art. 319, margin, Const.] セ@ <6 promise to compensate : [s. 25('2), Indian Contract a」エ}セ@ lfiT
promlae to indemnify
165 proper and efficient manacement of the work ol assessment

promiseto indemllify: [s. 125(/),Indian Contract Act] Mセ\ャゥt@ promotion or educational and economic interests or Scheduled
Castes, Scheduled 'frlbes and otber weaker seetions : (art. 46,
promise to pay debt : [s. 25(3), Indian Contract Act] 'fiT 16 セ@ <liT margin, c。ョウエNスセ@ 3lR セ@ セゥヲャF@
lftR ; Gヲゥtセ@ lfil1N-l
ftmT 3lR <ltvf セ@ セ@ 16\ セ@
promisee : the person to whom a -promise is made . [s. 2(c), Indian promotion of enmity: (s. 123(3A), Representation of the People Act,
Contract a」エ}セ@ 1951] セ@ C6l mmf;
promises, setor: {ウNRH・ILャョ、ゥ。cッエイヲa」}セ\ュ[@ [s. 57, ill. promotion of international peace and security : [art. 51, heading,_
Indian Contract a」エ}セ@ · c。ョウエN}セ@ ·mftt セ@ セ@ ltt セ@
promisor : the person making the promise (s: 2(c), Indian Contract promotion ofllterature: (preamble, SOcieties Registration a」エ}セ@
Act}q.mrm セ@ liRfa
promisor is excused } [s. 67, Indian Contract a」エスセ@ ltt セ@ lT promotion of public health: [s. 12([), Damodar Valley Corporation
>mft t
promisor, joint: [s. 44, Indian Contract a」エスNセ@ promotion of the sale: [s. 35B(l)(b)(iv), Income-tax a」エスセ@ ltt
promisor's failure : [s. SS, Indian Contract a」エ}セ@ <tt セ@ セ@
ptomotfon or maintenance·: [art. 27, Canst.}' セQG@ ti'illfUT
promissory estoppel : セM@
promissory note: [s. 4, Negotiable Instruments a」エ}セ@ (ll'lftmt promotion post : セ@ セ[@ liRfa セ@
-:ftc) promotion profits : IT<l'if;r セ@
promote : I. to contribute to the growth or enlargement (s. 3(2), prompt : ready and quicll: to act as occasion demands; responding
Industrial Disputes a」エ}セ@
the People Act, 1.951]
.o r honour5 [s. 9(1), Cardamom a」エ}セ@
liYlf; (s. 125, Representation of
l6\-l1' ; 2. to advance in station, rank
セ[@ i3W!lA セ[@
instantly ffi'mff セ@ ; ffiiR
promptly: [s. 7(1), Central Reserve Police Force Act}ffi'mff セ@
promulgate ordinance: [art. 123(1), c。ョウエNスセ@
セカNイ[ ᄋ セ[@ 3. H。イエNTSLcッョウ}セ[@ 4.toputforward promulgation: the official publication of a 'new law, ordinance, etc.
[s. 74, Indian Trusts Act] 。ュᆱセ@ , [s. 27/, iNpc}セ[@ セ ᄋ@ .
promote feelings or enmity or hatted:· [s. 125, Representation of the
People Act, 1951]. tiT t'IT セ@ セ@
promote bannony: [art. 5/A(e), Const.]wmRn'<lil セ@
* pronounce : to utter, deClare. or deliver (a sentence or statement)
formally or solemnly [s. 33, t.P.C.]p Hセ@
pronounceafinaljudgement: [Or. 8, r. 6(2), cNpセ}@ セー@

promote international welfare : [s. ll(J)(c)(i), Income-tax Act] pronounce opialon : [s. 14(3), Arbitration Act] Ulf p
セャヲゥIAf@ pronounce judgement : [s. 33, C.P.C.] セ@ セ@
promote sedition : [long title, Prevention of Seditious Meetings pronouncing an order : セ@ p
a」エ}セ M \エ@ セ@ セ@ pronouncement, authoritative : M セ@ セ[@ セ@ セ[@
ーイ」[セュッエ・@ sedition or disaffection : [s. 5, Prevention of Seditious Yiiilifli($<ki セ@

Meetings a」エ}セ@ エゥtセ@ pronouncement of the judgement : [s. 363( I), Cr. P. C.} セ@ lfil WfT1IT
promote the establishment or common service : [s. 12(2)(g), Press セ[@ r.tuf!fp
Council a」エ}セ@ ltt セ@ lfil セ@ セ@ mn proof: I. anything which serves either immediately or mediately to
promote the interests ofthe inhabitants: [s. 29(l)(xiv), Manipur(Hill convince the mind of the truth or falsehood of a fact or proposition
Areas) District Councils a」エスセ@ 16 セ@ 1l セ@ セ@ [s. 51, I. P. cN}セ[@ 2. an impression taken for correction (in
promote the welfare of persons.: {long title, Limestone and Dolomite
Mines Labour Welfare Fund a」エ}セD MN@
proof, conclusive : (s. 4, Indian Evidence a」エスセ@ セ@
pro.mote the welfare -of the people: [art. 38, cッョウエ[スセ@ セ M [エ@ proof master : セ@ セ M

セ@ proofof claim: (s. 23(3), Sick Textile Undettakings(Natfonalisation)

promote with spedal care: [art. 46, c。ョウエN}セ@ a」エスセャヲゥ@
proof of despatch : セ@ <liT lATVr

promotee : ll't;;re • pmof of Identity: [s. 3(d), Registration of Foreigners a」エ}セ@ lfil
promoter : [s. 62(6)(a), Companies a」エ}セ@ セ@
promoters of company : those who promote the formation of a proof or service : [Or. 16, r. 8, C.P. cN}セ@ lfil セ@
company [s. 15(h), Specific Relief Act] lfitr-ft'l&li'!mfcl; proof of signature: [s. 6(2), Indian Reserve Forces a」エスセ@ ャヲゥセ@

promoting a meeting: [s. 17(2), Indian Criminal Law aュ・ョ、セエ@ proof officer: セ@ セ@
Act, QYPX}セ@ Proof Reader : セ@ セ@
promoting and developing: (s. 9(j), Industrial Development Bank of propaganda assistant : 1l<m: セ@
India a」エ}セ@ 'lf'IT セ@ propaganda demonstrator : lftlT{ セ@
promoting integrated rural development : [long title, National Bank propagate religion: [art. 25(1), Canst.} lflf lfilll<m: セ@
for Agriculture and Rural Development a」エ}セ@ 1J1'IftuT セャヲゥ@ propagation : multiplic!ltion or circulation lftlT{
セ@ propelled : [s. 2(5), Inland y・ウセャ@ a」エスセ[@ セ@
promoting ·the health and generat welfare : [s. 5(1 1), Jawahar}al propelled by electricity : [s. 73, lniand Vessels a」エスセ@ lml セ@
Nehru University a」エ}セ@ propelled by oan : fs: 3(SS), General Clauses Act] lfffii1U セ@ セ@
promoting the sale of khadl: {long title, Khadi and Other H andloom · propeller: a mechanical device having one or more blades which when
Industries dセカ・ゥッーュョエ@ (Additional Excise Duty on Cloth) rotated about a central shaft produce a forward thrust due to the
a」エスキイャヲゥセ@ aerodynamic forces acting upon them [sch., para JJ(f)), Air
promotion: [s. 7, expln. 2(i), Payment of Wages Act} liRfa; セ@ Corporations a」エ}セ@
HセI[@ [s. 16(1), Trade Unions a」エ}セ[@ [s. 123(3A), proper: I. fit; apt; suitable [s. 13(e)(i), Indian Partnership a」エ}セ[@
Representation of the People Act, QYU}セ[@ [s. 6(b), Hindi 2. appropriate • ; セ@
Sahitya Sammelan a」エスセ[@ セ@ proper accounts: [s. 213, Indian Contract a」エ}セ@ セ@ セ@ m;
promotion, formation or management : [s. 203(1Xa), Companies properadminlstration of Act : [s. t/9(1 ), Income-tax Act] セ\ャゥt@
a」エスセN@ 1fl セ@ セ@
promotion of animal welfare: (s. 4, Prevention ofCruelty to Animals proper and efficient manacement of the work of assessment :
Act, 1960] セ\ャゥt@ [a. 119(2)(a), Income-tax a」エ}セ@ 16 iflTil' lfil セ@ @セ セ@ セ@
proper and usual enquiry 266 proportionate to the period
properand usual enquiry: [s. 212, ill. (b), Indian ,--:ontract a」エIセ@ property in suit: [Or. 25, r. 1(1), prov., cNp}ゥセ@ セ@
。ュセ[Zイゥア@ セ。ュ\ヲゥエ@ property in the good's: {s. 156, Indian Contract Act] llrn it m; liT\;
proper application: [Or. 32, r. 6(2), cNp}セ@ セ@ ゥエセ@
proper 。オエィッイゥケZNセ[@ セ@ セ@ property in the goods passes to the tiuyer : · [s. 20, Sale of Goods
proper case: [s. 212(4), Companies Act).llllm' .s.ctJ llrn it <fit セ@ セ@ i!iT mm M セ@
proper channel : proper course for anything to move outward property in trust, having bequeathed: {s. 67, ill. (a), Indian Trusts
[Or. 27, r. 5. cNp}セ@ セ@ a」エjセ\ヲゥBGュ@
proper course : セ@ l!T"f property inspector : セ@ セ@
proper court: {s. 20/(a), Cr. pNc}セ[@ セ@ property, interest in: {s. 3, expln. 2, T.P. a」エIセ@ it ll» セ[@ W!fu it
proper custody: [s. 90, expln., Indian Evidence a」エIセ@ セ@
proper establishment : {s. 14(2), Registration a」エ}セ@ property is to pass: [s. 14(a), Sale of Goods a」エIセ@
proper expenses : セ@ Oll<f property is wholly unoccupied: {s. 24(/)(ix), Income-tax a」エIセ@
proper form : the form in which anything can or ought to be done セZ[ ᄋ セG、エ@
[Or. 33, r. 4(1), cNpjセ@ WI property mark : a mark used for denoting that a movable property
proper management : [art. 31 A(JJ(b), Const.] セ@ m belongs to a particular person {s. 479, I.P.C.] セ@ セ@
proper officer: [s. 371, Cr. P.C.). セ[@ [s. 2(34), Customs property of any description : [s. 2(20)(a), Indian Stamp Act) M m
a」エ}セ@ セ\ヲゥエ@
proper person: [s. 8(1), Reformatory Schools a」エ}セ@ property of any kind: [s. 6, T. P. Act] M mセ\ヲゥエ@ m; セ@ セ@
proper receptacle for insane persons in India: [s. 156, Navy Act] 'lT'{(f \ヲゥエセ@
ゥエGャBtヲAセ@ property of every description : {s. 3(e), Wealth-tax a」エ}セ@ セ\ヲゥエ@
proper return port: {s. 3(33), Merchant Shipping A c t ] . qmft
property or person of the judgement debtor : [Or. 21, r. 26(2),
C.P.C.] セ\ヲゥエ@ 'liT mR
proper service: [1st sch., art. 22(3), Geneva Conventions A c t ) .
property owned by co-owners : [s. 26, Income-tax a」エ}セ@
proper service, handed to : [lind sch., art. 35, Geneva Conventions
property passes when intended to pass : {s. 19, Sale of Goods
proper summarised returns: [s. 209(2), Companies A c t ) . mNff:
a」エIセ@ 'ffil セ@ M セ@ セ@ inm セ@ セ@ 3lTWm セ@
property passing on the death : [s. 2(16), Estate Duty a」エ}セ@ 'R
proper time : the time at which anything can and ought to be done
[s. 55(/)(d), T.P. a」エスセwヲャ@
property, real: [s. 182, ill. (iv), Indian Succession Act) Gイヲセ@
properly : [s. 69(4), T. P. a」エ}セ@ oi\ ll; {s. 192, Indian Contract ーイッセケLウィ。・ゥョZ@ {s. 3,exp1n.2, T.P. a」エ}セゥャヲMSt[@ セゥャ@ MSエセャ@
a」エ}セュ@ '11: property sftuate outside India : 'lT'{(f ll セ@ <fit セ@
properly appointed: [s. 192, Indian Contract a」エIセ@ tm '11: セ@ property specifically decreed : property given under the decree and
properly drawn up: [s. 227(5), Companies a」エ}Nセᆱ@ which has been exactly or precisely indicated [s. 5/(a), C.P.C.]
'I11IT セᆱ@
properly incurred: brought upon oneself in the due execution of the property, title in: [s. 3, expln. 2, T.P. a」エ}セ@ ゥエセ@
of€ice or in the interest of the estate one holds {s. 69(4), T.P. property, to get in : {s. 369, Indian Succession a」エIセ@ i!iT セ@
a」エ}セ@ ll iW10 'I11W1tR it \t.rr
properties of raw material : q;uft mlflit \ヲゥエ ᄋ セ@ property used for residence : {s. 54, Income-tax Act] f.tmf セ@ セ@
property : I. something that is or may be owned or possessed; a11 セゥエ@
estate; intangible assets or intangible rights {s. 2(b), T. P. Act and property wrongfally retained : {s; 244(/)(b), Companies a」エIセ@
s. 2( 15), Estate Duty Act) W!fu; 2. an exclusive right to possess, セGャヲAit@
enjoy and dispose of セ[@ 3. a quality or trait belonging to a property yielding income : {s. 8, T.P. Act) o3!Tll' セ@ セ@ セ@
person or thing 1f! propinquity : nearness of relationship [s. 54(d), Indian Succession
property accruing by escheat or lapse or as bona vacantia : [art. 296, a」エ}ュセN@
margin, cッョウエN}セ@ Gャゥtセ@ Gャゥtセ@ propinquity, dearee of: [s. 54(d), In.dian Succession Act) m セ@
property coming Into the hands of Commandina Officer: [s. 12. ctft!Wt
Army and Air Force (Disposal of Private Property) a」エ}セ@ proportion :the relation of one part to another or to the whole with
セ@ セ@ 1ffi! セ@ m\'ft セ@ セウー・」エ@ to magnitude, quality or degree; ratio; a portion of share,
property, common: property belonging to more than one person in of an actual or implied whole having .a size or value relative to
common [s. 47, T.P. a」エ}セ@ other portions or shares {s. 45, T.P. a」エIセ@
property, coparcenary: [s. 6, Hindu Succession a」エIセ@ proportion equal to the proportion payable on application :
property deliverable: [s. 10, Army and Air Force (Disposal of Private {ウNOTYHRI「Lcッュー。ョゥ・a」エセャGQZ@
Property) Act] 'lfrof \ヲゥエセ@ m セ@ セ\ィuゥャ|@
property derived from the deceased : {s. 16(2)(a), Estate Duty proportion, rateably : {s. 330, Indian Succession Act} セ@ セ@
Act] 'fl'6 llliT'<I セ@ proportional :having or being in proportion [s . 69, I. P. C] セ@ ;
property escaping assessment : {s. 59, Estate Dtity a」エ}セ@ ll Wt セ@
セ[ャエ\イヲ@ proportional representation: {s. 27H, Representation of the People
property exempt from estate duty : [s. 34(2), expln., Estate Duty Act, 1950 and art. 55(3), Const.) セ@ セ@
Act)Wro セ@ W: ャゥtG\Aセ@ « proportionate : being in proportion; proportionally adjusted
property, general mass of his : {s. {62, Indian Succession a」エ}セ@ {s. 60, T.P. a」エ}セ@
セャᄏュエrGit@ proportionate distribution : セ@ セ@
property held in trust: {s. 6( /)(a), Charitable Endowments a」エ}セ@ proportionate share : [sch. I, app. D, form No. 21, C. P. C.] セ@
セ@ セ@ it ll1ftf セ@ セ@
property held under trust: [s. 11(4), Income-tax a」エ}セ@ 3ltfR proportionate to the period: {s. 24(1)(ix), Income-tax a」エIセ@ lfiT
proportionately 267 prosperous

proportionately: in proportion [s. 6i, Indian Contract a」エ}セZ@ ;. prosecuted and enforced : [s. 3I(4), Cost and Works Accountants·
[s. 47, T.P. a」エスセ@ -q Act] セ@ 'fliT セ@ セ@ fit<rr 'fliT
proportionately to the value: [s. 46, T.P. a」エ}セ@ ;i; セ@ -q prosecuted and punished.-: (art. 20(2), c。ョウエNスセ@
proposal : I. when one person signifies .u another his willingness to do prosecuting or aiding hostilities : <lil1f セ@ m
1<[ ;mit セ@ <IW!T
or to abstain from doing anything, with a view to obtaining the prosecution : I . the institution and carrying on of the legal
assent of that other to such act or abstinence, he is said to make a proceedings against a person (s . 198, Cr. P.C.] セ[@ 2. the
proposal [s. 2(a), Indian Contract a」エ}セ[@ 2. something put party by whom criminal proceedings are instituted or ·c cnducted
forl\'ard for consideration ッセ@ acceptance m-rq セ@ セ[@ 3. the act of prosecuting in any sense 'ffimt <liRf;
proposals for legislation: {art. 78(b), Const.]h セ@ セ@ セ@
propose : to lay before another or others as something which one prosecution is instituted : [s. 245(/)(c), Companies a」エ}セ@
offers to do or wishes to be done [s. 3, ill. (a), Indian Contract セGヲャゥt@
a」エ}セ@ セ [@ [s. 58(1), Indian Partnership Act] セ@ prosecution of .common object : carrying out of common object
[ss. 146 and 149, I.P.C.}"ffi'Wl< セGiャ@ ;w.rm: <1W!T
propQsed action : [s. 20(1), Delhi School Education a」エスセ@ prosecution ofthe ーイッ」セ・、ゥョァZ@ [s. 48(2). Land Acquisition a」エスセ@
セ@ \ャゥセ[@
proposed engagement: [s . 16(2)(a), Emigration aエスセ@ prosecution of work: fs. 3(2)(1), Defence and Internal Security of
proposed juror : セ@ セ@ セ@ India Act] \セゥャA@ fit<rr ;;n;rr
proposer: [s. SHQI セ@ Representation of the People Act, 19::!/] セ@ prosecution, to conduct : {s. 302(1), prov. , Cr. P.C.] セ@ 'liT
proposition: that which is propounded [Or. 14, r. 1(1), C.P.C.] セ@ セ\iwAt@
propositions of law : [Or. 14, r. 1(2), C.P.C.] セ@ セ N@ セ@ prosecution witness: a witness appearing on behalf of the prosecution
propound :to offer for consideration, deliberation or debate [sch. I, side [s. 204(2), Cr. P. cIセ@ <liT セ@
app. A , form No. 49(15)(6), cNp}セ@ セ@ prosecutor: one who institutes and carries on proceedings in a court
proprietary : realting to property [s. 18(1), Indian Evidence Act] of law especially in a criminal court [s. 2I6(3), Cr. P.C. and
セ@ s. 486(b), J.P. cN}セH I@
proprietary intetest: any right, title etc. which one has by virtue of his ーイッウ・」オセL@ public: [s. 2(a), Cr. P.C.]i'Wf; セ@
being the holder of any kind of property or estate [s. I 8( I), Indian prosecutrix : a woman who institutes imd carries on proceedings in a
Evidence a」エ}セ@ court of Iaw especially in a criminal court [s. 155(4), India "I
proprietary medicine : [s. JO(d), Drugs and Cosmetics a」エスセ@ Evidence a」エ}セ@
aft1!ffu proselytise : ,wf セ@ <liRf
proprietary or pecuniary interest : [s. 18, ill. (i), Indian Evidence prospect, election in : セ@ セ@
a」エスセ@ 1<r IR セ@
prospecting: searching for minerals with a view to further operations:
proprietary rights : [s. 6(2)(g) , Ancient Monuments and making a search or investigation [s. 2(k), Oil Industry
Archaeological Sites and Remains a」エ}セ@ セ@ (Development) a」エ}セ[@ セ@ ifiBT
proprietor : one who has exclusive right or title to the オウセ@ or disposal prospecting for : fs. 42, Income-tax Act} ;i; セ@ セ@
of a thing; an owner [Or. 39, r. 9, C.P.C. and art. 31A(2)(b), prospecting licence: fs. 3(g), Mines and Minerals (Regulation and
c。ョウエN}セ@ Development) a」エ}セ@ セ@
proprietor, landed : an owner of land [s. 23, .ill. (g), Indian Contract prospecting operation: [s. 3(h), Mines and Minerals (Regulation and
a」エスBQ⦅Mセ@ Development) a」エスセ@
proprietor of certification trade mark: {s. 2(c), .Trade and Merchandise prospecting stage: the stage at which the ·actual operations have not
m。イォ ウ a」エIセ\ェ[@ started but exploratory investigation and tests are going on [s . 16,
proprietor of shares : [sch. I, item 19, Indian Stamp a」エ}セ@ <liT exp1n. Ill, Payment of Bonus a 」 エ}セ@ <liT !liP!
セ@ prospective : [s. I I(I), Oilfields (Regulation and Development)
proprietor of the tenure: [Or. 39, r. 9, C.P.C.] "1_-tfff Gャゥtセ@ a」エ}セ[@
propriety ·: fitness ; suitability; conformity with requirement, rule or
prospective amount ofthe duty : fs. 54(2)(b), Estate Duty Act} セ ᄋ \エ|@
principle. [Or. I I, r. 3, C.P.C} セ@ · セ@
propriety audit section : セ@ セ@ セ@ prospective candidate : [s .. 79(b), Representation of the People Act,
propriety-cum-efficiency audit : セ M セ@ セ@ QYU}セ@ >3MI'ff
propriety of exhibiting interrogatories: [Or. 11, r. J, C.P.C.] セ@ prospective creditor : [s. 439(8), Companies Act] 'l1l<fT セ@
[ゥセ\ャ@ prospective liabilities: fs. 434(/)(c), Companies a」エスセ@
propriety of. finding: [s. 397(1), Cr. P.C.] セ\ャゥt@ prospective overruling, doctrine of : セ@ filf.!utzl 'liT fmml
proRriety of order: fs. 164(1), Army a」エスセ@ \ャゥtセ@ prospective owner of the copyright in a future work : fs. 18(1 ),
prorogation : adjournment セ@ Copyright a」エ}セ@ セ@ -q ァャヲエセGTオF^イ|@ <Iii セ@ m qffi1

prorogue: [art. 85(2)(a), c。ョウエNスセ@ prospectively: being operative with regard to the future [s. /, T.P.
prorogue, summon or : セ@ <liT セ@ 1<r N セ@ <1W!T a」エスセ[C@
prorogued : I art. 101(4), prov., c。ョウエN}セ@ prospectively or retrospectively: [s. 2, Sugarcane Control (Additional
proscribed : prohibited [s. 5, Criminal Law Amendment Act, Powers) a」エ}セC@ 1<r セ@ セ@ # [s. 9(a), Indian Stamp
OYSR}セ@ Act and art. 312A(J)(a), c。ョ ウ エNスセ@ 1<r F lf'il:Tlf .#
prosecute: I. to i'nstitute legal proceedings against (a yerson) for some prospects : expectation fo r so metbing to com e [s. 123{1),
ッヲセョ」・@ [s. 85( Jj, C.P.C.] セ@ セ[@ 2. to follow onwards or Representation of the People A ct. 1951} セ@
pursue in order to reach or accomplish ;w.rm: <IW!T prospects in life .: セ@ <t\ 3!MTtt
ーイャィ」 セ オエ・@ an application : {s. 14(2), Presic:'ency-towns Insolvency prospectus: (the outline of any plan submitted for public approval of
Act] MッLセ@ ;i; m -q Mュゥエセ@ <IW!T a joint stock company [s. 41(2), Industrial Finance Corporation
prosecute カッケ。ァ セ@ : [sch ., item 16, Indian Stamp a」エスセ@ 'fi'IT 'Ill a」エスセ@ qf,Jq;r; {s . 2(22), Companies a」エ}セ[@ 2. an
セ@ account of the organisation of a school, college etc. セ@
prosecute suit for the balance: (Or. 24, r. 4, C.P.C.] セキ[@ -mil :prosperous: having continuous success or good fortune : flourishing
qm;rr {s. 127, ill. (a), T.P. a」エ}セ@
prostitute 268 provided always that
prostitute : a female W.hO offers her body for promisCUOliS sexual protection order: [s. 25(4), Presidency-towns Insolvency a」エ}セ@
;ntercourse for hire, whether in money or in kind [s. 2(e),lmmoral
Traffic Hpイ・セᄋョエゥッI@ a」エ}セ@ •
protective home: home fgr ウィ・ャエイセ@ 'l' ; [s. 2(s), Immvral Traffic
prostitution : the a't of a female offering her body for promiSCI.\OUS (Prevention) Act] 'l' mm
sexual in,tercourse for hire, whether in money or in kind {s. 2(1), protective wodt : [s. 57(yy), Mines Act] mm m
Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act and s. 372, J.P. cN}セ@ protector of emigrants : [s. 3(1), Emigration N a」エ}セ@ m1iT
ーイッエ・セ@ :to defend or guard from injury or danger; to shield, to keep protectorate: l. [scb. 1, s. 8, Arbitration (Protocol and Convention)
safe, take care of; to extend patronage to [s. 126, Indian Evidence a」エ}セ@ セMゥ@ 2. [s. 2(a), Reciprocity a」エ}セ@ HセI@
a」エ}セNャイ[@ サ。イエNVPLcッョウ}セ[@ [s. 13(e)(ii),Indian
protempore appointment : セ@ セ@
Partnership- Act and art. 46, c。ョウエ N }セ@ セ@
protempore chairman : [s. 15(4). Delhi Sikh Gurudwaras Act) ;n:r
protect the Interest : [preamble, General Insurance (Emergency セ\エヲゥZH@
Provisions) a」エ}セ@ lfiT セ@
protest : I. a written declaration made by the master of a ship attested
protect the public health: [s. 2(17)({), C.P.C.] セ@ セ@ セ@ ctl セ@
by a Jlllti!% of the Peace or a Consul, stating the circumstances
protected: {s. 126, ill. (c), Indian Evidence a」エスセ@ under which injury has happened to the ship or cargo, or under
protected forest : [s. 29(2), Indian Forest a」エ}セ@ lf.T which officers or crew have incurred any liability [s. 32, ill. (h),
protected mon·ument : [s. 2(j), Ancient Monuments and Indian Evidence Act) when a promissory note or bill of exchange
aセ 」 ィ。・ッャァゥ」@ Sites and Remains a」エ}セ@ has been dishonoured by non-acceptance or non-payment, the
protecting power: [s. 2(d), Geneva Convenrions a」エスセ@ セ@ holder may within reasonable time, cause· such dishonour to be
protecting the Interests: {Or. 21, r. 15(2), C.P.C.] セ@ lfiT セ@ noted and certified by a notary public, such certificate is called a
protection : I. immunity from ーイッウ・セオエゥョ@ granted to some class of protest [s. 100, Negotiable Instruments a」エ}セ[@ 2. a complaint,
persons such as public officers acting in discharge oft heir official objection or display of unwillingness usually to an idea or 」。オセ・@ of
duties (s. 38A, Indusrrial Finance Corporatior1 a」エ}セ[@ 2. action [Or. 30, r. 8, C.P.C.] セ@
saving from 、。ョァセイ@ of harm [preamble, Children Act and art. 20, protest, appear under: (Or. 30, r. 8, C.P. cQMャ^TアセGサ」ヲ\V@ セ@ m;
margin, cッョウエN}セ[@ (s. 99, iNpc}セ@ ST^QセGᆱ[@ oo m
protection against arrest and detention in certain cases : {art. 22, protest by the master of a ship : {sch. I, item 51; Indian Stamp
margin, Const.} セ@ セゥャエ@ 11 セ@ «
3ffi f.«iq セ@ Act]rfm <fi 11m\ ;m セ@
protection 11nd improvement of environment and safeguarding of protest for better security: [s. 100, Negotiable Instruments a」エ}セ@
(orests and wild life : [art. 48A, margin, Const.] セ@ lfiT セ@ セ\ヲゥュQ[@
i't'IT wm 3ffi Q.l oii!IT q.:q セ@ <tft oo protest for non-acceptance : [s. 21, Negotiable Instruments Act]
protection and preservation : (long title, Wild Birds and Animals セ\ヲゥZH@
Protection a」エ}セ@ 3ffi セ@ protest for non-payment: [s. 103, Negotiable Instruments Act] セ@
protection in respect of conviction for offences : {art. 20, margin, ;fi fffi:( llWll
cッョウエN}セ\ヲゥュャ@ protest of bill or note: [sch. I, item 50, Indian Stamp a」エ}セ@ liT
protection of action : セ@ <fi fffi:( セ@ セMifゥャ@
protection of action done in good faith : [s. 9, Employment protest, under : {Or. 30, r. 8, C.P.C.] STqiアセGサ\ヲャ@
Exchanges (Compulsory Notification of Vacancies) Act] セ@ protested : bearing protest [s. 104, Negotiable Instruments Act]
セ@ 11"( セ@ <t fffi:( llft;rrvr セ@
protection of certain rights regarding freedom of speech etc.: [art. ':? prothonotary : the title given to an officer who officiates as principal
margin, cッョウエN}セ@ iR1ft セ@ セ@ セ@ lfiT セ@ clerk of some court [s. 128(2)(i), cNp」イョセ@
protection of estate : [s. /6, Presidency-towns Insolvency Act] *m protocol: a rough or preliminary draft of a contract or treaty [s. J :2),
セ M Indian Carriage by Air a」エ}セ[@ セ[@ セ@
protection of forests : [sch., pt. I, Damodar Valley Corporation protocol officer : セ@ セ@
a」エスア[ヲ\ャGゥセ@ protocol on arbitration clauses : {long title, Arbitration (Protocol
protection of human, animal or plant life or health : [s. 11(2)(k), and Convention) a」エ}セ@ mt ilffi セ[@ セ@ セ@ m
Customs a」エ}セN@ ャゥtセ@ ャゥtセ@ \iゥセ@ セ@
protection of interests of minorities: [art. 29, margin, Const.] セ@ prototype production and training 」・ョエイZセ@ 3ffi セ@ セ@
protracting: {s. 73(1), Presidency-towns Insolvency a」エ}セ@ (14) セ@
protection of life and personalliberty: [art. 21; Cllilrgin, Consl.}'l"'l \l!Hl
protracing the receivership: {s. 64, Provincia/Insolvency Act] fulm:
protection of monuments and places and objects of national ;fi セ@ <1>'1 セ@ (14) セ@ \l!Hl
Importance: {art. 49, margin, Const.] uGサエ\pAセHヲゥN@ "fl!iRt 3ffi.
prove: I. to establish (a thing) as true (as by argument or evidence) [s.
482. I . P. C) mf.rn <liBT; · 2. to subject to a testing process (any
protection of national treasures : [s. 11(2)(1), Customs. a」エIセ@ natural, prepared or manufactured substance or object) [s. ·5(a),
セャヲゥ@ Arms a」エ}セ[@
protection of patents, セイ。、・@ marks and copyrights : [s. I 1(2)(n), proved ュゥウ「・ィ。カッオイZセ[@ [art. 124(4), Const.] セ@ セ@
Customs a」エ}セN@ cャヲQュZMセ@ 3ffi ァセ」アAqゥヲ^ャH@ <Iii セ@
proved, not : セ@ 'Itt !3TT
protection of persons and animals: [s. 7(6), Sarais a」エ}セ@ 3ffi provide : I. tp make.. a stipulation; to lay down a legal provision
[s. I 2(2Xh), Press Council a」エIセ@ <6VIT; 2. to make provision
protection of President and Governors and RaJpramukhs : {art. 361, [s. 10(3), Children Act and s. 8, expln. 2, ill. (e), Indian Evidence
margin, Const.) セ@ 3ffi セ@ 3ffi セ@ lfiT セ@
protection of publication : セ@ \ャゥtセ@
provide for the cheap supply of cotton cloth : {long title, Cotton
protection セヲ@ publication of proceedingi of Parliament and State oッエィa」スセ[ヲゥ@
legislatures: [art. 36/ A, margin, Const.} セ@ Sヲゥセ@ f.lmo!-lffift*t PfOVidfll : I. supplied with [s. 8, expln. 2, i/1. (e), Indian Evidtnce
Act] セ@ セ@ ; 2. provision having been made; laid U(}Wn by a
protection of the interests of' any scheduled tribe : [art. 19(5), legal provision· [s. 6, T.P. a」エ}セ[@ 3. with the provision or
cッョウエN}セ\ヲゥAャG@ condition {s. YRLONpc}セ@
protection of title: [s. 13, Indian Trusts a」エ}セ@ \iゥセ@ provided always that : {Or. I 1; r. 22, C. P. C.] セ@ 00 tt セ@ I*
· ·provided, u 167 prudent commercial praetlce
provided, as: [s. 2(d). 1:P. Act] 'q'f! セ@ provisionalliquid•tor : I. [s. I5(3), Limitation a」エ}セ[@
provided that: denoting a condition on which any action, operation 2. [s. 454(5A), Companies a」エ} セ M
or transaction ia·to be taken; malting an exception to the main provisional list : セ@ セ@
legal proyisiQA by laying down a special provision fo; the case provisional payments.: セ@ セ@
excepted from the operation of t)le main rule [s, IO, T.P. provisionally : [s. 34(2), Damodar Valley Corporation a」エIセ@
a」エ}セ[@ [s. 19I(2),puw.,Inland v」ウ・ャaエ}セGヲ@ セ@
proYided also that: [s. I 12, prov., T.P. a」エ}セ@ ill セ@ tft !$ provisions : food, victuals eatables and drinkables [s. 42(g), Army
pro'>'lded further tlaat: [s. 7(4), prov., Coal Mines Labour.Welfare a」エ}セ@
Fund Act and art. 82, JeCOIJd prov., Const.] セ@ セ@ セ@ f$ provisions and purchase superintendent : セ@ Mセ@ セ M セゥヲ@
proriiei2C fuDcl : a fund in which the subscription _or deposits of any provisions u to Comptroller and Auditor General of India : [art. 3 77.
class or cluscs of employees are received and held on their margin, Const.] 'l!ffif t セ@ t 'ilft 11 セ@
individual accounts, and includes contributions from the provisions as to financial ・ュセイァョ」ケZ@ [art. 360, margin, Const.} セ@
emplQ)'er, if any, credited in respect of, and any interest accruing セ@ t 1(1'{ 11 セ@ -
on, .such subscriptions or deposits under the rules of the fund provisions as to introduction and passing of bills: [arc. 107, margin,
[s. 60(1), prov. (k), C.P.C] セ@ f.!ft Hセ@ t!i!) c。ョウエN}セ@ t セZ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ t m 11 セ@
provident fund clerk : セ@ f.!ft セ@ provisions as to judges of High Courts: [art, 376, margin,]
provident fund, contributory : [s. 15(3)(b), Delhi School Education セ@ セ@ t セ@ t セ@ 11 セ@
a」エ}セ@ セ@ f.!ft provisions as to Judges of the Federal Court and proceedings pending
provident society : a society making provision for the future in the Federal Court before His Majesty In Council : [art. 374,
[s. 2(3)(ii), expln. lll, Life Insurance Corporation Act] ePm margin, Const.} セ@ セ@ t セュ@ セ@ !firnT セ@ セ@ 'liT
imT¢ セエGゥャヲ@
provident, superannuation, welfare or other fund: [s. 10(1), Burmah provisions ·as til Public Service Commissions : [art. 378, margin,
Shell (Acquisition of Undertak1ngs in India) a」エIセL@ セN@ Const.} セ@ セ@ セ@ t 'i!ft i! @セ
セ@ 'liT *" f.!ft provisions for punishment of persons offending against the order :
providing for ・ーイcゥ。エッョZセ@、 Cfiro [s. 2, United Nations(SecurityCouncil)Act] セエゥヲtャ@
ーセッカゥ、ョァ@ for punishment: [art. 35(b), cッョウエN}セ@ Aヲゥtセ@ mft t セ@ セ@ cn1 セAヲゥt@
province: a portion of a countrytJs. 3(45), Genf'ral Clauses Act] l1ffi provisions in case of failure of constitutional machinery in States :
province in question: [s. 3(47), General Clauses a」エ}セ@ l1ffi {art. 356, margin, cッョウエ N jオ[アGAQセゥエイ\gュ@
provincial Act : an Act passed by a provincial legislative authority セ@
[s. 3(46), Genera/ Clauses Act]lliift<! セ@ provisions of part comulative : [s. 589, Companies a」エ}セ@ 'llJTT t
provincial expressions: words, phrases or forms of speech current in a セGャゥt@ mrlfi セ@ Cfil セ@
particular province or locality [s. 98, Indian Evidence Act] 1liifl<l provisions with respect to an ゥョエ・イセウ。@ Council : [art. 263, margin,
セャヲGゥエイA@ cッョウエNIセゥA@
provincial government : [s. 3(47), General Clauses a」エIセ@ m<m provisions or supply : [s. 42(g), Army Actj セGャゥt@
proving contents of original documents : [s. 57(5), Registration proviso: a clause inserted in a legal or formal document, making some
a」エスセ@ <tt セSゥエ@ セ@ セ@ <IWfT condition, stipulation, exception or limitation or upon the
provision : I. each of the clauses or divisions of a legal instrument observance of which the operation or validity of the instrument
laying down a rule for the regulation of some particular matter depends [s. 105, Indian Evidence a」エ}セ@
[s. 2, J.P. cIセ[@ 2. a stock of needed materials or supplies; a p•ovocation: the action or an act of exciting anger, resentment or
stock of food; victuals, eatables and drinkables [s. 3/(/0), Navy irritation [s. 153. iNpc}セ@
a」エ}セ@ pro,·ocation, grave and sudden: [s. 200, excep. J, J.P. C.] *fi\ セ@
provision and improvement of medical facilities : [s, . 5(2)(a)(i), セ@ セ@
Limestone and Dolomite Mines Labour Welfare Fund Act) provoke : to incite or stimulate a person to action セ M
セ@ セNュ@ <tt セ@ セ@ m wm provost : a governing officer of a university or college [sch., iten
provision for advancement: [s. 39, T.P.·Act} セ@ t セ@ セ[@ (I/)(/), Aligarh Muslim University Act}rftiitfc
<fi セ@
provision for discount : セ@
セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@
provost marshal : [s. 3(xx), Army Act) PMセ[@ lMtR: セ@
proximity : immediate nearness in time, place, relationship etc.
provision for doubtful 、・「エウZセ@ [s . S(J), Destructive Insects and Pests Act and s. 32(2), Indian
provision for free and compulsory education for children : [art. 45 Electricity Act] mz:1tt<i; セ@
margin, Const.} セ@ セ@ セ@ ヲNエZセ@ セ@ セヲオュ@ Gャゥtセ@ proximo : "lJlTTlft Qュセ@
provision of an Act : セM セGャゥt@ セ@
proxy :one acting for another; a WI iting authorizing" l-''"rson to vote
provision of polling stations·: [s. 25, Representation of the People instead of another at a meeting etc.; a vote so given [s. 59,
Act, 195/} "1W,;R セGャゥt@ ;;q-.(q Representation of the People Act, /951) <rom (llmft)
provision of plant: [s. 208(/)(b), Companies Act} rn セ@ セ@ セ@ proxy paper: [s. 115(1), Presidency-towns Insol vency a」エスセ@ 'l'l
provision of technical know-how: [s. 80MM(2),'lncome-tax Act) prudence : 1. the degree of care required by the exi$encies or
. セ」ゥュイGMア[ッ@
circumstances under which it is to be exercised {s. ·' 151, Indian
pro"isional: not final, temporary in nature [s. 7, Companies (Profits) Contract Act]_ m; 2. wisdom applied to practice [s. 15( J), Life
sセイエ。ク@ a」エ}セ@ ; セ@ Insurance Corporation Act} oqqm '§11\mT
ーイッカゥウョ。ャ・セュエZ@ [s. Companies(Profits)Surtax a」エ}セ@ l, prudence, man of ordinau : [s. /51, Indian Contract ACI}.
セ@ セ@
provisional certificate: [s. 191(3), Inland Vessels Act 1セ@ セ[@ prudent : having sound judgement in piactical affairs, circumspect
セ@ セ@ [s. I25(3), Indian Contract a」エスセ[@ [s. 3, lndian Evidence
provisional executive committee : {preamble, Victoria Memorial Act}lrnl'!R; セ[@ discreet, worldly wise {sch. 1, table A ,
a」エ}セ@ mtml Interpretation 87(2), Companies a」エ}セ@ <!if; <2f<1m セ@
provisional ゥョウー・」エッZセ@ prudent commercial practice: {s. 388B(I)(b), Companies a」エスセ@
provisional legislative assembly : [s. 62(/), Assam Reorganisation セ@ qftq-rt\; [s. 233A(I)(a), Companies a」エ}セ@ セ@
(Megha1aya) Act] SゥッZセ@ f!'I1'T セ@
prudent man 170 public land mark

