Response History

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Started on Friday, 28 May 2021, 2:30 PM

State Finished
Completed on Friday, 28 May 2021, 6:28 PM
Time taken 3 hours 58 mins
Grade Not yet graded


1. Answer any THREE (3) questions. All questions carry equal marks.
2. Permitted Materials: The Reading Materials of the Course on the Learning Platform

Response history

Step Time Action State

1 28/05/21, 14:30 Started

2 28/05/21, 18:26 Seen

3 28/05/21, 18:28 Attempt finished

Question 1

Not answered

Marked out of 20.00

1. What does Rawls criticise as an intuitionistic theory of justice? How is this different from his criticism of utilitarian theories of justice? Illustrate with

Response history

Step Time Action State Marks

Step Time Action State Marks

1 28/05/21, 14:30 Started Not yet answered

2 28/05/21, 18:28 Attempt finished Not answered

Question 2


Marked out of 20.00

2. What is the impact of reordering Rawls' principles of justice? Illustrate how the basic structure of society may be just under one arrangement but
unjust under the other.

Rawls ordering of his two principles of justice will lead to a just society. The first principle states that each person to have an equal right to the most
extensive scheme of basic liberties compatible with similar liberties for others; the second principle states that social and economic inequalities are to be
arranged so that they are both reasonably expected to be to every one's advantage and positions open to all under conditions of fair equality of opportunity,
and second they must be to the greatest benefit of the least advantaged members of the society (Rawls). The ordering condition is important for Rawls.
The principles are to be arranged in a serial order because for Rawls infringement of basic liberties cannot be justified or compensated by economic or
social advantages. The liberties can only be limited when they are conflict with other liberties. And the second principle are to be consistent with basic
liberties and equality of opportunity. This ordering does not permit exchanges between basic liberties and Economic and social gains.

The principles are applied to the basic structure of the society. In the order Rawls provides the basic structure of the society is a liberal democracy, withe
private ownership of property, the basic structure satisfying the principle of efficiency , and where positions are open to all. Assignment of rights and
duties will provide for a scheme for allocation of wealth, and authority and responsibility. In the original position the parties by choosing the lexical order
of the principles define a perfectly just society. Any departure from this will lead to unjust societies where liberties may be restricted, or there may
unequal liberty, or liberties may be exchanged for other gains.

Response history

Step Time Action State Marks

Step Time Action State Marks

1 28/05/21, Started Not yet

14:30 answered

2 28/05/21, Saved: Rawls ordering of his two principles of justice will lead to a just society. The first principle states Answer
18:26 that each person to have an equal right to the most extensive scheme of basic liberties compatible with saved
similar liberties for others; the second principle states that social and economic inequalities are to be
arranged so that they are both reasonably expected to be to every one's advantage and positions open to
all under conditions of fair equality of opportunity, and second they must be to the greatest benefit of the
least advantaged members of the society (Rawls). The ordering condition is important for Rawls. The
principles are to be arranged in a serial order because for Rawls infringement of basic liberties cannot be
justified or compensated by economic or social advantages. The liberties can only be limited when they
are conflict with other liberties. And the second principle are to be consistent with basic liberties and
equality of opportunity. This ordering does not permit exchanges between basic liberties and Economic
and social gains. The principles are applied to the basic structure of the society. In the order Rawls
provides the basic structure of the society is a liberal democracy, withe private ownership of property, the
basic structure satisfying the principle of efficiency , and where positions are open to all. Assignment of
rights and duties will provide for a scheme for allocation of wealth, and authority and responsibility. In
the original position the parties by choosing the lexical order of the principles define a perfectly just
society. Any departure from this will lead to unjust societies where liberties may be restricted, or there
may unequal liberty, or liberties may be exchanged for other gains.

3 28/05/21, Attempt finished Complete

Question 3

Not answered

Marked out of 20.00

3. Does the Hart-Dworkin debate on law as rules OR law as principles and rights affect the relationship between law and justice?

Response history

Step Time Action State Marks

1 28/05/21, 14:30 Started Not yet answered

Step Time Action State Marks

2 28/05/21, 18:28 Attempt finished Not answered

Question 4

Not answered

Marked out of 20.00

4. Is Cohen right to insist that in a ‘just society’ individuals must practice Rawls' two principles of justice? Why?

Response history

Step Time Action State Marks

1 28/05/21, 14:30 Started Not yet answered

Step Time Action State Marks

2 28/05/21, 18:28 Attempt finished Not answered

Question 5


Marked out of 20.00

5. Does Okin or Cooter make the more compelling criticism of Rawls’ theory of justice? Are these criticisms independent of each other or related?

Response history

Step Time Action State Marks

Step Time Action State Marks

1 28/05/21, 14:30 Started Not yet answered

2 28/05/21, 18:26 Saved: Answer saved

3 28/05/21, 18:28 Attempt finished Complete

Question 6

Not answered

Marked out of 20.00

6. Does the principle of national responsibility produce global justice? Is Rawls’ proposals for a realistic utopia in the ‘Laws of the Peoples’ more likely
to do so?

Response history

Step Time Action State Marks

Step Time Action State Marks

1 28/05/21, 14:30 Started Not yet answered

2 28/05/21, 18:28 Attempt finished Not answered

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