Giáo Trình Ptts - NG Pháp - T V NG Toeic Dace - 42-52

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1. Thisspecialofferwill be good thirtydays.

(A) of (B) at
(c)up ( D) for

his outgoingpersonality,
Jim is known for being incrediblyhelpfulwith his
{AiDueto (B)In additionto
{C)As a result {D)Becauseof

the bad weather,we completedthe constructionof the shopping center

on schedule.
(AiDespite (B)Unless
(C)In orderto {D)Aswellas

4. The city councildecidedto plant moretrees and flowers the main street.
(A)from (B)among
{C)along (D)without

5. Everyitem in the store is on sale the computers,which are being sold at their

{A}unless (B)exceptfor
(C)without (D)even if

1. (D) 2. {B} 3. {A} 4. {C) 5. {S)

StudyingTypesof Questions

TYPEI Prepositions

Thefollowingtablecontainsrulesfor some of the mostfrequently-used

in English:

Prepositionsof Time:

* d&vg * ** io"i**#*y. ;_1i3


* glnnthslg*as*ns )* in Ae";Eust. r '*i*l*r

* lim* *f *:l;r1- I" ln ffo*rn*rnr,;g
6 y**1'$ in F**$
* *{?*r* c*r'tainp*ri*cl r:f tin:c I. ln al: fr*ur
u fftr r;;r;i;! $ -l: , rii'i:'i

* ifir ,l/0?ire?,
13 i - gi i'\* |y**{*'*#
. af fo*lf#;rsl ::in*
i * fr*m a **s;iin p*r*t *f ,.1rn*
{p*.qttiitrn*w} i . smr* 7$**
t .,
* - ' , , ' , ' r ; ij n : . ] ' ' i l l r , , ( ' j , I t r ; n e { n n S t * i ; l ^ lrsi } yt#,,-
" . , 1 t1 i j .

{hsn a **r'ain p*lr:t r;i iln*

**riir:rlt*.1-r:r I . foef*r*l*ff*r
";lfr, i" r",. -
- - , . , , * . .: - _ , ,- - , , " - _ l

{h* ti*re
lcliine; tir:ie

,* l*ljin*ii:*tin:* :'i*Rpesisix,#:1{1}
* r:arkingii:*i:*glnnrneean**nsjl;fa i. #cry |..4*nd*,,t

* :n ti:* s*fr$s *f r:*r,vl*.lg s*,x*i*ltg l;* - Hs i:*r:: furtl:..lay
::*ttl {,'i;,."i.,,,

I * :n ih* $*n:';* *f *t t** /xf**f I . I vyt{ *ri ,}{}il,l

* a..rr{3
t* a r:***in tirn* 1. #y I I *'ri*rii, !?,:,:tt'i
:i,#rj *q*p*gr**

Prepositionsof Place:

:'*i:}rl.**i1tJi;:g,xtr**i, i*,sn" r:**ntry e ;?:I;4-:

l{it,"t}.1 ,',},. ,.

: i;**li, paper. *rl*. r lf; tl r;; , ,rlrii,

l*r, i*xl , . l* *t1* r:;:"r,lr: x la.::;

ili*i*r*. lv*rl* * .r;: "/1;: i:lr'..1i :: j,. ,; .f)
u,]l :#

!::rjicr.tirt ir*l*r* *L:jsti: i* I* af f** ri**r. ,tl lhe sf*fu*;':

* f*r fx*Jr: ,. sl l*# t#fu1*
i*r'*v*nt* ,* #l & **,q*s$. at tne"paft.y
i:1,*r* ,":r*fr"*y*t-:;.:f* ti ' ti* x**:*tir!ng ,. xf iil* r:;c*l;:,;, *l *r,fo**i. *.1*t*rk
i'.,v41*ha ill:r" r,:**y. vlir)fil.)
. attached . fhe plcfure on fhe lvali
" for a place with a river . London /ies on theThames.
. being on a surface . on the table
" for a certainside {left,right} ' oR fhe leff
. for a flaor in a house . on the first floor
. for public transport " on the bus, on a plane
. for fe/evisian,radio " on W, on the radio
. left or rightof somebodyor something Janeis sfandingby/next ta/

" on the ground, lower than (or covered . 7he &ag rs under fhe fable.

" lower than somdhing else but above fhe fisfi are beiow fhe sudace of
ground water.

" coversd by somethingelse . Put a jacket over jrour shirt!