prudent man.: a person having sound judgement in practical affairs pubHcconsclence,dlctatesof: [1st sch., art. 63, Geneva Conven tions
[s. 3, lndiim Evidence Act] !rnm'! • a」エヲセャ^G@
prurient : dallying with lascivious thoughts セ@ public conservancy : [s. 2(n)(v), Industrial Disputes a」エ}セ@
pseudonym : fictitious name assumed, as by an author [s. 2J(3)(a), セ@

Copyright a」エ}セ@ public convenience: {s. 9(/)(a), Delimitation a」エ}セ@ Wlm

pseudonymous work : {s. 23(3), Copyright a」エ}セ@ crn!T セ@ public curator : [s. 50, Indian Trusts a」エ}セ@ セ@
pseudonymously : [s. 23(1), Copyright a」エ}セ@ "!1 public debt : {title, Public Debt a」エ}セ@ セ@
psychologist : セ@ public debt ッヲゥ」・Zセ@
psychology, department of: {sch. , statute 44(b)(vii), Aligarh Muslim public debt ッヲゥ」・イZセ@ セ@
University a」エ}セ@ public decency : proper or becoming behaviour of a community or a
puberty: the earliest age at which persons are capable of begetting ?r general public [s. 8(b), Immoral Traffic (Prevention) a」エ}セ@
bearing children セ@ セ@
public: I. the people; the general body of mankind [s. 12, J.P. C.] public demand : [s. 2(44)(ii), lncome-tax a」エ}セ@ l!ttT
セ[@ セ[@ [s. 74, expln. , Indian Contract Act] ;;r;rnT; 2. of or public disorder : セ@ セ@
belonging to the people; pertaining to a community or a nalion; public document : a document which can be made use of by the
gl!neral [s. 126( 1). Representation of the People Act, 1951] general public by way of inspectio n or· making copies etc. {s. 74,
セ[@ 3. unconcealed, not private [s. 8, expln. 2, ill. (a), Indian Indian Evidence a」エ}セ@
Evidence a」エ}セ@ セ@ public drainage: the line of drains for the flow of rain water and dirty
public accommodation : [s. 3, Stage-Carriages Act] セ@ 3lTiffi'l water which is maintained by public authorities [s. 432, I. P. C] セ@
public account : [s. 34, Indian Scamp a」エ}セ@ セ@
public account of India : {art. 266(2). Canst.] 'l!mf q;r セ@ m; public Jramatic performance : {long title, Dramatic Performances
[s. 18(3), Coal Mines (Nationalisation) a」エ}セ@ a」エWセ@ セ@ !IG*'
Public Accountant : [s. 2, Public Accountants Default a」エ}セ@ public duty: duty owed to the people in general; duty attach ing to the
セ@ office held under the State [s. I iF, J.P. cN}セ@
Public Accounts Committee : i'ifq; セ@ セ@
public emergency : [s. 5, Factories a」エ}セ@ セ@
Public Accounts Committee's report : セ@ m セ@ fttftt
public enemies, act of: [s. 73(c), In.dian Railways a」エ}セ@ セ@ セ[@
Public Accounts Department : i'ifq; m f<NfTT セ M セcヲゥtャ@
public action: any proceeding taken by public 。オエィッイゥ・ウセ@ public enters freely : ffirr @セ 3l'ffi セ@ ; ffirr セ@ U<li ilifi 3l'ffi セ@
public acts, records and judicial proceedings : [art. 26, margin, public examination : [s. 2(s), Delhi School Education a」エ}セ@
c 。ョウエ N }セ@ CfiTlf, セ@ 3ffi セ@ セ@ 'ftTm
public address : セ@ 'qfq'1lf
public examination of insolvent : [s. 6(2)(b), Presidency-towns
Public Administration Institute : ffi<li.llrn:R セ@ Insolvency a」エ}セ@ q;r セ@ 'lfulul
p'ublic advantage : [s. 63(2)(c}, Trade and Merchandise Marks public excitement : {s. 4(/), Prevention of Seditious Meetings
a」エスセwQャ@ Act] fflrit Cfl1 セ@ fflriT q;r セ@m ; m
public advertisement : {Or. I, r. 8(2), C.P.C.] セ@ セ@ public expense : m<liTfi li!fll'
public amenity: [s. 2(i), Delhi Urban Art Commission a 」 エ}セ@ public festival : [s. 57(9), Indian Evidence a」 エ }セ@ 'ffi1<!
wセ M wャュ@ public fighting of birds and animals : [s. 13, Public Gam bling
ーオ「ャゥセZ@ analyst : [s. 8. Prevention of Food Adulteration a」エ}セ@ Act] qfu-qf 3ffi セNSゥヲ@ ct! セ@ セ@
public financial institution : [s. 224A(I)(a), Companies a 」 エ} セ@
public and private business : [s. 114, Indian Evidence a」エ}セ@ 3ffi
セ@ セ[@
public, appear in : [s. 55(1), prov., thirdly, C.P.C. s. 47(2), prov.,
セ@ '*' セ@ lliTOO'{
fcRfrq セ@
public function: an act or duty of a public se rva nt in his ca paci ty as
セ@ セ@
such [s. 213, ill. (d), Cr. P.C.]
Cr. P.C. and s. 42, Indian Lunacy Act] fflrit <6 ffilR 3TRT public fund : i'ifq; r.rttf
public are substantially interested ·: [s. 2(18), Income-tax a」エ}セ@ public gambling : {long title, Public Gambling a」エ }セ@ セSQ@
public, general: [s. 144(3), Cr. P.C.] 3!J1f ;;r;r,n '
public assistance: [art. 41, Const.] セ@ mTlfffi
public good :anything conducive to t.he welfare of the comm unity
public auction : a public ule of property condutlted by biddings [s. 499, excep. I, ャ N p N cN}セ@ セ@
[sch. I, app. E, form No. 29, C.P.C.] セ@ セ@
public aood, conducive to the: [s. 10(.1), Citizenship a」エ}セ@
public authority : {s. 9(a), Factories a」エ}セ@ ア[イセ@
public body : {s. 2(35), Income-tax a」エ}セ@ セ@
public book: any record of register maintained by a public authority
public has access : [s. 52(t), Copyright A ct] ;;r;rnr ll>'t セ@ t
セー@ public health : [s. 21, eighthly, I. P. C. and art. 47, Const.] \'ftq; セ@
public bridge: a bridge accessible to or shared by all members of the public health administration : セ@ セ@ llrn:R
community [s. 2(m), Indian Electricity a」エ}セ@ セ@ public highway : a way open to all the citizens as a matter of right
public capacity: [s. 479, expln., Cr. pNc}セ@ セ@ [sch. I, app. A, form No. 2), C.P.C.] セ@ mlfTlt
public carriage of passengers: [s. 3(4), Indian Railways a」エ}セ@ q;r public history: [s. 57(13), Indian Evidenee a」エ} セ@
セ\キMA@ public holiday : [s .. 30(a), Representa tion of the People Act,
public carrier : an owner of a transport vehicle who transports or QYU}セ@ 3W<Iim セ[@ セ@ LIャヲゥ セ@
undertakes to transport goods, or any class of goods, for another public interest : that wutch concerns wel fa re and rights of the
person at an y time and in an y public place for hire or reward community or a class thereof [s. 124. 1ndia n Evidence Aceand art.
[s. 2(23). Motor Vehicles a」エ}セ@ セ@ 302, Canst.} \'itq; lt!
public charges: any impost made by public authorities for any public public lamp : an electric lamp used for ·the lighting of a ny st reet
purpose [s. 55(/)(g), T.P. Act] i'ifq; li"1R {s. 2(k), Indian Electricity a」エ}セ セGA@
public charitable purpose : [s. 2( 17). Estate Duty a」エ}セ@ \Tlft;;R public land mark: an ッセェ・」エ@ set liP to mark a boundary line of publ ic
public charities: [s. 92, C.P.C.] セ@ セ@ land or any other conspicuous object in the landscape, which
public company : [s. 2(37), Companies a」エ}セ@ Cfiq;fi serve• as a guide [s. 152, Cr. P.C.J セ@ セ M セ@
public library 271 public エイオセ・@

public library : [preamble, Delivery of Bi:ioks and Newspapers public property : property owned by the government or local bqdies
(Public Libraries) a」エ}セ@ セ@ on behalf of the community in general [s. 37(c), Cr. P.C.j m
public limited company : fs. 2(c), Industrial Finance Corporation • Wlfu; [art. 51A(i). Const.] セ@ Wlfu
Act] セュ[@ [s. 2(b), Collection of Statistics a」エ}セ@ public prosecutor: a public official charged with the investigation and
mm prosecution of punishable acts on behalf pf a State or an
public lunatic asylum : a hospital for the reception and treatment of international commission [s. 2(u), Cr. P.C.] m N セ@ Hセ@
lunatics maintained out of the public funds fs. 338(1), セI@
cイNp N cスュセ@ public purpose: a purpose for the general good of the masses [s. 3(f),
public, make: fs. 8, expln. 2, ill. (a), Indian Evidence Act] • Flful Land Acquisition a」エ}セ@ セ@
<tBT public record : record of transactions etc. maintained by public
public market : fs. 23(1 )(a)(1), Industrial Finance Corporation authorities [s. 35, Indian Evidence a」エ}セ@ セ@
a」エスュセ@ public register : fs. 35, Indian Evidence a」エ}セ@
public matter : something pertaining to the people Of a country or public relations officer : OR-Wrc6 セ@
locality [s. 91, C.P.C.}m セ@ public, religious or charitable trusts or endowments: fs. /0(23BBA),
public meeting·: [s. 126(1), Representation of the People Ac1, Income-tax a」エ}セN@ ll1flfq; <IT セ@ '!if
<IT セ@
QYU}セ@ public resort : frequent, habitual or general going or repairing to or
public money : [s. 95, Army Act] m-I.R visiting of general public [s. 2(f)(iv), Emigration a」エ}セ[@
public nature : that which by its very nature affects the public in ュセ[@
general or is rooted in their welfare [s. 37, Indian Evidence public resort, place of : a place at which the public assembles or to
ActJm• which they retire [Or. 21, r. 74,prov., cNp}セVt[@
public news : fs. 2(b), Working Journalists and Other Newspaper
Employees (Conditions of Service) and Miscellaneous Provisions public restaurant: [art. 15(2)(a), cッョウエN}セ@ セ@
a」エ}セ@ public revenue : the income of an organised public authority from
public notice : a notice given in such a manner as could bring it to the each and every source whatever and from which expenses of that
knowledge of all concerned and also the public in general [s. 14, public body on all
heads are. met [s. 125, expln., Indian Evidence
ill. (h), Indian Evidence Aci] ュセ[@ [s. 6, c。イゥ・セ@ a」エ}セ@ a」エ}セ@
セ@ public right : a right enjoyed by the public, as distinguished from a
public notification: [art. 108(1), Canst.] m セ@ private or personal right attached to the personality of an
individual [s. 32(4), Indian Evidence a」エ}セ@ セ@
public nuisance: a nuisance (as obstructing a highway) that causes
harm or annoyance to persons of particular locality in violatio.n of public right of way : right to pass along a way enjoyed by the public
their rights as members of the community [s. 268, J.P. C.] m [s. 42, 'ill. , Indian Evidence Act] 'llT'f C6T セ@ セ@

セ@ public road : a road which is open to the public as a matter of right

'public office: I. position involving exercise of governmental functions [sch. I, app. A, form No. 37, C.P.C.] セ[@ [s. 125(4), Indian
[s. 6(/), T.P. Act] m lfG; 2. an office where public business is Railways Act] 'I!T'f m
transacted [Or. 13, r. 5(2), C.P.C.}m セ@ public roadways: [sch: II, form No. 20, Cr. P.C.] セ@ セ@ 'llT'f
public officer.: a person holding an office in the pay of エィセーオ「ャゥ」[@ a public safety :the security of the public or their freedom from danger
holder of a public office; everyone who is appointed to discharge a [s. 116(3), Cr. pNc}セ@ wm;
[s. 17(b), Arms aエ}セ@ llf'1
public duty and receives a 」ッュー・ョウ[セエゥ@ in whatever shape from public sale : [s: 36, Indian Evidence a」エ}セ[@ セ@ セ@
the State or otherwise [s . 2(17), C.P.C.] m セ[@ [s. 3(2)(c). public sector : that part of the industry which is controlled fully or
Destruction of Records Act}m セ@ partly by a public undertaking [s. 4(1), Employment Exchanges
public official document: fs. 62(2)(d)(i), Companies Act] m セ@ (Compulosry Notification of Vacancies) a」エ}セ@ Wlcl:
public security :safety of the members of the community [s. 130(1),
public or general interest : interest of the public or of the people in
general [s. 87, Indian Evidence Act] <rr mtm1lT セ@ m public servant :'a holder of public office [s. 21, J.P. cN}セ@ m
public or other official book :any record onegister maintained by a
public authority or an officer [s. 35, Indian Evidence Act] <rr m public service f [s. 23, ill. (f), Indian Contract a」エ}セ@ 00
jGpAセ@ Public Service Commission : セ@ 00 セ@
public order : [s. 7(2), Contempt of Courts Act and art. 19(2), Public Service Commission for the Union and for the States :
cッョウエNスュセ@ [art. 315, margin, Const.]W< 3ffi セ@ <i; セ@ セ@ 00 セ@
public order, disturbance of: [s. 268(2)(b), Cr. P.C.] ュセゥAwQ@ public sitting: fs. 27(1), Presidency-towns Insolvency a」エ}セ@
セ@ .
public peace: the security and tranquility of the community in general
[s. 129(1), Cr. P.C]m m public spring : fs. 277, J.P. cNスセ@ セ@

public peace, dangerous to the : [long title, Criminal Law public street : street by which the public may pass as a matter of right
(Amendment) Act, 1908] m !l@t <i; セ@ セ@ [sch., art. III, Limitation a」エ}セ@ 'llT'f; [sch. II, form No. 24,.
public peace, disturbance of: fs. /51, I.P.C.}m !l@t i! Wi1 cイ N pNc}セ@
public peace or safety: fs. 22(/)(b), Arms Act] m mTa <rr ilfq public subscription : fs. 21, Income-tax a」エ}セ@ セ@

public performance: fs. 499, sixth excep. , ャNpc}セ@ publ,ic tariff rate : セ@ セ@ G{

public place: a place where the Hャセーエ@ in general have an access and public taste: [s. 12(2)(c) Press Council a」エ}セ@
wherein they congregate; a place owned by public authorities and public tranquility : tranquil state prevailing among the community
open to the people in general [s. 133(/)(a), Cr. P. C.] ュMセ[@ [s. 39(/)(ii), Cr. pNc}セ@ IMifu
[s. 2(h), Immoral Traffic Hpイ・カョエゥッセI@ a」エ}セ@ public tranquility, disturb the : disturbing the calmness. or serenity
public plantation : fs. 70, Indian Forest Act] m <iT'TR' concerning the people as a whole [s. 107(1), Cr. P.C.] セ@ IMifu
.public policy: principles in accordance with which actions of men and セGャゥbA[@ [s. QUSaHャI「LiNp N c}セimゥヲGャwQュイN@
communities need to be regulated to achieve the good of the entire public transport aircraft: [sch., pt. II, s. 10, Commercial Documents
community or public [s. 171 8(1), prov., I.P.C.] セ@ ;fif<t Evidence a」エ}セ@
public premises: fs. 2(e), Public Premises (Eviction of Unauthorised public trustee : a trustee appointed by the Government [s. 153A,
Occupants) a」エ}セ@ セ@ Companjes a」エ}セ@
public use purify
public use : [s. 5(3)(iii), Delhi Lands (Restrictions on Transfer) pump room [オーセイカゥウッ@ : tftr セ@ セ@
a」エ}セ@ pumping set: [s. JA, Rice Milling Industry (Regulation) Actj <ifim セ@
public utility : [s. 2, Charitable Endowments a」エIセ[@ punch operator : <i<r lliml4l
k'il&i1,q<41f11dl punching : [s. 30, Court-fees Act) <i<r 'W!T
public utility senice : [s. 2(n}, Industrial Disputes a」エ}セ@ セ@ punctuality : wヲャMセ@ ; f.rsoT
セN[ᄋ@ punctured wound : セ@ mq
public view : [s. 2, Prevention of Insults to National Honour punishable: liable to punishment [s. 2(x), Cr. P.C.) セ@
a」エ}セ@ Gャゥエセ[@ [s. 79, Registration a」エIセ@ punishable by law : [s. 3(38), General Clauses a」エ}セ@ &m セ@
public way : way by which public have a right to pass [s. 32, ill. (i), punishable in'accordance with law: [art. 23(1), Const.] セ@ セ@ @セ
Indian Evidence a」エ}セ@ liT'f; [s. 283, I. P. cN}セ@ 11ll
public works : セ@ f.:rlffuT pu.Js)lable with fine : [s. 149(2A)(b)(ii), Companies a」エ}セ@ セ@
public works accounts : セ@ f.\1rluT セ@ セ@
public works advances : セ@ f.\1rluT 3lftrtr punishment : any damage or pain inflicted on an offender through
Pu.blic Works Department: [s. 5(3), Payment of Wages a」エ}セ@ judicial procedure [s. 53, J.P. C. and art. 34, Const.] 1(s
f.rqfuT fcl1WT punishment, aggregate: [s. 31(2), Cr. pNcIセ M セ@
public works deposits : セ@ f.\1rluT ;;fllT punishment, cumulative : punishment increased by succeeding
public works division : セ@ f.\1rluT lflWT additions セ@ 1(s
public works expenditure : セ@ f.\lrtuT O!fl! punishment drill: [s .. / I(l)(d), Central Reserve Police Force Act] 1(s
public works receipts : セ@ f.\lrtuT セ@ セ@
public works remittances : セ@ f.\lrtuT セ@ punishment inferior in scale to dismissal: [s. 93(4), Navy Act) itm<(s,
public worship of renown: [s. 80G(2)(b), Income-tax a」エ}セ@ oft llfll1fR 11 セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@
'FI punishment inferior to detention : [s. 96(3), Navy Act] セ@ i(s, oft f.rittr
publication : the action of making publicly known; the issuing or セアIェ@
offering to the public of a book, map, engraving, etc. [s. 173, punishment, inflict: [s. 31(2),. Cr. P.C.1 セ@ t:;rr
t NpcI セ@ punishment inflicted : [art. 34, Const.] セ@ 'iliT 1(s
publication of books and periodicals : [s . 15(k), Chartered -punishments shall run concurrently: [s. 31(1), Cr. P.C.) 1(s IDI!!-ml!f
Accountants a」エ}セ@ セ@ ヲNャ\エ、TQセ@ セ^Sゥエ@ 4lT ll'4im'! Giャ^Iセ@
publication officer : セ@ セ@ .pupil: m
Publications Division : セ@ fcl1WT pupil teacher : mol セ@
publicity : state of being open to the knowledge of all lfim pupils' fund: [s. 18(2), Delhi School Education Act] f.Wrl'j'f f.!fu
publicity officer : lfim セ@ purchase : to acquire property whether movable or immovable by
publicity outside India : [s. 35B(l)(i), Incomc-ttlx Act] m@ セ@ セ@ paying money or its equivalent [s. 101, T.P. Act) lfi'll 'W!T; [s. 38,
lfim ill., T.P. a」エIセ@
public utility, of general : [s. 2( I5), Income-tax Act] mlfRl セM@ purchase and acquisition of stores : ID1l'R 4lT lfi'll セ@ セ@
publicity work : [s. J(f), Agricultural Produce (Grading and purchase book : lfi'll <Ttt
Marking) Act] 11m{ q;t<f purchase control : lfi'll セ@
publicly: [s. 23(3)(c), expln., Copyright a」エ}セ[@ セ@ o3ITI!; purchase, forward : • lfi'll
purchase ledger (bought ledger) : lfi'll '&RIT
publicly impeached :called in question publicly [s. 100, Negotiable purchase journal : lfi'll or.ffi
Instruments a」エ}セ@ o3ITI! セ[@ セ Z@ セ@ purchase money: the money paid or stipulated to be paid as price for
publicly read, shall be: [s. 8(2)(i)(a), Cr. P. cN}セ@ <m ;;mMt the purchase of any property mov!lble or immovable [s. 46, ill. (b),
publish : to make generally accessible or available; to place before or T.P. Act] lfi'll !R
offer to public; to bring before the publio,for sale or distribution
[s. 224, ill. (b), Indian Contract a」エ}セ@ 'W!T purchase of books : [s.' I6(i), Income-tax a」エ}セ@ 4lT lfi'll
published accounts : ll4i1fud' セ@ purchase officer : lfi'll セ@
published or performed in public: [s. 3 I (I), Copyright Act] ll4i1fud' ctT purchase, outstanding : セ@ lfi'll
on セ@ \セョヲ[@ セ@ セ@ セ@ ctT ;;rr セ@ ,purchase price: [s . .19(3), Damodar Valley Corporation Act] lfi<l-q\llm
published works : ll4i1fud' セ@ ; ll4i1fud' w-m:( purchase services: {1/Ird sch., art. 58, Geneva Conventions a」エ}セ@
publisher of the work : [s. 54(b), Copyright a」エIセ@ 4lT ll4lrn4l セ@
puisne judge :junior judge 311R セ@ purchaser : one who purchases [s. 23, ill. (i), Indian Contract
puisne mortgagee : a person who holds a mortgage which is Act]'tffi; セ@
subsequent in date to another mortgage [Or. 34, r. I, expln., purchaser, innocent : one who by honest agreement purchases
cNp}セ[@ セ@ property or acquires an interest therein wit hout knowledge or
pulley : a wheel turning about an axis, and receiving a rope, chain, or means of knowledge sufficient to charge him in law with know!edge
biwd on, its rim,_ used fo'r raising weights, changing direction or of any infirmity in law in the title of the seller [s. 453,
pull transmission of power etc. [s. 2(i), Factories Act] ltlvft Cr. P. C.J セ@ 'tffi ; セ@ 'tffi
pulling down : [s. 288, J.P. C.) flTtr-rr purchaser's title: [s. 65, C.P.C.]'tffi 4lT セ@
pulp: the soft mass, obtained from the breaking and grin'ding of rags. purchasing agent : [s. 3(3), Sugarcane Act} ifi<t セ@
wood etc. [sch. I, item. 13, Employees' Provident Funds and purchasing agents, remount and : セ@ セ@ セ@ <t>« セ@
Miscellaneous Provisions Act] "!,GT; [sch. V, item 16, Income-tax pureile : pertaining or proper to a boy or child; youthful, boyish,
a」エIセ@ juvenile; merely boyish or childish, immat ure, trivial セ、@
pulse : [sch., item 10, Khadi and Village Industries Commission purely temporary : セ@ セ@
Act] 'G'm purge: [s. 19(2)(c), Contempt of Couns Act) 00 4lBl
pulverised : セ@ purification : [s. 2(f)(ii), Central Excises and Salt Act) sTlv.!
pump driver : q.q セ@ purify: [s. 15(2), Factories Act) mlm!<w!!; [s. I33(c), Cantonments
pumphouse and fuef oil operator : q.q I:R セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ A Cl1 f.1tffi 'W!T
purity 273 pyrotechnic
purity: the quatity,o·r condition of being pure [s. 2(k), Gold ({:ontrol) purpose of justice : セ@ l!>1 llOO
Act]p purpose of profit : [s. 10(22), Income-tax Act] \'1111 <liT llOO
purport : I. to mean; to have as its purport; to profess or claim by its purpose of sale: object or aim of sale [s. 292(a), l.P.C.] mq;r llOO
tenor [s. 48,. T.P. a」エ}セ[@ 2. substance; エ・ョッイセ[@ "fiR . purser: an officer charged with managing money matters and keeping
purporting: [s. 68(1), Cr. P.C.]OR'Iflfu accounts [s. 2(1), Seamen's Providen t Fund a」エ}セ@
purporting to ad: [s. 4, Countess ofDufferin :S Fund Act] 1l»lf <liR cf; .pursuant to: [Or. 26, r. 6, C.P.C.] セ@ i!
セ@ OR'Iflfo pursuant to the purchase: [s. 2(c)(I A )(iii), Income-tax Act] ifi1l セ@
ーオセッイエゥョァ@ to act in discharge of official duties : [s. 200, prov, (a), pursue course of study : qiq_<1<1li11:J>fl i( >3lUI<R <wrr
Cr. P. C) qftq セ@ cf; f.lfu' it 1l»lf <liR セ@ セ@ セ@ q-ffi pursuit: I . an activity that o-he engages in seriously and continually or
purp'Orting to authorise :professing to endow with authority [s. I37, frequently as a vocation or profession セ[@ 2. the action of
expln., T.P. a」エ}セ@ <liR liWft OR'Iflfo; セ@ <liR <til OR'Iflfo pursuing [s. 48, Cr.P.C.] tftm <wrr ; tftm
purporting to be : [s. 79, Indian Evidence a」エ}HセI@ .... セ@ OR'Iflfo セ@ pursuit, has eluded : tftm セ@ "fR # <!<! セ@
purporting to be done : professing to be performed [s. 132(1), pursuits, ordinary : セ@ セ@
Cr. P. C) fclillT 'T<n OR'Iflfo セ@ purview : I. scope; range [s. 23, Delhi Administration a」エ}セ[@
purporting to be made : [s. 466, 1. P. cNスセ@ セ@ OR'Iflfo 2. field of activity or view [sch ., item 2 /(a), Aligarh Muslim
purporting to be signed : [s. 80, Indian Evidence a」エ}セ@ University a」エ}セ@
OR'Iflfo ; [Or. 5, r. 20A(2), C. P. cN}セ@ セ@ セ@ fcti セ@ セ@ セ@ put a piece of metal into circulation : [s. 2, Metal Tokens Act] !:!Tij, cf;
purporting to be written: [sch. I, app. C, form No.9, C.P.C.] セ@ M セ\エゥャ@ <wrr
セ@ OR'Iflfo; n セSt@ セ@ put into a courseoftransmission: [s. 4, Indian Contract Act] 'lW!urcf;
purporting to give a right: [s. 37(1), Companies a」エ}セ@ 」ヲ[セ@ セゥエ\キイ@
OR'Iflfo put into circulation : セ@ <wrr
purports to be in the handwriting: [s. 90, Indian Evidence a」エ}セ@ put into force : [s. 5 I 8(3)(a), Companies Act] 1llU<lT 'T<n セ@
i! セ@ OR'Iflfo セ@ put on, to be: [Or. 41, r. 26, margin, C.P.C.] セ@ Fli<n OlRT
purports to create: [s. 48, T.P. a」エ}セI@ fclillT OlRT OR'Iflfo セ@ put the plaintiffs to their election : [Or. I, r. 2, C. P. C.] セ@ # f.'\qfu;{
purports セッ@ effect sale : professes to transact a sale [s. 58(c), T.P. \ャゥrエセ@
Act] m
fclillT OlRl セ N@ セ@ put to the meeting and lost: [s. 256(4)(b)(i), Companies a」エ}セ@
purports to give authority: [s. 467, l.P.C.] lllTtrcnTt セ@ セ@ セ@ cf; wrn oo 'T<n Jitt fTR 'T<n セ@
purports to have been requisitioned : [s. 23(1), Requisitioning and put to use: [s. 32( l)(ii), prov., Income-tax Act] '1<!'f\i Fli<n 'T<n; m
Acquisition of Immovable Property a」エ}セ@ OR'Iflfo セ@ fcti ·iffi fcl;lrr 'T<n
セヲ」ャゥtoAr@ put up: to offer for some purpose [Or. 21, r. 74(2), C.P.C.] セヲ」ャ[イ@
purports to have been written : [s. 73, Indian Evidence At] OlRl n OlRT ; セ@ <f)(.fl ; w <f)(.fl
OR'Iflfo セ@ put up for sale: [Or. 21, r. 74(2), C.P.C.] cf; @セmセ@
purpose : the object which one has in view [s . 13(d), Indian put up slip : W Gセゥヲ@
Partnership a」エ}セ@ putative father: commonly supposed to be father [s. 50(3), Children
purpose contemplated by Act : [s. 35(2), Registration Act] セ@ Act}"&mf mr
Fュセ ᄋ セ@ putrefaction : rotting [s. 173(3), Cr. P. C.] tf5-IT
purpose expressed in section: [sch. II, form No. ll, Cr. P.C.] lffiT it putrid: [s. 9B(a), Drugs and Cosmetics a」 エ}セ@
putting his case before: fs. 27(2), Land Acquisition Act] 」ヲゥ N セ@ セ@
purpose is accomplished: [s. 48, Indian Contract a」エ}セ@ 'fT mセ@ セ|Asat@
purpose of contracting : [s. 12, Indian Contract Act] IDlro セ@ セ@ putting in fear of hurt: [s. 458, J.P. cN}セ@ cfi '111! it S1WfT
puzzle, crossword: [s. 2(d), Prize Competitions Act and s. 2(24)(ix),
purpose of developing khadi: [long title, Khadi and Other Hand loom Income-tax Act] <rf .mft ; 'f'f セ@ <$lt
Industries Development (Additional Excise Duty on Cloth)
pyrotechnic: [s. 1(/)(a), Indian Explosives Act] Bャヲオセ@
Act] m
セ@ f<tci;rnセ@ セ@ セ@

20-A -50/LJ&CA/ND/92
11\1 quadruplicate : セ@ ; <m: セ@ quality marking officer : セ@ セ@ セ@
セアオ。ャゥヲ」エッョ@ : I. a quality, accomplishment, etc. which qualifies or quality of goods : [s. 2( 12), Sale of Goods Act} 'lT<'f <tT セ@
fits a person for some office or function [s. 20(3), Representation quality, personal : [s. IS( b). prov.. Specific r・ャゥセヲ@ a」エスセ@ 'JfT
of the People Act, 1950) J!tcrr; 2. something that qualifies or quantity : total amount, size or magmtude [s. 37. Sale of Goods
restricts [1st sch. . app. C. form No. Ji, C.P.C.] ヲ\エセュ@ Act] qf{lnur
qualification certificate : • lllJ11lT<j;l quantity accounts : qf{lnur セ@
qualification, essential : *'1!1<!lli • quantum : quantity; a certain amount [s. 14. Seamen's Provident
qualification for membership of Parliament : .[art. 84, margin, Fund Act}lWfr
cッョウエNjセJG\ヲ[ゥ」イ@ ·quantum of goods cleared: [s. 280Z D( I), 1nco me-tax a」エスセ@ f<l;l:(
qualification for membership of State Legislature: [art. 173, margin, セJGwヲ{@
cセョウエN}@ '{lOll <fi Fm''l-Jffi! <tT セ@ <fi セ@ J!tcrr quarrantine : the· fact or practice of isolating or being isolated as a
qualification shares : [ss. 49(.2) and 266(1 )(b)(i), Companies Act) precaution against the セーイ・。、@ of any disease; the period
Sヲセ@ Sゥセt@ HセュI@ of such isolation, also the place where such isolated pe,rsons are
qualifications for a(lpointmcnt as Governor : [art. 157, margin, detained [s. 271. J.P. C.] <WfR
cッョウエN}セゥr\^@ quarrantine leave : <WfR セ@
qualifications for election as President: [art. 58. margin, Ccnst.) セ@ quarrantine restriction: [sch. , art. IV, 2(h), Indian Carriage of Goods
セゥr\^@ by Sea Act] <WfR セ@
qualified: endowed with qualities or possessed of accomplishments, quarried : [s. 6(/)(h)(i). Oilfields (Regulation and Development)
which fit one for certain end, office or function [s. 174(3), a」エスセ@
Cr. P.C.]. quarry: I. an excavation or system of excavations for the purpose of,
qualified candidate : • 3!'1:1ll!ff or in connecti on with getting of minerals (whether in their natural
qualified for election: [art. 58(/)(c), c。ョウエNIセ@ iR セ@ セN@ stage or in solution or suspension) or products of minerals being
qualified for naturalisation: [s. 6( I), Citizenship Act] セ\ヲ[@ neither a mine nor merely a well or borehole or a well and bore-
3lW! hole combined [s. 2(b)(iv), Coal Mines Provident Fund and
qualified for re-appointment: [s . 224(2)(a), Companies a」エ}セ@ Miscellaneous Provisions Act and s. JOB(a), T.P. a」エ}セ[@ 2.
s. 26(g), Indian Forest a」エ}セ@ '1>\'lT
qualified medical man: [s. 174(3), Cr. P.C.]. セ@ quarrying: [s. 2( I )(ii), Min es a」エ}セ@ f<l><rr
qualified medical pra.:titionet: [s . 2( I )(i}. Workmen's Compensation quarryman : セ@
a」エ}セ@ quarter : I. fourth part of the year [s. 64(4), expln., Factories
qualified or conditional : [s. 12( I), expiA .. Contempt of Courts a」エ}セ[@ [s. 2(m), Emgergency Risks (Undertakings) Act]
a」エスセ@ SAセ@ l'l'r<f f'r:rrn; 2. fourth part \Qセ[@ 3. a living accommodation 3!TCfffi セ[@
qualified per:;ons, eminently : セ@ セ@ #• セ@ 'ICfli<
qualified privilege : it ーセッエ」ウ@ defendant from liability only if he quarter average pay : \Qセ@ セ@ iRR
uttered defamatory statements without actual malice mW Quarter Master : 'ICfli< セ@
ヲゥエセ@ Quarter Master General : 'ICfli< セ@ セ@
qualified support : セ@ 3!M<; セ@ 3!M< quartered in naval barracks: [s. 93(3)(d), Navy a」エ}セ@ i!
qualified to be appointed a judge: [art. 76(1), Const.] セt@ セ@ セ@
ゥr\^セᄋ@ quarterly instalment: [s. 280, Income-tax a」エIセ[@ セ@
qualify : I. to give the requi ;ed qualities to; to fit especially for an セ@
office or privilege [s. 28(i), Inland Vessels Act] 3Jff(! '1>\'lT; 2. to quarterly report : セ@ Tttfti ; セ@ Tttfti
become legally c.1pable Sセ@ セ[@ 3. to limit or modify the quarterly trade accounts : セ@ O!INR セ@
meaning of [s. 3f4), Carita/ Issues {Control) Act} ヲゥエセ@ '1>\'lT; quartz: [sch. Vll, pt. 8, item. I, Income-tax a」エ}セ@
セ@ セ[@ 4. to modify by attachment of condition セ@ '1>\'lT quash a'nnul; to make null and void; to throw out as invalid; to put.
qualifying an order : [s. 79(2)(a). Presidency-towns Insolvency an end to a legal proceeding セ@ '1>\'lT; セ@ og;rr
Act} セt@ fitWffi 'llBT quashing the commitment : annulling the order of sending for trial
qualifying clause : ヲゥエ セ ヲア[@ m before a court of sessions of a person charged+- before !'he
qualifying date: [ss . 14(b) and /9(a), Representation of the People examining magistrate with offences triable by a court of sessions
Act, 1950). <!l セ@ セ\ャゥt[ M
qualifying examinati·Jn : 3!tcrr lfftm ; セ@ lfftm オ。ウゥMセッュ・イ」ャ@ア basis : SAQヲMセ@ 3!M<
qualifying marks :·3rh> Ji<li quasi-commercial undertaking : SAエヲMセ@ \3"'lfil!
qualifying premium : [s. 80E(i), Income-tax a」エスセ@ quasi-easements :the term applies to those easements which not being
qualifying service : [s. 6(cl. Former Secretary of State Service easements of absolute necessity come into existence for the first
01/icers (Conditions of Sen ·ice) Act) 3!R.r セ@ mrr; mrr time by presumed grant or operation· of law on a severance of two
qualifying word : [s. 3( I )(a). Cr. P. C) ヲゥエセュ@ lii'G or more tenements formerly united in the sole or joiat possession
quality : I. the degree of excellence [s. 38, ill., Indian Contract Act or ownership of one or more persons セ@ l1pT セ[@ wsrr<m:
and s. 2( I )(c), Tntde and Merchandise Marks a」エ}セ[@ 2. the セ\ヲゥt@
social status; rank セHゥ [@ 3. a mental or moral attribute; trait or quasi-judicial·: sharing the qualities of and approximating to what is
characteristic [s. /5(b). prov., Specific Relief Act]'Jfl judicial; essentially judicial in character but not within the judicial
quality certificate : cr セ@ セ@ power or function nor belonging to the judiciary as constitutionally
Quality Control oヲゥセ・イ@ : セ@ セ@ セ@
defined [s. 128(2)(i), C. P C.J セ@

20- B-50/LJ&CA/ND/92
quasi-judicial act Z75 .quoting reference

quasi-judicial act : [s. 33, Presidency Small Cause Courts Act] question of title: [1st sch. , Provincia/Insolvency Act] セア[イ@ セ@
セ\ャゥヲ@ エッイヲゥセ@
quasi-judicial function : セ@ セ@ question paper セ・エイ@ : セ@ m <mrT
quasi-marital: partaking c>( the·nature of marital in some respects but question, to: [s. 13(3), Press Council a」エ}GMセ@ <liBT
not amounting to ュ。セゥエャ@ itself [s. 372, expln. 2; J.P. C.] ヲ」エthiセ@ questionnaire : セ[@ セ@
quasi-marital relation: [s. 372, ャNpc}qMセ@ *itT quick unborn child: urborn but moving foetus [s. 316, J.P. cN}セ@
quasi-partner : セ@ セヲオ@
quasi-permanency ; having some resemblance to being permanent quick with child: in the state of pregnancy at which the motion of the
セ@ foetus is felt [s. SQRLャ N pNc}セ@
quasi-permanent : セ@
quiet and peaceable possession: possession that is free from external
quay : an art ificial bank' or landing place built; stone or other solid
disturbance and free !rom strife [Ist sch, app. D, form No.
material, lying along or projecting into navigable water for
3A(2)(ii), cNpIセ@ セ@ セ@ q;&i\1
convenience of loading and unloading vessels [s. 5( /)(a), Indian
quinquennial groups : groups lasting five years セ@ crf
Dock Labourers a」エ}セ@
queen:.female monarch of England when used in law [s. 58(3),lndian quit : to depart from or out of [s. 26(2), Beedi and Cigar Workers
Partnership Act] <l<fR · (Conditions of Employment) Act] ·ms t.TI
question: the interrogative statement on some point to be investigated quit employment : [s. 79(1 /), Factories a」エ}セ@ u'ts.rr
or discussed [s. !50, Indian Evidence Act] QスセP[@ · [s. 2(!), Unlawful
quit guard: [.,. 6(k), Assam Rif1es a」・}セ@ CliT 'fWT <liBT
Activities (Prevention) Act] • .<liBT quo warranto (writ of): an order by which any person, who occupies
question arises: [art. 103(1), Const.] '-'H [ュゥtセ@ or usurps an independent substantive public office or franchise or
question !Jranch : セBQ@ li!T1SlT liberty, is asked to show by what right he claims it [art. 32(2),
question hour : セBQ@ セ@ Const.] セM[@ <Fit <ntit
question, in: in dispute; at issue [s. 13(3), Press Council a」エ}セ@ quorum: the number of the members of an organized body of persons
question in dispute: a point on which the parties are at issue [s. 32(6), (as a legislative body or board of directors) that wheri duly
Indian Evidence a」エ}セ ᄋ@ assembled is legally competent to transact business in the absence
question in issue : question in dispute f<t<m! セPQ@ of other members [s. 17(2), Industrial Finance Corporation Act
question, matters in : [Or. II, r. I, C. P. C.] セ@ セ@ ; [Or. II, r. 2, and art. 100(3), cッョウエN}セ@ HセI@
C. P. C.] セBヲGゥ@ <rri! quorum for meetings : [sch, item 14. University of Hyderabad
question offact: [s. 298(2), Cr. P.C.] a&/ cnr セ@ a」エIセr@
question of difficulty or importance-: [s. 69A( 10), T. P. a」エ}セ@ quroumisnotpresent: [s./74(3), cッュー 。 ョゥ・ウa」エ}セ H セI@
Gitセ@ セ@
question of law : [s. 256(1), Income-tax a」エ}セ@ <liT セ@
quota : proportional share, a part assigned , a regulated quantity of
question of law orfact: [art. 143(1), Const.] セGit@ a&/ cnr セ@ goods allowed by Government to be manufactured, exported,
question oflaw of unusual difficulty: [s. 407( I)( b), Cr. P.C.] セZ@ imported etc.m
セ@ セMPQ[@ 3lWffi1JT セ\ャゥt@ セ@ quotation: [sch VI, pt. III, item 8, Companies a」エ}GヲェZセ[@ セ@
guestion of law or usage : [s. 69, Presidpncy Small Cause Courts quote: [s. 46(1), Indian Railways Act and s. 108(1 B)(a), Companies
a」エ}セ@ cnr セ@ 'IT l<m; セ@ m 1}!11 cnr セ@ a」エ}セ@ <liBT; セ@ t.TI; セ@ t.TI; <m <1iBf
question of mixed law and fact : セ@ セ@ a&/ llrtilrn GMセ@
quote a new station to station rate : [s. 46(/J, Indian Railways
question of policy: [s. 6(3); industrial Finance Corporation Act] ;:ftft'!
Act] $A ft セr@ l1<l> <liT "T'lT tc セ@ C1iBr
<liT iスセ@
quote rate : [s. 60, Indian Railways Act] tc セ@ <liBf
question of priority: [Or. 21, r. 52, prov., C.P.C.] セ@ cnr セ@
quotient: [art. 55(2)(a), Const.] セ@
question of procedure: [2nd sch., ch. Ill, item 29(2), Carriage by Air
a」エ}セ⦅L@ quoting reference : セ@ セ@ セ@

\ .. -· -·..,::: - l ·

..... ...,
fill race : tribe, nation or people regarded as common stock; one of railway receipt : a receipt issued by the railway administration for
l!!J the grea,t divisions of mankind having certain physical goods accepted by the railway for assignment from one station to
peculiarities in common [s. 69(/)(a), T.P. Act and art'. 23(2), another [s. 137, expln., T.P. a」エ}セ@ 'ffitG
c。ョウエ N }セ@ railway reservation : セ@ "llW''T
reackrent :rent raised to the utmost: the full annual benefit of the railway risk : セ@ ;;ftfurq
property [s. 41, 1st para, Presidency Small Cause Courts railway risk rate: [s. 74(1), Indian Railways a」エ}セ@ ;:;ftfur:; tc
a」エ}セ@ IW:<li railway safety : セ@ p
radial, fracture of: セ@ 'l:j7r railway sectional officer : セ@ セ@ セ@
radio-active : [sch. Il(xxvii), ·Workmen's Compensation Act] m<it railway servant: {s. 3(7), Indian Railways a」エ}セ@ m
セGi@ railway siding: {sch. VI, pt. I, Companies a」エ}セ[@ [s . 35D,
radio and cable board : 'liR セ@ <fit mm expln. (a)(i), Income-tax a」エ}セ@
radio diffusion : [s. 2(g), Copyright Act] m<it film\uT railway warrant : セ@ <ITt?:; セ@ セ@
radio diffusion, delivery by: [s. 2(g), Copyright Act]m<iT-film\ur fr
raise: [art. 47, Const.] セ@ 'iliRT

radio mechanic : セ@ セ@
raise a plea of no case to answer: {s. 11 1(2), Navy Act]«<? セGゥャrt@
f<l; セ@ セ@ lfTlRil1 <R'ID セ@ セ@
radio operator : セ@ mm raise defence: {preamble, Employers' Liability a」エ}セ@ 'iliRT
Radio Station Officer : m<iJ セ@ セ@
raise loan: {s. 23(/)(a)(i), Industrial Finance Corporation Act]i3"QR
radio telegraph apparatus : [sch ., pt. I , item 12, Commercial
Documents Evidence Act] m<iJ セ@ mm \t-IT
raiseorsinkthelevel: {s . 7(/)(b).lndian RailwaysActj('f('l<it;Fm<n
Radiologist:, [s. 103(4), Customs a」エ}セM@ \mn';ft
radiology : [s. 44(g)(viii), Aligarh Muslim University Act]
-.w.rr 'iliRT
raise the amount : [Or. 21, r. 83(1 ), C. P. C.] セ@ <it ¥RJ ; セ@ ¥RJ
raised : [s. 3(c), Parliament (Prevention of Disqualification)
radius: {s. 5(9), Aligarh Muslim University a」エ}セ@
Act] bBj[セ@ セ@ セ@
raft : [s. 3(2), Indian Railways Act] irs!
raised and maintained: {s. 45(b)(iii), Arms Act] bBj[セ@ filR( 1'f1:( 'liR
raid: an invasion authorised by Government; an invasion of police; an
air attack m<rr
raising of loan: {art. 112(3)(c), Canst.] i3"QR \t-IT
raids, border : lftln mil
raising public loan : [s. 2(b), Securities Contracts (Regulation)
rail bus driver : セ@ <l<1' 'i'l'R'I'Ii
Act] ゥGエ」 ᄋ セ@ \t-IT; [s. 20, Foreign Exchange Regulation Act] i'ilct
Rail Red Tariff Rules : セ@ Cfffi ffiq; f.\<rt! il'm{ \t-IT
railroad : a road laid with rails on which wheels of the wagons raiyat :peasant, tenant, farmer or cultivator of the soil in India [art.
containing goods or passengers are made to run by locomotives or
31 A(2)(b), Canst.] 't<m
any other engine {1st sch., app. A , form No. 29, cNpj`アセ@
Ramie : {sch. , item 22A. Central Excises and Salt Act] tift
railway : a line or track consisting of iron or steel rails on which
random fluctuations: [s. 644C(2), prov., Income-tax Act] 'lfGT-q;o:J セ@
carriages or wagons carrying passengers or goods are moved by an
・ョァゥセGA[@ the whole organisation necessary for the working of
range: a series or chain of mountain peaks considered as forming one
this and the company or persons owning or managing it [s. 72, ill.
connected system [sch., Scheduled Areas (Assimilation of Laws)
(b). Indian Contract acエスセ@
Act] Wit
railway administration: the administration of the railway [s.25(3).
expln.: Sale of Goods a」エ}セ@ ャセュZr@ Range Forest Officer: <R セ@ m
Railway Board : セM\ヲゥエ@ range warder : [s. 5( I )(u), Assam Rifles Act] tJr <fit{
railway budget : セM\ヲGゥ|c@ Ranger: ffi
Railway Companr : a com pany ·Owning and operating a railway rank: a grade of station or dignity; an order [s. 2(0), Cr. P. C.] tifctt!;
system [s. 72, ill. (b), indian Contract a」エ}セ@ [s. 20(4), Army Act] t<l;; Wit; iii'{; o:OI'f
railway credit note : セ@ i3"QR 'f.i! rank equally : [s. 22(3), Coal Mines (Nationalistion) Act]'(% セ@
railway crosses a public road: [s. 13(c), Indian Railways a」エ}セ@ セ@
セ@ mq; <it 'ffi wft セ@ rank for dividend: [sch. I, table A, interpretation 98(3), Companies
Railway Dak Sorter : セ@ m @セ a」エjセtDッZoゥヲ@
railway fund : セ@ f.1m rank inferior to that of a non-commissioned officer : {s. 6(2), Air
Railway Hotel Manager : セ@ @セ セ@ Force a」エ}セ@ セ@ $ tq; <l セ@ tq;
Railway Mail service : セ@ m flm rank, minister of cabinet : セ@ t(R COT 'lj:fi

railway, open lines ッヲZセ@ 'lit セ@ ffi'0 rank not inferior : [s. 53, Indian Forest Ac(j セ@ 00
railway or steamer communication : [Or. 5, r. 4(b), cNp}セ@ <n rank of constable: [s. 2(o), Cr. pNc}セ@ 'lit 00; セcot@ o:;;;i
セ@ rank of sub-inspector, not below the: [s. 96( 1), Cr. P. C.] ;J'l-f.rttwl; <l
Railway Pass : セ@ 'ffif セ@
railway passenger : セ@ 'lT?Iit rank or position : [s. 7(i), Assam Rifles Actj tq; 'lT セ@
railway property: [s. 2(e). Railway Protection Force Act and s. 2(d), ranking of 」ャセゥュウ@ : [s. 528, Companies Act] CIT<it Gャゥエセ\^|A@
Railway Property (Unlawful Possession) a」エ}セ@ m ranking pari passu therewith : {sch. I, table A, interpretation 4,
Railway Protection fッイ」・Zセ@ om Companies a」エ}セ@ fr '3'ffi '(% セ@ セ@ $ セ@
Railway Rates Tribunal : {s. 34(1), Indian Railways a」エ}セ@ tc ranks : common soliders [s. 7/(f), Army Act] tl'fl!T"ll セ@ セ@
ransom 277 read y and will ing to give possession
ransom : the mo ney. price or considerati on paid or demand ed for the ratio : the relati on between two similar magnitud es in respect to
release of a perso n or restoration of a thing [s. 66, Army a」エスセ@ quantity [s. 34(2), Payment of Bonus a」エ}セ@
0'1 ration :the food allowance of one perso n or one animal for one day
rape: ca rn al kn owledge of a wo men without her legal consent [s. 3 75. [s. 31(10), Navy Act] WR
ONp cIセ@ rational : based on, derived from reason or reas oning; agreeable to
rare manuscript: [s. 16( /). Rampur Raza Library a」エIセ BF@ reason; reasonable [s. I 18, Indian Evidence a」エ}セ[@
rairt y of the ,tntiquity: (s. ]0(2)(iii). Antictuities and Art Treasure.' ェオ、ゥ」ッウセ@
Act] セ セゥエA@ <tt セ@ rational and co-ordinated development : [preamble, A lcock and
rash : hasty: imp etu ous: acting without du e considera tion or regard Ashdown Company Limited (Acquisition of Undertakings) Act]
for conseq uences [s. 279, I. P. cI セ[@ [s. 39(2)(1). Presiden cy- セ\ヲ@ セ [@ [preamble, Coal Mines (Taking Over of
towns In solvency a」エ}セ@ Managem ent) a」エ}セ@ Jfu: セ@ セ@
rash and hazardous speculation : [s. 42({}, Provincial lnsolvencv rational answer : [s. I 18, Indian Evidence a」エ}セ@ 'ffl'{

a」エIセ@ ...セ@ Jfu: セ@ セ@ rational judgment : [s. 12, Indian Contract a」エスセ@ f.l*l
rash driving : [s. 279, J.P. cN}セC@ 'if\'fRT rational will : セ@ セMキュ@
rash or negligent act : [s. 304A , I. P. cN }セ@ q;r \itセ@ q;i<! rationalisation: [sch. Ill, item. 9, Industrial Disputes a」エ}セ@
rash or negligent driving : [sch. , item 9, Fort William a」エ}セ@ fl rationing : オセ@ セ@

<IT セ@ 'lEt 'if\'fRT Rationing Officer : mR セ@

rashness: th e state or condition of bein g rash [s. 14, Indian Evidenn· ravines : a deep. narrow gorge [s. 35(c)(ii), In dia n Forest Act) l.<l'T<;{
a」エ}セ@ ravish : to rape [s. I55(4), Indian Evidence a 」エ Iセ@ <liB!
rate: I. local tax [s. 21, tenth , I.P. C.] 'tt; 2. a charge per unit of raw cotton : q;iift <j;l!ffi
public se rvice, commodity etc. [s. 263A(4), J.P. C.]<:\ raw material : [s. 66(2), Factories Act) q>uf\ mlf'.ft
rate book : [s. 60, Indian Railways Act) 'tt-p reach of judicial review : セ@ セ@ <6t '1'ftfu q;-r &h'
rate card : 'tc <ort ; <:\ q:;r reach ofthe process of the court, out of: beyond the extent to which
rat e, concessional : ft<rr<r<fi <:\ the process of a court' can go or be of effect [s. 65(a), Indian
rate contract : <:\ セ ヲGエ」@ $ Evidence Act) セ\Vエ@ セ\Vエ@ セ\ゥ@ \Qュ[セ@ <6t セ ᆳ
rate in force: [s. 2(37A), Income-tax a」エIセ\Z|@ セャヲ」ri@ <ii <1m
rate inspector : <:\ セ@ re-acquired: [s. 43(1), exp/n. 4, Incom e-tax a」エ}セᄋ@
rate list : <:\ wft イ・。」エゥッョZセ@
rate of cost : <'fT7T(f <:\ reader : one who performs the act of reading セ [@ lecturer,
rate of duty : [s, 15, Customs a」エIセ@ $t <:"{ especially a higher grade of unive rsity lectmer [s. 2(k), Aligarh
rate of exchange : the amount of one currency that will buy a given Muslim University Act and s. 5(7), Jawaharlal Nehru University
amount of another [s. 5, Negotiable Instruments a」エ}セ@ <6t a」エ}セ@ (fm:) ; in courts 'Wrn:
<:\; セ@ <:"{ reader of a university : ヲ」ャセアejiw@ q;r セ@
rate of interest: [s. 16, ilL (d), Indian Contract a」エIセ@ <6t <:\ readership : [s. 5(7), North-Eastern Hill University Act and s. 5(6),
rate of postage : [s. 263A(4), I. P. C.] 5lCfl セ@ <6t <:"{ University of Hyderabad a」エ}セ@ '!G
rate of wages: [long title, Minimum Wages a」エ}セ@ <6t <:"{ readily : [preamble, Industrial Finance Corporation Act] WT'ffiT #;
rate payer : $ セ@ [s. /0( 1), Plantations Labour Act) -3ffimft #
rate, preferential : セ@ <:\ readily ascertainable : [s. 165(2), R epresentation of the People
rateable : made or reckoned to a propertionate rate {Or. 21, r. 90, Act, J95IJ 311tiFft セュ [@ 311tiFft # セ@ « セ@ ;;rr セ@ qoo

C.P.C.] セ[@ [s. 48(b)(ii), Indian Partnership a」エ}セ@ readily determined : [s. I 74(3), Income-tax Act) WT'ffiT # セ@
rateable distribution : distribution of assets held by a court in readily distinguishable: [s. 2(a), Indian Coinage Act) SQエAfヲCセ@
proportion to the amounts due to various persons who have ュセ@ r
applied for execution of decrees for payment of money against the readily saleable: [s. 535(/)(c), Companies a」エ}セC@
same judgement-debtor [Or. 21, r. 90(1), C.P.C.] セ@ f<tRuT readily traceable : [s. 15(2), Requisitioning and Acquisition of
Immo va ble Property Act] 311tiFfi # GAcitセ@ ;;rR セ@
rateable distribution of assets : [s. 64, expln., C.P.C.] セ@ C!iT
セヲ\エrオャ@ readiness, to be in : [s. 5, ill. (b), Indian Evidence a」エIセ@ w-11
rateable_value: セ@ readiness and willingness to perform : [s. I 6, expln. (ii), Specific
rateably : in accordance with the proportion to one's share
Relief Act) 'ITW! '1>1 セ@ Jfu: セ@ m
[s. 48(b)(ii), Indian Partnership a」エ}セ [@ [s. 82, T.P. readjudge : [s. 3/ (I), Presidency-towns Insolvency Act) セ ᄋ@ セ@
a」エ}セ@ it; [s. 73(1), C.P.C) セ@ セ@ #; [s. 73(2), <liB!
cNpjセᄋ@ readjudged insolvent, is : [s. /03A(J), Presidency-towns Insolvency
rateably, contribute: [s. 82, T.P. a」エ}セ@ <liB! a」エIセ@ セ ᄋ@ O<ll<llf.1offa セ[Zョッイ@ i
rateably distributed: [s. 73(1), C.P.C.] セ@ セ@ # fctffitr readjudication : [s. 6, Industrial Disputes (Banking and Insurance
rateably in proportion : [s. 330, Indian Succession Act] セ@ # Companies) Act] セGQゥ\ャヲNッ@
rates : 'tc'; <:\ readjustment: [long title, Delimitation Act, 1972 and art. 82, prov.,
rates and freights clerk : <:\ Jfu: 'I!1ST fi:riitq; cッョウエNjセᄋ@
ratification : approval , by word or conduct, of that which was readjustment after each census : [art. 82, margin, Consi.] セ@
improperly or unauthorisedly performed in the first instance; セ\ゥᄋ@
confirmation; formal sanction [s. /96, Indian Contract Act] readmission of the appeal : taking on the file of the court again the
セゥfヲ@ appeal which was previously rejected by it [Or. 41, r. 19,
ratify : to confirm or make valid (an act, promise etc.) by giving C.P.C] セ@ C!il セᄋ@ 'W'l セ@ ;;rr;rr
consent, approval or formal sanction, especially to what has been readmit the suit : [Or. 41, r. 23, C.P.C.) <rn" セ ᄋ@ 'W'f q)\'1f
done or arranged by. another on one's behalf [s. 196, Indian ready and willing: [Jst sch., app. A, form No. 6(3), C. P. cN}セ@ Jfu:
Contract Act and s. 27(2)(a), Specific R,elief Act) セゥfヲ@ <liB! セ@
rating : an assignment in an occupational group within which a petty ready and willing to give possession : [s. 32, Sale of Goods a」エ}セ@
officer holds a rate [s. 82(14), Navy Act] tlVr . エゥ^QセjヲオZ@
ready delivery contract 278 reasonable place

ready delinry contract : [s. 2(i), Forward Contracts (Regulation) reason to believe : [ss. 26 and 90, I.P.C. and.s. 16(1)(a), Gift-tax
Act]WO 'lfuR セ@ - . a」エ}セ@ cg;{ <if lf»{U'( .
ready for storing: prepared for storing [Or. 21, r. 75( I), C.P. C.] ilm reason to suspect: [s. 157(1), Cr. P.C.]rn cg;{ <if lf»{U'(
ゥAキLaセ@ reasonable : I. being in agreement with right judgment; not conflicting
ready money : money on hand or quickly available, especially money セゥエィ@ reasons [s. 38, T.P. a」エ}セ[@ 2. endowed with reason
held ready for payment or actually paid at the time of a transaction [s. 35, T.P. a」エIセ[ ᄋ N[@ •
{s. 133, ill. (d), Indian Contract a」エスセ@ tR reasonable ·a nd proper: [Or. 26, r. 17(2), C.P.C.] セ@ セ@ af.m
reaffirm: [s. 28(4), Aligarh Muslim University a」エ}セ Z@ セ@ llit'IT reasonable apprehenSion: [s. 94, J.P. cN}セ@
reaffirmed by a majority of not less .than two-thirds :. [sch. 38(4), reasonable bail or other security: [Or. 16, r. 18, c N p N cN}セ@
University of Hyderabad a」エ}セ@ セ@ セM@ セ@ «セ@ « M セャゥt[@ セャゥt@
real: I. genuine [s. 2(p), Gold (Control) Act] 3lmft; 2.. actual セ[@
real ground : [s. 145, ill. (b), Indian Contract a」エ}セ@ \lfltiR
reasonable 「・ャゥヲZセ@
reasonable care: [s. 38, T.P. a」エIセ[@

reasonable care and diligence : [lst sch., app. A, form No. 49(5),
* セ@

real ゥウオ・Zセ@ 」Npjセ。ュZ[@ セ@

real or apparent : [s. 247(/)(a), Companies a」エ}セ@ ャゥtセ@ reasonable cause to believe: [s. 248(3), Companies -Act) セャゥt@
real or artificial: [s. 2(p), Gold (Control) Act] 3lmft ャゥtセ@ セ@
real or exchangeable value,! [s. 4(5): Unit Trust of India A,ct] セ@ reasonable cause to suspect: [s. 94(J)(e), Cr. P.C.] rn cg;{ < i f .
ャゥtセ@ . lf»{U'(
real owner : a person who fact, the owner of the property, even if reasonable certainty : [s. 6, Indian Trusts a」エ}セ@ セ@
for the sake of appearance the property is shown to stand in the reasonable charges : charges that are agreeable to reason [I st .Sch.,
name 'of another [s. 66(2), cNp}セ@ セ[@ [s. 403, app. A, form No. 39, C.P.C.] セ@ li'I1R; • oq--q
I.P.C) 3lmft. セ@ reasonable compensation : [s. 74, Indian Corltract A ct and
real person: an actual person or.a person in existence [s. 14, ill. (d), S. 95(/}(b}, c;.PcC} セ@ セ@
Indian Evidence a」エIセ@ • reasonable complaint: [s. 41(1), Cr. P.C.]. セ@
real property: [s. I82, ill. (iv), Indian Succession Act] Gイヲセ@ reasonable cost : I. reasonable price paid or payable for a thing
W!ftr [Istsch., app. A. form No.8, C: p N cNIセオア[@ 2. reasonable
real purchaser: the actual purchaser [s. 66(2), cNpスセ@ セ@ expense セGサsヲ\H[ᄋ@ •'{Sf<(
real question : the point actually to be investigated or discussed reasonable despatch, with all : [s. 198(3), Indian Succession Act)
[Or. 6, r. 17, cNp N cN}セ@ セ@ · セ@
real question or issue: [s. 153, C.P.C.] セャゥt@
real relation : the relationship that actually subsists [s. 6, Indian
Partnership a 」 エIセ@ liiM .
reasonable diligence : [s. 56, Indian Contract a」エ}セ@
reasonable direction : セ@ セ[@
reasonable dispatch : [s: 11 ( 1-), Arbitration a」エ}セ@
セ@ * ffi<miT

セ@ ;
reaf value: セ@ セ@ セH\ヲゥ@
·realignment thereof: [s. 25, Damodar Valley Corporation a」エ}セZ@ reasonable enquiry: [s. 38, ill. , T.P. a」エIセ@ \iiW; • \iiW
セ@ reasonable examination : セ@ 'lfMr ; セ@ 'lfMT
イ・。ゥセ「ャ@ 。ウ・エZセ@ reasonable excuse: [s. 39(1), Cr. P.C.) セ@ セ[@ セ@ lf»{U'( ;
realisabfe カ。ャオ・Zセ M [@ セ@ @セ [s. 349, Cr. P.C.j•lf»{U'(
realfsation made from the sale : セ@ @セ セ@ セ@ 1JliT reasonable facility _: [s. 47(1), Cr. P.C . ) . セ@
realise : to recover, to obtain or to acquire possession セ[@ セ@ reasonable facility for withdrawing: [s. 55(1), C.P.C.] セ@ ;;rr;l セ@ セ@
lfiVll ; セ@ lfiVll セ@
Realising Officer:. セ@
reasonable foresight: the test of foreseability means that if the damage
イ・。ャゥコセエッョZ@ the action of obtaining or acquiring [s. 73(1), C.P.C.)
complained of was by the defendant as a reasonable man·, his
3fi'H;. breach of duty or negligent conduct would be the legal cause ot'the
realization, management, protection, preservation and improvement damage and he would be responsible for it セ@ セ[@
of property! [Or. 40, r. l(J)(d), C.P.C.) W!ftr <if 3fi'H, セN@ セN@
Gャヲエキイセ ᄋ キュ@ reasonable ground : [s. 10, Indian Evidence- Act and s. 25(1)
. realization of any investment : [$. 6( I )(b), Life Insurance Corporation C. P. C) セヲ」ゥAェGv@ \lfltiR
Act]mfl セ\ゥヲ@ 3f11H
reasonable hour : [s. 36(1 ), Sale of Goods a」エ}セ@ セ@ ; •
realization of the minor's. estate : [s. 8(1), Hindu Minority and セ@
·Guardianship Act) セ⦅」エゥィ@ <if 3f11H ; セャゥエ@ *m <if \ltTlFI reasonable length: [s. 284(4), Companies A ct] セ|エNョ[@
realized : acquired possession of セ@ セ@ 1JliT セ@
reappointment : セ@ reasonable man : [s. 35, T.P. a」エ}セ@
reappropriation: [s. 13(2)(x), Central Silk Board.a」エ}セ@ reasonable manner : [s. 7(2), Indian Contract a」エ}セ@ li$R;
Rear Admiral : [s. 3(8), Navy a」エ}セ@
rearing : [s. 8(2)(b), Central Silk Board Act] セMュ@

rearrest : to apprehend .by legal authority for the second or at

セ@ 'ftfu ; • 'ftfu
reasonable measure: [s. 3, Prevention ofCruelty to Animals Act, 1960]