. equivalentlomare than . over 16 yearsof age
. getting to the other side (alsoacross) . walk over the bridge
, overcorningan obstacle . climb sver ff,e fi/a/l
higherthan somethingelse, but not . a path above the lake
directlyover it
. gettingto the othersideialsoorer) . walk across the bidge
. swim across the lake
. for something
withlirnit*on top, , drive thraughfhe funnel
bottomandthe sides
. movementto a personor building . go fo the cinerna
. movementto a placeor country r go fo Landonllreland
. for bed ' go fo bed

" enteringa room/a building ' go rnfo the kitchenlfhe house

. rnovement in the directionof something; go 5 sfeps tawards fhe house
{butnot dinectlyto it)
r movementto the top of something * jump onfo fhe fab/e
' in the ser'l$e*f r;yherefrom . a flawer from the garden

Also,youneedto learnprepositions
following or a verb;for example,getrid of, be
a noun,an adjective

$BfVpgZ Prepositions
or subordinating
{A}Desr:ite {S}hJeverth*l*ss iil}Alth*ugh iil] f"'{*wev*r
Theoptionsgivenaboveare preposition Despite,adverbsNevertheless and However, subordinating
conjunction AlthouSh. Despiteandalthoughare similarin meaningbut theyare usedin different
structures:despite+ nounbut although+ clause.You,therefore,mustlookat whatfollowsthe blank
in the statementso as to chooseeitherdespiteor althouSh.
Alsonotethe differencebetweenbecause
(= srnce,as)and becauseof 1=6u" to);andduringandwhile.
the car accidentthat occurredat the intersectionof Main Streetand Maple
Avenue,trafficis backedup by abouttwentyminutes.

$) While {B} In that

{C}ln case {D)Dueto



ffi erepositional clauses,
of adverbial
canbetheequivalent phrases
especially with
becauseof, andin spiteofldespite.
he losthisjob.
Becauseof hiscarelessness,
- equivatent
to Becausehewascareless, he losthisjob.
Despite/lnspiteof hisblindness,he managesto livea normallife.
- equivalent to livea normallife.
to Althoughhe is blind,he manages

of reason
ffi erepositions oftenoccurin theTOEIC
andconcession tests.

Cn@ Payattention conjunctions

to thesesubordinating I as/ since;though/
now that/ because
althaugh+ clause.

Quiz15 paEe?11

All of the trains arrivedat the station on time 2. our proposalwas

the snowstorm. acceptedby the government
(A)eventhough iBlas lf {A)So that {B}As a result
(C)in spiteof (D)nevedheless {C)Thanksto {D)In addition
Thechangesto the computerprogrammustbe completed lnursc,ay
at tne latest. I

{A}on (B)by
(u) oerween (D)except



ffi theseprepositions
of timeareoftenseenin theTOEIC

in March/in2010

on April2A/ on Monday

at 3 p.m./atalltimes

between10:00and 11:00a.m.

within two weeks

before the weekend

after four months

throughoutthe day

ffi Thefollowing yourattention:

in the senseof at the /afesf The report needs to be rwiewed by the end of the week.

in the senseol how long

The storeremainsopen until 10 o'clockon Fridays.
somethingis going to lasf
over a certainperiodof time
He has been employedfor threeyearsas a repairtechnician.
(pasttill now)
throughthe wholeof a period
It is difficultto find accommodationsduring the tourist season.
of iime

W-,i're Answ*r:p*g* t'! 1

1. P e t e r i n t e n d st o t a k e a d a y o f f - - 2. Visitorsto the SunshineResortthis year are

September26 so that he can spend t h a t expectedto doublelastyear'snumbers
timewith his family. the summer.
{A}in {B}on {A)while its}during
{C}to {D)at {C}wh*n {D}about
All salesstaffmembersare requestedto assemble^--------the auditoriumto listent o a I
speechby the presidentin ten minutes.

i iA) in {B}cn
. U-,1of {D)as

A*s.t*r: i.\r


$ of placeareoftenseenin the TOEICtests.

trese prepositions

in the confe€nce room

at the airport
on the fourthfloor
belowlbeneath the table
be*idefby the entrance
nearthe publiclibrary
along the ccast
between the two countries
arnong the Europeancountries
throughoutthe city

NN puyattention prepositions:
of thefollowing
to thecollocations
under the currentcontract
under repair
under the seat
within a five-hundred-mile
within ten days
within the building

Alsr^r pagi 2r1

1. Severalhotels may be found .----.-----the 2. The new highwayis still--- -:--'-'construction,

conventioncenter, which makes them all so traffic congestionwill not ease up until it
convenientlylocatedfor businesspeople. openssometimeduringthe spring.
{A)throughout {B}against {A)into {Bioff
{C)next (D)near {C)under {D}outside

l$ meseprepositions
areoftenseenin theTOEIC

() eeOwarecompound

\F Qurz18

they decided to eat at a nearby restaurant. two forms of pictureidentification.
(A)Accordingto (B) Further {A)upon (B)until
(C)lnsteadof {D)However (C) without {D)along