· subsequent time [s. 43(2), Cr. P. cN}セ@ llit'IT ; セZ@ セ@ イ・。ウッセ「ャ@ notice : [s. 37, T.P. a」エIセ@ セ[@ • セ[@
lfiVll [s. 121(2), Cr. P.C.]• セ@
reason : a statement of some fact (real or alleged) emplo.yed as an reasonable opportunity: [s. 384(1), prov. (a), Cr. P.C.] • 3mR ·
. argument to justify-or condemn some act, prove or disprove some reasonable opportunity of being heard : セ@ ;;rr;l<iT • l3ffiR
assertion, idea or ·belief; a ground or cause of or for spmething
·reasonable or probable cause : {1st sch., app. A, form No. 31,
[ss. 16(2)(b) and 231, Indian Contract Actjlf»{U'( cNp N cjセャAt[ M セャAtヲᄏサu@
reason of age, by : [s. 16(2)(b), Indian Contract a」エIセ@ lf»{U'( reasonable or probable ground : [s. 95(b), cNp N cN}セ@ liT
reason ofany emergency, Jly :. [s. 43(2)(b), Customs Act] mft jャAGHヲセ@ セ|ャヲエュ@
reasonable_place: [s. 49, indian Contract a」エIセ[@ •
reason of inability: [Or. 18, r. 14(1), C.P.C.] ^Sヲゥャセ@ <if lf»{U'( セ@
reasonable precaution 279 recipient of the benefits of a charity
reasonable precaution : [s. 7<J(a), 'Trade and Merchandise Marks receipt and disbursement : that which has been receiv('d and that
a」エスセ@ which has been paid out {1st sch., app. F, form No. 9,
reasonable precision: [s. I34(5), Navy Act] セQ\@ llf4ffirr c. P. c.1 m 3ih: <2l<r
reasonable probability: [Or. 25, r. I(2), C.P.C.} セ@ ゥZAヲイャオョセ[NLᄋアュェッBjG@ receipt, itemised: [lllrd sch., art. 18, Geneva Conventions Act} l!l!:CW
セ@ i:i!futi>i!Olldi WG
reasonable prominence : [s. 176(2), Companies Act} セ@ セ@ receipt register : セ@ セ@
reasonable remuneration: [Or. 16, r. 2(2), C. P. cNスセ@ GQヲエセ@ ; receipt side : m lffi

ᄋGQヲエセ@ receipt voucher : ll1Ti<f セ@

reasonable restriction : [art. 19(2), c。ョウエNスセ@ receipted challan : セ@ @セ
reasonable suspicion: [s. 40(/)(d), Cr. pNcスセ[@ セ@ receipted original copy : '{$; 'ffi'fl セ@ I@
reasonable time : [s. 35, T.P. Act} Gゥヲセ@ セWQB[@ [s. 204(4), receipts and ゥウオ・MZセ@ 3ih: f.l>tq
Cr. pNcスセ@ receipts and letters of credit of the company : [s. , 147(/)(c),
reasonableness of the quantities of arms: [s. 10(2), Arms a」エ}セ@ Companies Act] q,'q;fi セ@ セ@ 3ih: セ@ !f3r
セ@ lWlT セ@ $f4<'1<J>i'ffidi receipts and recoveries on capital account : セ@ セ@ セ@ @セ セ@
reasonably : in a reasonable manner; to a fairly sufficient extent セ@
[s. 99, ャNpcjセ\Gエ[@ [Or. I, r. 8(1), cNp N cNスセッr@ receivable in evidence: [s. 31 1(2), Cr. P.C. and s. 77(2), Registration
'<\ ; セ@ !<CPR <'! Act] trn<! ii 1m( ;;rr;t -Q1rq
reasonably accurate description :description which is accurate to a receive: 1. to accept [s. 207, I.P.C.] m <R'1T; 2. to take [s. 147(2),
fairly sufficient extent [Or. 21, r. 12. C.P.C.} セ@ セ@ <'! 71"1'11!1 Cr. P.C.] R-'1l; 3. to get [s. 13(a), Indian p Nセ イエョ・ウィゥー@ Act] '1RT;
. <iUf;r ; セ@ セ@ f! 71"1'11!1 <iUf;r 4. to take delivery [s. 27, Indian Railways Act] 'WIT <R'1T
reasonably attributable to the operations : {s. 9( l)(i), expln. (a), receive or realise: [s. 2(4), Army and Air Force (Disposal of Private
Income-tax a」エスセjヲャ@ fl セ@ セ@ セ@ ii llRT ;;rr l1'1>dT t Property)Act] m<rr"Wf<R'1T; [s. 63(1), C.P.C.] ャゥtG\pョセヲ^b@
reasonably calculated to suggest: [s. 41 (2)(b}, Pharmacy a」エスセ@ receive remuneration: [art. 165(2). Const.] GQヲエセ@ m <R'1T
セ\GエゥャュA@ receive sentence: [s. 360(1), Cr. P.C.} セt@ '1RT
reasonably expend : [s. 20( I )(i), Income-tax a」エスセ@ ill\<'! <2l<r received waste book : セ@ Nセ@ セ@ セ@ om
receiver: 1. one who receives [s. 6, expln. 2(d), Indian Partnership
reasonably practicable: [Or. I. r. 8(/), cNp}セ@ ill\'<\ mu< Act] '1'R セ[@ [s. 1 JO(b), Cr. P.C.] ll1"11'li; 2, one who has been
reasonably suspect: [s. 40(/)(b), Cr. pNcスセ@ セ@ <'! セ@ q;Rf appointed by court to receive and conserve property that is the
reasons to be recorded in writing: [s. 1 16(6), Cr. P. C.} <fiRUT ッヲエセ@ subject of litigation, to administer it under the supervision of the
ヲオHセ@ court as its agent and to apply, manage and dispose it of in
reassemble : [s. 1 12(2), Navy a」エ}セᄋ@ セ@ QRr; セ ᄋ@ セ@ <R'1T accordance with the orders and decrees of the court [Or. 40, r. 1,
re-assembly: [art. 123(2)(a), Const.} セᄋ@ セ@ QRr C. P. C.] fult<R
reassess : {s. 8(b), Companies (Profits) Surtax a」エスセ@ <R'1T receiverofstolen property, by habit; [s. 11-0(b), Cr. P. cN}セ@
COT セZ@ ll1"11'li
re-assessment: [s. 2(ca), Wealth-tax Act and s. 149(3), Income-tax
a」エIセ@ receiver in the suit: receiver appointed in that particular suit [1st sch.,
reassume : [s . 4(6)(b)(ii), Wealth-tax Act} :1'1• 'WIT llit"!T app. D, form No. 17(9), cNp N cNIセ@ ii fult<R .
reassurance : [s. 27(4), Insurance a」エ}セ@ receiving atcounts 」ゥイャ・ N Zセ@ CFiセ@

reattachment: attachment again of property released from attachment receiving aid out of state funds: [art. 28(3). Const.] セMヲNエオ@
'1'R qffi)
[Or. 38, r. 11, C.P.C.} セᄋ@ q;vn ¥
rebate : a reduction from a sum of money to be paid; a discount receiving order in bankruptcy : an order made by a bankruptcy court
[sch. i, item 2(c), Payment of Bonus Act} appointing a receiver for bankrupt's estate jtqffi oli ti<itl ii fuft<R セ@
セ@ COT ᄋ SゥGtセ@
rebel : one who opposes authority or restraint; one who breaks with
established customs or traditions; one who participates in a recent エイ・ョ、セHゥ@ jurisprudence): (fclfu セ@ ii) セ@ セ@
rebellion [s. J(x), Army Act} Oll1ft receptacle : any container or vessel [s. 481, I. P. C., s. 16(2), Produce
rebut: to repel by counter-proof; to refute (evicence or charge etc.) Cess Act, s. 132(/)(c)(ii), Income-tax Act and s. 2(1), 'Trade and
[s. 9, Indian Evidence Act) 1'lis.! <R'1T Merchandise Marks Act] '1r:l
rebut an inference : {s. 9, Indian Evidence a」エ}セ@ COT 1'lis.! <R'1T reception: the act of receiving {long title and preamble, Exchange of
recall a case: [s. 409(1), Cr. P.C.] lWffiT 'IT'ffi セ@ Prisoners Act) R-'1l; to receive as inmates [s. 9(2), Children
Act} \lSRr; adoption in whole or in part of the law of one
recall and re-examine: {s. 311 , Cr. P.C.] セ ᄋ@ セ@ セ@ セᄋ@ '!furr <R'1T
jurisdiction by another jurisdiction [sch. I, art. IJI(c), Indian
recapitulation : m<-'li"R
Carriage of Goods by Sea Act} 1.'1;111; · セ@ ; taking in
receipt : I. written acknowledgement of money or goods received [s. 10(22A), Income-tax Act] 1lfirr;c <R'1T; {s. 5, Indian Lunacy
[s. 137, expln., T. P. Act)WG ('<T«<fi); 2. the act of receiving a」エ}セ[@ formal receiving of guests t<IT'Tf.; a type of special
{1st sch., app. F, form No.9, cNp}セ@ defence. In this case the owner can use the necessary force for
receipt book: [s. 25, Presidency Small Cause Courts Act]WG orllt taking his goods '!ffi セ@ セ@ qrrffi\
receipt certificate : ll1Ti<f 1P'iT"''f3! reception and treatment: [s. 10(22A), TtJcome-tax Act] 1lfirr;c 'liBT セ@
. receipt chargeable with a duty: [s. 34, Indian Stamp a」エ}セ@ fl m ;rq<ffi q;vn
receipt clerk : セ@ セ@
reception of evidence on affidavit : [s. I2(c), Requisitioning and
Acquisition of Immovable Property Act) wセGエ@ 'l>T ュセ@ 'R fuln ::ifRT
receipt of a complaint, on: [s. 202(1), Cr. pNcLゥセ@ m <ilG '<\ reception order : [s. 5, ]ndian Lunacy Ace] 'WIT セst@
receipt of consideration: [s. 58(,), Registration a」エ}セ@ ll1Ti<f Receptionist : セ@
receipt of goods : [s. 32(2), Indian Evidence Act] '!ffi q;t ll1Ti<f recess : fil-'llffi'r
receipt of money : [s. 32(2), Indian Evidence Act] !R セ@ ll1Ti<f; rechecking : セNMュゥイwGt@ ; セᄋ@ ;;ITi'r
[art. 110(/)(f), Const.] !R m <R'1T recipe: directions for making something, especially a food or drink; a
receipt of property : [s. 32(2), Indian Evidence a」エ}セ@ ll1Ti<f prescription [s. 18, expln., Drugs and Cosmccics a」エスセ@
receipt of security : [s. 32(2), Indian Evide,nce a」エ}セ@ セ@ ll1Ti<f
recipient : one who or that which receives [s. 197(3), Income-tax
Act} セ[@ [s. 7(4), Estate Duty a」エ}セ@
receipt of the order : [s. 442( Cr. P. CJ セt@ n. セ@ セ@
recipient ofthe benefits of a charity: [s. 7(4), Estate Duty Act) p
receipt of the report : ft1ili セ@ ll1Ti<f
セ@ '1'R ar;;rr
reciprocal arrangements 280 record

reciprocal arran gements : [s. 44B, Wealth-tax a」エ}セ@ OQU<f; recoglfised teacher: [s. 2(n), University of Hyderabad a」エ}セ@
G"m'lftli OQU<f
reciprocal promise : [s. 2(f), Indian Contract a」エIセ@ 'fiR recognised unai4ed school fund: [s. 18(3), Delhi School Education
reciprocal provision: fs. 2(b), Arbitration (Protocol and Convention) a」エIセGャゥ^ヲNオ@
a」エ Iセ@ recognition : formal acknowledgement as conveying approval or
reciprocating: giving and rece iving in return or mutually [s. 44A(J), sanction [s. -78(4), Indian Evidence Act}l!F<rffi
cNpjセ@ recognitioo granted to Rulers of Indian States to cease and privy
reciprocating authority : セ@ セ@ purses to be abolished : [s. 363A, c。ョウエN}セ@ u;;ql <il セ\ャゥt@
reciprocating country : [s. 44A,' Wealth-tax a」エ}セ@ l!F<fffi Ch't セ@ セ@ f.t;ft セ@ 'liT 3io
reciprocating territory : [s. 44A(J), expln. 1, C.P.C.) セ@ セ@
recognizable : fit to be recognised [s. 33, Registration Act]llf:<! セ@
reciprocity : the relation existing between two States when each of
recognizance: see 'Recognisance' セ@
them gives th e subjects of the other certain privileges affi'rclm:;
recognized: that which has been accorded recognition [s. 5(2), prov.,
Payment of Wages a」エIセ@
recital :an ;ccount or description of something, fact or incident; the
statement in a formal or legal document of some fact or facts recollection : the mental operation by which objects or ideas are
revived in mind [s. 160, Indian Evidence a」エ}セ@
closely connected with the matter or purpose of the document
Itse lf [s. 37, Indian Evidence Act) 'lftluR; [s. 17(2)(xii), expln., recommendation : a statement expressing commendation, or a
Registra tion Act) cャゥセ@ .message of this nature [art. /09(2), c。ョウエN}セ@
recital of the payment: [s . I 7(2)(xii), expln., Registration a」エ}セ@ recommendation of the President : [art. 117(1), c。ョウエN}セ@ Ch't
セ@ セ@

recitation in public : fs. 52( f), Copyright Act] ;;r-rcrr it セ@ recommendations of the Finance Commission : [art. 281 , margin,
recite: l. to give account or desc ription of something [2nd sch., form Const.]fcffi 3WWr Ch't セ@
No. 24, Cr. P. C.] qf{quR <ii\-IT; 2. to read 。ャッオ、セ[@ 3. to narrate recommendatory certificate : fulli1fuft セ@
cャゥセ ⦅ \ゥ|Mit@ recommended : セ@ Ch't ;;mit t
recklessly : fs. 68, Companies Act] f.Rr M セ@ セ@ recommit : [s. 45(2), Guardians and Wards Act) fQ;-1: tf セ@ <ii\-IT
recklessly or furiously : [s. 34, Police Act, 1861] セ\it@ recommitment : [s. 43(2), Provincia/Insolvency a」エIセZ@ セ@
reckon : to ar rive af o r estimate by calculation; t<i compute [s. 6(1), recomputation : the action of computing again [s. 14, Companies
Limitation Act and art. 108(2), Const.)TJ11RT <ii\-IT; [s. 3(35), (Profits) Surtax Act and s. 148(1), Income-tax a」エIセZ@ W!uRT
General Clauses Act] WllJRT <ii\-IT
recompute : [s. 40A(3), prov., Income-tax Act] セZ@ セ@ 'liBT
rec.koned as ahsence: [s. 93(a), Air Force a」エ}セ@ ;;rr;rr m reconcile : セ@ セ@ <ii\-IT; セ@ <ii\-IT ; セ@ セ@ <mRT ; セ@ <li\RT
reclaiming land : fs. 24(2)(b), Water Hpイ・セョエゥッ@ and Control of reconcile the discrepancy : '1Wfi 'liT セ@ 'liBT
Pollution) Act) セ@ <liT セ@ <ii\-IT ·
reconciliation : the restoration to friendship or harmony [s. 14(2),
reclamation from rivers : [s. 4(2)(c), Land Improvement Loans
Hindu Marriage a」エ}セ[@ ゥエセ[@ セ@
a」エIセ@ tf セ@ ;m{
reclamation of soil : fs. 29( l)(ix}, Manipur (Hill Areas) District reconciliation of capital : 'liT セ@ i"ft
Councils Act] セ@ <liT 'fiTtl it セ@ <RFIT m Reconciliation Officer : [s. 4, Industrial Disputes a」エ}セ@ セ@
reclamation of waste-land : [s. 11(1), Land Improvement Loans reconciliation statement : セ@ fclcwrT
Act).m セGャゥt@ ;m{ reconditioning : [sch., expln. C, para II, Air Corporations Act]
Reclamation Officer : セ@ セ@ セ@ セ[@
reclassify : fs. 42(a), lndian Railways a」エ}セ@ <ii\-IT reconsider: [art. 1I 1, prov., c。ョウエN}セ@ <ii\-IT
recognisable : lfRr セ@ l!F<fffi 'l1'i ;;rr;t m ; m reconsideration : セ@
recognisance: a bond or obligation entered into and イ・」ッセ、@ before a reconstituted : constituted afresh [s. 32(2), Indian Partnership
court or magistrate by which a person engages himself to perform a」エ}セ@
so me act or observe some condition (as to appear when called reconstituteA firm : [s. 32(2), Indian Partnership a」エIセ@ 1!ilf
upon); also a sum of money pledged as security for such reconstitution: [s. 4/(2)(e), Unit Trust of India a」エ}セ@
performance [s. 445, Cr. pNc}セ@ r.econstruction : [s. 14(7), Workmen 's Compensation a」エ}セ[@
recognisence for personal appearance: [s. 19(xv), Court-fees a」エ}セ@ セ@
セ\ゥャAwH@ reconversion ofany stock oft he company: [s. 55(2)(v)(c), Income-tax
recognise : l . to ·acknowledge the status or legality of [s. 5(7), Act] <ffl;ft <il M Rllli 'liT セZ@ セ@
Jawaharla/ Nehru University Act)l!F<rffi liGR <ii\-IT; [s. 3(30), reconversion or reconstruction of the air frame: [sch ., para IJ(i), Air
General Clauses Act] l!F<fffi t.IT; [s. JJ(a), Indian Evidence Corporations a」エ}セ@ <il セGャゥt@ セ Z@ セ\it@ セ Z@ セ@
Act}l!Rl" <ii\-IT ; 2. ad mit [sch. I, art. I, Arbitration (Protocol and reconvert: a person, converted again to a former religion [s. 2, expln.
Convention) a」エ}セ@ <ii\-IT (c), Hindu Marriage Act] gfdt14R<Ififi'1 ; セゥエ@ セSャ@
recognise an agreement in writing : [art. ./1(1), Foreign Awards reconvey : to convey ba(,:k [Ist sch., app. D, form No. 3(4)(ii),
(Recognit ion and Enforcement) a」エ}セ@ q;m <liT l!FI<fT t.IT C.P.C.] ァヲ、セᆱゥGQr@ <ii\-IT
recognised agents: [s. h5(2), cN pNc}セ@ セ@ recoopered packages : packages, faults of which have been repaired
recognised by the State: [a rt. 28(3), Const.}u::;<f tf セ@ セ[@ ャヲ|urAセ@
recognised holida y: [s. 5(2), prov., Payment of Wages a」エ}セ@ record : I. an authentic or official report of the proceedings in any
cause coming before a court; copy of the material points, pleadings

セQ M セQB@
recognised home: [s. 2(g), Orphanages and Other Charitable Homes and issues between plaintiff and defendant on a matter of law
(Supervision and Control) a」エ}セ@ 3lTWf constituting the case to be 、・」ゥセ@ by the court; an account of
some fact or event preserved in writing or other permanent form;
recognised institution : [s. 2(m), University of Hyderabad Act and
s. 2(c), Jawaharla/ Nehru Un iversity a」エIセ@ any document that is specially created as being authentic evidence
of a matter of legal importance [s. 192, J.P. cN}セ[@ 2. to
recognised provident fund : [s. 2(38), Jncome-tax a」エ}セ@
make a written note of [s. 63( 1), Indian Partnership Act] セ@
セ@ f.lfu
<ii\-IT; 3. any disc, tape, perforated roll or other device in which
recognised school : [s. 2(c), Delhi School Education a」エ}セ@
sounds are embodied so as to be capable of being reproduced
recognised stock exchange: [s. 2(f), Securities Contracts (Regulation) therefrom fti;rt; 4. a performance or occurrence not recorded to
Act and s. 2(39), Com panies a」 エ}セ@ tcTCf. セ@ have been surpassed セ@
281 recruitment of persons other than district judges to the judicial service
record of finding
record of finding : [s. 340(/)(a), Cr. P.C. and s. /45(1), Army recourse to capital issue methods : [long title, Industrial Finance
a」エIセ\ュBャ@ Corporation a」エ }セ セ@ Gャゥt セ@
record an order : [s. /5(/)(a), Indian Forest Act] セャゥt@ <mT recourse, to have : セGャ\イ@ *rr
record, apparent on the face of: [Or. 47, r. /(c), prov., C.P.C.] セ@ recourse to the public authorities : [s. 100, J.P. cN}セ@ セ@ <tt
\A^Gエセhキァ@ セ@

record arranger : セ@ セ@ recover : l. to get back again into one's possession or hand セ@
record clerk : セ@ セ@ <mT ; セ@ <mT ; [s. 215, I. P. C.) «rm 'ifiU セ@ ; 2. to gain by legal
record division : セ@ ll'lWT process; to get or obtain(money) [Or. 21, r. 19, C.P. C.}'Hf-l <ml ;
record embodying the recording in any part of the sound track : 3. to recoup from illness etc. セZ@ f.l'itlT m
[s. 2(m)(ii), Copyright Act] urr.T-q¢ セ@ f<m!t 'I!JlT セ@ セ@ '!>1 セ@ recover by suit : [s. 55(5), Indian Railways Act] <na: im1 セ@ <mT
セC@ <mfl ftl;rt recover damages: [s. /A, Faral Accidents a」エIセ@ 'flE"l cg;n
record in writing: [s . 39(/)(d), cNpスュゥAセ\イ [ セ@ recover forfe ited bond : セ@ セ@ セ@ セMGA@ <;r ᄋSセ@ ョ セ@ ャ セ@ セ@
<mT recover loans or advances : ;rmD 11T Jlfu.j, .,-. GAセ@ cg;n
record is material to the suit : [Or. 13, r. /0(2), C.P. C.] \キZNQ M セ@ recoverable : capable of being recovered; which.can be got into
セ@ possession or hand [s. 44(e), In dian Partnership Ac1] セ[@
Record Keeper : セ@ [s. 95, T.P. A ct ] . ; BG`\エ[イセ Gゥヲエ [@ セュ@
Record Lifter : セ@ recoverable payments : セ@ セ@
record, maintain: [s. 25(/)(m), Arms a」エ}セ@ nsRT recoveries : セ@
record ofassessment: [s . 143(/)(d), Income-tax Act] セGャゥt@ recoveries of advances : 3lfu'<i't <tt セ@
record of eyidence : [s. 299, Cr. P. cN}セ@ 'liT セ@ recoveries of expenditure : 'ill'lf <tt セ@
record of examination of parties: [Or. 50, r. /(b), C.P. C.] tm'iliTU <tt recoveries of service payments : ilcrT セ@ <tt セ@
Gャヲオイ\ゥセ@ recovering rice : [s. 3(d)(i), Rice Milling Industry (R egulation)
record of proceeding : セ@ 'liT @セ Act] 'lf'ffi l[lt(! <mT
record of settlement of survey: [Or. 7, r. 3, C.P.C.] GゥAMセ@ 11T recovery : the actio n of recovering [Or. 2, r. 4, C.P. C. J セ[@
セュ[\イGャゥ@ [s. 60(/)(p), C. P. C ) .
recovery and restoration : セ@ <mT セ@ «rm <mT
record of the suit : [Or. 26, r. 7, C.P. C.] 'WI. 'liT セ@
recovery of advances: [s. 2( I), Land Impro vement Loans Act] 3lftriT
record recording the programme: [s. 2(m)(iv), Copyright Act] li1m'q
'!>1 セ@ セ@ <mfl ftl;rt
recovery of arrears : [s. 44(e), In dian Partnership Act] <r'liTl.'fT <tt.
Record Room Officer : セM@ セ@
recovery of dues : セ@ <tt •
record shall be interpreted to him: [s. 278(3), Cr. P. C.] セGャゥt@
recovery of immovable property : [Or. 2, r. 4, C.P. cN}セ@ 'liT
セ@ ;ffi セ@ ;;m:;'1T
record shall show: [s. 345(3), Cr. P.C.) セ@ 11 セ@ mrrr セ@
recovery of land and mesne profits : [app. D, form No. 23,
record ウッイエ・ Z セ@ <mrr; セ@ セ@
C.P.C.] セ@ セ@ Zア[ョヲr@セ 'ffi'l1T <tt.
record suppliers : セ@
record the substance of the evidence: [s. 121(2), Cr. P.C.) セ@ セ@ m\ recovery of losses : <tt • mm
\A^Gエセュイ@ recovery of money : [Or. 7, r. 2, C.P. C.] tR <tt.
recorded as certified, why ......... should not be : [Or. 21, r. 2(2), recovery of movable property : [s. /6([), C.P.C.] ;;frr:r セュLM \ヲゥtセ@
cNp N c}セ@ Cfli't セ@ セ@ cg m,- セ@ fil; . ..... Jl'll'lfUm セ@
recovery ofrent: [s. 4(2), C.P. C. ] '11R<fi<tt.; fcl>m(<tt.; セ\エ@
recording: a record of sound or images made for later reproduction
on magnetic tape, film or gramophone disc [s. 2(x), Copyright

recovery of balance: [s. 122, prov., Represen tation of the People
a」エ L OYUIセ セ t^イ\エ N[@ セ\エᄋ@
Recovery Officer : セ@ セ@
recording a debit: [s. 73(/)(e), Foreign Exchange Regulation a 」 エ}セ@ recovery proceedings : [s. 228(2), Income-tax a」エ}Nセ@
"'fff \Cli1151WIT recovery schedules : • セ@
recording reasons in writing : [s . 87, Cr. P. C.] 'liT'{1l1't '!>1 セ@ <mr recreational : [s. 19( 1)(b), Navy Act] SwAGエ」Z M セ@ ; 3W!'tc::-m m
recording of evidence : [s. 37(3), C.P. cN}セ@ 'liT セ@ recreational centre : [ss. 32(iv) and 280ZA(4), expln., Income-tax
recording of judgments: [Or. 49, r. 2, C. P. C.] f.M<it Gャゥtセ@ fili11T Act] 3W!'tc::-m セ@
recreational facilities : [s. 13, Plantations Labour Act]3W!'tc::-m
recording of the rainfall: [s. 20(1), Water(Prevention and Control of m セ [@ [s. 5(4)(a)(iv), Coal Mines La bour Welfare Fund
Pollution) Act] Cl'1f 'liT セ@ Act) 3W!'tc::-m <tt セ@
recording the reasons of inability: [s. 274(1), pro v., Cr. P. C.] 3ffilf!ffir recreative purpose : purpose of recreation or enjoyment [s . 133(2),
セGャゥサQエ\「ュイ@ expln. , Cr. P.C.) ·31flftG-m Gャゥtセ@
record-of-rights : a record kept of rights of owners etc. in lands of recrimination : countercharge [s. 97, Representation of the People
villages and towns セ@ Act, QYUIセ@
records of survey : [s. 3(2), Burn Company and Indian Standard recruit : :a soldier or other newly rec ruited pe rson {s. 3, Foreign
Wagon Company (Taking Over of Management) a」エIセ@ Recruiting a 」 エス セ@
セ [@ [s . 3(2), Indian Iron and Steel Company(TakingOverof recruiting roll : [s. 5, Central Reserve Police Force a」エ}セ@
Management) a」エ}セ@ 'liT セ@
イ・」オゥエュセョ Z@ [art. 98(2), Canst.] 'l1cff
recount : count again [s. 169(2)(g), Representation of the People
recruitment and conditions ofservice of persons servin g the Union or
Act, QYUIセ[@ セ\ュイ@
a State : [art. 309, m argin, c ッ ョウエN}w \イセ \エセアヲゥ@
recoup :to compensate for something; to make good [s. 32, Indian <tt 'l1cff セ@ ilcrT <tt セtゥエ@
Trusts a」エ}セ@ <mT
recruitment, direct : セ@ 'l1cff
recoupment: [s. 16(1), prov., Estate Duty a」エ}セ@
recruitment of persons other than district judges to the judicial service :
recoupment of imprest : セ@ <tt セ@ [art. 234, margin, c。ョウエN} セ@ ilcrT 11 fllm セ w@ # flR セ@
recourse : セGャ\イ@ ; セ@ <tttRIT
recruitment officer 282 refer
recruitment officer : 11Ift セ@ redemption of a bond : [s. 43(2)([), Industrial Finance Corporation
rectification : the action or process of rectifying [ch. Tll, Specific a」エ}セ@ セ@ tiW-1
Relief Act} ュセ[@ [61, prov., Estate Duty Act] Wffi' redemption of debenture : [s. 280ZB(ii), Income-tax a」エ}セ@ セ@
rectification entries : セ@ セ@
rectification of error : [s. 68(2), Registration Act} 1fffifi q,'! •
red=tion suit: [Or. 34, r. 7, margin, C.P.C.] tir.'R セ@ セ@
redemption value : the amount which has to be paid redeeming a
rectification of instruments: [ch. Ill, Specific ReliefAct]fWmft q,'!
security [s. 20A(l), Indian Trusts a」エスセ@ 1jfll
セ@ rediscount of bills of exchange : [s. I 7(2), Reserve Bank of India
rectification of ュゥセ」ャ。ウヲエッョ@ : '1W! セ@ セ@ セ@
a」エスセcヲNt ⦅ セLゥャrt@
rectification of mistake : [s. 25(l)(d), Companies (Profits) Surtax
·redistribution of charges : lrl1TU セ@ セ@
a」エ}セ@ q , ' ! . ; [s. 27(2)(c), Interest-tax a」エ}セ@ <1>1 セ@
redress : reparation of, satisfaction of compensation for a wrong
rectification ofregister: [ss. 25(2) and 108(i), Trade and Merchandise
sustained or the loss resulting from this [Or. /, r. 7, C.P.C and
Marks a」エ}セ@
s. /5(4)(d), Payment of Wages a」エスセ@
rectification of the register of copyrights : · [s. 50, Copyright Act]
redress of grievance: [s. 3(r), Administrative Tribunals Act] fu<wrcr
gfillf1'41Ylilli(l q) セ@ it qfufttR
<1>1 セ@ illRT
rectify: to make or set right [s. 26(/)(a), Specific Relief a」エ}セ@
reduce: I. to lower, diminish, lessen <vft illRT; 2. to deduct a smaller
illRT ; 'lfufttR illRT ; wm ill\.fl quantity from a bigger one 'QCR'T; 3. to bring into a lower state,
rectify arithmetical errors: [s. 143(b)(i), Income-tax Act] f i セ@
rank, etc. [s. 20(2), Army Act] 3fq.ffi illRT
reduce by an amount equal to the depreciation : [s. 43(/), expln. 5,
rectifying any mistake: [s. 34(1), Gift-tax a」エスセ@ <1>1 セ@
Income-tax a」エ}セ@ \clilf <1>1 'QCR'T セ@ \ffi セ@ セ@ <m<R セ@
Rector: GQ|iy\・セゥャ@ reduce into writing: [s. 162(1), prov., Cr. P.C.] セ@ 'liVIT
Rector, cィゥ・ヲZセ@ G`it\ᆱセゥャ@
reduce or waive the interest: [s. I39(8), prov., Income-tax Act] OQ'lOf
Rector of the University : ゥャセ\w@ セ@ G`iy\・セゥャ@ <1>1 'QCR'T <IT セ@ illRT
recurring : occurring or coming again specially,_ frequently or reduce the refund: [s. 13(5j, Companies (Profits) Surtax a」エ}セ@
periodically [art. 136, Limitation a」エ}セ@ it illlft illRT
recurring and non-recurring expenditure: [s. 5(6)(b), University of reduce to a lower grade : [s. 20(2), Air Force a」エ}セ@ セゥエ@ 3fq.ffi
Hyderabad Act] >31'1'<l'tff >3ffi' セ@ '&f!l · illRT . .
recurring charges: [s. 7, Aligarh Muslim University Act} JlTilCff ll'l'm: reduce to a minor offence : [s. 222(2), Cr. P. cNスセ@ セ@ illRT mer
recurring costs : セ@ 1Siif reduce to thr ranks : [s. 20(2), Army a」エ}セ@ セ@ it 3fq.ffi illRT
recurring deposits: [3rd sch., Banking Regulation a」エスセ@ reduce to writing: [ss'. 154(1) and 162(1), Cr. P.C. and Or. 26, r. 10,
C.P. cN}セ@ illRT
recurring expenditure : セ@ '&f!l
reduced by the cost of collection : [s. I3(1 ), Cpffee Act] セ@ 'liB セ@
recurring grant : セ@ セ@ .
recurring or periodical subscription: [s. 38(b), Companies a」エ}セ@
reduced in rank, is: [art. 3fl(2), second prov. (a), Const.] セゥエ@
<IT<lillfrill <ro 3fq.ffi lili<n ;;miT t
recurring period : period that is periodically occurring {art. 136,
Limitation a」エ}セ@
reduced in strength : [s. 37(c), l.P. C.] i1!fiRf llfiuT 'Tt m
reduced wages : [s. 4(4), Payment of Gratuity Act} GAャゥtセ@
recurring right: ·[2nd sch., item (12), Provincial Small Cause Courts
reduction : the action of reducing [s. 76([), T. P. Act and art. I 17( I),
prov. , Const.] 'QCR'T; [s. 50, ill. (c), Indian Contract Act} illlft
recurring subscription : [s. 36(/)(iii), expln., Income-tax a」エスセ@ セ[@ [s. 7, expln. 2(ii), Payment of Wages a」エ}セ@
reduction in rank: [s. 1/( l)(a), Central Reserve Police Farce Act] till
recusancy, in the case of : persistent refusal to accept or obey a
it セ[@ [s. 635B( J)(b)(ii), Companies a」エスセ@ fcl;trr OfA'T
constituted authority [s. 45(1), Guardians and Wards {1-ct] -3ffi!T
reduction in the price : [s. 16(2)(b), Foreign Exchange Regulation
Act] q,'\lffi if <l;>ft
recusant: one who refuses to submit to some authority, comply with
reduction of a liability to income-tax: {s. 32( I). expln. 3. Income-tax.
some regulation or request etc. セ@ lfiB qJ'('1'J Act} SwAM\iゥサセ@ セ@ <1>1 'QCR'T
Red crescent: [s. 12(b), Geneva Conventions Act}\<ffl セ@
reduction or discharge of the principal : セ@ 1:R セ\it@ illRT
Red Cross Society, Indian: [s. 32(v)(a), Payment of Bonus a」エスセ@
イ・、オョ。エZセ[@ セ@
reeds: [s. 2(4)(b)(ii), Indian Forest a」エIセ@
red hot priority demand : >>3lfc!'ffil(ff lJirJ ; . >3lfc! ャゥtセ@ lJirJ
reefer space : JMm;:r f4!IR
·red ink interest : セ@ OQ'lOf
re-embrace: [s. 4, prov., Dissolution of Muslim Marriages a」エ}セZ@
redeem: to free mortgaged property by payment of the amount due or
by fulfilling some obligation [ss. 60, 67 and 91, T. P. Act] tiW-1
re-enlistment : [sch., item 5, Assam Rifles a」エ}セZ@ 11Ift
illRT; [Or. ll, r. 49(3), C.P.C} tiW-1 cg セ@
re-entry: the act of re-entering particularly upon possession of lands,
redeem a subsequent mortgage: [Or. 34, r. .J, expln., C.P.C.] セ@
tenemel'\tS, etc. previously granted or let to another [s. 65A(e),
セ@ セ@ tiW-1 'illU'lT
T.P. a」エIセ Z@ セゥQA@
redeem the goods : [s. 177, Indian Contract Act] 1ffif セ@ tiW-1 'illU'lT
re-establish : [s. 33B(iv), Income-tax Act} GAェLZセ@ illRl
redeem the interest charged: [Or. 21 , r. '49(3), C.P.C.] "frfuT @セ セ@
re-examination: [s. 137, Indian eカゥ、・ョ」セ@ Act and s. 162(1), prov.,
tiW-1 illRT •
Cr. P.C.}'J,;r: 'lftm
!redeemable :capable of being redeemed [s. 20A(l), Indian Trusts
re-examine: to examine (a witness) again after cross-examination for
. a」エ}セ@
the purpose of explaining matters referred to in cross-examination
redeemable preference shares: [s. 80(1), heading, Companies Act] or of introducing new matters with court's permission [s. 200,,2nd
ーイッセ@ .• Cr. P.C.}m セ@ 'lftm illRT
redeemable stock : [s. 20(a), Indian Trusts a」エIセ@
refer : 1. to allude or direct attention to something [s. 10(b), Metal
redeliver : to deliver back liTtm セ[イ@ Corporation of India (Acquisition of Undertaking) Act and art.
redemptjon : the action of redeeming; the action of clearing off a 76(2), Const.} セ@ illRT ; 2. to send or direct for treatment, atd,
liability [s. 16(c), C.P.C.} tiW-1 information or decision [s. 28, excep. 1, Indian Contract Act}
redemption 」ィ。イァ・ウZセ@ ll'l'm:; [art. 112(3)(c), Con ウエNスセ@ 'll'R セゥャrt@
refer a dispute 283 Regional Evaluation Officer
refer a dispute : [art. 143(2}, Const.] ftcm: セ@ <IWf! refund: the amount refunded [s. 13(5), Companies (Profits) Surtax
referfor trial: [s. 107(J)(c), C.P.C.] セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ <IWf! a」エ}セ@ (m) ; 2. to make return or restitution of a sum
refer to arbitration: [s. 28, excep. 1, Indian Contract a」エ}セ@ received . or taken; to hand back, repay, restore {s. 6S, ill. (d),
セ\wヲ@ Indian Contras;t a」エ}セ[@ [s. 4(3), Unit Trust of India
Act] 'IT'ffi Cfiffi
reference : the action of referring; the thing referred [s. 59A, T.P. refund and compensation claim section : セ@ 3ffi: !lfucR zy.rr セ@
a」エ}セ@ refund clerk : セ@ セ@

reference back : セ@ セ@ refund lists : セ@ セ@

reference, bocks of: [s. 57(13), Indian Evidence a」エ}セ@ refund of revenue : [s. 555(8), Companies a」エ}セ@ <liT AャヲオMセ@

reference clerk : セ@ セ@ refund of excess : [s. 237, Incom·e-tax Act] セ@ <liT セ@

reference, court of : a court having jurisdiction to entertain and refund of the price : [s. 61(2)(b), Sale of Goods a」エ}セ@ <liT セ@
dispose of references from other courts セ@ セ@ refund on appeal : [s. 240, Income-tax a」エスセ@ 1R セ@
reference, cross : !lfu セ@ refund order : セ@ セ@
reference in this clause to the past preceding census : [art. 81 (3), prov. refund the excess aiJ!Ount: [s. 4(3), Unit Trust oflndia a」エ}セ@
Const.] セGAゥウ@ -q ·· セ@ セ@ セ@ !lfu セ N@ · 'WI セ@ 'IT'ffi セ@
reference, later : i3'ffi: セ@ refund towards the regular assessment : [s. 141A(4)(a), Income-tax
reference, previous : '!'f セ@ Act] セ@ ヲNセエゥオイ G@ セ@ !lfu セ@
reference register : セ@ セ@ refund voucher : セ@ iffil'R
reference to, having : [s. 8, Indian Evidence a」エ}セ@ <rR 'it refund キ。イョエZセ@ m;セ@ M セ@
reference to High Court : [ch. 20, titile, sub-head, C, Income-rax refundable : セ@
Act] \ セ@ セ@ セ@ refusal : the act of refusing; a denial [s. 5, Companies Act and s. 373,
reference to,' in : [s. 8, Indian Evidence a」エ}セ@ <rR 'it Cr. pNc}セ@
reference to; with·: [s. 3(56), General Clauses a」エ}セ@ !lfu セ@ 'it refusal, ground of: [s. 125(3), 2nd prov., Cr. P.C.] セ\ャゥt@ \l'f1m\
referencing : セ@ セ@ refusal or rejection : {s. 64(3)(b), Estate Duty a」エ}セ@ -qr wft;fi

referred or assigned to him: [art. 165(2), Const.] iffll1iT セ\ヲゥエ@ -qr ffiit refuse: I. to decline positively; to express or show a determination not
refinance : [s . . 9(/)(ii), IndustriiU Development Bank of India todosomething [s.l27,ill.(a), tNpa」エ}セ[@ 2.todecline
a」エ}セ@ . to take or accept セ@ セ[@ 3. to reject [Or. 21, r. 32(4),
cNp}セ@ セ[@ that which is rejected or left as worthless
refinance corporation : セ@ f.l1fll'
[s. 2(g)(v), Coal Mines (Taking Over of Management) Act] q;;ro
refined crude: [s. 2(m), Oil Industry.(Development) a」エ}セ@
'ffit . refuse application: [s. 378(6), Cr. P.C.] セ@ セ@ セ@

refined oil : セ@ 'ffit refuse the discharge: [s. 39(1), Presidency-towns Insolvency Act]
refined petroleum frac,ion : セ@ セ@ lNflT
refuse to accept: [s. 121(1), Cr. P.C.} セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ <IWf!
refiner : one who refines a metal, etc. [s. 2(s), Gold (Control)
refuse to assent: [art. 113(2), Const.} セ@ セ@ "« セ@ <IWf!
refuse to state a case: [s. 64(3)(a), Estate Duty a」エ}セ@ q;r q;q;r q;v) セ@
refinery : a building and equipment for refining or purifying metals,
etc. [s. 2(t), Gold (Control) a」エ}セ@
イ・ヲオウ、Zセ[@ セャゥ|Gpョ[@ セGpョ@
refinery attendant : セ@ セ@ refused leave : セ M セ@
refinery gas: [s. 2(1), Oil Industry (Development) a」エ}セ@ >ffi refused. textile marks list: [s. 73(1), Trade and -Merchandise Marks
reflection:· [s. 17(3)(a), f。」エッイゥ・ウa}セ@ a」エ}セ@ 'fficlq セ@ セ@
reflectors: {s. 70(2)(1), Motor Vehicles a」エ}セ@ refusing to accept : [s. 3_73(ii), Cr. P. cNスセ@ 'liB セ@ セ@ @セ <miT
reform : [art. i5(2)(b), Const.] Wffi refusing to allow : [s. 23(h), Wealth-tax a」エ}セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ lliGL-
reformation : the action of reforming; improvement [s. 10(3), refutation : m
Children Act] Wffi regard shall be had to: [s. 6, Indian Partnership Act} <liT エコャGroセ@
reformation officer : wm セ@ regard to, having: [s. 475(1), Cr. P.C.} セ@ !Zl'R 'it wlff セ[\ャゥt@ UIT'! w;ffi
:reformatory: an institution to which juvenile offenders are sent with a セ@ .
view to their reformation セ@ regiment : a considerable body of troops, more or less permanently
Reform Officer, Land : セ@ Wffi セ@ organised under the command of a superior officer, and forming a
refractory : [sch. I, item 12, Employees' Provident Funds and definite unit of an army or military force [s. 475(1), expln. (a),
Miscellaneous Provisions Act and 5th sch.; item(/2), Income-tax Cr. P. c.] tflr1ic;
a」エ}セ@ ; [title, Asian Refractories Limited (Acquisition regiment commander : セ@ セ@
of Undertaking) a」エ} M セ@ regimental property : [s. 90(g), Army Act} エヲャイ」[セ@
refractory plant : [s. 2(d), Assam sゥャセ。ョエ・@ Limited (Acquisition region: a tract of country [preamble, North-Eastern Hill University
and Transfer of r・ヲイセエ」ッケ@ Plant) a」エ}セ@ m Act} a);r; ruT
regional and other offices : [sch. I, item 5, Coal Mines Provident
refrain : to hold back: to abstain; to keep oneself from one act or
Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions a」エ}セ@ am 31-lf セ@
·feeling [s. 27, excep., (1), Indian Contract Act] ft«f_w-IT
refresh the memory :. [s. 159, Indian Evidence a」エ}セ@ ffi'ilT <IWf!
rgional cashier : セ@ m ""
regional committee : [s. 24(2)(b), Rehabilitation Finance
refresher course : セ@
Administration a」エスセ@ ffit!fit
refresher training : セ@ セ@
n•gional constituency : [s. 23(1), Chartered Accountants a」エ}セ@
refreshment room: [s. 2(a), Protection of Civil Rights a」エ}セ@ セM。I[イ@ [s. 9(2)(a), Cost and Works Accountants Act} m
refreshment room manager : セ@ lliitf<l; セMュ@ .
refrigeration : セ@ regional council: [s. 23(1), Chartered Accountants a」エスセ@
refrigeration engineer : セ@ セ@ rtgional director (food) : セt\iゥ@ (1Srn1) m
refugee-: murr¥ff regional engineer: m セ[@ セ@ セ@
refugee officer : wrrr¥ff セ@ Regional Evaluation Officer : セ@ セ@ セ@
Regional Labour Commissioner 284 registry of the prize court

Regional Labour Commissioner : [s. 2(c), Industrial Employment registered trade union: fs. 2(e), Trade Unions a」エ}セ@
(Standing Orders) a」エ}ᄋセ@ 'lfll" セ@ registered user : [s. 48, Trade and Merchandise Marks a」エ}セ@
regional language: [s. 23(2), Coal Mines (Nationalisation) a 」エ}セ@ セ@
1{fql registered with undesirable names : [s. 20( 1), Companies Act] セ@
regional officer : セ@ セ@ セC\VQ@
regional organisation : セ@ Wroo! registering authority : [s. 191(2), Inland Vessels a」エ}セ@
regional passport officer : m '!ffi'ili セ@ セ[@ [s. 52(2)(ii), Estate Duty a」エ}セ@ セ[@ セ@
イセァゥッョ。ャ@ m
research laboratory : セ@ セ@ セ@
registering officer: the officer, who makes the registration [s. 88(3),
regional schools : セ@ セ@
Registration a」エ}セ[@ [s. 230A(i),
register: I. a book in which regular entry is made of details of any kind
Income-tax a」エ}セ@
sufficiently important to be exactly recorded; a written record thus
registrable documents : documents which are to be or may be
formed [s. 35, Indian Evidence a」エ}セ[@ 2. to make a formal
registered {long title, Registration Act] <i'lit{l<f><•ft<l セ[@
entry (of a document, fact , name etc.) in a particular イ・ァゥウエセ@
lfiB1; 3. to enter in a register セ@ i! セ@ CfiB1 セ@
registrable trade mark : [s. 31(2), Trade and Merchandise Marks
register-keeper : セ@
register ledger : {sch. V, p. 11, Companies a」エ}セ@ 11mlT registrar: I. an Official recorder or keeper of records; an officer whose
イ・ァセ@ of appeals: [Or. 41, r. 9(2), C.P.C.] \lllflm <61 セ[@ 3l'fu;! duty is to make a registration ; an officer in courts entrusted with
executive duties and some judicial ヲオョ」エゥッウセ[@ 2. an official /
register of births : [s. 2(d), Citizenship a」エ}セM@ of an educational institution charged with registering students,
register of births and deaths : [s. 6(J)(a), Births, Deaths and keeping academic records and issuing official information etc.
Marriages Registration a」エ}セ@ .affi セ\ャゥt@ [s. 10(5), University of Hyderabad Act] 'WJ-fi
register of cheques delivered : セ@ '<t6 セ@ Registrar General : セ@
register of civil suits: [Or. 4, r. 2, C.P.C.] fum qJG't <61 セ@ Registrar General· and Census Commissioner : セ@ .affi セ@
register of copyrights: [s. 45(2), Copyright Act] ァイMエセGTゥャ\ヲ^H@ \ャゥtセ@ セ@
register-of 、・ウー。エ」ィZセ@ il» セ[@ il'l1lT セ@ Registrar General of India : 'Tim <liT セ@
register of firms : [s. 59, Indian Partnership Act] 'lilif <liT セ@ Registrar of Bankruptcy Court ; [s. 113(b), Presidency-towns
セZァゥウエ・イ@ of land charges : セMAnr@ セ@ Insolvency a」エ}セ@
register of members: [s. 41(/), Companies a」エ}セ@ \ャゥtセ@ Registrar of"Births and Deaths : セM@ セ@
register of mortgages : <itlifi セ@ Registrar of Companies: [sch., pt. I, item 23, Commercial Documents
register of permanent advances : セ@ 3lfuli't <liT セ@ Evidence Act] <li'l'fi セ@
- r
register of special charges : m Jl'lrn: セ@ Registrar of Co-operative Societies : セ@ セ@ <liT セ@

register of stock : Rlifi セ@ Registrar of Copyright : [s. 10(2), Copyright Act] ァイMエセ\Tゥャヲ^サ@ セ@

register of works : Wlilf セ@ Registrar of Firms : 'l>'f セ@

registered: entered in the register in accordance with the provisions of Registrar of Insolvency : セ@ セ@
law relating to registration of documents, or associations or Registrar of joint stock company : セ@ Rlifi Cli'l'fi セ@
individuals, etc. [s. 3, T.P. Act and s. 3(49), General Clauses Registrar of Marriages : Q セ@
a」エ}セ@ Registrar of Money Lenders : セ@ セ@
registered accountant : [s. 2(1 )(h), Chartered Accountants Act and Registrar of Newspapers for India, office of the : 'Tim cfi セ@ cf;
s. 252(2), Income-tax a」エ}セ@ セ@ セ\ャゥt@
registered acknowledgement : セ@ mlt'l STili Registrar of Non-Trading Corporation : セ@ f.rtrq セ@
registered and insured articles : セ@ .affi iftlrr <61 セ@ セ@ Registrar of Partnership firm : セ@ 'l>'f セ@
registered dealer : [s. 2(f), Central Sales Tax a」エ}セ@ Registrar of the University : QTセ|ゥャエj\@ <liT 'WJ--fi
registered estate : [s. 3(k), Cardamom a」エ}セ@ セ@ Registrar of tイ。セ・@ : セ@ セ@
registered firm : a firm which has been registered under the law Registrar of Trade Marks: [s. 2(J)(b), Trade and Merchandise Marks
relating to registration of firms [s. 60(1), Indian Partnership a」エ}セ@
a」エ}セGャ^ヲ@ Registrar of Trade Unions : li!ICmTQ' セ@ セ@
registered instrument : \セョケ@ formal legal document in writing which registration: the act of entering in register maintained for the purpose
has been registered under the law for the time being in force of keeping an official record of any transaction of which a record is
regulating the registration of documents [s. 3, expln. I, T.P. required to be kept by law or customary practice [s. 3, T.P.
a」エ}セヲュゥB@ a」エ}セッイ@
registered laden weight: [s. 2(27), Motor Vehicles a」エ}セ@ Registration Export Clerk : f.!*! セ@ セ@
セ@ Registration Import Clerk : 3WI1l セ@ セ@
registered medical practitioner : [s. 103(8), expln., Customs Act] registration fee : [s. 34(1), prov., Registration a」エ}セ@ !!>'m
セ[@ [s. 80D(J)(d), Income-tax a」エ}セ@ registration of documents: [s: 10, Indian Contract Act and s. 3(49),
;;qq-w!\ General Clauses a」エ}セ@ \ャゥtセ@
registered office : the office of a company which is registered registration of articles : [s. 266(1), Companies a」エ}セ@ <liT
according to law [Or. 29, r. 2(b), cNp}セ@ セ@ セ@
registered owner: [s. 3(1), Cardamom a」エ}セ@ l<ITlft イ・ァゥウエセ。ッョ@ of transfer of any share : [s. 2(26), prov., Companies
registered post: [s. 63, Cr. pNc}セ@ m a」エ}セ@ セ@ cfi 3i(r{Ol \ャゥtセ@

registered post with or without acknowledgement due : [s. 53(2), registration office: the office where registration takes place [s. 8(1),
Companies Act] WTtt 'IT セ@ セ@ STili
Registration a」エ}セ@
registered proprietor : a proprietor whose name has been entered in Registration Officer : セ@ セ@
the register [Or. 21, r. 14, cNp}セゥA[@ [s. 2(/)(q), reg_istry of memorandum ofappeal: [Or. 41, r. 9, C.P. C.] SャGヲオ[A」セ@
Trade and Merchandise Marks a」エIセ@ セ@ \ャゥAセBoir@
registered trade mark : [s. 2(J)(r), Trade and Merchandise Marks registry of the prize court : [r. 9(1), Naval and Aircraft Prize
a」エ}セ@ a」エ}セ\V@
registry office 285 relation between persons
registry office : [s. 609(5), prov., Companies a」エ}セ@ rehabilitation of youthful offenders : [s. 360( /0), Cr. P. cN }セ@
registry, port of: [s. 3(29), Merchant Shipping a」エ}セ@ lffA" セ\ャゥwr@
regret : セ@ ; セ@ q<f;c Cfi\olT rehear: [s. 246(4), Income-tax Act] ヲゥエ[Hセ@ Cfi\olT
regrettable : セ@ <liT セ@ rehear the appeal: hear.(the arguments in) the applal again [Or. 41,
regular : conformable to rule; periodical; recurring or repeated at r. 21, cNp}セ\i^ャ@ セZ@ セ@
fixed times or uniform intervals; properly constituted; normal; rehearing of suit: [s. 25, Presidency Small Cause Courts Act} '1110: <tl
marked by steadiness or uniformity of action, procedure 9r セZ@
occurrence セ@ reimburse : [s. 27(4), Industrial Finance Corporation Act, s. 132,
regular army : [s. 3(xxi), Army a」エ}セ@ #IT Indian Trusts Act and s. 6(1), Passports a」エ}セ@ Cfi\olT
regular assessment : [s. 7(1), -Companies (Profits) Surtax Act and reimbursed, entitled to be : [s. 68, Indian Contract a」エ}セ@ '!f.l <I>!
s. 2(40), Income-tax a」エ}セ@ f.tlmuT セ@

regular course of business: [s. 47, Indian Trusts Act} \ゥriQZtセ@ reimbursed, shall be : [s. 27(4), Industrial Finance Corporation
セ@ a」エ}セ@ <t1 ;;mM\
regular dealings: [s. 288(2)(ii), Income-tax a」エ}セ@ reimbursement : [s. 44(b), Estate Duty a」エ} セ@
regular occupation : [s. 360(7), Cr. P. cN}セ@ セ@ reinfect: [s. 31(3), Children Act] f.trr セZ@ tiilii<f Cfi\olT
regular suit : セ@ '1110: reinforced concrete : セ@ セ@
regular supply : セ@ liGTl! reinstate: to reinstall; to re-establish; to place again in a former state,
regularisation of certain payments: [s. I 2, Salaries and AJiowances of condition or office; to restore to a state or position from which the
Ministers a」エスセ@ セ@ <liT f.1llfM'l<l><"l object or person had been removed [s. 49, T.P. a」エ}セ[@
regularity : the state or character of being regular [s. 114, ill. (e), セ@ Cfi\olT ; [s. 7( I), Indian Reserve Forces a」エスセZ@ セ@ Cfi\olT
Indian Evidence Act} セ\Git@ reinstatement : [s. 5(4), Indian Electricity a」エ}セ@ Cfi\olT; セZ@ セ@
regularly : in a regular manner [s. 160, iJI., Indian Evidence reinstating: I. to replace in an original or equivalent state [s. 49, T.P.
a」エスセャBG@ a」エ}セ[@ 2. restoring [s. 72(e), T.P. a」エ}セG@ Cfi\olT
regularly kept in the course of business: maintained continuously and reinstating the property : [s. 49, T.P. a」エ}セ@ <liT セ@
uninterruptedly to keep correct and proper record of the reinsurance business: business of insurance by another insurer of all
transactions taking place from day to day in the flow of business or a part previously assured by the direct-writing company
ci^tHゥャGセ@ セゥャBGキヲイ@ [s. 6(2)(a), Life Insurance Corporation a」エ}セ@ <iiR<I11:
regularly performed: done with due observance of regularity [s. 114, reinsurance treaties: treaties to take out additional insurance on the
iJI. (e), Indian Evidence a」エ}セ@ l"l' セ@ Wnftr fctlrr 1J'IT same risk and occurs when an insurer considers that he has
regularly stamped agreement: an agreement which bears the stamps incurred too great a hazard and reinsures with others so that in
necessary for the purpose according to the prevalent law [s. 92, case of loss the liability will be more widely distributed [s. 34F,
iJI. (h), Indian Evidence a」エ}セ@ l"l' セ@ セ@ Cf)(T( Insurance a」エスセ@ Cf)(T(

regulate: to correct by control; to control, govern or direct by rules or re-issue of notice: [s. 127(2), Income-tax Act] <!,'AT <liT ヲゥエ[Hセ@ OIRT
regulations; to adjust in respect of time, quantity, etc. with reject: I. to refuse to hear, receive or admit セ@ Cl>\-lT; セ@ Cl>\-lT;
reference to standard or purpose セ@ Cfi\olT ; セ@ Cfi\olT 2. to refuse to grant or accede to; to throw or cast away [Or. 41,
regulating: [s. 71(2)(g), Indian Partnership a」エ}セ@ Cfi\olT r. 10(2), C.P.C.] llfueWrn Cf)'("'fl; mftil <1>\"!T; [s. 340(2),
regulating credit : [s. 18(1 ), Reserve Bank of India Act] '3ml: <liT Cr. P.C.} セ@ Cl>\-lT; 3. to refuse to accept [s. 121, Cr. P.C. and
セ」ァ[イ@ art. 108(/)(a), c。ョウエN}セ@ Cfi\olT

regulating officer : セ@ セ@
reject the appeal :to refuse to entertain an appeal [Or. 41, r. 10(2).
cNp}セヲゥ|ッAt[@ セ」ァ[イ@
regulating procedure: [art. 122(2), Const.] llftt<rr \ャゥtセ@ Cfi\olT
rejectthe rest: [s. 37(3), Sale of Goods Act] ゥエGヲ\ャ^イセcib[@ it'f<l>l
regulating the conditions of service : [s. 117(2), Income-tax Act} WIT
<tt mit <liT セ@ cg;rr
rejected bid : セ@ セ@
regulating the conduct of the company affairs : [s. 403, Companies
a」エスセ@ \ャゥtセ@ Cfi\olT
rejected candidate: (as opposed to selected candidate) 'ffi1 '§,3!T w:mft
セ@ w:mft ; セ@ 'Itt 1J'IT w:mft
regulating the procedure : [2nd sch., r. 92( 1), Income-tax Act] llftt<rr
rejected evidence : evidence i.e. testimony of witness or a document
which the court has refused to admit [s. I67, Indian Evidence
regulation : I. the action of regulating [long title, Dock Workers a」エ}セ@
(Regulation of Employment) a」エ}セ[@ 2. rule prescribed for rejected goods : [s. 43, Sale of Goods a」エ}セ@ lffii! ; セ@ lffii!
the management of some matter; rule or order having the force of rejection: the action of rejecting [s. 4(4)(b), Beedi and Cigar Workers
law issued by an executive authority of a government usually (Conditions of Employment) a」エ}セ[@ [s. 167, Indian
under power granted by the Constitution [s. 3(50), General Evidence a」エ}セ[@ セ@ セ@ OIRT; セ@ fctlrr OIRT
Clauses Act and art. 13(3)(a), Const.] AAwr
regulation of stock exchanges : セ@ セ@ <liT セ@ イ・ェセエゥッョ@ memo : セ@ '!'!
regulation by law of procedure in Parliament in relation to financial rejection of a plaint : [s. 2(2), C.P. C.] '1ffO:'I'! <liT llfm)l!11f
business: [art. /99, margin. Const.] セ@ ii ffilt<!Ciil'!f ti<i"Jt llftt<rrq;-r rejection of the doctrine of separate but equal : GRセ@ セ@ WfR セ@ lmmr q;r
filfu iduセ@ m
Regulation oヲゥ」・イZセ@ セ@ rejoin : [s. 39(c), Army Act] Cf>1'l! 1f{ <n'ffi 3!T OIRT
rehabilited employee: [s. 80H(2)(v), Income-tax a」エ}セ@ mrtT rejoinder : '3ffi: ; セ@
rehabilitating sick textile undertakings : [preamble, Sick Textile relatable : セ@ セ@ ; セ@ セ@ l1RT ;;n <m!T m
Undertakings (Nationalisation) Act] li"'T Cf>1I5T セ@ <liT @セ related : [s. 3(1 )(a), Hindu Succession a」エ}セ@
CI>Bf relating to : [preamble, Cr. P. cN}セ@
rehabilitation : [preamble, Children a」エ}セ[@ セ[@ セ@ relation: I. a person connected by consanguinity or affinity [s. 6(a),
rehabilitation allowance : [s. 338(iv), Income-tax a」エ}セ@ 'll1<l> T.P. a」エ}セ[@ #<itfi; 2. relationship; the mode in which one
Rehabilitation Industries Corporation : セ@ ;m1Tr f.M'! entity stands to another [s. 4, Indian Partnership a」エ}セ@
rehabilitation of displaced persons : [long title, Faridabad relation between persons: [s. 4, Indian Partnership a」エ}セ@ <ft'l
Development Corporation a」エ}セ@ \ャゥtセ@ \ャゥtセ@
286 relieve
relation of partnership