1. the nationalholiday,therewill be 6. Mr. Lincolnpromisedto submithis

no mailservicetomorrow. estimatefor the cost of the project
the end of next month.
{S}$}*c*u***i {$'*y
i*) l-"{*w*v*r" {ffi}*p
{l}}Th*r*f*r* {*l*t
{il} *rncng

2. Severalbranchofficeswill be opened
the nodhernpart of the country 7. for approvedvisitors,no one
overthe nextfew months. from outsidethe companyis allowedto
gain entryto the factoryfloor.
lffi]up {A}Whii*
{*J*g*inst {f3}$*
!l)] duri;rg {C}{:xcept

3. Feelfreeto forwardmessages-
headquarters to me as soon as you 8. The negotiations
are in theirfinalstage
receivethem. and shouldend 5 P.M.
iAln* {A}pt'inr
il*) *L:t {tri*}:*aC
tt'j t:P {il} **riy
{l}}fr*rn {l}i L:*f*rc

4. Youmust let me knowwhetheror not you 9. The eafthquakeaffectedseveral

planto attendthe concertat leastthree companres the regionand
days prior the event. causedsomeof themto closefor up to a
{ffi}i* {,41s**":*lr,rhel
{llt *{ {[3]r*arcnve*r
f*] nt:*ut {il}9hrnughnxt

5. Any employeesand theirfamilymembers

wishingto visitthe exhibitionmay do so 1 0 . I needyou to find a solution
- no cost. the problembeforethe budgetmeeting ,..a::::::.::',::
beginstomorrow. .. .))))r::..::
{m}i:y iA)*v*r :ar.

{S}*ver i[3]*b*l;t
{il}fronr {{)}:l* :a:::::,:::.:a::,:::.t:
(*]*ut . ..:.r,:,lll.l .llllllr. r

.il':li' lllll.llrlr.l:.i,lf
1 1 . A list of the benefitsyou will receiveand 16. The law office of Drake,Quinn, and
an overviewof the company's pension Stephensis located--------- the
plan are enclosed the letter. intersectionof Henry Road and Spring
'(B) along
{A) of
(C)from (B)at
(D)until (Q from

12. the rise in tuition at most

colleges,fewer students are electing to 17. working with the company's
attendany institutesof higherlearning. engineers,the constructionworkers were
(A) Due to able to solve the problem that had been
(B) In fact slowingthem down.
(Q While (A)Bv
{D)Whether (B)During
{D)So that
13. Everyone of the district businessunits
the WelkerFinancialCorporation
is authorizedto act independently. ---------all employees
18. It is mandatory to
(A) as for signin anygueststhatvisitthe building.
(B) between (A)because
(C)within (B)that
(D) because (C)so

hiring internally,the firm decided

to utilize a headhunterto recruit new 19. Afterinsertingyourkey,you mustopen
talent from elsewhere. the door thirtyseconds,or an
(A) Even so alarmwillsound.
(B) Insteadof (A)under
(C) Because (B)within
(D) Rather (C)directly

15. all the applicantsfor the

position, only three fulfilled all of the n. FinancialNewsMagazine,the
listed requirements. high-techindustryis set to makea
(4 ln comebackin the nextfew months.
(B)of (A)Evenif
(c) At (B)Accordingto
(D)Out CI As though
21. 1985,Sports Shoes,Inc. has Leavingearly without permissionis
concentratedon providing its customers discouraged the supervisors
with the highest quality in athletic shoes. here.
(A) Before (A) on
(B)Since (B)to
(C)on (Q from
{D)Bv (D)bv

Thecompanyis unableto complete 27. WendyJenkinshasbeenworkingat

processingyouremploymentapplication firm
that architectural overeight
the properdocumentation. years.
(A)upon (A)in
(B)until (B)for
(Q without (Q up
(D)along (D)from

the bad weatherithe employees Dr.Hurstsaidthat he will informyou

workedallthroughthe nightto prepare the resultsof the labtestswithin
the groundsfor the nextday'sceremony. forty-eighthours.
{A)Despite (A)of
(B)tJnbss {B)along
(C)ln orderto (Q over
{D As well as (D)through

Mr.Patterson,the newdirector,is known 29. the meeting,Ms. Nelsonoffered

workingas hardas all of the severalideasas to whatwentwrong
employees underhiscontrol. duringthefailedexperiment.
{A)along (A)When
(B)for {B)While
(C)as (C)Instead
(D)during (D)During

Anycompanyor individualinterestedin Therewas littleI coulddo to assistthem

advertising our websiteshould offeringencouragement to those
contactMs. Martinat extension42. doingthe work.
(A)during (A)asidefrom
{B)up (B)letalone
(C)as (Q accountingfor
(D)on (D)accordingto

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