relati,on of partnership : [s. 5, Indian Partnership Act] 'I1T'ftGrtt セ@ relevancy of decree: {s. 42. Indian E1•idcnce Act] fu6t <tt P
relation of things: the feature or attribute of things which is involved relevancy of facts : {s. 6, Indian Evidence Act and s. I 14(1), Navy
in considering them in comparison or contrast with each other; the Act] ov:it <tt p
particular way in which'one thing is thought of in connection with relevancy of judgment: {ss. 41 and 42, Indian Evidence Act] f.;afl;r <tt .
another; any condition, correspondence or association which can p
be conceived as naturally existing between things [s. 3, Indian relevancy of order : {s. 42, Indian Evidence Act) 31'$r <tt p
Evidence Act] セュ@ セ@ セ@ relevancy of statement: {s. 8, expln. ( 1), Indian Evidence A'ct) 'lillH <tt
relations subsisting between the parties: [s. 16(1), Indian Contract p
Act] wrnl <ii oft<! fcral1R セ@ relevant : pertinent {ss. 3, 6" and 7, Indian Evidence Act and ·
relationship : I. the state of being related; a condition or character s. 6, Indian Partnership Act] p
based upon this {s. 109, Indian Evidence a」エ}セ[@ 2. being relevant actuarial investigations : {sch . 1. para 11, expln. J(a), Life
related by blood or affinity [s. 32(5), Indian Evidence a」エ}セ@ Insurance Corporation a」エ}ーᄋセ@ セ@
relationship, blood : セ@ セ@ relevant assessment year: {s. /0(6)(vii)(a)(ii), Income-tax Act] p
relationship by . blood, marriage or adoption : [s . 32(5), Indian セア^ヲ@ ·-
Evidence a」エ}セN@ セ@ 7lT セ@ 'R -n1mfrn Gセtゥエ\Zャ@ relevant considerations: {s. 2{/)(c)(B), Income-tax a」エ}セ@ <rffi
relationship, functional: [s. 12(2)(i), Press Council a」エ}セ@ r.elevant date : [s. 3(60)(a), General Clauses Act) p orft<sr
relative : I. a person related to another by blood or affinity relevant exiract : セ@ p
[s. 17(4)(iii), expln. , Estate Duty Act and s. 2(41), Companies relevant fact : {s. 7, Indian Evidence Act] p o!ZI
Act] ;mlm; M; 2. in relation to セ[@ セ@ relevant figures: {art. 55(3), expln. , Const.]p セ@
relative. degree of responsibility : セ@ <tt セ@ lfl'ff relennt income: {s. 164(iii), Income-tax Act) セ@ p
relative priorities : [s. 145, Companies Act) miru セ@ relevant materia!: [s. 143(3), Income-tax Act] p mlf'it
relative rank : {s. 19J(2)(b), Army a」エIセ@ relevant previous year: {s. 35A(I), expln. (/),Income-tax Act] p
relative rights: [s. 17, ill., Indian Trusts Act] 3llR-3llR セ@ セア^ヲ@
イ・ャ。エゥセ@ seniority: [s. 26(3), North-Eastern Hill University a」エ}セ@ relevant question : any question which relates to matters which are
セ@ .
pertinent to a proper decision being reached in the case
relax : to make Jess severe or strict [s. 32(2), Cardamom a」エIセ@ [s. 55(/)(c), T.P. Act]p 'N-1
relevant time : [s. I 7(4)(vi), Estate Duty a」エ}セ@ セ[@
relaxation : [s. 12, Inland Vessels Act and s. 32(2), Cardamom
{s. 239(/)(a), Companies Act]p セ@
relaxation of conditions: {4th sch., r. 5(1), Income-lax a」エ}セ@
relevant to the matter: [art. 108(4), prov. (b), cッョウエNIセ@ p «
relevant year: [s. 2(37A)(i), Income-tax Act]p qrf
reliable evidence: [s. 137(2), Cr. P.C.] セ@ セ@
relaxation of rules: セ@ セ@ mm relics: [s. 2(b), Ancient Monuments .and Archaeological Sites and
relay : a set of persons [s. 2(J)(p), Mines Act and s. 2(r), Factories
Remains a」エ}セ@
relief. : I. deliverance from some hardship, burden or grievance
relay hunger strike : AA セ@ セ@ [s. 114, T.P. Act]"JYffi; {s. QYb L cッオイエウMヲ・a」}セ [ セ[@
release : I. the action of releasing or the state of being released {s. 44, legal redress or remedy {s. 16, Presidential and Vice-Presidential
Indian Contract a」エ}セ[ [@ 2. to set free from restraint, Elections a」エ}セ[@ 3. thelightening or removal of any burden
confinement or servitude; to set at liberty; to give up (a claim, {ch. 18, Income-tax Act] mC1 ; mC1 |Gセゥャ@
right, title) in favour of another {s. I 18, Cr. P.C.] セ@ t-lr; 3. to reliefagainstforfeiture: [ss. 114and II4A , T.P. Act) セᆱBjyヲゥ[@
free a thing from attachment [s. 179(d), Army a」エIセ@ ;g;rr; セᆱュッ@
セ@ ;g;rr: f.t$R セ@ relief agency, : an-agent appointed by a candidate for the purpose of
release by the company: {s. 2(22)(a), Income-tax Act] ャAゥエrュオセ@ relieving his othl' agents at the election [s. 46, Representation of
release date : セ@ orft<sr the. People Act, QYUI N セ@ セ@ Hセ@ セI@
release, general : mtmUT セ@ relief claimed is under-valued: [Or. 7, r. ll(b), C.P. cNIセ@
release of offenders on probation: {long title, Probation of Offenders セMエ@
Act) セ@ <liT qft<ftm '11: セ@ t-IT Relief Commissioner : mC1 セ@
release froni requisition: [s. 6(4), Requisitioning and Acquisition of
relief is granted to him by the court : [s. 201(1), Companies
Immovable Property a」エIセ@ セ@ ;g;rr « a」エ}セ@ ;ffi • セ@ 'li\0! t
release from responsibility : [s. 44, Indian Contfact a」エIセᆱ@
セ」ァ[イ@ relief of 。ァイゥ」オャエセ@ indebtedness : セ@ セ@ "JYffi «
release from service : {s. 23, Air Force a」エ}セ@ セ@ ;g;rr « relief of distress: [s. 4(/), .Agriculturists Loans Act] 'li'7. <tt mCI
release on bail: [s. 43(1), Cr. P.C. and s. 18(1), Children a」エ}セ@ relief of double taxation, agreement for : [s. 44A, Wealth-tax
'11: セ@ ;;rRT
a」エIセ@ q;nm;; «mo <ii セ@ セ@
release on probation : {s. 360(1 ), Cr. P. C.] qft<ftm '11: セ@ t-IT relief of indebted agriculturists : セ@ セ@ <tt mo
relnse;l : past participle of release {s. 41(/)(h), Cr. P.C.] セ@ lf7lT; relief of insolvent debtors : [s. 201, Indian Contract a」エ}セ@
セ[@ セ@ セN@ ; {s. 12 I, Presidency-towns Insolvency a」エIセ@
released convict: [s. 4/(l)(h), Cr. P.C.) セ@ lf7lT セ@
releasing the company : [s. 535(2), Companies Act]l!itAT \ャゥtセ@ セᄋ@
relief on account of ョ。エオイセャ@ calamities : セ@ 3n'lGTJll セッゥエャG@ セ@
セ@ relid respecting tax on dividends in certain cases : {ch. 18,
Income-tax a」エ}セ@ G'!ffiJll ゥヲセ@ 'R <g セ@ mCI"
releasing the insolvent : [s. 62(2), Presidency-towns Insolvency
relief service: {s. 18(/)(c), Air Corporations a」エIセ@ ;g;rr
a」エ}セ@ \ャゥtセ@ t-IT
relief shall not be given: {s. 80E( 10), Income-tax Act] ュッ[ヲャエセZー@
releasing the property from attachment, order: {s. 30(9)(c), Industrial relief that may be claimed: [s. 16, Presidential and Vice-Presidential
. Finance C"a-rporation a」エIセ@ <liT セ@ セ@ セ@ <miT セAO@ « Elections Act) . . . flm<lir 00 fil;ln ;;rr wf;>n
relevancy .: the quality or fact of being relevant セN・@ bearing upon,, relieve: to free or clear (a<person) from an obligation [Or. 21, r. 89(3),
co nnected with, pertinent to the matter in hand [s .. 3, Indian C.".C] M^Lセ@ 'li8T; セ@ ;g;rr; [s. 71F, Indian Railways
Evidence .Act) p a」エIセ M cobt@
relieve of the responsibility 287 remedies for enforcement ol rights conferred by this part
relieve of the responsibility: [s. 12(3)(a). Cr. P.C.} セ@ # セ@ relinquish occupancy: [Or. 21, r. 36, C.P.C.] セ@ C'lffTT t-IT
relinquishing office, on : [s. 6(l}(a)(ii), Salaries and Allowances of
relieve the agricultural classes : {long title, De khan Agriculturists' Ministers Act] 'fGl,j)ffi o'R '<I ·
Relief a」エスセ@ <rif co't セ@ <!iBT relinquishment : a release of a claim or portion of it; the act of
relieved by compensation: [s. 10, expln. (i), Specific Relief a」エ}セ@ relinquishing [Or. 20, r. 12(/)(c)(ii), C.P.C.]C'lffTT; [s. 90(/)(e),
Fュセrャヲ\t@ Registration Act] ('lliiR
relieved officer : セ@ セ@ relinquishment of the asset: [s. 2(47), Income-tax a」エ}セ@ Clil C'lffTT
relieving clerk : セ@ セ@
relinquishment of occupancy: [s. 90( /)(e), Registration Act] セt@
relieving officer : セ@ セ@ Clil <"nR'
relieving train supervisor : セ@ rmT セ@ relinquishment of possession: [Or. 20, r. 12(/)(c)(ii), C.P.C.] セ@ Clil
relieving transhipment assistant : セ@ Nセ@ セ@ f':rrrT
relieving transportation assistant : セ@ セ@ セ@ rely: to depend upon a person or thing with full trust or confidence; to
rest upon assurance [Or. 6, r. 12, C.P.C.] ifiBT; trr'!T
religion: a system of faith and worship [s. 295, 1. P. C: and art. 15( 1),
Consr.]wf rely in the alternative: [Or. 6, r. 12, C.P.C.] セ Z@ QBセ@ i:!iBT
religious: of or relating to religion; concerned with religion [s. 295A, remain: to be left upon the removal or appropriation of some part,
i. P. C.] mftfq; number or quantity [s. 52(2), C.P.C.} 'Wtt セ@
religious affairs : [art. 26, margin, Const.] mftfq; Cf>f4 remain due: remain owing or payable [lst sch., app. A , form No.
18(3), CP.C.] セtエオゥ@
religious and charitable purposes: (im. 26(a). Canst.] mfifq; セ@ 'i,(f
l1<i\;;r;! remain due and unpaid, as shall for the time being: ;;fr セ@ Wf!.l セ@ l?l セ@
religious belief: [s. 295A, I. P. C.] mftfq; f<mm flRm 00<1' "! fcl;;:ir 1fl<T ;;'!
religious belief or profession : [s. 7, University of Hyderabad remain in force : remain operative [Or. 2 I, r. 53(6), C.P. cN}セ@ URT
Act} mftfq; ヲ」エセアュ@ Gャゥtセ@ remain in full force, effect and カゥイエオセ@ : セZ@ セN@ 'i!i!TCft セ@ \ヲゥセ@ l?\'1T
religious ceremony: [s. 296, I.P.C.] mftfq; セ@ remainder : I. an expectant portion, remnant, or residue of interest,
religious charge: [s. 16(2)(a), Ancient Monuments and Archaeological which on the creation of a particular estate, ゥセ@ at the same time
Sites and Remains Act] mftfq; 'l1ml1tR limited over to apother, who is to enjoy it after the determination
religious community or caste: [s. 13(/)(b), Income-tax Act] mftfq; of such particular estate [1st sch., app. A, form No . 15, C.P.C.]
セGャゥt@ onfc'l HjヲゥAセn[@ 2. that which is left when part has been taken away, used or
religious custom : [s. 4(x), Protection of Civil Rights Act} mftfq; セ@ dealt with [s. 60(l)(i), C.P.C.] mtl; [art. 55(2)(b), Const.]itq
religious denomination ; [s . 21(4), Children Act and art. 27, remainder-man: a person who holds or is entitled to a legal remainder
Co nst.] mftfq; tilrotl [s. 15(d), Specific Relief a」エス\セ@
religious endowment : [s. 92(2), C. P. C.] mftfq; セ@ remainder of the term of office : [s. 156(2), Representation of the
religious establishment : [s. 4. Religious Endowments Act] mftfq; People Act, 1951] セ@ Clil セ}NL@ 'I1T'T
セ@ remainder of the goods: [s. 51(7)t Sale of Goods a」エ}セNL@ 'IT\'!
religious festival: [s. 12, Dramatic Performances Act} mftfq; '3"ffiCl' remainder of the period : [s. 4(3), Sick Textile Undertakings
religious gathering: [s. 62( /)(a); Motor Vehicles Act] mftfq; セ@ (Nationalisation) a」エ}セNL@ セ@
religious institution : [2nd sch., item. 13, Provincial Small Cause remainder of the term : [s. 6(5), Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Courts Act] mftfq; lWn Act, 1960} セ@ Clil セ}NL@ 'I1T'T
religious instn.:ction : [s. 21(4), Children Act] mfltq; fuwrr; remaining : I. left after the removal or appropriation of some part,
[s . 29(/)(j),, Aligarh Muslim University Act and art. 28(1), number or quantity [s. 83, T.P. Act and s: 4A(2), Industrial
Const.] mftfq; fum Finance Corporati?n Act] セ@ ; 2. <1m セ@ ; セ}NL@
religious observances : mftfq; セ@ remaining interest : an interest which is left after the prior estate or
religious or charitable foundation: an endowment for development, interest has come to an end in Qne way or another [s. 13, T.P.
maintenance, propagation, etc., of religion or for charity [s. 49, a」エ}セ@ ftcl; セ}NL@ セ@
Indian Evidence Act] mfitq; Gャゥtセ@ セ@ セ@ t."Tflf<i> 'liT 'i,(f セ@ remaining joint promisors : [s. 43, Indian Contract Act} !IT'! •
religious or charitble purpose: [s. 2(24)(c), Indian Stamp Act} mfitq; セ@
\ゥイGLHヲセ@ . remaining partner : [s. 29(2), Indian Partnership a」エ}セNL@ セ@
religious order : a religious society or fraternity living under a rule remaining provisions : itq セ@
[s. 13(vi), Hindu Marriage Act] mfitq; \ゥセ@ . remaining seats : [s. 53(3), Representation of the People
religious persuasion : [s. 17(2), Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act] Act, 1951] itq セ@
mfitq:; tm; [s. 21(4), Children Act] mflfqi 31W1T remains of the dead: [s. 297, ャNpc}セ@ <ii セ@
religious practice: [art. 25(2)(a), Canst.} mfitq; セ@ remains unsatisfied : [s. 6( 1). Bonded Labour System (Abolition)
religious procession : mflf<l; セ@ a」エ}セBA@ ifiBT
religious profession : [s. 2, prov. (viii)(e), Dissolution of Muslim remand : I. the act of sending back (a prisoner) into custody, specially
Marriages Act] wf co't "l1"f.'lT in order that further eviden<!e on the charge max be obtained; the
religious rites or c·e remonies : rites or ceremonies of the nature of, act of sending back a case or suit or an appeal to the lower court or
pertaining or approproate to, concerned or connected with authority for re-hearing [s. 105(2), C.P.C. and s. 309(2), expln.,
refigion [s. 9, expln., C.P.C.] mftfq; セGャゥt@ 'iOlf Cr. P.C.] セ@ (ftrris); 2. to send back セ@ <!iBT
religious service : a performance of イ・ャゥァッエ[セ@ worship [Illrd sch., remand, order of: [s. 105(2), C.P.C.] セ@ JlRill
arc. 34, Gene1·a Conventions Act] mftfq; セ@ remand the case: [Or. 41, r. 23, C.P.C.] W CliJ!lfff\Tqur ifiBT
religious susceptibilities : [s. I l(d), Trade and Merchandise Marks remand the suit : [s. 1 1(3). Suits Valuation Act] <'IT<:' qi\ セ@ <!iBT
Act}mftfq; セ@ remarks: comments [s. 16(2). Contempt of Courts a」エ}セ@
religious usage: [s. 60(1), prov. (a), C.P.C.] mfif<f> ャセ@ remarriage : an act or instance of marrying again {sch., art. 108,
religious vow : mftfq; lffi Limitation a」エ}セ@
religio:us worship : [art. 28(3), Const.] mfitq; ;J1ffiA1 remedial measures : [s . 6(2)(d), Oilfields (Regulation and
relinquish : to give over possession or control of; to leave off [s. 35, Development) a」エ}セ@
T.P. Act] C'lffTT <!iBT; [s. 19(2)(c), Indian Partnership Act] C'lffTT remedies for enforcement of rights conferred by this part : [art. 32,
t-IT; {セN@ 12(2), Presidency-towns lnsolyency a」エ}セ@ margin, Const.] セ@ 'I1T'T &ro セ@ セ@ co't セ@ セ@ <ii セ@ セ@
remedy 288 rendered, services
remedy: I. something that corrects or counteracts an evil, disease, etc. removal and suspension of a member of a Public Service Commission :
セ[@ 2. the legal means to recover a right or to prevent or obtain [art. 317, margin, c。ョウエN}セ@ 00 セ@ <fi セ@ セ@ Bセ@ ;;n;rr
redress for a wrong;· legal redress [s. 139, Indian Contract 3fu: セ@ セ@ ;;n;rr
a」エスセ@ removal from office : [s. 30A(J), Industrial Finance Corporation
remedy, eventual : セ@ セ@ Act] セ@ # セ@ ;;n;rr
remedy for breach of warrant y : [s. 59, Sale of Goods Act] <iT@ <f; 1M removal from service : 00 # セ@ ;;n;rr
remedying or mitigating any pollution : [s. 12(1 )(b), Water (Prevention
removal of attachment : [Or. 38, r. 9, C.P. cN}セB@ セ@ セ@ ;;n;rr;
[2nd sch., item 12, Income-tax a」エ}セB@ i30T<IT ;;n;rr
and Control of Pollution) a」エ}セB@ <!>t'll <11 ;mq q;lft 'fiBT removal of disparities: [s. 637AA(e), Companies a」エ}セ@ \ゥエセ@
remedying the inconvenience : [s. 73. expln. , Indian Contract 'liBT
a」エ}セB@ セ@ 'liBT
removal of disqualifications : [s. 2, Representation of the People
remembrancer, legal : filfu Gヲサャセ@
(Miscellaneous Provisions) Act] セ|ャ@ <it l?CA1
removal of doubts : {s. 3(2), Taxation Laws (Continuation and
イ・ュゥウセッョZ@ I. the fiCtion of remitling or giving up partiall y or wholly a
Validation of Recovery Proceedings) Act] セ|ャ@ i6T f.'m<i;{ur;
tax , debt, penalty, etc., [<. 227, J.P. C. and art. 110(/)(a),
セ|ャ@ Bセ@ セ@ ;;n;rr; [s. 3( I), Scheduled Areas (Assimilation of
Const.] セ[@ 2. remission of land revenue, etc. セ [@ セ@
Laws) a」エ}セ@ 'liBT
remission of dues : セ@ \iVTl ct\ セ@ ; セ@ \iVTl ct\ セ@
removal of next friend: [Or. 32, r. 9, C.P.C.] セ@ Bセ@ ;;n;rr
remission of interest : ozrivr ct\ セ@ ; an;;r ct\ セ@
removal of prisoners : [s. /54, Navy a」エ}セB@ -Jl<mW'T; セB@
remission of revenue : U'i!F'f ct\ セ@ ; U'i!F'f ct\ セ@ セ[イ@
remission or cessation : {s. 41 (I), I nco me-tax Ace] '!fum: -JTI!fi!T セ@
removal of refuse : [s. 2(h)(v), Coking Coal Mines (Emergency
remissions of punishment: {art. 72( 1), Const.] i:5"" セ@ Provisions) Act] q;<ro l?CA1
remissnt>ss: {s. II(/), Central Reserve Police Force a」エOセ[@ removal to jail : {s. 3(4), Indian Lunacy a」エ}セ@ ゥエセ@ ;;n;rr
remissness in service : {s. 499, ill. , 7th excep., (P. C.] 00 ゥエセ@ remove : I. to move from or out of the place occupied [s. 421,
J.P. cN}セ@ q;r-n; 2. to take away entirely セ@ q;r-n; セ@
remit: I. to give up partially or wholly a tax, debt, penalty, etc. [s. 5,
'liBT ; l?CA1 ; 3. to dismiss from office or post {s. 20(1 ), Army
ill. (a), Indian Trusts Act, s. 70, Registration Act, s. 405, ill. (c),
Act) l?CA1
I. P. C. and art. 72( I), Const.] '!fum: 'liBT; セ@ セ@ ; セ@ セ[@ 2. to
send (money) to a person or place [s. 15, ill. (a), Indian Trusts remove from office : [art. 56(/)(b), c。ョウエN}セ@ # セ@ ;;rr;rr;
Act] セGャゥbt[@ [s. 212, ill. (a), Indian Co ntract Act] ¢RT; 00 {art. 317(3), c。ョウエNスセC@ l?CA1
'liBT remove from register: [s. I3(2), Chartered Accountants a」エ}NセC@
remit an award: [s. 16, Arbltratwn Act] tfim: \ゥエセ^|GA@ t;CA1
remit postage: [s. /43, prov., C.P.C.)srq; セ@ # セ@ セ@ remove from rolls : fs. 31(1), North-Eastern Hill University Act]
remit the forfeiture: [s. 18j, Navy Acr) セB@ セ@ 'fiBT セCエ[caQ@ _,
remit the punishment : {s. 88. Air Force Act} i:5"" '!fum: 'fiB remove from servke: [s. 15(3)(d), Delhi School Education Act] 00 it
remit to the court: [Or. 21 , r. 48(/)(a), cNp}セ@ <f; 'lffi "foRT t;CA1

remittance : {s. 17(6), Reserve Bank of India a」エ}セ@ remove. the disability: [s. B(v), Chartered a」セッオョエ。ウ@ a」エ}セ@
remittance advice : iP1uT セ@ \ゥエセ@ 'liBT

remittance book : iP1uT Ollft remunerate: [s. 21, ninth, I.P.C.] GQヲエセ@ 'lRT; 'llft'llftrq; セ@
remittance business : iP1uT OZ!1'1ffi: remuneration : payment for services r\;ndered or work done
remittance cashier : iP1uT セ@ {s. 69A(6), T.P. Act, s. 6(2)(b), I.P.C. and art. 76(4), Const.]
remittance ckeck register : iP1uT ;;fi<f セ@ GQヲエセ@
remittance clerk ; iP1uT セ@ remuneration to auditors : セ\YQ@ セ@ <it 'llft'llftrq;
remittance head : iP1uT セ@ remunerative price : [s: 8(2)(b), Tobacco Board a」エ}セ@
remittance in transit : セ@ itqur ; セ@ it itqur remunerative returns: {s. 5(2)(k), pセ、オ」・@ Cess Act] セイ@ m;
remittance in transit account : セ@ iP1uT ffim ; セ@ iP1ur ffim [s. 10(2)(b), Coir Industry Act) <'fT'II1IG セ@
remittance into treasury : セ@ <it iP1uT render accounts : セ@ セ@

remittance of money : [s. 109(i)(e), Income-tax Act] !R"" iP1uT render defective : [s. 26(1), Trade Unions a」エ}セ@ <ART

remittance outside India as profits : {s. 33A(3)(ii)(b), Income-tax render due accounts :to submit or lay before another (for consideration
Act] \'IT'Iit <fi セ@ it 'IITffl <fi <1m: セ@ or approval) true accounts [s. 9, Indian Partnership a」エ}セ@
remittance transfer receipt : iP1uT セ@ セ@ セ[ュエ@
イ・ュゥエZセ@ render ineffective : [s. 9, prov. , Employees ' Provident Funds and
remitter: iltf<li Miscellaneous Provisions a」エIセ@ \atセ@
remooring : m it WM 'liBT render innocuous : [sch. , art 4(6), Indian Carriage of Goods by Sea
remote : far removal in place, time, chain of causation or relation a」エ}セ@ <61: セ@
[s. 73, Indian Contract a」エ}セ[@ セ[@ セ@ render proper accounts: [s. 213, Indian Contract a」エ}セ@
remote advantage : [s. 4; expln., Indian Easements a」エ}セ@ <wro render unlawful a subscription or contribution : {s. 30, Indian
remote degree : {s. 39, Indian Succession a」エ}セ@ ct\ fuft Contract Act] <R '11 セ\ゥエ@ \atセ@
remotely : セZ@ ; セ@ # . render uninhabitable : [Or. 21, r. 32(5), ill., C. P. C.] l!T'I<r f-ro« <fi セ@
remoter issue : descendants of a distant degree {s . I 7(2)(ii), T.P. <ART
a」エ}セ@ ffilfu render unmerchantable: [s. 17(2)(c), Sale of Goods a」エ}セ@
remount and purchasing agent : MSQセG@ liGfll 3fu: セ@ セ@ \atセ@
removal : I. the act of taking away entirely [s. 3(2), Taxation Laws render useless: [s. 428, J.P. cN}セ@ \art [ セ@ ッイMaャ[セ@
(Continuation and Validation of Recovery Proceedings) A ct] m-r
f.'m<i;{ur ; セ@ セ@ ;;rr;rr ; 2. dismissal from an office or ーッウエセ@ ;;rr;rr ; rendered an object of divine displeasure, shall be : {s. 123(a), prov.
3. the act of conveying or shifting from one place to another; the (a)(ii), Representation of the People Act, 195/] t<ft -Jllffi!G i6T セ@
fact of being so transferred [s. 2, Representation of the People ュセ@ セ@
(Miscellaneous Prnvisions) Act and art. 92( I), Const.] l?CA1 ; rendered, services: [s. 5(/)(c), Asian Development Bank a」エ}セ@
{s. 421, J.P. C. ar. t. 49, c。ョウエN}セ@ #mt; セCュエ@
rendition of accounts 289 reply especiaUy on the ・セョ」@

rendition of accounts : giving of accounts セ@ セ@ ; セ@ セ@ reopen agreement : [s. 3(l)(b)(ii), prov.,. Usurious Lvans· Act} q;{R
rendition of accounts, decree for : セ@ セ@ orR <tT lt.!ft ; セ@ t.l <tT lt.!ft セャゥrGヲ@
renew : to continue in force for a fresh period ; to make new セ@ reopen the previous proceedings: [s. 246(4), Inrl)me-tax a」エ}セ@
liR'ff; セャゥrGヲ@ セ@ lR oro: セ@ セ@ «l6Bf
renewable : what is capable of being renewed in terms of the grant or reopen the transaction : [s. 3(l)(b)(i), Usurious Loans a」エ}セ@
under the provisions of law [s. 72(e), T.P. a」エIセ@ ュᆱセャゥrGヲ@
renewable for the same period : [s. 15(3), Arms Act) \liFft tl セ@ セ@ reopening of assessment: [s. 146, Income-tax a」エ}セ@ Til;{« l6Bf
セ@ reorganisation : セ@
renewable lease-hold: [s. 72(e), T.P. a」エ}セ@ reorganisation and reinforcement : セ@ iJitt lliiWo!
renewal :an act of renewing any permission, grant, etc. [s. 71, T.P. イセッァ。ョゥウエ@ of States : セ@ q;y セ@
a」エ}セ@ repair : I. restoration of some material thing or StliUcture by the
renewal of bill : セ@ m renewal of decayed or worn out parts, by refixing what has become
renewal of the lease : [s. 64, T.P. a」エ}セ@ q;y セ@ loose or detached [s. 108(1), T.P. a」エIセ[@ 2. to restore by
renewal ーイ・ュゥオZセ@ replacing a part or putting together what is torn or broken セ@
renewal premium cash register: セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@
repaired, may have goods: [s. 189, ill. (a), Indian Contract a」エ}セ@
renewed contract : セ@ セ@
renewed note: [s. 13(J)(c), Indian Securities a」エスセ@ qq;f セ@
repairer, meter : iftcl: fln;;fi
renomination : [s. 6(4), Salarjung Museum a」エ}セZ@ セ@
renoncant : a native resident of former french possessions in India
who has renounced his personal law and adopted the French civil.
repairs and renewals セエ」ッオョ@ : セ@ 3lt\ セ@ @セ

ャセキ@ [s . 1(2). Child Marriage Restraint Act].,.rrm reparation : [s. 56(2), Navy a」エ}セ@
renounce : to give up [s. lll(g)(2), T.P. Act and art. 5/A(e), repatriate : restore or return to one's country of origin, allegance or
Const.] f1Wf l6Bf ; ClWRT citizenship [s. 808(9), Income-tax a」エ}セ[@ [s. 6(2)(h),
Passports a」エ}セ@ l6Bf
renounce practices: [art. 5/A(e), Const.] lllll->il q;y f1Wf l6Bf
repatriation: [s. 16(2)(a), Emigration a」エ}セ[@ [s. 3(c), Tea
renounce the shares: [s. 81(/)(c), Companies Act] 31m q;y セ@
Districts Emigrant Labour (Repeal) Act) l<$r qmfi
renounce the world: to withdraw from worldl)! interests in order to
repay: to pay back: to refun d (a sum of money etc.) {s. 58(e), T.P.
lead a spiritual life [s. 13(vi), Hindu Marriage a」エ}セ@
a」エIセ@ l6Bf; [s. 45, ill., Indian Contract a」エ}セ@ l6Bf
liR'ff; セゥェ@
repayable deposit balances : セ@ セ@ セ@
renounced the world by entering any religious order, has :
[s. 13(1 )(vi), Hindu MarTiage a」エ}セ@ m!lt1fi \ゥセ@ セ@ セGヲゥサャア[A@ セ@ repayable on demand : [s. 2(a), Deposit Insurance and Credit
ア[サセエ@ Guarantee Corporation Act] tWr lR セ@
repayment: the act of repaying: payment back of (money, debt etc.)
renouncing : making formal resignation of some right or trust
[.'. 133, ill. (e). Indian Contract a」エ}セ@
especially of one's position as heir or executor [s. 201, Indian
Contract a」エIセ@ repayment ofloans: [s. 280ZB(2)(i), Income-tax Act) '3l1Td q;y セ@
repayment of loans and advances : '3l1Td a:/tt 3lftllit q;y セ@
renouncing the business : [s. 20 I, Indian Contract Act] セ@ q;y セ@ repeal : abrogaion of any law [s. 74, Indian Partnership Act and art.
renovate : セ@ l6Bf 395, margin, Const.] f.mR
rent': a return made by a tenant or u ....,upant of land or corporeal イ・ー。ャ、Zセ@
hereditaments to the owner for the possession and use thereof; a repeals and savings : [s. 297, Income-tax Act] f.mR 3lt\ セ@
pecuniary sum,agreed upon between a tenant and his landlord and
repeat order : セ@
paid at fixed intervals by the tenant to the landlord for the use of
repeated by like publication: [s. 2(3), Manoeuvres, Field Firing and
land or its 。ー・ョ、セウ [@ a fixed periodical profit in money,
rrovisions , 」ィ。エ・ャウAッイカ ゥ」セ@ arising out of lands and tenements
Artillery Practice a」エ}セ@ tl セ@ &m セ@ セ@
repeating rifle : セ@ セ@
in payment for use. {ウセ@ 105, T.P. Act and s. 167, expln., Indian ·
Succession a」エ}セ[ N@ セ[@ (in agriculture) WTR repel: I. to drive , to resist or oppose effectively m
l6Bf; 2. to drive
off or back tful セ@
rent account : セ@ セ[@ "'TCcli セ@ repelling an imagined attack : [s. 2(b)(i), Emergency Risks
rent and revenue courts : セ@ 3lt\ セ@ セ@ (Undertakings) Insurance a」エ}セ@ q;f tful セ@
Rent cッョエイャ・Zセ[@ セ@ セ@ repetition : the fact of occurring, appearing or being repeated again
rent due: [Or. 39, r. 9, CP.C.] セ@ セ[@ セ@ セ[@ セ@ WTR [Or. 39, r. 2, cNp}セ@
rent for housing accommodation: [s. 198(4), expln. (a), cッュー。ョゥ・Nセ@ repetition of breach: [Or. 39, r. 2, C.P.C.) *r <tT セ@
a」エ}セ[@ {s. 17(2)(i), Income-tax a」エ}セ@ replace : to put back [s. 29(e), Industrial Finance Corporation
セ@ a」エ}セャゥrGヲ@
rent free アオ。イエ・Zセ@ replace the security: [s. 23, ill. (g), Indian Trusts Act] GQヲセ@ セ@ セ@ lR
rent in kind : [s. 2(l)(b)(ii)(c), Income-tax a」エIセ@ it WTR セ@
rent or hire: [., ch .. /(28), Indian Stan!p a」エスセ@ 'liT 'I1TST replacement: a person or thing that takes the place of another [s. 6(3),
rent roll : セ@ wft expln .. Factories a」エIセ@ l6Bf; [s. 10(30), Income-tax
rental value: [s. 4(2)(b) Compulsory Deposit Scheme a」エ}セ@ a」エ}セ@
rented space : セ@ lR セ@ tm'! replacement cost : セ@ ffilffi

renumbered, as so : セ@ Wl: セZ@ セ@ replacement of existing machinery : [s. 5(3), Rice Milling Industry
renunciation: the action of renouncing, giving up or surrendering (a (Regulation) a」エ}セ@ lR セ@ セ@ WTRI
possession, right, title, etc.) [s. 207, Indian Contract a」エ}セ[@ replacement of licence, permit etc : セ @N セ@ セ@ q;'\ セ@
[long title, Dissolution of Muslim Marriages Act] f1Wf replanting: to plant at another place [s. 9(2)(c), Cardamom a」エIセZ@
renunciation of citizenship: {s. 8( I), Citizenship Act] セ@ llil セ@ m
reopen : to open again セZ@ セ[@ セZ@ セ@ l6Bf replenish : セZ@ セ@ l6Bf
reopen account : [s. J(l)(b)(ii), Usurious Loans a」エ}セ@ m« reply especially on the evidence: [Or. 18, r. 3, C.P.C.} セ@
llil セ@

セ[@ ュᆱQsAtセ@

reply generally on the whole case 290 republication of the work

reply generally on the whole case : [Or. 18, r. 2(3), C. P. cN}セ@ representation of the Anglo-Indian Community in the Legislative
セ@ 'II'T'ffi <6 .rrt 1l 'Jffi: t-IT Assemblies of the States : {art. 333, margin, Const.] uOIIT q,'t
reply to possible calls: {s. 2([), expln. (3), Motor Transport Workers ュセSャ@ セMGAヲゥエア@ セ@ llil セ@
a」エ}セ@ llil セ\ャゥbA@ representation on the penalty, making:. <6 fcllm 1l セ\ャゥbA@
report : something which gives information; an account or statement セ@
representation, proportional : セ@
of a legal case heard and of the decision and opinion of the court or representations were false : セ@ ftrezrr セ@
quasi-judicial administrative agency determining the case; a representative : one who represents another as agent, delegate,
record of the speeches delivered and actions taken during a session substitute, successor or heir; a person appointed to represent his
of any deliberative body as formally published; a formal and sovereign or goyernment in a foreign court or country; one that
official statement giving the conclusion and recommendations of a represents a constituency as a rriember of a legislative or other
person or group authorised to consider a proposal; formal account governing body [ss. 33, 86 and J/5, Indian Evidence Act and
of the results of an investigation given by a person authorised to art. 80(/)(b), Const.] セ@
make the investigation [s. 84, Indian Evidence Act, s. 2/9, I.P.C representative assessee : assessee as in the capacity of a representative
and art. 105(2), Const.] fttitt {s. I39(4A), Income-tax Act] セMヲNュエ@
report, clean : f.lm)q fttitt representative capacity : [Or. 7, r. 9(2), C. P. cN}セ@ q,'t セ@
report of decisions: a published account of a legal proceedings giving representative character: [Or. 7, r. 4, C.P. cN}セ@ q,'t セ@
a statement of the facts, the arguments on both sides, and the representative, legal : セ@ セ@
reasons the court gave for its judgment {s. 84, Indian Evidenct
representative in interest: one who represents the interest of another
a」エ}セ@ q,'t fttitt by virtue of inheritance, transfer, etc. , [s. 21. Indian Evidence
report of survey : [sch., pt. I, item 7, Commercial Documents a」エ}セ@
a」エ}セ@ q,'t fttitt representative of the Central Government : [s. 86, Indian Evidence
report on the annual balance-sheet and accounts: {s. 33(2), Industrial a」エ}セ@ m<t>R llil セ@
Finance Corporation a」・}セ@ Wf'l q;r 3ft\ セSャ@ <6 ill't 1l fttitt representative ofthe promisors: [s. 37, Indian Contract Act] セSャ@
report, qualified : W fttitt ャゥセ@
report the fact: [s. 52, Representation of the People Act. /951] (flllq,'t representative or assignee : [s. 32(c), Registration a」エ}セ@ -qr
fttitt <liB! セ@
report under the hand : {s. 133(6), Navy Act] セri・ゥヲエQ@ fttitt representative of the interests affected : [s. 6(4)(c)(ii), Defence and
reported case ャ。キZセ@ f'luf<l;;r セ[@ セ@ セ@ セ@ Internal Security of India Act] ll'll1f<ffi セ@ llil セ@
reported worth : セ@ mm representative suit: [Or. 23. r. 38, margin. CP.C.] セ@ セ@
reporter : [s. 2([), Working Journalists and Other Newspaper representative title: {pt. VIII, heading, Indian Succession a」エ}セ@
Employees (Conditions of Service) and Miscellaneous Provisions セ@
Act] mltl:; \11ili'li(Gii11 represented: exhibited by artificial resemblance or delineation [s. 36,
reporting authority : fttitt セ@ ; fttitt セ@ <m!T セ@ Indian Evidence a」エ}セ@
reports of Public Service Commissions: {art. 323, margin. Const.] セ@ represented by him : (the person or estate) for whom he is acting
'fm 3ll1it>iT q,'t fttiR [Or. 33. r. 3. C.P.C] H セ I@ セ@ '<tl <t><@ t
repose : to give rest to [s. 3, Indian Trusts Act] '(llRT represented in a special or particular manner : [s. 9( I)( a), Trade and
reposed, confidence : {s. 3, Indian Trusts Act] 00 1f!!T セ@ Merchandise Marks a」エ}セ@ -qr セ@ ftftl it セ@ fcl><rr 1f!!T
repository : f.luR ; セ@ representing bonus shares : [s. 2(22)(e)(ia); Income-tax Act] oiFm
represent : 1. to act the part of, in place of or for (another) [s. 782, ュ\VセQャ@
Indian Contract Act]; to ·be accredited deputy or substitute for (a representing dividends, warrants : {s. 5(4), Foreign Exchange
number of persons) in a legislative or deliberative assembly · Regulation a」エ}セ@ <til O!!'Rf セ@ q'Tffi セ@
セ\ャゥbA[@ 2. to place a fact clearly before another with a view representing expenditure, asset : {s. 35(2), expln. (ii) and s. 41(3),
to influencing action or conduct {s. 28(1), Indian Partnership Income-tax Act] iMt セ@ oil &fl! <6 セ@ 1l セ@
Act] セr@ <liB!; {s. 36(/)(b), Indian Partnership a」エ}セ@ representing his views : 3T'f.t セ@ O!!'Rf <liB!
<liB!; 3, to make a formal statement of facts, reasons or arguments
representing one's case : [s. 7B(3), Coal Mines Provident Fund and
with a view to affecting some change, preventing some action etc.
Miscellaneous Provisions Act] "'"RT セ\ャゥbA@
represent the estate: {s. 2(1 1), C.P.C.] 'Wro llil セ\ャゥbA@ representing the value: {s. 18(c)(iii), Wealth-tax Act] 'Ff <til ORIR <mft
representation: 1. likeness; picture; model [s. 499, I.P.C.] セ[@ 2. a repressive motive : セ@ セ@
statement or account·especially made to convey a particular view reprieve: [art. 72(1), Const.] セ@
or impression of something with the intention of influencing reprimand : to reprove severely, especially, publicly or officially
action {s. 1 I 8, I. P. cN}セ[@ 3. the action of representing [s. 7/(i), Army a」エ}セ@
(another) {s. 25(3) Industrial Development Bank of India Act] reprimand, severe : [s. 71 (i), Army Act] tfto: セ@
セ[@ 4. a formal and serious statement of facts, reasons or reprisals : seizures in retaliation [s . 4(3), Naval and Aircraft Prize
arguments made with a view to effecting some change, preventing ACt}llftlWl
some change, preventing some action etc. [s. 5(2), Minimum reproachful :deserving censure {s. 48(b), Navy Act] f.rolrq
Wages a」エ}セ@ reproachful or provoking speeches: [s. 48, Navy Act] f.rolrq-qr セ@
representation, identical : wirMセ@
representation in good faith : セ@ セ@
セGヲゥg@ •
reproduced, prominently : lf1!lSl' セ@ it セ@ セ@ セ@
representation in writing : [s . 9(3), Ancient Monuments and reproducing: producing again [s. 3(65), General Clauses a」エ}セ@
Archaeological Sites and Remains a」エ}セ@ セ@ <liB!
representation, ュ。ェッイゥエケZセ[@ セ@ セ@ reproduction : [s. 5( 19), Jawaharlal Nehru University a」エ}セ@
representation, minority: セ@ セ[@ セ@ セ@ reproduction of a grade designation mark : [s. 3([). Agricultural
representation of beneficiaries: {Or. 21, r. 1, C.P.C.] セゥエャ\^ヲ@ Produce (Grading and Marking) a」エ}セ@ セヲオr@ セ@
セ@ Republic of India : '1m! lJ1l1'(TOif
representation of the Anglo-Indian Community in the House of the
republication of the work : [s. 31(/)(a), Copyright a」エ}セ@ ilil セ Z@
People: {art. 33 I, margin, Const.] セ@ セ@ 1l セMGAヲゥエア@ セ@ llil

repudiate 291 reservation of vacancies

repudiate : to reject (a charge etc.) with denial, as being quite requisition, emergency cash : "'J1!l(f '{q;G セ@

unfounded or inapplicable; to disown or disavow [s. 215, Indian requisition in writing: [s. 188(1), Companies a」エ}セ@ -.l セ@
Contract Act) f.m<RuT Cli\-!T; [s. 215, ill. (b), Indian Contract requisition officer : セ@ セ@
a」エ}セ@ セO\キMャ@ requisition slip : 11M q;ff
repudiate the suit: to disown or disavow the suit [Or. 32, r. 13(1), requisitioning : I . in relation to any pro perty means "take possession
C. P. cIセ@ q;r f.m<RuT セ@ of the property or require the property to be placed at t he disp osal
repudiate the transaction : [s. 215, Indian Contract a」エ}セ@ q;r of the requisitioning authority" [s. 7(d), Naval and Aircraft Prize
セ@ Act] 'ffiiGI セ[@ セ[@ 2. to require some one to perfo rm some
repudiated, treat : [s. 12(2), Sale of Ooods Act] セ@ liT'HT 。」エゥッョセ@
requisitioning consumer: [s. 228(2)(iii), Indian Electricity a 」エスセ@
repudiation of contract: [s. 38(2), Sale of Goods Act) セ@ q;r セ@
repugnancy : to the extent of contradiction セ@ <6\ lfT3IT Cfili requisitioning of public record : [s. 6(1 )(c), Displaced Persons
repugnant: contrary or contradictory (to) ; inconsistent or incompatible (Claims) S upplementary a」エ}セ セ@ <6\ セ@ セ@
(with ) [s. 3, T.P. Act, s. 9(b), Companies Act and s. 3, Indian requisitionist: [s. 169(2), Companies a」 エスセ@
Railways a」エIセ@ re-rolled: セ@
repugnant in the ウオ「ェ・セ@ or context :contrary or contradictory to the resale notice : !fl' セ@ <6\ WRT
subj ect or context [5. 2, C.P.C. and s. 4(1), General Clauses resale price : [s. 39, margin, M onopolies and Restricitive Trade
Practices Act) !f!' セ@ <6\ <6\lffi
repurchase : セ G@ iii<! セ@
rescind: to do away with ; to annul ; to cancel [s. 6(/ )(i), Institutes of
reputation : the common or general estimate of a person with respect Technology a」エ}セ[@ [s. 92, pro v, (4), Indian Evidence
to character or other qualities [s. 55, expln. , Indian Evidence Act a」エIセ@
and s. 44, J.P.C) wnfff rescind the contract : {s. 43, ill. , T.P. a 」 エ}セ@ Gャゥtセ@ セ@
repute: reputation , distinction, honour, credit [s. 5(3)(c)(iii), University rescindable contract : a contract fit to be rescinded [s. 86, Indian
Grants Commission Act) wnfff Trusts a」エ}セ@
repute, of: [s. 5(3)(c)(iii), University Grants Commission Act) wnfff rescission : the actio n of rescinding o r t he fact of being rescind ed
[1 st sch. , app. A , form No. 34, C.P.C.] セ@
reputed father : [s. 5(d), prov., Carriage by Air Act] ッセ@ fiffiT rescission of contract: [1st sch., app. A, form No . 34. C.P.C.] セ@
reputed owner: fs. 59(2)(c), Presidency-towns Insolvency Act) &mf cヲ[ャセ@
ffilft rescue ·: [s. 18(/)(c), Air Corporations A ct] <r<rT<! ; [s. 60(1).
request: I. the act on the part of a specified person of asking for some Cr. P. C) T¥.RT
service etc., the expression of one's desire directly addressed to the rescue home : セ@ セ@
perso n or persons able t<l gratify it lil*rf; セ[@ • ; 2. to ask rescue station: [s. 58(r), Mines Act] <!<IT<f <i!!IR
or ask for (something) [s. 145, ill. (c), Indian Contract Act) lil*rf
rescued : recovered or taken back (at times by force) also, delivered
セ [ Nセ[@
from some harm or evil セ@ fu'!fT 'TilT
require: to demand as necessary or essential on general principles or
research : an investigation directed to the discovery of some fact ;
in o rder to comply wtth some regulation [s. 37, ill. (b), T.P.
careful study of a subject [sch. ll, item 3(d), Pay ment of Bonus
require the attendance: [art. 86(1), Const.] セ@ <6\ セ@ セ@
research and development assistant : セ@ 3ffi セ@ セ@
required : called for or demanded as approrlate or suitable in t.he
research and development inspector : セ@ 3ffi filq;m- f¥\Wii
particular case [s. 52, Cr. P. C) セ@ ; セ@
research and development officer : セ@ '*' fit<!;rn セ@
required by sucbsummonsor requisition: [s. 93(1), Cr. P.C.] セwrG@
research and reference division : セ@ 3ffi セt@ lfiWT
research assistant : セ@ セ@
required, you are: [sch. II, form No. 7, Cr. P.C.) "11'1 セ@ セ\V|[ュヲエ@ セ@
research associate : セ@ セ@
requirement : that which is required; a need; a want ; the act of
research degree : [s. I8(3)(a), North-Eas tern Hill University Act]
requiring; a request [s. 82(3), Cr. P.C.) セ[@ @セ
requirements as to recommendations and previous セ。ョ」エゥッウ@ to be
research fellow : セ@
regarded as ma1ters of procedure only : [art. 255, margin,
research institute : [s. /O(c), Coir Industry a」エ}セ@
cッョ ウ エNjセGJAヲ\イゥMャSth@
research of a medical namre : [s. 43(4)(iii)(b), Income-tax a 」 エIセ@
requirements, legal : セ@ セ@
requirements of law : [s. 74(b), Limitation Act] f<tltf <6\ セ@
Research Officer : セ@ セ@
requiring the discovery and production of any 、ッ」セNュ・ョエZ@ [s . 12(b),
research scholar : セ@
Requisitioning and Acquisition of Immovable Property Act] M
セcヲ[ャGJュイッ@ research station, live-stock : セ@ セ@ セ@
research unit : セ@ セ@
requisite: required by the circumstances or the nature of things [ss. 34
and I03, T.P. a」エ}セ[@ [Or. 26, r. 9, cNp}セ@ resemble: being similar or like [app. F, form No . 8, C.P.C. ] セ@ セ@
requisite act : [s. 39, Specific Relief Att] セ@ <wf tWrr ; [s. 9(2), Drugs and Cosmetics a 」エ}セ M セ@ tWrr
resembles, too nearly : [s. 20(2). Compa nies a」エ}セ セ@
requisite number : [s. 29(2)(h), Minimum Wages a」エ}セ@ "fi&rr
reservation : the action of reserving o r the fact of bein g reserved
requisite search : [s. 57(4), Registration a 」 エIセ@ mョセ@
[s. 48, T.P. Act and art. 16(4), Const.] JITWO'T
requisites : セ@ セ@ reservation charges : セ@ ll'iffi
requisition : I. a requirement ; the act of formall y requiring one to reservation clerk : セ@ セ@
perform some action, discharge some duty etc., [s. 4/(i), reservation of a seat: [s. 70. India n R ail ways a 」エ}セ@ C@ JITWO'T
Cr. pNcIセ[@ [s. 60A(2), T.P. a」エ}セ [@ 2. the taking of reservation of seats and svecial representation to cease after forty
possession of property for a limited period for the purpose of the years : [art. 334, margin, Const.] セ・ャゥ@ Jlml1lT '*' p,mq セ@
State or for such purposes as may be specified in the Statute Cf;l qffiffi qr;f eli GAセ@ -;; W'IT
[s. 3(2)(31), Defence and Internal Security of India a」エIセ [@ reservation of seats for Schedules Castes and Scheduled Tribes in the
GヲゥAgiセ@ House of the People: [art. 330. margin. Co me.) <frq; tN!Jt セ@
requisition and acquisition : [s. 3(2)(31), Defence and Internal セ@ '*' セ@ セ@ セ@ lW; セ@ q)f Jlml1lT
Security of India a」エ}セ@ ilffi セ@ reservation of vacancies : セ@ q;r セ@
reservation Supervisor 292 resist suit

reservation supervisor : セ@ セ@ residence, country : {s. 138, ill. , Indian .Succession a 」エ}セ@ f.\<m:f
residence, taken up .: {Nセ N@ 39, prov. (b), Guardians and Wards
reserve: I. money or its equivalent kept in hand or set apart usually to
meet a Specified liability or anticipated liabilities [sc/1. JI, r. J(v),
resident abroad : one who resides permanently abroad [s. 230(1),
expln., Companies (Profits) Surtax a」エ}セ[@ 2. to retain or
Indian Contract a」エ}セ@ f.r.mfi
secure some right or profit for oneself or another by formal
stipulation; to set apart a thing for some purpose or with some end resident but not ordinarily resident : ;;ft f.r.mfi ! セN@ oR II\ f.r.mfi
in view; to keep for some use [s. 23(2), SaleofGovds a」エ}セ@ セエ@
nsAT; l something specially kept apart for future use or for a resident clerk : f.r.mfi セ@
specific occasion {s. 48(3)(xvi), Motor Vehicles Act] ft;r<f Resident Deputy Collector : f.r.mfi \;If セ@ ; f.r.mfi セ@ セ@
reserve account : [s. 30(d), Companies a」エ}セ@ 1'iiffiT resident fisheries development adviser : f.r.mfi "lft;f-m:fM セ@ セ@
resident in India : a person who is residing in India {s. 2(42),
reserve and adjustment : セ@ 31't\ セ@
Income-tax a」エ}GABセᆱ@ il f.r.mfi
Reserve Bank deposits : ft;rcf セ@ Ofl!T resident oflndia : a person who is a resident of India {s. 4( 1)(i), Cost
Reserve Bank of India : [s. I , Reserve Bank of India Act, s. 2(e), and Works Accountants a」エ}GABセᆱ@ lliT f.r.mfi
Industrial Finance Corporation Act and sch. J, r. J(xi)(a), Resident Officer : f.r.mfi セ@
Companies (Profits) Surtax a」エ}セ@ ft;rcf セ@ resident tax payer : f.r.mfi セgュt@
Reserve Bank of India remittances : セ@ ft;rcf セ@ i)"q1rr residential: [s. 8(1Xa), Registration ofBirths and Deaths a」エ}セᄋ@
reserve by way of answer: {Or. 18..r. 3, C.P.C.] \3"ffi: セwjBゥエ@ ;ru セ@ セ@ セ@ '
セBサャsrA@ residential accommodation: {s . .10(13A), Income-tax a」エ}セ@ ct't
reserve capital : セ@ セ@ セ[@
reserve for discount on creditors : セ@ セ@ w.rm:セ@
residential building : セ@ セ@
reserve for discount on debtors : セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@
residential premises: {s. 7(4), Foreigners a」エ}セ@ '!fuR
nserve for doubtful セ Aャエウ@ : セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@
residential quarter : セ@ m
reserve forces: [s. 2(l)(c), Army Act] ftircf <rn
residential units: {s. 23(1Xa), Income-tax a」エ}セ@
reserve fund : a fund set apart by a company, firm or institution over
residential university : セ@ ヲNャセアゥGエ@
and above its capital to provide for contingencies
{sch. I, r. l(xi)(a), Companies (Profits) Surtax a」エ}セ@ f.lit:; residing : dwelling permanently or for a considerable period ·
[s. 236(2). expln. , Income-tax Act] ftircf セ@ {s. 100(1), Cr. pNcjセアBヲャGエt[@ セ@

reserve funds deposit : セ@ f.litr セ@ residual income : {s. 4(3), expln., Compulsory Deposit Scheme
a」エ}セ@ -m<l"
reserve, general : セ@ セ@ M
residual syrup: [s. 3(a), Indian Power Alcohol a」エ}セ@ -qm;fi
reserve, hidden : セ@ セ@ f;!itr
residual work : セ@ lfiTlf
reserve judgment: [s. 69(2), Presidency Small Cause Courts a」エ}セ@
residuary gift: {s. 176, Indian Succession a」エ}セ@ zyt
Reserve Police Inspector : ftircf セ@ セ@ residuary legatee :the person to whom the residue of the estate of a
testator is given after distributing legacies etc. or charges against
reserve price : セ@ セ@
the estate [Ist sch., app. D, form No. 18(3), C.P.C.] セ@
reserve, secret : セ@ セ@ M mmm;
[s. 232, Indian Succession a」 エ }セ@
reserve share capital : [s. 98, Companies Act] ft;r<f セ@ 'f'lt
reserve, specific : セ@ セ@ M residuary power : @セ セ@
reserve stoclt : セ@ セ@ residuary powers of legislation : {art. 248. Const.] セ@ セ@
reserve the right of disposal: [s. 23(2), Sale of Goods Act] <Xflf.i セ@ lliT セ@
セBサャsrA@ residue : something that remains after a part is taken, separated,
reserved bidding : an amount below which a property put up for removed or designated [s. 28(4), Indian Stamp a」エ}セ@ 'I!Til ; the
auction is not to be sold {1st sch., app. D, form No. 21, part of a testator's estate or of any part thereof, remaining after the
cNp}セ\ヲゥ@ statisfaction of all debts, charges of administration, statutory
allowances for support of a widow and children and previous
reserved for the consideration of the Pres1uent : [art. 3/A, prov., devises and bequests [s. 69(4), T.P. a」エ}セ[@ [app. D, form
cッョウエN}セ@ No. 18(3), cNp N c}セ[@ セ@
reserved ヲッイセエ@ : {ch. II, Indian Forest a」エ}セ@ <R
residue bequeathed by a testator : [2nd sch., item (28), Provincial
reserved price: a price announced at an auction as the least that will be Small Cause Courts a」エ}セ@ &m セ@ lliT セ@ mmm
entertained [s. 237, ill. (a), Indian Contract a」エ}セ@ residue of the money : {s. 28(3A), Industrial Finance Corporation
reserves and surplus : [sch. II, r. I(v), expln., Companies Hpイセヲゥエ ウI@ a」エ}AZr\Gセ[@ ArャゥtセGi@
Surtax a」エ}セ@ 31't\ セ@
residue of the property; [s. 85(3), Cr. P. C.] セ@ Wlfu
reserving a yearly rent: [s. 17(d), Registration a」エ}セ@ "lTCcf; q\1
residue of the term : {s. 200(2), Companies a」エ}セ@ lliT @セ 'I!Til ;
{s. 318(4), Companies a」エ}セ@ lliT セ@ 'I!Til; セ@ Clil iN 'I!Til
reservoir: place where something is kept in store; a tank {s. 134(1),
Cantonments a」 エ}セ[@ [s. 277, I. P. cN}セ@ resign: to give up an office [s. 123(4), C.P.C. and s. 5(/)(b), Working
reservoir division : セ@ li1Wf Journalists and Other Newspaper Employees (Conditions of •
resettlement : the act of settling again [s. 22(3), Damodar Valley Service) and Miscellaneous Provisions Act] 'IG セ@ '1>\olT; セ@
Corporation Act] セ@ 'ffiRT; m
セ@ <mro ;;rr;rr; [an. 7, prov.,m t.n
c ッ ョウエN}セ@ resign his office : [s. 5(2), Faridabad Development Corporation
resettlement ッヲゥ」 ・ イZセ@ Act] 3l'f.t 'IG lliT セ@ セ[@ [art. 90(b), Const.] セ@ 'IG セ@
reshipment : the action of shipping again セZ@ @セ ; s;r: セ@ resignation : セ@
reside: to dwell permanently or continuously {s. 102, ·T.P. a」エ}セ@ resignation addressed to the Vice-President : {art. 56(2), Const. ]
residence : I. the fact or act of dwelling in a place for some-time resist : to exert oneself to counteract or defeat; to oppose
[s. 106, T.P. Act and art. 16(2), Consi.] セ[@ 2. a temporary or {s. 141, second, J.P. cN}セ@
permanent dwelling place f.Wrn セ@ resist suit : {s. 33(2), Soecific Relief Act] CfiG" .lliT llf?mq lliVIT
resist the enforcement 293 restraint of trade, in

resist the enforcement : [s. 7(3), Arbitration (Protocol and responding credit : セ@ Ofl'IT
Convention) Act] liTtR iliT セ@ CfiBl responding debit : ;;rcn;fi セ@
resistance: passive and active opposition {ss. 214 and 225, J.P. C.] responding entry : ;;rcn;fi セ@
セ@ responsibility :the state or fact of being responsible; something for
resistance movement: [art. 13(2), Geneva Conventions a」エ}セ@ which anyone is responsible or accountable [ss. 44 and 164,
セ@ Indian Contract Act] 13t!Wf4i'l'; セ@
resistance to delivery of possession : [Or. 21 •. r, 97, C. P. C.] セ@ セ@ responsibility, ャ・ァ。Zセ[@
セBtrゥエ@ セ@ responsible: liable to answer for; accountable [s. 129, ill. (a), Indian
resistors: [5th sch., item 17, Income-tax Act] セ@ Contract Act] il'ffiGl'!fi; セ@
res judicata: a case or suit already decided [s. 11, C.P. C.] '{if «<T<! ;(W. responsible situation: a position of responsibility {1st sch., app. A,
セI[@ form No. 22, C.P.C.] GSエQHgiセABヲ@ -3ltro
resolution : something that is resolved; something that is determined responsiveness : セ@
upon [s. 9, Companies a」エ}セ@ rest house : セGャAa@ セ@
resolution cannot be proceeded with : [s. 224(2}(d), Companies rest house attendant : セGャAa@ セ@ セ@
a」エ}セ@ セ@ セ@ it 3ll'T セ@ ;:fflt セ@ on WlXfi rest intervals: [3rd sch., item 3, Indu.w io:J Disputes Act] f<mq セ@
resolution has or has not been carried : [s. I 78, Companies Act1 セ@ rest of the Maharashtra : litq セ@
'llltf セ@ 'Tin セ@ "!IT ;:fflt セ@ 7]<1! セ@ rest of the term of office : セ@ lfil M セ@ mrT
resolved to be capitalised: [sch. I, table A, interpretation 97(/)(a), rest room : [s. 32(iv), Income-tax Act] セGャエイ@ セ@
Companies a」エ}セ@ 7J<1T rest with the court alone, shall: [s. 43. /n /,, nd Vcssds ,1ct] <f>'ifi'f セ@
resort: to make one come or go up especially habitually or frequently セ\ヲLゥエェA[QNャwョ@
to a person or place {s. 40(/)(b), Cr. P.C.] "1"RT-OfRT; concourse restarting of undertaking closed down: <r< セ@ セ@ '3"f<f>l1' qit セZ@ セ\ヲL|GQ@
{s. 2(/)(f)(iv), Emigration Act] W!T'Tll; セ@ restaurant: [s. 2(/)([)(iv), Emigration a」エfセ[@ Wl\i
resort, court of last: [s. 2(g),lndian Succession Act] 3ffi'm セ@ restitutio in integrum (to restore parties to their original position): the
measure of damages is stated to be restitutio in integrum. In other
resort, place of public: [s. 2( J)(f)(iv), Emigration Act] IDc6 W!T'Tll iliT words the injured party is entitled to be put, as far as practicable,
セ[ゥャt@ into the same condition as if the inj ury had not been suffered; but
resort to any act or practice : [s. 16(/)(c), Industries (Development the wrongdoer is only liable tor such damages as flow directly irom
and Regulation) Act) q;l{ q;r:f CfiBl "!IT セ@ セ@ the wrongful act セ@ セゥエ@ \'fAT
resort to other similar practices : セ@ tt \lR! q;r:f CfiBl ; セ@ ift \lR! セ@ restitution : the act of restoring or a condition of being restored;
CfiBl restoration of a person to a former position or status; restoration
resources, land and its : セ@ セ@ セ@ Wro of a thing or institution to its original state or form {s. 144(1),
resource, natural : セ@ Wro C. P. C.] セ@ ; [s. 453, Cr. P. C.1<!T'ffi CfiBl
resources of India : [art. I I 6( I )(b), Const.] "lmf セ@ W:ifu m restitution of conjugal rights: [Or. 21, r. 32(1), C.P. C.] GfrR'q セ@
resources of the trust: [s. /3(2)(c), Income-tax Act] "ffil セ@ WH iliT セ[@ [s. IJ(JA)(ii), Hindu Marriage Act] セェアHGqゥャh@ iliT
respect ideals: [art. 5/A, Const.] ;mzyi! iliT セ@ CfiBl
respectable inhabitant: [s. 100(1), Cr. P.C.] セ@ r.tmft restitution of property : [s. 453, Cr. P.C.] セ@ <!T'ffi CfiBl

respectfully : セ@ restitution ofthe stolen property: [s. 453, Cr. P. cN}セ@ セヲイ@ <!T'ffi
respective : proper or relating to particular 'persons or things each to
each [Or. 20, r. 13(2), cNp}セ[@ ゥヲャQセZ[@ [s. 145(1), restiveness, fright or: [s. 77A(3), Indian Railways Act] 51: \itセ@
Cr. pNcjセMBャ@ restoration : the act of being restored or reinstated {s. 28(2)(b),
respective claims: [s. 145(1), Cr. P.C.] セM@ セ@ Specific Relief a」エ}セ@ ; <!T'ffi t.!T ; <!T'ffi セ@ ;;rr;rr
respective contributions: [s. 25A(l), Unit Trust oflndia Act] SャGrMセ@ restoration of any property : [s. 348, I. P. C.] fcl;fiT セ@ qit セ@ セ@
セ@ restoration of order : {art. 34, Const.] arcwrr iliT セZ@ セ@
respective liabilities: [Or. /, r. 4(b), C.P.C.] セMBャ@ @セ restoration of possession : [s. 28(2)(b), Specific Relief a」エ}セ@ iliT

respective meanings : [s. 20, General Clauses a」エ}セ]@ 3lilf セ@

respective opinion : [s. 20(/)(d), Antiquities and Art Treasures restore : to give back; to make return or restitution of (anything
Act] 3l'Ffr-3l'!'ft u<f previously taken away or lost); to put back into a former or
original state [s. 108(m), T. P. a」エ}セ@ CfiBl; [s. 64, Indian
respective promises : [s. 37, Indian Contract Act] BャセM@ li<R
Contract a」エ}セ@ CfiBl
respective rights: [1st. sch., app. A, form No . 40, C.P.C.] セM@
restore suit to file : [Or. 9, r. 4, C. P. C.] <IT<:" qit セ@ '1{ セ@ qw:rr
restore the value ofthe things: [s. 23(h), Indian Contract Ace] <ft;;it<f,l
respective shares : [s. I 55, Indian Contract Act] セM@ セ@
respective terms: respective periods or determined or prescribed times
restored line: [s. 2/(a), Indian Railways a」エ}セZ@
[1st sch., app. F, form No.8, C.P.C.]<fi'ftrq; セ@
restoreo to their original standard: [s. 21, Indian Railways Ace] セ@
respectively : I. relatively to each of several persons or things [ss. 45,

59A and 108, T.P. a」エスゥヲャQセZ[@ QャGセ[@ [s. 287(1), Cr. P.C.]
2. relating to each of the several things in the order in
restrain : to hold back a person from action, procedure or cour:.e "
[s. 40, T.P. Act] セキョエNit[@ {Or. 39, r. 2(1), C.P.C.] セcヲゥbt@
which they are specified セZ@ ; ifi1m\
restrain the solemnisation of child marriage : [long tille. Child
respite: {art. 72(1), Const.Jfurq
respondent : a party called upon to respond or answer a petition, a
Marriage Restraint Act] セ@ セ@ '1'Rf-
iliT セ@ CfiBl
restraining the defendant: {Or. 39, r. 2(1), C.P.C.] セ@ qit Sャ\セ@
claim or an appeal [Or. 22, r. II, C.P.C.] '1flfiff
respondentia : [s. 12, Marine Insurance a」エ}セ@ 1!1;;[ セ@
restraint: the action of restraining {s. 105, l.P.C.1 セ@
respondentia bond: a bond executed in a foreign port, by the master
restraint oflabour: [s. 78(c)(ii), Indian Railways a」・}セ@ <!i!3l<Rr<l'
of a vessel, for the repayment of advance to supply the necessaries
restraint of marriage, in: [s. 26, Indian Contract Act]- iliT セャゥG@
of the ship together with such interest as may be agreed upon
[s. 29(a), No. 56, Indian Stamp a」エ}セ@ 1!1;;[ セ@
restraint oftrade, in: [s. 36(2), Indian Partrlership Act] <m<m: セ [@
[s. 27, Indian Contract aセエ}@ antm iliT セ@ ; an<m <f> セ@ it
responding adjustment : セ@ セ@
restrict 294 retting ,Place

restrict: to restrain by prohibition [s. 432, Cr. P.C.] セ@ C1iBT retainer : [s. 543( /)(b), Companies Act] lffii'tmuT; ftt.R
restricted certificate : [s. 2(d), Chartered Accountants a」エ}セ@ retaining allowance : [s. 6, Employees' Provident Funds and
セ@ Miscellaneous Provisions Act] lffii'tmuT 'lffiT
restriction : a limitation placed on the use or enjoyment of real or retaking : [s. 6, Exchange of Prisoners Act] 'Sf' セ@
other property; confinement within bounds [s. 100, I.P.C. and retention: keeping in one's own possession or contml [s. 57( b), T.P.
wt. 15(2), cッョウエ N }セ@ Act] lffiilmuT; [s. 2(a), Indian Easements Act] WRl
restriction on discussion in Parliament : [art. 121, margin, Canst.] '#wl.. retention cargo : lffii'tmuT セ@
it \ュヲエrセ@
retinue: a number or company of persons retained in the service or
restriction on powers of Legislative Council as to Bills other than attached to or following someone, especially a sovereign noble or
Money Bills: !R セ@ セ@A セ@ q; \」ャゥエセ@ セ\V|@ m<it 'R person in authority [s. 86(4)(c), C.P.C.) セ@
r"tinue of the ruler: [s. 86(4)(c), C.P.C.] セ@ q; セ@
restriction on practice after being a permanent judge : retire : I. to withdraw from office, generally on superannuation; to
[art. 220, margin, Canst.] M セ@ @セ q; セGエャriL@ セ@ @セ 'R
withdraw from business [s. 32(1), Indian Partnership a」エ}セ@
セ[@ 2. to withdraw to or into a place for seclusion l:(ibffi it ;;rr;rr;
restriction on rights conferred by this Pan while martial law is in force 3. retire from service セ@ セ@
in any area: [art. 34, margin, Canst.] ;;r.r f<ffi:ft 1$1 it 'iRl
セ@ セ@ セ@ retire by rotation : [s. 255(/)(a), Companies Act] qffi))q; liJ'! # セ@
(101 セ@ セ@ &m l!Gr! セ@ 'R セ@
restriction repugnant to interest created: [s. 1/, T.P. a」エ}セ@ fti' q; retire, compulsorily : セZ@ セ@ Cii\ セ@ ;;rr;rr
retire, jury may : セ@ 1:%in it ;;rr セ@
restrictions as 10 imposition of tax on the sale or purchase of goods :
retire from service: [s. 2(1), 2nd pr,ov., Departmentalisation of Union
[art. 286, margin, Canst.] 'll"R1q;<l)<f'Ql セゥヲャ@ 'RC!i\q; セア[@ <clit Accounts (Transfer of Personnel) Act) C\itセ@
retired partner : partner who has withdrawn from the partnership
restrictions on the legislative powers of the Union and of the States
[s. 33(2), Indian Partnership a」エ}セ@ 'IWflm
with regard to trade and commerce: [art. 303, margin, Canst.]
retirement : I. the act of retiring; the state or condition of being retired
Olff'll1: 3111: セャヲut[ア@ q; セ@ it W:! 3111: u;;Qt <6\ セ@ m<it 'IT セ@
[s. 32(2), Indian Partnership Actj f.tq(f;j; [s. 189(2)(a), Air Force
restrictions on trade, commerece and intercourse among States :
a」エ}セ[イ@ [Or. 32, r. 8(1). cNp}セ[@ 2. retirement
[art. 304, margin, Canst.] u;;qTq;<fi<TO!l'T'!R, セ@ SゥィZwAtGヲrセ@
from service セ@
restrictions, limitations and conditions : {s. 10(2), Companies
retirement annuities: [s. 80E(l), Income-tax a」エ}セ@
a」エ}セN@ 3111: セ@
retirement benefit : [s. 7(a), Former Secretary of State Officers
restrictive conditions : [s. 2(h), Trade Unions Act] f.loftHI(ilib セ@
(Conditions of Service) a」エ}セ@ セ@ ;, [s. 15(2), Coal
restrictive provisions : [s. 37, Estate Duty a」エ}セ@ W1f.! <mit セ@ Mines (ConservatiOCJ. and Development) a」エ}セM[@
restrictive trade practice:· {.5. 2(o), Monopolies and Restrictive Trade [s. /4(5), Coal Mines (Nationalistion) Act) セMGヲゥャQr@
Practicesセ@ .4ct] セ@ セ@ retirement by rotation : [s. 30A(l), Industrial Finance Corporatior.
result: the effect, issue or outcome of some action, process, design etc. a」エ}セZC[@ [s. 264(2)(a), Companies Act] セゥエ@
resultant sum : [s. 801( 1A)(iv), Income-tax a」エIセ@ ufu retirement from office: [s. 318(/), Companies Act] 4G # セ@ -rnr
resulting balance : セ@ セュ[@ qftulT'fi セ@ retirement of next friend: [Or. 32, r. 8(/), C.P.C.] セ@ <6\ セ@

l!'. 'R m ibl. 'fl '!1"ffR

resulting from the attachment of property .: [Or. 21, r .. 55(a), retiring a bill under discount : セ@
C.P.c.]W!fu <6\ セ@ ib1 セ[@ W!fu \V|セ@ q; 4R•II11\<1M retiring gratuity : [s. 10(/0), Income-tax a」エ}セ@ '34GR
resulting trust : セ@
retiring trustee : [s. 73(b), Indian Trusts a」エ}セ@ <ITffi セ@
results of audit.: ffisrT 4furr qf{uj]1!
retoucher : セ@
resume duties: [art. 65(2), Const.] 3l'f.l ib\!a:il Cf>'t ヲゥエ\NCセ@ retract bid: to withdraw, recall, revoke or rescind an offer to purchase
resume possession : [s . 50. Sale of Goods Ace] セ@ m
\セ^bt@ [s. 64(2). Sale of Goods Act] <iTclt 1ITlffi *rr
resummon : w call for on second or subsequent occasion by a writ of retract caprictously : [s. 128, ill. (iv), Indian Succession a」エ}セ@
summons [s. 326( 1), prov., Cr. P. C.] 'Sf' WR- CliBT セC」キイョJ@
resumption: the action of beginmng again [s. 331, Cr. P.C.] Gsヲセ@ retract consent : [s. 128, ill. (iv), Indian Succession a」エ}セ@ 1l1lffi
CfiV!T; セ@ -H セ@ セ[@ [s. 13(/A)(i), Hindu Marriage a」エ}セ@ $IT
resu,mpuon of co-habitation: [s. 13(1 A)(i), Hindu Marriage a」エ}セ@ retracted confession : セ@ セ@ セ@
ゥ「ャセ@ re-transfer: to transfer back (the property) [s. 58(e), T.P. Act] llftl
resumption oftraffic: [s. 56A(J), Indian Railways Act] GAヲゥセャt「@ セ@ CfiV!T
Cセ@ retrenchment: [ch. VA, Industrial Disputes a」エ}セ@
retail : the sale of goods in small quantities to ultimate consumers retrenchment compensation : the compensation payable to an
[s. 20(/)(a), Cardamom a」エ}セ[@ [s. 2(/), Poisons a」エ}セ@ employee on account of his retrenchment [s. 2(21)(vi), Paycr,ent
retail price : [s. 32(2), Copyright a」エ}セ@ <6\lm of Bonus a」エ}セ@
retail rate-schedule: [s. 20, Damodar Valley Corporation a」エ}セ@ retrenchment officer : Wc.ft セ@
gャZセ@ retrenchment sli.p : セ@ 1f3l ; セ@ lliff
retailer : [s. 2(p), Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices retrial : trial for the second or subsequent time under order of the
a」エ}セ@ higher court or some provisions of law 'Sf' セ@
retain : to hold or continue to hold in possession or use \& セ@ ; to retrospective : having operation from a past time セ@
engage a lawyer [s. 126, ill. (c), Indian Evidence Act] llfumfurCfiV!T
retrospective effect : [s. 27(3), Interest a」エスセ@ ll11"flf
retain an attorney : engaging an attorney for attending to any single
retrospective operation : [s. 9(/), Coal Mines (Nationalisation
case or to all cases which may arise and need to be attended to in a
court of law [s. /26, ill. (c), Indian Evidence Act] d liR'Imfuf
retrospective sanction : セ@ セ@
retrospectively: with retrospective effect: [s, /, T.P. a」エ}セ\サ@
retain possession : to continue to hold possession even though the
term may have expired [s. 102, ill. (a), Indian Evidence Act] 'ib&JfT retry: to try (a person or case) again [s. 24(2), C. P.C.] Gsヲセ@ CliBT
Gサ`Zセ@ retting place : [s. /0(2)(i), Coir Industry Act] ' ゥエセ@ ib1 セ@
return 295 reversioner

return: I. a report of a formal or official character giving information revenue and capital expenditure : "U'iR<f 3ffi セ@ C!!ll
as to the number, amounts etc. of the subjects of Inquiry [Or. 5, Revenue and Insurance, Department of : "U'iR<f @セ ;fi1rr セ@
r. 18, C.P.C.] セ[@ 2. the action of returning [s. 25(3), Sale of revenue and service heads : セ@ セ@ WIT セ@
Goods Act] fficRr; [s. 168, Indian Contract Act] lfmit; 3. to give revenue and service transactions : セ@ セ@ WIT @セ
or render back (to a person) <iT'ffi <6Br; fficRr; 4. to elect セ@ revenue assessed : the amount determined as revenue {I st sch.,
<6Br app. E, form No. 29, C.P.C.] セ@ セ@
return a verdict: the expression of opinion finally and authoritatively revenue authority : [s. 58, Indian Stamp a」エ}セ@ セ@
セhッョ@ Revenue Board : セ@ <itt
return 」ィ・ォイZセ@ セ@ Revenue cッャ・」エイZセ@ Gヲゥイセ [@ セ@ セ@
return delivery clerk : M セ@ セ@ セ@ Revenue Commissioner : [s. 3(/0)(b), Genera/ Clauses a」エ}セ@
return journey : [s. 4(1), Sa/aries and Allowances of Members· of セ@
Parliament Act] lfmit <ii セ@ "lfPIT; lfmit "lfPIT revenue court: [s. 5(1), C.P.C.and s. 480(1), Cr. P.C.] "U'iR<f セ@
return, monthly : ·"lflfuq; セ@ セGQ^ゥI@
return of chargeable profits: [s. 5(1), Companies (Profits) Surtax revenue deficit : "U'iR<f <6lft ; セ@ QRT
a」エ}ュセ\@ revenue derived from land: [s. 2(/)(a), Income-tax Act] "!)lP) セ@
return of documents : [s. 78(h), Registration a」エ}セ@ 'fir fficRr ; セ@
セ\エ@ lfmit revenue duty : [s. 4(1), Customs Tariff a」エ}セ@ セ@
return of gifts: [s. 13, GifHax Act] GAT <tl セ@ revenue jurisdiction : セ@ セ@
return of income : [s. 10(30), prov., Income-tax a」エ}セ@ <t1 セ@ revenue law : [s. 69, ill. , Indian Contract a」エ}セ@ fctl!l
return of post : lfmit gJlli revenue office : [s. 3, Legal Practitioners a」エ}セ@ セ@
return of the Nazir: [app. B, form No. 12, C.P.C.]. <tl セ@ Revenue Officer :an officer em.pioyed in or about the business of any
return of wealth: [s. 14(/), Wealth-tax Act] !R <t1 セ@ branch of the public revenue [s. I 25, Indian Evidence Act] "U'iR<f
return port, proper: [s. 3(33), Merchant Shipping Act] .lfmit セ[@
lffi'! revenue of the State: [s. /94(2)(c), Cr. P.C.j"{'f'i{f 'fir "U'iR<f
return, sales: セ@ セ@ revenue paying estates: [s. I 7(ii), sch. II, Court-fees a」エ}セ@
return the !Jill: [art. 201, prov., cッョウエN}セ@ セ@ tn セ@
return thereto : セ@ セ@ revenue proceeding : [s. 30, Indian Easements a」エ}セ@
return ticket : [s. 3(6), Indian Railways Act] lfmit セ@ revenue process: a process issued in connection with the collection of
revenue [s. 2(17)(g), cNp N cN}セ@ セ@
return to his ship or quarter: [s.1 1(4)(b), Navy Act] -wR '!lo'f!li<I"Til:
q"{ <iT'ffi ;;rr;n revenue profits or losses: [s. 2 I 2(4), Companies Act] セ@ I1G <ii セ@
"!!! ;m I1G <tt mf.tlfi ; セ@ <ii セ@ "!!! mf.tlfi
return warrant : lfmit セ@ ; lfmit セ@
returned as juryaman: entered in an official report or return as having
revenue receipt : セ@ セ@ 3WTl{ m; m
revenue reserve: [sch. VI, pt. 11{, item 7(/)(c), Companies a」エ}セ@
been selected as a juror [s. 229, I. P. cN}セ@ <ii セゥヲ@
returned candidste : [s. 79{{), Representation of the People revenue sacrifices : セ@ <t1 セ@
Act, QYU}セ@ >3!'R!qf
revenue sale : sale of the property of one who has defaulted in the
returned, commission shall be: [Or. 26, r. 4(3), cNp}セ@ payment of revenue or against whom any revenue arrears are
;;m:;rrr outstanding [s. 73, T.P. a」エ}セ@ <ii セ@ セ@
returned emigrants: [s. 4(d); Emigration Actj <iT'ffi セ@ i3&<ffift revenue settlement : セ@ セ@
returned letter office (D.L.O.) : セZ@ セ@ セ@
revenue stamp : セ@ m ; セ@ セ@
Returning Officer : [s. 21, Representation of the People revenue surplus : セ@ セ@
Act, 195/]ftef.frr セ[@ セ@ セ@
revenue transactions: [s. 52, Indian R ailways Act] セ@ <ii セ@
returns : proceeds; income in relation to the- means by which it is
reversal: the action of reversing [s. 144(1), C.P.C.] セ[@ [s. 167,
produced [s. 6, expln. I, Indian Partnership a」エ}セ@
Indian Evidence Act] ;recr ;;rr;n
returns and reports : [s.' 35, Road Transport Corporations Act]
reverse: to undo; to annul [s. /44(1), C.P.C.] セ[@ [art. 134(/)(a),
セ M セ@
cッョウエ N }セエョ@
revalidation : :J)"114TQI11"'14>(111
reverse the decision: [s. 32, North-Eastern Hill University a」エ}セ@
revalidate : セ Z@ セ@ <6Br Gャゥtセ@
revaluation : セ@ reversible: fit to be reversed or annulled [s. 465, Cr. P.C.] セ@ liTfll
revaluation account : セ@ セ[@ セ@ 1Sm!T reversion : I. the returning of an estate upon its termination to its
reveal : to disclose; to divulge [s. 17(a), Drugs and Cosmetics former owner or his successor in interest [1st sch., r. 7(/)(i),
Act] lfC6?: mt ; lfC6?: <6Br Income-tax a」エ}セ@ ; the action of reverting セ@ ; 2. the
revenge: vindictive retaliation [s. I /4, ill., Indian Evidence Act] llft'lm right of succeeding to the possession of something after another
revenue: I. the annual or periodical yield of taxes, excises, customs, has done with it or simply obtaining it at some future time
duties and other sources of income that a nation, state or [s. 54, T.P. Act] iffltiWT; [s. 46(b), T.P. a」エ}セ@
municipality collects and receives into the treasury for public use reversionary : relating to, constituting or involving a reversion and
[s. 135(2), C.P.C.] セ[@ 2. incomefrom any source [s. 2(/)(a), especially a legal reversion to be enjoyed in succession or after the
Income-tax Act] セ@ termination of a particular estate セ@
revenue account : [s. 42(2), Assam Reorganisation (Meghalaya) reversionary addition : [s. 52, first prov., Insurance a」エ}セ@
Act] "U'iR<f 1Sm!T セ@
revenue administration : [s. 4(6), Guardians and Wards Act] "U'iR<f reversionary bonus: [s. I 13(2), Insurance a」エ}セ@ <ir.rn
1IWR reversionary interest: interest of a reversioner [s. 16, Indian Trusts
イ・カセョオ@ administration of a division : [s. 3( 14), Genera/ Clauses Act] iffltiWT セ@
Act] m 'fir "U'iR<f 11WR reversioner : one that has or is entitled to a reversion; one entitled to
revenue advances : セ@ "lftl''1' succeed on the termination of an existing interest on the basis of
revenue agent : a person admitted under the Legal Practitioners his being an heir to the previous owner [s. 15(e), Specific Relief
Act, 1879, as a revenue agent [s. 135(2), C.P.C.] "U'iR<f セ@ a」エ}セ@
reversioner in possession 196 nght of lien
reversioner in possession : {s. 15(e), Specific Relief Act} 'ffll;ijfl revoke the transfer : [s. 42, T. P. Act} ·atf<vr <bT セ@ <liRT
セ@ revolt :· a rebellion, insurrection [2nd sch., item 15, Extradition
reversioner in remainder: {s. 15(1), Specific Relief a」エスセ@ <bT セ@ Act}m
revert :to return to the former possessor or proprietor or his heirs revolving vessel : [s. 30(3), Factories Act] 'lftr:;rlft liD!
{s. 35, T.P. a」エスセ@ m reward: a recompense or grant lor service rendered or merit displayed
revert to disposer : [s. 24, Estate Duty Act} 'i1.flfcli セ@ セ@ m- {s. 116, ill. (a), ャNpcスセ[@ [s. 378, ill. (-1), jNp N cN}セ[@
reverter : [s. 24(1), Estate--DutyAct} セ@ m
;;rr;rr [s. 2(i), Contract Labour(Regulation and Abolition) Act] 'lift'llftrcl;
review : the process under which a court in -certain circumstances can reweighment inspector : セZ@ セ@ セ@
reconsider its own judgment; a general survey or re-examination; a rider : any separate addition to a document [s. 2(5), Registration
retrospective survey of past actions etc. {Or. 47, r. /(2), C.P.C. Act] i3l!ft<t;r ; "Om
'lnd art 137, c。ョウエNスセ@ ridge : {s. 4, exp1n., Indian Forest Act] iffi{; !til
review board : セ@ ljs(;f; セ@ <itt イゥヲャ・ュ。ョZセ[@ セ@
review, keep under : セ@ セ@ m Rigger : ftrR
review of judgment: {Or. 47, r. 1, cNp N cNスセ@ <bT セ@ rigging in the booms and yards: {s. 6( 1)(c), Indian Ports a」エ}セ@
review of judgments or orders by the Supreme Court: [art. 1;37, SヲオZセア[ケM@
marf!in, Canst.} f.!uf<it 1lT セ@ <bT セ@ セ@ llJU セ@ right : I. a claim or title to any subject matter whatsoever; legal title
review ッイ、・Zセ@ [s. 2(c), T.P. a」エスセ[@ 2. proper; fit; suitable; correct {Or. 14,
reviewer: セ[@ セ[@ BセQLN|Gャ]ゥヲh\m@ r. 1(5), C. P. C) 3tq;
reviewing officer : セ@ M セ@ right accrues: [,;h., art. 137, Limitation a」 エ Iセ@ itffi' セ@
revised budget estimate : セ@ <!'ire セ@ right acquired in good faith without notice and for value : {s . 27(2),
revised estimate: [s. 218(1), Income-tax a」エスセ@ Specific Relief a」エ}セ@ セ\aGA@ <il. セ@ 3fu: GABQセ@ N[Lセ。@ セ[@
revised leave rules: {s. 9(a), prov. (b), Industrial Disputes a」エ}セ@ キMイョセGJ\エヲ^サ@
revised pension rules : {s. 10(10), Income-tax a」エ}セ@ セ@ f.m
right against exploitation : [art . 23, main heading, c。ョウエN}セ@

right, as of : m\Vci;r(
セ@ .. -t
revised return : {s. /39(5), Income-tax a」エスセ@ セ@
revised tender : セ@ セ@ right attached to the share ofuny class: [s. 106, Companies Act] M
revi£ing committee : [s. 3B(b), Cinematograph a」エ}セ@ セ@
crf -t GJセ@ HセI@ n- Uw-T セ@
right claimed in common: [s. 11, exp1n. VI, C.P.C.] セゥャヲサ@ セ@ セ@
revising ッヲゥ」・イZセ@
revision :the act of examining again in order to remove any defect or
right, conception of : WI <tt fi<f;mr
grant relief against the irregular or improper exercise or non-
exercise of jurisdicfiQn by a lower court {s. I 15, C.P.C.} セ@ right, contractual : セ@ セ@
revision committee : セ@ m'l!fu right decision: [Or. 14, r. 1(5), C.P.C.Jitq; セ@
revision, court of : a court havingjurisdiction to exercise the power of right expressly provided by the terms of the contract [s. 53 A, T.P.
Act) tffiro <6'f.r.itt;it llJU セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@

revision of pay scale : セ@ <bT セ@ right guaranteed: [art. 32(4), Canst.] '1rttt %llT 7fllT セ@
revisional court: a court exercising revisional jurisdiction [s. 18(2), right heir :the heir at common law as opposed to the heirs by special
local customs {s. 93, Indian Succession a」エ}セ N ュ@

revisional jurisdiction : {s. //(4), Suits Yaluation a」エ}セ@ <tt right, I will do : セ@ セ@ Wn
セ@ right, ideas of : WI <bT セ@ セ@
イ・カゥ。ャZセ[@ セZ@ セ@ right in personam : セエ@ セ@
revive: I. the return to consciousness or life {s. 9(2), Hindu Minority right in イ・ュZセ@
and Guardianship a」エ}セ@ 2. to become operative m; right, legal: [s. 10I, Indian Evidence a」エスセ[@ [sch . II,
again lllffifu セ@ ; 3. to restore to consciousness or life セ@ form No. 25, Cr. pNcスセ@ セ@
<IWIT; 4. to make operative again {Or. 2I, r. 33(3), C.P. cNスセZ@ right of access : [s. 8(b), Collection of Statistics a」エスセ@ <bT セ@
lllffifu G'iT.fl right of action : [s. 36(5), Copyright a」エ}セ@ <bT セ@
reviving apparatus : [s. 36(4), Factories a」エ}セ@ セ@ right ofappeal: [s. 380, Cr. P. C.] セア[ケ@ セ@ ; セ\「y@
revocable: capable of being revoked [s . 126, T.P. Act] ョャァヲQBGᆱᄋセHッNA|エMア@ right of audience: (s. 121, pイ・Nセゥ、ョ」ケMエッキウ@ Insolvency a」エ}セ@ orR
revocable for a specified period: {s. 6(2), Gift-tax a」エ}セ@ <bT セ[@ [s. 44(2)(e), Indian Rail'!Vays Act and art. 76(3),
セ@ c。ョウエNスセ@ <bT セ@
revocable or an irrevocable trust : [s. 49(/)(d), Income-tax Act] right of contribution or indemnity: [s. 19(6), Esta te Duty Act] セ@
セ@ 1lT ;JiYR1fiwftq "lffif Mアェセ\「ヲ@
revocable transfer of assets : [s. 61 , Income-tax a」エ}セ@ <bT right of defence : [s. 300, excep. 2, I. P. G'.) セ@ <bT セ@
right of disposal : [s. 25(2), Sale of Goods a」エ}セ@ <bT セ@
revocation :the act of revoking [s. 3, Indian Contract Act and s. 61,
right of disposition: {s. 12(4), Carriage by Air a」エ}セ@ <bT セ@
Indian Easem·ents a」エ}セ@
revocation of acceptance : [s. 3, Indian Contract a」エ}セ@ <bT Right of Dominion : in order to constitute conversion there must be,
セ@ 0
(a) a positive and voluntary act done by the defendant e.g. taking
revocation of detention order : f.1<1'l.l セ@ <bT <lT'ffi セ@ OIFIT disposal, refusal to deliver on demand セ@ <liT セ@

revocation of licence: [s. I 0, Stage-Carriages Act] セ@ <bT セ@ right of examination: [s. 41, Sale of Goods Act} <rtmT セ\「y[@
revocation of proposal: {s. 3, Indian Contract Act] セ\「y@ \イエュャ「ヲセ@ -

revoke : to call back; to rescind ; to cancel; to annul by recalling or right offuture maintenance:· [s. 6(dd), T.P. Act]'qf<j\ GQ|utセ@ <bT
taking back [s. 42, T.P. a」エ}セ@ <liRT; {s. 5, ill. , Indian セ@
Contract a」エ}セ@ <IWIT right of Governor to address and send messages to the House ot
revoke the -acceptance: [Or. 45, r. .9, C.P.C.] セ@ <bT セ@ <IWIT Houses : [art . 175. margin, c。ョウエN}セ@ 7.IT -q セ\「y@ '*< m
revoke the detention order : f.1<1'l.l セ@ <lT'ffi セ@
セ@ セ@ .q;;A q;y セ@ q;y セ@
revoke the licence ·: {s. 17(3)(b), Arms a」エ}セ@ <IWIT right of lien : {ss. 46(2), 47 and 48, Sale of Goods Act] 1:11( 0 11\Q<bi(
right of minorities セYW@ rights, bill of
right of minorities : セ@ qrjf l!iT セ@ right to conserve: [art. 29(1), c。ョウエNIセ@ \ヲゥtセ@
right of minorities to establish and administer educational right to counsel: the right under which by the constitutions of many of
Institutions: [art. 30, margin, Const.]lm!T m-3lt セ@ セjQMAt@ セ@ the States, _everyone accused of セイゥュ・@ is entitled to have the
wセrhュャAゥt\iGQ@ assistance of counsel for his defence; in some jurisdictions the right
right of objection : セ@ セ@ <fiT ;ffitrffl is confined to capital cases セ@ <fiT セ@
right of occupancy : [s. 7(xi)(b), Co.urt-fees Act] BャヲゥGサイセH[@ right to consult: [art. 22(1), Const.} ャwAセ@ \ヲゥtセ@ m
[s. 32(/A)(ii), ャョ」ッュセMエ。ク@ a」エ}セ@ \ヲゥtセ@ right to discharge his eaves droppings: [s. 38, expln. 1I, iii. (c), Indian
right of ownership: [s. 82, T.P. Act] ヲゥャエFGセH@ Easements Act] 3l'Fft 31'tffilt # '1Rt f1rffi セ@ セ@
right of personal service: [s. 60(1), prov. (f), C.P.C.] セ@ ij-qrq;if.t right to disclaim certain agreements : [s. Y, Metal Corpora.tion of
\ヲゥtセ@ India (Acquisition of Un dertaking) Act] セア[ュャ@ <6 セ\Aゥt@
right of pre-emption : [s. 8, Limitatibn a」エ}セ[@ ᄋBャセ\ヲゥGエc「サ@ セ@
right of President to address and send messages to Houses: [art. 86. right to emotional tranquility: rigltt to have the feeling of being free
margin, <:;onst.] セ@ Sャヲセ@
<fiT 'l'iR T-f<f,) セ\ヲゥt@ .<fiT m from agitation or disturbance, being calm, placi d, peaceful
right of priority : (::. 530(4)(ii), Companies Act] 31'10!lfiT セ@ right to enforce any civil or other remedy : {s. 35(5). Copyright
right of private defence : [ss. 96, 97 and 98, l.P.C.] l1TW llfuoo <fiT Act] アZ[セ@ fufuf <rr 3R" セ\ヲゥt@
セ@ right to equality: [art. 14, heading, Const.] "fll«ff lfil. セ@
right of private defence of property : [s. 103, J.P. C.] W!ffi セ@ YTW right to establish and administer: [art . 30( 1), Const.} セ@ 'l'iR ャZュセr@
ュョャヲゥセ@ \ヲゥtセ@
right of private defence of tile body : [s. 101, l.P.C.] セイヲオ@ セ@ ャヲセ@ right to fair エイゥ。ャZセ@ \ヲゥtセ@
ュッc「イセ@ right to freedo m : [art. 19, heading, Const.] filTi'f;q セ@
right of redemption: {/st. sch., app. D, form No.4, cNp Nc スセ\ヲゥャ@ right to future maintanance : [s. 60(1), prov. · (n), C.P.C.] trr<ft
セ@ "f{{J[-tiTqUf Cf)] セ@

right of re-entry: [s . 6(b), TP. a」エ}セG@ セ\ヲゥt@ right to hold situation : [s. 2 I, ex pin. (2), J.. P. C.] SQセ@ i'.ffi'lT <fiT q:;r m
right of re-sale: [s. 46(J)(c), Sal(:, of Goods a」エスセ@ \ヲゥtセ@ セ@
right of self defence: [s. 4(3), Naval and Aircraft Prize Act] セゥNエャ@ right to light :every owner oi land or building has a nat ural right to the
セ@ li ght vertically coming to hi, property. But he has no natural right
right ofstopping the goods: [s. 46(/)(b), Sale of Goods .4.ct] セ@ it<f; to the light coming laterally to him as it would involve a serious
セ\ヲゥt@ restriction of the natural right of the owner of adjacent land to
right of stranger: [Or. 33, r. 10. C. P.C.] セ\ヲゥt@ build it as he pleases セt@ <fiT セ@
right of subrogation : {s. 95, T. P. Act] !RlmR <fiT ᄋセ@ right to mo\'e Supreme Court: [art. 32(1), Const.] ;:rttRf11 セ\ゥエ@
right ofsuit: [s. 91(2), (:.P.C.}qro_ \ヲゥtセ@ セュャヲゥ@
right of support : under tl'le English and Indian Law every owner of right to participate in profits: [s. 2(32), Income-tax Act] ffi1'it l! "!l'T
land has a natural right to the undisturbed support from the aq[jセ@
subjacent or adjacent soil belonging to another セ\ヲゥt@ セ@ right to privacy :the right to be let alone; the right of a person to be
right of surety: [s. 139, Indian Contract a」エ}セ@ \ヲゥtセ@ free from unwarranted publicity. Term 'right of privacy' is generic
right oftrade competition: it is the right of every person to engage in a term encompassing various rights recognised to be inherent in
trade or occupation available to him under the law. It may happen concept or ordered liberty 1:('liimn <fiT セ@
that his doing so and competing with another causes loss to the right to reassume power : [s. 63(a)(ii), Income-tax Act] Wffi \ゥエセL@
latter but he is not liable for such 、。ュァ・セ@ \ヲゥtセ@ Gwャュヲゥセ@
right of transferee for consideration : [s. 53 A, T. P. a」エ}セ@ right to receive dividend : [s. 207(c), Companies Act] \'fl'I!M 'l"A <fiT
セ\ヲゥt@ セ@
right of user : {s. 147(1), Cr. P.C.] ;;q<itrf \ヲゥtセ@ right to recover loans : [s. 36(3), Industrial finance Corporation
right of way: {1st sch., app. A , form No. 25, cNp}セ@ a」エ}セNャヲゥt@
right of withholding delivery : {s . 46(2), Sale of Goods Act) GftGR <6 right to redeem: [Or. 34, r. 3(1). cNp}セ@ m l!iT セ[@ l!T<R
セ \ヲゥtセ [@ セ[ゥエBHIアャヲ@ セ\ヲゥt@ ;ffitr<W,; [s. 3(/)(c), Specific Relief Actjl!T<R セ@
right or ゥョエセイ・ウ@ : [s. 200, Indian Contract Act] MSLセ@ <rr 1m! right to セ・、ュ@ property: [Or. 34, r. 2(c)(ii). C.P.C.] セ\ゥエ@ lf1<R
right, public or private: {s. II , expln. 6, C. P. C.] i'iTCb セ@ <rr l1TW セ\ヲゥt@
ᄋ セ@ right to renounce: [s. 603(5)(a), Companies a」エ}セ@ &>f.! Cf)] セ@
right share : [s. j72(4), prov., Companies a」エIセ@ セ@ right to share : セャゥt@ 'l"A <fiT セ@
right. to a fishery: [s, 13, ill., Indian Evidence Act] lfto:! セ@ '!\ セ@ right to speak : [art. 92(2), c。ョウエ N }セ@ <fiT セ@
right to a way of necessity: {s. 14, Indian Easements a」エ}セ@ right to sue: [s. 60(1), prov. (e), C.P.C. ) qro_ mit \ヲゥtセ@
セ@ right to sue survives: [Or. 22, r. 3(1), C.P ..C.] <rR -wt lfi1 セ@ <rm
right to an adequate means oflivelihood: [art. 39(a), Const.] セ@ <6 mrrt
セ@ mtR !lT'i'f <liB \ヲゥtセ@ right to work: [art. 41, Canst.] Cf)]11 'lf.t \ヲゥtセ@
イゥセィエ@ to 。ー・ャセ@ [s. n. University of Hyderabad a」エ}セ@ m <fiT right to work, to education and to public assistance in certain cases :
セt\@ [ilrt. 41, matgin, Const.] セ\ュイMSャエA^tGQ L@ fum M^ゥィZGtcAャセ@ ..qlfil ""
tight to appear and to be represented: {art. 61(3), Const.] セ@ ffi セ@
ャヲゥAッStGrセ@ rightful claimant : a legal, lawful, legitimate claimant [s. 88,
right to begin : [Or.. 18, r. 1, C. P. C.) 3TJti1 <fiT セ@ m cNpスセgnュ@
right to claim : [s. 45. Indian Contract Act) GNT 'liB <fiT セ@ rightfully : in conformity キゥセィ@ right; in a rightful manner [s. 145,
right to claim freight: (s. 2. Indian Bills of Lading Act] 'illt<!ifzyrrm Indian Contract a」エ}セ@
\ヲゥtセ@ rights accruing by virtue of: [art. 31 A(l)(e). Const.} <6 3ffm{ '!\ !ITW
right to claim the authorship: [s. 57(1 ), Copynght a」エ}セ@ ffi <fiT
gュゥNャ^ヲエセ@ rights, authority and jurisdiction : [art . 73(/)(b), Const.] Jlfuq,v,
liTlmfm: 3ih: セ@ .
right to compensation: [s. IJ(3), Workmen s Compe_nsation Act]
セ\ヲゥt@ rights, bill of : セ@ '!'f
rights conferred 298 routine test

rights conferred: [art. 13(2), Const.) <mf セ@ road : an ordinary line of communicll.tion between different places
rights in good faith without notice and for value: [s. 27(2)(c), Specific used by horses, travellers on foot or vehicles [s. 32, ill. (i), Indian
Relief a」エ}セ@ WRT セ@ m-r セ@ セ@ セ@
Evidence Act, s. 57, Delhi Municip,al Corporation Act and art.
15(2)(b), cッョウエN}セ@
rights inter se: [s. 364, Companies Act) セNッョ@ i! セ@
road inspector : セ@ f.tfulcl;
rights of citizenship of certain migrants to Pakistan : [art. 7 margin,
wad mileage : 1fffi 'lfflT
Const.) セGAit@ llil'iR セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@
rights of citizenship of certain persons of Indian origin residing road roller : [s. 2(16), Motor Vehicles Act)Ug 00
outside India: [art. 8, margin, Const.] '>lffif セ@ otm: セ@ セ@ m road transport : [s. 1"3(5), expln., Representation of the People
セQ@ Act, QYUIセ@ セ@
rights of citizenship of certain persons who have migrated to India Road Transport cッイー。エゥョ N Zセ@ f.!'1lf
from Pakistan: [art. 6, margin, Const.) セ ᄋ セ@ '>lffif '!IT llil'iR road transport service : セ@ セ@ WIT
セBG@ road transport vehicle: [s. 33(l)(a), Income-tax Act) セG\itA[@
rights of lien and stoppage in transit : [s. 46(2), Sale of Goods [s. Jfl4(4)(b), Income-tax a」エIセ@ .:
Act] エャゥHoセ\h@ セ@ セGA@ il セ@ q;r セ@ roads and bridges : セ@ セ@ セ@
rights of Ministers and Advocate-General as respects the Houses : roads and water transport services : セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ Wmt
[art. 177, margin, Const.) ュセ@ <1ft il セ@ セ@ セ\rit@ セ@ road van inspector : セ@ f.tfulcl;
rights of Ministers and Attorney-General as respects Houses : road van, tranship or: [Rule 2(q), Red Tariff No. QYIセG\t@ 'Ug I
[art. 88, margin, Const.} セ\Qヲエ@ ゥエセ@ 'it! iセ@ i<iqictl セ@ セ@ '<IT'!
rights of pasture: [s. 12, Indian Forest a」エ}セ@ roadway : [s. 2(57), Delhi Municipal Corporacwn a」エ}セ@ lfT1f
rights to ways : [s. 2(6), Registration Act]lfTlf セ@ セ@ rob : to commit robbery セ@
r.igid: stiff, unyielding, not plain or flexible; firm; hard セ@ セ[@ ; robbed : I. one against whom robbery has been committed [s. 8, iii.
セ@ (f),. Indian Evidence a」エ}セ[@ 2. deprived of something by
rigowus : characterised by rigour; rigidly severe or unbending unlawful force oi the exercise of superior power [s. 8, ill. (k),
[s. 122(8), Cr. pNcIセ[@ セ@ Indian Evidence a」エIセ@ 'T<i1
rigorous imprisonment: imprisonment under which the convict has to robber : one who indulges in robbery as defined in the Indian Penal
do hard labour [s. 53, 4thly, J.P. cN}セ@ q;roqrn; [s. 426(3), Code Wu ·
Cr. P. C. J セ@ q;roqrn robbery: [s. 390, I.P.C.JW.
rigorous, that is with hard labour: [s. 53(1), J.P. cN}セ@ Sャセ@ セ@ rod :a bar [s. 2(r), Gold (Control) a」エ}セ@
NijAャセd@ イッャZセ[エゥヲ@
Rinderpest·oヲゥ」・イZセ@ セ@ roll, character : セ@ ti;;ft
riot: a violent disturbance of peace by an assembly or body of persons; roll of 。、カッ」エ・ウZセ[@ セ@ W
an outbreak ofactive'l\lwlessness [s. 146, I.P.C. and s. 144(1), Cr. Roll of High Court : [s. I /(c), Indian Stamp a」エ}セ@ セ@ q\'1
P. C.] <ffiqf セ@
rieters : [s. 3(x), Army a」エ}セ[@ セ@ Roller Caster : 00 セ@
riotous or violent behaviour: [s. 9(b), Payment ッヲbョオセ^a」エI@ セ@ rolling stock : [s. 3(9), Indian Railways Act] 'iffi セ@
G\itセ@ 3lfTROT roman law : セ@ f<lltt
riparian owner: [s. 4, ill. (f), Indian Easements Act) & <til m ;セ@ rooted in the earth : [s. 3(a), T.P. a」エ}セ@ ゥエセ@
セ@ ropeways: [s. 3(2), Indian}ron and Steel Company (Taking Over of
Risaldar : fui1W<R Management) a」エIセ@
Risaldar Major : セ@ セ@ イッウエ・Zセ@
rise : an increase [s. 212, Ill. (d), Indian Contract a」エ}セ[@ セ@ roster clerk : セ@ セ@
rise to higer levels: [art. 5/A(j), Const.) セGAit@ lflT roster copying : 'illfi セ@ i30)ffi
risk : the chance or hazard of commercial loss; hazard [s. 8 I, expln. rotary: [s. 21(/)(iv)(a), Factories a」エ}セ@
and s. 87, i N pNc}セ@ rotating internship : セ@ -lio: セ@
risk insured against : [s. 25(2), Marine Insurance Act] ;;flfurq セ@ rotation, by : [s. J/(2), prov. and s. 30A(l), Industrial Finance
<fitrr セ@ 'T<i1 セ@ Corporation Act) セ@ セ@
risk of deterioration in the goods: [s. 40, Sale of Goods Act) l!m'it セ@ rough copy : セ@ '!<ml
q\'1 ;;flfurq
rough shunting: [Rule 131(1)(3), Red Tariff. No. 19] '('fi セ@
risk passes to the buyer : [s. 8, Sale of Goods Act) ;;flfurq ll'iin GAitセ@ rounded off as one: [s. 287(2), Companies a」エIセ@ lfRll;{ ftR セ@ 'T<i1
ュ。イセ@ rounded off to the neare,t multiple of ten rupees : [s. 280Q,
risk purchase : ;;flfurq ifill Income-tax a」エ}セ@ 0<6 セ@ セ@ 'l'1l:
risk sale : ;;flfurq m rounding off : [s. 6, prov., Employees ' Provident Funds and
risk, to take a : ;;flfurq i>OR! Miscellaneous Provisions Act] セ@ セ@ ; セ@ セ@
rounding off of income : [s. 288A, Income-tax Act) 3lTl< <til セ@
rites and ceremonies of marriage: [s. 7, Hindu Marriage a」エ}セ@
セ@ セア[ゥヲ@ route : [s. 2(28A), Motor Vehicles Act] lfl1f; セ@
rival claims: [Or. 20, r. 14(2), C.P.C.] <m'l'< fultft ffi routine clerk : ;flfi セ@
mal claims to pre-emption : [Or. 20, r. 14(2), C.P. cN}セ@ <m'l'< routine day to day expenditure : [s. 3(3)(b), General Insurance
fultft -rn (Emergency Provisions) a」エIセ@ セ@ <til ;flfi C!fll'
river investigation division : セ@ セ@ lfi!T1T routine instructions : [s. 127A(3)(b), Representation of the People
river side : [s. I 7(2), Land Acquisition a」エIセ@ aR Act, QYUO}GエヲAャセᄋ@
routine nature: [s. 2(26), prov., Companies a」エIセ@ t<ffi'fi
river ウエ・。ュオセ@ : セ@ セ@
river valley : L1ong title, Inter State Water Disputes a」エ}セ@ routine note : ;flfi .nc
routine payments: [s. 11(2)(b)(i), Sick Textile Undertakings (Taking
river valley project : セ@ mit セ@
Over of Management) Act) ;flfi m
rivet boy : Me i1T<i'
routine test : ;flfi tRmur
routine work 299 ·Ryotwari settlements
routine work : [s. 2(i)(8), Employment Exchanges (Compulsory rules of insolvency : [s. 66(2), Sale of Goods Act] ft<ffi;rr セ@ セ@
Notification of Vacancies) Act] ;)1ft llifl1 rules of procedure: [s. 18(5) Unit Trust of India Act and art. I 18,
rover : [s. 2(e), Marine Indusrance a」エIセ@ margin, c。ョウエNIセ@ <fi f.1<rrr
roving enquiry : an enquiry unrestricted as to location or area of rules regulating the procedure: [art. 87(2), c。ョウエN}セ@ \ャゥtセ@
conc.e rn セ@ ;:;riq . <liB qffi セ@
rowing boat : [s. 3(39), Merchant Shipping a」エ}セ@ "lR cm;fi ;;W;r rules shall prevail : [s. 47, State Financial Corporations Act] f.1<rrr
Royal Charter : charter of the British Sovereign [s. 3(e), Land セ@
Acquisition a」エIセ@ ruling : a judicial decision; an authoritative pronouncement セ Z@
Royal Navy: [s. 188, margin, Navy Act] Ulffi #t セ@

royalty: dues payable to a land owner for mining rights; sums paid for ruling chief: the chief who is ruling [Or. 32, r. 16. C.P.C.] WWii <fiq;
the use of a patent; percentage paid to an author by a publisher on rummage: a thorough search, especially among a variety or confusion
the sale of his book [s. 22(2)(a), Coal Mines (Nationalisation) Act of objects or into every section of an area [s. 61(a), Gold (Control)
and s. 26, Indian Stamp a」エIセ@ HセI@ a」エIセ@
Rubber Production Commissioner : \iiS セ@ セ@ rummage and search: [s. 106(a), Customs a」エIセ@ <ffiM1
rubbish: waste matter, litter: [s. 16(/)(c), Indian Electricity Act) ¥J rummaging inspector : セ@ f.'lt\!ffCO
セ@ rumour: a statement or report circulating in a community of the truth
ruinous state : decayed condition [s. /0, Sarais Act] ;;f\uf-!lfluf "GW of which there is not clear evidence [s. 505, l.P.C.] ::;r;r"JJf! [セ@
rule : a prescribed, suggested or self-imposed guide for conduct or run a vessel aground orashore: [s. 439,/.P.C.] セ\Gャゥエヲサュ@
action; a principle; a kind of regulation or bye-law; a principle ュヲ」|[イサセキョ@
regulating some action [s. 3(5), General Clauses Act and run, period begins to: [sch., col. 3, Limitation Act) <liffi<lW!T セ@
art. I 3(3)(a), Const.] f.1<rrr セ[@ アュ[イセ@
rule against extra-territoriality : U'R! セ@ <fi セ@ f.1<rrr イオョ。キケZセ@
rule against perpetuity: [s. 14, T.P. Act] wセ@ <fi セ@ f.1<rrr runner : lR'Om
rule for denaturing or mutilation of goods: [s. 24, Customs Act] 1ffiil running account: current accnunt, i.e. an account bet ween two parties
\ヲゥセョNGイア@ having ·a series of transactiens. not covered by evidence of
rule having the force of law: [s. I 7I -I, I. P. C.] f<rttl <liT 'ffi w.R <rffiT f.1<rrr indebtedness (as notes OJ certificates) and usually subject to
rule making control : f.1<rrr セ@ ; f.1<rrr <Rf.t セ@ セ@ settlements at stated intervals (as monthly or quarterly) [s. 79, T. P.
rule of interpretation : f.tcf<R <liT f.1<rrr a」エ}セ[@
rule of law : I. [s. 66(e), Sale of Goods Act) fclfu \ャゥtセ@ ; 2. the term running account bill : セ@ セ@ f<re
rule of law in brief connotes the undisputed supremacy of law and running allowance : [s. 2(o)(u}(2). Additional Emoluments
envisages a state of things in which everyone respects the law and (Compulsory Deposit) a」エ}セ@ 'lfflT
where law is to be foll<1Wed by everyone collectively and individually running concern: [s. 1BFD,lndustries (Development and Regulation)
by the citizens as well as the State fclfu セ@ セ[@ fclfu セ@ acャIセ@

rule of pleading : [s. 58, Indian Evidence a」エ}セ@ セ@ セ[@ running contract : セ@ M
セ\ャゥt@ running cost : セ@ セ@
rule of preference: [s. 12, Hindu Succession a」エ}セ@ <liT f.1<rrr running of time: [s. 9, Limitation a」エIセ@ <iiT セ@ セ@ ; セ@ <iiT <lWlT
rule of proportions : セ@ セ@ Running of time, continuous : セ@ <iiT f.mR セ@ セ@
rule of prospective over-ruling : セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ <liT f.1<rrr running power : セ@ WRf
rule of road on lands : セ@ If{ 'Wf <iiT f.1<rrr running room inspector : セ@ <rf Cfilro セ@
ruler: one wno rules over a nation or people [s. 113, Indian Evidence running shed supervisor : $iFf !its セ@
a」エIセ@ running ウエ。ヲZセ@
ruler of an Indian State: [s. /0(19), Income-tax Act] セAャゥエ@ U'R! <liT セュイア[@ running summary of facts. : oiZll <iiT llillrc!i «R
rules and regulations : ヲNQ\イMセ@ running time : [s. 2(/)(i) and s. 2, expln. , Motor Transport Workers
rules as to costs..: [art. 145(1)(1), Canst.) W <fi <1ft# f.1<rrr a」エ}セ@

rules as to delivery : [s. 36, Sale of Goods Act] llfu:R セ@ f.1<rrr runway : a path for aircraft to take off from [s. 29(3), expln. (a),
rules as to evidence : [s. 130, Navy a」エIセ@ f.1<rrr Factories Act] tn<R '!if
rulesastoproceedings: [art. 145(/)(c), cッョウエN}セ\ヲゥitC@ rupture : a break or burst セ[@ lR
Rules Committee: [s. 123(1), C.P.C..] f.1<rrr セ@ rural areas : [s. 2(q)(b), National Bank for Agriculture and Rural
Development Act) 7Jlli\ur l$r
rules for professional propriety : セ@ セ@ <fi f.'!1<11
rural credit : [s. 3(4)(iii), National Co-operative Development
rules for the more convenient transaction of the business of the
Corporation Act] 7Jlli\ur l!('q<f
Government of India: [art. 77(3), c。ョウエNIセ@ <iiT q;t<f セ@
セ@ セ@ ;;rR <f; セ@ f.1<rq rural development: [s. 2(q), National Bank for Agriculture and Rural
Development Act] '1fl! セ@
rules of business : q;t<f セ@ f.1<rrr ; q;t<f f.1<rrr
Rural Development Officer : '1fl! セ@ セ@
rules of court: the rules of practice and rules to regulate procedure and rural higher edueation : '!IT'ftur セ@ エキュセ@
faci litate the administration of justice which courts have the
rural income : '1fl! セ@
inherent power to prescribe as they may deem necessary,
rush of expenditure : Clfll" <iiT セ@
independently of statute giving them authority to do so [art. 145,
c。ョウエNIセ@ <fi f.1<rrr rustie.tte: [sch., item. 35(3), Aligarh Muslim [{niversity a」エ}セ@
.g;rr; セ\ュャ@
rules of evidence: [s. 18(2)(b), Citizenship a」エ}セ@ <fi セ@ Ryotwari settlements: [art. 31A(2)(a)(ii), c。ョウエ L }セ@

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